#yeah but like. it’s not fun when i wanna share him and nobody else cared
vagueiish · 2 months
figures mere moments after i’m like ‘nope, not gonna resurrect that character’ i find a picrew that had me like ‘oh, actually, he might look okay in that……maybe i can indulge a bit…….’
0 notes
fifthnailinstevesbat · 5 months
after the events of season 4, steve just wanting SO BADLY to be friends with eddie. just LOVING the idea of them getting closer and having eddie as a friend because hell yeah! a close male friendship with someone that is actually my age, and who i don’t have a weird history with involving bruised eyes and love triangles? count me IN! and eddie is FUN, he is actually hilarious! the way they share the same glances of understanding when dustin is being an absolute shit head, rambling on and on about some obscure topic, expecting everyone to always be on the exact same page as him. of course. and, although steve suspects that eddie actually probably is keeping up with everything dustin says, much better than he ever could, he knows that above it all eddie can appreciate the antics for what they are, and roll his eyes with steve at dustin, i concur, you dustin henderson, are a total butthead.
steve just about junps RIGHT IN to being friends with eddie. hey man, what’cha up to tonight? wanna watch a movie? get drunk, smoke a bit? hey eddie, how have you been, man? he starts calling eddie up on the phone regularly just to check in, shoot the shit, he loves it! he loves having this new friendship with eddie munson and he loves how much the other boy has surprised him with how much he actually enjoys being around him. he’s not a freak, really, well ok maybe he is a little bit, but only in the best ways. he’s kind, thoughtful, and is always looking out for the people he cares about, which is something steve can really respect in a dude. but he’s also so funny? steve never could’ve anticipated just how much eddie has managed to make him genuinely LAUGH over their short amount of time spent together. and he’s really, out there? with the way he presents himself, the way he takes up space with these big THEATRICAL movements, leaving no room for regret or shame or god forbid embarrassment. steve isn’t even sure munson is capable of feeling it at all.
eddie munson is a good dude, and steve could use a bit more of that kind of person around him. he loves all of his friends, the weird little bonded family he’s found himself apart of, and they are all good people, but it never hurts to have afew more added in here and there. it never hurts to know there are more good people out there to find.
so steve is all over eddie, it seems.
at least, from where eddie is standing. nobody else seems as phased as eddie does at this sudden change in steve’s demeanour, in his interest in what eddie munson spends his time doing these days. it seems like, to everyone else, to steve, it’s just a natural progression in their relationship, after being sort of role model figures to the same group of kids, both being the two single dudes, who fought the same monsters together last spring, it seems nobody questions too much that they’d start casually hanging around eachother more. especially since eddie has found himself to fit into his own special spot as one of the group now after it all, after he unwillingly became tangled in this whole upsidedown-superpowers-supernatural-monsters and demons debacle, and tangled quite dramatically at that, the rest of the group that’s been with this since the beginning seemed to find no trouble in taking him in and seeing him as “one of them” now.
so, steve asking eddie to smoke, to watch movies, to go for a drive with no real end destination, it’s not really something that earns them too many double takes. dustin makes a comment or two in the beginning, because steve since when did you like hanging out with eddie? you guys are like so opposite, you don’t like any of the same stuff he does? and steve barely gives a shrug and a dismissive yeah yeah whatever man in response, with a signature eye roll, and dustin had said it seemingly also not too seriously, poking fun at steve wherever he can, not really meaning anything by it, as he fidgets around and rambles in the backseat of steve’s car, eddie riding up front. after that, though, he’s dropped it. it’s never brought up again. part of eddie thinks, too, that dustin would actually be enjoying that his two older friends are becoming friends themselves.
robin seems to be the only other person to look a bit harder at their situation, lingering stares at their interactions, all squinted eyes and eyebrows raised, though from her all this seems to be almost always and only ever directed at steve. eddie’s not sure what to make of that. isn’t he the weird one? i mean, he’s the one that stands out, right? he’s the odd denominator that makes their friendship strange. why would steve harrington want to hang out with Him? HIM? but robin doesn’t spend her time studying eddie to try and search for what about him could possibly have piqued the interest of cherished steven harrington, no, shes always looking at steve. like she’s seeing him differently, almost. eddie doesn’t even think that steve notices it, either, because he doesn’t seem to be questioning or doubting anything odd or strange or out of the ordinary with their newfound time spent together. and maybe, maybe robin is seeing him differently. eddie knows he definitely has been. seeing him more, intensely. deeply. human. seeing the person that steve is, as just steve, not this idealised version of a boy that eddies starting to question ever really even existed at all, or if everyone around him just needed to believe that he did, and who was steve if not happy to comply to the wants of the people around him for who he should be?
eddie likes having steve as his friend, too. don’t get it twisted. he loves how unexpectedly expressive steve is about everything, even really small things. steve LOVES to raise his voice, rest a hand on his popped hip, scolding the kids for something stupid with no real heat or malice behind it. and steve is, like, kinda bitchy too. eddie knew he had the capacity to be a real asshole when he wanted to be, that’s all he knew steve for back in the day, when he was back in high school, hanging around tommy h and the basketball boys, the jocks. eddie would spend his days hearing only whispers and gossip in the hallways of the parties at king steve’s house and the fights king steve had started and won on the court or out in the fields, only ever getting as close as a shove into a locker with the guy at the time, but eddie knew how it could go. he knew all about what steve had done to jonathan, what he’d said to him, the words he’d used. eddie knew it all. he’d seen enough, and been through enough himself, to know how these guys acted in response to guys like him, like jonathan, people who were lower on the social food chain. so, eddie knew about steve’s “mean streak”, if you will, but this kind of snarky bitchiness was something new to him. harrington was almost, sassy, when he wanted to be. it was less so cruel and more just, just sass. if he’s being completely honest it kind of blew eddie away, at first. he thought steve was one of those dull headed jocks who thought with their fists more than their actual brains, but that couldn’t have been farther from the truth. steve’s insults were well thought out, they were FUNNY, he was smart with his words. and silly. oh my god steve harrington could be so fucking silly, real honest to god goofball when the moment called for it, when he felt comfortable enough. eddie had caught on multiple occasions steve mimicking lightsabers to play fight with dustin, or the stupid fucking shit he would do or say just to make robin laugh, singing along to a song playing on the radio with a funny voice.
it was all a little, intoxicating, to watch. eddie didn’t know what gave him the right to be in on this now, to get to see this side of steve and better yet to be at the other end of some of his best qualities. it was fun, all the time they spent together, but there was always something else tugging inside eddie everytime they spent close time together, too. something, he knew steve wasn’t aware of. something he knew steve wasn’t equipped to deal with. something he knew, was him. was him, making things something more than they should be, because, nobody seemed to be questioning that they could become friends, so why ruin that? why disrupt it?
- robin and steve
“-but then like, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to watch it I just thought, hey, y’know, let’s try something different for a change, but then he- oh my god he honest to god TACKLED ME Robin — I mean, it was so fucking funny and it happened so quick — and all over a fucking Tom Cruise movie-“
“STEVE.” Robin lightly slammed a hand onto the counter. She had been standing behind it for no short of 20 minutes, watching Steve as he paced around, supposed to be stacking tapes onto shelves, but ended up spending the whole time going on and on, and ON, about how movie night went with Eddie last night. She thought she was bad…
Steve jumped, almost running into a shelf and knocking down his hard work, and seemed to snap out of whatever trance he had found himself in after starting to tell Robin a story about something funny Eddie had done last night.
“Shit, sorry. Sorry, what were you saying? Were you- were you saying something?”
To this, Robin just rolls her eyes and let’s out a laugh, “You, sir, are goddamn hopeless.”
“Sorry. How long was I talking for?” Steve wandered his way over to lean his arms onto the counter from the opposite side.
“Oh, I dunno Steve, just about half an HOUR?”
“That is an over exaggeration Robin, it’s only been like-“
“Honestly, man, i’m concerned for you. You are like next level OBSESSED with Eddie. Eddie Munson. You do realise this right??? You are obsessed with him, Steve.”
To this Steve sputters, lazily waving his hands back and forth.
“No, Robin, what the hell are you talking about? I am not OBSESSED. No need to be jealous, alright, Stevie-Boy here can have more than one friend. Your spot in my heart isn’t any less special now that it’s beginning to be shared by another.” He bats his eyelashes up at her, holding both hands over his chest as if to cradle his heart.
“Oh my GOD! You even SOUND LIKE HIM!”, she playfully slaps his shoulder. “Steve. You are obsessed.”
“I am not obsessed! He’s just a really great guy, alright-“
“Blah blah, yep whatever you say, lover boy.” Robin quips, plopping down onto the chair chair infront of their staff computer, turning herself to face it.
“Wha- what? Lover boy? What the hell Robin, that is not- that doesn’t even make any sense!”
She is just smiling at him now, enjoying seeing him spiral like this. Steve let’s out a sigh as he puts his hands on his hips, and shakes his head, looking at her right back.
He opens and closes his mouth afew times, like he’s really thinking about what he wants to say next. Or like he has no idea what to say next, and his brain is not moving fast enough to formulate the next sentence his mouth knows he wants to say. He wasn’t obsessed. That’s not- that’s like- no. No he was not, Robin was just playing around with him, she knew how to get on his nerves. Get him all wound up over little things just to see him react like this.
After a minute or two, Robin realises Steve was not going to reply anytime soon, so she turns fully back toward him. Saving him from his spiral.
“So, what are you’re plans for tonight Steve-O?”
He lets out a chuckle and walks around the counter till he’s behind it with Robin, leaning his back against it so he can stand across from her and face her.
“Well, not really sure. Parents aren’t home, no early shift tomorrow, might drink afew beers, listen to some music, —“
“See what Eddie’s doin?” Robin finishes for him, quirking her eyebrows up and down as she does it.
“Oh shut up!” Steve just laughs and softly throws a tape from the counter at her chest. “As a matter of fact, yeah I will see what he’s up to. Because we are friends now, Robin. Is that a problem? Actually I was also gonna ask you what you were up to after work, too, but you know what after this I’m having second thoughts, I mean, the way you’ve been treating me lately-“
“Oh my god, you are the worst. Yes, I’m free, of course I’ll hang out with you dingus. You and your tweedle dee.”
Steve laughs at this, then tilts his head.
“Wait, does that make me dumb? Tweedle dumb?! That’s how you see me?”
“Yeah it is actually, got a problem?”
“Oh wow, she’s feisty today. Can’t believe you think I’m dumb, Rob’s. When you come knockin’ tonight, do not expect a warm greeting at my front door.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll take my chances.”
- later. steve’s house. to be continued?
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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A/N : Before y’all try to correct me - got this information from the personality database app so if you wanna tell me I’m wrong then blame the app. Also don’t take it THAT seriously. It’s just for fun. I will do a female version after this. Also please LIKE THIS TF UP. THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG AND I DID CHARACTERS I HATE/DONT CARE ABOUT SO IT COULD BE FAIR PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO ME. Also, also do not say I picked favorites because unfortunately this is my personality and the characters that I wanted when I ran it through the system DID NOT match close to 100% so yeah
WARNINGS : none I think
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First, what is an INTP individual?
INTP’s are logical and analytical "Logician" who prioritize knowledge and understanding. They are known for their interest in stripping away superficial details to get to the underlying principles of a system or idea. They may be seen as absent-minded professors who are highly intelligent and enjoy developing and organizing their subjective understandings into consistent systems. They are flexible and tolerant, but may become rigid when their beliefs are challenged.
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Your compalability/relationship with all the MK 1 Characters
Baraka [ ENFJ - protagonist ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Playmate
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Educational
In a relationship, Baraka will give you anything you desire. He is always willing to do anything you ask for to please you. He wants you to be well taken care of. He wants to see you at your best even though most days he feels at his lowest. Baraka does fear that one day you might leave him for someone he feels as though is more worthy. So, he’ll always try to give you everything you have ever wanted. Your communication is always an understanding between the two of you. The two of you get each other.
Baraka is actually playful with you despite how serious he can be. He feels comfortable with you. Like he can be himself. He doesn’t have to hide who he is when he is with you. Everything just feels right. Sometimes the two of you don’t share the same goals but that’s okay. You two are different and Baraka understands that.
Bi-Han [ ENTJ - commander ]
Chemistry : 99%
Relationship Type : Soulmate
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Rational
In a relationship, Bi-Han will try his best to be gentle with you despite his nature. You are his peace. The coldness to his ice. There is no better person to calm him down other than you. He is grumpy with everyone. It’s always him versus the world. That’s not the case with you. It’s always you and him. Together. Bi-Han feels like he can trust you and trust is an absolute big thing with him. If he cannot trust you then he mind as well treat you like everyone else. His communication is always calm considering how cold he can be. He is willing to talk through whatever problem the two of you face. Even though some days he doesn’t feel like it.
Bi-Han has a sense of obsessiveness over you. He feels like he needs you twenty four seven but he will never show it. He’s still a little hasty on showing affection but trust that he feels it. He wants to show you but sometimes it’s hard given how he is as a person. It has nothing to do with you, it’s him. Bi-Han will always try with you. Sometimes he can get a little pissy with you but you know how to handle him so it never gets blown out of proportion. The two of you are the best when you are together.
General Shao [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Shao will lead, guide, and protect. He will make sure you are alright. Make sure that no obstacles stand in your way. He will always make sure you are making the right decisions. He wants what’s best for you. He will protect you with his life. Nobody will dare threaten his queen. Nobody. Shao feels that you are his very weakness. (And to him this man has no weaknesses.) Sometimes he hates it. He hates the way you make him feel.
Shao will make people bow to you. Will make people worship the ground you walk on. He will not stand for anyone to treat you horribly. Unfortunately, the communication in your relationship is undoubtedly horrid. Shao does not know how to speak to you or confess his feelings which leads into fights. At the end of the day, Shao will always make sure you are safe.
Geras [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Geras will show you nothing but kindness and compassion. You are not kind to yourself. He knows this. He will show you how to treat yourself. He will show you what you truly deserve. He will not back down even when it gets hard. He will stand by your side and help you experience the feeling.
It is not just yourself but to other people you have a hard time expressing your compassion to. Not to worry, Geras will help you. He will show you how to be kind, gentle, and caring to others. When you do, it makes you feel better about yourself. Geras will always be there for everything. Even if your communication can be a little off, he will still show you the way.
Johnny Cage [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Johnny’s ultimate goal is to make you laugh. He doesn’t care what the situation is. If you’re upset or if you’re happy as can be. He will always try to make you feel better. He can’t stand when you’re sad. He can’t stand when something bothers you so he likes to take away everything that makes you feel bad about yourself with laughter.
Unfortunately, sometimes Johnny claims you are too serious for him and you claim he is too childish for you. Sometimes the communication isn’t really there but Johnny is willing to put aside all that because he loves you. Johnny loves showering you with gifts and telling you how “hot” you are. You’re perfect to him. His little movie star.
Havik [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Havik’s more chaotic nature ceases when he is with you. It is always an interesting experience being with him but you don’t mind it. He gets to show you his way and you will show him yours. Two different worlds colliding may be overwhelming but Havik will be grateful for the experience.
Havik wants to show you what life is all about. He wants to show you adventure. He wants you to experience his world and his thinking. He wants you to understand him because he feels like nobody really does. As long as you let him, he will love you like he’s never loved anybody before.
Kenshi Takahashi [ INTJ - architect ]
Chemistry : 98%
Relationship Type : Twinflame
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Kenshi will always be there for you no matter what. Kenshi will be the one that will never go away. Even if you are at your lowest. Even when everything feels pointless. Even if you two fight. There is no driving Kenshi away. The two of you will figure it out. He’s determined on that. He will die on the hill every time. The two of you are so similar that you click every time you are around.
Every time he kisses you, it’s like fireworks. You are more to him than a girlfriend. You are his best friend. Someone that is deeply sewed into his soul. He will never run away from the feeling he has when he’s with you. Never will back down. He accepts who you are completely. With all your faults and all your hardships. You are a hard person to love but not to Kenshi. To Kenshi, you are the only one he can love.
Kuai Liang [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Kuai Liang always wants the best for you. He will do anything if it means it is for your best interest. Protecting you is something he does not take lightly. With everything in his being, Kuai Liang will protect you. He will make sure you are fine emotionally and physically.
It will always be you. Nobody else. Some people may find this rather annoying by Kuai Liang but he doesn’t care. Protecting you is all that matters to him. He can’t stand when he sees you upset. He’ll break down with you when he sees this. He’ll always try to comfort you as best as he can.
Kung Lao [ ENFP - campaigner ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Coach
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Kung Lao wants nothing more than to make you feel good about yourself. He knows it’s hard for you. You are not in tune with yourself but he will help with that. Kung Lao makes you feel beautiful every time he’s with you. He makes you feel special. He will make you feel like you are the only one that matters to him. Like you are the only one that is important.
The communication you two have is always filled with passion and great emotion. Kung Lao will never talk bad about you. Even if he is mad at you. He knows you. He knows you cannot handle the harsh words because he knows you believe all the negative things you think of yourself or other people have said about you. He will not stand for it.
Liu Kang [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Liu Kang will try to protect your peace. You are an over thinker and tend to always believe that everything will turn to worse. He’ll always try to take away any stress that is on your shoulders. One thing he does hate is your guy’s communication. Sometimes you are not comfortable with talking about your feelings and Liu Kang absolutely cannot stand it. He understands giving you your space but not speaking to him when you feel down or something is wrong drives him crazy. Liu Kang’s wit always charms you and makes you laugh because he’s not over the top with it.
Liu Kang is always patient with you. Especially with your strong emotions. You are emotionally reactive with everything but it is something he can handle. Sometimes when it become far too much, he’ll hold you in his arms and whisper how much he loves you. He’ll make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world. He truly wants you to feel loved with every fiber in his being. Because you don’t like to talk about your feelings, he is always analyzing your body language and your speech to see if you are alright. If he deems you are not, expect a long talk of how much he loves you.
Raiden [ INFJ - advocate ]
Chemistry : 91%
Relationship Type : Advisor
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Raiden will try and be the man you want him to be. He’ll be the man you always thought of in your head. He’ll make your dream man a reality. Raiden will always try to guide you to the right choices in life. He wants you to succeed. Your communication is always interesting. It is neither bad or good. Your goals are a little ways from each other but Raiden will always support you. No matter what.
When you feel like a mess, Raiden is there whispering in your ear how much he loves you. How important you are. He will make you feel like you are the most important person in the world. He wants you to see yourself how he sees you. He looks to you like you are his prize possession. Like you are his world. There’s no amount of anything that can change the way Raiden feels about you. Nothing in the world.
Rain [ INFP - mediator ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Supporter
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Rain shows you nothing but respect and support. He is your number one support system. In everything, he will help you succeed. Respect is another thing he does not take lightly. You are his goddess, his queen. He will treat you like he needs to worship the ground you walk on.
