#yannick nezet seguin
sonyclasica · 1 year
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Sony Classical se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del Summer Night Concert 2023 con la Filarmónica de Viena junto al director Yannick Nézét-Séguin y la Mezzo-soprano Elīna Garanča como solista. Disponible en CD el 30 de junio y en DVD y Blu-ray el 14 de julio.
Resérvalo AQUÍ
El Summer Night Concert tuvo lugar el  pasado jueves 8 de junio con 55.000 visitantes.
El director de orquesta Yannick Nézet-Séguin y la mezzosoprano Elīna Garanča debutaron en el Concierto Nocturno de Verano interpretando una excelente selección de obras orquestales y arias populares de ópera, desde el romanticismo francés hasta el impresionismo. Como bis, la Filarmónica de Viena interpretó el famoso Wiener Blut de Johann Strauss (hijo).
Se trata de un acontecimiento anual al aire libre, que se celebra desde 2008. El parque del Palacio de Schönbrunn, en Viena/Austria, se convierte en el mágico escenario del concierto. Han dirigido en años anteriores la orquesta grandes directores como Georges Prêtre, Daniel Barenboim, Franz Welser-Möst, Lorin Maazel, Christoph Eschenbach, Zubin Mehta, Semyon Bychkov, Gustavo Dudame, Daniel Harding y Andris Nelsons.
Gracias a su entorno, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, en el parque barroco de Schönbrunn con el palacio como telón de fondo, el Concierto Nocturno de Verano añade a su magnífica calidad musical un gran encanto visual. Este acontecimiento representa la música clásica en su máxima expresión. Millones de espectadores y oyentes de más de 80 países podrán seguir el concierto por Internet, televisión y radio. Este año, la Filarmónica de Viena dedicó el concierto a las obras del Romanticismo francés al Impresionismo. El evento fue presentado por primera vez por el maestro Yannick Nézet-Séguin y la mezzosoprano Elīna Garanča, que interpretaron tres arias de Carmen de Georges Bizet, Sapho de Charles Gounod y Samson et Dalila de Camille Saint-Saëns.  También se estrenó una composición de Lili Boulanger, una conmovedora representación de la naturaleza realizada por la joven compositora que se convirtió en la primera mujer ganadora del prestigioso Premio de Roma en 1913.  La Filarmónica de Viena dedicó la interpretación de esta composición a la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, que se firmó hace 75 años en la Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos de Viena, subrayando así que un compromiso claro con los derechos humanos es hoy más importante que nunca.
El programa de este año contó con la presencia de la mezzo-soprano letona Elīna Garanča, que participó por primera vez en el Concierto Nocturno de Verano. Elīna Garanča se ha consolidado como una de las principales estrellas del mundo de la música gracias a sus actuaciones con las principales compañías de ópera y orquestas sinfónicas de todo el mundo. Ha sido aclamada por la crítica y el público por su hermosa voz, su talento musical inteligente y sus fascinantes interpretaciones escénicas. Entre otros papeles, es especialmente famosa por su interpretación de la Carmen de Bizet, que ha cantado en la mayoría de los principales teatros, como el Royal Opera House Covent Garden, la Bayerische Staatsoper, el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía de Valencia o el Metropolitan Opera, con gran éxito de crítica; el NY Times la nombró "la mejor Carmen en 25 años". Para ver su biografía completa, haz clic aquí.
El director canadiense Yannick Nézet-Séguin ha trabajado con varias de las principales orquestas del mundo y mantiene una estrecha colaboración con la Wiener Philharmoniker, la Berliner Philharmoniker, la Bayerischer Rundfunk Sinfonieorchester y la Orquesta de Cámara de Europa. En septiembre de 2018, Yannick Nézet-Séguin se convirtió en el tercer director musical de la Ópera Metropolitana de Nueva York. Director musical de la Orquesta de Filadelfia desde 2012, se convirtió en director artístico y musical en febrero de 2023 y renovó su contrato hasta 2030. Como director musical y director principal de la Orchestre Métropolitain de Montreal desde 2000, firmó un contrato "vitalicio" en 2019. Es director honorario de la Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest tras haber sido su director musical de 2008 a 2018. También es Miembro Honorario de la Orquesta de Cámara de Europa. Para ver su biografía completa, haz clic aquí.
