#ye these kids are gonna get loads of therapy when they get back on the island
annymaght · 3 months
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rpstartersinc · 3 years
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ you gonna talk to me or not? ”  
“ you’ve been gone for three days. ”  
“ i think i can look after myself. ”  
“ people go missing every day. ”  
“ how do you know that? i never told you that. ”  
“ they’re gonna catch you one day. ”  
“ a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do. ”  
“ i know, i’m sorry i’m late. ”  
“ prettier than your picture. ”  
“ you didn’t tell me that. ”  
“ they’re all liars, playing their online games. ”  
“ now i have to kill you. ”  
“ human life... so delicate, so fragile. ”  
“ i need someone real, someone who understands. ”  
“ is that a line? ‘cause that’s a bad line. ”  
“ you know i don’t believe in labels. ”  
“ justify it any way you want, you still broke the law. ”  
“ i almost needed therapy for that breakup. ”  
“ i’m living my life, and a man doesn’t define it. ”  
“ you remember that i’m a hacker, right? ”  
“ understand that’s a loaded weapon you have in your hands. ”  
“ we are so doomed as a generation. ”  
“ can we grab a drink sometime? ”  
“ haven’t you heard? i’m all reformed now. ”  
“ someone’s watching me. ”  
“ i had a peeping tom, once. put a giant mirror in my window, made him stare at himself all night. ”  
“ too ‘love me, stalk me, kill me?’ ”  
“ technology isn’t bringing us closer together, it’s allowing us to treat people as disposable. ”  
“ but is technology or the way human nature uses technology to blame? ”
“ he’s pretty cute for a madman. ”  
“ i’m just messing with you. ”  
“ you’re dating stalkers now? ”  
“ don’t drink and date stalkers. ”  
“ this guy knows exactly what he’s doing. ”  
“ yep, that’s not legal. ”  
“ you’re gonna need more than a hunch. ”  
“ i’m staying with you. ”  
“ i don’t believe in guns. ”  
“ you made it this far, but we are just getting started. ”  
“ the camera doesn’t lie. ”  
“ she’d still be alive if you’d done your job. ”  
“ i think you’re thinking about it a lot. ”  
“ you are not some superhuman person. ”  
“ i just notice that you come in here a lot. ”  
“ you think this impresses me? ”  
“ people like me don’t work for people like you. ”  
“ i kinda lost faith in authority. ”  
“ flowers are a bit much, aren’t they? ”  
“ how did you know where i live? ”  
“ i need you to be straight up with me. is there a serial killer in my house right now? ”
“ well, he didn’t slit our throats. that’s a good start. ”  
“ wanna go on a date? ”  
“ yes, i’m on a payphone. so strangers like you can’t crank call me. ”
“ i didn’t want us in some noisy room surrounded by a bunch of people. ”
“ you gonna give me an idea of where we’re going? ”  
“ i don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like beer. ”  
“ makes you realize how temporary everything is. ”  
“ i don’t know what i would do if anything happened to you. ”  
“ are you trying to flirt with me? ”  
“ pulling out someone’s teeth sure isn’t a great character trait. ”
“ he feels powerful... arrogant. ”  
“ that’s an extraordinary power, a delicious responsibility. ”  
“ thought you’d like a snack. it’s a croissant. it’s french for doughnut. ”
“ if only we could meet properly. ”  
“ please don’t sleep with him. ”  
“ it’s easier for me to emotionally process when we don’t use such crude words. ”
“ we’re not not having a life because of this freak. ”  
“ whoever this killer is knows we’re watching. ”  
“ an equal opportunity serial killer... at least he’s got that going for him. ”
“ you only do that when you’re trying not to gossip. ”  
“ remember, homicide carries a minimum sentence of twenty years. ”
“ you know what these guys do when they get an audience? they perform. ”
“ it’s gonna get a lot more scary. ”  
“ there’s a man missing. ”  
“ bad news, you’re fired. just kidding. ”  
“ sometimes you gotta stand back to get the full picture. ”  
“ it’s so easy it terrifies me. ”  
“ the internet’s a place where you can create an illusion, show people only what you want them to see. ”  
“ you’re not answering my calls. ”  
“ how did you even know it was my birthday? ”  
“ you a cop? you smell like a cop. ”  
“ you can’t just ignore my calls. ”  
“ how could you write up that story? ”  
“ nobody does flowers anymore. ”  
“ creeped you out, didn’t i? ”  
“ perfection doesn’t exist. ”  
“ people have no idea the trail of information they expose to the world. ”
“ you gonna answer that? ”  
“ what we don’t see, we don’t know. ”  
“ my dad’s terrible with directions, too. ”  
“ we’re all looking for something, isn’t that why we’re here? ”  
“ someone is playing some sick joke on you. ”  
“ my date turned into a three-way with a madman. ”  
“ i’ll never get that visual out of my head. ”  
“ saying bad things about bad people doesn’t always end well. ”
“ by throwing a party in protest you’re simply provoking him. ”  
“ the killer is obsessed with you. ”  
“ just because he’s gone silent doesn’t mean he’s not a threat. ”
“ if he wanted to kill me, i’d be dead already. ”  
“ i don’t believe in bad luck. ”  
“ women can be serial killers too. ”  
“ think you know me? that you can catch me? ”  
“ careful, you might have a concussion. ”  
“ just thought we should chat in private. ”  
“ everybody turns bad for a price. ”  
“ you’re not afraid? you should be. ”  
“ i promise you won’t feel a thing. ”  
“ i hate flowers, they die so quick. ”  
“ how do you sleep at night? ”  
“ i am really not in the mood to chitchat. ”  
“ i don’t think i understand that kind of obsession. ”  
“ you’re looking at me like you didn’t want my help. but you took it, didn’t you? ”
“ do i have to kill someone else to get your attention? ”  
“ sure looks like a motive to me. ”  
“ don’t you just wish there was a way to get back at him? ”  
“ if something happens to you it’s my fault. ”  
“ you’re gonna get caught. ”  
“ did i scare you? ”  
“ doesn’t it creep you out a bit that the killer hasn’t killed anyone recently? ”
“ you don’t have an apocalypse plan? ”  
“ he didn’t die peacefully, i can tell you that. ”  
“ just warn me if anyone comes back. ”  
“ you had no right to go through my things. ”  
“ do you not see how bad this is? ”  
“ is that a dead body? i’ve never seen a dead body. ”  
“ i’ve killed a lot of people, all for you. ”  
“ do you know how dangerous it is for a person like me to have access to this kind of stuff? ”  
“ monsters are made. ”  
“ you shouldn’t be here. ”  
“ too many people have died because of me. ”  
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buckleyblueyes · 3 years
ahh that's amazing! thank you in advance. I got this idea into my head: what if there is this one time they're all on a call, and maybe it's something that hits a little too close to home for Buck, maybe it's playing on his fears and insecurities, but the moment Buck sees what they're dealing with he gets SCARED, and freezes, and subconsciously grabs Eddie's hand, because Eddie makes him feel safe. He is his best friend (who he's in love with, ofc) after all. Eddie is well. Surprised. Very much.
Anon! Thank you so much for your patience with this one! I know it's been ages since you sent it in. I hope it's worth the wait and that I did justice to your prompt! (CW: drowning)
Eddie feels Buck tense up beside him as soon as Bobby tells them where they're going: Splash Zone Water Park. They have calls to pools fairly often, and Buck always gets a little bit tense going into it, no matter how long it’s been since the tsunami. Eddie presses his knee against Buck’s in the truck, offering a silent comfort to his friend. Buck seems to push down his fears by the time they pull up to the scene, forcing himself to shift into Firefighter Buckley mode as they make their way through the park. Eddie lets himself be relieved, until they arrive in front of the wave pool.
Of course it’s the goddamn wave pool. Even worse, there’s a nine year old boy laid out on the stone patio next to the pool, dripping wet, brown hair plastered to his forehead. He’s unconscious, bleeding from the side of his head, and his chest isn't rising and falling like it should be. Buck freezes immediately at the sight, reaching out for Eddie with his right hand, and wrapping his fingers around Eddie’s left wrist. It takes Eddie a moment to realize that Buck is feeling for his pulse, grounding himself.
Eddie does his best to steady his breathing and heart rate once he realizes what Buck is doing. The sight in front of them is upsetting to him, of course it is, but he knows it’s worse for Buck. He’s not the one who walked around for hours not knowing if Christopher was dead or alive. He’s not the one who almost died himself (at least, not that day.) “It’s okay,” he murmurs quietly, so only Buck can hear. “I’m here, I’m alive. That’s not Christopher.” It’s purely a medical call at this point, so he makes no attempt to move away from Buck as Hen and Chimney begin administering CPR to the boy. His mother is crying, wailing, begging them to save him. His lips are turning blue. Buck’s grip on Eddie’s wrist is like a vice.
“We got a pulse!” Hen finally calls out.
Buck’s grip doesn’t loosen, but Eddie does hear him let out of a heavy breath. He twists his hand out of Buck’s grip just enough that he can slide his arm up, so Buck is no longer holding his wrist, but is holding his hand. He gives Buck’s hand a firm squeeze and finally hazards a glance up at the man in question. Buck is staring at their intertwined hands now, confused. At least, Eddie decides, he’s distracted from the drowning boy. He runs his thumb along the back of Buck’s hand, in what he hopes is a comforting gesture.
He knows they’re crossing some kind of line here, that hand holding in the middle of an emergency scene (even one where their presence turned out not to be strictly necessary) is not something that he’ll be able to brush off as strictly platonic. It doesn’t scare him like it used to, though. Maybe it’s because he watched Buck date Taylor, so he knows how much worse it would be to not have Buck, or maybe it’s all the therapy he’s been in since the shooting. Either way, Eddie’s not afraid anymore. He and Buck have been on the edge of something--or maybe everything--for months, so if holding Buck’s hand will help ground him, keep his mind from thrusting him back in time, then it’s a risk Eddie is willing to take.
Hen and Chimney are loading the boy into the ambulance--he is breathing again, still unconscious and probably severely concussed, but alive--when Bobby finally makes his way over to them. He takes in the haunted look in Buck’s eyes, and the fact that their hands are still tightly clasped together, and frowns.
“You boys alright?” He asks, but he’s looking at Buck.
Buck nods slowly. “I--Yeah. Just...Brought up some bad memories.”
“This was a rough one,” Bobby agrees. “I’m gonna take us off rotation for a while when we get back to the station.”
“Thanks, Cap,” Eddie says. Buck doesn’t say anything.
Bobby smiles in that warm, fatherly way of his, looking between them. “Take care of each other.”
As if there’s any universe where they wouldn’t.
Eddie doesn’t let go of Buck’s hand until they get back to the station, and only because he needs two hands to cook.
“I’m not hungry,” Buck says, still hovering in Eddie’s space.
“You were about to eat before the call came in,” Eddie insists gently. “You need to eat.”
“And you’re gonna cook for me?” Buck shakes his head. “I think I’ll take my chances with starvation.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, pulling out a griddle and a clean spatula. “I think I can handle grilled cheese, Buck.”
Buck’s mouth opens and closes in surprise. “Grilled cheese?”
“Maddie may have mentioned making it for you a lot growing up.” Eddie flushes slightly at having to admit he’s talked to Maddie about Buck. “I thought it would be comforting.”
Buck stares at him, eyes wide and mouth turning up into a tentative smile. “Yeah, it is.”
“Good,” Eddie smiles back. “Now, go sit down.”
Eddie bustles about the kitchen, pulling out the good buttermilk bread that Chimney always buys instead of the whole wheat bread that Bobby puts on the list, the pre-sliced cheddar cheese, and the butter. “After we eat, how about we video call Christopher?” It’s late in the afternoon, he’ll be home from school by now.
Buck lets out a long exhale. “Yes, please.”
Eddie flips the bread slices on the griddle and places the cheese slices on the toasted side. “Great.”
“I--” Buck starts. “I didn’t know how to ask.”
Eddie looks up from the sandwiches. “How to ask for what?”
“To talk to Christopher,” Buck draws patterns on the tabletop with his index finger. “I know I’m not--He’s not mine.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything at first, just plates up the sandwiches, brings them over to the table, and sits down next to Buck, who takes a small, tentative bite.
“I don’t think that’s true.”
“You said Christopher isn’t yours,” Eddie picks up his sandwich, but doesn’t bite into it. “I don’t think that’s true.”
Buck is staring at him again, confused.
“Look, I don’t know what we are anymore, Buck,” Eddie admits. “Things are different between us now, and I don’t know what I’m doing, but I know that you love Christopher, and that he loves you just as much. If that doesn’t give you a right to call him, to reassure yourself that he’s okay, then I don’t know what does.”
“I…” Buck’s eyes fill with tears.
"It's okay, Buck." Eddie reaches over to wipe Buck's tears with his thumb. “Just eat your grilled cheese."
Buck does as he’s told, making it halfway through the sandwich in three bites. “You know, there’s no law that says we have to wait until we finish eating to call Christopher.”
Eddie raises a skeptical eyebrow, looking up from his own half-eaten lunch. “Will you actually finish eating if we call now?”
“Absolutely.” Buck takes a big bite to prove his point. “See?” He says, through a mouthful of food. Something so childish shouldn’t be so endearing, and yet, somehow it is.
Helpless, Eddie pulls out his phone. Carla answers on the second ring. “You better have a good reason for interrupting math homework.”
“I do.” Eddie assures her. “Can you put Chris on?”
Carla gives him a look, but does as he asks. Christopher is grinning--probably excited to have his math homework interrupted “Hi, Dad!”
“Hey, kid.” Eddie can’t help but return his son’s smile. “How’s the math homework going?”
Christopher’s smile falters slightly. “Oh, it’s good.”
Somehow Eddie doesn’t totally believe that, but it’s not important now. “Listen, I’ve got somebody here who wants to say ‘hi’, is that okay?”
The boy’s smile comes back even wider than before. “Is it Buck?”
“Yeah,” Buck says, loud enough that the phone can catch it. “It’s me.”
“Hand the phone to Buck, Dad!” Christopher is bouncing with excitement. “Hand the phone to Buck!”
He does, scooching his chair closer so he can still see the screen himself, and before Buck can even greet Christopher, the kid is launching into a monologue.
“Buck! Dr. Lassiter assigned us a big, semester-long project for science class, can you pleeeaaase help me with it? I want to build a model of the solar system, but it has to be totally accurate.”
The tension Buck's body has been holding onto since the phrase “water park” fell from Bobby’s lips is finally starting to fade.
“Absolutely. Do we want it to move?”
Christopher’s eyes widen on screen. “Yes!”
Buck laughs. “Well then, we’ve got our work cut out for us.”
Eddie smiles softly, as Buck and Christopher begin planning their project. He knows he must look like a lovesick fool, but to be fair, that’s what he is. He rests one hand over the crook of Buck’s elbow, and doesn’t miss the pink that appears across his cheeks.
“Alright, you three,” that’s Carla’s voice, “Somebody still has math homework to finish, and I’m sure you boys will have to get back to work soon.”
Eddie sighs. Carla is right, unfortunately. But Buck looks lighter than he has all day. “We better do what Carla says.”
“Will you come over after work?” Christopher asks. They won't get off until after Christopher will already be at school, so Buck will probably go to his loft after work. But Eddie doesn’t doubt now that Christopher has asked, Buck will manage to make it over to their house by the time Christopher is home from school. He wonders if it's too soon to ask Buck to sleep in his bed, instead of going to his loft at all. It's yet another line to cross, but at this point Eddie's lost track of all the lines they've crossed.
“You bet,” is Buck’s answer. “Now get back to your math!”
“Okay, dad,” Christopher says, rolling his eyes, voice dripping with sarcasm. It’s meant to be a joke at Buck’s expense, but Eddie can see the breath catching in Buck’s throat all the same, so he pulls the phone from his hand and takes over.
“Good-bye, Christopher! We love you!”
“Bye Dad! Bye Buck! I love you guys, too.”
Buck finds his voice again. “Bye Superman!”
“So,” Eddie says, putting the phone down. “Do you feel better now?”
“Eddie…” Buck hesitates, dropping his hand down so it rests over Eddie’s. His skin is warm and rough and unlike earlier Eddie can actually enjoy the feeling. “Thank you.” He’s thanking Eddie for more than just the grilled cheese and the phone call, and Eddie knows it.
His answer is simple. He turns his hand over, and interlocks their fingers. “Always, Buck.”
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
greedy | myg x reader | epilogue: bases loaded
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summary: being a loner has never bothered yoongi until now.  until you.
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: mafia AU, pining, eventual smut
rating: 18+
word count: 1.3K
notes:  thank you endlessly for reading, reviewing and sharing this story. i’m so in love with this tough-but-secretly vulnerable yoongi and you’ll never know how happy it makes me that you guys love him, too. i hope you enjoy how the story ends. either way, i’d love to hear from you! please send me an ask here and tell me what you think.
Chapter 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | EPILOGUE
Fuck, it’s hot.
The forecaster called for a high of 91° today, but he must have missed that mark by at least a hundred degrees.  There is no breeze and absolutely no respite from the unforgiving sun here in the cheap seats.
The Lions batter connects with the ball -- finally -- and Yoongi winces as he watches it sail right over the foul line.
Beneath his sling his arm feels sticky, itchy. 
He’d love nothing more than to rip that sling off and go to town on his arm with his fingernails, but any moment now you’ll be back from the concession stand.  You’ll probably hold his hot dog hostage if you catch him.
So Yoongi tries to focus on the game, not the itch.  But the game sucks and Yoongi curses under his breath when the next Lions batter flies out on the first pitch.
Nine weeks ago, Yoongi never would have guessed that surgery would be the easy part. 
Going to sleep for a few hours and letting doctors cut into his skin and bone turned out to be a breeze compared to everything that’s come after.  The physical therapy has been grueling and painful.  Simple tasks like dressing and showering, even pouring a bowl of cereal have become a complete pain in the ass.  
He’s not sure he could have gotten through any of it were it not for you.
By now, he’s lost count of the ways you’ve taken care of him.  Lost count of the meals you’ve cooked for him, the loads of laundry you’ve done for him, the very, very creative ways you’ve come up with to make love to him.  He’s probably due for a new couch at this point. The damned thing started creaking last week.
So he’ll buy a new couch. 
He’ll buy a hundred new couches if it means you come home to him at night.
The days of arduous physical therapy are long forgotten when you shower and slip into bed beside him.  When you warm those forever-frigid feet against his under the covers and curl into his side.  When you wake up in the morning and make coffee and tell him wild stories about strange objects you’ve pulled from someone’s strange orifice the night before.
That’s how most nights go.  But not every night.
So it’s not enough.
It’s not enough because no matter how much Yoongi gets of you, it’s never enough.  He still wants more.
He walked to the drugstore before the drive to Daegu today.  He bought you a brand new toothbrush, one of those fancy electric ones with all the bells and whistles.  And he’s been waiting for the right time to tell you all afternoon, appreciating your pretty eyes and sunburnt cheeks.  
Waiting for the right time to tell you that he really wants you to stay.
“Wow, that line was brutal,” you mutter, and Yoongi looks up from beneath the rim of his snapback to find you balancing two hot dogs and a basket of fries in your hands.  You drop carefully into the seat beside him, grinning.  “I thought I was going to have to fight this kid for the last ketchup packets.”
Yoongi can’t help but grin back.  
The game sucks and the heat sucks and his arm sucks -- but you?  You definitely don’t suck. 
“Can’t get arrested for fighting kids at the concession stand, Doc,” he teases.  “The lockup here in Daegu is not exactly swanky and I can tell you that from experience.”
He reaches over with his one good arm to steal a french fry but you wrinkle your nose, pulling the basket away childishly.
“The hot dog is yours.  These are mine.”
“Wow,” Yoongi huffs.  “You’re gonna deny a one-armed man french fries?  That’s dirty.”
 “I’ve seen your bloodwork, Min,” you shrug.  “It’s time to back off the cholesterol.”
Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head.
“So how’s it going?
“Bears are still up by five,” he sighs.  “Can’t believe I waited my whole life to watch them play this shitty in person.”
“Poor thing,” you tease, cutting your dark, sparkling eyes at him.  You begrudgingly hold a french fry out to him; a greasy consolation prize.  “Okay, fine.  I’ll give you one.”
Yoongi leans into you, pretending to go for the fry but stealing a kiss instead.  
“Sneaky,” you breathe, lips soft against his.  “But I’ll allow it.”
“Nothing to allow,” Yoongi smirks, grabbing the fry out of your hand.  “I already got it.”
You smile, turning away to look out onto the field.  
The stadium is nearly empty by now, most of the hometown fans leaving after the 7th inning when it was clear this game was headed straight into the toilet.  A Bears batter hits a line drive that whizzes right past the Lions shortstop’s glove and Yoongi claps a hand over his face.
“Swear to God, they haven’t had a season this bad since I was nine years old.”
You tut and hand him another fry.
“Namjoon offered me a job,” you announce, eyes still on the field.
Yoongi freezes, mid-bite.  
He knew this was coming, of course.  Namjoon had taken him aside one afternoon and spelled out his plan to extend the offer.  Yoongi knowing all too well that the Gajog has never been in need of a full-time doctor.  The offer is a gift, an extension of family protection.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Don’t pretend you didn’t know,” you grumble, rolling your eyes.  “You’re a terrible liar.”
“Okay, fine,” Yoongi grins.  “What did he say?”
“He said he’d set me up with a clinic space,” you murmur, watching another Bears lineman crack a base hit.  “Unlimited supplies.  Nurses, if I need them.  And he said he’d pay me more every year than I think I’ve made altogether since leaving medical school.”
“So are you gonna take it?” Yoongi asks carefully.