He’ll always support your ideas and beliefs. Even though most of the time he does not agree with them. In the slightest. He knows that supporting you is more important than him trying to push his ideas and or beliefs onto you. Your needs matter and he understands this. Rain will also allow you to call him by his first name. You are one of the only people to have this privilege so know that Rain means well.
Reiko [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Reiko sees that there is more to life than himself when he is with you. He is a very selfish individual. Not when it comes to you though. He’s learning to put his significant other before him. He has to in order for the relationship to work. Otherwise the relationship is doomed as you can also be quite a selfish individual.
Reiko will try to give you gifts because he is not familiar with any other way of showing his affection. The two of you will have to teach each other how to love one another. It’s a rocky start but Reiko will get the hang of it. The relationship means so much more to him than you could ever realize.
Shang Tsung [ ENTP - debater ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Preceptor
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Shang Tsung will put your needs above all. This is strange for the sorcerer as he is used to being selfish. It is not something he is familiar with but he can’t help himself. The more you’re around him the more he has this sense of urgency to try and give you the world.
Shang Tsung will always make sure you are well taken care of before going off doing his business. One thing about him is you will need to support his plans. Whatever they be, he needs someone by his side. Your goals usually align with each other and are smart. Your conversations are usually filled with great emotion and it’s something he can’t pull away from.
Syzoth [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Syzoth wants you to feel like he is your home. He knows how it feels to be unwanted. He wants to shield you from that feeling. Nothing in the world matters more to him than you feeling safe. He cannot have you feeling down or feeling unsure. You need to be indefinitely secured.
He does not play any games. Syzoth will always try to advise you on what to do but will make it very clear that he is not trying to control the shape of your destiny. Whatever you desire, he is pleased with. He just doesn’t want you to regret anything or live in the past. Syzoth will make sure you feel safe in the beauty that is you.
Tomas [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Tomas will always be there when you break. He will always be there when you cry. He will always be there when you can’t find it in yourself to stand on your two feet. He is the glue to your soul. Tomas believes you are capable of doing anything but he knows that’s just something that’s hard for you to believe.
He’ll try to comfort you. To hold you. To kiss you. Sometimes it may not be something that’s physical that you need. Maybe it’s something that’s mental and Tomas will try his best to help you in that department. Seeing you break makes him break and he cannot live with himself knowing that if he didn’t try to help you, you would get worse.
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if you’re an INTP then your soulmate is ENTJ
That means your perfect match for a soulmate is
Your perfect match for a best friend is
Here are runner ups that you could end up with (romantically)
(in order of best all the way down)
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INTPs are typically non smokers.
INTPs typically use dark humor.
INTPs usually are atheists.
INTPs are usually emotionally reactive people.
INTPs typically don’t consider themselves smart.
INTPs typically wear glasses.
INTPs usually don’t fear death.
INTPs usually watch horror movies.
INTPs typically have low self-worth.
INTPs are usually short tempered.
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pinkanonwrites · 8 months
HI same anon from last night I’ve been going absolutely bonkers over you rambling about Bee since you posted it. I love that guy… 😭. If you want more specific (and this is only if you wanna!) do you wanna expand on maybe g1, animated or earthspark? how they’d be in a relationship, maybe? it’s totally up to you. i’m just excited to be fed good content about my favorite guy 🙏
Yes yes yes of course! I covered what Earthspark Bee would be like if he had a crush in the last ask, so I'll gladly go over what these Bees would be like in a relationship!
G1 Bumblebee
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Of these three, I think G1 Bee is the shyest, even when the two of you are already in a relationship. The puppy love doesn't wear off when you start dating with him. If he had it his way he'd trail behind you wherever you went, dopey and lovesick and unbelievably fond.
He's incredibly gentle with you, never picking you up without asking first, always checking in on you to make sure you're comfortable when he takes you for a drive. He's also a much more careful driver than the other two versions of Bee when you're riding with him. As much as he loves to feel the wind between his plates and tear up the road, he's a lot more hesitant to do so when you're his ride-along.
He loves the human cliche of getting your partner flowers, and he especially loves the way your whole face lights up when he presents them to you, even if he just spent an hour delicately picking them out of the nearby woods. He'd be a complete, flustered mess if you ever returned the favor or, better yet, went out of your way to court him in a way more familiar to Cybertronians. Bring him a cool rock or pretty gemstone you found at a hobby shop and he'll fall to pieces right there in front of you.
Whether you're a alone or in public, he absolutely melts under any affection from you. Even a kiss on the cheek can turn his processor to a staticky mess. He's so whipped for you and he absolutely loves it.
Animated Bumblebee
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Even in a relationship, he still loves to tease and play with you. Teasing is your shared love language, he shows his affection best when you're calling him a giant dork and he's responding 'Yeah, but you love this giant dork!' The only times he gets really soft and embarrassed are when you genuinely compliment him or tell him how much you love him without some silly goof to cushion the blow. You can practically see his whole faceplate glowing with the force of his blush.
Anything fun is doubly fun when he's doing it with you. Listening to music, ripping around downtown Detroit, or even just vegging out on the couch playing video games. Having you there makes everything ten times better. Even things that you enjoy that he isn't as fond of are better with you. He'll gladly watch a documentary or go stargazing if it makes you happy. Besides, you can still bounce jokes off of each other, so he'll enjoy it no matter what.
He's such a showoff about you it's adorable. He brags about you whenever the chance comes up, and NOBODY gets away with talking smack about you if he's around. Especially other bots that don't like organics, that's when he gets to his most protective.
He's not always the best at reading the room, so you need to be pretty up front with him if he ever says or does anything that genuinely upsets you. After all, teasing isn't very fun if it's something that you're genuinely self-conscious about. And he knows you'd never tease him for stuff like his height, so all you have to do is point out the lines that you don't want crossed, and he'll never let himself or anyone else cross them.
Earthspark Bumblebee
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Like Animated Bee, Earthspark be loves loves loves to go racing with you. But he's also painfully aware of how much more fragile humans are than Cybertronians, so he saves it for routes he knows like the back of his hand, or racetracks where there's absolutely no chance of you getting hurt. It makes his spark sing whenever you cheer around a tight turn, warm hands gripping his steering wheel like you never want to let go.
He's not a bragger by any definition of the word, but the people around him that know him well can tell just how proud he is of you. He gets this incredibly fond, dreamy look on his face whenever he sees you teaching the Terrans something new, like it's taking everything in him not to scoop you up and smooch you right then and there.
He's okay with casual displays of affection, hugs and chaste kisses and carrying you around in his arms or on his shoulder. But he does get pretty embarrassed if he ever gets caught in a more affectionate position with you. He can handle the teasing from the Maltobots just fine, but Primus forbid Optimus or Megatron start ribbing him for how cuddly he likes to be with you when no one else is around.
Speaking of cuddly, I think ES Bee is the MOST touchstarved out of these three. He's incredibly tactile and if he could he'd literally always be touching you, but he's been on his own for so long that he doesn't really know how to voice when he needs that kind of casual physical affection. He loves to cuddle but almost never brings it up. After all, a soft, gentle human like yourself can't possibly get as much out of cuddling a angular slab of metal as he gets out of cuddling you. Please cuddle the man, he needs it so bad.
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ging-ninja · 2 years
Lockwood and Co.
Little note for you all. I kinda wanna turn this into a series but idk, we’ll see if I get the time. Hope you enjoy these pining idiots xx
You’re doing what?!
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To say that leaving Fittes was a big mistake would be up to who you asked. Ask Bernadette and she’d tell you that she couldn’t wait a second more to do it. Ask Kipps however, and he’d go on a half hour rant about how it was the most prestigious agency in the country and so on. But however anyone felt about it didn’t concern Bernadette all that much, because either way it was happening. That’s how she found herself knocking at the door of 35 Portland Row.
“Fucking hell, he doesn’t half take his time does he?” From her experience Anthony Lockwood was always very punctual, turning up either at the same time as the Fittes crew or earlier to the same scene. Now that she wanted him to turn up however, he now seemed nowhere to be found. Who knows though? Maybe she’d been seen through one of the windows and he’d opted to ignore her?
It was definitely a possibility after all the dislike he felt for the Fittes agents he came across. The two had definitely had their fair share of run ins with one another. Although in Bernadette’s defence, it was mostly made up of playful bickering and flirting with one another. But even with that he’d almost definitely find her turning up at his door odd to say the least.
Speaking, well thinking, of the devil… Anthony Lockwood was now stood at the door. “Bernadette, what the hell are you doing here?” “Real nice to see you too Locky, I thought you missed me when I was away?” It wasn’t often that Anthony Lockwood was speechless, but Bernadette loved it when he was. That was mostly because every time he was speechless, there was also a slight blush gracing his face from her words.
“Well, I, um, of course, but what are you doing?” He couldn’t quite manage to string his sentences together right now. I mean his, well what was Bernadette to him? His acquaintance that he flirted with on occasion and had a massive crush on? Wait, a massive crush on?! Oh, he definitely did and seeing her stood on his doorstep was enough to fry his brain.
“If you must know, I saw your little job interview advert in the paper and here I am.” If he had looked confused before, that was nothing on the look his face now held. “But, you’re at Fittes, why would you want to join me?” “Well, what can I say? I guess your charms were enough to draw me in.” He stood, frozen in the doorway, sure that if he had moved even an inch the dream before him would turn to smoke and slip through his fingers.
“Locky? Hey, you there?” At the sound of Bernadette’s voice once again sounding out, he’d snapped back to the fact that this was in fact happening. “Oh yeah, do you want to come in then and I’ll do you some tea?” “Thought you’d never ask.” She winked as she walked past him and into the house. Lockwood couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. Usually it was a 50/50 on the flirting and now he was completely off his game on home ground.
He’d shown Bernadette to the living room, before heading off to make tea in the kitchen. It was only on the way back that he had realised he hadn’t asked Bernadette about how she liked her tea, he’d just done it. Two sugars and some milk, just how she liked it. He probably knew more about her than he would ever care to admit to anyone, especially Bernadette. There was no good way to explain that he’d taken in every little detail anyone had ever mentioned about her and locked it away in his brain for the future. A future that he had imagined with her in it.
“That for me darling?” Seeing as it was just him in this big old house she’d assumed so and it was always so fun to use more nicknames on him. “Who else would it be for but you my dear?” Maybe his little breather in the kitchen had been enough to stop him tripping over his every word. “Nobody else I hope, what would I do if you disappeared on me loverboy?” Or then again maybe not. “W-well, I…”
Hiding his face in his tea, Anthony had to take a second before he restarted again. “Berny, why are you really here?” Tilting her head to the side slightly (almost like a puppy, Lockwood noted) she considered her answer. “I told you I came for the the job interview. Before you say anything about how I shouldn’t leave Fittes or whatever I’m going to, however this plays out.” Another silence fell between them as Anthony took his time to acknowledge what she was saying.
“Berny, I mean we could do the interview tests but I know you’re talented. It’s up to you if you want to do the tests because I’d hire you right now.” That had shocked Bernadette a little bit, she knew she was good too, but she didn’t expect any exceptions. “Would you really have me Locky?” As much as she tried to keep the slight break from entering her voice, it still managed to come through. “In a heartbeat.” There was no humour in his voice, just sincerity.
She chuckled nervously, the look he was giving her was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. He was staring into the depths of her soul and she wanted him to until he’d found anything and everything he was looking for. “I’ll have to hand my notice in then, won’t I?” A gentle smile, unlike his usual smirk, graced his face. “Well in that case, we’ll have to see which room you want.”
“I get a choice?” Her voice had grown smaller as she asked the question. “Anything for you Sunshine.” She’d never expected her eyes to start watering, especially not in front of Lockwood. Not after she’d been making him nervous just minutes before. She didn’t even have to ask for his comfort as he moved onto the settee next to her, arms gently wrapping around her.
“I’m sorry.” The look on his face had now changed to one of care and worry. “Don’t be, now come on you’re going to need to pick sooner or later aren’t you? Otherwise we won’t be able to move you in.” Wiping the tears away with her sleeves, Bernadette tried to compose herself slightly. “Lead the way then.”
It’s safe to say that Kipps wasn’t all that thrilled when Bernadette handed in her notice. He couldn’t have been further from it. When he found out she was joining Anthony Lockwood of all people. Well, shouting was the very least of his rage.
But that was a month ago now and Bernadette and Anthony had been living and working together ever since. At first it had been a big change, monumental really. She’d moved into the room across from Lockwood and was still getting used to having her own space. It was also a big change living with someone so laid back. Everyone at Fittes was always incredibly regimented, even off the job.
Working together was almost seamless though, as if they’d been doing it forever. The one thing that really hadn’t changed was the continuous flirting. Bernadette couldn’t exactly say that making each other flustered in the field was helpful, but boy was it fun. Then being able to laugh about it after? It was perfect, everything was perfect.
Locky and his little ray of Sunshine.
We can only hope they would both come clean soon enough…
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inkmemes · 3 years
young  royals  (  2021  )  sentence  starters ↪  taken  from  netflix’s  swedish  ya  drama.  non-contextual  spoilers.  trigger  warning  for  mentions  of  sexual  activity,  drugs,  alcohol,  death,  implied  internalised  homophobia,  bullying.  alter  as  you  see  fit  ♡
“at least you can stay for a cup of coffee?”
“hey, wait up. did you sleep together?” 
“he's probably making out with someone. forget it.”
“i can't take it anymore.”
“what are you doing?”
“and he had to finish your sentence. what's going on? you like him.”
“every time you see your dad, you get all depressed.”
“you're still here, so obviously you must want something.”
“are you high? what the hell are you on?”
“does this make you horny?” 
“i like [town name], but i don't want to live here forever.”
“you can leave now. go home. i'm staying here for the weekend.”
“do you want chocolate?”
“how do you feel?” 
“it's kind of hard to tell them apart, you know.” 
“you're a worthless drunk.”
“you … you need to figure out what you want. and you can take all the time you need. and i respect that. but you have to do it by yourself. i don't want to be anyone's secret.”
“you have to stop pretending that you're not afraid.”
“that's the thing, i just don't want that.”
“it's something new. something fresh.”
“can we talk privately for a minute?” 
“and if anyone gives you a hard time, you know, just let me know, and i'll take care of it.” 
“you do know you don't need to hide?” 
“are you gonna let us in?”
“promise to let me know if there's anything i can do.”
“hey, we won't go blind from your moonshine, right?”
“i'm just getting a good vibe. that's all.”
“you're so fucking pathetic.”
“you realize that this will have consequences?”
“he's such a fucking idiot.”
“i wanted us to have a few minutes alone.”
“when you're young, love feels like the most important thing in the world.” 
“i really like you.”
“felt like i had to rescue you from that situation.”
“it got so damn hot in there, i thought i'd get some fresh air.”
“you are allowed your own opinions. it's cool.”
“i've seen the way you look at each other.”
“here, this one is a little big for me, but i think it'll look great on you.”
“do you think royal dick is different than regular?”
“you're the only one here i feel i can actually talk to.” 
“i haven't heard anything yet, but i'll tell you as soon as i do.”
“you can't just lie here jerking off.”
“i don't want to go to some fucking boarding school!”
“i've missed this place so much.”
“are you going to horror movie night on friday?”
“but i like you. and that is not fake.”
“you don't need to share everything.”
“we should go to a concert again sometime.”
“you're fucking crazy!”
“where have you been? i've been trying to reach you.”
“just don't use the school's wi-fi for porn surfing. could be embarrassing.”
“but no matter what, they can't dictate what you say.”
“sorry about last night.”
“i don't want to talk to you!”
“i don't wanna sound like an idiot.”
“i was thinking, would you like to have a sleepover at my place? because that's something friends do. it's going to be really cozy.”
“i think maybe we should forget about that.”
“you can't really see that it is you.”
��i mean, it could be anyone. it's so fucking stupid.”
“i don't want to say anything.” 
“now you're doing it again. you're trying to take care of me.” 
“i can take it, it's okay.”
“that's not true. i haven't spoken to my parents.”
“we haven't done anything wrong.”
“you're beautiful! you're so beautiful.”
“i'm gay, [name].”
“seriously? what the fuck is your problem?”
“you keep letting people piss on you!”
“i just assumed you didn't want special treatment.”
“keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
“so you thought you'd start spreading false rumours without having any proof?” 
“i just didn't want to lose you.”
“uh, there's pizza left if you want some.”
“everybody thinks you're perfect. you know that, right?”
“he's just been outed.”
“i'm going to fuck this up.”
“he bloody ruined my fucking life!”
“why are you sitting in your room sulking when you have a crush to hang out with?”
“hi. sorry, i was feeling a bit better. so i thought it was okay that i hung out with some friends.”
"everyone should be allowed to live as gay or straight or whatever they want.”
“i woke up in my own bed. that's always something.”
“could i just have one second? just one second alone, please?”
“i’m sorry. but it was, like, the only way.”
“i thought, everyone deserves a second chance.”
“i'm sorry about the mess. i wasn't expecting such distinguished company.”
“i just don't want you to be treated badly again.”
“oh, fuck.”
“you don't even… aren't you even gonna answer me?”
“i didn't know that one was supposed to sign up.”
“in real life, you don't pay to get ahead.”
“and what the fuck does your dad do?”
“let's try to have some table manners.”
“it's, like, really serious.”
“who the hell can live like this for three fucking years?”
“that's what happens when you buy the cheap ones.”
“i need your help with something. ”
“being a prince is not a punishment, but a privilege.”
“it's awesome to just chill out.”
“or maybe he lied about that too. what do i know?”
“you have to give people a chance.”
“you have to try to see it from my perspective.” 
“what the hell's this?”
“what happened to "we should forget about it"?”
“stop being so fucking stubborn and try to understand my situation.”
“sometimes it's better not to say everything.” 
“i was just bored.”
“have you ever had a boyfriend?”
“sometimes it's better to keep quiet.”
“can i get you some coffee?”
“nobody else cares about these things.”
“i lost track of time.”
“everybody does the same things and everybody knows everybody.”
“thanks for rescuing me yesterday.”
“remember when he came up to us the first week and was like, "what's up?"”
“i need you to delete all our texts.”
“i can't keep doing this anymore.”
“are you gonna let them go on with their bullshit?”
“i want to be with you.”
“here's a blanket, a pillow, and bed sheets. there you go.”
“okay, yeah. you don't seem to have grasped what i'm trying to say.”
“it's usually boring as hell.”
“he's been dealing to us for months.”
“i don't want to talk to him.”
“don't you wanna date [name] anymore?”
“i don't know why he's started texting me again. he knows i don't want anything to do with him.” 
“yeah, we had a shitload of drugs.”
“we could murder someone, and nobody would say a word.”
“she needs some fun.”
“he's just doing it to fuck with me.”
“it's such a weird question.”
“i just wanted to say hi. i don't believe we've met. ”
“but i still want us to be friends.”
