#yeahhh I think about them daily
thrashkink-coven · 3 days
There’s something very comforting about when you finally settle into your witchy routines and rituals to the point where you don’t have to think about them very much anymore. They just become another part of my every day. Gotta brush my teeth, take the garbage out, give offerings to the old Gods, wash dishes etc.
And sometimes my magical routines feel less “magical”. Like these aren’t “special activities“ they’re just chores, routines, things I gotta do just cause. Not in the bad way where I don’t enjoy it anymore, just in the way that it’s extremely normalized.
and then randomly the whimsy and magic will just get turned back on and I’ll be like damn I really am a witch huh. Like ooohh my crystals look so pretty. Gathering apples for my demon friends, sweeping my altar, aha I’m such a witchy guy. Might say some magic words ooh might draw some sigils and light some candles lol. so fun!
A couple weeks or so will go by and I won’t have very much contact or conversation with Lucifer at all, like I’ll still give my daily offerings and whatnot but I just won’t *feel* him around very much, which is totally okay. I’m just like hm, wonder what he’s up to. Hope he comes back soon. Miss you ❤️❤️ and I don’t feel like one of his disciples really, I’m just a guy that likes Lucifer. Just a normal lad with a little crush. Ain’t nothing special ain’t no thang
and then randomly at 4:25pm on a Wednesday afternoon the wind will hit me just right and the sunset will twinkle in a certain way and I’m just SLAMMED with SO MANY feelings and vibes and become absolutely overwhelmed with how much I adore him and how happy I am to be in his presence. and I’m like YES i am A PATRONED CHILD OF LUCIFER FFFFUCCK YEAHHH this is so fuckin cool. My king? My king is here? with me!!!??!! WWOOOWWW i am an on my hands and knees 🙏
This always happens during this time of year. Near the end of Summer I’ll feel him going further and further away from me and then as soon as early autumn starts to hit he’s SO present and dominating
and I’m like !!!! yippee!!! You’re back!!!! I missed you sm!!!! 💕💖
and it’s multiplied by 1000x whenever he’s like “yes I am back, and I have so many more things to show you ☺️” LIKE YES!!!!!! ITS WORK TIME AGAIN !!! YYYEAASSSS!!!!
It’s spooky season, the leaves are yellowing, The Death Gods are taking back their dominance. The shadows are growing larger. Oh boy oh boy. WE ARE SO BACK.
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starrywangxian · 4 months
link click ost - where does it play?
i'm a little diseased so i went through the whole of link click season 1 so that i could make a list of where each song on the ost plays. i thought i'd share it in case anyone else is curious too~!
some things to note first:
be aware of spoilers!!
if you'd prefer to listen to it in a playlist, here's a spotify version :)
here's a youtube version too :) - be aware that the songs won't repeat so they'll only be in order of the first time they're played bc youtube won't let me add the same song more than once :(
if you notice any mistakes or errors then please let me know!
feel free to add things in the reblogs/comments/tags <3
i'll be using the chinese versions of the songs!
i'm working on doing season 2, episode 5.5, the extras and daily life in lightime but i did this to procastinate studying for my exams so i'll do those soon? (i recently finished season 2 so i need to emotionally recover before i rewatch it again bc damn it did a number on me)
episode 1: EMMA
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - the opening where cxs goes into a picture
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening ofc
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the first mission
arabesque by av4ln & yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma talking to mr. zhu
pray by 天門 - cxs as emma talking to her parents on the phone
overcome by 天門 - cxs as emma thinking of her parents cooking spring rolls
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as emma in the meeting
dear candy by the cheers cheers - emma riding on her bike home thinking of her parents, reading the message that cxs sent to her parents, on the phone to her parents
overthink by 饭卡 - the ending ofc
episode 2: 秘方 (secret recipe)
tense by yuma yamaguchi - qiao ling explaining the second mission
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - the opening
relaxation by 天門 - cxs and lg looking at the photos on their sofa
hazy by av4ln - cxs as yu xia and talking with lin zhen
memories by 天門 - cxs as yu xia as she eats noodles with lin zhen
invigorate by 天門 - cxs as yu xia trying to get lin zhen to tell her the secret ingredient
pray by 天門- cxs as lin zhen taking the picture with yu xia
overcome by 天門 - cxs as lin zhen in the taxi looking through her bag
与你有关 by 泠鸢yousa - the noodle lesbians <3 "林贞" "欢迎回来" T^T
overthink by 饭卡 - the closing theme
episode 3: 只许输,不准赢 (to lose, not to win)
news by 天門 - ql listening to the radio on her run as a man watches and follows her
calm by 天門 - chen xiao calling ql an old witch!
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance time
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg and cxs talking about the photo and chen xiao explaining his case, cxs going into the photo!
turbulence by av4ln - boooo the other basketball team are bullies, cxs in the basketball court and complaining about his glasses, the boys are basketballing and getting their asses handed to them, lg dusting the bookshelves like an unbothered king, cxs as chen xiao taking a photo with flash and the big bad bully basketball player injuring lu hongbin (the captain)
silence by 天門 - lu hongbin has to sit out and cxs subs in for him
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao subs in an kicks their asses! yeahhh go sports! (i really love how this part is animated, it looks so good and flows so well) also cxs thinks about his and lg's "first meeting" confirming that sports are gay.
alright by av4ln - cxs as chen xiao is playing "bad" basketball bc lg said he can't win :(
decision by 天門 - the chemistry teacher (mr. ma?) explains to cxs as chen xiao that the school will get rid of the basketball court so this will be the basketball team's last game :( "what exactly does basketball mean to you?" again cxs is thinking about his "first meeting" with lg over a basketball game.
hero by 天門 - lu hongbin hurts his bad knee and cxs as chen xiao subs in again and slays the court! big baddy basketball bully number 2 slaps chen xiao and big baddy basketball bully number 1 steps on his glasses :( (again i know nothing about basketball and have no interest in it but this part slaps, the music paired with the fluid animation is so good)
power by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao says 谢谢 to the big baddy basketball bully who stepped on his glasses and gets a three-pointer so now the basketball teams are tied. lg tells cxs to leave the score at that but cxs as chen xiao passes the ball and... scores!
overthink by 饭卡 - intense basketball cliffhanger outro
episode 4: 告白 (confess)
sprint by 天門 - intense basketball recap from last episode, as lg explains that you can't change key moments in the past (everyone point and cry at the hypocrit)
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance break from the intense basketball gaming
irritation by 天門 - cxs having a breakdown bc he changed the past by winning the game :( lg's face is blurred during the flashback of his and cxs's "first meeting"??? double meaning??? lg is not there thinking that this basketball game meant that lg doesn't exist or that cxs and lg don't meet hmmm
silence by 天門 - the chemistry teacher explains that the basketball court will still be torn down despite them winning :(
memories by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao giving lu hongbin a ride home on his bike as he delivers the message :)
wind by 天門 - chen xiao's first love and lu hongbin's half-sister liu meng :) cxs as chen xiao takes pictures of the siblings <3 then lu hongbin takes a picture of the love birds <3
peaceful by 天門 - liu meng walking home cxs as chen xiao, cxs delivers chen xiao's message to liu meng <3
pray by 天門 - cxs as chen xiao eating food with his mum :) but lg says that they still have to argue :( so cxs delivers the message to chen xiao's mum <3
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs realises that it's 12th may 2008... :(
overthink by 饭卡 - intense and sad outro :( what will cxs do?
episode 5: 告别 (farewell)
decision by 天門 - again lg is telling cxs not to change key moments in the past huh sure hope that doesn't bite him in the ass in the future, cxs thinking about the villagers and the earthquake/landslides :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dance break as if your heart isn't about to be ripped from your chest
silence by 天門 - mumma cheng singing to her son cxs :(
sign by yuma yamaguchi - cxs as chen xiao trying to warn lu hongbin and liu meng about the earthquake but the family are all arguing :(
turbulence by av4ln - lg guiding cxs, liu meng and lu hongbin talking, mumma chen packing things and then hiding under the table
beginning by 天門 - mumma chen talking to chen xiao then singing the same song that mumma cheng sang to cxs to her son chen xiao as cxs as chen xiao cries :( xcs experiencing chen xiao's memories of chen xiao's mum and his own mum :(
silence by 天門 - mumma chen saying goodbye to her son and husband :(
时光教会我的 by 邹俊健 - chen xiao and his dad at his mum's grave :( hearing chen xiao's messages :( flashbacks of chen xiao taking pictures of his mum :(
pray by 天門 - adult chen xiao singing the same song that his mum sang to him (and cxs's mum sang to cxs) to his child as he thinks of his mum :(
overthink by 饭卡 - policeman jumpscare and cliffhanger ;0
episode 6: 寻子 (search of the child)
news by 天門 - dou dou asking his mum to play with him
irritation by 天門 - dou dou's mum noticing that he's gone :(
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - sad and intense dancey dance :(
decision by 天門 - flashback of lg comforting cxs about chen xiao's case, "don't ask questions as the past will always change because of us" :(
turbulence by av4ln - policeman jumpscare take 2, ql shooing xiao li (the policeman) away (as she should), dou dou's dad asking for help
silence by 天門 - cxs giving harsh advice to dou dou's dad :(
dear candy by the cheers cheers - ql explaining how she saw dou dou being taken away :( scenes of dou dou's parents and flashbacks of dou dou and his family :( dou dou's dad putting up missing posters of dou dou :(
news by 天門 - xiao li looking through files and noticing that page seven isn't there hmmm
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - lg looking at the surveillance footage as dou dou's dad recounts what happened that day
chase by 天門 - cxs chasing dou dou and the kidnapper as lg guides him
overthink by 饭卡 - oops cxs bumps into people who recognise him ;0 cliffhanger once again >:(
episode 7: 梅姨 (aunt may)
sprint by 天門 - "you must keep a low profile as if you were never there" whoops, cxs sprints away from his problems, mission failed, we'll get 'em next time
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - recover for a minute with some dancey dances
(idk but it's when ql breaks the news to dou dou's dad that they couldn't find anything and confesses that she saw dou dou being taken away)
mission by 天門 - cxs finding a picture taken by dou dou the day he went missing! lg taking a look at the picture
turbulence by av4ln - cxs as dou dou picking up the marble, looking at the trafficker's face, xcs sniffing the ball and getting drugged then taken away, walking past ql and xu shanshan
(i'm not sure but it plays when we see dou dou's memories of his dad giving him the triple star warrior toys)
ominous by 天門 - cxs as dou dou looking around the hotel room, looking through the trafficker's bag
power by 天門 - cxs as dou dou beats the shit out of the trafficker (mei piyan) both physically and emotionally using the move master siwen taught him
hope by 天門 - dou dou reunites with his family :) dou dou's dad was finding the triple star warriors :') mei piyan is caught yippee >:)
overthink by 饭卡 - run the cases by lu guang first so that cxs won't see the photo of emma :')
episode 8: 错失的讯号 (lost signal)
turbulence by av4ln - lg looking at the photos
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - anywayyyy let's not think about the implications
wind by 天門 - "xu shanshan" arguing with cxs, ql talking about their college days and explaining xu shanshan's case
memories by 天門 - flashback of ql and xu shanshan talking about dong yi, flashbacks of what happened that night
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan picks her nose to reject that one guy, ouch)
(idk but it's when xu shanshan and dong yi take the picture together)
入海 by 毛不易 - the song that xu shanshan sings in karaoke!