You’re quiet for a moment, dark eyes serious before turning to him.
He knew that was coming, too.  
“I’ve worked really hard for this,” you say softly.  “And I want what I’ve earned the right way.  This isn’t judgement on you or them, but it’s not for me.  You understand, right?”
“Of course,” Yoongi says and he means it. You press your lips to his cheek before resting your head on his shoulder.
Secretly, he breathes a little sigh of relief.
He likes that you’re his piece of peace separate and apart from family business.  He likes that you’re his oasis away from the ugliness and bullshit that come far too often in this line of work.  He likes that you’re not some hand-me-down from a mothballed church widow or an act of charity from Kim Namjoon.  
He’s earned this thing with you all on his own.
“Doc,” he whispers, planting a kiss in your hair.  “I need to tell you something.”
“Go for it,” you whisper back.
“I bought you a new toothbrush.  It’s super fancy.”
You pull away from him, feigning shock.  “How fancy are we talking here?”
“Like, two hundred settings.  Video calls.  Takes bitcoin.”
“Ooh, that does sound fancy,” you breathe, smiling.  “What’s the occasion?”
Yoongi takes your hand into his, laces his fingers into yours.  
“I want you to move in with me,” he murmurs.  “If that’s what you want.”
You go quiet on him again.  Only this time, your mouth quirks into a soft smile before you lean in to press it to his.  You kiss him slow and unhurried, lips tasting like peanut oil and salt, and in that moment Yoongi decides it’s his favorite flavor of you.
“So is that a yes?” Yoongi asks, grinning when you pull away.
“Yeah.  That’s a yes.”
You both turn your heads when what’s left of the crowd starts to boo.  The Bears have just loaded the bases, top of the ninth inning, no outs. 
“This game is terrible and it’s blazing hot,” Yoongi groans.  “We should go somewhere to cool off.  And celebrate.”
“Hmm,” you sigh happily.  “What do you have in mind?”
“If you’re up for a walk, I know a place nearby,” he murmurs, planting a kiss behind your ear.  “Great milkshakes.”
You smile.  
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kenmaskitten10 · 3 years
Dilf Deku Headcanons
Midoriya Izuku x GN!Reader
warnings: swearing, NSFW themes (nothing graphic just briefly mentioned),brief mention of bullying/scars, idk this is pretty tame nothing is really described... if u don't like dilfs then don't read this :)
a/n: okay! this is my first time writing/publishing anything on Tumblr so please go easy on me haha... I've had ridiculous Deku brain rot lately and I decided I had to jot a few thoughts down. I'm playing with the idea of turning this into a writing blog, but I am undecided! If anyone wants to thirst for one Izuku Midoriya please come talk to me please anyway without further ado here are some Dilf!Deku hcs.... I'm playing around with doing a NSFW version after this so if you would like to see that let me know!
w/c: 1,498
Okay everyone today I want to talk about Dilf!Izuku
This may be controversial but I personally believe that he has the most Dilf potential out of any of the class 1A boys and no I will not be taking criticism at this time
Sorry but even when he’s younger he has Dilf energy - he’s caring, considerate, takes your feelings into account like a dad he just wants to take care of his baby
oh fuck this man no no no
And listen, here me out on this one….. he has more dilf potential than Bakugo and allow me to tell you why
We can all agree that Bakugo has been confident his entire life, so of course he’s going to be confident when he’s older?? duh
But IZUKU is a different story altogether, he’s never felt confident in his life
His whole childhood he was looked down on for being quirkless, and bullied by someone he thought was his friend kachaan
THEN he got a quirk but oh every time he uses it it breaks all his fucking bones and leaves him with all these scars, and he appreciates them because of what they represent but also he’s young when he gets them, he’s already prone to insecurity and when he’s younger ESPECIALLY i think they just remind him of previous failures
He only started to gain a little bit of confidence in his UA days, but it takes time to rebuild yourself after you’ve been torn down for so long, so I honestly imagine he doesn’t even feel an inkling of confidence until his third year or later and even then, it’s new, it’s unfamiliar, he doesn’t totally know how to act
Because yes, by his third year, he’s starting to realize, oh wow okay, I have an incredible quirk and all these new abilities that I can control better, and wow people are paying attention for good reasons , because he’s tall and attractive, probably cuts his hair undercut Izuku supremacy and he’s made some solid friends who help boost his confidence too
But despite all this, deep down he still feels like that quirkless little kid who has to work three times as hard as anyone else and still doesn’t get the recognition he deserves
DILF IZUKU??? This man is dripping with confidence
he’s older now. he’s overcome a lot. he’s gone to therapy, and worked his way through the pro hero ranks until he earned his number one spot fair and square, that’s something no one can take away from him
He’s loaded now (see below because I go on a whole tangent), he has nice tasteful style that can only come with age and experience
He knows he’s hot now, because its simply no longer something that can be denied, anyone with eyes can see how attractive he is
If he catches you staring at him, he doesn’t shy away. His cheeks might tint slightly, but he stares right back with the biggest smirk on his face. “See something you like, angel?”
Probably finds reasons to show off slightly but he’s Dilf!Izuku so it’s subtle, it’s meant just for you and god does it drive you crazy
The way he’ll reach for and grab at things when he’s around you because he knows you like his hands (he wants to hold your bags and please let him he just wants to feel needed)
They way he stands behind you while you cook, or work, or read…. He sees you sitting or standing so peacefully and he’ll come up behind you to check out what it is you’re doing. He’ll lean down slowly, quietly, stopping when his breath is on your neck and your nose is filled with his scent, and take a quick peek at whatever it is you’re working on. It takes you a moment to turn around, your heart starting to beat faster in your chest due to his looming presence behind you (I DON’T KNOW WHY THIS IS HOT TO ME IT JUST IS OKAY). When you finally turn to face him, his face breaks into a small smile of victory as his strong hand catches your jaw in a gentle grip and he places an achingly soft kiss to your lips before saying “You look so cute when you’re concentrating,”. As you’re about to go in for another, he lets you go and stands up again, his eyes twinkling. “No no, you’re working so hard baby, don’t let me distract you,” WHEN ALL HE WANTED WAS TO DISTRACT YOU and he succeeded and now you’re all hot and bothered, with no hope of resuming what you were doing
Dilf Deku is a tease I know he is but it’s okay he’ll make it up to you later ;)
He’s got shorter, slightly more cropped hair with grey mixed in with the green, his face more lean and angular… not to mention years of pro hero work have toned his body into an absolute work of art I’m gonna pass out just thinking about it
Freckles splashed across his skin like hundreds of little constellations, accented by scars and marks from old wounds (which he’s come to appreciate - they show how hard he’s worked, how much he’s sacrificed to get to where he is now) he’s muscular but I don’t think he’s quite as big as All Might (his fighting style is a lot different so of course he would build muscle in different places) so this means LEGS LEGS LEGS
And holy shit his back muscles too WHEW sometimes in the morning when he gets up before you, you watch him sit on the edge of the bed and flex his shoulders and arms to stretch out in the hazy morning light and Jesus Christ
Dilf Deku is older now, he’s spent his entire life working himself too hard and he missed out on a lot of the fun, impulsive, chaotic things young people do, so I think he wants to let loose a little in his older age, have some fun for once
And what’s more perfect than sweet, youthful, tantalizing little you to indulge in ?
He’s so doting, just wants to make you feel special and cared for
And on that note, if you will indulge me for a moment
he’s fucking RICH like
He’s the number one pro hero, he has brand deals on brand deals on brand deals
And I don’t mean to slander All Might and Endeavor, but in terms of a hot, fuckable number one pro hero, Deku has them beat by a landslide so I imagine he has a wider range of brand deals too, because he can sell the sex appeal angle
I mean can you imagine him in interviews? Interacting with fans? Confident yes, but still soft spoken and kind, almost gentle but anyone can tell he’s completely in control, of himself, of the interview, of the audience, this man has the entire country world wrapped around his little finger
All this to say he’s DRIPPING WITH MONEY
he’s like the guy that overtips an OBSCENE amount like if the waiter is really nice he’ll tip like $300 dollars and won’t even blink (I know they don’t tip at restaurants in Japan but this is more for vibes yk)
sugar daddy deku isn’t a stretch it’s a REALITY
Y’all can be officially together or not, either way Deku loves to spoil his precious little y/n
All you have to do is smile sweetly and ask, and he’s absolute putty in your hands
Complies with even the most egregious of your demands, because hey, he has the money to spare, and how could he say no when you look so cute asking so politely?
GOOD TASTE too like he has a lot of money but he knows how to spend it 😏
Additionally he’s, ya know, him, so he’s insanely charitable and donates to charities, go fund me, personal Venmo accounts of fans that need it
if a fan has like a go fund me for some reason that catches his eye, he’s going to donate and he’s going to donate a lot (A LOT)
he doesn’t even do it for the press, he does it bc he’s a good person but my GOD the press eats it up and so do the fans
These hc’s are so self indulgent but all this to say
Dilf!Deku gets what he wants when he wants it and no one is standing in his way
So when he decides it’s you he wants? Well then it’s you he’s going to get!
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cowboy-eddie · 3 years
Tumblr Exclusive: Hen, Eddie and Get to Know You
It hits Hen at 1am in the morning, randomly, laying next to Karen, that she wouldn’t rely on Eddie to save her life. Not because he isn’t reliable, not because he isn’t skilled, but just because... she doesn’t know him very well. Sure, their kids have play dates and they work together in the field sometimes on medical cases, but other than that what does she know about him, and what does he know about her?
Rolling on to her side, away from Karen so she doesn’t wake her, she shoots a text to Chim because he’s probably the only person she could talk to about this.
Hen: what’s Eddie’s favourite colour?
Chim: what the fuck kinda question is that?
Chim: and it’s 1am
Chim: ask Buck
But that’s just the thing; Hen doesn’t want to ask Buck and dismiss it. She wants to know for herself. Endeavouring to ask him the next time he’s on shift, she put her phone down and rolled over. As sleep came to her, she tried to think about what she wanted to ask Eddie. Maybe he had a favourite TV show, or a favourite sport. Did Buck mention baseball? He definitely mentioned baseball...
“Hey, Eddie, what’s your favourite colour?”
His brows furrowed in confusion as he put down his fork.
“My favourite... colour?”
Everyone else was suddenly intrigued too, Chim leaning over to Buck who turned to whisper back.
“Well, yeah. I know Buck’s is red, Chim thinks it’s stupid to have a favourite colour, and Bobby-“
“-leave Bobby out of this conversation,” Bobby said, mid-mouthful of pancake. Eddie shrugged.
“I dunno... I don’t have one, I guess. Christopher’s is green, so... green?”
“Dude, it’s blue. You literally always gravitate toward blue,” Buck said and Eddie cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, so I guess it’s blue.”
“What about your favourite sport? Is it baseball?”
“No, Hen, he’s a Hockey guy.”
Buck butted in again and Bobby was suddenly interested. Glancing between Hen and Eddie, he cocked an eyebrow.
“Why the interrogation, Hen?”
“I just... feel like I don’t know Eddie very well.”
“Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual,” he huffed, clearly uncomfortable with being questioned, and Hen immediately back off.
“I’m sorry, Eddie, I didn’t mean to-“
“-no, it’s... it’s fine.”
And they leave it at that, Bobby frowning at Hen as if to say “did you break him?” Before turning back to his pancakes.
Later, on a call, Hen watched Eddie roll out a hose. He was methodical and efficient, but his knee on his left side was a little weak and if he leaned on that side he almost missed his step. Buck, of course, was glued to his side as usual and seemed to be working the hose as well, or maybe flirting. Whatever.
“Hen. Put Eddie down.”
Hen turned toward Chim and he took the blood pressure cuff off his patient, patting his shoulder.
“Looks good. Probably just a panic-induced reaction. I do want to get you to hospital just in case.”
“Yes sir.”
The guy let Chim lie him on the gurney inside the ambulance and shut the door. Chimney, hands on his hips, cocked an eyebrow.
“Why the sudden obsession with Eddie? You in love with him?”
“I’m married, to a woman, with two beautiful children. Or did you forget, Chimney?”
“My bad. But seriously, you need to stop staring at him. You’re gonna make him take stress leave.”
“I told you! I feel like I don’t know him. How stupid is that; this guy is one of our best and I feel like I barely know him past Christopher.”
Chimney shrugged.
“It’s always been you and me, Buck and Eddie, and Bobby. It’s just the way things worked out.”
“I can still talk to Buck, though, and ask him how therapy’s going, ask him personal things. Can you imagine what would happen if I asked Eddie something like that?”
“Oh, I can, and I can tell you right now it would not end well. How about we stop staring him down, and take this poor guy to the hospital before he thinks we forgot?”
Hen climbed into the ambulance, radioing into dispatch to alert the hospital they were on their way there.
“Hey, Eddie, what happened to your knee? If you don’t mind me asking?”
Eddie sighed, putting down the clipboard he’d just pried off Buck.
“I dislocated it a few years ago. Went to physical therapy and everything but it never quite bounced back.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me.”
Hen went to walk away, when Eddie called out.
“Hey, Hen- what’s your mom’s name?”
And Hen smiled. Of course Eddie got it.
“It’s Antonia- Toni, if you want to be on her good side.”
“I better stick with Toni then.”
He disappeared into the locker room then, and Hen blinked before heading back upstairs.
It carried on like this for the rest of shift- Hen would ask Eddie a random question, and then an hour or so later he would approach with one of his own. It got to the point that they were asking about each other’s families as well now; Hen knew Eddie had sisters, but she hadn’t known he was the youngest of the three of them. Eddie was aware Hen didn’t have siblings, but he had no idea her father abandoned her so young. She finds out his favourite food is his grandmother’s Tamales, and he discovered that she loved cheeseburgers but only when Buck orders them, because he always remembers to double the ketchup.
Meanwhile, the other three watched this go on between calls. Buck crossed his arms, but he wasn’t pissed- if anything he was pleased.
“Fucking finally,” he murmured, Chim and Bobby looking to him with confusion. Buck shrugged.
“I always felt like those two just didn’t quite click, not in a mean way or anything, but more along the lines of no shared interests.”
“They’re bonding over their love of hockey I think,” Chim said, watching over the rail into the truck bays. Bobby just shrugged.
“As long as they’re getting along. It’s good to see Eddie opening up a little.”
“Amen,” Chim and Buck said simultaneously. The alarm began blaring and everyone leapt into action.
“Hey, Hen, can I ask you something?”
“If it’s my favourite cheese, you can bribe me easily with Brie,” Hen joked, head in the ambulance as she restocked it. Eddie shifted.
“No, it’s a little more, uh- why today?”
“What do you mean- oh. Oh!”
Hen stopped throwing things in the cupboards, taking a seat on the edge of the ambulance. Eddie sat too and she realised he was trying to trust her.
“Well, it’s kind of- kind of stupid, actually. I was lying in bed and it was 1am and apparently I was kind of delirious, because I- for half a second... I felt like I couldn’t trust you with my life.”
Eddie’s face hardened, walls going up, but Hen darted to grab his arm.
“I was wrong! I was wrong. You’re a skilled firefighter, and you’re unstoppable on scene, but I just- I felt like I didn’t know you very well. I decided to change that. I wanted to change that.”
His face screwed up, like he’d eaten something bad, before he shrugged.
And that was it. Off he went, probably to find Buck. Those two were inseparable in the best of times, let alone when either of them were feeling vulnerable.
The next call they were on, Chim was tied down with a patient and Hen could tell she needed help. She turned her head, about to yell when she felt Eddie appeared behind her like he’d known and she grinned at him.
“Grab the stethoscope.”
“Got it.”
And they worked in unison. For the first time she felt like he had her back and she had his. They smiled at each other, focusing on helping their patient. When the patient had been loaded into the ambulance, Eddie cleared his throat and looked to Hen.
“Hey, uh, I think we know each other better than we think.”
“I think you should go and kiss Buck, but I hope to god you already know that.”
“Oh my god, Hen,” Eddie choked, but he was laughing so Hen figured he wasn’t pissed and about to close off to her. Nudging his shoulder, she gestured to their patient.
“Ride with me? I might need you to stay in the back.”
“Sure thing.”
Hen turned and yelled to Chim that she had to get to the hospital and he went to climb into the ambulance when Eddie beat him and Chim pouted. Buck appeared beside him, a frown on his face.
“Did they just-“
“Eddie stole my best friend,” Chim huffed. Buck snorted.
“If it makes you feel any better, Hen stole my boyfriend.”
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Gonna randomly flood your inbox with some of my favorite things about Santana lol
I think my absolute favorite thing about Santana is how cold she acts, but there are so many moments that show she’s like everyone else; just a teenage girl with strong emotions trying to navigate life in a cruel world the only way she knows how to, by being just as cruel back. It’s a case for all the kids on Glee, but I think the fandom forgets that at the end of the day they’re just that: kids.
How overly sensitive she is. I love love love how strongly she feels things and how it transfers into all of her emotions, especially anger and sadness. Her emotions are so intense, when she’s sad she’s sobbing in the middle of the hallway over not having the Cheerios, and when she’s angry even over something so small like Rachel placing herself as the leader for the day she’s ready to attack and needs to be held back, and when she’s happy she’s smiling like a goof. It’s just so endearing (but I think she would need some type of therapy to figure out how to regulate and control her emotions in a healthier way than lashing out lolol)
She is an absolute dork and I just adore that about her. She says the most obscure things but still manages to be popular and I think it’s hilarious. She geeks about Wonder Woman with her girlfriend, has bath tub dates with Britt, makes Voodoo dolls of her frenemy,interacts with online fandoms, and gets so overly invested in her little schemes, which leads me to my last one,
She is such a caring, protective friend and it gets out of hand sometimes (see point 2 about the intensity of her emotions😂) but truly she has good intentions a majority of the time when it comes to her friends.
I just love her sm!! She’s such a gem.
Thanks for listening
Omg YES!
I agree with every word like, tattoo this across my heart.
She can be so misunderstood by the fandom, but some people just GET her, and you're clearly one of them. She feels everything so deeply that she's essentially an exposed nerve, which is why her emotions are so intense, as you so perfectly described. She's so scared to be vulnerable and show her emotions that she puts up this barrier and defence mechanism and acts cold, but that's the point, it's all an act. Because the real Santana Lopez has such a big heart and shed loads of emotional depth masked by a defensive shell and tough exterior. I adore layers and depth to her, that you unravel to find the misunderstood Santana with the "giant generous heart".
Her dorky side is the absolute BEST and I live for it. I live for seeing her fangirl over Wonder Woman and posting on lesbian subtext blogs and taping things to her under-boob and turning up to a Michael Jackson sing-off in a full get up, hat included.
And yes! Santana is such a top class friend! She treats the Glee Club like family a long time before most of them class her as such (because they are wary of her which I get). Seeing her jump up and down with joy when they all show up for her in "What The World Needs Now" and label her as family melts my heart. She's loyal and fiercely protective, once you've earned her trust.
I'm now adding to your already amazing analysis of why Santana is so precious but I also love her bravery. How the same girl who shrunk inside of herself when confronted with the fact her duet with Brittany was laced with sapphic charm, stood years later in that very choir room and proposed to the love of her life in front of everyone. How she went from "I'm not making out with you because I'm in love with you and want to sing about making lady babies" to "I'd choose you over everyone". From the way she hesitated to tell her Abuela "I love girls...the way that I'm supposed to feel about boys" to confidently saying "Without Britt, I just exist. She's the love of my life and I'm going to marry her". How she went from the girl who walked nervously down the school corridor, glancing around her to check no one was listening when she told Brittany she loved her for the first time, to walking down the aisle to marry that same girl with the biggest, happiest and proudest smile on her face.
She's not perfect, not by a long stretch, but she's a character who truly came full circle, and she made me believe in my own happy ending. Her impact can never be denied.
Oh and HER TALENT though.
I love her so much too. Drop Santana love in my inbox any time, it always makes my day to gush about my fav.
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 10 - Student Council President Sakura
To Sakura, world still revolved normally; nothing changed between them, nothing mattered enough for her to behave differently. To Sasuke, the world shifted in its axis, having revealed a glimpse of his true feelings to her however falsely convenient she deemed them to be; everything changed between them, everything mattered enough for him to behave differently.
Like flinching at her slight grazes on his skin or his ears picking up her voice in the middle of the crowd noises or his eyes following the trail of her rose hair tied up in a ponytail, bewitched by the sway of the strands as she tousled to get to the front of the fray, her fingers burning a hole through his sleeve.
“HOMERUN!” The announcer screamed through the microphone, the feedback running through ripples in the throng of people. “Uzumaki Naruto nails a clutch win in the last inning for his team in their first ever nationals!”
Screams erupted around them, and as others jumped and cursed and hugged each other, she stood there frozen in time, her hands on her mouth. “He won. He won, Sasuke.” Her voice quivered, and he knew then that she was crying.
“Yeah, the blonde idiot won.” He allowed himself to smile, picking the blonde among the ruckus that enfolded below.
An hour and lesser filled stadium after, the two went down to congratulate their friend with open arms despite the sweat and the grit. Sasuke went with the flow, jumping up and down and circling about in the middle of the pitcher’s mound. They broke away from each other’s hold after several minutes, breathless in the undertaking, and flushed with all the gleeful screaming.
Two firm pats on Naruto’s back and a ruffle on his porcupine hair. “You did well, idiot.”
“Ah I earned a compliment from grumpy. This truly is the best day of my life!” His teammates broke in laughter in the background.
“I’m so proud of you. I’m so glad we took the bullet train to watch your game,” Sakura said through tears. Perhaps it was the height of the celebration or the ride of her emotions; she reached for Naruto’s face and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Sasuke turned away just in time, thankful for the screams, hoots, and whistles that possessed the student body. In his aversion, he also saw another face who kept looking anywhere but at the two. Hyuga Hinata, his ironic comrade in heartbreak.
