#ye i slept a rlly long time thanks!! :))
kodamaghost00 · 7 months
30 Angel Dust Headcanons
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This post will contain: NSFW,Sfw,Fluff,Smut.
It’s also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys!You’re a new resident at the Hotel in this scenario.
Let’s begin!
He calls you “Sugar” and “Cutie” for sure. He loves seeing you flustered. It always gets him a good laugh.
When you first arrived at the hotel he flirted with you instantly since you’re his type. He got exited when you mirrored his demeanor.
He listens to music to calm himself down. Especially after a long shoot with Valentino.
You and him immediately start off on good terms. You casually flirt together too.
He trusts you very much. He told you about his experience with Val and you comfort him when he cries.
He’s the biggest bottom you could ever find but if you are a bottom/switch he’s willing to top you.
He asks you to review his porn and give your honest opinion.
Fat nuggets is your child now. You both are proud parents.
One night Angel,Fat nuggets and you slept in one bed together after watching a horror movie as a family… how adorable…
Angel isn’t the type to wake up early. You mostly have to wake him up. “Not now Sugar, daddy needs his beauty sleep.” You just laughed and shook your head after hearing that.
You help him on set often too. You hate Val but admire Angels dedication for his job. You mostly help with the make-up application.
He takes good care of you when you guys go out. It can be a handful if cherry is going to a bar with y’all.
After a long day he just wants to rest and cuddle with you. He warps his arms around you and lightly snores.
He wakes up in the middle of the night often due to nightmares… he wakes up with sweat all over him. “Huh… just a dream… it was just a dream…”
When he looks at you he has this one specific look of “I love you but I can’t tell you directly” . And it’s adorable…
You both definitely planned to rob a bank together.
Angel often says “If I would’ve known you during my living days, I think we would’ve get together perfectly.”
He will fuck the living shit out of you. He loves to sweet talk but also to degrade you.
Valentino even suggested if you two would like to do a porn together and angel was tempted to say yes. But for your sake he declined Val’s offer.
Sometimes angel gets knocked out at the bar so you and husk have to drag him to his room.
He’s actually also a talented artist. He drew you a potrait once and it looked incredible realistic. He never rlly explored this side of him though.
Often says “pspspspspspsps” to husk just to piss him off…
He basically has no type. He’ll just fuck what he likes.
He sees Niffty like a little sister that he has to babysit often.
He would go into a poly relationship with you and Husk.
Fat nuggets sleeps next to him every single day. No exeptions.
He likes interacting with his normal fans who don’t sexualize him and actually like his talent.
He often needs reassurance and calls with Cherry a lot for it.
Him and Cherry shit talk for literal HOURS. Especially about Valentino. “He’s the last one to criticize my hair… GET YOURSELF YOUR OWN FIRST AND THEN WE CAN TALK.”
The only thing he actually is grateful for is fat nuggets… he dresses him up often.
Thank you so much for reading my silly headcanons once again. I know I’ve been gone for quite some time but life’s though rn… so we’ll see each other next post!!
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
Hii!! Is it possible to request a Minho x Reader Angst fic? I don’t have any real ideas for what i just rlly like angst😭
Anyway make sure you’re looking after yourself!!
YES 🙏🙏 I concocted the perfect idea for this so I hope you enjoy! ; thank you for requesting!! ; I wrote like a good chunk of this in geometry and physical science so this is actually kinda good lol ; also this is so damn long for me what the FUCK. ; also a bit of inspo in the end thanks to she by jelly roll...
MINHO ; they
summary ; minho loses you again
warnings ; language, guns & gun violence, explosions/bombs, death, he rips off your wckd jacket & top (not sexual), and a panic attack
disclaimers ; top ten most unneeded deaths in cinema
track ; she, jelly roll (again, not a word)
word count ; 2.5k
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Minho lost everything he'd been able to remember once he left the Glade, including you.
You were a smart thinker, which confused him as to why you stayed back with Gally and the other skeptics who didn't want to find escape in the maze. He tried so hard to convince you to come, but with such little time, he couldn't.
He'd spent months imprisoned mourning the loss of your presence. He didn't know how to function without you. He wondered where you were all the time, if you were even alive or not. He'd been wishing the best in your fate, in the scorch and back in the hands of WCKD. He missed your dorky smile and infectious laughter, hoping one day he could hear it again, even in the stars that he oh-so-missed gazing with you.
Your name scorched his heart every time it was spoken. Your face was engraved in his brain, to the point every time he thought of or imagined you, he'd fight back tears to stay strong. You were weaponized against him, being used to create false memories and episodes to help them find a cure.
Every time he'd wake up from a real dream where you were present, he'd end up in tears, to then have to cradle himself back to sleep. He'd been confined like this for months, then another few days before the bust. It was so, so much worse in the Last City, he'd rather have died in some horrific train crash then have missed his chance at freedom.
However, you survived. Gally did, too, though, even after Minho pierced his chest with a spear.
You'd joined some revolution gang together, learning to use guns and join the ranks. You'd been given bulletproof vests once you proved your worth, officially becoming part of the team.
Reuniting with Thomas, Fry, and Newt was a story in itself, but knowing, or at least hoping, that you'd see Minho again made your heart race in your chest. Gally took Thomas and Newt out to explore the perimeter of the city, letting you reconnect and catch up with Fry and get to know Brenda and her father figure Jorge.
Brenda grew fond of you quickly, liking your badassery and passion to overthrow WCKD. She knew you weren't into trying to kill innocents and understood that you wanted bullets in Janson's and Paige's heads, and you were willing to do it for free.
You showed her and Fry how to use the electro-guns, two you'd stolen from WCKD guards that defended the city walls. They're good for torture, but it was never your taste of tea, you left the others to do the sick shit. You wanted your friends back, you didn't even know they'd been free up til earlier today.
Once the trio came back, they set up a plan that you and Gally jumped in on to deflect and suggest ideas. It was set for tomorrow night, and you didn't know how to process it. You try not to think of Minho the rest of the night, which you awfully fail at, as you'd fallen asleep thinking of him.
You play out your role over and over again, overthinking every single detail down to the grade of gun you'd have strapped to your side. Gally, now your close friend after all this time together, could see your nervousness and anticipation.
"You okay?" He asks, leaning on the railing to your shared bunk bed. You slept on the bottom, him on the top.
You nod, arms sprawled over the top of your pillow, basically holding it like it was going anywhere. "I'm good. Nervous"
He nods, "It'll be alright, we're gonna get him back"
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You'd stolen WCKD gaurd suits, your first priority. You and Gally walk around the perimeter of the building post getting the kids on the bus. Your masks are up to avoid any real guards noticing that you're fakes. He holds his bulky gun across his chest, while yours is angled with the safety on across your back. A hand rests over the pistol on your side.
You can feel your heart pounding behind your ribcage, the anticipation of seeing Minho and taking down WCKD killing you. Gally pats your shoulder for reassurance and nods forward silently, wanting to pick up the pace.
You notice explosions in the distance, firey flames illuminating the sky.
As you walk under the main area, you notice a fire extinguisher land in the modern pool, splashing water into the air as it sinks to the bottom. You hear yells, then three bodies plop into the pool. You and three other guards behind you run to the scene, while you and Gally lag behind, knowing who just showed up.
Thomas, Newt, and Minho rise out of the water, floating over to the side after Thomas sends Janson, standing in the bay of the window, maybe twenty stories high, a middle finger. They wade over to the edge and pull themselves out, guards hold them at gunpoint, leaving their faces shaken and in despair.
Gally acts first, shoving one of the guards into the pool, then you pistol whip the one on your right, and you together knock out the last guy. The boys stare at you two, confused as to why two guards had apparently saved them, their questions are quickly answered as Gally rips his mask off.
"Oh, you bloody genius!"
"Oh, shit"
"What the hell?" Minho mutters.
Laying your eyes on him again, even though that mask, it brought you nearly to tears. Seeing his eyes, so tired, his body clearly so weak from the mental and physical stress, your heart broke for him. You make sure your handheld gun had the safety on before tucking it away properly.
"Long story" Gally replies to Minho, knowing what he was thinking.
Minho, still in genuine shock, adrenaline coursing through his veins, looks to you, wondering if you were maybe Brenda or Fry. You bite the inside of your cheek before pulling your mask off, softly smiling at Minho.
Newt and Thomas smile, Newt much more weak, as he was beginning to crank out.
"Y/n?" He questions in disbelief. "How- am I dreaming again?"
You quickly pound the boy into a hug, the moisture from his body rubbing off onto your red and grey outfit. The mask lays on the concrete, where Gally kicks it into the water, same with his.
You hear him begin to sob, holding onto you so tightly in fear you'd disappear like all the times before. You rub his back with your dominant hand, which trails up his spine toward his nape.
"I thought you were dead" He cries, "They've been using you in those simulations-"
"It's okay." You softly speak, "We have to go, you can tell me all about it later"
He nods, eyes still widened in shock and confusion as you follow the other three as they quickly flee the scene.
You take cover by some bushes, leaving Newt on the side to rip his jacket off as he sweats profusely. The veins in his neck were bulging out of his skin, colored a matte black.
You couldn't help but stare, unable to listen to the others talk. You quickly rush to his aid, wanting to help him be the most comfortable he possibly could be.
You crouch down next to him, giving him some reassuring words that he'd be okay. You help him to his feet, where Minho is at your side.
Gally and Thomas lead the way as another explosion rings through the air near you. You duck your head as some loose shrapnel lightly hits your skin, thankfully not enough force given to puncture your face.
The explosions only become worse as you run through a little diner, having no alternate route around as the city was being blown to smithereens.
"God damnit, we said blow up the entrance, not the whole damn city"
Newt falls to the ground, too weak to walk as black ooze drips from his lips. Glass explodes behind you, in which you quickly shove Minho to the ground in front of you to protect him. You cover your head, letting the glass shards hit your protected back.
He gasps for air for a moment as Thomas and Gally prop him up against a safe wall, trying to talk to him. You and Minho follow suit, making a quick plan to go get the temporary cure from Brenda and Jorge, and run back to give it to Newt.
"Stay strong for me, okay?" Minho speaks, his hands on the blonde's shoulders.
He nods, his eyes clearly lost in a daze, his vision blurry and wobbly.
Minho pats his shoulder before standing up, letting you give him a nod of reassurance. You and Gally follow Minho, weapons drawn to protect him as he leads with his quick sprinting skills.
You three get one last look at Newt and Thomas before fleeing, working your way through the maze of buildings and explosions to get to your friends. Gally shoots a guard at his side while you do the same at about a 10'o'clock radius.
"This way!"
You follow Minho, the explosions so loud that they defeaned gunshots. The battery on your stolen WCKD gun runs out, and you toss it to the side, resorting to using your pistol to defend your friends. Another bomb nearly knocks you off your feet, causing you to stumble into Minho.
"Sorry!" You shout over the noise.
"You okay?" He shouts back, helping you balance on your feet again.
"Yeah!" You quickly reply, nodding forward for him to continue running to get the cure.
You make it down to the Berg, where Fry, Brenda and Jorge await your arrival.
"The cure!"
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"We can't leave him here like this"
"We can't take him back-"
"We have to, please"
"It's too dangerous, we won't make it back to the Berg in time, or we'll get blown up carrying him!"
You stand at Minho's side, looking down at the blonde haired boy as he stands up. He wipes the tears from his eyes, looking at you.
"We have to leave him, Minho"
He nods, slowly placing the cure in Newt's cold hand. He takes one last look at him before turning away, waiting for anyone to speak and give orders.
Brenda speaks up again, deciding to get back to the Berg as fast as possible. You all follow her, guns out, ready to shoot whoever you had to at this point.
Minho turns to you as you run side by side, "Why are you here? Why are you putting yourself in the face of danger? To save me or something?"
You give him a little head tilt to act as a shrug, "You called"
You shake your head, deciding to explain it once you were in the hands of safety. An explosion, which cause the ground to rumble beneath you, knocks you all off your feet and onto the hard concrete.
You all groan in pain, having fallen all over each other. Brenda had fallen onto Fry, and they both stumble to the side, apologizing to one another profusely. You'd fallen onto Minho, of course, and help him back to his feet.
You feel lightheaded, your face growing cold, odd for the amount of heat and fire and running around you'd been doing. You lean onto the boy, feeling woozy, as maybe you'd stood up to fast.
Then you fall to your knees, some invisible force knocking you down, your cargo pants ripping at the knees from the impact.
"Y/n!" You hear Minho shout, his voice echoey in your ears.
You hear three gunshots coming from each Fry, Gally, and Brenda. You look back, seeing a WCKD guard fall on their back after taking three shots to the head and chest. Minho's hands rest on your shoulder and on your cheek as he calls your name, asking if you're okay. You see his eyes glance down, where he quickly looks back up to not scare you.
You stand up, numb to any pain. He follows, making sure you're able to keep balance on your feet. He quickly rips off the bulletproof vest for you and your jacket, revealing the wound right under your collar bone.
You look down at it, then look back up at him, eyebrows furrowed. You look to the other three, eyes widened in shock and fear. Another explosion pops a few hundred yards away, shaking the ground again, though not enough to knock you all down once more.
Minho quickly shouts for anything he can use to keep pressure on the wound. He held his hand over it, as the bleeding was horrible at the moment. His hands are covered in your blood, considering the bullet that shot you went clear through you. You notice the bullet a few feet away, light flickering off of it as it rolls into the street where multiple bloody bodies lay.
Minho rips a piece of his shirt and stuffs it into the exit wound, ordering you to hold it there. He pulls you along as you continue running through the city. Your left arm rests over Minho's shoulders, not wanting to upset your other side. Considering moving, it would only agitate it more, and you were trying to keep pressure on the wound anyway.
As you reach the final yards to reach the Berg where Jorge and Vince wait, you collapse to your knees again, landing face first in the debris covered concrete. Minho falls with you, your weight having dragged him down. He tries to pull you up but notices the pool of blood forming around you. A thin, but large pool.
He calls your name over and over, then flips you on your back, where blood sputters out of your mouth. He quickly pulls you up, your back now held up by Brenda and Fry, who were quick to turn back. Gally crouches down on one knee and slowly removes the cloth from the wound, absolutely drenched in crimson.
"No, no, no, no. Not now! Y/n, get up, please," He pleads, watching Vince and Jorge rush to your aid. "They were shot by a gaurd, went clean through, there's so much blood-"
You reach your hand out to Minho as the men pick you up off the ground, where you stumble to walk with them. They practically carry you on their shoulders to the Berg.
Another explosion knocks you all to the ground again, leaving bruises on faces, arms, and legs as you're pounded onto the ground. You'd be lucky enough not to get AIDS at this point.
Minho stumbles to his feet, rushing to you as the men pick themselves up before you.
He notices blood spewing from the other side of your chest. He rips the extra layers of clothing off your torso, tossing your pistol to the side as well. Gally looks around, finger on the trigger of his gun, looking for a shooter.
"Stray bullet!" Brenda shouts, "Get them in there! Go! Thomas needs us!"
Minho places his hands under your arms and drags you into the Berg himself, all the children right in view of your slumped body. You choke on blood and air, feeling your face grow cold and pale. The liquid trails up into the aircraft, staining the hard metal red for the time being.
Vince jumps into the driver's seat, ordering the others to help you and how to before it's too late. Brenda stands next to him, trying to get any info out of Thomas through the walkies.
You wrap your arms around Minho, feeling the pain in your chest now as you grunt and cry. You squeeze onto the back of his shirt, the pain causing you to claw your fingers into him. He holds you, his heart breaking in two as you struggle to breathe.
The placement, it wasn't possible to keep you this time. It wasn't possible to keep you and be free in any situation, in any timeline, in any universe.
"I don't wanna say goodbye"
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He sits on the beach every morning, talking to the sunrise as if you were there next to him. He didn't mind the sand that would pile up in his boots or the dusty grain that would stick to his hydrophoric hands all damn day if it weren't for the water there to wash it away.
His fingers traced over your name on the rock when he felt lonely, like you were magically there, hugging him again.
He'd never know for sure what you meant when you said that he called. He understood that you definitely didn't hear him call for you after awakening after nightmares, but maybe you did, he wouldn't have known. He guessed in a metaphorical sense, he did call for you, which you both knew, but it still confused him somehow. He wanted you to explain it all so he'd understand, like how you always did.
He regretted never being able to rant about all his feelings to you. He wished he had time to tell you about all he went through so you could reassure him that you'd protect him forever. You'd protect him from the nightmares and the scars, the mental baggage that would weigh him down forever.
He started crying himself to sleep after he began to forget your face.
He just wanted another hug, but your face was beginning to blur out. It sent him into a panic attack right there. No one was there to help him as he cried and clawed into the dirt, trying to ground himself again. He couldn't believe himself, he treasured you so much yet he was forgetting your face after merely a year after your dissapearance?
It didn't help that after a while, he began to forget your voice too, that hurt even more. He'd been forced to talk about his feelings to Thomas like a parent-child conference. He wasn't himself anymore.
His eyes were always swollen, eyebags dark and weighing his happiness down. He was depressed. Every smile he showed was just him trying to make his way through another day's work, distracting himself from the fact that he lost you, for good this time, he watched it.
He wrote letters to you with no address to send to. It didn't help whatsoever that he himself pushed you out into the sea once Thomas regained consciousness so he could say farewell. He watched it all, he knew you were gone this time. At least he had some sense of closure.
He had nothing left of you other than that WCKD jacket you wore, that haunted him as he slept. He only kept it because even with the logo of the corporation that tortured him for years and past the bullet holes in it, it provided him a little comfort that you were still there.
He found that telling stories of you to the younger kids helped.
"They were like the life of the party, bright smile, infectious laughter. They were the one everyone wanted to be around. You could see the sunrise in their eyes."
"Who were they to you?" One little girl asks.
"I don't really know" Minho shrugs, looking down at his hands for a moment.
"Where are they now?" A little boy asks, tilting his head.
"They're in the sky, they have been. They're stuck there. I hope I see them again" He replies with a little nod, looking up at the sun beginning to set up on the island.
"Why are they stuck in the sky?"
"They're afraid of coming down"
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lace-coffin · 8 months
It's me again! I have another request, and I think you might like this one! But a few things first.
I love your profile picture! I very much wanna do that to a Yautja, and have reason to believe it is the most effective way to calm your mate when I'm privacy 👍
I'm glad you appreciate how in depth I go when making a request! I've dealt with other people who tell me I should shorten the detail, and it has made me very sad. Mostly because the reason I go so deep into depth is because autism demands it --
I was wondering if you could write some headcannons for Asa with a more feral pet? Like, when he's with them or their with his bugs/arachnids?
