#yeaaah he does look very cute
running-in-the-dark · 7 months
oh you have got to be kidding me!
I'm watching Night Court to recover from Stripes and. Dan. is. wearing a damn uniform. I am going to explode
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lordsukunas · 6 months
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the thorn in your side.
synop: nobleman!gojo being annoying asf, but he’s also kinda cute?
tags: fem!reader, royal au, gojo is a nobleman, reader is crown princess, reader is a lil mean to him but it’s really just playful banter, slight suggestiveness..? and by slight i mean very slight. not historically accurate (don’t jump me)
note: dk where this came from. prob all of the historical manhwas thats been on my fyp but wtv. uhh this is lowk fun tho, might make more of this if i have motivation!
“princess! i got a favor to ask.”
“ohhhh, princess!”
“hey, princess?”
your eye twitches in irritation. how many questions can one nobleman have in one day? you’ve answered each one with the dignity and grace expected of a future queen, but there’s only so much of that dignity and grace one can have.
you look up from your book, bright cerulean eyes staring down at you. “yes, lord gojo?”
his grin widens, and you have to resist the urge to slap it smooth off of his face. “do you know where i can find those little cookies? y’know, the ones you had at the banquet last week?”
... seriously?! he’s asking you about macaroons?!
“i believe you’re consulting the wrong person about that. perhaps you should ask the head chef.” your voice is strained, as if answering satoru’s questions for the umpteenth time today is making you physically ill.
satoru sighs and leans back in his chair, one long leg crossed over the other. “yeaaah, but i wanna ask you. since you’re the princess n’ all. unless...”
he tips his chair closer to yours, and his warm breath ghosts across the conch of your ear. tingles dance down your spine and heat creeps up the back of your neck. does he have regard for personal space?
“perhaps our kingdom’s queen-to-be is too dumb to know where macaroons come from?”
you should just ignore him. satoru’s entire purpose, it seems, is to just get on your nerves and force you to lose your well-maintained composure. you know this. and yet...
“i am not dumb, satoru. it is you who’s the idiot, considering you cannot seem to use basic logic to realize their origin,” you snap, words coming out in a hot, angry rush.
you are sick of him testing your patience, sick of his silly little grin and glossy pink lips, and stupid, ugly eyes that always seem to have a twinkle of mischief in them. how dare he speak to you that way? he’s only a nobleman, and you could easily strip him of that title.
a soft chuckle from satoru interrupts your mental tirade. what is he laughing for? is he laughing at you?
“what’s so funny.” you fold your arms over your chest, your brows knitted together.
“oh, nothing. it’s just...” he laughs again. it’s a soft, light sound, quite unlike the usual hearty and loud giggles and barely stifled snickers. yuck. “this is the first time you’ve used my first name, princess.”
did you really?
your mind replays what you said, and, unsurprisingly, he’s right. you called him satoru, not lord gojo.
the heat now burns your cheeks, and you look away, focusing your gaze on the nearly infinite rows of books in the library. “a mistake. even i make them, but do not think that will be happening again, lord gojo.”
satoru simply hums, drumming thick fingers against the table. “ah, but my name sounds so nice coming from your lips. are you sure it won’t happen again? perhaps in a different, more intimate context?”
how hard would you have to throw a book to get him to finally shut up?
you all but shove yourself out of your seat, tucking your bookmark in between the pages. you smooth out your gown and get rid of invisible specks of dust. “that... will not be happening either. good day, lord gojo. i hope i will you in the future.”
without waiting for what would definitely be some cheeky response, you spin on your heel and exit the library, rushing down the castle’s halls.
why does satoru gojo have to be so infuriating?!
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kaibutsushidousha · 14 hours
The Hundred Line gameplay footage from Tokyo Game Show
The original plan was to properly subtitle the video, but since the MTL plague seems to be already spreading, I guess I'll just post it as a script for a quicker release.
Takumi Sumino: Hm... Hmm...? W-where am I? (I woke up on a hard desk. My head is kinda hazy and slow...) A classroom? (Why am I here? Why was I sleeping on a desk? ...I can't remember much.) What was it... What happened before? (I moved my hazy head to check the classroom... and what I found were boys and girls hunching on their desks just like me.)
Eito Aozuki: Uh... Wh-what...?
Boy with penguin shirt: W-what the heck!? What's goin' on!?
--Tan girl: Who are you!? Where am I!?
Smallest boy: H-how... did I get here?
Takumi Sumino: (I've never seen any of these people before. The same seemed to apply to everyone. They exchanged wary gazes.)
Takemaru Yakushiji: Is this really a classroom? If it is, it's a really weird one.
Eito Aozuki: Does anyone know the name of this school?
Kako Tsukumo's brother: Hm, never seen it before.
Kako Tsukumo: Likewise.
Boy with penguin shirt: H-hey... Does anyone here know anything?
Takumi Sumino: (All in the classroom looked around and found no one willing to answer anything... That means none of us knows.)
Darumi Amemiya: Oh... Is this what I think it is? ...Oh, it is. Absolutely.
Tan girl: Oh... Do you have an idea?
Darumi Amemiya: I've been waiting for this! Hell! Kyohoho!
Tan girl: What are you laughing about!? I'm scared!
Boy with penguin shirt: I'll check the hallway...
Takumi Sumino: (One person made it to the classroom and tried to go to the hallway.)
Boy with penguin shirt: Huh? W-what the hell... The door won't move...
Takemaru Yakushiji: Huh!? Say what!?
Takumi Sumino: (Now another one made it to the window and tried to force the shutters open.)
Takemaru Yakushiji: Fuck! Why won't you open? Die!
Hiruko Shizuhara: Seems like we were locked in here.
Boy with penguin shirt: Uh... Locked... Aaaaaaah!? WHY!?
Takumi Sumino: W-what's going on? Why would anyone trap us? What caused... (Oh, right! I remembered it...)
Eito Aozuki: After fighting those monsters in the Tokyo Residential Complex, I was engulfed in a mysterious light...
Takumi Sumino: Ah...
Darumi Amemiya: True... I remember that. I transformed and fought the monsters.
Takemaru Yakushiji: Oh!? You lot fought'em too?
Takumi Sumino: Did everyone?
Smallest boy: Wait... So they were real? I assumed it was just me having a childish dream like the immature idiot I am.
Hiruko Shizuhara: I see. Everyone had the same experience. Which must mean... You all met that very cute mascot.
--Takumi Sumino: A cute mascot... (She means... him?) I wouldn't call him cute, but otherwise, yeah... that matches the description.
Eito Aozuki: Then would it be also him who brought us here?
Hiruko Shizuhara: Yes, it must have been the breathtakingly adorable mascot.
Tan girl: Huh? He's the one trapping us here!? What for!?
Darumi Amemiya: Kyohoho! Y'know, the obvious... Students of the same age waking up together in an unknown classroom they can't leave can only mean one thing: we're in for a death game! THE Killing Game is about to start in this school~!
Takumi Sumino: T-the Killing Game!?
Boy with penguin shirt: Why'd we have to kill each other!? I ain't killing anyone!
Darumi Amemiya: Yeaaah, found the first victim! That's totally a thing the first guy dead says!
Boy with penguin shirt: Stoooooooop!
Takumi Sumino: (And that's when it happened.)
[School chime]
Tan girl: Huh? W-what now?
Board screen: Self-introduction period. Introduce yourself to your future comrade-in-arms.
[Kodaka chooses Darumi]
Darumi Amemiya: Name's Darumi Amemiya... nice to meet you... Say, just between the two of us... Do you already know who you're after?
Takumi Sumino: What do you mean by "after"?
Darumi Amemiya: Your initial target in the Killing Game, duh. Just so you know, I don't mind if it's me. I mean, don't I look dumb? Like I'd fall for cheap bait? I sure as heck look like an easy kill!
Takumi Sumino: Hey... Do you seriously believe we're getting into a death game?
Darumi Amemiya: Uh, I do. Well, more hoping than believing. See... I always dreamed of being in a killing game. I've been a huge fan of the death game genre since I was really little...
Takumi Sumino: Yeah, but those are fictional. No one'd want to put their actual lives on the line.
--Darumi Amemiya: Eh? No, the real stakes make it all the better! I have no problems with dying. It'd be nice to take myself out of this depressing trash reality... I see nothing wrong with that...
Takumi Sumino: Huh?
Darumi Amemiya: Tell me... which side are you from? The side of who find only depression and disappointment in normal days? No, you'd understand me if you were. I'm so thankful that painful and suffocating normality, that sturdy as hell normally I thought would haunt me 'til the day I died, finally broke. Can't this death game start any sooner... Kyohohoho.
Takumi Sumino: (I was already expecting an eccentric mindset from her, but wow, she didn't say a thing I can come even close to relating to.)--
[Kodaka chooses Yakushiji]
Takemaru Yakushiji: I'm called Takemaru Yakushiji. Just a warning before anything. Stay away from me when I snap. I tend to punch the closest thing nearby before I look at what it is. I try to stop it, but I can't.
Takumi Sumino: (What the hell... That's messed up...)
Takemaru Yakushiji: So, you also fought those monsters, right? Meaning you also got your transformation?
Takumi Sumino: Transformation...? Oh... yeah, I did. Nothing I remember about it makes any sense, though...
Takemaru Yakushiji: That was some badass stuff! Did ya feel the same way?
Takumi Sumino: Huh?
Takemaru Yakushiji: I feel like I became the superhero I wanted to be as a kid! The power felt AWESOME!
Takumi Sumino: I see... That's one way to look at it.
Takemaru Yakushiji: Though... I'm still worried about the Tokyo Residential Complex. You saw the size of the damage?
Takumi Sumino: Yeah... Lots of people getting attacked...
Takemaru Yakushiji: Maybe... There's still people under the rubble... Lost kids searchin' for their families... Geezers who can't move too well... Fuck! I need to go save 'em! I can't afford to be stuck here!
Takumi Sumino: I can't really tell if he's a savage or a nice guy...
[Kodaka chooses Hiruko]
Hiruko Shizuhara: I'm Hiruko Shizuhara. ...
Takumi Sumino: (That's it? I feel like I need to talk to her more. She's calmer than anyone else here, so maybe she knows something.) Hey, I have a question.
Hiruko Shizuhara: I already told you my name is Hiruko Shizuhara.
Takumi Sumino: I got that part. It's not about that. I think we should talk some more.
Hiruko Shizuhara: Talk...?
Takumi Sumino: Didn't you... also fight those monsters? What do you think they are? Do you think there's more of them?
Hiruko Shizuhara: Don't know. ...
Takumi Sumino: Huh!? Done already?
Hiruko Shizuhara: Discussing what we don't understand is a waste of everyone's time. Where's your common sense?
Takumi Sumino: Yeah, but...
Hiruko Shizuhara: You're wasting time. Our conversation is over. ...
Takumi Sumino: (She turned 180 to face away from me... Guess she doesn't want to say anything more.)
[Kodaka chooses Eito]
Eito Aozuki: Well, ain't we in for a pickle. My bladder fills up when things go south. If things get worse, I might leak myself.
[School chime]
Board screen: All troops, line up and salute SIREI!
Takemaru Yakushiji: There you are, you freakin' toy!
Darumi Amemiya: Yahoo! I've been waiting for this trope! The eccentric mascot you find in every death game!
SIREI: C'mon... Toy? Trope? Can we cut short this train of slander? You people are going to get me depressed... And I can't blame you, my entrance was wholly plagiarized... Still, a respectable commander needs to prove his worth at the critical moments. And you got a respectable commander here, called SIREI! Nice to meet you!
[Cut to the operation room]
Darumi Amemiya: Here's Takumi! Takumi is here!
Takemaru Yakushiji: So you joinin' the fight?
Takumi Sumino: Yeah, that's what I decided. The more people, the better, right?
Hiruko Shizuhara: Only if you can prove yourself an asset.
SIREI: Great! I knew you'd come! Your commander had faith in you!
Takumi Sumino: Don't give me that "faith" shit... I'm only here because you threatened me...
SIREI: Threat... What threat? That was just a warning. Fighting is your only option if you want to protect what matters to you.
Takumi Sumino: Tell me what you mean by that already...
SIREI: I'll tell you when the battle is over! First, we must defend this academy! I'll give everyone a Hemoanima Blade, permanently this time. You use it the same way you did back in the Tokyo Residential Complex. Just one stab to the heart will fill you with divine power! This should let you bring a glorious victory to our prestigious Last Defense Academy! Activate your Hemoanima and hop on this launching platform. It'll dump all of you on the schoolyard.
