#yd Lucien
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yannysifgen · 2 years ago
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Doodles of the day! Please accept the low quality offerings for now, it's all I have energy for atm 😭 It's been a while since I sketched Lucien, I missed him. Lower left sketch was a result of trying different ways to draw faces, mixed feelings on it. The imagery is him looking down on someone like they're an insect. I personally like the simplest style best for sketches but I should practice drawing more detailed stuff.
Trying to draw MC also brought up a lot of questions for me - mainly how would players want to see them? Fully blank model? Should have clothes + hair but no face? I should probably do some kind of poll soon.
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kiro-anarka · 6 years ago
Jean-Charles Fortuné Henry, (1869-1931). Nació el 21 de agosto de 1869 en Limeil-Brévannes,  Val-de-Marne, Isla de Francia, (Francia) y murió el 21 de noviembre de 1931 En Champigny-sur-Marne, Isla de Francia, (Francia).
Fue un anarquista francés, fundador de la comunidad libertaria “The Test” instalada en Aiglemont, en las Ardenas, Gran Este, (Francia)  desde 1903 hasta 1909.
Agitador sindicalista y anarquista en París y en la Provincia.
Es hijo de Rose Caubet y del poeta anarquista Fortuné Henry. Este último, una de las grandes figuras de la Comuna de París, es condenado a muerte in absentia en 1873. Sigue “en la oposición y en la revuelta”, según informes policiales1. Toda la familia se exilió en España hasta la amnistía de 1880.
En octubre de 1885, Jean-Charles Fortuné Henry abandonó la escuela de Turgot que había integrado con la muerte de su padre, en 1882. Tenía entonces 16 años. Empleado en la Farmacia Central de París, se convirtió en activista del Partido de los Trabajadores en septiembre de 1889.
El 12 de diciembre de 1889, renunció a su trabajo tras una discusión con su supervisor y comenzó a frecuentar el medio anarquista 1 . Participó en la difusión de las ideas anarquistas más extremas en el movimiento de Ravachol, defendiendo la propaganda por el hecho, incluido el uso de dinamita 2 . Es inteligente, culto, elocuente, fácilmente virulento y tiene un carisma violento 3 . Pertenece en particular a la liga antipatriota, organización anarquista y antimilitarista fundada en agosto o septiembre de 1886 4 en oposición a la liga de patriotas del escritor nacionalista Paul Déroulède 5. En París o en la Provincia, agrega los arrestos y las condenas al encarcelamiento 6 , 13 años en total 7 , continuó por provocación al asesinato, el saqueo, el fuego, la desobediencia militar, etcétera y por delitos contra el Presidente de la República 8 .
Se trasladó a las Ardenas en 1892, a petición de Émile Pouget, encontró trabajo en el lugar y buscó frustrar en los círculos sindicales la influencia de Jean-Baptiste Clément, otro parisino, comunista y socialista.
El 24 de febrero de 1893, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia de las Ardenas lo condenó nuevamente a dos años de prisión por sus ardientes comentarios contra las autoridades. Pero, un evento dramático interrumpe su vida durante esta detención, la muerte de su hermano menor Émile Henry .
Émile también es anarquista, pero es mucho más discreto, silencioso y tranquilo que su hermano, a pesar de que obviamente ha tenido influencia en sus ideas 1 . Sin embargo, el 12 de febrero de 1894, una semana después de la ejecución de Ardennais Auguste Vaillant, Émile detonó una bomba en el Café-Terminus, Gare de Paris-Saint-Lazare, matando a dos personas e hiriendo a otras 24. Su ejecución lo convierte en un mártir de la anarquía.
Fundador de una colonia libertaria en Aiglemont en las Ardenas.
El ensayo .
Jean-Charles Fortuné Henry, encarcelado en el momento de la ejecución de su hermano, es vigilado de cerca cuando sale de la cárcel, pero está menos presente en los grupos anarquistas. Se marcha de París, olvida sus virulentos discursos que piden la destrucción del estado y busca transformar la sociedad por otros medios. Regresado a las Ardenas, departamento con una fuerte implantación anarquista, se dedicó al cultivo de plantas medicinales y se convirtió en un representante en farmacia. Durante un viaje al bosque de las Ardenas surge la idea de crear una colonia libertaria , “L’Essai”.
