#yasha headcanon
kyoodledoodle · 4 months
Mighty Nein headcannons!!!
Caleb has taken to drawing a bit. He mostly sketches Frumpkin and architecture, but he’s tried drawing the rest of the nein (they turned out a bit derpy). He tries to study how jester draws, but she’s a bit sporratic-
Yasha’s a bit deaf, from all the getting-struck-by-lightning stuff (I know most of this was in her dreams but shhhhh) and Veth and Yeza fashioned her a little pair of (haphazard) hearing aids
Jester smells really good. That’s it.
both Yasha and Caleb are surprisingly physically affectionate, like, they’re awkward when it has to be acknowledged (ie. when they hug people), but they can often be found leaning against people, playing with their hair, putting their heads on peoples shoulders etc.
Short Beau. Short Essek. Short Jessie. I like short people.
After trial and error, Caduceus only lets one person help him cook: Veth. The problem with this? It’s Cad’s kitchen. 7 foot tall Cad. Veth is honestly pretty good at cooking, that is only if she could reach the ceiling high shelves of spices and dishware
Jester tries to model her horn and tail jewelry after what she remembers Mollys looked like
I’ve seen other people say this, but Fjord has vitiligo that looks a bit like how bubbles come out of your nose and mouth underwater
Despite Her prestigious dexterity, Beau has pretty chronically shaky hands, and she begrudgingly tries to help it by taking shots at various other hobbies of the nein (drawings, baking, etc.) but she never keeps with it for more than a week or two
Adhd Fjord but also Autistic Jester also dyslexic Cad
Yasha is a big ole daydreamer, but not of her biggest fantasies, most of the time it’s just wacky random things, ex: What would Caleb look like as a weasel; what would skingorger say if it were alive; that one poor quality gif of that 3d rotating beetle, but make it one of Cads beetles
Jester figits like crazy, this includes peoples clothes, sprinkles fur, any jewelry ever, Caleb’s magic supplies, and people’s weapons
Veth allows the nein who like doing hair (Jester, Cad, and Yasha) to experiment styles on her hair
Cad helps Yasha identify the flowers in her book
okie that’s it for now :D
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mini-minish · 4 months
m9 pirate + essek joins earlier + speedrun any% au 🏝
disclaimer these are just sillies for fun bc i wanted more pirate times please don't think too much about plot divergences; feel free to add your own ideas in the mix!
spoilers for the mighty nein
• fjord becomes a captain earlier
• caleb escapes the prision earlier
• while on the run and covered in tears and mud, he meets beauregard in one of her many cobalt soul escapes
• a lone half-orc captain with a cursed sword but no ship or crew walks into a bar, sees two anxious looking humans in the corner: a scrawny woman with a grumpy face and a scrawnier ginger with a towel to his recently broken nose
• seems easy enough.
• girls night!!! they steal their first boat
• rule #1 of stealing methods of transportation is that you should watch out for blue tieflings stowaways trying to get as far away from a recent problem as possible
• back on land they loose beau (got got by the soul ☝️😔), caleb gets locked up in a shady storage while looking for her and there he meets nott the brave
• fjord's first response upon seeing a goblin following his navigator is to pull the sword on it
• nott's first response upon seeing some green dude shove a sword in her face is to pull her crossbow at him
• they look up and down for beau, but she finds her way back to them eventually
• still, they'll need more hands if they want to keep their totally legally owned ship afloat
• still on land, The Circus Plot happens and they acquire two more crew members 🎉
• molly loves the ocean, yasha likes the wind
• all of them like to go up to the crow's nest and bother caleb, nott more than the others; eventually he stops hiding up there so much
• yasha starts getting anxious about her unfinished business at the same time jester stars getting anxious about their clothes not being pirate-y enough
• they lose their first ship (of pristine papers as long as you don't look at them in the light) and have to travel on land until they manage to borrow a new one without asking it's owner and with promises of never returning it
• they also lose molly :(
• but they get caduceus :) who's not very keen on being in a boat for long periods of time but he'll adjust
• one thing he'll have in common with the cat
• fjord has a problem: The Voices in his head telling him to get back on the water
• jester has a conundrum: they got all of these nice, proper pirate outfits but now they have no ship
• love wins
• she did get frumpkin his very own little coat
• in the night, as the mighty nein crew wispers around two pushed together inn tables, a cloaked figure approaches upon hearing they are in need of help
• dezran, or dez, for short, for friends, an inconspicuous sun elf from, you know, around these parts, who is in dire need of work and oh would your captain be so kind to-
• insight checks fly around the pushed together inn tables
• but all of them know each of them is running from something or someone, and not all of them have a destination in mind, so really it's not like they're going to ask.