“if i were to stay here… would you… like to keep me company? just you and me.”
“everything's, like, upside down now.”
“have you always lived here?”
“damn it. sorry. shit. i completely forgot.”
“i'm sure someone has a story to tell.”
“you've got to put yourself first. i mean, no matter what he thinks about it.”
“come on! you can't just sit there stuck in your room.”
“you can snuggle up in my safe arms if it gets scary.”
“i want to live a normal life.”
“let me have a look. you can hardly see it.”
“any other dick that's been sucked?”
“you just expect everything to be on your terms.”
“i want to know everything!”
“you don't have to go there. i'll take care of myself.”
“has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?” 
“i'll just stay in and go to bed early.”
“thanks for explaining the schedule.”
“i'd rather die.”
“i don't want you to be mad.”
“promise to tell me if something is wrong.”
“i can't be dressed like this if you're dressed like that.” 
“it's really complicated.”
“it feels like you don't care what people think about you, or if you have a lot of friends and stuff.” 
“nobody asked you to come. feel free to leave if you want.”
“well, nobody has ever, ever asked for this!” 
“there isn't so much to do around here.”
“you've become such a snob.”
“i know you're only trying to help me.” 
“do you like it here?”
“i don't wanna go in there. we're not even invited. fuck this.”
“don't you think it's weird [name] invited us to come?”
“if they hadn't been here, would you've, uh, made out with me?”
“so, you're an actual proper couple now?”
“you're thinking about someone else.”
“you're right. we're doing this together.”
“thanks… for nothing.”
“why are you even so obsessed with him?”
“i want you to hold me.”
“call me when you want to be picked up.”
“what the fuck do you care?” 
“i don't think we're a couple or anything. i don't know what it is.”
“you never asked me!”
“your focus should be on comforting me so that i can comfort him.” 
“it's not that hard. you have to be able to keep up appearances.”
“famous people make videos like that.”
“maybe somebody forgot to tell me, as usual.”
“just make a move on [name] and show him what you want.”
“you wanna stay a while and jam?”
“have you talked to your parents about it?”
“a diverse bunch of losers, who'll never amount to anything.”
“why can't i decide how the hell i want to live?”
“apparently, i'm the only one who doesn't know everybody.”
“i used to have straight a's on every test.”
“it will damage our reputation.”
“i'm fucking starving.”
“why is it called tax "evasion" but welfare "scam"? it's all right that rich people cheat, but when poor people do it, it's messed up. for rich people, it's not even called "welfare”, it's called "deduction."”
“what the fuck is rowing?”
“what the hell have you done, [name]?”
“good voice, man.”
“why can't i just have a relationship with him?”
“did you have fun last friday?”
“all the people are fake. they're made out of metal.”
what do you want me to say? i'm sorry!”
“is this some kind of prank?”
“i like you when you are yourself!”
“but you like him, don't you?”
“she shouldn't talk to you like that.”
“are you into him?”
“something's not right, i think we should head back to the road.”
“do you have trouble sleeping?”
“doesn't anyone care what i want?”
“just don't tell anyone that i've been here.”
“i was going to text you back, but…”
“your only mistake was that you hung out with the wrong kind of people.”
“i just wanted to help.”
“i know you'll use anything to get high or drunk.” 
“it's time to stop being so selfish.”
“i just want my fucking money.”
“you should've planned ahead. didn't you bring a sandwich?” 
“who the fuck wants to be normal anyway?”
“you fucking told me you were the one i could always come to!”
“i take it back.”
“i can see there's something going on.”
“i have to finish getting ready, so if you could please leave.”
“no one likes me when i'm myself.” 
“i hope you have a nice christmas.”
“i'm gonna do the wrong things, say the wrong things.”
“my mom is gonna kill me.”
“do you remember what you said to me last night?”
“i cannot be dragged into this.”
“i like you too.”
“you're no longer a part of my family.”
“it's well-suited for smaller people.”
“i assume that he thought that it would make him popular.”
“i didn't ask for this!”
“it's no problem. i like doing it.”
“it feels like i'm gonna throw up.”
“don't i get any breakfast?”
“whatever i do, i can't do anything right.”
“we haven't been to any party whatsoever.”
“did you get my texts?”
“i think it sounds romantic.”
“uh, wait, you have to come to the horror movie night on friday.”
“i liked what you said in there, [name].”
“okay, maybe he used to be a player, but love can actually change you.”
“it's nice to make an effort and dress up for dinner.” 
“i'm in a fucked-up situation and i'm trying to talk to you.” 
“you don't understand. i was gonna pay it.”
“you're not that kind of guy.”
“i was about to go outside and, um, do you wanna come with?”
“what about me?” 
“it was… okay, i guess.”
“can i sit with you?”
“you call this a scary movie?”
“i have a million things to take care of, i don't have time to talk to you.”
“have you lost it completely?”
“but i'm starving.”
“this past year has been difficult for me.”
“i don't get it. she's making it into such a big deal.”
“no, this won't work. just take it off, please.” 
“i'm not like that.”
“fuck you. it's not a crush.”
“then i know that i can't count on you.”
“can't you come see me in [town] sometime?”
“it's just that we can't be seen together.” 
“he was still sleeping when i walked in.”
“doesn't bother me at all. i've seen it. absolutely. 100%.”
“[name] is really getting on my nerves! seriously.”
“i want us to be friends again.”
“i thought you and [name] were friends.”
“make sure you check your dms. okay?”
“you think it's fun to fuck with people like me?”
“never spend money you don't have. okay?”
“you think i'm stupid?”
“this sucks.” 
“how nice to see some smiles.”
“this isn't just about me, but my entire family.”
“i'm going to marry her.”
“are you threatening me?”
“don't you realize the shit storm that follows if i come out?” 
“i don't want you to talking to her.”
“remember what we saw during movie night? when they sat next to each other?”
“i love you.”
“i just want to hang out with you.”
"there's no point in having a back-up if you never use it."
“pretend i'm saying something clever.”
“how's [name]? he must be totally devastated.”
“what do you think they think we're talking about?”
“everything is fake. everything in the world is fake.”
“[name] is dead.”
“it just wasn't what i thought it would be like.”
“since when did you start liking him for real?” 
“what a fucking douchebag. god!”
“what the hell are you saying? chill out!”
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howlingday · 3 years
Tragic Backstoey (TM) AU: Encouraged by her friends Ruby asks Jaune out on another date. Since it obviously wasn’t an accident he is a little awkward this time but they enjoy themselves. Now Rumors go around about the two dating. While most see this as typical romance gossip, those who know of the potential of silver eyed warriors wonder about the outcome this Union could produce.
I Lan-Cast "Screw You!"
Ruby Rose had always had the dream of becoming a Huntress. Ever since as far back as she could remember, Ruby wanted to save people, protect the innocent, and fight off the Grimm. Essentially, she wanted to make things better.
But time changes people, and dreams once held dearly as children are sidelined by other fantasies, especially around puberty. She still wanted to be a Huntress. After all, she is attending Beacon Academy. But recent events paired with her impressions from years of teen romance novels have altered her focus less from slaying Grimm, and more to playing boys. One boy, in particular, playing on his bed with her in a heated tussle of passion.
Jaune: I can't hold out much longer!
Ruby: Then don't. Just give in to it.
Ruby: YEEEEEEEES!!! (Laughs) I win! I win!
Jaune: You totally cheated!
Ruby: Aw! Somebody better call the whambulance!
Jaune: That's it!
Ruby: No! Wait! I'm sorry!
Jaune: Coochie-coo!
Jaune: Never!
Yang: Those two just don't know when to quit.
Blake: You're okay with Jaune doing this to your sister?
Yang: I trust him. Besides, it seems like normal sibling stuff to me.
Blake: Mhm. Well, you are the big sister here. If you're okay with "that" in the family, then who am I to judge.
Yang: ...I hate you. I hate you so much right now.
Blake: I'm just saying. It's only a matter of time.
Yang: Please! I may only have just learned that Jaune's my brother, but I raised Ruby Rose. She knows how to take care of herself, and she's definitely not the bold type to ask a guy out.
Jaune: Haha! Hoo, that was fun!
Ruby: Yeah... Um, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah?
Ruby: (Blushing) Do you, um, wanna go on another date?
Jaune: (Blushing) Uh, sure, I guess.
Blake: You were saying?
Yang: ...I hate you, Blake. So. Damn. Much.
Jaune: You ready for our date?
Ruby: Yeah, let's go! Nobody's gonna follow us, right?
Jaune: I told my team not to follow us. You?
Ruby: I told them. Honestly, I'm surprised how they reacted.
Jaune: Loud and whining?
Ruby: No, not really.
Jaune: Oh, so just my team, huh?
Ruby: Weiss was polite about, Blake just stayed reading on her bed, and Yang... Well, Yang kept running into the bathroom.
Jaune: Is she sick?
Ruby: I hope not. I have to share a room with her!
Weiss: Are they gone?
Blake: (Nods) They're moving downstairs.
Weiss: Got it. (Calls on her scroll) Toy Box, this is Queen Bee. The Dolts are rolling. I repeat, the Dolts are rolling. (Chuckles) Thank you, Velvet. (Hangs) And now we just wait for the photos.
Jaune: Anything new since the Festival started?
Ruby: Not really. Tomorrow's match has me a little nervous. I'm not going to be in it.
Jaune: Well, if it makes you feel any better, neither am I. After my "victory" in round 1, I'm not going to ruin everyone else's fun because people are afraid of me for some reason.
Ruby: Maybe that's a good thing. If people are afraid of you, they kind of respect you, right?
Jaune: Kind of. I mean, they might be opposites of the same feeling when you recognize something stronger. You either go on the defensive, letting fear put you in a fight or flight mode, or you accept it, and find comfort that something stronger than you exists.
Ruby: Hm, maybe. Wanna play some games?
Jaune: Sure!
Ruby: (Thinking) Fear or respect, huh? So, I guess I respect you a lot, because the stronger I see you, the more I want to get closer.
Velvet: Those two are so cute together. (Takes picture) If only I had something like that.
Cardin: (Spying on the couple) Only a matter of time.
Velvet: Time for what?
Cardin: (Straightens up) Uh, nothing!
Velvet: Really? Because it looks like you're spying on Ruby and Jaune.
Cardin: No! ...Just Jaune. It's for extra credit.
Velvet: That is so disgusting! Jaune is your friend and you're still pranking him?! And what's this about extra credit?!
Cardin: Don't worry about it! Besides, at least I'm not spying on them with a camera like a stalker!
Velvet: I'm not a stalker! ...I'm being paid for this.
Cardin: Right, because that makes it better!
Velvet: It is better! Certainly better than your stalking of Jaune!
Cardin: No, it isn't, you lying lagomorph!
Velvet: Yes, it is, you brutish bull!
Jaune: What's going on over there?
Ruby: Probably some dumb couple arguing.
Jaune: Glad we haven't gotten to that point, huh?
Ruby: Hehe! Yeah!
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...
Jaune: So, uh, wanna get something to eat?
Ruby: Sure, I could eat.
Cardin: Peeping petal pouncer!
Velvet: Overgrown giant goon!
Cardin: Inept introverted eye-spier!
Velvet: Stupid savage super slouch!
Cardin: Stop shouting!
Velvet: Shut up!
Cardin: MAKE ME!
Velvet: FINE! (Kisses Cardin)
Cardin: (Stands in shock)
Velvet: (Pulls away, Blushing) Oh no... What did I do...? (Runs away)
Cardin: Velvet, wait! ...Damn.
Jaune: He told you to slow down.
Ruby: (Rubbing her eyes) I know, I just got excited!
Jaune: That hungry for funnel cake, huh?
Ruby: Yeah, but I wasn't expecting the powdered sugar to explode on me!
Jaune: Well, hang on, I've got something. Here, let me just...
Ruby: (Winces) It's cold!
Jaune: Well, it's ice water. And... okay, try opening your eyes.
Ruby: (Slowly flutters her eyes) How do I look?
Jaune: (Blushing, Gulps) Gorgeous...
Ruby: Huh?
Jaune: Uh, I mean, good! You look- You look good!
Ruby: (Blinking) Well, that's good. (Looks at Jaune) Oh, wow...
Jaune: W-What?
Ruby: Your eyes are blue... Like, really blue.
Jaune: Oh, r-really?
Ruby: (Reaching for him, Moving closer) I... really like... blue...
Jaune: (Gulps, Moves closer) Ruby... I-
Velvet: (Throws camera between them) I'M SO SORRY, BUT I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! (Runs off crying)
Cardin: (Runs after her) Velvet, wait! (Stops at Jaune) I hope you're happy, Jaune, you son of a bitch!
Jaune: Huh?!
Cardin: This is all your fault! (Punches Jaune, Tuns after Velvet)
Jaune: Oogh... Good thing I have aura.
Ruby: (Holding Velvet's camera) I'm gonna kill them...
Jaune: Huh?
Ruby: I'm gonna kill them! Velvet was taking pictures of us the whole time! I just know Yang is behind this!
Jaune: Any good ones?
Ruby: That doesn't matter! I told them not to follow me, and they rope Velvet in on this!
Jaune: Well, at least we had fun, right?
Ruby: I guess, but I'm so angry right now!
Jaune: How about one more picture? I'll hold the camera.
Ruby: Fine.
Jaune: (Points camera at them) Say Vytal!
Ruby: (Pouting) Vytal. (Photo taken of smiling Jaune and pouting Ruby)
Jaune: How do you feel?
Ruby: Angry!
Jaune: Well, I feel great! I think it's the camera. Here, you take our picture this time.
Ruby: (Rolls her eyes) Fine, but I don't see how holding the camera will change my mood. (Points camera at them) Say Vytal.
Jaune: Vytal~. (Photo taken of a surprised Ruby and a smiling Jaune kissing her cheek) So, how do you feel now?
Ruby: (Blushing, Giggling)
Glynda: (Smirks) Hello, OTP.
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Emmaaa❤️❤️ may I request a headcanon where the easy boys fell in love with a shy reader? Maybe with Bull, Tab, Luz, Speirs Babe and Malarkey? Thank you❤️ love you
Aaahhh Fran my dear, what a great way to start off my birthday week tysm for sending one in💓
Bull Randleman:
Bull is super protective of you, always has been.
He got 10 million times more protective when he realises he's head over ass in love with you.
He's always there, always got your back no matter what.
He likes that you're most comfortable when you're with him, makes him feel like he's special.
When he was stuck in that barn in Holland, separated from everyone, thinking about you was the only thing that kept his strength up.
Its then he decides he has to tell you how he feels.
He's pretty direct about it, he doesn't want to beat around the bush with this.
"Look darlin', I ain't gonna mess around here, because to be completely honest I'm head over heels in love with you."
You get all blushy and stuttery and he thinks it's probably the most adorable thing he's ever seen.
He can tell you're flustered, so he grabs your cheeks in his hands and rubs his thumbs over them gently.
"Can I kiss ya darlin'?" He asks softly
You can't even speak you're so surprised, so you nod and he leans in and kisses you slowly, not wanting to rush anything and ruin the perfect moment.
"Hell Bull," you giggle, "I've been hoping you'd say something for ages."
"And why didn't you say anything, huh?" He laughed.
"Because I was too scared you'd turn me down."
"Well," he sighed, kissing your forehead, "I just can't quite believe I ever gave you the impression I'd turn you down. Guess I'll just have to prove to you how much I love you from now on."
Floyd Talbert
Tab is a total flirt
He's all cheesy pickup likes at first and they make you blush like hell but you'll never give him the satisfaction of laughing at them because they're so ridiculous.
But he takes your blushing as encouragement so he keeps going for weeks until eventually he gets a giggle out of you and it makes all his efforts worthwhile because you have the most lovely laugh.
After that you start getting to know each other a little better, and you start to get closer.
He's delighted when you start to open up and share more with him.
It kind of hits him like a slap in the face that shit, he's in love love you.
He's a total softie with you
He's quite subtle about it at first. He does small nice things for you; makes you coffee, gives you half his k ration when supplies are low.
He's surprisingly reluctant to profess his feelings for you. He thinks there's no way you'll see him as anything other than a friend.
Chuck tells him he's an idiot, that you've clearly got feelings for him too and be should just tell you already.
So he does...in the most muddled way possible. It all kinda comes out like word vomit.
You're dumbfounded, and you can't quite comprehend what he's just said.
"Wait," you whisper, "are you being serious right now?"
"Yeah," he laughs, "I've kinda got it really bad for you."
You giggle and blush like hell, and he grins like an idiot because he loves that giggle so much
"How about I take you out for dinner sometime?" He asks cheekily, and his grin widens when you blush harder and agree to go.
He saunters over to you and plants a quick kiss on your lips, before putting his arm around your shoulder and leading you off, pointedly ignoring Chucks wolf whistles when the two of you walk past him.
George Luz
George is the biggest flirt around, and he makes no secret in the fact he likes you.
He goes out of his way to compliment you; tells you that you make Rita Hayworth look plain, that you make sunshine look dull.
The more he makes you blush, the harder he tries. He knows he can crack your shy shell and find the gem underneath.
He's a big fan of cheesy movie quotes, which you adamantly refuse to indulge him with, but he keeps trying nonetheless.
He's tried them all, so he decides this time to pull out all the stops and be as direct about his feelings as possible.
"See that's what's wrong with you," he starts smoothly, "you should be kissed, and often. And by someone who knows how."
He pauses for a second to judge your reaction, and when he sees you smiling he sweeps you into a dramatic dip and kisses you passionately, Clarke Gable style.
He quite literally swept you off your feet, and he knows it too.
Once he knows he's successfully gotten your attention for real, he softens. He dials down the flamboyant flirting and instead he just talks to you and gets to know you for real.
He loves to cuddle you in close and have whispered conversations for hours.
He's very affectionate too, always has to be holding your hand or have his arm around you.
He brings you out of your shell, his enthusiasm and fun nature is so infectious you can't help but be swept up by it and join in on the fun.
Ronald Speirs
Ron is incredibly different when he's with you, much to everyone's surprise.
He laughs with you, like....a lot.
At first you were very cautious with him. You'd heard the stories and weren't too sure what to make of him.
But when you get to know him you realise that he is totally different to what everyone said.
You found that he is really easy to talk to, and he has a wicked sense of humour.
He liked that you were a bit more quiet than others, it made you much easier for him to talk to.
He tells the most brilliant stories, and the two of you usually end up talking for hours about all sorts; history, movies, music, anything and everything.
Its obvious to everyone but you that he has feelings for you.
He thinks you must surely know, that it was completely obvious he'd fallen in love with you. I mean he spends all his free time with you, and he never talks to anyone else the way he does with you.
Lipton eventually realises that no, you don't actually have a clue how Speirs feels about you, so he tells him that you're oblivious.
Naturally Speirs is all action and matter of fact, so he decides to just tell you how he feels and see what happens.