Hiruko Shizuhara: Where we'll slaughter the enemies. Get it moving already.
Takemaru Yakushiji: Fine by me...! Bring it on...!
Darumi Amemiya: Kyohohoho! Let's give it everything we got!
Takumi Sumino: ... (It'll be fine. We can do it. I just have to do it the same way I did it in the Tokyo Residential Complex. Even I can handle that much.)
Karua Aimiya: It's fine, Takkun! I know you can do it! You can do anything!
Takumi Sumino: (Right...! I can do it...! I can do anything!)
SIREI: Now we move to the defensive battle! Bring all you have! If you lack power, bring also all you don't have! Kill them brutally, callously, tormentingly, thoroughly, and viscerally! Show time, it's a genocide party!
Takumi Sumino's tutorial screen
Takumi Sumino has an excellent balance between ATK and range. Also, Sumino's power enables Retries. Press the + button to restart a battle from the open menu.
Hiruko Shizuhara's tutorial screen
Hiruko Shizuhara has excellent ATK and gains additional ATK for the rest of the turn every time she kills an enemy. Try unleashing a powerful attack after you killed tons of lesser enemies!
Hiruko Shizuhara's first kill dialogue
Hiruko Shizuhara: These monsters are as ugly as the ones before, but their innards have a pretty color... I could get something beautiful out of splattering their guts and brains...
Takumi Sumino: Do you realize how freaky you sound?
Takemaru Yakushiji's tutorial screen
Takemaru Yakushiji has excellent mobility and DEF, and gains more Armor (temporary DEF) the further he moves. Try walking all over the battlefield and scatter lesser enemies along the way!
Darumi Amemiya's tutorial screen
Darumi Amemiya has excellent mid-ranged attacks. She swaps Skills between Normal and Fatigued moves, so try learning her more complex gimmicks!
Eito Aozuki's tutorial screen
Eito Aozuki gains a random buff (ATK+1, Armor+1, or Recover from Fatigue) after every action. Try prioritizing using him to let luck decide your fate!
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tokuteasings · 2 years
Dating: Kureshima Mitsuzane, Kureshima Takatora
Warnings: Gaim spoilers, Micchy’s VERY questionable behavior...I love these bois more than I love myslef okay???? Don’t judge me, Micchy is also one of my first KR crushes lol. 
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Kureshima Mitzusane
Micchy is such a sweet boi okay?? Dating him is a dream. Depending on whether or not you know his background, it doesn’t change much other than where you meet him after school. If you know who he really is, you tend to wait for him at the school gates where he perks up and runs to you with a brisk step, ignoring the stares he gets and the first thing he grabs is your hands. “I’m back, thank you for waiting for me.” he would say, like he’s coming home to you. If you don’t know who he is, you tend to meet him at the Team Gaim hideout and similarly, he perks up way more here. The first thing he grabs when he sees you is…well…you! He brings you into a sweet and saccharine hug that is tight and his cheeks are flushed that he’s showing this to the people around you (Kouta and Mai are fist-bumping and the rest are giggling) but he whispers to you that he’s so glad to see you!!!!
Micchy is also a pretty good cook, and tends to make his own lunches and for you! He brings like these decorated couple bentos to the Gaim hideout for you and him and others pout and whine that they can’t get his cooking but he has extra food for them. You just get the cute and best ones! Sure, he has fine dining experience but Micchy adores more so lowkey dishes that aren’t full of like the best of the best but like…shit that just fucking tastes good. It’s why you often catch him munching on chips or something because he rarely has them back home in his manor. You tend to carry around new whack ass flavors for the two of you to try together! It almost becomes a game for you two, to find new things you both can try and how to react to them lol. Secretly loves it when you feed him even though he’s blushing and dying. 
This isn’t me projecting (it is) but Micchy looks so good in earrings!!!!!! He has his ears pierced and he tends to wear like simple studs but if you have other earrings for him to try out, he’s happy to do so! He actually has a collection of stuff you buy for him, kept locked away in a little jewelry box and sorts them out daily. Shopping trips together always end up going to like some sort of artsy store with handmade earrings and Micchy picking out matching things for the two of you to wear! He’s also kind of obsessed with matching couples things. His fave pair are these grape shaped studs (lol) that you got for him for his birthday! Micchy never fucking takes them off and they’re his most prized possession. You will pry these damn earrings off of his COLD DEAD BODY-
Oh dude Team Gaim is your family now. Dude they have to give Micchy the "talk" and Kouta is just right there sitting down with Micchy, slightly shaking his shoulders and saying: “Treat them right, okay, Micchy? Like, we all trust you but here’s the ins-and-outs of dating. You need to do this and not that-” Listen Kouta sees you as his baby sibling now, he’s going to ask every day if you two are treating each other right. Mai is like your personal hype girl because whenever you and Micchy share like a kiss in front of the others she’s like “Kyaaa~!” and hides her eyes but peeks through her fingers but also she helps you get ready for dates! The entire team has your back now and are those kinds of friends that are like: “GOOD LUCK GETTING LAID TONIGHT!!!” or “YEAAAH YOU GET ‘EM!!!” and are just over the top embarrassing siblings. Micchy highkey keeps dates away from them for a reason because you two will end up a blushing mess. But blushing Micchy is a sight lemme tell ya-
Public affection!!!!!!! He isn’t really shy about it since he loves you ooooh so much but it’s more along the lines of he’s reserved. He does get all blushy whenever you do public affection towards one another but he’s happy to do it! He has this cute n giddy lil smile to him that makes him eager for more! He’ll lean into each and every kiss you give him and it’s so cute?? Like a puppy or cat just trying to never let you stop petting them. He also demands holding hands whenever he goes, fingers laced together. He will also uh, keep you a secret from his brother and family…and in general, he won’t tell Takatora shit so….yeah. He’s very protective of you if Takatora is in the picture. Also you need to give him kisses at timely intervals. He’s better at hiding his poutiness than say like…Kouta but he’s much more direct with it via texts. Sending you little emojis and kaomojis, asking when he’ll see you again.
Speaking of! Micchy is in general, protective of you. Not just because you two are Riders but because of…well…his darker traits. I mean we all saw how he acts. He has half considered taking your belt away in order to keep you out of this entire fight but listen, you are going to fight with him until the fucking end. In the everyday scenario, Micchy tends to put himself between you and whatever aggressor you have. You can take care of yourself thank you very much. It’s similar in battle, really. It’s very obvious that Micchy is looking out for you. He trusts your skills in battle, don’t get me wrong, but Micchy simply wants to be there for you. He has his weapon in hand at all moments, you in the corner of his eye, and shoots down any and all opposition that attempts to attack you. He’s scared of losing you to this invasion, yes, but perhaps even more so because…he had something to do with it. The sins of his brother are his own, in a way. But Micchy sends out praise during your fights together, lil quips to ensure you keep going.
Actually, arguments are going to become a problem between the two of you. Especially if Micchy goes downhill. He’s desperate to keep you safe and this will turn into a screaming match or even a fight between ideals with possible belts in play. Normally, Micchy will need a moment to himself to plot things out and come to you to talk things out. Because he’s a thinker most of all and most of his issues are kept in his head. Half of the time he doesn’t want to bother you with things he’s thinking. But if he does have a problem, he will let you know after thinking it over and how to best approach a situation. Normally he wants to come to the best conclusion with you, looking for a solution. But like this? With his head thinking of humanity and betraying you…it’s going to be difficult. There will be tears shed, hoarse throats and things left unsaid. It’s an almost break-up at this point. You can see that it took a lot of guts for Micchy to do this, and he doesn’t mean to hurt you and but…it’s what he decided. He offers his hand to you, to join him and whether or not you take that hand is up to you…
Back to cute stuff, Micchy enjoys cuddles in all forms! He has to have you in his arms whenever you two are together. He has his arm wrapped around you in some sort of manner, around your waist so he can pull you into a quick hug but hand holding is his fave! Micchy’s fave dates are lowkey ones and sure he may have like loads of money to gift you shit, his prime forms of affection are “words of affirmation” and “time spent together”. Micchy loves private dates and sure he may take you out to eat but most of the time he asks you to pick an idea for a date. Sure he has lived in Takatora’s shadow but is also free to do his own thing, but Micchy loves the lil look in your eyes whenever you get passionate about something. If you ask him to pick a date, Micchy will want to do something chill. Maybe a walk in the park or an arcade romp together if he’s feeling frisky. Study dates can also be a thing if you two make it possible! Kisses are his reward please and thanks!
Slow dances between you two are…well…something Micchy secretly adores. Sure he dances extra hard whenever you watch Team Gaim dance and has a kiss from you before each and every session! It’s like a “break a leg” but in the form of a kiss. Those are hyped up and full of excitement but here? With you in his arms, dancing to a slow rhythm of a slower song, Micchy can let himself float and relax. He sways with you to a beat only you two know and he can let all of his worries disappear. You’re here with him, close to him. You’re not going to leave and he won’t let you leave. It’s a music to his entire soul, having you against him like this. You’ll do like lil twirls every now and then and maybe Micchy will dip you or you dip him but…just let him have this for a while alright?
Loving Micchy is like a soured wine. You think it’ll taste good but it’s sour to your tongue but finishes off smoothly and it gets the job done right of getting you drunk. Micchy…doesn’t believe he deserves forgiveness after what he has done - done to hurt his friends and you especially. So there is a good chance you two have separated by this point. He just…fades. He doesn’t want to bother you with him and his sorrows anymore, to atone for these sins is something he must bear all alone. But you need to remind him that he isn’t alone. He may grieve alone, atone alone, but you want to be there for him. He’ll cry, sob and keep this uncomfy distance between you two. It’s up to you if you want to forgive him or not, or even stay by his side because he knows he doesn’t deserve you. But even then, it doesn’t hurt to still be by his side. He’s still human, he makes mistakes, and most of all…Micchy is Micchy. It’s going to be a healing process for the two of you but Micchy still loves you, that’s why he had to let you go…
Kureshima Takatora
It’s going to take a loooong ass time before Takatora even dates someone, let alone has feelings! He falls in love slowly and he has so many things to do that romance really isn’t in the forefront of his mind. So if anything, it’s this blurred line between friendship and romance and even Takatora doesn’t notice that he loves you until it’s either too late or Ryouma or Sid points it out. That’s when it clicks to him. It’s those moments when he stays up late just to talk to you, chuckling into the phone or smiling softly through texts. Or just when he’s looking forward to his super rare off-days to be with you and how his eyes tend to wander and wonder to your lips and your hands. It’s when he notices little things about you and buys you lunch or you bring him lunch at the building. It’s the smiles and butterflies you give him or the twinkle in your eyes when you talk about something you like - and it hits Takatora all at once. 
So really, dating Takatora is going to be fraught with difficulty. He’s an exceptionally busy man after all so dates will be very sparse. He will always make time to text you “Good morning.” and “Good night.” he doesn’t send emojis and tends to be rather formal all things considered. But he also tends to send you texts with updates that are short and sweet, or sometimes photos (badly taken lol) of things that remind him of you. Sometimes it’s just the skyline of Zawame City on a particularly sunny day and you may be confused by Takatora. Takatora will just probably say something corny without realizing it (it took him a long time to figure out what to say) “It reminded me of you, bright and beautiful.” or “We should go on a picnic the next time I am off.” just simple random thoughts that flow through his mind. 
Speaking of off-days, those are EXTREMELY rare but there is nothing that is going to get between him and you. Sure he has emergencies but he is always trying to find a way to make up the dates. It’s no secret that he tends to take you to a fancy dinner every now and then and picks you up in his own personal car, dressed in his best suit and maybe a flower/bouquet for you (he’s traditional) and kisses your hand reverently when you come to greet him. Okay sure, you may get some looks but like…Takatora doesn’t fucking care. Let the rumors fly, let the paparazzi come after you (if they try, Takatora will just shut them the fuck up), and let them try to separate you. You’re a power couple. Though at first, Takatora will honestly try to keep the relationship on the down-low. It’s not like trying to keep you a secret (half of the staff are aware already and ship it anyway) but more so love happens. Plus, why the fuck are people trying to pry into your personal relationships anyway? It’s dumb and stupid. So Takatora will take things in stride and of course, protect you from the media whenever possible. 
