#yeah the slow burn isn’t there but I still giggled a lot tho
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Soulmate trope in the first episode
CEO/Secretary trope in the second one
Third episode will be a mechanic/buyer(?)
Like I can’t even! I’m living my dream with those tropes in one series. It doesn’t even feel like an entire episode more like an entire series and it’s good, I’m really enjoying this so far
#caddi watches#every you every me#it’s like an entire series squished into an episode but in a good way#yeah the slow burn isn’t there but I still giggled a lot tho#zey rants
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Knights of the Night (chapter 1)

Chapter 1
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 2,426
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
Catalina gazed out of the window as the city flew by. Full Moon, by the Black Ghosts was playing on the radio. She wondered what her apartment was going to look like. She should have listened to her mom when she told Catalina to take a trip out here to set it up before school started, but she never found the time. She had been too busy saying her goodbyes to friends who didn’t care about her leaving.
The taxi finally entered the small town of St. Briggs. The sky was dark and bleak; when Catalina pictured California, she didn’t imagine this. She was hoping to see a different environment, but it kind of looked just like Michigan. It would still be a change though. Hopefully a good change. This was one of the most highly recommended performing arts schools in the country and Catalina was looking forward to a fresh new chapter of her life.
She was dropped off at her apartment building and the taxi driver asked if she wanted him to help her carry her bags up the stairs. She said no and hurried to pay him. Catalina somehow managed to drag her bags up the stairs on her own, breaking out in a sweat and making her twenty-year-old back hurt. The apartment was lightly furnished already, the bare furniture from the last student still there. So Catalina started unpacking her clothes, toiletries, and bedding. Once everything was unpacked, she looked around at her new living space. It was small, only three rooms: the bedroom, a tiny bathroom, and a kitchen connected to an empty living room. She’d have to get a couch, and maybe a TV. Or she could just save her money. Yeah, that sounded better. She would usually just watch Netflix on her laptop anyway.
Speaking of her laptop, she pulled it out of her backpack and flopped onto her bare mattress, opening it up. Classes started in a week and she needed to review her schedule and figure out what materials she needed. Her dance class stared back at her from her schedule on the computer screen. She was most excited for that one.
Catalina sent the schedule to her phone and then closed her laptop. She decided now was a good time to explore the campus, if only to check out the dance studio.
It was chilly here, the wind coming off the water brisk and wet. Her hair frizzed up and she mourned the fact that she only packed light clothes, expecting the typical California weather. She should have realized that Northern California would be pretty much the same as where she lived before in Michigan.
Despite the gloomy weather, the campus was beautiful. It was bustling with students and their families, taking tours and lots of pictures in front of the old buildings. She glanced at the wrinkled campus map in her hands, which she had printed out back at home. The dance studio was closer to the back of the campus, so she trekked through all the freshman and found herself in an emptier part of campus. The buildings here were very old. Big willow trees grew between the buildings, their leafy curtains giving those spots a sense of privacy on the lawn. The dance studio was in a building that looked like it was a refurbished, converted old house. Catalina walked up to the porch and tried the door. It was unlocked.
Inside the house, it was a bit more modern. There was a tiny lobby and then a hall where there were bathrooms. Then past that was the studio. The door was closed. Catalina reached for the doorknob but paused when she heard music coming from inside. The music stopped, then started again from a previous spot. It continued like this for several minutes, Catalina standing there listening to the same part of the song over and over. Finally, she decided to put whoever was inside out of their misery and she opened the door.
The guy inside stumbled on the move he was practicing, startling and spinning around towards the door. His chest was heaving and he was sweating, staring at Catalina with wide eyes.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. The guy seemed to snap out of it and he went over to his phone, which was hooked up the speakers, to pause the song.
“No, it’s okay,” he said. “I just wasn’t expecting anyone to come in here. Usually it’s pretty quiet in the dance hall when there aren’t classes.”
“Well, I wouldn’t count on that today,” said Catalina. “There’s a million freshman and their entire families out there. It’s only a matter of time before they find you.”
He giggled and said, “I forgot it was orientation day. My name is Jimin, by the way.”
“I’m Catalina. This is a really pretty campus.”
“Yeah, I guess,” said Jimin. He went over to his dance bag and pulled a towel out, wiping his face.
“I guess?” asked Catalina.
“I mean, I grew up here. Everything in this town is old,” he said.
“Oh,” Catalina then realized that she had interrupted him in his practice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I know how it is when you’re in the zone. I’ll get going-“
“No, it’s okay! Honestly, I was about to pass out or something if I kept going,” said Jimin. “I just couldn’t get this one move, and it was driving me crazy…”
“What was the move?” asked Catalina, stepping further into the studio. “Can you teach me?”
“I mean… I don’t know if you can…”
“Try me,” said Catalina. Jimin led her to the center of the floor, facing the mirror. He walked her through a complicated move, which led into a jump turn. He broke it down and Catalina followed, nailing it on the second try. Jimin then did it at full speed, perfectly.
He turned to her with wide eyes.
“That was the first time I did it right!” he cheered. Catalina clapped along with him.
“Sometimes all it takes is breaking it down again,” said Catalina. Jimin narrowed his eyes.
“So, you tricked me?” he asked in a playful tone.
“Into getting the move right, sure,” Catalina grinned.
“Well, thank you. You’re pretty good,” he said.
“I’m majoring in dance, so I should hope so,” said Catalina. “I’ve only been doing it since I was four.”
“You’re majoring in dance? Me too!” he said. “I’ve never seen you here though. Are you a freshman?”
“Yeah, this is my first year here,” said Catalina. “I heard the dance program is really good.”
“It is. It has a good variety too. I’m taking a hip hop class this semester. You should take it with me, if you have room in your schedule.”
“I’ve been dancing ballet all my life, I don’t think I’d be very good at hip hop…” Catalina scratched the back of her head. Jimin shook his head.
“No, that’s a myth! Teachers only say that about ballerinas who don’t care about learning other things. I’ve also been doing ballet my whole life but I’m learning a lot of new things here, and I really love it,” said Jimin.
Catalina laughed and said, “I guess you’re right. I should…broaden my horizons, as my mother would say.”
Catalina left the studio that day with a new number in her phone and a more hopeful outlook on her upcoming journey through college.
The next week passed in a haze as Catalina readied herself for classes and thought about furnishing her apartment some more. She never did furnish it, but at least she made the bed and filled the fridge. She also got into the hip hop class with Jimin, which she was excited about. She was ready.
Finally, the first day of classes came and Catalina woke up bright and early. She got dressed; she knew these first few days were going to be the only days she would bother with anything other than pajamas, so she actually made an effort to look cute. Her first class was French, which, honestly, was going to be torture. She needed to learn French to reach her ultimate goal, so it was a necessary evil. It sounded pretty, so maybe it wasn’t the worst language to learn.
When she got to her French classroom, it was already pretty full. She found a few vacant seats in the back of the room, which she took. There was still one behind her, so she wasn’t actually all the way in the back. That was something her academic advisor had told her – don’t sit in the back. It was supposed to be a subconscious thing where the closer you sit to the front, the better you do in the class. Catalina didn’t know if that was actually true, but the front seats were all taken and she was used to sitting in the back, so here she was. Second to last row. It was a start.
Catalina pulled out her notebook, a pen, and her phone. She had a text from her mom.
Mom: Are you settled down okay at the apartment? How is campus? Did you make it to class okay this morning?
Cat: The apartment is good. Campus is pretty. I’m in class right now. Everything is going great. I even made a friend.
Mom: a friend?
Cat: yeah, he’s in the dance program too. We’re taking a hip hop class together.
Mom: This is great news! Is he cute?
Just then, the professor walked in and introduced herself. Catalina let out the breath she was holding, glad she didn’t have to answer that. That was one of many reasons she was so excited to move across the country. Ever since she came out as bisexual, her mother had been trying her hardest to get Catalina a boyfriend. Sure, Jimin was plenty cute, but that’s not what Catalina was here for. She’d just really rather not talk about her love life, or lack thereof, with her mother.
The professor mostly just went over introductions and the syllabus, which she passed out copies of to the class. Then she took attendance. A few names in and the door opened. A boy walked in, his eyes wide as he scanned the room for empty seats. He spotted the one behind Catalina and sped towards it. The professor eyed him.
“I guess you came just in time, since I just started attendance. I do not take absences lightly in this class young man,” she said.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. The professor grumbled and handed another syllabus to the person in the front row before continuing with roll call. When Catalina handed the packet back to him, she caught a glimpse of the new guy. He looked only half awake, his hair a mess, bags under his eyes and rumpled sweats. He didn’t have a backpack, only a notebook. Catalina winced in sympathy. He was going to have a hard time in this class. He reminded Catalina of herself in high school. She was a new woman now though. Things were going to be different in college.
“Catalina Cruz” was called and she raised her hand in acknowledgement. The guy behind her answered to “Jeon Jungkook”. After class, Catalina turned around in her seat and smiled at Jungkook, who still looked frazzled.
“First impressions are important,” she said.
“Ugh, I know,” he moaned, sliding down in his seat. “I slept in…”
“Yeah, she probably hates you,” said Catalina. “You’re doomed.”
Jungkook covered his face. “Don’t say that!”
Catalina laughed and said, “Dude, I’m kidding. You’ll be fine.”
Jungkook let his hands fall. “I just think it’s stupid that I need a language class for my major.”
“Everyone needs a language class. What are you majoring in?” asked Catalina.
“Film. What about you?” he asked.
“Dance,” she said. The two of them got up and made their way out of the classroom. “I came on a scholarship too, so I can’t really afford to fail any classes.”
“Yeah, no scholarship for me, but my parents will have my head if I fail anything,” said Jungkook. “They’re paying out of pocket for me and my brother.”
Catalina giggled. The two of them walked over to an empty patch of grass under a tree, where they sat. “Do you live on campus?” she asked.
“Nah, my parent’s house is right around the block, I’m just gonna live with them until I graduate,” said Jungkook.
Catalina hummed and nodded. “You’re lucky. I have an apartment that’s going to drain me. I can’t even afford furniture,” said Catalina. “Actually, I should probably try to find a job…”
“Oh! My aunt owns a tourist shop up in the mountains and she needs weekend employees for tourist season,” said Jungkook.
“Tourist season? Summer is almost over,” said Catalina.
“There’s a big ski resort up there. It gets pretty busy once the snow comes,” said Jungkook. “You should take the job with me! It’ll be so fun, we can explore the mountains.”
“Ehh, I don’t know how much mountain climbing I’ll be doing, but the job is kind of perfect,” said Catalina. “How far away is it? I don’t have a car.”
“I mean, I have a car, but there’s also a hiking trail that gets you there, which I’ll probably be doing, cause’ it’s more fun,” he said. “It’s not that far, like, a few miles?”
“A few miles? That’s far! That’s a long walk!” said Catalina.
“Oh, come on! I backpacked for five days once, that’s about fifty miles. And I’ve heard stories about people who backpack for weeks,” said Jungkook.
“Okay well, you may be super fit and sporty, but I’m not-“
“What were you majoring in again? Dance?”
Catalina shoved him. He fell over, laughing hard. Catalina scrunched her nose to contain her laughter. “Oh shut up! Okay, I get it. Hiking might be fun, but not every time,” she said.
“No, I’ll totally drive us to work every now and then,” he said. “I’ll call my aunt tonight about the job. Here, give me your number so I can tell you what she says.”
Catalina typed her number into Jungkook’s phone and then handed it back.
“Anyway, I’d better get going. I don’t want to be late for another class,” said Jungkook. “I’ll text you.”
He got up and walked away, waving. Catalina waved back. Two new friends. And they were both so much nicer and more genuine than her friends back in Michigan.
#bts#bts fanfction#kim namjoon#jeon jeongguk#jungkook#park jimin#jimin#kim taehyung#taehyung#jung hoseok#hobi#jhope#min yoongi#suga#kim seokjin#Jimmy K#captain kirk#vampire au#college au#romance#oc#I know I promised this for Christmas#but my life has been crazy lately#sorry its late#anyway this ones pretty good#crystalstar
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Fred x Reader - Not Working Out
Hello! Would I be ok to make a request for Fred Weasley where you guys have broken up but you still wear the bracelet he got you when you were together and like he points it out when you say you’re over him (you’re not) and you get flustered, if possible can it be angst at the beginning and then fluff? It’s ok if you can’t do it tho, thank you! :)) ILY
You couldn’t fathom why Fred would want to do something so final. It seemed to be ridiculous. Well, that was a lie. In reality you understood why he wanted to leave hgowarts and it wasn’t ridiculous at all to make a joke shop with George. They were brilliant, always had been. You were upset because you felt like he was leaving you behind.
“We can still be together!” Fred reasoned, grabbing your hands as you rolled your eyes and scoffed. “We can write, I’ll visit and you can too! It’s not a goodbye Y/N”
“It is though! You’re going off and starting your dream life and I’m not part of it!” Fred knew you had always dealt with some abandonment and trust issues, it wasn’t a secret and it had always been a source of struggle in your relationship but he had hoped you would realize he wasn’t leaving you and you could still trust his word was good.
“Why can’t you just be happy for me?” He said, voice cracking a bit. This was really important to him too, George and him had wanted this since they were little kids with no way of making their dream come true but determined to make it happen anyways.
“I-” You paused. You could say you were happy for him. But that would be a lie. You were scared and sad and miserable. You were already building up defenses and so you were going to lash out. “I don’t think this is a good idea, you’d do better staying at school,”
Fred glared you, an indignant huff making its way past his lips. His cheeks were turning red with frustration. “You know that is bullshit, Umbitch is destroying everything here and it’s important for me to go out and try to bring the world a little bit of laughter, a-and if you can’t see that then I don’t think you really know me,”
Of course you knew him. You knew your words would hurt and that he would be left feeling like you were a mistake. Yet, you were trying to protect yourself so you let him hurt instead. “You’re right. We obviously aren’t going to get over this so why don’t we just get it over with and break up?”
Fred hadn’t been ready for that suggestion. His jaw went slack and he paused, the anger vanishing. “You really mean that?” He spoke low and slow, afraid of the answer he knew was coming.
“I do, now run off with George, we don’t need each other,”
You knew it was a mistake before you had even started fighting. You loved Fred, you didn’t want to break up. You missed him and he was right, Umbridge had cast a shadow over Hogwarts that hadn’t gone away. It had, momentarily, when the twins had made a spectacle, shattering her rules and setting of fireworks as they flew around. There had been laughter and smiles and the school had felt lighter that day.
It was what he was meant to do but you had let your own problems hold you back from joining him. He had asked you once to go with him but he knew you were too dedicated to classes to do that. It hadn’t been a goodbye though, he had every intention of making it work between you two and it had been your fault that you weren’t exchanging letters now.
You looked at the caricatures of Fred and George looming out over diagon alley with brilliance. The shop was bright and colorful and zany and so perfectly them. So perfectly him. You couldn’t not visit. You might have burned the bridge between you and Fred but you still wanted to see his success firsthand. You were proud of him, not surprised at all he had been thriving.
A light jingle came from the door as you made your way in but it got lost in the sound of patrons walking through the wild shop. Kids were giggling and running between parent’s legs while students were inspecting the love potions. The whizzing and whirring, popping and sizzling of their products was almost overwhelming but it all seemed to quiet when you heard the voice you had missed so much over the past couple of months.
“So, finally come to buy a skiving snackbox?”
You spun around and looked Fred up and down. He looked delightful. His suit was colorful and tailored well, his hair messy and eyes bright. He looked happy more than anything but there was a tinge of sadness that seemed to be creeping in the longer he stood looking at you.
“Just came to see what all the fuss was about,” You said airily but you could tell he didn’t buy it.
“You know you could just admit you came here to see me,” He smirked as you blushed furiously.
“I didn’t! I’m over you, you know?” You said matter of fact but you could already feel your conviction fading. It was hard to say it to his face. You could tell yourself as many times as you wanted to in your dorm late at night when you were missing him but that didn’t make it any more true, especially now.
“I’m sure you are,” He teased lightly, lithe fingers coming to encircle your wrist. He held it up to the light and that smirk only grew. “You’re over me so that’s why you still wear the bracelet I gave you on your anniversary,”
“It’s a nice bracelet is all,”
Fred was tired of the playing. He wanted you back but the constant back and forth got exhausting. He loved you, every inch of you, including your faults but he needed you to be honest with him. “So, if I kissed you right now, would you tell me you felt nothing?”
“Um, I-I don’t think that’s a good idea,” You squeaked.
“Oh?” Fred challenged, his other free arm wrapping around your waist and bringing you close. Only he could make you feel like you were the only two people in the world when you were surrounded by chaos. “Well, if you’re over me like you say you are then one little kiss shouldn’t matter,”
“That isn’t fair,” You whined, eyes scanning over his freckles to avoid looking him in the eye.
“It’s plenty fair, do you miss me?” Fred asked, his grip tightening as he shook you a little, forcing you to look at him.
“I-” You were going to lie. You had to. You couldn’t anymore. “Of course I miss you Fred, I’m not over you and I never meant to break things off in the first place,” You admitted all at once and watched as he grinned like a madman. “But why would you even want me back after all that? Or did you just want to hear me say it? Get some satisfaction from-”
Your words were cut off abruptly as he placed his lips on yours, they were inviting if a little chapped. He tasted of cinnamon candies. You relaxed immediately and tangled your fingers in his hair but he pulled away. His cheeks were red.
“The boss probably shouldn’t be doing this in the lobby,” He explained.
You laughed and rested your forehead against his chest. You were feeling too much at the moment and tears were going to start falling if you didn’t stop yourself. “I’m so sorry,”
“I know love, it’s alright. I tried to stay positive after... I just kept hoping you’d come back. I’m glad you did. I’m glad I know you well enough to keep that hope,”
“You do know me well... Do you know I didn’t mean a word of what I said? I am so proud of you and it’s amazing what you are doing, ridiculous but in the most wonderful way,” You needed him to understand that you did support him you just hadn’t done it very well.
“Would you take me back then? We have a lot to work out I think... But we can do it, yeah?” He said hopefully, stroking your cheek with a warmth you felt you didn’t deserve but you welcomed it all the same.
“Yes, of course, I should be asking that of you not the other way around,” You said, feeling guilty.
“Next time all you need to do is let me in Y/N... Don’t shut me out and push me away. I’m stubborn and I’ll come back,” He teased, pulling a watery laugh from you.
That day you stayed with Fred and talked, really talked, for the first time since you had split about what you felt. No more lies and no more protecting yourself because it only left you isolated and hurting.
Fred was glad you had come back, glad you had stayed. He promised he would protect and love you so you didn’t have to do it by yourself. He could be the one to make sure you were secure and happy and loved. He had never let you down before and he wouldn’t start now.
You could both rest easy knowing that you two had worked it out.
#i love you#fred weasley#fred weasley x reader#fred x reader#anon#anon ask#request#hm#idk how i feel about this
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HI GUYS!!! I’m so happy to be posting again i cry :,) i hope you enjoy!!!! i;ll be updating as much as i can without rushing too much :D
Prepare your wigs peeps
This is gonna make me swerve
I mean
cmon it’s Hyunjin
Let’s do this!