Baby, sweet one, gentlest thing alive, happy animal noises, copious amounts of purring (yes, his pet can purr how lucky did he get?)
But when confronted with a violent escaped toy? Teeth are bared, growling, snarling, split flying, clawing, kicking, scratching, going for areas that hurt not even Asa knows about
Yet when Asa tries to calm them down, all he need do is just
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And bang! Pet is back to normal
Better description of what I have in mind!
Once again, and toy escaped, this time from the box. Asa. Is. FURIOUS
This is the second time this has happened! he fuming as he stalks the halls, when he suddenly hears loud screaming and cursing. Cold fear goes down his spine, his pet is out and about, and we're much to small to fend off his newest toy, why, he's bigger than Asa!
Listening intently as the pained wailing turns into gurgles, he bursts into the area where he "plays" with his new toys, and finds his pet standing above the toys dead body. Scratches litter his arms, his eyes have been clawed open and gored, and his throat? Ripped completely out.
We stand huffing over it, shoulders tense with adrenaline and hands blood stained until half up our forearm. We turn our head to the side, eyes shrunken our mouth and has doused in blood, the man's throat clutched between our teeth.
We blink, split out the throat, and fully turn to Asa. Suddenly, Asa's pet looks sheepish, ducking their head as they play with their hands and avoid eye contact. Timidly we say "i-...I caught him, Master"
having so many thoughtshhhhhhhhhh
Asa Emory x Feral! Gn! Reader
Asa Emory x gn!reader
trigger warning for graphic violence,description of gore/corpses and power dynamics
Requests are closed (for now!!)
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First of all thank you for the request! I always super enjoy writing urs!
I would also love to hold a Yautja gentle like hamburger and pet their mandibles, save me big Yautja women.
I’m sorry people have been mean to u abt how u prefer to send requests : ( I’m also autistic so u being specific in what u want also rlly helps me out!
Your relationship with Asa was strange, well it was strange from an outsiders perspective, not that you really saw them much anyway, but that’s neither here nor there. It’s just your relationship was different from his other pets. Obviously you were the favourite, sleeping in a cute padded cage whilst the others slept in a fenced off area and essentially cannibalised each-other from starvation. Meanwhile you were fed 3 balanced meals a day plus snacks. If Asa was somewhere in the hotel it’s basically assured you’re there too, probably perched on his lap, gloved hand running under your chin as you rumble and purr happily.
Despite the amount of fight you put up at first you were truly a lap dog through and through, always at your masters heels even if he wasn’t doing anything of interest, as long as you could lay under the desk and wrap an arm around his ankle you were happy. Asa never really was one for physical affection but he’s grown to love it since ‘acquiring’ you, not that he really had a choice with the way you stuck to his side like a rodent on a glue trap, he’s wasn’t complaining however. With the way you clung to him anyone would think you’re the one who’s holding him captive.
This unfortunately wasn’t the case with other inhabitants. Your special place in his heart was only 80% of the reason you got special treatment, granted it would’ve happened anyway but it may have been hurried along by the fact that he didn’t trust you to cohabitate with the toys he kept. You know the reports you get back from doggy daycare? The ones that say “doesn’t play well with others”? Yeah. That was you.
On multiple occasions even before settling in he’d caught you surround by bodies or chunks of other people in your mouth. Clearly you didn’t take well to sharing whether it be food or Asa’s affection. If you were anyone else you would’ve been slaughtered already for conveniences sake but he’d seen the way you soften when he visited. He knew there was something more to it.
Cut to current day, Asa is stressed and pissed off. A new toy has escaped, he could have sworn the box was secured properly, even double checking it. To be fair the toy in question was built like a brick shit house, taller and stronger than himself. Hopefully the term “the bigger they are the harder they fall” will apply to them, for both your and Asa’s sake.
Thats another issue, you’re currently roaming the halls too. Your master doesn’t usually have to worry about you when you’re out and about in the hotel, the minute you slip from his side it’s like all placidity and calm he’s come to love dissipates, leaving you the feral beast he had first stolen from your home. If anything it’s comforting for him to know you can hold your own out there. He keeps a watchful eye on you but not even he can anticipate what’s going to happen sometimes. Despite his opinion of himself he was only mortal.
It was now a race against time to either locate you and get you back to safety whilst he re contains the rogue or find said escapee first and detain him before you can cross paths. Your sir knows you can usually handle trouble but this guy is huge..
Asa swears under his breath and hauls himself through the twisting corridors, dipping in and out of rooms in search of either of you. Beginning to panic more as you prove hard to find he calls out for you, hands cupped around his mouth. “Pet? It’s time to come back, this is serious, I need you back right now.” He tries not to let the anxiety bleed into his voice, not wanting to scare you, and smothers it with an authoritarian tone. He waits a few moments to listen for any response. Shit. Nothing.
He moves further into the hotel and onto the other side, cupping his hands again and trying once more “cricket? I’m not playing, I need you here now” nothing again. Just as he turns his heel to try another direction he hears a noise that turns his blood to ice. Disgusting wet gurgles and muffled curses boom from down the hall. Asa isn’t easy to startle considering the vile things he does everyday to real people but the idea of you being in pain and too late to save- it makes him want to vomit.
Pushing through the nausea he bolts down the hallway and slams the doors to his ‘playroom’ open. Usually this room is reserved for experimenting on subjects.
What he sees calms him and raises his heart rate at the same time.
There you are, his perfect docile pup, hunched over what is (was) his newest pet. Shoulders raised, hackles up. The body below you is almost unrecognisable, arms littered with angry raised scratches, most likely from you struggling. Eyes completely missing from the sockets, well one was still technically attached to the coord but that’s not important. Chunks of once warm and rosey cheek flesh have been gouged from the skull, the imprints around them suggest the flesh was bitten away from the bone. Lastly and maybe most notably the throat is missing a considerable amount of matter. The hole runs deep, severed veins now lazily trickling warm blood into a puddle after the initial bite drained most of it.
Eventually you notice another presence and bristle, turning your head slowly to meet Asa’s eyes. Your eyes are essentially bulging out of your head, pupils dilated and crazed, throat and forearms doused in slowly cooling crimson. A chunk of what Asa presumes to be the missing throat lodged in your firmly set jaw.
The second you realise who it is it’s like you gain some clarity, spitting the foul meat onto the floor and wiping your mouth on your sleeve. It doesn’t help, only smearing the liquid further. Turning completely to face your master you slump onto your knees, eyes down to the floor shy and respectful like you’ve been trained. “I-…I caught him master.” It comes out croakier than you’d like.
You keep your eyes trained to the floor as the larger man approaches, heavy boots thumping on the floor towards you. You brace for the telling off, you can see yourself ending back up with the other fodder pets, you’d really pushed it this time, killing another subject. However it never comes. two warm now ungloved hands cup your bloody cheeks, gently coercing you to look at him. To your surprise Asa looks…relieved almost?
A soft smile paints his face. “You did catch him, thank you pet.” You sit there dazed and confused as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead, ignoring the hair matted to it from the gore. “You did such a good job and I’m more than relived your unharmed, I don’t know what I’d-“ Asa cuts himself off, clearing his throat,not wanting to show vulnerability right now when you’re the one who needs attention. You don’t miss the way his voice wavers with worry. Embarrassed he quickly offers you a hand up, spinning on his heel and facing away. “Let’s get you cleaned up and rewarded shall we?” You don’t see the pink tint on his face.
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jessi4fanfics · 5 months
only read this story if you are like REALLY bored and have nothing to do for the next bajillion minutes cuz ITS LONG
Its a mix of Broppy with a bit of Cliva!
I wrote this on Wattpad if you would rather read it there. 😘
"UGHHHHHHH," John Dory groaned as he and the rest of the BroZone brothers fell onto the couch the morning after one of their shows.
They were in Branch's bunker living room, where all of them except for Bruce lived now, though Bruce did live there when he was planning on staying in Pop Village for a while for shows, like this last week.
And there was only one way to describe what the brothers felt now: EXHAUSTED.
"I can't believe we did six shows in five days last week!" Clay groaned.
"I don't think I've slept since Monday," Branch sighed.
"At least we were all together," Floyd suggested. "It's better than when we were all apart, right?"
They all stared at him. It was obvious from their faces that they didn't really agree.
"I miss Brandy," Bruce sighed sadly, taking a picture of his wife and kids out of his hair.
"You always miss Brandy," John said, annoyed. "Why don't you enjoy hanging around us for a little while at least?"
"Because you guys never tell me how much you love me," Bruce shot back.
Floyd touched his shoulder. "Bruce, we love you a ton."
Bruce stared at him, then shrugged Floyd's hand off of his should. "Ehh, it's not the same."
"I'd be concerned if it was." Branch stood up. "Guys, we're all acting weird and mopey. You know why?"
"Because you didn't make us pancakes for breakfast like we asked?" John asked.
Branch frowned. "What? No. I told you; I don't have all the ingredients!"
"Well, I offered to go to the store for you, but nooooo you said--"
"It's because we all need a break!" Branch interrupted. "We've been working our butts off ever since we got back together, which is good, but we deserve a break sometime. Which is why--" He turned and grabbed the BroZone Planner book from off of the breakfast table, "--I completely emptied all of our activities this week." He placed it in front of Clay.
"What?! No way!" Clay opened the planner to the week that it was. It was true. The whole week had nothing written anywhere on it.
The brothers stared at it for a while. 
"Omigosh, yes!! This is what I've been secretly wanting for the past two months!" John gave a sigh of relief.
"That means we can do whatever we want all week!" Floyd smiled. "This is gonna be so much fun!"
"Guys, we should totally go bowling!" Bruce suggested.
John gave Bruce a funny look. "Why?"
"Cuz I haven't been bowling in forever! Last time I went bowling with Brandy, I broke my left pinkie toe!" He lifted his foot to show his toe, which was hanging in a weird way.
"Eww, that is disgusting, put that down!" Branch shrieked, covering his eyes.
"Dude, it's just the way of nature. Things break. Including toes," Bruce explained.
"That doesn't mean we want to see it!" Floyd gagged.
"Okay, okay!! If you put that foot down, we'll go bowling!" John compromised. 
"Okie!" Bruce put down his foot and gasped. "We can call it-- browling!!"
"Haha!! Yes! I love it!" John laughed, nudging him.
Clay had been quiet. His eyes were so wide they looked like saucers. Then he gave a relieved sigh. "Oh my gosh, it is so satisfying to open this planner to this week and see nothing in it."
"There's not nothing in it," Literal John pointed out. "It says 'Valentines Day' right there."
Clay gave him the bro, are you kidding me?  look. "Thanks."
"You're welcome! 🤗" John answered.
"Ahhh, Valentines Day," Bruce gave another sigh, this time full of relaxation and enjoyment, as he sat back. "You know, Brandy and I met on Valentines Day."
His brother turned to him, annoyed. 
"Yah, we know," John grunted. "You tell us every Saturd--"
"It was exactly ten years ago," Bruce began suddenly.
The rest of BroZone groaned. 
"I was new to Vacay Island and the Islanders, and watched them party in the evening of Valentines Day, all partying like they were never gonna stop. I watched sadly, wishing that I had my own Valentine to party with."
"And then that's when you saw her," Branch predicted.
"By the snack stand," Clay continued.
"All alone," Floyd reminded.
"Looking kind of depressed," John finished. "Maybe a bit like us right no--"
"And then!" Bruce didn't wait for JD to finish. "I decided now was my chance. So I walked up to that beauty. Her eyes were shining like bits of heaven itself. Her skin as yellow as a really ripe banana. Her hair as stringy as the cheese in a cheese and spinach ravioli."
"Why do you always describe her like that?" Clay asked. "It absolutely disgust--"
Bruce ignored him. "And I walked up to her and said, 'Hey, you must be today's special cuz you're making me hungry!"
All the brothers winced, just as they always did whenever Bruce got to that part.
"I'm really surprised she didn't punch you after saying that," Branch remarked.
"Oh, she did," Bruce chuckled.
"Wait, what?!!" Clay gasped.
"Dude, how come you've never told us the one interesting part in this lame story?!!" John gaped.
"I don't know. It didn't really matter," Bruce shrugged.
"What is wrong with you?" Clay asked.
Floyd laughed.
"Well, anyways. After I said that, she--"
They all groaned again.
"BROOOOOZOOONNNEEEE!!!" came a high but sweet voice from the hallway.  
Queen Poppy burst into the living room, her face full of excitement and joy. She waved a pink envelope in the air before twirling excitedly in the room. "I'm sorry that I just popped out of nowhere, but I had to tell you--!!"
She stopped, noticing Bruce's mouth open, mid-story. "Oop, am I interrupting something?"
"Nope, you just saved us," Clay said gratefully. 
"Yes, please continue. Even your news may beat Bruce's story," John pleaded. 
Branch smiled and rolled his eyes. He was completely grateful to Poppy for interrupting though. Hearing the same story every week wasn't very fun.
"What'd you want to tell us?" He asked, walking toward her.
"Well, you know how Valentines Day is in two days?" She sang in a happy voice.
"Ugh, don't start Bruce all over again!" John said, alarmed.
Bruce crossed his arms. "I don't get why you guys don't enjoy it. It's absolutely lovely."
"Sure, Bruce. If you say so." Floyd patted his shoulder.
"We were just talking about it," Branch informed Poppy, who looked a bit confuzzled.
"Oh. Well, good!" She grabbed his left arm. "I wanted to invite you all to--"
"Wait, invite us to?" Branch stopped her. "Poppy, I thought I told you, we were taking a break from parties and everything else all week!"
Poppy looked at him, remembered, then blushed. "Oh. Well, uhhh--" she scratched the back of her head. "It's not really a... party."
Branch sighed and took the pink envelope and opened it. Inside the card said:
Formal Dress Required. Snacks Provided! 6pm to 9pm.  
"Popppyyy," he gave long groan.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-- I forgot, you don't have to go!" Poppy's face flushed even more. 
"Another party?!" John moaned, leaning back on the couch.
"But I was hoping to go back home that day!" Bruce said. He sighed. "Well, I guess..."
Clay also gave a sad sigh. "There goes our empty week." He grabbed a pencil and tried to bring himself to write in the planner Valentine Dance.
"For the second time, it's not empty! It already says 'Valentines Day', right there!" John pointed out again. 
"DUDE HOW LITERAL CAN YOU BE?!!" Clay shrieked.
"Guys!" Poppy yelled.
They all turned to her.
She turned back to Branch. "Look. You're right. You told me not to invite you to a party. I thought the ball would be alright since it wasn't really a party, but I shouldn't have taken you so literally, and I'm sorry. You all don't have to go, no pressure." She gave him a kind smile and turned around and left.
They all stared after her.
"That was really sweet of her," Floyd said.
"Wow. Branch. She practically got on her knees, begging for forgiveness, and you just stand there like a doofus!" John said.
"Yeah, Brandy never would never have done that for me," Bruce said, impressed.
"Mostly because she doesn't have knees," Clay smarted.
The Clay and John snickered.
"I don't find that funny!" Bruce shouted.
Branch sat down next to Floyd. 
"Penny for your thoughts," Floyd said gently.
"I think I'm gonna go to the dance," Branch said shortly.
"What?!" John turned to him. "What happened to browling?!!"
"We have all week to do that, it's just one day, guys." Branch shrugged. "Besides, I kinda want to make this Valentines Day perfect for Poppy. The past few haven't gone-- well, very well."
"What do you mean?" Floyd asked.
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!!" Poppy held out a Valentine's Day card to a grumpy Branch.
He took it with a plastered smile then stomped on it angrily.
"😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped. 
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!" Poppy held out another Valentine's Day card for a grumpy Branch.
He took it and stomped on it.
"😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped.
~~~ONE YEAR AGO (Branch has his true colors now, y'all)~~~
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!" Poppy held out her annual Valentine's Day card to a now happy Branch, sure he wasn't going to stomp on it.
Glitter sprayed in his face.
"EEEWW, I GOT GLITTER IN MY MOUTH!!" Branch shrieked. "I THINK IMMA PUKE-" runs away gagging dangerously.
 "😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped.
"Oof, yah, you do owe her a good Valentines Day," Floyd completely agreed. 
"And maybe this is my way of doing it," Branch said. He got up. "I'm going to go tell Poppy. But none of you guys have to go."
"Oh, don't worry, we've got that in mind," John said, annoyed. 
"Poppy!" Branch ran out of the living room smack into--
"Hiii!!" Poppy gave him a giddy smile.
"Poppy, were you standing there the whole time?" Branch asked, lifting an eyebrow.
She shifted uncomfortably. "Mayyybeee."
He couldn't help smiling.
"I was hoping you'd say you would still come! And you did!!" Poppy gave an excited squeal and jumped onto him, giving him a big hug.
"Okay, okay, but I don't think the rest of them are coming," Branch gently pushed her off of him.
"That's okay." She waved her hand carelessly. "As long as you're there."
He grinned.
"Viva and I are so excited, we're planning on decorating it all by ourselves and we're ordering the biggest cake you've ever seen and--" she gave an excited gasp. "Branch!! You'll have to come over tomorrow! I have so many ideas for your tuxedo!"
"Well, I-- uhh." Branch wasn't sure if he wanted to wear another tuxedo in his life. He had worn that all week so far.
"How about around 11am tomorrow?! Okay, good!" She kissed his cheek, not waiting for an answer. "I'll see you then!!!" And she danced toward the elevator.
Branch gave an exasperated sigh. 
~~~ The Next Day~~~
"I'm off to Poppy's to see about tuxedos, guys," Branch said. 
"Ouch, good luck with that." John lay on his back on the couch, covering the whole thing.
Branch rolled his eyes.
"Branch, do you have a mailbox?" Bruce asked from the breakfast nook. "I haven't had mail in forever!"
"Pfft, who'd send mail to you?" John asked. "You aren't a thrilling teenager anymore, Bruce."
"As a matter of fact, I get tons of fanmail, Mister I'm-Jealous-Cuz-I've-Never-Gotten-One-Fan-Letter-In-My-Entire-Life. But I was talking more about my family," Bruce said defensively.
"Mmm." John had no comeback.
"As an answer to your question," Branch finally managed to cut in, "No, Bruce, I do not. Poppy's working on that. I can go get your mail at the post office if you want."
"Ooh, and while you're there," Clay handed him a letter to mail.
"What's this?" Branch asked.