If you’re a Rider like he is, Takatora personally takes time out of his day to train with you. It’s a date in a way, sparring and all (you’re treated to his gorgeous visage after all and this is an easy way to lead to makeout sessions uwu) and patching each other up afterwards, sharing water bottles and grabbing bites to eat (feeding each other). But Takatora trusts you to watch his back and for him to watch yours. It’s a synchronized dance that only the two of you know and you don’t even need to communicate verbally to do so. But seeing as Takatora has a shield on him, he tends to toss it towards you more often than not whenever you’re in a pinch. It’s not his weapon, not yours, but ours. He tends to also dive in to take hits for you, hiding you behind his shield more often than not. You do the same to him and the two of you cover each other’s weaknesses oh so perfectly. It’s practised ease and almost psychic how the two of you can mold together so well. 
As the traditional man that he is, Takatora tends to keep an arm around your waist or a hand against the small of your back. As such, public affection is a warm sensation that really is kept at a minimum. Though Takatora can’t help but let his eyes dart towards your form every now and then. It’s not so much kisses (other than the occasional pecks in the hallways or his office) but more so existing in the same space together. It’s sort of first nature for him, to place his hand at the small of her back and be a support for you because he’s a support to the city and he wants to help you as well. But if you do the same to him he has this slump to his shoulders, these wrinkles that disappear and he leans into your touch just slightly. It’s tiny little things for Takatora. That being said, you gotta initiate most of the public affection if you want lol. You have to be his support.
Dates are mostly when Takatora needs to leave his mansion. Sure he doesn’t mind staying in but more often than not, he wants to spend time outside with you or some space with you. It’s probably sometimes at your place because there are not many places where Takatora can lower his guard. Your home smells like you, has you in it, and Takatora tends to spend nights there whenever he can. Other than that, dates will consist of hand-holding and long walks in the park, or going to a very quiet cafe and hiding in the most hidden booth. If you two do go to a fancy dinner date, Takatora ensures complete and total privacy for the two of you. But more often than not, dates are your home or out somewhere in nature. He loves going to museums and botanical gardens the most, wanting to preserve human life and its memory as much as possible. Also because he just likes flowers lol. 
Takatora’s love language is time spent together, gift giving, and touch no matter how small it is. What his touch and kisses convey are better than his words or texts without tone. Of course he takes his time spent with you seriously but gift giving is a strange sort of thing. You could think that he’s buying your affections but it’s the little gifts that are full of sentiment that you appreciate. Sometimes he thinks about buying you the most expensive jewelry that he knows will compliment you but he will take a picture and ask if you want it (you decline most of the time) but the gifts are mostly take out foods from places you both like and are balanced healthy meals. He neglects to eat sometimes himself and he appreciates it whenever you show up on his lunch break with actual food for him to eat (or together) and he tends to eat out more often than not. So his gifts are things that are practical like a mug or a warm jacket but more often than not it’s food. 
Takatora’s bed is always so empty and expansive, the weight of the world threatening to overtake him and swallow him into the deep dark abyss. It’s why he can never sleep, or like…doesn’t fucking sleep. He can only really sleep whenever he drinks a little or when he’s straight up dead. Because everything haunts him. His sins, his future, you…what would happen if…no, he doesn’t want to think about it. But he does. He thinks of what-ifs and the dreaded ends and worst-case scenarios so you need to quiet him. It’s why he can only sleep whenever you’re by his side and not in his mansion home but in your bed. It brings him comfort, lulls him to sleep because it’s you. Let him be the little spoon, let him relax, let him just be Takatora - not Kureshima Takatora, not Kamen Rider Zangetsu. Let him listen to your heart and let it lull him to a dreamless slumber. You’ll wake up in the reverse position sometimes, you in his arms and he kisses you awake because he’s an early riser but the moments when you wake up with him in your arms and kiss him awake…or just watch him be at peace…are the best moments. 
Arguments are going to be tough. It’s a calm experience and Takatora tends to keep to himself most of the time. He’s honest so he’ll tell you what’s wrong but he tends to let it…simmer and bubble within him. He’s worried he’ll cause some distress to you in any sort of aspect. The arguments are mostly about him trying to be better or to let you carry his burden too! He cannot do this alone. It’s going to make him crumble one day. They end with a mutual agreement and he makes good on these, to be better for you. It’s going to be a slow process but he’s doing his best.
Oh, loving Takatora is loving an aged and perfectly fermented wine. It gets you fucked up, but it feels so fucking good drinking it. Takatora’s a careful lover and one that wants to go steady once marriage is on the table. Of course, he tends to wait a long time before it can occur. He’s…scared, to jump these lines. But he’s working on redemption. He’s working on bettering himself, bettering this city you both call home. He’s recovering from wounds and scars that litter his entire form and you’re going to grow with him and heal with him. You two are flowers that bloom out of concrete, strong and powerful and nothing is going to stop either of you. You still fight together, do everything together…but Takatora has this weight lifted off of him now. He smiles more, he’s more affectionate, he eventually asks if you want to move into his home or him into yours. He wants to be with you, no matter what. You are his wine at the end of a long and hard day…someone to come home to and relax with. 
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sunkingwrites · 1 year
Attempt #1 to make you like Hawks (if this doesn’t work I will try again!!)
You visit the Luke and Keigo household but without realising it gets too late so you have to stay the night. There’s a spare room but you would rather cuddle up in our big bed — there’s plenty of room, and Keigo isn’t even home yet!! We can just keep each other company until then~
We have our little rain asmr on and fall asleep, but the room is silent by the time Keigo gets home, the rain having come to an end. He’s surprised you’re still there, since he saw you arrive before he had to leave and wasn’t aware you were going to stay over. Not that he minds.
He’s only a littleeeeee jealous we’re cuddling without him, but he knows if he was here earlier he would have been included!
He takes off his jacket as he comes over to the bed, eyes soft as he looks at how peaceful you look, softly ruffles your hair and pushes it out of your eyes, gives us both a kiss on the forehead, then steps away to get changed.
His wings ruffle as he comes back, pulls the covers up over you, and though you’re taking up his space, he doesn’t feel that mad. You look too peaceful and handsome. He doesn’t want to wake you, but he also doesn’t want to venture out to the spare room, the cold bed much smaller than he’s gotten used to, and much lonelier with no one to sleep next to so he cramps himself onto the far end of the bed on your other side, knowing it will probably not give him the best sleep, but it’s warmer here, and he’s very prone to like to cuddle up to others.
Gently, he lays his wing over you, and lays his head on the half a pillow left for him. Even if his other wing is half laid on the floor behind him, the covers not covering him completely, he’s too tired to stay awake and the body heat next to him from you has him falling asleep almost instantly.
You wake up to him cuddling up to you, probably too hot from hot close he is and the extra insulation under his feathers, but he looks so relaxed you don’t wanna wake him up just to complain and push him away. He looks content, and cute. And you are sure you felt him kiss your cheek in the night, but you won’t think about that too much… not this early.
You’ll just have to go right back to sleep in his embrace until later <3
Luke. <3
Up until now I only bothered trying to remember him by his hero name, but you've got me making an effort to connect him with the name Keigo, instead of just "ah yeah, bird man, hawk man, ah. yes, he's hawks! yeaaah i got it" jfkfngkfknd
I'm also a liitle tipsy and that isn't helping rn-i blame myself for that too cuz I was actually allowed to mix my own drink this time and I got a little bit carried away 😅
I make a joke about stealing you away from him for cuddles as a regular thing, because of course I do, I wanna get a reaction out of him,, but he and I both know he gave me a kiss on the cheek last night.
We'll have to deal with the consequences of that some other time, cuz we're both obsessed with you and getting your breakfast experience just right; I'm making your tea and reaching for the leftover cold brew I left in the fridge yesterday, and I make Keigo SOMETHING WITH CAFFEINE cuz fuckin hell, does he ever need it with his line of work. He's making a beautiful brekky that I'd be lying if I said wasn't making me drool.
Luke,, you're evil and so sweet and I love you, and maybe I'll come around to.. Keigo ☆
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anisecandy · 10 months
☕️ + petermj ☕️ + black cat
On petermj:
I both like it and-
Ughhhh... I guess since this is a honesty hour, with tea and all, let's be honest. I kind of have complicated feelings toward MJ. It's not her, it's me. *I* am the problem. This wonderful, complex, beautiful woman has a shortkey to turning me back into a self-loathing highschooler feeling not good enough to be a woman. I have no idea why. No other character does it to me. But because of that, I keep my distance from anything involving her. Again, *I* am the problem here. This has nothing to do with MJ as a person. From what I know about her, she's an amazing and very well written character!!
So petermj, specifically, married petermj seems very cute to me! From the very few things from that period that I saw, they appear to be very wholesome. But because I'm not super well versed in Spider-man lore as a whole and has never looked into MJ or petermj related context specifically either (due to previously explained reasons), my understanding of it is incredibly shallow. And also I avoid it if possible (due to previously explained reasons).
Ah, I do dislike it in most iterations of it outside of the comics tho. But reasons for that change and are strictly tied to the specific medium. (For example, I don't like Rami's petermj bc I never got the feeling like it was developed beyond an attraction based crush on Peter's part and... I don't actually know what MJ sees there in this Peter. I don't like this Peter. Anyway, I can't see them enjoying each other's company and liking each other as people, once the "crush" factor would be gone. Plus I very much dislike the cheating happeaning in those movies)
On Black Cat:
Great design. I don't know her too well, admitedly. Spider-man lore scares me. So many years... so many comics... It triggers freeze response in me. I do though love what she initially brings into Spidey comics, as far as I know, that being a love interest that loves Spider-man but not Peter, which flips on its head what usually was going on previously! And is so! Deliciously! Tragic! Because it's not just that she doesn't know who Peter is, she's disappointed in him, because he doesn't live up to the fantasy she turned Spidey into in her head. Like I love this concept. It makes me curl into a little ball of happiness and giggle. I've heard that changes over time and Felicia grows so so much as a person which, I mean, that's what you want from your characters, although admitedly it makes me let out a little sad "aww :(". I 100% want to read her issues someday, but I keep on deluding myself into believing that I could read Spider-man comics in order, so I restrain myself from skipping to them. I want to know context and all. But bc of that I keep on getting the freeze fear response bc there's so much content to go through and- Yeaaah my knowledge of Spidey isn't going to grow anytime soon...
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unethicalmorals · 5 months
Tumblr crashed on me while I was writing all this and I was like 5 paragraphs in🫠
When it comes to writing orange honestly I'd suggest you approach it the same way you'd approach writing smut for any other character. It would depend on whether or not she's had bottom surgery obvi, but overall she shouldn't be treated very differently from other characters! At most someone might be surprised if she whips out her dick (Then again, Lethal Company takes place in the 2500's, people probably don't care as much by then [hopefully])
I keep putting your little guys in situations..... I love them too much💚🧡❤️🤍🖤🩷🧡 (there's like 2 other au's I have in mind that I haven't even talked about yet)
Hybrid au Bishcky(?) Is soooooo so good to me because i think Bishop is like, 10x worse at acting like he isn't into Lucky. He is so obvious it's painful for other people to watch
You know how cats rub themselves against you in order to scent mark you? Bishop keeps doing that to Lucky, all the damn time. Whether it be making sure to rub up against Lucky when they pass by each other, lending him his clothes every chance he gets, or just blatantly rubbing his face up against Lucky (Lucky hate-Loves the face rubbing. It's cute until Bishop runs his face against Lucky's and then Lucky is painfully reminded about Bishop's beard) Lucky just assumes this is a weird way Cat people express their friendship towards others (He does not notice that Bishop does this to exclusively him)
Lucky will find out eventually, and when Bishop is confronted about it he becomes worlds #1 gaslighter like HELL he'd admit to what is essentially putting a big sign on Lucky that screams "THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND" To literally everyone within radius
Lucky doesn't really mind though, he's flattered honestly, and maybe a bit flustered too
Though.... it is a bit rude for Bishop to just leave his smell all over Lucky without even telling Lucky about it first, practically claiming him.... it's only fair if Lucky gets to "Claim" him as well in his own way, right?👀
(Thinking about the knot process..... Lucky holding Bishop so so close to him as he gently grinds into him.... giving Bishop sweet praise [I saw the damn Bishop likes praise comment] and cuddling him and kissing him as he waits for his knot to come undone.... Bishop takes him so well- *EXLPODES*)
Thinking thinking thinking about Lucky and Bishop entangled in one another on a cold night, Lucky having his tail draped across the both of them while Bishop purrs so loud Lucky can feel the vibrations in the taller man's chest.... UGHH💚🧡💚🧡💚🧡💚🧡💚🧡💚
And Lucky being a Squirrel-Dog (Squog💀) is so fun because I think he'd have to keep himself from getting to excited while in public..... the amount of times he's accidentally knocked tables over because his big-ass tail started wagging is too many times to count and each time is more embarrassing than the last😭😭😭
Also thinking very heavily about the Avians and wing preening
Avian wings are sensitive, especially at the base. Most of them only ever let people they trust preen their wings, let alone touch them in the first place
Dove obviously let's Rabbit take care of her wings. It's one of the rare moments you'll find Rabbit so gentle and focused on her task, delicately realigning her feathers, removing any dirt or grime caught up in there. Rabbit likes to tease Dove on occasion, gently rubbing the base of her wing, feeling how Dive shivers under her touch, letting out the faintest of moans 🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️
Robin loves Wrench.... she really does.... but oh my god she does not trust that guy to preen her wings, at least not before excessive training. If Robin needs her wings looked after she will most likely go to Lucky (his hands are so small! He's so precise with his work) and if not Lucky she'll go to Max or Captain 1.0 (All 3 of them often help Robin with her wings on hangout days)
The first time Robin finally trusted Wrench with her wings he was so nervous! He tried to play it off he really did, but Robin was able to see right through him, and honestly she found it cute. Wrench honestly did a good job his first time! He's not as good as Lucky, but with more practice he'll get there eventually!
