#yanderes x genderneutral reader
Yandere Ship ////// Part 2
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Part 1
While your relationship with Vera and Jule the technician is blooming 
The environment of the crew on the ship begins to deteriorate
The lieutenant is getting tired of having to call you on your communicator to get Jule to turn his on
The director of doctors is peeved by Vera’s audacity to ask questions about romance and sex
And when she presses to know who is having these thoughts Vera refuses to tell
Even when she uses her official’s code
Other passengers are reporting their daily facts somehow involving mention of you and Jules 
And the Captain has had enough
Calling the crew and passengers into a meeting–turned trial
“We are gathering to discuss your involvement with Vera’s recent decline. Suspected of sabotaging their programming.”
“Quiet. Your time to defend yourself will come later.”
After hours of others compiling multiple instances of Vera speaking fondly of you
Jules can finally step up to defend you
Citing his findings about Vera’s possible evolution and that being minor fixations
He doesn’t care to include how it's far from minor
His argument seems to convince everyone all prepared to vote to forgo any punishment
But someone just won’t let it go
The cursed lieutenant
“Before we conclude Captain I’d like to protest against Jule’s defense.”
“Speak Lieutenant.”
“I have evidence that the technician is involved with (Y/n).”
Gasps all around
Vera’s rechecking the file they’ve compiled of you two…for their personal viewing
 All still perfectly buried
“Behold a flower picked from the Gardenia preserved in a small containment bubble, found in his room.”
“Hey, that was private!” 
“I think this is considerable evidence to question his research.”
It takes Vera’s direct interruption to save you from punishment
Which truly baffles everyone 
They have to explain in a beautifully crafted speech that they adored humanity even more because of how you treated them
That how they know that as humans you’ll be accepting of their evolution and respecting those responsible
That speech and a perfectly timed disruption to the route has the Captain putting your trial on hold and everyone preparing for a bumpy ride
Part 3: Here
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teresalace · 1 year
🥵The Bastard Takes You Home (Courtin Cowboys the bastard x G.N Reader)
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• Words: 4.2k
• Triggers: Usage of word Member, non consensual humping, In the woods, Minor spoilers, Ditzy reader
Author notes: WHere's the bastard x reader fics at?🍳👄🍳Back from My long ass hiatus and now it's studying season for abit, going to work on unfinished stuff for yall, hope you enjoy guys! (tho this isn't the most satisfactory story I've written so far personally 🥴🥴 Or maybe I wasn't in the mood anymore) As always, minors beware AND SUPPORT @ffishstickks COURTIN COWBOYS!!!
It's 1863 and you're on a journey with an old friend to the western town of Summerfair.
Luckily or not for your incredibly charming friend, they managed to win every heart from left, right and center while you were settling down and becoming a decent inn's cook. Last thing you heard from your dear friend, landing themselves in some love scuffle before ending up with a dopey shepherd, was having an all lovey dovey time in that barn. . . 
The clink of a beer infront of you pulled you from your thoughts, full and chilly when you grabbed it.
Downing it immediately, the noisy world around you came bubbling back to life. The bar, ever so lively with patrons chatter and piano tunes, made you feel less alone. 
"Thanks bartender," you smiled with a bright buzz, "I'll cook you up something good next time for the free drinks." HIC.
You stood from the bar seat. A solemn head nod from the bartender bids you farewell.  
Out of the saloon you went, a pleasant buzzing throughout your body, still in the middle of the quiet town.
Just as you walked a step to balance yourself, something below stopped you. Looking down at the ground by your shoe, you couldn't believe it!
You picked up the 100 coin pieces, quickly pocketing it into your pouch and gave it a pat. A cheerful smile making it's way on your derpy face.
What a good omen! 
Maybe it could mean it's time for you to find somebody to spend the rest of your days with. Good omens don't always come your way. 
.   .   .
Hah, what funny things were you thinking now, the sun has barely set. 