He's kinda nervous despite outward appearances, but he'd never admit it to himself or anyone else.
So he literally just comes out and says it one day; no frills, no fuss.
You're disarmed by his straightforwardness. You'd hoped that he might return your feelings but you'd thought there was no way.
You've never seen him smile brighter than when you told him you returned his feelings.
He wasted no time after that; he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in to a passionate kiss, his other hand cupping your jaw.
Everyone was delighted you'd mellowed out ole Sparky a little, but of course nobody was brave enough to say it out loud in case he found out.
Babe Heffron
Babe....is a bit of a mess around you.
He tries to act all cool and smooth, but he's really a total disaster because he's so distracted staring at you.
When you first start getting to know each other he does most of the talking. He's nervous as hell around you so his mouth just keeps going.
Lucky for him though you find it endearing, and it helps you feel more comfortable with him so you start to open up too.
After that he prefers to listen instead of talk, because he's fascinated by everything you tell him.
You're two peas in a pod, and everyone thinks you're a miracle worker because you've managed to get Babe to stop talking for 5 minutes.
Its clear to everyone that the guy is totally in love with you, they're just waiting for him to do something about it.
So of course Bill is the one to tell him to get his act together.
"Get your goddamn head out of your ass Babe and stop acting like a lovesick puppy. Go tell her you love her and get the goddamn girl."
It takes him awhile, and he really has to gear himself up to do it. He's attempted to say it so many times but he keeps chickening out.
One night you two are hanging out just the two of you and he manages to get it out.
He stutters like hell, but you think it's seriously adorable, and you're grinning like an idiot by the time he's finished.
"Well, don't leave me hanging," he says nervously, "do you feel the same or...?"
You say nothing, instead leaning towards him and kissing him sweetly.
You're both blushing like two cherry tomatoes, but you're smiling so much your cheeks hurt.
Then you're even more inseparable. Bill thinks you're joined at the hip or something.
You're really cute together though, always holding hands or cuddled up.
What you don't see is that Babe rarely takes his eyes off of you, and he still looks like a lovesick puppy but honestly he couldn't care less.
Don Malarkey
Don tries to act all cool when the boys are around, but when he's alone with you he's much quieter.
It's those quiet moments alone together that you enjoy the most.
He's a great listener, and he has a gentle way of pushing you to open up and be yourself with him.
You guys grow close pretty quickly, and start spending more and more time together.
He finds himself getting lost in conversations with you, and getting distracted staring at you.
He realises one day when you're telling a funny story about your childhood and he hears your wonderful laugh that he's totally in love with you.
He doesn't say anything for awhile, thinking it all over. He contemplates if he should even tell you or not because there's a chance you'll laugh I'm his face and tell him no way in hell.
Eventually he decides to screw it and just tell you. But he's not gonna just come out and say it, he's gotta do some kinda gesture. But nothing too overly dramatic because you wouldn't like that.
So he turns up to meet you with a bunch of flowers he picked himself, and he's been trying to fix his hair for the last goddamn half hour.
He's got a speech prepared and everything, but he's pretty sure he's forgotten half of it.
"Look I...I don't know if you feel the same or anything but...I just want you to know that I am head over heels in love with you. And I don't expect you to return the feelings or anything but I'm hoping you'll give me a chance."
You could tell he was nervous about the whole thing, and it was quite possibly the most endearing thing you'd ever seen in your life.
You took the flowers from him and placed them on a side table quickly before jumping into his arms and hugging him tight.
"Woah," he chuckles, "I'm taking this as a good sign then."
You pulled back your head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes happily, nodding your agreement.
He eyes crinkled when he smiles and he leans in, pressing his lips against yours firmly.
Its clear to everyone how perfect you are for each other; you calm his wilder side and he brings out your more outgoing side.
Well there you have it! Hope you all like it and ilysm Fran thanks so much for such a fun request to kick off the birthday week fun💕
Taglist: @tvserie-s-world @geniedocroe @generousdreamlanddestiny @sunsetmando @cagzzz107 @howunexpectedlyso @alejodi0nysus @sunflowerchuck
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uppermocns-moved · 3 years
if you’re taking requests maybe roadtrips with eren, jean, armin and connie?
road trips
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oh my god this is the greatest idea i’ve ever heard. 
eren, jean, armin, connie + road trips
(going on a road trip with all four of them at the end)
cw: fairly gender-neutral, modernverse, weed references
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𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗷𝗮𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗿
eren insists on driving the whole time, no matter how long the trip is.
his phone is plugged into the aux because “my car, my rules” but he doesn’t complain when you unlock his phone and start picking songs. 
forcing him to pull into a drive-through so he can eat real food, not just the 44 oz of mountain dew and monster energy he got from the gas station before you left.
hand-feeding him french fries.
playing i spy when it’s too dark to see anything, or on long highway stretches where the scenery doesn’t change. 
“i spy... something blue.” “is it the sky?” “you’re so good at this, babe.”
it’s very easy to talk him into impulsive detours, even if they’re in the opposite direction – he may be the one driving, but he’s relying solely on you for instructions. just tell him where you’re going and he’ll take you there.
“___ is only a two hour drive from here! we should go!” “yeah? okay.” 
driving with the windows down and enjoying the cool nighttime air.
car-camping in national parks – putting the seats down in the back and throwing together your bed for the night, sitting on the hood of his car to look at the stars with no light pollution, getting baked and watching a dumb show off his phone before going to sleep. 
at this point, eren realizes he forgot to pack his phone charger so you’ve gotta share.
getting breakfast together. eren’s not a morning person, but he can’t be grumpy when you’re looking so cute and sleepy in one of his hoodies. 
eren driving with one hand on the wheel and the other holding yours, occasionally lifting it up for a kiss as a silent thank you for being there with him. as if you’d dream of being anywhere else. 
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𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗸𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗻
listening to the radio to keep things spontaneous, usually the classic rock stations. 
jean taking his hands off the wheel because he needs to air-bass along.
listening to true crime podcasts when the radio cuts out – it’s funny watching jean’s face twist up in disgust during crime scene details, and sometimes he yells in response as if the podcasters can hear him. you also play detective about who you think did it – loser buys food at the next stop. 
music keeps things energetic at the start, but podcasts keep his mind stimulated when he’s been driving for a while. 
the original plan is to split the driving, but you end up falling asleep with your face smushed against the window and jean doesn’t have the heart to wake you up. he doesn’t mind driving the rest of the way.
stopping for food every couple of hours to make sure you’re both eating properly, not just snacks. you do have plenty of snacks, though. 
jean going "uh – excuse me” whenever you open a bag of something and sticking his hand out. he’s like a dad, he always needs a handful of whatever you’re having. sharing is caring. 
jean always packs a lot of unnecessary things, and he will reserve the right to say i told you so when his double-hammock comes in handy.
limited stops along the way (minus food/gas/bathroom) – getting there relatively early means you can relax in the hotel room and maybe explore/go out for dinner later that night.  
when you take over driving, jean is a big window-watcher and takes a lot of pictures of the mountains/scenery. 
already making plans on cool things you can do on the way back, when you have no time restraints – day trips, scenic rest stops, hikes, etc. 
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𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁
stopping at a starbucks first-thing to get drinks for the road (he makes sure to get some food too so you’re not just running off a venti iced coffee)
splitting the driving – armin is the better (and calmer) navigator so you usually take the first and final shift. 
dozens of cute polaroids to put in your adventure scrapbook
researches fun (and romantic) things you can do when you get to your destination and reads them aloud to you. you come up with a plan together. that waterfall hike sounded really fun. 
armin takes lots of videos because he likes making little montages for his socials
you’re in control of the music. armin likes when you show him new artists – he’ll slowly nod his head along and inevitably add the songs to his spotify. he really likes snail mail. 
he takes over driving when you get tired – he likes holding your hand when he drives, or sometimes you’ll lean over and rest your hand on his thigh.
armin trying not to melt when you put on one of his hoodies for warmth – you have your own, but his are comfier and they smell like him. 
silly games to pass time like i spy or looking for different license plates. it’s fun until armin gets clever and spies things like the mile marker from 10 miles back. 
you insist you aren’t going to fall asleep because you wanna keep him company, but you end up curling into your pillow and dozing off mid-conversation. it’s adorable, and he doesn’t mind. he’ll usually turn on a podcast or an audiobook. 
armin stays awake the whole time but it catches up with him once you reach your destination – all he wants to do is cuddle and rest up
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𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
leaving a day in advance or very early in the morning because you stop at every tourist attraction along the way.
scenic lookout? let’s go there. world’s biggest ball of yarn? fuck, count me in. meteor craters? already merging onto the exit. dinosaur bones? you read my mind. 
picking up cool souvenirs along the way like geodes and stickers to put on his water bottle. maybe a funky lil alien to hang from the rearview mirror, along with his 20 tree air fresheners. 
taking cute, cheesy pictures of and with each other – connie posing with his arms out like he’s holding the mountain, standing in front of national park signs, etc. 
you collaborated on a road-trip playlist in advance (it’s 12 hours long)
somehow you end up listening to veggie tales or absolutely losing it until the car starts rocking to britney spears
"i love this song” to every song, as if he didn’t put it on the playlist 
listening to connie sing along and butcher all the lyrics. impressive falsetto, though. 
arsenal of snacks – more than you realistically need
screaming every time you see a new “welcome to ___” sign
connie rocking the socks with slides. it’s comfortable. 
pulling through drive throughs every once in a while for food, continuously forgetting to throw out the trash bag from your last stop. 
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𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺
stopping at the gas station to fill up the gas tank and stock up on snacks for the road – almost everything from the candy aisle, giant bags of doritos, slushies, energy drinks. nobody really thinks to get actual food.
the driving is split between eren “i’m serious, pull the fucking car over or i’m gonna piss myself, jean” jaeger and jean “eren stop honking my fucking horn, traffic won’t go any faster” kirstein. armin is the navigator because they’ll both get everyone lost.
everyone has their turn with the aux cord – until connie cracks himself up playing the same song over and over, then you have to pry it from eren’s cold, dead hands.
so many pictures
impulsive stops at tourist attractions.
playing dumb games to pass the time (quickly turns into replacing one word on each sign with “poop” because they’re all a bunch of children).
finally stopping at a diner later that night for real food
making it to the campsite and setting up tents and hammocks
getting baked around the campfire and telling spooky stories
connie complaining and scaring himself while he wanders off into the dark forest to find a spot to piss
smores (ofc)
going on group hikes and jumping into lakes/down waterfalls together. video of jean belly-flopping.
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Okey, hear me out plz. Could you write about Sero, Tamaki, and Bakugou (separately) having a girlfriend who has psionic powers (like the Scarlet Witch) and she is Hawk's protégé. He like to think that he's like some kind of father figure for her so he's suuuuper caring and when he sees her having a smoochie moment with them he goes in PROTECTIVE FATHER mode and he gives the boys the "father talk *ejem...threat*"
Thank u you beautiful living being🌈🧡
Father Figure
Author's Thoughts: I got you bby! I don't write for Hawks so I hope he's at least a bit in character. I hope you don't mind its not headcannons.
Warning: Mentions of violence, threats, etc.
Hanta Sero
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You were always like a child to Keigo. The child he'd figured he'd figured he just wouldn't get the chance to have. And though your quirk was different from his, he did a great job training you.
He put in the work, the research, getting to know your quirk. He read records with people of similar quirks, got in contact with those around, all so he could accurately train your ability. He wanted to be the best he could for you.
You grew up so quickly in his opinion. Too quickly.
From graduating high school, to headlining as his sidekick. To finally having a boyfriend.
Keigo was hesitant to meet this boyfriend of yours, but you'd told him how much it meant to you. And he'd do anything for you.
So he played as nicely as he could, staring at you and the boy you sat with.
"So.. Sero.. Are you planning on being a hero?" Keigo looked him up and down with a gaze full of judgement.
Hanta gave a nod, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "Yeah. I've always wanted to be a hero. I actually attended UA with Y/n." He looked at you and seeing your smile almost melted the tension.
"Hey, Kid, could you go order me something to eat?" Keigo asked you, smiling innocently. Almost too innocently.
You gave him a look. He simply leaned his cheek against his palm, blinking owlishly. "Pretty please?"
Sighing, you stood up and nodded. "Got it. I'll be back." You leaned down and pressed a small kiss to Hanta's lips, something that made his smile tighten.
You looked at Keigo and pointed at him. "Play nice. Pretty please?" You crossed your arms. He gave you a sigh and a nod.
So you hesitantly walked away.
And the smile dropped from Keigo's lips.
"I'll just be straight with you, Hanta. She means everything to me. And if you value life itself, you'll treat her like she's everything to you. That girl doesn't love loosely, so this is nothing short of a honor- no, a privilege for you."
Hanta straightened out, nervous about Keigo's sudden change. "I-I understand, sir.."
Keigo gave a nod and leaned back in his chair, smiling again. "Well, I should hope so!" He chuckled softly.
That's when you walked over. "Here. I got you nachos. Did you two find something nice to talk about?"
The man with wings took the nachos. "Thank you, Chicken Wing. We sure did." He looked you Hanta who stiffly nodded.
You, having common sense though, put two and two together. "... Keigo, I asked you to be nice!"
"The nicest thing I can do for you is make sure he treats you right."
Tamaki Amajiki
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Tamaki was afraid.
You'd told him all about Keigo, how protective he could be. And the only thing you'd promised was that he wouldn't touch him.
You and Tamaki were planning a trip to a nice resort.
You'd needed to grab something from Keigo's house, so Tamaki had to sit downstairs with said man.
Well, Keigo sat down. Tamaki stood in the corner, as far as possible. But he couldn't escape Keigo's glare. And if looks could kill..
It wasn't like he had a problem with Tamaki. He knew Fatgum, and the man hsd told Keigo all about his two sidekicks.
In fact, Keigo noticed that just like you'd become a daughter to him, Fatgum treated his sidekicks like his own sons.
The two often bonded over photos they kept in their wallets, sharing stories. Two parents bonding over their children, that's what everyone else saw.
It was from talking to Fatgum that he knew Tamaki wasn't a bad kid. That doesn't mean he wasn't gonna have a talk with him.
"Listen, Kid. I don't hate'cha. You're one of Fatgum's sidekicks and you seem.. Harmless enough."
Tamaki was sure it that should have offended, but Hawks continued either way.
"But when she needs you, I gotta know that you'll be there for her. She doesn't need you to protect her but if she ever does, I gotta know you'll do it. Take good care of her. I'd hate to end your whole career."
It wasn't like he had a problem with Keigo's orders. Tamaki loved you and would never let anything happen to you. Hell, he'd promised himself he'd be a man for you.
Keigo gave the sweetest smile and Tamaki shuddered, moving more into the corner.
It was the threat that scared him. He didn't know if he meant he was gonna kill him or if he was going to destroy his rising hero career.
You finally came downstairs with the object you needed. "Alright, I'm ready-.. Tama, are you okay?" You walked over, concerned.
"I-I wanna go home.."
You glared at the winged man and crossed your arms. "Keigo!"
Keigo leaned back into the couch. "Thanks for visiting you two, it was a pleasure havin' ya."
Katsuki Bakugou
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Keigo was doing an autograph signing at the mall, just where you and Katsuki just so happened to have your date.
"Why do you think everyone is crowding over there?" You asked Katsuki, looking towards the crowd of people surrounding Keigo.
You'd thought his signing would be at another mall, not knowing that the venue had been changed last minute.
"No clue, don't care. Probably some big sale or somethin'. Why, you wanna check it out?" He looked at you, the arm around your waist pulling you closer.
You smiled and shook your head. "Nah. Let's just go to the bookstore then head to the park. Oh, actually, I'm gonna use the bathroom first."
You leaned up and gently kissed his lips, him blushing and returning the kiss in embarrassment.
When you pulled away, he mumbled under his breathe. "Idiot, you can't just catch me off guard like that."
Giggling softly, you winked at him. "Nobody saw. They're all crowded around that big sale."
"Tch. Like I care if anyone sees."
With a grin, you went off to the closest bathroom.
What you didn't know was Keigo was watching you through the crowd of people. He looked up to everyone around him and gave them a charming grin. "I will get back to autographs in a moment. Please, grant me a break though."
The crowd seemed disappointed but left him alone and allowed Keigo to walk off.
He approached Katsuki quickly, who paid more attention to his phone.
"Ahem. A moment of your time."
Katsuki looked up and his eyes went wide at the sight of the number two hero. "Hawks? Was that you over with that crowd then?"
"Yeah. I see that you've been headlining. Haven't seen your face this famous since the sports festival." Keigo chuckled, taking a step further.
Katsuki nodded. "I'm making moves, on my grind. Doing what needs to be done to make my mark."
The pro hero nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well, you're doin great. There's just.. One thing."
He looked at him in confusion. "One thing..?"
Keigo pointed towards the direction you went in. "That girl you were just with. That's my little girl."
The red-eyed boy looked, following his finger. "Um, yeah. She told me."
Then there was a sudden tension.
"And so.. You understand why I won't tolerate you're bullshit."
"You heard me. You're older, so you're probably not the same brat. But from what I hear, those asshole tendencies are still there, and I won't tolerate it when it comes to that girl. You won't hurt her. And if you do, we're gonna run into a bit of trouble."
Katsuki shook his head. "I.. I wouldn't hurt her." Normally, he feared no adult, minus Aizawa of course. But Hawks was looking at him like he was prey.
"Damn straight, idiot." Hawks chuckled softly.
That's when you came back over. "Sorry babe. Oh, hey Hawks! What are you doin' here?"
The two of you shared a hug. "What's up, Nugget? I was signing was autographs. You two?"
You pulled away and grinned. "Katsuki and I were on a date. This is great, I've been meaning to introduce you guys."
Hawks gave a nod. "Interesting guy, he is. But I should get going. Have fun on your date. And Katsuki, have her home by nine."
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
Chaotic Imprint - Pack Preference
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Request: “Hey hey!! Can I have a preference for the pack having a younger kinda chaotic platonic imprint? 👀”
  I kinda changed it up a little bit, I didn’t make the reader younger as I always age the pack up a bit in my writing and I just wanted to keep it general. 
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Jacob and you vibe well. He has his moments where he can match your chaotic energy, but overall is always worried that you’ll end up in a ditch or something. Overall, he will always end up agreeing as long as it makes you happy, so long as you’re safe in the end. Just like that time where you asked him to cliff jump with you on his back. 
“Yeah, it’s very reckless, dangerous even. But when do you wanna go?” He asks with a smile on his face.
“Uh, right now?” An ear to ear grin plasters itself across your face. 
“Let’s get going, you better hold on tight.” 
He’s just happy to see you happy, especially if he’s able to be the one to put the smile on your face. 