Haru was in the group of spectators earlier, a pseudo-coach and mood-raiser for the team, his undercut prominent against his cap. Sasuke guessed him and Hinata were civil enough to be enclosed in a common space. He walked towards her, hands in his pockets.
“I’m gonna confess to him in the cultural festival,” she told him before he could reach her side.
He leaned against the bleachers, shutting out the continuing noises from the student body. In the midst of it, he can hear Sakura scolding all of them for misunderstanding. “And you’re gonna get rejected.”
“At least I told him what I felt,” she replied. “Did you already?”
He shrugged, unsure himself whether he got the point across or not.
“You better make it clear. You berated me for giving mixed signals after all.”
“You don’t hold your punches, Ms. Hyuga.” Sasuke sighed. “I think she rejected me already.”
Hinata let out a small laugh, the first in his vicinity. “Well, I’m just giving back your advice. If you think it so, you should ask again.”
“A second heartbreak won’t do me good.”
“The future has a lot in store.” She finally landed her gaze on Naruto and Sakura who separated now and were engaged by Haru in some funny exchange. “Good luck to us, Uchiha. I’ll take my leave.”
Sasuke detached himself from the bleachers. “Without saying congratulations?”
But Hinata continued on her exit without giving him a reply. To his surprise, it was not only him who caught her leaving; a pair of blue eyes also followed after her, mouth agape, hesitant to call her name not when he was in the presence of her ex-boyfriend and ex-captain. Ah, we’re all stuck in this complex hell, aren’t we?
His phone vibrated against his pocket. On normal days, he would ignore the call, but today wasn’t normal and he had to act nice for the favor he asked.
“Did your best friend win?” Itachi’s voice greeted him.
Sasuke didn’t correct him on the terminology. He just grunted a small yes, and somehow, he can hear his brother smiling on the other end of the call.
“Glad my donation helped fund their team’s expenses. I take it you also spent some for the bullet train?”
Again, another small yes.
“That’s nice.” It was the first time he heard Itachi chuckle again after the accident. “I’m glad you have friends.”
They’re not my friends fell silent on Sasuke’s lips. All he wanted was to consistently rank first, have uninteresting interactions…but all of those foiled because of the two. “Yeah, something like that.”
He heard the beeping pager in the background. “Gotta run, little brother. See you.”
Little brother. Sasuke swallowed back an unfamiliar sound.
It was a sob.
Sakura tried to look at anything but him – the titles of books on his shelves behind, the heads of other faculty members bobbing, the ticking of the second hand on the wall clock. Kakashi clucked upon seeing her career sheet.
“Haruno, you’ll be graduating salutatorian, just points away from Uchiha Sasuke and yet you haven’t listed a university or a job listing. It’s referral season, and you’ve done a lot of good in this school.” Kakashi held his eyes steady on her, a firm line on his lips. “Don’t you want help?”
She mustered a smile, if that was what they call it nowadays, and handed him a filled out form. Whether he could see that it was written with wavering hands, she’d never know. “I settled on fashion design. I’ve always wanted to be a seamstress myself.”
That was a lie, and she knew Kakashi knew judging by how the firm line stayed. He briefly nodded and let her go.
Sensing the bubbling anxiety, she traversed the noisy hallways and almost sprinted to what has also become her safe space – the hidden spot of the boys behind the library. It wasn’t lunch time yet so Sasuke and Naruto wouldn’t be here. She slumped against the wall, sobs racking throughout her body.
Aimless was what she would describe her direction, untethered her depth, and a black hole her emotions.
“I wish you would let me help you.” Kakashi’s voice made her jump. She scanned her surroundings but cannot find a telling strand of silver in the hedges. He was probably standing on the entrance, just before the canopy of vines. “I didn’t follow you. I just knew the three of you went here for lunch and after-school chats. I’m a faculty, Sakura.”
“Please go away.” She never heard her voice sounded so small…and vulnerable.
“Sometimes, talking it out would make the burden feel lighter.”
She didn’t respond, and he didn’t wait for it. His audible footsteps were an indication he was moving away so she took the bait. If this was one way to be near him, why couldn’t it be in the guise of her pain?
She emerged in the hedges, eyes bloodshot red and strained, only to find him leaning against the wall, waiting with a handkerchief for her.
In an ironic turn of events, he brought her to the program she initiated. When he turned to leave to give her the privacy she needed, she asked him to stay. And that simple silent gesture gave her the courage to face her reality.
That her parents were divorcing, and in a futile attempt to cope, she made herself scarce, almost invisible.
Perhaps she was too much work for a middle-class couple with a lot of bills and unemployed siblings to feed. Maybe if they didn’t have a child that hindered their defining career opportunities to relocate or get promoted to an overseas position. Her outstanding community work and numerous distinction medals just weren’t strong enough to warrant a reconsideration of their decision.
And maybe it was a wrong move to get a part time job and dissociate from the pink-haired, studious Sakura and be the adult black-haired, funky cashier Sakura because it only gave them the idea she can live just fine on her own without any of them worrying about her instead of seeing the whole thing as a call for help.
“If you’re ready, you should share your problem to the two,” her sensei said when they finished with her therapy consultation.
“They have heavier baggage,” she simply replied.
“They’re not comparable. Naruto has an empty baggage, a kid with no past, yet he drags it around. Sasuke has sand for load, it’s leaking at the seams but he refills it. And for you, it could be air or water. It’s because you’re compressing them all inside that they become heavier.” He laid a hand on her head, an action of a sensei to a student. “Thanks for sharing some of those with me, Sakura.”
Cultural festival was an amalgamation of confessions, last clinchers, and stolen moments. Whoever snatched a dance with someone they liked would be blessed with good relationship – that was how the saying went among the ranks of students.
It was the reason why Sasuke and Naruto hid throughout the day in their spot, content to eat instant ramen, batches of onigiri, and packs of orange and tomato juices. Throngs of freshmen and second years were on the hunt for their feet as dance partner.
“If only they knew I have two left feet,” Naruto grumbled. “I can’t even enjoy the day with Sakura. It’s pathetic to think I’m stuck with you.”
“I second,” Sasuke said. “Do you think she’ll confess to Kakashi later?”
“She hasn’t made a move yet?”
Sasuke shook his head.
“Wait what do you mean you second?”
Minutes of silence ensued. Sasuke put a whole onigiri in his mouth, too flustered to say it right at his face. “I like Sakura.” The words were jumbled with his chewing, and he was sure Naruto didn’t catch it.
But the idiot grinned and laughed maniacally. “The great pretender finally admits! When did you realize it? Did you have the fireworks in your head too?” He even mimicked a rainbow with his hands.
“That’s a rainbow, you idiot.” Sasuke scratched the back of his head. “When she was busy looking at Kakashi playing the piano.”
“Ah, will we ever have the chance?” Naruto snickered. “Let’s confess tonight, grumpy.”
“Already thought of that and already prepared for it.” Despite the seemingly downfall trajectory of their common affections, Sasuke still managed a smirk.
Not to be one-upped, Naruto pulled out his phone and flashed a small bouquet of dahlias. “Ready to be picked up tonight.”
A Greek tragedy, that was them; two best friends falling in love with and being rejected by the same girl.
Majority of the school population have gathered around the giant bonfire on the campus grounds, but Sakura knew Kakashi would be stuck in his cubicle in the faculty lounge, nose-deep in a novel, headphones in to drown out the noise, and feet propped up on his desk.
Tonight was the night she would bare her other truth naked to him.
But before she could even step foot in his space, she already heard the voice of his favorite book drifting across the nooks and partitions.
“You should be with your students.” Giggling and a sound she would only assume was a string of kisses.
“I don’t have much time with you. Let me be greedy just this time.” Hearing her sensei say that painted him in another light. So there was this very attached Kakashi, far from the laidback and chill professor she knew.
Sakura should turn her heels and join the rest of the student body. She should act like a good student model, ignore her teacher’s affairs, and pretend she was never here. Except she tripped while running, and that summoned the two of them to her aid.
“Sakura? Did you need something?”
She side-eyed Rin Nohara and shook her head, her one only good chance blown to bits by her own recklessness and stupidity. She muttered an apology and starts to walk away with limping feet when Rin stopped her.
“I’ll get a drink in the vending machine. I’ll be back in five minutes Kashi.”
Thank God for women intuition, Sakura thought.
But inevitably she was left alone in the corridor with her heartbeat far stronger than the noise of the band outside around the campfire and the unknowing subject of her admiration. She held tightly to his rubber tie around her wrist, the mark etched deeper by each day she leaves it there mangled with her pulse.
He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, a smile etched on his face, the soft moonlight falling on his features only to highlight his beauty mark. It was unfair seeing him like this only to have him break her heart.
She knew she didn’t stand a chance, but even then, she had to hear it clear and loud.
“I like you.”
Were three words ever enough to encapsulate the three years of affection she held for him? One word for each year she felt content with glimpses of him, may they only be passing shadows in the halls, an echoing voice in the adjacent room, the silent arbiter in council meetings or a silver strand she could easily pick out in a sea of black of white.
Kakashi looked at her, his smile still etched, his face still immaculate. “That wasn’t a question.”
“And that wasn’t a reply.” It was nature to look away when one was too scared to face truth, but for the many times he helped her, even without him fully realizing the extent, she owed it to him to be brave.
“But you already know the words.” A head pat, the same gesture that gave her comfort in the past was the same gesture that broke her heart just now. How easy it was for the breaker to give and take minute and mindless affections, but what right did she has to think they were special to begin with?
It was the end of an illusory conception.
A bouquet of dahlias and a bouquet of daffodils were hidden behind Naruto and Sasuke. It was dark, already past seven, the bonfire in its final vestiges, its sputtering flames waiting for last-minute lovers to dance in their splendid light.
Within the shadows came the girl of their dreams, hair untangled and morose emerald irises dipped in pools. Sasuke first noticed the bare wrist, the rubber tie gone, and he knew then that she confessed, and she was heartbroken.
He didn’t need to say anything to the blonde beside him. Her stance was enough to convey her present state of being. What she needed right now were her friends, not aspiring lovers stupid enough to break the friendship label.
And so they hid the bouquets on their backs, safe in the clutches of the dark, and when she reached out to them, their free hands already grasped her trembling fingers in waiting.
There they were, three broken-hearted people, wallowing in their own respective pain, sitting on the dewy grass that would leave stains on their clothes the next morning. When the school band started the last song, Sasuke stood up, abandoning his bouquet on the side, and pulled the other two up.
“Would be a shame to end our last cultural festival like this.”
Ten steps later, they were in the middle of the crowd of couples, three awkward friends holding each other’s hands and stepping on each other’s foot.
“For the love of God, you really can’t dance Naruto. Can’t you do a simple turn to the right?” Sasuke complained.
“Why are you putting all the blame on me? You’re the one who can’t differentiate the right from left!” Naruto spat back.
She laughed, and it somehow stopped their bickering for a moment. Bent at her stomach and eyes clinched shut in crinkles, that was their Sakura.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Rock Star
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I was feeling a bit of writer’s block this morning. So I went through my prompts and found this awesome one. It has a bit of angst.
  She lost her friends. The boy she was in love with broke her heart. No one in class apart from Chloe would even speak to her anymore. Lila’s lies had taken root in class, leaving Marinette in the back alone and abandoned. The worst part was that Marinette didn’t even know if she could be friends with any of her classmates again after the truth was exposed. In the effort to cling tighter to the coattails of someone who promised them the world, they had abandoned a childhood friend as if the friendship meant nothing; as if Marinette meant nothing. And as if that wasn’t enough, Akumas were getting stronger every day. Chat Noir was pushier than ever before. Most days it was all too much.
           Most days Marinette didn’t want to get out of bed. She rarely smiled anymore. She couldn’t find it in her to design. It was like the life force had been drained from her. It didn’t take long for her parents to notice. However, after weeks of trying, when it became clear that Marinette wasn’t going to talk to them and that she wasn’t getting better, they sent her to a therapist. After they managed to get her to promise to at least try.
           Dr. Vanderbilt was a kind woman with greying red hair and a Scottish accent. It took multiple sessions before Marinette started to open up about her problems at school; about feeling overwhelmed. One day after a session, the doctor gave Marinette a notebook.
“What’s this for?” Marinette asked taking the black notebook. The front of it said it had a 1000 pages.
“Whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, I want you to write.”
“Write what?”
“Whatever you want,” Vanderbilt smiled. “What you’re feeling. Poetry. Songs. Quotes you know. Write a story. Whatever helps you get what you’re feeling out, lessen the load you’re carrying a bit.”
           So Marinette did.
           It was a struggle at first. She never thought of herself as much of a writer. Then she started writing random quotes she knew. Then Marinette started writing a bit of poetry just to try to express herself in a way she could understand. However, during a particularly troublesome day, when Alya accused her of being lazy and not being a good class president, Marinette resigned her position much to the shock of the class and started writing song lyrics.
           One of the recommendation from Vanderbilt was to always stop doing things she didn’t want to do just because it made other people happy; especially if it was at harm to herself.
           The doctor made Marinette write 100 times: I will not set myself on fire to keep you warm.
           Marinette always hated being class president; the stress alone could kill a dozen elephants. She hated doing free commissions so she stopped that too. She hated doing the whole birthday celebrations, when everyone was quick to forget her that year. Or plan parties and fundraisers for trips that class made sure to make clear they didn’t want to her go to or on. So she stopped that too.
           It was freeing.
           Writing lyrics to songs were freeing. Soon she was writing them during class, lunch, after school, when there a moment of free time when helping out at the bakery.
           And Vanderbilt was right. It did help her.
           Marinette to smile a lot more. The pep in her step was back. She started hanging out with Chloe and Luka more and more. She made friends with others kids in class. She created a website and started selling custom designs.
           One Friday, after school, Marinette found herself in Jagged’s Hotel room with Chloe and Luka. Jagged had asked Marinette to bring his new concert wardrobe that he had commission from her. He had and Clara Nightingale were going on tour together.
           After Jagged had reviewed the clothes and approved them, proclaimed each outfit to be, “Rockin!”
           Marinette found herself writing a song in her notebook while Luka and Jagged discussed musical influences. Chloe and Penny discussed a potential internships.
           She was so invested in writing that she didn’t notice when the talking stopped. Or when Jagged asked her if she wanted Pizza.
           Marinette jumped back when a hand suddenly waved in her face. “Wait! What!” She looked around and saw the amused faces of Jagged, Penny, Chloe, and Luka. Even Fang had a long grin on his face.
“What’s this love?” Jagged asked pointing to her notebook. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for ages.”
           The bluenette blushed and tried not to hide her notebook; it would only make them more curious, “Nothing; just a notebook for ideas.” Technically that was true.
“Right on, can I see?” Jagged asked.
           Marinette instantly pulled the notebook to her chest and her blushed turned a dark red. She was not going to show a Rock Star the song she wrote. She’d rather die. “Nope! Nah ah, nothing to see here.”
           Chloe rolled her eyes, “Yes, because that’s totally what someone with nothing to hide does.” The blond looked at Penny. “She writes song lyrics. They’re pretty good.”
           Marinette glared at the blond, “Traitor.”
           Luka looked a bit curious. Jagged had a full blown grin on his face, “I knew it!” he shouted. “I knew there was a rocker in you. I had just had to wait a bit, love. Come on. Let me see then! Show Uncle jagged your songs.”
           It took about twenty minutes to get Marinette to agree and then another ten to pry the notebook out of her hands. She watched with a pit in her stomach growing bigger and bigger as she watched Luka, Chloe, Jagged, and Penny flip through her notebook. Reading the lyrics that came straight from her heart.
           What if they hated them? What if they thought she had no talent? What if they thought she was a freak? What if! What If!
“This is good, mate,” Jagged suddenly said. An impressed look on his face. “These are really good.”
“Told ya,” Chloe said smugly.
           Penny nodded, “I wouldn’t mind commissioning some songs from you.”
“I’d like to jam together,” Luka said. “Maybe we can do a duet.”
           Jagged suddenly shot up, “Penny! Call the guys. We need a band! Marinette’s gonna sing for us!” He ran for his guitar.
“Marinette’s going to do what now?” Marinette shouted.
           Marinette was going to sing.
           She sat on a dark brown wooden stool, in front of Jagged’s backup band, with Jagged and Luka on guitar. Chloe and Penny watched in the background. An assistant help up a camera.
           Jagged had decided to give Marinette a rockstar makeover; well as much as she would let him. Her hair was pulled back in a faux hawk with a few curls framing her face, her makeup was flawless, her face was painted to look like she had been crying and her mascara had gotten everywhere.
           It took a while for Jagged, Luka, and she to work out the music would be good for her songs and what songs she’d use. She decided to let the four: Jagged, Penny, Luka, and Chloe decide on the best ones. Marinette was too bias, she knew.
           They had practiced. Everyone assured her she had an amazing voice but Marinette thought they were a bit biased too. They loved her too much to hurt her by saying anything mean.
“Hey fans watching!” Jagged said into the mic. “Today, I got a special guest here. My honorary niece and personal fashion designer; Marinette. She’s written some kick ass songs and agreed to prove that she’s a rockstar like her Uncle. Give her some love!”
           Marinette got up and waked to the mic.
           The drum beat started slowly. Marinette took a deep breath. The guitars and piano started.
           Marinette opened her mouth to sing,
“Someday I won't be afraid of my head
Someday I will not be chained to my bed
Someday I'll forget the day he left
But surely not today.”
           The beat picked up a bit.
           She fought not to close her eyes as she sang. Instead, she thought of why she wrote the song; all the pain, all the mess going on inside. Her blue eyes got a faraway look to them.
“One day I won't need a PhD
To sit me down and tell me what it all means
Maybe one day it'll be a breeze
But surely not today
But surely not today”
           Admitting she was in therapy was hard. Penny comforted her and admitted she went a lot too. Jagged hadn’t been happy when Chloe told the two adults just what was happening in Marinette’s class.
“Oh you don't know what sadness means
'Till you're too sad to fall asleep
One day I'll be snoozing peacefully
But surely not today
Surely not today.”
           Marinette voice carried across the room. She let herself get lost in the music. Otherwise, she’d be too panicky over the fact that she more or less admitted to being depressed.
“One day I'll swear the pain will be a blip
I'll have the hardest time recalling it
I'll be the king of misery management
But surely not today.”
           This song was a promise to herself. That she would move on. She would get better. Somehow, someway, Marinette would conquer all that she was going through and be better for it.
“One day that song won't make me cry anymore (oh no no)
One day I'll get up off the bathroom floor (hey yeah)
Oh, piece by piece I'll be restored
But surely not today (surely not)
Eh, not today”
           Marinette swayed to the music, dancing in place. The other people in the room watched, entranced by her voice.
“oh you don't know what happy means
If it's only in your dreams
I'll be acquainted with my jollities
But surely not today
Yeah, surely not today.”
           There were days when Marinette swore she forgot what it meant to be happy; questioned if she had ever been really happy. Or if she had just fooled herself into thinking she was. She knew better now. And Marinette refused to let the dark thoughts win.
“Surely not, surely, surely not
Surely not (surely not today)”
           Marinette sang that part softly. She knew she wasn’t going to get completely better right away. But she would… One day.
“One day the thought of him won't hurt the same
Won't need distractions to get through the day
I guess I hope I'm gonna be okay
'Cause I'm not today.”
           The song slowly died down. Silence filled the room. Then there were claps and cheers. Jagged’s new manager Harvey Boyd looked ready to wet his pants from excitement.
“Yes!” jagged yelled. “That’s how you do it!”
           Marinette blushed again and ran off stage as Luka readied himself to perform. Penny and Chloe both assured her that she had been amazing but Marinette couldn’t stop her heart from racing in her chest.
           Chloe helped prepare her for her next song as they watched Luka perform.
He had gotten used to being Solo since Kitty Section kicked him out the band. Luka sang a called, She will be loved. A sad melody that was fit him to a T.
“I don't mind spendin' everyday
Out on your corner in the pourin' rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved, and she will be loved”
           When he was done, once again Harvey Boyd had that hungry look on his face.
           Then Jagged performed one of his hits. After that he brought Marinette up on their makeshift stage again.
           Marinette didn’t feel any better performing the second time. She’d be singing the song Jagged chose.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
So much for my happy ending
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
So much for my happy ending
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh”
           The song was definitely more Rock than her last one. And she wrote it most about Adrien, some of it geared toward Alya and the rest of her friends.
“Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something you said?”
           Marinette had wondered for months what she had wrong. Why it was so easy for them to just ignore her; disregard her, end their friendships.
“Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread”
           They left her alone. Adrien left her alone. She trust them, and just left her.
“You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be…”
           Marinette closed her eyes for just a moment as the beat of the music changed.
You were everything, everything that I wanted
“We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
All of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
 So much for my happy ending.”
           The song went on for a few more minutes. She had let the music as the guitar solo slowly died down. The song was met with applause.
           Marinette performed a few more songs, along with Luka. After one of them, Harvey had come directly up to her and Luka and offered to be their manager. Apparently, Jagged’s label had been watching them and wanted to give each of them a record deal. If Penny and Chloe hadn’t been there, both Luka and Marinette wouldn’t fallen her their butts in shock.
           Jagged called Boyd away to discuss something.
           Luka gripped his guitar so tightly Marinette feared it would break, “That didn’t just happen, did it?”
“Nope,” Marinette shook her head, earnestly. “It’s the fumes from all their hairspray. It must have knocked us out. We’re in coma right now.”
           Chloe glared at them. “Oh. Shut. UP! You were amazing. You both were. Marinette you screamed Girl power. And Luka, there’s probably a million girls planning on marry you right now.”
