#yea it was pretty alright i liked it a lot more than she-ra
screwattack · 3 years
the new netflix he-man cartoon is pretty alright but also-
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samus aran energy
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catradoramma · 3 years
how about a fic of Adora noticing being the jealous one after noticing other women give Catra attention.
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i have been getting prompts like this since Mine, and honestly, hell yea. i deadass started working on this in 2019 and well. its finally finished. this is who i am folks. thanks so much to @kittens-and-foxes, @magicchalkdust, and lunatica (ao3) for the prompts! prompts are still open! i’m just a slave to writers block. evidently
Oh, How the Turntables
|  Rated: T  |  Words: 2,604  |  Chapter: 1/1  |
Adora was not a jealous person. She was confident with where she was in her life and always had been. Trying her best and being proud of that was something that was basically sewn into her DNA.
Adora was not jealous. Never had been, and never would be.
She wasn’t jealous.
She was just…a little upset.
Or how Adora handles being jealous. A significantly less fun sequel to Mine. 
| ao3 | buy me a kofi |
Adora was not a jealous person. She was confident with where she was in her life and always had been. Trying her best and being proud of that was something that was basically sewn into her DNA.
Adora was not jealous. Never had been, and never would be.
She wasn’t jealous.
She was just…a little upset.
It wasn’t really that big of a deal. Honestly it wasn’t a big deal at all. In fact it wasn’t even a deal at all. Catra was just making friends. Which Adora, for the record, was extremely happy about.
Catra was making friends with some of the people in the Royal Guard at Bright Moon and it was awesome! People were accepting her! And, like, treating her with respect like she obviously deserves as a literal war hero! So naturally, Adora was happy to hear this. Adora was enthused!
Obviously, okay?
It’s just that Catra had recently become closer with a few of her friends in the Royal Guard which meant they were out all day training and running drills, and then out all night getting drinks and singing bar shanties or whatever soldiers did together. Adora was so glad that Catra was fitting in and being accepted. That goes without saying.
Adora also really, really, really missed her girlfriend.
Adora missed her a lot.
As simple as that.
Although, it didn’t help that one of Catra’s new friends was the totally smart, pretty and badass Captain Kassandra. And it also didn’t help that Captain Kassandra was definitely Catra’s best friend in the guard which meant Catra and Captain Kassandra were spending the majority of their days together.
And it’s not like Adora thought anything would happen! Catra would never cheat, okay? She wouldn’t! She just might...you know. Realize that Captain Kassandra was so, so much better, and smarter, and stronger, and prettier, and cooler than Adora.
And Catra might want to break up.
Which Adora definitely didn’t want.
— . —
“Hey, Catra?” Adora called as she was pulling her hair up into a ponytail.
“Yeah?” Catra called from the closet where she was trying to decide between two identical burgundy sports bras.
“I was, uh,” Adora paused as she grabbed her hair tie with her teeth off her wrist. “I was thinking that it might be fun if we went out tonight? Go into town and grab dinner or something? Have a little date?” She asked with a tentative smile as she finished tying off her hair.
Catra turned to face her properly, lowering both sports bras. “Tonight?” She asked, not sounding excited like Adora had thought she’d be.
The lack of enthusiasm made Adora a little nervous. She licked her lips and continued. “Yeah. We’ve both been really busy lately, and I finally have a night off from--you know--She-Ra stuff. So I was, you know, just wondering if we could, I don’t know. Go on a date,” Adora bumbled, her nerves getting to her the longer she went without an answer.
“Shit, tonight?” Catra asked, her shoulders slumping alongside Adora’s heart. “I can’t. I have a game tonight.”
“Wait, you have a what tonight?” Adora asked, immediately confused.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, I meant to tell you. Me and the Guard started up a Softball team. Bright Moon Royal Guard against Entrapta’s Robot Army,” Catra explained, a little smile curling up her lips which Adora knew meant that Catra had really been enjoying playing Softball.
Adora was, admittedly, a little hurt by the fact that Catra hadn’t even thought to tell her about this. Adora was always super supportive of everything Catra did and would have loved the opportunity to cheer her on in a very literal and vocal way.
