leolaroot · 10 months
sxientists have discovered a beautiful paradise planet whwre you can touch your normal penis while scrolling on your phone. and its called earth.
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f0xd13-blog · 5 months
I a tually never talked bout defected genes I isn't a sxientist duh
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herodrowned · 3 years
@sxientist​ :)
He barely had the capacity to remember why he’d bothered coming over; in sobriety, he knew he had wanted to. But in a drunken stupor, Octavius managed to will himself all the way to Norman’s door. Now that his own condo was left empty- none other than himself- he couldn’t itch the need for companionship. Every day, he was either at Oscorp or Norman’s home... and it seems that itch had farther extended into the night. Already a few beers ahead of Norman, Otto knocked on his door, actuators steadying him but with the finesse of cats with cones on their heads.
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“𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘, 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗...” The scientist sways in his steps, smile weakly plastered on his face, “I had no- nowhere else to goooooo...” He puts a hand in the doorway to avoid falling over, despite the arms. “Please... let me stay?” 
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andys-muses · 3 years
//@sxientist liked a starter call - Green Goblin//
Bright bright bright bright-
The hospital sheets were constricting. Itchy. Felt like they were about to pull her in, throttle her right there and then.
Needles. Hands pinning her down. Someone's screaming. Why does her throat hurt?
More hands, they won't stop. A new one on her shoulder-
The Goblin jumped up, immediately biting the assailant upon her awakening. She had to grab a weapon, save herself, get out-
But she wasn't in a hospital.
Green looked over, found that the man who grabbed her was just Norman, looking confused and pissed as he held his hand.
Oh shit.
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"Why'd you do that?" She growled, expecting some sort of attack, yelling, or something equally as horrible.
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conngenic · 3 years
@sxientist​ ♥ - for Otto!
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The stern face is on! Curt puts his hand on his hip, though tries not to make a show of leaning to one side too much, brows furrowed. This man has a total of two priorities in his life, pushing aside everything else. As much as he admired Otto’s intellect, he sees too much of his students in him; far too dedicated, draining himself away. “You’d probably 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚎 if it weren’t for Rosie... I swear, your head is in that project day in and out. I’ve only got one hand, Otto, must I drag you all the way outside your lab?”
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mysterietwin · 3 years
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From below the Shack, the sound of muffled shouts seeps out from the vending machine, followed by a distinct crashing noise, and then…louder yelling. 
“ Not-it, ”   he blurts out while touching the tip of his nose, but alas, a second after Mabel. He gets up with a sigh ( a groan ) and an eye roll — Soos luckily ( unfortunately ) entertaining the tourists outside, allowing him to slip behind the vending machine. Inside, waiting for the elevator to descend, he just hoped they hadn’t killed each other yet.   [ Wasn’t this exactly what two years on a boat was supposed to solve? ]
He steps out toward the source of the old man argument, hands in his hoodie pockets,   “ Uh…are you guys okay down here…? Or not actively dying, at least...? ”
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ordinariums-a · 3 years
from here //
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there were a number of ways in which harry could take this, but his first reaction, pushing aside the paranoia ?? was that the other genuinely seemed to want to help. despite the threat. narrowing his gaze; analysing the other for a moment, he backed up, in two minds. first was baseline reluctance; who was to say what kind of backlash he’d get, and there were plenty of other unmanned drugstores around. second ?? he wasn't from this universe anyway, so what did it matter ?? 
“     and you’ve got a reason for wanting to help me ??    ”
// @sxientist​
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englitmjr-a · 3 years
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     “Norman! Gosh, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
@sxientist​ || one-liner
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arandomnerdsrp358 · 2 years
"You don't need to keep doing things for me to love you; I like you for you, not for what you do for me."
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dangerstxrlet · 2 years
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+ @sxientist​ asked:  “   how  did  you  manage  to  do  everything   incorrectly ??  ” (From Norman?)
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+ “ Science wasn’t exactly my STRONGEST subject in high school . Not that anyone has ever THOUGHT otherwise . “ 
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levixthxn-thegirl · 3 years
Continued from [x]
She sat across from the bed in the antique arm chair she pulled from the study, hands placed in her lap as she stared at the stranger, patiently awaiting some explanation as of why she had found him in such a bloodied state, in her Ayrshire Splendens shrub no less. That made her blood simmer just a tad. And now, either unable to recall the events that landed in him there, or rather not say out for what reason Ambrosine did not know, he wouldn't say.