Captain almost never gets his wings preened. He's not keen on asking for help, and he doesn't fly around that much anyways. So it's fine. Probably.
That's a lie it's NOT FINE‼️‼️‼️‼️ Dove was the one who noticed that Captain had blood feathers. BLOOD FEATHERS‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ the moment she spotted them she was dragging Captain back to her house and forcing that man to sit his ass DOWN so she can fix up his wings
It takes a loooooong time since Captains wings are so big, but she eventually cleans him up properly. It becomes a routine for them (reluctantly on Captains part), Captain comes over to Dove and Rabbits and allows Dove to clean up his wings, making sure he doesn't get any infections. Robin eventually joins in to quicken the process for all of them
Pink wants to preen Captains wings SO FUCKING BAD IT MAKES HIM LOOK STUPID‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ FUCK
He promises he won't purposely touch the base of Captains wings he pinkie swears that he won't poke and prod at him in all the right places that'll get Captain riled up he SWEARS on his life he won't lean in and kiss the base of Captains wings just to see how he reacts HE SWEARS HE SWEARS HE CAN BE TRUSTED TO PREEN CAPTAINS WINGS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GOD FUCK-
DIVERSITY WIN!!!!! THE ASSHOLE CREWMATE IS NONBINARY🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 (also they're kinda uhhhhhhh👀👀👀👀👀 errmmmmmmm👁👁👁👁👁 I am certainly looking at Jay)
Also the Killer Lucky au is coming along👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 turns out there's uhm... a LOT more that I'm writing down than I originally intended😅😅😅 (I'm basically making a fanfic at this point, this is the first time I've had to write something down in the notes app before I sent it to ya XD)
Yeah :)
I have to force myself to not think about Max and the rest of the old crew (the other two that fill out the crew,,, ahgrrgrrrgr) Obviously I am not doing a very good job at that 😌🤭
AHH THANKS!!! 🧡🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🧡
I'm already updating the height chart just for her✍️😌
Wrench just has that undeniable rizz that makes everyone love him hasjdknl; ((I've accidentally made Wrench incredibly relatable - I see this as an absolute win!!)
👁👁 My little yuri magma sketch? 👁👁
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❤️🤍❤️🤍(Seconds away from smooching~)❤️🤍❤️🤍
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Anyway-- I love the Domestic AU and the Hybrid AU with all my heart,, oughhh they are so happy 🥺🥺🥺 Just a bunny rabbit and her birdie~ 💖
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Please keep putting them in situations,,, I'm in love,,, 🥺 I want to write a oneshot or two so bad-- (LOOKING- PATIENTLY WAITING- LOOKING- LOOKING THROUGH THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE--)
Oh god, this fool can't NOT be obvious about it! I don't think he knows the word subtle,, (Maybe Lucky just makes him go-- 👀👀)
SCREAMING AND CLAWING AT THE CARPET AHGRRR!!! Have I told you how much I love your mind?? Because oh my god,, 🥺🥺 Kitty Bishop rubbing his face all over Lucky,,, oughhh-- (the feel of beards can be so very hit or miss sometimes 😔) HE DOESN'T NOTICE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ OH MY GODD ‼️‼️‼️‼️ Oh, Lucky,, 🧡🧡🧡
I'm giggling so much with a big smile on my face reading this,, (I keep reading this ask a lot,,, ggrrr) 💞💞💞
Bishop can try,, he'll be great at it too until Lucky pushes just a little bit more,, he won't need to say anything when his face is already giving away the answer~
(Grower Lucky + Knot is an insane combo and it makes me weak,,)
👀👀 I am looking,,, incredibly,,, disrespectfully👀👀 💥🧡💥💚💥🧡💥💚💥🧡💥💚💥🧡💥💚💥🧡
Lucky's big-ass squog 💀 tail knocking over anything and everything is fucking hilarious 😂 Poor guy can't catch a break 🧡🧡🧡
👁👁 Avian wing preening 👁👁
Dove and Rabbit being so gentle and soft with each other,,, OUGHHHHRGRGRG GR!!!! THESE TWO,,, ‼️‼️ ❤️🤍
Wrench would try his best for her,,, which is unfortunately NOT that great 😶😶😶 but at least it's not too bad,,, (Robin needs to put this man through a wing-preening boot camp)
Also-- the crews hanging out together,,,, ahhhh 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 They are all friends!!! They are all taking care of each other!! <3
CAPTAIN IGNORING TAKING CARE OF HIMSELF AHGRGRGRG!!! (I am actively exploding reading everything here,, I keep coming back to read and I just explode again 💥💞💝💞💥💞💝💞💥) AND BLOOD FEATHERS?? NO NO NO!! I'm so happy Dove is dragging this oversized bird brain and getting him some much-needed help!! (Imagining Dove dragging Captain while ranting about how important it is to preen the wings and practice self-care,,, she's so small compared to Captain that it's actually comical <3)
🎉🎉DIVERSITY WIN!!🎉🎉 (👁👁 Porsha's designs are so so good,, hehjeehe 👁👁)
Waiting so, so, SO patiently 😌 I'm over here sitting on my hands, kicking my legs in the air and swing from side-to-side 🤭🤭 I AM SO SO SO EXCITED WHEN YOU'RE READY TO SHARE IT AHGRGR 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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work in progress: heart of glass type of writing: drabble who: sidney ahmed & iah elijah / mentions evie faraday genre: the supernatural triggers: mentions slight pain. notes: sidney just went through her full moon transformation. idk if it makes sense but oh well posting, hell yeaaah!
Sid’s aching all over. Almost like she’s gotten beat up in an all-women’s fight club or something. And while there is a rule between her and Iah and Evie, where she’s promised not to bring up to others what she goes through once a month, she sometimes feels like things would be easier if she was actually involved in an all-women’s fight club, instead of transforming into a werewolf. Mostly because, all the werewolf rubbish is a little too much for her, even when it is a once-a-month event.  
Evie says she’s lucky that she only has to deal with the werewolf thing once a month. Because Evie has to deal with being a vampire full-time. Yet, the thing is, Sid does has to deal with being a werewolf daily. Just not the turning bits that everyone assumes.
Because she does have that extra added bit of scent. Then she does hear a little more than everyone else. And, uhm, of course, her appetite is through the roof.
There are also a few more things, like her obsession with the moon, but she just thinks that’s just her obsession with it because she wants to cling to something she’s liked since from before she was scratched. But who really knows?
All she knows is Evie doesn’t really know shite about werewolves, does she? Since, all those years of living, and she’s hated werewolves. The only reason she cares about them now, is she liked her before she got turned. Sooo, of course, now she’s going to like them. And of course, she’s going to want to help her. 
But it just sucks, knowing her friend, deep down probably doesn’t like her. Yet, then again, Evie’s a bit dense — probably doesn’t dislike anyone once she decides she likes them.
This leads Sid to shake that off as she walks through the street in a ripped shirt and some ripped slacks, and a towel covering her bottom half as her hair stays piled over her head. 
“What’s up gorgeous lady? Going my way?” Iah asks her as he drives by, after rolling down his window.
She rolls her eyes. “I don’t believe so, Mr.” She jokes, putting on an American accent. “Don’t even know where your way even is.” She then smiles a little, before using her posh accent. “Thanks for showing up early though. I hate waiting. It’s always embarrassing walking around half-naked if I’m covered up in dirt, that I didn’t willingly put myself in. Fucking wolf shenanigans…” She mumbles before getting in the car. 
“Well, you look fine.”
“Fine’s not cute, Iah,” Sidney corrects.
Iah rolls his eyes and waves side to side before driving off. “You should consider changing in my basement. I had a friend who used to change there.”
“That’s very Wuthering Heights. My response to that is no.” Iah chuckles at that, and then they listen to some music and drive to his place in silence. Sidney pouting and him thinking of what the hell could be going through her head.
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geode-to-joy · 2 years
The Owl House Season 2 Episode 13 –  Any Sport in a Storm
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....I think that you should take some lessons there Hunter. But B for effort
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Don’t like that
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He doesn’t have a commanding presence anymore
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How does he make “Little Prince” an Insult? And is that a reference to the book?
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This is the old one? interesting. How did Hunter find it?
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“ I knew your old Predecessor, he was my mentor.”
Hmm, interesting that he has a connection to the past and current Golden guard
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“You’re very good at doing exactly what you’re told”
What is UP with the intro??
Good for you Willow!
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Her Parents!
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I love her
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Of course Luz and Amity would have an Azula club
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Welll would you look at that!
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I shouldn’t laugh but AHAHA
Hunter is not having a good day at all
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He should be a better teacher
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His socks are so cute!
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Interesting way to get a boy Willow
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She’s adorable
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Willow, you’re going to break his arm
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Either his hands are really sensitive or her grip is really strong
He chose the name Caleb...interesting
..... Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams
Hunter, ahem Caleb is killing it!
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Half a witch... :(
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Immediate offensive pose . Poor boy
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“Now I’m only scared emotionally.” Mood
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I laughed too hard at this
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Yeaaah, it would look better with the cloak tbh
The most awkward reveal ever though, very him
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Ice Pack for Steve
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I can Wear this proudly now. Right?” “can you?”
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Toenella Nosa?! That’s her name?? She has one?? A FULL ONE?!
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sounds personal
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Clearly has experience with kids
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Surprise visits be like
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“You’re what 16? it’s about time that you make connections outside the castle” was he waiting for him to be rebellious?
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“Magic or not, I think you’ll make your predecessors proud.”
Darius is an interesting man
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The Emerald Entrails!
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Look at how happy he is!!