"Well, it's--" Clay began in his I'm-about-to-blab-about-serious-boring-and-important-stuff-for-about-fifteen-minutes voice.
"Ya know what, doesn't matter, I'll take it." Branch was not about to stand here for fifteen minutes. Not when he could be talking to Poppy. "Anything else?"
"Oh! I have a grocery list!" John got up and handed him a five-foot-long list. 
"John, I'm going to Poppy's pod. I'm not going anywhere near the grocery store."
"Well, you asked 'anything else' and I told you!" John went back to the couch. "You're welcome."
Branch rolled his eyes. 
"Here, Branch. I'll go do that stuff." Floyd got up from the breakfast table. "You can go on ahead to Poppy's pod."
"Oh. Thanks, Floyd." Branch gave him a smile. 
"We're off!" Floyd announced.
"They don't care, let's just go before they order us to go pick up something somewhere else," Branch whispered.
"Good idea," Floyd agreed.
They started off toward the direction of Poppy's pod (the post office was on the way).
"Soooo...." Floyd said in a singsong voice.
"Soooo?" Branch asked.
"What's your gameplan?"
"For what?"
Floyd laughed. "Asking Poppy to the dance!"
"What?" Branch gave him a funny look. "I have to ask her? She's not just gonna assume we're going together because we're dating?"
"Well, of course she does. But it's more fun for the girls when they get asked." Floyd grinned. "You know, you'd think you've never been in a famous boyband."
"Yeah, well, girls weren't always my first priority, you know."
"I can see that." Floyd's grin turned into a gentle smile. "Branch, I want you to do how proud I am of you."
Branch shifted uncomfortably. "For what?"
"Getting along. Without us. Even before you had your true colors back. You dealth with Grandma..." Floyd gulped. "Well, you dealt with that all alone. And you still went on."
"Barely." Branch shrugged. "If it wasn't for Poppy, I don't know where I'd be right now."
"Well, it wasn't just Poppy." Floyd looked straight into Branch's blue eyes. "Poppy isn't in control of you changing, Branch. That's almost all you. She may have changed you, but you let her. And that's why you're here now, dating the Queen of the Pop Trolls."
Branch flushed. 
Floyd chuckled. "I remember the day you were born. Clay made ten lame jokes about you right away, laughing at them by himself, Bruce seemed to be grumpy because you had blue eyes when he had always wanted them, and John looked like he wanted to die because he now had four brothers instead of three. But I knew right away, you were something special, Branch."
"I'm not that special," Branch said. But he couldn't stop smiling. "Oh, there's Poppy and Viva!"
They were in front of Poppy's pod, doing backflips in the grass, giggling like crazy.
"Oh, man, they're gonna break their necks!" Branch rushed to them. "Poppy, wait, don't--!!"
Floyd laughed, watching. Then he looked at Viva. She was laughing at Branch as well, giving him a teasing push, and he turned on her and tweaked a blonde curl, grinning, something he had grown to do lately as he as now as close to her as his brothers.
Branch knew a lot about Viva already because he hung around Poppy so much. Floyd wondered if he was close enough to her to be able to jokingly tweak a curl. 
No, definitely not. But it would be fun to have a friend like that. And he hadn't had very many since he went to Mount Rageous. 
Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. It sounded alright. Would Viva think so?
He smiled and walked toward her calmly, on a mission.
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incoherentbabblings · 2 years
kahwiwiuw maybe a really soft dickkory with “🥺you sleep with the stuffed animal I won you??” emoji prompt?? i luv this couple v much 😭💕💕💕 and i also rlly love ur work💜
Thank you for the ask! I apologise for the delay. Last one - ending on a DickKory one. Some simple cuddles for you anon! Nice and fluffy. Enjoy!
Emoji Prompts for 800 Followers
“You sure you’re okay?”
Dick stood awkwardly in the doorway of Kory’s room. It had been a rough night, monsters and visions and things that most would rather not see. Kory was strong, stronger than most, but still. It was not a pleasant thing to endure. Dick felt somewhat fragile himself, and reluctant to leave.
Kory was staring into her vanity mirror, brushing her fiery hair. The knots were long removed, but the action was a comfort.
“Yes,” she said simply, only half lying. Catching Dick’s eye in the mirror, a tenseness in her shoulder’s dissipated. Her green ice, sharp and flint like, melted in a warm fire. “And you?”
His lingering in doorways was noted, and she craned her neck, inviting him inside. “Come in. Let me see you.”
Dick remained, reluctant to intrude. Kory caught this, as she always did, and set her brush down, standing up. Entreatingly, she moved close, taking Dick’s hand. He looked tired, as he always did, worn and sad but still smiling. Her warm hands held his cheeks, and he closed his eyes. In that moment he reminded her of an old dog, tired after the day’s events. 
“Do you have time for a nap?” 
He wouldn’t sleep for eight hours. Trying to convince him of this fact was futile. An exercise in stubbornness. What Kory could do, however, was insist on a power nap. And well, if that nap turned into an hour, or two, or four, then who was she to complain?
Besides, she slept better with him next to her. 
Pulling gently, she got him into her room before wrapping her arms around his neck.The pair stood for a while, arms holding tight, swaying from side to side.
“You’re safe,” she murmured. 
“As are you.”
“All the same, stay?” She felt his arms twinge around her waist. “Just for a bit.”
Feeling him sag against her, Kory moved back slowly until her calves touched her mattress. She sat down, pulling away from Dick, who searched for her hands, reluctant to let her go entirely. He stared at the bed and it’s pink covers for some time, seemingly in an argument with himself. Then out of the corner of his tired eyes, something caught his attention. The dull blues lit up, a spark of joy.
“You still have that?”
“Hm?” she turned, seeing what he had noticed. A large toy cat, more cartoon than realistic, with pink fur and plastic whiskers. “Oh! You remember her?”
 Kory scooted back on her bed, settling up by the pillows. She picked up the toy, settling it in her lap. She rocked it back and forth as she spoke, almost beckoning Dick to come join her.
“Indeed. You won me her at a… what was it called? The ball throwing game at the carnival in New York?”
“Skeeball,” he answered, clambering on to the sheets. He crawled towards her, and she spread her legs, allowing him to slot between her and drag her down until she was lying flat. She pressed the creature’s face to Dick’s cheek; a mock kiss. Setting it aside, she made do with kissing his kiss herself. 
“Skeeball. I kept her because you wanted to impress me, and it was a present. We were so young.”
The wistfulness in her voice made Dick pause. “Well, we’re not decrepit either. I can always win you more.”
A gentle snort escaped her, and her fingers tangled into his dark hair. “We’re not the same as we were.”
“But… not necessarily for the worst? Right?”
She shook her head, calming his nerves. “No. Change is good.”
His mouth twitched, as if to give a qualifying statement, but he thought better of it. “I suppose so,” he murmured, looking down.”
“Rest. Please. I need you here with me or I won't be able to sleep tonight.”
It was that request - the way that Dick was seemingly only able to take care of himself if it came with the excuse of caring for another at the same time - that made him sigh, and settle down on Kory’s chest, closing his eyes and listening to her heartbeat. She continued to stroke his hair.
“It was a hard day,” he repeated, sinking further and further into rest.
“It was.”
“But there’s always tomorrow.”
“There is.”
Gentle wheezing was her reply, and with that, Kory knew Dick was lost to the world, finally drawn into the sleep his body so desperately craved. She continued to brush his hair until sleep too took her, ready to escape the horrors of the day for a kinder tomorrow.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
my brain is going insane over photographer/filmer yamagishi and skater boarder makoto 😭😭 i feel both these professions fit their personalities honestly but yeyyyy
as mentioned makoto is a skateboard who has a growing fanbase of followers on his social media who check out his content that yamagishi helps him take. they're a fun duo, those two kids at the back of class that laugh so loud that its annoying /affectionate i love them sm
they kinda just are long time friends in the beginning but everyone thinks they're like dating n smth like that and they're just like huh cuz yk they're clueless idiots. then they kinda bring it up and become friends who kiss sometimes and use each other when they need to let out some steam, until yamagishi is just casually like ayo bro what are we. and they talk abt it n they're like yeah sure we can date ig..? but idk they're one of those relationships that are like maybe we won't put a label on this and just be happy in each other's company but they're also like letz experiment w what we want as a relationship and all.
but yeah they're kinda boyfriends definitely friends. maybe just friends who kiss but they have very intimate feelings for each other so they're just kinda lost but they're comfortable to be whatever as long as its w the other yk<3
also they love watching old highschool/coming of age movies together while cuddling but also while arguing at the tv abt stupid decisions the movie characters make. and if takkuya is in this au too yamagishi and makoto individually like rambling to the couple abt their partner bcuz they're frustrated n confused abt their relationship but also happy that they even have the other in their life and takkuya just look at each other in "that" way and when makoto/yamagishi ask them what the look was they say they won't tell them and let them figure it out for themselves. but they go on double dates, mostly to parks and theme parks but they went to a cafe once and collectively decided to never go to one all together again cuz they got kicked out bcuz they were too rowdy 😭😭
and if we rlly wanted this to be extra fun we'd add takehina into it, karate gf and nurse in training bf, just to have a bigger group 😇
anyways i love mizo mid so much im so normal abt them (im not)
killing tumblr it also didn’t give me a notif for this i hate this fucking website.
anyways hi taku!! you absolutely should go insane abt them you are doing everything right in your life fr <3 no but i am SO listening to everything you have to say you are so right abt them my god. i’m so sorry but i laughed at ‘skateboard makoto’ help i am now picturing him as an actual skateboard- adhjfgjdh. nodding along to all of this i am nodding so hard trust
oh yes we should def add takehina!! (btw the jobs you gave them?? so so true) after all takemichi is also part of mizo mid and i think excluding him is a crime. plus i love the friendship he & akkun have it’s slept on actually i think. i mean the whole first customer thing and stuff 😭 but this isn’t abt them afjhsjf so. back on topic
my brain is empty i had to make up too many haikyuu character assumptions for my qpp yesterday (i had to rate the characters without knowing them at all/while hardly knowing them (we watched the first three eps of season one together two or so months ago)) which was incredibly fun but now my creativity is on stand-by and i haven’t managed to active it again yet but yes i love them thank you
dw i am just as insane about the mizo mid. together we can give them the recongnition they deserve maybe
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muniimyg · 3 years
— 15 | pink camellias 🖊
series masterlist | taglist (wow ,, so cool): @blckjeon @babimyeon @filmtae​ @xxxanimangxxx​ @cherryeyedjikook​
unable to tag: @jkmybby 
a/n: hi, it’s been a hot minute (^o^) i didn’t expect to get this done so quick ?? but i lov these two a lot hehee. honestly,, i rlly bang my head every day trying to develop or fix these characters and then look back at what i’ve posted and realize ,, hey :( they’re actually kinda cute !! LOL anyways,,  i hope you enj as i enjoyed taking my time to write this ,, <3 it’s lowkey my baby :’) as always, feedback is welcome (send me asks ,, i want friends) and reblogs are much appreciated !! receiving so makes me feel motivated ,, but i am thankful for your time regardless lovies 
wc: like 8k? bruh. i could not shut the fuck up ! 
warnings: sprinkles of gaslighting (but it’s sexy?), sulking vibes, emotional constipation (miscommunication), a virgin church girls sad attempt of writing smut (gonna have a long talk with boss man at church tmrw), tit fcking, fingering, unprotected sex?? ig?? not me tho,, y’all stay safe </3, creampie, cockwarming for like 0.5 seconds, oc has brat complex and jk is like ,, not having it (but he can have me), light angst towards the end, and a good time besties ,, 🤑
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It’s 7 in the morning. 
You’ve had this pounding headache for a few days now. The headache most likely came from your late night studying, early morning cramming, and —if you’re guessing correctly— rough bus ride naps that have your head hitting the window a little too hard. Sometimes Jimin would offer to drive you to class but his driving wasn’t necessarily that much of a different experience than the bus. Ultimately, you couldn’t be upset because it made sense that your head hurt. It’s easy to figure out why your migraine is so invasive. 
Why? The signs are all there. 
Could you say the same about your heart lately? How it’s been pounding and sits on the edge of a cliff? Like it’s walking on a tightrope to get across and you have no choice but to wish for either A) it gets to the other side as planned or B) if all else fails, a safe landing. 
Putting the sweet moments aside —moments where he felt like he was yours and like the (his) world belonged to you— you two had a bad habit of going back and forth. Something like a “one step forward, two steps back,” moment along with a need for an emotional break somewhere in between. You’ve always been the type to wait things out and suffer the consequences later. When it comes to being upset or having your feelings hurt by others, you prefer space. When it’s something you’re flat out involved in, you’re reactive in a way that some may find timid and weak.. But you find it peaceful, resourceful, and much more convenient in terms of long-term solutions. To others who sit on the other side, feelings related to waiting, hoping, and anticipation deserve to die. It may feel ruthless, but it’s the only true way to stick to your feelings. It’s way easier said than done, but the point is: you were and always been the type to make people wait for you. Since your world is yes or no, loves me or loves me not, wrong or right, you want to always be sure… Until it’s about him. 
And it’s always about him. 
Rolling out of bed, you get washed up and dressed for the day. Nothing special, just sweat pants and a sports bra. Maybe you’d go for a workout after breakfast or sometime before Jungkook comes over for your talk. Maybe you’d go back to sleep after you eat and take some medicine. Who knows? All you’re thinking about is how you’ve been craving kimchi jjigae for a while.  
The last time you had it was probably the last time Jungkook had slept over and poorly taught you how to cook it. It’s a simple dish that led to such a domestic atmosphere —the kind that had you giggling at his slight touches and nonsense narration as he cooked. Looking back, moments with him always seemed to flow like that. It was a collection of mundane, a mix of queasiness, and a lot of adoration with how it felt to be with Jungkook. He comes in waves of excitement but is also your steadfast comfort. Truly, no one has ever made you feel this way. It has, and for the most part, will always be him. 
You’ve lived a quiet life, after all, you’ve never experienced a real boyfriend or real friends until now. Maybe that’s why your mom insisted that you bring a date. It didn’t really make you feel bad or like you weren’t enough. When you had no close friends or love interests; you honestly just did your best to live. Often, you remind yourself not to compare yourself to others. You tell yourself that it’s okay to bloom late or even not at all. Who knows anything, really? Life is just meant to be lived and you don’t believe that moping around waiting or expecting someone to come in and to change it is what life is about. You deserve to enjoy who you are for yourself first. Perhaps that’s what bothers you so much. Who gets to experience this side of you? Your possible first love and possible first heartache? it was all on him. 
That’s a lot of pressure for a fuckboy. For someone who denies and insists on nothing. For someone who you love(d) as a friend first.
Yes, you’re still hurt. Isn’t it obvious? 
As the stew begins to boil and you’re focused on chopping the onions, the knock on your door occurs earlier than expected. 
You and Jungkook had discussed meeting sometime in the early evening. In your head, you had memorized his schedule. This left you to safely assume that he’d make his way over to you after his 5 PM class. It’s literally the buttcrack of dawn and he’s waiting outside your door. Is he skipping class? 
Still, your heart does a flip or two.
On the other side of the door, Jungkook is wondering why the actual fuck he’s here so early. His heart is about to burst and he feels a little nauseous. God, when did he ever get nervous about a girl? He’s been over at your place a million times but something about knowing that this time is different makes his tummy turn. There was no point in attending his morning classes today. What would be the point if all he’d do is sit there, watch the clock, and think about you? He felt too distracted and impatient to sit through anything. In his head, he just wanted to see you. It’s been too long, it’s been too confusing, it’s been a few sleepless nights. 
If anything, both of you took a moment for yourselves before proceeding. You knew who it was on the other side and you wanted a clear mind for good intentions. You don’t want to lose Jungkook, but your pettiness has been a little difficult to work with. 
He would agree. 
He clearly meant something to you. If he didn’t, you wouldn’t be this invested. You wouldn’t have complained or sulked as much if you didn’t care for him the way that you do. You wouldn’t have gone through the extra mile of posting a small thirst trap just for his attention. You wouldn’t have been so hurt if it was truly nothing. 
It was definitely something. Something was in the air when he had his lips on yours and the way it felt when he smiled into the kiss. 
Your heart aches at the memory. 
It’s a little funny how easy it used to be. How you’d leave your door unlocked while you’re cooking or cleaning, and he’d just stroll in like this was his home too. Laying his bag somewhere and making himself comfortable in your apartment. Whether that meant getting started on dinner or helping you tidy around; it used to be so much easier than this. 
Now, he’s knocking, waiting anxiously, and you’re standing on the other side trying to gather your thoughts as fast as your hands turn the doorknob. When the door opens, it reveals the man responsible for all your doting behaviour. 
You hate to admit it, but he looks angelic. A little too perfect and the realization of how much better you suddenly felt at the sight of him is almost humorous. A wave of comfort rushes through you and you find yourself annoyed that you’re still mad at him. You want to be mad but he looks too good to be mad at. A part of you has already craved. Already wrapped yourself in his embrace and forgave him for his stupid words.
Your world is completely gray. 
Jungkook’s eyes move from his feet to your face fairly quickly. A rush of concern takes over as he notices your slightly puffy eyes and stuffy nose. 
“Were you crying?” he asks, hesitating to touch you. 
He feels like shit all of the sudden. Were you too anxious to face him that you cried? Too overwhelmed? Was he the reason? He doesn’t want to be. He wishes not to be. 
For a moment, you don’t understand why he’s concerned. “Oh! I was just cooking. Chopping onions and well.. You know?” he nods in response, unsure if he believes you or not. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have class?”
“No,” he lies. “I have all day with you.”
“Did you eat?”
He shakes his head with a soft smile. “No, I haven’t eaten. I just waited until now to come over. I remember your body clock.”
His ego deflates when you offer him an awkward gesture. “Join me for breakfast then.”
He follows you inside, closing the door behind him. You close your eyes, feeling uneasy. Then, just as your thoughts begin to crowd your mind, Jungkook puts his bag down where he usually does. He offers a smile, and your mind settles down. He then peaks over to the stovetop, playfully sniffing and squinting at the ingredients scattered around your countertop. He takes a guess. 
“Kimchi jjigae?”
“Yeah.” you respond plainly. 
“Isn’t it too early for this?”
“Then don’t eat,” you snap.
Your tone of voice pains him. It reminds him of his place and the reason he’s here. You catch his dying expression, instantly disliking your response to him as well. You felt bad. You didn’t feel like you. 
“Sorry,” you apologize walking over to the stove. You lower the heat and stir it. Jungkook gives you space. 
“Don’t be.”
