#yeah i used the sims 4 one to get all the dlcs
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victorluvsalice · 20 days ago
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Hey, do you remember this post I made where I shared a silly heart-shaped shell build with the outside painted to resemble the polyamory flag colors to celebrate Polyamory Day? And then the tags on this post I reblogged featuring a "third wheel" bed where I mentioned I was working on turning said shell into a house for my Valicer OT3?
Happy Valicertine's Week, it's time to share the completed house! :D Well, mostly completed -- as you can see, I did not do anything with the area AROUND the house. ^^; Landscaping is not my strong point, and I was very focused on getting the interior done up just the way I wanted. Which took a lot of doing, let me tell you. ALT free placement and "bb.moveobjects on" were VERY heavily used in this particular build! But I got it done up to my satisfaction, and now it's time to show it off to all of you! :D Here are some of the key fun facts about this build:
-->You may notice a very strong theme of yellow, blue, and red in this build -- that's because those are the colors I chose to represent Smiler, Victor, and Alice respectively. I wanted to use as much of them throughout the house as possible, so I tended to favor those objects that had a bit of each color somewhere within them. Though as you can see, I wasn't afraid to use other colors -- green is well represented in the dining nook in the kitchen; two of the bathrooms are more tealy than anything else; and the furniture in the living room tends toward the maroon/purple. Because I like purple. :p
-->As you might imagine, the layout of this house was a bit of a bitch to figure out, mostly because, well, it's a fucking HEART. That is not a shape that lends itself well to being divided up into livable space! But I think what I came up with works well enough -- yeah, all the of the rooms are pretty small, and the bathrooms in particular are kind of cramped (being crammed into triangles or that weird M-shape at the top between the heart bumps), but it's not the worst.
-->Also, yes, this is house with one bedroom but three bathrooms. XD Look, I couldn't think of another thing to turn that "M" room into, and the triangles were well-suited for being small bathrooms on the side! My justification is that Victor, Alice, and Smiler definitely don't mind sharing a bed, but they'd all prefer to be able to use the toilet whenever they like, thanks.
-->In the bedroom, you may notice that we have a double bed underneath a loft bed? That was directly inspired by the "third wheel" bed post I linked up above -- I just had to do it in a different configuration because Sims 4 doesn't have any beds like the one in the post. The idea is that they can all cuddle in the lower double bed if they wanted -- but if one of them (usually Alice, hence why the loft bed is red) really wants to sleep "alone," they can go up onto the loft bed. I have to admit, though, making that bed combo REALLY drove home how few actual loft and bunk beds we have, even with the fifty million bits of DLC they've released since making them a thing. EA, you wanna convert a few more of these single beds we have lying around?
-->My big thing about this house was giving Alice, Smiler, and Victor each their own, equally-sized room for them to do their own things in. Alice's room has the Cottage Living typewriter computer for her writing, a Digitalistic Sketch Pad for drawing, a Moschino camera and tripod for taking pictures, and chess for unwinding; Smiler's room has a big fancy computer and a smart speaker for them to have fun with; a chemistry bench for them to whip up chemical concoctions on; a guitar for them to play; a yoga mat for them to do yoga; and a microphone for them to sing/tell jokes; and Victor's room has a very fancy grand piano for his music, his own Digitalistic Sketch Pad for drawing, and a nice easel for painting! I'm not ENTIRELY sure they're all equally sized, because Smiler's room had to go in the middle, and thus ended up a little small just so it didn't cut off the hallways on either side -- but then again, Victor and Alice both lose some floor space to their big curved walls, so maybe it evens out. *shrug* Plus it's probably worth noting that Smiler gets the most activities in the living room with that games table and the console beside the TV.
-->Fun fact: If you have High School Years and Growing Together? That little "thrifted" floor cabinet from the former makes an excellent "games cupboard" as the decorative puzzles and board games from the latter fit very well in/atop it. :) As does the more risque board game from Lovestruck. XD
-->Doing the kitchen was one of my favorite parts of this build -- I genuinely had a great time fitting together cabinets, counters, appliances, and decorations. I am an absolute sucker for making a kitchen look properly cluttered and lived-in now for some reason. XD And those kitchen shelves from Cool Kitchen Stuff! They need more love. (And proper slots to fit things on! Did I really need to MOO that cookie jar and teapot up there, EA?)
-->No, I have no idea if everything in this house is usable or if a Sim could actually live here. I decided early on that this had to be a "show house" so I could use MOO to my heart's content. And also so my Sims didn't have to cram themselves into a heart. XD
So yeah, that's the build! Though, yeah, given all the interior walls in this particular house, you could probably tell that taking pictures of it was a bit tough. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go right into the house and be able to take a tour of it?
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doki-doki-lesbians-club · 1 year ago
Thumbs up or thumbs down on the following headcanons:
Full poly DDLC, including MC.
2. MC (or our) actions regarding going back and getting the actual good ending (Sayori saying "Thank you for playing DDLC" and "We love you") to the base game because they/we felt they deserved it is what moves her to help rescue Monika from the digital void and forgive her. Unlike before, Monika doesn't take Sayori's feelings and actions for granted anymore and vows to do better by everyone.
3. MC helped Monika see the full error of her ways, after some hesitation about accepting herself as a character in a dating-sim world, by showing her glimpses of what our world actually looks like--take your pick of any number of "Where Were You When..."-type events in US or world history--and why many of us turn to games like DDLC for escape and comfort because of the general discrepancy in quality of life between game and reality. Monika feels much more secure about herself and her meta and in-world purposes to us and her friends after processing these revelations with MC.
4. The DLC side stories might actually take place after the good ending, rather than before the game proper, with everyone exploring their friendships with each other and Monika still being in a place where she feels some remorse for what she's done, but is unsure how to move forward in either a meta or in-universe sense (i.e., before MC shows her our real world).
5. Yuri and Natsuki were VERY slow to forgive Monika (Nats especially) after she finally sat down with everyone and explained everything that's happened. Once they see the daily/weekly efforts she makes to be a better person and friend (and later partner) to all of them, though, they gradually soften up to her over time.
6. The polycule came together haphazardly at first; with MC and Sayori picking up right where they left off and Yuri and Natsuki developing feelings for each other. After rescuing Monika, though, Sayori eventually admits to MC about catching feelings for her, too, something MC begrudgingly admits they've also been dealing with off and on since first joining the club. Once forgiven and persuaded, Monika makes a trio with them, and after earning Yuri and Natsuki's forgiveness over time, Yuri eventually persuades Nats to make the jump together to a love pentagon (the latter being VERY against the idea at first for reasons of past trauma and fear of being alone again if it all fell apart) after both begin to see some of Monika, and the others', more positive qualities too--Natsuki admits that she had fleeting crushes on the other three off and on but was too scared to act on them before and didn't want to hurt Yuri once they hooked up, and Yuri says the same.
What do you think? (Sorry for the infodump.)
You said "thumbs up or thumbs down" but if you've seen my blog at all, you'll know I'll say a little more than that XD
Poly dokis + MC? Could work! Not my personal preference, but I could definitely see it working out, particularly with the transfem MC headcanon I enjoy so much! these girls are gay i don't make the rules
Club President Sayori saving Monika? 🥺 Yeah, yeah she does
This one could work, especially in the context of the DDLC+ Side Stories. She comes to accept that while she is still a "character", she is oh-so important to the people around her, and they're all more real than she may have realized. I think she would definitely come to accept her world and learn to embrace it!
This one is a very interesting take! I think by our best canon estimates, the side stories take place before, but placing them after has an interesting affect on #3 above! I like this idea, but if we're still rolling with MC joining them, I don't know how to explain his absence ahaha!
I agree wholeheartedly with this one, Nats and Yuri are definitely the kind who find it hard to trust in the first place, and even harder to open up again when they feel that trust to be violated.
I like it! Again, within the context of the side stories where every pairing of the girls got their own time alone, this lends itself to all of them realizing they can't pick just one, and forming a polycule. Honestly this point makes me feel like I'm responding to a fanfic outline! XD
I mean, all of this felt like I'm responding to a fanfic outline, in a good way! It seems you've put some time into thinking about these things, and I think that's really cool :3 keep it up! And thanks for the ask!
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cassandra-sims · 2 months ago
TS4 DLCs I Regret Buying
Currently I have 22 DLCs installed in my game, which you can review in my WCIF page.
The following list contains 5 packs I actually regret buying (GP & EP only), ordered by the one I mostly regret to the one I least regret:
Get Famous (EP) - The acting career is fine, but the fame system is pretty annoying. There's not enough gameplay to justify this being an Expansion Pack. The build items are too fancy and bright so it's hard to use them in regular builds. Additionally, the world that comes with this pack is not very pretty.
Get Together (EP) - Yeah, the world is outstanding, the clubbing system could be useful... but I feel like they made the world so pretty just to make up the lack of gameplay - because it's BORING.
Jungle Adventure (GP) - Speaking as a fan of The Sims 3 World Adventures, Jungle Adventure is very disappointing. The gameplay is repetitive and not challenging at all. The world itself (Selvadorada) is pretty but its colors are too bright that it's hard to look at it when you're looking for digging piles. The build items are beautiful BTW.
City Living (EP) - Unpopular opinion: San Myshuno is UGLY. Whoever played with the city in The Sims 3 Late Night probably knows how this city should look like. In The Sims 4 we got a very simplified and unrealistic version of it. Also, it doesn't have a lot of unique gameplay. In the bottom line - I love the idea of living in the city, but I hate this spesific city, so it makes me avoid living in it.