• plus nott thinks she saw a really nice boat on the dock with it's lights all out
• welcome aboard!
• cue the guy running from stealing things having to steal things
• cue a disguised drow's inventory slots full of the strongest sunscreen balm he could find this side of the continent
• maybe caduceus or jester finds out first, around when ess- dez, for friends, got a little too reckless and a little too hurt some time or other
• but the wildmother shows caduceus a lonely star when he asks, and artagan hasn't been paying attention, and anyways that's dez, that's right, their friend who has been nothing but helpful and fun, if a little skittish depending on the weather, and who always tries jester's pastries
• besides, far from him being the only person with a fake identity at the function. he's not that special.
• when fjord and beau find out, they're suspicious, but they won't make him walk the plank. there's protocol for that.
• yasha is not one to question someone running from their past
• when nott the brave finds out, she doesn't ask what he really looks like
• when caleb widogast finds out, during a siege on the ship, he grabs essek's arm and sees the drow underneath the disguise, and wants to know who are you, but circumstances are that later, they'll talk about this later.
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railroad-migraine · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a Mighty Nein version of the hiding in the alley together Bell's hells scenario you wrote? I really loved your Bell's hells one! Thanks!
Thank you darling! I love that post so much too 🥰
Bell's Hells version 💙
Tight Squeeze (hiding in an alley together)
Beau 💜
You're standing on her toes, and her elbow is poking harshly into your side, and you both just don't know where to look. "Sorry, I'll scoot over a little bit-" "No, wait, hang on a sec-" Awkward scrambling ensues. You whisper and try to convince her to put up with the closeness until you guys are safe, but she. Just. Won't. Listen. Eventually, her squirming has you both off centre and reaching for each other for balance, and she murmurs a quiet: "... oh."
Beau isn't a romantic, never has been, and she's never really gazed into someone's eyes as purposefully as she is right now. You're fucking gorgeous. How has she never stopped to just look at you before? Have you always been so... You blink in confusion as she seems to soften, ever so slightly, calming down enough to breathe in sync with you.
You feel a palm drag itself up your arm, up, up, up until she finally cradles your jaw. And you both stand there, unmoving, for who knows how long, before she eventually tears herself away from you and the alley with a grumble. You take a moment to recover from the intense look in her eye, running after Beau only when she calls your name to hurry up.
Caleb 💜
His mouth is puckered in a tight frown as he looks anywhere but your face. It's an incredibly tight squeeze where you've found yourselves, so narrow that you're effectively pinning the wizard to the wall behind him. Your palms rest flat at either side of his neck and his hands have curled into little fists between your chests. Your heartbeat is thundering in your ears - or maybe it's Caleb's - you're not quite sure whose it is when you're this close together.
It's incredibly quiet. Awkward, even. So you say something. Anything. A stupid comment on how this is like a cheesy scene in one of the awful smutty books that's been passed around the group, and he can't help but huff a laugh and try to hold back an amused smile. His shoulders relax and he rests his head against the wall to finally get a better look at you, and something makes you lean your head towards him, following his lead. His lips part slightly as you move closer and-
Nott/Veth calling both your names from outside the alley jerks your faces apart, and Caleb very hurriedly inches away from you. "We should, ah..." He reluctantly shuffles towards the road, adjusts unkempt hair and smooths down the front of his coat, fingers twisting the buttons shyly. "W-we should go join the others, ja?" His heart sings at the simple touch of you linking pinkies with him. It's a quiet message he doesn't need to worry about deciphering.