He feels like he deserved it. Your heart doesn’t know if it wants to sink or do a flip or two. 
“You know where the placemats are. You can just do your homework or whatever while I finish up.” For the first time tonight, you look into his eyes and he feels torn for a moment. He’s here for you. He skipped class for you. He’s here to learn, understand and study you. 
“It’s okay. Not much is due,” he lies. “I’ll just help you out.”
You decide not to argue with him since you figure you’d do that part later. He stands beside you, washes his hands, and nudges you. 
“Aren’t you cold?”
You remember you’re literally in a sports bra. 
“Give me a minute,” you plead, rushing into your room to put on a random shirt. When you get back, Jungkook lets out a small laugh. 
“I’m surprised I didn’t get a ‘my clothes are not an invitation,’ scolding —not that I need one. I know clothes aren’t an invitation.” he enlightens. “Nice shirt by the way.” 
You look down, realizing you had put it on backwards. 
Honestly? Fuck your life. 
Hastily, you take it off and put it back on after fixing it. Jungkook watches in silence, thinking of new conversations to start. He didn’t mean to make you feel annoyed, self-conscious or frustrated; but you sure look that way now. 
“What have you been up to, Momo?” Jungkook begins, wanting to shift the dense atmosphere. 
“Stealing Taehyung’s lines?” He shakes his head, immediately denying and feeling a bit embarrassed. 
“It’s just.. I—uh..” Jungkook tilts his head and lets out a sigh. “I usually call you baby.” 
For the second time tonight, you look into his eyes and he again feels torn. You don’t answer him. Instead, you change the subject and ask what else you’re missing for the stew. 
When the food is ready, Jungkook takes a seat and so do you. As you pick up your spoon, ready to take your first bite; Jungkook lets out a groan. 
“Why are you sitting so far?”
You slump in confusion. “I’m right here—”
Before you know it, his right-hand grips the lower part of your chair and pulls you closer to his side. 
You blink at him, a little taken back by his actions. He groans when he begins to eat and asks you if seeing him eat makes you full. To that, you scoff and go back to your food. Throughout the meal, he carries the conversation and you relax into his presence again. It’s comfortable and exactly what you’ve missed. He makes you laugh like it’s what he’s meant to do. You two, without realizing it, begin to heal. 
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The kimchi jjigae is a little too salty. You’re completely embarrassed and feel even more so when Jungkook lifts his bowl and slurps the very last drop. 
“I know it was salty. Just admit it!” you whine. “Don’t be such a suck-up. Nobody likes a suck-up.”
He shakes his head, resisting.
“It’s so good though,” he licks his lips and rubs his tummy. “I liked it.. I like anything you do.”
“Whatever,” you conclude. 
Quickly, you take his bowl and yours. Bringing everything into the sink, you run warm soapy water to begin washing the dishes. As you scrub, you assume Jungkook is cleaning the table like he usually would. Taking into account how everything has been going so far, it feels like things are somewhat falling back into place. 
But you’re wrong.
So fucking wrong. 
There’s an intimidating feeling people usually get when others step too close to them. Unexpected touches done in complete surprise are either make or break moments. The thing is, as you continue to scrub the bowls clean, you feel more warmth from Jungkook’s body pressed against yours than the running water. He had snaked his arms around your waist. His chest is pressed against your back as he rests his chin on the crook of your neck. 
“Can we talk?” he mumbles against your skin. 
Shivers. Fucking shivers. You want to tremble and give in so bad, but you want to stand your ground. You need to stand your ground.
“Isn’t that why you’re here?” You question him. 
“I guess.” He agrees. 
“You guess?”
“I’m here because I miss you.” He admits it so nonchalantly. If you closed your eyes and hummed a tune, you would have missed it. It was weak and needy, but it was him. You reply with more silence. It sets his patience to the test. 
“Why are you so mad at me, YN? I’m here, attempting to do something about us—”
“Us?” you turn to him. “What us?”
By now, you’ve turned off the tap and unwrapped from his embrace. His heart drops when you answer him like that. An “I’m sorry,” is what he says immediately; simply, and meaningfully.
There’s a look in your eyes, something he hasn’t seen personally but has often been scolded for causing. You look hurt. Tired, confused, sad. All because of him? 
He hates himself.
He reaches out to you again but you lightly shake him off. Then, he confesses the same thing again. 
“I miss you.” 
You stand still for a moment. Unsure of what to do next because he takes the opportunity to hold you again. Except for this time, he holds you tighter, squeezing your bodies together, getting you to remember his warmth. His presence. Him. 
You bite your tongue, so desperate to not respond. Partly because you don’t know what to say and partly because you have nothing to say. Partly because you don’t want to give in. You feel dizzy but you also feel safe —like you’ve finally made it home after weeks of exhausting thoughts and helpless irritation. 
“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?” His low whisper has a faint sound of a whine. There is no denying it —you can’t help but feel amused by him. 
“Say what?” you press, slightly sounding dumbfounded. 
Jungkook sucks in teeth and takes a step back. With that, he tugs your hand and your body turns to face him. He moves closer, towering above you, but it doesn’t feel scary. It feels enticing. You don’t know what to expect. You only wish for the best. 
“This is the most obvious thing ever but.. I like you. A lot,” he admits, taking your hand and placing it over his heart. “Too much, even.” 
Truthfully, it felt a bit painful to admit so. Admitting so would mean honesty — something he had greedily insisted on from you yet lacked to deliver himself— and maybe it’s more of the feeling of being this bare. Being this real and vulnerable to someone who mattered… Someone who he desperately wanted to be loved by.. It was too consuming to keep inside; he didn’t feel the peace love was supposed to bring because the thought of losing you was literally driving him crazy. It was uncomfortable and itchy to have you not know. 
It wasn’t because he had been loved poorly in the past. If anything, he was loved well. Jungkook has just always thought love to be an investment more than anything else. He didn’t have the time to do so and quickly fell into a life of temporary satisfaction. Every friend, every past hook-up were just drops of dopamine before you. Jungkook has always been the type to make his decisions slowly. 
Why not. 
Again, this is where Jungkook stood conflicted. He didn’t understand why everything feels a certain way when it comes to you. Questions like: why the fuck is it you? Why did it have to be someone his whole friend group held close to? Why was it someone as heartfelt as you? Every part of Jungkook wants to be the one that loves you right. Be the one that treats you the way you deserve and ultimately just be there for you.. But he is just so terrified that his habits would contradict the feelings he had for you. 
“Say something,” he begs. “Or.. Don’t. I don’t know? I probably look so stupid right now.. Maybe I should go—”
“What do you want from me, Jungkook?” you ask, curious for his answer. If he was going to confess, he should do it right. 
“What do you want from me? You like me? And what? What am I supposed to do with that?” you begin to burn inside. Here he is again, cowardly admitting things to fuck with you. 
“So what? What the fuck does that mean?”
You shrug and turn away. “Your confession sucks. One moment you want me, the next you’re offering to leave. Make up your mind. What do you want?”
He pulls you back, bringing your attention to him again. His eyes chase yours and he tries his best to read you. What was going on in your pretty little mind —
You scoff. 
Something in him stirs. It wasn’t anger, it was more of a fed up feeling. He was getting tired of the same conversation —the one that you can’t bring yourself to listen or confide in him with. How could he get you to listen to him? How could he get you to say what you really want to say? By being the asshole you’re painting him to be? He doesn’t want to be that guy, but you’re so difficult. So used to letting space and time fix things instead of taking matters into your own hands. 
“Yours isn’t exactly award-winning either, baby.” He retorts. 
You cross your arms and lean against the sink. “You’re honestly unbelievable. You can’t just show up out of nowhere these past few weeks and say meaningless shit like that. It’s not fair. Stop playing with my feelings like they’re yours to toy with.”
“Aren’t they?” Jungkook insists. “Stop projecting, baby. We’re equally at fault.”
You draw a blank. All you can feel is your headache being replaced with a different kind of pain. 
“You think you’re cute —all bratty and difficult? Please, enlighten me,” he cross-examines. “I get that I messed up. I get that I shouldn’t have denied us. Yes, us. Because clearly, if we’re going to fucking start arguing like this; there’s something we’re arguing over! Us. So get it through your thick, boba-filled skull that there is an us. I’m not your boyfriend—“
“Fuck you!”
“Will you let me?” He snaps. “Look, I may not be your boyfriend, but fuck anyone who doesn’t see the way I am around you.. And just because I’m not your boyfriend, doesn’t mean I never want to be, okay? I do want to be.” He discloses rather suave and you don’t know how to react to his scolding. He had a point that you couldn’t fight.
“But I just can’t be everyone’s boyfriend too. And it feels like that, honestly. Everyone is so used to being in my business and I don’t want you to feel like any other girl I’ve been with before. You deserve more than that. I don’t deserve you, you know? So I get it. I get that if I have you, I have everyone too. I just need time to figure out my boundaries when it comes to things like this. I need to figure out what parts of you I’m willing to share, what parts of me I’m willing to share, and what parts of us I’d like to stay between us.” he confesses. 
Your heart softens. 
Before you can open your mouth to respond, he cuts you off with a deep sigh and begins to conclude. “I’m so over it, YN. I’m tired of guessing why you’re so petty about this. I didn’t even know you were that sensitive, and I’m offended you didn’t tell me. I had to hear it from Taehyung and Jimin that I made you feel like a dirty secret in our fucking group chat! What’s that all about? I get that how I treat you is under their surveillance 24/7, but I don’t get why everyone got to know how I made you feel before me. How is that fair? How do you think that makes me feel? When I found out what I fucked up on, I tried to fix it, right? That’s why I’ve been trying to reach you. Calling you, texting you, meeting you after your classes.. That’s why I knocked on your door at 7 in the morning today. Now I’m here, but it’s like you don’t want me to be.”
You want to cry. 
You felt stupid. You feel stupid. You are so fucking stupid. 
“Tell me, baby. Tell me what I’m supposed to do,” he begs. 
Everything Jungkook is expressing is valid. You had been too petty these days, too avoidant. You’ve spent so much time complaining about the lack of communication between you two yet failed to meet him halfway. You have the right to be upset though. This does not invalidate your feelings of being hurt by him prior. This is just more insight into how it’s been affecting the both of you. 
He switches. He hates seeing your eyes get teary. Especially if it was about him. 
“Don’t be such a crybaby,” he dictates, breaking the intense atmosphere with a smile and warm laugh. He pulls you in and you immediately melt into his arms. Your vision begins to blur with your tears the moment his embrace hits you. “You’re okay,” he comforts. 
“I.. I missed you too,” you whimper. “And I’m sorry too.”
“I’m right here,” he teases, pulling away to find your eyes. “But can we both agree there is an us? Even though I’m the one that said there wasn’t.. I’m asking you to forgive me and let me prove to you that there is an us.”
You just nod. 
“Use your words, baby. Why are you mad at me?”
So you do. 
“I wanted to move on,” you tell him sadly. His heart twitches, making him feel sick. He never wanted you to feel like you didn’t want him around. 
Fear: faced.
“Move on from my feelings for you while I still could. It was overwhelming, Jungkook. Do you think being around you guys is easy? I have so many fake acquaintances because every girl friend I have wants to get with one of you. The rumours about us felt like high school teasing until they started to become real. Sneaking away from the parties together, you sleeping over and acting like my boyfriend.. The whole bouquet thing.. And then our friends got into a fight because they were defending me. Defending us. Only for you to say that there is no such thing,” you take a moment to breathe. Jungkook is holding your hand, his thumb rubbing against your palm. “I wanted time away from you. I distanced myself because—”
“What did I say about wanting space?” he scolds.
“Never from you.”
His heart flips when you answer as if you knew better.. Because you did. Jungkook has always been the type to invade and sit with you. He didn’t believe in space unless it was shared with you. 
“I just don’t think it’s fair to be called your friend but act as your girlfriend. I don’t like how you hug me, confront me, support me, and..” you choke. “M-maybe.. Maybe even love me like a boyfriend.. When you’re just my friend.” 
“I can’t be your boyfriend,” he admits softly. “Not yet. I just.. I don’t feel like it’s the right time for me to ask such a thing. I don’t want to ask you to be my girlfriend just to make up for this fight. I want to ask you when you’re happier with me —with us. When you’d actually want me.”
“Wow,” you laugh. “Who said I don’t want you now?”
He rolls his eyes and tugs you towards him. He kisses your forehead, and sways the two of you back and forth. 
“I can just be yours.”
“What’s the difference between a boyfriend and being mine?”
“I’ll be your boyfriend someday,” Jungkook promises. “I’ll be yours now.” 
For some reason, you like his answer. 
His answer is enough. 
His answer is a start.
More than that, you feel relief in his answer. There was structure, there was a plan, there was a promise. 
“I’ll hold you to that, bunny.”
With that, Jungkook is caught off guard when you go on your tippy-toes and press your lips on his. When he realizes what’s happening, he kisses you back. At first, he kisses you at a fast, hungry pace. When the feeling of you kissing him just as passionately settles with him, he suddenly slows down. He kisses you slowly because now he’s a little overwhelmed and wants to savour this moment. He wants this to never end. Then, without thinking, your hands travel to his hair and it takes almost everything in himself back. 
God, what wouldn’t he give you?
He lets out a soft moan and you tug his hair and can’t stop himself from placing his hands on your waist and lifting you up. Sitting on the edge of the sink, it’s a more comfortable position for you two. When you pull away for some air, he places the palm of his hand on your cheek, running his thumb over your bottom lip. 
You place your hand on top of his and you look at him with the most ‘fuck me eyes,’ you’ve ever given anyone. He rolls his eyes at your play and closes in between you two. With both hands on his cheeks, you kiss him again and again. 
“I’m sorry too.” 
“I miss you too.”
“I like you too.”
“A lot?” He questions with an eyebrow raised. You shrug in response and he instantly gives you a straight face. To which, you giggle and kiss his frown away. 
“Too much, even.” You admit softly and it’s more than enough for him. 
With your words and the lustful way you’re testing him, he takes it upon himself to tug on the hem of your shirt. Without a delay, you break from his kiss and take off your shirt. 
In your dimly lit kitchen, Jungkook’s hot whispers in your ears begin to change the mood. From something so lighted like an innocent kiss to the way he’s speaking to you made all the difference. You find yourself dropping to your knees and him leaning back against the counter. If he stays standing without support, he’d lose it. He’d lose everything he so desperately wants to keep kind and respectful for you. He’d do too much. 
“Not here. Please,” he asks of you.
He helps you up, and you two make your way to your bedroom. 
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You’re laying on your bed as he towers over you. Kissing from your neck to behind your ear, then your lips. So hungrily and slow, it’s practically sinful. He’s brushing his tongue against yours when you least expect it, sucking on it before moving to bite your bottom lip as he pulls away for air. You’re breathless, but it’s not from the kissing. 
The arousal from between your legs makes it difficult to catch your breath. His hands, roaming up your inner thighs, have never felt so foreign to you. Why did they feel so electric against your skin? It felt just like his kisses. 
In response, you breathe his name and his heart beats faster and faster. Jungkook places sloppy wet kisses, dragging his tongue along the side of your neck to your collarbone. Meeting the crease of your cleavage, he bites into it and you let out a moan. He’s rubbing his teeth against your skin, licking and sucking as he did with your mouth. Jungkook pulls away with a sleazy smile, proud of his artwork.
Maybe it’s the morning light that made him look so desirable right now, or the way that his eyes looked like they only wanted you, but in this moment, it feels like you’re his universe. 
You can’t take it anymore. 
You sit up, causing him to follow. You aren’t sure what comes over you, but it’s too late to back down when you both realize where you had just placed your hands. Fidgeting with his belt loop, he looks down and places his hand on top of yours. You two share and look, pausing because even though he wanted this more than anything; he wanted to be sure you did too. You nod with a reassuring smile and he caves. Just the longing look in your eyes sparkle causes him to lazily lean against your headboard, lift his hips and tug his bottoms off for you. You take off your sweat pants too. 
“We don’t have to—”
“Are you really about to say what I think you’re saying?” you breathe. “When it’s your fault I’m this wet?” His head spins when you take his hand and have his thumbs run against the fabric of your panties. 
How could he say no?
Literally. How could he? 
With a small shift, Jungkook takes out his semi-hard cock. You gulp. 
“Show me what that bratty mouth of yours can do aside from talk big.” 
You had no words. Seriously, why was his cock so pretty? You gaze at it a little longer and he gives you a look. 
“If you’re going to drool, I rather you just spit on it.” Suddenly, he takes off his hoodie, revealing his bare upper body. Your eyes trail over his tattoos more than his crafted abs.
You’re stunned. Absolutely lost for words. Breaking away from his trance, you do as he says. You run your tongue around your mouth, gathering your saliva before dipping your head and spitting right on it. As you pull away, a string of saliva follows and you look up at him. Eyes, wide and so innocent, yet your hands were the exact opposite. 
“You’re so big, bunny. What the fuck?”
He grins, giving himself a few lazy pumps. His hand on top of yours when he does so. Your eyes follow his hands and he instantly knows the reason for his precum. 
“You can take it, baby. I know you can.” He encourages slyly. He leans forward, pressing a kiss on your shoulder, then to your collar bone, to your cheek, and finally to your lips. 
You don’t know if you can. Really, honestly speaking. It’s thick and from the looks of it; only half of what it’ll be in a few minutes. Fuck, did you want him and this sight is making it difficult for you to think straight. 
Without warning, you reach out and grip his length, moving his hands aside. You add pressure to your wondering hands and look up at his bambie eyes; completely enchanted by your doing —by you. Jungkook takes a sharp breath in as you two watch your thumbs run over his surface, spreading his pre-cum. 
“What do you want, bunny? My mouth? My tits?” 
You laugh, giving him a sweet kiss he’s definitely earned. 
“Be honest,” you pry. “What do you want?”
“I want to fuck your tits,” he reveals. “Then you,” you nod, understanding his wish and wanting so much to fulfill his desire. 
“Whatever you want,” you promise almost too sweetly. You remove your bra and Jungkook instantly traces the curves of your breasts with his eyes like a masterpiece. Like he’s memorizing the way they look, and to his surprise, you lift his hand and place them on your breast. 
“Is this what you want, bunny?” 
He nods vigorously. You grin, moving away from him and get on the floor. Kneeling down as he moves himself to the edge of your bed, he lazily gives himself three long strokes before you place your hands on him again. You bring yourself closer, tugging on his length to your tits. You with him for a moment, tapping him around and sliding your hands down his velvet skin. You pump him a few times before placing small kisses on top. Letting him enjoy the soft movements, you then run your tongue over the top of your teeth and spit onto his cock. You use your spit and his pre-cum like lube and begin to pump him faster. He’s twitching, utterly undone by your touch. You let go once it’s up on his own, almost so hard and big you wonder how this would ever fit inside of you. 