"No, though the gesture is appreciated, I have no need for compensation.", she shook her head. The night had been long brought in, the moon shining its silvery glow into the drawn windows behind them, facing out and above the streets below the upper level of the brownstone which the bedroom was. The silence was accompanied by the crackling and settling of wood that burned steadily in the fireplace, before she spoke again to break the quiet.
"You're in no shape to walk, not right now anyway. If you need, you can have this room tonight and allowed to call whomever in the morning to come get you."
Though miffed at his lack of answers, and her broken rose shrub, she wouldn't kick him out in the cold, not like that, anyway.
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supremescrceress · 2 years
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@sxientist asked:  ❛ i’m not here to talk about any feelings. ❜
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{☆} “Well there’s no need to be RUDE.” She glances up from her translations and conjures a TEA set, gesturing for the man to take a seat across from her. Her free hand continues to trace the RUNES into the air, leaving behind a faint glowing sigil with every flick of her fingers. Clea pauses and lifts a brow, offering a hint of a smile to her very UNEXPECTED guest. 
“So, Dr. Osborne--if you are not here to speak about feelings...what are you here for? I can’t imagine this is a SOCIAL call.” She pauses and crinkles her nose. “I probably should’ve asked WHO you’re here to see? Not many people seek me out here at the Sanctum.”
Hovering lightly over the sofa, Clea motions with her head for him to sit. 
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herodrowned · 3 years
@sxientist​ +
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He knew who it was the second he’d heard the whirling of metal against it’s self.
“Otto! What are you doing?!” Norman’s hands moved to the actuator that had slipped around his waist, only struggling slightly. His eyes moved to find Otto, a brow lifting at him.
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It was only partly an accident; his arms tend to notice things sooner than he does, watching his back, four extra eyes that dare not to tell him of their findings until he’s turned around. Norman was suspended not too high off the ground but just high enough that Otto had to look up to make eye contact. “I think that they thought you were...” Otto sways his head side to side, a vague implication, before pointing a finger to his own head. “Perhaps they were wrong.” He still doesn’t put Norman down, though.
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andys-muses · 3 years
//plotted with @sxientist - Mabel Pines//
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Mabel hated hospitals.
She hated the white of the halls, the way the nurses either looked down at her with pity or glared at her with disgust, and how quiet it was.
No Stan to try and teach her how to scam people, no Dipper to ramble about one of the journals, and Ford...
...Looking at Ford, the scratches along his face and arms and the paleness of his skin...It made her sick.
Mabel wasn't sure when she fell asleep, but she slowly woke up at the feeling of something touching her hand..
"F'rd?" She mumbled, blinking the sleep out of her eyes.
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viridisgoblin-a · 3 years
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Anon  First word url prompt: @sxientist​​      ►► One Word Thought
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     “Disappointment. . .”  Norman grimaces. All that potential and it’s wasted so far on a man who only has a spine because he has that support around his torso for those extra metal arms.
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mysterietwin · 3 years
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[ @sxientist​​ ] asked   ://   “ It was just a dream! ”
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𝚆𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙰 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙴   ://   accepting —
With a gasp for air against suffocating panic, his head snaps up from its place in his arms. Heart pounds and eyes dart around at nothing in particular, as he tries to recall where he was and what he was doing. Right...down in the lab, and...? Great, he dozed off — even in spite of the various empty cans littering the desk he had used as a pillow. He turns his watch toward him…1..2..3..4..5...counting the seconds tick upwards at their usual reliable and boring pace, giving just enough reassurance that he was truly awake. At the very least, it relieved some of the immediate tension in his chest and shoulders. 
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He rubs one eye with his hand while taking a still somewhat shallow breath, only then jumping   ( or rather, almost falling out of his chair )   when he realizes someone’s standing over him, with a hand still on his shoulder.   “ Oh! ... Uncle Ford! ”   the exclamation is filled with surprise, now fully realizing why he was pulled out of his nightmare in the first place. A slight shade of pink slowly grows on his cheeks and ears,   “ I — uh... ” 
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