En junio de 1903, decidió instalarse en un pequeño pueblo llamado Aiglemont, Ardenas, (Francia) y más precisamente en un claro, el claro de Gesly. Es el escritor laboral Théophile Malicet quien relata la historia de esta primera colonia.
Colonia libertaria de Aiglemont L’Essai.
¿Por qué este lugar? Este bosque le ofrece un refugio discreto sin ser separado del resto del mundo. La estación de Aiglemont está cerca y la línea de ferrocarril Charleville-París puede permitir que los anarquistas parisinos o extranjeros vengan y lo vean fácilmente. O lo contrario. También está a menos de 3 km de Nouzonville . Aiglemont es de hecho una entrada a la parte del valle del Mosa dominada por la actividad metalúrgica. Muchas fábricas florecieron y los trabajadores eran, a sus ojos, una población más abierta a las ideas revolucionarias.
En diciembre de 1903, un anarquista italiano se unió a él, se cultivó un pequeño campo y la cabaña original fue reemplazada por una casa de diez metros de cada nueve, dividida en tres habitaciones y coronada por un ático.
En febrero de 1904, Jean-Charles Fortuné Henry, en busca de dinero, le escribió a un filántropo industrial de Haute-Savoie que quería “construir una sociedad de Felicidad, Justicia y Verdad” y “realizar el sueño que Émile Zola concebida en el trabajo” 2.
En diciembre de 1904, la casa se completó con un taller de carpintería, dos cobertizos, una fragua, un establo de cemento, un granero y chozas, casetas y otras chozas para animales. Otros pobladores se establecieron, 5 principios permanentes de 1904 se convirtieron en 11 finales del mismo año, incluida una mujer. Sin mencionar a las personas que giran alrededor y están temporalmente alojadas allí. Pasan varias personalidades anarquistas, entre ellas Louis Matha y Sébastien Faure.
En marzo de 1905, se construye el foco principal del ensayo. Este nuevo edificio, hecho de fibrocemento y tapado con tela revestida con plomo blanco, tiene 14 metros de largo y 8,5 metros de ancho. Se compone de un ático, un sótano y diez habitaciones, incluyendo un gran comedor. Este edificio se convierte en el símbolo de la colonia 10 .
Los artistas vinieron a conocer a esta comunidad, como el dibujante Alexandre Steinlen, el dramaturgo Maurice Donnay, el periodista y novelista Lucien Descaves, el pintor Francis Jourdain y el novelista, personaje de izquierda y futuro ganador del Premio Nobel, Anatole France. Los líderes de los diversos movimientos anarquistas y sindicalistas de las Ardenas fueron al lugar y debatieron con Jean-Charles Fortuné Henry.
También publicó un periódico, cuyo título, “El Cubillot” , muestra su voluntad de dirigirse a los trabajadores metalúrgicos del valle del Mosa 10 . En el primer número de esta revista, en junio de 1906, Jean-Charles Fortuné Henry imagina las fases de transición hacia una sociedad comunista y escribió en particular en las primeras etapas: “sucederá unas cuantas generaciones más antes de la era de la violencia. definitivamente cerrado y es probable que los productores a menudo puedan reconquistar instrumentos de producción que no sean por la fuerza. ¿Qué pasará? Los productores comenzarán por unirse en pequeñas agrupaciones comunistas que realizarán en pequeño su ideal, con la diferencia de que permanecerán bajo la dependencia de los gobernadores y que sufrirán la organización social actual en las relaciones comerciales u otras que ellos Habrá que seguir teniendo con el exterior”. 2
De vuelta a París.
A principios de 1909, la colonia libertaria de Aiglemont se dispersa, probablemente como resultado de la disensión interna, pero también de la represión de la que es objeto 2 .Vuelve a París y en la década de 1910, está cerca de la CGT y trabaja para el periódico “Le Père Peinard”. Impresora, publica con el acuerdo de Émile Pouget “La Madre Peinard”6. Reformado, no se moviliza en el momento de la declaración de la guerra. Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, desapareció completamente de los círculos anarquistas y sindicalistas.
Letras pioupiosas , 1905
El comunismo experimental , 1905.
Huelga y sabotaje (huelga intermitente), 1908.
