#DATAFILE //: OOC—001.
screwattack · 3 years
the new netflix he-man cartoon is pretty alright but also-
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samus aran energy
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screwattack · 3 years
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man .. this art, feels so nostalgic seeing fusion depicted with this much fidelity
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screwattack · 3 years
collection of thoughts about metroid dread, be ready for spoilers, obviously :
nintendo almost never truly considers or incorporates the true nature of bounty hunting as a profession so it is really refreshing for the game to open with her ship’s AI complaining about assumed risk vs. stated pay vis-à-vis the mission they are undertaking, going in solo after a deployment of seven highly advanced federation robots cut contact, presumably overwhelmed by whatever threat lays on ZDR .  the digitised adam has a tendency to reflect samus’ thoughts back at her & the real adam was one of the few people who learned to read her despite her dire communication skills, so i like to think he is echoing one of her guarded sentiments, it’s not worth it .  she’s loathe to be under galactic federation oversight once more, many of whom still do not trust her because of the destruction of the B.S.L. research station & SR388, going against direct orders & subverting a conspiracy against her so that the federation may capture the SA-X .  they’ve docked her pay & keep her on a short leash, but any surviving X must be eradicated either way & she doesn’t trust them to lead the effort, it’s a marriage of convenience .
fusion ends on the note that at least one of the higher-ups at the federation will understand the necessity of samus’ actions, that the universe would’ve been consumed by the X otherwise & samus stands alone as their sole surviving predator, & i think that’s about the only explanation where gonna get for why they’re employing samus once more .  though the nature of the E.M.M.I. as both highly formidable combatants that are resistant to samus’ base weaponry & their ability to extract specific genetic material from living specimens tells me they were sent to ZDR to bring bang samples of the X parasites should they encounter hosts, the federation never expected them to fail or be reprogrammed & when they ceased sending back data, well, who else in the galaxy could handle the X but samus aran ?
on the topic of adam it’s kind of tragic watching him be turned into the usual annoying nintendo tutorial character for basically all of metroid dread, he was a glorified objective marker provider for the majority of fusion until nearing the end when he gained story relevance & the twist of his nature as a digitised mind of one of samus’ former commanding officers is revealed, but here all he does is restate game mechanics & story beats to you after they’ve already been better explain in less words (& in some cases through gameplay/level design rather than a tutorial prompt), it sucks, i listened to all his dialog on the first go around because of course i was gonna but now i’m probably gonna skip it, & they still lock you in a room with him, they haven’t learned !  it’s also kind of strange to have him as a companion while you’re deep below ZDR’s crust, the tense atmosphere & biting survival against a harsh environment would work far better with samus being truly alone, confused after her encounter with the chozo & with no one to guide her but her own instincts .  i know there’s story relevance later, don’t worry .
adam does say ‘ treat our assets with care, lady. ‘ so he’s definitely the main negotiator that allowed samus not to face any charges after fusion (what better companion for a selectively mute, reclusive bounty hunter than a computer that talks too much).  plus, what could the federation to do samus, really, come on .  forget about the E.M.M.I. .
kraid is a very early boss & i love seeing my boy back, it’s really been too long & i’m glad he is this game’s sole returning boss, the little mother brain wannabes don’t count .  was worried we were gonna see ridley but thankfully he is 100% dead .  there isn’t a concrete explanation for his return, the two theories persist between cloning & capture, though the former explains his presence adequately given he went the way of ridley on zebes, his remains vaporised in the planet’s explosion, it’s also the explanation for ridley’s survival in other m so i’m going with his damaged carcass being hauled back to a space pirate homeworld in some form of fashion, given he is an early encounter in super metroid unless you’re speedrunning, there was plenty of time for him to lick his wounds & later be captured for interrogation by the chozo on ZDR .  he would be a valuable asset as a space pirate captain & have knowledge worth torturing for on one of the chozo’s most prominent enemies .  his struggle against his restraints & his clear hatred of samus is so nicely communicated i love all the cutscenes that feature a boss, from the counter to their deaths, it’s a visual feast .  insanely agile, nimble power suited samus isn’t really my cup of tea, especially her hanging a charged power beam at her side, but i’ve already posted about it .