ominous by 天門 - cxs as xu shanshan recognises the serial killer from the photos and follows him
peaceful by 天門 - what dong yi said to xu shanshan :)
overthink by 饭卡 - that's not xu shanshan...
episode 9: 善意的恶果 (consequence of goodwill)
turbulence by av4ln - phone call with mystery man
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - dancey dance
ominous by 天門 - ql taking cxs's phone away and lg explaining the situation to xiao li, lg looking at the surveillance footage of the serial killer and telling the police his liscense number then seeing cxs in the footage
mission by 天門 - cxs going into the footage on his own without lg ;0
(idk but it's when the police go to liu min's house)
(idk but it's when emma is telling her plans with her parents to liu min in the car)
(idk but it's when emma is struggling in the car with liu min and cxs is in the boot)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - emma's mum ringing her but she can't answer... :( emma thinking of her parents, cxs thinking about what he's done and screaming in the boot of the car
decision by 天門 - cxs revealing that he knows what he's done :( and telling ql that he can enter photos
overthink by 饭卡 - cliffhanger ;0
episode 10: 圈套 (trap)
ominous by 天門 - recap of last episode: the police telling lg that liu min wasn't the killer and that emma was walking alone
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - distract you with dancey dance
silence by 天門 - cxs remembering what happened to emma in the photo
strain by 天門 - lg checking the selfie of xu shanshan and seeing xu shanshan in her apartment getting attacked
pray by 天門 - cxs deciding if he's going to go into the photo, cxs putting photos in the red room, the police in a meeting, chen bin telling lg that he hasn't found xu shanshan in her apartment, cxs entering the photo
(idk but it's when cxs as xu shanshan yells at himself)
news by 天門 - liu min is his house drinking and reading the news/checking social media
overcome by 天門 - ql telling cxs as xu shanshan about cxs, cxs thinking about his childhood with ql (they're so sibling-coded :') <3)
peaceful by 天門 - flashbacks to lg helping ql and cxs paint the shop :')
turbulence by av4ln - cxs asking to take the lead (let him cook!), the killer outside the shop, cxs as xu shanshan confronting the killer
power by 天門 - lg slaying!!! running to trap the killer in the red room, cxs as xu shanshan slaying the killer!! (i really love this part okay)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now then, this game... is over!" AND THE CROWD GOES WILD
episode 11: 帶着光的人 (pinnacle of light)
countdown by yuma yamaguchi - cxs starts the process that prevails in season 2 where they will explain things after you've already seen them happen so he's explaining his plan to capture the killer with a recap of what happened last episode
dive back in time by 白鲨JAWS - last dancey dance :(
power by 天門 - the slay confrontation from last episode but now with the added context of cxs's slay plan (this part is really cool too)
sign by yuma yamaguchi - the confrontation, cxs going into the photos of the victims as we see their memories and their deaths :(
ominous by 天門 - "liu min" being arrested, chen bin saying that lg is mature for his age hmmm
turbulence by av4ln - "liu min" explaining what happened with emma
clouded by cled - flashbacks of emma's life: with her parents, at her job, her parents texting her as she stands on the bridge
keep in mind by 白鲨JAWS - cxs talking to emma on the bridge as we see flashbacks of emma and flashbacks of cxs going through the photos, xu shanshan seeing dong yi :') "eventually, we will meet people who will shine their light on us" :')
(idk i was too busy crying but it's the part where lg says "death is a major node that cannot be changed" and ql cuts an apple...)
overthink by 饭卡 - "now the game has been reset" WORST CLIFFHANGGER OF ALL TIME, WHEN I GET YOU DIRECTOR LI WHEN I GET YOU!!!
songs that are in the album ost but that i couldn't place:
(maybe they were unused or were used in other stuff that wasn't the main donghua like pvs or smth)
joke by 天門
ordinary by yuma yamaguchi
afternoon by 天門
luminous by av4ln, yuma yamaguchi
struggle by 天門
nostalgic by 天門
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blank-house · 10 months
usually i just lurk in fandoms and read the answers to other people's asks, but i litr can't hold back anymore. THE STAT RAISING SYSTEM HELLOOO???? i was already obsessed and now this too? how exactly does it work, like if i’m spring but then choose a lot of composed options, do i become winter at some point, or do i do a mix of spring and winter behaviours + will there be any sort of indicator in the game of which stats you’ve raised like a pop up/menu where you can see your 4c/li stats? tysm!!
AH YAYYY SOMEONE'S EXCITED FOR THE STAT RAISING WOO! I'm so glad you asked because I had spent the better half of December last year thinking about it. And now I can finally ramble about this lol
But yes stats! There would be an indicator made so you can easily track the 4C's and the LI affections. As for how the the attribute points work, you won't get to change your season once it's been assigned (it would be, realistically speaking, weird if we make your behavior and speech switch after establishing that this is how you would normally act) but we do make it a point to clock whatever attribute is your highest stat.
So when you start a new game, besides establishing how an MC would act, we also assign you a set of starter points based on your season. For example, if you get Fall then you have a high amount of Compassion, medium amount of Charm and Composure, and a low amount of Confidence. Other seasons would get a similarly mixed bag of these attributes.
As you progress through the game and acquire points from your choices, the balance could start to shift in what is then considered to be your highest attribute, but since you don't get to change seasons again you would just be a more Charming Fall or a Confident Fall instead and the cast will recognize this change in MC.
So if you happened to be a Summer MC that suddenly grew more composed and less confident, you might have a cast member pull you aside to ask you if something's wrong. In a similar vein, if you're a Fall MC that shot up in confidence, they would muse over your new spunk.
Let me actually grab a bit of text from the end of the extended spring demo as an example. (Scroll past the blue text if you'd rather not be spoiled of any content even if it's a blurb).
If confidence is the highest stat: If Spring: mc “Oh, sweet, sweet, Cam. Frequency doesn’t dictate camaraderie. If they show up, then they show up. No need to invite them.” Deja chuckled from above you. de “Flashing your fangs, [name]? Where’s the usual sugar?” From where you laid, you grinned, bearing your proverbial weapons. Being straightforward wasn't usually in your books but you learned to take a page from your roommate. mc “I'm simply saying, the world’s not over if they're a no show, no?” If Summer: mc “Eh, who cares?” Cameron pouted, now completely tugging at their hoodie's drawstrings. ca “I know you like to speak your mind, but damn— harsh.” mc “I mean they’re good people but you don’t gotta twist yourself into a knot just because they’re not here.” mc “Who needs them, right!” de “No holds barred as always.” You shrug yourself, lips pulling back into your trademark grin. If Fall: mc “I mean… just because we’ve been in each other’s company doesn’t mean we’d all be friends.” Silence. Cameron and Deja offered you varying degrees of astonishment. You pursed your lips from their reaction, knowing full well what must be running through their head. And oddly enough, you didn’t feel guilty about it. Slowly, a smirk curled on Deja’s lips. de “Someone missed their daily dose of compassion this morning.” You scrunch your nose, fingers brushing against one of her braids as you swat it from your vision. mc "I'm okay if they're not here but if you want them to be, Cam, of course you're welcome to send them a text.” If Winter: mc “We don’t always have to invite them everywhere, you know.” ca “I mean, yeahhh, sure. But like, they’ve grown on me. Didn’t they on you?” mc “Ehh.” Your lackluster reply had Deja snickering. de “You never cared to say no before. Did one of them hit a nerve?” You rolled your eyes. mc “No. I’m just saying—” de “And that’s the thing, you. Saying something. Did you finally discover you have a voice?” You leveled her an unamused look but she only laughed harder.
It's the same scenario regardless, but because some of the seasons are less inclined to say something out loud, it's more realistic if your friends realize this change and react based on that.
That being said, we won't check for these changes often, since it's more obvious that you've changed after enough time has passed.
And other than these narration differences, attributes also have a hand at how a choice might unfold-- kind of like a DND check, if you have enough composure then you can successfully lie about this thing and if not you'd get caught. Or if you have enough compassion then the cast might feel inclined to let you in on a secret earlier etc, etc.
The attributes play an important role in the game, but like I said in a previous ask regarding the seasons-- please don't get hung up on attributes! They're more for story purposes and they won't have advantages or disadvantages when it comes to the romantic routes. I just think they'll add a wonderful layer to the immersion. ^^
Let me know if this is still confusing and I'll do my best to clarify again otherwise thank you for the ask!
