kiimtaetae · 7 years
9, 12, 17, 50 for the ask thing?
9: Do you currently like someone?
     😏oh yes, there's some REAL dude I like, and then... there's Jumin:)))
12: What's your favorite scent?
     😌 the smell of clean laundry or vanilla scented things
17: How would you describe your 'type?' 
     🤔 maybe someone who'd understand why I'd sometimes randomly cry, or would comfort me when necessary...
50: State 5 facts about your personality.
    1. I can go from happy and goofy, to gloomy, silent, depressed, and flat out mean, or vice versa 😊--› 😡 😔...
     2. If we were to be great friends, I'd be a lot more open minded and vocal than with you than with others 🕶
     3. I get all happy and start talking in a strange voice when talking to/petting cats or dogs 🐱 🐶 
     4. I like to eat/cook eggs 🍳
     5. A huge nerd who will happily converse with any other nerd 🤓 
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zombiesama · 7 years
replied to your post
“Hey giving peanut based candy out on Halloween is a dick move OK?”
I think a lot of kids really like getting candy (including peanut-based ones like reese's cups) on halloween so I don't think it's wrong to hand them out, but I do agree that it would be really helpful if ppl also had separate options for those with allergies like you said!
*Replies 2 weeks later because I suck at keeping track of time*
Getting candy is fun and great except for when merely breathing it in can kill you. Luckily, my allergies aren’t so bad as that, but being anywhere near peanuts terrifies me. for the last two years I have had to give all my candy to my siblings because I have gotten one piece of peanut based candy.
My thoughts are a pack of Reese’s cups costs less than your Halloween costume, if you really want nut based candy go out and buy it yourself instead of risking an allergic reaction for some other kid. Food allergies are becoming more and more of an issue, it is estimated that 15 million Americans have food allergies, that includes around 5.9 million children under 18. 5.9 million kids who have to be wary when trick or treating, or simply cannot go at all. The least you could do is off candy that isn't peanut butter based, like Reese's, and doesn't have peanuts in them, like snickers.
As I stated before, for some inhaling an allergen is enough to set off an allergic reaction that may lead to anaphylaxis. That statement carries more fear for me than those without food allergies, so allow me to explain what exactly that means. A serious allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, can lead to death. Anaphylaxis can, for some, be caused by inhalation, exposure to skin, and/or ingestion. These extreme reactions may include any mix of the following symptoms, closing of throat due to swelling, which can cause an inability to breath, hives or swelling, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, fainting, feeling of doom (anxiety), cardiac arrest. Anaphylaxis can cause death.
Offering other options is great and I highly encourage that, but not offering peanut treats at all is a much safer and less stressful option for those with allergies or parents/guardians of those with allergies.
People with food allergies are shown to have lower quality of life than those without due to how often they are excluded from activities and how much anxiety their allergies give them. Consider offering safe options to give young kids with food allergies a chance to enjoy Halloween in the same way as other children. Give them a chance to have a worry free night.
I suggest reading up on the Teal Pumpkin Project and looking at this list of candies without any of the top 8 allergens
Note: peanut/tree nut allergies are one of the most common and easiest to handle food allergies. Allergies to soy/wheat/egg/etc. are much harder to avoid and find safe foods for. Consider picking up some stickers/pencils/dollar store toys to hand out as well!
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lavenzia · 7 years
here's a flower to show my appreciation to you for being such a wonderful person 🌹i hope you're enjoying your day! send this to 10 other bloggers to add some positivity to their inbox 💞
sweet! thanks, yatsuume ❤  
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admiraldora · 7 years
your tag for stranger things is thinger strangs and I am both pleased and uncomfortable... keep up the good work
ye it’s kinda dumb but when the show came out i had this period in my life when i wanted ‘fun!’, ‘customary’ tags instead of just tagging things with the name of the show, and then i saw this post where someone used the stranger things font generator to write ‘thinger strangs’ and i thought ‘what a genius move’
basically now i have a lot of stupid/bizarre tags but i’ve been using them for a long time so i’m too used to them to switch to tagging things normally like a sane person would
so i hope that the ‘pleased’ part is bigger than the ‘uncomfortable’ lol and thank you!