Prince Hyunjin
Is actually smooth af with his crush
He'll complement you whenever he gets the chance
Or gives you food
Basically your knight in shining armor
Ye, that’s not what actually happens
He's smiling like an idiot and about collapse when he’s with you because HE'S FREAKING OUT OK
So freaking nervous his heartbeat is always up when he’s with you
You sometimes think he’s about to have a heart attack and you’re not stupid you know why lmao
Same for when he confesses
At first he’s pretty calm about it
Just casually asked if you wanted to see a movie with him some time
“Like... a-as more than friends?”
You'd kinda expected it so you weren't too shocked when he asked you
So you said yes
And he does a double take
"Wait.... Are you serious? You want to?"
"Well yeah?"
Was good with flirting but didn't actually think you'd go out with him smh
Now every minute he just contemplates the fact that he has you
And he still can't believe it
Like shit dude
He’s with the y/n
You never feel unloved when you're with him
He loves going for long walks, just to talk and relax
Why does it sound like he's a dog here lmao
Will always take as many pictures of you as his phone storage will allow, his camera roll is stuffed with pics of you
Will insist on going to the park for a picnic, he just loves you and the sunshine
He loves to quietly slide your hand into his
But he always ends up giggling because he’s so giddy about being with you
Has to take a moment to charge up his courage before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek
He then goes an unreal shade of scarlet as he covers his face, muttering that he ‘can’t believe that he actually did it’!
It takes him a while to finally gather up the courage to properly kiss you
Like.... a very long time
You were starting to get worried that he didn’t actually like you
Maybe he was just too nervous to tell you that it wasn’t working for him
On one certain date, Hyunjin had prepared a cute little dinner on the practice room floor
He was so apologetic about the poor setting, but finally had stopped saying sorry when you’d told him for the 2376129th time that you were having fun
At some point, he just went uber silent, watching you not in a creepy way
You eventually noticed, and just stared back
He didn’t say anything, but his eyes did widen a wee bit
“What are you lookin at, you’re sorta scaring m-”
He cut you off and just kissed you
Afterwards you both just stared at each other
And then Hyunjin goes all red
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry that was stupid you can slap me if you want!!!!”
“Bruh why would I want to slap you?!”
“You don’t hate me?”
facepalms for days
You meet the other boys only a few minutes later
Go figure
You’re talking casually, the embarrassment from the kiss wearing off
They all come stampeding into the practice room making an ungodly racket
And all go quiet when they realize what they’ve done
Changbin, bless him, tries to reduce the awful level of awkwardness: “*cough* uh hey, Hyunjin.... This must be y/n right?” He waves at you. “We’ve heard a lot about you, Hyunjin never stops talking about you”
He misses the death glare Hyunjin shoots him
Then Jisung
Freakin Jisung, man
Waltzes up: “Hyunjin’s cheeks are really pink”. He gives a cheeky smile. “You didn’t kiss did you?”
The room goes as quiet as a tomb
Of course Hyunjin completely loses his shit at the sight of you turning a deep red. “GODDAMMIT JISUNG STFU”
Ye your first meeting with SKZ wasn’t the best
But you all bonded rather quickly after
And Jisung buys you little snacks sometimes as an apology for your first awkward meeting
If you’re ever sick, they always get snacks for Hyunjin to give you
And if you’re really under the weather, they’ll cover for Hyunjin so that he can stay with you and take care of you.
He wraps you in blankets
And tries to make soup for you
We know what cooking!Hyunjin leads to
You’re chilling on the couch and you suddenly hear a high-pitched scream
You’re up and sprinting to the kitchen at the speed of light still wrapped in a burrito
To find him fanning at a smoking pot
You’re home doesn’t burn down thank goodness
And you end up heating some soup for yourself while Hyunjin watches
And it’s! hilarious! when he’s sick!
He becomes a little ten-year-old istg
But in a really cute way
He doesn’t ask for anything: food, to watch TV etc
Nah he just wants cuddles
The whole damn day
So while you’re struggling to keep a mask on and not getting sneezed on, this idiot is smiling like a puppy if puppies could smile, clinging onto you like a love-filled leach did that sound weird? i think that sounded really weird
i want this tattooed on my face thx
Now idk what this dude is afraid of
Something tells me one big fear would be to lose Stray Kids and the people he loves
And so I think he’d get kinda nervous when you both see less of each other and when he gets busier
You can’t talk as much because of his crazy schedule and with lack of sleep, he starts getting more irritated easier during the little intervals of time you get to see each other
At some point he might snap at you, maybe for no reason at all, and you’ll snap back indignantly
Yeah you love him but you’re not taking any attitude
If things get really bad, he just shakes his head, saying he needs some air
You’ll both give yourselves some space, but eventually Hyunjin becomes terrified that you’re too angry with him to talk again
So he goes to find you and talk
You both hug it out and decide to spent the rest of the day together for more quality time
And it’s totally worth Hyunjin getting an earful from Chan the next day
OK back to fluff quickly quickly
On the days Hyunjin goes somewhere, you sometimes join him in the car ride, tho you’re always super careful to never show your face when he gets out
Gotta stay hidden yknow?
You’ll both send cute little texts throughout the day and OOF just couple goals
You: hey check this out, this is me 2 u *sends heart meme*
Jiiniie<3: oh yeah? well this is me @ u! *sends heart meme with more hearts*
You: boi dont start smth u cant win!
And thus begins the heart meme wars
r they even called heart memes idk
i want this tattooed on my face pt2
We’ve already established that Hyunjin can’t cook for love or money
So if he even steps foot in the dorms’ kitchen
You bet that at least two other of his hyungs will follow for pure supervision
And he is not, under any circumstances, allowed to cook something by himself
And you’re grateful that your safety and world peace had been assured by this rule
Although, you’re allowed to cook together as long as you watch what he’s doing
If anything at all goes wrong, the blame is pinned on you
So it’s natural for you to treat these cooking projects as once-in-a-while occasions
Now when you ask about meeting his parents
Holy Hell
Stutters, clammy hands, flitting eyes, you name it
Hyunjin is so frickin nervous about you meeting his parents oof
You don’t understand why, like hey, how bad could it be right?
But pretty soon you get why Jinnie was nervous
His parents aren’t that trusting within the first hour of knowing you
You guess it might be because of poor past experiences?
Maybe Hyunjin had been judged or dated once too many times just for his looks?
The thought is enough to make you swear by all you know to always treat him like a treasure
You also make a mental note to ask him sometime
Eventually, his parents realize you have pure intentions and they become so much kinder and warmer
They let you know how welcome you are to visit whenever you want, they offer to send you off with some homemade cookies...
And Hyunjin gets so emotional at the beautiful site in front of him that he bursts into tears
Which causes you and his parents to tease and hug him
if you’re thick, let’s just be clear that im making a statement on how you should NOT judge Jinnie purely because he’s good looking, appreciate his talent!
Now, Hyunjin is kinda tall compared to the rest of SKZ hah im joking of course so it’s pure instinct to want to steal his shirts
Don’t lie, if you had the chance, you would take something i see right thru u
And at some point in your life, you stop realizing ‘hey, this isn’t my jumper!’ and just walk around in clothes that aren’t yours
And when this happens, three things follow:
You see a wild Hyunjin crashing through the apartment towards you, yelling happily that ‘that’s my favorite hoodie!!’ he tries to act like he’s angry and fails in 0.0000003 sec
He doesn’t slow down and freakin slams into you at full velocity, knocking you over or off anything you might be sitting on
He proceeds to tickle you mercilessly, until you either can’t breath and turn purple or until you commit an extreme act of violence in the name of self defense
Once this chaotic episode ends, most of the time with both of you are completely knackered and just lying on the floor
You both cool off by just cuddling and watching something on TV
Or reading something together!!!
I can totally see Hyunjin shoving one of his fav books in your face and insisting that you both take turns in reading aloud to each other
And you both react at the same time to shockers in the book, like you start crying together when a character dies who hasn’t had that traumatic experience or you both squeal with joy and hug each other tighter when something great happens
Did I just turn into a puddle of happy goo?
Yes I fuckin did.
I think Hyunjin wouldn’t take that long to tell you that he loves you
That doesn’t mean that he planned anything tho
HAH! Course he didn’t
Probs says it when he can barely think straight
Maybe you’re watching him dance late at night
You’d brought snacks to keep him going ‘cause he was working his ass off
And there you sit, marveling at his skill and fluidity while executing his choreo
You have a talent for hyping Hyunjin up while he dances, cheering when he leaps high into the air, gasping when he performs a complicated move, and aw-ing and his graceful poses ok im done now
When he finishes one of his more dramatic dances, you jump up with glee and tackle him in a hug despite him being sweaty, saying how proud you are
He hugs you back happily and says:
“I should be the proud one, having someone I love so much being so supportive of me”.
You both freeze, still hugging each other
And neither of you move or breathe for a moment
“What did you say?”
“You said that you love me!”
“N- wait what?”
“I love you, dumbass” same tho
Oof that poor practice room has seen a lot of awkwardness
I’m cracking up just by thinking of how hopeless Hyunjin could become when SKZ are away
“Hey do you guys have a signal and/or data? I wanna Skype y/n and show them the beautiful view”.
*all of SKZ facepalms*
Always taking pictures to show you
In the evenings, you get a frickin cascade of notifications of both photos and messages from the poor boy telling you he misses you like crazy
When Skyping, he asks to see Khami, who you have the pleasure of caring for during his absence
You do question (mentally and then verbally) whether he calls to talk to you or his dog
He never answers the question heh
There’s lowkey a competition between you and Khami for Hyunjin’s affection
When the boys make their flight home, Hyunjin keeps you informed about everything that’s happening
I mean everything:
Jiiniie<3: we’re @ the airport :D -6h ago
Jiiniie<3: waiting to board! -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: they’re getting ready to go, i can’t wait to see you!! xxx -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: will text you when we arrive, love! -5h ago
Jiiniie<3: JUST LANDED! CANT WAIT TO HUG U -31mins ago
Jiiniie<3: about to get our luggage! -Just now
You get the point -_-
When you finally see each other, he runs at top speed to pick you up and spins you around
frickin goals man i feel so sad writing this :,)
He goes public in probably the most aesthetic way that’s physically possible
He posts a bunch of gorgeous photos-
Courtesy of Jisung
-of your silhouettes in front of sunsets
-Pics he took of you laughing during a cafe trip
-Bomb-ass selcas where you’re both lookin hella fine
Naturally, the internet freaks the fuck out
Both of you are kinda nervous about the explosive reaction
There are salty bitches who are telling you to piss off because they jelly
But the huge majority of Stay are crying with happiness and wishing you both well
this better happen in the future im watching all of u
And soon Hyunjin is talking about you on vLives, proud af because y/n freakin rules!
OhmyGod I love Hyunjin
Damn my heart be like < HYUNJIN 3 phew
#hyunjin#hwang hyunjin#hwang hyunjin imagines#stay don't stray#stray kids#stray kids hyunjin#scenario#kpop scenarios#kpop scenario#hyunjin scenario#imagine#imagines#kpop imagines#boyfriend#kpop au
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Pairing(s): Hiccup Haddock x Reader
Summary: (Y/n) and Hiccup aren’t close, so it’s odd when Hiccup shows her something you don’t normally show a stranger.
Warning(s): None
A/N: THIS FEELS LIKE,,, THE PERFECT SET UP,,, TO A SLOW BURN FANFIC. EITHER STOP ME OR ENCOURAGE ME. If I do actually end up turning this into a series I’d rewrite this part longer and better tho.
Requests are open!
(Y/n) hated this.
Her entire body was sore, and she had never felt more guilt. And yet, she had no choice in what she did.
Dragon training had started only several days ago, and (Y/n) could already confidently say that it sucked.
There were only a few reasons she was pushing through it. The main one being that it got her parents off her back.
But there was something about training that she couldn't get over- Hiccup Haddock was training with them.
When they had started, she was shocked beyond belief to see him enter after all the others.
But, after the first day, he quickly proved himself. He didn't necessarily fight the dragons, but he did have a strange way with them.
(Y/n) had no idea what was going on. All she knew was that he'd show up for dragon training, own it, and then disappear until far too late in the night.
It confused (Y/n). He confused her.
The two weren't close, despite both being cast out.
There was just something about Hiccup that made (Y/n) keep her distance. Yes, it was rather rude of her to judge him without really knowing him, but her gut told her to keep to herself. So she did.
And yet, there was still a part of her that wanted to get to know him. There was a part of her that was oddly fascinated by him.
When he began sneaking around after training, (Y/n) felt pulled to find out where he went and what he was doing.
She wanted to track him down and confront him, but at the same time, he was allowed to do whatever he pleased.
(Y/n) sighed. She rested her head against her hand, staring blankly down at her food. She was startled when someone sat down not far from her. More specifically, Hiccup.
(Y/n) stared at him, shocked. Was he not aware that she was sitting there? He generally stayed away from her, and she did the same.
"Have you decided to eat for once?" she asked. It came out less of a joke than she anticipated.
Hiccup's head shot up, eyes wide with shock. He moved so fast he startled (Y/n) more. "U-uh, what?" he stuttered.
(Y/n)'s eyes were wide as she took in how panicked he was. It took a moment, but she could see him calm down.
"Are you alright?" the girl asked.
"Of course, I am," he laughed nervously. "What makes you ask that?"
"Well, you just acted as if I accused you of murder, and I'm hoping you didn't murder anyone," (Y/n) said, her face turning to a confused expression. "And while we're on that topic, you keep sneaking off every day. You avoid everyone."
"Uh, yeah, no, I'm- I'm fine," Hiccup stammered.
(Y/n) raised a brow. "You sure?" she asked, noting his nervous figure.
"Yeah, yeah," his voice squeaked. "I've just don't like all the attention." (Y/n) knew that the sudden increase of positive recognition had him overwhelmed, but it still felt like he was lying.
"You're just acting strange," (Y/n) paused. "Well, a lot stranger than normal."
He opened his mouth to speak but shut it. He thought for a moment.
"Wanna go walk around?" (Y/n) looked up, confused.
The boy had a hesitant but hopeful look on his face.
"Sure," (Y/n) answered.
The two got up, leaving their food behind.
They hurried out of the building, Hiccup ignoring anyone that tried to get his attention.
They quickly headed off to the forest.
Hiccup and (Y/n) found themselves climbing around in the forest in the fading light.
Hiccup walked watching in amusement as (Y/n) tried to walk on a fallen tree, arms out to keep herself balanced.
"So, how do you know how to handle those dragons? The last you tried to deal with dragons you nearly died," (Y/n) said.
Hiccup laughed weakly at the memory. "I won't be revealing my tricks any time soon."
"Oh, really?" (Y/n) dropped off the tree trunk and landed in front of him. She stared him down with a harmless glare.
The two were silent for a moment until something came to Hiccup.
"(Y/n), can I ask you a question?" Hiccup asked. His voice had gone from joking to serious.
"Go for it."
"Do you even want to fight dragons?" (Y/n)'s look dropped. Instead, her eyes were wide with shock.
"W-what?" she laughed nervously. "O-of course I do. What makes you ask that?" She tried to play the question off with a lie.
Hiccup studied her. "You and I both know that you have more than enough strength to win against those dragons, but you're not even trying. Why?"
(Y/n) stared down at the forest floor, pushing around a rock with her foot.
Thoughts ran through her head, scenarios of what might happen if she told him.
"(Y/n)?" She sighed, closing her eyes tight.
"I don't try because I don't want to hurt them," (Y/n) answered softly. Hiccup tilted his head and tried to look at her face, wordlessly urging her to continue. "I've never wanted to hurt them. I'm only doing this because my parents have been on my back about."
A thick silence settled between them.
Hiccup glanced to the ground, then back up to (Y/n).
"Can I show you something?"
"Okay, there are a few things I need to tell you before I show you this." Hiccup and (Y/n) were at the bottom of a clearing, hidden.
"Alright," (Y/n) said, confused.
"You can't freak out," was Hiccup's immediate words, earning a glare from (Y/n).
"Depending on what you show me, I can't guarantee that," she told him.
"Fair enough," he nodded. "You can't tell anyone about this. And I mean anyone. It doesn't matter who it is. Got it?" (Y/n) nodded.
He said a quiet 'alright' before grabbing (Y/n)'s hand and pulling her out.
(Y/n)'s face flushed at the contact, but she didn't say anything.
"Toothless?" Hiccup called. (Y/n) watched him, confused.
Who was Toothless?
(Y/n) got her answer when a black figure came trailing into sight.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened at the sight of the dragon.
The dragon- Toothless- seemed more than thrilled to see Hiccup, but his mood immediately switched at the sight of another person.
Hiccup, noticing the switch, was quick to calm him. "Hey, bud, calm down," he let go of (Y/n)'s hand to step forward, holding a hand out. Toothless appeared to calm down but was still on guard. His eyes stared (Y/n) down with intensity.
"Y'know," (Y/n) whispered, "when you asked if you could show me something, I didn't think you meant a dragon." Hiccup smiled back at her nervously, patting the top of Toothless' head.
"Toothless, this is (Y/n)," Hiccup gestured to the girl. "(Y/n), this is Toothless." Toothless' glare dropped at the sound of the girl's name. Instead, he stared at her with interest.
"Does he normally just change like that?" (Y/n) asked about the shifts in his mood.
"Sometimes," Hiccup answered. He watched as the dragon slowly neared (Y/n). "Then again, I have told him about you."
"You've, uh... You've talked about me to him?" (Y/n) asked, turning to watch Toothless as he circled her.
Toothless stepped closer to (Y/n), his nose going to sniff (Y/n)'s hand.
Seeing what he was doing, she lifted her hand for him.
He sniffed it for a moment before nuzzling against her hand, asking for attention.
(Y/n) giggled, gladly petting him. "So, are you going to explain how you befriended a dragon?"
The sky was dark now, and (Y/n) was sure that they should've been asleep a while ago. But, she was still up and in the clearing with Hiccup and Toothless.
Hiccup had started a small fire for light with the help of Toothless, who was curled up and sleeping.
"No wonder he didn't trust you at first," (Y/n) teased. "You shot him down!"
"Hey, I didn't think this would happen!" Hiccup defended himself.
The two sat in comfortable silence, staring at the fire.
"You do know you can't keep him a secret forever, right?" (Y/n) asked, looking over at Hiccup.
The mood shifted.
Hiccup looked back at Toothless with a somber gaze. "I know." His response was quiet.
"And what about dragon training? With the way things are going, this isn't going to end well no matter what," (Y/n) told him.
Hiccup pulled his legs to his chest and settled his head on his knees.
"I'll figure something out," he tried to assure her, but it sounded like it was more for himself. "Eventually."
(Y/n) hesitated as a thought came to mind.
"Hey," (Y/n) called out softly. Hiccup looked back at her. "If you need help, I'm here. Alright?"
A smile bloomed on his face as he nodded.
Suddenly it felt as if they were old friends.