↑ a b c yd Badier 2007 , p. 29
A b c yd Beaudet 2010
Beaudet 2006 , p. 41
↑ Maitron 1992 , p. 370
Anderson 1984 , p. 139
↑ a y b Ragon 2008
↑ Maitron 1992 , p. 367
Godin 2008 , p. 352
MALICET Théophile, ” La colonia libertaria de Aiglemont “, La revista de economía social ,Enero-marzo de 1985 ( ISSN 0755-8902 )
↑ A y B Sitio del municipio de Aiglemont.
Robert David Anderson , Francia 1870-1914: Política y Sociedad , vol. Yo, Routledge , 1984 .
Jean Maitron , El movimiento anarquista en Francia: desde los orígenes hasta 1914 , t. I, Ediciones Gallimard , col. “Tel” 1992 .
Céline Beaudet , Los medios de comunicación gratuitos: vivir en estilo anarquista en la Belle Epoque en Francia , Libertaires Editions, 2006 .
Walter Badier , Emile Henry: de la propaganda por el hecho al terrorismo anarquista , Éditions Libertaires, 2007 ( ISBN 978-2-914980-58-6 ) .
Noël Godin , Anthology of Carabinée Subversion , Éditions L’Âge d’Homme , 2008 , 915 p. ( ISBN 9782825138052 ) , pág. 351-357 .
Michel Ragon , Diccionario de la anarquía , Ediciones Albin Michel , 2008 , p. 147-156 .
Céline Beaudet , ” Zola y Mirbeau se enfrentan a la anarquía: utopía y propaganda por el hecho “, Cahiers Octave Mirbeau , No. 17, 2010 .
Théophile Malicet , La colonia libertaria de Aiglemont , El diario de la economía social, enero-marzo de 1985, volumen III, París (ISSN 0755-8902).
Didier Bigorgne, La colonia libertaria de Aiglemony: un medio libre y propaganda , en Aldeas obreras, ¿Utopía o realidades? , Actas del Coloquio Internacional en Familistère de Guise , 16-17 de octubre de 1993, Industrial Archaeology in France, No. 24-25, 1994, leído en línea [archive] .
Tira cómica.
Nicolas Debon, The Essay , Dargaud, 2015, ( ISBN 978-2205074390 ) , leído en línea [archive] .
Jean-Laurent Truc, Ensayo, Nicolas Debon cruzó la calle Fortuné Henry , Ligne Claire, 7 de mayo de 2015, leído en línea [archive] .
Diccionario biográfico, movimiento obrero, movimiento social , “Le Maitron”: nota biográfica [archive] .
Diccionario de anarquistas , “Le Maitron”: nota biográfica [archive] .
Artículos relacionados.
Comunidad libertaria
Colonia libertaria de Aiglemont
Fortuné Henry
Émile Henry
Louis Bara
Enlaces externos.
Registros de autoridad : Archivo de autoridad internacional virtual • Identificador de nombre internacional estándar
” La colonia anarquista “ [archive] , en el sitio web oficial del municipio de Aiglemont (visitado el 4 de noviembre de 2013 )
Genealogía de Jean-Charles Fortuné Henry [archive].
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yannysifgen · 2 years ago
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I drew this one for Valentine's day, but I was a day late in finishing it so I just. Decided to make Feb 15th his birthday. It just seemed fitting somehow.
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yannysifgen · 2 years ago
Yanduke Character Bios
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Lucien is the titular Duke and the main love interest in my visual novel "Isekai'd into the arms of a Yandere Duke", a vn idea I had for the yanjam2023!
The game is very much a wip, and I want to get my idea out first before I decide to completely polish it up. Although I have to admit, the story keeps growing and growing when I intended to keep it short as my first game... oh well haha.
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Laplace will be introduced in the full day 1 demo that I plan to update... probably sometime in June? Mainly because the otome jam will be running during then, and I felt like it would be nice to upload the extended demo for it since it coincidentally looks like a reincarnation/isekai theme! Anyways, you'll only see this little shit(affectionate) in day 1 if you pick a particular set of choices. And IF I'm able to code it just right, you can only do it once so be careful!
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You'll bump into this scrawny fella in the demo, he's a bit of a mess but he tries his best! Has a twin sister but you'll only meet her later on, only characters to be met in the demo have their bios made yet.
On that note, I'll also mention there will be at least 3 other main characters planned for now: The original heroine Rosalind who has a bone to pick with Lucien and the player, The Crown Prince Melchior, who is part of the original otome game's roster of love interests and will be poking head in Lucien's business pertaining certain "disappearances", and Martha, Stuart's twin(yes I did that) who will be the player's personal maid in the Duke's mansion.