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
thinking about that one 'Vet is basically the humans dad' ask...
even tho the human loves Their Main Gang (the three protectors and their mimic counterparts) it HAS to be exhausting juggling all of them for extended periods of time. a full week of Buddy and Fiend fighting over them, Pal hauling them around at the most Inconvenient of moments, Vee (playfully) terrorizing them, DJ wanting to mainly do activities that require SO much energy, Camron wanting to be around them as much as possible, AND the human tryna help out with the war when/wherever they can... yeahhh its a lot (they do love it tho!! this is THEIR little found family :])
tldr what im saying is. it'd be nice if after a particularly stressful week, the human knows they could go to Vet's room and destress for a while, vibin and eventually falling asleep with him nearby for the next couple of hours. they go into his room and hes sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper like a True Dad and theres already some snacks and a blanket set up for the human bc Vet saw this coming a mile away. and if anyone tried asking for either of them at this time Vet would hit them with the most disappointed expression a camerman could muster, say 'No", and shut his door in their face. (with the exception of genuine emergencies, of course)
I am behind this 100%. A lot of people enjoy the veteran, including me! He radiates a lot of "dad energy" and will probably do those things for the human. Especially since he watches their antics on the daily and the human gets bounced around and between the group members. Each one vying for the human's attention while they try so hard to both keep peace and entertain their friends, as well as help with the war effort. The moment they look like they're about to collapse from exhaustion, the vet drags them off to his private office and signs for them to lay the fuck down and take a nap. He'll read some material and do some quiet paperwork while the human snores away on the cot nearby while the other members of their friend circle look around and try to find them. So Vet's office becomes a hidaway for the human to get a nessassary break from the chaos that has become their organic life while Vet just shakes his head. "You did this to yourself." He would say through body language. "I know you try to make everyone happy...but don't kill yourself over it. Set some boundaries and take some breaks dammit, before I make you." He would write down on a piece of paper. When things get chaotic, at least you have Vet to rely on when things become too much. <: ) In short...this meme.
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Episode two ayyyyyyy! Once again this is really long soz
The hype this intro fills me with is unreal.
Siobhan’s daily affirmations “this intro is not a tongue twister and is very easy to say”
The auld lang syne reference cracks me up because we know for sure that both Brennan and Siobhan do actually know the words to auld lang syne, because they sang them in the Unsleeping City finale, but they’re mumbling through it here so as not to disrupt the bit and I love them for it <3
Today’s spelling of Daniel’s last name: Fũks
(I had to look up “u with a tilde” to get that and then copy paste it in bc it’s not available on an english keyboard lmao)
God the whole pleasure district is shut down. Losing my mind at this.
Detective Hunch Curio: Vampire
I attempt to steal the child :|
A full on arms race lmao
They keep calling him The Child
Look at you!!
Imelda <3 they are best friends you’re right babe
There’s always so much banter!
Hank I hate to break it to you but dogs do in fact get hurt in this show.
(Gonna kill that dog 🤪😛✌️)
Why has “you’re my best friend” become such a thing in this show lmao first pib in neverafter now this
Siobhan looks wonderful this episode. She always does, but her hair looks particularly lovely here.
I love how Danielle is playing into the reporter thing
God this is sad.
Lore unlock!
Mind reading is fascinating in this context
Glossaries!!! I want to know what’s in those oh my gosh
You paid attention to the way that I behave good for you!
Hank what
You have been known to whisk!
Imelda <3
How long has he been waiting to say The Fix and the Fucks because that’s Great
Imelda going “it’s me, he knows me” is giving big “I killed him, yeah” vibes
He finds children quite fun! They’re good folk!
On behalf of ALL CHILDREN
The child personification of the conscience realizing that it has power is wild
I love that the facts can be comforting and not just threats
Aww they literally light up when they’re happy
A whole glass of grenadine oh god that sounds awful
Yeahhh that’s a good stick
The intense eye contact on room temperature vodka
Sure ok love that
Ngl I could go for a calzone rn. My brother makes great calzones.
I love it when people use their class feats
They’re rivals it’s healthy it’s fine
“Nothing fans of actual play love more than a murderer” “aww but he’s a good murderer” he’s onto us fuck-
Can I ask you a question? / (sad and scared) Okay -> ME ANY TIME ANYONE ASKS ME THAT
Literally what am I gonna say to that. No? You think I’m gonna say no when you ask me if you can ask me a question?
Imelda that sounded Pointy do you have Lore
I love this world
That seems like a reasonable idea Imelda but you seem too invested in it and I want to know why
Listen sometimes players set things up for us too well and you end up getting excited. Sometimes the party wants to separate of their own accord!
Conrad and The Fix are the two most straightforward communicators and them hanging out is great.
A bread bowl made out of muffin to hold coffee grounds that you eat. Augh.
If I was writing a story ;)
Dome antics!
What shocked Elias? Why is he having such a major fight or flight reaction?
Ooh reflex switches fun
Yes he does!
This person is scrambling so much
I do not know enough about biology for this what comes from the scalp that would require shock troopers??
Babe what
I’ll reprimand you greatly! And loudly! So that everyone looks at us!
Let’s hear it for FEATS
Ooooooh dome animation
Jesus christ Brennan is not holding back on the cop hate this season. Love him for it.
What hold on what
Pain responder oh god
Did someone fucking brain him in an alley after work because he took the file or is he just being mugged or something
Also. Shock officers not allowing the information that he’s been injured to reach his consciousness.
Cell phone? Cell phone would be a heavy thing vibrating near that area if it’s in his pocket?
Actually finding a partner is Not on the priority list for your government at the moment sorry. Why are you lying to this man.
Oh yeah he might not be conscious actually. The eyes are closed.
We love completely improvised lore
Fucks (expletive)
They share a courtyard probably
Conrad’s home is gonna make me so sad I already know
Man sometimes people say things and. We just have to live with them yk.
(Brennan makes that “hlblbblblhblhb” sound)
Sitting in this discomfort is so good actually. There is discomfort and uncertainty and fear here and that is good.
Ichabod. What was Ichabod the wayward interest?
HELP Conrad was so resigned to dying Alex nodded like yeah that makes sense
I relate to The Fix in that I also will share random facts in the hope that it will make someone feel better.
If there was an amount of dead he didn’t want you, he wouldn’t have called me. DAMN.
Hank so genuinely lit up at the compliment
That’s Hank talking.
What is happening and why do I feel about it
I do feel bad that like. The kid’s losing his home.
Repressed trauma memory!
Oh god okay so his conscience made him defend his little sister and it ended incredibly traumatically so the lesson he learned from that was that listening to your conscience gets you hurt and he learned that as a child! So he never had a chance to see that that wasn’t the whole story!
(thoroughly impacted) Okay.
Still find it fascinating that the actual university is in the red light district.
Is it no longer the middle of the night? Wasn’t it the middle of the night? Why are students just now heading to the Big Game
Just a flat no. Love it.
Ammon’s Horn Memorial * look up later
He’s dabbling in the arts!
Oh god but really it makes so much sense that the brain university defunded the arts years ago. Like within the context of who this guy is and how harshly all distractions are dealt with it makes perfect sense that they don’t have art classes.
DC 20 😭
STEM only :(
Lady you are not poor-
Silly little woman :)
Add something fun!
Of course, every time a memory is recalled, it is altered! We demand that you add something cute and fun. Love that.
We try to have fun here
Hunch now is the time to let it GO
We need Stacy Fakename merch
You’re frickin haunted man
Oh god he got jumped.
Let’s just steal it!
De’lux meaning of light. Oy.
(Brennan makes a sound of satisfaction with his punnery)
Exceeded the dc by 10!!
Trapp uses moxie so freely
Oh they’re all getting jumped. Like host body like mental functions I guess?
Ugh, wool! So naturally oily and slippery!
The Fix and his traits <3
Ol’ Johnny Gullible
New life!
He’s gonna break all those bones
He’s so terrifying without trying
What a wild sequence of events
Bro I would also dissolve into mist if someone looked me in the eyes and talked to me like that.
I’m low key worried about what happens if they restore vision without anyone in the buildings to distill the raw visuals
Oh my GOD
Oh my god.
Oh my god????
(cheerful jazz music)
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Lately I've been trying to be happier and more positive despite everything else. I think I'm giving up on that. A boy that texted me online early this year but then stopped some days after texted me again yesterday. He was doing badly and told me what was wrong. It's kind of hard to communicate with him because his English isn't that good but it's alright. However the conversation I had with him truly exhausted me which makes me feel like a hypocrite for willing to help him at first.
What he told me only makes me more confused.
I don't understand why boys are either into whores or unhealthy girls. Somehow they like those that drink alcohol, smoke, self harm, do drugs etc. Probably because they're good looking and that sickens me!!!!! Why would they reject respectable girls for them??? Why would they be attracted to what makes them miserable? Do they like misery? I've got plenty of it. But no, it's only attractive if the girl herself is. It's so stupid. I hate this, I hate women, most of them. I hate how those boys are getting manipulated by them.
They would accept anyone, literally anyone as long as they have a pretty face and nice big breasts. It's unfair. They'd accept getting stepped on or whipped as long as she's attractive. They'd follow her like a dog anywhere, head over heels, trying to "fix" her or whatever. Women are doing this on purpose, they get attention, then "pity", then even more attention so the boys feel like it's "love" but it isn't!!!! Its obsession, or something. Are they blind??? Do they not see how evil they are??
It's over. It's completely over. No one even likes to love anymore. Or maybe they do, they just don't like me. I used to be very loved in elementary school. What the hell changed? I feel everyone has grown up except me. Girls didn't like to play with me, so I'd mostly play with boys. We used to have lots of fun. Now they all have turned into whores; girls and boys. The girls are all attention seeking bouncing their honkers around for boys. Boys try to act cool, "teenage like" with them and do whatever the hell they like to do. No one plays anymore. No one has interesting conversations anymore. It makes me gag to hear them talk about "love". It's not love they think, they just fixate their mind on people they don't even know to lust over.
I feel very left out. They've all changed. I remember months ago, some of my classmates (that were sitting right next to me and two of them were supposedly my friends) started playing a game where they basically point out a flaw or a fact about one of them who will have to accept it and not say anything about it. I disliked it because they didn't ask me to play with them. I saw them asking for those around them to play, but not me. After some time, I asked one of my "friends" if I could participate. He said something like "yeahhh... but you're like, sensitive you don't like hearing the truth..". It makes me feel bad. Because I don't like to be treated differently just because I'm "sensitive". I know that the reason is mostly because they have nothing to say about me. Not even my "friends" know much about me, let along the whores that were playing with them. I hate how they all act brothers and sisters, as if they were oh so close. It disgusts me.
One day I will rise and be cool and popular. At that time, they will all beg at my feet to be labelled as my friends.
It sounds awful, but I'm just lonely.