#httyd#httyd 2#httyd2#httyd3#httyd 3#httyd fandom#httyd fanfiction#hiccup httyd#hiccup haddock#hiccup how to train your dragon#hiccup horrendous haddock the 3rd#hiccup horrendous haddock lll#hiccup haddock x reader#hiccup haddock x you#httyd imagine#httyd imagines
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Hi there! Got any kiribaku headcanons for bnha?
i’m very weak for kiribaku… you got me.. they got this super slow burn friendship going on like holy fuck is it killing me. let them be stupid in love. kirishima is my muffin okay and bakugou is such a cutie pie too but in a more fussy puff your cheeks out way (i mean lowkey a demon but he’s so.. cute. he’s shorty chub face over there like calm down creampuff).
so.. They dating. it’s a weird relationship without a legit label but they’re romantic in their own ways. kirishima is very good at expressing affection. he initiates everything cause bakugou deems it weak to indulge in any cute activities. unless kirishima starts it and now he can call it a contest.
kirishima likes physical contact quite a bit for starters. the first sight of any tickles started up when kirishima thought it’d be funny to just blow a raspberry to bakugou’s cheek while he was just chilling. and he was greeted with a smack and a scream like “GET OFF ME” which kirishima giggled at and was like alright alright omg sorry bud! didn’t mean to scare you!
but it leaves off cold for a bit. until one day kirishima offers bakugou a massage. he’s talking about how baku needs it and it’d feel great he promises. baku’s all, sure whatever i don’t care. cause! tickling doesn’t even cross his mind at all like he doesn’t even wonder.
so, they get in bakugou’s room when they have any days off and kirishima is proud of his massage skills and ready to get to work ((also lowkey baku’s mom is like…. ya made a friend. How tho)) but yeah! they’re alone and it takes baku a year to agree to lay down on his stomach on the bed and be vulnerable and let kirishima work on his back. just cause they’ve had a couple kissy sessions doesn’t mean it isn’t awkward as hell still.
btw they’ll have weird romantic confession moments like real late at night for some reason aka bakugou yelling out and swearing while kirishima is more timid and is trying to declare his love passionately but can’t quite do it right.
but back to it. kirishima is real good and bakugou can’t deny it. he’s good at working bakugou’s shoulders into mush, so much so that he’s beginning to drift in and out of a nice nap. and while dealing with all the knots baku has, he can be rough with kneading. so far so good, until kirishima decides the next area to massage at is bakugou’s lower back. he’s like oh he’s not as tense here so i’ll ease up the pressure. and the massaging suddenly feels a lot more like ticklish prodding.
like fucking magic, bakugou shakes out of his nap and starts struggling and yelling wildly like HEY HEY SHITHEAD LET GO in that way that he does. and kirishima being a sweetheart is like augh fuck sorry did that hurt? here hold on how about this? and he tries rubbing small circles down his lower back instead and bakugou makes a bunch of odd choking noises and twists and throws kirishima off of him and onto the bed to his side.
now cue all the “what the fuck did you think you were doing” type statements. and kirishima is dumbfounded. he doesn’t know what he did. but he realizes it when he looks up to see bakugou’s disheveled hair and red cheeks and he starts recalling all the weird noises he was making and the way he was squirming like a kid. he just rubs the back of his head goes “ohhhhhhh. hey, sorry was i tickling you? didn’t mean to, man!”
and the quickest response of “no you weren’t, and i’m not” comes right out of baku’s mouth. and kirishima’s thinking to himself like uh.. i didn’t ask if he was ticklish so what’s with the defensive ‘i’m not’ comment?? so now he has 2 options. to drop the convo or unintentionally tease bakugou by trying to communicate. and he goes with the second one.
kirishima has both of his hands up to let baku know he doesn’t mean anything and goes “no need to be embarrassed, like, everyone is ticklish. i am too.. my underarms are off limits i understand don’t worry" and baku’s all “… i didn’t ask and i SAID I’M NOT get it through your thick skull asshole” and this is the exact personality kirishima dated him for, he thinks it’s cute so he’s like “alright alright whateverrr just lay back down” and bakugou REFUSES
and cue the “oh why, are you afraid i’m gonna tickle you???” and bakugou is so bullshit right now he’s like “I’LL KILL YOU” and it doesn’t end up in a tickle fight yet it’s more of a bakugou is just consistently slapping laughing kirishima. plus kirishima doesn’t even end up starting it, like a week later baku does. they’re wicked slow burn chic.
so.. when the tickle fight first starts, it’s cause kirishima has a nightmare while he’s sleeping in baku’s room. he wakes up super upset and he’s all insecure. when he shoots out of bed he’s already crying and it ends up waking bakugou up. at first he’s like “what the HELL it is 1AM lay back down STUPID” and kirishima turns around like HHHAAHA it’s nothing but he’s sniffling super hard and bakugou swallows his pride for his fuckin bf for once to try and cheer him up, or do anything really.
and he’s like uhh uh oh shit what do i do and he’s running through all the things kiri does for him when he’s out of whack. and he thinks of something. more than he’d like to admit, the cheek raspberries kiri always does are kinda… well.. fun. so bakugou grabs kiri by the shoulder and pecks his cheek. and then after a couple of seconds he blows a huge raspberry.
and kirishima makes the most pleased sounding screech. he’s giggling like W-WHAT OH MY GOD?? in just total awe. and tears are streaming down his face from before still. and bakugou is like aight it keeps making him smile just a couple more blows. but like, he’s having fun. and the next thing he knows he thinks back to their earlier convo where kirishima mentioned his underarms. so he stops the kisses and hooks his fingers under kirishima’s arms and squeezes a bunch of times.
now, kirishima was gonna try and tickle bakugou at one point but never in his life did he think bakugou would stoop this low. he’s like “aaAAH you’re cheating!!” and he’s still recovering from crying and kind of snorting. he falls back and basically crushes baku but he doesn’t care like as long as kirishima isn’t crying anymore. and ngl he really is enjoying this stupid play fight. he’s all smug and proud of himself as kirishima rolls around trying to get baku’s fingers out of his armpits and he’s like “bakugouUUUUU!!!!!! MERCY” and dying.
bakugou does finally stop and kirishima is still laying on baku’s lap and panting like a dog. but he has a big smile on his face. and bakugou goes “–alright. now shut up will you” and plops back down thinking it’s OVER.
when kirishima finally recovers he snuggles up closer than ever and gives bakugou his fav type of kisses, the ones that are like just little pecks on the corners of his mouth. and we all know… that kirishima is a sweet boy so of course he’s like “AAA thank you for all the love i love you so much you’re so good to me” and bakugou is like “!! FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE SLEEP ALREADY”
and kirishima just laughs and is like “god i can’t believe you TICKLED me, you’re going soft dude i thought you were gonna blow me up instead” and after he finishes his sentence he scratches at bakugou’s tummy a couple times to punctuate. kirishima isn’t necessarily trying to start shit he’s kinda like that dude who tasers his friends for fun y’know. and baku yelps and immediately grabs kirishima’s wrist and grips it SO HARD.
he’s like “STOP” but kirishima is like “aw come on you started it” and bakugou hates to admit it but he’s super weak to affection so he feels like mush but he’s so determined not to lose his attitude. but he’s not doing so well. he’s turning into a lovesick teenager.
and all of a sudden bakugou’s having flashbacks to all the times his mom used to tickle the hell outta him for being too much of a brat. and how he… never really did so hot with tickles. he is SO fucked rn. cause now kirishima is using a syrupy voice like “what’s the matter?” like OVERLY syrupy like he’s talking to a grumpy kid (well i mean) and bakugou is like, 100% tryna get out of those blankets.
luckily for bakugou he has both of kirishima’s wrists in both his hands, so it’s kinda like a deadlock moment. but, kirishima has this moment of bravery and even though they’re still super awkward with romance he goes in for some neck kisses. but not firm ones…… the dastardly soft ticklish kisses. cause kiri is so desperate to make bakugou laugh. and it WORKS cause now baku tries to let go of kiri’s wrists and back off but kiri just interlocks their fingers tight so he can keep kissing.
BAKUGOU IS SO OFF HIS GAME ATM. cause he keeps trying to threaten kiri but his voice keeps going all weird and giggles are occasionally pouring out of his mouth as he’s DESPERATELY fighting against the tickling. bakugou keeps going “STOP” and growling and kirishima’s like “whaaaaa why can’t i tickle you come on let me it’s fun” and he pretends to stop but then a second later he dives under the covers and goes for his belly. and ohh my god here we go
it’s a mess of constricting blankets and baku trying to kick them off so he can make an attempt at escape. and he’s also trying to grab kirishima but can’t really find him like he’s aware of where he is but he keeps moving and is under a comforter and he can’t grab him correctly. and he’s really ticklish okay so he starts laughing really damn loudly. his laugh is a little rugged and concerned sounding just cause he’s a baby. and he’s always frustrated so he yells the whole time. but, not quite as loud and boisterous as kirishima’s was, it’s more of a screaming squeal for help rather.
but he stops kinda quickly! and honestly bakugou feels kinda lost for a second like he realizes he’s stupid in love to let this happen and he’s in a daze. kirishima comes up and is like “see, wasn’t so bad” and starts with the kissing again but bakugou’s like “okay it’s somewhere in the morning idk when and i’m out of breath you dumbass” and kirishima’s like “HHAH… you right.. can we still hug” and bakugou just turns over like “whatever i’m sleeping” so passively letting kiri snug him.
this is long as FUCK but here it is to match the NUMBER OF REQUESTS kiribaku is real popular! ❤ thanks to everyone who asked!
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Oct 30 Dancitron Movie Night - Dog Soldiers
Soundwave was in a holomatter avatar in his pre-flier frame with impressive tires. Prowl 1) could barely pay attention to anything else all night, and 2) still managed to figure out one of the movie’s major plot twists.
Today Tarantulas 7:41 pm *guess who's been invited over early - it's everyone's favorite science spider friend! he pops into dancitron ready to roll, not sure who'll be meeting him downstairs but not really minding. he's got a CLUB to DECORATE.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:44 pm Zori is the only one downstairs right now, sporting a tiny copy of Starscream's crown and purple cape. He's also got a miniature scepter held tightly in one claw and is waving it to and fro, humming to himself. He waves to Tarantulas - and then to the twins' choice of decor.
You know. Things like 'paper chains' made of old tire tread; honest to Primus trophies from some of Frenzy and Ravage's hunts in the Underworld; automated bits of (fake) injured or dying mechs 'phased' into the walls, courtesy of Bevel and Buzzsaw; creepy Unicron-purple lighting; energon cubes painted black to show off the glowing, anguished faces of popular multiversal Autobot and Decepticon officers carved into them...
#hi! #C: Tarantulas 7:49 pm *tarantulas snickers at the decor* Hello, Zori - just LOOK at this, lovely, lovely. How can I be of service? ItsyBitsySpyers 7:52 pm He's being a brave, brave scorpion tonight. Soundwave said that bad things don't REALLY happen on this Earth holiday, and anyway, the spider isn't coming near. Yet.
#Rumble and Frenzy said #um #they want spiderwebs #please #and you could have some extra snacks #... #but not by me #okay? Tarantulas 7:55 pm Aww, how generous. *yes, tara's keeping his distance, he knows how skittish the scorp is around spiders. tara starts scoping out the room* It sounds like a perfectly suitable proposal. It'll take me a little while, but we have time, I believe. *tara always does shit last minute, he's good* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm #we do! #...so #um #um um #I am going to check snacks #yes
Nope. That's it. The bravery ran out. He's heading to the bar, where there are lots of things to hide behind. And he'll be there while Tarantulas works, up until others start trickling in. Tarantulas 7:59 pm *tarantulas does his best to shush his own snickering* Please do. *and he's off to work - sizing up to reach the ceiling with ease and delicately trailing silk around the room. there are a few quick but full spiderwebs here and there too by the time he's done* Tarantulas 8:02 pm *the fact that the silk shimmers and glints in the dim lighting is totally intentional, also. quite eerie, and also sticky to the touch* Swoop 8:04 pm *bounds in, painted head to toe in black, with his bright gold goggles on* Bird? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm *Rumble and Frenzy are the first to come dancing downstairs, already admiring Tarantulas' work. Frenzy touches a silk runner, gets some stuck to a finger, and makes a grossed out face while laughing.*
*If you think something's off about them, you're right. Frenzy is all blue with red and white feet. Tonight, he'll be Sonic. Rumble's gone all red with white accents, spiny finger joints, and green and yellow magnetic patches. Obviously, he's Knuckles.* //She ain't ready yet, heh. Whatcha got the goggles for?// Swoop 8:06 pm Bird said goggles. And BLACK! Her get, uhh, other stuff. ((i <3 this musical)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY i woulda dragged you to it saturday with us)) FakeProwl 8:07 pm ((IS SWOOPMUN WITHIN DRAGGING DISTANCE?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((YEAH)) FakeProwl 8:07 pm ((I DID NOT KNOW)) Swoop 8:07 pm ((aww how was it?)) FakeProwl 8:07 pm *appears; for a moment, his optics widen in obvious worry. Dead people and ripped treads, the glow of dark energon, what happened in—?* Swoop 8:08 pm ((Dude, this is possibly my favorite musical. I've seen student productions, but not a professional one.)) FakeProwl 8:08 pm *Oh. decorations. it's fake.* Bevel 8:08 pm ((it was really fun aside from a couple cringy stereotypes mostly left out of the movie FakeProwl 8:08 pm ((yeah, if you've seen student productions then you've probably seen the icky parts already)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm *Where was the mun. Oh yes!*
//Ohh, the big - yeah, hold on. I think she got it with her.//
*Rumble nudges his brother.*
\\BIIIIIIIIIIRD\\ FakeProwl 8:10 pm ((other than that tho it was a lot of fun. the dentist SERIOUSLY hammed it up, he was a load of fun.)) Tarantulas 8:10 pm *across the room, tarantulas steps back from one last silken thread and crosses his arms, looking around* Hmm. Satisfactory. FakeProwl 8:11 pm *Looks around for Soundwave, can't find him, looks at Tarantulas instead. He's clearly involved.* What's all this? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *And in floats Laserbeak, all red, black, and gold, with a fake wide tail on. Those who remember the Civil War movie might recognize Falcon's drone, Redwing. She's got a big yellow beak mask in her feelers for Swoop.* Bevel 8:11 pm *trundles in transformed to look like Alphonse from FMA and stops to admire all the awesome work on the room* FakeProwl 8:12 pm *IS THAT ANOTHER LEAGUER* Swoop 8:12 pm *giggles and holds out his hands for the mask* You Bird all Dinobot colors! Tarantulas 8:12 pm Oh Prowl, didn't you know? It's /Halloween/. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *How much does Bevel know about FMA? There's a beige Chimera in feline mode walking downstairs. And there's a lot of long, brown wires on its head and back, presently serving as a creepy mane...* FakeProwl 8:12 pm *IT IS A TALLER-THAN-AVERAGE-HUMANS METAL PERSON, IT'S CLEARLY ANOTHER LEAGUER* Magnum Ace 8:13 pm ((on mobile. it kinda sucks FakeProwl 8:13 pm ... Oh, right. It HAS been a year, hasn't it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm {{Yes, yes! Me Bird best Dinobot, got costume present.}} *Holds out the beak. Chimera makes a beeline for Bevel and offers a big, doofy smile.* Swoop 8:13 pm You Bird have fire breath? Kehhehhehhh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm {{Boss say when Bird mad, Autobot audials burn~}} Swoop 8:14 pm KEHEHHHEHHH Him mean You Bird YELLING Bevel 8:14 pm Nina! *not sure if amused or horrified but she can recognize Chimera under the mane and kneel down to greet them* Tarantulas 8:15 pm (( NINA 💔 ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm <<Yes! Chimera is the Sad Monster.>> FakeProwl 8:15 pm ((nina is one of only three things i know about fma)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm <<Can Chimera sit with the Bevel?>> Magnum Ace 8:15 pm ((oh my god, snek no ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm ((SUFFER)) Tarantulas 8:15 pm (( is one of the other ones hughes Bevel 8:15 pm You make a very good Sad Monster. Yeah! We gotta stick together. *grins* Magnum Ace 8:15 pm ((EVIL Bevel 8:15 pm ((I like that we accidentally got two FMA costumes here FakeProwl 8:16 pm ((i don't remember the /name/ hughes, but if he's very sad then yes he's one of the ones i know about)) Tarantulas 8:16 pm (( VERY very sad Magnum Ace 8:16 pm ((he is Bevel 8:17 pm ((Bevel is the suit of armor kid https://i.pinimg.com/originals/28/96/14/289614067ed1c67319858376013f5ae2.png