it does sort of feel that with this new presentation of samus in action we’re somewhat overcompensating for her weak & subservient portrayal is some cutscenes in other m, what better opposite than have samus be unfazed by the threats she faces, circling them slowly with her arms at her side waiting for them to strike at her ?  the issue i think is that this creates a clear disconnect between cutscene samus & player samus, she performs feats that you are completely unable to do on your own/the game restricts you from doing so, she mounts each boss & presses her arm cannon against their head, unloading her arsenal into their skull, but when you play, touching these same enemies damages you .  no better example then when samus dashes up kraid’s belly to escape without being hurt, ducking to the side to avoid his belly button projectile when all you can do is jump over it or slide/morph ball under it .  i don’t know, i feel like there was good balance in prime (sorry the fucking metroid prime praise isn’t stopping any time soon), samus displayed a courteous professionalism in her encounters, not reckless self-confidence, she stood her ground, she was always alert, her weapon was trained on her enemies & she made use of her abilities much like the player would, she wasn’t flipping & zip-zooming all over the shop .  dread’s control scheme tries for a more agile character, the counter doubles as a melee attack that pushes samus forward, but it’s still metroid at it’s core .
okay no more complaining time for gushing,
the inherit sexiness of samus sole spoken line of dialog throughout the whole game being in her native chozodian is unparalleled, ascendant, truly a decision made squarely to please me directly & it worked, i’m eating this up, this is EXACTLY how you make samus into a voiced protagonist .  i’m so fucking happy they didn’t pussy out of giving her dialog after other m’s negative reception but the execution is in such a way that it creates a truly memorable, iconic moment that makes so much sense for the character of samus aran .  two sentences, nothing more, nothing less, her declaring her intent to end raven beak’s plans & spoken to the only character in dread who deserves to hear her voice, a fellow chozo of the thoha tribe, someone clearly meant to parallel old bird (like raven beak is meant to parallel grey voice, i’ll get into this later) .  it also falls very well in line with the view of samus as selectively mute, she would feel more comfortable expressing herself in her native tongue to a chozo than she would in english/galactic standard after having spent her childhood on zebes, her formative years among her adoptive species .  she struggled to transition over to humanity once she set off to train in the galactic federation, she could pick up their language with ease not only because the chozo were mutli-lingual (they had to be, having made contact with fellow space fairing races throughout their long history), but because she had started learning galactic standard as a young child on K2-L .  she was three years young upon her rescue, so at the very least, a base was formed that allowed her to push past her discomfort among fellow humans and learn to speak & live among them, even if she will always view the chozo as her ancestors, her mentors & her family .
a few plot elements don’t necessarily make sense, especially if you factor in how the original metroid 2 & super metroid presented SR388 & zebes respectively, but we are going off samus returns here & i think we will see a super metroid remake eventually, not sure how they could improve upon perfection, but it’s inevitable .
the ruins of SR388 are decrepit, ancient beyond reason, everything overgrown & fallen into such deep disrepair from centuries of the absence of sentient life that the metroids have overrun the cavern system entirely, with only a few species of native fauna surviving the onslaught .  the chozo lab rests at the heart of the planet while temples dedicated to their worship dot the caverns on the way to the surface .  whatever transpired on the planet, the creation of the metroids, it was so long ago they it had vanished from collective memory .  even zebes, once the pride of the chozo empire, had succumbed to age between samus’ first mission & her return in super, the space pirate flagship she had escaped from too eroded & decaying from decades of time past between games (i know sakomoto deconfirmed the wrecked ship being the same as the vessel we explore at the end of zero mission but c’mon now, they’re too close for it to be a coincidence) but dread makes it seem like raven beak’s slaughter of his fellow chozo was relatively recent (by metroid standards), he needed to deal with the X which had stowed away on his ship in the guise of a chozo soldier, which apparently took enough time for the events of samus returns, super, other m & fusion to happen, but the state we find ZDR in is otherwise pristine, especially the areas inhabited by chozo, i can’t really buy it .  it’s an issue i have with both samus returns & dread, i think, i don’t mind the setting of metroid being shifted from ancient worlds abandoned even by time itself to modern, futuristic & functional locales (fusion has an excellent atmosphere & it’s set on a fully operation research vessel which we see destroyed in real time), but the justification here is poor .  the chozo have been absent from the galaxy for centuries, the settlements they built on zebes, SR388, talon iv & elysia were erected millennia ago (skytown was founded 1,500 years before prime 3 took place), i wish their return to the universe carried some more fanfare & acknowledgement of their absence .  the dread reports speak of the chozo as being a rare sight & in the super metroid comics there is one suriving chozo that helps samus on her journey, but the intention originally was to have them extinct, either by their own hand or simply the inevitable passage of time .