La antigua tradición de 181 años de la Filarmónica de Viena se remonta a 1842, cuando Otto Nicolai dirigió un Gran Concierto con todos los miembros del imperial "Hof-Operntheater". Este evento se llamó originalmente "Academia Filarmónica" y se considera el origen de la orquesta. Desde su fundación, la orquesta ha sido gestionada por el comité administrativo -un órgano elegido democráticamente- y trabaja con autonomía artística, organizativa y financiera. Todas las decisiones se toman de forma democrática durante la asamblea general de todos los miembros.
Sony Classical publicará esta experiencia de concierto única en CD, DVD, Blu-ray y digitalmente el 30 de junio (CD) y el 14 de julio (DVD, Blu-ray).
1. Georges Bizet, Suite Nr. 1 aus der Oper Carmen (Arreglo de Ernest Guiraud 1885)
             Nr. 5. Les Toréadors (Vorspiel zum 1. Akt)
             Nr. 2. Intermezzo (Vorspiel zum 3. Akt)
             Nr. 1a. Aragonaise (Vorspiel zum 4. Akt)
2. Georges Bizet, Habanera aus der Oper Carmen
3. Lili Boulanger, D‘un matin de printemps. Fassung für Orchester 1918
4. Hector Berlioz, Ouvertüre zur Oper Le Corsaire op. 21
5. Charles Gounod, „O ma lyre immortelle“ Arie aus der Oper Sapho
6. Maurice Ravel, Daphnis et Cloé. Suite Nr. 2
7. Camille Saint-Saëns, „Mon cœur s’ouvre à ta voix” Arie aus der Oper Samson et Dalila
8. Maurice Ravel, Bolero
Official Website Vienna Philharmonic,
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Instagram Vienna Philharmonic
Official Website Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Instagram Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Facebook Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Twitter Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Official Website Elīna Garanča
Instagram Elīna Garanča
Facebook Elīna Garanča
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fyeahgustavo · 2 years
The Hours on PBS
The Met’s production of The Hours is airing on PBS March 17.  Check local listings for exact times and possible encore presentations.
Christine Baranski on hosting duty.
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awardswatcherik · 7 months
Photos from the 'Maestro' Live Concert & Conversation with the New York Philharmonic, Bradley Cooper, Carey Mulligan and Yannick Nézet-Séguin
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danbenzvi · 10 months
On The Jukebox: "Maestro: Music By Leonard Bernstein"
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All music composed by Leonard Bernstein and performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, Yannick Nezet-Seguin, Bradley Cooper and the cast of "Maestro".
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operaportugues · 1 year
Entrevista no NY Times de 18/abril/2023: link.
Trecho traduzido de Peter Gelb e Yannick Nézet-Séguin sobre a próxima onda de óperas contemporâneas no MET:
"Para encontrar o equilíbrio certo entre as obras contemporâneas e clássicas, temos que experimentar. É seguro dizer que ao final deste período de cinco anos saberemos a resposta.
Não se trata de ópera contemporânea. É a ópera contemporânea certa. Apenas dizer que toda ópera contemporânea vai mudar a sorte do Met e de outras companhias de ópera, eu acho, seria enganoso.
Um dos desafios é o fato de que durante muitas décadas, com algumas exceções de compositores como Philip Glass e John Adams, uma grande proporção das novas óperas eram inacessíveis a um público mais amplo. Elas podem ter sido obras de grande mérito artístico, mas por compositores que apelavam mais ao intelecto do que aos corações dos ouvintes.
Agora, os compositores estão mais conscientes de como apelar para o público. Não se trata de tonal versus atonal. É maior do que isso. É usar a música para se conectar com o público e suas emoções, e estar mais consciente de refletir as realidades de hoje.
Estamos procurando grandes compositores que estejam interessados em contar histórias com as quais o público possa se relacionar.”