FakeProwl 8:17 pm ((yes, that's why prowl thinks she's a leaguer)) Bevel 8:17 pm ((lol Prowl FakeProwl 8:17 pm ((because that's not a cybertronian)) ((and prowl apparently has no object permanence around bevel)) Bevel 8:17 pm ((Most bots don't, it's ok Magnum Ace 8:18 pm ((actual leaguer will show up when I get my com back ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((YAY)) Bevel 8:18 pm ((yay Tarantulas 8:18 pm *tarantulas is gonna stretch and strut over to prowl, putting his paws on prowl's shoulders from behind* Yes, the one day of the year I can simply be myself, hyeh. Gargantuan spider? No questions asked. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm *The slow drip of mechs down the stairs continues. This time, almost literally. Buzzsaw comes in splattered in fake human blood and globs of congealed paint made to look like gore.*
*Behold: the chainsaw in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.* Magnum Ace 8:19 pm ((did I mention rabbit on mobile sucks? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm ((it really does)) Magnum Ace 8:20 pm ((yuuup FakeProwl 8:20 pm *Right. If there's another leaguer here and it's possibly Prowl's fault, he'd better go over and deal with it.* FakeProwl 8:21 pm On the other hand, it means you're one of the only people here who isn't in costume. *Briefly squeezes hand over Tarantulas's paw.* I need to talk to one of the guests, I'll be right back. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Ravage is next. He doesn't seem to have anything different about him. At all.* Tarantulas 8:21 pm *snickers, allows prowl to go, with a mandible-bump kiss on his head* Bevel 8:22 pm *glances up when Ravage appears and...* Are you not wearing a costume tonight? Magnum Ace 8:22 pm ((poor prowl ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *He stares at Bevel and scoffs. Loud.*
=I am Bagheera. OBVIOUSLY.=
*Flops and turns his back on her.* FakeProwl 8:22 pm *Leans into the kiss, then heads over to what is /apparently/ a new leaguer.* Are you lost? Bevel 8:23 pm *...laughs* Sorry! You look awesome. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm =Mm.=
*That's better.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm ((FIVE MINUTE WARNING)) Bevel 8:25 pm *sudden Prowl approaches! she used to bots not recognizing her so she takes the question pretty well* I do not think so. It is me, Bevel. I am just /wearing/ a costume. FakeProwl 8:25 pm ......... Right. Okay. Good. ... Very convincingly alien. Swoop 8:26 pm Me Swoop am COMEDIAN — Plague doctor Swoop for Halloween Me Swoop am COMEDIAN — Plague doctor Swoop for Halloween - Plague doctor Swoop for Halloween Bevel 8:26 pm *smiles happily* Thanks! Swoop 8:26 pm ((quick scribble)) ((of the borb)) Tarantulas 8:26 pm (( GOOD Bevel 8:26 pm ((creepy, i love it ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm ((that's GLORIOUS)) FakeProwl 8:27 pm ((oooo)) Swoop 8:27 pm ((babbe needs minimal edits when he is an actual twig borb)) *puts on his mask and looks up at Bird for a reaction* Tarantulas 8:28 pm *tarantulas is gonna take the opportunity to transform into literal spider mode. probably should PRETEND he's costuming it up* FakeProwl 8:28 pm *Goes over to take his usual seat. Unless Tarantulas has claimed it; in which case he'll scoot Tarantulas over.* Tarantulas 8:30 pm *nope, he's just nearby! tarantulas is gonna climb on top of prowl as soon as he sits though, like a mastiff trying to sit on a human's lap* Fuck You Rabbit 8:30 pm ((I will fucking kill rabbit)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((HERE ARE TONIGHT'S WARNINGS: Violence and gore, foul language, sexist language, faked animal cruelty, vomit)) FakeProwl 8:30 pm *It isn't working.* Shrink a little. Fuck You Rabbit 8:30 pm ((I STG I'm going murder it for holding me hostage until I created an account)) Fuck You Rabbit 8:31 pm ((sorry don't mind me just. ticked off at this stupid website that refuses to let me be a guest????? argh.)) Tarantulas 8:32 pm *some chittering* That's no fun. Hmph. *does it anyway, downgrades from mastiff to lapdog* Swoop 8:32 pm Bird bird *bounces on his toes* bird FakeProwl 8:32 pm *now prowl can hug better. isn't that an improvement?* Magnum Ace 8:32 pm ((here we go! I am on my com! Bevel 8:32 pm *will find a good place for her and Chimera to sit* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm *And the host is finally here. Someone only about 18 feet tall, very broad, and thickly armored is silently striding down the stairs and over to the couch where Prowl and Tarantulas are parked. Those who have seen Soundwave in the frame so helpfully dubbed "Hot Wheels" might recognize it... sort of. Tonight, it's in shades of black, grey, and red, supposedly for the holiday. And it looks every inch the gladiator he'll be telling most people he is tonight.* Fuck You Rabbit 8:33 pm *finally, the dragon arrives! she looks tired. she also has a cart, a legitimate CART, of goodies with her! they're individually wrapped in a glittering paper-like substance, and they're shaped like energon crystals! thin crunchy shell on the outside, sweet liquid center on the inside! she's also wearing the most hideously green, tacky dragon costume. the tags indicate that it's supposed to be for Earth dogs of some universe. the security device hanging off the tags indicate it was stolen.* Magnum Ace 8:34 pm -and don't mind him. He's had this happen enough times that he doesn't even pause this time- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[He apologizes for being late. There was a malfunction with one of the feeds. Help yourselves to fuel.]] Swoop 8:34 pm *can't stop touching the mask* Magnum Ace 8:34 pm -what does make him pause is the /decorations/ and everything else- FakeProwl 8:34 pm *glances at soundwave. double takes.* Swoop 8:34 pm *what is on his faceee???* *does not evne a little bit captuer the appropriate body language for a creepy plague doctor, even if he has the look* Tarantulas 8:35 pm *that voice - must be sw. but he thicc, wat* Fuck You Rabbit 8:35 pm *looks around, and kind of hesitantly drags the cart over with the rest of the treats* Hello everyone! FakeProwl 8:35 pm *you know those scenes in movies where the main character sees the love interest All Dolled Up for the first time, usually as said love interest is walking down the stairs so that the camera can slowly and lovingly pan up over their body?* *that's prowl's brain right now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm *Laserbeak swoops over to... Swoop, and whirs approval of his scariness. Chimera settles on Bevel's lap and gets ready for a nap, not quite into horror.* Fuck You Rabbit 8:35 pm ((puff u dork)) FakeProwl 8:35 pm ((true)) Bevel 8:36 pm *yay lap cat... er, dog monster... thing* Magnum Ace 8:36 pm ....what...happened here? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm *Rumble and Frenzy are all but scrambling over themselves to get to the dragon and the cart full of snacks.*
//Wait, so, ya... ya came as a weird you?//
\\...I KINDA LIKE IT.\\ Swoop 8:36 pm *flops backwards onto the sofa and giggles* You Bird ready for big fight ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm {{No, but him Boss is.}} =A holiday, Earthling.= Fuck You Rabbit 8:37 pm Isn't it tacky! *the dragon is DELIGHTED by her hideous costume* I thought it fit. Swoop 8:37 pm Boss? *sits up and looks for Soundwave* ...... oh! Him BIG now. Bevel 8:38 pm It is my birthday tomorrow too! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm {{Noooo, him short, haha.}} Swoop 8:38 pm BIG. *holds his hands out to his sides, clearly the word we are looking for is 'wide'* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm [[Then we will give you a gift tomorrow, Bevel.]] Magnum Ace 8:38 pm ...Oh. I didn't think you would...well, the decorations are really in the spirit of the holiday FakeProwl 8:38 pm ((that's a waste of a perfectly good k-9 unit.)) ((it takes over two years to train up a dog that can track people.)) Bevel 8:39 pm ((srsly ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm *Soundwave takes his usual seat next to Prowl.*
*...And, giving the tiniest glance over, causes one of his glowing red shoulder wheels to spin slowly.* //We like this holiday.// \\WHOLE THING FOR SCARIN'! HOW COOL IS THAT?\\ FakeProwl 8:40 pm *That wheel has ALL of Prowl's attention.* Tarantulas 8:40 pm *tara knows that wheel-spin was for prowl, but it absolutely caught his eye. and his other eye. and his other -* Magnum Ace 8:40 pm It is a fun holiday Fuck You Rabbit 8:40 pm I like the part where people give out treats, myself. *the dragon fluffs herself up proudly* But, of course I would. Swoop 8:40 pm *grabby hands at bird* Bevel 8:41 pm I like that everyone can be anything! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm {{That best part, snack.}} *Bird lets Swoop scoop her up* Swoop 8:41 pm *has a Bird* <3 Magnum Ace 8:41 pm -right, time to get off the floor- Bevel 8:41 pm *can't get snacks with lapful of Chimera hmmmm* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm {{You Swoop see others? Them got mech-cooties?}} Swoop 8:42 pm What cooties?? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm {{Germ! Virus! Nanoflea!}} Fuck You Rabbit 8:42 pm *well, snack is here, and set up, so the dragon will bring some over to Bevel and Chimera and settle herself down nearby* Swoop 8:42 pm Yah! Kehhehh. But them doing??? Tarantulas 8:42 pm *hhhmm. tarantulas... is going to leave prowl to it, escape the lap, and skitter off across the room toward the snacks* Magnum Ace 8:42 pm ((what would happen if you gave a leaguer energon?)) FakeProwl 8:43 pm ((you're the leaguer, you decide)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm *Chimera pats the dragon gently with one paw before resuming their power conservation mode* *Soundwave pings Tarantulas. Well done on the spider webs, there.* Bevel 8:43 pm Thanks! Tarantulas 8:43 pm *double ping back - kinda gives the impression of HEE HEE* Magnum Ace 8:43 pm ((heh Bevel 8:44 pm *appreciates snacks yay* Swoop 8:44 pm *tries to pat tara when he goes by* Magnum Ace 8:44 pm ((brb ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm {{Them do nothing, just gross. That all.}} Fuck You Rabbit 8:44 pm *the dragon pats back, and offers the treats to Bevel* You're welcome! *her paws are bandaged! and it looks like her face points are darker than normal under the tacky green dragon hood* Swoop 8:44 pm Gross gross *nods* FakeProwl 8:44 pm *Prowl doesn't notice Tarantulas leave. He might not have noticed the movie's started.* Swoop 8:44 pm You Bird not gross. Noo! You Bird BEST. Kehhehh. You go trick or treat. All treat! AND! All trick kehhehhhehh. Bevel 8:45 pm *accepts the snacks and asks quietly* Are your hands ok? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm *Soundwave appears to still laugh the same way. It's more visible in this frame, but it's just as quiet. He stops spinning the wheel.* Tarantulas 8:45 pm *rears up at swoop on his back leggies if the plague doctor tries to pet him more* Swoop 8:45 pm *if swoop wasn't paying so much attention to Bird, he'd be yelling come at me bro at tara..... give him a minute* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm {{Us go trick others afterward, yes, yes! ... Heh heh, funny spider trick.}} FakeProwl 8:46 pm *oh no it's charming* Fuck You Rabbit 8:46 pm They'll be fine! Experiments in cybertronian cuisine have their dangers. But at least I was wearing safety goggles. Swoop 8:46 pm Funny spider trick?? *lost* Oh Spider *points at Tara* Tarantulas 8:46 pm *spider is already out of arm's reach, thank primus* Swoop 8:46 pm *throws a pillow* Bevel 8:47 pm You have to be really careful with energon, yeah. Tarantulas 8:47 pm *SPLAT. flat spider* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Rumble and Frenzy park themselves and giggle. This reminds them of missions with everyone all together, sorta.* Swoop 8:48 pm kehehhehhh Tarantulas 8:48 pm *pretty soon the spider's twice the size of the pillow and is giving swoop eight stink-eyes* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm [[Swoop. Don't be rude.]] Pause. [[Are you all right.]] Swoop 8:48 pm *chirps* : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm //Heh!// Tarantulas 8:49 pm Perfectly fine. I'm not so fragile that a PILLOW - hyehehe. *is giggling at movie, spiderwomen* Bevel 8:49 pm *giggles* Swoop 8:49 pm TWO pillow Fuck You Rabbit 8:49 pm *the dragon is giggling at Tara giggling about spiderwomen. a mobius laugh* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm @Prowl: (txt): Arm allowed behind Prowl? Magnum Ace 8:50 pm -and he's making an attempt to get into a chair- FakeProwl 8:50 pm @Soundwave «Please.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm //Hey, Magnum Ace! Or, uh. Is Mags okay?// FakeProwl 8:51 pm *Oh. Wait. Greeting/permission ping.* Swoop 8:51 pm Spider Spiderbot ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm *Buzzsaw suddenly looks uncomfortable at the bit about exploding and being scooped up.* Magnum Ace 8:51 pm Ace is fine if you don't want to call me Magnum Bevel 8:52 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *It passes quickly. Soundwave nods to Prowl and drapes his arm around Prowl's shoulders, curling his claws tight. Good strong hands. Tiny squeeze of affection.* //Ace. C'mon up, you could sit with us.// FakeProwl 8:52 pm *Scoots RIGHT up against soundwave's side.* Swoop 8:53 pm *bats Bird* Bird, bird. Why them all blanks? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm {{It war game, not real fight. Practice.}} Swoop 8:53 pm Oh practice Practice fun : > Paint rounds more fun than blank Fuck You Rabbit 8:54 pm Unless you're expecting a date, dead animals being flung at you isn't a good sign. Swoop 8:54 pm then you SPLAT shoot brothers kehhehh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm @Tarantulas: (txt): Tarantulas returns? Swoop's pillow: new seat? @T: (txt): Prowl: shareable space. Magnum Ace 8:55 pm Thank you. -okay, going up with the others- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm //I'm with the dragon. Great sign if ya ARE expectin' dates though.// ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm {{Them not paint. More fun if paint, Swoop right.}} FakeProwl 8:55 pm *For a moment strongly considers laying a hand on Soundwave's thigh. But no. Not with guests around. Laces his hands and keeps them in his own lap instead.* Swoop 8:56 pm Us get paint, kehhehhh, then practice fight! You Bird fast BUT Swoop am bomber kehhhhhh. Me Swoop fast TOO! Fuck You Rabbit 8:56 pm The bigger the dead animal, the better the date! Except some of the sea snakes. Those tend to not die. Tarantulas 8:57 pm @Soundwave: ::Physically shareable, maybe, but I do believe he's wholly mentally occupied at the moment. Hyeh.:: @Soundwave: ::Besides, I'm busy.:: *he's eating a snack bowl now* *like not actually tho* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm @T: (txt): Then request: personal. ... When finished. {{You Swoop need biiiiig paint.}} Swoop 8:58 pm Bucket ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm ((i remind you all that youtube videos are shit on LD/SD on rabbit and going to HD will let you see actual color and details)) Swoop 8:59 pm Spiderbot Spider Tarantulas 9:01 pm *turns away from snack bowl, grumpy* Yyyyes? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm @Prowl: [[He sees you approve of his costume. It was the fourth most frightening thing he could think of.]] Swoop 9:01 pm Where You Spiderbot costume go? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm \\SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TIME TO ME.\\ FakeProwl 9:01 pm @Soundwave «... Should have gone with one of the first three. I'm not finding myself particularly frightened.» Tarantulas 9:02 pm What do you mean? Hyeh. This IS my costume. Swoop 9:02 pm That You alt mode 😆 Tarantulas 9:03 pm Yes, but I'm quite the monster myself. No one ever said we couldn't come as we are - and I certainly fit the theme. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm @Prowl: [[He doubts appearing as Unicron in this environment would have gone over well.]] Pause. [[And he supposes that makes sense. You /did/ like the idea of him having been a senator, when he first told you.]] Swoop 9:04 pm You not a monster. You a spider. Kehhehhhheh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm //How fraggin' fast was he runnin'!?// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm \\GUESS IT DON'T MATTER NO MORE. HEH.\\ Swoop 9:04 pm Her Carly say alt mode not costume. Her say Swoop can't can't CAN'T be pterodactyl for Halloween. Fuck You Rabbit 9:04 pm *the dragon blinks* Faster than he should have been, I think. Tarantulas 9:04 pm Well obviously Carly's a spoilsport. Bevel 9:04 pm Can humans run that fast? Swoop 9:04 pm And. And! Her Bird get *pats his mask* Her Bird get for Swoop :? *: > Nuh-uh! No. Carly not a spoilsport. Carly steal grenades. That not spoilsport thing! Kehhhehh. Magnum Ace 9:05 pm -yup he's mildly uncomfortable with the movie- Fuck You Rabbit 9:06 pm *unnerved expression* That. That is not how intestines should work. What is wrong with humans. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm {{You not say her Carly steal. Her arrested?}} FakeProwl 9:06 pm *... Supposes he can't deny that.* @Soundwave «Is that your costume, then? Senator S—er.» *WHAT HAD HIS NAME BEEN.* «... Ssssoundwaver? No. That's wrong. I know that's wrong.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm //Don't worry, li'l mech. It's fake scrap. Rubber or whatever.// FakeProwl 9:07 pm @Soundwave «SOUNDBANGER. ... No. I'm sorry.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *Another 'laugh'.* Swoop 9:07 pm No. Her Carly steal stuff from Autobot armory. Me Swoop not see. Me Swoop not there. But Me hear story! Her steal from armory and go swim down to Decepticon base - Nemesis - to blow hole in it. Salt water. FakeProwl 9:07 pm *... do that and you're just encouraging him to get it wrong.* Fuck You Rabbit 9:08 pm I'm sure it's fake. Just... you can't. Shouldn't. Whatever. *tries to pat her fur back down* Magnum Ace 9:08 pm !!! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm @Prowl: [[Soundblaster. And to you, yes. To them, his gladiator mode in 'scary' colors.]] <<Should not what?