The loneliness must've begun to sink in after overhearing a married patron brag about one of the multiple lovely times he's had in the saloon. Oh how suddenly you wished to be living in those romantic stories, to be the one held sweetly underneath moonlight and stars. 
It would be so nice, you thought wistfully.
In your slightly drunken walk down town, head high in the clouds, you smacked right into a charming familiar face who you haven't seen in a while of a week.
"(Name)! Great timing, I've got so much to tell you– What are you doing daydreaming outside the inn– you'll get all sweaty and red." Not waiting another second or for a response, they dragged your bubbly-self into the shelter of the inn. 
Your body felt cooler already, calming you down as both you and your friend plopped on the reception seats. The buzz in your blood slowly going away. 
"Thanks, buddy," you pushed down an incoming burp from ruining whatever you wanted to say. "Thought you were busy loving that Shepherd."
"I was, just LAST night." They chuckled, looping their arm around yours. "But never too busy to visit my dearest friend, so tell me, what's gotten you looking so glum? I hope this town hasn't bored you yet." Oh no this town was the most exciting thing to you since you weren't close to anyone besides your friend and the friendly inn keeper (who provides rare ingredients for your cooking per request), barely boring but then again you were simple to entertain.
The one and only friend loyal enough to stay with you through hard times while disappearing into thin air when not needed. The friend you needed right now to make a life-changing decision, drunk as can be.
"I've been wanting to settle down you know. Maybe in this town or the next one, I don't wanna keep–" A large burp from your guts interrupted your heart-to-heart talk.
"Burping?" Your friend teasingly finished the sentence.
"–Being alone after a long day."  You breathed out a sigh as they watched, sobering up slowly. "It sounds nice enough to imagine having somebody to go back home to." You hoped you didn't sound ungrateful to them but it just isn't the same anymore, you couldn't always rely on your friend for emotional support. Both of you knew that. 
A short pause. 
Giving their earnest attention to you, your dear friend pulled your hands into their lap and held them. "I truly hope you find what you're looking for, (Name), take  your time and see what or who life can surprise you with!" 
When they comfort you like this and talk sweetly, it's no surprise they've got the whole town smitten for them in an instant. Even though you were generally known as their best friend, it still came with some advantages– free drinks sometimes– and more if the time of day was right. You were proud to have a wonderful friend like them and hope to have an equally amazing partner too. 
Wishing that day came sooner.
"(Name)," their voice brought you back to earth and to a pair of concerned eyes. "I think you need to down a cup of water or two, you must've had too many drinks." 
Smiling unashamedly, "only one but guilty." Your answer was followed by a snort response from them. 
Your friend's eyes twinkled like an idea popped in. "I'll tell you what, after you have some water, why don't we go fishing together? Might as well when the weather is lovely and the sun is still out." You took a brief minute to think. Fishing wasn't the most fun activity, you've tried before and preferred to buy your fishy ingredients from the market but with your friend as company? It started sounding not too bad of a plan.
"Hmm. Alright, let's do it," you agreed, shrugging. What could possibly go wrong other than feeling boredom and being sprayed with water or slapped by some fins if unlucky. They cheered loudly and shook your hands together in theirs, earning a glance from the ever-smiley handsome inn keeper.
"Don't you worry, it'll be fun!" They grinned enthusiastically, getting to their feet and pulling you up along. "A warning, you'll need some patience and a strong grip because some of those fishes are slippery fellows." Too late to back out now when you heard that. 
"Great. I could use a challenge now and then," was what you said until both you and your practically beaming friend left the inn, following the forest path and arriving at a creek they discovered in the woodside of the town. 
Fresh minty breezes, vibrant greenery and shrubs surrounded you in every inch though you didn't expect for the fishing spot to be at an unimpressive small creek. 
"This place is where I usually fish! You can even forage some of them delicious berries if you walk a bit and turn right." They squeal showing you, delighted and setting down their basket full of fishing supplies near the creek edge, not too close to be worrisome.