Fjord 💜
"Beggin' your pardon." You can't help but snort. Even in times of peril, in situations where you're taking cover from the intense fighting outside of alleyways, Fjord still manages to treat you well and act the perfect gentleman. He shushes you, smiling himself, and it briefly feels like you're the only two people in the world - except for those in the battle mere feet away from your hiding spot.
His eyes soften as you share a secret grin with him, but not in the way you'd like. He clears his throat, peeks out of the gap of the alley."Look, I know this isn't an ideal situation but..." You say his name sweetly, urge him to look up from the ground to meet your gaze, and you see colour quickly spread across his neck in embarrassment. He swallows thickly and looks away, and breathes out the quietest shuddering sigh.
A hesitant hand reaches out for yours, and you grip it tight before he can regret taking the leap. The rest of the Nein find you both in that same position minutes later once the battle had officially ended and it was safe to leave, all tangled fingers and soft gazes. Fjord never wants to let go.
Jester 💜
"Are you gonna kiss me?" She's a little cross eyed, a little flushed and out of breath, and so so pretty this close up. Her eyes flick between your own, both your noses just barely grazing. "It feels like now would be a good time to kiss me." And it does.
But the moment is ruined when a swarm of soldiers charges right by the alley's entrance, and Jester lunges forward to hug you close. Together you find yourselves huddled further in the shadows while the enemy runs right by your hiding spot. She's so soft in your arms, perfect - it's like she belongs there - and you want to tell her that, but saying so out loud would easily blow your cover. So you settle for keeping her close, a hand in her hair while she ducks her head under your chin.
You wait until the last soldier has gone before you reluctantly remove yourself from the tiefling (who visibly pouts) and peek outside the alley. Once the coast is clear, you look over your shoulder, only to find Jester already looping arms with you. She smiles, this time confidently, and you enter daylight once more with no mention of the almost-kiss.
Mollymauk 💜
He doesn't say a word. Which, y'know, is ideal when skulking about in an abandoned alley, away from prying eyes of spies and mercenaries - but the way how Mollymauk is not-so-subtly glancing your way every few seconds is awfully distracting. You lightly push against his chest, tell him in a hushed voice to stop smirking so much, that this is a very serious situation. "What? Can I not look at you now? Can I not enjoy the little things while we fear for our lives? Who knows when I'll see something so lovely again~"
You push him again, a little more forcefully this time, and he actually barks a laugh, sways back to you and tilts his head with sticky fondness. There's a sudden commotion nearby - heavily armoured folk who suddenly look in the direction of the sound and touch their weapons suspiciously. Quick thinking in the moment has you press your body closely to Molly's, making your forms fit within shadow, and cover his mouth with your hand.
And he's silent again, but his expression has changed. He never looks away from you, nor you him, both of you holding breaths in anticipation - of being discovered, or of something more passionate, you are not completely sure - but the moment is never interrupted. When all is safe and sound once more after the hired fighters evacuate the nearby area, he slowly peels your hand away and presses a single, simple touch of his lips to your palm. It's barely even a kiss, but you don't mind. It's nothing. It's something. It's a promise.
Yasha 💜
She's... Well, you already knew that she was tall before this, but you never really knew exactly how tall Yasha was until you were up against each other in a tiny alleyway in some fancy town neither of you know the name of. It's a small space, and there are hired thugs sniffing around town looking for you and the Nein, but you feel so safe with the barbarian - a protective barrier between you and the rest of the world. Your face warms at the thought.
She peers down at you with a blank expression, and you expect awkward silence, but she surprises you with: "Well this is quite cosy, isn't it?" It's dark in the alley, but she can see the wrinkles by your eyes when you smile at her. Good. That'll ease the tension immensely... And the slightly nervous pitter patter of her heart.
Despite it all, she's a little flustered being so close to you. It's weirdly intimate caging you in, and she curses under her breath quietly when you look away bashfully and bite your lip with a grin. She's obviously done something right when you gently rest a hand on her arm and ease her wandering mind. She still feels that touch hours after, and wonders if you're thinking of it too.