>> Big blinking grey eyes. Swoop 9:09 pm Spider SPider FakeProwl 9:09 pm @Soundwave «Soundblaster! These are "scary" colors?» Tarantulas 9:10 pm I have a name, you know, Swoop. Swoop 9:10 pm Spiderbot Fuck You Rabbit 9:10 pm *the dragon takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down* There's some-. Well. Don't worry about it. Just reminded of some old records I had to shelve when I was still fledging. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm @Prowl: [[To humans. Frenzy has told him that their decorations for this holiday are black, orange, and red.]] Swoop 9:11 pm You Spiderbot bring snack bowl - no no snack BOWLS - you bring snack bowls to Bird and Swoop : > FakeProwl 9:12 pm @Soundwave «Ah. Thematically appropriate.» Tarantulas 9:14 pm You're not convincing me very well. What do I get out of this? Swoop 9:14 pm Dunno Swoop 9:15 pm Me Swoop want goodies. And Bird eat AAAALLL the goodies forever ever ever. So. More goodies : > ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm {{Neheheh. Is good plan.}} Swoop 9:16 pm (( o m f g )) Fuck You Rabbit 9:16 pm ((bad dog)) Swoop 9:16 pm ((this dog)) *looks at tara and points at Bird* Her Bird say "good plan" ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm //Groooooss.// Tarantulas 9:16 pm Nope. *tarantulas is going back to his own bowl* Swoop 9:17 pm *blows raspberries at tara* Magnum Ace 9:19 pm -he's just going to watch the movie and cringe a bit- -not too fond of it- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm *Frenzy nudges Ace with a fist. It's cool, little mech. They got your back.* Tarantulas 9:20 pm *can't physically blow raspberries back at swoop but he might've if he could* Swoop 9:20 pm *sets Bird on his crest and gets up to go get goodies* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:20 pm *The twins scoot forward on their seat, looking forward to some good fighting.* Swoop 9:21 pm *grabs one free bowl (full for bird) and then makes a grab for Tara and his bowl* *MAXIMUM dinobot candy grab* Tarantulas 9:22 pm *swoop snatches/pulls a spider leg. WHUMPH. lorg spider flat on the ground* Swoop 9:22 pm *picks up tara under his arm and takes him along with the candy back to the sofa* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm [[SWOOP. PUT HIM DOWN.]] Swoop 9:23 pm Why? why? Fuck You Rabbit 9:23 pm *the dragon takes a moment to get up, stretch, and pace around bevel before settling back down. her fur is Maximum Poof.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm [[He is a living mech. Set him down.]] Magnum Ace 9:23 pm -leans with the nudge, blinking- Hmn? FakeProwl 9:23 pm ... Bridge time? Swoop 9:23 pm ????? *is so very confused what being alive has to do with being picked up* Tarantulas 9:24 pm If you bridge him, you bridge ME *hisses* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((fun fact: the sargeant's actor actually was drunk here and cooper's actor accidentally landed the punch and really knocked him out. that was an "oh god is he okay" rl check they kept in)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:24 pm ((holy shit)) FakeProwl 9:24 pm ((omg)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:24 pm ((that makes this like 100x better omfg thank you crow)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[You are not allowed to manhandle the guests. Set Tarantulas down. Or he will come separate you.]] Magnum Ace 9:24 pm ((awesome Tarantulas 9:25 pm *shrinks down and escapes* Swoop 9:25 pm *whines* It not MANHANDLE. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *Or that.* Swoop 9:25 pm ??? Fuck You Rabbit 9:25 pm ((boi put that sword down before you chop your head off)) Swoop 9:25 pm *is down a spider but has two candy bowls and a bird, seems like a win* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm *Soundwave shakes his helm and stretches a feeler out to get another bowl for Tarantulas.* Tarantulas 9:26 pm *one of the bowls is mostly slurry tho. tara injected it with dissolving venom* *u don't wanna eat that, swoop* Swoop 9:26 pm *pours it on the floor* *still keeps the bowl* Magnum Ace 9:26 pm ...meant to ask. What are those? -and he's pointing at the snacks- Swoop 9:26 pm *a victory for dinobots everywhere* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Primus damn it, Swoop.*
*Soundwave bridges him out for bothering Tarantulas and making a mess.* Swoop 9:27 pm :V Fuck You Rabbit 9:27 pm I made the crystal-looking ones! I think they'll be tasty. You should eat them? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *And uses the feeler to get some cleaning supplies and clean while he sits.* Swoop 9:27 pm *takes the bowl with him* Tarantulas 9:27 pm You didn't need to do that, Soundwave. *minor hiss* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Laserbeak goes with Swoop. They can bother the Autobots there.* Swoop 9:28 pm *yayyyy!!* Magnum Ace 9:28 pm Are they safe? I mean, for me? Fuck You Rabbit 9:28 pm I... *the dragon looks over at Soundwave* I don't know? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm [[He has told Swoop not to damage the premises.]] [[...And he does not know if they are dangerous. What do you normally fuel on, Magnum Ace?]] Magnum Ace 9:29 pm ...Oil? FakeProwl 9:30 pm ... Right. *Points at screen* The family that's lived here for generations are the werewolves. That's why they're out of the house and that's why there's multiple when only one was expected. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *Nods to Prowl. Indeed.* Fuck You Rabbit 9:30 pm What I made are energon, and silver. Ironically, considering the topic! But, uh. Can you eat that? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm [[...Perhaps the scientist in the room would know better?]] Bevel 9:31 pm I know Cybertronians that drink oil. Magnum Ace 9:31 pm I don't know. I've never heard of energon FakeProwl 9:31 pm *Okay. That's enough paying attention to the movie for now. Caaasually looking at Soundwave and his tires again.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Takes to rubbing the back of Prowl's shoulder with his thumb. Now, now. He'll spin them later.* FakeProwl 9:32 pm *He doesn't have to spin them for them to be fascinating.* Tarantulas 9:32 pm Logical fallacy - just because he drinks oil as well doesn't mean he can drink energon. I highly doubt he'd stomach it well. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm (( i love the werewolf shooting back)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:33 pm The scientist has spoken. What sort of things are candy to you, Ace? FakeProwl 9:33 pm I thought energon was widely substitutable for many alien fuel sources? I don't know if that applies to Earth fuels, but... Magnum Ace 9:33 pm ...We really don't have many. Some softer metals Bevel 9:34 pm Sword! Tarantulas 9:34 pm ...Hm. Actually, go on and try some, will you, Magnum? FakeProwl 9:34 pm ((I like how seamlessly he switches to hammering the hand)) Tarantulas 9:34 pm A sip won't hurt. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm ((spoon is great)) Magnum Ace 9:35 pm Ah...well...okay? Tarantulas 9:35 pm Or a nibble, if you'd like. If you can consume soft metals, most of the snacks should be amenable. Magnum Ace 9:35 pm ((and yes, that was hilarious Bevel 9:36 pm ((the hammering the hand scene is one of my favorite bits Swoop 9:36 pm ((OH MY GOD)) Fuck You Rabbit 9:36 pm ((yeah he deserved that)) Magnum Ace 9:36 pm ((whooops FakeProwl 9:36 pm ((he brought it on himself)) Magnum Ace 9:36 pm ((yup Maybe one of the snacks? -he's kinda hoping there's enough metal in there to keep any danger to a minimum- Fuck You Rabbit 9:37 pm *the dragon gapes a grin and passes one of her creations over to Ace* I hope you like it! Tarantulas 9:38 pm *there's like a 50% chance it'll make him sick but magnum won't die at least* *somethin like that, heh* Bevel 9:39 pm My creator is a doctor. We can go to them if you react badly. Fuck You Rabbit 9:39 pm *tara you have to say that before convincing the dragon to help you science* Magnum Ace 9:39 pm Thank you...-stares at it for a moment. Has a feeling this is going to bite him in the butt later- -still breaks off a piece to try- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *Soundwave is... iffy about this test, but if Magnum Ace is going to be coming here, he has to know. They'll have to be prepared in case he gets stuck some day.* Magnum Ace 9:41 pm -crunch. and then a hacking cough as it hits. no damage, but wow, he thinks he knows what an energy drink is now- Fuck You Rabbit 9:41 pm Was it good? Tarantulas 9:41 pm *good thing it's hard to tell when a spider's laughing* FakeProwl 9:42 pm ... Hold on. So, she--who was liaison to the spec ops team--told this team freely that there's multiple werewolves, and that they hunt together to take down single targets. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[Yes?]] Magnum Ace 9:42 pm -one hand is covering his face, the other is flapping uselessly at the dragon- F-fine. It was...fine. I'm fine. FakeProwl 9:42 pm But when they found the one spec ops survivor, he said something about how "there was only supposed to be one." ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm *Still petting. Maybe digs his claw in to tease some.* [[He did.]] Bevel 9:43 pm ...Maybe she did not know then? FakeProwl 9:43 pm It's possible that, by that, he meant that they'd been attempting to peel off one f-from— *ooh, keep that up.* from the group to hunt it. Fuck You Rabbit 9:43 pm *the dragon twists around a bit to keep Ace within sight* Tell us if you start feeling weird. Or sick. FakeProwl 9:44 pm But it seems more probable to me that she gave false information to the spec ops team. Bevel 9:44 pm Why would she do that? FakeProwl 9:44 pm Where was she during the fight with the werewolves? Was she fighting them? I didn't notice her fighting them. *Admittedly, he WAS distracted.* Magnum Ace 9:44 pm I'll do that...not weird...more like a sudden surge of energy Fuck You Rabbit 9:45 pm It is called Energon. FakeProwl 9:45 pm She's one of only two houses in the area. The other house they're in is probably occupied by a family of werewolves. She might be friends or allies with them. Windchill 9:45 pm (( Aw man I thought this might be Dog Soldiers. Best. )) Magnum Ace 9:46 pm I figured. Just didn't figure it would hit quite so hard... Windchill 9:46 pm *Appears, takes note of the...decor, and creeps into a seat.* Tarantulas 9:47 pm *alright, tara's done with snacking and messing with aliens, he might as well come back to the couch* Windchill 9:47 pm *Raises eyebrows.* Bevel 9:47 pm Oh no. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm *Soundwave nods to Windchill and then digs a second claw into Prowl's shoulder. A reward for guessing well.* Windchill 9:48 pm The wariest wolves... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm @Prowl: [[Sharp guessing. Nicely done.]] Magnum Ace 9:48 pm -he's sitting and putting his face in his knees, still feeling it- FakeProwl 9:49 pm @Soundwave «........ Was it?» *he's too distracted by the claws to tell if the movie confirmed his guess.° ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *Soundwave bobs his helm to Tarantulas.* Tarantulas 9:49 pm (( i love debussy hhhh. this movie gains points (( also.... clair de... lune... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm @Prowl: [[It will be.]] *He'll let Prowl be for the moment now that Tarantulas is back. Arm still around shoulders, but no claws.* (( 😄 )) Windchill 9:50 pm *snorts.* Gotta hammer fast. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Rumble taps Ace.*
//...You gonna be okay?// Magnum Ace 9:51 pm Ask me again in ten minutes ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm //...Okay.// Windchill 9:52 pm *Chin, meet hand.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm \\...NO OFFENSE, BUT THESE AIN'T WHAT HUMANS THINK'RE CUTE 'N FUZZY.\\ Tarantulas 9:53 pm *tara comes up the back of the couch, where to sit, where to sit* Magnum Ace 9:53 pm -he's hoping he'll be good in ten- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm \\THEY'RE KINDA... KILLER 'N SNARLY.\\ Chuckle. \\I MEAN, *I* LIKE 'EM. BUT, Y'KNOW.\\ *A feeler taps Prowl's leg. Down here will do.* \\OOOOOH.\\ Windchill 9:54 pm The werewolf is coming from inside the house. Fuck You Rabbit 9:54 pm Oh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm //Ha!// Windchill 9:54 pm Dead? No? Fuck You Rabbit 9:54 pm That's going to look lovely coming up. FakeProwl 9:54 pm *Twitches. Leg touches, now? In the middle of the movie?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *He wasn't thinking about that one. Do forgive him.* FakeProwl 9:55 pm *............ go on.* Windchill 9:56 pm Is she a werewolf too? Fuck You Rabbit 9:56 pm Why would they assume that werewolves- yep. Tarantulas 9:56 pm *hhhmm. into prowl's lap, methinks* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm *That's what he was tapping and hoping for. Tarantulas will get an idle feeler pet if he wants one.* Tarantulas 9:57 pm *yis pls* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm //...Do ya think the dog's one?// FakeProwl 9:58 pm *twitches. Oh. Hi. Runs his fingers through Tarantulas's fuzz. A bit rougher than usual.* Windchill 9:58 pm ...Not the dog. I hope. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm //...Do dogs turn into humans?// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm //If they get bit, I mean.// Bevel 9:58 pm *giggles* Fuck You Rabbit 9:58 pm That would be funny! Windchill 9:59 pm Don't think so. Windchill 10:00 pm Ooooh, fire? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Soundwave carefully avoids looking at his deployers at that line. That may be part of command, but he'd rather avoid it from now on. If possible.* Windchill 10:00 pm It's a shame Swoop is missing it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[He was here earlier.]] Magnum Ace 10:00 pm -might be turtling a bit- -okay, a lot- Windchill 10:00 pm Man, his loss. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Pooooke.*
//...Yo, mech. Do ya need a medic?// Fuck You Rabbit 10:01 pm *looks over at Ace* You good? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm //Cause yer lookin' kinda... like slag.// Magnum Ace 10:01 pm Huh? No, just the topic Windchill 10:01 pm Gotta go fast. FakeProwl 10:01 pm *Sobers, for a moment. Yeah. That's command.* Tarantulas 10:01 pm *don't think tarantulas doesn't notice the roughness, heh. amusing* Magnum Ace 10:01 pm It's not one I like to think about Windchill 10:01 pm *Snorts* Beautiful. Fuck You Rabbit 10:02 pm *giggles* That's one way to do it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm \\RUN FASTER, MEATSACK!\\ Windchill 10:02 pm I didn't see any wary wolves in there. Uh huh. *Snorts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm ((never did like that speech)) FakeProwl 10:04 pm ((eugh)) ((The Real Threat Was Women All Along. nah. fuck that.)) Magnum Ace 10:05 pm ((sheesh Fuck You Rabbit 10:05 pm ((the real threat was bad writers)) Magnum Ace 10:05 pm ((couldn't have done anything better? FakeProwl 10:05 pm ((periods are scary and bitches be crazy. really? y'all had a solid werewolf movie until you pulled that rubbish out.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm ((i usually just fast forward about 30 seconds and pretend they ate her instead)) Magnum Ace 10:05 pm ((yup Tarantulas 10:05 pm (( ^^^ i like that better FakeProwl 10:05 pm ((same)) Windchill 10:06 pm He's dead. Magnum Ace 10:06 pm ((yup ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm ((HERE WE GO BEST BIT)) Windchill 10:06 pm Nice. Fuck You Rabbit 10:06 pm ((did he punch out a wearwolf)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm \\GET HIM!\\ FakeProwl 10:07 pm *Tiny nod of satisfaction. Called it.* Magnum Ace 10:07 pm -okay, he's better...now...what is going on now?- Windchill 10:08 pm *Trying to not cackle* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Frenzy salutes Spoon. An end he'd be proud of, himself.* Windchill 10:09 pm I could see his guts and everything. Bevel 10:09 pm *proud of Spoon for fighting until the very end, awesome human* Magnum Ace 10:09 pm . . . Windchill 10:10 pm *But will they find Narnia?* Fuck You Rabbit 10:10 pm *they found some bones! that's close* Magnum Ace 10:10 pm -he missed a bit, didn't he?- FakeProwl 10:11 pm ((did they fvcking)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm (( 😄 😄 😄 )) FakeProwl 10:11 pm ((did they name him spoon JUST so they could do that)) Magnum Ace 10:11 pm ((yuuuup Tarantulas 10:11 pm (( omfg FakeProwl 10:11 pm ((how dare)) Magnum Ace 10:11 pm ((wow Fuck You Rabbit 10:14 pm Oh. Windchill 10:14 pm I don't think humans are meant to transform. Fuck You Rabbit 10:14 pm I don't think he'd have managed to survive that close to an explosion either. Magnum Ace 10:14 pm -dead silence from him- Windchill 10:14 pm Ew. Ewwww. Fuck You Rabbit 10:15 pm That's bad. FakeProwl 10:15 pm ((NOT THE SQUEAKING OH MY GOD)) Windchill 10:15 pm Good dog. Fuck You Rabbit 10:16 pm Good dog! Tarantulas 10:16 pm (( fricken. wow Magnum Ace 10:17 pm ((pfff ((that was interesting Windchill 10:17 pm *Covers his mouth at that newspaper* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm \\...I GOTTA. I GOTTA FIGHT SOMETHIN'.\\ Magnum Ace 10:17 pm -marking that as another movie to not show his teammates or humans- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm \\BOSS. BOSS. SWEAR WE'LL CLEAN UP LATER CAN WE GO HUNTIN' PLEEEEEEEASE.\\ FakeProwl 10:18 pm ((i didn't see soon enough, what did the newspaper say)) Tarantulas 10:18 pm (( "werewolves ate my platoon" ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm (("Werewolves ate my platoon!" and then up in a bigger headline "ENGLAND 5 GERMANY 1")) Bevel 10:18 pm Fighting something sounds fun. Windchill 10:18 pm (( Yup. )) FakeProwl 10:18 pm ((omg)) Fuck You Rabbit 10:18 pm *the dragon shifts a bit* I think I'll stick to fighting dough. Much easier. Windchill 10:19 pm I'm not fighting because...I'm a weenie. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[He wants this taken down by tomorrow night. And you will not be late to your shifts.]]
