ockwife · 11 months
I have made the decision to move Rosie over to @wearemarvelousmarvels
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ockwife · 2 years
Like for a starter?
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ockwife · 2 years
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“Let me help you.”
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ockwife · 2 years
NON-SEXUAL FORMS OF INTIMACY! prompts taken from this tumblr post. as always, feel free to tweak these as needed, take care, and have fun!
[ HUG ] for our muses to hug
[ HAND ] for our muses to hold hands
[ WATCH ] for our muses to watch tv / movies together
[ DATE ] for our muses to go on a date (dealers choice!)
[ SHARE ] for our muses to share a drink / dessert
[ MEAL ] for our muses to share some other kind of food together
[ TALK ] for our muses to have a deep conversation
[ CALL ] for our muses to call / video chat
[ DETAIL ] for one muse to tell the other a personal detail about themselves
[ LAY ] for one muse to lay their head on the others shoulder
[ ARM ] for our muses to link arms while they walk
[ TOUCH ] for one muse to give the other a massage
[ TICKLE ] for one muse to tickle the other!
[ SMILE ] for our muses to share a knowing look
[ PLAY ] for one muse to play with / brush / braid the other’s hair
[ TRACE ] for one muse to trace patterns on the others skin
[ NOTE ] for one muse to leave a handwritten note for the other
[ HEART ] for one muse to rest their head on the others chest and listen to their heartbeat
[ MUSIC ] for our muses to sing / play instruments together
[ DANCE ] for our muses to dance together 
[ FEED ] for one muse to feed the other
[ DRAW ] for one muse to draw / write on the other
[ COOK ] for our muses to cook a meal together
[ READ ] for our muses to read next to one another
[ TREAT ] for our muses to do a face mask / paint their nails / etc together
[ SICK ] for one muse to take care of the other while they’re sick
[ SCRATCH ] for one muse to give the other head scratches
[ SLEEP ] for our muses to just sleep next to each other
[ KISS ] for one muse to put butterfly kisses all over the others face
[ ZEN ] for our muses to meditate together
[ STORY ] for one muse to tell the other a story, true or otherwise
[ BATH ] for our muses to bathe together
[ RELAX ] for our muses to have a relaxed, vulnerable moment together ( dealers choice!)
[ CRY ] for one muse to cry in the others presence
[ TRIP ] for our muses to take a trip together
[ MINE ] for one muse to wear something belonging to the other
[ HELP ] for one muse to accompany the other to an important appointment
[ ART ] for our muses to make art together
[ FUTURE ] for our muses to discuss the future and what they want from life
[ GAME ] for our muses to play a game together
[ TALK ] for one muse to bring up an important conversation they’ve been meaning to have 
[ YOU ] for one muse to compliment the other 
[ JOKE ] for our muses to share an inside joke
[ EAT ] for our muses to go out to eat together
[ ACCEPT ] for one muse to reassure the other that something they worry about is fine, and they love and accept them completely.
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ockwife · 3 years
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“I’m afraid that the only things I’ve been reading of late are my student’s papers, I assure you their far from great.” Rosie joked, pouring tea for herself and her guest.
“I’m sorry that Otto won’t be joining us, he’s all consumed by his work lately.”
‘   *   𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄 !   ( ockwife​. ) 
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“Don’t be ridiculous!” Rosie said, Norman and Otto could discuss whatever it was they needed to discuss over lunch if need be, Rosie didn’t mind at all. She’d known Norman long enough to know that he was trying to be polite but she also knew how busy Oscorp kept him.
“Please, sit, I insist.”
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                       “ well, if you insist. ”    he smiles and decides to oblige her, moving to sit.    “ it has been awhile hasn’t it ? it seems i hardly make time to catch up with old friends. ”     he offers, fingers moving over table, he is not one for small talk but he can make an exception, has had to on quite a few occasions, finds this is no different.    “ tell me, read anything good recently ? ”
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ockwife · 3 years
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“How is your son?” Rosie asked politely she and Otto had no children of their own, Otto’s work was their baby. But Rosie had a soft spot for children, especially the children of their dearest friends.
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@viridisgoblin​ liked for a one-liner
“Norman, a pleasure, as always.”
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ockwife · 3 years
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“And you can take a fifteen minute break for lunch.” Rosie said in a voice that brooked no argument. She was Jo’s mother and her daughter needed to take a break even if it was only a few minutes.
“I swear, you are your father’s daughter both of you are impossible to pull away from your work.”
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@secondock​ liked for a one-liner
“Jo, come sit down, it’s time for lunch.”
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jo smiled as she passed her mother to get to the coffee pot in the kitchen but not before planting a quick kiss on the top of her head. ‘ you know i would love to but i have to keep studying. my test is in two days and it’s a big part of my grade. ‘ 
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ockwife · 3 years
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She kissed his cheek again, in silent thanks for not putting up too much of a fuss, she knew this wasn’t his favorite thing to do, but it was so important to her that he come and at least pretend to enjoy himself.