You squish your breasts together and begin to bounce. His cock, peaking at the top of your breasts, is throbbing. 
“You’re so big, Jungkook.” Bouncing faster, he moans watching you.
“You’re loving this, huh? You love having me like this? You’re ruining me, YN,” he tells you, short of breath.
“Mm —mhmm, yes. I love it!”
He’s losing his mind the same way you’re losing yours. Your big eyes, innocent tone, and movements are just too much for him. He’s not as strong as he thought he would be. You’re so good at this. You’re so good at tearing down his walls; changing his plans and making him suffer. But you were also so good at soothing him, making him feel good —making him feel better even when you’re the reason he feels like shit.
Jungkook doesn’t answer with words. He places his hand on your hair, tugging it. You smirk and lick your lips before pulling your breasts away. Bowing your head, you first dip low for his balls and before you wrap your plump lips around his cock. 
When you do so, he throws his head back and breathes heavily. “Mmph,” he voices. “Such a fucking tease.. All this time you just wanted my cock, huh? You look so pretty right now. You know that? You’re so pretty.” 
“The prettiest.”
You continue to suck him off and occasionally squeeze his balls. He feels like he’s in heaven; this is the best head he’s gotten in a while. Actually; it’s the only head he’s gotten in a while. 
He hasn’t told you but Jungkook hasn’t slept with anyone in almost two years. He hasn’t slept with anyone since you first stole his shirt and wore it around campus like a girlfriend. Like you could be his girlfriend.. Something like that. Ever since then, you continued to steal his clothes and he let you. He let you walk around in his clothes. He let you walk around looking like his girlfriend. 
“I’m gonna cum.” He states in a mild panic. 
You listen well, putting more effort into your act. His breathing becomes hitched as you pull away, holding his cock to your breasts. He cums over them and fights to keep his eyes open — moaning at the glorious sight. When he’s emptied himself, you run your thumb across his tip and feel him twitch. You two pause for a moment before he’s handing you your shirt and wipes his load off of you. 
Hands still on him, when cock relaxes and softens, you give it one last kiss and climb onto his lap. Your bare pussy and his cock at touching; and you glide back and forth for a moment. Jungkook catches his breath and sits up. 
“Hey,” he smiles. You take the back of your hand and wipe away the sweat accumulated on his forehead. “You worked hard.” he compliments, making you laugh. 
“I missed you.” 
“I missed you,” he repeats. 
“I didn’t miss how mean you get when we fight. Can’t you be a little nicer? Like when you were calling me pretty earlier?” you take the chance you can get, being on top of him wet and all. 
“With my dick stuffed inside your mouth? Yeah,” he says in awe. “I’ll be nicer.. Only if you’re less bratty.”
“But you’re into it!” you defend. 
Jungkook shoots up. “So you act bratty for me to get off on it?”
“I mean..” you gesture to your two naked bodies. Jungkook rolls his eyes, leaning on your shoulders to kiss them. He then moves on to kiss your cheeks and wraps his arms around you. Before you know it, he brings you down with him, laying on your mattress again. He’s cuddling himself onto you and you can’t help but do the same. 
He places chaste kisses on your jaw line, and you moan at his touch. You move, taking a seat on his lap again. 
“My favourite spot,” you tease.
He snickers as you lean into him. You begin moving your hips up and down, side to side; driving him crazy at this point. You can feel him hardening under your heat. The feeling of him in between your legs is enough for you to stimulate. He’s not even in you yet and you’re already drooling. 
“Like that,” he moans. “Feels good.” 
Fuck this man has you melting. Without an explanation, he’s lifting you up and flipping you so you’re laying on his mattress. There are no words to describe how much your heart is racing. Jungkook hovers over and you smile into the highly anticipated kiss. He does the same moments after you.
Lips passionately crashing onto yours, you two waste no time. You kiss him back just as lewd. His hands travel to your thighs and he squeezes them, gripping dangerously near your heat. How did his hands make it that far up? You didn’t notice because you were so focused on the way his tongue slipped its way into your mouth; boldly wrestling with yours. Soon, your energies calm and it’s more like a dance. Every time you pull away for a breath, he softly sucks on your tongue and moves his kisses to the corner of your lips patiently waiting for them to come back to him. 
“You taste like milk tea again,” he laughs when you bring your lips back to his. You switch to giving him short pecks and bring your hands to cup his face. “We literally ate the same thing too.”
“I bought a milk tea flavoured lip balm,” you admit, feeling slightly embarrassed at your childish purchase. 
He scrunches his nose and smiles wildly. “You’re so fucking cute.” He compliments before trailing wet kisses from the top of your breast to your neck. “So fucking wet too.”
It’s then when you feel his thumb rubbing against you. You moan as he deepens his touch, feeling the warm spread. 
“Are you gonna stick your fingers in me or what, bunny?” 
“Eager much?”
“Only for you.” 
He looks at you in amazement. God, when did he get so lucky to have you like this? His digits dig into you and all you can do is shamelessly spread your legs, not breaking eye contact with him. He swears he’d going to burst. 
“Fuck, Y/N.”
You fix your position on the bed, laying back and arching yourself as he inserts his sturdy fingers inside of you. He begins to circle around, all the while still using his thumb to rub your clit. His touch is gentle, but the way he is beginning to pick up the pace is what gets you biting your tongue. 
“How do I make you feel, baby? Boost my ego,” he chuckles, noticing your lip bite. You sigh deeply, beginning to lose your breath. Without much thought, you let out a frustrated groan. 
“Good! So, ah, fu— fuck. Jungoo— fuck! So fucking good.” you moan. “Only you.”
“Fuck, that’s right,” he confirms. “Only me.”
He wants you closer. He wants you to be completely fucked out and crying from overstimulation; he wants so much of you.
“You can do better than that, YN. You can be louder than that,” he assures you, reaching over to give you a quick kiss. “Can I taste you, baby?” 
You don’t hesitate to say yes. 
Gripping your bedsheets, you’re moved by the way he’s sucking your clit while pushing his fingers inside you in such clean strokes. His tongue, occasionally licking you up and down has you quivering. When it comes to sex, you aren’t too experienced. You haven’t really fooled around since high school and just had a few moments with other guys throughout your university life. Ever since you and the guys became close; you haven’t really gotten the chance to be active. They were way too protective. Besides, everyone knew who had their eyes on you.
Every split moment you think you’ve adjusted to his mouth on your pussy, he does something different. He’s burying his face inside you, gliding his nose and making you squirm. At one point, he’s slapping your heat and mumbling dirty words to it. At this point; you’re out of breath and you’re reaching your climax. You aren’t sure how you’re not screaming, but you’re thankful you aren’t. 
Your mind quickly thinks of Jungkook’s words from earlier: yours, and it makes your stomach turn. His movements are so quick now, you’re practically aching. 
“I’m gonna cum. Keep g-going.. Arghh,” you plead breathlessly. A few seconds later, as he’s flicking his tongue aimlessly. You feel him smiling against your pussy and licking you. You move your weight to your elbows, and suddenly he’s moving away. Quickly, he leans to you and kisses you. He runs his tongue around his lips and smiles. 
“Why— “
“Cum around me.”
You agree, he bites your neck as you lay down. 
“Condom?” Jungkook recalls. You shrug.
“If you want?” 
“To be honest,” he laughs. “Not really. Not with you.”
“Okay,” you agree. “I’m on the pill anyway.. And I trust you.” 
His heart is filled with glee. He offers you a bunny-like smile and cups your cheeks to kiss them. Then, he sits up, guiding his length around you. He glides himself into your folds a few times, gently lifting it once in a while to hit your heat. To which, you love. You bite your lip, watching him tease you 
“Plea— please, Jungkook,” you breathe. “Please.”
He smirks, leaning down to kiss you again. You don’t kiss back, instead, you tug him into your body. He crashes into you, and swiftly puts himself inside you. He groans and you let out a satisfied moan. 
He begins to pace himself, getting off with your hitched breathing and whispered pleads. His thrusts are deep and well done. He just knew how to fuck you and that was simply the truth. Within a few moments, he’s close. Jungkook throws his head back when he feels you begin to close in on him. He feels you lifting your hips, meeting him halfway. There’s no way to describe it with you, it’s complete pleasure. It’s the borderline of lust and love; everything about this was you. 
God, could he fall in love so easily right now. 
So a part of him does.
When you string your arm around his neck, kiss him slow and tender, he can’t do much more. He can’t fight the rush in his body. It’s the way you literally made him weak that had him go through overdrive. 
“I’m— “
“Mmhm, me too.”
“Where do you want me?”
“Inside!” you squeal, “where else?”
That does it. He attacks your lips, squeezing your breasts with his hands, and rolls his hips, pushing himself inside of you more and more. Then, you feel it. Your toes curl, and you whimper warnings. He feels your cum around him and it’s more than enough for him to begin to do the same. Jungkook spills himself in you, sloppily thrusting and chasing his high until he’s left catching his own breath. Foreheads pressed against each other, he kisses you once more. He stays there, inside of you. Oozing out of you, you feel your bed sheets begin to stain. You don’t care. His warmth is all you’re thinking of right now.
“I came too fast.”
You laugh, pushing him off of you. He lies beside you, laughing too. Like reflex, he kisses your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you.
“Seriously. I don’t think I’ve had sex in like… Two years.” Jungkook reveals. Your eyes widen.
“Are you serious?”
“Been about you,” he smiles. “Still about you.”
He earns himself a kiss. Jungkook happily accepts and pulls your covers over your bodies. You two cuddle in together, tangled in your sheets. 
“Can we take a break,” you request, as he moves into your arms. You play with his hair as he rests on your chest. “It’s still morning.”
He looks up at you, pecking your lips in responses. Jungkook moves back to hugging your body, mumbling, “okay, okay. Let’s recharge.” 
“Two fucking years, YN!” he complains. 
To which, you laugh and hit his shoulders playfully. He doesn’t care, he joins your giggles and snuggles himself into place. He buries himself into the crook of your neck, and you can’t help but sink into his embrace. When it gets quiet, you hear him silently mumble something against your skin. 
“What?” you whisper sleepily. Still, you’re running your fingers through his hair. You feel him take a deep breath and you swear you feel his heart collapse into yours when he repeats; 
“I want you like this forever.”
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Jungkook wakes up to the sound of your phone buzzing. At first, he ignores it, shifting himself closer to you, trying to fall asleep again. Merely dozing off again, he hears a knock on your door. You stir in your sleep, and Jungkook leans down to kiss your cheeks before getting up to answer the door. 
He stumbles, finding his underwear and then his pants. He approaches and opens the door, still adjusting his pants. Looking up, his eyes meet his precious friend. 
Jungkook didn’t need much context. The scene is set and the tension is obvious. Taehyung was standing outside your door, just as nervous and conflicted as he was earlier today. Taehyung was standing outside your door with two bobas, a small bouquet of pink camellias, and his heart out in the open. It takes a moment for the two of them to register each others presence. Briefly, Taehyung pauses and realizes that Jungkook is shirtless and buttoning up his pants.. Inside your apartment. 
The two friends share a look. One they have never shared before, and it feels unsettling for the both of them. A short-lived, yet relieved laugh escapes Taehyung’s lips. 
“This stays between us.”
Before Jungkook could answer his disoriented friend, Taehyung shoves the boba to Jungkook and turns away. Frantically, Taehyung rushes to leave with the pink camellias in his hands and his heart still with him. Jungkook is stunned, unable to gather his thoughts and actions. He lets Taehyung go without a fight. 
Maybe later tonight, he’d bring it up. 
Maybe tomorrow, he’d bring it up. 
Maybe one day, he’d bring it up. 
Was Jungkook supposed to tell you this? What is there to say about this interaction though? Even Jungkook had no idea what to feel; how could you?
And that’s when it hits him.. What if it was you that opened the door instead of him? What would have happened then? What would Taehyung have said or done? Would that change anything between you and him?
These questions follow Jungkook around as he puts the boba in your fridge and as he climbs back into bed with you.
As Jungkook lays beside you, he can’t help but pull your body closer to his —like he needed to. Half asleep, you adjust yourself into his arms and snuggle your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Where’d you go? Someone at the door?” you murmur into his skin.
Jungkook contemplates. His arm is wrapped around you, his thumb rubbing your arm in response to fill the momentary silence. He shifts closer to you, closing any remaining space between you two. Kissing your hair, he makes his choice. He decides and closes his eyes, letting it sink in. 
It’s selfish, he knows, but just because he didn’t deserve you doesn’t mean he’d decline your offer to be his. In each other’s embrace, that’s exactly what he does. He chooses to have you —no matter what way. 
“No where,” Jungkook lies. “No one.”
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copyright © 2021, muniimyg on tumblr.
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peachybun-bun · 3 years
hey there! i rlly enjoy your work! can i request haechan #19 #45? thanks in advance!! take your time, and make sure to take care of yourself (:
Hi! I hope you like this. It was a ton of fun and I let it continue from the first Haechan adventure request we received, I hope you don't mind that. This little series (?) is too much fun to write...so I guess if anyone wants me to add to it let me know lol. Haechan just out here trying to shoot his shot. (Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 BONUS)
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Laying on your stomach on your bed, the door to your room open, you glance over your shoulder when you hear a familiar voice. Scoffing, you can’t help but smile as Haechan speaks, “Hey doll.”
Rolling your eyes, you look back at your phone, and answer him, “Hi, Haechan…what are you doing?”
He grins and moves further into the room, glancing around, before sitting on the bed next to you. He glances you over, the way your back dips and the curve of your ass. “Just wanted to see what you were up to. You didn’t want to finish the movie from last night?”
You raise a brow and glance over to the man on your right, then back to your phone as you swipe your thumb across the screen on Tinder. “Nope. I had already seen it.”
You and Haechan had slept together before, and since then he was constantly trying to get back in your pants. You weren’t necessarily opposed to it, but the long game was more fun. It was amusing to see him trying so hard.
Haechan furrows his brows and moves his hand to your back, running his finger along the exposed skin right above your sweat pants. “I see...what are you doing right now?” He glances at your phone, as the familiar sound of a Tinder match rings out, causing him to groan, “Seriously? Could you not suck for five minutes?”
Raising your brow, you look over to him and laugh, “What? I’m allowed to look.”
His eyes narrow, before his hand reaches out, taking your phone and turning away from you to look at your most recent match.
“Haechan! Give that back right now.” You twist your body and lean over his back, trying to take your phone back.
As he uses his broad shoulders to keep you at bay, he reads outloud. “Lee Youngbok, 20, Seoul….” His voice trails off as he looks back at you, his voice going up an octave, “Felix?!”
You sit back on your feet and hold out your hand for your phone, which he places in your hand. “So? It’s just a match, Haechan. Doesn’t mean anything, but why am I even talking to you about this like it matters?”
You groan and start to slide off the bed, but Haechan’s hand pulls you back as he looks at you, as if studying you. “Don’t go out with him.”
You sigh and toss your phone back on the bed, “Why not?”
Haechan stares up at you, trying to form a reasoning, but stumbles over his words. “Well I...what if…”
You stare back at him, trying to wait for him to come up with something, some reason for you to not go out with Felix. “If?” Your voice is sharp and brings Haechan out of his daze like a slap.
“What if we go out? I could take you on a date, if you want a date that bad.” He almost had it, just like he almost had it the night before, right up to the point he called his dick “Mini Haechan”.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Haechan. I think that ship sailed.”
He frowns at your words, and groans dramatically, before speaking his voice a whine, “Why are you so difficult? I try to date you, and you refuse. I try to sleep with you, and you turn me down? What do I have to do? Beg?”
You stare at him again, considering that, the long game was obviously breaking him. “You’d do that?”
He sighs, and moves to his knees on the floor in front of you, “Yes. Please go on a date with me? Please? Or we could just get naked?” Once again he almost had it.
You try your best not to smile or laugh, your tongue pressed against your teeth. His smile is too much, and you smile breaking out into a laugh. “You are a fucking idiot, Lee Donghyuck…”
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chiruba · 3 years
## jjk boys’ as older brothers. . . 🗯
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R3QU35T (^-^ )
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N0T35 (^-^ ) hello love! thank u for the req<3 it's perfectly fine c: i decided to just make headcanons since i couldn't come up with any good scenarios, hope u still enjoy tho ! ^.^ ps. yes i did use my own siblings for reference and content LMAO
spoilers for ep 22-24 of the anime in fushiguro megumi's!
P4IRING5 (^-^ ) itadori yuji x fem!reader, fushiguro megumi x fem!reader, inumaki toge x fem!reader
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. . . ?$! ITADORI YUJI
# i think yuji would b a rlly fun older brother
# like the rare golden sibling you actually get along with
# is also a loud sibling
# yuji is protective of you, but it's not that different to the way he protects his friends
# yuji steals your food but like not to piss you off LOL it's genuinely an accident most of the time
# boy was just hungry
# would also offer to share the food he stole from you, to you
# i feel like yuji would want force you to play sports with him
# so if you're not athletic rip
# if you two are rather close in age, you're probably the siblings that nerd out over tv shows and other celebrities together, even if you don't have similar taste
# if you have a bigger age difference, yuji would sit and watch all of your cartoons or movies with you and probably enjoy them more than you do
# can be loud sometimes but overall a pretty chill older brother, 9/10
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# if we're talkin about middle school megumi...
# well, we've seen how it was with tsumiki
# he'd stay in his room constantly
# and it's rare to have a proper conversation with him
# however that all changes when tsumiki gets cursed
# megumi becomes a lot more protective over you
# like scare your significant other shitless if they hurt you protective
# and also spends more time with you
# he's the type of brother to make sure you've eaten and slept well
# he doesn't treat you that different whether or not you have a big age difference
# you're his little sister either way
# i don't think megumi would spoil you,
# but he'd cook for you and sometimes give you the first movie choice on movie night! (it's a big deal okay)
# middle school older brother megumi - 4/10, high school older brother megumi - 7/10
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. . . ?$! INUMAKI TOGE
# toge is an annoying ass older brother.
# constantly coming into your room for the stupidest things, purposely leaving the door open, eating your food, spending too long in the bathroom, etc etc
# would constantly spam text you with either the most random things or just a bunch of memes
# to be fair, that's not so bad since toge has pretty good humour LOL
# as annoying as toge is,
# he does love his younger sister
# if you're both sorcerers, toge would be very protective over you
# depending on your gap in age, the way he acts can be very different
# if you're closer in age, you would probably gossip together about all the family drama, or about any drama happening in your own lives
# if you're further apart in age, i can see toge as the type of sibling to spoil you -
# spending way too much on takeout, or buying useless items that you don't need, but certainly want, taking you out to random places
# overall, toge's a pretty fun sibling! he's not too annoying despite the first headcanon, and he's not an overbearing protective older brother either. 7/10
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© 2021 sinrinyoku - do not repost or plagiarize!