//We won't! Swear!// Tarantulas 10:20 pm *tarantulas isn't saying this aloud but he's a tad inspired. as mad science goes* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm [[...Fine. Take Ravage.]] Bevel 10:20 pm *torn on her feelings about the movie but it did make her want to punch things so yay* Magnum Ace 10:20 pm -and a poke to the rest of the snack that was shoved at him. Debating if he should take it back home or not- Bevel 10:21 pm Can I go with? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[...Are you capable of defending yourself in the Underworld?]] Bevel 10:21 pm Sure! Windchill 10:22 pm ... Magnum Ace 10:22 pm -Underworld. Soundwave can't be serious- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[Notify your creator first. Do not stray from the group.]] *Soundwave is /deadly/ serious.* Bevel 10:22 pm ...Fine. Magnum Ace 10:23 pm -That is not comforting- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[Contact Chimera if there is an emergency. The rest of us will come.]] Bevel 10:24 pm *oh right Chimera, she gently pats said bot to wake them so she can get up while simultaneously placing a private comm to her creator, multitasking is fun* Magnum Ace 10:25 pm -concerned look from him all the same- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm *They're never really asleep, just in energy conserving mode. Chimera shakes out their fake wire mane - a few fall out, whoops - and hops off her lap.* //It'll be okay, Ace. We done this loadsa times. How d'you think we got all them decorations, heh?// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm *Light punch to the shoulder* *Very light. Doesn't wanna stab the poor guy with his Knuckles knuckles.* Bevel 10:27 pm *after making even more promises to call more bots if something happens, Bevel pings Soundwave with a transcript of the convo. she did the thing even tho she's an adult :|* Magnum Ace 10:27 pm -thank you for that, he'd rather not explain holes in his shoulder- You're sure you're going to be okay? Bevel 10:28 pm *checks the room for Tara really quickly* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm *She's an adult with a creator capable of making his life a minor level of hell. He'll take the convo transcript and nod.* Tarantulas 10:28 pm *tara's busy climbing off prowl's lap and doing his whole size/transform thingamajig* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm \\LISTEN. AIN'T NO GROUP SAFER 'N US THREE. 'CEPT MAYBE IF WHIRL WAS HERE.\\ Windchill 10:29 pm *Sighs.* Bevel 10:29 pm *then she'll play it safe and stay in Al mode while levering herself up from the floor, she can transform once they've left* Magnum Ace 10:29 pm -nods- I guess I'll have to take your word for it ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm //Maybe we'll bring ya somethin' back. Heh. C'mon, bro. Ravage, Bevel. Seeya later, Prowl - hey, 'n ya still gotta explain infinity. I ain't forgot.// Bevel 10:30 pm Night, Prowl! FakeProwl 10:30 pm ... Do I? *Huh. Hadn't thought it, y'know. Mattered.* *Nods to the people that wished him farewell.* Windchill 10:31 pm *Waves in a wide, slow, sweeping arc.* *Good bye brave adventurers.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Ravage gets up, does the cat stretch thing - round back, squish the front, stretch the little does, wiggle the claws. All right, he's ready. Off they all go, with Rumble shouting over his shoulder:*
//Yep.// Fuck You Rabbit 10:31 pm *the dragon stretches* I should go too. Goodnight, everyone! Thank you for having me! *and with that, she wanders out* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm [[Goodnight, dragon. Thank you for the fuel.]] Magnum Ace 10:32 pm -waves after them- Good night! Bevel 10:32 pm *will follow the twins and Ravage out* Magnum Ace 10:32 pm -and never got the dragon's name- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Soundwave pings Tarantulas curiously. He's transforming? Has he somewhere to go, then?* FakeProwl 10:34 pm *Only reluctantly lets go. He wasn't done clinging.* Tarantulas 10:36 pm *shakes a little to resettle his fluff* Hm? What is it? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm [[You moved.]] Windchill 10:37 pm *Stretches a little, just soaking in the atmosphere that reminds him too much of The Basement.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Tarantulas and Bevel contributed to the deployers' efforts.* Windchill 10:39 pm *He's just used to trash and corpses.* *That is, sadly, how it's reading to him.* Tarantulas 10:40 pm *visor smirk* I do that, yes. If you're asking why, I - hyeh. Just had an itch to. *basically he wasn't feelin being a pillow. leans on the couch, not leaving* Windchill 10:41 pm You could twerk to this. *But he won't, he'll spare you all.* FakeProwl 10:42 pm *... Will take his hands back. Laces them tightly in his lap again.* Magnum Ace 10:42 pm -and he's settling down where he is- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm *Well, Soundwave finds trash and corpses unsettling when they're inside his home, so it's still something.*
[[Ah. Very well.]] *He'll let that feeler from earlier drift back down to Tarantulas' shoulder and rest there.* Tarantulas 10:43 pm ...Is there anything you CAN'T twerk to? Are there requirements for that? agooddistraction 10:43 pm why do humans like trees ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm *Looks down at Prowl's hands and up at Prowl's face. Casual knee nudge.* Windchill 10:43 pm Nah, but some things are better suited. In my opinion, anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm *Zori peeps an eyestalk over the bar to look at Wheeljack.*
#they are nice #...when did you get here agooddistraction 10:44 pm Zoriii Windchill 10:44 pm Trees are a plague. agooddistraction 10:44 pm I have no idea Magnum Ace 10:44 pm ...? -who is that?- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm [[The plague that isn't a tree.]] agooddistraction 10:44 pm I'm not a tree?? Magnum Ace 10:44 pm Trees aren't a plague ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm [[Not yet. Give the roots time to settle.]] Windchill 10:44 pm Are too, they're everywhere. Magnum Ace 10:45 pm No. They're a plant Windchill 10:45 pm Taking up space where I don't want them. A plague of plants! FakeProwl 10:45 pm *... Casual knee nudge back.* Windchill 10:45 pm Too much green, which is the worst colour. agooddistraction 10:45 pm You can' tfool me again Green is okay Magnum Ace 10:45 pm That is not how it works Windchill 10:46 pm Green is the worst colour, because it clashes with my pink. Red is a close second. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm [[Who's fooling you? He can hear them growing from here.]] Magnum Ace 10:46 pm And? agooddistraction 10:46 pm Prove it Windchill 10:46 pm And trees are green. They get in my way. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm *Soundwave plays wood and metal creaking.* agooddistraction 10:46 pm Fine Magnum Ace 10:46 pm The point being? agooddistraction 10:47 pm Then how come Bee doesn't feel 'em when he's got half a servo wedged in my plating Windchill 10:47 pm The point is there's too many of them. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm [[They're inside, obviously.]] Magnum Ace 10:47 pm Then move somewhere there are none? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm [[Either that, or Bumblebee is a plant creature himself.]] Windchill 10:47 pm *Irrationally robo-salty that trees take up more space than he does, or something.* Can't. Magnum Ace 10:48 pm Why? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm [[Earthlings have an entire documentary about plants replacing humans.]] [[He's certain there are Cybertronian versions.]] agooddistraction 10:48 pm Why would Bee be a plant Windchill 10:48 pm That's the plot of The Happening, too. Kinda. Not really. agooddistraction 10:48 pm what? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm [[To get closer to you and deposit seeds.]] Windchill 10:48 pm Anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Assigns himself a point for that bad joke.* agooddistraction 10:48 pm Sexy Windchill 10:49 pm I'm stranded on Earth, stuck with all of those trees. Tarantulas 10:49 pm *snrk. plant sex humor* *u get a point from tara* FakeProwl 10:49 pm *Didn't get it.* agooddistraction 10:49 pm Mom ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm *Prowl needs to listen to Soundwave rattle about his plant some time. As soon as he gets more of them that aren't readily identifiable as stolen.* *Then he'll get it.* Magnum Ace 10:50 pm Wait. You're on Earth? Where? Windchill 10:50 pm On...a version of Earth. I can't tell you where. It's top secret. Tarantulas 10:50 pm *comes around the back of the couch. apparently tonight tarantulas has a thing for putting his paws on prowl's shoulders* Magnum Ace 10:51 pm A version...oh. Not the one I'm from then Windchill 10:51 pm I would say not. FakeProwl 10:51 pm *No no, he understands that plants grow from seeds. He doesn't know the OTHER definition of depositing seeds.* agooddistraction 10:51 pm Wait if Bee's pollinatin' me am I a flower? Windchill 10:51 pm No. You're pregnant. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm [[Isn't that what he's been trying to tell you.]] Magnum Ace 10:52 pm No, most likely not. You'd hate if, if you're so ready to call trees a plague agooddistraction 10:52 pm You didn't say I was a flower Windchill 10:52 pm You think your Earth has more trees than mine does? *PERISH THE THOUGHT* Magnum Ace 10:53 pm -shrugs- I have no frame of reference for that, so... agooddistraction 10:53 pm Alright, time to go get pollinated again Have fun, mom Windchill 10:54 pm I only like one tree. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm [[Try not to give details. And he is NOT your mother.]] Magnum Ace 10:54 pm One tree? agooddistraction 10:54 pm You're my mom and you wash my mouth out with cleanser every night and it's hot. Night. Windchill 10:54 pm One tree. It lives with me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *Soundwave raises his free hand to his visor and rubs his helm. The tires on his back spin with irritation.* Windchill 10:55 pm I named it Trooper. FakeProwl 10:55 pm *Oh good, closing time. He's going to hope this does not apply to himself. Glances at Soundwave to check.* Windchill 10:55 pm *He loves his one stupid tree.* FakeProwl 10:55 pm *... gets distracted by the tires he can juuuust barely peek from this angle* Magnum Ace 10:55 pm -not commenting- Windchill 10:56 pm *Rolls his massive weight onto his feet, instead of his butt.* Tarantulas 10:56 pm *nice tires, but look at those Good Strong Hands tho* Windchill 10:56 pm You guys have fun fuckin'. I'm out. Magnum Ace 10:56 pm ....what ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm *Soundwave's vents STUTTER* FakeProwl 10:56 pm *Okay the Good Strong Hands are nice but the tires are— Prowl missed something, didn't he?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm *...He makes a note to have Buzzsaw remove that function.* *The avatar doesn't need to show surprise.* Tarantulas 10:57 pm I do hope you enjoy sexting your mate as well, or whatever you're doing these days Windchill 10:57 pm *Makes a sweeping, obviously Vosian bow. You're welcome.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm [[Windchill is being Windchill, Ace. Do not worry yourself.]] Magnum Ace 10:58 pm -oh, oh no. This feels like it's more of private conversations and he's turning as red as his armor- Tarantulas 10:58 pm *poor kiddo* Magnum Ace 10:58 pm -TOO LATE- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm [[But he does have to return the seats to where they belong soon.]] Windchill 10:58 pm *Windchill is being Windchill, AKA the resident loud pervert.* I might. You're missing out. FakeProwl 10:59 pm I can help... *vaguely gestures around.* Clean this up. Magnum Ace 10:59 pm -Magnum Ace is not used to these thiiiings- Windchill 11:00 pm *Boy you gon' learn.* Tarantulas 11:00 pm As you say. *snickers, albeit amiably. waves Chill off with a spider limb* Magnum Ace 11:00 pm I...I think...I think it's time for me to go home now FakeProwl 11:00 pm ... Or help bridge him home. Windchill 11:00 pm Good night, suckers. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[Help bridge him home, yes.]]
*He'll find other things for Prowl to do after that.*
[[Goodnight, Windchill.]] Windchill 11:00 pm *Finger guns, walks out backwards now that he's traumatized people. Mission complete.* Magnum Ace 11:01 pm That'd be nice...-thank you so much Windchill. He did not need that- Tarantulas 11:01 pm (( h-how old is magnum (( mentally, at least Magnum Ace 11:02 pm ((old enough, but they're not...they're kinda made to play sports. Period FakeProwl 11:02 pm Same coordinates as usual? Magnum Ace 11:02 pm ((this is kinda new territory Tarantulas 11:02 pm (( hmm! no one's given him the talk, heh Magnum Ace 11:02 pm Yeah. Same as before. Windchill 11:03 pm (( *WHEEZE* )) Magnum Ace 11:03 pm ((and Magnum's kinda a special case in itself FakeProwl 11:04 pm *Nods. Opens up a bridge for Magnum.* Magnum Ace 11:05 pm Thank you. Good night. -and he's going through, still a faint shade of red- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Shakes his helm.*
[[Not what he meant the new guest to know, but he supposes there is no more harm in it than when Whirl realized.]] Magnum Ace 11:07 pm ((dyyyying FakeProwl 11:07 pm He's an alien. I can't imagine what he'd do with the info. Magnum Ace 11:07 pm ((and I am out now that I'm done laughing ((thanks for the stream, g'night! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm ((night!)) [[Nothing, hopefully.]] FakeProwl 11:13 pm *Right. Everyone gone? Everyone except Tarantulas, anyway? Tarantulas can see, that's fine.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *Everyone except Tarantulas, yep.* Tarantulas 11:16 pm *yeppers, and he doesn't seem to be going much of anywhere* FakeProwl 11:17 pm *Prowl IMMEDIATELY swings around to straddle Soundwave's lap. ... And then realizes he maybe should have explained himself first.* If you actually would like me to clean I'd be happy to assist with that, but I /think/ it was mutually understood that that was a justification to stay late and do far less productive things. Tarantulas 11:20 pm *lets prowl's shoulders go, amused huff* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm *Soundwave starts slightly, unused to such direct action out of Prowl. Or the way the avatar's contact distribution feels different on this older, thicker frame he's 'borrowing' for the night. He's not actually sure what to do with his hands at first.*
[[It was. He cleaned Swoop's mess and the twins will clear all of this.]]
*He'll just. Where does he put them? Fine, they're going on Prowl's thighs.* FakeProwl 11:22 pm Good. ... I'd still like to help clean, though. *As long as he's already volunteered.* *... And as long as they're relatively alone, turns on the ambient noises he'd suppressed during the movie. Meaning immediate whooshing vents and revving engine.* Tarantulas 11:26 pm Personally I'm not that interested in cleaning, but I AM potentially interested in the unproductivity. If Prowl has room in his processor to spare, that is. *amused visor squint* FakeProwl 11:28 pm *Gives Tarantulas a considering look. Then Soundwave's wheels. Then Tarantulas. Then the wheels.* Tarantulas 11:28 pm You don't have to /choose/ between the two, silly. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm [[There'll need to be a new mess first.]]
*The whooshing and revving promptly calls forth similar sounds from Soundwave's avatar. If there is one thing Soundwave's good at doing with it, it's making sure it sounds like him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *He can see Prowl eyeing his wheels. Slooooooow spin and an inviting lean.* FakeProwl 11:31 pm *he is. gonna. rrrrrreach out to touch the tread.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *Nice and deep, lots of paths to trace. The sort that mechs who do a lot of roaming along different kinds of rough terrain have. A little hint about what he did at times.* FakeProwl 11:34 pm *Plus it glows. He's gonna trace it.* Tarantulas 11:34 pm *tarantulas is a tad jealous, his were always street treads* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm *The revving stops being in bursts and drifts into becoming a dark, low rumble..*
*Well, you know. Not every secret is somewhere nice and clean. Especially if you're tracking down your fellow Senators' messes.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm *Soundwave's claws tick their way up Prowl's legs, moving over his hips and toward his sides. There are biolights here. These are his.* FakeProwl 11:38 pm ... Wouldn't have pegged you as the off-roading type. *Oh, yes, good. Shifts slightly to give him better access.* Tarantulas 11:38 pm *don't mind tarantulas if he comes around behind soundwave to examine his back for a while. new frame, new questions, new research* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:44 pm [[Most mechs wouldn't have thought he was a gladiator either. He's stuck his olfactory sensors in more than his share of unpleasant places. Mistakes are hard to make, otherwise.]]
*He's dancing around a hint there.*
*Soundwave leans more, letting Tarantulas toy with the thick plates and glowing wheels there.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm *...While he's here he's just going to get his visor rubbing up against Prowl's helm. Like you do when you don't want to take your mask off in front of a spider who still has yet to see the whole thing.* FakeProwl 11:49 pm *Leans in to nuzzle Soundwave back.* Hmm. Did your own dirty work. *Kind of impressive for a senator. With his free hand, he starts tracing the bright biolights over Soundwave's chest.* Tarantulas 11:49 pm *tarantulas had no idea there was a hint there, but he's eating up the tidbits about soundwave's past in general. he hasn't heard much, so some of this is news. he'll be quiet and patient, pawing subtly at his back and slowly trailing claws between plating* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm [[Always.]] *Plates ripple and shift, making room for claws. He loves them on his back. Loves, loves, LOVES.* [[He has a mind to demonstrate.]] Tarantulas 11:52 pm *heh, tarantulas can take THIS hint. he'll keep on, certainly* FakeProwl 11:53 pm *Dryly.* It's not going to be the kind of demonstration you gave me last time, is it? *You tease.* Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *Injured! He'll let go long enough to splay a hand over his chest glass - which is conspicuously missing the Decepticon symbol, for the record. It's a fair shot though.*
[[He hopes not. We have more time tonight.]]
@Prowl: [[But different location privileges, if Tarantulas joins. The upstairs lounge, specifically. His deployers will remain busy elsewhere.]] FakeProwl 12:00 am *A split second of uncertainty as he processes Soundwave's gesture, wondering if it's actual offense or just humor; before smirking.* I hope not, too.
@Soundwave «Oh? Don't want to do anything in the sultry glow of knock-off Blood of Unicron?» ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *No actual offense. He would not be behaving in such a good mood if there were any.*
@Prowl: [[...No. No, he doesn't. He disliked that decoration choice from the start. But they had a theme.]] @Prowl: [[But he would rather return to the other subject.]]
*Places his hands back on Prowl, specifically where the shoulders are able to open up to reveal tires. Dig dig.* *Hint hint.* FakeProwl 12:04 am @Soundwave «That's fair.» *He lets out a rev as the fingers dig in, clicking open his shoulders to give Soundwave access and kissing lightly around the frame of Soundwave's visor.* FakeProwl 12:06 am *And then straightens up.* I recall trying to coordinate on a narrow couch being a little... restrictive, last time. We should relocate. Tarantulas 12:06 am *hums, hooks a claw on a thin wire beneath sw's plating, and tugs briefly before pulling back* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:08 am *Soundwave returns to revving a little bit. Listen to that smooth piece of pretending Prowl thought of that all on his own instead of going along with Soundwave's earlier comment. What a talented amica he has.*
[[As you wish.]] *Lets go of Prowl and - ohhhh, he barely felt that, but he knows what that was and the idea is working for him - and starts to rise.* [[Upstairs, then. Both of you.]] FakeProwl 12:10 am *Slides off the seat.* Yes, /sir./ *If Soundwave's going to get commanding, Prowl's going to respond accordingly.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *BIOLIGHT FLARE.* Tarantulas 12:11 am *chuckles, and follows prowl quietly, fluidly. tonight's the night to practice restraint, for tarantulas, he thinks - tough, but hopefully worth it* FakeProwl 12:11 am *Oooh. He's going to do that more often.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am *He hopes so. That was... it was. Tonight might not be the night for /Soundwave/ to practice restraint(s), but some other time...*
*Maybe Tarantulas too, once he figures out how to bind up someone who can mass shift that severely.*
*He'll track after them both, silently locking the front door to all but the hunting party and placing the staircase door on permission requirement. No accidental intrusions~*
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I Like Peter
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word count: 1165 Warnings: none just le fluff Summary: Flash just can't imagine someone having a crush on Peter Parker that is until you prove him wrong. A/N: Hey guuuuys...this is my first story in the Tumblrs so please don't judge me too hard! I couldn't help but stare at the curly haired boy across from me as he tries to explain why he'd missed our academic decathlon meeting yesterday. Again his excuse is the Stark internship which most people think is a lie and although it does sound a bit ridiculous, I believe him. I mean why not? Peter Parker hasn't given me a reason not to. I've been friends with Peter since last year when I joined the team and since then I've had a small crush on him... Well a little more than small. I'm not complaining or anything but I honestly can't comprehend why he isn't taken or why girls aren't all over him, sure he's a bit geeky but it's adorable. Just looking at him makes me happy beyond compare. His smile put me in some sort of trance, one I don't want to escape, my stomach does flips at the sight of his eyes the color of the earths soil, a thick mahogany brown that I could drown in. His sarcastic jokes and horrible puns make me holler with laughter and the humility he shows to even those who don't deserve it *cough* Flash *cough* only captures my heart even more. Speaking of people who don't deserve it, there goes Flash with his dumb comments on Peter's excuse. "Well, next time you go visit us our old pal Tony Stark tell him I said hi." the disappointment of a person cackles like a damn witch. My eyes roll in. Their sockets. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Tell Black Widow to call me!" Again he's a disappointment to society. Face it Penis Parker, that 'Stark internship' is a stupid excuse!" The accused boy's cheeks tint pink in irritation at Flash. I've never met someone as annoying as him. As much as I want to tell Flash to shut his mouth and mind his own damn business I can't. Peter is a big boy and if he chooses not to fight him on the matter then who am I to do it. "Why do you use that lame excuse anyways. To sound cool? To impress a girl?" Flash continues to give him a hard time. That last question stuck in my mind for a short minute. Is he trying to impress a girl? I can only dream that girl would be me. Peter doesn't see me that way. He's probably still heads over heels for Liz even tho she left a month ago. My heart tears at the thought of Peter Parker having feelings for another person. It's like a pool of acid burns in my stomach trying to come up but a lump is stuck in my throat not letting up and out. It hurts. I swallow hard taking in a big shaky breath I didn't realize my body refused to take back in. "Who are you trying to impress, Parker? Your girlfriend Liz is gone bud." Heat over takes me and I let out a hard sigh. You could probably see the steam blowing through my nostrils. I look back at Peter waiting for him to deny the comment Flash stupidly let out. But, the syrup eyed idiot still says nothing. He just clenches his defined jaw prompting the little bulges to pop up on each side of it. Even when he's mad he's hot. "Pft, you really think you're impressing anyone? Who could possibly be attracted to you!" Flash giggles. By now I had enough of his teasing and I couldn't stand it anymore. "Me." I say shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly. This caused a silence to overtake the room and all eyes on me. Flash's eyes widen and his eyebrows come together. Peter looks surprised too. His jaw unclenched, his pink lips parted and just eyes slightly squinted. His reaction sends my stomach into multiple flips with his outstretched neck and his limp shoulders. The only unaffected person in the room is MJ, my best friend, but of course she already knows about my feelings toward the boy. "Huh?" Flash manages to say through the shock. Pride swells up inside me at the fact that I basically made Flash speechless. "I said me. I think Peter is cute, hot actually." My lips turn into a smirk and my eyes training to Peter when I speak the last part. His eyes go from squinted to wide open in a second and his whole face brightens. My soul has officially left my body. Come on Y/N if he didn't like you he wouldn't look that happy to hear he's hot. "Y-y-ou- I'm - wait - I - uh - huh?" Peter's lips tighten and he rubs them together while crossing his arms leaning forward as if he was hard of hearing. "You think Penis Parker... is hot?" Flash says slowly as if I'm a kindergartener. I roll my eyes and say, "Yes, Flash. Peter Parker is hot and honestly I'm impressed with his internship." Equally as slow as him. He twitches with anger. "She's impressed by a lot more than his internship." MJ says from behind her book sat beside me. My elbow digs into her side as a blush rises onto my cheeks. "Michelle!" Peter looks from me to Flash and all around the room. Ned seems excited for his friend. He claps his hands onto Peter's shoulders and shakes him saying something I didn't catch. "What the hell is happening right now!?" Flash throws his hands up into the air and bringing them down with a slap on his thighs. "It's honestly not a huge shocker. Look at him for Christ's sake." I'm not a stranger to confidence but in this situation it felt like a relief saying this in front of Peter himself. In any other situation I would not be able to tell him how attracted I am to him or how much I like him. "Dude, is this really happening?" Peter says to his friend, trying to whisper but failing. "Y/n thinks you're cute." Ned 'whispers' back. The two freaking out amongst each other. "Dude ask her out." "Yeah Peter ask her out." Michelle's monotone voice can be heard from behind the feminist book of the day. "Yeah Peter ask her out." Flash's snarky sentence challenged the boy. "Yeah Peter ask me out." I use just as much snarky as Flash but obviously it was to make fun of him. Peter nervously chuckles as his face becomes a bright pink. He is just too adorable for my eyes. "Well if you're not gonna do it I will." I state leaning forward in my chair. "Pete , you want to go get some dinner tonight?" "A-a-as a date?" He stutters scratching the back out his neck. "Yes, as a date." I giggle. He nods giving me the biggest most stupid smile that I could not possibly adore more than I already did. Although it was anticlimactic, it was perfect. Peter Parker is going on a date with me. "It's a date."