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yuyupowers · 3 years
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aristocrat!hoongjong x fem!reader headcanon
genre: fluff, angst
trigger warning(s): swearing, brief violence, mentions of unwanted sexual remarks. let me know if there’s anything else!
author’s note: this is the first time in years that i’ve written something omg 😅 😅 lemme know what you guys think!!  💕 💕
none of the pictures are mine!!
for reference, i’m using british peerage (hierarchy). there are five ranks: baron, viscount, earl (count), marquess, and duke - the highest being duke, and the lowest, baron.
second son of an earl
despite being born into wealth and nobility, i think he’d be pretty grounded and level-headed
has to do with the fact that he’s naturally empathetic and curious
leads to a bit of a rebellious streak
more or less acts according to his parents expectations before them
but often does things that would scandalize them behind their backs
one of his favourite things to do is to sneak out during the manor at night dressed in commoner’s clothes
(which are carefully hidden in the music room)
his older brother takes the brunt of parental and societal pressure to act a certain way, but that doesn’t mean joong is off the hook
aristocracy just has so many god-forsake rules and mannerisms that everyone has to follow
unless they want to disgrace their entire family and lineage
the only places he genuinely feels free are: a) in the music room, and b) exploring the city with you
during the third or fourth time he snuck out, he visited a local tavern.
cue you working as a tavern maiden
after serving him one (1) drink, you could tell that joong wasn’t actually a “commoner”
his clothes might have been worn and cheaply made, but his mannerisms,,,just didn’t match up
he was a little too polite; held himself a little too well
not to mention the hungry gleam of curiosity in his eyes
like everything was new and he was trying to absorb as much as he could
unfortunately for him, you weren’t the only one that noticed
after one too many drinks, some brutish fellows swaggered up to him
“‘ey there pal, ya werldn’t mind ‘anding sum coins over, would ya? ‘elp a brotha out”
joong, who had become a little too brazen thanks to the alcohol, told them to fuck off and stumbled to his feet, ready for a fight
except he couldn’t stand straight
and he didn’t have his sword
not good
luckily for joong, these fellows had been pestering you for the longest time
they were unusually rowdy and loud - which was saying something cause this was a tavern for fuck’s sake
and they constantly threw lewd remarks your way
but they didn’t actually do anything or break any of the tavern’s rules, so you had to serve their drinks with your best forced smile
they didn’t even tip well
anyways, back to the situation at hand
seeing a fight about to break out - which most definitely was against the rules - you hollered for the owner
cue an angry-looking, burly man (with quite the ginger beard) and a very angry bar maiden (yes, you) tossing their sorry asses out the back door
joong, who by now had stumbled back into his seat, watched the scene with his mouth agape
to be frank, he’d never seen a woman act the way you did
all the women in his life were meek and docile
like a china doll that would break with one wrong move
they needed to be shielded, protected
clearly, you didn’t need protection
not when you hauled a man twice your size out the door, getting a good sucker punch for all the times they talked about your tits and ass
Right. In. Front. Of. Your. Face.
from that day on, joong became a regular at the tavern
he was careful not to drink as much as he did on the first time, at most getting tipsy
always polite and respectful
a bit on the quieter side, but made pleasant small talk whenever you took his order or served him his drinks
several months passed like this, and you’d become quite fond of him.
definitely helped that he was easy on the eyes
then one night, when he felt a little braver than usual, he invited you on a midnight adventure after your shift
you were pretty tired ngl, but you couldn’t turn him down after seeing the hopeful glimmer in his eyes
and boy, were you glad you didn’t
you don’t think you’ve ever felt so carefree in your life
or had so much fun
racing across bridges, exploring the hidden nooks and crannies of the city
much to your chagrin, joong would buy you (expensive) snacks that you just had to try because “he wasn’t gonna let his favourite girl miss out”
you ignored the fluttery feeling in your tummy
quickly, these “midnight adventures” became a frequent thing
he’d have a drink at the tavern, wait for you to finish your shift, and then the two of you would set off
you learned a lot about joong
of course he would have his spoiled rich boy™ moments-
“what do you MEAN you’ve never tried cane sugar?!” 
“joong, not everyone gets it imported to their house”
but he genuinely just has such a good heart
always listens when you need to rant or vent
(and offers surprisingly practical advice)
never once thought of you as lesser than him for being poor or a commoner
quickly learned that you felt uncomfortable when (in your eyes) he spent too much money on you, so he made sure to be more conscientious
(also gave him a reality check. it forced him to acknowledge the things he didn’t even realize he took for granted)
tells you about all the dumb gossip he hears through the noble grapevine
“who CARES if the color of the fabric is slightly off?! i swear park has a rod up his ass-”
especially loves to tell you about the music he’s composed
even if he gets a little shy at times
he just looks so happy when he talks about music. the way his gums would show when he smiles, the crinkles in the corners of his eyes, the way he’d grab a stick and draw different musical notations in the dirt to show you what he meant
happiness looked good on hongjoong
he even went as far to sneak you into his music room, playing the songs he wrote
and god did he look beautiful
the way the moonlight pooled on his fingers and spilled onto the bone-white piano keys
the way he looked so at ease
the way the music breathed, lived,  jumping off the scraggly parchment paper to dance under starlight
(you think that’s the moment you started falling for him)
fast forward and the two of you have been friends for a few years now
you know everything about him, and he knows everything about you
unfortunately, the older he gets, the more responsibilities his parents hand him
meaning he can’t sneak out as often as he’d like
but he still makes sure to see you at least once a week
on one particular night, you notice that hongjoong’s been especially quiet
been particularly insistent on treating you to your favourite snacks
you mention this to him, but he brushes it off by saying he feels bad for not being able to be there for you as much as he’d like
hongjoong was a good liar (even if he didn’t like it), but you knew that he wasn’t telling you the truth
not the whole truth, at least
but you didn’t press it; he’d tell in his own time
so the two of you raced across bridges, laughter bouncing off the walled shops
exploring every nook and cranny of the city even if the two of you knew it like the back of your hands
and eventually, the two of you would lay in your favourite field on the outskirts of the city, staring at the stars in peaceful silence
well, peaceful for you
joong felt hollow
or maybe like someone filled his stomach and chest with stones
hongjoong wasn’t an idiot; he knew you liked him
and he knew he was in love with you
you and your calloused hands
your dress permanently stained with ale
your knot of hair messily pulled back to keep it out of your face as you worked
your boisterous laugh
your bright eyes and smile
how you weren’t afraid to call him out on his rich boy shit™
the way you’d take off your shoes and dance in the field under the night sky
how you were a strong willed and free-spirited woman, but you let him take care of you from time to time
the way his eyes would linger on you when he thought you weren’t looking
the way your eyes would linger on him when you thought he wasn’t looking
“accidental” brushes of the arm, of hands
no, he wasn’t stupid
so how was he supposed to tell you he was getting married?
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auro-ora · 4 years
Past and Present
Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Word Count: 1,772 Notes: Prompt above was written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club I really hope I did this some justice. I kinda did change the plot about 3 times tehe. Thank you for reading!
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“Okay Cap. I got the files. Bring me home!” you pant into your comms. It was Steve’s bright idea to send you back to the year 1938 for some important documents that were hidden away to give clues about future possible mass destructive weapons that Hydra might build in the later years. Steve and Bucky couldn’t join you just in case they happened to run into the younger version of themselves, the thought alone amused you but you here in Brooklyn alone trying your best to blend in with the crowds. “Y/n. We have a technical glitch. Tony is working on it right now so hang tight.” Great. And super great since it had just started to rain heavy. Puddles forming in the middle of the roads as the children laughed and jumped in them. 
There was an old jazz bar on the other side of the road. With a quick check of your watch, you didn’t think there was any harm in getting out of the horrible weather for awhile. You sprinted through the puddles, holding the case over your head to shield yourself from the rain because wet hair was just uncomfortable.
With a groan and a silent curse for Steve and Bucky who were home in the compound dry and warm right now, you pushed through the wooden doors and the old musky smell of the bar slapped you in the face. The jazz music was barely audible over the loud distinctive noise of chatter and a particular obnoxious laugh is what caught your attention. A brunette with her head thrown back, laughing at something the young gentleman had told her. The shorter hair from the back as he nursed his drink. He turned his head slightly to the right, you recognized the side profile almost immediately and of course the little ear crink on the top of his right ear. 
You moved forward to the empty barstool to avoid gaining any attention and secretly looked past the lady sitting next to you to watch him. He would have been around 21 years old and he still looked as handsome as the present day Bucky you knew so well. You harbored a deep crush on him, loved everything about him. He even had a very good sense of humor for an old man. But it was his kind heart you loved the most, he was special to you but he didn’t feel the same way. You understood he didn’t want or need a relationship; he didn’t want to be tied down since he has been for most of his life. He wanted his freedom and he made that very clear. It just didn’t stop you from feeling disappointed and rejected though. You thought about Bucky a lot. His laugh and oh his smile. You smiled just at the thought of his smile, you wondered what he would think if he was here right now, what would he say to his younger self? You could imagine it would be something encouraging like: You’re gonna be alright buddy. Whatever Hydra does to you, you’ll make it in the end because you’re strong and Steve will find you. You’ll be alright. Just don’t give up even in the darkest of days. 
“Excuse me ma'am? Would you mind if I sat here so I can sit next to my wife?” an older man asked as he pointed to the lady next to you with his hat. He had to shout a little louder over the noise and of course, this gained a little attention, even Bucky’s. You made direct eye contact with Bucky for a few seconds and watched that cute little twitch he did when he smirked that you loved so much. “Yes of course.” you smiled at the gentleman who was patiently waiting for the seat and slipped off the stool. You stood in the middle of the floor, patreons moving around you. 
You really just wanted to go home and hoped Steve would hurry up and bring you back. Bucky sat on the stool with his back to you but would look over his shoulder and smile. Your heart fluttering in your chest like a swarm of butterflies. 
“Ma’am?” a drunken younger guy slurred in your ear. You pulled away disgusted with the certainty that pig shit smelled nicer than his breath. “Can I help you?” you pulled a face, trying to distance yourself. “Yeaaah. You can help me…” he jabbed himself in the chest “... in more ways than one.” he grinned. “Well, I hate to-”
“Back off Romeo.” Bucky’s softer voice spoke in front of the two of you, his arms folded across his not-so-broad chest. But from here, you got a good look at the hair that ran down a line on his chest. “She’s not interested.” you couldn’t hold back the grin. Just knowing what present-day Bucky would have done to this guy. Even though Bucky didn’t want a relationship with you, it never stopped him from caring about you and protecting you. “Oh come on Bucky.” the drunk guy tried to reason but Bucky wasn’t listening. 
Instead, his soft hand grabbed your elbow and he led the way to his seat by the bar, allowing you to sit on his stool as he stood next to you. “Always so protective.” you smirked. His blue eyes were just as beautiful and full of life as they were now. His eyebrows furrowed but he still smiled, even if he didn’t understand the meaning behind your words. “Well, you’re welcome, doll.” Oh there it is. That one word that always makes you swoon all over the place. A small giggle slipped out from between your lips and an ever growing blush sweeping across your cheeks. “You like it when I call you doll?” Bucky asked in a flirty tone and you giggled more, dipping your head to hide your shyness, he joined in on your giggles and you loved this Bucky. But you wished it was the present-day Bucky saying these things to you. “You never lost your charm.” you said out loud, halting his giggle as he looked confused. “You’re so beautiful. I’ve never seen ya around here before, you new?” he asked with interest. “You could say that.” you smiled, his intense stare setting your skin alight. “Well my beautiful doll. How about I take you out to dinner sometime?” Bucky leaned one elbow on the bar and you pulled your lip back between your teeth.
“Y/N? Where are you? We’re ready to bring you home.” Steve’s voice invaded your ear and you jumped slightly. “Give me a few minutes Steve.” Bucky’s eyes narrowed as he wondered who you were talking to. “I’m Bucky.” he corrected with a chuckle. “I’ve gotta go but let’s do a raincheck on that dinner?” you don’t know why you did this to yourself, you wouldn’t be seeing this Bucky ever again. “I hope it will be soon.” he said with a small smile, tucking a strand of hair behind the ear that didn’t have the comms in. You slipped off the barstool and turned on your heels. With your arms opened you embraced Bucky in a hug before you left. “You’re the strongest man I know. I’m so proud of you.” you whispered in his ear, planting a very soft and gentle kiss to his cheek. Your eyes are glossy as you look back in his confused eyes. Taking one last look at him before you turn and leave him standing there unsure about what just happened. 
Later that night…
You couldn’t stop thinking about the Bucky you met in that bar today. How vulnerable and soft he was. His flirtatious charm never went away. You wished you could have spent the entire day with him, there was so much you wanted to ask him, to tell him that you couldn’t with the present-day Bucky. You found it emotional, Bucky was such a sweetheart and you understood he always was. You were angry at Hydra, how could they do this to someone so sweet. 
Tears ran freely down your cheeks as you gazed out of the large window from your bed. The sun had set an hour ago and it was just you with your thoughts and the flickering from the candle. “Hey doll.” your head whipped towards the figure standing by the door. His finger hovers over the light switch, your eyes squinting from the sudden intrusion of the light. “Hey Bucky.” you wiped your wet cheeks with the sleeve of your shirt and crossed your legs, your hands hanging limply in your lap. “Are you alright?” he asked as he took two long strides to cross the bedroom to your bed, making himself comfortable by propping himself up on his elbow. 
You looked at the details of his face and compared them to the 30s Bucky. The creases on his forehead was more noticeable as he spent most of his days frowning. The circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep he got because of his demons he was fighting during the nights. Bucky now had a beard that looked so soft to touch. “I’m fine.” you croaked. “Are you sure? Took you a really long time just to answer with two words.” he joked. More tears ran down your cheeks as you thought about everything he’s ever been through, mostly alone and scared. You knew he didn’t want sympathy but you just couldn’t help it, not after meeting a more confident version of himself. A version Hydra had taken from him.