Cats & Dogs (EP) - First of all, I LOVE animals. However, the Cats & Dogs pack is poorly implemented. I feel like besides the Vet Career, there's not enough to do with this pack. I always get bored playing with a pet in The Sims 4. The build items are nice, and the world is fine. I don't like Brindleton Bay that much. I never put my sims there.
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redhotchilisimblr · 1 year ago
rant about the sims 4
new roadmap unpopular opinion :
i’m quite satisfied with this roadmap. i mean, we got so many EPs in 2023 that I can barely catch up (I haven’t fully explored growing together, not finished my ranch and still setting residential lots..) there are so many things to do and a lot of simmers want “content for having content”, and are not actually playing the game. i know that we don’t play at the same speed (I'm very slow, I don’t age my Sims, haven’t finished Willow Creek.. so it says a lot), but how can you complain that EA releases too many packs, but at the same time request for more and more expensive packs? lmao it doesn’t make any sense. 
also, I don’t consider kits as packs. they are add-ons for people who want to expand some collections, but are not really essential to get (let alone the fact that some cc creators made some kits available as base game items). despite being a GC, I have purchased some of them with my own money and I regret some kits lmao. now, they are better quality content (for the price I mean) but at a time it was like.. yeah, I don’t want this but I still want all the DLCs. 
I live in France and here we have a powerful currency with the euros. But a lot of simmers tend to forget that many players are living with minimum wage or in a country where even 5$ USD means a lot on their salary/earnings. Now, imagine how players from “weaker currency” (let them called like that bc I don’t want to be biased, or let people think that everyone is poor in some countries when its totally not the case) are dealing with 40$ USD EP coming back to back ??? I mean, in some countries, 40$ USD is a monthly salary or not far away. Which means, getting 3 EPs is out of pocket - literally. 
The Sims 4 is now a luxury to play - because of EA’s greed, for sure, but also bc some players are pushing this agenda of “we need more packs, now!” and bc there’s a high demand, they do not care if the product is exactly want people want. I’m not trying to blame anyone in particular. Tbh, I used to be this kind of player (mostly bc at the launch, the game feeled empty and like a let down compare to previous edition). But now, I fully understand that we are responsible for this never ending issue. As a Game Changers, I know that some people might not believe me, or think it’s not genuine but, clearly, I’m not paid by EA for doing anything. I just playtest most of the time in very short period. I have a great job, I also have some passive income. I don’t need to be influencer to earn money and its a blessing.   
don’t forget that we are all waiting for updates to fix For Rent. it will be mad to launch a new EP if the previous one is still broken for so many players. there’s a lot of things changing for the influencers also and this “slow” time could be used to discover new gameplay, new players, new cc for those who used them and explore all the things we missed in the packs we already have. i still discover new options to this day and I play quite a lot so, you know, we are going to chill together and it will be good. 
as for my suspicion, I really do think as simmers we shouldn’t be worried about upcoming contents. with new competitors launching their game in 2024, EA will be more cautious about the kind of content they release, and they might release more in a shorter time period. I BET we will be flooded with DLCs by the end of the year... 
Now, I really do hope that more Game Changers will be more vocal about the issues (its starting but with caution). we really have nothing to lose. Not bc TS4 is going to be fixed (it won’t, as the BG have so many structural/coding issue) but for Project Rene. We need collectively to point out all the things we do love about TS4 (bc it’s a really beautiful game with a lot of potential) and also the things we don’t like. Loving something or someone is always about honesty : if you friend smells bad, please, tell him. if your friends is in the wrong, tell him! So if you care that much about the Sims, please, tell politely whats is wrong with the game without harassing the creators/workers. 
someone should just open a public file with all the complains compile and give it to the Project Rene team bc we do not want to miss this one for sure.
with all my love always, 
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aceofwaffles · 1 year ago
My mom got the new Xbox for Christmas bc she wanted to play Starfield, and I was excited when I realized I could play Sims 4 again. We have been unable to ever since they transferred to the EA app, as the app caused extreme lag, overheating, and other problems for our computer (uninstalling it fixed these problems). Again, I was excited, and got the base game and romantic garden stuff as they were both free, but more recently I’ve been feeling very disappointed that I don’t have access to the packs I had on pc. (I looked it up, and there is no way to transfer.)
We had a lot of packs: Get to Work, Seasons, Pets, Get Together, Get Famous, Island Living, University, Cottage Living, Vampires, Dine Out, Parenting, and a few Stuff Packs too. You can do the math, but in total I’m sure it cost us over $100, plus the cost of the base game which we bought before it was free.
In short, we spent a lot of money on this product which we were suddenly unable to play due to a now necessary app fucking up our computer. And now that I have a way to play the game without fucking up my computer, I still can’t use the dlcs I spent so much money on for, from what I can tell, no reason. My instinct is to download some of the ones I really feel I need (Cottage Living), and potentially some of the new ones I’m interested in (For Rent), but I really don’t want to give them money for screwing me over.
Btw, this is actually what ‘Capitalism breeds innovation’ means. This is the innovation. It’s an innovative way to get me to pay for the product twice. All you have to do is NOT make it so I can keep it. It’s pretty effective, too. Again, it’s almost working even though I know I’m getting screwed, bc I like the Sims 4, and I like my packs. But no, fuck this. I almost feel like I could sue them for this if I really tried, and if I felt like it was worth the money and time it took to do that.
They literally made my product unusable, and now it’s impossible to get it back, even though I feel like it really shouldn’t be, since it has my data! It has my sims! But not the stuff I actually paid for!!
Yeah, fuck EA and their money-grubbing tactics. This whole thing is a scam.
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@sohereswhatyoumissedlastweek replied to your post “remember when in idk 2008 you could just go to the...”:
Crazy right? That's also why I was so surprised Santa Monica Studio released a FREE dlc for God of War Ragnarok. And it's a damn good dlc too. It's surprising not to see greed for once
​I have so much to say about gamers and capitalism. As in, I find it kind of baffling how everyone not only seems to accept the new practices (which, to be fair, I get, because what can consumers do against big companies?), but also that people seem to be excited about these new shitty ass business models.
Ine, buckle up. I have a lot to say.
For example, I am beyond pleased that Tears of the Kingdom has no DLC, and people find that weird. How can I be pleased? Don't I want more Tears of the Kingdom??? I mean, yeah, kinda, but I am a huge fan of having things be finished and the devs say it's finished. I only have one thing I really, really miss, but I am content with the game. And in a world where DLCs are nowadays announced even before the game is released, it's a fresh breath of fucking air (of the wild, badum tsssssss-). It's honestly sad that Tears of the Kingdom not having pre-determined DLC is a rarity. Back when the first triple A games started pulling this shit, people were angry and understandably so. The devs basically say "Hey, we're going to release an unfinished product and you gotta pay more to get the full deal!" and people used to hate that, but now it's a common practise.
So yeah, Nintendo gets an A+ for NOT announcing Tears of the Kingdom DLC.
Because I like DLC. I think DLC can be good. Splatoon 2 DLC is amazing. Mario Kart 8 DLC is amazing, but that's because they give a lot of new stuff years after the initial release, so it actually feels like it adds something! The devs didn't have to do it, but they did. But Splatoon 3 also has pre-determined DLC now and not only that, it comes in waves, which is also a new common thing. And interestly enough, there also seems to be a trend where the first wave of DLC is bad (Pokémon, Splatoon 3, Fae Farm...) (Heck, I initally was even excited about the idea of standard Pokémon DLC, since it beats the previous 3rd game model, but this is also not going well.)
This is why I wouldn't mind if, for example, two years later the Tears of the Kingdom devs change their mind and announce DLC anyway. The problem nowadays is just the pre-determined DLC.
And as you said, DLC can just be free. I, for example, respect ConcernedApe so much for making all Stardew Valley updates entirely free, and he added A LOT. All of 1.4 had the multiplayer stuff and 1.5 had basically a whole new post-game that took hours. And 1.6 is also shaping up to add cool stuff. FOR FREE.
I don't mind paying for DLC as long as it is good and doesn't feel greedy af. But also, it feels like you cannot get around it, because I am genuinely interested in Splatoon 3 DLC wave 2, especially since I know the devs can deliver (see Splatoon 2 DLC). I just wish they had approached it differently. But DLC has become greedy, from pre-determined DLC, to bad DLC, to whatever the fuck the Sims 4 is doing.
But this is just DLC. It feels like DLC is a hit or miss: it CAN be good, it CAN be amazing, even. But then we get shit like pay-to-win and whales and microtransactions. I saw in a video from BeatEmUps that even full price games now have additional microtransactions, which is wild. Woods BeatEmUps rightfully calls it out, but I am afraid this is the next step in the industry. The idea of microtransactions is that they are part of the "free-to-play" model, which is unfortunately also a thing studios are prioritising. I paid €4 for Good Pizza, Great Pizza without microtransactions. I could've played it for free on mobile, but then I have microtransactions. I have seen people online say they spent over $50 on it, and that's little. I once asked my friend who plays Genshin whether she spent more than €60 (which is the sale price these days) on that game, and she said "Yeah, definitely" and got a wake-up call. But this is also why Good Pizza, Great Pizza hasn't been updated on the Switch since 2021. I am missing the majority of the game and obv the devs aren't going to prioritise Switch players, since we don't pay them more additional money.
Oh, and the idea that you need an account for everything to even start a game. I was excited to try Fall Guys until I realised it was literally unplayable without an account. There's even a move to being constantly online to even launch a game, which... what the FUCK? Especially with cloudstreaming games etc. If I own a game, I want to be able to play it when I want. That shouldn't be a big thing to ask. Cause... what does it add? With Palia, it allows cross-play, so there it might be a good trade-off and I am actually considering getting an account. But with Palia, you can also play it without it! Here, an account is purely optional and it actually has a function.