I barely receive a single text from my school "friends". I know that they text those sluts daily on Snapchat, the worst most stupid app ever in my opinion. It's for cunts. They care about "snapscores" or however they call it. It's dumb! I don't understand what they have that I don't. Despite my hatred for this app, I still have it. They don't send me anything though. What's so interesting about their lives? I wish I was special, like Tom Yorke said. Like them. What's so special about them? I don't know. I think I'm too ugly. Am I not funny? After all they have such a stinky humour. I wish Elliot Rodger would be still alive because maybe he could kill them. I'd like to do it myself but I'm a pussy. When I was younger, I'd dream a lot about pausing time to humiliate and kill them pests.
I don't understand why I should be a loser. It's unfair. It's like the whole world is against me but I'm not even special enough for that to be true.
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screampied · 7 months
good morning vegas :3 (in where i live now LMAO) how are you?? hope you’re enjoying your weekend :))
quick update about my friend yesterday.. i actually talked about it to her but uhhhh she kind of got defensive and she started blaming me for no reason?? and ended up blocking me as well.
She even told me that i’m starting to priotize my bf more than her 😭😭 idk what to feel about that though cause i always text her everyday and check up on her before and after i hangout with my bf, but i can’t help but feel guilty if she actually thinks i’m priotizing my bf more than her :( like i care for both of them as well, even ever since i started dating my bf i always texted her and tell her alll about my stories to her.
and we both actually hangout a few times before i need to move to another country </3 even though i’ve only known her for like 3 months, i sometimes see her as my own sister :(
BUT YEAHHH, idk 😞😞 i feel i kind of screwed up ngl 😭
-🩵 (once again, so sorry for the long rant)
HI 💛 !!! im okay, gonna take a break from writing to eat. currently watching twd hehe
my weekend’s good so farrrrr, just casually rotting in my bed. gotta finish up some assignments soon bleh
WOAHHHH REALLY? omg i kinda figured she’d do smth like that, i was hoping she’d be understanding but tbh don’t trouble yourself over it. it’s her loss, from what i’ve seen you’re really sweet !!! & if she has a problem w you expressing your opinions to her, then oh well.
don’t feel guilty, it’s not your fault. i think she’s saying that just out of spite since you mentioned that you daily check up on her. besides, you’re allowed to spend however as much time as you want with her and your bf. 🙋‍♀️ the fact that you care for both of them shows something.
remember you’re only one person, so don’t be too hard on yourself. i could see if you’re just ignoring her and spending lots of time with your bf — but you’re not, you're interactive with her and him so i can’t see why she’d say that. and oh !!! u mentioned u guys don’t even live in the same country … so, obviously if she isn’t close ofc u wouldn’t be able to spend much time w her
i understand tho !!!! i’m sorry she blocked u :( but don’t beat yourself over it, friends come and go throughout life and it’ll sting for a while but you’ll be okay 💛
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4ggravation · 10 months
4GGRAVATE UNO STREAM LIVEBLOG ft. lots of out of context quotes
(warning: extremely long post!! also i get who's saying/doing what wrong several times lmao)
god i am. too hype rn.
btw i'm team nazeeh and alejandro. i hope they kick everyone's asses tonight
alejandro: "christmas treat"
btw, i'm only watching cy yu's perspective because multitwitch is glitchy for me rn. sadge
"'they hate cynari' HEY I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING" alejandro you are so dear to me
alejandro saying "zach" like a confused mother i'm crying
nazeeh's voice is so pretty omg
"zachary???" ben sounds like he's bleating i love it
"messed up as heck" ~ zachary gordon, grown ass man (lighthearted)
zach: "and my mother is calling me!"
zach: "twitch needs to be user friendly for grandpas"
alejandro, in reply: "you're younger than all of us"
alejandro: "the discord? that we have???"
zach: "i am cooking steak rn"
ben, about zach: "as soon as you go live we're gonna hear an explosion and then you're gonna go offline"
zach is so sweet omg
zach in his doxxer era
"windows might have done a thing" story of my life
...why did zach just like. moan
alejandro has 141 unique jokes...
alejandro: "get it? ᶜᵘᶻ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᵃ ᵖʳᶦˢᵒⁿ ᶜᵉˡˡ"
i love how 90% of my liveblogging is just about alejandro and zach
nice plug
(i'm probably gonna get less talkative now bc i'll be watching the game)
alejandro: "that's how microphones work, my guy"
everyone playing their wild cards PLEASE
....this is not how i play uno
nazeeh getting uno first??
alejandro: "it's a MyStErY OOOOO"
alejandro: "that's crazy. nazeeh go again"
alejandro: "that. might be racist"
god i forgot how funny cy yu streams are
alejandro why did you do that...
alejandro, in the most american accent possible: "¡vamanos!"
ben you dumbass
nazeeh's getting his ass beat bro stop he's already dead
nazeeh's increasingly loud "FUCK"s
cy yu's being just as much of a liar to himself as i am on a daily basis, love to see it
"if i believe hard enough" and then he immediately fails oh we are one and the same
ben: "i've had it"
nazeeh, in reply: "yeah i think we've all had uno at one point"
alejandro having the worst uno he could have
ben, to alejandro: "YOU FUCKGIN. IDIOT"
in true kaveh fashion, ben is losing the game and his mind
ben: "it ain't easy being cheesy ok"
my faith in nazeeh is wavering greatly
nazeeh +4ing alejandro fuckin harsh
alejandro: "you might've just given nazeeh the game"
ben: "what do i do? what am i supposed to do? WHO AM I"
i feel so bad for ben bro hsjkhfd
ben after pulling the strangest fucking moves and still losing
no bc why did he swap hands with nazeeh when he had a +2
ben after pulling the strangest fucking moves and still winning
ben: "it's not baby blue IT'S TEAL"
them reciting the alphabet i'm crying
the triple uno..
that's ben and alejandro at 1, nazeeh and zach at 0
the chat keeps on talking abt cynari. we really are a hivemind huh
alejandro: "do i play a normal red or do i fuck him"
wait no, that was nazeeh. my bad
this chat is kinda cringe ngl
i'm getting so much ram.exe because cy yu knows i'm his number 1 fan
wait alejandro won 2 rounds? huh?
or is he lying
zach: "the wimpy kid has,, woken up!!"
i've tried playing dos before. i hated it
i feel like something really funny is about to happen
ben i don't think any of y'all were normal to begin with, uno or otherwise
alejandro: "that wasn't red!"
ben, in reply: "i didn't ask!"
this is such chaos i love it
alejandro just missed out on a mean ass play i'm so mad at him (/hj)
the alejandro/nazeeh friendship is so nice
cy yu: "STACK IT STACK IT- awwwuh :'("
ben: "i'm gonna play the biggest 7 you've ever seen"
damn. alejandro backstabbing everyone but zach
everyone pulling these nasty ass moves on each other except for zach. he's in his own lane. i admire that
i can't even tell who tf is gonna win this
actually. idc if he has a billion cards, alejandro sweep
cy fy is back bitches!! hashtag feminism
ok we're back in cy yu's flop era. but i still believe he can sweep
even when ben has 3 cards
god this really is anyone's game huh
zach: "actually broke my heart a little bit :("
"i'm just playing the game" badly /j
the "wait a fucking second" in (what sounded like) alhaitham's voice LMAOOO
i was once in an uno game that lasted like an hour and a half because we were missing some cards and it made it so nobody could win for some reason, true story
common tighnari fan W
oh zach is fucking stupid i see /j
ben: "you fucked me, buddy. you REALLY fucked me"
"can you make it yellow?" "no" literally them irl
they censor the word "nerd" in twitch chat??? huh
they really are just the sumeru boys if they could swear huh
the joey slander lmao
bro was ben taking a shit just then? wtf was that groan
ben balmaceda would do numbers on tumblr
zach continuing to make the worst possible decisions
zach: "(uno) brings people together and it brings forgiveness and,, i don't want my hand anymore"
these coin flips are tearing them apart i love it
teams are alejandro and ben vs nazeeh and zach
let's get it
zach: "y'all are yoinked"
goddamn. ben and zach won so much
ben: "alejandro why did you just write 'penis penis penis penis penis'??"
zach and nazeeh vs alejandro and ben (??)
cy yu's just doing everyone dirty here. i thought zach was safe but ig not
alejandro please take the dub
ok he is never taking a dub holy shit
it only took like. 10 rounds or some shit
that was so much fun. i loved it
4ggravate supremacy, my final message. gootb ye
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
fav youtubers recommendation 🎤
(with maybe like a few key points summarizing their content like eg. xyz - travel vloges, fashion hauls etc.)
ooooh well, i do watch a few vlogs but they're all korean vloggers! ** are my fave. vloggers !!
— oh no nina** : she's an army and a webtoon artist she lives in california and recently uploaded a vlog during her trip in korea!
— saranghoe : she lives in canada, an engene aaaaaand friends with hannah. i don't watch a lot of her videos tho since i don't have a lot of time, but i think she's doing "a day in my life" concept vlogs or just sharing her activities
— eyol** : she lives in seoul, but she's currently an exchange student in germany, check out her recent vlogs, she's been traveling in europe since summer!
— jihyunkkung : idk where she lives in korea tho but her vlogs are basically cooking and about her work!
— ondo : her vlogs are about her daily life! she also does travel vlogs too!
— free지아 : you probably know her, she's from single's inferno!
— shin : her videos are so aesthetic tho, they're mostly about stationery hauls and relaxing stuff, she's not korean i think??
that's all i have! i also wanted to add that one korean vlogger who does university vlogs but i forgot her channel's name because i don't watch her vlogs anymore but yeahhh. i hope you like them 🫶🏻✨🤍
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kaurwreck · 4 months
„I‘m actually remarkably good at reading facial expressions because when I was five I taught myself how to mimic them“ has to be one of the funniest things I‘ve ever heard like yeahhh that sounds a lot like autistic scripting but basically for facial expressions 😭😭😭 something in my head immediately went AUTISM when I saw your post about you struggling with your tone in online fandom spaces bc you get too excited, but I‘m obviously not a professional. (I hope this isn’t invasive!) I think there can be some overlaps with adhd hyperfixations and autistic special interests (from what I can tell special interests last a lotttt longer and are less disruptive of your daily life) but hey, it‘s always worth looking into something if it sounds familiar :)
Not invasive at all! In retrospect, there were. A few signs. I always thought it was interesting that my hyperfixations tend to last for years.
