#✧ β€” π™©π™π™š π™˜π™§π™–π™£π™š π™§π™šπ™©π™ͺ𝙧𝙣𝙨 𝙀𝙣 π™©π™π™š π™¬π™žπ™£π™™. ( tsuru )
incandescentia Β· 8 months
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There's been so many servants around here, huh.......... but, who.... to talk to? & she doesn't exactly get what's going on with the current topic?
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incandescentia Β· 5 months
β€œOh… so you are Maeda Keiji-dono?” One of the most famous kabukimono of Sengoku era, the master of the famed steed Matsukaze, && a renowned warrior of his own with peerless combat skills. They might not have met during their respective lifetimes, but the Grail has given her some proper knowledge related to the said name. Even when she previously had no idea what he looked like, it appears that the description quite matches the towering man dressed in a peculiarly styled clothing in front of her.
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β€œYou… look quite like what I imagined…” But what puzzles her at the moment is the way he’s curiously eyeing her from top to bottom β€” as if he’s trying to carefully analyze something out of her. β€œI-Is there something wrong, Maeda-dono?”
βž₯ starter for @hanakxtoba
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incandescentia Β· 5 months
β€œHalt!” As the shrine maiden showed herself from her hiding place, a bow && its arrow were prepared to fire at will. Her gesture wasn't intended to outright attack, but simply as a warning towards the unknown warrior. Their attire appeared entirely as bizarre && outlandish as a kabukimono's to her, with an equally unfamiliar clan mon that adorned their robes. Who was exactly this person? She could only make some guesses for herself β€” perhaps they were an assailant or spy from another samurai clan? A sword was slung 'pon their hip, so it was clear that she wasn't dealing with some regular passingby peasant.
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β€œIdentify yourself before you pass. Are you an ally or an enemy?”
βž₯ starter for @zantedeschia-praesul
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incandescentia Β· 8 months
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"How long has it been since I've played with dolls? I don't really remember."
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incandescentia Β· 8 months
@yaroudomos replied to your post β€œHello Sengoku era muse I would like to hand you...”:
-grabby hands- hi crane girlie <3
Oh. It's that rowdy neighborhood pirate again. Play it cool, Tsuruhime. Play it cool... even when your heart might have skipped a beat when he's putting out that silly smug smirk.
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​"Not a word from you."
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incandescentia Β· 9 months
"Hmm? Joan of Arc, you say?" The name itself was foreign, but a certain knowledge from the grail filled in to the newly summoned Archer-class servant that she was often compared to the French heroine for her accomplishments... including the dying young before the ripe age of eighteen part.
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"I have yet to meet her, but considering that modern historians tend to say my feats during my lifetime were comparable to hers, I'd like to meet her someday."
@ryogai // like for interaction!!
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incandescentia Β· 7 months
@yaroudomos asked:
"Ever hear 'bout this thing called 'Valentine's Day'?" Casually asked, he's nonetheless obvious with his curiosity, brow raised as he tilts his head at Tsuruhime. It's a concept he's no doubt intrigued about, and though his knowledge about the holiday itself is limited, he certainly has the spirit for it. While he gives her a moment to ponder the question, he's suddenly grinning at her β€” so much for trying to play innocent... "Well, anyways! I guess it ain't uncommon for people to give each other gifts 'n such to celebrate, so I decided to make ya somethin'... uh. Just hold on a sec, 'kay?" And just like that he disappears into the captain's quarters, leaving poor ol' crane girlie by her lonesome out on the ship's deck. Lucky for her, Motochika's not keen on wasting time here. He returns a minute or so later, offering a polite bow of his head as he holds out her gift; a hand - crafted quiver made of the finest materials he could find, built extra roomy for carrying all the bows her little heart desires. It even has a bonus pocket, too! "Here ~ I noticed yer other one was lookin' a little beat up, so... maybe this one'll do ya better. And the best part? This baby's got a life time warranty. I'll fix 'er up for ya no problem whenever ya need." β™₯
GIVE VALENTINE GIFTS TO MY MUSE ! // always accepting.
"Um... no?" Barentain... Day? "I'm guessing this is one of those Southern barbarians' customs again? You sure play around with those foreigners a lot, huh." Unlike him, Tsuruhime has rather been a little apprehensive && cautious of those nanban foreigners ever since of their arrival, yet many people across the country also welcomed their presence with open arms. One of these more welcoming prominent figures happens to be the resident pirate captain && the daimyo of Tosa of course; his natural curiosity seems to know no bounds.
The actual deal of this whole Barentain business seems to be something akin to gift-giving, which took her a little by surprise && even moreso when he's walking away to his quarters to leave her on her own on his ship's deck. Dazed && confused with the predicament, she simply stands around to await his return listlessly. It doesn't take very long before he returns to where she is standing, but what comes afterwards take the little crane herself by surprise.
"T-this is...?" A bow's quiver, as good as a brand new. A hand glosses over its surface, giving the brand-new quiver a good amount of attention to its brandished details && polishing. Has he been paying extra attention to her appearance lately, that he decides it'd be a good idea for her to replace her quiver?
( Well, if that's truly the case... she might need to pay attention to her appearance more, then? She couldn't afford to look less than perfect in front of him! )
"Ah, umβ€”" His gesture of a goodwill really manages to catch her dumbfounded for a bit. This was unforeseen, but Tsuruhime wouldn't deny that she is utterly elated at his gift. After all, receiving a brand-new weaponry is one of the biggest honors that a warrior like her can have, isn't it? Especially when his observation has hit the right mark; her bow's quiver is already quite weathered at this point && in need of a proper replacement before she would go on another campaign.