"But doesn't Nintendo have an account?" yes, same thing. I have my games linked to my Nintendo account for cloud saving, but it isn't a must to play the games. Although, surprise surprise, I do pay an annual subscription for it, BECAUSE THAT'S ALSO PART OF IT. Sigh. Really. Splatoon 3. Really. I love you. But come on. On paper, it's €60 + €25 + annual €20 (or higher*) to even properly play that game! You don't even pay for a server. You pay for your own wifi. 3DS and Wii U and DS had its own Nintendo servers for FREE. And sure, they are gone now since Nintendo stopped support, so that might be the new trade-off, but still, if I am in a place without great wifi, I cannot play the game I paid €85 for and where I pay €10(*) a year for to play.
(* because you can also get NSO+ for €50, BUT you can also be part of a family plan, which is why I only pay €10 for NSO+, but not everyone can do that.)
Cause I know someone who has over 100 hours on Super Mario Maker, but as he said, the fun is in the online mode and he no longer has NSO, so he stopped playing entirely, and that was his only game on Switch. Luckily, there are still plenty of games that don't need online features, BUT AGAIN, I won't be surprised if the industry starts prioritising them since they will make them more money.
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 2 years ago
tuesday again 11/8/22
two days before my birthday problems
Arrival At The Library from the Escape From New York soundtrack (1981, dir. and also scored by Carpenter). this is one of my favorite tracks bc of how tense it is-- so much music theory has been written about this score but i like it bc i like short fast repetition. makes me feel like i am inside computer as i do my little computer tasks.
the tracks on this thing are so short and mostly blend into each other, so it should not be startling that a thing i like so much is a hair over a minute long but i'm startled anyway.
unrelated to the music but related to the movie: let me lay out a scenario. a friend's partner (neither active on this site) was recently gushing about kurt russell's performance in this movie (same) and like. i know this man knows what bisexuality is. me saying "oh yeah have you seen big trouble in little china? suzee pai is so hot in that" got NO nibbles bc he immediately started talking about the women in the trucker episode of cowboy bebop.
i cannot outright ask this man for reasons of basic propriety if he is also bi. i can't even do the little signalling hey-im-bi-are-you-bi signalling dance bc 1) doesn't work on guys and 2) only works in real life and not the online. this isn't a problem to solve i'm just nosy and want to know if my vibes are right. also this would bump up the total of bi guys i know but have not dated to a grand total of three.
one of my favorite grad students, a nuclear anthropologist, was briefly quoted in this middling article about bitcoin's survival in the event of a nuclear war (no). i do not know this guy in real life but i do have a parasocial relationship bc we used to run in the same physics/astro twitter circles before i had to use twitter for work and stopped using it personally for my health.
this is more of an excuse to talk about one of my favorite patreon structures, where it's just Some Guy doing his thing with a three dollar a month tier or something. i don't particularly care about new or exclusive content, or the perceived value thereof, i like the cut of someone's jib and want to throw a couple dollars for groceries their way. i want a handy spot to find, say, all the articles someone's written and been quoted in all in one place and nobody keeps their fuckin CV or portfolio updated and i'll be fucking damned before i use twitter again. because of my own personal choices, i am going to whine about how it is very hard to keep track of some of you people's work and what you're up to. inoreader only does so much, especially with twitter in an upheaval.
this teardown of two of those automatic cocktail makers was very fun, got passed around the makerspace discord a bit. spoiler: it's pretty gross in there. this host is just a nice jersey boy who's lightly exasperated, which was of course extremely compelling to me.
in the original test run of these machines, he does what i value most in a critic but for food-- identify what is happening flavorwise, if it's typical or atypical for the drink, and break down exactly which flavor notes clash and why. i do not think i have every really thought about What Alcohol Flavors I Like other than knowing i have a light mint allergy and a dislike for tannins so this was a fun brain exercise.
so there's a goofy little claw machine pie dispenser in the video game Fallout 4 that does not actually dispense pie. well, depending on a complex series of factors but mostly my luck stat (1) it would take about a hundred and fifty tries to get a slice of pie, across hundreds and hundreds of hours of playing this frankly disappointing game. but the sims is a little too scary and the settlement building here scratches a brain itch.
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so when i got the fuckin pie in a shed in a DLC i shrieked out loud in real life. this was before i googled the stats to include in this post and found out this location is bugged and always gives you the pie. so it FUCKIN goes. i briefly considered building a museum to it, but i'm still going to put it in a display case in my player housing so none of my companions eat it.
i don't even have a pic of it in the machine bc i wasn't fast enough, it's more like a little ritual gesture than actually expecting to get the pie at this point.
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a friendly reminder that my birthday is thursday :) and i am making a bigger fucking deal out of it than usual bc quite frankly i should not be alive. in lieu of commemorative gifts, donate to your local food bank or Native American tribe. more info here!
went into some sort of fugue state last night and wrote twenty pieces of mail. are the most overdue replies in the mail yet? heavens fucking no. usually outgoing mail goes in the toucan, but not this fat sheaf, which was very satisfying to hold. no fancy fanned-out pic bc many are going to beloved mutuals
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and woe! more red lentil soup be upon ye (do not @ me. the lower shelf is full of various frozen meats. also do not @ me about the margaritaville shrimps. they were two dollars). square containers when these fake tupperware die, i think, although it feels like soup should always be in a round container.
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mrslittletall · 2 years ago
I was reading an article and it only was nagging about video game DLCs and that made me think. Are DLCs really that bad? I admit, there are DLCs that are nothing but a cash grab, but most of the time, when I don't want a DLC, I just... don't buy it... Of course, I say this right away, I think it is scammy to finish the whole game and then put part of it behind a paywall. That is not what DLC should be about. Now let's look at this from another angle. I played a lot of games. DLC only became popular around the mid 2000s. Before there was no internet. You either bought add-ons or special editions. Now... when do I think a DLC is okay? Actually, I think selling a DLC is totally okay if the main game is already an enjoyable experience on its own. Take Dark Souls or Bloodborne for example. These are two solid and very enjoyable games. Heck, Bloodborne might the best game for the Playstation 4 and one of the best games of all time. Both of them got a DLC and this DLC... while super duper hard, was also kinda the best part of the game. It built on the world and the characters that were mentioned in the base game and gave us a whole new playground and four whole new bosses to fight along with new armour and weapons and magic. That is what I want from a DLC. It should build of the main game and add things that are fun to do and items that are fun to use. Now let's look at a different game. Anno 1800. This game already had massive content when it came out as the base game. You could sink hours into this builder game. Over the years, the game got a few DLCs... and while it is expensive, according to my game magazine, the game with all its DLCs is one of the best builder games of modern times now. And the thing is... you don't even need the DLCs to still enjoy the game. You can just buy the base game and have massive fun in there already. But the DLCs added stuff and made other things that were a bit meh really fun, so they feel like they made sense. And why didn't they add all this stuff right away? Easy, because the game is massive and they neede time to create all this content first. They also could listen to player feedback and add things they wanted. But then there are DLCs who are just scammy. Take Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town. You know what the DLC is? You get marriage candidats from the old games. There is no new gameplay, no new items, you can just fish up a few fish from the games. And even worse, they announced this DLC before the game was even released. I decided to never touch the DLC at all and I still haven't. Why should I buy something that I am not interested in? Another offender is The Sims. As much as I love the game, I can see how scammy EA is with the Sims 4. The base game was empty and not that exciting to play. I actually bought it with pets expansion to have a little more to do in it. It is kinda typical for Sims to only get really good with a few DLCs, but Sims 2 was enjoyable even without the addons (not DLCs back then, they still called it addons ^^) and now I look at the EA store and see DLC that act like classical add-ons and gameplay packs and item packs. And the item packs! Who even buys them! The Modthesims community is making FAR better items and recolours! Yeah, another example of DLC that is really only made for the money. And then, of course, there is the FREE DLC.
We see this a lot in indie games. Hollow Knight or Blasphemous for example. Both games got more content after release and nobody had to pay a single penny for it. And these games only did cost around 15 or 20 bucks in total to begin with. But the creators loved the game so much, they decided to finish them and not charge for it. Those people are the real MVP. Shovel Knight is another one of these indie games that got content updates for free. What is your opinion on DLCs? Do you gladly buy them if they are good? Do you think DLCs were a mistake? Do you think gaming should get back to classical addons or special editions? I am interested in your opinions.
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szczek · 2 years ago
making a dumb list for myself what id love to see if they ever make ts5 in the future
1. cars are back and either can use them like in ts2 or 3 i won’t complain either way
2. teenagers to actually look like teenagers and have teenage outfits or at least have them filtered outfits
3. can put stairs diagonally
4. more stuff to do in the base game so you don’t have to buy tens of very expensive dlcs
5. ooh maybe a motorbike you can actually use like cars and bike like in ts3
6. actual holidays (tbh idk if there are any in ts4 maybe there are but idk and idk whether you can celebrate them don’t quote me on that)
7. DIFFERENT. HEIGHTS. FOR. ALL. SIMS especially when you give them heels or platforms they need to get taller with those
8. tbh i would love them to consult some people, creators (cc creators or builders) from the ts community like they did with the recent stuff pack that was free OR MAYBE some full collaborations with cc creators that would be so cool!
9. them to actually SLOW DOWN ,take time and don’t churn out dlcs or stuff packs every other few months so there aren’t infinite errors for the game and actually pay properly the people behind this. because this really sucks
10. oh maybe more colour variations, i don’t need the extreme stuff ts3 had but maybe if i can change the frame of the bed and bed covers individually that’d be great.