Kingsley 💜
You don't want to admit it, but you're panicking. What started off as a cheeky side quest quickly spiralled into a catastrophe, and you now find yourself in a claustrophobic space with bad guys on your tails, and you have grazed knees after tripping earlier and you're stuck with your most charming friend who looks at you like he loves you, and it's all too much, and- "Hey, keep your eyes on me."
Kingsley is holding your face in his hands, and you can barely make out his crimson eyes in the dark, but you know he's giving you that look again. "We're gonna be fine, we're gonna get out of this. I'll buy you a drink later, you'll see." You want to believe him, even as your heart drums loudly in your chest, leftover adrenaline dulling in your veins. You follow his lead, breathe in, and breathe out as you move to hold the wrists of his hand that are cupping your face still. You find calm, and he looks proud. Maybe it's only a shadow of an expression in the dark though.
Instead of leading you back towards the ship, Kingsley takes you by the hand and dances around the crowded marketplace towards a quiet tavern on the outskirts of town. He reaches out and holds the door open for you, and grins when you look puzzled."I owe you a drink, remember?"
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keyleth-clay · 3 months
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Happy pride month, everyone! To celebrate, I decided to make a whole bunch of character pride icons!
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Part 2: The Mighty Nein (+ my favourite C2 guest characters)❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Canon identities where applicable, and my personal headcanons/interpretations to fill in the gaps. Click the alt text for the name of each flag, if there's any that you're unfamiliar with. All character art by Ariana Orner. Feel free to use; credit isn't necessary, but I won't say no if you want to give it!
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you-poopin · 1 year
Caleb being the first one to meet Beau and Yasha's new baby, just a few days after they bring them home from the orphanage.
He doesn't mean to be the first, he just wants to check on them, figures they're busy and wants to check on Yasha's garden to make sure it still looks alright.
Beau sees him outside, calls him a creep, invites him in. He tries to refuse, but Yasha steps behind her, baby on her hip and all but insists, so he caves.
And he meets this tiny little thing, who smiles at him and without asking, Yasha passes him the baby.
And Beau calls him Uncle Caleb.
And Caleb just melts.
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yikes-ajax · 11 months
I love how everyone is freaking out over Essek being threatened by Trent, meanwhile I was out here hyped up by the mere thoughts of him, not even aware there was a reunion happening. Everyone was suddenly going feral about him and I was like "huh, must be a full moon, all the thelyss enjoyers are howling"
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onewolfaday · 2 years
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025. yasha nydoorin but werewolf au
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Could you write something with a reader who is really awkward and shy about touching their s/o? Maybe the first time they brush their hand against their s/o for the very first time and how they would react? Please make this one about percy, vax, molly, yasha and beau if you can? im just in love with them lately 💕
This is so cute 🥹! Also Mighty Nein my beloveds!!
He’s not as used to such open affection but he’s coming around to it. Percy knows it’s not your strong suit but he’s EXTREMELY patient with you and welcomes the gentle touches. Complete with the shy flushed smile he fails to hide
Thinks it’s the most precious thing about you, and gives you as much time and space that you need. Even if you are feeling bold on particular days, he can’t help but place a small kiss on your hand/along your fingers.
Used to being the loud and center of attention, your shyness is a complement to the tiefling’s behavior. Still, he has soft praises to offer along with cheeky compliments. And he can’t help but wrap that tail around you with a purr.
She is more of the bold type and can’t help but tease you a little in the shyness. Sure she may try to hold your hand as a “next step” but she respects your boundaries, and still wants to see that other smile on your face.
Your hand unknowingly brushed hers and through rapid apologies you see her expressions soften. Her story is not lost on you, and eventually you relent and ease into holding her hand.
A soothing voice of “it’s ok, I know.” puts you at ease and soon your grip tightens day by day around hers.
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localwildemountwizard · 11 months
no one asked but here are my personal headcanoned pronouns/sexualities/labels for the mighty nein ✨✨
(ft some actually canon things yippee!!)