You lunged forward wrapping your arms around his middle and nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck. Bucky’s own arms wrapped tightly around you, his hand up and down your back to comfort you. “What’s wrong doll?” he kissed your hairline as sobs wracked from your chest. “I don’t know.” your tears pooled onto his shirt. The tighter he held you, the harder you cried. “Hey come on sweetheart.” he shushed you, dipping his head so he could see your face. His fingers tucking the strand of hair behind your ear. “Why don’t you get dolled up and I take you out to dinner? Raincheck, remember?” he smirked. Your head snapped up as your eyes widened. “How did you…?” your mouth fell open. “I heard everything.” came his reply, his smile never faltering. “Now get in that shower and get ready. I’ll be back here in 15 minutes!”
@jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7
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jaehyunspeachparty · 4 years
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4. Gingerbread massacre
"Can I help you?" Jaehyun asked, grabbing your hip while he stood behind you. "No, I'm almost done. Are you ready?" You ask him with a smile and he nodded. "Yes! The kids will have a lot of fun." Jaehyun kissed you and then he put the things all on the dining table. You baked the building pieces for gingerbread houses all morning. Chichi should come over to make a house too. You had frosting, prepared sprinkles and you're ready for a real mess. You didn't care, the kids should have fun. And you're really looking forward to it. "Mummyyyyyy." Sunoh comes running towards you with his two little feet. "Hey my darling, what can I do for you?" He stretched out his arms and wants you to pick him up. You take him in your arms and kiss him. "Cookie," he said, pointing to the gingerbread. You give him a small piece of the cookies that you cut out earlier. "Does it taste good?" You lean back a little so you could see his face. He nodded and took another bite. Your heart softened because he was so cute. "Were you as cute as a baby too?" You ask Jaehyun and smile. "I was cute, but not as cute as Sunoh," he said then, stroking his son's cheek. Sunoh liked that attention, he smiled and his cheeks turned red. Suddenly the doorbell rang and Jaehyun make himself on theay to opened it. Yuta stood there with Chichi. "What do you say Chichi?" Yuta had his daughter by the hand and was looking at her. "Hello Uncle Jaehyun." Her voice was very quiet and her large eyes looked up at Jaehyun. "Hello Chichi. Sunoh and Miga are inside. Would you like to go to them?" Jaehyun pointed into the house. Chichi nodded, took off her shoes and ran over immediately. "Thank you for taking care of her today." Yuta sighed and he seemed nervous. He looked stylish and dressed really chic. "Are you going on a date?"; Jaehyun asked and smiled. "Yeah ... it feels weird. I should stay with Chichi right?" Yuta was torn, but Jaehyun calmed him down. "Don't worry about Chichi, she feels very comfortable here." "Yes ... but ..." Yuta looked into the house and he still felt bad. Jaehyun grabbed his shoulders and turned him toward his car. "Everything is good. Chichi feels good and is in good hands. And if she's supposed to sleep here, then it's okay too. Let me know and it won't be a problem for us." Jaehyun almost pushed him into the car because otherwise Yuta would never leave. He allowed his friend to finally go on a date again. Yuta has been a good father for almost two years now and has only lived for his daughter. He can go on a date now. "Okay thanks Jaehyun," Yuta said and then drove off.
"Mhmm Mummy, that smells so good," said Miga as she came down the stairs. That was really true because the whole house smelled of cookies, cinnamon and gingerbread. "Do you like a piece too?" You hand her a piece of gingerbread and she immediately ran to you and quickly took the cookie. Then you see how suddenly a little girl ran into the kitchen. "Chichi!" Miga screamed and ran to the little girl. She instantly took her in her arms and hugged her for a few seconds. Miga really welcomed her like a little sister. Besides her little brothers, Chichi was the only person she cares for with full love. "Come on, let's make a gingerbread house," Miga then says and took her little hand. Miga would always have liked to have a sister. You would have loved to give her a sister, but she just had three brothers now. She loved Kiwoo and Geon, but whenever you see her with Chichi, you can tell that she longed for a sister very much. But Chichi had no siblings and so she gladly took on the role of the little sister. Miga took care of her lovingly and Chichi was happy to let her. In the meantime Jaehyun was back and he was ready to tell you the latest news. "Yuta got a date today," he said with a wink. You look at him in surprise. Since Yuta had Chichi, he was only there for her. All his energy only went in time with Chichi. He was an indulgent father and did everything for his daughter. He deserved a little love. "Do you know her?" You ask immediately and want to have the latest tea. "No, I just found out about it. I don't know who it is. But I offered him that Chichi can sleep here in case he needs the apartment for some action." Jaehyun grinned and put his hands on your hips. "Yes, Miga and Sunoh would be happy," you say and smile. "Can we start now?" Miga called over to you. "Yes. I'm coming on." You take the gingerbread pieces and go over to the kids. Jaehyun sat down with them and helped decorate.
The afternoon was so loving. Christmas music was playing in the background, Jaehyun humming to it and Sunoh also tried to sing along a little. He have a feel for music, because for his age he could keep the beat well. But Kiwoo also liked the music and his little feet moved. It was so sweet to see how happy they were. It was their first Christmas and you were so happy to show them everything.  "Look Mummy, my house is all pink." Miga pointed to her gingerbread house while you are assembling Sunoh's with icing. "Wow, that's really very nice," you say and smile gently. "Look, Chichi hers is pink too," she then says. "Yes Chichi, yours turned out beautifully too." You look at her gingerbread house and you are already happy when everything is ready. The children had so much fun and your heart warmed up with all the happy faces. You look at Jaehyun and you just knew he was thinking the same thing. He smiled and you smile and you both knew you were happy. You knew at that moment that you had taken the right path in your life and that bliss is now your reward. You wish it would stay that way forever. Geon, who is sitting on Jaehyun's lap, reached down to the table and grabbed a gingerbread. "Can he already eat that?" Asks Jaehyun and you shrug your shoulders. "Watch him if he chokes, but the gingerbread should still be very soft." You grin and watch your baby put the cookie in his mouth. Jaehyun was also watching him closely. He took a few bites and then started giggling. "Daddy, he likes it," Miga said excitedly. "Seems like he likes cookies as much as you do," said Jaehyun, stroking Geon's head. "Then we have two cookie addicts." You had to laugh and thought it was cute that some siblings had a few things in common. Everyone laughed, but the next moment Jaehyun's phone lit up. "Oh Yuta is writing." He opened the message and read it aloud. "It's going well, she'll come to me. Is there still an offer that Chichi can stay with you?" "That means Chichi sleeps here?" Miga asked excitedly. "Yes, exactly," said Jaehyun while writing back to Yuta. "YEAAAH PAJAMA PARTY!" The girl hopped around the other smaller girl and Chichi just looked at her with big eyes. "We can play with my Barbies", Miga said and Chichi smiled. The night will be full of excitement for Chichi and also for Yuta.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
naughty & nice 2020 masterlist
naughty & nice 2019 masterlist
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blobin456drawz · 4 years
When Y/N is sick
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, and Hawks
Warnings: Dabi’s gets a bit gross at times cause being sick do be like that sometimes. Also this is my first fic, so there are bound to be mistakes and stuff.
Gender neutral Y/N (so this is for everyone boisss) 
Genre: Fluff
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 This man has no idea what he’s doing at first. He has absolutely no idea how to help.
 Shigaraki walks into your shared room to only see you wrapped up like a burrito and you just have the absolute sickest look on your face. He just looks at you really confused as to why you’re in such a state.
“What are you doing?” He asked with one raised eyebrow.
“I’m sick, what does it look like?” You ask while looking at him through squinted eyes and your voice is raspy.
He just looks at you with a blank expression and just blinks at you.
“Well how did that happen?”
“I don’t kNOW Shigaraki. How am I supposed to know where I got sick?” You were slightly irritable from being so tired.
He’s a bit taken aback, you never really get upset with him. You really only joke about it and are sarcastic all the time, but this time you look seriously done.
“Well jeez, calm down first of all. Second of all, what exactly do you want me to do about that?"
“... I don’t knoooow.” Your facial expressions changed and you looked more in pain and sad, then flopped over with your back facing him.
He groaned and started to walk out of the room.
“I’ll be back in a bit, don’t die while I’m gone.” He throws his hand behind him as a kind of wave and walks out.
He walks around the LOV base for a bit to ask anyone what to do. He runs into Toga who has proven to be kind of the nurse of the group (ironically).
“Y/N is sick?” Toga asks, “Well what do you need me for?”
“I..” He rubs the back of his neck and mumbles.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know what to do..”
“Aww Shigy, it’s okay! I’m not really surprised since you don’t generally take care of anyone.” She giggles.
“Yeaaah..” ^She’s so blunt..^ He thought to himself.
Toga tells him what he should do and gives him a list of what he should get to help you feel at least a bit better.
You hear the door behind you open and you pear over your shoulder and see your boyfriend walking over to you with a bag in his hand.
“What’s this?” You sit up looking at the bag.
“Just some stuff.” He sits down and grabs a water bottle, “Here, drink it, it’ll help.”
“Drink it.” He sticks his arm out so the bottle is right in front of your face.
You sigh and grab the bottle and open it and drink. It hurt your throat a bit, but also made it feel better.
“Toga said staying hydrated is very important for some reason.” He rolls his eyes and you chuckle, “Anyway, I got you soup too, tell me when you want it, okay?”
You smile at him. You haven’t ever seen this sort of caring side from him before, it was sweet and really warmed your heart.
“Thanks Shiggy.” You kiss his cheek and he jumps slightly.
“Aye! What are you doing? Do you wanna wake me sick too?!” He says that but also doesn’t exactly stop you.
When you back up you see he has an upset expression but is blushing. When you laugh and mention that he’s blushing he tries to say otherwise but to no avail.
“Hmph, well I’m gonna play some video games, you can watch if you want.” He stands up and grabs a controller (he has his cloves) and sits down on the bed.
“Oooo, which one are you gonna play?”
“Hm.. I donno, you pick.”
“Really!? Okay!”
You spend the rest of the day watching Shig play games that you pick and by the end of it you feel a million times better.
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At first he’s kinda lost, but he starts knowing what to do pretty quick.
 Dabi woke up to the sound of you throwing up in the bathroom. He was confused, but then connected the dots in his head when he remembered you said you felt sick the night before.
“Mouse?” He looked in the bathroom and saw you next to the toilet, “Hey, what the heck, that toilet is getting more attention than me, that’s not fair.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway with a grin.
The grin on his face soon left when you looked at him. You were pale and were sweating, an overall mess.
“C’mon, let's get you cleaned up.” He started to walk towards you, but stopped when you weakly raised your arm.
“N-no, I’m fine, I can do it myself.” You start to lift yourself up with your arm, but don’t get very far and fall.
“As stubborn as always,” he shakes his head and chuckles, “but that stubbornness won’t work this time. No negotiation, I’m gonna help.” 
He kneels down and wraps your arm around his neck and lifts you up. You don’t try to fight it, you have no strength left to.
“Ugh, I’m so gross.” You look down at yourself and see vomit is all over you.
“Hence why we’re gonna clean you up love.” He sets you down on the edge of the tub and starts the water. 
Once you’re in the water, Dabi’s already trying to find things to make you feel better.
“Crap crap crap, what helps with this again?” He’s kinda frantic since he really hasn’t ever helped with something like this before, “Oh I know, ginger ale helps I think, oh and bread… I should probably do some research.”
After about 5 minutes of google searches, he goes down to the LOV base to possibly find the things he needs. Surprisingly he finds a good majority of what he needs.
^Probably because Shigaraki always feels sick.^ He chuckles a bit and heads back to the room.
“Y/N? I- oh.” He looks in the bathroom only to see you’re dangling over the side with more vomit underneath you.
“S-sorry.” You weakly look up at him.
“No need to apologize, not like you can control it. I’ll clean up in here, you get changed and get comfy, I got some stuff that’ll help.” 
“Okay..” You wipe off your mouth and Dabi helps you out of the bath and helps you get dressed.
Soon you’re sitting in bed with a glass of ginger ale, and a piece of bread. You were feeling better, but honestly you felt like you were going to throw up at any second. Dabi sat beside you and stuck a thermometer in your mouth. After a very long few minutes he finally grabbed it and took it out of your mouth.