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Seth is known to be the soft, nice guy-- though he’s definitely one of the most playful people you know. He’s always down to go have some fun. Like Jacob, he’s willing to do anything to put a smile on your face. At first, he was a little worried about how disorderly and random your actions and speech were, but over time he understood it more. Eventually, he just stopped questioning a lot of your ideas and just went along with them, hoping for the best. 
“What if we tried to make an entirely new language… but only we get to know it?” You ask randomly at 3 in the morning, waking up Seth to do so.
“What? Right now? It’s three am, (Y/N).” 
“When else? Now’s the perfect time, my mind has been racing!” 
So that’s the only way you talked for the next few days, Seth was the token translator. It took you hours that night to make a language that worked for the both of you. 
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She had grown to be more open to new things and had a lot more fun since you came around. Leah was always down to follow your ideas, whether that meant you randomly calling her at 3 am to go for a drive to god knows where or if you wanted to show her something new and exciting. Though, she knew where to draw the line-- she was the voice of reason that you needed.
“(Y/N), maybe you should really think about this, is it really a good idea?” 
“But I don’t care if it’s a good idea, I’m curious!”
“Okay let me rephrase that-- it’s a horrible idea. I did the thinking for you, we aren’t doing it.” 
“But Leah…” 
“No, we are not going to see how long it takes for you to go into anaphylactic shock. I don’t care if you have your epipen with you.”
“Jared and I thought it was a fun idea.” 
“Jared? Where’s Jared?” She asks, narrowing her eyes. 
And just like that, she’s always what stops you from letting your really stupid ideas from coming to life, even if Jared encourages you anyway; but he usually gets his ass kicked for that. 
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Paul is a lot of fun, there’s nothing to argue with there. But sometimes, he might not think your ideas are as great or fun as you think. When he knows it’s something that’ll end poorly or get you hurt, he says that he doesn’t think you guys should do it and that he won’t help you or come with. 
“(Y/N), I think this might be too much. Let’s maybe do something else.” 
“Alright.” You sigh, sending a text on your phone.
“Are you talking to Quil and Jared?” 
“Fine. I’ll do it.” 
“What? You just said…” 
“Nope, let’s go. We’ll do it.” 
He often just wants to make sure you’re safe and that he’s there to diffuse any situation. Uncertainty doesn’t sit with him well. Also, let’s face it-- Paul doesn’t share well. He’d rather suck it up and do whatever it is with you before you go do it with Jared and Quil instead. 
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Embry and you have a ton of fun. Always down for a random adventure. Random calls in the middle of the night to go out and have some fun.You spend a lot of time working on dirtbikes and taking them out for random trips. Overall, you spend a lot of your time together doing urban exploring, or as some may call it: trespassing in random abandoned buildings. You take pictures of each other doing crazy stuff, climbing onto things that definitely shouldn’t be climbed on. Due to his overall indestructibility and accelerated healing, he’s always the first one to try something to make sure it’s safe for you.
“Let’s climb onto the roof.” 
“We’d have to scale the building.” 
“Great thinking, how do we go about that?” 
“I don’t know. Get on my back and I’ll try to figure it out.” 
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Quil is absolutely thrilled that you’re on the chaotic side. He loves that you can keep up with him and that you guys could always have a lot of fun. You want to go mess with the guys? He’s down and he’s prepared to up the ante. He wants to go do something stupid? You’re down and ready to go nuts. You often go out and pull pranks on the rest of the pack. Just the other day you two decided to replace the Sunny D in Jared’s fridge with watered down kraft mac n cheese powder. Let’s just say, Jared chugged a lot before noticing, and Quil ended the day with a broken arm. 
“I’m sorry you have a broken arm.” 
“It’s alright, broken arms aren’t forever. They only last a day or so.” 
“You really take advantage of that accelerated healing, don’t ya bud?” 
“You bet. What’re we doing next?” 
“Let’s get Paul.” 
“I like the way you think.”  
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As one would assume, your guys’ energy bounces off one another like no tomorrow. You guys are an unstoppable force. Jared and you get along so well, always down for whatever shenanigan the other has planned, down to do whatever, whenever. Sam often has to step in and make sure nobody burns the house down. It’s one of those things where often enough, the pack doesn’t trust either of you to ever get anything done without breaking something else in the process. You tried to cook dinner together the other night, almost setting the entire kitchen on fire when you couldn’t stop messing around in the kitchen, spilling oil next to the stove. 
“Don’t tell Sam!” His eyes widen, cleaning up the oil and spraying the fire extinguisher.
“Don’t tell Sam what?” Sam asks, walking in, before turning right back around and walking straight out of the house.
“Fixed it.” He triumphantly states with an enormous smile on his face, fire extinguisher residue taking over the entire kitchen. 
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Sam is the dad friend, so it’s to no surprise that your chaotic energy is something that keeps him on edge. Despite him being used to the chaotic energy he deals with on a daily basis from the pack, he knows you’re not indestructible. He’s always trying to keep you grounded, but he does let you have your fun. Safety is his top priority, but understands that you’re going to have fun and he’s always there to have fun with you. Sam began to help you come up with and perform more tame and harmless pranks. Like today, we decided to move every piece of furniture three inches to the left and watched the rest of the pack enter the house very confused and a bit off balance. 
“Something feels… off.” Quil says, cautiously sitting down. 
“I don’t understand.” Jared says, tripping over the table that wasn’t normally there.
“How bizarre.” Sam says. 
“Yeah, how bizarre.” I look at him with a smirk. 
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Hello can I request a Porco x fem reader Modern Au where they are in high school and Porcos like the bad boy football kind of guy and reader is just sweet and an adorable angel but they are good friends and Porco has a huge crush on reader but won’t admit it and their friends try to get them together but one day someone’s flirting with reader and she’s really shy and uncomfortable with it and Porc comes to the rescue and ends up confessing and they end up together
omg i literally LOVE this request 🥺 this was super fun to write and i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting love ♡, Porco is definitely one of my favorites to write 💗!
What If I Told You I Love You?
Pairings: Porco Galliard x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
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Porco sat at the lunch table with his friends, the voices of his friends and other students filling his ears. The crowded lunchroom didn't distract him from what he was staring at, nothing could distract Porco from watching (Y/N), one of his closest friends.
He had met (Y/N) in middle school, she was being picked on by one of the rude popular girls and he came to rescue. He defended her that day and ever since then the two had been attached to the hip; he never left her side, and he even brought out a side of her that nobody else even knew existed. She was such a sweet girl, she had a heart of pure gold and Porco found that to be one of the many reasons he stuck around her.
Now being juniors in high school, things didn't really change. Porco was on the football team and (Y/N) was more into her studies; she was always doing her own thing. Even if her and Porco weren't as close as they used to be, they still talked on a daily basis.
Being friends with her for so long was something Porco cherished, he always cared for her no matter where he went. She would always clean him up after a football game or if he got into a scuffle with a guy, she was always there to help him, even if Marcel didn't ask her to.
While being friends Porco began to feel something more than just a friendship with her. He would always find himself being annoyed when a guy came around, or when she would mention a guy, he'd roll his eyes.
He fell for her, hard.
But he was too scared to ever go and admit it, fearing loosing her and the friendship they shared for years.
Here he was, clenching his jaw at the sight of a guy talking to her. The blonde was talking to her and they seemed to be having a conversation, considering how she kept giggling at his jokes and the way she would smile whenever the guy told her something.
It irked Porco so badly.
"Pock, you're staring again!"
His gaze ripped away from the sight before him to look at Pieck. She was nodding her head.
He scoffed, "Yeah whatever... that guy is clearly someone that looks like trouble," he said before crossing his arms.
Pieck giggled, "That's just Armin Arlert! He's a nerd and he would never go for (Y/N). He's a shy guy Porco," she said.
He rolled his eyes, how did she know that?
"Come on Porco you can't keep hiding it forever! You've liked her for so long, eventually you're gonna have to come clean." Colt said, shrugging his shoulders.
A blush crept onto his face thinking about her. It was something only (Y/N) could do to him. "It's fine! I'll do it eventually, I just need more time." he said.
"You said that four months ago, we've all heard that excuse!" Marcel replied, looking at his brother with annoyance. Marcel was the first one to know about his crush on (Y/N), he encouraged him to tell her, but Porco was too stubborn to admit it.
He fixed his jacket, "Just shut it! I'll do it when I want to.." he mumbled.
"Well she's coming this way," Pieck said.
Porco's head snapped up to see (Y/N) walking over to his table, she waved at him before stopping at the edge of the table. "Hey Porco.. I was wondering if you could walk me to the library?" she asked, smiling a bit.
He blinked for a moment, she always had a pretty smile. It could cure diseases, "Y-Yeah! Totally! I'm down," he replied. "I'll be back guys."
Marcel and Pieck exchanged looks as the two left the table. "He's such a stubborn ass.." Marcel mumbled.
(Y/N) and Porco made their way up the stairs, the library wasn't a far walk. She'd often find herself there during lunch to study for exams or tests she had coming up, Porco would always call her a nerd, jokingly of course.
"So, how's football been going? I know you almost got into a fight the other day with the rival team," (Y/N) asked, nodding her head.
Porco looked down at her, "What? You know about that? Ugh it was nothing (Y/N), but football has been fine. How are your classes?" he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. (Y/N) disliked the many fights he got into, sometimes she'd be the one breaking it up.
She giggled, "People talk Porco, even if I'm shy and quiet I always hear others talking. My studies have been okay.. I'm just a little stressed is all," she said.
Porco stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, he saw a few students passing by seeming to be ditching. "Porco! Ooo! I see you with her!"
(Y/N)'s cheeks suddenly grew hot at the comment, Porco rolled his eyes annoyed with the boys in front of him. "Mind your own business," he mumbled before opening the doors to the hallway.
"What were they trying to say, Porco? I hope they weren't making fun of me.." she said, looking at the floor.
Porco furrowed his brows, "Oh! No, no! They do that sometimes.. that's all," he replied trying to reassure her.
The last thing Porco would ever want is someone picking on or making fun of (Y/N). She isn't exactly the type to stand up for herself, she's a quieter student and she's always been a nicer girl. She never talked back, always got assignments done, never got into trouble, she was overall an innocent girl.
That's why people found her friendship with Porco to be an odd pair. He was a jock, a bad boy, he got into trouble before, he was surprised (Y/N) even stuck around to be his friend.
'Opposites attract' as Pieck would say.
"Well we're here.. thank you by the way for walking me here. I kind of miss talking to you all the time," she said, her eyes avoiding him.
He chuckled a bit, "Yeah, yeah me too.. but I'm always here when you need me (Y/N). I'll always be your friend," he replied, putting his hand onto her shoulder.
"Could you maybe drive me home tonight? I have a club meeting after school and I don't think I have a ride back.." she said, nodding her head.
Porco shook his head, "Of course! I have practice until five, so it works out perfectly."
She smiled, "That sounds great! Thank you Pock," she said before hugging him.
His cheeks dusted pink from her touch, his arms going around her. "Yeah! Don't mention it," he replied with a smile.
She broke the hug, "See you later!" she waved before entering the library.
Porco stood there for a moment, his mind totally lost in what just happened. God did he yearn for her touch, her touch was almost intoxicating. She always smelled good too, like a vanilla and fresh baked cookies, it was one of the many reasons Porco loved being around her. Her aura always lit up his life.
If only he could just confess.
Practice ended fairly quickly that day, Porco was pretty exhausted. His muscles were sore from working out and all he wanted to do was go home to rest.
"I'll see you tomorrow Porco," Reiner said, patting his shoulder.
He looked up from his phone, "Yeah! See you, Reiner." he replied before walking down the hall.
His mind began to wander to where (Y/N) was. She told him her club meeting was over and she was waiting on him; maybe she was at her locker? He decided to send her a text and walk around for a bit, even though it wasn't exactly allowed.
He turned the corner and was met with an unexpected sight. There was (Y/N)... but there was a guy next to her, more specifically, Eren Jaeger. He played soccer and Porco hated him with every inch of his body, he was a stubborn asshole who got away with everything.
Porco listened in to the conversation, curious as to what was going on. Did they know each other?
"(Y/N) you're really pretty.. we need to go out sometime," Eren said, taking a piece of her hair and playing with it.
She didn't know what to say nor do, Eren had this grin on his face which made her nervous. "U-Um.. Eren I don't know.. w-we don't really know each other," she replied.
"Please? You're so sweet and cute, I just wanna treat you to something," he said, a pout visible on his features.
She avoided his gaze, she didn't know what to say or do. Eren clearly wasn't giving this up and she couldn't exactly walk away, it was Eren Jaeger for Christ's sake.
"Eren I-I.. um.." she mumbled.
His brows furrowed, "Come on (Y/N)! What? Do you think I'm going to do something? Pretty girls like you deserve the best," he smirked.
Her face clearly showed discomfort, Porco clenched his jaw watching the situation unfold. That's when he began walking forward.
"Hey (Y/N)."
She turned and looked at Porco making his way over, relief washing over her. "Hey Porco," she said with a smile.
Eren narrowed his eyes, "Sup Porco.." he said, looking at him with annoyance.
(Y/N) walked over to Porco leaving Eren by her locker.
"Sup Eren? I didn't know you two talked but uh.. we gotta get going. I'm driving (Y/N) home," Porco said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eren clicked his tongue, "I see.. well my offer still stands (Y/N), see you later."
The two watched the way Eren walked down the hall and disappeared behind the doors.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you for that.. I didn't know what else to do to turn him away," she said.
Porco smiled, "Yeah! Don't worry about it, we should get going before he comes back," he chuckled.
She laughed and began to follow him down towards the exit of the school. It was dark out, it was October and the wind blew around the leaves on the ground; a few crunched under their feet. The air smelled crisp and fresh, just the way she liked it.
Getting into his car, (Y/N) noticed the way Porco was acting. He seemed more nervous and his body language seemed off.
"Pock?" she asked. "Is everything okay?"
His honey eyes peered over towards her, "Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm good. Why?" he replied.
She chewed the inside of her cheek, "You just seem a little off, are you sure?" she didn't necessarily believe what he had to say. She knew Porco like the back of her hand and she could tell when he wasn't telling the truth.
A sigh escaped his mouth, "If I tell you what's up will you be upset?" he asked.
She could see the seriousness in his eyes, "No of course not! Porco have I ever judged you?" she asked as her fingers brushed against his arm.
Sparks danced along his arm from her touch, it made his mind cloudy. "W-Well.. I'll explain the best I can," he said shifting around in his seat.
She nodded, "Go on.."
Porco's heartbeat began to pick up, he could feel it against his chest and his cheeks began to grow pink. This was it, he was about to confess.
"(Y/N).. we've been friends for awhile, and I enjoy hanging and talking with you; you never fail to make me smile and you impress me everyday with the things you do. What I'm trying to say is.. I like you. I like you more than just a friend and I want to be yours," he replied. "I know you don't feel the same.. but I really do like you (Y/N)."
It was silent for a few moments, Porco felt the worst coming for him. He knew she didn't feel the same, and he was okay with that.
"Porco.. that's really sweet of you," she said with a smile.
Her fingers ghosted over his hand which was on his lap, his heart quickening at the feeling of her skin touching his.
"I-I understand if it's weird... we don't have to be-"
"Porco no, no! I-.. I feel the same way about you. I like you too," she said, her voice coming out a bit quieter. Her cheeks now hot and embarrassment rushing onto her.
Porco's eyes grew wide after hearing her words, he wasn't exactly sure if she was bluffing or lying, but he knew she would never lie. That was something (Y/N) would never do to Porco.
"Y-You..? You like m-me back?" he asked.
She smiled feeling bashful, "Of course! You've always been nice compared to other guys... and I couldn't ask for someone better."
He opened his mouth to say something but he remained silent, taking in all the information.
"Hey.." she said, turning his face to look at her. "I want to be yours.. I trust you Porco and I like you so much."
He cupped her cheek, running his thumb along her skin. "I want you to be mine.." he said, looking into her hues.
Her fingers wrapped around his wrist, her eyes staring back into his honey ones. Porco leaned in and placed his lips onto hers, the kiss made sparks flow along his body. Her hands went to the skin underneath his jaw, tilting his chin up a bit.
A smile appeared on his lips as he pulled away to see her bashful face. "Let me make you mine, please, be my girlfriend (Y/N)." he said, taking her hand into his. He rubbed circles into her knuckles.
She looked away feeling her cheeks growing hot again, "Yes, yes of course Porco," she said, smiling at him.
He chuckled a bit, his heart swelling and his mind in a frenzy realizing what just happened. She actually liked him back, (Y/N) was now his and he was going to make the best of being her boyfriend.
"Porco.. we need to head to my house," she said, breaking him out of his trance.
He shook his head, "Oh! Yeah right.. my bad, you're just so amazing and I can't believe you're really mine now," he said, kissing her hand.
She giggled, "I'm glad I have you as my boyfriend.. you're all I ever wanted," she replied.
He turned his car on, "I could say the same to you."
The drive to her house was fun, the two talked about when their feelings developed and things they wanted to do together now being a couple. Porco felt as if a weight was lifted off his chest and he couldn't be happier, he couldn't wait to tell Marcel and the others.
He slowed the car in front of her house, "Well.. we're here," he said, looking at her.
She grabbed her backpack, "Thank you for the ride.. and thank you for being honest about your feelings. I'm glad," she said.
Porco rubbed the back of his neck, "It was nothing.. I'm glad you were honest too. I can't wait to show you what I've been wanting to do for so long," he replied.
She looked down feeling bashful again, "I can't wait to see that.." she smiled.
She leaned in and pressed a kiss onto his cheek which made his cheeks grow pink. "See you tomorrow," she said before exiting the car.
He smiled as he watched her head into her house, (Y/N) was now his girlfriend and he couldn't believe how well tonight played out. He was excited to start a new chapter, with her.
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parkers-gal · 4 years
hey honey! how are you doing?
i was wondering if you could write something where the reader is either tom or harrison’s sister, around 19-20 years old, and she hears her brother talking bad about her behind her back and she gets distant towards them and her brother realizes how much he’s missing out on (her first boyfriend and stuff like that)
sorry if it’s long or if you don’t wanna write it lol it was just an idea!!
don’t be sorry! i loved this! also doing pretty good :-)
i didn’t really understand what was in the ending parentheticals so i hope this is what you wanted!
wc: 1.7k
Being the established girl in a group of four boys meant a lot of things. Often, you were confused as a girlfriend to whichever boy you were accompanying, aside from your brother, of course. There was a lot of territory that came with being close family-friends with the Holland family. Especially since your brother used to be Tom’s assistant. It was expected, though, because they had been close friends growing up, especially since being in the same grade. 
You were younger, which meant you were in between ages for the twins and Paddy. You didn’t consider yourself too young for them, though, and found yourself in the presence of the boys for most of your time. 