11. absolutely don’t know what kind of animals are in ts4 currently but if we got like parrots, lizards or snakes etc that’d be cool as well, hamsters.
12. i’m thinking cause the map in ts4 because of it being set in stone xd is more detailed and each residential are has its own stuff but ig being able to make your own lots wherever you are are cool as hell so idk how i feel about this one
13. i do like the more cartoony style ts4 has so i hope they keep that
14. because ts4 is super simplified not like the previous ones so i hope they don’t do that the next time idk
ok so far i have this i might add stuff once i think of something but this is just for funsies and yeah.
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gb-patch · 4 years ago
Ask Answers: January 5th, 2021
How exactly can we get the option to gift cove a bracelet at the start of step 3? I really only get that option with having a ponytail-black shirt-black pants-no accessories cove but i dont know the specific requirements for the option to show up
Cove’s gotta wear a bracelet in Step 2. If he doesn’t it means him liking bracelets isn’t a very long-standing trait and so the MC wouldn’t think to get him one as a gift.
I am very sorry if this was asked before but I have noticed "Our Life: Beginnings and Always" and "Our Like: Now and Forever." Did I miss something? Is "N&F" going to be a sequel or DLC? Are we going to see a geriatric Cove? (haha) Thank you in advance for the reply. ^_^ 
Our Life: Now & Forever is a new game in the franchise, but it’s not a sequel. It’ll have a new cast, new story, and new setting. It will still have all the best features of the original game and be about creating your own character/growing up from childhood!
Is there a specific reason why Cove gets so flustered and has to jump out if bed and walk it off when they share a bed in step 3? It seems a bit over the top for something they've already done twice! Once with the late night visit when Cove finds out his mom is coming and once in the RV.
Is just because they are older and the implications are different, even though the crush was already there in the RV/latenight visit scenes? Or did I miss something that made Cove more reluctant or more apprehensive towards sharing a bed/touching?
Sharing a bed with the person he likes/love is different for him at eighteen than it is at thirteen. Some things get easier when you grow up, like he’s more comfortable sharing food, but some things get harder/more complicated to him. Sharing a bed is one of those for Cove. It feels a lot more intimate and meaningful as time goes on, rather than less of a big deal.
Hello! First, I wanted to thank you and congratulate you for this amazing game. I enjoyed every single second! In a year full of stress, this was a little cozy light. Do you have any plans to make it available for other languages? Thank you again 💕 
Thank you! I’m afraid the game is still in pretty active development so we can’t consider translating the script in it’s semi-incomplete form. And we’re not a big enough company that we can promise translations will definitely come when the game is done, unfortunately. We can see what things are like when all the words are truly set, though.
Did Cove's name come from that Cove restaurant on Holden beach? Whenever I search up his name I always get those results haha 
No, haha. His first name was based on his character and the game’s theme, his last name is a reference to something of a personal joke.
Will the NSFW DLC have CGs too?
So, to start off, I need to thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart, for creating Cove Holden. I want every single one of my MCs to be able to get engaged and married to that precious angel, so I was wondering how transitioning into step 4 using save files will work? Will I be able to load up a save file saved right before the end credits after step 3, or will I need to load one from before the transition section after step 3? I’m sorry if this has already been answered somewhere, but if it has, I haven’t been able to find it. Thank you!!!!!! 
Thank you very much c:. You’ll be able to load any save file, unless it was taken as the credits were actually rolling, and the Step 4 epilogue will simply start going once you’ve played through whatever was left of the main game and seen the credits. There are rare cases where a save file breaks between updates, but generally continuing where you left off should work for people.
Hi! I absolutely adore our life, and I was wondering is there a way to have Shiloh remember the MC and Lizzie in step 3?
I’m glad you like it! Sadly, no matter what you do Shiloh will act the same in that scene.
Hi! I'm the Australian that asked about ever including an Aussie VA, do you have any future plans for Our Life 2 or any other games to include an Aussie character and VA? 
Right now we don’t have any guaranteed future Aussie roles. But we don’t have fully developed character lists for our upcoming games yet, so that may still change.
Will OL2 also follow the tradition of "Blonde Adult That We Cannot Date"? 👀
Haha, maybe. There isn’t one right now, however we still have a lot of side characters to plan.
Hey, are the houses in the game furnished based on items in the Sims 4? I’ve noticed some similarities, but I’m not sure if it’s just a coincidence. (If it is, that’d make me building it in TS4 MUCH easier...)
For me, I use real world pictures as references as well as text notes. I loved Sims 2 when I was young but haven’t gotten into a new Sims game since. I don’t believe the artist checks Sims 4 when creating their work, though it’s not impossible. Maybe they do.
is it possible to still get your name in the voiced dlc [I'm not sure how you would do it, is it from patreon ??] or is it too late ?? 
Currently there’s no way to get your name voiced. But we are looking into opening up a method for that one more time later this year. You can keep an eye out for that!
Will we be able to ask Derek out to the dance if we get his DLC? Not a Derek fan but I'm planning to surprise my friend with this 
Yeah. Taking Derek to the dance is part of his DLC.
Hi! I have a question I've been curious about, if you're comfortable with answering! If Cove and the MC remain just friends into Step 4/MC dates one of the other guys, will Cove canonically be in a relationship with/interested in somebody else at that point or shortly after? Thank you!
He won’t. There’s not really anyone in his school, and certainly not the neighborhood he grows up in, that he’d be into other than the MC. As a pretty newly independent adult he hasn’t had enough time to truly find a special someone in Step 4. It takes a while for him to make that kind of move, haha. It’s totally fine to headcanon that sometime after Step 4 he finds love with someone else, but it won’t happen in-game.
i just wanted to share this cute little playlist that i made about cove! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5wM7GNiJh5eRqhvLBperfQ?si=4FocdBsNTpeF053yOwaLSA
Cool! Thanks for sharing it with us.
No, no, no create longer ask answers please. 😌
The ask answers are not too long. If anything I'm greedy and wish they were longer... I'm already subbed to your guys patreon and I still can't get enough 👀 I'm in love with you guys 
Will you post more of those long form ask posts? I love them 🥰
Haha, thank you for these messages. I’m glad you’re enjoying the content.
Thank you very much for all the questions! Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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quietest-rebellion · 4 years ago
Do the chaos household for that character meme you coward
Me upon realizing I have to explain what that is
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Basically it's the idea of my fav murder boys having to live together. This being Stefano, Eddie, and Higgs. @christmasace and I came up with this one night and it has been our main source of serotonin since.
I'm going to do the character break downs for them in the context of their original games though. So anyway, buckle in, lads, this'll be a long one. (Eddie and Higgs will be below the cut)
Stefano Valentini
How I feel about this character
Fav. Favest of favs. I would willingly die for this man in a heartbeat. His voice? Beautiful. His personality? Snarky. His art? Breath taking. The way that he has to fix his hair after getting shot with a smoke bolt? Hilarious. Me? I'm in love. Also the fact he put jokes outside of the theater is iconic. Anyway, Stefano was an appealing character from the moment I first saw him in Markiplier's playthrough. I didn't realize I'd fallen until I started crying at his death and Mark was like "I don't even feel a little bad!" Because then I was like "oh shit why am I crying" Also I believe Stefano is an undiagnosed autistic man with horrible PTSD and brain damage(obviously) and I will die on this hill. I could talk about how I feel about Stefano for pages but I won't right now.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Me. Honestly I feel like Stefano is either an asexual aromantic, who only cares about his art, or he is a raging bisexual who is extremely picky with men since he himself is such a perfect man. As for actual ships though, I feel like Stefano is attracted to Sebastian and flirts with him throughout the game. I just don't really see the idea of Sebastian flirting back. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Emily Lewis. I love the idea of them being in a relationship, official or unofficial, and then things went south and he killed her. Stefano killed a lot of people before being put into STEM, why was this one so special he had to make a series of displays representing her? I don't know, just my thoughts.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
This is gonna sound weird, but I guess Theodore? Look, I just love the idea of Stefano driving Theodore insane and making him regret ever hiring him. And like, all the memes everyone makes about it? Amazing. (A personal favorite, also the one that I made) Plus, "You are special. You've always been special." Yeah, anyway I really need to know what the other half of that conversation was. Does Obscura count? I think she does. I see Stefano and Obscura's relationship being like that of a father and daughter or of a pet and an owner. He just loves her so much and he's so snippy when Sebastian gets to the theater the first time. "You did not appreciate my beautiful Obscura's performance." I imagine if you actually chose to fight and kill her in Ch. 7 he was really upset about it. Guardian is along the same lines as Obscura but I think Obscura has a higher place in his mind. 1. Because she is a camera and takes more photos for him. 2. There is confirmed to be more than one Guardian so he probably doesn't grow overly attached to any particular one, where there is only one Obscura. 3. Stefano seems to love whatever he did most recently the most, which is fair. As an artist, it really just Be Like That.
My unpopular opinion of this character
Unpopular only in the world of the game, but his art is good.  Actual unpopular opinion? Not sure I have one, tbh.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I say it literally all the time but I really want a prequel comic or SOMETHING to tell us more about him as character. What happened to his family? Why did he come to America? What war was he injured in?  Also the idea of him getting some dlc for the second game is still always on my mind, like, it could take place before and during the main game and it’s just us fucking around and making art and then catching Lily and fighting Sebastian. I am not gonna say that he didn’t deserve to die in canon, so really I wouldn’t change that.