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soobasaur · 4 years
buzzfeed said i like-like you..
— a lee felix x au
(half felix pov half y/n pov)
lee felix x gender!neutral reader genre: best friends to lovers
a/n: this is mainly in felix’s pov since i thought it would fit better, the next felix au will be in y/n’s pov (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ and if you have any requests just ask away and i’ll try my best <3
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« masterlist
felix was currently very calm!! c a l m!!
certainly not panicking, nope not him!
it started when he flopped onto his bed in defeat after giving up on his art history essay
he could only analyze medieval paintings for so long >:((
so he ended up clicking on his folder of bookmarks and scrolling for the buzzfeed quiz one
dont judge him it was very relaxing !!
he did a couple weird ones like ‘what type of bread are you?’ (he was a challah bread apparently?!) and ‘what is your horror movie death scene?’ (he was going to be murdered!!)
he started clicking on the recommended ones until he landed on the romance section
he usually ignored these since they were typically very boring but just for the sake of it he chose one titled ‘are you in love with your best friend?
he scoffed as he let the quiz load and his mind wandered off to you
you and felix had met in grade school due to the both of you being the new kids and immediately being stuck together since no other kids wanted anything to do with you
and every since then you had been glued to the hip
he loved you sure, but being in love with you? he didn’t think he was.. he wouldn’t be opposed to it though
‘do you think your best friend is beautiful?’
obviously!! felix thought, choosing said option, how could he not? u were the most ethereal person he had ever been blessed to see, other then himself of course
‘when you get into arguments, are you reluctant to apologize and end it quickly or wait for them to apologize first?’
felix had to think about this one
you both didn’t rlly fight, it was usually over stupid things like the both of you needing to take care of yourselves more and such
but felix found himself apologizing more since he knew you were too stubborn to make the first move even if you wanted to
and whenever he did apologize you always broke down and did the same
he chose ‘i apologize first to get it over with’
‘do you often cuddle and kiss your best friend?’
doesnt everyone? felix thought, hovering his cursor over ‘duh!’
he often gave you cheek kisses and pulled you into hugs whenever he saw you, even if you were always shy and flustered afterwards
he thought it was cute to see you like that
and you often fell asleep in his bed during movie nights and the both of you woke up tangled into one another
now that he thought about it he didn’t really kiss his other best friends, he shuddered at the thought
‘would you get jealous if someone else were to kiss your best friend?’
felix frowned at the mere thought of someone else kissing you
only he could give you cheek kisses goddamnit !!
he wouldn’t be mad if jisung got kisses from someone else though, he’d be happy his friend had found a partner
but if you found a partner...he didn’t know how to feel about that
it would fall between wanting you to be happy and he should be making you happy
he quickly filled out the question and moved on, that was too much for him
the rest of the questions were things like ‘do you know their favorite color?’ ‘do you have their birthday memorized?’ (yes to both!)
he clicked done and waited for his old laptop to boot up the results
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oh...O H
WTF ?/$:&:@;
felix squinted at screen once more before pulling up a google tab
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he went through multiple wikihow articles before just shutting down his laptop and taking his head into his hands
did he have a crush on you??? weren’t crushes supposed to give you butterflies and shit?
well...he did get butterflies whenever you complimented him,,,
oh shit he did have a crush on you
he dove headfirst into his pillow and kicked his legs before sitting up, coming to a conclusion
he couldn’t just hold this vital piece of information to himself!!
and that’s how felix found himself in front of your dorm building, freezing in nothing but basketball shorts and a hoodie he was pretty sure he stole from you
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felix came barreling towards you, picking you up in a hug despite his tiny size
once he finally stopped spinning you and set you down was when you have him a confused look
“your welcome over whenever but why the sudden visit at 3am?” you ask, leading felix towards your dorm room
“fun news!! i realized i’m in love with you, thanks to a buzzfeed quiz!” he answered, doing jazz hands as you locked the dorm door behind you
“you’re...what now?” questioning if you heard right, ignoring your heart beat thumping loudly against your chest
“yeah like, i’m in love with you and realized it just now so i came here to tell you and-,”
/!&:@:@;@;@@, you were malfunctioning
how was?? felix so?? casual?? about this??
u had known you were in love with him since like /forever/ aND THIS MF JUST REALIZED A MINUTE AGO??
and you told him so, stalking towards him and reaching him in just two strides, shaking his shoulders
“what took you so long oh my god-,”
“wait does this mean you feel the same? cus if not it’s cool we can be homies ahah-,”
you did the cliche thing where you shut him up with a kiss
it made him go ∴◠‿◠∴
“we are not homies-,”
“we’re homies with benefits!”
*deep sigh*
from then on your relationship didn’t change that much
you were just best friends who know kissed one another and made out
bonus: headcanons
felix took on a new routine of coming over to your place at the ass crack of dawn
it drove you mad but you never slept anyways so you always opened the door
which was why felix came over in the first place!! to seduce you into a healthy sleeping schedule ;)
“y/n you would look so good tucked into your covers, all warm and cuddly as i hug you close-,”
“are you really trying to seduce me into sleeping right now??”
“...well is it working?” felix winked
(side note felix’s morning voice was to die for so if staying up late got felix to come over then that was another excuse for you to not sleep)
and since he was a dance major you always bought him bouquets and gifts after every single showcase
one time you got him a bunch of red roses and when you guys went back to his place he stuck one in his mouth and pulled you into a slow dance
it didn’t last very long though cus a thorn was left on the stem and caught his lip and you ended up having to help stop the bleeding
he still gave you a smile throughout it all though
“you look so creepy smiling with a mouthful of blood-,”
which made him smile even bigger
college with your best friend was fun but was even more fun with your boyfriend
the two of you often went on double dates with your friends jeongin and jisung, who recently got together, and had a blast going to parties
felix was a clingy drunk
if you thought he was clingy before just you wait
he would latch onto your arm like a koala and let you drag him around
and he would back hug you as you walked around
it was endearing though so you always let him get away with it
but if felix got too much to drink all hell broke loose
you still have flashbacks to that one time he started stripping on the pool table
you got a nice sight of his abs but so did everyone else !!
felix was willing to do anything with you and vice versa
if you even had the smallest inconvenience he was there to help
like that one time your coffee wouldn’t come out of the vending machine he karate kicked it until it did, and dragging you to run away when he spotted a hall monitor walking towards you
all in all he made you happy
it was perfect :’)
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thank you for reading !!
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mxbeezkneez · 3 years
Graveyard Companions
Chapter 2: i'm coming back from the dead, and i'll take you home with me
Link to ao3: x
Warnings: Blood, Minor Injury, Cursing
Fandoms: The Addams Family
Relationships: Gomez Addams/Morticia Addams, Gomez Addams/Morticia Addams/Reader, Gomez Addams/Reader, Morticia Addams/Reader
Tags: Vampire, Vampire Turning, Human/Vampire Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Married Couple, Blood, Polyamory, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationship, Pre Relationship, Cursing
Summery: “I’m a vampire… a goddamn vampire,” you whisper.You wake up in the living room of a gothic house, and are told you were found unconscious in a graveyard. They claim you are a vampire. As crazy as it is, you can't help but start to trust the couple who found you.
Chapter notes: hi i'm back! i started thinking about the addams family, and well my interest in vampires didn't rlly diminish much... this chapter's pretty long, so i hope you enjoy! i apologize if my french or spanish is bad, i don't speak french, and i only speak a bit of spanish! i actually have like a whole plot n stuff planned, so i'm pretty hyped for this fic! hope u like it! :) (the title is from it's not a fashion statement, it's a fucking death wish by my chemical romance)
You wake up to a loud bang, bolting straight up out of bed. “What the hell?”
You rub your eyes before slipping out of bed. The night before feels very far away, almost unreal, but being in this room confirms your memories. You’re staying in the Addams’ house and are… a vampire. You take a slow breath before grabbing new clothing. You find a pair of black pants to match a dark sweater. While near the dresser, you look out of the room’s window. It’s dark outside, the sky a navy blue sprinkled with stars. The graveyard behind the house is illuminated by the moon shining over it.
You leave your room, deciding to try and find the living room once again. You wander through the halls before finding it. Inside you find Wednesday, the small girl, playing with a younger blond boy. She’s talking to him while holding a headless doll in her arms. You walk farther into the room, stepping on a squeaky board, alerting the children of your presence.
They both turn their heads to stare at you. You nervously chuckle.
Wednesday points at you, “That’s (y/n),” she tells the boy, “I heard father say they’re a vampire.”
“Wow really?” the boy exclaims, “Is it true? Do you drink blood?”
“Um,” you stammer, “Well, I am a vampire, but I haven’t been one very long so- no I haven’t drank any blood. Uh… what’s your name again?”
“I’m Pugsley,” he reaches over and offers his hand.
You shake it, “Well, nice to meet you Pugsley. What are you guys up to?”
“We’re playing the French Revolution,” Wednesday answers flatly.
You chuckle, “Huh. I mean I guess it was an exciting time. Who’s your doll there?” you point to the headless doll in her hands. To be honest, the beheaded doll was very unnerving, but the children themselves seemed nice enough, so you push your nerves to the side.
“Marie Antoinette” she says matter of factly.
“Oh,” you pause, “Explains the lack of head I guess.”
You stand there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of how to exit the conversation. “Do either of you know where your parents are?” you ask.
“I saw them in the dining room earlier. Uncle Fester was there, but I think he went upstairs to play with his dynomite caps,” Pugsley replies. Uncle Fester? Dynomite caps? There’s too much to unpack there, so instead you decide to find Gomez and Morticia.
“Okay, thanks.”
You head out the door, realizing you have no idea where the dining room is. You go to turn back, but the children are playing animatedly and you don’t want to interrupt, so instead you look for it yourself.
You find the dining room, and sure enough, Gomez and Mortica are seated next to each other at a long table. You walk over and take a seat near them.
“(Y/n)! How’d you sleep?” Gomez greets you.
“Like the dead,” you say flatly. A second later what you’ve said hits you and you blink slowly, “I mean, I slept well, thanks.”
“You did seem rather tired last night,” Morticia remarks, “I’m glad you got some rest.”
“Wait, did I sleep through an entire day?” you ask.
“Yes, though we did tell Lurch not to disturb you,” she answers, “We thought you needed the sleep. How are you feeling?”
“I feel…” you take a moment to survey yourself, “I feel okay. I think if anything I feel a little hungry.”
“We can get that squared away! Mama makes the best yak stew.” Gomez springs from his chair and over to a rope hanging from the ceiling. Remembering last night, you brace for a loud noise. Sure enough, once he pulls it, the house shakes as the ringing travels through the house.
“You rang,” Lurch grumbles.
“Yes Lurch, a bowl of yak stew for our guest!” Lurch groans and exits.
“Thank you,” you tell them, “You’ve both been very hospitable, I’m thankful you were the ones that found me.” You feel sincerity in that statement, you were not only grateful for their help, but another part of you has some feeling when you’re near them. You’re not sure what the feeling is, though you can confidently say you didn’t mind the couple, or hell, the weird household in general. Even if it is kooky, you can’t say you’re not charmed by their life.
Lurch comes back with a silver platter that he sets on the table. On it is a bowl of stew that he places in front of you.
“Thanks,” you say, before grabbing the spoon and looking back at the meal. Lurch takes his leave. You’re unsure about eating yak, but you are also hungry and the stew looks fairly appetizing. You take a scoop and put it in your mouth, surprised not only by the flavor of the soup, but also the feeling of chewing. It’s like you can feel your canines rip through the meat faster than before. In the time where you’ve been thinking, it’s completely slipped your mind that you probably have fangs now. That you’ve changed.
“This is- this is actually really good,” you remark.
“I told you, Mama is a culinary genius! Nothing beats her yak stew!” Gomez gleams.
You smile at Gomez. Something about him just makes you want to smile in a soft admission of admiration.
You turn your attention back to the stew, eating it quickly until there is nothing left.
“I’m glad you enjoyed Mama’s cooking,” Morticia smiles, “I’ll have to tell her you enjoyed it. It’s not very often she gets to feed guests.”
“It is very odd, usually most people never come back after eating her food… I can’t imagine why…” Gomez says with a puzzled expression on his face. You chuckle. You notice that you find yourself enjoying the Addams’ company immensely. A part of you feels sad that you will eventually have to leave.
“Ah, c'est la vie (that’s life) ,” Morticia remarks.
“Tish!” Gomez’s head swivels quickly to face her, “That’s French!” he exclaims, grabbing her arm. He begins to kiss it, from her hand to her shoulder, though is interrupted by Morticia, “Darling. We have company. Later,” she says with a sly grin. Gomez raises his head to meet her eyes, a dazed look on his face. “Later.” he remarks, before finding himself back in his seat, “So, Hester, any plans for the night?” he asks casually.
“Um…” you stutter, flustered by the show of passion from the man sitting across from you, “I- I don’t really know… I mean, I’m a vampire now so- does that mean I have to act like one too? I’ve never been in a situation like this, I don’t really know what to do,” you admit, staring at your hands. You look up towards Morticia, “Didn’t you mention you’ve known vampires before? Could you maybe help me?”
“Of course, darling.” Morticia says, “Why don’t we talk in the living room? If you’re alright with it, the children would enjoy listening, they are curious creatures.”
“Yeah, that’s alright. They asked me a question or two when I ran into them earlier. I don’t blame them for being curious,”
“Pugsley’s been very interested in nonhuman creatures lately, ever since that run in with that werewolf he’s been wanting to know more. Wednesday’s been teaching him some things, she’s always had a firm grasp on certain folklore!” Gomez said proudly.
The three of you walked to the living room and sat down, them on the couch, and you in a chair facing them. The children were still in the room, sitting on the floor. You fidget with your hands nervously. “So, do I have superpowers or anything now?” you half-heartedly joke.
“Vampires have very fast healing capabilities,” Wednesday states, “They are very difficult to kill, they must be stabbed with a stake to the heart or decapitated.”
“Very good Wednesday,” Morticia smiles.
“Huh,” you respond, “Alright, that’s not too bad.”
“There are certain weaknesses that should be mentioned, such as sunlight, garlic, crucifixes and running water.” Morticia adds.
“Wait I can’t eat garlic anymore?” you ask, “That kinda sucks, huh.”
“Well technically you can eat anything if you try hard enough,” Gomez says offhandedly.
Morticia cocks an eyebrow at him and sighs, “It’s not so much deadly, it’s more like a food allergy.”
“So I can still eat things with garlic in it?” you double check.
“As long as you aren’t a coward!” Gomez says enthusiastically.
You let out a laugh at Gomez. Wednesday is rolling her eyes, though Morticia just keeps looking at him lovingly. For a moment you forget about the obvious question hanging in the air.
“So…” you start, “I have to drink blood now?” you ask nervously.
“Yes, all vampires must ingest blood to keep themselves alive,” Morticia says, “You’ve got to be hungry by now I imagine,”
“Yeah… but I just ate.” you reply.
“You can still eat food, it just will never fill you. In order not to starve you have to drink blood.” she explains.
You look down at your shaking hands. Everything before now had felt unreal, but this? The seriousness in her voice is making everything too real for you. How could you possibly do that to someone?
“I- I don’t know if I can do that…” you voice shakes, “I mean- how… how could I?”
“Children,” Morticia addresses them, “Why don’t you go play with Uncle Fester while we talk with Hester.”
“Awwww, do we have to?” Pugsley complains.
“A vampire’s eating habits are quite personal Pugsley. I’m afraid so.”
“Alright,” he sighs and follows Wednesday out of the room.
“If you need help procuring someone, you just have to ask. Gomez and I would of course be willing to provide.”
“Bodies of course.” Gomez affirms.
“Human bodies,” you repeat, your mind reeling. You had noticed the family was quite odd, even creepy at times, but what they were offering? It sounded too close to murder. You suddenly become very aware of where you are: in a strange house with strangers. Your hands become clammy.
“Is everything alright darling?” you hear Morticia ask. Your throat swells up. You try to force words out, but nothing will leave you lips, leaving you in what is now panic. Finally something spills out, “You can’t kill people for me! You- you can’t!” you sputter out.
“Kill people?” Gomez repeats, “Why we’d bring them alive of course.”
You let out a breath, “Okay, alive. I mean- I just still don’t think I can…”
“Well I suppose there is another option,” Gomez adds.
“What? What is it?” you ask, hopeful.
“Animal blood! It doesn’t work as well, but it’ll do in a pinch.” he explains.
You perk up, “I can do that. That works.” you feel relief.
“Should we make some arrangements? The children could fetch some for tonight.” Morticia asks.
“You have been so kind, really. I would appreciate it, at least for tonight. Tomorrow I’ll work on leaving, I’ve been here long enough.”
“It’s been our pleasure,” Gomez responds, lighting a cigar, “It’s been so long since we’ve had guests.
“Well you certainly are great hosts,” you smile. Despite your situation, you’ve found yourself fairly comfortable here.
“Thank you,” Morticia says, “Now, we ought to ring for Lurch to get some blood. I’m sure the children would love to accompany him.” As she reaches for the bell, you ready yourself for the loud ring. Lurch walks in, “You rang?”
“Yes Lurch, could you gather the children and find some animal blood for our guest here?”
“Yes, Mrs. Addams,” he drawls. He leaves the room in search of the children. A quiet silence falls over the room. Deciding to strike up conversation, you pipe up a question, “So, when did you two meet?”
“Oh, on the best day of my life,” Gomez grins proudly,
“We met at a funeral,” Mortica explains, “It was a lovely day. Grey clouds filled the sky, thunder rolling in the distance.”
“Oh cara mia, I remember it like it was yesterday, our eyes meeting over the coffin,” Gomez starts, “I swear the whole funeral party had to be half as enchanted with you as I had been.” You notice the two of them becoming more enveloped in their memories of each other. You can’t help but smile at how truly in love they are, even if that love meant that you would sit there awkwardly wondering if they were going to just make out in front of you.
“Oh mon cher, you are as charming as you were back then.”