But, Adora supposed, she had been really busy with She-Ra stuff lately so it made sense that Catra forgot to mention things. Especially when they really only saw each other at dinner and when they got in and out of bed everyday.  
Adora pushed down her hurt feelings and pressed on. “Alright, well. When’s the game? I’ll come and maybe we could grab a bite or something after,” she suggested.
Catra winced. “After games, C.K. usually buys everyone a burger,” Catra explained. C.K. So we’re calling Captain Kassandra C.K. now. Adora suddenly craved physical violence.
Catra continued, not noticing Adora’s mounting frustration. “It’s like--I don’t know--a team bonding thing,” Catra explained with a shrug. “You could come to the game though! I’ll hit a homer for you,” she added, sending Adora a deliciously wicked grin that Adora couldn’t even enjoy due to the slowly mounting rage within her.
Adora took a deep breath, suppressing the anger for the time being, and forced a smile. “That sounds awesome, babe. I’ll….be there for the game then.”
Catra grinned at that and darted over to press a kiss to Adora’s cheek. “I’ll look for you in the stands,” she said, practically glowing with happiness, and just like that, all of Adora’s rage and jealousy melted away. This was something Catra enjoyed. Having friends and maintaining them was important to Catra. So it was important to Adora.
Adora turned and stole a proper kiss from Catra. “Leave your alternate jersey for me and I’ll wear it,” she suggested with a soft smile.
Catra nodded eagerly before she disappeared back into the closet. She came back out wearing one of Adora’s white and blue sports bras, and, honestly, that made everything a little better.
— . —
Adora had no idea how Softball worked, but Gods, was she becoming a fan quickly. Everything from the tight white pants Catra wore, to the slashed up cap she wore to let her ears through was doing things for Adora. Adora was pretty sure she was actually learning less about Softball the longer she spent in the stands. Probably because she was happily staring at Catra’s ass instead of the game.
The whole experience probably would have been a net positive if it wasn’t for what happened at the very end of the game. Catra must’ve hit a particularly impressive ball (Adora wasn't exactly paying attention to the ball or where it was going as much as she was focusing on where the hitter was going and doing) because as she dashed around the diamond, everyone around her was cheering and freaking out. The Bright Mood Guard left the make-shift dugout and ran onto the pitch. They swarmed Catra as she passed home. They all wrapped her in a hug before Captain Kassandra tossed her up into the air and then sat Catra on her shoulder.
Jealousy burned inside of Adora. That was Adora’s move! Adora was absolutely the only one allowed to toss Catra into the air and catch her on her shoulder! Why the hell was someone else doing that?! Was this a common thing? Did Captain Kassandra toss Catra all the time?
Adora was about three seconds away from going full-on beast mode on the Captain. The only thing that stopped her was the way Catra pulled her cap off in celebration, waving it excitedly in Adora’s direction. The elation on Catra’s face—the pure joy that was clear from whatever game-winning hit she’d made—was entirely enough to cool Adora’s temper.
Catra looked radiant out there. And she deserved to be praised like that. She deserved to be celebrated and loved by her friends. Adora wanted that for Catra so badly, and if it wasn’t for the ugly jealous monster that was living rent free inside of her for whatever reason, Adora was sure she’d 100% be just as happy as Catra was in that moment.
So, with her mind made up, Adora grinned and waved back. She cupped her hands around her mouth and cheered loudly. She made a heart with her hands and held it up above her head for Catra to see. Catra must’ve seen it because she blushed a little darker and bit her lip in a way that made Adora’s blood burn in a very different way.
If only Adora wouldn’t have to go home alone after the game.
— . —
Adora decided to wait up for Catra. She wanted to show Catra exactly how proud of her game-winning home-run she was. Adora lit candles around their room while she waited, and even changed into some of the more frilly underwear she owned for nights exactly like this. She kept Catra’s jersey on, though, and made herself comfortable in bed to wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Adora waited long after the sun went down behind the back hills, long after the candles burned down to nubs, and long after the lacey bra she wore became too uncomfortable to continue wearing. Adora didn’t want to admit defeat, but eventually the mood was lost, and she could barely keep her eyes open.