Eddie Gluskin
How I feel about this character
Look... uh... I honestly am not sure how to describe my feelings for him. Because on one hand, is a misogynistic asshole who deserves literally everything that happened to him as an adult. But on the other hand, he was an abused child that grew into a hurt and sick adult. Also, when he’s not trying to kill you he is quite the gentleman.  Basically, I love this character, but I have no idea why and am slightly ashamed about it.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Literally no one. This man should not be in a relationship with any of the canon characters. I’d like to imagine an AU where he is sane and settled down with a wife and had 2.5 kids and lived together in their house with a white picket fence but that isn’t going to happen obviously.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Look, I know they never interact with each other, but Eddie and Trager. And like, not as friends really but more as weird acquaintances. They talk about surgeries and such, share a drink every now and then, complain about women, etc. 
My unpopular opinion of this character
He’s straight. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I just wish he would’ve been sent to a place that could actually help him instead of Mt. Massive. But then he wouldn’t be in the game, lmao. ALSO, there is a lot of unused Eddie dialogue in the files for the game. I really wish that all of them would have actually been included in the game. Some gems include: “Did I...? Oh lord. I forgot to give you an anesthetic, didn’t I? Eddie, you doofus! Would forget my own head if it was screwed on!” (Timestamp 16:32) “There you go. No, no, don’t cry. You’re not dying. I’m going to make you better.” (Timestamp 10:13) 
Higgs Monaghan
How I feel about this character
Garbage boy stink man. Just a rowdy, dirty boy. Pizza rat. Like, I sometimes have a difficult time imagining that he ran a company before he was a terrorist, because he doesn’t seem like a very organized person. Higgs is so multifaceted it’s impressive. In the game we only really get to see him a this asshole who wants to end the world. In his journals we see his hunt for power and want to be important. In his bunker we see the organized chaos of how his brain worked and how he operated his life. Not to mention the Peter Englert emails that are so well written. Anyway, I love him.  Plus I’m gonna mention something my sister(Thrushheart) pointed out when I was having her watch me play. He is the exact opposite of Sam. Examples: Sam hates being touched or touching people. Higgs is touching people as often as he can, including but not limited to even licking them. Sam is reconnecting the world, at first for Amelie, then for everyone he’s met along the way. Higgs is ending the world, at first for Amelie, then for himself(or possibly still for Amelie). Higgs is loud and bombastic while Sam is more quiet and reserved. Sam is smol and Higgs is tol.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Look, I’m not gonna say that I do or do not ship Goldenbridges. I’m not sure how I feel about it because, as I said, Higgs and Sam are such contrasting personalities I don’t think it would work. Fragile. Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking, but I imagine they were together before he met Amelie. His betrayal would mean even more if this was true. And in his journals he only ever refers to Fragile as “his partner.” Now I know this was done to hide that they were his journals and because they were work partners, but it could also mean more. And of course we can’t forget the somber and clear writing, directly over his bed in his bunker. “Fragile forget you ever met me.” And how surprised he was to see her on the beach after the fight. The sad look he gave her as she caressed his face. Aaahhhh.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I wasn’t sure whether to include Higgs relationship with Amelie here or in the last section. But he quite literally worshiped her and the ground she walked on so  🤷🏻‍♀️  I don’t feel like she ever really gave a fuck about him though. Amelie is extremely manipulative and proves that every time she opens her mouth so I have no doubt she told him whatever he wanted to hear so that he would help her.
The Veteran Porter. If you worked hard enough to get more than one star with this guy, you learn that he used to work for Higgs and that’s why he is reluctant to trust the UCA. I like to think that he and Higgs were good buddies before Amelie.
My unpopular opinion of this character
With likable villains it’s hard to figure what is a popular opinion and what is not. So I’m really not sure. Maybe just that he didn’t get enough screen time?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Redemption ark! Redemption ark! Higgs is the one guy on this list where I’m like, “Okay, he saw the error in his ways. Maybe he gets a second chance.”
Anyway, that’s all of them! If you actually read this whole thing, first of all... wow. Second of all, thanks! Here is a screenshot of these chaos boys from The Sims 4 as your reward. 
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rnbwrv · 4 years ago
“The Sims 4″ Gamer Review 6/10
Hello everyone! This is Rainbow Raven Jezell (he/him) with the initial major post of this tumblr, the intro & 1st gamer review. I hope you enjoy!
Welcome to the Rainbow Rave, home of the Rainbow Raven streaming community based from my twitch, twitch.tv/rnbwrvnjezell. Here I will be doing amateur game reviews. I am by no means an expert or even an experienced gamer. All of these are my own opinions. I am writing with the primary audience of new or non-gamers in mind, those who are interested in getting started gaming in-general or in different game genres / platforms than they are used to. Ultimately my goal is to get you thinking about what you enjoy about games and whether the games I review are worth your time and money.  
“The Sims 4” - 7 years after release, is the simmer dream still alive? …Eh yeah, if you believe in it enough- 6 out of 10 stars  
[Disclaimer: I play and stream on the PS4. I have multiple packs and kits of different varieties, but I do not own them all. I have owned “The Sims 4” since 2018, and it is the primary sims game that I have played as well as my primary game overall. I stream Sims 4 on Twitch through console 2-3 times a week.]
Gameplay- I’ll be putting my reviews into 3 categories that mean the most to me. The 1st of which is “gameplay,” and I say “gameplay” for lack of a better word. What I mean is the overall experience of the game, such as the main activities, side quests, actions, and diversity of things to do in the game. Is it complex or simple? But most importantly, does its content engage with the player to pull them in? “The Sims 4” is a “sandbox game.” There are aspirations, worlds, careers, and families to engage with / build up. However, there is no “story mode.” And it might be controversial to say, but I give “The Sims 4” 3 out of 3 stars for gameplay. I never lack for activities or things to do in this game. You are only limited by your imagination. There are so many player-created challenges that can keep one occupied for years. I don’t see this as lack of gameplay in the sims. I see the open nature of the sims as it’s strongest point. For me, it is a storytelling device, and I keep coming back to the sims to create unique sims and narratives. I return to many other simmers / content creators on twitch + youtube to watch their stories / series as well.    
Aesthetics- As all of these are subjective, aesthetics really are a personal preference. For me, I give “The Sims 4” 1.5 out of 3 stars for aesthetics. I like more realistic looking games personally. Overall, “The Sims 4” has a good look; the quirky nature and styles of the sims are realistic enough but campy in the right ways. However, it was knocked down in points due to the visuals not working often because of glitches and crashing. Top simmer news sites, other content creators, and myself can name multiple visual glitches that happen every time the game is played, breaking the emersion too much to avoid deceasing the quality of the game. Also, players with strong PCs can get custom content to make their sims look more realistic or more cartoon-like. Build and buy objects can also be downloaded, often for free or much less than EA sells “The Sims 4” DLCs. Custom content allows the game to become more personalized in gameplay and aesthetics. Sadly, a lot of PC high quality tech is needed to use this content plus console players, like myself, cannot get custom content at all. With a franchise as old and well-supported by a huge fan-base as the sims, the game should be fully playable and customizable for players of all ages (teen and up) on all platforms to enjoy the whole experience, running relatively-well.    
Enjoyment- This is the hardest one to rate for me. “The Sims 4” offers a sandbox experience like no other out right out. I constantly play the sims and, for the most part, enjoy the experience. However, the experience is by no means smooth. I give “The Sims 4” 1.5 out of 3 for enjoyment. “The Sims 4” has a huge fanbase with tons of content creators + storytellers + modders that are constantly inventing new ways to play and improve the game. The blank slate of no story mode with the backdrop of the sims worlds allows a wonderful individual playground on your platform while connecting you to a community of lovely simmers. If you love the idea of creating your own sims and growing their grandkids up for generations, “The Sims 4” is for you. If you like the idea of being left alone to provide care or inflict chaos on your sims while also having a huge base of fan ideas for gameplay, give this game a shot! However, to the other side, if the past two sentences don’t intrigue you, there might not be much for you in the sims. There is no direction for how to play from the game itself and sims can feel generic on console without a lot of imagination. From a larger view, the enjoyment of the game is largely knocked down by the constant crashing and game-breaking bugs that frequently prevent the storytelling that players are tying to portray. The lack of response from the sims team is concerning. Some apologies and explanations have been posted, but it’s unrealistic to expect the average player to constantly be turning in save files for bug inspection when everyday gameplay is prevented due to those issues. Larger social justice issues like bad skin tones and hair textures for sims of color still linger while pronouns have finally made the “laundry list” too little too late in 2021. With DLC such as “The Sims 4: Knifty Knitting” less than a year old (July 2020) excluding non-binary sims + they/them pronouns, featuring “Lord and/or Lady of the Knits,” I fail to see the sims team living up to their proclamation of being super progressive in their support of the LGBTQIA+ community. Supporting a few LGBTQIA+ content creators and adding a trans flag to new trailers (Dream Home Decorator Game Pack, 2021) does not de-construct the gender binary in the game (language such as “boyfriend/girlfriend, male/female bodies, he/she” only pronouns). The sims team listens to some of the sims community, but whether it is EA or Maxis or something else that is blocking a deeper social justice dialogue is still unclear. Only time will tell if “The Sims 4” addresses the issues with an overhaul, but with leaders discussing 10-15 years of sims 4 while sims 5 is in process, I am not hopeful.        
Overall -  6 out of 10 stars. “The Sims 4” is worth buying, especially if you’re new to the game and if the game is on sale. With 3 points for each above category (9 total), I leave a single point for myself to award games if I definitely recommend them. However, I stand by 6/10 for “The Sims 4.” The game offers an experience like no other main simulation title out there right now, but the lack of forward planning and game-improvement focus leaves many with unfulfilled dreams 7 years after release. Some of the packs are worth the time and money, but sims content for the sake of content is becoming unplayable due to bugs. I recommend buying the packs that intrigue if they go on sale while leaving out the rest. Spend your money on other games to experience, “The Sims 4” will likely be here for you to come back to with us simmers trekking along (hopefully not) decades later.  