“The party starts at seven, so be ready to leave by six?”
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Rosie smiled and kissed his cheek.
“There’s going to be a get together at work,” she explained, knowing what she had coming next wouldn’t be the most exciting news for him.
“I want you to come with me, which means, dressing up and being social. We only have to stay for an hour or two, but it would really mean a lot to me if you did this for me.”
Her smile always made it worth the break. His lips mirrored hers, and he forced them to stay frozen that way when she shared the news. Lovely, a company party. He’d loose time from his research… But it would be worth it, to make Rosie happy. 
“What time do you want me ready at?” His smile widened just slightly; he certainly would be able to make small talk and fake niceties for a couple hours. 
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ockwife · 3 years
“I am.” Rosie said with a smile, now with the photo taken, she could focus on other things.
Things like getting another kiss from her boyfriend.
“In fact, I think I deserve a reward for saving the photo!” Her voice held a note of false vibrato.
“Don’t you agree?” 
Rosie sighed, though not annoyed, she was smiling after all, but they were never going to get this picture done. It occurred to her briefly that he may be messing up the picture on purpose just to kiss her. 
“Close your eyes.” Rosie instructed, maybe that would keep Otto from laughing when she went to kiss him.
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Clever girl! “Okay, I think that’ll work!” And, just as instructed, Otto keeps his eyes closed. And, just like that, the giggling has subsided- only if for a moment. It’s long enough, at least, that the photo can be taken and Otto feels his cheeks heat up even further. If this photo makes him look like a tomato, he’ll have nobody to blame but himself ( and, potentially even Rosie! ) He keeps both eyes closed, though, peeking one open at her. “Well, you must be real proud of yourself.” 
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ockwife · 3 years
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“I’m making your favorite.” Rosie smiled, pouring tea into her own cup, lunch would be ready any minute. Otto would be joining them soon, if he wasn’t too involved with his research.
“How are classes going?” She asked filling Jo’s cup as well.
“ i love you… “
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jo smiled as she kissed her mother's head. ' i love you too mom. ' she picks up a cup of tea and starts to pour honey in it. ' what's for lunch? '
random asks // always accepting // @ockwife
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ockwife · 3 years
"It's fine, they take the bandages off soon." Rosie said, she wished she could see him, memories of Otto's handsome face filtering through her mind.
"I'm sorry about the demonstration." She said bringing his hand to her lips.
"But we can always try again, all is not lost, you built the machine once, you can do it again."
*  ᴿᴼˢᴵᴱ ᵎ​
She knew his voice the instant she heard it, sitting up straighter she reached out, searching for his hand.
“Otto, oh thank God.” They’d been together for so long now the absence of him had made her uneasy, but to know he was here, that made her feel better.
“It’s okay, I’m okay.” She rushed to reassure him, even though the bandages are still on her eyes, and she couldn’t see, she could hear in his voice the horror and regret.
“Are you okay? Nobody would tell me anything!”
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he immediately takes her hand in his,   perhaps more firmly than he ought   -   this is more like himself than he’s felt in a long time,   the actuators choosing,   for some reason,   to quietly observe.   (   is it because this is their mother?   more likely that love is an emotion he hasn’t had occasion to feel while their thoughts have been entwined with his,   and they want to gather as much information about it as they can.   this happens occasionally,   where they will step back to analyze his responses.   to understand them.   )
“     yes,   we’re   -   i’m alright.   your   -   my dear,   your eyes   …     ”
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ockwife · 3 years
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'I'm yours forever' !! @poweredsun
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Rosie glanced up, catching someone staring at her.
The moment their eyes met it was as if she was transported to another time.
There he was, climbing up the balcony to her, reciting sonnets he most definitely did not write.
Dark curls, dreamy eyes, and all hers.
Crash landing into reality, Rosie found he was still staring.
So she smiled and waved to him, hoping he'd come closer so she could see his dreamy eyes once more.
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ockwife · 3 years
Send 'I'm yours forever' for a thread where our muses are reincarnated lovers.
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ockwife · 3 years
Okay but Rosie, she is the mom friend.
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ockwife · 3 years
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“ otto is a genius. i’m terrified of him ” @labcoatblondie
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"Trust me, there is nothing to be afraid of, my husband may be a genius, but he's just a man, like any other man." Rosie smiled and squeezed Gwen's shoulder.
"Just meet him, you'll see."
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ockwife · 3 years
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‘ I love you. ‘ @secondock
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"I love you too." Rosie smiled kissing Jo's cheek, her daughter was Rosie's world, and especially these days. What with Jo being off at college and Rosie being so busy keeping her classes on track, and Otto alive.
"It's good to have you home."
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ockwife · 3 years
It’s that kind of night folks! Send Rosie kiddos to love on!
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