There may be more characters to come, I'm really just going with the flow right now.
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yannysifgen · 2 years ago
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The last ask made me realize I didn't post some of the art on here like the dumdum I am so... here's the little art I did for a milestone, though by now the downloads have hit 2k which is crazy, and followers almost doubled on itch so thank you so much for that!!
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yannysifgen · 2 years ago
Heyy Yanny!,
First off all Thank u for Developing this Game, i haven’t been this excited for an Visual Novel in a Long Long Time <33. I get so exited when u post any kind of update or Content about the Game :,).
My Question would be if you have any plans of having a Kickstarter, or receiving any kind of financial support in the future?!.
So much Love and Good Luck on this Amazing Project!!
-R 💋
Hi R!
Oh wow, thank you so much for the kind words, it really means a lot to me!! I'm happy that you liked my little idea this much! I'm so sorry that I barely update, I have a lot on my plate currently and I've never developed a game before so... I definitely jumped off the deep end without any prep haha... I can only hope you guys have the patience to stick with me ;-; All I can say is that I'm the type of person who'll definitely finish something once I start it so I can guarantee I won't ever drop the game fully, but it'll be a bit slow-going.
I would love to do something like a kickstarter or patreon in the future, but for now I definitely don't have enough content ready to make it viable. I think once my life becomes more stable, I can carve a good chunk of time towards the game!
I think I could make a ko-fi account though, if people are interested in supporting! Maybe even make it a little commission thing where I draw a sketch a requested character or a drabble or something for a kofi or two. Let me know if anyone's interested in this kinda thing, or what you'd like to see!
Sorry for the late response, thought it was a good chance for an example. Just a thank you really, for your support!
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Thank you for the ask! Any questions are welcome and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able!
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yannysifgen · 2 years ago
This isn't an ask but I love how you assign different flowers for each character! My personal fav is Lucien with the "forever mine" red salvia, really great symbolism for his obsession with the MC!
My first "ask"! Thank you for sharing your thoughts anon!
I'm not sure how or why I decided to add in flower symbolism into the mix but I'm glad I did. I pick flowers based on a mix of their symbolism, language and just general vibes really. I didn't immediately share the meanings in case anyone liked digging around for info themselves, like I do lol, but I think this is a good time to share my thoughts because I just really like to share any cool info I find and use haha
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You're spot on with Lucien's flower, the Red Salvia just seemed like the perfect fit for his character and his relationship with the MC! But I also wanted to note that the meanings for the other colors of Salvia do fit in with his character too!
Most of the excerpts I put in this post will be from the site The Petal Republic, I really enjoy reading the symbolism and meaning sections of the individual flower pages, check it out if you'd like! It's my main site for picking flowers for their meanings (but not always)
The red blooming Salvia flower is traditionally associated with love and romance and is symbolic of “Forever mine” gestures.
Purple is a very regal color, synonymous with royalty, success, and good standing.
The pink petals of a flower Salvia plant in the language of flowers are symbolic of love, femininity, gentleness
The blue flowers of a Salvia are often aligned with friendship and family and symbolic of thoughtful gestures such as sentiments of “missing you” or “thinking of you”.
All these aspects tie into his character one way or the other! You'll see more of it as the story unfolds. [Also a little sidenote, I used it to make the little logo for the game too which you can see in the top left of the character bio pages, mixed with another symbol. I may have stuffed a lot of obscure meaning into small things lmao its a trend with me]
Conversely, I picked both Laplace's and Stuart's flowers mainly for their "negative" meanings, but the positives can fit them too.
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Candytuft for Laplace because it can mean indifference, which is Laplace's default state. Other symbolic meanings of the candytuft include sweetness and stoic beauty. Also they're often depicted with/compared to fairies, and depending on who you ask fae and daemon can have a lot of similarities.... also why they are tiny at 4'9" lmao. And the appearance also just fits somehow.
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I picked Begonia for Stuart, on the basis of "other meanings" section which somehow perfectly translated his role in the story, it's kinda crazy how it all fits.
Warnings of misfortune: Traditionally, a begonia flower stood for an omen of something sinister in the near future. Most people don’t subscribe to this meaning today, but it is the reason why begonias are still so popular as gifts in hospitals. 