“I have to call my mom!” Luka and Marinette said at the same time.
           Her parents were excited about the news. But they made it clear as long as it didn’t interfere with her school work, she could do whatever she wanted. Sabine and Tom were just happy their little girl was back.
           Luka said his mom was the safe. School first, hall of fame second.
           Jagged pulled Marinette on stage for one last song. The song was chosen by Chloe. It was the song Marinette wrote once she realized she was done. She was done with the drama in class, done with fake friends. Done with game and lies. Done with mean comments and ice cold glares. She was over it. And Marinette didn’t care anymore.
“You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all
You started messing with my head until I hit a wall
Maybe I shoulda known, maybe I shoulda known
That you would walk, you would walk out the door.”
           Marinette watched Penny smile as she turned on the big fans pointed at her.
Said we were done, you met someone and rubbed it in my face
Cut to the punch, she broke your heart, and then she ran away
I guess you shoulda known, I guess you shoulda known
That I would talk, I would talk
           She remembered Alya standing in class renouncing their friendship, and nearly everyone joining her. The look on Lila’s face as she finally fulfilled her promise. Adrien not doing anything, and avoiding contact. He never stood up for her; not once. He blocked her calls, stopped answering her texts, until finally he let Nino and who else in class convince him to end his friendship with Marinette outright.
           But when got over the loss, the heartbreak; she decided it was for the best. Marinette didn’t need them. She didn’t want them. Marinette swore she’d never be friends with them again.
“But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies.”
           The fire in Marinette’s eyes caused a few people to step back; including Luka. Then a wide smile spread over her face and
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“Oh I really don't care
Even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies
Oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care?”
           When the song ended, everyone cheered.
           Jagged grabbed the mic, “Wasn’t she pure Rock and Roll, or what?” He picked up Fang. “What do you think, Fang? You loved it! For those of you who don’t know; this is my pet,” He told the camera. “Totally coolest guy ever. I’d never do anything mainstream like get a cat or anything.” He said with a wink. “For those of you who loved today’s acts; I’ve got some good news. All songs are going to be on itunes. Just look them up! In Addition; my label wants to offer both Luka and Marinette records deals. Who knows, maybe I’ll reach out to Clara about them coming on tour with us; we could use a couple of awesome opening acts.”
           Marinette went home with the biggest smile on her face. She didn’t think much what happened. She figured the record deal wouldn’t go anywhere; someone would realize just how lame she was and stop it dead in her tracks. Marinette also figured that Chloe had exaggerated about how many watched; no one wanted to see some Amateur sing, even if it was on Jagged Stone streamed it.
It wasn’t a big deal, Marinette thought when she went to bed, tomorrow no one would even remember her. Still, it was a pretty fun.
           By Monday morning, Marinette would learn just how big of deal it really was. Little did she know that, overnight, her song ‘Not Today’ was downloaded over 2 million times? Her song ‘Happy ending’ sold over 3 million. But ‘Really Don’t Care’ broke records. The rest of the songs had had performs sold well too; each selling over a million copies. The world was listening to her music, and she had no clue. Luka did pretty well too; his songs were just trailing after Marinette’s in sells.
           Marinette had been helping her parents in the bakery’s kitchen, listening to the radio, when a new song started to play. Marinette turned white as a sheet, “M-Mom! Dad!” She said, her voice trembling.
“What’s up, honey?” Tom asked, worry clear in his eyes.
           She pointed at the radio with a shaky hand, “That’s mine.”
“What?” Sabine asked confused.
“That’s mine,” Marinette repeated. “That’s my song!”
           Her parents looked even more confused. Until they listened closer to the song and recognized their daughter’s voice.
           Sabine dropped the pans she was holding, “You’re on the radio,” She whispered. “You’re on the radio.” She yelled, cheering.
           Tom pulled his daughter into a giant bear hug, “My sugarplum’s a Superstar!”
           After Marinette’s song
           Once, she finished in the bakery, Marinette ran to Chloe’s. When she was let into the penthouse, she rushed to Chloe’s room, and as soon as she saw the blond, she yelled, “I’m on the radio!” And screamed. Chloe screamed with her.
           Then Luka called and screamed, “I’m on the radio!” The sound of his mother cheering the background. As far as he was concerned it was the best day of his life. The year had sucked so hard; first his sister became one of Lila’s groupies, then he got kicked out of his own band, he realized he and the girl (Marinette) he had a crush on were better off as friends, and he broke his lucky guitar and had to fork over his savings to buy a new one.
           But getting a record deal, being on the radio, nearly made all of it worth it. Luka still really wanted his sister back though.
           The three friends spent the rest of the weekend hanging out and being amazed at their luck. Chloe got the internship she was after in the PR department. Thanks to Penny, she’d be Luka and Marinette’s promotor. Or least learning firsthand how everything works.
           When Monday morning came, Marinette was still oblivious to just much had changed in so little time… Until she got to school, and some random girl asked for her autograph. Marinette stuttered out a, “Sure.” And signed the girl’s notebook. While she was doing it, four other kids lined up behind her. She signed each one with a smile.
“I really like your song: Not today,” One guy told her. “It’s nice to know I’m not the only one that gets that way sometimes.”
           Marinette was so touched, she nearly started crying right there. She would’ve if Chloe hadn’t dragged her away, with a hiss about not crying in front on fans.
           On the way to class, a few kids stopped and asked her for a picture. She agreed. But when more and more kids tried to get her attention, Marinette, once again, had to be saved by Chloe.
“You are not getting mauled on my watch,” Chloe tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I’d never get to work in PR again.”
           Marinette giggled. Chloe rolled her eyes with a fund smile.
           The smiles died when they reached class. They had gotten there early. Marinette was rarely ever late anymore sense she had lighted her work load. Only a few kid were there. Max, Nathaniel, and Mylene; they all looked at Marinette with wide eyes.
           Marinette ignored them as Chloe and she went to their seats. They made light talk and ignored the looks of the other students as more and more arrived. Most didn’t say a word to her; not knowing what to do or say.
           When Rose arrived, she immediately rushed over to Marinette, “I love your music. I didn’t know you could sing!” She chirped. “I can’t believe you performed with Jagged Stone. You’re so lucky.”
           The bluenette gave the other girl a small smile, “Yeah it was amazing. Luka was great too,” She added. “He’s ecstatic about the record deal. He was so bummed when Kitty Section kicked him out; something about him holding you guys back. Did you guys ever find a new singer and lead guitarist? It’s been months, right?” It was spiteful. It was the meanest thing Marinette had ever done. And they deserved it.
           Rose visibly wilted. So did Ivan and Juleka. Every member of Kitty Section regretted kicking Luka out of the band the moment they saw him performing with Jagged Stone; getting the break of a lifetime. And when they heard about a potential record deal… well, let’s say regret didn’t begin to cover it.
“Oh, we’re working on it,” Rose smiled, a big fake smile on her face. “We got a lot of people we’re considering.” The truth was, and it was hard for Kitty section to learn, that most people who had a fraction of Luka’s talent didn’t want to work with a bunch of teenagers. And without Luka there, no one was reminding them to practice or book gigs.
           Rose returned to a seat, feeling more bummed than she had when she got to the class. She had been happy for Marinette, and for Luka. But she had so many dreams for Kitty Section and herself that just because she was happy for them, didn’t mean she wasn’t unhappy for herself.
           Chloe pulled Marinette back into the conversation, just as the last of the students arrived, “So, once you sign the record deal, are you going to go on tour with Jagged and Clara. Luka said he’s going.”
           Marinette frowned. She hadn’t really considered it much. Clara had reached out to her congratulate her on the record deal and tell her how much she loved Marinette’s songs. Clara had hinted hard that she’d love Marinette to come on tour with her. But Marinette didn’t know. Being a rock star wasn’t ever one of her goals in life.
“I still want to design,” Marinette admitted.
           Chloe shrugged, “So do that too.” She suddenly gripped Marinette’s arm. “You can wear design your own dress to the Teen Choice Awards, and the MTV music Awards. You can design my dress!”
           Marinette laughed, “My song came out like three days ago, and you’re practically writing my acceptance speech; I might not get nominated.”
           The blond scoffed, “Oh you’re getting nominated. Do you know how many people downloaded your songs? Records were broken. Even my mother played ‘Really don’t care’ whenever she wants someone to stop talking to her now. Go on tour!”
“I’d need more songs,” Marinette said. “I’ll need to release like an actual album.”
“Penny went through all yours songs, remember?” Chloe said. “She sent me a list of all ones that she think would top the charts. She wants to record, ‘Fight Song’ as soon as you sign with the label. And she swears, ‘I kissed a Girl’ is going make people lose their minds.”
           Marinette sent her a smirk, “That song’s half yours remember; we wrote it after you and Kagami got closer.”
“Won’t even hide the body, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe growled.
           Marinette laughed, “Fine! If I go on tour, I want you there with me. I couldn’t do it with you! You’re only one I’d trust me my social media accounts.”
“How could you invite Chloe,” Alya asked hearing the end of the conversation as she arrived just after the bell rang. “I’d be a much better social media influencer than her!”
           Chloe raised an eyebrow, “Uh huh, and how’s the traffic for the Ladyblog?” She asked.
           Alya flushed with anger. It was bad. They all knew it was bad. Ladyblog had died dramatically after Ladybug vocally for the other press to hear told Alya she didn’t work with reporters who didn’t fact check. “Marinette’s my bestie; I should be going with her.”
           Marinette snorted, “Last I check your bestie was Lila. Or don’t you remember ending our friendship?”
“Well, I, uh,” Alya stuttered out. She had completely forgotten disowning the bluenette. She had been so excited when her mother told her friend’s name was trending, thinking she’d see Lila Rossi, only to see Marinette Dupain-Cheng on the top search list of the day. Then she watched the video of her performing, when Jagged mentioned the record deal, Alya lost her mind. Her mind was filled with images of her and Marinette at music awards shows and on tours; movie premieres. It was all going to be amazing.
           Except it wasn’t. She and Marinette weren’t friends anymore. A balloon popped inside Alya.
           Marinette gave her a sad smile, “What did you think I forgot? Or you must have.”
“The chances of that happening or as likely as Jagged Stone owning a cat,” Chloe smirked as Lila walked into the door. “Or did you forget that part too? Wonder how Lila saved something he never owned?”
           To her credit, Lila didn’t bat an eye. “He doesn’t own one now. He must have forgotten the poor thing once he got really famous and they went out of style. I wonder what happened to it.” It was good performance. Lila even got teary eyed.
           Still, Lila was met with suspicious looks. The class started to wonder if she was really their golden ticket. Or if the pissed of the real one instead.
“Congratulations, Marinette,” Lila simpered, jealously flaring in her eyes. “Who knew Jagged Stone was your Uncle?”
“Shouldn’t you?” Chloe poked yet another hole in her story. “You said you were oh so very close.”
           Marinette smirked, “I had get my rock and roll genes from somewhere.”
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
His Fault.
Thank you @thinger-strang for the commission! 💕
Read on Ao3
Steve took Max first, grabbing her around the knees and lifting.
He didn’t know which kid was which, just picked them up and shoved them through the hole in the ground.
No thoughts in his head besides getting the kids to safety.
He was still dizzy from the fight, from Max’s wild driving, from being thrown into low oxygen conditions.
He grabbed Dustin.
The last kid to get through.
There was a rumble.
The ground shook.
And Steve stared death right in its face.
A pack of demodogs, heading right for them.
He grabbed Dustin, thought maybe, maybe he could shield him.
If this kid dies, it’s all my fault.
But the ‘dogs passed them by.
On their way to protect from El.
Because their plan didn’t work. Their carefully crafted idea to help El was bullshit.
He pushed Dustin up to safety.
He had brought these kids down here for no reason.
They had all gotten hurt for no reason.
All because of him.
Steve’s knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel.
He was trying to get himself to get up, get out of the car.
Staring through the windshield at the small service.
Barb’s funeral.
The girl that died right outside his house. The girl who died in his pool.
The girl he killed.
By being too preoccupied with Nancy. By being too much of a stupid fucking jock.
It’s all his fault.
He got out of the car, stayed mostly to himself throughout the service.
He hugged Barb’s parents afterwards, offered his condolences.
He got the feeling that they never really liked him.
That’s okay. He doesn't really blame them.
And if they knew, if they knew what he did to their Barb-
They would do more than just not like him.
He spent the rest of the day in bed, thoughts of your fault your fault your fault whipping through his brain.
He killed Barb.
Steve was trying to think quickly.
It was a little tricky, what with the pounding in his head, the hits he was taking right to the gut.
He needed to somehow talk his way out of this.
Which sucked because talking has never been his strong point.
But he brought Robin into all of this. He had let Erica climb through those vents to get them into the elevator. He had helped Dustin suss out what the message meant.
Actually, he hadn’t.
He had been too fucking stupid to help with that.
He had just encouraged the translation that was happening around him.
Had just walked three people right into the clutches of the Upside Down, and these violent goddamn Russians, and-
That one hurt.
He woke up sometime later to Robin yelling.
“Hey, will you stop yelling?”
“Steve! Oh my God! Steve!”
She sounded, actually relieved.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this.”
Robin was sitting next to him, both wrapped in thick blankets.
They had their own ambulance, Nancy and Jonathan in the one next door.
He had watched them take Billy off on a gurney, watched them slam a defibrillator to his body until his heart started beating again, watched them load him into the back of an ambulance, and take him off to the hospital.
The adrenaline, the heavy drugs, it was all out of his system.
And he was crashing.
“I shouldn’t have roped you into this. I shouldn’t have talked Dustin into translating the tape, I shouldn’t have-”
“Okay, Dingus. Let’s get some things straight. I’m pretty sure Dustin talked you into the translations. I don’t know if you’d be able to talk Dustin into anything. And you didn’t rope me into shit.”
“I mean, I mean with the Upside Down. This whole fucking conspiracy. You deserved to go your whole damn life without knowing any of this.”
“But Steve, I know about it now. The milk has been spilled. So stop crying.”
“It’s not your fault.”
Yes, it is.
“Hi, welcome to Family- Nancy?”
Nancy had stopped in the doorway, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
“Steve. I didn’t know you were working here.”
“Yeah. You know, with the mall being all, burnt down. And stuff.” She nodded slowly, stock still in the doorway. “Can I help you find something?”
“No. Thanks. I’m just browsing.”
“Well, uh, let me know if you need help. Or ask Robin, maybe. She’s better with the recommends.” Nancy seemed to startle, stepping into the store properly.
“Thanks, Steve.” He smiled tightly at her.
They really hadn’t talked since breaking up.
Of course, they’d spoken in the summer, but that was less exchanging pleasantries, more how do we stop the giant fleshy monster that’s trying to take over the whole world?
Which isn’t quite the same.
She browsed through the aisles, Steve doodling on the carbon pad next to the register.
She smiled tightly at him, a few tapes in hand.
“So, uh, how are you?” They hadn’t spoken since that night. Since he wandered over to her ambulance, checking in with her and Jonathan.
“I’m okay. Just working and stuff. Obviously.”
“And how’s Billy?”
“Managing. He’s in all kindsa therapy and stuff now.”
“That’s, that’s good.” She was all stiff as he handed her her change. “It’s good to see you, Steve.”
“Yeah, Nancy. Yeah, you too.”
He hated how shitty and awkward that had been.
Hated that she was the person he felt closest to for the better part of a year, and now they’re stuck with light conversation and forced smiles.
He pushed her so hard.
Always poking and poking.
Always too clingy, always too emotional, not emotional enough. Too insensitive, or just too much work.
He doesn’t know how anyone puts up with him.
“Hey,” Billy smiled softly at him. “How are you feeling?”
“Better, now that my little nurse is here.” Steve rolled his eyes, smiling back as he sat on the bed next to Billy.
He had brought him to his house from the military hospital.
Billy still had a long road of healing. His scars were pulled together, and the wounds were closed, but everything was still pretty rough.
“Can I get you anything?” Billy reached over for him.
His hands were scarred and rough, and he was still trying to regain feeling, the nerves having suffered far too much damage.
“Nah. Just sit with me.”
Steve took one of his hands, stretching his hand like the doctor had shown him.
“Have you eaten today?”
“Nah. My stomach’s all outta whack today. Don’t know if I could keep anything down.” Steve furrowed his brows.
“Are you, can I make you something? Soup?”
“Stevie, I’m okay. One day’s not gonna kill me.” It felt like the bottom dropped out of his stomach. Something must've shown on his face because Billy was trying to sit up. “Sorry, that was a shitty joke.”
“No, I just-”
“It’s okay. Sorry.” Steve tried to gather himself.
“Don’t like jokes about you dying. Thought you were dead for, for like a week, you know. Before they told us you were stable.”
“Baby, it’s alright. I know it was hard on you.” Steve blinked rapidly.
“But I mean, it’s like, youwere the one, the one in the hospital I shouldn’t,” he stood up, Billy wincing as the bed shifted. “I’m gonna make you something.”
He was holding back tears as he spread peanut butter and jelly onto saltine crackers.
Billy had the best luck keeping it down when he felt sick.
He felt like shit whenever he did that. Got all mopey on Billy.
Billy was the one trying not to die in a hospital bed. Steve was just, doing what Steve does.
Making everything about himself.
He brought Billy the plate, kneeling next to him in bed.
“You okay?” Steve just shook his head, plastering on a nice smile for Billy.
“I’m fine, Bill. Just try to eat? For me?”
Billy managed three of the crackers before he heaved into the garbage bin placed next to the bed.
Steve felt like shit.
Billy’s core muscles were still healing, and throwing up only made him sore, made him tired and in pain.
“Billy, I’m sorry.”
He shouldn’t have made Billy eat. Shouldn’t have tried to make himself feel better by force-feeding Billy while he felt bad.
When he finally stopped, Steve helped him to the bathroom to wash out his mouth.
“I’m sorry.”
“Steve, it’s not your fault.”
“But you said you didn’t feel good.”
“You’re just trying to take care of me.”
Keyword here being trying.
Trying and failing at taking care of Billy.
“Steve, are you busy tonight?” Dustin had thrown open the door to Family Video stomping inside.
“I mean, no but I thought, isn’t tonight your big tournament?”
Dustin sighed dramatically.
“The arcade is closed.”
Dustin had been saving up for months, using the end of the summer to mow neighbors’ lawns.
Steve had even paid him to mow his own lawn.
He and the gang were going to rage for hours, Dustin organizing a special secret prize for whoever got the highest cumulative score.
He had put so much thought into everything, had been so excited.
And the arcade was closed.
“Can I talk to Keith?”
“Be my guest.”
Dustin pushed into the backroom.
Steve could hear his voice, could hear him arguing with Keith.
He came back out, Keith following behind.
“Harrington, I told you, customers aren’t allowed in the back.” He pointed to the Employees Only sign on the door. “Can you even read?” Keith rolled his eyes. Steve studied his shoes.
“And Henderson, I told you, the arcade is closed for renovations. A pipe burst in the storeroom.” Dustin Huffed. “Just, rent a movie or something. But you know, don’t ask for Harrington’s recommendation.”
Keith laughed to himself as he retreated to the back.
“Like I would ask you for a recommendation. I know what kind of movies you like.” Steve forced a smile at him.
“Sorry about your game night.” Dustin shrugged.
“I thought it’d be fun. We haven’t played DnD since Will moved. It just feels wrong without him, I guess. I thought this could bring us back to the fun spirit.”
“It’s a good idea. I’m sorry you’re gonna have to postpone.”
Steve just kinda lived with a big ol’ bit in his stomach these days.
But every time something like this happened, something where his friend was sad, and Steve was completely useless to help him, the pit seemed to grow.
He wonders what happens when the pit gets too big.
Billy stretched his arms above his head, wincing slightly.
“You okay?”
Billy blew out a breath, rubbing his chest.
“Yeah. Just cold. It hurts.” They were standing outside, waiting for the kids to be finished with school.
Steve drove Dustin and Max home, usually brought Billy along with him.
Neil had been one of the flayed, the only casualty Billy said he didn’t feel bad for.
So Max had moved with her mom into a tiny two-bedroom house.
Billy was still staying with Steve for the time being.
“Oh! I got a sweater in my trunk.” Steve ran around to the back of the car, unlocking the trunk and digging through.
He kept his car pretty clean, just his bat, some jumper cables, and a go-bag.
So he should see the sweater right away.
But he didn’t.
He frantically shifted everything around.
“No, no.”
The sweater wasn’t there.
“Fuck are you, are you serious?”
He genuinely could cry.
Billy was blowing into his hands, rubbing them together when Steve slumped back over to him.
“Billy, I’m sorry. It’s not in there.” Billy squinted at him.
“That’s okay.”
“I thought it was, but I must’ve taken it out, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize. Just, you know, come here and make it up to me.” He had a lazy smile on his face. “Come keep me warm.”
Steve wrapped himself around Billy, burying his face in his neck.
“I wish I could keep you warmer. I wish I had that sweater.”
“Baby, I’m okay. Just achy.”
Steve made sure to turn up the heat full blast when they got back in, the kids in the backseat.
The bottom of the box had given out, tapes crashing to the tiled floor.
He had been on his way to reshelve everything, after spending all day in the back rewinding.
But here he was, checking each plastic tape for cracks as he tried to find something else to put them in.
“Jesus Christ, Harrington.”
Ah, yes. That’s what he needs right now. Keith standing over him while he cleaned up the mess of tapes.
“What’d you do now?”
“The box, it just fell apart.”
“You know, Robin really went out on a limb to you to get this job.” Keith was standing over him, staring down at Steve sill kneeling on the ground. “Maybe I should just fire you both.”