#peter parker#peter parker fanfiction#tom holland#tom holland fanfiction#peter parker x reader#spiderman x reader#spiderman fanfiction#spider-man: homecoming
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Knights of the Night (ch 11)
Chapter 11
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 2,054
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j @daechwitad-2 @zobadak
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing…
tw: France, attempted murder, death, it’s a vampire story so...
When Catalina and Jungkook came back to the rooms wrapped in towels, hand in hand, everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and stared.
“Did you guys fuck in the hot tub?” Jimin asked, breaking the silence.
“Jungkook! That is irresponsible and inappropriate!” Jin screeched.
“We didn’t fuck in the hot tub!” Catalina yelled over the chaos, trying and failing to contain her laughter. “Everyone calm down.”
“We were just about to do some slumber party activities,” said Taehyung. “I got us some popcorn from downstairs and I heard of a game called spin the bottle-“
“Or we can just talk,” said Jimin. “I want to hear about you guys, since you’re immortal and all.”
“And we can braid hair,” said Taehyung. Jimin giggled.
“Well, we’re gonna go change first, then we can do whatever you want,” said Catalina.
After changing into some warm clothes, everyone gathered into the room with the largest floor space and sat around wherever they could. Catalina was sat on the ground in front of Taehyung, who was braiding her hair. Jungkook sat beside her, close enough for their arms to brush every time they moved.
“So, what happened out there?” asked Jimin. “Give us the deets. I know I said not to go find him, but it looks like it went well.”
“It did go well,” said Catalina. “We made up.”
“And made out,” said Jungkook. Catalina elbowed him, but he just laughed.
“Yeah, we…” Catalina felt breathless again as she looked over at the boy making her heart flutter. “Yeah.”
“I mean, I don’t think we need the deets,” said Jin.
“Yeah, I’m more interested in you guys,” said Jimmy K, pointing to the four vampires. “You guys have been around a while. You must have plenty of stories.”
“Sure! What do you wanna know?” Hoseok said with a shit eating grin on his face, leaning back on his hands. Namjoon, who was sitting beside him, swatted at him.
“Oh please,” he said. “You’re practically a baby.”
“He’s right,” said Hoseok. “I was born in 1973. Turned in ’95. I’m still not used to the whole ‘no aging’ thing. Definitely not used to living with people who are literally hundreds of years old. That’s a trip.”
“How did you get turned into a vampire?” Catalina asked him.
Hoseok completely ignored her, turning to Namjoon and saying, “Yeah, tell us your story.”
“I-she…” Namjoon stuttered, pointing at Catalina. Then he sighed and said, “Well, I was turned when I was twenty-three. The year was 1580. I guess I should give some history. So, during those times, there was a lot happening in Europe to the vampire community, specifically in France. This was called The Great Hunt, but it definitely wasn’t great for a lot of people. The vampires living there at the time were being relentlessly hunted and killed, rounded up and tortured. It was a massacre, and it led to a lot of vampires leaving the country and travelling the world to get away from it. That’s how I met Pierre. He escaped the hunt and fled, ending up all the way in northern Korea. I lived in a seaside village, mostly working on the water. One day, I ended up in a swampy area of the shoreline and my boat got stuck. Then this ghostly man came out of the water and sat on a rock. I had never seen anyone like him in my life; he was unnaturally beautiful and pale. I ditched my boat and swam to him, I couldn’t even control myself. We talked for a while and he told me about where he came from and then he bit me. He was going to drain me if it weren’t for the search party arriving, looking for me. He ran away and my fellow fisherman took me back to the village. I was half dead, but his venom was already doing its work. The transformation was excruciating. It felt like my veins were on fire, my head felt like it was going to explode, my jaw ached like someone was prying my mouth open, and it went on like this for days. Finally, when it stopped and the pain went away, I had this uncontrollable thirst. I could hear people’s hearts beating. I could taste their heat, just by being near them. I ended up killing three people in my village before I was captured. They were going to behead me, but I was stronger and faster now, so I got away easily.
“I was on the run for so long, but eventually, I made it out of the country. I ended up in Bangladesh-“
“How?!” Jin interrupted. “That’s…that’s all the way across China!”
Namjoon shrugged and said, “I was fast and I never got tired. I was able to feed off of people along the way, as long as I kept moving. Anyway, I ended up by the ocean, the Indian ocean, and I met another vampire there. She worked on a ship and offered me a job. She turned out to be a pirate, and the crew was a mix of vampires and humans, all working together. We sailed the sea, taking ships and feeding from their crews. It was dirty, living like that. And it wasn’t how I wanted to live my life, so I left them and lived in India for a few years. Then one day, I took a boat to America and built my house in the mountains, using the riches I had from my pirate years. From there, I spent my days studying and getting degrees, learning as much as I can about everything.”
“That’s incredible,” said Catalina.
“So cool. I can’t believe you were a pirate,” said Jungkook. “You just don’t seem like the type.”
“It was mostly about the community,” said Namjoon. “A lot of vampires were drawn to piracy during those times because they felt safe together. We couldn’t engage in regular society because the French were still hunting us across Europe and even into India for a while. But on the water, no one could touch us. But you’re right, I wasn’t the type. I didn’t like the bloodshed and pillaging and the dirty lifestyle, so I left as soon as I felt it was safe to live in society again, which was right around the time the Renaissance period began.”
“That’s when I met Adrianna,” Taehyung said quietly behind Catalina. He had finished the braid and was tying a hair tie at the end.
“Who Adrianna?” asked Jimin.
“The vampire who changed me,” he said. “Ah, she was incredible. I miss her every day still.”
“She’s not around anymore?” Jimin asked.
Taehyung shook his head. “When we moved to the United States, the town we lived in found out we were vampires and they were going to lynch us. I got away, but she didn’t.”
Jimin crawled over to him and gave him a hug.
“I’m so sorry,” he said.
Taehyung pouted and said, “It’s okay. It gets easier over time, especially now that I’m making new friends and doing things again.”
“How did you meet her?” Catalina asked.
“She found me in Korea. She was travelling the world, avoiding the hunts in France and Europe, and she ended up there,” Taehyung began. “I was only about sixteen at the time. I was painting and doing calligraphy for the royal family, but most of my time was spent on my grandma’s farm. She raised me so I wanted to help her out as much as I could. Adrianna found our farm and we let her stay with us, since she seemed unwilling to go into the town. She didn’t speak Korean at the time and I didn’t speak French, so we couldn’t talk much. She taught me French, and once I got decent at it, I taught her Korean and we became close friends after that. She stayed with us on the farm for a few years, helping with the chores and everything, and teaching me different art styles. She was an incredible painter. I found out she was a vampire one day when I saw her sneaking out of the house at night, so I followed her. She went into the village and drank from someone, hypnotizing them so they couldn’t remember. I told her I would keep her secret.
“After my grandma passed away, I sold the farm and Adrianna took me to France. The hunts had ended and people were becoming more interested in art and science. We lived well in France, staying in a big house and studying under great painters. I even got to see the grave of Alexandria the Annihilator.”
Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimmy K all gasped.
“No way,” said Namjoon.
“What was it like?” asked Yoongi.
“Was her sword really on display there?” asked Jimmy K.
“How do you even know who she is?” asked Taehyung. Jimmy K just grinned. “Anyway, yes, her sword was there. It was so big! It even looked like there was old blood on the blade. It was in a glass case, resting on a bed of her real fur capes.”
Namjoon and Yoongi both erupted into a chorus of “so cool”s and “I’m so jealous”s.
“Okay wait,” Jimin interrupted. “Who is Alexandria the Annihilator?”
“Yeah, she sounds awesome,” said Jungkook.
“She was,” said Jimmy K. “I did my history thesis on her. She was a famous vampire who led the resistance in France against the church. She saved hundreds of vampires by hiding them and smuggling them out of the country, but she also killed thousands of humans. She was slain in the early 16th century, ending the resistance and the hunts for good. Her lineage still lives though; she supposedly had a daughter with a human man, but it was in the midst of the resistance, so her daughter was smuggled away, kept in hiding for a long time. No one knows if she was a human, or a vampire, or something in between, but she’s said to still be alive today.”
“Anyway,” Taehyung continued. “Adrianna and I lived in France during the early 17th century, so almost a hundred years after all that bad stuff. We had a lot of fun together. I had a little dog during those years, Yeontan, and I got to learn all about vampire history and culture. I wanted to be a part of it, and I wanted to be with Adrianna forever, so I kept asking her to turn me. She kept reminding me that immortality becomes a curse if you’re alive too long, and that I should wait to make a decision like that. We studied philosophy together, and I learned about life and death, and what our purpose was on this earth, I learned about critical thinking and how to form arguments. And when I was in my early twenties, I asked her again to turn me. I gave her a proper argument and everything. And she did.
“And then, during the 1800s, we came to America and she…” Taehyung trailed off, his smile fading. “And then I was alone for a while. But then I travelled west, met Namjoon, and have been living here ever since.”
“Were you and Adrianna lovers?” asked Catalina. Taehyung shook his head.
“No. We loved each other dearly, but I was in love with her. I think she might have been gay though,” he said. “She liked to dress as a man when we travelled, she called herself ‘Adrien’ when she did. Or maybe she might have been trans. Well, either way, she wasn’t interested in men.”
“She sounds like she was a very interesting person,” said Jimin.
“She was,” Taehyung said with a small smile.
Catalina then automatically turned her attention to Yoongi, hoping he’d share his story next. Apparently, everyone had the same idea, because when Yoongi looked up, he said, “Why are you all staring at me?”
“Aren’t you going tell us your story next?” asked Jimmy K.
“Oh, it’s really not that interesting,” Yoongi said with a wave of his hand. “I don’t even remember it.”
“Oh, you’re so funny,” Hoseok said with a laugh. “He’s lying.”
Yoongi let out a deep sigh and sunk into the couch he was on.
“Where to start?” he asked.
#bts#bts fanfction#knights of the night#crystalstar#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#Jimmy K#min yoongi#jung hoseok#park jimin#kim taehyung#jeon jeongguk#namjoon#rm#jin#captain kirk#yoongi#suga#hobi#jhope#jimin#taehyung#v#jungkook#vampire au#history#inaccurate french history#tw
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Knights of the Night (ch 15)

Chapter 15
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12, ch 13, ch 14, ch 15
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 2,459
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j @daechwitad-2 @zobadak @fallenstar-7
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing…
Catalina was nervous. She had changed her outfit almost ten times and was already pulling a sweater out of her closet for an eleventh. She eyed her suitcase in the corner of her room. No, don’t open it, you’ll have to repack, she told herself. Her phone buzzed from her bed. It was a text from Jungkook.
JK: I’m on my way
“Shit,” Catalina mumbled. She looked between the sweater in her hand and the one laying on the floor. The one in her hand was a bit nicer so she pulled that one on. She tucked it into her skirt, then slipped into her ankle boot heels. As she was checking her hair and makeup in the bathroom mirror for the last time, she heard her front door open. Rounding the corner, she saw Jungkook standing in the hallway, tapping the snow off his boots on the rug. Catalina grabbed her coat.
“You look so cute!” he said as she came over for a hug.
“I always look cute, what are you talking about?” she said. He grinned, his nose scrunching up and his eyes turning to crescents. He looked good too, in a turtleneck under his peacoat. It was amusing to her, knowing that he still had a few lingering marks on his neck. They had both dealt with enough teasing from their friends over the past few days, they definitely didn’t need Jungkook’s family on that train as well.
“Ready to go?” he asked. Catalina nodded and followed him out the door, locking up behind her.
The car ride was short, only a minute or two since they lived a block away from each other. There were two other cars in the driveway, which Jungkook parked behind. As they got out of the car, Jungkook said, “So, my brother is kind of annoying. Just warning you. He’s in law school and he’s a bit of an asshole about it.”
“Be an asshole about your film major right back to him,” said Catalina, making him laugh.
“Easy,” he said. “I’ll just start talking about my favorite directors and artsy films.”
His house was warm and inviting, as it always was, but today, it was cleaner than Catalina’s seen it in a long time. Maybe ever. A small Christmas tree stood in the corner, decorated with mismatched bulbs and ornaments.
Jungkook’s mom came out of the kitchen, pulling oven mitts off her hands. She saw Catalina and her eyes lit up.
“Catalina! It’s so good to see you!” she said, pulling her into a hug. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“Yeah, me too!” Catalina said. “I never get to see you guys, so I’m glad to be able to spend some time with you all.”
“Of course, you’re always welcome,” she said. “My husband and I are always so busy with work, I feel bad. Anyway, come into the kitchen. The food’s almost ready. Jungkook, go help set the table.”
Dinner was beautiful, and Catalina had fun listening to Jungkook’s family try to embarrass him by sharing childhood stories. He wasn’t embarrassed though, always laughing with the table and sharing his own details about the experiences. It sounded like the family hiked and camped a lot while the boys were growing up, so there were plenty of adventure stories to go along with that. Catalina asked about his parent’s jobs and they told her about what they do at the hospital during their overnight shifts. They were both nurses, but they also did volunteer work every chance they got. Jungkook’s brother was indeed a bit of an asshole about being a law student, but Jungkook cracked everyone up by talking about his favorite film, “Persepolis”, pronouncing it “Pear-say-po-li”.
Catalina had a great time, but she didn’t stay too late since her and Jungkook had a flight to catch in the morning. Jungkook dropped her off at home that night, kissing her softly in the car before she got out.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” he said. “I’ll pick you up at six.”
“I can’t wait,” she said, pecking his lips once more before getting out of the car. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said.
It feels so good to say that, Catalina thought as she took the stairs to her apartment.
The airport was crowded with people rushing to travel for the holidays. Catalina was thrumming with excitement. She hadn’t seen her mom since before her first semester. She had never lived away from her home before, never away from her mom for so long. She couldn’t wait to see her, and to introduce Jungkook to her. They found their flight easily enough in the giant building, and soon enough, they were in the air, en route to Detroit.
Catalina’s mom was waiting for them at the airport when they landed. As soon as Catalina exited the gates, she ran, giving her mom a long hug.
“Oooh, dios mio, how I’ve missed you!” her mom said, holding her tight.
“I missed you too, mom,” said Catalina. She pulled away and looked over at Jungkook. “Mom, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook.”
“What a cutie you are!” her mother said as she gave Jungkook a hug as well. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Diaz,” said Jungkook.
“Ms. Diaz. Or you can just call me Lucía. Come, lets go home,” she said. “This place is too crowded.”
Catalina sat in the passenger seat of her mom’s car on the way home. It wasn’t a long drive, their house was just outside of the city. During the drive, she wondered if she should reach out to her old friends. They had never once texted or checked up on her while she was away, so maybe it was best to leave them behind.
The house looked exactly the same as when she last saw it and it gave her a sense of comfort to come back to the familiarity. After Catalina and Jungkook got settled into her old room, her mom called them downstairs to help bake cookies. While baking, Catalina and Jungkook told her all about their classes and professors. After the cookies came out, they had fun decorating them in weird and interesting ways. Jungkook decorated a gingerbread man with red eyes and fangs, which Catalina took a picture of to send to their friends.
Later in the evening, Lucía took them all out to dinner at a nice place in downtown Detroit. The restaurant was beautiful; bistro lights dripped from the ceiling, branching out from the twisting paper tree in the center of the dining room. Over dinner, Catalina told her mother about her friends in California, and about their trip to the lodge. Her and Jungkook left out the parts about their friends being vampires.
“I want to know how the two of you got together,” said Lucía. “She didn’t date much in high school, so this is so exciting to me.”
“I had a girlfriend in my senior year,” Catalina mumbled. Lucia waved a hand.
“That doesn’t count,” she said. Catalina glanced at Jungkook, who was frowning after hearing this exchange. Catalina put a hand on his knee under the table and decided not to argue.
“Well, we met in our French class,” Catalina started. “We became friends and we hung out a lot for the first few months of the semester. I mean, I never really knew I had a crush on him at first, I knew he was attractive, but I only saw him as a friend. Then one day, he kissed me, and we’ve been an item ever since.”
Lucía had a hand over her heart as she listened.
“That’s so sweet,” she said. “You two are a beautiful couple and I can see you’re so happy with each other. I’m just…so relieved that you found a nice boy and-“
“Mom,” Catalina interrupted.
“I just didn’t want you to fall back into those high school phases you were in,” she said. “I was so worried I would lose you to the wrong kind of people. There’s so many influences online these days and I just wanted you to be successful in life. That kind of lifestyle comes with drugs and-“
“I’m gonna go to the restroom,” Jungkook said, standing up and giving her shoulder a squeeze.
“Mom, stop it,” Catalina said. As soon as Jungkook was out of sight, she said, “My boyfriend is bisexual too. And so are some of my other friends at school. They’re all amazing people and I would do anything for them. I don’t like when you say things like this.”
“Catalina, you know I love you no matter what,” her mother said. “I just want the best for you.”
“It’s not something anyone can control,” Catalina said. “Whether I fall in love with a man or a woman, I’ve always hoped you could be happy for me no matter what.”
“I am happy for you,” Lucía said, reaching over to take Catalina’s hand. “You’re following your dream and you seem so happy with your life right now. I think I need to get used to the idea of my daughter being bisexual, there’s just so many bad connotations that come with that community. At least from when I was growing up.”
“Things are different now,” Catalina said.
“I know, I know,” Lucía said. “I think I just need to get used to this. At the end of the day, I just want you to be safe and happy. I think a man would be able to provide for you better later in life.”
“You of all people should know that’s not true,” Catalina said. “You raised me alone, and we were always pretty well off.”
Lucía raised her eyebrows and shrugged. “You got me there.”
Catalina giggled and squeezed her mom’s hand.
“I love you, cariña,” Lucía said. “Just remember that.”
“I love you too, mom,” said Catalina.
Jungkook came back and Catalina took his hand as soon as he sat down.
“I’m sorry if what I said earlier was offensive,” Lucía said to him.
“It’s okay,” Jungkook said, flashing a smile.
“I’m trying, it was just so different when I was young,” she said.
“It’s really okay,” Jungkook said with a chuckle. “This sounds exactly like the conversation I had with my own mom when I was sixteen.”
Lucía laughed and the conversation turned to the topic of Jungkook’s family. Dinner went on peacefully. Catalina was glad she got this conversation off her chest. She had been struggling with that topic ever since she came out in high school. It really sounded like her mother was trying to understand, and Catalina couldn’t be more grateful.
The next day was Christmas Eve. Catalina and Jungkook took a day trip to Frankenmuth, which, as soon as they arrived, they realized was a bad idea. Frankenmuth was packed with people, but the pair still managed to have a good time. They ate dinner at the Bavarian Inn and took a carriage ride around the town. They walked the underground mall and the outdoor shops, but only bought gifts for Lucía, since everything was terribly overpriced. They didn’t even shop for each other, since they both confessed they had already bought each other Christmas gifts a long time ago. Snow covered the ground and everything was wrapped in Christmas lights in the little town. Just walking through the beautiful scenery hand in hand with Jungkook was wonderful.