Also, I've taken five inventories/screening tests, and uh.
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articsmiths · 2 years
Day 2 After school
Hello again, articsmiths back at the daily blog :)
my day was shit
i mean everyone will say that if even one bad thing happens to them but i mean it was just ok? Idk
i went to sit in the cafeteria at my school to see my friend and my girlfriend let's call my friend Claire and my gf Becky. Becky has a identical twin who apparently, she had an argument with this morning because Becky and Claire where chatting shit about him and he found out. it wasn't really chatting shit but they were making fun of him without him present so idk if it was classed as banter if he wasn't there. i do this thing where i can make anyone think I'm 100% pissed off when I'm not so i decided hey let's make my friends mad and force them to say sorry to Bryan we will call him.my friend Claire is my least fav friend, we all have one, we just don't rlly get along as well but i still love her to bits. we always argue over a seat at the table cus it's the best seat and who gets to be partners with Becky at rehearsals and mainly over Becky. But she is still my friend and i would be upset if we feel out like some of the times we have before. i forces them to say sorry. me and Bryan are ok, I'm dating his sister and hes kinda Awkard but hes cool. he doses post super cringe photos of himself cus he looks like harry potter (Becky and Claire were making fun of his Instagram post that's why he was upset) i even make fun of his posts but i do it to his face and not behind his back :) kind of passive aggressive but tis true they shouldn't have said that stuff like i get Becky cus they are related by Claire shouldn't have without him being there.
Started off with an hour of maths! Yayyyy i sit by nobody i know in maths so i just sit there and look into space thinking about nothing. The only thing i remember doing is listening to what the other people on my table where taling about. This taller lad we will call harry went to the loo, and apparent he had this girl vape on him and he tried stealing it from her. the nitty lad next to him who looks like Sid from Toy story (so we are gonna call him Sid) was hyping him up like yeahhh mannn let's go!!! but as soon as harry came back and said to the girl "i dropped it down the loo you can even search my blazer" as he snecks the vape into sids pocket. OUT OF NOWHERE siddy boy passes the vape to the girl and snitches on harry for no reason?!?!?!? Like i understand you don't steal but why would you cross your friend for some Chavy orange girl who looks like a sheep? Then Sid goes to tell harry why he did it "she got her vape taxed yesterday, so she's spent like 20 quid in 2 days over vapes man i felt bad" so harry went all bitchy with him cus he "picked pussy over his mate".
they were not even trying to hide the fact they were talking about vapes even tho they are way under the age of buying one even when my teacher was right next to them. rlly shows how much my school cares.
Science was another bore, but nothing happened in that lesson, all i remember is talking to the girl next to me about the Norris nuts-
we had break where we just talked about random stuff that i can't remember cus its irrelevant. BECKY DID GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK THO! she's had it for ages but she hasn't touched it so i got it back.
I had tec next which was A BOREEEEE but i got to email Claire while we did stuff so that was fun ig?
then i had ART!!! I'm not hate best at art but I'm one of the only people my art teacher can trust and enjoys talking to. she's a very grumpy old woman but for osme reason cus i cried to her about me getting bullied she likes me now? i also sit next to claire in that lesson so its fun cus we just get to paint and shit.
at dinner its Friday so we got chips and the nice food, school food never fills me up and the ques are always to long cus all the year 11 roadmen push in and cus they do it, why can't i? so i find someone I've spoken to once in my whole life and push in with them. i get my dog bowl of chips sausage and beans and go sit IN THE BEST SEAT ON THE TABLE CUS CLAIRE ISNT THERE YET!! its next to my girlfriend its next to a bin against a wall so i can lean on it and i just enjoy that seat. this girl who im on and off with (my friends who go a different school don't rlly like her) lets call her grace, she is ther next to beck talking and i sit down, gcse sees her boyfriend who is with 2 little midgets who seem quite nitty. ALL 3 OF THEM COEM SIT ON OUR TABLE. excuse me. who do you think you are I've never spoken to you in my whole life GO AWAY!!!! me and Becky sit there in silence thinking of what to do as we can't do much cus it would be rude to tell them to fuck off cus they are not rude. Bryan and Claire show up tho so it's fine as they tell them to get out their seats. my school doesn't let us walk to lesson after dinner and break. we have to wait for our teachers name to be called when dinner is over in silence and then they take us to lesson it's called lesson prep (very dumb). In my school last year my friends asked about music gcse as they are music neeks and my school doesn't do it until now >:) Mr music man comes up to us and says "do you lot still want to do music gcse?" they say yeah, and he says the school might be able to do it so yayyy!!! I might be able to do it but i want to pick drama and idk if we can pick them both lol.
in my school, we do this lesson called aspire which is like sex ed, drugs, alcohol, social issues, mental health, issues that are new in the news. it's that type of lesson and all the kids in my lesson said "hey lets be pricks " and the where shouting for ages like 15 mins in my teacher snaps she goes OK IVE HAD ENOUGHT YOU GET OUT YOU GET OUT OK YOU ARE NO EVEN GOING TO GET TO DO THE LESSON YOU CAN WRITE FOR HALF AN HOUR AND NO TALKING WRITE ABOUT THIS THING YOU HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT and her room was super warm so i was sweating and bullshitting a page about a topic i have never herd off
i was very happy to leave school after that and i BOLTED IT HOME none of my friends walk the same way i do so ;-;
i sat in my uniform and i remembered a tenner to top up my phone so i waddled down the shop down the street and got myself a monster as well cus I'm treated myself cus i can
i made some spaghetti and tinned meat balls cus i eat like a baby just to find out MY MUMS ORDING A TAKEAWAY >:(((((((((((( I'm still getting one I'm just getting something little
that's all for today
articsmiths sighing out
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natjiren · 3 years
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lay down your pride, lay down with me!
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teshine · 2 years
Random bakugou hcs i think about
warnings: not much! fluff, crack and some swearing
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Do you know how Bakugou gives everyone in his class random nicknames? Like, ‘dunce face’ for Kaminari, or ‘half-and-half bastard' for Todoroki?
Yeahhh, at random times when he’s alone, he either thinks of the nickname and proudly pats himself on the back, or he laughs the living shit out of himself.
And I'm talkin giggles to wheezing typa laugh. But what can he say? He thinks he’s so clever, that he got it so accurately. He can't help but laugh.
I also think when he laughs to hard, little mini fireworks come out from his palms.
(people wonder why they hear random fireworks when they pass by Bakugou's dorm. ^^ that is why.)
He sleep talks the most random words you'd expect.
"umbrella…uh-mm…. carrot.."
during bakusquad sleepovers, Kaminari and the others try guessing his dream based on the random words he let out.
at the end, Bakugou doesn't tell them anyways. Bakugou 1 - squad 0
This guy definitely has a sewing machine but it's hidden somewhere in his room.
His parents are all about fashion so it's not really surprising to learn that the oh so scary kacchan makes his own clothes depending on his mood.
Another secret is that he's made at least one small penguin plushie as an experiment.
The plushie was a success but is now sadly hidden all the way to the back of his closet.
There was a time where Bakugou's voice cracked during his daily screams, and since then, his cracked line became a known meme in class.
I like to think that since Bakugou isn't big on verbally showing appreciation or affection, he’d show his love by buying little gifts without letting them know. Kind of like a tooth fairy who leaves coins under a child’s pillow.
He’d buy something like a small pastry and leave it at the person’s desk, not even leaving a note to who it was from.
He’d only admit it was from him if they asked. He didn't like knowing he owed anyone, anything. So this is the least he can do without much fuzz.
(the person he mostly does this to is Kirishima. you can't tell me otherwise.)
The games I see him play are valorant, roblox and minecraft.
Bakugou shouts a lot when he games. So he was forced to buy those acoustic foams, and now has his house room and dorm wall full of it.
The guy has rage quitted SO MUCH in his first few times of playing the said games, I swear.
He even punched a hole through his computer at one point.
(he was grounded for months after that incident)
He has at least 6 hit tweets about All Might on twitter.
Before they met each other, All Might quote retweeted one of the tweets and he swore he almost fainted.
Def bragged about it to Deku the next day. 💀
Bakugou memorized trending TikTok dances but never tells anyone about it.
the bakusquad only found out when he corrected Mina on a move she was doing wrong.
listens to jazz when he wants to relax. I will not explain any further.
When arguing with his significant other, no matter how heated up the argument, he will always, and I mean ALWAYS leave dinner for them on the table.
Especially when he knows he's at fault, he'll make their favorite meal as an apology.
He may be shitty at expressing himself, but he knows when he's wrong.
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p.s. thanks for 80 follows ^^
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mortedeveles · 3 years
Hey! It’s your friendly neighborhood simp, wondering if you could do a ficlet for Kaminari handling a flirtatious s/o who’s smooth w/ words, but just stops working when it comes to physical contact. Like, they just stop functioning to the point where they put Kirishima’s hair to shame in comparison to how flustered they are. That was the main idea, but you can do whatever with this! But yeahhh, that’s the request lol. Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night, regardless of what you do with this post <3 (I kinda rambled while doing this because I’m really nervous jfjfkfkf sorry if I made you uncomfortable)
You love making Denki flustered with your words. But your plan quickly backfires when the blonde begins to plan ways to match your energy.
Denki Kaminari x gender neutral!reader
1.3k words
Fluff, mutual pining, teenagers being teenagers 
sorry if it’s rough, i haven’t written in a while :( 
A/N: My requests were closed by the time you had sent your request but I decided to take it in case you hadn’t seen my update on my bimonthly requests. I also went a bit off-track with the concept, but I hope you enjoy :) Sorry for the wait! 
Do not repost, plagiarize, or monetize my fanfiction content.
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You've always had a way with words. They slip from your tongue as smooth as butter, and the effect they have on people is amazing. Just the sweet lull of your voice can have someone flustered and stumble over their words. Your best friend (and crush, but he doesn't need to know that), Denki Kaminari, is not exempt from being affected by your words. He's had the most uninhibited reactions to your words you've ever seen- you love seeing his face grow warm and red, watching him act shy and flustered. 