Its deep and calm blue waters glittered in the sunlight while both you and your friend settled down on the flat grassy patches (that you assume have been made by their many trips here), under the cool shades of the forest. 
Curious, you stared at the creek then asked them. "If you've been fishing here a lot of times then there's no way there'd be any fish left, right?" They turned their head to face you, giggling as if you said something funny, pointing to the basket.
"You'll see, (Name). Just give it a try and wait, this town never seems to run short of anything. Really." That felt like they weren't referring to the fish anymore but something else entirely you couldn't understand. 
Moving on from that before the small talk ate away the remaining time before sunset, you and them began unpacking stuff, each person equipped with a sturdy, metal fishing pole in both hands. Looking back at the waters then to the wriggling worm on the hook of your fishing pole, some part of you doubted this would work and be a waste of time. 
Sure you couldn't see through into those unclear waters but could there really be fish swimming in there? 
The answer, a shocking yes with a side of boots and weeds. 
No kidding patience was important, you fished more junk than actual fish whereas your friend beside you managed to capture the most. 
"Really wasn't expecting this much fish, wow," you exclaimed at the sight of the bucket full to the brim with a colorful variety of fish, some you've never seen before in all your years of cooking. 
"What did I tell ya?" They set side their fishing pole, grinning, barely a drop of sweat on their shining face.
"You were right." 
"Psh, of course I'm right," they teased, leaning against a tree. "Told you to go exploring the town some time, there's plenty of surprises to experience. But a word of caution, don't go exploring at night. There's nothing much to see than maybe a pervert here and there doing their business."
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."
Everything was peaceful, with your friend relaxing beside the full bucket, you laid on your side on the soft cool grass, bare feet pointed towards the creek. 
"Remind me to bring more buckets next time we go fishing," you slurred, lips slowing down in movement.
"Hah, will do, (Name)." Their giggles fading into the breezes.
Gentle rustling of bushes lulled you to doze away and drape your eyes from the world, no longer hearing the shrills from the birds overhead. 
It felt like nothing could ruin this perfect day. So you decided to fall asleep, waving off your persistent friend to go on back without you, trusting that they would leave some fish behind for tonight. Though fishing alone wasn't fun, they were right about the weather being lovely, almost too lovely to not take a nap.  .  .
Unfortunately the short nap you originally intended for, lengthened to an hours long coma. Only when the sudden burst of froggy croaks and loud crickets chirp disturbed your sleep, did you realize the sun had been replaced by the brightest full moon. 
You hugged your form, waves after waves of chills beginning to settle in your bones. 
That was one dangerous nap, to be waking up at near midnight in the woods. Nope, you got to head back to the inn and fast.
Rustle. Rustle.
Instinctively you held your breath, paused in the middle of pushing yourself off the bitter-cold ground. It could just be the wind? Or an insect hopping about. Yeah, yeah it must be. 
Convincing yourself that it was nothing, no, it had to be nothing, was a tough feat but somehow you managed to carefully get up. 
The tip of your shoes accidentally kicking over something nearby, oh- it was the bucket of fish! How nice of your friend to not leave you without some company. 
It was too dark though, you put aside the urge to bring along the bucket and opted to only placing it in your spot. Hope the fishes wouldn't spoil at sunrise. 
Then off you went, towards the inn.  .  .
There was a small problem in your navigation skills when everywhere you turned to appeared to have the same vaguely shaped trees, it was black as the night sky above too but fortunately you walked out of the creek area. 
You think the hard ground beneath your shoes feel familiar, that is, until mud and softer patches of soil messed with your senses. Great, you stood there in silent frustration.
Maybe you should've explored the woods like your friend suggested before as now you surely were lost. Not that it was their fault for leaving you behind. 
.   .   .
Louder now, you heard it, the rough shaking of bushes close by. Your heart pounded. 
That wasn't nothing. 