- Yannick Nézet-Séguin: The 60 Minutes Interview - A night at the New York Metropolitan Opera | 60 Minutes, 2013
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igustav7272 · 8 months
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"Cooper rehearses the Ely Cathedral scene for Maestro, in which he conducts the London Symphony Orchestra in a re-creation of a 1973 concert. Bradley Cooper says he practiced for 6 years to conduct 6 minutes of music in his movie, “MAESTRO.” He studied with Yannick Nezet-Seguin." Photo is credited to Jason McDonald, NETFLIX.  (Detail by Anne Margaret Daniel on X)
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latkejoon · 11 months
Last night my friend asked me if i’d “seen this little guy at the Met” and they showed me a photo of a little lion sculpture at the metropolitan museum, but at first i really thought they meant Yannick Nezet Seguin
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] TORONTO - Montreal conductor Yannick Nezet-Seguin says he employed a secret weapon in teaching Bradley Cooper how to conduct like Leonard Bernstein in the upcoming biopic "Maestro" -- an earpiece. The star baton wielder says he occasionally had the A-lister don the device so he could guide Cooper through arm and hand movements that would be believable for music-savvy viewers as well as those familiar with Bernstein's distinctive physical style. Nezet-Seguin served as "conductor consultant" on the upcoming Netflix film, which Cooper co-wrote, directed and stars in, and says there's far more to conducting than just waving a stick around. The Grammy winner says he's seen plenty of movies portray conductors badly and he wanted to ensure "Maestro" was an accurate depiction of the craft. Nezet-Seguin says the hardest part for most actors is to keep accurate tempo with the baton, especially while the other hand moves fluidly to convey expression. "Maestro" opens in select theatres Nov. 22 and hits Netflix on Dec. 20. "I can imagine how it is if there's a movie about tennis and the (actors) hold the racket badly," Nezet-Seguin says during a recent interview about another film he consulted, "Days of Happiness." For that Quebec-set music-filled feature, Nezet-Seguin says he choreographed movements for actress Sophie Desmarais to follow so that she could realistically embody a young conductor struggling to find her voice. The approach was different for Cooper because, unlike Desmarais and her fictional character, the "Star is Born" actor was tasked with imitating a well-documented historical figure. Cooper studied videos of Bernstein to nail down the way the "West Side Story" composer moved his body but that mimicry only captured part of who the man was, says Nezet-Seguin. When it came to Bernstein's technical prowess, that was trickier to master. "I was there to actually try and frame it (and say), 'Yeah, but the beat needs to be believable,"' says an animated Nezet-Seguin, who gesticulated freely while speaking as if conducting his own undulating delivery. "Because you know, there is a code there. The first beat has to be down, the upbeat has to be up and the side. And this I had to do and help him, guide him on this. "Because he had all the mimics and everything of Bernstein -- it was fantastic -- but the right hand was not what it should be." Nezet-Seguin, who also conducted the music for "Maestro," described Bernstein as a longtime "idol." "He also is very physical and every part of his body is expressing and so I always loved that. But of course the movie is also about tortured relationships and complicated moments with him being a closeted gay (man) but being married, which is very far from what I am," chuckles Nezet-Seguin, who is openly gay and married to Pierre Tourville, a violist with Montreal's Orchestre Metropolitain. "Different times, that's for sure." So much has changed about how conductors are perceived as well, adds the 48-year-old Nezet-Seguin, whose bleach-blond hair and navy blue nail polish belie the stereotypical image of the staid and hoary conductor. Cinema has been slow to catch up to the modern reality, he says, pointing to "Tar" as especially incongruous to the cultural and social overhaul that he insists orchestra leaders have by and large embraced. Cate Blanchett stars in "Tar" as an imperious savant who gradually unravels when forced to confront her own toxicity. The days of the ego-driven, domineering taskmaster are gone, says Nezet-Seguin, who juggles duties between orchestras in Montreal, New York and Philadelphia. "Ahead of its time, I think, conducting had to examine what it is to lead because it's all about emotions -- music is emotional," he says. "So you can't just decide, `Oh, I'm the traffic cop and it works.' You have to connect to a deeper level. And therefore you have to accept your own vulnerability as a conductor because you're first and foremost an artist." "Of course, there is a certain charisma involved and you need to be able to project your emotions to a certain degree, but it's true that it will work only if you're really true to yourself, which means also accepting your own flaws." To feign perfection doesn't work anymore, he says. "I don't think it ever really worked, honestly."   This report by The Canadian Press was first published Sept. 25, 2023. [ad_2]