“Wait, no!”
Steve’s heart was in his throat.
It felt like he was gonna choke on it.
“You, you can’t, I don’t care if you hate me, okay, just, just don’t fire Robin!”
Keith loved to do this. Dangle his measly power as manager over Steve.
Robin said it was some kind of revenge fantasy for how shitty Steve was to him in high school.
Steve just figures he deserves it.
Bottom of the food chain now. That’s where he is.
The guy that thought he was the hottest shit to walk the Earth. The guy that barely graduated. The guy that had to linger around his hometown. The guy has no life. The guy that has no future.
“Why not? She vouched for you.” Keith was eating a pack of M&Ms, crunching each one loudly between his teeth.
“Just, just don’t.” Steve felt like he could cry.
“Then get this cleaned up, and I’ll consider letting you both stay.”
Steve just nodded.
He didn’t think his voice would work without cracking all over the place.
He found a crate in the stockroom, stacking the tapes as quickly as he could.
He liked reshelving.
The organization system made sense, and he could do it easily without having to know anything about the movies, without having to know anything besides the alphabet, and the genre sticker each tape had.
Robin was better with customers.
Better at making change and recommending movies. Better at talking to people without sounding like an idiot.
But he finished reshelving, and had to retreat behind the counter.
“You’re being weird today.”
Steve had zoned out, staring through the front windows.
“Bad night?” he just nodded slowly. He didn’t want to tell her about Keith’s little threat. She would just go on a rampage. Probably yell at him a lot. And if Steve being a fuck up didn’t get her fired, defending him for sure would. Plus, it’s not like it’s a lie. Most nights are bad. “Steve, are you sure you’re okay? It feels like,” she glanced around. “It feels like you’re getting, like, worse.”
“Sorry.” She furrowed her brows.
“That’s not something you need to apologize for, you know that, right? I’m just worried about you.”
“Sorry.” Her face pinched up even more.
“Yeah, I, just you know. Not sleeping much.”
“I could come over? You said it’s better when there’s sound in your house. I can stomp around for a while.” He huffed a laugh through his nose, giving her the biggest smile he could muster.
“That’s okay. I’m managing, Rob.” She raised one eyebrow. “And besides, I, uh, I won’t be home tonight.”
She made a face at him, pursing her lips so she didn’t smile.
Billy had gotten his own apartment with the money the government had given him, a little thank you for your discretion gift when he was released from the hospital.
He had spent nearly a month in a coma, a month in which Steve had only left his room a handful of times. After waking up, delirious, and in pain, he had spent the next six months in heavy rehabilitation, in daily therapy, both mental and physical, in which Steve practically lived at the hospital with him.
They had bonded more than Robin could ever know, both boys spilling everything to one another, every dark thought, every bad memory.
Long story short, they were inseparable.
“Then have a fun night. And talk to Billy. Tell him you’re struggling.”
“I’m not-”
She stomped her foot, giving him a stern look.
“Yeah, okay.”
Steve knew he had a key to Billy’s apartment.
But it wasn’t on his key ring.
“Are you kidding me?” He knocked on the door.
It took Billy a few minutes to come get him.
“I’m sorry, I, I lost my key.” Billy looked tired . It was Thursday. Billy was a stockboy at Meldvald’s on Thursdays. His doctor said getting a job would be nice, that it would help him rejoin society, make him feel good to support himself, all this shit.
Mostly, it just made Billy’s sore.
“It’s okay.”
“No, but, it’s not on my ring! I don’t know where it fell off, it could be anywhere, you might have to change the locks or-”
“Steve! It’s fine. Just get in here.”
Steve snapped his jaw closed. Billy shuffled back to the couch, groaning as he sat down slowly.
“Can I get you something? Have you eaten? I can rub your back if-”
“Harrington, just come sit with me.” Billy was giving him a little half-smile.
Steve stumbled over to the couch, and tucked himself right under Billy’s arm.
“What are we watching?”
“Some soap. There’s been a marathon all evening. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” Steve leaned his head against Billy.
He had no clue what was going on. Had a question on the tip of his tongue, ready to ask about the plot points, the characters.
But he’s bothered Billy enough tonight, making him get up to open the door, always, always bothering-
“Hey, where’d you go?” Billy was stroking one rough hand through his hair.
“Robin called me from the video store.” Steve sighed, burying his face into Billy’s neck. “We’re worried about you.”
“Don’t be. I’m okay.”
“Yeah, you’re always okay.” He said it like he was mad, like he was frustrated with Steve.
He pulled back, sliding to the other end of the couch.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry.” Billy was staring blankly at him. “I didn’t mean to make you mad.”
“I’m not mad. What are you even-” he cut himself off. “Steve, talk to me. You’re getting, distant.”
“Please stop apologizing.”
Steve swallowed thickly.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you. You’re slipping through my fingers, and I don’t know how to help you.”
“I-” Steve’s throat was closing up. “I don’t know what to do.”
Billy shifted stiffly, reaching out for Steve’s hand.
“Talk to me, Baby. You know I’ll listen.”
“I, uh, I just.” His jaw was moving, but he couldn’t form any words.
Billy took his hands, pulling him gently.
Steve let himself be tugged, let himself fall into Billy’s lap.
“It’s all my fault.”
“What’s your fault?”
“All of it.”
“Can you, maybe elaborate?”
“Everything. It’s all my fault.” His chest felt pulled tight, and he couldn’t fucking breathe. “Everything, everything. My fault.”
Billy had no fucking idea what to do.
Steve was breathing sharply, his eyes squeezed closed.
He had both hands in his hair, pulling roughly.
“Steve, hey.” He took his wrists, trying to stop him. “Steve, I need you to breathe, okay? Can you do that?” Steve shook his head.
“Just, just try to take as deep a breath as you can, okay?”
Billy was trying to remember what his shrink had told him, the tips for dealing with his own panic.
But watching Steve fall apart, well. It was hard for Billy to keep it together.
He sat with Steve, holding his hands until he opened his eyes, until he was breathing without Billy reminding him to do it.
“Steve. Sugar. Talk to me.”
Steve was still slumped over, still had his head in Billy’s lap.
He turned to bury his face in Billy’s thigh.
“Sometimes I feel like the world is crushing me. And I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Can you explain that to me? You said everything was your fault.”
“Like, like Barb. She, it was my fault she died, and my fault the kids almost got hurt in the tunnels, and my fault that Dustin and Robin and Erica got stuck in the lab, and, and, and I’m so bad at taking care of you. I can’t do anything right.”
Billy could feel his tears, wet patches soaking through his sweatpants.
“You do a lot of stuff right!”
“Keith told me he was gonna fire Robin today, because I messed up again.”
“Fuck Keith. No way that creep has firing power. And maybe you should talk to Robin. Or go to your boss about him. He just likes going on a power trip with you.
“And as for, well everything, Pretty Boy, none of that was your fault. Barb was killed by, by a monster-”
“At my house, at my party, in my pool.”
“Still not your fault.”
“I thought she had left, you know? I didn’t know she was out there.”
“That just proves my point! You didn’t know she was out there, you didn’t know what was going to happen. That whole event , it had nothing to do with you. And the kids like, fully kidnapped you to bring you to the tunnels. If anything, that’s my fault for, you know. Doing what I did.”
Billy took a deep breath.
“I know a lot about guilt. I know how it feels like you’re just, you’re drowning. And you’re never gonna get to the surface, but that, that stuff. People make their own choices. You can’t control what other people do, you can just control what you do. And you, you do nothing but good. You just love, and you love, and you love. You always do what you think is best, and that’s what matters.”
“I feel bad all that time. Like, like right now I feel bad because, because of course you feel guilty, and I’m saying shit that doesn’t matter, and my problems they don’t-”
“Don’t you dare say your problems don't matter.” Billy was tangling his fingers through Steve’s hair, playing with it gently. “Your problems matter . They matter to me. It hurts me that you're struggling. It hurts me that I didn’t notice.”
“Billy, it’s not your fault.”
“You say that like it’s so easy. You take my guilt and you ease it. And that’s what I want for you.” Steve wasn’t crying anymore, but he was still curled up on the couch, still had his face pressed against Billy’s leg.
“I don’t know how. I’ve been so thoroughly crushed under all this that I’m scared of what happens if I claw through it all.”
“Maybe you won’t feel like shit all the time.”
“Feeling like shit is the easy part. It’s predictable.”
“I know. It’s safe .”
“Yeah. What do people even think about if they aren’t thinking about all the problems of the people closest to them and finding ways to blame themselves?” Billy laughed at that. Steve could feel his belly moving next to him.
It was a nice moment.
“I don’t know. That’s what movies and books are for. When you’ve got shit else to think about because you’re not trapped under a mountain of guilt.”
“Probably why I’ve read so few books, then.”
“We need to start watching more movies.”
“We need to talk about Steve.”
“Hi, Robin. It’s great to see you. How’s your day?” Robin rolled her eyes. She was leaned over the counter at Family Video, flicking through a magazine.
“He had a break down last night.”
“Finally. He’s been hanging on by a thread for weeks,”
“Yeah, try years.” She looked up at him.
“What do you mean?”
“He like, unloaded fully. He still blames himself for the girl that got killed in his backyard.”
“Wait, he thinks that’s his fault?”
“Yeah, and the kids in the tunnels, and also you and Dustin and Erica being brought into the whole mess. And also that he’s bad at taking care of me? Which, don’t know how he got that one. He does a really fucking good job taking care of me.”
“Jesus. He’s like, stressed.”
“To put it lightly.”
“So, what’s up? Where do I come in?”
“I’m planning an evening. A We Love Steve Harrington party.”
“I can be snack duty.” He smiled at her, clapping her on the shoulder. “It just us?”
“Yeah. I figured to leave the kids out of this one.”
“Good choice.”
“Be over at seven.” She nodded once, giving him a two-finger salute.
Steve was curled up, Billy spooned up behind him when there was a knock on the door.
“Go get that, will you? I’m all stiff.” Steve turned around, looking at Billy all concerned. “Go on. I’m okay.”
Billy had to shove him away before he finally went to answer the door.
“Oh, Robin, uh, hey.” She pushed one of her shopping bags into his arms.
“I was invited for an evening of bolstering you up.”
Billy came lumbering in, throwing himself down on the couch.
“I, don’t get it.”
“Robin’s here because you need some lovin’.” Steve’s bottom lip wobbled.
“That’s really nice.”
“You deserve it.” Billy was looking at him seriously.
Steve tucked himself into Billy’s side, Robin shoving herself next to him on the little couch.
Billy had pulled out all his lumpy blankets, and they had already torn into a box of cookies.
Steve was all warm.
Curled up in the blankets, watching The Aristocats.
“Thank you, guys. For this. It means a lot.”
“Can it, Dingus. Thomas O’Malley’s gonna sing.”
120 notes · View notes
dee-the-red-witch · 3 years
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OK, I’m gonna take a minute here while getting my brain re-set to sit back down and start in on the manuscript again. And I want to preface this all with a BIGASS disclaimer: I DO NOT THINK OR CONSIDER THAT THE POSTER WHO PUT THESE TAGS ON A REBLOG FROM ME WISHED ME ANY KIND OF ILL WHATSOEVER. IN FACT, I’M PRETTY SURE THEY WERE TRYING TO PAY ME A COMPLIMENT.
That said, I’ve been seeing this more and more. On here, on twitter, on Fb, everywhere. And it’s happening more and more as I post about more than just part of what I do as a dayjob, and as I’m trying to leverage back into doing more than just leather. ...y’all do get that my leatherwork and maskmaking is not the sum and total of me as a person, right? I mean, this is not meant as a humblebrag, or any kind of brag, just a resume list, because I’m all over the fucking map: In high school, it was debate and drama. Even ended up at State and Nationals for those to some degree.
After that, in between and during college, it was working haunted houses, studying english, history, and theatre, and then putting together a theatresports team that ran for two years (we were groaningly terrible, exactly the kind of humor geeky/nerdy theatre kids put together and it was awesome and these days I cringe at some of the jokes we used to do. I think our biggest audience was maybe thirty people.) Then it was moving here, going to Cornish for theatre, summarily dropping out of Cornish after a semester of realizing there was no way I could afford to stay in school and survive without being homeless on part time minimum wage, not to mention lots of disagreement with the whole program. Cue being a twentysomething in seattle in the early aughts- doing lots of small theatre, joining a Rocky Horror troupe, weird citylife adventures and a lot of shite underpaid jobs. Also figuring out I was queer in there. Leather didn’t happen until after I’d met my fiancee and we’d moved in together, when I got hit with a seven-month stint of unemployment, and with loads of boredom on my hands, decided I’d try and figure out how to make a leather mask or two from some spare hide she had lying around from making her own armor for the SCA. Which took a lot of attempts. Fast forward a couple of years, I was still working shit-paying jobs, we had a kid on the way, and couldn’t afford early daycare so we could both work. so I stayed home with the kids since I made less out of the two of us. Still don’t regret that. Also meant I launched a website and started slowly getting more and more professional and doing cons and stuff. Of course, doing a site means you have to do images, which meant learning photoshop, and, well, I also went ahead and learned how to draw, collage, etc in there. After a few years of photoshop, leather, and websites at home, and after going back to work at a bank doing image archival work on documents, I ended up working in a gallery as a dayjob, scanning and archiving paintings and photos for reproduction. which meant learning repro, art, art history, and putting it all together meant I was suddenly making digital art in my off time as well. And then kid number two and the ‘08 real estate crash happened almost simultaneously in reverse order. I was home with new kid again, because my job, and my entire department type, information services, pretty much ceased to exist from the corporate world. And since then it’s been working on self promoting and doing my own business since because fuck working for other people, its never worked well.
So yeah, I do leather, it’s a big part of my life,because anything is when you’ve done it for 15+ years. But that said, I’ve been fighting burnout with it for two years now, and been trying to leverage myself out of it the whole time. Which means fighting with the “but you’re the leather guy!” thing in my own head a LOT. I am not just a leatherworks guy. I write. A bunch. Next book’s almost done, and I skipped the history bit where I was freelancing for a few rpg designers- no, probably not anything you’ve seen. I DO VISUAL ART which you’ve all seen like mad if you’ve been following for any amount of time. I’d act if there were enough spoons, time and energy in the day. There isn’t, and I’m a cheesey fuckin’ actor anyways. I tattoo- that’s a new one picked up since quarantine, but I’v ebeen trying to make both of my hands less dumb, so picking up actual physical drawing and tattooing has been a thing. I still also craft all sorts of props and other bits when I want/get hired to. Because WHY NOT. But I’m a lot more than a leather guy, and I fight with myself every time I see stuff about me being just the leather guy. Jeebus, that was a wall of text. OK, I’m maybe also needing to vent a lot more, find time to get into therapy, and deal with issues on a healthy basis. Maybe find time and people irl who see me as a whole-ass person now that my vaccine’s almost finished marinating. Yeesh. Sorry for the screed, folks, but the ‘don’t fucking delete shit’ rule applies. It’s here, so I may as well share. But yes, your friend who does more than leather is trying to get seen as your friend who does more than just leather. Make sense?
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cruecifymesixx · 4 years
Love and Leather /Part Eighty Sixx/
Word Count: 5.9k
A/N: Enjoy! sorry the updates aren’t as often like they were before. I’ll try to do better
Warnings: angst, drugs, language, drug induced paranoia 
Taglist:  @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol,  @a-simple-salmon,  @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @vintagebox @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, , @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream,  @broke-n-bitchy​,  @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28​, @lilyhw1, @herbertweeest, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001,  @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist , @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier  @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991, @xpoisonousrosesx,  @m0rnlngstar, @love-struck-aries, @youretheonlyonewhomakesme,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 @rocknroll--baby​ @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, @idkmanhereisshitilike, @makaelahdelvalle
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Nikki held my hand tightly as we walked through a crowd of photographers. Quickly, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, my hand darting up to his chest, fingers intertwining with the layered rosaries and the same padlock necklace I had gotten for him years prior.
I heard Nikki mutter a curse word when photographers screamed for pictures and a quick word. Nikki declined but allowed them to take pictures of us. We were at the album release party and there was already a buzz about the music. Mainly because they wanted to see if Mötley could do it without Vince.
We walked inside hand in hand before he quickly let go and put distance between us. I frowned a bit but quickly perked up when Alan Kovac came up to him, "Nikki! Congratulations man." He gives him a quick hug "All the hard work has paid off. C'mon let's celebrate." He's quickly pulled in another direction, I see him glance back at me before he starts talking to Alan and the other suits. The record label, the marketers...those people.
I sigh deeply as I walk over to the open bar. At least I had an excuse to go shopping and get a new dress. I order a vodka soda with lime as I sip and people watch. I didn't know half of these people and I'm sure Nikki felt the same way. I should have just stayed home with Arianna however I wanted to make an effort in supporting him like a good girlfriend should do, or whatever I am to him.
Ever since my date a few weeks ago, Nikki has been extremely distant. I know he wants to talk about it, and I do too but we both don't know how to bring it up. So the best thing we know how to do is ignore it and act like it didn't happen. Therapy was a bust the other day too, we sat in silence for forty five minutes. How much longer can we keep doing this?
I get tired of sipping through the plastic straw and toss it to the side, chugging the rest of it before putting the glass down and ordering another one. The bartender tries to make small talk, I brush him off and leave before walking over to the VIP area where the band is. Cigarette smoke from John and Mick hit my face, I would usually say Tommy too, but he's trying to quit before the baby gets here.
I sit down in the red velvet chair besides Clementine, "That's a pretty dress. Where'd you get it?" I smile at her.
She leans closer to my ear, "I got it at Target."
God bless Clementine for not being like the other wives and girlfriends.
"It's probably the last cute dress I can fit in for the next six months. I've already been gaining weight."
"I think it's just you stress eating and not pregnancy weight." I smirk as she flips me off and playfully hits my shoulder, "What are you drinking?" I point at the red liquid in a martini glass.
"A virgin cosmopolitan." She points at mine, "Vodka soda?"
I nod, "Double the vodka." I glance seeing Nikki come over, he eyes the spot next to me before changing his mind and opts for sitting by Corabi instead. I look at him a moment before looking back at Clementine. Her eyebrows raise in question as I take another long sip.
"Let me just take a guess, he's bitter over your date with Jon?" Clementine questions as I roll my eyes, "He needs to get over it. This was the deal, you both date someone else and decide if it's what you want. It's not that hard to comprehend."
I chuckle at her words, "You would think right? The only time we talk is at the dining table with Arianna and who's doing pick up duty. Other than that, there's no interaction. I even walked around the house in my underwear and one of his shirts and he still wouldn't talk to me."
"Have you tried being the bigger person?"
Well, obviously that would be too easy.
"I don't know why I have to be the bigger person. He's the one that's all cranky about it. I stopped giving him shit for Donna after their second date. He just doesn't like when I play his game better than him, he never has." I express to her as she chuckles.
"God, you two are a match made in hell." Clementine laughs, "Forget about all of that tonight and just have some fun. You're kid free and it's an open bar. What more could you want?" I glance at Nikki as she follows my gaze, "That's beside the point!"
I smile a bit, "I'm fine Clementine. I'm here and I'm having fun."
"You're always just fine, Van."
I glance, "Because I'm fine. I'm good." I look over when Nikki gets up, holding his cell phone to his ear before he disappears into the crowd, "I'm gonna go use the restroom. Maybe get another drink and some food. You hungry?"
Clementine chuckles "Do I even have to answer that?"
I nod, using her knee as a crutch to get up. I squeeze past people before I get to the restrooms, seeing the line and groaning. I eye the men's bathroom for a second, not seeing a single line or a dude walk through the doors. I clear my throat walking past dirty glares and eye rolls as I walk into the bathroom.
"Oh fuck.." I turn around seeing Corabi taking a piss, "I'm sorry John."
He laughs a bit, I hear the noise of his zipper before the flush of the urinal, "It's okay. There's nobody in the stalls." I nod quickly, walking into it. God, men are fucking disgusting. I squat over the toilet doing my business as I hear him wash his hands before repeated sniffing. I hear him mutter a "shit" before more sniffing. I flush the toilet and step out seeing him using his car key to take a bump.
"You want some?"
My mouth runs dry and the angel and devil are arguing on my shoulder, "I didn't know you used." I step over paper towels on the floor and go to wash my hands hearing him sniff again before pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Just socially. Helps with my anxiety." He responds monotone as he looks at me through the mirror. I see his eyes wander down the backside of me as I reach to dry my hands.
"Does Nikki know?"
"Why? You gonna tell him?" I shake my head and he smiles, "Good girl." He offers the bump to me as I stare at it.
C'mon. Just go ahead. Look out how little that bump is. It won't do anything to you.
I shake my head, "I'm okay John. Thank you though." I step to the door but he steps back and leans against it, "I should get back to-"
"Nikki?" He laughs, "Arent you two fighting right now? He's bitched about you for weeks now."
"John, you don't know what you're talking about. We're just having a disagreement." I stare at him, watching him sniff the white powder again.
Go ahead. Just say yes. You know you want too. C'mon, what's the big worry?
John laughs at me as he shoves his curly strands out of his face, "I guess dating other people is a pretty big disagreement."
"It's what he wanted." I raised my voice, becoming stern as he smiled at me.
"Hey sweetheart. It ain't any of my business." John snorts one last key bump before closing the vial and puts it back in his pocket. He grabs the door and holds it open, "Ladies first..."
My feet stay planted as I stare at him, he raises an eyebrow before closing the bathroom door, "One bump and that's it." Johns lips tug upwards as he pulls out the vial, "And you don't say shit. It stays here in the bathroom or I swear to god I will ruin your fucking life."