Gomez’s eyes dart up, “Tish! That’s French!” He grabs her arm and starts kissing it.
“Gomez darling,” she warns, “Later.”
He looks up dazed, “Oh yes, our guest. Where were we?” he asks.
“I think you’ve answered my question,” you smile awkwardly.
“Do you have anyone special back home?” Morticia asks politely.
“Well…” you begin to explain“There is this one guy, my roomate, I guess… but I don’t think he likes me like that.” you explain.
“Tiene que estar loco si no le gusta, eres muy guapo. (He must be crazy if he doesn’t like you, you are very handsome.) ” Gomez comments under his breath. You feel your face heat up. He must not know you speak Spanish, judging by how offhandedly he said it. You look over to Morticia who nods ever so slightly, making you even more flustered.
“Uh… gracias, pero… sabes que hablo Español, sí? (Uh… thank you, but… you know I can speak Spanish, yes?) ” you ask. Gomez’s hand, which was placed on Morticia’s knee, now grips it somewhat tightly. Morticia looks over to him in curiosity. His face seems flushed.
“¿Comprendes lo que yo digo? (You understand what I’m saying?) ” he asks tentatively.
“Sí, aprendí a hablar en Español en la escuela. (Yes, I learned to speak in Spanish in school.) ”
“Oh,” a breath leaves his mouth. His eyes keep darting back and forth like he doesn’t know what to do. You can tell his weight has registered onto the balls of his chair like he is about to leap off his seat, but something is keeping him grounded. You look back at Morticia, who seems about as intrigued as you. A heavy silence fell over the room as everyone sat on edge.
Breaking the awkward scene, Lurch walks in with heavy footsteps holding a platter, “Your blood.”
He sets the platter down on the table, removing the lid. On the platter is a wine glass with a dark red liquid in it. As soon as you see the glass you can smell it, the blood. Rather than smelling rancid, the metallic scent smelled like everything you could ever want. You quickly grab the glass with both hands and hold it up to your lips, gulping down the liquid. The taste of it floods your mouth, though some of it dribbles down to your chin as you frantically consume it. You drink the last drop and set down the glass, looking up.
“Shit,” you curse under your breath. You wipe off your chin with the back of your sleeve. “Sorry, I- I don’t know what came over me.”
“It’s quite alright,” Morticia affirms, “You’ve just been turned, I’m surprised you’ve gone this long without blood… well I guess there was last night.” You wince at the mention of that encounter. Trying to change the subject, you ask, “What happens if I can’t get blood?”
“Well, either you go to any length to get it out of pure hunger, or if you don’t, you die,” Morticia explains, “So it’s best you feed regularly.”
“So is that why I…” you try to think of a way to phrase it, “Why I don’t feel much restraint when I see blood?”
“Yes, though you’ll get more constraint as it goes on.”
“Oh, okay. By the way, I’m not keeping you up, am I? It has to be pretty late. I mean, I guess I’m already a night owl, so this isn’t too unusual for me, but you two probably should sleep, right?” you ask.
“If you don’t mind, I would like to get some sleep. Perhaps tomorrow if you plan on leaving, we can help you get back?” she asks.
“Yeah, that’d be great. And of course, go get some sleep. I’ll just hang out for a bit.” you say, putting on a small smile.
“Alright, good night then,” Mortica says.
“Goodnight Hester.” Gomez says.
You stay in the living room much longer after they leave, lost in your thoughts. The weight of your new life- or death has started to sink in. Your mind drifts to drinking the blood earlier. The feeling of it had been great, though immediately after your chest felt heavy. You don’t suppose it has anything to do with your newfound changes. No, instead you recognize the feeling as the weight of your guilt.
You can’t help but wonder what kind of creature feeds off the life force of others. You try to reason with yourself by saying it’s like eating animals, yet you can’t accept the notion. This had felt different. Looking back to having Morticia’s blood makes your face flush, but you can’t also help but notice the difference from tonight. While the animal blood was good, and mostly filling, Morticia’s blood, human blood, brought a type of euphoria.
You didn’t need Morticia to spell it out for you. Using animal blood works as a substitute, but you know deep down you are now meant to feed on humans. The realization hits you as you think that. You are no longer human. On this thought your heart aches. What does this make you. Confused? Scared? Yes, those both applied. You feel lost.
You feel anxious thinking about going home tomorrow. Going home means it’s real. It means you have to face your roommate who you’re in love with and somehow not let him know you’re a vampire. You let out a huff. God, how are you supposed to do this? You take a small amount of solace knowing you have the Addam’s help. You’re glad they’ll help you get back home, you don’t think you could do it alone. You know even if you never speak to them again, their impact will be left on you forever.
You get up off the couch, deciding to go to sleep. You trudge to your room and plop onto the bed with a sigh. Eventually you drift off to sleep.
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: Having a wet dream about you
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yourusernames: Omg can I request ATEEZ reaction to having a wet dream about their friend? (Who would start developing a crush, who would want to have a one night stand and who wouldn't care at all?) Thanks!!
A/N: These reactions are based solely off of what I think they’d do, I am in no way, shape or form, telling you that this IS how the members would handle this scenario. Like shit, I dunno the guys :/. This is a gender neutral reader reaction btw :)
(This is very explicit, you have been warned!!!)
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Hongjoong ♡:
• It felt like the actual thing
• Your lips; sweet like pink lemonade and eyes staring into his with a soft sparkle that originated from his bedside lamp
• but what felt more real than anything was you
• Your scent, your taste
• Your touch...
• It was all overwhelming in the sense that he found himself breaking out of his dreaming state, breath heavy as if he’d been sprinting for hours, and a lusty sheen screening his mind from acting with any sense of rationality
• He was horny horny, dawg 💀
• I feel for that man, it’s tough...
• He could already tell that he had an...accident, before he pushed the duvet off his body due to registering the last couple twitches of his restricted cock in his shorts
• No wonder he could ‘feel’ everything so well
• He wasn’t able to sleep the rest of the night.
• Couldn’t help but begin to feel a crush blossom for you
• As y’all already know, the man gets attached to the ones he spends the most time with
• You’re no exception
• Would end up telling you about his feelings. It was eating him up inside to keep it to himself
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Seonghwa ♡:
• He has no right looking this good, dawg. It literally makes me so mad lmao
• Lemme lick your face, I bet it tastes like expensive concealer and everything I’ll never have >:}
• Anywhore
• He felt feverish, even inside his dream
• It was odd; he could feel you, but he couldn’t feel you. He remembers the surreal sensation of warmth under his palms as he grabbed onto your bare ass whilst you bounced you on top of him, panting hard and clutching at his damp hair to pull his head back
• He groaned, and just as he went to switch positions, he was snapped out of his dream
• Was like “Fuckin pardon?” when he realised where he was; his empty bed, alone in his own room, no sign of you
• Frowned, pushing the covers off of him because dawg, he was heating up OwO
• Then realised the large wet spot at the front of his sweatpants
• “What the...”
• Was never the same™ 
• Everytime he saw you, he couldn’t help but feel that same heat in his hands, and he felt guilty about it. 
• Didn’t know how to approach you about it at all. What was he supposed to say?
• “I nutted in my pants because I dreamt about doing the dirty with you”
• Just wouldn’t bring it up
• Good chance he’d catch feelings. Seonghwa builds bonds with the people he knows, it’s very easy to tell that when he cares, and he would care dearly for you. Once the chance that anything intimate between you two arises, I’m sure he’d begin to think of you romantically once you’re shown in said light.
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Yunho ♡:
• Now wouldn’t a flustered Yunho be a sight? Damn...
• He loved looking down at you
• The way you smiled at him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling his bare chest into yours as you whispered how good he felt inside you, cooing out words of praise and encouragment 
• It was hazy, but he can still vaguely remember how you kissed him so sweetly. How your fingers smoothed his bangs away from his eyes, and how you moaned into his ear softly with each thrust
• It was only when you cupped his cheeks and spoke, did you break him out of his dream;
• “Wake up.”
• His eyes shot open
• Only a blue ceiling stared back
• “Mmm...?” Yunho sits up and rubs his eyes roughly, already aware of the blush that paints his cheeks and nose because he can feel the heat in his face
• Said ‘What the fawk 😃’ when his brain caught up with what he just experienced, as well as the stickiness that clung to his inner thighs when he moved to go get some water
• This bitch was contemplating his whole life after that
• Is ‘UwU’ with you from then on cuz a babie caught butterfwies ;(
• Rlly bad at hiding his feelings lol, you’d catch on eventually
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Yeosang ♡:
• It was messy, to say the least
• Kitchen island sex? Yup :D
• The dream wasn’t at all put into play with any sense. You guys were just... in the kitchen, when you confessed your feelings and made a move on him
• A deep kiss mixed with the pounding of nervous hearts all put Yeosang in a fever outside of his dream
• “Say you like it,” You panted, using the hand on the back of his head to push his forehead against yours while the other kept you from laying onto the island
• “I like it.. Fuck, I like it”
• “Yeah?” His hips stutter when you clench your walls around him, and in turn, he lets out a choked-off gasp
• “Y一Oh my god一Yeah...”
• Damn... he was FEELING it lmao
• Funny thing is that he slept throughout the entire dream and woke up only when his foot did a little mid-sleep spasm
• Stared at the wall while frowning for soooooo fucking long
• Whole time he said ‘ya know wot, that’s real interesting 🤔’
• Then was like “Prolly just horny 😃. oh well, time to change my underwear”
• And that’s what he chalked it up to in the end. Would maybe make a joke about it to you next time y’all hung out if he’s feeling loose enough and doesn’t mull over it for too long
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San ♡:
• Hold on, lemme get a half-assed feel for the man... yes... mm-hm... ah, I see... OK!
• So, from what I can tell, San would distance himself from you slightly. Maybe. 
• That night, as he lie in his bed, breath coming faster with each motion that went on in his head, he saw you in a way that he never thought would happen.
• Skin, slick with sweat and eyes like burning coals as they focused on him. There wasn’t much to remember before it was already fading, but he could still make out how much his stomach lept and spun, heart oh-so thunderous in his chest. Whatever you did with him in the dream... it sparked something inside him.
• San was in a daze as he woke up, his body not quite cooperating with him when he tried to sit up, and instead, falling limp with the next couple of attempts.
• Really just stared into space with the look of a dead man
• What did he do when he finally saw you again?
•  ✨ pretend he didn’t see shit ✨
• Not the masked uncomfort-
• Depending on whether you’re one for confrontation, he might just cave if you press him about his weird behavior enough, but be fast, because I’m sure he could push his feelings down succesfully if he tried hard enough.
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Mingi ♡:
• Dude... the fucking happiness of the dream...
• Silly giggles when you’d accidentally bonk eachother while switching posititons, bright smiles when you stared at eachother after a long time, random compliments, and nothing too serious that you couldn’t find playfulness in. Even when you’d both stop smiling to let out small moans and feel the moment together, it was always lighthearted.
• It was some shit you’d see at the sundance ;(
• Then he woke up-
• You were the first and only thing he thought about as he gained conciousness. He wanted you... you, you, you, just you.
• He’d never wanted anything so bad. A sudden longing that made a lump form in his throat and an overwhelming feeling of how much he’s always wanted you.
• So, like Mingi does, he strived for that goal >:D
• He made an effort to see you as many times as he could and whenever you were free to hang out. And finally, one night when you both lie in his bed and gazed thoughtlessly at the ceiling, he told you.
• “I had a dream about you, you know.”
Not me basically making a summary of a could-be fic-
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Wooyoung ♡:
• Now believe it or not, this bitch is hard for me to get a grasp on. All I can say with confidence is that he has the sex appeal of a milf stripper and is kinda stubborn-
• Hmm.... bothered.
• That is the feeling it would pull from him.
• Hungry; frequent patterns of warm breath against sweat-slicked skin, mumbled curses past wet lips, nails dug into his stomach deep enough to draw blood yet barely acknowledged through animalistic films over both your eyes, and teeth furrowed into the flesh of his shoulder as you scratched at the blank canvas of his back.
• It was all raw sexual aggression from both sides. So much so, that you both practically fought during it.
“I hate you. I hate you like you don’t even know, Wooyoung,” You speak, breathless, and reach up to weave both fists into his hair, “I love you so much that I fucking... hate you.”
• Then...
• Gone.
• Just like that, the dream was replaced with the sight of familiar bedroom walls as Wooyoung opened his eyes, a sigh escaping past his lips when he finally pieced things together.
• “As if I wasn’t already stressed enough...,” He murmurs, staring down at the new stain on his sweatpants.
• From that point on, it’s a new habit for Wooyoung to catch sight of you and keep his gaze there; just staring when you’re not looking, and feeling terrible afterwards. He feels like he violated you somehow, and with that ball of dread in his stomach whenever he sees you, he becomes distant.
• It’s not catching feelings so much as it is a new desire.
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Jongho ♡:
• Jongho, Jongho, Jongho... whatever will we do with you?
• Upfront about it, surprisingly.
• He caught feelings. How could he not when you’re one of the most breath-taking people he’s ever had the pleasure of knowing?
• That face of yours, along with your voice so soft and encouraging in his ears, was enough for him to cave.
• “Just like that, baby... Just like that.”
• He doesn’t even remember the details of the dream. Just your words and kisses, which still make the touched skin of his body heat with excitement whilst he blinks down at his hands.
• He clenches them; one, twice, then lets them fall back to his sides. He doesn’t need to look into his pants to know that he’s soiled himself.
• He feels kinda... empty? After the dream. Lmao just as exhausted as San was, really, but both at the fluttering his heart when he thinks of you, and the dream itself, so cleans himself up real quick before going back to sleep. 
• The fluttering doesn’t go away the next morning.
• So... he tells you :D
• As soon as you walk through the door, holding a bag of snacks and drinks for preparation to crash at Jongho’s apartment for a little bit, he sits you down on the couch, much to your confusion at the serious face he has.
• “I know that this kind of thing can ruin friendships and I don’t want that. At all. But, I had a... dream, about you last night and now I can’t really stop thinking about you...”
• Not the pounding of his heart making him dizzy :*
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catboyshinsou · 4 years
sick headcanons!
anon request: i love your writing smmm !! 🥺 can i request mha sick hcs where they take care of the reader when they don’t feel well 🥺 you choose who !! <3333
a/n: sorry it took so long <//3
pairings: Kaminari, Kirishima, Tokoyami and Monoma x sick,g/n!reader
warnings: none rlly, mention of throwing up in monoma, slight manga spoilers
can be seen platonically and romantically <3
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Tbh i think he’d be quite Useless
Just rlly panicky n stuff bc what the fuck does one do with a sick person???
*walks into your dorm* “hey y-n wanna- WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOK TERRIBLE”
*you in a blanket and not having enough energy to be offended* “i think i’m dying” “y/n WHAT”
He’d try his best regardless tho
He goes to sato and helps with doing something soothing and welcoming
On his way back to your dorm he passes aizawa and tells him you’re sick in THE worst way
“Oh yeah Aizawa-sensei, y/n is dying-” “THEY’RE WHAT”
Kami would definitely storm into the room with him and be just as worried
What if it was something really serious??? Like the plague?????
They find you just laying in bed, sniffling and groaning
Turns out it wasn’t the plague and just a bad flu
Flu with its whole jazz, you had a fever of 38C and you could barely move
Aizawa got you excused from classes for about a week and left again
Kami just stood there with his soup and went “oh thank god you're not dying”
like i said i think he'd be useless but try his best
he checks up on you every half hour either in person or via text during classes
he brings you stuff like blankets and foods even though you can't taste any of them or have any type of appetite
but! thanks to the fridge in your room you just had snacks for about… forever
he gave you extra attention too
sometimes he'd just sit on the ground and talk about his day and theories while you just laid under your blanket
you appreciated it though
except for aizawa, sato and tsuyu nobody came over and even they just came in every few hours
kami stayed for hours on end and even tried to convince aizawa to let him sleep over so he could “watch over you” incase you “stopped breathing”
it's not like you slept much when he was around anyway, nights were not ideal for a good rest on a sick day
it was endearing seeing him lay on a futon on the floor and poking you when he had to get up for class
he leaves notes and stuff to make sure you didn't get worried
did he do anything to make you feel better physically? not rlly
did he lift your spirits and make you feel less lonely? most definitely
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hear me out
this boy is an angel when it comes to caring for people
when he got into the whole essentially self care stuff he also knows what's best for others
he was probably one of the first to notice you being ~off your game~
whether in class or just yknow vibing, he'd tap your shoulder and softly “you okay man?”
he calls everyone dude and man and bro no matter gender or anything he's just that into the manliness stuff
and yes he puts you in essentially self isolation more for yourself than for others
“your body needs to rest y/n! can't properly get better if everyone keeps bothering you!”
he calls you every night tho and he has aizawa bring you stuff when he checks up on you (he's allowed because he's the teacher ofc also as long you're a UA student like one of your legal guardians which is like a dad and dads can see their kids sick right?)
stuff ranges from just bowls of soup to compresses to the handmade ointment against a sore throat to like socks he knitted or something his parents sent in bc he told them you were sick
yes this boy tells his parents you're sick
i mean someone probably told yours but like twice the parents means twice the comfort!
alternatively if your parents are *cough* he'd tell his parents and put you on the phone with them because everyone needs some parental love from time to time (don't act tough about it, he's gonna make you cry and tell you how manly you are for doing so)
when you're back on your feet he probably still treats you like you're about to fall over for like two or three days more
he praises you for how well you did during your essential quarantine and when you say you didn't do anything he says some cheesy stuff about manliness
“bro i'm so proud of you for getting through it!” “i didn't do anything kiri-” “don't say that! it takes so much energy and manliness to keep in self isolation and get better, you did amazing”
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i love birds
also look at baby toko he's so cute
do birds get sick?