It was with a new level of bitterness, and a little heartbreak, that Adora cleaned up the candles, slipped into pyjamas, and put Catra’s jersey away. This time when Adora curled up into bed, she didn’t wait. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
If the smell of candle smoke was still in the air when Catra got back, then so what.
— . —
Adora felt very off for the rest of that week. She hadn’t even heard Catra come in that night, and when she woke up, Catra was curled up into a ball on her own side of the bed. Something about not even waking up in Catra’s arms left a sour taste in her mouth.
Adora knew, logically, that Catra hadn’t made her any promises to come back early that night. She had said that she’d be out with the team, and Adora had agreed to that. It was just that...after a game like that, the first one Adora had gone to, shouldn’t Catra have wanted to come home and celebrate with Adora? Shouldn’t she have at least come back at a decent hour? Catra had only said that she’d be getting dinner with her team. Did getting burgers really take that long?
What else had Catra been doing out there?
That thought alone was enough to leave Adora in a horrible mood for the rest of the week.
She destroyed many straw filled dummies, and snapped at anyone who so much as thought about asking her what was wrong, including Catra.
Especially Catra.
Adora hadn’t been in this bad of a mood since the war--since the time she hadn’t slept for weeks at a time.
And the worst part? Adora knew she was being unreasonable. She knew she was being dramatic and was definitely blowing things out of proportion. It was just that—
The jealous little monster that lived in her mind rent free was slowly taking over.
— . —
Adora was lounging in the bath, trying to make herself feel better though aggressive self-care, when she heard Catra come in. It was already late into the evening. Adora would usually be in bed this time of night, and Adora was beginning to think (unreasonably) that Catra was coming back late on purpose.
“Adora?” Catra called as she noticed the bed was empty. She sounded a little afraid and suddenly Adora was just tired. And sad. And frustrated. She was so, so frustrated with herself and this stupid situation. She didn’t want to be upset at Catra anymore.
“In here!” Adore called back as she moved her hands a little anxiously through the bubbles still floating on the surface.
Catra appeared in the doorway and smiled tentatively. She looked concerned and tired.
“Hey,” Adora said softly.
“Hey,” Catra repeated, her voice just as soft.
“How was your night?” Adora asked. “I missed you at dinner.”
Catra’s shoulders dropped a little and she nodded. She stepped into the bathroom and sat down on the floor right next to the tub, her knees pulled up to her chest as she looked at Adora. Catra looked small like that. Small and afraid.
“Missed you too,” Catra said back, her voice just above a whisper.
Adora bit her lip a little anxiously and had to look away. She couldn’t look at Catra knowing she was the one who made her feel uncertain like this. But...wasn’t it because Adora herself felt uncertain that this whole thing had happened?
Adora pulled in a deep breath and forced herself to look back at Catra. “I’m sorry I’ve been...rough this week,” she said.
Catra leaned her head onto the side of the tub. “Are you gonna tell me what I did?” Catra asked, her voice soft and non-judgemental.
“Catra you didn’t...do anything,” Adora said. “And...well. That’s the problem. I feel like we never see each other anymore. I feel like we don’t talk.”
Catra straightened up, her shoulders coming up in a defensive stance. It was clear she was afraid of what else was coming from this conversation. Adora reached out and placed her hand on top of one of Catra’s knee.
“I just really miss you Catra. All the time, even when I wake up next to you,” Adora admitted.
“I’m sorry,” Catra said immediately, her ears pressing back flat onto her head. “I…”
“Hey, no, I should have said something—” Adora said but Catra cut her off, her eyes wide in realization.
“Oh my gods,” Catra breathed. “You did say something. You wanted—and I totally just brushed you off to hang out with the Guard. Adora—” Catra spoke frantically, and it was Adora who cut her off this time.
“Catra, hey, no,” Adora said as she moved closer. “No, you didn’t brush me off. You just. You’ve never had a really solid group of friends before. Of course you got caught up. I like that you have these people who like you and want to hang out with you. I’ve been so busy lately and I’ve been so thankful that you’ve found these people to keep you company when I can’t,” Adora said honestly.