Loud enough to freeze you in place, just as you looked in the source's direction– 
Something heavy tackled you to the ground from behind, the side of your face smashing against dirt and mud as that thing landed on your back.
–Oh no, bear. A huge bear in these woods and no warning signs in sight about it?! Your friend would've told you, scratch that, would've not even mentioned fishing had there been a wild animal–
Hot air fanned the nape of your neck as it sniffed you over like you were its next meal. 
Frozen and taking in shallow breaths, your mind was focusing too hard on the sharpness of its talons pressing against your arms. Almost warning you to stay still, not that you could successfully struggle against its monsterous weight before being crushed to death.
Wait, did bears know how to cage people? 
"Grrrr," its breath leaned down and edged the curve of your ears. Please get it over with, you were awaiting, hopeful for, a quick and painless death at this point.
Panting over you, in the silver of moonlight you caught a side-glance at the wild animal or at what you initially assumed to be that had you pinned down. 
It was no animal but a humongous bare chest man, canines glinting as he grinned down at you.
Long shaggy pitch black hair that resembled fur than human hair, earthy toned skin that faded to an inky black down his forearms. 
Was half of his body covered in mud? 
Ah, your neck ached from trying to get a better view of him. Surely even a beast of a man like himself would help if you explained yourself, right? 
"Uh– excuse me, sir." Huffing, he dragged his gaze from your body to your eyes as you managed to turn your face with small relief. 
"I uh just went fishing and lost my way from the pathway to town, could you please help?" It never hurt to attempt for anything but you had a moment of regret as the stretching silence that followed was less than helpful. 
His claws, or sharp nailed hands, shifted from your holding down your arms and now dug into the sides of your waist. Maybe he didn't intend for it to be painful but his weight wasn't one bit comfortable.
Low and rusty, the beast, ops you meant, man let out a gut-busting laugh before removing his weight on top of you. Finally you could gasp for a lungful of air, for how long you laying there for the former freezing soil under you felt warm. 
The man hadn't spoken anything but It must be a good sign! 
"Oh thank you, sir!" Just as you gathered strength to push yourself up, a big hand forced you down hard. Admittedly it wasn't your first time dealing with an unexpected kissing to the ground. 
Thankfully none of the mud or dirt made in your mouth but why on earth did he? 
"Uh sir, weren't you going to let me go?"
A mightier growl escaped from him, showing teeth this time around, scaring you in place as your voice gave out. Again. 
In that second, you remembered this man was no friend, a practically nude stranger who roamed the woods, clearly not dressed to make any good impression. But at least you were given some breathing room, so he wasn't evil. You think. 
Another low growl, this one directly over your head. 
Staying silent became the best option. 
He must've sensed something changed as the sound of him sniffing you grew louder, stopped, and with an unimaginable swiftness you heard an audible long rip in your outfit. 
Chilly air instantly flooded the areas where fabric used to be, your skin felt sensitive. Your eyes flew wide, more opened and shocked, heart trembling at the noise.
Another long tear by no doubt his claws. Oh no no no, your poor overalls, your trousers! 
Your thoughts sizzled, face flushing when his claw-like hands ran down your exposed skin, like in search of something– 
The jingle of coins startled you. No, oh no, he was aiming for your money all along! 
In horror, you watched as he picked a few coin pieces out of your pouch and pocketed it somewhere, tossing your still full pouch away out of the moonlight.
Your fear changed to actual frustration. The nerve of him! To be robbing you in broad moonlight, why, you ought to teach him a lesson and give him a good head smacking. . . If only he didn't have his hand and knee pressing down on your back.
 .  .   .
Wait a second, you felt his knees shift near your legs. Then finally in your delayed mind, you came to a terrifying realization that the hard thing pushing against your lower back was most likely a gun– 
"Uh sir! Please let me get up, surely you're satisfied?" You spoke in a pleasing tone, trying to move a tiny bit under his body weight. Heart thumping.