tokoyami is like.. helpful but tries to be undercover about it
he's not gonna ignore you or anything
he's the type to like silently nudge teachers into your area so they could see you were clearly sick and send you back to the dorms to rest
but he'd never actually ask you or tell anyone
it would ruin his whole ~vibe~
dark shadow tells him to tell someone and he rlly does especially if he sees you struggling through it in class but he's also just not great at talking with people so a nudge or “secret note” will have to do
it does work, you're in your dorm right before combat training because mic had sent you up and excused you
mic is sweet he said he'd send aizawa up when he finds him but that you should rest
he also tells you that you have some really attentive friends
you're at this point just letting the sickness take over you so you have no idea what he just said (you heard him but the words just didn't register in your brain)
you get into bed and the first thing you do is sleep through afternoon classes
tokoyami is only at 50% today and so is dark shadow
tokoyami swears he isn't worried, the teachers are capable of taking care of you in an appropriate manner so that you will recover in no time
dark shadow on the other hand is all gittery and doesn't wanna focus on anything but you
off topic but i just think dark shadow is tokoyamis way of showing emotions or well like… like his internal thoughts? not like his internal dialogue but ya know his feelings
so he can act all goth and dramatic but dark shadow is a good way of still giving some of his feelings an output
back to you
so training is over and so is your nap
but you wake up to pillows, stuffed animals, blankets and more pillows surrounding you
half of them weren't yours either
they laid around you like some kind of pillow fortress jusy surrounding you and making sure you didn't hit your head on the wall or fall from the bed
it kinda felt like a nest- oh
you tried getting up, your head almost immediately flinging uoh back into bed but you needed to see if a certain someone would come back in to build the nest
“dark shadow, be quiet we don't want them to w- oh you're up”
tokoyami came in with more stuffies and an extra blanket like it was a siberian winter and your rooms only source of warmth was an almost dying candle
“are those yours?” you asked half asleep, your head absolutely booming
you could barely keep your eyes open, that's how exhausted you were but you made an effort to smile at the bird and his shadow
“uh no, yaomomo-san insisted on making some blankets for you and hagakure-san, ashido-san and uraraka-san gave me all their stuffed animals when they heard i was paying you a visit-” “but the blue star blanket and teardrop pillow are from fumi!! he brought them from home because he can't sleep without them!!” “DARK SHADOW!”
you only chuckled before breaking out in a cough again
aizawa came in some time after and had a hard time finding you under all the blankets and stuffies and even offered to tell the class to stop bothering you
but you just laid there all cozy and told him to let them be
“it's how he shows affection, it's nice”
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oh so the 1A student got sick??? huh??? I thought 1A was invincible hUUUUUUH??? *manic laughter*
so basically the two hero courses are more “in tune” after the joint training
they often have dinners together and it isn't rare to see kendo come over with monoma and tetsu^4
she came over to hang with the girls and tetsu had training sessions with kiri
nobody rlly knew why monoma tagged along though
all he did was spout about how average everything is for the “superior hero course”
he did secretly like the classes growing together more though
he'd sit on the couch with you and occasionally laugh about something else other than his team beating yours during joint training
one day he came in and didn't see you at your usual spot
“ehhhh??? where's the only tolerable person in this course??”
used to his lowkey insults deku pointed you out at the dinner table, head resting on your hand and looking over some homework
“y/n what are you- oh my god you look horrible”
“thanks monoma, you're as nice as ever”
your face was drained of any colour, eyes heavy lidded and you could barely control the pen that scribbled over the paper
he tried grabbing your wrist but pulled back immediately
you were way too hot and the fact that he noticed by grabbing your wrist meant that it was more than just a high fever
“is 1A that incompetent that they couldnt even notice their classmate falling sick??? can you guys do anything but trouble???”
“shut up monoma, we tried getting them to bed but they insisted on finishing up first and there's nothing in the world that can get y/n away from what they've put their head to”, kaminari yelled from the living room space
how were you gonna get anything finished if your head was falling off your shoulders if you didn't hold it up
class 1A really was incompetent
“sato-san, give me a hand”
sato, who was currently cooking up dinner, just held out his hand and some type of chocolate bar which monoma grabbed and ate up
“this is incredibly sweet, i don't know how you do it”
it's become like half a routine for monoma to copy quirks for whatever reason
kiri and tetsu used it to determine which quirk was handier
uraraka’s quirk made cleaning up after a game night easier
it was training for all of them
monoma could train his copy and the others could measure how much they've grown from his reaction to it
sato’s quirk kicked in and he lifted you up over his shoulder
“monoma!” you could barely lift your voice, faintly kicking
before you knew it he placed you on your bed in your dorm and sighed
“you're lighter than i thought”
“i think i'm gonna throw up”
so you hurled into your garbage can
monoma held back whatever there was to hold back
(he was very much disgusted but even he knew that this wasn't the time to let any type of negative emotion show)
“jolly gees y/n, what did you have for breakfast?!”
you laid in bed as he passed you a water bottle
“you need to drink something, you lost a lot of water”
“awe caring for me, monoma?”
“this is for general health, y/n. i would never as much as care for anyone, especially not a brat from 1A. who even knew that any of you could fall sick huh?! weren't you supposed to be superior to the rest of us??!”
he said all of that while putting a blanket on you and opening the window for fresh air
“god you 1A fools really are incompetent!”
he went into your bathroom and soaked a small towel in water
“i'm only doing this so you don't infect anyone. god you could cause an epidemic at UA and in the end 1b would fall victim to you as well! this is all just for the general well-being!”
you didn't even hear what he was saying anymore
with a half empty bottle next to your head, you slept peacefully
monoma let out a deep breath when he saw you
“i'd never care for anyone in 1A, i'm better than that…”
he whispered those words to himself
(he did care)
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actualbird · 3 years
Hello Zak! Once again, you being interested in a thing and making content for that thing has invested me in the thing. The problem this time is that I would probably not enjoy the game, for the simple fact that I am a lesbian, and from what I’ve gleaned there’s a lot of romance with men. On top of that, I am not *quite* invested enough to watch a play through or go search for other fan content, so I basically get all my TOT info from your blog. I’m telling you this just to inform you that you could say anything on here abt TOT and I’d believe you. You could tell my Puppy Pierce is canon and I’d say “yeah, checks out”. You could hav just made up the one of the boys and then just pretended he was real and canon and I would never know. Use this info wisely (Also hope you’re doing well!)
hullo, kitkat!!!
last time u sent an ask it was something along the lines of "we share no fandoms but ur enthusiasm for things i know nothing about is entertaining" and now youve come full circle to a HILARIOUS new mindset of "im not playing this game (for very valid reasons, yes, it romance of a female main character (mc) with 4 men) but im interested enough to TRUST YOU ON ALL INFORMATION ABOUT IT"
before i laugh, i wanna say im very emo about u sticking around thru my fandoms of yonder, this makes me rlly happy and thank you :')
now im gonna start laughing because kjsbkJBKJSFKGHAHA god this is delightful but also you do know saying "use this info wisely" is gonna make me do the OPPOSITE
so heres what im gonna do: im gonna list out 10 things about tot characters. 5 of them are true and completely canon and 5 of them are untrue and/or headcanons ive made
u dont need to send another ask with ur answers as to what the truths and the lies are tho, i just wanna cause a ruckus. so now it's time forrrrr
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canon or not?
luke pearce, in his childhood, often got stuck in trees because hed climb them excitedly and realize he has no idea how to get down
luke pearce ripped opened a steel fence with his bare hands
marius von hagen is claustrophobic and nyctophobic because when he was a child, bullies had trapped him in a cramped, dark space for a long enough time that those phobias developed and followed him into adulthood
marius von hagen "borrowed" a guitar from a street performer so that he could impress mc with his fucking non-existent guitar playing skills, it was painful for everybody involved, the guitar included
artem wing, in response to his mentor asking him a question meant to make artem think about his wants as a human being, submitted a 10 page essay answering the question
artem wing is a noted and respected contributor to several online information websites (they didnt wanna call it wikipedia in the game but it's basically wikipedia)
vyn richter created a makeshift zipline via archery to help him and mc escape an ancient prison of doom
vyn richter has two doctorate degrees, one in psychology and the other in public health
mc always slept on the top bunk bed in the childhood bedroom she shared with luke.
mc regularly gets stalked by scorned citizens she won cases against and sometimes that stalking escalates into physical assault
anybody who does NOT know anything about tot is very welcome to participate in this game by putting ur guesses of which numbers are true and which ones are false in the replies of this post!
just because theres two for each nxx member doesnt mean one is true and one is false :)
thanks for this ask!!!
EDIT: heres the answer key if u give up HAHA
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What's Aika's magic?
Damn this may be a long post im sorry anon but I'll just be explaining any magical traits that Aika has or uses so I can later use this post as reference for myself💞
Simply put, it's Time Magic, just like Julius. Though she also uses forbidden magic often too, more specifically necromancy. She tried to become the devil host of certain devil but it wasn't answering her calls so she gave up on that and turned to necromancy(which was going to be her focus anyway) so that she could communicate with her family even after they were dead. She never really passes the mourning stage in her life so yeah.
The time magic, well, Aika and Julius were born on the same day, same hour, and the same second. The timing of their birth has a big significance and also the reason why she has time magic. She also has a spiral grimoire, which used to be parchment colored but the pages are now black and the text is written in a different language. It turned black after she despaired when her family(her mom, two dads and younger brother) died.
As her mom died, she[Aika's mom] used a forbidden magic spell that basically passes on certain magical traits of the person who is dying. From her mother who used mirror magic, Aika gained the ability to use cameras(which I HC as a magical artifact only able to be used by people with phosphoromancy magic types), from her brother who used lightning magic, she gained resistance to lightning, from one of her fathers who used water magic, she gained the ability to breathe under water for long periods of time and a quick grasp on being able to use a magical stone that produces water. From her other father who had sword magic, well, he taught her swordsmanship but I guess his magic made it easier for her to make swords and other weapons out of creation magic. Anywho, she simply gained some passive skills from this inheritance spell. In the lore of my fic, this inheritance spell is used often by royalty so that heirs have an advantage over others.
Aika began to use mana zone more often after she went blind after a forbidden magic ritual called "Imago Dei." She traveled to the Heart Kingdom when the Priestess invited her and she began to grow the scope of her mana zone.
If I had to elaborate more on time magic, I would say that Aika can do the basics like speed up or slow down, take and give time. But she some times uses it in addition to necromancy. Like for example, by combining both, she can see the time a person was born and the time a person will die. She can see when she dies too yes. The time a person dies is never set in stone so it can be changed. The "time of death" that she sees is the estimated time a person will meet their demise if they keep going on the same course.
A strange thing about Julius and Aika's magic is that if they used magic against each other at the same time, they would cancel out. Kinda how Langris and Finral's spatial magic spells cancel out. But they can still use it in combination magic as detailed in one of the chapters.
Aika studied forbidden magic along with medicine in the Spade Nation War College for 4 ish years and that was where she had to sacrifice part of her humanity to be able to use forbidden magic properly. She gave up her ability to sleep. It's not that she can't sleep anymore or doesn't need to, but if she did close her eyes and go to sleep, it will be full of nightmarish visions of the past, present and future, both personal and unrelated to her and she can't wake up unless she endures them for 8 hours. So Aika hasn't slept properly in approximately 15 years. Emphasis on properly because she does sleep every few years in hopes that the torture would one day be gone.
Here's the picture of her weg but her full despaired weg form looks a lot more devilsh🤔 it’s rlly old art so ignore the ugliness💀💀
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Edit: I also forgot about a little forbidden magic technique she uses often in battle😭 when long ranged spells are shot, mages often let go of their control over them and Aika takes advantage of this and takes control of the magic and either redirects it or stores. Ofc using magic that isn’t yours is forbidden so👀
I'll make a separate post about her spells later but a few of them were already introduced in my fic. But yeah! This is most of the info so far and thanks for the question anon!
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
fluff alphabet || poe dameron
a/n: for @jangohshit​!! sorry this was so late—i thought it was queued already but oh welp ,.,.,., thank u for being literally one of the best mutuals anyone could ever ask for <3 also leia is peak mom material in this friendly warning :) angst to fluff thrown in, as well
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
we all know he’s the most affectionate person ever despite his seemingly intimidating persona—he loves giving you forehead kisses, back hugs, and picking you up and spinning you around when he gets the chance. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
the friendship started because leia had introduced you to him. you ended up clicking right away and spent nearly every waking moment you had together to the point that the entire black squadron would joke about how you and poe shared one functional braincell (i mean, they weren’t entirely wrong). he’s very overprotective—one time you tripped and fell off a ladder while helping rey fix something and he was freaking out about it more than you were. and you were completely fine, asides from a few scratches. again, the squadron loves teasing him about his ‘mama bear’ persona that he develops when he’s around you
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
YES. poe absolutely loves cuddling. he’ll take any chance he gets to hug you—whether that’s hugging you from behind during meetings, running into your arms when reuniting after a mission, or wrapping his arms around you as you relaxed with him and the others by the campfire several nights. you rarely ever slept alone, it was always you sleeping together in yours or his room, and jessika or finn would have to run in and wake you up several times in a row because you got too comfortable and nearly overslept. in short, you and him are attached at the hip
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
it was a mutual agreement between you two that you’d settle down and get married once the war was finally over. you hadn’t had many opportunities to actually sit and talk about it so the conversation was often brought up late at night when nobody else was awake.
poe isn’t the greatest ever at being tidy, but he isn’t bad at cleaning up stuff when he needs to—and any messiness is made up for with his beyond amazing cooking skills. he’s constantly pressured week after week to cook for everyone because the first time he’d made something it was love at first taste. now he’s dubbed the ultimate pilot and sous chef of the resistance
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
if you had to break it off with each other, it would be because of the war. getting into a relationship while trying to fight for your lives could put you into a compromising position and poe hated knowing that he could lose you at any point. this ultimately led to a huge argument—coincidentally, right before you left for an eight week-long mission. there were many tears involved.
you wouldn’t get together right after you claimed victory, but instead, took time building your relationship back up again before finally doing so. there were no real hard feelings involved—it was just a matter of reconstruction :3
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
once poe is committed to something, he’s committed—he’s in it for the long run. of course, he wants to make sure you’re comfortable first before anything else—and in terms of marriage, he’ll probably wait about a year or two. nothing too fancy. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
even though poe knows that you’re one hell of a fighter and can take practically anything that’s thrown at you, he’s very very gentle with you—same goes emotionally. he knows you’ve also been through a lot and makes sure to constantly remind you that you’re not alone and that if you ever needed someone to turn to, he’d always be here. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
alright, this man NEVER misses an opportunity to hug you. hugs from behind, picking you up and spinning you around until both of you got dizzy, surprising you and then hugging you, holding you in his arms to help you fall asleep after a nightmare, you name it. you joke around about how you don’t need therapy when you have his arms within reach :)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
he says it first. you recalled it being after you returned from a quick little recon with a few other pilots and ran straight into his arms (as always, because mans loves getting hugs from you yk). 
“I love you.”
“I know,” you responded.
“I taught her that!” -han, shouting as he approached. “You really didn’t think to say hi to me first?”
poe only laughs and kisses you again.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
ooooof so when poe’s jealous, he doesn’t like to show it but you can tell when he is. it’ll be little death stares from across the room or tightening his arm around your waist, even if it’s another squadron member jokingly flirting with you
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
poe’s kisses are either very gentle or very passionate—it depends. he likes kissing you on the lips but he loves forehead kisses the most. it gives him a sense of protection over you and he loves knowing you’re his special person :3
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
the kids absolutely LOVE him. you always get this warm & fuzzy feeling inside whenever you see him interacting with the younger ones on base; sometimes he’ll catch you staring and just winks at you in response (this little shit KNOWS how he makes you feel and loves it)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
it’s pretty relaxed most of the time (that is, if it’s the weekend or you’re on break) and poe likes to stay in and cuddle for a little bit before you actually get out of bed. if not, both of you are up at the crack of dawn LOL. you often start off the day with a relaxing morning walk around the base before settling down to eat :)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
on nights that neither of you can fall asleep, you’ll go outside and stargaze. it’s a very soothing habit you’ve learned to develop and 9/10 times it has one of you (it’s usually you) nearly knocked out cold after just an hour or two. (poe also sees this as an excuse to carry you back inside in his arms)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
poe’s naturally a very open person but there are some things he prefers to keep to himself. but once he fully trusts you he tells you everything—though this takes maybe a couple months or so. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
both of you are aware he’s the more impatient of the pair, although when it comes to you he doesn’t mind waiting. when putting that aside, his patience runs a little bit more thin.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
alright mans knows you like the back of his hand. literally. like. the back. of your hand. everyone on base knows it, too—he remembers the smallest of things about you that even you don’t remember sometimes. this was the biggest giveaway for him that told everyone he was most certainly in love with you. you can guess who hosted your surprise birthday that one night after exegol : ‘)
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
your first kiss—not just because it was a first, but because of how it happened. it started pouring heavily as soon as you returned from a mission and everyone ended staying outside and having a giant water fight. while high on adrenaline, you jumped straight into his arms and before either of you had the chance to think, his lips were on yours and you were kissing underneath the stormy sky. everyone stopped what they were doing halfway and noticed, lowkey it looked like some scene from the notebook (arguably more romantic)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
even though the two of you claim to share one braincell, poe is very very protective over you no matter how much you protest and claim you were capable of taking care of yourself. usually he’s the one who’s more freaked out about any injuries you get. other than you understood that you had to look out for each other and stick by each other no matter the cost—a promise you two intended to keep for as long as you possibly could.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
a lot. he’s very, very extra. very. han pokes fun at him sometimes for it but he too, was initially like that with leia so he can’t really argue—so instead, whenever poe’s in need of help with planning stuff he’s off to the rescue : ‘) fam rlly went from “no, you are NOT dating my daughter” to “why haven’t you guys gotten married yet?” one time for your birthday, with the help of your parents and the entire black squadron, he put on an entire air show for you complete with firework displays, and needless to say you were head over heels that night. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he doesn’t sleep. poe has a very fucked up sleep schedule and often counts on you to remind him to get some rest—you found him working on his x wing one night and he told you he hadn’t slept in the past thirty-six hours—after which you scolded him and dragged him to bed. he ended up dozing off until noon 0_0
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
he’s not very concerned. though when he notices you staring or whenever you compliment him about his looks it does boost his ego :)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
oh definitely. so much to the point that it has also become a joke among fellow rebels, even your parents (leia often tells you that she’s worried he won’t function properly unless you’re around and tbh she isn’t wrong lol). you’re his soulmate and other half whom he wouldn’t trade for the world
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
poe has the best taste in music. straight up. nobody argues nor complains when he’s in charge of music for the day, they’re always satisfied with whatever tunes he’s playing throughout the base and it puts everyone into a good mood
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
lack of respect. being inconsiderate. coldhearted. you’re thankfully none of these and for that very reason he’d chosen you—you’re everything he could ever ask for in a person
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
poe doesn’t snore, but he has a SOLID iron grip when fast asleep. “best friends always sleep in each other’s beds!” he’d claim as he crawled in next to you many nights and fell asleep hugging you very tightly. everyone knew it was again, an excuse to get closer to you. but you didn’t mind : ‘)
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