“It’s just that...I’m not used to having to share your attention. And it’s...it’s making me feel a little insecure—which I hate. I don’t want to be jealous of your friends. I don’t want to keep you away from them,” she admitted, looking at her hands now, ashamed of how she was feeling.
Catra reached out and threaded their fingers. “Adora…” she breathed softly as she squeezed Adora’s hand. “You should have said something, dummy,” she said affectionately, reaching out with her free hand to smooth Adora’s hair back and turn her face up.
“I’ve only been spending so much time with those idiots because I’ve been wanting to give you space to relax,” Catra admitted. “I thought that having me around, wanting your attention after you’d had to listen to people bitch and complain all day would just cause you more stress.” She leaned forward some more to press a kiss to Adora’s lips softly. “I’ve been missing you too, Adora.”
Adora let out a sigh of relief, and then a sound that was halfway between a laugh and a sob. She shot forward and wrapped her arms around Catra in a hug, holding her tight. “You’re sure you’re not unhappy with me? You wouldn’t rather be with C.K.?” Adora asked, finally voicing her deepest concerns.
“What?” Catra asked softly as she held Adora tighter, seemingly undisturbed by the fact that she was getting soaked by the bath. “Adora, Captain Kass is married. To a man. And besides that, I don’t want anyone but you. You make me happier than anything.”
Adora let out another sigh of relief. “Oh, I’m so glad,” she breathed as she pressed her face into Catra’s neck.
— . —
That little jealous monster was finally evicted.
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copyrightcreep · 4 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My girlfriend!!!!
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Pretty shy.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My friends and family it’s dnd day!
4. Are you easy to get along with? I think so yea.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I believe so yes.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
The kind that takes cae of me zsexdcfvg.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I have all the faith i will.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
A housemate.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Kinda it’s akward at least.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Ooh one of my caretakers.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
It’s a heart.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
In no order cause i can’t choose: supposed to be by icon fo hire, counting on me by smash into pieces, gasoline by halsey, bad rabbit by tryhardninja and fade away by mandopony.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yes please.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I get to move to a better place!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Duh don’t need to ask me.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Absolutely there’s too much out there to no have other life.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Yeah she’s one of my closest friends.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yeah .
20. Do you like your neighbors?
they’re alright.
21. What are you bad habits?
Doubting myself.
22. Where would you like to travel?
23. Do you have trust issues?
I trust too easily does that count.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Texting my sweetheart.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Uh everything? My hair mostly.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Put on my glasses and text my girlfriend.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I don’t mind either i like it how it is now though.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My girlfriend.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
don’t have any.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
No XD.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Not sure uwu.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV i love music too much.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Anything that comes to mind.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Kind, caring, won’t hestitate to show emotions, will love me for who i am.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
The action and the jumbo.
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Culinary schooool.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Mostly yeah.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m either overthinking or sad (staring and fidegeting) or very content. (humming and smiling with my eyes closed)
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space for sure!
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My hunger.
46. What are you paranoid about?
The dark.
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
And nope!
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Not recently no.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Uuuuh gray i think. it’s been a while.
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Loads of times.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My personality to be less annoying.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
N o n e.
54. Favourite store?
55. Favourite blog?
Plastic pipes.
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
A chocolate cookie.
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Grilled cheese sandwich.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Almost but not quite.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
Also never.
63. Ever been in love?
Am right now.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
So my (now gilfriend) and i just wanted kisses and cuddles and we decided to get it from eachother. So we talked about it. decided it together. And she kissed me in her jacuzzi. My heart was beating like crazy and i was so happy for days.
65. Are you hungry right now?
Very much so.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I can’t decide between friends.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
Sanne, Joyce, Valdemar and Jenn.
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels?
Yellow and all kinds of colors.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
1 oversized and 1 normal one.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Around 20 at least.
75. Favourite animal?
Sheep and cows.
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookie dough.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Light grey.
80. What colour pants?
No pants we die like heroes.
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Haven’t watched either.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Haven’t watched either.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
haven’t watched it.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
The giant turtle and Dori.
87. First person you talked to today?
Text? My girlfriend in person? A caretaker.