i kind of feel like a prick now but listen the game is good i promise, but i wouldn’t be a life-long metroid fan if it wasn’t a nitpicking piece of shit loser .
the reintroduction of the X was something everyone saw coming a mile away but i really like the horror of what they’ve done to the surviving chozo soldiers, just the sight of these once great warriors giving into monstrous rage & turning into goop creatures .  originally i imagined the X being raven beak’s reasoning for eliminating the scientists on SR388, choosing to enhance his army with X & clone an infinite amount of soldiers for his conquest, & while he does display some control over the X, it is only those that have infected chozo whose memories are of his subservience to him .  kind of sad his plan is the formulaic usage of metroids for power, we’ve seen it done before far too many times, but now that samus is the sole surviving metroid, it adds a bit of flavour .
not sure how to feel about the intertribal conflict at the centre of metroid dread, the chozo where never a homogeneous whole & i’m glad the games are directly acknowledging this though .  the chozo of talon iv lived in peace with nature, limiting their use of technology as they took to worship & eventually transcended into the great beyond, those that settled on elysia had unique architecture & naming conventions, they brought sentience to machines & left them to rule themselves, though they kept a relationship with the collective chozo as a member of their tribe was a key part of the development of the power suit .  now different tribes of chozo have names, but the dichotomy between the thoha & the mawkin is deeply simplistic, one being scholarly & kind while the other is warrior-like & violent, i wishing for more nuance in their dynamic, honestly .  it echoes back between the conflict of samus’ upbringing, the paths she could’ve chosen between old bird & grey voice’s mentorship, whom were scholars & warriors in their prime .  ares brought this up in conversation but the chozo temple in phendrana drifts has statues that represent the different lifepaths a chozo could take, between shaman, philosopher, warrior & architect .  part of me wishes this was the nature of the conflict at play, instead of being parallels to her mentors, quiet robe & raven beak could’ve the chozo who raised her & now their conflict threatens the galaxy as the warriors overpower the scholars .
tying their genetics as an important part of the story is questionable too & partially nonsensical, as the thoha’s ability to control metroids isn’t or shouldn’t be imbued in their genes, they are the scientists that first bred metroids & even they couldn’t stop them from getting out of control & overtaking SR388 .  as well, the mawkin were the warriors brought to protect the thoha as they explored the planet, why are the metroids naturally hostile to them ?  why did meeting raven beak trigger samus’ latent metroid DNA because of their designed hostility to his tribe, but seeing the x, the creatures the metroids where engineered to eradicate, do no such thing ?  i honestly don’t know, this is an aspect of the story that feels rushed & it really needn’t be .
alright well, listen, i’ve been down on the story more or less up until now but samus definitely two insanely great moments of characterisation that are franchise defining, her line of dialog & her unleashing her full metroid powers on raven beak .  she displays anger visibly in her scowl throughout dread but never has samus been allowed to simply succumb to her repressed rage like this before & i adore it, of all the moments in the game this is the one i’ve rewatched the most & god, i can’t put it into words .  she hasn’t hated anything in this universe as much as she hated raven beak in that moment, calling her his daughter even though he could scarcely compare to her mentors on zebes, who taught her the value of peace above all else .  he might parallel her warrior nature, be her equal in combat, but he is another in a line of her dark reflections .  the slaughter of their fellow chozo, everything their civilisation had stood for for millennia crushed in his ruthless pursuit of power & galactic conquest .  he was a fool to make an adversary of samus & in the brief seconds of unconsciousness the decades of anger she rarely taps into bubble at the surface &, because of her metroid genetics, hunger .  just an endless hunger that sees her drain raven beak & his flying fortress of all energy there is, leaving just one drop so that she may look him in the eye one final time, make him know he failed before ending him .  it’s a great moment, i’m so happy for samus .
the metroid suit looks really cool but also kind of like cabbage, but i’m glad to see once more that the power suit is what shoulders the brunt of the physical trauma samus endures for any reason, including the altering of her genetics with foreign DNA .  they are one & the same, & the suit protects her from much, including any great deal of physical change upon the injection of the vaccine in fusion .  she retains her hominid appearance beneath while the suit shifts according to instructions written on her DNA, it’s just cool .