His reactions are so sweet and delightful that you can't get enough of them. It's become a dynamic and a daily routine in your friendship with him; you fluster him with your words and drink in his reactions with delight. You know Denki thinks you like to make him suffer, but you only do so because his reactions are the cutest thing you've ever witnessed. But you don't mind misleading him, as long as it'll keep your crush under the blankets.
''Yo, Denki. I have a question.'' The U.A. hallways have grown mostly empty, so you strike.
''Sure, what's up?'' You almost snicker at how casual and relaxed he sounds, unaware of what's about to hit him.
''You know, I think I've been hallucinating these days...or have you always been so gorgeous?''
He sputters, face blooming red and you resist the urge to kiss him. Instead, you beam and ignore how your heart races when he shoots you an embarrassed smile.  
''That's so cute!'' The blonde gushes over the Pikachu plushie on the window display while you watch him with amusement, hands in your jeans pocket as you lean forward and whisper in Denki's ear.  
''You're cute.'' 
He freezes for a long time, and his neglected ice cream melts and splatters on the ground. He's quick to notice, groaning. But you don't miss how his cheeks are a tinge of pink.
''Aw man, my ice cream!'' You bite down a laugh of both endearment and joy. Coming to the mall with Denki is always entertaining, one way or another. 
''Don't worry, I'll buy you a new one.'' You beckon him forward and the blonde cheers, unexpectedly rushing forward to grab your hand. The mention of ice cream seems to have helped him overcome his previous embarrassment, too excited at the prospect of free food. 
''Sweet, let's go!'' Denki drags you away, unaware of how warm your face has gotten. You're silently thankful that he never turns around to see your flustered face or that he can't hear your pounding heart. 
''Aw, they only have strawberry and blueberry. What should we get?''
''Why not both? Do you think if we make out long enough we'll make our tongues purple?" The words leave your lips without hesitation, but they're bolder than usual. Even your face grows warm while Denki's eyes widen. He clears his throat, choking out a nervous laugh before rubbing the back of his head but you notice how his face blooms red.
''C'mon Y/N! You- you can't just tell a guy that...'' His reaction pays off, and your embarrassment is quick to dissipate as you smile at the blonde's reaction.
''Bakugou, I've had just about enough!'' Denki whines as he flops on the blonde's bed, ignoring the disgruntled expression on his friend's face. 
''Enough of what?'' Kirishima pipes in, sitting next to Denki. Bakugou mutters something under his breath that sounds like- who gave you two dumbasses permission to lounge in my bedroom- but he crosses his arms and leans back in his desk chair, gesturing for Denki to continue. 
''Y/N's teasing. Don't get me wrong, I love talking to them... but all the teasing and flirting they do makes me only get my hopes up. I don't understand, do they like me or not?'' 
Bakugou snorts, rolling his eyes. ''Dunceface, I can't tell who's dumber, you or Y/N. You're both into each other, and it's so obvious that it's painful! Just ask them out and get it over with.'' 
Denki is quick to shake his head, frowning. He's got no solid proof that you return his feelings; your teasing could merely be jokingly. 
''There's no way. But anyway, that's not my point here. They makes me flustered so easily, and I can't do the same with them. Dirty jokes, silly gifts- nothing! I can't do anything to pull a reaction from Y/N...'' Kirishima hums thoughtfully, equally as stumped as Denki. But then Bakugou groans and rises from his seat, dusting off his sweatpants.
''Well, isn't it obvious? You still haven't tried one thing,'' he shoves his hands into his pockets and Denki raises an eyebrow.
''What thing?'' Now he's interested. Bakugou snorts, shaking his head. 
''Being physically affectionate, dumbass.''
''Good morning!'' Denki is particularly cheerful as he slides into his seat next to yours. You smile and say good morning back. As you dig into your backpack for your notebook and supplies, you stiffen at the sensation of something brushing against your back. What was that? Slowly, you raise your gaze. Denki smiles casually, acting as if his arm isn't resting on the back of your seat and his hand is on your shoulder. 
''What...are you doing?'' You speak slowly, body stiff and tense. Despite being best friends, you rarely touch Denki if it isn't necessary. His touch makes your heart race, goosebumps rising on your skin. You hope he won't notice. 
''What do you mean?'' He shoots you that heart stopping grin of his, playfully tilting his head to his side. He scoots closer to you, his chair screeching on the floor. You're glad that everyone else in your classroom is preoccupied with their conversations, or else you would be dying from embarrassment. 
''Whatever,'' you grumble and try to brush off your embarrassment, but your mouth feels dry. Your heart is racing in your ribcage. And for the rest of your first period, you can't focus on anything but Denki. 
''Hey! What are you eating?'' Denki slides into the seat next to yours, one of his hands intertwining with yours. The spoon with rice that was about to meet your lips clatters onto the table as you almost choke on air, face growing warm. 
''Are you okay? What's the problem?'' The blonde asks innocently, but you know he's aware of what he's doing. Giving him a stink eye, you grab a napkin and try to regain your composure, ignoring how warm and soft his hand feels.
''Nothing,'' your voice is slightly muffled by the napkin and you exhale, dropping it on the table. Denki's gaze is directly on your face and you don't know how you're supposed to handle it.
''Oh, you've got something on your face...'' his voice drifts off as his eyes lower to your lips, and you watch him swallow audibly. ''What is it?'' Your voice lowers so it only reaches Denki's ears, and he clears his throat before leaning forward.
''Let me get it for you.'' You nod, expecting to feel his thumb brush against your cheeks or something. What you don't expect, however, is feeling soft lips pressed against yours. 
Your eyes go wide and your body goes rigid. Denki quickly pulls away, his cheeks blooming red and he looks equally as dumbfounded as you.
''I'm so sorry!'' He sputters, waving his hands frantically. ''I wasn't thinking, I just leaned forward and-,'' you pull him by his collar before he can finish talking, determined to get your payback. You move your lips against his and he quickly melts into the kiss, his hands settling on your waist. When you pull away, he whines at the loss of contact and you giggle.
''This isn't fair, I was supposed to make you flustered! Not the other way around,'' he frowns, and you can't help but smile at how cute he looks. 
''I'm sorry,'' you grin before pulling him forward. ''Can I make it up to you?''  He's quick to nod, eyes wide and pleading. You laugh at his eagerness, lips quirked upward before you lean forward again, craving to feel his lips against yours. 
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A/N: hope it lived up to your expectations! please reblog + like + comment + follow if you enjoy :D 
I do not own Denki Kaminari or any part of My Hero Academia. Do not repost, plagiarize, or monetize my fanfiction content.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hello again Zu (*´∇`*) It's okey! I thought that maybe you forgot for exactly the same thing you usually get a lot of question and I said "Oh well I will write again :D". So sorry about that :"D. Yet, thank you for answering both questions at the end (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`).
I'm indeed reading your mind.
And I also think we don't need to worry about time anymore x"D <3 About Sebastian, I want to think he's okey, he's still on my grandmother's house. And yeah, I play the kalimba a bit :"D, bit I don't have the instrument anymore :"3, like it was my sister's, she moved out of the country the last week, and she took the Kalimba with her. So sadly I can't play it anymore, bUT, maybe soon I will be able to buy one for myself! And were you inspired by Wadanohara? Wow! I heard that it's a really good game, I haven't play it yet tho xd.
Mochi the little baby is doing really great! :"D. She's on my neck right now actually, she loves to sleep there and starts crying every time I get her down. She's really spoiled at this point but I don't care because I was the one who spoiled her so AASJSJJX.
Also, Zu, thank you a lot for explaining it (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) now I fully understand uwu. It's really cute how they want to enjoy the time they have left :"((. It make remember what Gerson (the turtle men I don't remember his name at all xd) said that monsters start to "get old" once they have children because they give them their magic ;—; and of course eventually they die. For what I understand now, apparently Cross is the one who is giving his magic to Aim so he's going to eventually "fall down" for his child :"(((((, or maybe Dream is giving his magic as well. Either one or another, this is sad, thanks Zu, I didn't need the manwha at all for losing my emotional stability(?). But hey, at the end, it's how it is. In real live if like that, except that the parents don't give magic :"D, but they eventually die as we grow up ヽ(τωヽ)ノ STILL, I think that the good side is that at least they still have time! so it's really cute to see them trying to spend it the best as possible! (≧∇≦)
I'm so glad you enjoyed time with your family! you will also have another good time with your friends soon ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ As for Koshka, awww, the old lady helps you in the daily routine (?) Mochi usually gets me up in a more hurtful way by biting my feet xd.
I'm also really glad you're taking rests in between the InktoberTale!
And thanks YOU as well for being the one who is also really kind to me, always (๑´`๑)♡ every time you show care about me it makes go "Serotonin goes burrrrrr" and it makes me feel really happy ;w; 💖💖
I will take I count that I can talk to you, again, thank you ;;, and don't forget you can also talk to me whatever you want or to anyone else :D, your friends will always have open arms for you, please take care as well.
Somebody worries about you a lot! (๑´`๑)♡
P.D: Do you remember the Harry Potter AU? 👁️👁️
— Waffle and oreos anon ★
Hii again!╰(*´︶`*)╯Thank you so much for your patience, seriously ♡
Oh boi—
Awww it's always so hard to part with loved ones, hopefully your sister is doing good on her own (ówò) Wadanohara is a Great game, I highly recommend to play it! *^*
Ohmygod baby Mochi!! ;3; I don't know her but I already love her so much, please don't make dis spoiled girl cry <33 How's she doing now? *3*
YESSS ★ You hit right on target ;3;
Yep, thank youuu! <3 Pfff baby Mochi is so cruel xd
I'm sooo happy to hear it! (〃ω〃) How are you doing lately? How's your family? ♡
Oh I'd love to talk to you but the only thing I have is your anon ask though it's more than enough for me to see your messages and know you're doing good╰(*´︶`*)╯Please take care! <3
P. S. Oh yeahhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☆
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liveandlearn-kg · 3 years
Live and Learn
Prologue - Act 2/3
Read on Archive of Our Own!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31463474/chapters/79061071#workskin
Previous Act: https://liveandlearn-kg.tumblr.com/post/652459405063995392/live-and-learn
Chapter Content Warnings: N/A
Despite our initial impressions, the two of us thought we would eventually find something of note that would explain where we are or why we’re here. However, the more we explored, the more we realized just how vast the land was. Loop-de-loops to run across, log bridges to cross, beautiful waterfalls that painted over a baby blue sky, and platforms that were both grounded and floating in the sky. The grass that was striped with different shades of green seemed to go on and on, seemingly only stopped by checkerboard dirt walls that held the grass on top of it. To say the place was expansive would have been underestimating it, as the land before us seemed to loop forever.