He doesn't say anything in return just a simple chortle as he dips the silver key into the vial. I hold a nostril close as I snort it up quickly. The whiz going straight to my head. I feel my heart beat throughout my body and the goosebumps rising on my skin cause me to shiver. I try to rub away the irritation, sneezing repeatedly right after, "Thanks.." I see that he holds out another one I sigh and snort it in the other nostril.
John chuckles as I wipe my face. He opens the door and follows behind me.
I feel Corabi's hand rest on my lower back as he gets us back over to the bands section. I stop walking seeing Donna sitting next to Nikki, her tan legs draped over his knee as she clutches a fruity drink with an umbrella. She's whispering in his ear and he laughs at whatever she said. His hand is placed over her knee, rubbing up and down her bare thigh, fingers pulling on the bottom hem of her skirt.
I glare at them, feeling my wrist being pulled on as my name is being shouted over the music, "What did you say?" I look at Clementine, eyes low and hazy as she stares at me.
"I said...what took you so long!?" She shouts a bit, dragging me over to the booth as I can't take my eyes off of them. Donna leans over and kisses his cheek and jaw as he as the biggest smile plastered on his lips. I feel my chest heaving up and down as I try to find a solid breath of air to suck in. Clementine touched my cheek to bring me back to her and away from the looming panic that was slowly rising.
"Sorry, the bathroom...the-the uh line was really long." I stare confused again as I now hear Donnas high pitched laugh over all the other noise. Why? Why was she here when I'm here? When he held my hand and held me close when we got here?
"And no food?" Clementine laughs. How could she be laughing? Does nobody see what's going on? My eyes widen when Nikki gently grips her throat, his thumb running over her skin back and forth as he kisses her. His eyes stay opened and locked on mine.
"Why's he doing that?!" I shout, startling her as she turns to look at what I'm yelling at.
"Who? Whose doing what?" She asks confused, staring at me concerned, "Vanity? Hey! Look at me!"
I can't rip my eyes away, Nikki smiles at me when she kisses his neck and touches his exposed chest, "Don't you fucking see her kissing him?!?"
"Whose kissing who Vanity?! Jesus Christ are you drunk already?!" She pulls me to the side but I try to fight her, "Vanity! Stop!"
"Nikki!! He-he's just!!-" I try to get it out, but my words are a jumbled, slurred mess.
"....is getting his picture taken with the band?" Clementine says in my ear as she points over to them. Huge smiles on their faces as they hang off of one another laughing and yelling as flashes from cameras go off.
I blink a few times, staring. Nikki sees me and waves at me. I look over to the couch, no one was there, "What?" I say quietly as Clementine grips my arm and drags me out the back doors. I feel relief wash over me as the cold air hits my skin.
"What did you do?" She shoves my shoulders, "What did you do Vanity?!" She shoves me again until I'm leaning against the concrete wall. I feel the world spinning around me, Clem is a distorted mess as she yells "What did you fucking take?!"
"I-I didnt..." I can barely focus on the three of them that were standing in front of me "Oh god..." I mutter as I run my hands through my hair.
"Don't you dare lie to me!" She shouts, "You look sicker than a fucking dog and your eyes won't stay still!"
I rest my hand at the base of my throat, I felt like I was choking on nothing as I try my hardest to focus, "B-blow! I had some blow in the bathroom! A-and I-I think I'm h-having a bad reaction!" I stutter over my words, trying to keep my tears in.
"Yeah?! You fucking think?! God Damnit." Clementine groans as she paces around before grabbing my hand "C'mon-" she tries to pull me back inside.
"No! I can't go inside! Not while he's with her!!"
"What?!" Clementine stares at me, eyes narrowing, "What are you talking about? He's not with anyone-"
"Yes he is!! I saw them!" I flinched, breathing rapidly when Clementine cupped my cheeks, "I-I saw them. And they were kissing and he was looking at me to make sure I was watching!! Why would he do that?!"
"Van-Vanity hey! Hey! Listen to me-" I shook my head as she forced me to look at her, "Nikki is not with anyone. You're just seeing things and none of it is real. It's just your mind making you hallucinate. None of it is real-" She repeated, "Let's go inside and try to relax, alright? We'll get some water and some food."
"None of it is real..." Clementine nodded as I shook under her hands, "Okay..."
*Clementine’s POV*
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!!!!
I held onto Vanity's arm, feeling her tremble as we walked back inside. Her jaw muscle was clenching and unclenching repeatedly. I looked down at the crease of her elbow hoping to find a prick mark from a needle but there was none. I guided her back over to our section as she plopped down on the couch, hunched over with her head between her knees.
"Okay. C'mon, you gotta sit up or someone's gonna ask questions." I told her as she leaned back against the cushion, pupils blown with greens and golds lit up around them, "I'll be right back, okay? I'm just gonna get us some water." Van looked panicked but she quickly nodded.
I glanced at her one last time before walking away, seeing the guys at the bar. Tommy smiled, running up to me and giving me a kiss, "There you are!" He cheered, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Hi baby." I leaned up to kiss his cheek "I'm just getting some water for me and Van.." I tell him, he yells at the bartender to get one water and one Jack and coke, "Tommy..."
"It's too early for her to be drinking water." He whistles loudly and yells for Vanity as loud as he can, "Go bring her over here! She needs to celebrate too instead of moping around." He laughs a bit, "Vanity!!" He shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth.
I glance seeing her watching, she slowly gets up...well stumbling up as she comes over, "Jesus, maybe she does need a water..."
"Tommy...she fucked up.." I say in his ear as he looks at me.
"Well yeah! I'm sure she is a little fucked up by the way she's walking." He laughs loudly again and I grow frustrated with him.
I grab his arm and pull him closer to my height, "No Tommy. She fucked up. She snorted some blow and now she's having a bad reaction or trip or whatever the hell it is. She's hallucinating." I tell him over the music as he stares at me for a moment before glancing behind me. I turn around seeing Nikki sitting in a chair laughing.
Tommy walks away from me as he goes over to Vanity, wrapping his arm around her waist and helps her walk straight. He brings her over, blocking Nikki's view as he helps her up onto the barstool. He reaches over the bar and grabs a bottle of water and forces it into her hand "Drink it now or I dump it on you." He tells her sternly, I see the gleam of fight in her eyes, but she does what she's asked to do anyways.
Tommy turns back to me, "We need to tell Nikki." I suggest as he stares, before laughing.
"Baby have you gone nuts?! That's gonna be world war three! Just let her relax. She's just having some coke induced paranoia, she'll come down from it in a little bit." I move past him when I see Vanity struggling to keep her head up. I place my hand at the base of her neck and glare at him, "She could be overdosing Tommy."
"She's not foaming out the mouth and she isn't seizing. She's fine. I've seen her snort two eight balls in one night and obviously she lived. She's clean and sober and it's probably a shock to the system." Tommy laughs a bit, taking a sip of his beer as he looks at me, "What?"
"Is that suppose to make me feel better?!"
"Please don't fight over me. I'm sorry..." Vanity slurs as she looks at us, "I just wanted something to make me feel better."
"It's okay, Van. Just try to relax." Tommy sweet talks her as I slap his chest.
"It is not okay! Just sit there and be quiet. And pray to god Nikki doesn't feel like making things up with you."
*Nikki's POV*
My eyes wandered a few seats over seeing Tommy and Clementine laughing with Vanity. An empty pit formed in my gut as i watched them for a moment. I was only avoiding the situation because she was avoiding it too. I rubbed my face before ordering a Jack and coke and a vodka cranberry for Van to break the ice. I pop a piece of gum into my mouth before grabbing the drinks.
I strutted over, seeing Tommy and Clementine bickering about something before they turn to me, staring intently "What?" I glance at them before sitting in the chair next to Van, placing the glass in front of her and resting my forearm against the back of her chair.
"Vans actually done drinking." Clementine announced, "I told her not to eat that shrimp cocktail."
I glanced at her before Van "Are you okay?" I spoke against her ear as she nodded quickly.
"I'm okay. I feel better now. Just got a little woozy is all." I catch a bit of her slurring as I watch her reach for the glass and take a sip, the ice cubes shaking and clinking as she holds the cocktail. I glance down at my watch, we had barely been here for 2 hours.
"Do you wanna go home?" I ask softly, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, "I've talked to enough people and don't mind being home with you." I touch her shoulder and feel her tense up.
She shakes her head, looking at the counter of the bar and not me, "No, it's okay. I promise I'm fine. I guess I just drank too much to fast. I'm good Sixx."
I nod, leaving it at that but I still look at her worried. I notice her hands shaking still as she grips the edge of the bar, "Van, look at me a moment." She quickly glances at me before looking past me, "Please look at me. Just me." My eyes wander behind her seeing Tommy and Clementine looking at me, Clementine nervously chewing on her thumb nail as Tommy had a look of worrisome.
Golden eyes find mine, pupils blown but I don't react as I can see tears in her eyes. She knows that I know and that's enough for me. I put my hand on the side of her cheek, she was flushed and burning up, "Keep it together." I spoke sternly as she quickly nodded at my words.
"I-I I'm sorry.." she stumbled over her words, "I'm so sorry Nikki." My thumb catches the tear that rolls down.
"Just keep it together, okay? Only for a little while longer."
Vanity takes a deep breath in and exhales through her nose, "Okay...I can do that. Then we can go home?"
My lips curl in a smile, fighting back every derogative word I wanted to scream in her face "Yes doll, then we can go home. You sit tight, get some water and relax." I tell the bartender to give her a another water bottle before I glare looking at Clem and Tommy.
I leave Vans side, motioning for the two to come over to me, "What is she on? Is it coke? If that's the case, it's the calmest I've ever seen her than."
"W-what do you mean? She's on something? I had no clue.." Tommy stammers as I give him a look.
"Cut the shit. Is she using again?" I look at Clementine, begging for answers as she shrugged.
"I don't know Nikki. And I don't know what she's on. She wasn't making any sense and she started crying then she was hallucinating. She needs to go home Nikki."
I laughed "Have you fucking lost it? Arianna will still be up. If she's hallucinating here she'll be hallucinating at home." I look over at Van seeing her reaching out for something that's not even there, "Fuck. Just keep her distracted or something. I don't want her ruining anything tonight." I sighed in frustration running my hand over my face as I let out a muttered fuck, "I gotta step outside for a minute. Just keep an eye on her, please."
~Next Morning~
I jolt awake, gasping for a breath as I push and kick my comforter off of me. I wipe the sweat from my forehead before holding my stomach, god I felt like I was gonna hurl. My bedroom door is thrown open, the handle hitting the wall as Arianna and Anarchy come running in.
"Mommy!! I'm going with auntie and uncle Tommy today!" She announces pulling herself onto my bed and sitting on her knees in front of me, "Daddy said she's on her way to get me."
I rub my eyes and smile looking at the bun Nikki put her hair in "Is your backpack ready? And your shoes picked out?"
She nodded feverishly, "Yes! Daddy did it and told me to come wake you up to say bye." I run my hands through my hair before getting up. I notice my rooms in disarray as I pull up a pair of sweats. I help Arianna jump off the bed and she's clinging to my leg as we walk down the hallway and to the stairs. She lets go of me as she sits, sliding down the stairs and laughs up a storm as Anarchy chases her down.
"You ready for the whole day with your favorite person besides me?" Nikki smiles handing over her sneakers. I say good morning to him as I walk to the kitchen but he ignores me.
"The whole day? Does that mean I can bring my toys over?!" I hear Nikki chuckle, "No sweetie. I think you still have plenty of toys over there."
I pour myself a cup of coffee and let Anarchy out at the back door before going to the living room and sitting down, "Daddys right baby. You still have a lot over there."
She pouts a bit, "But they aren't new toys like the ones I have here.."
"Just ask Uncle Tommy for new toys." I shrug and smile at her as her eyes light up.
"Van." Nikki scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Arianna, you're fine with the toys you have there and the toys you have here. You aren't getting anything new."
Arianna huffs before she stands in front of the tv watching cartoons, "You hungry V? I can cook you something. She already ate."
I nod, looking at him "I'm starving. Can you make French toast? What are we doing today since she's going over to Clems?"
I stare when he narrows his eyes at me, "I'm staying home and so are you." He says sternly as my eyebrows pull together, "Don't need you in public till the news and frenzy dies down about your behavior."
I tilt my head to the side, "My behavior?" I say confused as I hear a car horn.
"Wait till she's out of the house, yeah?" Nikki rolls his eyes at me and I frown at his attitude. He helps Arianna with her jacket and hands over her backpack, "See you later bug." He bends down and kisses her forehead before he leaves to the kitchen.
"Is daddy mad?" Arianna questions curiously as we walk to the front door.
"What? No, no, daddy's not mad. You know he's just grumpy in the mornings." I bend down to fix her laces, "I'll see you later okay? Be good and we can go to blockbuster tonight." She leans forward and gives me a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug. I open the car door for her and help her get up and wait till she buckled. I feel Clementine looking at me and I glance, "Good morning."
"Morning.." she grumbles but cheers up when she says the same thing to Arianna.
"Thanks for taking her. I don't remember us talking about it though?"
"Yeah, you didn't. Nikki asked me."
Why was everyone being so damn short with me?
"Okay...well have fun. Bye Ari." I wave to her as Clem rolls the window up and starts heading down the driveway.
I walk back in the house, leaning against the front door as I smell cinnamon and vanilla coming from the kitchen. I feel jittery as I walk through the house, Nikki has the portable radio on to the rock station in the kitchen. He's moving his head a bit and has his back towards me, I pull myself on the barstool and keep to myself.
"That was Bulls on Parade by Rage Against The Machine and you're listening to KLAZT LA's best rock station. Up next, we're taken it back with a littl Home Sweet Home by Mötley Crüe. Speaking of the Crüe, did anyone else see the article in entertainment today about the antics of Vanity Blackwood last night at their album release party. Chick seems like a real keeper...Not!"
I gasp before Nikki tosses the magazine down on the counter, "You fucking embarssed me last night Vanity."
I stare at the magazine cover. I look fucking plastered as Nikki is trying to keep me standing and the headline reads: The princess takes a tumble as Mötley Crüe heads in the direction of their old antics.
My eyes widen at the shots of me on my knees outside of a limo with both Tommy and Nikki trying to pull me up. I pull up my sweats seeing cuts and bruises on my kneecaps and shins.
"God, Nikki..I-I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say. I-I don't remember any of this."
Mötley Crüe was suppose to be celebrating their album release with new lead singer John Corabi, however they ended up babysitting. Vanity Blackwood (Nikki Sixx's ex and baby mama) had one too many fruity drinks and ended up having to be escorted out (see above). Our office reached out to the bands rep but they had no comment.
Nikki slammed his hand down on the counter, covering the picture of me in the limo with a bright yellow star reading 'censored' between my spread legs, "You're really going to look me in the eye, lie, and tell me you don't remember any of this shit? You humiliated yourself, me, and the band. So who gave you the fucking blow?"
Everything came rushing back, the blow in the bathroom with Corabi, the hallucinations, the vomit outside in the rose bushes when we got home, "I-I went to the bathroom then I needed some air and clem came with me and I started hyperventilating and that's all I remember."
"Vanity." Nikki took a deep breath, "Just tell me what happened. I won't get mad, I just want to know. I was fucking worried sick about you last night, almost took you to the damn hospital."
I pushed the magazine away from me, "I went to the bathroom, then I went outside. I remember I was seeing crap that wasn't there. And I felt sick to my stomach. But I didn't snort anything I swear. I haven't touched anything since New York."
"Vanity! You weren't acting drugged! Or like someone spiked your drink! You were a incoherent mess, you were pale as a ghost and your pupils were as big as the eye of a needle."
The yelling made my head throb as I rubbed my temples to relieve it, "I don't know, Nikki. The last thing I remember is sitting at the bar."
He rolled his eyes, "So I don't know when you're high on coke? You were a babbling mess. Kept saying shit over and over. You're jaw was clenched so god damn tight I thought I was going to have to take you to a dentist! Fuck! Van! You were saying I was with Donna and wouldn't shut the fuck up about it! She wasn't around! Wasn't even fucking invited!" He stepped away from me to go flip the French toast angrily and toss the spatula down after.
"I don't know Nikki..." I spoke in a soft whisper, "I didn't snort, smoke, or shoot anything. Why can't you believe me?" I was already this far down the rabbit hole, why should I stop now?
"Because Van, I know you. Did John give you something because he was acting fucking weird too."
I shook my head looking at him, his eyes were drilling holes in an attempt to get it out of me, "No....I barely talked to him. I congratulated him and that was it."
"Fine." He glares for a moment before looking away, "We'll have to wait a few days before coming out with a statement to clear things up."
"Can't we just wait for it to blow over like everyone else does?"
He scoffed, "Seriously?! You dragged my bands name through the fucking mud!" Nikki shouts before stomping over to the tv and turning it to MTV, "They've been talking about your god damn interview all morning."
"Any thoughts on the album Vanity?"
I rubbed my face as I saw myself almost fall over nothing before grabbing onto the interviewer for stability, "Well, in my honest opinion, the album could be better." I slurred every word, "It's-its not Mötley and it sucks without Vince. Corabi sucks, and the album sucks. It sounds like every band now a days. It's too...too heavy. And! And you know what else!" I pointed my finger at the camera and grabbed ahold of the microphone, "Vince wasn't even fired like Nikki said. I was there that day. Nikki was just bitching like he always does and-"
I felt sick to my stomach when Nikki turned off the tv and threw the remote down, "That's why we need a god damn statement. We'll go with your lie about the spiked drink and call it a day. Got it?"
"It's not a lie.."
"Just don't. Just fucking don't, okay? I know when you are lying and when you're telling the truth. I'm done fucking talking about it."
I stared down at my nails, seeing dried blood around my knuckles. Just say it. Just tell the truth. Just say Corabi gave you the drugs and risk the chance of Nikki kicking him out of the band. I heard Nikki groan when the house phone started ringing.
"What?!" He answers it before rolling his eyes, "It's for you." Nikki glares and hands it to me.
I get up and go with down on the couch, "Hello?"
"Bad time to call huh? It's Jon..." I smiled a bit and peaked over the back of the couch to see Nikki in the kitchen cooking, "I just uh...I saw MTV and-"
"Please, please don't watch it. I was really drunk last night and was acting like a total idiot. That's not how I am and I didn't mean anything I said." I explain, running my hand through my hair, grimacing when I feel it sticking together.
"I figured...they're making you seem like a bad person and I just wanted to make sure you're okay sweetheart." I hear his smile from the other side.
"I'm okay....just dealing with the repercussions. But thank you for checking in. It's really sweet of you."
"You're welcome. But hey..since I have you on the phone. I was hoping maybe we could get together soon? I had a lot of fun last time and I've been thinking about you quite some bit."
I blushed a bit, "Really? Um...yeah, I'd love to see you again. I'm free next weekend."
"That sounds good. Can I pick you up around four?"
My eyes widened, "You wanna pick me up? I can just drive to wherever."
Jon chuckles a bit, "Sixx gonna shoot me or something? Look, I'll take my chances just for you. You'll love what I have planned."
"Okay...yeah you can pick me up. My address is 7904 Palo Verde Court and the code to the gate is 666.."
I smile when Jon laughs, "How clever of him. I'll see you next Saturday Van. Don't listen to the media, it will eat you alive."
I thank him again and say my goodbyes as I put the phone back on the receiver. I go over to the plate Nikki put down as he's already eating, "Will seeing my tits make you feel better?"
"Shut up. Seeing you naked and bent over isn't going to make anything better. I'm pissed Van."
I sigh, "I know. And I'm sorry, okay? I really am. I didn't mean anything I said about the album. I like the album, it's not my favorite but I like it. You know I support everything you create."
"It didn't feel like it." I hear and see the frown and I gently reach over and touch his hand.
"I mean it Nikki. That wasn't me last night and I'm sorry I had you worried." Nikki gave my hand a squeeze before letting go.
"Let's just move past it okay? It already happened and there is no reason for us to argue about it. You said your piece and I said mine. We have time without the kid so let's just relax today." He leaned over and kissed the side of my head, "Love you..”
“I love you too.”
To whom it may concern,
My behavior and antics a few nights ago at the album release party were completely and utterly unacceptable. In no way, shape or form is that how I truly am. I was heavily under the influence and after a trip to the hospital, my blood work had an ungodly amount of Rohypnol in it. So in other words, my drink was ‘roofied’. We are working with the LAPD and the club owners to narrow down the assailant. To the boys, the band, Mötley Crüe, I have never once had any ill feelings towards anything that has been created. I have loved and cherished each album that has been put out by the band. I am extremely apologetic for anyone's feelings in and out of the band I have affected in a negative manor
Best Regards,
Vanity Blackwood
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aizawaskittenwhore · 4 years
𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐭
pairing: cartel!shota aizawa x fem!reader
words: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, this will be a cartel!au, so mentions of c*ke and distribution...yeah lol, suggestive content towards the end of the chapter (vague description of a bj), angst, cheating, aizawa just ain’t shit in this story LMFAOOO
a/n: this is the third fucking time i’ve tried to post this so if it doesn’t work i’m gonna cry. but I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE and i can’t wait for you all to see what i’ve got planned. so uh...strap yourselves in it’s about to get crazy. sorry ms joke </3
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐚’ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
The salty, warm breeze from the ocean whipped its way through Shota’s onyx locks, tossing them around with a gentle force. Miami was gorgeous from the water, skyscrapers alight with the buzzing energy of the city, streets crawling with good food and even better looking women. Gorgeous full lips wrapped around martini glasses, criminally short dresses clinging to any skin it was given. He didn’t care much for the nightlife, opting to observe the partygoers from a distance.
He wasn’t here to socialize.
He was here to work.