okay i’m done for now sorry i’ll make more posts eventually but please play metroid dread it’s everything i could��ve ever wanted even if i have a few issues with the end product, we’re in the golden age of metroid, samus is fucking back, where is prime 4
as for my blog’s canon, i’m probably still sticking to her being around after super metroid or during the prime trilogy, it’s not like there’s any other metroid writers around & that spot in her timeline is the most open dhskajdhkasjdhsjk
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screwattack · 3 years
while i don’t necessarily mind samus’ athleticism & gravity defying feats of bad-assery as displayed in the gameplay & cutscenes of both other m & samus returns ( + the upcoming metroid dread ), as they serve to showcase her skill as a combatant & i’m never one to turn down a chance to see samus aran in action, my portrayal of samus’ physicality & combat style does more closely resemble its depiction in the prime trilogy :
she is top-heavy, feet planted squarely on the ground as she fires her arm canon like a particularly accurate turret & mobility is an advantage brought forth by the chozo armour’s secondary equipment ( two back thrusters that aid in quick dodging & occasional fast movement between shots, speed booster for evasion & closing/making distance, space jump for air mobility & the morph ball ) .  her main form of engagement with hostiles is the power beam ( & derivatives ) & it’s always a direct, head-on confrontation until her enemy is laid to waste .  the power suit can sustain a great deal of damage to its external shielding but she does employ quick movements to the side to avoid it ( prime’s dodge mechanic ), if possible .  otherwise, the morph ball is her greatest asset, as proven in the battle with omega ridley, does she need to create space between herself & an opponent she will change form to temporarily confuse a target & roll away to a desired distance .  would she be thrown in combat, once more the morph ball finds use as its spherical shape helps in preserving momentum & minimising damage, allowing her to roll off curved surfaces & back into action .
outside the suit, the top-heavy style is retained & samus is akin to a bruiser, a professional kickboxer, if you will, though she prefers punching as primary method of engagement ( i’ve never been a fan of zero suit samus’ fighting style in the smash bros. series, it doesn’t quite fit & i don’t think there should be too great a shift between samus in & out of the suit ) .  her muscle mass is situated between a middleweight & a heavyweight mma fighter which, in combination with her height ( 6′3 ), makes her a very formidable opponent even outside power armour .  hand-to-hand combat was a skillset taught to her on zebes from a very young age, preparing her physically for the stress her body would endure from the chozodian imprimatur + ensuring peak physical health to shorten her adjustment period in her chozodian combat armour .
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screwattack · 3 years
a lot of the imagery involving the chozo we see in dread seems to align with the notion that these are a splinter group that arose from the chozo that studied the x parasites on SR388 & developed metroids as their apex predators .  speculating that with the resurfacing of the x hinted at in dread’s marketing, perhaps it was because they sought to continue observing the x out of a desire to mimic their biology or potentially weaponize them .  i do hope that is the revelation at play (as opposed to the more tired revelation that the chozo have all been secretly imperialist all along) because, if i’m being honest, it would more interesting as a display of the chozo’s benevolence not being a homogeneous goal & samus’ alignment with the chozo’s legacy of galactic peace being closer to this faction & their more destructive nature .  
the chozo who raised her, the dying race that clung to zebes in the last years of their civilisation & others whose path she followed throughout the cosmos in the prime series, through talon iv, aether, bryyo & elysia .  they were engineers, architects who brought their advancements to similar civilisations who could realise the chozo’s potential, other starfaring species experiencing a failing golden age .  so powerful they could terraform a gas giant & for all that samus shadows in their legacy, walking through the ruins of their greatness, she will only ever be a weapon of chozodian design, incapable of anything but realising their peace through violence .  herself perhaps a more interesting critique of the real nature of the chozodian empire, their last gift to the universe a lone mercenary who has burned planets out of the sky in their name .
coming to face chozo who mirror her perfectly, make use of the same technology that has made her a legend for its stated purpose, so very different from the ancient, dying species who had no energy for war left, god i can’t wait .
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screwattack · 3 years
the closest i’ll ever get to the perfect metroid television show is (unironically) the first season of the mandalorian, it has all the necessary elements i’d imagine would be adapted from the franchise to the small screen :  a lonesome, well travelled bounty hunter with deep ties to an adoptive ancient culture which is all but extinguished from the universe forming an unlikely bond with an infant creature of untold power they were tasked with exterminating .  it’s really just this close with the only hangup being samus’ bond with the baby metroid being rather dissimilar to mando & baby yoda only because the parental aspect had always felt one sided (the baby metroid rescuing samus while she did not hesitate to deliver it to a federation research station first thing after it imprinted on her) until other m drilled the conceptions of motherhood into your skull with every available opportunity .