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jinkicake · 4 years ago
I’m the game anon. The game I bought is the fourth in a series, Far Cry 4. My computer can run it fine, it’s just that my screen in an odd size and it’s not supported by the game. I’ve played almost all the other Far Cry games except maybe one or two. It’s just a bit frustrating that I spend money on it and now I can’t even play it, that’s all. And a DLC us basically just extra content, like cool clothes, awesome weapons and more story parts.
Hello game anon~ Oh,,, no yeah I def think you should keep it!! Like you said before you’ve been really wanting to play this game and you also said you’ve played the other versions of the game! I think you should just hold onto it until you get a screen that can support it! Dw, I get the frustrating feeling. One time I was trying to connect sims to the computer and bought like four different extensions and NONE OF THEM WORKED. Yeah, that shit is on a diff level of pain T T but patience brings.... something good? yeah! oohhh, I’ve seen dlc with minecraft before!! It always looks cool LOL I’ve never heard of Far Cry, what’s it like?
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princess-stabbity · 5 years ago
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@demonwrestler​ boy howdy do i have recs for you! took me a lil while to collect my brain, but here’s some of what i’d consider some of the best ones out there rn:
enhanced inquisitor sliders: get lost for hours, trying to get your character’s scars just right! seriously, the extra customization is great.
i also like this mod for improving makeup, tho it makes certain npcs look a bit wild (lord seeker lucius has got wings for DAYS in my game, lmao). also highly rec sos brows.
hair: where to start! updates in frosty have allowed enterprising modders to do some excellent work recreating sims hairstyles or creating their own. i tend to avoid the fancier looks for suspension of disbelief reasons, but one has to appreciate the skill and variety: hairstyle day, misc hairstyles for frosty, curls for frosty, dark’s curly hair conversions, and anto hairstyles for dai are all incredible work. skaramoosh’s work also still holds up, including sk hair pack and sk qunari mini hair pack. for a few other ones i like, i’d suggest tweaked bun, messy hairs, and the many works of koric. 
the main thing to keep in mind when modding hair (and most of these pages include a reminder of this in the description) is that you can only replace each vanilla hair with one mod hair at a time (eg, only one mod that replaces hair 052). they’ll always tell you which hairstyle they’re replacing, you’ve just got to keep track if you’re using multiple at once. also: any npc using the same hair as you will also be changed. 
complexions: you probably already grabbed these, but ascendia’s stuff is largely considered the gold standard for complexions. here are frosty ports for her stuff: [1] [2]. shepshy has a nice one here, if you like moles. you may also want to check out work by kittentails and ihuntalone (haven’t tried them myself, since i don’t think my desktop could handle 4k)
somewhat related: there’s a modpack for qunari under the name susi adaar, and it has a makeup file for them that allows for truly fantastic freckles. also, since i’m here and i am incredibly biased in favor of qunari and dwarves, i thought i’d share a few mods that cater to them, bc i have had to do a damn lot of digging thru hf/ef only stuff:
ornamental horns
bigger horns for femqunari
horns of plenty
scion of glory
the carta cut
dwarven skyhold outfit retextures
dwarven finery
and finally custom body models bc give me my broad shoulders and wide dwarven hips back, you cowards
oh, and on that note, if you’d like a more character-specific look than the intro provides, you can try tirnoney’s immersive starting armors or invisible prologue outfit. and there are dozens and dozens of options for pjs and formal wear, so i’ll just drop these here:
dress: wedding dress replacer for frosty, sk’s mesh edit (works with all retexes!), the dress by jacknifelee, the dress but halloween this time, prestige couture, kittentails’ elf dresses and retexes
formal wear: exquisition for frosty, champagne and truffles, sk’s stuff for frosty, decorated formal wear
pjs: libelula (now including dwarves), brocade outfit (now including men), jammas of the kadan
the good news abt wedding dress edits are every texture works on every inquisitor. no worries abt “only for hf and ef,” unlike with pjs. just have to keep in mind you can only have one retex at a time also it really flattens the figure and the mismatch w skintones drives me nuts. or, if you’d like to just wear a vanilla orlesian dress, padme4000 has recently released orlesian dress for the inquisitor.
and, of course, i’d be remiss if i didn’t mention inquisitor wardrobes. i haven’t used it, bc it’s a bundle and i’m concerned abt conflicts, but it has a lot of fun options.
finally, here’s some stuff for flower crowns, bc we deserve it: [1] [2] [3]
gameplay stuff: 
this playthru i’ve been using inquisitor from the start, which allows you to use all 3 class specializations from the beginning (in fact, if you’re a mage, your starting abilities become spirit blade and stonefist, which takes some adjusting to...). definitely op, and a lot of fun. i’ve been enjoying finally exploring rift mage so much i might make it my adaar’s canon spec.
jerrybullet has made all kinds of other ability tree mods that make things easier and/or more fun, like removing prerequisites. highly recommend checking out his stuff. 
spirit blade nerf revert: bc fuck balance.
i haven’t tried this one by soriyumi, but based on how much i’m enjoying this one of theirs, both are worth mentioning.
necromancy enhanced: haven’t tried it, but i suspect it’s relevant to your interests!
i also recommend going ahead and using someone else’s playthru to unlock the golden nug, bc fuck it. i want the blade of tidarion and i want it now, you know?and everything is easier in tier 4 gear, even if it’s made using tier 1 mats.
which, speaking of, i recommend upgrading a bunch of cool schematics to tier 4 and adding a useful crafting mat shop to redcliffe or even the crossroads. bc i’m all abt fashion and violence. 
oh, and this doesn’t really fit in any of my loose categories here, but: party at the winter palace. and sera mod. both by sapphim, both v good. and here is a bundle mod for getting modded content to show up in dlcs (esp useful in the black emporium, obv).
i did say i had a lot of recs, yeah? lmao
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pink-rathian-official · 5 years ago
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At the beginning of 2019, I mentioned I would keep track of every game I finished, and sum up my thoughts on all of them at the end of the year. And now I’m half regretting it because I’m gonna have to write out a short summary for each of these games. Oh well. You’ll be able to find all of them under the Read More, if you’re interested. Will be including an arbitrary score next to each game based on how much I enjoyed them.
Just some fun numbers before we jump in to the meat of the post- In 2019, I beat a total of 41 games. That’s an average of 3.41 games per month, which actually isn’t too bad of a rate!
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (5/5) 100% complete! Beaten twice! Without doubt, the best Smash game yet. You didn’t need me to tell you this- if you’ve got a Switch, then you’ve probably got Smash.
Bayonetta (4/5) A classic character action game, and an immense source of nostalgia for me. Play this game or I’ll break your knees.
Bayonetta 2 (4/5) I actually went into this game with low expectations, I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as the first game. Fortunately I was stupid and wrong and ended up loving it just as much as Bayo1.
Splatoon 2 (3/5) The story wasn’t particularly the most enjoyable thing ever, although I did sink a pretty decent amount of time into the multiplayer. Still not my go-to game if I’m looking for a quick match.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (4/5) It was enjoyable, although kinda started dragging on towards the end. The side content started feeling very repetitive, especially the shrines- but it was still a genuinely great time.
DOOM (2016) (3/5) I raged a wee bit, gonna admit. Although it was fun, I had a lot of frustrations with the late game.
Cthon (3/5) Doom, but a Lovecraftian roguelike. I’d recommend picking it up on Steam, it’s only USD$4.99 regularly, and USD$1.69 during the Steam sale currently going on.
Fire Emblem: Awakening (4/5) I suck at strategy games because I’m a smoothbrain, but FE:A is totally one of the best 3DS games ever released. Lucina is my daughter and the story made me cry.
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (2/5) I already played the 3DS version, and went into the DE expecting it to be a bit more enjoyable- and while it was, I did find myself getting bored rather quickly.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (5/5) The best TES game ever released according to many fans. While I do still prefer Skyrim more, I can see exactly why so many love it. Planning on returning to do the DLCs soon.
Night in the Woods (4/5) I hate story-centric games, but I liked NITW a lot. The exploration was nice, seeing the town change day-to-day was nice, and the ending was freaky in a good way
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 (4/5) An incredibly fun game, very similar to Left 4 Dead but fantasy themed and with rat monsters. Launched my obsession with the Skaven.
Fallout 3 (2/5) Yeah just play New Vegas instead mate.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (3/5) If you separate it from the rest of the relatively mediocre AC series, Black Flag is pretty gud. I like being a pirate. I don’t like tailing missions. I really don’t like ship tailing missions.
Ib (3/5) I played this game a few times through during my obsession with RPGMaker horror games. Still holds up pretty strong, although it’s a wee bit short.
Amorous (3/5) 100% complete! Yeah it’s just a lewd furry dating sim. Does have a decent character maker that I use as a reference for my fursona now though!
Way of the Samurai 3 (4/5) I don’t know why this game slipped under everyone’s radar back on release. Just overall a very Nice samurai simulator, albeit with some combat that takes some getting used to.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (5/5) The best MonHun released yet. World is great, but for some reason it just doesn’t hold me like GU does. Maybe I’m just a boomer.
Super Mario Odyssey (3/5) It’s definitely what you’d expect out of Mario. Not a bad game by any means, but I just didn’t really keep attached to it like most others seemed to.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (4/5) I like being a lawyer, and I love the serotonin rush that I get when cornering a criminal on their logic.