Caleb - he/they/xe nonbinary demi-biromantic polyam and autistic (just like me fr)
Veth - she/they demigirl omnisexual with a male preference
Beauregard - she/he bigender lesbian and adhd
Fjord - he/him transmasc demi-panromantic asexual and adhd
Jester - she/they/it/nya/fae loves using neos/all pronouns except he/him and bisexual
Yasha - she/her transfem demiromantic lesbian
Mollymauk - he/she/they/it genderfluid bisexual
Caduceus- he/they nonbinary aroace and dyslexic
Essek - he/zir/they demiromantic gay and autistic
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Beauregard Lionett from Critical Role is an autistic transfeminine monkic nonbinary human lesbian with PTSD, ADHD, and BPD who uses she/her pronouns!
She's dating Yasha Nydoorin, an autistic selectively mute transfeminine barbarianic agender angelgender stormlikic aasimar lesbian with PTSD who uses she/her and ae/aer pronouns!
They're both dating Jester Lavorre, an autistic hypervebal bluegender transneutral clericic trickgender pilullipopic nonbinary sillycute aurethesia genderqueer fungender tiefling girl with ADHD and PTSD who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
Jester is in an unlabeled relationship with Fjord, a bi gay warlockic paladinic half-orc man with PTSD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Fjord is in a wavership with Caduceus Clay, an autistic aroace gay deathgender aurethesia clericic nonbinary trans firbold man who uses he/him, ey/em, and grave/graves pronouns!
Caleb Widogast is an autistic bisexual wizardic trans human man with PTSD and BPD who uses he/him pronouns, and he considers himself Beau's semi-brother!
He's dating Essek Thelyss, an autistic demirose wizardic nonbinary gay drow man with chronic pain, AVPD, and PTSD who uses he/him, they/them, and shadow/shadows pronouns!
They're all friends with Mollymauk Tealeaf, an autistic pansexual queenkingish tiefleic genderqueer genderfluid transfeminine nonbinary royalpeafowlic tiefling with DID who uses any pronouns. but prefers he/him and she/her, and also goes by Molly!
Molly used to be the system's host, but now shares that role with Kingsley Tealeaf, an autistic aromantic pansexual genderqueer transneutral xenogender genderfluid tiefling who uses any pronouns, but prefers they/them and neopronouns!
Molly is dating another alter of his, Lucien Tavelle, a pansexual aroallospec agenderfluid transfeminine tiefling who uses any pronouns, but prefers he/him, it/its, eye/eyes, and nine/nines! Nine used to be the system's host before Molly, but is now the system's protector and rarely fronts!
Veth Brenatto is an autistic biht trans halfling woman with an alcohol addiction, PTSD, and OSDD-1b who uses she/her pronouns!
Her alter Nott the Brave is a caedaroace transfeminine nonbinary goblin girl who uses she/her and it/its pronouns!
Veth and Nott both consider Caleb to be a sort of son to them!
dni link
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godaweful · 2 years
beauregard lionett is trans femme cause she was expected to be a boy and raised to be a boy but ended up being a hot butch lesbian who's unapologetically a woman and i think that's beautiful. on the other hand, yasha nydoorin is trans femme cause i think we need more tall buff hot goth trans femme rep in crit role.
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amazingmsme · 9 months
what do you think are the worst tickle spots of all of the mighty nein?
My answers with no rhyme or reason, just solely based on vibes
Jester- tail, neck/ears, thighs & tummy
Fjord- armpits/biceps, belly, hips & thighs
Beauregard- back, ribs, armpits/biceps & feet
Yasha- neck/ears, back, thighs, & hips
Mollymauk- tail, all the eyes, feet, knees, hips & ribs
Caleb- RIBS, tummy, armpits, sides, feet, back, basically anywhere & everywhere
Nott/Veth- feet, tummy, sides, & thighs
Caduceus- ears/neck, back (especially his spine) ribs, feet/ankles, knees & ribs
Essek- ears/neck, feet, palms, sides, tummy & armpits
Kingsley(yes he gets his own)- tail, ribs, belly & thighs
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Oooo could you also do a M9 version of the post-intense battle kiss?