His wrists draped over the edge of the rail that separated him and the water, a small portion of his weight against the cool metal. When Hizashi suggested that he get a yacht he nearly spat out his whiskey, face contorted in an expression of annoyance and disdain. Shota didn’t understand why someone would need such a flashy boat, it was merely a watercraft meant for travel and or fishing. This wasn’t the 1400’s where one’s worth was tied to the size of a man’s ship. Just another glorified pissing contest for rich people with too much money, and not enough couple’s therapy in the world that could keep them home for days at a time.
It’s not as if he was in any position to judge though, his pinky coming to rest just below the silver band that rarely inhabited his ring finger these days. He doesn’t entirely know what possessed him to wear it, whether it be the ever-crushing guilt from lying to his wife, or the text he’d received from Emi this morning that read:
“Make sure to bring me back a mojito! Don’t work yourself too hard, and remember how much I love you!💕”
If only she knew that these tri-monthly “Inter-Departmental Hero Conferences” were just fronts for selling a literal boat-load of cocaine.
Turns out, yachts were really good for that.
In the span of just five years, superhuman society was nearing it’s peak. Upon the graduation of all the students in the 1-A Hero Course, and Izuku Midoriya’s induction as the new Symbol of Peace; the world began to see an astronomical shift. Crime rates were the lowest they’d ever been, with Japan and the States sitting at 2 and 4.5 percent, respectively. Newly minted Pro Heroes roamed the streets, bringing security to those who needed it and striking fear into the hearts of those who were on the wrong side of the law.
But this utopia came at a price. With the sudden influx of fresh and talented pros, crime decreased exponentially, leaving little villain-based work for Heroes to get paid for. Hostage situations and evacuation efforts took backseat to helping older women across the street and assisting young children with their schoolwork. Soon enough, peace became a burden for those whose careers surrounded chaos.
Aizawa was no exception to this dilemma. Once Midoriya and his classmates graduated and obtained their Hero Licenses, he’d ended his tenure as an instructor at UA. He felt that he’d done his civic duty as a teacher and a Pro, and produced some of the finest Heroes the world would come to see. So he began to settle down. Surprisingly, he’d begun to tolerate Joke’s incessant laughter and boisterous personality, and soon fell in love with the eccentric woman. Between patrols and giving advice to aspiring Heroes at the community center, he and Emi explored all the the world had to offer; swapping out steel-toed combat boots for soft plush flip flops against hot sand. After three years he’d proposed, much to Emi’s delight (and Ashido’s upon hearing that Mr. Aizawa could actually tolerate another human being). The ceremony was small, and intimate. Shinsou serving as the ring bearer, and Eri as the flower girl. Mic even shed a few tears during the toast, though he’ll deny it if Kayama ever brings it up.
For a while, things were good. Life was good. Emi was glowing with the energy of a new life blossoming inside her, and Shota fantasized about meeting his little girl, counting all of her dainty fingers and toes, and doting on her for all to see.
Or at least it was, before agencies began to close. Paychecks got smaller and smaller. Heroes were struggling to find work and their pockets began to struggle along with them. With Emi on maternity leave, and Hero society coming to a standstill, things were looking grim. He needed to provide for his family, his wife, his children.
He needed a plan, and fast.
Luckily, Hizashi always did have good standing with everyone’s favorite Bird Boy. So he called in a few favors.
“Just for a couple months man! We stir up a little bit of noise, make a couple ripples and bam! Crime rate’s back up, and we get back to makin’ money. It’s temporary. Nobody will ever know, I’ll make sure of it. I got you.” Hizashi pleaded, an arm slung across Aizawa’s shoulders as he pensively gazed into his glass of amber liquid. He’d done some vigilante work here and there in his twenties but this....this was outright criminal. But what choice did he have?
Just a few months, he’d said. If only it’d worked out that way.
“I was getting worried you wouldn’t show, Eraser!” Zhu thundered, hands clapping joyously at the other man’s timeliness. “That’s some boat you got there, let me guess...the wife’s idea?” He queried, eyebrows waggling emphatically as Aizawa descended from the metal ladder and onto the wooden pier; eyes rolling into the back of his head at Zhu’s...excitable personality. The two had known each other for about two years or so, having gotten acquainted over the course of Shota’s many trips between Japan and the States, and sometimes South America. Zhu Kanaka was a man of the lower ranks, opting to use his easygoing disposition to negotiate deals for Takami “Lord of The Skies” Keigo, better known as Hawks. Standing at a solid 6 foot 4, with thick black locks that spiked into a point reminiscent of an onion, thick bushy brows and a set jaw, you’d think he wouldn’t hesitate to punt anyone like a football.
At least until he opened his mouth.
“As it turns out, Emi hates the damn thing. Makes her seasick. Hizashi talked me into getting the fuckin’ eyesore.” He intoned. His left hand palmed his slacks for the emergency pack of cigarettes he kept in his back pocket for when he was stressed during a deal, although he never really needed them anymore after Eri said she wanted him to quit. He still held on to them though, just in case. “The hell you waiting for? You know the deal man. Let’s see it.” He muttered, silently willing for Zhu to get on with it so he could get in a bed. Three and a half hours on a goddamned boat (that you didn’t even want to begin with) will do that to you.
“Someone looks like he needs a nap. Alright, I got ya. Count it, make sure it’s all there. I had Thing 1 and Thing 2 back there pack it, so you might wanna double check.” Zhu quipped, jerking a thumb towards the two young men currently engaged in a heated game of Rock, Paper, Scissors; the pair of them flushing upon receiving one of Aizawa’s infamous stares. Two thick black duffles were handed to his two bodyguards, the men immediately unzipping and checking the stacks, a mental tally steadily climbing higher and higher as they sifted through the cash.
“He’s good. Four hundred thousand in each bag. It’s all there, Eraser.” Sato affirmed, Toru nodding alongside the man. “Good. Go ahead and call Jamie, tell him to bring the car around. Zhu, I’ll send Sato and Toru to help your men unload our shipment. It’s a hefty one, so you’ll need the assistance.” Shota offered, shoulders visibly relaxing at the thought of getting some alone time in an empty hotel room.
“Yeah that’d be great, thanks! How long you in town for?”
“Until about 3pm tomorrow. I’ll be on my flight back to Kyushu then.” He states, right arm extending to clasp the other man’s hand in a firm grip. “You’re goin to that meeting the Big Man’s holding in a few days right?” Zhu queries. “Unfortunately, yes. Gonna miss my little girl’s first doctor’s appointment for this shit.”
“No way! She had the baby?!?!? Congratulations man! How’s it feel?” Zhu exclaims, eyes alight with joy for his friend’s new addition to the family. “Feels good. She had a smooth pregnancy, everything worked out fine. Hana’s beautiful, and healthy. I couldn’t be more proud.” Shota brags slightly, heart swelling at the thought of his little girl and how proud he was to know he’d helped in making someone so...ethereal. “Wow. Raising another kid, you flying out all the damn time, along with whatever else you got goin on?? No wonder you look like shit.”
Red eyes and floating hair caused Zhu to immediately retract his former statement.
“Aw I’m just joshin’ Eraser! But I hear ya. It’s a lotta’ sacrifices that go into this, but they’re who we do it for. All of it. Ya know?” Zhu amends, eyes shimmering with the reflection of the city lights off of the water.
Did he even know who... or what he was doing this for anymore?
Shota found himself asking that question more and more often as of late.
“Anyway, you’re probably spent, so I’ll leave you to it. It was good seeing you man, send Emi my love!” Zhu shouted as he slowly walked towards the men unloading his boat. “Likewise. Tell Macie and the kids I said hello.” Aizawa responded dryly, body screaming for some kind of relief from this exhaustion.
“Will do! Oh, by the way! You might wanna bring some cooler clothes and sunscreen with your pale ass, I hear Guadalajara’s pretty sunny around this time of year! See you in a few days man!” The male laughed, throwing him a wave as he slowly disappeared into the darkness of the port. Massaging the bridge of his nose in irritation, Aizawa nodded in acknowledgement as Jamie pulled up alongside him; his hand reaching for the handle and dragging his siphoned body into the backseat.
Jamie could sense his employer’s weary expression, and didn’t make any attempts at conversation, merely opting to start making his way to the hotel while smooth jazz floated through the car. Forehead against the door of the towncar, Shota typed out a quick message to his wife:
“Alcohol is the last thing you need sweetheart, and I love you too. Got another meeting in a few days, mandatory. I’ll in be in Mexico, so I’ll miss Hana’s appointment. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to the two of you.”
The message sat for a few seconds before Emi read and typed out a response:
“Aw, bummer! </3 Dont worry, work is much more important right now. I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures!”
“You don’t have to make it up to us, you caring is enough. Get some sleep old man, me and the girls love you. xoxo, Wifey 😘 ”
He didn’t deserve her.
He didn’t deserve any of them.
This he knew. And yet, it didn’t stop him from responding to the unknown number that texted his phone every time he happened to be in town.
“Same time and place? Desperately in the mood to play....My toys just aren’t as good as yours, Eraser. ;)”
His heart sank. A beat passes. Then two.
Calloused thumbs move fluidly across the screen. He’s done this far too many times.
“Be there in 10. You know the routine.”
And in retrospect...he would’ve been way better off just blowing off Guadalajara and going to Hana’s appointment.
Because while he wrapped her slick ponytail around his hand, as a head that wasn’t his wife’s dipped between his legs, he didn’t think this would be his last moment of peace. Shoved down the throat of a woman who’s name he had long forgotten, settling for calling her whatever pet name he felt like adorning her with, her hands clawing at the soft and sleek cotton of his trousers.
Aizawa never anticipated that this would be the last time he would be in a room without immediate reinforcements, and be content.
The last time someone he didn’t trust with his life knew his location, and he wasn’t terrified.
The last moments of peace in his world before it all went to hell.
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Temecula, California;
The office floor was barren. Dark, coffee stained carpet congealed with the bacteria of old and new; giving it a sad beige color from the creamy foam-like white it was when the building was built. Cubicles cluttered with miscellaneous paperwork from separate departments, all of it raining down from desk to desk like a fresh layer of snow on the first day of winter. Tired, weary hands typed at a computer with precision and accuracy, the warm glow from the screen illuminating the buttons on her blouse as she plowed through each document. Her body raged for a moment of rest, but she couldn’t give in. Not when so much was at stake, not when so much needed to be done in so little time.
After a few minutes, and approximately twelve sips of bittersweet lukewarm coffee, the fingers came to a halt. A sigh of relief was freed from her body as she pushed the enter button on the dusty, tan keyboard and began to pack up for the night. Since the computers were set on an activity timer, there was no need for her to physically shut it down. After 30 seconds of no visible movement, the screen flashed a message declaring that the activity would be suspended within the next 2 minutes if no motion was detected. Content with her work, she slung her work bag over her shoulder, and trudged towards the elevator, mentally clocking out for the night.
As the elevator slowly carried its passenger down, the computer continued its countdown before discontinuing its power, leaving the following words for nobody but its future recipient to read:
Drug Enforcement Agency Operative Travel Request:
Agent: L/N, F/N
Current Operation: Potential formation of a rising cartel under the leadership and or affiliation of Pro Heroes Hawks, Endeavor, and Eraserhead. Agent has been undercover for eight months and twenty-seven days.
Investigation Status: Active
Location of Travel: Guadalajara, Mexico
Reason for Request: Possible gathering of multiple Hero-Run plazas to discuss further movement. Will gather more intel and gain trust of suspects involved/acquire more resources for investigation.
Travel Request Status: Accepted.
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chbslove · 4 years
i am steter trash so i wrote an au where stiles is a spark that lives in the forest because he killed his dad in an accident back when he was a kid and couldn't control his magic and his moms family was just made up of mages and he is the first one to actually be a born spark with loads of power so she raises him and teaches him everything she knows
and in this au sparks are being hunted and put down like animals so claudia builds a house in the forest with stiles where he can live and study magic on the land of their family and after she dies stiles moves there.
(and yes hes a lot older in this because it makes me antsy to write about eighteen year old stiles and adult peter. sorry. I'm a pussy okay.)
and stiles meets his gang! and scott is a dryad, lydia is a mermaid, jackson and danny are mermen (and jackson and danny are together by the way), i planned allison as a regular human that meets scott on a walk in the woods and falls in love with him later in the story because the hale fire storyline is still happening, and kira is an ancient kitsune who also lives in the forest and is good friends with stiles, and erica, boyd, isaac, liam, theo etc are not there yet but thats cause stiles is pretty alone.
he just minds his own business and takes care of the dryads and meets fairies (who live in the forest) and makes a deal with them that they'll stop screwing around with humans and stay in the forest and he'll protect them and take care of them because sparks are powerful and the fairies appreciate that instead of being afraid of him.
and stiles just does his thing for a couple of years until the fairies go a little bit too far and peter hale, who is stupidly a little too far in the forest on his patrol, gets caught in a storm they cause and gets lost in the woods, and he finds stiles' house and stiles takes him in and gives him dry clothes and then guards him back so peter won't get himself fairy'ed
and then a week passes and stiles is kind of anxious peters family will tell him to fuck off the woods (even though it's stiles' heritage to take care of the forest, the hales just live there) and then: the actual plot
a little apple dryad tells him scott found a dying fairy. this fairy apparently told scott in her dying breath something wolfish killed her, and stiles wrongly thinks peter and his family did that, and he goes to find scott to ask him about it, but scott is just gone. stiles can't find him and gets worried and checks his wards, and when he gets to the wards around the hale property, he meets laura. he asks her if she's seen scott, and she saw him going back into the forest, but stiles still can't find him.
laura leaves and stiles finds the ward to their territory broken, and it stinks like druid, so he figures it was this deaton guy because werewolves aren't sneaky like that.
stiles visits lydia (because he still can't find scott and lydia knows how to calm him down) and finds out jackson and danny saw a monster while making out under the surface of their lake and from then stiles knows that the hales have got nothing to do with this because what lydia describes Is Not a werewolf.
so he gets pissy, and then ultimately is enraged when he finds a dead stag this monster killed, and because he's pissy he visits the hales to tell talia he's rightfully going to kill their emissary for being a bitch and breaking his wards and letting some monster walk his territory.
and talia is all "what the fuck how do i not know you." and stiles is all internally "i see my darling peter kept his promises" and then he's internally like "wait fuck i'm not really in love with this guy am i" and then he's like "oh. OH."
and talia convinces him not to kill deaton because shes awesome and stiles grumpily agrees because... not agreeing would be a dick move and it would mean. War. Basically.
so the hales offer their help looking for scott and stiles finds this monster thing on his search and its a wendigo yay, and scott has been following this thing around for days now because he's a dumbass and wanted to help, and they bro out
and the hales and stiles kill this thing, which means magic action. and stiles is awesome. and everyone knows that now.
what follows is just steter get-to-know-eachother and the hale pack are the biggest wingmen (wingpeople) ever and there's fluff and magic and a lot of flowers because stiles is a person that can't for the life of him say the words "i love you" and gets incredibly anxious when people say "i love you" so he mostly displays his feelings for peter in hanakotoba, the traditional japanese flower language that kira taught him, and peter eventually catches onto that and they get together in a load of angst and fluff and they have sex. because of course they have loads of sex. bold of you to think peter can keep his hands off stiles for longer than a day and likewise.
and there is like a load of stiles/hale pack friendship dynamics because i love them all and then suddenly yeehaw. hale fire.
So paige has already happened in this timeline before stiles and peter met, and derek still meets kate and she does her scum thing and uses him. a bunch of hunters show up to the hale house, shoot them with wolfsbane bullets and gather them so they can burn together.
stiles wakes up in a rush because something bad is happening to his wolves but then his eyes fall closed again and he can't get out of bed for a solid time because someone freaking poisoned him and he's fevering and weak and everything is dizzy, but he forces himself up because something. bad. is happening. to his. wolves. he stumbles into his kitchen and almost dies right there and then, because the poison is wolfsbane and he feels like he got tons of it shoved down his throat by the person that poisoned him. his life starts flashing in front of his eyes and he fights back at it and vomits the wolfsbane out, believes it out of his system and when it's gone, he's just left raging.
because i hate kate, stiles loses control when he meets her at the hale house and kills her. he gets the pack and gets them out of the house, breaks the mountain ash circle and they leave. the hales can't go back to their house because the place is swarming with hunters
and peter and stiles figure out it was deaton who told kate everything she needed to know to set this trap and the mountain ash circle also stinks like druid, so deaton gets revealed as being the bad guy all along. stiles figures that he also poisoned him so he wouldnt interrupt, and that deaton wanted thalias alpha spark. the wendigo was a test and deaton put it there on purpose to see how strong stiles was and if he would care about the hales, because deaton knew stiles would feel the hunters killing them and ever since peter and stiles got together the druid knew he would have to murder him too to get the hales dead.
and stiles is just half feral in his wrath and the aftermath of the wolfsbane poisoning, and derek is sobbing and muttering about this being all his fault, and peter has two bullets stuck in his knees and has to be held up by his niece and his brother-in-law, and every one of them is shot and hurt and crying and talia does her best to comfort derek while shaking as well
and stiles just closes his eyes. takes a deep breath. and takes care of his family-in-law, because fuck if he isnt gonna marry peter after this. he takes them in, gives them clean and comfortable clothes, patches them up, lets them shower, yeets his living room so they have space for a big puppy pile, gives them food and water to drink and then draws a ward around his house that is strong enough deaton won't be able to find them unless he sells his soul to the king of hell.
when he's done with that, he locks the hales in and asks kira to take care of them and make sure they're okay while he's gone. she agrees and stiles goes and because he's angry and kind of more dark than i let slip until now so he just. slaughters the hunters that are left. and he enjoys it.
then he shows up to chris argents house, shocks the living hell out of allison because he's still covered in blood and ash, and goes talk to gerard, who is there for alibi purposes. he just flatly tells the truth and asks gerard how many times they've done this now. and the second the old man lets slip the hales weren't the first, stiles goes full Older Derek Hale Mode and slams him against a wall to threaten the living shit out of the man.
by threaten i mean he says that he'll kill him and there's nothing the guy can do about it, cause stiles will find him, no matter how far he runs. yknow bamf dark stiles shit. i am living for writing this scene right now bye
and then he looks at chris and allison. allison looks scared out of her mind and then she asks if thats true. if her family really did something like that. and chris has to look her square in the eye and tell her through gritted teeth that, altough he didnt know about this, yes, they did that to innocent people.
and stiles looks at chris and gives him a nod, because he knows the guy can get this right, he knows allison is strong and fierce and will be fine no matter what. he looks at gerard and sneers at him in disgust. then he leaves like the dramatic bitch he is, but not without ensuring chris will clean this mess up and make an alliance with talia.
he goes back to the house and the only one still awake is peter, and stiles breaks down completely, covered in blood from head to toe and scared out of his mind too. peter holds him, gently leads him into the shower, and helps him get cleaned up, washes his hair, picks out clothes for him, and they go to sleep together.
then, recovery. stiles organizes therapy for derek because lord knows the boy needs it, he nurses the hales healthy, shows them around in the house, they meet his friends, cora and lydia take a particularly special interest in each other, scott is sad because allison broke up with him but stiles visits the argents and talks to her a lot and they become friends too, and he knows scott will get over her eventually, just as she's getting over him.
and stiles shows the hales his life for a while until everyone is recovered, and then they go back to the hale house that he cleaned up already (because, uh, corpses had to be buried, floors had to be cleaned from blood and the smell of magic and mountain ash had to be erased)
and then peter proposes to stiles and they have a beautiful wedding by the lake where cora can talk to lydia, and derek ends up talking to scott quite a lot because scott is nervous and sweet and falls head over heels for the quiet werewolf, and guess who allison ends up with? nobody. because allison is fucking awesome and in the hunter business and she takes it upon her to start cleaning up the community and goes against hunters that are like her aunt just killing innocent people and a relationship with anybody would just be annoying. maybe she realizes she isnt even into relationships, i don't know that yet. aro ally would be interesting, dude.
And then in the end stiles goes to live with the hales and they mend their territory together so he can still visit his friends and he leaves the house to cora who eventually moves there as an adult so she can live with lydia. he and peter move out as well and they go back to town when stiles is ready, because he's lived so freaking long in the fear someone will hunt him down and kill him for his power, and now everything is peaceful. so he puts down his weapons, stops fighting, and lives happily ever after.
and has loads of sex with peter. just because.
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greenninjagal-blog · 5 years
Deja Vu
I spent some time thinking about Remus having the superpower to see the future and this happened, whoops. Might write more if I get some free time.
Summary: Remus sees the future and it often involves Roman’s death.
Words: 2284
Quick Taglist: @chelsvans @faithfulcat111 @felicianoromano @holliberries @jemthebookworm @killerfangirl3 @lunasfriendgabby @never-end1ng-suffering @silverflame-wc @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @thenaiads @treasureofpriam
TW: Death, attempted murder, not being believed/listened to, unhealthy sibling relationships,
Read on Ao3 || My general Writing Masterlist
Remus is eight and only eleven minutes younger than Roman the first time he sees his brother get run over by a car.
He’s eight and only eleven minutes younger than Roman and its the middle of the day in summer and Roman has on bright red sneakers that match his favorite jacket. They’re on their front lawn because Mom said they were being too loud and they can’t decide on a game to play because Roman wants to play Wizards and Knights and Remus wants to play Escape from Monkey Island. Roman calls him a name, a mean one, a childish, dumb, cruel one that would mean nothing in a year, a month, a week, a minute. Remus picks up the ball by his knees and throws it as far as he can, because he doesn’t want to be the wizard who fights the knights again.
The ball hits the ground, bounces twice and drops off the curb right into the street.