Today, however, you were with your friend Aisha, walking around the shops. She had to leave unexpectedly early, so you parted ways. You came into the house quietly, setting a few things as you silently made your way into the kitchen. It wasn’t actually your house, but you practically spent all of your time there anyways. You heard voices coming from the den. Though you knew it was wrong, you halted in announcing your arrival, choosing to listen in on what they seemed to be joking around about. 
“Finally got ‘er off your back, huh mate?” You heard Tom’s voice, followed with joined laughter from everyone else. Your mind wandered, thinking maybe Harrison had a girl he was interested in, though he never brought that up, so you stayed quiet to hear more. 
“Yeah. Out with Aisha or whatever.”
Your eyes widened as the realization dawned on you. You purse your lips and think not to assume anything just yet. 
“That her only her friend?”
“Honestly,” Harrison laughs in agreement. “Mum said to be a good older brother but I’m tired of playing babysitter.” They all laugh again and you will yourself not to burst into anger — or worse: cry. “She’s gotta grow up or something.”
“Mate.” Tom snickers. “She needs a life. The boys are a tight circle; can’t let no baby sister in on that.”
“Yeah,” Harry’s voice pops in. “Who else would we spill disgusting secrets to?” They laugh seemingly in universal knowledge. 
“Anyways,” Tom settles down. “Good thing we finally got the superior Osterfield alone, for once.”
You abandon your station near the kitchen door and speed walk out the other swing door. You pick your bags up quietly, making for a quick escape as your tears attempt the same. You’re almost done putting your shoes on when Sam comes down the stairs, brows furrowed while he wipes his damp hands on the front of the shirt. You curse in realizing he was probably in the bathroom. 
“Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Uh…” You glance to the hallway that leads to the kitchen, wearily hoping nobody comes out. “Yeah, just uh… forgot I had to do something. I’ll see you later.”
You quickly make your way out of the house, shoving everything into your car while you can, starting the engine with great speed. Sam was in the middle of saying something else to you on your wait out, but he never got around to finishing because you were already out of the door. 
He didn’t mention anything to the boys, trusting that you were okay and that you did actually have something to do. 
That night, you tried not to cry yourself to sleep in your small apartment, one you shared with Aisha. When you woke the next morning, she wanted to go to the skating rink for some fun, so you agreed, eating breakfast before showering. You spent the entire day there, really, and let your phone in a rented locker, ignoring the texts from a few of the boys asking if you wanted to come over for a movie and some pizza. 
When you did have the chance to reply — over five hours later — you gave them scarce replies in the main group chat, apologizing without much sorrow. From their end, they shook it off, knowing you probably just had other plans that specific day. The five of you were planning on going to the golfing course tomorrow, so you’d get time together then. 
But they were wrong, because you cancelled on them, simply stating that “golf isn’t your mood, today.” They’d accepted that, but Harry knew that was bullshit, because half of the fun of golfing was competing with you.
They tried not to think much of your absence while they were on the field, but it was weird and awfully quiet without you. They’d figured it might be different throughout the week, but they were still wrong. You were with other people throughout the week while you could be, and it only made it worse for the boys because you were posting it all over your social media. Not in a flaunting manner, but just for the aesthetics. They didn’t find it very pleasing, though. 
Harrison knew something was off, knew you didn’t normally just start ghosting people unless you had a real reason. He intended on figuring out what that reason was, and Tom was hell bent on learning it too. They drew up a plan to get you to come over, telling you they had a few of your missing things. You complied, figuring you’d have to face them at some point. 
Strolling up to the house for the first time in ten days, you opened the door as casually as you could, only to be met with four pairs of eyes staring in your directions from seats in the open living room. 
“Uhm,” You cleared your throat. “Where’s my stuff?” Tom wordlessly points to a bag on the head of the couch, and you pick it up wearily, sifting through it while you hummed. “Thanks, I’ll just take this and get out of your hair.” 
“Well, wait-” Tom stands abruptly. “Why… why don’t you hang out for a bit?”
“I mean… do you want to?” The tone in which you speak catches him off guard for all of ten seconds before each of the boys are nodding their heads.
“Of course we do.” Harrison smiles and you nod wearily. 
However, you don’t make any move in settling down for the long run, and Tom huffs. “What’s going on here?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re avoiding us!” Harry concludes. “Why?”
You clear your throat, looking at your feet while your tongue clicks. “I, uhm, I heard you guys talking the other day.”
Harrison raises his eyebrows as a silent message for you to elaborate a little.
“You said you were tired of babysitting me, so I gave you guys some space.” They all physically defeat and you begin to defend yourself. “I just thought it’s what you wanted! You don’t have to explain.” You’re unknowingly beginning to tear up, and they all know it before you do. 
“I think we should talk.”
“No, I- uhm…” You glance out the window to your car. “I should really get going.”
“No!” Harry pleads with you. “We just… we miss you.”
You stop short in your tracks, turning around slowly. “Well I don’t really think you get to. Not after what I heard.”
“That’s not fair, Y/N/N, and you know it.” Harrison’s stern with you, and you can feel the tension beginning to set nicely like a creamer. 
“None of this is really fair for me, so why should it be fair for you?” You point a finger up in their direction while you shrug offendedly. “I mean, if you’re gonna say one thing don’t act like you don’t mean it.”
“But we didn’t,” Harrison says. 
“Really, we didn’t. It was a stupid thing to say.” Tom adds on. 
“Yeah, we’d never say it knowing you were there.”
“Oh, but you’d say it if I wasn’t around?” You’re making this more difficult, you realize, but you don’t much care, because when feelings get hurt, things get difficult, and you’ve come to terms with that. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Harrison crosses his arm. 
“No, but that’s what you implied.” You jab him back with your next words. 
“Stop making this hard.” He’s reminding you of what things were like when you were young and arguments were regular. 
“I’m not the one that started this.” You huff angrily, hand finally gripping the handle of the front door, swinging it open and slamming it harshly with an “I’ll see you all around.” 
Tom blinks, glancing to Harrison in question on what to do next. Harrison sighs and so does Harry. 
“I saw her leaving that day she heard you guys.” Sam speaks calmly, almost nervously. “She was- uh… she was crying.” “Oh jesus.” Tom groans, hands running through his curls. “We made her cry, Haz.”
“I know, I know.” He speaks hastily. “C’mon, I know what to do.” He picks his coat up, opening the front door as the rest of the boys follow him out. 
You’re coming home that night after spending the rest of your day at the country club with some friends. You’re alone, of course, expecting to eat dinner with Aisha, though the two of you normally dine separately because you’re always with the boys and she’s always with her girlfriend. Things are different now, though. 
As you open the door to your flat, you expect to find it dark and empty, but you’re met with your favorite take out meal and four very sorry boys, a large teddy bear sitting on the couch for you. You drop your bags and glance at each of them. 
“What’s all this?”
“We’re really, really, really sorry.” Harrison steps forward with an apologetic smile and three DVD disks in his hands, all of your favorite movies. “But me especially. I love having you around… even if you are my baby sister.” You slap his arm playfully and he laughs. You let a smile creep onto your face at his demeanor. “We really missed you this past week.”
You nodded, fiddling with your fingers. “It just… hurt. You broke the one rule I thought…. The rule I thought we all swore to keep.”
“I know.” He sighs, looking at the boys as everyone says it simultaneously. “The circle before yourself.”
You’d seemingly all established it during your first all-nighter as a group of five. You vowed to put them before your own silly ego or public facade. Obviously, some things are harder for others.
“Can you ever forgive me?”
“Can you ever forgive us?” Tom speaks up, eyes deep.
You smile softly, voice laced with feelings. “Of course I can.” You don’t miss the smiles that break out onto their faces, and when everyone comes in for a group hug, they know things are going to be okay. 
read the spinoff! - circles before yourselves - rule #2
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griavian · 3 years
the 36 questions that lead to love
x <- read on ao3
dream finds a list of questions that can supposedly lead to two people falling in love, so him and george try it out on stream. turns out, they don't really need all 36.
“Come on, George. It’s just a couple of questions.” Dream pleaded into the call, making George roll his eyes. He’s been trying to end stream for the past 15 minutes, but Dream always convinces him to go “just a little longer!”.
“36 questions is not just a couple of questions, Dream.” George glances at his second monitor to make sure his green screen was still black and to check a few discord messages. He had no intention to fall into Dream’s trap for another hour of streaming.
“But it says it’ll lead to love!” Dream says, exasperated. He googled ‘questions to ask your friend’ earlier and found a list of them that apparently lead to falling in love. To George, it was bullshit.
“That’s such bullshit.” He expresses.
“You’re no fun.” Dream’s voice lowered, and George can feel the pout Dream has plastered on his face. He can already predict what the next 12 hours would be like with Dream: silent treatment and being a general dickhead. George was used to it when they lived an ocean apart, and even found it amusing, but it was a totally different experience living with him. Dream would mope around, go into George’s room randomly just to not talk to him, and go as far as to blast sad music from his own room across the hall while George was trying to finish up some editing. Sure, it was all light-hearted jokes, and Dream would stop his act in a heartbeat if George was truly annoyed by it, but George still dreaded it.
Dream immediately cheers up and starts typing on his keyboard while George watches his chat fly by, seeing a lot of emotes and positive messages.
“Okay, um- first question. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom,” Dream mocks the formality, “would you want as a dinner guest?”
George’s nose crinkles. “How is that gonna make me fall in love with you?”
“Just answer the question.”
“I don’t know! The queen?”
“That’s a stupid answer.”
“What!” George screeches and Dream barks out a laugh. “You’re so dumb.”
“You gotta give me a better answer than that, or else we won’t fall in love with each other.”
George rolls his eyes, but decides to think about his answer. Truthfully, he wouldn’t want anyone special as a dinner guest. “Um. My mum.”
George eyes his chat as it’s filled with “aw”s. He almost scoffs.
“See? That wasn’t so hard.” George wants to punt Dream into another universe.
“Alright, who would you want as a guest?”
“Tom Brady.”
“That’s the stupidest answer ever!” George yells, his eyes wide, perhaps offended that Dream picked Tom Brady out of anyone else in the world.
“Question two!” Dream ignores, “This one is kinda dumb, but would you like to be famous and if you do, what for?”
George hums. “Probably don’t want to be famous-famous. Maybe being well-known for being the first person to invent IRL-VR. I want my body to be submerged in the Minecraft universe.”
“That’s sick. I dunno what I’d want-”
“You’re already famous.”
“Shut up. I don’t even- I don’t even want to be famous, really. I just want to make whoever knows me smile.”
“Aww, isn’t that sweet, Dream.” George teases and he knows Dream waved him off. George has his habits practically memorized.
“Whatever. How about you ask some questions?” Dream sends a link on discord and George reads through them.
“There’s no way these can make people fall in love. What even is this question? Before making a telephone call, do you rehearse what you’re going to say and why?”
“Trust the process. I mean, I do that. I don’t want my brain all jumbled up, I guess. Words are hard.” Dream answers.
“I don’t think I’ve ever done that. I wing it.”
“That’s very you. Next question.” Something about Dream saying that made George smile the tiniest bit, made the serotonin flow through his brain.
“What’s a ‘perfect day’ for you?” George reads. It’s quiet for a moment.
“Hanging out with you,” his voice is sincere, “You and Sapnap. Recording, streaming, anything like that. What about you?”
“Hm. Me too.”
George isn’t one to show his feelings often. He remembers being asked if he did, and he answered with “not ones that matter”. It still rings true to this day. His walls are still built up and that’s okay to George. Mushy feelings aren’t important, but he’d be damned if he didn’t say his heartstrings were playing a beautiful melody during this moment.
The questions and answers fall easily after that. George knows it’s around 1 am, and he should go to sleep, but answering the questions was kind of addicting.
“Do you have a hunch on how you’ll die?” Dream reads the question with a chuckle. “That’s such a weird question to ask someone you wanna fall in love with.”
George tries not to read in between the lines.
“Heart failure. For both of us.”
“You know how I’ll die?”
“We’re Minecraft streamers, Dream. We’ll probably die at 40.” They share jokes and giggles of scenarios where they die and what they’d do, and something about it feels a bit too honest.
“I’ll die the day you die, George. Emotionally and physically.” Dream says, dramatic as ever. George only huffs, and they leave it there.
“Name three things you and your partner have in common. Dream, do you have a secret girlfriend?” They start to bicker back and forth, because of course they do.
“It doesn’t mean romantic partner, you dumbass. Like- it’s like a science partner,” Dream sighs, “Well, we do have a lot in common. We have the same job, we care about the same things, and we love each other! Easy.” Dream answers.
“Who said I loved you?”
“You literally did last night.” George had closed chat a while ago, already prepared for what was to come. He can only imagine what they’re saying.
“They’ll never believe you.” George says with a sadistic grin.
“Ugh. Okay, what are you grateful for in life? You have to answer this.” George can hear Dream get a little closer to his mic, almost anticipating George’s answer. Dream knows how much he doesn’t like to express any feelings, and probably expects him to skip the question overall. George prevails.
“You. Obviously,” and before Dream can get out an aww, George says, “You made my career, dummy, and I’m grateful for that. And my friends, family, all the normal things. Chat! I’m even grateful for chat.”
“Well, I’m incredibly grateful for you especially.” Dream’s voice is soft, almost loving. George rolls his eyes. He could’ve guessed Dream’s answer, but it weirdly hurts him when it was spoken aloud. He doesn’t know whether it hurts because it might be a fun little joke or if it’s because someone might care about him that much. George decides to stop thinking.
They answer more questions, from taking four minutes to tell each other their life stories (“There was no reason to add that detail; you’re so gross, Dream.”) to what significant quality they would want to wake up and suddenly have (“You’re already good at code shit, George. That’s the saddest answer ever.”). They move onto section two of the list, which are deeper questions.
“Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing but haven’t yet, and why haven’t you?” George asks. He knows about Dream’s unfinished projects. There’s probably a million answers to the question, and George would listen to every single one.
“Uh, well. You know I was writing a book, yeah? I was halfway done with it, and I can’t make myself finish it. It’s probably writer’s block, but I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.” George frowned.
“You can’t finish it with that attitude, silly. You’re annoyingly amazing at everything.” George says with a snort, “I don’t have an answer to this. What did you say that one time? Your future is my future? Well, your dreams are my dreams, then.”
George cringes a little at what he said. He doesn’t know his viewer count, but knows that at least a million people will watch that clip out of context. Dream doesn’t say anything back and moves on to the next question.
“What is your most treasured memory?” Dream asks, and George immediately laughs.
“I definitely know your’s.”
“Do tell, George.”
“Our first Christmas together. Sapnap insisted on getting a real Christmas tree, and when we started decorating the stupid thing, Sapnap sees a spider and screeches. Then, our neighbors come knocking on the front door and you had to explain to them that nobody was being murdered, it was just your roommate being a big baby. And as if it could get any worse, I got tree-sap all on my fingers and clothes and you couldn’t help me because you were laughing too hard.”
“Pretty sure I almost choked on my own spit.” Dream adds, and George scoffs. “But no, that’s not my treasured memory.”
George sputters. “What? You’re telling me I told that to thousands of people for nothing?”
“To be fair, you were all soft on Christmas morning, so our first Christmas might be your treasured memory. Anyways, remember the first time you helped me with a code?” George stays silent, giving Dream the answer. “Well, that was the first time we had a real conversation. I made you laugh, then I started to laugh because you laughed, and we didn’t get the code done. It sounds dumb, but I always smile whenever I think about it.”
George’s face falters a bit. God, he just wants to hug Dream; he wants to make a beeline for his room and attack him with affection and make sure he knows that George loves him, platonically or romantically, George wants him to know.
He just can’t express it with words.
“That… sweet.” George’s eyes travel down the following questions and panics, seeing how personal the questions are. He fakes a yawn. “As mushy and stupid this thing is, I’m really tired.”
Dream doesn’t say anything. It almost scares George, but he deafens on Discord and bids farewell to his viewers, who were completely freaking out. George doesn’t blame them. He’s abruptly leaving after a sweet moment? That’s a recipe for disaster, and George knows better. Yet, he clicks the end stream button.
The door to his office swings open instantly and startles George. It was Sapnap, someone he didn’t particularly want to see.
“What the fuck was that?” His roommate whisper-yells.
George groans and slides deeper into his chair, covering his face. “I don’t know,” he muffles.
“Are you even trying to hide your feelings at this point?” He can hear Sapnap close the door and flop on his office’s couch. “You might as well buy a billboard that says ‘I’m in love with my best friend! His name is Clay!’ with a big ass picture of your dumb face beside it.”
“I know,” George whines. “Do you think he knows?”
“He’s not the one I’m worried about knowing. I’ve told you a million goddamn times that he’s too whipped to notice. I’m worried about the fans. They’re gonna go fucking bonkers because of this stream. Clips are gonna be shared. People are gonna speculate.”
George uncovers his face and narrows his eyes at his friend. “Thanks for the reassurance,” he deadpans.
Sapnap rolls his eyes. “I’m being serious, dude. I know you’re very deeply in love with him in the gayest of ways, but you gotta be careful in front of the fans.”
“Oh my God. I know, Sapnap! I know. I forgot we were even streaming. It felt like it was just the two of us, and I got too comfortable. And it was so nice. I can’t even do anything about it now, so it doesn’t even matter.”
Sapnap sighs and pulls himself from the couch. “You need to talk to him before this gets out of hand. You know I love ya, and that I’m here for you.” George cringes out of habit, but nods. It reads as ‘I love you too, I guess’.
Sapnap leaves without another word, and George is left alone with his thoughts. It’s not long before he sluggishly makes his way back to his bedroom. He opens the closed door, enters, and shuts it. He turns around, only to be greeted by a familiar person in his bed, and yelps.
Dream laughs. He’s wearing blue pajama pants and a white t-shirt. His hair looks messed with, and his cheeks seem to have more color to them. George can’t help but stare.
“Well? Aren’t we gonna finish it?”
George cocks an eyebrow.
“Finish what?”
“The questions, dummy. You don’t… you don’t have to. I mean, it’s kinda stupid that I want to do it in the first place, but…” Dream trails off. George hops on his bed and grins lightly.
“Go for it.”
They answer questions they skipped, like what is your most terrible memory (“My, uh, grandma. She died when I was about 14. It was… hard on me.” “Oh, George…”).
The overhead light was off at this point, the only light coming from a lamp on his desk and the stars shining through the window. The two are on their sides, Dream on the right of the bed and George on the left, facing each other, occasionally looking at their phones to ask the questions.
“What roles do love and affection play in your life?” Dream asks, his voice softer than ever. George can almost not answer. He doesn’t know.
“I’ve never been a super affectionate person, so I don’t know. I’ll give you guys quick hugs of course, but with really close relationships, I don’t know what to do.”
Dream looks as if he’s searching for something in George’s face, and George can’t tell what he’s looking for. His movements are hesitant, George sees.
“Do- um. You wanna maybe,” Dream pauses, closes his eyes,and scrunches up his face. “Try?”