Yes. Yes I can. Prepare yourselves for many, many kisses.
I've now written this scenario three times - it's been so much fun, thank you guys for the support <3 Ughh it gives me such a gooey feeling, this 💕 This is also my longest set of headcanons (8 characters involved) and was a labour of love. I hope you enjoy and please do reblog, it's much appreciated xx
~ Poet
Bell's Hells version ✨ Crown Keepers version
After-Battle Surprise Smooch ft. Kingsley and Essek
Beau 💜
She's panting as if the ambush the party just experienced was nothing more than a heavy workout, and she's attempting to brush away the stray flyaways of hair that cling to her forehead. There's a slight flush to Beau's cheeks, her heartbeat is racing - and yours is too. You swallow heavily and step into her space, and tug on her robes to gain her attention. She offers a scratchy "Yeah?" before you take a leap of faith and make a move.
The moment your mouth connects with hers, she turns as stiff as a board for a hot second. All lean muscle and calloused edges, the softness of your gesture has her tensing up while her brain buffers in a post-fight haze. You sigh through your nose, hand cupping her cheek as you lean back and grin and she blinks at you owlishly before returning it easily.
She ducks forward, her hands skirting the edges of your coat back to tuck her fingertips under the hem of your shirt, attempting to steal some of your warmth for herself. It's grounding. She kisses your temple, breathes against your cheek as her eyes slide shut. She allows herself a laugh when you suggest she pay more attention to your lips.
Caleb 💜
The wizard is propped up against a pillar of the temple the Nein had come across, and in the distance he can still hear (and smell) the sizzling remains of the evil cult members he had to take down with a fire spell minutes prior. He sniffs and wipes the dribble of blood from his nose with the back of his palm as you settle down on the ground at his side. It's gotten easier, facing the aftermath of fights ever since you came into his life. Your joints ache and your heart still is thumping in your chest, body still on high alert even though it's all over. He looks at you, concern in his blue eyes, and Caleb must also share the anticipation, meeting you in the middle for a kiss.
You pinch his chin between your fingers and tilt his head to the side, and then they slide into his hair just as his body completely melts into you. It's not a frantic kiss, not rushed nor explosive. But it is practiced and passionate, languid and drawn out as he follows your lead.
The man has the audacity to whimper into your mouth when your fingers tease and tangle themselves into the hair at the nape of his neck. You would have happily sat there kissing your wizard instead of taking a well earned long rest, but eventually he winces and draws back. You're both still in recovery mode, still injured and weak - you both know this. He gives you a small smile and kisses your cheek, mumbles something soft against your skin.
Fjord 💜
The party barely manages to escape the crumbling ruin after defeating the necromancer, and the sunlight is blinding when you reach the surface. Shaken, you quickly wrap your arms around Fjord's middle, seeking some sort of familiarity after all you had faced together. He freezes. You can't help but feel a little rejected and embarrassed when the kiss is cut short as he places a gentle but firm hand on your chest and leans back.
He's panting, remnants of the fear he experienced nearly dying at your side in the battle lingering still. He settles for holding your hand in his, pressing your knuckles to his lips with his eyes tightly shut. It's not your fault that the situation was a bit overwhelming. Being swept up in theatrics after encountering malevolent spirits had Fjord in a slight panic when you moved to kiss him. But it's okay now. You're both safe.
When his heart has a moment to slow and his eyes start to focus, you quickly become the most important thing in his vision. As quick as he's pushed you away, his hand moves to cradle the back of your head and he's pouring every ounce of himself into a proper kiss. He's so warm, his frame completely shielding you from the rest of the world. He mutters an apology into the miniscule gap between your faces, immediately closing the distance after for another.
Jester 💜
You're shaken out of your battle rage by an incredibly exaggerated and disgusted retch from behind you. You turn only to find Jester standing behind you with a scowl, lifting one leg to closely examine her boot. To her dismay, it's completely covered in giant spider remains. She wrinkles her nose at the sight, more annoyed than angry, grumbling about how she wouldn't have worn her new shoes if she'd known the party would be fighting giant spiders while out exploring.