They returned home late that evening, wrapping their gifts in Catalina’s room and going to bed afterwards.
Christmas morning was pleasant; Lucía cooked them a big breakfast, then they opened gifts in the living room. Catalina had two gifts from her mom. The first one was a Visa gift card and a heartfelt letter. The second gift was a quilt. Each patch depicted a different cat from t-shirts, towels and linens.
“You’re grandmother started making this before she passed away,” Lucía said. “You remember her nickname for you?”
“Gatita,” Catalina said, tears prickling her eyes.
“I found it just recently and I decided to finish it for you,” Lucía said. “Just something to remember her by, something your children can use.”
Catalina felt a tear run down her cheek. She wiped it away and got up to hug her mom.
“This is wonderful,” said Catalina. “I love it so much.”
“I’m glad you like it, cariña,” her mom said, hugging her back tight. “I know I don’t have a lot for you, like when you were a kid, but I didn’t want you to have to lug a bunch of stuff back to California with you.”
“No mom, it’s perfect,” she said. “This is perfect.”
Lucía then opened Catalina’s gift, which was a silver bracelet from Frankenmuth. Jungkook had gotten her a handmade scarf and hat set, and she had given him another Visa gift card.
At some point during the day, Catalina made sure to find time for herself and Jungkook. Lucía went to pick up groceries in the afternoon, which was when Catalina took the opportunity to give Jungkook his gift.
They were pressed together on the couch, both holding a little gift bag in their hands.
“You first,” Jungkook said, handing her his bag. She took it and opened it, finding a little box in the bottom. Her heart beat fast as she opened it, revealing a ring with the moon in a glass bubble. She gasped and handed his gift over frantically.
“Open this right now!” she said, pulling the ring out and putting on her middle finger. He did, his eyes getting wide as he opened the slightly bigger box.
“No way,” he said, looking up at her.
“How the hell did this happen?” Catalina asked, holding in giddy laughter. Jungkook pulled the necklace out of the box and put it on. The charm on the chain held the moon in a little glass bubble. The same moon as the one in her ring.
“We bought each other the same thing,” he said, laughing.
It was the waxing half-moon from the night they shared their first kiss in the vampire den.
When Lucía came back home, they immediately showed her their unplanned gifts for each other. She laughed for about ten minutes. She then recruited them to help cook dinner, which was an exciting ordeal. Catalina was happy to learn how to cook all of her favorite dishes.
The three of them ended up having a beautiful dinner together, bright with laughter and conversation.
The next few days passed in a blur. They went out, cooked together, played games, and watched movies. Before they knew it, the week was over and it was time for Catalina and Jungkook to travel again for the next leg of their trip. Catalina was reluctant to leave her mom, but she was absolutely filled with anticipation for her stay in the cabin.
#bts#bts fanfction#knights of the night#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#Jimmy K#min yoongi#jung hoseok#park jimin#kim taehyung#jeon jeongguk#namjoon#rm#jin#captain kirk#yoongi#suga#jhope#hobi#jimin#taehyung#v#jungkook#crystalstar
24 notes
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Knights of the Night (Epilogue)

Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12, ch 13, ch 14, ch 15, ch 16, ch 17, ch 18, ch 19, ch 20, ch 21, ch 22, ch 23, epilogue
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 1,587
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France, human trafficking
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j @daechwitad-2 @zobadak @fallenstar-7
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
Catalina took one last glance around her room before heading downstairs. She heard Jimin’s voice, which put a wide smile on her face. Him and Taehyung were back on time, which meant they’d be able to come with everyone that afternoon.
She ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time, before landing in the foyer. Taehyung and Jimin were taking their shoes off and setting their bags down, chatting with Hoseok and Namjoon. Catalina threw her arms around Jimin and asked him, “How was your trip?”
He pulled away and smiled wide, his eyes disappearing. “It was incredible. I’ll tell you all about it later.”
“I can’t wait,” Catalina said, smiling just as wide.
“We were gonna go to the beach later,” said Hoseok. “Do you want to go with us?”
“Sure! I think we’ll mostly just relax, though,” said Taehyung.
“Here, I’ll help you unpack so you can get yourselves settled before we go,” Hoseok said, following them back out the car. Catalina left the foyer and went into the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful, so different from when she first came into this house. They had it remodeled, actually, they had a lot of the house remodeled. Everything was a bit more modern, but their antiques were mostly still around. Even Yoongi redid his bedroom, saying he didn’t want to sleep in a rat’s nest anymore. He made an incredible amount of money on the antiques in that room, the museums practically begging him to part with them.
The light was on in the kitchen when Catalina entered, which meant Jungkook was in there. Sure enough, he was standing in front of the fridge, staring into its contents with bleary eyes. His hair was a floof on top of his head and his pajamas were rumpled. Catalina came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. She laid her head on his back and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart, something she’s become so very familiar with.
“What will you have for breakfast?” she asked. He grunted in response, shifting some containers around on the shelf. He finally chose a container of leftovers and cracked the lid to sniff it. He sniffed it three times before deciding it was edible and dumping it on a plate. While it was heating up, he turned and opened his arms, letting Catalina settle into him.
“Are you gonna surf today?” he asked.
“You asked me that yesterday,” Catalina said with a giggle.
“And you said no yesterday!” he said. She could feel his laughter in his chest where her head was resting.
“Maybe,” she said. “I heard the teaching process is very hands on.”
He chuckled and said, “Where did you hear that?”
“Hm, I don’t remember,” she said. The microwave beeped and Jungkook let Catalina go so he could grab his food. She pulled a blood bag out of the fridge and sat down with him at the dining table, sipping at her drink while he ate.
“What are you guys doing up so early?”
Yoongi wandered into the kitchen with messy hair and tired eyes.
“It’s beach day!” Jungkook said, much more awake now that he was eating. “You’re coming, right?”
“Yoongi, you don’t have to swim or surf or anything,” said Catalina. “You can just sleep on the beach. Or drink wine on the beach. You need the fresh air, you’ve been at your piano for days. Plus, I think everyone would really like to spend some time with you.”
“When are you going?” he asked.
“We’re heading out around eleven,” said Catalina.
“Oh. I’ll think about it,” Yoongi said. “Are Taehyung and Jimin back yet?”
“Yes, they just walked in a little while ago,” said Catalina.
“Good,” he said. “I’m glad their flight wasn’t delayed.”
With that, he left the room.
During the drive to the beach, Catalina made sure to sit in the back of the Jeep with Jimin.
“So, tell me about the trip,” she said, a giddy smile on her face.
“Ah, it was perfect!” said Jimin. “I’ve never been to Arizona before so I didn’t really know what to expect about the weather or anything. It really is very dry there. The heat is like heat from an oven. And the places we saw were so beautiful. We camped in the Grand Canyon and… it was insane. The Grand Canyon is insane. Everything was so incredible. And at night, you could see the stars perfectly. When we camped in Death Valley, there was absolutely no light pollution for miles so the sky was amazing. We saw the Milky Way.”
“Oh wow,” Catalina sighed.
“You and Jungkook should go next summer,” said Jimin. “You’d love it.”
“Yeah, I would do that,” said Catalina. “That sounds like a lot of fun. We need to make up for our last trip.”
They sat in silence for a while before Jimin said, “I can’t believe we’re going to France in two weeks.”
“I know!” said Catalina. “I can’t believe it! This is something I’ve been waiting for my entire life and I’ll finally be able to do it!”
“Is your solo ready?” Jimin asked.
“I mean, as ready as it’ll ever be,” said Catalina. “You know how it is.”
Her and Jimin had both taken the winter semester off to recover from their transformations and to get used to their new bodies. Catalina used that time to choreograph a solo worthy of an audition in France. By now, the beginning of summer, she had perfected it as much as she could.
“I’m going to the studio to practice it tomorrow,” said Catalina. “You should come with me. You can help, or just watch. You haven’t seen it finished yet.”
“What time? I’m babysitting tomorrow,” said Jimin.
“Oh right! You’re doing that every Tuesday now, aren’t you?” said Catalina.
Jimin nodded and said, “Yep, Caleb’s sister has dance on Tuesdays, so I’ll just be there for a few hours.”
“Are you still gonna do that when classes start? You’re signing up for classes in the fall, right?” she asked.
“Yeah, I don’t want to fall behind any more than I am,” said Jimin.
“Me too,” said Catalina. Then she smiled and grabbed Hoseok’s shoulder over the driver’s seat. “And you’re starting classes with us too, aren’t you?”
He laughed and said, “I sure am!”
The weather was perfect, and according to Jungkook, the water was ideal for beginner’s surfing. They got set up on a relatively empty patch of the beach. The family closest to them had a few kids, who were building a sandcastle near the water. It was Monday, so thankfully there weren’t too many other people there. Yoongi laid out a beach blanket and immediately laid down, covering his face with his sun hat. He was almost completely covered, with long sleeves and long pants. Catalina figured he was trying to protect his pasty white skin.
Jimmy K settled down beside Yoongi with a thick book. Catalina had assumed he would be surfing with them that day; he seemed like the type to surf. Jimin and Taehyung lathered themselves in sunscreen and took their spots near the cooler, relaxing and watching the fun just like they promised. After shedding her shorts and tank top to reveal her new white bikini, Catalina lathered herself in sunscreen, since she could already feel herself burning. Then she grabbed her board and met the others down by the water.
At some point, the family next to them left and they were left to themselves on their private stretch of beach.
Catalina, Namjoon, and Hoseok kept their eyes on Jungkook and Jin, who were teaching them the basics of how to surf. They all had boards, rented ones for the newbies, and Catalina was excited to get out on the water. With every glance at the ocean behind her, she felt nervousness twist in her stomach. She had to keep reminding herself that she wouldn’t drown and she wouldn’t get hurt. Her body was stronger than it used to be, which was something she still hadn’t completely gotten used to.
They were standing on their boards, Jin showing them how to position their feet. Jungkook went to each of them, giving them pointers or fixing their positions. He stepped onto Catalina’s board behind her and nudged her right foot forward a bit, hands on her bare waist.
“Just keep your knees bent and your legs spread a bit more,” he said. His bare chest was pressed up against her back.
“…And if you guys fall off, just let the current roll you until it’s settled, then come up,” Jin was saying. “But you guys won’t drown anyway, so no harm.”
“Right, no harm,” Jungkook said, his hand sliding down to her butt.
She giggled and turned around to face him.
“Did Hoseok get this treatment when you helped him?” she asked with a wide smile on her face.
“He would probably like that,” Jungkook said with a laugh. “But this is only reserved for my favorite students.”
“Ooh, so Namjoon got this too,” Catalina said, winding her arms over his bare shoulders. He threw his head back and laughed. This was her favorite song. The sounds of his laughter, the waves hitting the beach, The seagulls calling overhead, his heart beating in his chest.
Catalina leaned up to press her lips against his, the board wobbling in the sand beneath their feet.
She never wanted this song to end.
#bts#bts fanfction#knights of the night#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#Jimmy K#min yoongi#jung hoseok#park jimin#kim taehyung#jeon jeongguk#namjoon#rm#jin#captain kirk#yoongi#suga#jhope#hobi#jimin#taehyung#v#jungkook#crystalstar
12 notes
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Knights of the Night (chapter 2)
Chapter 2
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 1,628
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
Despite complaining about walking to work, Catalina was sort of looking forward to the hike. She could see the mountains from wherever she was in this town, and they were beautiful. It was seven in the morning and Catalina was half dead. After a cup of coffee and a hearty breakfast though, she was ready to go. Jungkook had texted her the day before giving her a time, eight am, and his home address. No other details, such as what to wear to work, which would have been helpful. She had texted him back but he never answered, so she wore a plain black t-shirt with jeans. She figured that was neutral enough.
Jungkook’s house turned out to be right around the block, so it was a short walk. The house was old, two stories, grey brick, square and narrow. Catalina knocked on the door and waited. Jungkook opened the door right away.
“Hey, come on in,” he said, holding the door open. Catalina closed the door behind her and looked around. The inside looked like it hadn’t been redecorated since the 70’s, but it was still cozy and homey. Jungkook led the way up the stairs to a small bedroom at the end of the hall. His hair was still a mess and he wasn’t wearing shoes.
“Are your parents home?” asked Catalina.
“No, they’re at work. They’ll come home in a few hours,” he said.
“The night shift?” asked Catalina.
“Yeah, they’re nurses. They’ve worked the night shift ever since me and my brother started high school,” said Jungkook. He was sitting on his bed, lacing up a pair of Timberlands.
The bedroom was a mess, clothes scattered across the floor, piles of tangled wires in the corner. A bookshelf was against the left wall filled with video games and stuffed animals. Beside the bookshelf, a surfboard, a snowboard, and a skateboard all leaned against the wall. A glass of milk sat on the desk by the door and there was a hole in the wall right above that. Catalina could see into the next bedroom through it, which looked similar to this room. The whole bedroom stunk like…
“Dude, this milk is bad,” said Catalina. She scrunched her nose and shuffled away from it.
“It is?” asked Jungkook. He picked it up and sniffed it. He reared back and gagged loudly. Catalina threw her head back laughing.
“Why did you sniff it?” she asked.
“I don’t know! Shut up!” he said. He took one last tentative sniff of it before setting it down and grabbing a hairbrush.
“Have you eaten yet?”
“No I just got up, like a few minutes before you got here,” he said. “I was thinking we could stop somewhere on the way.”
“Won’t we be late?” asked Catalina.
“Just McDonalds, nothing fancy!” he said.
“What time do we have to be there?”
“Dude! We’re gonna be late!”
“Just quick! We’ll go through the drive through!”
“We’re walking!”
A half an hour later found Catalina and Jungkook starting on the trail up the mountain. Jungkook was wolfing down three McMuffins, tater tots, and a frozen coffee. The walk through the drive through was something Catalina never wanted to do again.
The hike, though intimidating, was very nice. They talked about their childhoods and other random stories while they walked. The woods were beautiful; enormous, ancient trees towering all around them. Catalina remembered Jungkook telling her about people skiing in these mountains. She didn’t know a whole lot about the sport, but she was pretty sure the trees would get in the way.
“Now, I don’t know enough about skiing, but I feel like all these trees would get in the way,” said Catalina. Jungkook chuckled.
“Yeah, there’s slopes at the top that you take lifts to get to. No one skis here,” said Jungkook. “We’ll go this winter.”
“Yeah, you keep saying that. Anyway, this is a really nice hike, but I bet you we won’t feel like doing this every time,” said Catalina. “We’re gonna get sick of it after the first few times.”
“No way. R.I.P. to you but I’m different,” said Jungkook.
Catalina sighed. “That was lame. And you’re the only one here who has a car, so…”
“I know, I’m just kidding,” he said.
The trail let them out onto the road, which they followed until they reached the gift shop. It was a small building on the side of the road which advertised trail maps, souvenirs and camping necessities. A little bell rang above the door as they stepped inside. Hoodies, snow globes and tacky, racist Native American merchandise greeted them inside.
“You’re late,” someone said. A woman in her late 40’s rounded one of the shelves and crossed her arms.
“What? Not we’re not!” Jungkook checked the time on his phone. They were indeed late. Catalina sighed. Great first impression.
“We’re really sorry ma’am. Someone had to get McDonalds on the way here,” she said.
The woman sighed. “Call me Helen. And it’s okay. It’s not like they’re bustin’ the door down.”
Sure enough, besides them, the store was empty. Helen showed them how to work the register, where the back room was, and how to close at seven.
“Just be friendly with the customers. I’m not gonna be here on weekends, so keep yourselves occupied,” said Helen. And with that, she left the store. The rest of the day went by slowly. Not many people came in, so Catalina and Jungkook mostly just hung out and goofed around.
When Catalina got home later that night, she was exhausted. They only had a few customers that day, the rest of the time was spent chatting and making fun of the Indian goods.
Her bed, which was still just a mattress on the floor, was a welcome sight.
The only thing she could feel was a deep-seated fear. It made her palms sweat and the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. The narrow hallways seemed to be never ending. She needed to find a way out. If they caught up to her, she was dead. The faint sound of a floorboard creaking somewhere behind her made her spin around, breath caught in her throat. There was no one there, but the hallway seemed darker than it was before.
All of a sudden, Catalina found herself in a den. A fire crackled in the fireplace, bookshelves lined the walls and a big desk sat in the corner. It was cozy, and Catalina felt the fear melt away. She felt safe here.
“Have you read this one?”
Catalina turned around. A man stood by the hearth. He held up a book, but Catalina couldn’t make out the title since the letters kept shifting.
“I’m not sure,” she said. This man was dangerous, Catalina could tell by the fear she still felt being around him. But she also knew he wouldn’t hurt her. “I don’t think I’ve read it. What book is it?”
“I told you about this one yesterday. You would like it,” he said. When he smiled, his dimples caved and his eyes sparked. Catalina no longer felt afraid of him.
I Like It, by Cardi B. blasted from the speakers. Sweat dripped from Catalina’s brow.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, STEVE, GODDAMN IT YOU’RE STILL TURNING THE WRONG WAY!” the choreographer shouted. She paused the music and pinched the bridge of her nose. Catalina took the opportunity to breathe and turn to Jimin. He was trying not to laugh.
“I don’t wanna be here when she kills Steve,” Jimin said under his breath. Catalina giggled.
“I think it’d be some fun drama,” said Catalina. “Also, he deserves it.”
Jimin laughed and they got back into position as the music started from the beginning again. Catalina wasn’t really a fan of Cardi B., but the dance was a lot of fun. It was a smooth hip hop, lots of body rolls and sexy partner dancing. Catalina was glad she got Jimin as her partner and not Steve. Steve was pretty bad.
Once the choreographer called it a day, Catalina and Jimin took their time packing their bags.
“Do you watch the news at all?” asked Jimin. Catalina shook her head. “Well, it’s the only thing ever on at my house, and I guess there’s like, people going missing in the town next to us.”
“Whoa, really?” asked Catalina.
“Yeah, and I was invited to this party, but my mom has been freaking out and she doesn’t want me to go out, so I don’t know if I’m going…”
“Wow, that’s crazy. Yeah, I mean, it’s not in this town though. So it should be fine to go to a party,” said Catalina. Jimin shrugged.
“Maybe. Anyway, how was the first day at work?” he asked.
“Ah, yeah, it was nice. The hike is cool and there’s a bunch of racist Indian goods in the shop. There’s like, barely any customers, so it was pretty chill all day,” she said.
“That’s cool. I don’t think I’d be able to walk that far to work every day. I’m too lazy,” said Jimin.
Catalina shrugged. “I mean, a job is a job. But I’ll probably have a ride for a lot of my shifts,” she said. “What about you? Did you get that job in the theater?”
“Yeah, it’s alright. I guess it’s gonna be mostly just moving chairs around and helping backstage for events,” said Jimin. “But what if I want to audition for a show?”
“Then they’ll just have to find a replacement for you!” said Catalina. “You deserve to be on stage!”
Jimin laughed and said, “Thank you. I do deserve to be on stage, don’t I?”
#bts#bts fanfction#nights of the night#kim namjoon#namjoon#jeon jeongguk#jungkook#park jimin#kim taehyung#jung hoseok#min yoongi#Jimmy K#captain kirk#vampire au#crystalstar
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