88. Last person you talked to today?
Text? My girlfried. In person? A caretaker.
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
Alex and Joyce.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
6 or 5.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
1 i get warm easily.
95. Last movie you watched?
Batman the dark knight rises.
96. Favourite actress?
Chyer Leigh and Nicole Maines.
97. Favourite actor?
Stephen Amell.
98. Do you tan a lot?
I think so.
99. Have any pets?
Yep! A hamster named spike.
100. How are you feeling?
Tired and hungry but pretty good.
101. Do you type fast?
Average i think.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Lots of things.
103. Can you spell well?
I think so yeah.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I hope not :(.
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
YES horses are amazing.
108. What should you be doing?
109. Is something irritating you right now?
My ear.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
I already answered this one lmao but yes i trust too easily.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
A caretake i think.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
It was and still is Bry
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Yeah don’t own one though.
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
A lot yes.
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
I don’t think i am.
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell no.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yep. With my sweety i sure do.
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Food, my girlfriend, reading, cooking.
128. Would you change your name?
i’m thinking about it but probably not.
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Never had it!
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Let him down gently.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Answered this one too but a caretaker.
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
i’d do everything to ride with you.
134. Can you count to one million?
With enough time probably yeah.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
That i was a boy.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed ain’t anyone going in my room.
137. How tall are you?
Too tall acording to my gf.
138. Curly or Straight hair?
A mix of both my hair can’t decide what it wants.
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
Respect for people who ae but no.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk and white.
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
you’re so thick. You’re mister thick thick thickety from thickenia. And so’s your dad.
-10th doctor.
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
Schaal en -schelpdieren.
welp there we have it lots of information about me!
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choiced · 7 years
TXT TLK; chris x oc (?)
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my take on the prompt phrase, “that was fun, let’s do it again sometime!” set in a canon-divergent version of the freshman, where a wrong number text turns into something more.
author’s note: i wanted to try something a little out of my comfort zone, so here’s a “fic” written entirely in texts. this is pretty self-indulgent tbh, and written with an OC instead of the MC (since being roommates wouldn’t quite work with this concept), but i hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless? thanks @hollyashton and @zigisbisexual for hosting!
     Chris P.      - 9:57 AM hey do u remember which hall prof atiyah’s class was moved to?
     Chris P.      - 9:57 AM im gonna be late
     xxx-xx73:   - 9:58 AM Assuming you mean her gen ed class in two minutes, we’re in Block G, second floor. The room next to the vending machine outside.
     Chris P.:     - 9:58 AM thanks zack. why r u typing funny?
     xxx-xx73:   - 9:59 AM Are you implying typing with proper capitalisation is funny, or just that my typing style is unusual to you?
     xxx-xx73:   - 9:59 AM Also, not Zack. That might explain it.
     Chris P.:     - 10:00 AM ...not zack?
     xxx-xx73:   - 10:00 AM Nope. Delilah.
     xxx-xx73:   - 10:02 AM Atiyah just walked in. You might want to speed up a bit.
     Chris P.:    - 10:02 AM damn it
     Delilah:     - 10:11 AM Are you the blond guy who just came in?
     Chris P.:    - 10:11 AM ha, yeah, that was embarrassing
     Delilah:     - 10:12 AM I think Professor Atiyah is just inclined to humiliate any and all tardy students. No need to be embarrassed, “Mister Powell”.
     Chris P.:    - 10:13 AM oh god, just chris will do. please
     Delilah:      - 10:16 AM Haha, alright. Chris, then. Nice to meet you.
     Chris P.:    - 10:18 AM i’d say nice to meet u too, but i’m not sure who i’m supposed to be looking at
     Chris P.:     - 10:18 AM i spot at least seven people on their phones right now
     Delilah:     - 10:20 AM If their texts are coming from people as entertaining as you, I don’t blame them. Especially in the face of this dull lecture.
     Chris P.:    - 10:21 AM entertaining?? i can’t tell if u’re flirting with me or insulting me to be honest
     Chris P.:    - 10:22 AM and you didn’t answer my question about who you are. where are you sitting?