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screwattack · 3 years
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can’t begin to explain how happy it makes me to see genuine confirmation of the bio-organic nature of samus’ suit .  though here the explanation is limited to the fusion suit itself adapting & evolving back into the shape of samus’ original armour (the result of her new DNA binding with & absorbing the genetic data of the SA-X which rescued her at the end of metroid fusion, containing the information of all her suit’s missing components, each removed because of infection by the federation), i do think her suit has always been a meld between technology & biology, which is why the X parasites could infect it & assume its shape en masse, but also an overarching explanation for a lot of what we’ve seen of chozodian technology & its derivatives .  for example, mother brain & the aurora unites are, well, the organ of thought in a jar acting as the central computer for entire facilities &, in some versions of metroid canon, the central hive mind of the space pirate horde .
my own personal perception of samus’ suit (something i’ve wanted to get into in a more in depth post since i made this blog but it’s been a couple of years & you know how i work, nadiya time is a curse upon us all) has always been as technology that is deceptively advanced, ancient & prone to malfunction but only because of the complex systems operating within that meld with the wearer to ensure maximum combat efficiency & survival in any environment, given the proper upgrades .  outwardly a suit of chrome that looks & acts like mere armour but within capable of its own variation of the natural process of evolution, of interaction with foreign technology through examination & absorption (fashioning tech meant for the space pirate homeworld into a part of samus’ arsenal) .  it grows & changes according to how samus herself adapts over time, she is the organic component that instructs her suit on how to best suit her needs in any given moment .  a symbiotic relationships which undoubtedly makes samus dependant on her armour & otherwise uncomfortable in her bare skin, exacerbated by how her image throughout the cosmos is synonymous with the suit but not the human beneath it, 
something elsewhere confirmed in the source :
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really excited for dread, if you can’t tell, nintendo really came to the scene & brushed off any worry about prime 4′s development by showcasing an entirely new entry in the franchise that looks infinitely promising .  i’m vibrating man, this rules .
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screwattack · 4 years
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this is samus aran idealised, you may not like it, but this is her peak (source)
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screwattack · 4 years
happy saint patrick’s day, samus aran is space irish
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screwattack · 4 years
briefly considered touching upon some transhumanist themes w/ my portrayal because it would befit samus’ nature as something beyond human due to her chozodian upbringing & her relationship / dependency on the suit to make her feel whole but i don’t really know how far i can go exploring these ideas because transhumanism, at least the most baseline rendition, is a bit trite & really only fun in a fictional context as opposed to its real world considerations & i’m unsure how well they would intersect with samus as a transgender woman, because this is something which exists in the real & an aspect i still need to expand upon, although briefly. much like my own transness it’s not something i want to deeply focus on
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screwattack · 4 years
kimiko from the boys is a decent illustration of samus’ own capacity for self expression
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screwattack · 4 years
if i were to ever pick a voice-claim, or a sample of whomever sounds closest to samus as i imagine her ( & her internal monologue ), i’d be cliché & choose jennifer hale’s unused narration from the fist metroid prime .  it has the perfect tone & cadence, her voice sits somewhere in a neutral middle very fitting of samus’ statuesque presence, & the monotone delivery is cold & professional, with only subtle hints of emotion behind certain words .
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screwattack · 4 years
does she get homesick? is it a homesickness for a place, a concept, or both? and if she does, what's guaranteed to trigger it?
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if we are to limit ourselves purely to context provided by the games, it would be irrefutable to say that samus’ homesickness is deeply intertwined with her upbringing by the chozo, & the melancholy of a completed mission is the general catalyst for her desire to embrace any reminder of their warmth, partake in however much comfort it provides :  
with the phazon crisis brought to a close, another chapter of galactic history bookended by the arrival of samus aran & the intervention of the galactic federation,  mourning fallen allies corrupted by the very power that allowed her to succeed, she returns to the planet of elysia, another world of many graced by chozodian engineering, & merely sits & stares as the sun falls over skytown .  like all of samus’ characterisation in the prime trilogy, it is simple, effective & infinitely meaningful .  the events which transpire in wake of her adventures always carry a deeper consideration within her that we never get to see, & she, like anyone who would survive similar horrors, needs time & privacy to work through the events unfolded .  solace in the knowledge that peace once again reigns through the galaxy, her chozodian duty fulfilled, grief for those who couldn’t survive to see it, for what she was forced to do to fulfil her purpose .
the ever poignant cosmic balance, trading a few lives for a billions others .