“Try what?”
“Affection.” Dream lets out a breath and opens his eyes. “Affection is my strong suit, afterall.” His mouth forms into a teasing smirk despite his eyes showing nervousness.
“Um. Take the lead.”
It’s slow. So, very slow. Dream’s hand raises up and lands itself on the dip of George’s waist. He’s whispering instructions, and George listens. His hands are hung around Dream’s neck, and their legs are starting to tangle together. They laugh when they realize how far apart they are, and Dream pulls him closer. George can feel his heart beating out of his chest as he lays his head where Dream’s right shoulder meets his neck.
“Do you want me to ask the rest of the questions, sweetheart?” It sounded like a coo, and George is surprised at how effortless the pet name comes out of Dream’s mouth.
“Was that okay?” Dream whispers after a moment of George going still. He perks up.
“Yeah! Yeah.”
“Okay.” Dream pulls George closer and rests his left hand on his back. He starts rubbing up and down in slow motions.
George simply melts.
The questions and answers go by slower, and their voices become gentler. Dream announces that they’re on section three now, and to state three true “we” statements. Dream goes first.
“We… are cuddling?”
“Obviously, idiot.” George chuckles. “We are really tired?” Dream hums.
“We meant everything we’ve said tonight.”
“We are going to mean everything we say tonight.”
“You can’t just steal my answer.”
“Just do your third one.”
“We will be ‘Dream and George’ forever.”
Forever is a long, long time. And yet, Dream’s statement is still true.
“We don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“Very vague.”
“Next question, Dream.”
“Alright, alright. Complete this sentence: ‘I wish I had someone whom I could share…’”
Without a second thought, George replies, “My emotions with. Your turn.”
George swears he felt Dream squeeze him.
“My everything with. Every single little thing. Physical, metaphorical, emotional.”
“Even Patches?”
A laugh.
“Yes. Even Patches.”
“Next question.”
“Tell your partner what you like about them and be very honest.”
“Your voice. It’s like… I don’t even know how to describe it.”
“Does it get you going, George?”
“Shut up. I definitely don’t like your smart-assery.” George can feel Dream lean down into George’s shoulder and smile. “I like how you act around people. It’s always different depending on the person. Different with me.”
“I like how you act around people too. You’re almost always bubbly, even though you like to say you aren’t. And, God, your laugh. It’s so overwhelming, but in the best way possible. You have no idea how many times I’ve said the stupidest shit just to hear your little laugh.” George digs his head deeper into Dream’s shoulder. “I also… really like it when you say my name. My real name.”
George raises slightly, gaining the tiniest bit of confidence. “Clay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that.”
“Clay,” George whispers.
“George.” Dream sounds weak. So, very weak. George gets closer to his ear.
George can’t tell if he’s joking.
“You’re gonna kill me, George.”
George’s lips brush against the outer of Dream’s ear, and his friend shivers. He decides this isn’t a joke anymore. He thinks the invisible line they had drawn in the sand many years ago has been kicked and stomped on to the point where neither of them remembers the line being there. George goes further.
“Clay, Clay, Clay,” George is still whispering, slowly brushing his lips across Dream’s jaw, and the hands around his waist get the littlest bit tighter.
George finally raises his head to meet Dream, who was a mess. His cheeks are glowing and his eyes are almost bloodshot. His breath is labored and his hands are shaky.
“Calm down, love.” George whispers and raises his right hand to meet Dream’s cheek, who leans into the touch.
“Kiss me.” Dream begs quietly, as if saying anything louder would shatter the moment in little pieces.
An adrenaline rush fills George’s veins. “Anything you want,” he says, and closes the gap.
The kiss is soft. Dream is maneuvering their bodies to be more comfortable, meaning George is pulled on top of Dream. Their lips didn’t part once.
They move together in harmony, both in the kiss and their bodies, putting everything they got into it. It was unsaid feelings and years and years of thoughts, and George felt every single one of them. George is straddling Dream’s middle and Dream is leaning up to meet George’s touch. His hands are rubbing up and down and squeezing George’s hips and George’s hands find their way into Dream’s hair. It’s perfect and imperfect and everything George has been waiting for, yearning for.
They part, and Dream pushes their foreheads together. George assumes they look dumb, but how could he care in this moment?
“Beautiful. You’re beautiful.” Dream says, his breath tickling George’s mouth. He lets out a breath and breaks out into a smile. His hands start brushing through Dream’s hair and George backs away to get a good look. Dream is staring back.
George lunges forward and wraps his arms around Dream’s neck, sending him flat on the bed with an “oof”.
“Jesus Christ, George. A warning would be nice.”
“I love you. I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-I-love-you-” George couldn’t get enough of saying it. George’s dam cracked when Dream held him and fucking exploded when they kissed. He doesn’t have to hold back anymore, so he doesn’t.
“Slow down, baby.” Dream says through a chuckle. He makes George lean up with tans hands on pale cheeks and a lot of eye contact. “I love you, too.”
George’s breathing slows down to a normal, less-adrenaline-filled pace, and Dream kisses him again. George forces his head back up.
“What does this mean for us?”
“Isn’t it a little obvious?��
“Not really.”
“Boyfriends, George. We’re dating now.”
“How do you know I wanted to even be your boyfriend.” George narrows his eyebrows in faux-suspicion.
Dream’s stare is blank. “I mean. You’re- well- you know, um-”
George dismisses this shortly and confirms, “I want to be your boyfriend.”
Dream sighs in relief. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Yeah. Whatever.” George slides off Dream’s waist and lays facing him. Dream turns as well. “Was that question the last question?”
“No, actually. There were a few left.” Dream blinks, then muses, “Guess we didn’t need 36 questions after all.”
“That was the cheesiest thing you’ve ever said and I hate you for it.”
“You wound me, George. You wound me.”
George makes up for it by letting himself be engulfed in Dream’s embrace, and feels tiny kisses on the top of his head. George nuzzles closer.
Yeah, everything was going to be fine.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ playdate ✦
this chapter pairing; yandere!wonwoo x reader, side mingyu x reader
genre&warnings; yandere!wonwoo, kinda asshole!mingyu, creampies, sloppy seconds, intoxication, exhibitionism AND voyeurism, masturbation, dirty talk, one sided pining for all!!, kidnapping, stalking.
✖ That being said, I do NOT condone yandere-like/obsessive/possessive behaviour in real life. this is a work of fiction therefore I will indulge in it. If you do NOT like this kind of content, please just ignore it.
notes; if I’m being honest, the draft for this originally was completely different and I reworked it because I wasn’t satisfied with how it was turning out bc it was too similar to sea castles except mingyu and wonwoo were brothers kjdhfdkjh 😭😭 As always, thank you sooo much for the love and interest in Monster Mash! I know last chapter was.... erm, a lot. LMAO 😆 Have a great rest of your day/night and I’ll see yall tomorrow~! 🎃 👻 💕
word count; ~3800
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - x - x - x - x - x - x
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you call me on the telephone, you feel so far away;
you tell me to come over, there’s some games you wanna play
i’m walking to your house, nobody’s home;
just me and you and you and me alone.
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The relationship you share with Mingyu isn’t necessarily one that you like to talk about, much less acknowledge on most days.
“O-oh, fuck, M---Mingyu!”
It’s purely physical and a little destructive, in your opinion. Especially when you found yourself frustratingly liking him more than you ever imagined.
He bends your leg, ankle resting against his shoulder as he angles his thrusts to graze against your sweet spot. Shapes dance behind your eyelids, lips parting in a silent moan when you feel yourself already close to cumming.
But it’s Mingyu that cums first, hips stuttering as he growls, “That’s right, fuckin’ take all of it, baby.”
He rides out his high, pulling out of you and letting your leg down before you can even process what’s happening. “Hey, wait, but what about me?” You ask, voice small as you watch him get off of the bed. He tugs his pants on, plucking a shirt off of the floor as he throws it over his head.
“Sorry, I gotta go take care of some business back at campus, Mr. Lee needs the papers graded before tomorrow’s 8AM and I’m already late. You can stay here if you want though, bed’s all yours. I’ll be back in a bit, I---sorry, I’ll make it up to you later.”
He’s gone in a flash, door clicking shut behind him as you sit with your legs still parted. Typical.
Groaning, you flop onto your back against his bed sheets.
“Thanks for nothing.”
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Wonwoo says it’s the last time.
But every time is the last time.
He wraps a hand around his cock, soft breaths making the window fog up in front of him as he watches you and Mingyu through the window. He times the movement of his hand to match Mingyu’s thrusts as he pretends it’s your warmth wrapped around his cock and not his own fist.
“Fuck, fuck , fuck…” He whispers in succession, feeling his abdomen tightening as he gets closer and closer to an orgasm.
Wonwoo watches as Mingyu bends your leg over his shoulder, mental images of you underneath him instead.
He remembers the first time he’d seen you in Mingyu’s bedroom, curiosity making him watch through his bedroom window as you fell to your knees in front of the other male. Wonwoo knew better than to watch, so he looked away, cheeks burning crimson before he ever so slowly turned back to the window. 
He couldn’t help it.
Wonwoo had seen you around the university campus too, hanging around the art kids in the building opposite the Sciences building where he typically stayed with his small group of friends; Mingyu included. He thought you were cute and kind, especially when you happened to hang around their group for the day. And he liked you, even if he was too shy to ever say it.
Which was precisely why he couldn’t understand your attraction to Mingyu, of all people.
Mingyu was selfish, almost irritatingly so, and Wonwoo knew.
Wonwoo knew you deserved better too, someone much like himself. Someone who would take care of you better than Mingyu ever could.
Movement in the opposite window has Wonwoo pulling himself from his thoughts, brows furrowed when he sees Mingyu leaving and you still alone in the bedroom.
“What…?” He mumbles, slightly confused when he watches you flop onto your back.
God, what he would do to eat you out right now.
He tightens his grip around his cock, this time imagining himself eating you out, tongue against your clit while you moan out his name and tangle your fingers into his hair. 
A stuttered moan falls from his lips as he cums into his palm, eyes clamped shut as the pleasure washes over him.
Wonwoo promises it’s the last time.
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“Hey, did you hear about Jeonghan’s Halloween party next Saturday?”
“He’s throwing one?”
“Yeah, I heard everyone’s invited too.”
Wonwoo pretends to go through his textbook as he eavesdrops instead.
If everyone was invited, that surely meant that you’d be there too.
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Mingyu glances over at you, tapping his pencil against the corner of his textbook. “Hey…” He starts, “Did you hear about Jeonghan’s party?”
You glance up from your own textbook, bored eyes on Mingyu who looks up at you from his bedroom floor. Neither of you had talked about the previous time; opting to forget about it since it wasn’t the first time either. “What about it?”
“Wanna go with me? I’ll make it up to you for last time.”
No, he wouldn’t.
“I guess.”
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You step out of the Film Developing room, arms full of negatives when you accidentally run into a body that walks up from behind.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” The negatives spill to the floor, scattering all around you as you and the other person kneel down to collect them.
“It’s okay.” The deep voice replies.
“Oh, hey, Wonwoo!” You smile, “What are you doing in the Arts Building?”
He blushes a deep red, kneeling and stacking the negatives before placing them back in your arms. “Oh I--I do some film editing on my own and I--um, I was just wandering around. I had some free time, so I was curious.” Wonwoo shoots you a shy smile as he pushes his glasses up on his nose bridge.
Wonwoo was very cute.
“Oh! I didn’t know that! I feel like I’ve never seen you around here…” You trail off.
“Ah, yeah, I actually have a personal studio on the east end of town. It’s small but… I don’t have to share my things, which I’d prefer.” He smiles, eyes twinkling. “It’s no fun when people mess around with your things and ruin them, y’know?”
“Oh my gosh, I knooooow. Minghao always messes up my developing station and moves my shit around.” You keep talking but Wonwoo barely acknowledges it. Instead, he takes in your appearance, admiring you as you talk animatedly about god knows what.
God, why’d it have to be Mingyu.
“Hey, so are you coming on Saturday?” He blinks confusedly at you, “Huh? Sorry, I--I didn’t quite catch that last bit.”
“Oh, Jeonghan’s party! Everyone’s invited so I was wondering if you were coming!” His blush burns darker; were you asking him out?
“I’ll be there with Mingyu but if you show up, you should save me a drink!” His excitement falters slightly at the mention of Mingyu, but he does his best to send you a reassuring smile.
“Of course, I’ve got one with your name on it.”
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Wonwoo was kind, patient and understanding from what you knew.
You’d only met him a few times and you knew he lived in the building across from Mingyu’s but all of your interactions with him had only ever been pleasant.
In another universe, maybe you would’ve been in a happy relationship with someone like Wonwoo.
A sigh escapes your lips as you get ready for Jeonghan’s party; short dress barely covering your ass when Mingyu saunters into his bathroom where you currently were.
“Jeez, who’re you trying to impress.” He mumbles, sidestepping you as he checks himself in the mirror.
“I just felt like being cute, that’s all.”
Mingyu grins, hands on your waist before they slide down to your ass. He squeezes hard; a chuckle on his lips when you mewl.
“Cute isn’t the word I’d go for with this ‘lil number but okay. Let’s get going.”
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Mingyu drinks more than he should and he knows it.
He takes any drink someone puts in his hands and downs it before trying to find more which usually leads to a lot of 2AM drunk phone calls and quickies in the backseat of your car.
This time, however, you’re just as bad as he is; taking any drink available as you try to drown out the way you feel when you see Mingyu chatting up someone else across Jeonghan’s living room.
To be fair, you weren’t exclusive anyway.
But his eyes dance over to you, a cocky smirk on his face when he sees the effect he has on you. He knew how you felt too, even if you never said a word about it.
Mingyu didn’t want to ruin what the two of you had, even if he benefited from it more than you did. And the two of you were friends, albeit you weren’t sure for how much longer.
He leaves the other girl as he makes his way over to you, eyes unfocused when he presses you into the wall you’d been standing in front of.
“Let’s go somewhere more private.”
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“Ngh, M--Mingyu, fuck--fuck, harder!”
Mingyu keeps you bent over the sink, hips slamming into your ass as he fucks you from behind in Jeonghan’s upstairs bathroom.
The loud music drowns out your loud moans and his filthy words as you eagerly fuck yourself on his cock. “Fuck, this tiny little dress of yours doesn’t do a damn thing. Bet you wanted me to fuck you just like this, huh? Bent over a fuckin’ sink at a party.”
Neither of you had even made the effort to get undressed as you hiked your dress up and tugged your panties to the side, hands planted firmly onto the mirror in front of you as you watched yourself get drunk off of his cock.
“G-god, yes, yes! Fuck me h-harder, damn it!” You whine. Mingyu slaps your ass at this, low grunts spilling from his lips. “Your cute ‘lil cunt begging to be filled with my cock at every second of the fuckin’ day. “ He slurs.
He feels his cock throbbing as he erratically thrusts into you, only a low groan on his lips before he’s cumming.
“O-oh, shit…”
You feel his thrusts slow down as he cums inside of you, a soft mewl on your lips at the feeling. You clench around him, shaking your hips slightly to get his attention back on you.
A sharp knock scares you both as Mingyu pulls out of you; panties slipping back into place like they’d never been touched.
“Hey! People need to use the bathroom, assholes!” Someone yells from the opposite side.
“Fuck, we need to go.” Mingyu grumbles, readjusting himself and zipping his denim back up.
You very slowly lift yourself up from leaning on top of the sink, tugging your dress back down quietly.
Of course. Of, fucking, course.
Mingyu can sense the annoyance even without you saying anything, lopsided smile on his features. “Later, okay? Don’t be a brat.”
You head for the door, unlocking it before you step out first and leave Mingyu behind. Your body still buzzes with the urge to cum when you start heading down the hallway, panties sticking to you like a second skin with Mingyu’s cum pooling into the material. You turn a corner into an empty part of the upstairs hallways, sighing slightly as you lean up against a wall.
You hear your name being called as you turn your head, finding Wonwoo jogging up to you.
“Hey! I was looking for you!” He smiles, noting the way you seem to sadly smile back at him. “Something the matter?”
“Ugh, it’s Mingyu…” You start. Wonwoo tenses up, hands balling into fists at his side. “What did he do?”
“He’s so fucking selfish! I don’t know what’s up with him lately but he always leaves me hanging!”
It’s quiet between the two of you as your words sink in and Wonwoo’s demeanor changes in the blink of an eye. He takes a step closer to you, fingertips under your chin to lift your head up as he meets your blown out pupils.
“I wouldn’t leave you hanging, y’know.”
You feel a wave of arousal wash over you at his deep voice; did Wonwoo always sound like that or was it the alcohol? “W-what?”
“I said, I wouldn’t leave you hanging. I’d put you before myself, if you’d let me.” He smirks at you, eyes twinkling with promise.
“Show me then.”
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Wonwoo drags you into the nearest bedroom; excitement coursing through his veins.
In another universe, he would’ve been more romantic about this.
Dinner and candles, picnics at sunset. Ah, well.
“Well, it’s not much but it’ll do.” He says, locking the door behind himself before he turns to you. He takes in your mildly disheveled appearance, walking you backwards until the back of your legs hit the bed.
“You deserve better, y’know? Someone who’ll take care of you.”
“I know… But you promised you’d show me, didn’t you?” Pouting, you hike your dress up before you sit down on the edge of the bed. You spread your legs as you let Wonwoo see your panties that were practically transparent.
“Fuck, you let him cum inside your tight ‘lil pussy and he didn’t even let you cum?”
“How do you know I’m tight if you never fucked me before.” You retort, shooting him a smirk of your own. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system, but you felt more confident now than you’d been in a long while.
Wonwoo leans over you, easing you down until your back touches the sheets. “Only someone as pretty as you would have a tight ‘lil cunt and I’ll prove it.” He pulls away, undoing the button and zipper of his pants before he shimmies his boxer briefs down enough to pull his half hard cock out.
You lick your lips at the sight; he was slightly bigger than Mingyu. “Fuck, your cock is huge, Wonwoo…” He smirks at your compliment, tugging on your legs until your lower half hangs off of the side of the bed. He eases your wet panties down, pocketing them before he spreads your legs wide.
“I’m not typically one for sloppy seconds, but…” You blush at his comment. “...If it’s you, I don’t care.”
“Usually I wouldn’t have someone else’s cum already inside my fuckin’ pussy before I hook up with someone else...” You mumble.
Wonwoo guides his cock towards you, letting the shaft rest against your folds. He starts grinding against you, coating his cock in your wetness and Mingyu’s cum. His cock is already throbbing as he continues to tease you and himself, resisting the urge to fuck you hard and fast like he knew both of you needed. “S’okay, I’ll just have to cum inside you too and fuck it so deep into your fuckin’ cunt that you won’t even remember Mingyu ever did.” He grins.