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dusko · 7 years
thank you for following me! your blog is so cute ♥ ♥ I hope you have a super amazing day!
no problem! and tsym!! u have a good day too 💖
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nichinoya · 8 years
congrats on getting through the year!! surgery is a really tough thing, but you made it!! I'm sorry that you're having a tough time right now... I hope your situation improves soon, so you can feel better :) keep your chin up!! happy things will come your way ♡
awww thank you so much!!!! This message is seriously so so sweet :’) *hugs you* I hope life is treating you well you deserve it!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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thank you! I appreciate it. It's been a lot of ups and downs, but when it's...down it's... Yeah, you know. I'm managing tho❤️
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I used to be a Warwick main until he got rework. All of my friend say that the new Warwick is such greater in anyway. I agree but it didn't give me any hype I feel when I play old Warwick, when you cannot be counter-gank in 99% of the time, when you press W and your team just rush to tower, when I don't need to buy boots and can control the map easily. Since the Warwick rework, I had been playing ARAM for two seasons.
Artwork by Yatsuume
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kiimtaetae · 7 years
today was the day that I answered more than 1 ask, thank you all:)
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cv-045 · 8 years
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
i was tagged by: @yatsuume​ (THANK YOU AUDREY) Nickname: latte Zodiac sign: scorpio Height: 5′4 (~163 cm?) Last Thing You Googled: blue roses Favourite music artist: i guess billy joel rn? Song stuck in my head: SHAPE OF YOU. STILL. Last Movie you watched: i think logan? What are you wearing right now: black t-shirt & baggy pants What do you post: shit tbh. Why did you choose your URL: _(:3」∠)_  i thought it was cool tbh Do you have any other blogs: 3 others What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: communication is fuckin fantastic. also i refuse to take shit now. Religious Or Spiritual: not sure tbh Favorite Color: imma just say light blue. Average Hours Of Sleep: 6-8? Lucky Number: imma say 7 Favorite characters: dont do this to me How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: 1-3 Dream Job: animator. or at least character designer. that’d be p cool tbh.
i tag: @oikatsudon ; @syrinfin ; @moekazuhira ; @pokkipo ; @belumiri ; @k0urai ; @parasol-wielding-icecream ; @attack-on-pizzaa ; @exjubilating ; @jjolyne ; @chibi-devil ; @shinguuxi ; @lehnshit ; @nightreii ; @yurioplisetskies ; @iignoct ; @sakurakitaojis ; @qiacometti ; @goldenflowersaremyfave ; @nikiforohv (none of yall have to do this)
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Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
Tagged by @noizzle, thanks for tagging me! sorry i got it done a lil late! Nickname: Wee Zodiac sign: Scorpio Height: 5′2″ 1/2- 5′3″ Last Thing You Googled: guess i’ll die meme Favourite music artist: Ooooh buddy that’s kind of difficult for me to choose. Been listening to a lot of Orla Gartland lately though. Song stuck in my head: Josephine by Ritual Last Movie you watched: uhhhhhh i can’t remember i haven’t seen a movie in a few weeks to possibly a month What are you wearing right now: red tanktop and blue/pink/black leggings. What do you post: all kinds of things tbh Why did you choose your URL: it’s based off my oc, akira. Do you have any other blogs: yeah too many, most of them are not nearly as active as this one What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: relationships? lmao, overrated. but for real, i’ve never been in a relationship and i don’t think i want to be. Religious Or Spiritual: religious, but i feel like they both go together. but i think i kinda get what the question is differentiating  Favorite Color: navy Average Hours Of Sleep: 4-3 hrs on most days. it just kinda depends Lucky Number: 5 Favorite characters: Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4, Rem from Re:Zero, Simon, Kamina, Yoko, Kittan from Gurren Lagann asjifdlskfjdls idk just some of the ones I could think off the top of my head. Oh yeah, Phoenix Wright. How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: Usually one or two, and I hug it because it’s comf Dream Job: I used to want to be a teacher tbh, but I’m really not even sure what I’d want to do. I always say something like...that helps people. 
i can’t even think of 20 blogs to tag but uuuuh, if any of you guys wanna then coo, i don’t usually even tag c:
@yatsuume, @theothervelma, @thefife01, @crazyladyofcalifornia, @officialfist, @ensetsu, @tuna-sensei, @beginnerspellcaster
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miidoriyas · 8 years
this makes me smile so much thank you
Send me a ‘★’ if you actually like my blog. Takes a second, means a lot.
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