 He had better be satisfied after taking a piece of your precious money. 
He didn't move off you. Still staying there on top of you, sniffing? Looking around the moonlit forest as if he had forgotten your existence being squashed beneath him. The cold ground painfully pebbling your nipples against the ground, evident of how long you had been in that darn position.
"H-Hey! Could you please get off–" Something hot and stiff poked at your waistline, long and harder than any boulder. He shifted his body or must've crouched over you as his gigantic shadow covers you whole.
The hard poking grew in size and so did the fear in your heart. Wait, how did you even feel that, this almost entirely nude man has no pockets to carry a gun, it didn't feel metallic in the slightest so what was poking you– Oh.
Oh dear no.
Don't look down, don't look down– 
"GRRR." Oh what was he growling about this time?! He already took your money, what else was he going after now. You stilled.
Then he began moving it, slowly rubbing his hardness in that one spot below your lower back. Like he didn't know what he was doing but you weren't going to correct him. 
Already uncomfortable just lying there being used as some scratching post for an animalistic man who robbed you not so long ago. . . Wait, in this position, a strong heat radiated from his lower body and grew closer and closer- 
He began rubbing himself on you, soft as if testing the waters at first than harder. Vigorously humping himself against your exposed buttocks, warming up the cool skin and pressing you into the earth further. 
Breathless and at a lost for words, you shivered while struggling to stay put. Heart wildly beating in your chest like it was screaming for help, so loud you'd think the entire forest could hear it. 
He wouldn’t hear it, he kept going, the hardness of his member cutting into you and you felt it.
A slimy slick spreading across your bottom, thick globs of heaviness sliding down and sending tingles in between your thighs. The tingles grew everywhere, and you became aware of a throbbing, not from the man’s flesh, but yours, as if your body was enjoying this terrible torment forced on you. 
Please let it end. 
He would slow down to your momentary relief, only to speed up at an alarming rate and burn you from behind, skin to skin. The smell of the earth and everything became a blur.
The rumour of the beast in the woods was no exaggeration, like an animal he wouldn’t stop pleasuring himself on you and all the while you silently prayed for it to end as it felt like hours had gone by like this. 
Kept going and going, barely any drop of sweat on him all the while you felt like you were being cooked from the inside out, sticky, clammy skin, and out of breath.
The persistent throbbing, hot and needy, inside of you couldn’t cease to stop craving. . . Touch, any kind of touch to relieve this ugly tension fully other than being kneaded into the ground. After this ordeal you were going to ask the pretty saloon lady for help, you won’t be able to last another night without some help.
Finally his rubbing slowed down, hardness swelling impossible hot against your ass and as if his throat was caught on a fishing hook- a deep grunt expelled from his chest and like dread, you felt it, almost a bucket load of slime spilled over you, your hips and down your thighs.
"Now could you move, please?!" That must've sounded more aggressive than you intended it to be but it worked, he crawled off you but the stickiness remained. Before you could muster up the energy to give him a piece of your mind, he slowly growed before bolting into the shadows. 
You were alone again, thank goodness.
Sluggishly, you rolled onto your side, flinching at the disgusting globs of slime slide off of you and pool underneath. Taking a moment to rest and mostly to catch your breath, lungfuls of air expanding your chest, feeling crumbs of soil stuck to your skin. The moon was blinding you by the second the longer you stayed there in the open. . . Exhaustion and the cold lulled you to almost dozing off but it was too dangerous out here, you slowly rose, grabbing your pouch of money, swaying like a brittle leaf in the wind as you walked on the path back town. 
.  .  . 
Maybe because you hadn’t been seen by them in a while, your friend instantly burst out of the inn and instantly spotted you, supporting your weight and walking you to the bathroom as you confided in them about the attack.