Resident Evil 7 biohazard (4/5) The first RE game I’ve played to completion. I don’t regret it at all, because it was super good. Got some great DLC as well.
SoulCalibur VI (Libra of Soul + Soul Chronicle) (4/5) Loved the character creation, loved gitting gud- did not love some of the side missions in LoS because holy Hell a lot of them are bullshit.
Borderlands 2 (4/5) I hated the first Borderlands, and went into 2 expecting more of the same. Ended up leaving surprisingly satisfied. Great loot n’ shoot all around.
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition (4/5) It took me a few tries to really get into this one, but once I did I was totally hooked. The ending battle could’ve used a little more love, but it was still by all means a great game.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (4/5) Despite being a clearly rushed game with a drop in quality towards the last few hours, VtmB is still one of the most solid action RPGs I’ve ever played. Still not exactly gonna excuse the last couple of boss battles though.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (5/5) This went from “tumblr meme game that I had no interest in” to “one of the best fucking games I have ever played, and it hurt me deeply.” I don’t think I’ve ever been so invested in a story before, and the trial system was very refreshing.
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (5/5) How did they make a story with twists even more mindblowing than the first game? While THH invested me into the series, GD solidified my newfound love for it.
Which (3/5) 100% complete! A very short experimental horror game by indie animator and developer Mike Inel. Not bad at all, and completely worth the free download.
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore (3/5) I never really got good at this game, although the story mode was still very enjoyable. Not particularly something I’m probably gonna be coming back to.
Hollow Knight (5/5) Absolutely spectacular Metroidvania that gives quite a unique challenge. Fell in love with this game so bad that I was constantly thinking about it at work. Please stop comparing it to Dark Souls, it’s such an amazing game on its own merit without needing that comparison.
Undertale (5/5) It’s Undertale, do you really need me to tell you how amazing it is?
Devil May Cry 3 (Dante story) (4/5) Extremely fun and challenging. If you haven’t played this game yet then you are wrong. Beating the first Vergil battle without being hit filled me with very unneeded confidence- the spectacular final battle against Vergil stripped that confidence away.
Ion Fury (3/5) Very challenging, but still super enjoyable. The heroine is a genuine badass, loved hearing her quips. The final boss was garbo though.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (5/5) Sekiro absolutely deserved the GOTY award. Loved the combat, loved the challenge, loved everything about this beautiful game.
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition (5/5) DQXI singlehandedly changed my opinion on JRPGs. A story that’s equal parts awesome and tearjerking, combat that feels truly satisfying, and a quirky world that had me hooked for all 98+ hours.
Danganronpa Another Story: Ultra Despair Girls (4/5) While it absolutely was a good game, something about it didn’t really hold the charm that the other Danganronpa games had. The story was still superb, and the twist at the end was hooh.
Spyro the Dragon (3/5) 120% complete! The nostalgia factor drew me in, the level design kept me. Except for Tree Tops, fuck you Tree Tops.
WarioWare Gold (3/5) Packed with the best microgames from WarioWare’s history, but not enough content to keep me there past the main story mode.
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (3/5) MGS3 is one of my favorite games ever, but the 3DS port’s framerate issues really killed the fun for me.
Halo: Reach (4/5) The story mode was good, but the multiplayer was absolutely sublime. I raged, I cheered, I had the fun I missed out on growing up without an Xbox.
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xldsims · 6 years ago
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It’s been a while, but I’m finally gonna try and catch up!
It’s been a while, so before I start, I’d just like to say:
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And an incredibly belated Merry Christmas to everyone :P
So...on with the answers! :D
@plummiesims asked:
I'm gonna be 100% honest I just found ur blog bc sssvitlans re-blogged ur Altus facial hair and I SCREAMED. I love Dorian Pavus So Much :") thank u im probably gonna add it to my game adhsbd;;;           
[R]: Ha, thanks :P Stuff like this makes my day XD
Anonymous asked:
Will you be updating the male sims clothing override for the new expansions and dlc? The EA version is trash.            
[R]: I’ll try my best when I can :) They are trash but unfortunately, the method I’m using to override them just isn’t working as well on newer meshes :(
Anonymous asked:
Would the drowned out skinblend be compatible with lumia's vanilla skin or are you planning on making another one?                    
[R]: It should work with it. I use it over his default replacement skins and they work very well!
Anonymous asked:
Hi, can you do a female kinky tapered cut type style? both short and sorta high?                
[R]: It all really just depends on what I’m wanting to do really, unfortunately :P I’m more leaned to making male based cc, so it really just depends on what I’m feeling. I can never give anyone a straight answer [no pun intended XD], unless I was already thinking of doing it :o
Anonymous asked:
Can you do a higher version of the vindicator?                        
[R]: It’s an easy enough ask. I could probably lump it in with some other hairs I’m thinking of giving variations ;)
Anonymous asked:
Hii my brother loves your content sooo much :) thank youu                    
[R]: I’m glad he does! Thanks so much for the message! :DD
Anonymous asked:
Where did you go?                
[R]: In to the deep and dark shadows of Real Life XD. I went through somethings, had a couple of jobs and am still looking for one tbh. Played a lot of other games and did some other things. Basically just trying to re-focus my life and sort things out. Other would say that I’m “trying to be an adult” XD
Anonymous asked:
Wait, is your sims really a man or bear or are you a man (not to offend)          
[R]: They can be anything you want’em to be XD
@rocknrollvampire asked:
Hello! I'm a SIMS 4 player (obviously) from France. First, thanx for your amazing CC. I would like to know what poses packages and overlays you use with the sims "modeling" for your CC. Thanx for your answer.                  
[R]: First of all, thank you! Second, most of them were from @vanderetro​ and a handful of others I can’t quite remember. A lot of the ones I use now tend to be my own custom made poses however.
@jonysimmer​ asked:
Hello, first of all your CC is incredible. Question: Are you planning to do the roll-up version of Ryder's henley?  
[R]: I’ve been thinking about doing that, just never got around to it. It’s definitely something I’d plan on doing in the future :)
Anonymous asked:
Your smooth as fuck v1 hair looks super weird when I zoom out from my sim. It flattens out on the sim's head and looks very strange.         
[R]: My earlier did’nt have the complete set of LODs that my newer hairs tend to have. Chances are, when you zoom out, you’re seeing the EA hair I used as an import base in S4Studio :P
Anonymous asked:
hi! your sim derrick are amazing omg omg, can you share him please? thank you! keep going! 
[R]: Yeah, of course! I’m definitely gonna be sharing him at some point. :P
Anonymous asked:
Is Just outta bed hair bgc?            
[R]: I’m probably a little late to respond, but yes, to re-affirm to everyone, it is BGC. In actual-fact, most, if not all the hairs that I’ve released are BGC ;)
@aeonpixels​ asked:
Hey XLD ^-^ can you imagine to convert also may the long white gown from Mass Effect 3? "Liara Ashley, Liara and Miranda in Dress, from Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC by nach77 who has an image on his deviantart. If I could I would try it myself but I dunno how to extract such stuff from other games as a bloody noob.. Just started... =) Since you are experienced in that, I thought I would ask... may there is hope for some female clothes from ME, LOL Thanks a bunch for your coversions and creation ;)          
[R]: Probs, at some point. Just depends on where I’m at and where my motivations lie! :)
Anonymous asked:
Hi. Are you gonna possibly upload ME:A sims as well in the future? I cannot wait, because your work is so perfect. Thank you.                  
[R]: Yeap, this ask would’ve been from a while back, but I do have post showing the order they’ll be released (including some of my anticipated ME:OT character recreations ;))
Anonymous asked:
Do you think that you could make a flattop haircut?                  
[R]: I’ve actually been trying to figure out how to execute this for a while. I feel like someone’s probably done it before though, but I’ll keep trying :P
@catewithak asked:
Have you ever considered making more MM Dragon Age hairs? Either gender? I love your Altus, and I also hate alpha texture, but that seems to be the only Dragon Age hair CC I can find!                  
[R]: Yeah, any bioware-based hairs (*in maxis match*) are usually a rarity. I’ll definitely be trying to fill the void of MM DA hairs where and when I can :)
@mqsnail asked:
Hi Xld, huge lover of all your cc (i can't tell you how grateful i am for male clothe and hair cc. I had a question about one of your hairs, i've been noticing that the procrastinator hair would make certain parts of my sim's head shine as if he had some specs. The shine is noticeable in game and when moving household.
[R]: It’s been a persistent issue for a while, and I’ve unfortunately never been able to pinpoint where it’s coming from. I’ve fixed the spec-maps before on my own files, but to no avail. Unfortunately I can’t provide a fix :( I usually don’t mind it too much at this point since it’s not always that visible.
@puzzlebot​ asked:
I'm so sorry to bother you but i've been trying for ages to get a mesh into a full body costume like you did with garrus, but i just can't find any kind of resources that could help me out and even though i'm familiar with blender i'm running into so many hiccups! is there any chance you could point me in the right direction e.g a tutorial that you would personally recommend ?       
[R]: Unfortunately I don’t have any tutorials I use (most of my endeavors have been purely trial and error). Just look up some general stuff about blender features and get to know what they do. The main thing to do for getting a mesh into a full body ts4 costume is to append the model to the full body costume mesh file, delete the meshes in the LODs containing it and joining the mesh you want to said LODs --> then import to S4S and enjoy :D
Anonymous asked:
ngl i check your blog weekly to see if you've posted liam kosta. i'm so eager to have him in my game lol                  
[R]: I’m still trying to sort out his hair which is a bit twitchy with the way I made it :P Until that’s done, there’s not going to be a Liam Kosta release :/
@adamleeds1989​ asked:
I hope this question isn't disrespectful, but how do you usually create your male sims? Thank you very much and hope you have a nice day!                  
