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roseillith · 1 year ago
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badxriri · 1 month ago
fui droga temporal para evitarte triste
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youngham · 9 months ago
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sarkisozumm · 9 months ago
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ladycerise · 1 year ago
Yo también quiero estar a la moda (?)
✧ OC Asks! ✧
I compiled a short list of some questions that I hadn’t seen yet to help you (and me) have some fun while developing OCs. Feel free to answer these yourself, or ask someone else!
1. How does your OC feel about their full name?
2. What do strangers notice about them first?
3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
4. How do they act around a crush?
5. Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying?
6. What do they smell like?
7. What is their hair texture like?
8. How much jewelry do they wear, and do they have a favorite or distinguishing piece?
9. Do they have a word or phrase that they tend to overuse?
10. What is a weird quality that they have (ie their hands are always cold, they’re always hungry, they snort when they laugh, etc)?
11. What color do they look strikingly good in?
12. How do they show affection to someone they love?
13. Do they make strong/frequent eye contact when they talk to someone?
14. What attributes do they have that are inherited from their parents or shared with their siblings/other relatives?
15. Are their greatest flaw and their greatest strength related and in what way? (ie very caring and helpful but a doormat, or very observant and shrewd but often paranoid)
16. How has their childhood affected the way they view an aspect of their life (people, education, society, themselves, etc)?
And that’s all! Remember to reblog with your answers, I’m genuinely curious to hear about other people’s characters/writing processes!
Part II: https://liliamoon.tumblr.com/post/671647292219097088/oc-asks-part-ii
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chipchopclipclop · 3 months ago
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figuring out how i want to draw them lmao
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custarii · 4 months ago
Something interesting about the demon lore from Toki no Kizuna, is the fact that prior to Battle of Sekigahara, there exists some kind of animosity between western/eastern clans to the central clan (Yase).
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The main reason why Kazama seemed adamant from pursuing Sen, despite having what is considered higher ranking in blood, is the history of Yase not aiding the western and eastern clans. When they had been pushed into a blight, whether it be due to human interference or scarcity issues, the Yase had turned away their head -- thus with their history with men, they decided to ally with them, instead rather than their kin that abandoned them. Their inner politics seemed to be more partial to those of Yase, who had the influence to summon the clans, which can be due to being a direct descendant of the Suzuka Gozen and the imperial blood.
On the same hand, these ancestors' parents had already been working alongside humans for a while, though the more extreme side of this is Nagumo Shiyuu's -- his father committed seppuku because of the depravities he'd done for men, and left him to become the new head. I believe he had been 20, which they claimed to be too young (or youngest, in comparison to previous and current heads), which we can see why he acts in such childish ways. And there's the thing about him using paper cranes as his weapon -- Chizuru, I'm very suspicious of why your parents have decided to name you as such, considering that history ◖⁠⚆⁠ᴥ⁠⚆⁠◗
Then we have Kazama Chikage and Shiranui Kyo, they were near this age and had seemed to be the heads of their clan for a while. The reason for their pessimistic tendencies can be alluded to their doubts of the Yase (though they do cooperate with them amicably), and the fact that they may have had the same history with Shiyuu -- and of course, they were also too young when they had to assume the role of the leader, which is why outside their duties under the domains, they seemed to be whimsical in a way that made it seemed that they were trying to reclaim their own identities, almost to the point of foolishness. Kazama in Hijikata's route is one side of him trying to regain himself, abandoning his duties, and had seemed happier when he had saved himself in the form of his death. In the terms of honor, he had regained his pride than becoming a fugitive and slaves for men. In Saito's route, we can say he went to the opposite -- this version of pride was out of desperation, wanting to save his kin and himself by ruining his principles. His actions were always for the better of his kin, his interests the second. It's probably the reason why despite his (honestly) horrible attitude, Shiranui still stayed by his side, being in the same position.
Back to topic. Although the Jukkishuu was formed in response to the omen of war and the tragedy that they would need to kill their kin, the results have a more direct impact to the Yase -- the eastern and western clans have long sundered into their own allegiances and are protected by it(albeit we can see in the latter Hakuouki, it didn't exactly bode well for the Yukimura). The system was abolished after the incident, and it seemed rather...odd? The council was formed to unite the clans, and it was easily dissolved just because the omen had passed -- you are literally a dying kind, why would you decide to divide yourself again??
We can consider this a plot discrepancy they may have overlooked, but let's try to rationalize this into the story as something deliberate. On TnK, depending on the route, we can see how the clan politics can be followed into Hakuouki. If Suzumori Yukina didn't go for any of the dudes, she assumes Kazuha's route due to her death, becoming the Yasehime and the omen(and we can then say the omen, in fact, is for her!) would still pass. The Yase and Suzumori would then merge to what we know in Hakuouki as a bodyguard/ward (but appeared to be more of a sisterly) relationship between Sen and Kimiguku. If the plot follows this, we can say that the Yase would've ultimately lost their connections with the other clans (which was answered in the fandisc again, she was told by the elders to choose her mate despite not pursuing any). It's probably why in Kazama's route, they still took the Yase's counsel, but did not exactly tell all of their plans/actions to them. The Yase have lost(or have significant reduced) their influence over other clans after their refusal to act before Sekigahara, during Sekigahara, and at the Burning of Yukimura Estate. They can act neutrally in those instances, as those of the west cannot access them due to their allegiance to be seen as an act of treason. But, they didn't!