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https://www.inquirer.com/news/2023-grammys-winner-yannick-nezet-seguin-philadelphia-orchestra-the-crossing-20230205.html (at Pete Checchia Photography & Arts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXa2HXuyJz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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news24fr · 2 years
Une vieille vidéo du chef d'orchestre de l'Orchestre de Philadelphie Yannick Nezet-Seguin recevant une surprise d'anniversaire lors d'un concert devient virale sur Internet. Initialement partagée sur TikTok, la vidéo est désormais disponible sur YouTube. La vidéo a reçu plus d'un million de vues sur les réseaux sociaux. Regardez la vidéo ici : Dans la vidéo, on peut voir Nezet-Seguin commencer à diriger un morceau de musique, seulement pour que l'orchestre change la chanson en une version du thème "Happy Birthday To You". Les images montrent sans équivoque que Nezet-Seguin n'avait pas anticipé cette délicieuse surprise. Il a souri au son de la musique et a donné au chef d'orchestre une étreinte d'ours. La performance dans la vidéo a été enregistrée à l'occasion du 44e anniversaire de Nezet-Seguin, le 6 mars 2019, au All-City High School Music Festival. Les gens écrivent des remarques sincères dans la zone de commentaires de la vidéo, ce qui montre à quel point cette vidéo est populaire en ligne. "C'est si doux et si beau. Comme c'est merveilleux de voir ces belles personnes ! J'adore la musique. J'adore les réactions de Yannick et tout le reste dans cette vidéo. Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur. Passez de joyeuses fêtes en toute sécurité", a écrit l'un d'eux. utilisateur. "C'est toujours incroyable de voir les réactions des gens pour qui ils chantent !" Ils sont excités, mais en même temps ils deviennent maladroits et ne savent pas comment gérer le moment, mais ils en profitent toujours. Toujours génial !", a commenté un autre internaute.
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trendingwatch · 2 years
'ஹேப்பி பர்த்டே' வாசித்து ஆச்சர்யப்படுத்திய ஆர்கெஸ்ட்ரா நடத்துனரின் பழைய வீடியோ இணையத்தை வென்றது
‘ஹேப்பி பர்த்டே’ வாசித்து ஆச்சர்யப்படுத்திய ஆர்கெஸ்ட்ரா நடத்துனரின் பழைய வீடியோ இணையத்தை வென்றது
<!– –> Yannick Nezet-Seguin ஐ அவரது பிறந்தநாளில் ஃபிலடெல்பியாவின் இசைக்குழு ஆச்சரியப்படுத்துகிறது. பிலடெல்பியா ஆர்கெஸ்ட்ரா நடத்துனர் யானிக் நெசெட்-செகுயின் ஒரு நிகழ்ச்சியில் பிறந்தநாள் ஆச்சரியத்தைப் பெறும் பழைய வீடியோ இணையத்தில் வைரலாகி வருகிறது. முதலில் டிக்டோக்கில் பகிரப்பட்ட இந்த வீடியோ இப்போது யூடியூப்பில் கிடைக்கிறது. இந்த வீடியோ சமூக வலைதளங்களில் ஒரு மில்லியனுக்கும் அதிகமான பார்வைகளைப்…
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ascle · 2 years
Bravo maestro!
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if anyone has extra money and wants to help out Met musicians, then here is a new fundraiser!
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polinalyapustina · 4 years
What happens with the Met Orchestra musicians?
Analysis of the situation with the MET orchestra from the perspective of the industry. 
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nonesuchrecords · 4 years
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Aria Code, the Rhiannon Giddens–hosted podcast from The Metropolitan Opera and WQXR, returns for its third season today. The new season will cover a range of music, artists, and voices, starting with today's first episode, focused on "Nessun dorma," from Puccini's opera Turandot. Giddens hears from conductor Yannick Nezet-Seguin, writer Anne Midgette, and Dr. Michael Cho, a pulmonary and critical care physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, who has been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and is a violist with the Longwood Symphony Orchestra and National Virtual Medical Orchestra. You can hear it here.
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fyeahgustavo · 5 years
Turandot on PBS
The Met’s production of Turandot is airing on PBS March 20.  Check local listings for exact times and possible encore presentations.
Angel Blue on hosting duty.
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