“Yup, you’re running a pretty high fever, I’ll get a wet washcloth.”
“Okay..” You really couldn't talk a lot, your throat hurt and your lungs felt like they were on fire.
“I’ll also get you some medicine, but you gotta eat more first.” You groan, but you know he’s right. If you don’t, it’ll just make it worse.
“..Thank you Dabi.”
“No problem mouse.” 
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Manz knew IMMEDIATELY, and you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t always know what to do when it comes to this.
 Hawks has always been very perceptive, especially when it comes to you. So the moment you so much as sniffle, he knows.
“Nope, you can’t make me stop babybird, I’m not done yet.” Hawks grabbed another pillow and put it behind you.
Nearly the whole morning he had been wrapping you up in blankets and pillows. The whole bed at this point was just one big soft mound with you in the middle.
“Done!” He set the last pillow done and it seemed like he was beaming.
“Finally. Y’know, it’s just a cold, you don’t have to-” He pressed his finger against your lips.
“Shhhhh, yes I do. Now, time for movies and snuggles!” He hopped out of the bed and walked over to grab the remote for the t.v. that was mounted on the wall.
“Snuggles? Keigo I’m sick! I don’t want you to get sick too!” You had a slightly concerned look on your face.
“I’ll be fine, I have a high immune system. Plus, snuggles always make everything better!”
“..Can’t argue with you there, but how exactly would we cuddle? I’m covered in blankets and pillows remember.”
“Don’t worry! I planned for this to happen.” 
Remote in hand, he crawled back onto the bed and somehow for the perfect spot between all the pillows that would lead to you. When he actually made it he popped his head out right where your shoulder was and looked at you with gleaming eyes.
“I guess there’s no stopping you huh.” You smirked.
“Nope!” Hawks wrapped his arms around you and smiled ear to ear.
“Hm, you’re lucky you’re cute.” You ran your fingers through his hair which he always seemed to enjoy.
“Mmm, anyway, movie time!”
The rest of the day consisted of watching movies, and hawks bringing snacks into the room with his feathers. He rarely let go of you, and when he did he was back in less than 2 minutes.
And surprise surprise you were right, he ended up getting sick too, and you gave him the exact same treatment as he did for you.
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gt-ridel · 4 years
Several hundred words of Half-Life Borrower!AU goodness
(Hi, this is Passportinspection!) Oooh goodness. I actually started writing this as an ask. I really thought what I had to say would fit into an ask. Since sending that anon about having 350 words of thoughts, I ended up getting distracted for a few hours, and then when I came back to this, I apparently had 400 more words to say. I just love rambling what-ifs about AUs. :’>
Hi Passportinspection!  Sorry it took so long to reply to this. I had more work than I thought yesterday. >__< I totally agree! Rambling about what-ifs is WAY more fun than actually writing a story. ;;>__> _
These are… not all A-list ideas, and I was very tempted to cut it down to the best bits, BUT I know that if someone said to me “I had 5 ideas for your au but only told you the 2 good ones” I would be extremely interested in hearing the 3 bad ones anyway, so… here it all is. This was written pretty stream-of-consciousness and then rearranged a bit to form my pinballing thoughts into something a little more linear, but, fair warning, it wasn’t edited much beyond that.
_ Ooo, I absolutely want to hear everything! All ideas, good and bad! Are you kidding? (Gets comfy) _
I keep thinking about the end of that “gordon takes borrower!barney with him through the events of HL1” scenario; Imagining gman’s speech at the end, I like the idea of him saying something like, “As for your.. /passenger/..” and both of their bloods running cold. I can’t decide if I’d rather barney actually go into stasis with gordon or not I think it could be an interesting/cute concept- the idea that gman/his employers figured barney was enough of a factor in gordon’s success that they thought it would be wise to keep them together for future “assignments.”
_ Bro I'll be honest, I hadn't gotten that far in the AU because I still haven't finished the game. My only reference for G-man is Mr. Coolatta. So I'll have to at least look the ending up on youtube before I'll be able to give my informed opinion.  But taking it as is?  That would be freaking terrifying. They've met some other scientists and security guards during their escape, but the HEV helmet was a perfect hiding place. None of them ever noticed that Gordon wasn't alone.  But somehow this reality bending creep knows, and it looks like he's not going to let Barney and Gordon just go home, which was basically what they were fighting for the whole time.  _
I’m also thinking about, like.. With Barney in Gordon’s helmet with him, Gordon must be able to feel him tense up and hear his breathing speed up whenever something particularly scary/dangerous happens, maybe even at times faintly feel the fluttering of his heart, and it strengthens his resolve to make it out of there bc it’s not just himself he’s saving. 🥺 Also Barney can provide running commentary, which perhaps soothes both of their nerves a little. Maybe he even helps with some puzzles. :> I also think it’s funny/convenient that that would work really well for an actual video game format. A friend that’s with you wherever you go that sees everything you see but can’t interact with the world but provides commentary and occasional helpful tips? That fits in nicely!
  _ Ha! Something I was thinking about was how Barney has spent his whole life living in the vents and such. He would probably be a perfect guide for Gordon. :3 As for Gordon feeling when Barney gets tense or scared and that fuling his drive to escape, that was ABSOLUTELY one of the reasons I wanted Barney in the helmet.  It would be uncomfortable, inconvenient, and down right dangerous sometimes. But you cannot deny the unique opportunities for deeper emotional exploration it would present. _
…But also, now that I think about it, maybe there are parts where the only way forward is for Barney to slip through a crack in a blockaded doorway and use a control panel that opens another door- that sort of thing. He gets to help with more than just talking sometimes! :> Oh, dang, imagine the part where gordon gets jumped and almost killed by the military. Poor Barney. D: Maybe a factor in Gordon escaping the trash compactor before it crushes him is Barney frantically trying to wake him up.
_ I was defo hyperfixating on what the whole beat down would be like from Barney's perspective a few days ago! Gordon would be at an extra disadvantage in the fight because he'd have to be careful not to accidentally bash Barney between his skull and the helmet while he's being smacked around.  Imagine Barney being tossed all over the small space, maybe ending up pinned when Gordon finally passes out. Noticing when a small stream of blood starts leaking from his friends mouth and soaking into his clothes. Gordon is completely helpless, and so is Barney as he hears the soldiers talking about what they're going to do with the body.  I just think that whole scene and the escape from the trash compactor would be so fun and exciting~ -
Also, unrelated, but I wonder how barney would wake up in city 17, if he did go into stasis with gordon. That is, since gordon is wearing a citizen outfit when he comes out of stasis, barney obviously can’t be in the helmet anymore. Maybe gman elects to move barney to a pocket somewhere instead lol. I’m imagining as soon as gordon is released from whatever effect gman had him under and he’s able to move again, he starts patting himself down looking for Barney (the same way one does when they forget which pocket their phone is in ), bc last he knew Barney was right up against his face and now he’s /not/, and that man SAID they’d be “hired” as a team so /where is he/ because Gordon needs to know he’s /okay/. As Barney is released from the same effect, he probably moves and makes himself apparent, so it’s only for like a second that Gordon is doing that.
_ Once again, I can't speak much to what would happen in a HL2 continuation of this story, but that sounds about right for an initial reaction scene.  Imagine Barney just coming out of it and being in some sort of... bag? being jostled around? He feels a giant hand pat over him from outside and he grunts in surprise. Then the hand rests against him and Barney realizes he's in a humans breast pocket, being held against someones chest as beside him a thundering heart slowly begins to calm. He figures this must be Gordon. He doesn't KNOW any other humans, and he can't imagine that man in the suit would be all that concerned about Barney's wellbeing.  _ 
Barney doesn’t know where they are/who else is out there at all ‘cause he can’t see from where he is, and Gordon can feel him shifting to lean out of the pocket and get a look, and he just puts a hand over the pocket, covering the opening in the process, and applies a gentle pressure for a couple moments, and Barney knows that means he needs to stay put because it’s not safe to come out yet. Thankfully Barney heard Gman talking to Gordon and addressing him by name, so he doesn’t have to worry about whose pocket he just woke up in. He would probably somewhat recognize Gordon’s gait/the feel of his hands at that point, too. As for how Gordon avoids boarding the train to Nova Prospekt without canon barney there to stop him, I have no idea.
  _ YEAAAH that is a good point. Barney is kind of vital for that role. Maybe we can slot a different character into his place. ^__^;; _
Oooh, going back a bit, maybe when the nihilanth is teleporting gordon around in the boss level, or from the very beginning when gordon jumps into the portal to Xen, they get teleported separately and end up in different places? (Ignoring for a moment the parts with portals in Black Mesa ^^;) That sure is an additional level of distress for the both of them during the Big Final Level(s). And then perhaps at the end, part of gman’s speech can be like, “As for your.. companion, you can rest assured he was recovered safe and sssound. After all, you two performed so well, together, it would be ideal to hire you as, a team.” Or whatever
_ Imagine Barney, stranded and alone on Xen, desperately trying to find Gordon, and having his OWN creepy G-man encounter. :U _
Our Barney AUs differ in some exciting ways and it’s fun to play in someone else’s sandbox for a while. :p I’ll probably cut my notes doc down into something readable and post it sometime in the near-ish future.. Either that or actually write the dang fic.
_ I would absolutely LOVE to hear about your AU too! So if you do either of those things, be sure to @ me!  Thank you so much for playing in this sandbox with me. I am ALWAY down to talk Borrower AU stuff. It's just so much dang fun! ^0^
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leavaloo · 5 years
Applin To Give and to Kick Ass
Hi guys! As most of you know, I’ve been extremely busy lately and also dealing with some shit on the side, so I wasn’t able to write anything for Valentines Day! I know, such a crime that an imagines blog didn’t post on V-Day. It’s okay! I’ll make it up to you here~
As a further notice, I will be deleting most of my inbox requests, as a lot of them have been sitting for a while. I apologize to those who are left, but this is needed.
Anyways, have some Raihan V-Day fluff!
Raihan knew a lot about dragons. Like, a lot. Dragon expert to the core, so much so that he ended up taking on some of their draconic qualities. Like protectiveness, jealousy, and every once in a while, a growl. Raihan also knew a lot about the Applin tales, as per his title as dragon expert and the vault keeper. Yet for some reason, he didn’t think that they would play a part in his life, until now.
Applins were fairly common in Galar as a declaration of love, and because of his titles, he had been asked so many times of where to find them, how to breed the right one, yadda yadda. Even some gym leaders like Nessa had asked his advice on this topic. And now, with Valentines day coming up, it was all the rage.
You had been champion for some time now, and already you were proving to be both formidable, dependable, and breathtaking. You didn’t use the typical cape that Leon wore, and instead, made your own outfit that made it look like you were dancing whenever a particularly powerful move whipped your dress around. Honestly, you treated a lot of your matches like a contest, and it had garnered you a lot of attention, and possible suitors.
That’s why Raihan never felt like he had a chance. You were beautiful! Even a lot of the other gym leaders had been talking about you, some of them wondering if you were single. That was when Raihan figured out how jealous he was. He all but snapped at Milo when directed a question about it at him, but he played it off that he was just stressed recently and apologized.
A day before Valentines day, you waltzed into his gym. He wasn’t expecting it, and he was honestly caught off guard. Even in your casual attire, you were striking. You were asking for some documents, and so Raihan lead you back to his office, and all the while, he had a difficult time even looking in your direction.
“Working right before Valentines day? I would’ve thought you’d wanna lay low.” He finally sent one of his signature smiles your way, trying to lighten the heaviness in his heart.
You chuckled and smiled back. “Honestly, me moving about makes it harder for the fanboys to track me. I don’t need anymore applin in my boxes, which might be entirely your fault.”
Raihan sheepishly laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeaaah... sorry about that.” He remembered the onslaught of guys who had sought him out in the previous weeks, all asking for applin advice.
“Though, I guess it gave me some good applins to get my own ideal one.”
Raihan’s eyes snapped over to you, looking over your figure. You were looking straight ahead, small grin on your face and a tiny blush on your cheeks. You had someone in mind for this applin. He figured he might as well test the waters, if not only to quell his own internal panic.
“‘Ideal applin’, huh? Does this applin have an intended recipient?”
You laughed, following the dragon up the stairs to his office. “It does, yes. Do you have an applin for someone, Raihan?”
I did, he thought to himself, but shook his head. “No. The person I would give it to has probably already been taken.”