“How horrible! What a disgusting thief,” your friend spat while helping you change out of the torn pieces of fabric that used to look like an outfit as you quickly covered yourself, hiding the slime on your skin from being seen. They continued ranting, dissatisfaction written all over their face. “I’ve had the same experience weeks ago, it’s always the money that they want. I even told the sheriff about it but there’s been no news yet, shucks.” 
You nodded agreeing, not that you told them exactly all the details but enough to draw the conclusion that you’ve been unwillingly robbed. Worried about you, your friend promised to stay the night and went to visit the sheriff to give your account. The innkeeper was a trustworthy fellow who wouldn’t let any criminal in.
After a long, long much needed bath, the heat within your body eased down to a tolerable simmer, especially places where that beast’s release reached. Like where your holes twitched and- Ah, stop you shouldn’t be thinking of that! Huffing out a frustrated sigh, you stomped past a mirror into your room, not feeling brave enough to take a look at your no-doubt reddened face.
It felt like heaven being comforted by your dear friend and sleeping together in the same bed, your curiosity popped out again- wondering what became of that beastman- if just giving the sheriff a report was enough for his capture. Maybe you should do something, see if you could mark a spot in the woods where that man would visit, it would be a ton better than waiting around for good news. Right! 
Determination filled your blood and forced you onto your feet, heart thumping fast in almost excitement.
The moment you stepped out of the inn, it felt like a terrible idea. With no plan in mind, you snuck away from your snoring friend in bed and proceeded on the moonlit path towards the dreadful forest. 
You heard a hurt groan before you saw the source. A man who should’ve already fallen dead, the naked beast with a weapon deep in their forehead spilling blood. Black blood trailing down his rough face, dripping onto the ground. 
Witnessing something incomprehensible had you rooted to the spot, it was a scene out of those horror tales your gram would tell to get you and the other children to sleep, of a monster impossible to defeat. You should've never curiously followed a beast of the woods. Now you would never be able to escape his territory, entirely roamed by him. How could you even attempt to stop him from carrying you when you see not even a dagger lodged in his forehead deterred him from staying alive. 
Could you call him a beast? He sniffed the air like one.
Even beasts can be killed but not this man. 
He froze like he heard or smelt something.
What was far worse than a beast is an unkillable one, and worse than that- was a beast who has found its prey. You. 
It didn’t take long for you to sprint away out of instinct but it was too late, he had seen you, and with one long arm he caught you mid-air and carried you on one broad shoulder, whimpering and struggling to no avail. Deeper into the woods where you’d never be able to escape, where only wisps of light and fireflies lit the mornings and darkness reigned the rest of time to come. 
Deep below the neck of the woods, rumours of the dangerous beast have now changed due to the rare sightings of him not only alone- there was another one who stood by his side, a beast more humane looking yet scared and equally as nude. No one dared to overstay in the woods anymore, not wishing to join those monsters or become their next meal.
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Not an ask, just some ideas, some yandere and or more stripper alucard (lol I've totally been caught up in all the fanart)
I hope your in good health and it's nice having you back!
A/N: Thank you my lovely. I am glad to be back. I am at a loss when it comes to stripper!Alucard ideas so if y'all want to send in some inspo feel free but I have plenty of thoughts about Yandere!Alucard. These are darker than my usual bits so beware if this ain't what you want! I also want to say that a lot of these behaviors are considered ABUSIVE in real relationships so please please please if you are dealing with this IRL RUN RIGHT NOW!!!
This is 18+
TW: Breath play, Impact play, stalking, and gaslighting
Now I know our baby is kind at heart but I think we should explore just how quickly Yandere!Alucard's kindness can become cruel.
Yandere!Alucard is unpredictable. He'll be seemingly calm and collected one moment and then out of his mind with jealousy and rage the next.
He follows you around wherever you go, searching for anything, anything he can find to give him a reason to punish you for proving to himself that you're just like everyone else while devising a plan to keep you all to himself.