And the teenager driving the silver sedan is going twenty over the speed limit because they still believe nothing bad can ever happen to them.
Remus is eight and only eleven minutes younger than Roman.
Roman is on the ground and not moving and not breathing. 
The silver sedan screeches to a stop ten feet past, ten feet too late, ten feet. And everyone is screaming: The teenager who just ran over Roman, the neighbor who had been mowing their lawn, Mom who came sprinting from the house. 
And then Remus is eight and only ten minutes younger than Roman because Roman is dead in the middle of the road. 
That’s the first time.
When he blinks, the vision is gone and Roman is in front of him calling him a mean, childish name and Remus has the ball in his hand ready to throw and a grey sedan is turning down their street going far too fast--
And Remus stumbles back and falls off his feet. His butt hits the ground hard and before he even knows what he's doing he's sobbing.
Roman twiddles over him with a bunch dumb, stupid apologies because he thinks that Remus is crying over name calling.
Not because he saw himself throw a ball towards the road and Roman died, or he threw it softer and Roman was quick enough that he survived to hear the ambulance arrive but not to make it to the hospital, or he threw it towards the house and it broke a window and Remus got grounded, or he threw it at Roman and it left a bright red mark that Remus got sent to his room for, or he dropped it and it fell in the gutter and Roman didn't talk to him for a week--
And Remus doesn't know how to explain it to anyone. He doesn't stop sobbing until Roman is grounded for making him cry and he's bundled under a mountain of blankets with Mom right next to him holding him tightly and whispering softly in his hair. When Dad comes home and joins the hug, he asks Mom what happened and she can’t answer any better than Remus can.
They talk about keeping an eye on him, about doctors, and therapy and the words quite literally go over his head. Every time that Remus closes his eyes sees the bumper of the grey sedan, and his head echoes with the sound of his brother’s body hitting the ground again and again and again.
He’s eight and only eleven minutes younger than Roman when he first sees his brother die. 
There’s no explanation for it. No reason why. But it happens again and again and again: Roman goes running around the pool and slips on the concrete turning the water red, Remus gives him a playful shove off the play set and he hits the ground just wrong enough that he never gets back up, they leave their shoes on the stairs one time too many and Remus finally knows why Mom is always so insistent that they not do that.
Mom and Dad take him to the nice doctor, who tells him these pills will help him get better.
They don’t.
Even though he wishes they would so badly. He clings to the hope that every time they change the number of pills or the amount of them or the type of them that he’ll stop seeing his brother die or get hurt or cry.
(Its not just his brother: Dad falls off the ladder while putting up Christmas lights, Mom gets scared by a spider and hits her head on the cabinets, the next door neighbor and his wife get into a fist fight, his teacher chokes on a sandwich,---)
By the time he’s ten he knows the truth: He isn’t going to get better. There are no magic pills that will save him, no amount screaming or crying or begging that will make the visions stop coming, nothing.
“Remus!” Mom cries frustrated, when he won’t let her leave for work on time because there’s ice on the deck and she’s going to fall. “You’re too old to be doing this!”
Too old to be crying about every time his family gets hurt, too old to be worried about things that can happen, might happen, won’t happen. He’s too old for anyone to believe him when he says he knows whats going to happen.
In the middle of the night, he wonders what will happen if he runs away.
And that’s when it starts: the vision of Remus in the pajamas he’s currently wearing packing his dinosaur bag with t-shirts and pants and Roman’s jacket and sneaking down the stairs only to be caught by Dad who was up for a midnight snack; the vision of him in the pajamas he’s currently wearing packing his dinosaur bag with t-shirts and pants and Roman’s jacket and struggling to get his window open, which wakes up Roman who starts crying loudly and Dad comes running; the vision of Remus packing nothing and running down the stairs to hug Dad; the vision of Remus rolling over and going back to sleep--
That’s when it starts to make sense.
Remus is ten and eleven minutes younger than Roman when he realizes he can pick and choose what vision he wants to happen of the millions of ones he can see all in his head in that instant. 
When Remus pulls Roman back before he gets scratched by the neighborhood wild cat he smiles and tells Roman, “I’ve seen it before!”
“Oh! Like Dejavu,” Roman says and Remus doesn’t correct him.
He stays closer though, watching and wondering what happens if “x”, and preventing bad things from coming to them. When the seventh grade bullies coming looking for them, Remus convinces Roman to follow him to the theater room to hang out; when there’s the pop quiz that no one studied for he memorizes the answers from the version of reality where he steals steals the smartest kids paper; when it snows Remus doesn’t shove a snowball down Roman’s back because he knows that it will cause him to get sick.
“Hey Roman!” Some kid in eighth grade says during lunch, “Wanna hang out?”
And Roman who is fourteen and only eleven minutes older than Remus grins brightly, “We’d love to!”
And Remus sees every version of how the conversation goes: Every version where that nameless senseless kid shrinks back and awkwardly admits the invitation doesn’t extend to Roman’s crazy weird brother, where Roman gets angry and mad and destroys his own reputation, where Roman falls to peer pressure and admits Remus is pretty weird---
“Nah!” Remus says before anything can actually happen, “I don’t wanna hang out! Ro, you go ahead.” (Because he’s seen ahead and knows that Roman comes back bursting with excitement and happiness and really thats all Remus has ever wanted for him, isn’t it?)
Even if the whispers through the highschool begin because of it. Remus can take a few rumors, a few snide remarks, a few isolations, to make his brother happy.
“He’s on drugs you know,” One girl says once Roman is out of earshot. Always out of earshot. “Totally crazy.”
“The way he looks at everyone is creepy.”
“Sometimes he acts like he already knows what people are gonna say and its annoying.”
Remus never felt the need to experiment with his power that much. 
“Just leave me alone, Remus!” Roman yells when they are seventeen years old and only eleven minutes apart.
“I’m not gonna let you go to that party!” Remus yells back.
“You don’t control me!”
“You’re going to do something stupid!” Remus snaps back, “You’re going to get drunk, and then drugged and then--”
“I’m not gonna get drunk! I’m not even gonna drink!” Roman throws back.
“Yes you are!” Remus snarls because he’s seen it time and time again, the way that Roman loves attention the way that he becomes pliable the second an older boy looks at him and compliments his hair and the second he’s convinced to have just one drink. Remus has seen the way his own knuckles look bruised and broken against the skin of those college kids that had looked so cool, the way that metal handcuffs feel as he’s loaded into the back of a police car with the sounds of two ambulance sirens wailing over the music.
He’s seen this, seen the way it ends if Roman goes to the party with or without Remus.
He’s always been able to see the way it goes.
“Shut up!” Roman yells.
And that--- that is not what he’s supposed to say.
“Shut up, Remus!” Roman yells, again. “You’re just mad because I got invited and you didn’t! I’m sorry I have friends, Remus! I’m sorry they like me more than you! Maybe if you weren’t such a freak you would have been invited too!”
Remus doesn’t know what to say. It feels a lot like he was shoved on stage without being told what show they’re preforming.
Roman shoves by him, which is not something that Remus saw him do in any of the visions. Why hadn’t he seen this version of the future? Why wasn’t this going as expected?
Roman whips around to face him, and his red in the face, bursting with angry and emotions and Remus feels himself get angry too. 
“I don’t need you!” Roman spits like hellfire is in his veins.
“Yes you do!” Remus shouts back, because he can’t even count the number of times that Roman almost got hurt this week. There’s a terrible taste in the back of his throat, like fresh squeezed limes and hot sauce that makes his head pound. It makes him want to laugh, want to cry, want to pick something up and throw it, but his future visions are all messed up and nothing works--
“You can’t see the future, Remus!” Roman says and it sounds like he’s wanted to say it for a long time.
Remus is seventeen years old and only eleven minutes younger than Roman, when oh. 
When he realizes that he’s far too old to cry over watching Roman die, far too weird to get any friends at school, far too much to keep having Roman believe him when he says anything.
It’s Deja Vu. Its Coincidence. Its a trick and a joke and nothing more than that.
Roman doesn’t know a single thing about him, doesn’t know how much time Remus put into making sure everything great happens for him, doesn’t know how much of himself Remus gave up for Roman to be happy. He doesn’t know, doesn’t want to know.
And Remus, with his blood boiling because Roman was his brother and clearly he didn’t feel as strongly about Remus as Remus felt about him, wonders what would happen if he punched Roman in the jaw--
They end up fighting on the floor in the hall between their rooms, Mom and Dad come running and Remus gets grounded while Roman gets to go out to the party with a black eye.
--if he shoved Roman down the stairs--
Roman screams as his arm breaks and he spends the night in the ER, Remus is grounded and Roman stops talking to him for a very long time.
--if he grabbed the snowglobe on Roman’s desk and slammed it into Roman’s head--
He topples to the ground, screaming glass and silver sparkles shatter all around them like pretty little snowflakes, Mom and Dad come running and the screaming doesn’t stop.
--if he fit his hands around Roman’s neck and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed--
Roman claws at Roman’s hands, but he’s too off balance, too surprised, too unprepared. He gasps for air and it takes longer in the real life than it does in the movies for Roman’s pretty brown eyes to roll back in his head and his pulse to flutter to a stop and Remus keeps hold him for three minutes more before he lets go and Roman is… Roman was… suddenly there’s only ten minutes between them, nine, eight.
Remus digs his nails into the doorframe of Roman’s room. He laughs.
“Fine,” Remus chokes on his laughter, his mouth tasting like his own stomach acid. “Fine, go to the party, Ro. I’m done caring.”
“Good!” Roman yells.
The door slams in Remus’s face and he can’t stop laughing about it. He drags his fingers through his hair and laughs all the way to his room, gasping for breath as he empties his backpack of school work and notebooks and everything. 
Remus is seventeen. 
And he runs away from home.
(Part two)
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Survey #335
“on my forehead, a birthmark  /  remove it with the kiss of a knife  /  even if it causes me to die”
Do you recover well from surgery? Judging by the two surgeries I've had, oh yeah. I was hyper as hell when I came home from getting tubes put in my ears as a little kid, even though the doctor said I'd be very sleepy. Then, after my cyst removal, I was put on very strong painkillers but was still warned it was going to be a painful recovery, when it totally wasn't. I literally only took painkillers the first day. What addictions have you had? Caffeine, technology. Would you change your name if you became famous? Nah. If Cupid were real, would you hire him to make someone love you? No. I don't want somebody forced to love me. Ever been to an auction? No. Which word(s) do you generally use to describe someone attractive? (e.g. “fit”, “sexy”) It kinda varies with gender. Women I tend to call "beautiful" or "gorgeous," sometimes "hot" or "cute," while men I usually refer to as "handsome" or "hot"/"sexy." The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you? She's a bit younger. When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused? Hm. I dunno. I have a hard time saying "no," so. When was the last time you had Pop Tarts? What flavour were they? Many months ago; I kinda stopped eating them because they're truly not filling and just a load of sugar that veils itself as an actual breakfast choice. But anyway, I liked the chocolate sundae ones. Have you ever felt a temperature below 0? No. Did you ever play Spyro? I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! SPYRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those games were my CHILDHOOD, and it's half the reason I'm dying for a PS4 to play the remastered trilogy. Speaking of which, it'd be awesome if they remade the The Legend of Spyro trilogy as well. I might just like those games more than the originals, but that's a bold statement I'm unsure about. Have you ever dated someone who was of a foreign origin? I dated a Hispanic guy for less than a day. Have you ever read any of your idols’ books/autobiographies? Ozzy Osbourne's, yes. I'm just fucking waiting for Mark to write one, but he's always said he has so little interest in writing about his life. DO IT, YOU FUCK. Do you own any succulents? No. I think they're pretty, though. Do you have a drone? No. What’s your favorite Netflix series? *shrug* What is something a lot of people like but you don’t? Summertime. The heat, the humidity (at least here), the sunburn from just standing outside for ten minutes... I hate all of it. The ONLY two things I enjoy about summer is swimming and then flowers, though spring is the more floral season here anyway. Do you have revenge fantasies that you never actually play out? They've... happened. Did your first real significant other change you at all? Pretty sure forever. Are you waiting to have sex until you’re married? Once upon a time, that was the plan. Now, nah. I'd just want to be in a healthy, stable, and long-term relationship. What do you think about divorce? It's sad, but necessary for some people in order to be happy, which everyone has the right to be. I used to be very firmly against divorce except in extreme cases like abuse, etc., and I'm still definitely no fan of it and think couples should do their best to work things out, but it's incredibly unfair to believe that someone should be stuck for the rest of their life with a person they just don't love anymore. Getting married can be a mistake; don't damn people forever to be chained to their bad decisions. Do you remember the first time your heart broke? What was the reason? It was probably when Dad just abandoned us. What's the worst prank someone has ever done to you? I don't think anyone's ever pulled a sick joke on me. Have you ever seen someone sleepwalk? Yes; my little sister deadass tried to walk outside late at night. Thank God I was on the computer in the living room and stopped her. What song are you listening to right now? I just turned "Mutter" by Rammstein on. When is the last time you cursed? I'm not re-reading, but I have probably cursed fifty times in this survey already. It's so deeply ingrained into my vocabulary. Are there any words on your shirt? No; it's just a plain gray tank top. Why do you forward forwards? I never do because they annoy the fuck out of me. How many people are you interested in at the moment? Just one in a healthy and logical way. I can't be truly interested in Jason because like come on I haven't spoken to him in four whole years. My PTSD just ensures I never forget the memory of who he was, who probably no longer even exists. I mean, look how much I'VE changed in four years. Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars? Nnnnope. Who was the last person (apart from family) that you spent time with? What did you get up to? Apart from family, I have no idea. If you have pets, when was the last time one of them got on your nerves? Venus never does, but Roman can get on my nerves sometimes when I don't let him lay on me when I'm on the laptop in bed. He's a large cat (not overweight, just a big male cat) and blocks the screen big time unless he lies down properly, which he doesn't always do. He still tends to win when he tries to come over, but sometimes I'll block him with my arm, and this spoiled brat will actually slap it a few times before walking away lmao. Would you rather live in a house with a swimming pool or an indoor cinema? Absolutely a pool. I want one badly. Do you own a credit card? If so, do you currently owe any money on it? Could you afford to pay it off tomorrow if necessary? No. How many hours of sleep do you typically get each night? Is that enough to function or would you rather have more? Especially lately, I don't get nearly enough. Like at the time I'm answering this question, it's 4 AM, and I've been up for almost a couple hours. I struggle with falling asleep, I will ALWAYS wake up at least once in the night, and I jerk awake from nightmares regularly still. It's a big reason why I pretty much require naps. Does your house have a loft/basement? Are they functional or do you just use them for storage? We only have an attic. Do you suffer from road rage? What kind of thing tends to set you off or wind you up while driving? No. I'm way too timid of a driver to get that outwardly pissy about stupid people. I'd just judge them in silence, haha. What kind of animal did you last see in the wild? Is that a common sight where you live? Because of just how common they are, I'm going to assume this excludes birds, in which case it was probably a squirrel? Yeah, the normal brown ones are common. Do you post a lot on social media? If so, what kind of thing do you tend to post on there? Since I was fucking stupid enough to post a suicide note on Facebook (I don't want to hear a goddamn thing about "attention seeking," I genuinely wanted to say goodbye), I almost never, ever, share things about my personal life. Even before, it was rare for me to actually share what's going on with me. All I really do now is share relatable, wholesome, or funny shit I find, as well as political things I'm in firm agreement with. What are some habits you have in common with your parents? I pace like my dad, and it drives people crazy because it apparently makes them anxious? I can't think of an obvious one I have with Mom, but I'm sure one exists. Where's your favourite place to swim - the ocean, a pool, river, lake etc? I feel safest and most clean in a pool, but c'mon, swimming in the ocean is so much fun. When you're saving your place in a book, do you use a bookmark or fold your pages down? Or something else? It depends on the book, it seems. Especially if someone else owns it, like in school or something. Is any part of your body hurting at the moment? Is there a specific incident that caused the pain? My legs always hurt. I've shared enough as to why; it wasn't an actual, singular "incident." What was the last thing to make you laugh out loud? OH MY FUCKING GOD. So in group therapy the other day, one of the girls had her bearded dragon out, and he was being aggressive. I think he tried to bite her aND SHE SAID WITHOUT REALIZING HER MIC WAS ON, "fucking dickhead," and everyone d i e d. She's a really cool chick, I'll miss her when I'm finished with PHP. Who was the last person you heard sing? Myself, surprisingly enough. I barely ever sing. Do you bite your lips a lot? Yes, especially when they're dry. .-. What part of your body would you never get pierced? Anyone who gets a piercing "down there" has a greater pain tolerance than this bitch right here. Have you ever dated someone with tattoos? Juan had quite a few. I don't remember if Tyler did... but I think maybe a The Legend of Zelda-related one? Have you ever failed gym in school? No. Are you scared of dogs? No; I love dogs. What is the saddest movie you’ve ever seen? Man, idk, I'm a little bitch when it comes to emotional movies. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is high up there, as is of course Johnny Got His Gun. Old Yeller, too. Which one of your friends is most likely to be famous one day? Why? Sara's gonna write a fuckin book series ok you can't convince me otherwise. What is the worst present you have ever gotten? Damn dude, what an ungrateful question. I'm just appreciative someone even thought TO give me something. Do you shave your arms? My armpits, yes, but not my arms themselves. How many people have you dated? I only count three as even remotely serious: Jason, Sara, and Girt. Have you ever performed in a play? I remember back in Sunday school as a tiny kid I played Mother Mary in one we did in class. Do you chew gum? I have been more lately since my doc upped the dosage of one of my mood stabilizers (which I think is actually helping); I mention that because apparently a side effect is dry mouth, and it's the fucking Sahara in there. He advises those who deal with it to always carry around hard candy or something like that for the sake of forcing salivation, so gum works for me. How old were you when you first started dating? I was in the 7th grade when I had my first "boyfriend," but it was total puppydog love. I started dating my first "real" bf when I was just shy of 16. Are/were your parents strict? Dad, no. Mom, only to a degree that I feel was pretty reasonable. She only ever wanted to prepare us to be functional, independent adults. Didn't work so well on me though, ha... Do you wear glasses? Yes. God, I need new ones. I'm blind as hell. What do you miss most about your childhood? Being so outgoing and happy to just be weird lil me. Do you write “To-Do” lists? Not really, no, but I do have notes on my phone about a couple things, like a bulleted list of planned monetary investments by importance, as well as a list of drawing ideas. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it? I don't, really. There's loads I like, but no one favorite. Could you survive as a vegetarian? I pretty desperately want to, but I don't know if it's realistic. I am so, SO picky, and without meat, it's very questionable as to where I'd get an adequate source of protein. I still want to try again though once I'm at my goal weight. Has anyone ever asked you for your autograph? Lol no. Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yeah, but that was a looong time ago when I was actually some semblance of pretty. Do you prefer to take your showers at night or in the morning? I used to be someone who firmly stood by nighttime showers, but now I'm all about them in the morning. It's a nice way to wake up and start the day with productivity. Could you handle living with a male roommate? I mean, I lived with my then-boyfriend once, but I'm going to assume you'd consider him more than a "roommate." We lived with our two other friends, though, also a couple, and I was totally fine with living with them. Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you? Yes. Do you like Freddy Krueger? His concept is very scary, but all the movies I've seen bits of have always been super cheesy. Which do you prefer, Naruto or One Piece? I haven't seen either and really aren't interested. What do you think of Rob Zombie? I've never really watched his movies, but I'm a fan of his music. What’s you fetish? I don't have one. Have you ever been in the “friend zone?" Well, what I'd call a "fake" one with Jason after the breakup until I was blocked on Facebook. I know now he absolutely did not want to be friends; he was trying to appease me. Is the area you live in more liberal or conservative? Definitely conservative. Do you know anyone who had to have tubes put in their ears as a baby? Yeah, me. Were either of your parents baptized? I'm certain Mom was, but idk about Dad. I think so. The last concert that you were at, was there a mosh pit? No. What was the last computer game that you played? World of Warcraft. Does your bathroom have a theme to it? No. Are any rooms in your house themed? No. What was the last thing that you recorded? I think Mom and I singing "happy birthday" to my late dog Teddy; we knew it would be his last. Do you like the show Futurama? Not really. Have you ever been in a choir class? I was in the elementary school chorus, as well as the choir at my childhood church. Are you ashamed of any of your family members? No, only myself. Were you a chubby child? No. Did you ever have senior photos done? No, even though I wanted them. Who is the person you dislike the most? God, this is so petty... but it's the girl Jason dated after me. I know it's childish as hell to feel like she "took" him from me, and I just feel this horrible hatred towards her that is entirely uncalled for. I just can't get myself to move past it. Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? No, as I'm unemployed and also don't have disability, so I literally can't. How do you usually celebrate New Years? I really don't do much. Sometimes Mom will grab a pack of daiquiris, but that's pretty much the extent of it. Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? N/A What was the last job interview you went to? At a local grocery store to work in the deli. Got the job, lasted there for not even two hours. :^) Do you know anyone with autism, mood disorders or learning disabilities? Autism and mood disorders, yes. I myself may have high-functioning Asperger's (yes, I know that term doesn't technically exist anymore, it's just the umbrella term of "autism," but w/e). Have you ever had an immediate relative pass away of cancer? My grandmother died of pancreatic cancer, and it's pretty much guaranteed that, unless there's some sudden accident, my mom will die of cancer, too. Hers got too bad to entirely eliminate every trace of cancer cells, so it will inevitably re-emerge at some point, just obviously some place else given that she had a total hysterectomy. Would you rather work in an office, warehouse or on a retail shop floor? Office. Are you a fan of sweet, sour, salty, or savory snacks? I enjoy all of those, but sour I think tops the list.
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