You feigned a surprised gasp. “The infamous Raihan, with so many thousands of fangirls, somehow doesn’t get his feelings reciprocated?! How cruel!”
Finally, he was able to laugh. He hadn’t been able to do that in a while, what with him stressing, but you always managed to make his mood lighter. Though the dread of him not being your chosen recipient shot through him again when he opened the door to his office. “After you,” he purred. If there was one thing Raihan was good at, it was acting.
As he searched for the required documents, you wandered around his office, looking at all of the different dragon type memorabilia. It took longer than expected, because every time he looked up, you were happily smiling at another picture on his walls. Some were from Lance’s time, another was a championship match from Unova with Iris, and some legendary dragons were sprinkled in there.
After searching all of the file cabinets, his desk and some other places, he got everything together and handed it to you. They were all about how the power plant fared after the recent events with the Darkest Day, and as he approached you, he noticed that your demeanor became... fidgety. Your blush was more prominent, and you wouldn’t look him in the eyes. You just smiled, took the documents, said goodbye and rushed out the door before Raihan could say anything.
With a frown on his face, he sighed and went to sit as his desk. He leaned back in the chair, a huge sigh coursing through his body. It was then that he noticed a new addition to his desk. He furrowed his eyes and leaned forward to look at it closer. A loveball pokeball, sitting there and facing him. His heart rose in his chest, almost scared to touch it. His hands didn’t even meet the pokeball when the familiar blue light popped out, situating itself firmly on his lap.
An applin. Not just any applin. A shiny, bright green applin, already fast asleep on his lap. He couldn’t even make any sound, he was so shocked. His heart was racing a million miles an hour, he could barely process that it was holding two things. A sweet apple, and a note.
Dear Raihan,
I’m not very good at this love stuff, and I know this is really cliche, but this is the easiest way to get my feelings across. This applin is specifically bred to not only be shiny, but also have everything you need to make a badass competitive mon. I figured you already had someone special, so I just wanted to make this quick and easy. I didn’t want to hold it in anymore.
P.S. I’d like to grab some coffee with you sometime.
Raihan read over the note several times, a smile brimming on his face. Then he took out his phone, held the sleeping applin up to his chest in a warm embrace, and snapped a selfie. He pulled up your text chain with him and sent the picture.
Raihan, 12:59pm
you know you could’ve stayed right
A couple seconds later, he got a ding, and wondered if you had expected something along these lines.
Cutie Bean, 1:00pm
Cutie Bean, 1:00pm
I wanted to stay but I was... to scared.
Raihan, 1:01pm
did u really need those documents? lol
Cutie Bean, 1:01pm
...Yes, but I figured I’d leave that there too...
Raihan, 1:01pm
well, i think i’ll name her Cutie Pie after what I have you in my phone
Raihan, 1:02pm
besides, i think a coffee date tomorrow would be absolutely perfect, my cute little dragon <3
Raihan, 1:02pm
unless u have other plans? :(
Cutie Bean, 1:03pm
You’re my plan now <3
Cutie Bean, 1:03pm
Shit I have to find something to wear.
For the rest of the day, you and Raihan were texting back and forth. Everyone was wondering why he suddenly looked so happy after sulking for almost two weeks straight, but then they noticed the applin sleeping happily in the hood of his hoodie. The more that Raihan looked at Cutie Pie, he realized just how terrifying of a mon this could be. Amazing IV’s, right nature, hidden ability. He vowed to not only kiss you till the sun rose, but also someday kick your ass with this girl. If she were to ever wake up.
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!! i finally got around to finishing the stranger haha,, by which i mean i just watched it today. was veryyyy excited for it as i really like the poster design for this one. anyways. this event starting w/ the sort of portrait format or whatever / that narration is like. god. threw me right back to autumn troupe. I kind of love that the storytelling format itself is so distinct for autumn! the moment I realized it was omi I started getting teary… like oh man oh man… omi…. And the connection with him taking photos! ahh!! now that I think about it… omi kind of seems a bit like early version tsumugi, huh? also I keep forgetting this man is a college student lol. suspension of disbelief I suppose. onto the play i think like. mankai should invest in a fainting courch for tsuzuru. i also went to watch the play and 1) im betting yuki had a hell of a time costume design wise like the vines on the body? such fun costuming wise and 2) the ethical implications of whatever this play has,,, fun fun. tsuzuru was clearly having some kind of thoughts. i love zeros design and am always up for a3 characters crossdressing bc 1) i think its fun and 2) the costume design. i also dearly wish this whole thing was animated bc I feel like it’d be o fun to see taichi act as zero. or at least I hope this event gets full voiced one day... moving on to the scene where omi adds soy sauce to the paella I know it’s just like haha homare funny so lets five him a lil bit but like everyone in autumn troupe making their comments on the paella and like homare just jumping in. homare autumn troupe besties. just thinking. also the way they just r like. no no no omi it’s fine if u made a mistake!! it’s ok! we like it (you) anyways <3 it’s got it’s own special taste. something something omi’s perfectly pleasant as he is now but even if he weren’t on his a-game and was dealing with all of the biker gang stuff they would love him just as hard. another thing that got me was omi telling banri that he’ll give him something sweet so juza will stop grinding his teeth in his sleep… guys… guys you’ll give him cavities…. mb omi is a college student after all lol.
anyways when i saw the actual costumes. appreciative of them, i like the lil circuit-esque detailing on banri’s outfit, and that sakyo and taichi (nine and zero) both share that like collar detail? its very symbolic and probably also literal but its a nice way to sort of signify their relation to each other visually! also sakyo just looks nice. seeing him without glasses is so great. whoever thought up the like two mole detail for him was doing gods work.
something that confused me was ryo mistaking juza for nachi for a split second? like. does juza… look similar to nachi? or was it just that ryo only heard juzas voice and made that mistake. if it’s appearance wise too. kumon nachi confirmed. I’m joking lol bc I feel like I would’ve heard at least something abt it in one of the like small conversation comments, plus that doesnt seem like itd fit summer troupes style and kumon is for sure the wrong age… but still.
i really like how for this event, the roles for taichi and omi were kinda reversed. and taichis just so like. idk. smiley. rly lifts ur spirits. its kind of nice how this event contrasts to that cg where taichi is crying on omi. I also think like. idk. considering the story of the stranger. wolf gives zero a sense of purpose and life and I think that zero helps wolf lose his apathy. it’s about “the stranger” and the ending makes him like… not a stranger, right? because he’s got a companion. in the same way, taichi brings omi out of his emotional isolation. the picture taking! also the stickers coming back… thats such a good setup! the found family of it all!!
when he was trying to work out zeros character as soon as taichi mentioned a sharp speaking style I KNEW it was Yuki… yuki would never be as honest as zero is though lol… to me i imagine she’s got a sort of juza internal monologue feel? anyways. the taichi yuki dynamic intrigues me. havent yet decided how I feel abt it but when I do… yes. sorry that I make literally no sense. I think it’s very obvious that yuki is my fav chara kind of? I’m just. hmmm it makes me think! I’ve been monologuing to myself abt the yuki and juza dynamic lately which, to my a3 knowledge so far, doesn’t exist, but its ok bc I’ll make it exist! uhhh anyways this event was very good i liked the pacing. i think it didnt drag too hard and it really properly honed in on just omi and taichi, which was quite nice. they really did a lot for just an event!
time to listen to the event song,,, ok so. ah. i rly enjoyed just for myself it was very much to my taste so. out of curiousity i was like ok lemme look up the composer / producer AND IT WAS YUYOYUPPE....... that guy is like!!!! one of my FAV producers ever!!!!!! i know him from like. his vocaloid days and god leia is still one of my fav songs to this day...! this knowledge gives me so much joy omg!!! like wow!! wowwww!!! like i knew yuyoyuppe was out there doing other stuff (i know he worked on a lot of babymetal music which is cool) but like idk. to suddenly encounter it like this. heheh.... its so nice! made me soooo happy. going to relisten to leia now haha
WAIT ONE MORE THING. i was like "haha let me look at other songs i remember liking a lot" which. for me was rakuen oasis and don't cry. anyways. rakuen oasis is ALSO by yuyoyuppe???? oh my god!!! oh my god... sigh. feel like im in heaven.
OH HI FRIEND!! so good to see you with an a3 update!! :D
godd yeah The Stranger started so strongly and the idea to still incorporate portraits in his story was really something to make us cry!
And linking Omi and Tsumugi like this is pretty interesting :O <hat is your reasoning exactly? :O
For the fainting couch for Tsuzuru LMAO and i'm letting you know there's a webcomics that addresses it in Act 2 (hough there's no spoilers aside from the fact Chikage is here)
Im glad you liked the costume and the play!!! yeah i love the designs and it is always a blast to see them this into it, and yeaaah Tsuzuru has thoughts huh. It'll get voiced sooner than later hopefully and there we'll see more in details :3c but also that's what made the seiyuu live so fun bc they perform the songs in play cosplay and replay a bit of the play everytime and it's *chief kiss*
And yeah the scene itself was so cute TwT they all want to reassure Omi and be there for him it's so sweet :( but yeah i love how you say it all, Omiimi TwT
and dLKFJDFLKJFDFD Giving Juza cavities is the price to pay for sleep i guess??
yeah agreed on the costume they all look so cool! and nice catch on how those three seem linked like that with their costumes, Yuki (and the designers) does such a good job! and god yeah for Sakyo.. yeah. He has sucha good design dLKJFDF
aND DLKFJD yeah no Juza is supposed to look like Nachi physically, but mostly his face? like i think Nachi was had green hair? we see a sprite of him in a future story, and yeah, everything is in the eyebrows. so Kumon should be safe? Omi mentions he sees a lot of Nachi in Juza, and while it is mostly due to their passions i think, the fact they're also rough looking guy with a heart of gold must play a part as well. but yeah, he does look like Nachi a bit.
and i love your deeper analysis of the event yeah!!
I feel like Taichi is really an emotional core of the troupe in the sense that is, he tends to catch on what others are feelings easily. And he uses it in the early chapters to ease off the tensions and stuff, but he was being held back by knowing he was deceiving them. So now that he's more free, he can be more of himself. but yeah i also love the contrast with how Omi was the one to help Taichi through his breakdown and guilt, and now it's the other way around, it's Taichi helping him through it. and the parallelism between the play and their dynamic is spot on imo! well said!!
and god yeah the sticker things made me cry sO HARD, and the pictures! and everything!! sobs it's such a sweet found family i'm going to cry :(
And! i love what you say about Yuki, Taichi and Juza on this one. I love that Taichi keeps bringing it back to "that childhood friend" and it's always like. so obvious who it is for us rip. But it can make you wonder if Yuki was more honest as a kiddo when Taichi knew him, though now he's clearly not. I love the mention of how Zero is more like Juza's internal speech (which, if anything is another argument about why you should let Juza wear a dress, cOWARD)
but also your mention of the Yuki and Juza thing, while i can't think of them having a dynamic per se yet, but i actually wrote a post during my reread about how i was baffled at the fact they treated Muku the same way?? like both of them tried to push Muku away because they were scared of how people would react if they say pure, sweet Muku was associated to them. And i find it fascinating because i guess those two are pretty aware of how the world see them, and it used to stop them from fully allowing them to be themselves.
I also find it relevant with the fact Yuki says in his personal song that while all of this way people judge him weight on him, he rather be himself, and "I want to love myself". Meanwhile we have Juza who's also aware of the way people judge him and it weight on him, and he wants to change himself from this person he hates, this self loathing - and in a way, he can grow in a way to be "someone" he may not hate, even on stage. I feel like those two have quite a bit in common in this way of being rejected by their peers in some sort of way.
I really want them to share some stuff at some point because there's really a groundwork on it all :(
But i'm really glad you liked that event!! agreed on the pacing and i do love what it brings to the characters! it really fleshes them out and have them move forward a little and it's pretty sweet.
AND OMG THAT'S SO COOL FOR THE SONG!! i'm so glad you liked it, but that's incredible it turned out to be from one of your fav producer!!! ahah sometimes life is like that where you end up finding the stuff you loved back into new stuff! and the fact Rakuen Oasis was from him as well... that's so cool!!! just, so so cool!
im pretty sure he has more songs going forward so i hope you'll enjoy the ride even more!!
thank you once again for sharing your thoughts about a3 :3c it always makes me so happy to see them!!!
Thank youu <3 have a good day :3c
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