     Delilah:     - 10:22 AM I think I’ll keep the mystery going for a while longer.
     Delilah:     - 10:23 AM And I’m definitely not insulting you, so I guess by process of elimination...
     Chris P.:    - 10:24 AM ha, cute
     Chris P.:    - 10:24 AM so if this is a mystery, can i make guesses or something
     Delilah:     - 10:25 AM Guess away.
     Chris P.:    - 10:28 AM ur name’s delilah, so im guessing u’re a girl? are u the one in the front row? two seats from the far left
     Delilah:     - 10:29 AM Ha, god no. I haven’t sat at the front of the class since sophomore year of high school.
     Delilah:     - 10:30 AM Also, that girl’s hairstyle is way too cool for me to pull off.
     Chris P.:    - 10:31 AM hmm
     Chris P.:    - 10:34 AM are u the one in the middle row? yellow jacket. hiding her phone behind her textbook
     Delilah:     - 10:36 AM Nope, I’m a little more bold about my ‘misconduct’, as Atiyah would no doubt call this. And totally staring at you now, so this should make your guesses a lot easier.
     Chris P.:    - 10:36 AM i dont see anyone staring at me?? wait
     Chris P.:    - 10:37 AM oh
     Chris P.:    - 10:37 AM hello
     Delilah:     - 10:38 AM Ha. Hello.
     Chris P.:    - 10:40 AM u were totally my next guess
     Delilah:     - 10:40 AM Pfft, of course. Also, stop turning around before Atiyah catches us.
     Chris P.:    - 10:42 AM sorry. it’s just nice to look at u
     Chris P.:    - 10:42 AM i mean
     Chris P.:    - 10:43 AM u know, because we’re talking and it’s nice to see someone’s face when u talk to them. not because u’re really pretty or anything.
     Chris P.:    - 10:43 AM i mean you ARE pretty, but
     Delilah:     - 10:44 AM Damn, I can literally feel you freaking out from over here. Stop worrying, it’s fine. I get what you mean.
     Delilah:     - 10:45 AM ...Nice to know you think I’m pretty, though ;)
     Chris P.:    - 10:47 AM i mean, yeah?
     Chris P.:    - 10:47 AM and for the record, u could totally pull off that other girl’s hair
     Delilah:     - 10:49 AM Haha, good to know. But if I ever dye my hair, I think I’d sooner go for purple than green.
     Chris P.:    - 10:50 AM actually yea, i think purple would suit u
     Delilah:     - 10:52 AM Definitely. I’d be a total babe, ha.
     Delilah:     - 10:52 AM What about you? Ever thought of dying your hair?
     Chris P.:    - 10:53 AM nah. but the whole rainbow trend really speaks to me
     Delilah:     - 10:55 AM Pfft.
     Chris P.:    - 1:04 PM hey! i wanted to stop u at ur desk to say hi earlier, but u disappeared right after class finished
     Delilah:     - 1:05 PM Hi again. Yeah, sorry about that. I had another class right after, at the other end of campus.
    Chris P.:    - 1:05 PM ah, understandable
    Chris P.:    - 1:08 PM i was wondering if maybe u wanted to grab lunch with me?
    Chris P.:    - 1:08 PM with a few of my friends! we’re walking into town to check that new pizza place that just opened
     Delilah:     - 1:10 PM Crap, I don’t think I can, sorry. I’ve already made plans. Rain check?
     Chris P.:    - 1:12 PM ok, sure, no problem!
     Chris P.:    - 1:13 PM see you around!
     Chris P.:    - 11:58 AM hi stranger! how’s your morning?
     Delilah:     - 12:01 PM Hello Chris. It’s been good so far. Only had one class earlier, so today’s a breeze!
     Chris P.:    - 12:03 PM awesome! i was wondering if you’d want to hang out? 
     Chris P.:    - 12:03 PM i just remembered prof atiyah’s assignment from yesterday so i was thinking of hitting up the library for it
     Delilah:     - 12:04 PM Um, I’ve actually got a meeting with my RA soon. Maybe next time?