“God, yes, make me cum too, I wanna cum with you…” Whining, you buck your hips up to meet his teasing touches.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make sure you get my cock nice ‘n wet.” He positions his cock at your entrance, teasing you one more time as you whine and squirm underneath him. “Fuck, you’re so cute when you’re whiny.”
He slowly eases his cock in, meeting no resistance with how wet you already were and the cum already inside you. “God, you really are fuckin’ tight…” Wonwoo mumbles under his breath.
It takes you a second to adjust to Wonwoo’s size before he’s drawing his hips back and thrusting back into you and a mewl cuts through the air when the head of his cock taps against your cervix; eyes fluttering shut with how well Wonwoo filled you up.
“Oh, god, ngh, Wonwoo I--I don’t know if I--I can hold o-off…” A choked cry rolls off of your lips, fingertips digging into the sheets underneath you as you cant your hips up to meet his thrusts. You’d already gotten close to an orgasm before and now that Wonwoo’s cock was snug between your walls and curving into you perfectly, it was hard to hold back.
“That’s okay, baby. You can cum as many times as you want. Use me how you want me.” He offers; voice gentle and inviting as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“P--please, ah, touch my---my clit…”
Wonwoo obliges, pinching and rolling your clit between his fingertips. “O-oh, fuck!”
Your body locks up, Wonwoo’s name spilling from your lips as he throws you over the edge and into the first mind-melting orgasm you’d had in weeks. He smiles dreamily at you, hips still snapping into you as he fucks you through your high.
“So fuckin’ pretty when you’re cumming.”
You can only whimper in response, blushing when you can hear how much wetter you’d gotten after just one orgasm. He takes his fingers off of you clit, licking the wet digits.  
Wonwoo looks down to where the two of you are connected, a soft groan on his lips when he sees how much of your wetness coats his cock. “You really did get my cock fuckin’ soaked, baby. Think you still have it in you to give me one more? I’m close too and, ah, I’d love for you to cum with me.” He shoots you a sweet smile and you feel your heart beat out of your chest.
You nod feverishly, “Mm--Mmhmm… I---I haven’t c-cum in a few weeks so… I--”
“A few weeks?”
You avert your eyes from his inquisitive stare, already knowing how he’s going to react. “Yeah, s’just Mingyu’s been so busy so… He’s been, hah, kinda’ leaving me h-hanging and---Ah!” Wonwoo thrusts into you hard, grinding against you once he was fully bottomed out.
“For weeks now? He’s been treating you like that?” It’d made sense now why he’d seen you in Mingyu’s bed alone that one time. “Y-yeah… but---but he’s just busy, y’know, ah, being a TA and a-all...”
He shakes his head in utter disbelief; selfish Mingyu, as always.
Wonwoo leans in until he’s face to face with you, kissing you on the lips gently before pulling away. He doesn’t say another word and instead works on getting you worked up to cum with him and even through the muffled music, he can hear your loud whines and whimpers and the sound of skin slapping as his thrusts become erratic.
He licks the pad of his thumb before he brings it back towards your sensitive and swollen clit. “Baby, ‘m close…” He whispers; only loud enough for you to catch.
“Ngh, fuh--fuck, Wonwoo, please cum i-inside me… I wanna feel your, ah, cock throbbing i-inside of me when you fill me up with y-your cum…” Wonwoo’s thumb presses harder against your clit and he opts to grind against you instead when he feels the tension in his abdomen start to snap. He moans your name shakily, brows furrowed and eyes clamped shut as he lets the pleasure wash over him.
You lick your lips watching his face contort in bliss and you bring your fingers down and over his thumb as you press down harder onto your clit and the action is enough to throw you over the edge again, head thrown back and a sharp whine on your lips as you cum for the second time. 
Wonwoo slows down his thrusts as he starts to come down from his high and he works you through yours. “Shit, you really are so fuckin’ pretty.” 
A blush coats your skin as your orgasm starts to ebb away and Wonwoo is careful to not hurt you once he starts to pull his cock from inside of you. 
He watches the cum drip out of you, lips pursed into a tight smile. “Guess you should get these back, huh?” He fishes for the wet panties in his pocket; helping you slide them back on and up your legs before he pulls away and starts to smooth down his own disheveled appearance.
You laugh breathily, “I’ll let you have another pair next time.” 
“Oh? There’ll be a next time?” He grins. 
Biting your lip, you stand, readjusting your dress and grimacing at how gross you felt now that your panties were even wetter and covered in more cum. 
“I---I mean, I still... I still have feelings for Mingyu but--but...” You pause; Wonwoo’s eyes on you. “I know I should end things with him, it’s just gonna take some time and I--I think you’re a really great guy, Wonwoo, and I’d like for there to be a next time... It’s just... I think I need some time to get over Mingyu first.” You mumble the last few words, a little embarrassed you even admitted you liked Mingyu. 
“No, I---I get it. It’s no worries! Just---Just come find me when you’re ready.” He shoots you a beaming smile, “I’ll leave first, okay?” 
You nod in response, smiling at his back when he turns to leave. 
“Thank you, Wonwoo.” 
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You end up heading home, leaving Mingyu at Jeonghan’s party all-together.
He’d find his way home eventually; maybe even puke in the backseat of a taxi and get what he deserved. 
You giggle at the thought, stepping into the lobby of your apartment building.
Huh, the lights are out. 
You’re a little confused, but you make your way towards the elevators; stumbling slightly with the alcohol still in your system. Pressing the button, you wait patiently in the dark lobby -- only the moonlight providing a soft glow. 
The elevator dings and you quickly enter it, pressing the button for your floor before resting against the banister. 
Hey, is that a person?
Your eyes catch a glimpse of a figure not too far off and only half visible from around the corner, brows furrowed. 
But you didn’t hear anyone enter the building.
The door closes and you shake the thoughts out of your head; it was probably just the alcohol making your eyes hazy.
Eventually you reach your floor, sighing in relief that the lights were still working. You stumble down the hall, dropping your house keys a few times before you can even make the turn to get to your hallway.
You reach your door, sliding the key into the keyhole and turning the lock.
God, it was so good to finally be home. 
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“Good Evening, this is Boo Seungkwan reporting live on Channel 17’s 4 o’ clock news. We’re live at the scene here, as you can see behind me, at the apartment complex were Mr. Kim Mingyu resided. The police and detectives are still going through Mr. Kim’s apartment in hopes of finding any clues. His whereabouts are still unknown as well as his female companion. If you have any tips or information of where they both are, please do not hesitate to contact the police or the TV station.” Seungkwan pauses, waving down a pedestrian. “Sir? I’m a reporter for Channel 17 news, can we please have a word with you? It’s about the missing university students.”
Wonwoo sadly smiles, nodding. “Of course.”
Seungkwan gestures for the cameraman to come closer, holding the microphone in between himself and Wonwoo. “Sir, did you happen to know the missing couple?”
“Ah… Kind of. They were attending the same university as myself. He was kind of a friend of mine, and I know he lived in the building across from myself but…” Wonwoo pauses, shaking his head. “I--I don’t know what happened. They seemed like such kind people. I’ve heard rumours that they just fled to another city, but… that’s it really.”
“Did they tell you that, themselves?” Wonwoo shakes his head no. “No, just rumours flying around campus. Everyone saw them at a party last weekend, myself included. That seems to have been the last time.”
“I see, so have the police interviewed you? Do they have any suspects?”
Wonwoo shakes his head again, smiling sadly. “The police just think they ran away, which, I guess isn’t too far fetched. We’re all stressed university students, after all.”
“You mentioned he’s a friend of yours. He didn’t bother to say anything? Do you think he kidnapped her?”
Wonwoo bites the inside of his cheek, worry clear on his features. “I mean, Mingyu was kind of aloof and he was very drunk at that party. I’m not sure if they got into an altercation. We never really hung out outside of campus so sadly, I can’t really say I know if it’d be in his character or not.”
“Thank you sir, for your time.”
Seungkwan lets Wonwoo leave, stepping away to finish the live report.
Wonwoo nods, turning to make his way back into his apartment. 
He enters his place, toeing off his shoes before he heads towards his own bedroom.
By nature, he steps in front of his window; the same one that faced Mingyu’s now empty bedroom.
His lips ease into a small peaceful smile. 
He would have to make a trip to the east end once all the news vans and patrol cars were gone.
He was sure you’d love the food he’d be making for your candle-lit dinner. It was one of his favorite recipes.
And he was sure Mingyu wouldn’t mind watching from his place in the corner, either. 
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Ok ok ok😆 How about step dad lee has a “take your kid to work day” and has to bring the reader to work. There the reader can be wonderful distraction at the sharif’s office by hiding under lee’s desk *wink wink* or even being a distraction to the other officers making lee jealous. Maybe this could even progress to the reader getting a part time job as a secretary working at the sharif’s office where they have excuses for being together more!!
(warnings for semi-public sex, almost getting caught, sexual harassment (not by lee), some violence, oral sex)
"Uh, Lee, don't you think your stepdaughter is a little old for this?"
You nervously tugged at the hem of your dress, silently agreeing with the officer.
"My wife insisted," Lee shrugged.
Someone in the back of the room emulated the sound of a whip cracking, and the other officers laughed. One glare from the Sheriff at the offending men and they all straightened into silence. Was it weird that it turned you on to see him exert his power over them so casually?
"Have her help you with simple stuff, okay? She can type, which I can't say for half of you anyways. Treat her like a secretary for a day. Except, treat her better than you did the last secretary," Lee frowned. "I'll be in my office if you need me," he informed you in a softer voice. You nodded and watched him walk away, turning your gaze back to the room of men eyeing you. Some seemed not to care much that you were there, some seemed offended by your presence somehow, and some... some made you wish you'd worn slacks instead, with the way they were staring at your legs. She's adorable, one of them mumbled to his deskmate, apparently not as subtly as he thought. No wonder he keeps her locked up at home, another added.
"Um, I'm happy to help however I can," you offered with a smile.
"Here, let me show you how we fill out case reports," one of them offered, motioning for you to stand by his desk.
You started to get in the swing of things after that, commandeering an empty desk with a typewriter and using it to help some of the men finish up some their work. You actually sort of enjoyed it, although you thought all the dirt you were seeing on the residents of Knockemstiff was wasted on you since you didn't care to gossip-- your mother would've had a field day with the information you gathered.
Lee came out every hour or two to check on you, move papers around, regular business stuff. Things got a little stranger just before lunch, though.
"Whatcha workin' on now, sweetheart?" Officer Lupitski asked, his hand descending onto your shoulder and squeezing a little. You didn't like that he was touching you, but he leaned down to look at your work and effectively caged you in.
"Uh, just this open vandalism report... I think I know who did it."
"Yeah, the witness said it was a short man, about 5'6", but she said he had on a blue cotton hoodie-- and that sounds like something Cynthia Fremont wears sometimes, and the height matches. Plus, the tag said CF, so..."
"Look at that, we made you a secretary when you oughta be a detective!" Lupitski laughed.
"Oh, I don't know about that," you smiled, your chest warming from the praise, "I'm just more familiar with the teenage girls of Knockemstiff than most of the officers are."
"Hm, you may not be as right about that as you'd like to be," he mumbled. "But anyhow, you don't feel bad about ratting out your fellow girls like this? I thought you were really into that feminism stuff."
"I don't know if feminism means letting somebody spray paint the library just cause they're a girl," you protested. "Where'd you hear that, anyways?"
"Your dad talks about you a lot," he explained.
"He's my stepdad," you corrected quickly, "so take it all with a grain of salt."
"No, no, he only says good things. Says you're a good girl, don't mess around with the law," he recalled, voice getting lower as his hand started to move to your back. "Sounds like he's right."
"Uh, I try to stay out of trouble, yes," you agreed hesitantly.
"But a little trouble is natural; I mean, a girl your age should be having all sorts of fun, that's the point of being young."
"I guess I find most of my fun within the confines of the law," you defended, trying to find a way to lean so that he wouldn't be so close to you but finding yourself trapped.
"Is it cause you're afraid of the Sheriff?"
You shook your head. "He doesn't scare me."
"Good for you," he praised, patting your knee and letting his hand rest there. "He doesn't scare me either," he purred, moving his hand a little higher, fingertips drifting under the hem of your dress as your breath hitched and your heart began to race. He was looking right at you with something sinister burning in his eyes, smiling with sharp but crooked teeth.
"Maybe he should," you suggested gently.
"Yeah?" he laughed, tilting his head and leaning in further. "Why's that?"
"'Cause I have a baton," Lee answered his question before hitting him swiftly in the face with it, which sent Lupitski tumbling back over your desk onto the floor. You giggled a little, and caught a few smirks from the fellow officers as well (though some others had that scared-straight look on their face).
"What the hell, man?!" Lupitski protested, spitting blood onto the floor.
"You tryna make your way to an early grave, Lupitski?" Lee challenged. "You've found a pretty speedy method, if that's the case."
"She's grown! She was into it!"
"Did you like gettin' felt up by this perv?" Lee asked you facetiously.
You shook your head, grinning when the officer on the floor looked back at you like you'd condemned him to death. Honestly, you might have.
"Get up," Lee rolled his eyes as he motioned for Lupitski to stand. As soon as he was up, though, Lee punched him and knocked him to the ground again.
"The fuck?! I thought you wanted me to stand!"
"Yeah, I did, but it was just so I could see you fall twice," Lee chuckled. "Clean up the blood and get back to work." Directing his attention to the rest of the room, he opened his arms in challenge. "Anybody else wanna take a spin, huh? Cop a feel, lose a tooth, it'll be fun!"
The men just looked around, shuffling their feet and clearing their throats nervously.
"...No takers? All right then," Lee nodded, turning to you, "you're spending the rest of the day in my office."
You stepped over the groaning form of Lupitski as you followed behind the Sheriff eagerly.
"Shut the door behind you," Lee instructed as he sat down at his desk. Once you'd done it, he patted his knee for you to sit on his lap. You felt a little nervous that someone would come in, but you were still excited to be in his arms again. He embraced you from behind, pulling your back into his chest. "I'm sorry about him," he sighed, "it's my fault, I should've known I couldn't trust them alone with you..."
"It's okay," you dismissed, "it wasn't that bad, he just put his hand on my leg."
"How high did he get?" he asked with concern in his voice. "Show me where he touched you, sweetpea."
You grabbed his hand and placed it on your knee, the comforting warmth making you relax a little. "Well, he started here," you explained, "but then he moved up... to here," you demonstrated, sliding his hand up until it reached where Lupitski's had.
"And then?"
"And then you hit him in the face, twice," you recalled with a shy smile.
"That's right," he beamed. You felt his hand moving higher from where you'd left it and you melted into his arms, letting your head fall back on his shoulder. "You know nobody can touch you there except your daddy."
You nodded, biting your lip as his fingers traced over the edge of your panties. Slipping inside, he growled a little when he felt that you were wet. "What's this, princess? Don't tell me you actually did like being touched by somebody else..."
"No, daddy, it's not that," you denied. "It was just... I thought it was really nice that you stood up for me..."
"Well, I don't care for it when other people touch my things."
"I know, daddy. And I couldn't help but think about what it would be like if-- if you had touched me in front of all those men, and showed them that I was yours..."
He grinned, finally rubbing your swollen clit as your back arched. "Mm, you're so shameless, baby. Is that what you wanted me to do? Beat him up and then bend you over the desk so I can beat up your cunt, too?"
You whimpered and nodded, hips bucking up into his touch.
"Dirty slut," he purred. "You know why I couldn't do that... but lucky for you, I have another desk right here that I can bend you over."
You giggled with delight as he pushed you up and over the wood, flipping up your skirt and pulling down your panties.
"Fuck," he groaned, "such a pretty little pussy you have, princess. And so wet for me, as always."
He didn't unbuckle his belt right away, instead leaning in to lick long stripes between your lips, the tip of his tongue teasing your clit and your hole-- wait, make that both your holes.
"Fuck, daddy," you gasped.
"Can you keep quiet, little girl? Or do I need to make you quiet?"
"I'll be good, daddy," you whispered.  It still took all your strength to keep that promise when he pushed his cock into you.  You gripped tightly at the edge of the desk, biting back moans every time the fat, swollen head of him plunged directly into your g-spot.
“You can’t imagine how many times I’ve been stuck at my desk and thought of doing exactly this to ya,” he chuckled lowly.  You wiggled your legs but he held you down, fucking you deeper and harder.  “Is this what you were hoping for, princess?  Is this what you want me to do to you in front of my men?”
You nodded with a whimper.
“You’d better hope nobody else steps out of line today, including you, or I might just be tempted to,” he threatened.  “I’d love for someone to give me an excuse to remind everyone that I’ve never been good at sharing my toys.”
After a few more minutes of pounding into you hard enough to rattle everything on his desk, you came with a choked moan and a sigh.  You were a little disappointed when he pulled out, because you wanted him to come inside you, but when he asked you to get under his desk and suck him off, well... you couldn’t say no to that.  Literally.
“Fuck, such a perfect little mouth,” he groaned.  “Wanna taste your daddy’s come, sweetpea?”
You nodded, without knocking his length out of your mouth, thankfully.  You always loved when you could taste yourself on him, as filthy as it made you feel.
“Then you’re gonna have to work for it.”
You were using your lips and tongue to suckle his tip while your hands worked tirelessly to pump the rest of him-- yes, you needed both hands-- when there was a knock at the door.
“Don’t fuckin’ stop,” he hissed at you before calling for the person to come in.
“Uh, I have these accounting sheets for you,” an officer explained, and you heard something set down on the desk above your head.  You looked up at Lee and watched his face as you kept going, though you were trying not to slurp or choke or make any other noises.  
“Thanks,” Lee nodded.
“Hey, wasn’t your daughter in here?”
“Stepdaughter,” Lee corrected quickly, just as you thought the same thing as the same time.  “And yes, but she’s using my private bathroom at the moment.”
“Oh, okay,” he agreed, although he sounded a little suspicious.  “I’ll leave you be.”
As soon as the door shut, you popped off of Lee’s cock and looked up at him nervously.  “Do you think he knew?” you asked.
“Did I say you could stop?” he countered; you got back to work quickly, not wanting to anger him lest he make good on his threat to fuck you in front of the station.  “I’m close,” he warned you.
You kept working until you felt him pulse and flex and, finally, come all over your tongue.  His hands tightened on your hair as he filled your mouth, the salty taste and the pressure on your throat making your eyes water.  He pulled you off of him with an exhausted groan.  
“Show me,” he requested, and you opened your mouth dutifully as his come pooled on your tongue.  “Good girl,” he smiled, “you can swallow now.”
You did, and licked up the small drop that had almost spilled from the corner of your mouth as well.  
“I think you should come with me to work more often, princess,” he grinned.
“I could use the typing practice,” you pondered aloud.  
“Oh, honey,” he chuckled, “you’re not gonna get in any typin’ practice, I promise you that.
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