With the way your blood is still fiery in your veins, and your dear tiefling's face is sulking endearingly, how can you not sweep her off her feet? You soften her mood immediately with a kiss. She goes up on her tippy toes, leaning into you enough that she's barely even making contact with the ground. Laughs into your mouth, and you can feel the upturn of her lips against your own.
She pulls away, tenderly reaches out to wipe at the shine of your mouth that she left behind. With a waggle of her eyebrows, she beams at you, says something clumsy and crude that makes you laugh. Squeals if you happen to lift her, spin just a little to ease the after-battle tensions, and she holds onto your shoulders with a vice grip - as if you'd ever drop her. She knows you love her too, especially considering she's covered in spider bits.
Molly 💜
The tiefling has the biggest toothy grin when you find him after the fight, his smile slightly faltering at the edges when he sees your stormy expression and stomp in your step as you get closer. Mollymauk is nursing a cut made on his arm from earlier, one of his own to ignite his bloodhunter powers, but it's also one that also nearly cost him his life. He's so incredibly careless sometimes, but you know it's because he cares so much - about his second chance at life, about the party, about you. He prepares himself to be scolded by you but is pleasantly surprised when you cup his face so delicately and give him the softest look, brushing your lips against his.
The best way to describe the kiss is that he takes his time, as if he desires to taste and savour you while he still has you. He is so gentle, almost lazy with the motion of it, even though it's after such an intense fight. His nose bumps yours briefly, and he's practically purring by the time one of your hands weaves itself into his hair.
But he's selfish, greedy too, and though your lungs cry out for oxygen you can't bring yourself to leave him wanting. A cheeky hand trails down your waist, past your hip until he can get a handful of your outer thigh. He gives a playful but comforting squeeze, a little and innocent thing compared to the way he's ravishing your mouth.
Yasha 💜
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Her worried voice over the dissolving battle carries a tenderness that greatly contrasts the heavy sword she carries. You quickly clamber over debris when you spot her, a deeply emotional urge to just be close to your barbarian that began as kindling is now a roaring need. Your foot catches on the edge of an abandoned cart and gravity suddenly pulls you down.
Yasha reaches you and, having dropped her weapon, swoops just in time to keep you upright and unharmed. She's your constant balance, what keeps you grounded. By pure instincts alone, you thank her by crashing your mouth into hers. Your arms wind around her neck and your body is buzzing all over, electricity flitting along your skin and through your veins. Her eyelashes kiss in the corners of her eyes when she closes them, strong hands lovingly caress along your shoulder blades. Your mind, love-addled, barely registers the way her thumbs stroke back and forth there.
She lifts you a little bit, just enough that she supports your weight and your tippy toes are grazing the earth. She makes a noise in the back of her throat and breaks the kiss, her hair a little bit frazzled. "Well... that answers that. Heh."
BONUS: Kingsley 💜
It's pouring rain, storm clouds have engulfed the sky. You stand, soaked to the bone with your overcoat torn to shreds, over one of the many (now deceased) sea monsters that managed to scramble onboard the ship and attack you all. A victorious cry comes from the helm, and Kingsley victoriously lifts his sword high above his head as the crew cheer. He sees you amongst the fray and charges straight to you, about to assess you for wounds but it's hard for words to form when your mouth captures his.
So fucking eager. He wants to wrap himself around you, surround you, instinctively curling an arm around your back to keep you anchored to him. He's still so new to the world, new in general, but this - you - are so easy for him to adapt to. The kiss itself does not last as long as you would want, but he makes up for it with hasty and almost desperate smaller kisses to your cheek and jawline. It feels as though he's trying to imprint these fleeting touches into your skin, moulding into you, little memories of a moment of calm after the storm.
Kingsley holds you close to his body after that, cradling you into him while his eyes dart around the scene of battle with his chin perched on your shoulder protectively. His hair is matted and sopping wet and tickles your face, the buttons of his coat scrape harshly against your thin shirt, and you catch a glimpse of some of the crew averting their eyes - but you couldn't care less. Kingsley is living and breathing and here and yours.