     Chris P.:    - 12:05 PM oh yeah, sure
     Chris P.:    - 4:32 PM uh, hey delilah
     Chris P.:    - 4:34 PM i was just thinking about our texts? and, um, i just wanted to say, im sorry if i came off as pushy or anything. i talked to one of my roommates and she said maybe u weren’t cool with the idea of hanging out with some guy u only know because he texted you through a wrong number lol
    Chris P.:    - 4:35 PM so it’s cool if you dont wanna meet up! i hope you still want to chat, at least. i kind of like talking to you
     Delilah:     - 5:27 PM Hi again, Chris. Wow, that’s really thoughtful of you. But please don’t be sorry! If anything, I should be the one apologising.
     Delilah:     - 5:29 PM Well, I mean, it’s kind of complicated? And maybe a little stupid. But I’m not very... talkative... outside of texts. I get really nervous talking to people face to face. And when I get anxious, I get quiet. Then I don’t talk much?
     Delilah:     - 5:32 PM So I’m a little bit scared you won’t, um, actually like hanging out with me in person. I’m sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you, or anything like that. You’ve been a blast to talk to, and it’d be nice to chill at the coffeeshop some day or something. Just, uh, be warned?
     Chris P.:    - 5:34 PM ok wow u have no idea how relieved i am
     Chris P.:    - 5:35 PM i dont really know what to say except i’d still love to hang out with you? i mean i know we haven’t actually texted that much but for what it’s worth i think you’re great company.
     Delilah:     - 5:35 PM That’s... really sweet, thanks.
     Delilah:     - 5:36 PM But I guess it’s just easier to turn up the charm through text?
     Chris P.:    - 5:36 PM psht, who said anything about charm? :P
     Delilah:     - 5:36 PM You did, obviously. Clearly, you find my awkward charm very irresistible. 
     Chris P.:    - 5:37 PM LOL
    Chris P.:    - 5:37 PM Aaand there’s the wit I’ve missed
     Delilah:     - 5:37 PM Ha!
     Delilah:     - 5:38 PM ...Thanks for talking to me about this, Chris. It was nice.
     Chris P.:    - 5:38 PM no problem, it’s all good!
     Delilah:     - 5:39 PM Oh, and... I know it’s kind of late for coffee, but if you wanted, I could meet you at the cafe in twenty? Just... for a quick chat or something.
     Chris P.:    - 5:40 PM i’d like that! at six?
     Delilah:     - 5:42 PM Six it is! I’ll be there.
     Chris P.:    - 5:43 PM awesome! 
     Chris P.:    - 5:43 PM uh, you remember what i look like, right?
     Delilah:     - 5:44 PM Of course. Well-set features of an all-American golden boy...
     Delilah:     - 5:44 PM With the subdued expression of a kicked puppy as Professor Atiyah chides him for being late.
     Chris P.:    - 5:44 PM oh god, that’s the worst impression of me you could possibly have
     Delilah:     - 5:45 PM Haha, hardly. But I guess this coffeeshop date is coming at a good time! I can get even better impressions :D
     Chris P.:    - 5:45 PM date, huh? 
     Delilah:     - 5:46 PM Um, I mean. Appointment? But that sounds too clinical. I just... You know what I mean.
     Chris P.:    - 5:46 PM to quote u, “damn, i can literally feel you freaking out from over here”
     Delilah:     - 5:47 PM Ha! Touché. 
     Delilah:     - 9:13 PM Hi, Chris. Thanks for hanging out with me earlier, that was great! Though coffee, dinner and dessert has probably left me two breaths away from a genuine food coma.
     Chris P.:    - 9:17 PM hey del! im glad u had fun. and the crepes were ur idea, so
    Delilah:     - 9:19 PM True enough! But really, thanks. I haven’t had an evening out in a long time, and I guess I really needed it.
     Chris P.:    - 9:19 PM no problem! im glad we did this, it was fun. we should do it again some time
     Delilah:     - 9:20 PM Yeah, I’d like that, I think. I’ll see you in Professor Atiyah’s class tomorrow?
     Chris P.:    - 9:20 PM definitely. good night, delilah!
     Delilah:     - 9:20 PM Good night, Chris.
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