--also I have to interject the fact that the Suzumori's ability is agility, Yukina was able to outpace Amagiri Kazutake in the fandisc. Do what you want with that info >:3
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stormbreaker-290 · 2 months ago
You could just. Ask Mal to bite you :3
I would prefer you not experience the neck snapping kind though /silly
A b h,,,,,,,
Ah g,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,
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tenjin-no-shinja · 10 days ago
Yase Tenmangū Shrine 八瀬天満宮社
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From the Plaque Explanation:
The deity enshrined here is Sugawara no Michizane (845-903)
The shrine is believed to have been established after Michizane's death, when his teacher of Buddhism Son'i (866-940) ceremonially transferred his spirit here.  Inside the doors at the rear of the Main Hall is an image of the Eleven-Faced Kannon, which is considered the manifestation of Michizane as a Buddha.
When Michizane was young, he regularly visited Mt. Hiei to better himself and is said to have rested in this area.  Until the Edo Period, it was called Yase Tenjingū.  "Yase" literally means "arrow back," and during the 672 Jinshin Rebellion, Emperor Tenmu recovered from an arrow wound here. Thus, this area has very old connections with history. 
The Tenmangū shrine has nine sub-shrines.  The Akimoto Shrine on the south of the Main Hall enshrines Akimoto Tajima-no-Kami Takatomo, who was the shogunate elder counselor in charge of the lawsuit that settled the issue of Yase Village's exemption from taxation when there was a dispute with Mt. Hiei over the borders in 1710; he was enshrined in gratitude, and every year since, the Shamenchi Dance (Tax-Free Land Dance) is performed here.
On the slopes of the mountain behind the shrine is Goshodani (Palace Valley), where the temporary palace of Emperor Godaigo once stood when he was forced to flee to Mt. Hiei by Ashikaga Takauji.  On the grounds are a number of other historical sites, including where Emperor Godaigo climbed Mt. Hiei, a monument to the village's restoration of tax-free status after the Meiji Restoration, a stone carved with a poem by the empress, the Compare Your Height with Benkei stone, and Michizane's seat.
The Tenmangū Shrine's annual festival is held on May 5th, the Akimoto Shrine's annual festival, the Shamenchi Dance (performed by the Yase Local Cultural Preservation Society) is held the night before Sports Day in October.
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cnladies · 1 month ago
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LIU YASE 刘雅瑟 in Thom Browne 2024 Fall/Winter Collection | Weibo Night 2024
Liu Yase: more photos here Weibo Night 2024: more photos here
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roseillith · 1 year ago
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animehouse-moe · 1 year ago
Undead Unluck Episode 5: United We Negate
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Ah man, this episode was so interesting. Yes, the quality of it is solid, though of course it can't match the animation of the previous episode. That said, it doesn't need to animate to any sort of incredible degree because there's just so. much. worldbuilding. So so much to talk about here that I'm just itching to wander through!
Okay, so Apocalypses book, what an interesting little piece that presents a much great world. Thanks to the comment from Juiz, we understand that there exist a god on the other side of the book providing these rules.
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More interesting to me though is the consistency of the Apocalypse book. "This time", it says, there is six quests with varying requirements. You would have thought that the number of quests would remain consistent, but Apocalypse's own words betray that. Also, the time limit?
They mention they have until the 31st of August, with the current date being the 6th. Twenty-six days as a time frame seems unlikely, so I believe the odds are that Gena's death specifically triggered a new set of quests.
If I were to guess at the framework for the quests, it'd be like this:
You do not have to immediately accept any quests, or do them in any particular order. Not all members have to consent to participation in the quest so nominations and strongarming are possible. Failure to complete all quests results in the addition of a new "Rule" to the world, that part we know. However, Gena's death presents something interesting.
You might be able to argue that Apocalypse would halt all quests because the number of negators was fewer than required with the death of unavoidable, but Juiz says that Apocalypse only opens when there is 11 negators, not that it works when there's only 11 negators. So, to get to the point. Gena's death has a high probability of being a catalyst for this new set of quests that exist in front of the Union. This means that Apocalypse would most likely count the previous round of quests as "failed" and as such would have added a new "Rule".
So lets talk about Rules next!
This is very very interesting, because of what Juiz says. There has been 98 "new" Rules added to the Earth.
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So, what can it mean? Well, it could mean the number of times that quests have been failed, but that's not possible for two reasons. Apocalypse tells Union that the penalty for failure will be the addition of UMA Galaxy, which is not a Rule. Secondly, Juiz mentions the fact that penalties are added every 3 months.