BONUS: Essek 💜
This poor man. He's still getting used to the intensity of physical fights rather than diplomatic ones. His feet hit the ground and he stumbles to balance himself before you hold him by the elbow to steady him. His smile is wobbly, cocky but wobbles slightly as he thanks you. His white hair stands in all sorts of angles and there's a small cut above his brow, and you know it seems impossible but it post-battle Essek just does something to you and he has no time to react when you grip his collar and tug him towards you.
You quickly find he's just as desperate as yourself. His hands find your waist and smooth towards your back, fingertips pressed into the skin there and accidentally treading upon and brushing against bruises in the process of forming. You wince and he breaks the kiss, immediately concerned and hesitant, his touch turning gentle when he settles his hold on your hips instead.
You assure him you're okay, but he's not having it. He decides to go slow now, peppering small, lingering kisses to your face before he steps back and adjusts how his robes sit upon his shoulders. He looks cool and composed, and you want to hate him for it when you yourself feel so disheveled. Don't worry though - you'll get even with him later.
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eleiyaumei · 1 year
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It's "Asexual Day" in @inuyashapridemonth but I felt like including aromantic and aroace in this as well (bc romantic identities are just as valid as sexual ones).
I can't draw well enough to contribute fanart so I hope some cheap photo manip is okay ^^'
Sesshōmaru is the most obvious character in IY to interpret as ace, aro or aroace. My teenage self who didn't know they were ace yet fell for him right away because of that (and bc of his androgynous/GNC looks) and started unconsciously writing an asexual romance.
Anyway, happy Pride Month, everyone!
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critcallyobsessed · 6 months
So hear me out, okay? I keep thinking about this head-canon, and it’s lowkey eating me alive. I just want you to know this is not at all in alignment with canon but I just really think it’s cute!
Caleb has a son…with Kingsley? (Image if you will that’s he’s trans)
I think that after life calms down, Beau and Yasha eventually get TJ (through whatever means necessary ) and obviously Veth has Luc. There comes a time when Jester and Fjord would settle down a bit and maybe adopt a child from the orphanage that Fjord grew up in, maybe even make one of there own, so Kingsley spends a year on the sea alone but eventually he would return to Nicodranus ((hopefully that’s close to how you spell it)) and Caleb comes to visit.
And it’s different then the last couple of times they’ve seen one another, Caleb is happier? And all those old feelings they shared even the ones from Lucian kind of resurface, and one thing leads to another, and it was maybe supposed to be a one night stand but those feelings just won't go away.
Caleb tells Essek (I image he's living in Emon working with Alira probably under a false name) and Essek is shockingly (at least to Caleb) very very cool with it. He wants Caleb to be happy and they can't see each other all the time so why not let Kingsley and Caleb explore their feelings???
In the end Kingsley gets pregnant and it's not exactly what he wants but Caleb gets excited and they decided to have the kid, Kayan (Zemian for Star a little nod to Essek). And Caleb raises him and I think he would look just like his Papa except he has one red eye like his Dad.
He probably grows up to be a kickass wizard like his Papa with some rouge from his God Mom and Dad.
And maybe a few years after Caleb has died Essek is on Wildmount and he sees a 20 something year old Caleb (who he knows is gone bc how could you forget the love of your life is dead? )And then he realizes who it is and has a little bit of a break down when Kayan walks over to him (disguised and all) and greets him like a perfect combination of Kingsley and Caleb, “Hello Herr Hot Boi”.
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you-poopin · 1 year
Yasha and Beau's oldest doesn't cry for her first few weeks home, because she was used to no one coming when she cried, and it freaks out her moms. So there's this tiny, terrified baby who absolutely will not cry even when she probably should cry (tired, cold, hungry, all the reasons babies cry) being looked after by nervous, first time parents. And so they just decide carry this kid around all day, every day, making sure all her needs are met and making sure she gets so much love and attention, because they need to show her that they will take care of her.
And then one day, the baby wakes up from a nap bawling and they nearly fall over themselves trying to get to her, to show her that they're there. And Beau is pretty sure she's never been happier to hear a kid cry in her entire life.
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