“I wonder when this’ll end?” Tails wonders aloud, as we roamed the landscape. I couldn’t help but agree with his question silently, not having an answer.
The land felt fake, but real at the same time. We hadn’t known where we were, everything was just too unfamiliar.
It was only seconds later we heard a new, feminine voice come out from above us, “You might not wanna step there fox boy.” it says.
However, the warning was too late, as Tails took one step forward, before stopping where he was to look up towards wherever the voice came from. The ground beneath him began to shake, before giving out and crumbling into dust in seemingly one second. The fox cries out in surprise, scrambling for the edge as the dirt seemed to disappear into nothingness. I run over in panic and grab his hand, pulling him up to safe ground. He panted, holding onto my own hand in a vice grip as he caught his breath, only letting go when he seemingly composed himself again.
“Told ya’ so,” the voice comments, causing Tails and I to look up again. There, on a platform above us was a white bat sitting with her legs both crossed and hanging off it. She had a cat-like smirk on her face, before jumping down from her perch in front of us. “Look down there,” she states, pointing to where the pit was.
The two of us look back to where the platform was, and I couldn’t have been more thankful I had stepped in even more. “Oh.” I state, not finding the right words to say. Tails seemed to be in the same boat, shocked at what was once below him. There was a pit filled with sharp, iron spikes that seemed to be able to puncture anything.
“Yeahhh this place is loaded with death traps like that, you might wanna watch your step.” the bat says as though this was a casual thing. She puts a hand on her hip, “Anyways,” she starts, putting emphasis on the n, “Hi strangers, I’m gonna assume you don’t happen to know where we are?” she asks.
As he hid his second tail around the first one, Tails shook his head, “Sorry.”
She shrugs, “Eh, it was worth a shot. So beside that, I’m just gonna assume you’re Ultimates like everyone else.”
That got an eyebrow raise from me, “So there’s more of us here?”
“Yep” she confirmed, popping the p as she glanced at her surroundings, before turning her head back to us. “What’re your guys’ names?”
I started first, pointing towards myself with a proud thumb, “They call me Sonic the Hedgehog! But Blue Blur, and Fastest Thing Alive are common nicknames for myself if you prefer those. I’m what the news refers to as the Ultimate Trackstar.” I brag.
Tails leads off of me, “And I’m the Ultimate Mechanic. My nickname is Tails.”
The bat nods, “Ah, I see who’s the more modest of you two,” she snarks, “After those two tails of yours right?” Tails looks surprised, before giving a sort of dejected look. She adds on, “Yeah you don’t do a good job of hiding them. But relax, they’re pretty neat. Just don’t try hiding them anymore, it looks silly when you do.”
“Oh… Okay…” Tails simply replies, folding his hears while looking embarrassed.
“Now, with that out of the way,” the bat starts, “You can call me Rouge the Bat. Like you two, I’m an Ultimate, the Ultimate Phantom Thief to be precise,” she states casually with a mischievous smirk.
“A PHANTOM THIEF?!” I cry in surprise.
Tails seemed to be taken aback by her response too, “Rouge the Bat?! As in THE person behind the heist of the Illusion Sapphire?!” Illusion Sapphire?
Rouge merely smirks, “The one and only,” she replies with a wink in our direction. I begin to scold myself internally for not being familiar with all these accomplishments or faces, just a consequence of deciding to not familiarize myself with the daily news.
“What’s a thief like yourself doing here?” I ask, trying to push aside the fact that I didn’t know this… accomplishment of hers, raising an eyebrow at her.
Rouge waves me off with a single hand with pursed lips, “Relax kid, it’s not like I steal from anyone. Besides if I had an answer I’d tell you, but like everyone else I can’t tell ya a single thing I know. I was just inspecting my jewel collection and then suddenly I fainted and I woke up here,” she explains, putting a hand on her hip and looking off to the side. “Just like you guys, am I right?”
I slowly nod, “Yes…? How did you know?” I could tell my eyebrow wasn’t going down anytime soon, as her behavior made me question her more and more.
The bat shrugs, “It’s the common trend. You two haven’t met anyone else here besides yourselves, so it makes sense you wouldn’t know. Everyone else has recounted similar experiences. They just have different beginnings, so I’m just assuming its nearly the same for everyone.”
Tails nods, “I see…” he trails off, looking to the side. He appeared to be thinking deeply about something. Both Rouge and I raised an eyebrow, but we didn’t say a thing.
I look towards Rouge, thinking back to her ultimate. “So you really are a great thief, huh?”
She nods, “You’d be surprised at just what kinda security I can weave through to get what I want. Luckily for you, it’s something I could never catch you all with. I’m only after jewels, so you don’t have to worry about anything. Unless you have one…” she explains, giving a mischievous smirk with her eyes sparkling at the mere thought of gems.
I cringe, “Nah, it’s not that I’m worried about being stolen from, it’s just the morality of it.”
She shrugs, “Suit yourself.”
“Anyways, you all should follow me. I’ve been scouting this place for other people before taking them back to this one spot. Everyone else should be there.” Rouge explains, motioning back behind her.
Tails looks in the direction she pointed towards, “So there are more people here besides us?” he asks, making a curious expression.
She nods, “Yeah, including us there’s 18 people in total so far, and given a trend I assume you’re the last of them.”
“What trend?” I ask.
Rouge just jumps in the air, flapping her wings and taking flight, “Follow with me and find out!” she yelled, causing Tails and I to look between us. I just gave him a shrug. She began to fly towards the direction she motioned towards. We took off in a run to follow her closely, being lead to where everyone else was, hopefully.
It took a while, after being suffocated in nothing but an ocean of green and brown. After a while though, we were greeted with a new splash of color, a splash of many colors actually. We met so many different faces of many different shapes.
“I have two more!” Rouge called, waving the group over. Everyone turned towards us, taking a look to see who it was. Rouge flew down and landed next to the group, “If everyone here is an Ultimate in the news then, they should be the last ones.”
“Everyone’s an Ultimate?” I asked, walking up to everyone else.
“Yeah, and if there’s eighteen known Ultimates then we’re probably the only eighteen people here,” explains a pink hedgehog. I nod, making a mental note about the number of ultimates. I admittedly didn’t knowing just how many there were, just that there were a lot. I look over a Tails who was by my side, making a nod that seemed to indicate whatever he was thinking about was confirmed.
Suddenly a little rabbit in an orange dress weaved out of the crowd, pulling a large purple cat in a belt by the hand. They ran up to Tails and me with hope in their eyes, “Um! Excuse me!” she called in a soft voice, “Have you seen a chao with a red bow tie or a frog with a tail?” she asked. “They were with us when we fainted and they never leave our side, but we haven’t seen them here. So we’re really worried…”
Tails frowns and scratches his head, “I’m sorry, but we haven’t seen anything like them since we woke up here. Just Rouge and you guys.”
The rabbit and cat share a dejected look, “Ah… okay…” the rabbit simply stated with a sigh.
“Froggy…” the cat mutters,
The pink hedgehog runs up to the two with a sympathetic look on her face, “Hey it’s okay, if anything it just means they’re probably away from here. When we get out we’ll go looking where you fainted, I’m sure they’re just as worried as you are,” she reassured with a gentle voice. The rabbit and cat merely nod. She then turned to us with a hand outstretched, “Hey, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. I am Amy Rose, the Ultimate Fortune Teller. I assume you two are Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles Prower, the Ultimate Track Star and Ultimate Mechanic respectively.”
I look at Tails who was wearing a flustered look on his place, “Your name is Miles Prower?”
He began to knead his second tail and look off to the side, “Y-yeah. It’s embarrassing, I know. Miles Per Hour and all that haha... “ he explained, trying to give his best grin despite his obvious embarrassment.
I shake my head, “Yeah I can see why you would prefer a nickname over that,” I simply state, “Would you prefer me to still call you Tails?” I ask. Tails just nods as a sign of affirmation, not saying a word. I then turn to Amy, who had a questioning look on her face, “Anyways, yeah that’s us. But Miles prefers Tails over his actual name.”
Amy nods, giving Tails a thumbs up, “Tails, gotcha. I’m sure everyone else is willing to call you that, I don’t see why people wouldn’t be willing to,” she says. She looks back over at the crowd, who don’t voice any objections. She then turns back to the rabbit and the cat, “Why don’t we all introduce ourselves to them individually, to familiarize ourselves with each other, before we discuss the situation at hand. Let’s start with you two.”
The rabbit nodded with an “Mhm!” She slapped her cheeks with both her hands gently twice, before introducing herself, “Hello Mr. Sonic, Mr. Tails, my name is Cream the Rabbit, I’m the Ultimate Pet Sitter,” she said with a gentle voice, bowing her head. “It’s nice to meet you!”
The cat then continued off of her, “And I am Big the Cat. I am the Ultimate Fisherman.” He looked at us with an almost dead look in his eyes, but that didn’t really bother me. He seemed nice enough for the most part.
After Big was a silver hedgehog with sparkling, excited eyes. He waved excitedly, “Me next! My name is Silver the Hedgehog! They call me the Ultimate Psychic! It’s nice to meet you two.”
Another purple cat in a purple dress with a ponytail then followed up on him, noticeably more aloof than him, “My name is Blaze the Cat. Despite the inaccuracy of the title I’ve been assigned, I am what the public calls the Ultimate Pyrotechnician.”
We looked over towards Rouge, who was now next to a black and red hedgehog who had his arms crossed, and the big robot who seemed to constantly be glaring at us. She noticed the two of us were looking in her direction, as she then elbowed the hedgehog gently, “C’mon Shadow, introduce yourself,” she nudged slightly.
The hedgehog, who I assumed to be named Shadow, grunted. He looked up at the two of us, “The names’ Shadow the Hedgehog, and I am the Ultimate Life Form.” My eyes widened a bit, given how I was within the vicinity of THE Ultimate Life Form. I had only heard about him through word of mouth, and he seemed more like an idea than an actual person. But… here he is! It’s surprising to even here an Ultimate Life Form even exists.