samus’ conception of a home can only ever be fashioned in the image of the chozo, nothing that precedes or succeeds her upbringing on zebes can rival the days spent dashing past the fields of crateria, exploring the ancient temples of chozodia, under the watchful eyes & tutelage of old bird & gray voice .  even though always training to be a warrior, a student lost in teaching, seeking bloodthirsty vengeance against the pirates who robbed her of her human family, it would be the closest thing she would get to a childhood, & alongside the early days of her time in the galactic federation, form the self-perceived positive aspects of her early life .
i’ve considered for a while now how to best rewrite K-2L in samus’ backstory, maintaining the orphaning while removing ridley’s involvement, & i think an unnecessary but fitting change would be to refashion K-2L from a human colony on an unnamed planet to a colony ship floating through space during the moment of attack .  does seem more fitting for space pirates to commandeer a spaceship, i feel, & beyond samus’ very early youth, the cold & sterile environment of a colony ship would provide ample explanation for her childish mind retaining little of her human upbringing .  it was a transitional environment, a liminal space, always waiting on the promise of arrival somewhere else, though K-2L would never finish its journey .  samus remembers little before the fire that engulfed the ship, the attacking pirates, the screams of the colonists, her mother hiding her away & the dreadful wait as the sounds cease & her rescue from it by the chozo .  it’s a memory always wanting to burn its way out of her mind, only leaving scars .  something she distracted herself from while on her path to becoming a chozodian warrior, & nothing resembling home .
even zebes, the planet on which she had spent her youth, grew into another form as the chozo reached extinction .  it’s true nature as an inhospitable wasteland where nothing but predators survive reclaiming itself from everything the chozo had done to shape zebes into the centre of their great empire .  as she left for the federation, samus only had her memories of zebes as it was .  before its destruction at her hands, it was no home to return to, only a corruption of what the chozo represented, & the pirates claiming its caverns only proved that she was the last of her kind .  after all was said & done, & zebes was truly lost to the galaxy, all samus could do to soothe nostalgia is search through the worlds the chozo have touched, planets unlike zebes, civilisations which embraced the chozo & their gifts openly .  these became her home, places like her, a combination of everything the chozo were & something else .  lost & abandoned only for her to rediscover, relive the days of her youth, running among ruins .  she fears, in time, that even these relics will be lost .  she does what she can to preserve them, maintain them, so that she could never lose anything resembling home again .
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screwattack · 4 years
samus’ speech patterns, by virtue of her selective mutism, limit her to about four or five word sentences, if that .  seclusion in her youth, away from humanity in the care of the chozo, as well as later seclusion by virtue of her work & explorations of alien landscapes, have left samus with severe social anxiety, particularly in the case of fellow humans .  it takes her quite a lot to muster the necessary mental faculties to fully speak & instead prefers to suggest intended communication through body language & meticulous use of exclamation, utilising a variety of sounds to vocalise her emotions & intent .  few instances there are where she finds her anxieties absent enough for a few words seemingly out of pocket .  it takes time to walk down the necessary steps required for her to be comfortable verbalising around somebody, & it’s more time than she’s willing to give to almost anyone in the universe .  it’s kind of odd portraying such a reclusive character in a medium basically built on one on one interactions between characters, but i love samus & i love metroid, so i’m doing it anyway :)
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screwattack · 4 years
in retrospect it’s really stupid that the federation managed to clone the entire zebesian bio-system by scrubbing DNA off samus’ suit because, certainty, she would’ve taken the suit off between leaving zebes & reaching federation space to initiate any repair functionality given the damage sustained when battling mother brain .  every model of gunship samus has owned came equipped with suit maintenance functionality, ‘ why does other m’s story make no sense ? ‘  i ask in vain, knowing i will never know what went through the writers’ heads .
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screwattack · 4 years
it’s honestly so funny that even within the ranks of the galactic federation, among which samus trained & served only decades prior, an entity continuously seeking her employment, her story takes the shape of myth ( idolised by some / disbelieved by others ) .  not to dissimilar to the rest of galaxy, to whom the story of samus aran takes a million & one different shapes .  yet it seeks to illustrate the true size of the federation’s scope, so massive a reach it has that even samus aran, an active participant despite her status as an intergalactic bounty hunter, is know to its members as merely a legend, so far removed from their view she might almost seem too good to be true .  an idol manufactured to serve as an example of the federation’s model soldier, silent, deadly, efficient, capable of neutralising any threat, no matter the danger .  she doesn’t notice, or at the very least - pretends not to, how the federation’s ranks look at her, those who greet her on only one excitement .  the shock, the awe, the terror & how different their reactions are should they meet her out of the suit .
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