[R]: No disrepect at all! I look around...the internet. Sometimes I just make one until I like what I see. A lot of the time, I’m just messing with other male sims I’ve already made as bases. No formula, no rules, just kinda do what I want :P
Anonymous asked:
Hey, I really really love your Garrus Sims version and I'd love to have him in my game, but unfortunately I don't own outdoor retreat. I was just wondering if you ever got around to making him base game friendly. Sorry if this has been asked before.     
[R]: My main issue is finding a full base-game costume to place him in to make him BGC. There probably are ones now, but I just haven’t had the time to sift through the files :o
@oceanmangetsthisbread​ asked:
Will you link your tali suit soon?                    
[R]: Tali is a special, special mesh...that won’t cooperate. She still doesn’t have hands atm, so probably not for a while :(
@applecat90 asked:
Hi! I just fell in love with your male sims. Love your work! I tried to recreate them in my TS4, but they look slightly different than your original sims. I checked the cc list, and even used Tray Importer to know which cc items I needed, but I couldn't make it. I couldn't find proper Upperbody cc(which is used in almost every sims you made, id is 892D886D8DC9550E) and skindetailcreasemouth cc(I think this one is replaced by your DrownedOut skin overlay for later sims) and default skin.
'cause I have complete cc list for one of your sims, Kenney, but still he looks slightly different in tones of face and body(I tried Luumia's smoothish 1,2 DR, vanilla), Hiroki's betterbody). Would you please share the information about which default skin replacement & upperbody did you use to make these sims? Thank you! and thank you for your amazing works.    
[R]: Doesn’t seem like they’re anything crucial? Usually the only things that really make my sims different is the skin overlay, and using Drowned Out usually makes the difference. I’d have to give this some thought. It’s possible that the upper body mods have to do with the muscle slider I used? Other than that, there wasn’t all that much else to them :/
@jdowellc asked:
Hey, I'm not sure if you monitor or update anything still, but I'm a huge fan of the Major hair in particular. I was just wondering if you knew that the Major 2 isn't hat compatible? At least not in my game anyway - newest update. The whole back of the hair disappears when a hat is used which makes them look bald. Just a heads-up I guess (I'm not expecting anything) :)                
[R]: Honestly my bad! It’s probably something I forgot to add since I may have posted the file the way it was (’cause I never actually intended on releasing the Major 2 in the first place :P). I’ll try get that rectified when I can.
@prixetoilesims​ asked:
Thanks to you, I’ve added Garrus and my Shepard to the sims and now I’m looking for a way to make baby Asari and I blame you 100% for feeding my mass effect addiction SO THANKS  NO BUT SRSLY THANK YOU ♥️♥️      
[R]: Thanks ♥️♥️     ♥️♥️     XDD I’m feeding my own addiction too, probably worse on my end letting it consume me, but I’m glad other can feed their own addictions as well XD
Anonymous asked:
Hey I love your content! I always come back to check to see if you upload anything new! XD Willing to donate :) I had a question on how to download your good looking sims? Do you download/install them just like Mods?     
[R]: You pretty much extra them for the zips and into your tray files :D That easy! And thanks so much! I’ll definitely try to make an effort when I have time to release some more content. Already got some hairs I could probably drop soon :)
Anonymous asked:
Finally you resurrected.
[R]: Not quite, but you better believe I’m getting there.
@eggysimblr asked:
Hi, I just Recently discovered Mass Effect (Finished 1 and soon finishing 2), And I was wondering, will you make some Quarian CC? You know, because Tali'Zorah is my girl...              
[R]: Tali’s if friggin’ amazing. I know @bmso85sims‘s been making a few bits of quarian and misc mass effect content as well so I’d check them out. I’ve been struggling myself with converting Quarian content, so it’d be a while before I release anything, let alone Tali unfortunately XD
@theprodigalbanana asked:
Hi, I just wanted to thank you again for getting me into the series and for the ME sims , especially John and Kaidan. I'm going to play these two to fill the void that ME left in my heart. They are so sweet together and your short stories encapsulates that perfectly. I couldn't access some of them so I was wondering if they are a WIP. I was also wondering if sth bad would happen if I install John and Kaidan as it says that they are outdated. I love your work and thanks for getting me into ME :D            
[R]: Don’t worry, I’ve been filling that same void for years XD And no, nothing bad’ll happen, it’s just that I have newer edits of them these days (and I there’s always something about them that needs tweaking). I’m also secretly an advocate for Bioware [jk, but still XD].
@metalfenix asked:
I'm glad you're fine, xalder. Take it easy and concentrate on your job quest. (Even though I would be a liar if I say I didn't wanted to ask you about the suspenders lol).                    
[R]: I know right, me and those goddamn suspenders? I might as well release them as is honestly. I’ve been okay with how they look for ages, but quite frankly, they’re a bit hit and miss -- but if you seem to be good with them, there’s no reason why I can’t release them :P
Anonymous asked:
Hello I was wondering if I can have the tray files to two of your goodlooking Sims please? :)            
[R]: Any sims specifically being requested? ;P
@shinyobservationhottub asked:
Im having a visual glitch with the Scimitar hair. It looks like light streaks peering through the head when zoomed out at a certain distance. The hair looks amazing so I still want to use it, but wanted to come drop this by.         
[R]: Those are some strange and rather elusive specularish[?] issues that don’t actually seem to be on the specular maps in the hairs. I still don’t have a clue how to fix it, and it personally hasn’t bothered me too much so I’ve kinda just grown to live and let live (y’know, until there’s some fix for it :P)
Anonymous asked:
Hey, when will you upload tali's suit?                
[R]: May be, sometime...when her hands aren’t totally screwed up :P
@volundrromu asked:
Hi!I really liked your character - Tali'zorah. Can I download it?              
[R]: Now this is honestly such a popular question! Please refer to the above ask. :P
Anonymous asked:
Jump from 1k to 4k? Are you computer fine?                
[R]: I have a pretty high-end gaming PC, so it handles like smooth butter. :P
Anonymous asked:
Hi there, I was just wondering if you were going to put the kaidan's email mod back up? thank you!              
[R]: I’m going to be bumping this up in priority to upload, don’t worry :P I haven’t actually released it at all yet, since the original files are on my laptop that I used to game on. Will be tweaking the files for both male and gender-neutral references in the message so no one gets left out :P
Anonymous asked:
Can you make a female version of your loin cloth that you currently have for male sims?                        
[R]: An easy enough ask too :P Just depends on where my priorities lie, but it’s definitely something I could put on my to-do list. I think @quiddity-jones might have made a conversion of it -- I could probably get her to upload it :)
Anonymous asked:
Can you reupload the male loincloth files?            
[R]: Yes! It’s a goddamn crime that tumblr removed it.
@heyisfurwhoresez asked:
Please repost the oiled up skin overlay!              
[R]: I’m definitely making that a priority!
Anonymous asked:
Does Garrus still require Outdoor Retreat?                
[R]: Unfortunately, at the moment, yes :(
@limefiend asked:
Were your overlays wiped out with the nsfw ban? do you still have them up somewhere else, or are they like gone?  post/139654327414, post/149505614209, and post/155480567079 are mia now.                      
[R]: Looks like there’s a good 10-20% of my original posts (not just CC) that got wiped out in the stupid-ass nsfw ban. I’ll definitely get to reposting them soon and rewiring the download links. They’re still on simfileshare, I’ll just need to be making the necessary fixes for the links. :)
@cejeubeu asked:
Hi there. I just came across your tumblr today and saw some of your uploaded sims. I've downloaded them, but I wanted to send some potential suggestions, primarily one: could you upload the CC in a ZIP containing the tray files for the sim? I've seen a few uploaders do this and it's not only convenient but it's much better than linking the sources, since often times the source can move to a different page or the link given simply may not work anymore, as if the case for some of your pages linked  
[R]: For my mass effect sims, the content is usually separated so users can dl the bits they want. Other sims I’ve uploaded usually don’t have a lot of CC associated with them, and are usually the same bits I use across the board, so you only need to download them once from any of the links of my releases. Plus breaking up the downloads into smaller files is easier on my near-dial-up-ass adsl internet speeds (I don’t get fiber where I am since our local district council isn’t looking to update our zone until the mid 2020s).
@jonysimmer asked:
Hi, are you planning to do the pants that everybody uses in ME Andromeda? Because I converted it but... looks weird. BTW: I love your Tumblr!!
[R]: I’ve been trying to make the textures for it, so I’ll definitely be working on it on the side. It was one of the things setting me back from releasing my Andromeda sims. Also, thanks XDD
Anonymous asked:
Hey there, I wanted to download the Dorian's moustache cc but it's removed, was wondering if you could reupload it or something. Please & Thank You                    
[R]: I don’t even know how that was explicit content, there was literally just a picture of his face XD Tumblr pls. I’ll get the links up as soon as I can :)
Anonymous asked:
Can you please post an updated download for the all oiled up overlay? It disappeared from my game a few days ago and I truly miss it as I'm sure others do as well. <3                
[R]: My game’s not quite up-to-date so I don’t know what exactly the problem is so I’ll definitely have to look into it. Most updates shouldn’t be breaking something
Anonymous asked:
The URL’s no longer work for the misc skin overlays ☹️                    
[R]: Thanks to tumblr’s tyrannical nsfw purge, I’m gonna have to repost, so they’ll be up soon again, dw :)
Anonymous asked:
Hey I'd really love to use All Oiled Up if you could repost that <3                    
[R]: Definitely, it’s been asked quite frequently so it’ll be high up on my tumblr to-do-list :P
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