#yeah 👁️ 👁️
imaginationblur · 4 months
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I love lil guys with freaky eyes 👁️
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Trying to interact with the rest of your fandom as a whumper:
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yrsonpurpose · 4 months
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Acting a fool? I was pretty young.
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1o1percentmilk · 7 months
healthy self-talk
I drink too much. ❌👎 I'm just like Chilchuck. ✅🍺
I'm fat. ❌👎 I'm just like Falin. ✅ 🐉
I don't understand social cues.❌👎 I'm just like Laios. ✅ 🐺
I don't take care of myself. ❌👎 I'm just like Mithrun. ✅ 🧝
I'm a hater. ❌👎 I'm just like Izutsumi. ✅🐱
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whisperingn1ghts · 1 month
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Goober eyes
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gunsatthaphan · 9 months
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happy new year from the gmmtv squad lol ✌🏻🎊🎆
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beescake · 10 months
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oh to trust another troll w a sharp object against yr head
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fob bristow: patrick cam
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cricketsintheaudience · 9 months
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got to thinking what bruce’s self-care routine must look like in order to compensate for sweating in a cowl all night and getting your face pressed into the gotham streets. it’s gotta be pretty intense to stand up to paparazzi scrutiny so. he’s definitely scared his kids like this at least once
(my commissions are open!)
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afterartist · 2 months
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
I hear your “I’m so excited for tlovm season 2! It’s going to be so fun!” and I raise you “The central theme of this season is bone-deep crushing guilt and grief”
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faceeeeee · 4 months
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Smile :)
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rainpunk07 · 3 months
dc x dp prompt inspired by this tiktok
if you don’t wanna click the link, in summary it’s a hyper-realistic animation commenting on American overconsumption and capitalism through the metaphor of jeff bezos owning a bakery and using his sugary workers as ingredients once he realizes it makes his pastries more delicious. (it’s permanently altered my brain chemistry, i recommend that you watch it it’s so good.)
anyways, i’m aiming for “they’re in the same universe already” type angle, but you can do whatever you want. so let’s say a former GIW dude gets laid off and ends up in gotham. through whatever hijinks you choose, the guy discovers that shades are DELICIOUS in your average pastry and decides to open a bakery with this knowledge. (the only reason this dude and gotham citizens can consume these is cuz they’re liminal contaminated or something, you decide.)
now also for whatever reason, we find danny in gotham (with or without his companions) and by some magic of fate (clockwork probably) he stumbles on the bakery. he’s maybe heard how good it is and they’re just so yummy or something or other. upon trying it, he immediately wants to puke because he knows that there are shades in it and it feels like full on cannibalism. what he does about it is up to you.
on the bats end, they’re all enjoying these pastries as much as any other person in gotham. some bat manages to coax jason into trying one and when he tastes, he has a similar reaction to danny. he doesn’t recognize the secret ingredient as shades or inherently cannibalism, but he just feels down in his being that there’s something fucked up about it. (lazarus pits obviously tip one further towards liminal than not.)
side note on that, considering damien was raised nearby the lazarus pits for a majority of his childhood, i say that he’s neutral on the taste. like, it isn’t delicious or anything but it’s not the worst thing he’s tasted. and he’s definitely not gonna search out the sweet treats. (maybe he connects the dots between his and jason’s liminal-bility? does he follow jason around as he investigates the bakery? it’s up to you ;) )
on the other hand, the other bats don’t understand their distaste/neutrality and think jason’s tweaking, but jason knows what he knows. (cass believes him obvi. they probably investigate the bakery together)
so this is probably where the duo meets danny, and they figure out the stuff together and now you add whatever angst you want that comes with the combined worlds of danny phantom and detective comics. is danny the ghost king? demon twin au? is jason a baby halfa? it’s all up to y’all ig
NOW BE FREE *drops the idea at fanfic writer’s feet and skedaddles away*
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achildsfirstsorrow · 3 months
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The other day I found an image and it looks a lot like how my Erik would realistically soo.. 👀👀
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stovetoast · 6 months
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it was ONE TIME (they swapped btw)
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5qui99l3draws · 8 months
*does the 3D equivalent of doodling a big sparkly eye in the margins of your class notes*
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