passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
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โ€œof course, auntie. i wanted to get some more flowers today.โ€ and to teach inojin that being a girl wasnโ€™t a bad thing.
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ย  ย  ย  โ€”ย โ€œ for sure, tโ€™was the spider liliesย wasnโ€™t it?โ€ the colours of autumn has always been the clans choice, and ino finds that red suits the young akimichi well.ย โ€œย so how are things going with shikadai and my son?โ€ย 
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
ย  ย  ย  โ€” a pink tinge would colour the pale cheeks of the yamanaka heiress, "oh no, itโ€™s my pleasure mizukage-sama. i look up to strong women like you, mei-sama. iโ€™m ino of the yamanaka clan of konoha." the blonde would later then acknowledge the initial comment she received from the older female.ย โ€œ but.. adorable?โ€ the younger speaks, confused.ย โ€œ i donโ€™t recall anyone being adorable.. hm..โ€
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@passifleur ll starter call
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โ€œI envy you for being so cool around such adorableย men.โ€ Mei chuckled towards the blonde, Shikamaru was cute and so was Choji he was alike this loveable fluffy panda bear who liked food.ย โ€œAnywayโ€”My name is Mei Itโ€™s nice to finally meet your acquaintanceย properly I mean.โ€ย 
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
ย  ย  ย  โ€” as soon as the female recovered from her bashful fit, she races outside the shop to catch the male on his way to search for the hokage.ย โ€œ sasuke-kun!ย โ€ she calls. she would follow him but she chose to stay within her shop, not allowing it to push too far. โ€œ take care.. and oh, come visit anytime.โ€ the shy girl looks down on the ground as she smiles. he might be gone but he made her chest warm and sheโ€™d be smiling the whole day.
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
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ย  ย  ย  he smiles more for a second, holding her tightly before her question shifts his attention. teal eyes move to look up at his mother, shaking his head before speaking. โ€œ no. i havenโ€™t seen tou-chan in a while. i think he might be off doing something for hokage-sama again. โ€
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ย  ย  ย  โ€” the young mother heaves worried for her son. her brows wrinkled with the bothering thought of her only child not being cared for. not that inojin isnโ€™t capable of being left alone or taking care of himself of course, but ino wanted only but the best for him.ย โ€œ iโ€™m sorry, my dear.โ€ the blonde squeezes the boys shoulders secure and comfortable.ย โ€œ what dโ€™you say, shall we cook your favourite tonight?โ€
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
Genma is looking out over the battle. He needs to get back to the task at hand. Heโ€™s the captain of the squad. He canโ€™t just simply let himself be healed as the others get slashed and brought down just as fast.
He looks over at her and pulls his arm back towards himself. away from her. โ€œNo you didnโ€™t. But they donโ€™t have the mission objectives. โ€œI can stand, but I need you to tend to the others. I need to finish this.โ€ he tells her. โ€œMy arm be damned.โ€
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ย  ย  ย  โ€” she would spit out some curses but the blonde had bit her lips. literally hindering herself from blurting out words she might regret. โ€” but he was right. there were others that needed tending to, and she canโ€™t stop him if he really wanted to.ย โ€œ wait !ย โ€ she grabs hold of his injured arm only to tighten the bandages with one quick move. itโ€™ll be more secure that way.ย โ€œ you take care, genma-san.โ€
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
tenten also notices the people leaving the house. Sheโ€™s excited. Anticipating a good scary time in thee if thatโ€™s the way itโ€™s leaving people.
Ino seems less enthused however and she laughs taking the girls hand. โ€œShush, itโ€™ll be really fun.โ€
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ย  ย  ย  โ€” the blonde allowed herself to be dragged by the other though she could feel her heart rate increaseย by the minute. this is it. the dark hallway in front of them was eerie with sounds of screams heard from the deeper parts of the house. " how come being scared is fun for you? i donโ€™t get it ten-chan? โ€
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
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The King continued to await for his wounds to heal as he held onto his top and used magic to undo the cuts in it so it would be as good as new. He then heard her question. โ€œYeah. Iโ€™ll have to face him again one day.โ€
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ย  ย  ย  โ€ โ€” the blonde places her basin aside along with the soaked towel bloodied by the other's fresh wounds. her forehead creases as her brows meet in the middle. his words had bothered her, more than she wanted.ย โ€œ please be careful noct,โ€ she mutters,ย โ€œi do worry about you..โ€
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ( continued. )
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ย  ย  ย  โ€ โ€”ย โ€œ like hell i would.โ€ the blonde mouths crystal clear. with arms crossed up on her chest, she stands her ground, assertive and determined. the decision has already been made as soon as the situation presented itself. sheโ€™s not gonna leave karin anytime soon. at least not until everythingโ€™s cleared up or unless if the red haired kunoichi drag her out. up until then, the yamanaka wonโ€™t be leaving her alone. " iโ€™m kind of in a mood for a sleep-over anyways.โ€ย 
โ€œ so.. whatโ€™s for dinner?โ€ ( @sinaesthesias )
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
ย  ย  ย  despite that she need not to use stealth, the kunoichi was careful. she ensured that there was no chakraย emanating from her presence as she approached a familiar clearing turned training grounds. sheโ€™d frequent the place these past days. one would call it coincidence once, but itโ€™s become more often that it is the place where sheโ€™d spot him โธบ uchiha itachi.ย ever since the news of the older uchihaโ€™s return, the intrigue she has for the other has kept growing - it spreads fast and quick like unwanted weeds.ย 
the first time she stole a glance from him, ino was uncertain what she feels of the (ex)missing-nin. hisย reputation induces fear, anger, and adoration,ย โ€” and so it is for the yamanaka heiress. however, she was never one whoโ€™d make assumptions from afar. sheโ€™d have to confirm herself.
stepping out from the cover the forest provides, the blonde approached only enough that he could see her. her fingers gripped as they held tight on her flower basket.ย โ€œ if it isnโ€™t sasukeโ€™s brother,โ€ she greets,ย โ€œ itโ€™s a good day for some training.โ€ ( @fugiri )
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
" But, Kaa-chan! You said that if I liked a girl I should be nice. You're the one who said girls like flowers too. So, I gave them to Sara-chan and then we kissed. What's so wrong about it?"
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" there's.. there's nothing wrong about it Inojin.โ€ย the older blonde struggled to place her words right. the deed has been done and she just have to accept the fact that her precious boyโ€™s maturing. quicker than she wanted to.ย โ€œ just that.. have you been reading some of your dadโ€™s books?โ€ย 
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
chouchou: snorting
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โ€œ ara? chouchou, you came to visit? โ€
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
ino go talk to your son heโ€™s being rebellious
โ€œ oh but shino-kun, my sonโ€™s a sweetheart. โ€ย 
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
"INO! Your son as kissed Sarada!"
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ย  ย  ย  ย โ€œ WH-WHAT?!!โ€
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โ€œ SAAIII !! I told you to lock up the stash of your old weird books !! โ€ย 
( @manipulatingart )
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passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
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952 notes ยท View notes
passifleur-blog1 ยท 7 years
โ—— S T a WP ST A rIN G A t TtHEM
BOOBS MEME !! ๏น‚โ—— I donโ€™t appreciate you staring
sky blue orbs of her eyes traces downwards ever so slowly. a subtle smirk breaks the thin line of her lips before the female looks up, - a hidden blue glinting behind platinum locks that covers half her face.
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โ€œ inevitable.โ€ there was no shame on whatโ€™s spoken. sights now glued to his scarred lookersย โ€“temporarily granting his wish. โ€œ you should rather be proud โ€ฆโ€
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