Caution: In some cultures, begonias are used to symbolize vigilance. You can give a begonia (of any color) to someone as a way of telling them to take care and stay healthy. 
Harmony: Another typical meaning of the begonia flower is harmonious communication. They symbolize diplomacy, kindness, and peaceful transactions between individuals or businesses. 
If you read till here, wow! Thank you for sticking to the end and reading my rambles, I appreciate it! Feel free to just share your thoughts and opinions too if not any asks! Always welcome
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yannysifgen · 2 years ago
Hiya! :-D I've been meaning to reach out w some questions and finally decided to commit!!! ;v;
Idk if it's stated anywhere, but I'm curious what inspired the concept of the game? And what made you choose Lucien as his name bc it fits him so well <3
I'm also really curious abt the original plot of Rosalind's Lie, how much of in-game lore do we get to see? Or is it only mentioned in passing here and there? Just the idea of a game's storyline (RL) inside another game's storyline (IITAOAYD) intrigues me a lot
Sorry for the long ask ;v;!
Hii!! Thanks so much for reaching out! If you think your ask is long then wait till you read this answer haha... But on that note it's totally fine, I absolutely love reading any and all ramblings because I'm a rambler myself (it's the adhd) and like to consume new knowledge, even if I can't actually retain all of it :') (btw I love Mychael and can't wait to see what you do with the rest of the game aaa)
Honestly, the idea just kinda came out of nowhere one day (my brain does that) because of the recent(?) boom in yandere games, I was thinking what kind of yandere I might make and just thought of a concept where mc might be isekai'd into the yan's garden and he kind of immediately gets attached because they're 'untainted' by the world and other people and wants to keep it that way.
I should mention that I'm a fan of isekai genre in general because it's such a self-indulgent escape from our boring mundane lives, a kind of fresh start that a lot of people wish they had access to. Ironically though, I prefer the isekais that are more focused on living a new life as opposed to getting op powers and making waves in the world
Back to the topic, didn't really think too seriously on it till I saw the yanjam announcement and decided why not. Then I decided to add the reincarnation/otome isekai tropes into the mix to make it more interesting, except that mc is themselves and not another character. So stories like "My next life as a Villainess: All roads lead to doom!" and "Death is the only ending for the Villainess" (I promise it's two different things) come to mind for inspirations.
The game will lightly parody these popular tropes, which is why if Lucien looks like every other 'Duke of the North' with his red eyes and black hair(but less buff as I'd like because drawing men is an ongoing struggle for me) then it's on purpose. His name....... well it's honestly embarrassing but it really just comes from angel/demon inspo while talking it out with a friend, since Dukes are mostly portrayed as 'monsters' in comparison to the angelic Prince or so, when in reality it's the other way around. So its kinda like Lucifer...Lucien... yeah, not very creative but I also wanted a name that could be turned into a cute nickname(Lucy) so I decided to roll with it.
Since I gave such a specific name like "Rosalind's Lie" for the og game, I do intend to flesh out the story at some point, though for now I only have rough concepts because I'm terrible at planning lore I'm so sorry. But that somehow didn't stop me from being ambitious with it because I'm weird like that. Anyways, Rosalind's Lie is named so because the titular character Rosalind kicks off her relationships with the eligible bachelors through lies. As for why, it's because she was born in the slums and orphaned at a young age, and had only herself to rely on to survive. Thanks to that she's very street-smart and cunning, and by chance she caught the attention of a kind Baron who decides to adopt her. He was nice enough, but not very smart or ambitious, which she felt was a waste, so she decides to make her own fortune in life and marry rich - she's really more like a villainess than a heroine lol but basically she encapsulates both roles. Her "lie" in Lucien's route is basically her nicking his brooch during a ball and pretending she found it and returns it to him, which prompts him to invite her for lunch or something as thanks. And then she plans various other small schemes because he's notoriously hard to get a hold of but eventually starts liking him for real.
I'm actually not sure how much of the og lore I'll involve in yanduke, other than mc occasionally making some callbacks when they're reminded of something, because mc is isekai'd before the plot of the game starts this time, which is ofc heavily derailed and non-existent by then thanks to our yan.
Sorry for the late reply, I actually had to knock around the old noggin to articulate an answer, but again, questions like these are always welcome because it actually helps me formulate some plot points too!
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