So where does this leave things in terms of a timeline? Well, there's a few options. The simplest is that Apocalypse is able to provide Union members with previous penalties. But then that begs the question, how has there only been 98 rules added, in all of history? Juiz herself states that penalties are added every three months without any intervention, so the probability of this system existing since the beginning of time within the story is highly unlikely. But at the same time, Apocalypse can't have been created at an arbitrary point in time. However, we have the counterpoint of other artifacts being mentioned (and even used). Though it's important to note that the only awareness that we have of them as artifacts is through Apocalypse. I think the most likely answer here is something like time compression, which would in turn further feed into the idea of a loop.
That is, these objects have existed since time immemorial on Earth, but were dormant until a specific condition was met. Since that condition, they've been trapped in a loop.
This would justify the contradictory nature of existence and interaction, as well as provide freedom for Apocalypse to implement rules without any set schedule or purpose and not make a mess of history. Similarly, it would satisfy the argument of an excessive amount of UMAs existing on Earth due to penalties.
Though let's take a closer look at the idea of UMAs, since Apocalypse spills the beans, well, sort of spills the beans. He mentions UMA Burn and Negator Unburn, so you'd think that the existence of a UMA means the existence of its negator, but that's not necessarily true. Largely speaking, that depends on how you view UMAs such as the aforementioned Galaxy, though I personally don't believe that's the case. What I find interesting about the UMAs is their proximity to "Rules". That you might even say that UMAs are either born from rules or create rules.
Then there's the UMA that has been subjugated by the Union to facilitate point to point travel, though we don't have a name for them. If it weren't for Galaxy being mentioned I would have chosen "Space" as the name for the UMA, but the naming sense is more absolute than that. It has to be the most atomic form of the concept for it to really take root, so I think I might end up on "Move" as that UMA's name.
Speaking of providing names, I really want to take a stab at the negations of the other union members!
I'd already given my guess on Shen's, so I'll skip him and start at the top:
Starting with Juiz, they definitely have the most powerful ability. Being able to reflect malice and violence based on the person is very interesting, and immediately brings up the idea of unfair, but I don't think that's it. It's not it. I think their ability was employed because of the rules that exist for Union in regards to harming another member. Because of that, I think it would be something like unequality, unjustice, or
So, onto number 3, the gunslinger guy. I think his interaction in stopping Andy's fingers is the answer to his ability. The lax styling, the overconfidence, it screams of a lack of effort but yet undeniable success. My first feeling is gambling/betting, but that's not raw enough as a concept. Unchance is the first thing that springs to mind with them able to manipulate their own probability, but with the idea of gambling, and my interpretation of their negation as a way of "cheating" in regards to probability, Unfair could be the better fit (and better sounding haha).
Now, number 4, the little robot arms kid. My first inclination was unalive, but that's impossible given Andy's negation. But there has to be something to explain the boy's android appearance. They have to be a human to be a negator, so it can't be unhuman. But then what could it be? I'm not really sure because we don't get much from them as they don't block Andy's finger and they don't really say anything further into the episode.
Skipping ahead a bit we're going for numbers six and seven together because their approaches are very similar. Unavoidable has given me the hints to tackle at least one of these two, and the finger bullet sequence gives me the rest that I need. Mr. Samurai armor is definitely unbreaking or unmoving, though I'm leaning to the former, just because unmoving doesn't necessarily mean they're unable to be damaged. So that means the younger boy that takes action with his hand has to be something that would allow him to stop Andy's finger without damage or anything. Really, he's the only one that's shown to be actively moving (aside from Shen, of course). I really want to say unstoppable, but I don't know if that could negate any and all damage so I don't think it's likely. I'm really drawing a blank on a negation that could incorporate movement, be an internal negator, and avoid taking damage.
Mr. Know it all with the purple hair is easy though, unknowning. Or I suppose unforgettable. Actually no, definitely unforgettable. Their ability to negate the act of forgetting is certainly what it is.
So yeah, an incredible amount of information from a single episode. A very unique cast of negators with interesting ticks such as Juiz hiding her eyes unless she's negating, and all the rules and information imposed by Apocalypse is just wonderful. An absolute treasure trove of theories for me to sift through and ponder about, so I'll definitely be happily occupied until next week's episode!
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marbletheunworthy · 1 year ago
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Terry :0
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sarkisozumm · 10 months ago
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shindahime · 19 days ago
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when i make new ocs for one of the plots, there is a 50/50 chance they're either a character i take somewhat seriously for the sake of the plot OR a parody of someone in the current pop culture zeitgeist that is just the biggest joke.
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queengurako · 2 years ago
So apparently from the Hakuouki official book I have (from the original game not the reboot KW/EB) Sen's oni form has three corns because she is a female. And Chizuru has only two horns because her statue is under Sen's one.
I'm not sure of the translation but it seems even if Sen has a human in her lineage, she is a little bit more "pure blood" than Chizuru just because her family exists since Japanese Antiquity.
Edit : Also male oni have four horns if they're pure blood. But I need to do more researchs.
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