The robot then went after Shadow, stating his name and title.. well, robotically. “I AM E-123 OMEGA, THE ULTIMATE MACHINE, AND THE ULTIMATE E-SERIES ROBOT.” I look over at Tails, who seemed to be a bit nervous at the sight of Omega, but I figured I’d ask him later when we weren’t in the middle of something else. Like now.
A red wolf then waved in our direction shyly with a hand behind his back. He had a large pair of red glasses resting on his muzzle and a utility belt of sorts placed across his chest. “Hi, I’m Gadget the Wolf. You can call me Gadget though. I’m the Ultimate Gunman, but I don’t actually shoot people so don’t worry. I just do sports, think of the shooting events from the Olympics,” he explained almost frantically.
A red armadillo then raised his hand above the crowd, making himself known to us. “We’ll go next!” He announced. He had a friendly and warm smile, obviously attempting to maintain a non-threatening appearance. Close by his side was a yellow flying squirrel wearing a baby blue scarf and a pair of goggles in the same shade. He was noticeably more excitable just by a quick look, wearing a big, unapologetic grin. “The name’s Mighty the Armadillo, and the news calls me the Ultimate Wayfarer. Hope we can be friends!”
The squirrel next to him nodded, “Yeah, what he said!” he continued, before before going off on his own introduction. “Ray the Flying Squirrel, you can call me Ray. I’m the Ultimate Navigator AND Mighty’s partner.”
Tails nodded, giving a slight chuckle, “Well, you do seem to be very close from what the news would say about you two.” The squirrel nodded eagerly, with Mighty giving a light chuckle at his friend.
A green hawk grunted, letting out an “ahem”, making himself known and drawing all eyes onto him. He had a prideful look on his face that was near sly. If I had to say anything from first glance, it was that he probably thought he was the most important thing in the world. “The name’s Jet the Hawk. I’m the Ultimate Racer, a title which I officially won at the World Grand Prix.” He announced with a smug grin as he cracked his knuckles, “And if I had to guess, I’m the only one here with an official title.”
As much as I wanted to challenge that, the rest of us just kinda ignored him, as a strange group of three just moved on from Jet’s bragging. The hawk let out a sound of surprise at the rest of us just kinda said ‘cool.’ A crocodile pointed at himself with pride beaming from him, “I’m Vector the Crocodile, the Ultimate Detective-“
A purple chameleon led off of him, posing by raising two fingers to his face and looking down. “I am Espio the Chameleon, Ultimate Ninja-“
A bee then flew up behind the three, pumping an excited fist up, “AND I’M CHARMY BEE! ULTIMATE ASSISTANT!”
The three then posed in unison, with the three of them quickly lining up uniformly. Vector raised an “ok” sign of sorts with a wink, with Charmy jumping onto his shoulder with a thumbs up, and Espio leaned up onto the crocodile, crossing his arms. “The three of us make up the Chaotix! We leave no case unsolved, so long as you pay the right price,” Vector stated.
I couldn’t help but hold a giggle back. There was an air of chaotic silliness to them, not helped by the wacky personalities emanating from them after just a mere introduction. I could tell I wasn’t the only one who wanted to laugh, given the hawk’s wide eyes and shut beak. Tails nudged me in the shoulder, telling me everything he wanted to say. I immediately attempted to compose myself, and it worked for the most part, but I still couldn’t help but let out a small huff of laughter.
There was one last person among the crowd who I had yet to pin a name too. Tails and I looked over at a red echidna with purple eyes, who had an aloof look to him. He noticed the two of us were looking at him with an expectant look, before nodding. “Knuckles the Echidna, Ultimate Treasure Hunter.” He stated simply, giving everything we really needed to know.
I made a mental note of all names and talents, figuring they’d be useful for later down the line. If not to talk with them, at least for conversation starters to look like I made an active choice to keep up with whatever the public was raving about nowadays. It wasn’t as though I had a dislike for it, far from it, I just wasn’t interested in it for the most part. I just wanted to do my thing, ya know?
Amy nodded, before turning back to us. “Well, that’s all of us. Eighteen Ultimates, eighteen people. Now…” she said, tapping her chin as she lowered her glance into a thinking look, “Do you two have any chance of knowing where we are? Why we’re here?” She asked, looking back with a somewhat hopeful look in her eyes.
Tails shook his head, “Sorry, but no. In fact we were hoping you all would have some form knowledge of something like that.”
Amy gave Tails a regretful look, shaking her head. “Sorry, not even Vector knows a thing.”
Vector nodded, “She’s right. The only clue we have is our identities and what’s on us, but that’s about it. Everyone else gave their own testimonies, but they’re all similar. We all were doing our own thing before being knocked out, suddenly waking up in this weird field.”
“‘What’s on you’…?” Tails repeated with an inquiring voice.
“Those of us who had them on us at the time, such as Amy and Espio, woke up with weapons on them.” Knuckles answered as though it was a matter of a fact, “You wouldn’t happen to have any on you two, would you?” the echidna asked.
The orange fox then waved his hands frantically, “No no not at all!” He answered, before then looking to the side, “That is concerning though… why would we wake up with weapons on us…?” He whispered to himself.
Jet snorted, “You’re telling me. We all black out n’ then wake up in this new place with death traps littered all over, some of us having weapons too! It’s as though this place was made to kill us.” A couple let out noises of agreement, and I couldn’t help but follow them.
I tsked, muttering a ‘damn’. To myself. But then a lightbulb went off in my head, “But this is an open field, right?” I asked.
Mighty confirmed my question, “As far as we know, yeah.”
“Well couldn’t I just run to find the nearest town to figure out where we are? I could probably find info and get us outta here quickly!” I explained. Wow Sonic, why hadn’t you thought about this sooner! I made my mark, raising one leg, ready to take off-
“That’s not gonna work.” A raspy voice interrupted, I look up to who made themself known, seeing it come from a certain black and red hedgehog. “I already tried that, but the place loops.” He stated as a matter of fact.
I shrug, I didn’t believe him for a second. “How could it loop? The place has to end at some point.”
Silver then interjected, “Yeah, it shouldn't be possible. I think Sonic should try it out, it wouldn’t take very long.”
Shadow didn’t argue with that, placing a hand on his hip, “You’re asking the wrong guy, I don’t know how it’s possible, but that’s how it is. You can try running in a straight line if you want, but it’ll give you the same results as it did me.”
I took him up on his offer, “You don’t have to ask me twice!” I started, before taking off with a streak of blue and the wind following close by.
I felt the wind blow through my quills as I ran as fast as I felt, knowing the world around me would be a blur no matter how fast I ran. However, the more I ran, the brown and green would continue. And despite the blurred look around me, I could swear some locations felt as though I had seen them earlier before. All before I was met with a familiar crowd of colors and faces. I pressed my foot roughly on the ground, coming to a screeching halt.
“Holy shit he’s right.” I simply state with wide eyes. “I ran straight, I swear I made no turns, and yet I ended back here.” The crowd gasped.
Shadow just gave me a look that simply just told me, ‘told ya so’, with as much of a gloomy look you could have with that expression.
Cream let out a cry of terror, “D-does this mean we’re trapped?” She asked with a shaky voice. A twinge of fear ran down my spine, as it suddenly hit me what Jet pointed out earlier. What he said couldn’t have been true, absolutely not.
Amy quickly came to the rabbit’s side, getting on her knees, “No, we’ll be out of here eventually,” she comforted, to the best of her abilities anyways.
“Well how would we?” called out Jet with a hint of annoyance paired with panic in his voice, “cuz as far as I’m aware, we’re stuck here with a bunch of death traps and weapons!”
Mighty inched closer to Ray, with a protective look on his face, and Tails’ tails stiffened. Amy furrowed her expression, and was about to disprove him, but the squirrel interjected before the pink hedgehog could say a thing. “But that can't be true! What kind of person would do such a thing?”
Rouge, on the other hand, sides with the green hawk. “Hate to agree with Jet, but he’s right. It’s almost as if the only way to escape from this place is through death.”
“Well there has to be some other way out!” yelled Gadget. “We’re stuck in a looping plane but SOMEONE has to know where we are!”
“But you guys said we are the only Ultimates, so we have to be the only people here!” pointed out Knuckles, who was now wearing a more worked up look on his voice.
“Well then why are we here?” asked Espio, “Someone obviously brought us to this place so someone has to know.”
“Well I have a lot to say to the person who brought us here…” announced Knuckles, who was now riled up.
“But-“ Charmy started, before he was interrupted suddenly by a new voice that rang out from seemingly nowhere.
“And we are here to answer that!” it said, causing me to go into a sort of defensive position as I wildly looked for a source by moving only my head. My gloves were clenched and my knees were bent. And I could tell others were alert too, as this voice only added to the widespread fear between us all.
A stage seemed to grow from the ground, manifesting from seemingly nowhere and nothing. It was made of wood, and had a set of beams standing up from the sides, carrying yet another beam on top that carried a red curtain. Our entire group let out gasps of surprise rang out, with cries of “How?” and “How is that possible?” echoing among the crowd.
We weren’t able to revel in our disbelief though, as from the stage a little robot popped out with confetti and streamers surrounding it. Right as it was about to land, the robot began to float, refusing to make contact with the ground. I let out a hiss though, as I got an eyeful of what this robot was.
The thing was a stubby one, that’s for sure. It was painted black and white, one side lighter, the other darker. The way I’m describing it doesn’t seem so bad at first. But what if I told you it had two heads. One side an orb, and one side a cube. The orb was painted all black, and had glowing red eyes, whereas the cube was white, and had cyan eyes that would glow just like the orb’s. Sure it isn’t horrifying, but it’s the least bit creepy.
I could tell others agreed with me too, as Cream let out a yell of surprise and looked away, as Mighty simply noted under his breath, “Well isn’t that creepy.” Tails’ ears seemed to stretch slightly as they stood up high, and even Shadow had wide eyes.
The orb started first, “Welcome to Green Hill Zone!”
“I am Orbot-“
“-and I’m Cubot!”
“And together we make Monobot! We’ll be your host for the game!”
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