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"I must say... thank you, Motochika-dono. I'll take good care of this gift." Gratefully, she accepts the gift with a smile; perhaps one of the gentlest smiles she ever gives away. "With this, I owe you one." It would only be fair if she could return the favor for Barentain Day. Whatever it would be, she'll give it a good amount of thought about it sooner or later.
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incandescentia Β· 7 months
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Nope, totally not distracted by the presence of abs && pecs...
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incandescentia Β· 7 months
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It's Valentine's Day in two days && she has yet to prepare anything...
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incandescentia Β· 8 months
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"To think my other self is actually willing to pursue that Fuuma ninja to no end for the purpose of romance... The very thought of it is rather bizarre for me."
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incandescentia Β· 8 months
@caemthe asked: β™« + tsuru! Send β™« for my muse to sing a song that I’ve recently heard! // ACCEPTING
Modern songs are so bold... but she is trying her best.
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"Unforgiven yes I was bleeding, I was powerless, used to lose every fight but I ride─ Never asked for forgiveness or anything, Gonna target taboos, watch me now. β™ͺ"
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incandescentia Β· 8 months
"Shh," This hush comes as Tsuru's one warning to only dare think about taking another step from where her feet remain in the sand. Further ahead stands Motochika, out in the shallow waters, intent on showing her the ways of bare-handed fishing... for some reason or another. With nearly all his gear abandoned on the beach itself, he's left wearing only his pants, the silky material rolled up and over his calves so as to not get ruined by the water. Lucky for the both of them, it's not long before a fish comes swimming his way β€” Motochika acts promptly, lunging himself onto the unsuspecting lil' fellow. It's a bit of a struggle, but, he's eventually back on his feet and showing off his prized catch with a proud grin on his face. "Heh! See? Ain't nothin' to it!" Nothin' to it, indeed, as is the minimal effort it takes for him to let the fishie return back to its home. He approaches her then, 'dusting' off his hands. "Now you try."
Fishing with a complete set of rod and baits were something not unusual to her. In fact, she would occasionally go out to catch some fish and have her handmaidens prepare it through the good old-grilled style as one of her lunch menus without having to directly touch the live animal. Fishing by hand, however...
"...That's a little bit unladylike, don't you think?" Tsuru comments on his quick demonstration, expressing her doubt if she would really make an attempt to imitate what he was doing. She was truthfully amazed by his handiworks, but hesitant to blurt out the very truth. But of course β€” the word unladylike doesn't seem to mean anything to him. He offered to teach her the ways of survival, & outright refusing now would be impolite of her to do so.
Hesitantly she sighs as she rolls up the sleeve of her attire & steps forward into the shallow waters only to quickly find a small fish swimming nearby. Anticipating its next move carefully with her huntress instinct, she lunges both of her hands into the water & managed to grasp it within her hands, untilβ€”
"Kya!" The strange slippery & slimy sensation on her hands is apparently too much for her to handle, to the point she visibly squeals out of panic & surprise in front of him. With her surprised reaction, the fish easily escapes her grasp to swim back to the deeper water, not to be seen again within her range of sight.
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"...Ngh, don't you laugh!" She can still feel that slimy sensation from earlier remaining on her soaked palms. That was honestly gross. "That was my first time catching it with my bare hands, okay?"
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incandescentia Β· 9 months
"Let's catch up!" He says first, and what promptly follows is one of his big, strong arms pulling itself around the young lady's shoulders. That stupid grin on his face is already saying he won't take 'no' for an answer here β€” "We'll grab us a bite to eat, maybe a few drinks... Whaddya say, crane girlie? It's my treat."
Some things really do never change ! If there's anything that goes to describe the relationship between the oni of Tosa and the heroine of Omishima, it's this... sort of strange friendly enemies circumstances that not even she understands. They were supposed to be enemies, after allβ€”as they are both bound to their duties as frontline generals who defend their territories from each other. However, when they encounter each other as individuals, it becomes a completely different story.
"Cut it out, Motochika-dono. I'm not in the mood to drink." Her sentence trails off for a bit before she quickly adds, "...but maybe a tea or whatever snack would suffice." β€”especially dango.
That silly, smug grin on his faceβ€”it gives her such strange mixed feelings ! She doesn't know if she likes it or not when there are idiomatic butterflies in her stomach like this...
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"Also, stop with the 'crane girlie' nickname already! I'm already grown up and past drinking age, you know?"
She's been getting PLENTY of comments about how she should have secured a marriage when she's already way past the ripe age of sixteen. How silly ! Not when she has to deal with the frontlines and becoming a host to other daimyo like this !
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incandescentia Β· 9 months
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"Oh! This is delicious!" She says, as she's savoring a stick of dango served by the mistress of the citadel. Looking at her surroundings, there are several men (& adolescent boys) here and there, most of them appearing to wear bizarre clothing that are unfamiliar to herβ€”as if they come from an entirely different time altogether.
"You did mention that your retainers are sword spirits that have gained human forms, right? So that'd make them a tsukumogami type youkai..." Perhaps that explains why they wear such strange attire, as one cannot apply the logic of a youkai's nature to humans. "...but how did it work on the first place? I always thought a tsukumogami wouldn't be this..." Briefly, the miko steals a glance at a strikingly tall raven-haired figure in the terrace who has the appearance of a kannushi*.
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( You certainly did not hear her say that out loud. )
@kinships // like for interaction !!
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incandescentia Β· 9 months
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casual tsuruhime.
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incandescentia Β· 9 months
"Ah! This is..."
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"The smell of food...!" Her nose never tells lies when there is a smell of a grilled sweetfish - a dish of choice from her lifetime. "Did you bring me sustenance for our next battle?! I hereby ask thee to share! Please!"
@kotaerukoto // like for interaction!!
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