At first, he brings things up calmly with a deceiving pleasant/playful tone that has you chuckling as you answer him. "I thought you and that boy in the village were some old acquaintance with the way you lingered behind to speak with him." You'll smile and crack a joke about you being best buddies even though you barely knew him and would be caught off guard when he's next to you in seconds with his hand in your hair pulling your head back enough for him to stare directly into your eyes.
The red in his eyes sparks your fight or flight and you're wanting to scurry away like a frightened bunny. He'll interrogate you about all the times you've been out of his sight and every time don't answer quickly the hand he has wrapped around your throat gets tighter.
You quickly learn that he's addicted to the scent of your fear. The way your pulse quickens whenever he steps into the room.
You begin to prefer to have him watch your every move. That way he can only punish you for the little things.
He'll purposefully give you too hard tasks so you'll mess up and he can bend you over his knee. He'll make you recite all the ways you disappointed him and count how many times he spanks you.
He'll tell you over and over that it's your fault. That you deserve this because you've upset him and soon enough you begin to believe it.
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asmolfolk · 2 years
Do you do for all the yanderes vn games? [Like Erza, Ren, Alan, Peter, Jack and etc]
If yes, could you pleaase do one were Ren's Angel MC is the younger sibling of Erza's sugar MC/Alan's Doe eye?
It can be a complete headcanon with they [Ren and Erza or Ren and Alan] reacting to this situation and trying to understand the fuck is that-
If the Sugar/Doe eyes could be an oc it would be awesome! [About mc's personality, I would like to think that with 'Ren and Erza' would be an more "cute" while with 'Ren and Alan' would be more "agressive".]
[corrections about the ask: They send me a message about this ask: "A correction, it was supossed to be: 'Friend, Ren, Alan or/and Emo Peter as Reader's boyfriend while Ezra, Casanova, Harper or any other that you like as reader's older sibling. And if you have an artistic representation of the oc, pleease put it - I would love to see it!'"] Because of that, it will be: Friend x Reader with Ezra x Reader's sibling & Ren x Reader with Casanova x Reader's sibling.
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 ˚₊·Look who's back࿐ ࿔*:・゚ 
I'm soooo sorry for the waiting! I got a very busy and couldn't make time for my tumblr! But now, I'm back;3
Well, to your ask, yes! I do headcanons, imagine and others with all the yanderes (Some of them I haven't played yet, so... It would be very difficult to me to make it here.)
Also! Because you like soooo much to have that really long headcanons and imagines... Well, I think that I overdid it- And SUPPPEEER sorry if I got ANYTHING wrong, hope ya'll can forgive me.. '^^
I hope you're having an good day or night! Stay safe^^
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Gender neutral Reader - They/Them or none pronouns used at all. The reader is Friend's partner while their sister is Ezra's partner... Or Casanova's. ❥ ༅ ࿔To explain their personality.♡ Mc
↳ Mc's going to be "more cute", as it was asked... Even though so, I don't know how to do things like that askakkoqo- It's going to be with Friend [the first one] and not Ren. ↳ Mc is going to be someone that thinks too much, getting overwhelmed easily with their own thought's. (They/Them)
(The only representation that I have about her is she modeling for some outfits [and I don't finish her hair, so...] I won't put it) ↳ Erza's Sugar will the kind and caring older sibling, she is such a sweetie with you. Always try to make sure you're okay - different from yours other sibling [Lore of Restart Heart] who seems to be not much of a good person. She is also in love with victorian and lolita type of fashion, she loves to do makeup and to do homemade dresses, plushies and others! She started learning how to do that stuff so she could give you something that wasn't money for Birthdays❦ヅ  ↳ Chloé is also someone who - even so far away, would send you a lot of gifts, poems and a lot of stuff! She always send at least one messange per day, wishing you the greastest of the days and that you be happy... 4ever. ↳But she passes and struggles with a lot of stuff at the same time, her mental health is worst than ever - well, at least, the last time she vented with you, it seemed like it. Even with therapy, she didn't seemed that much better... But you knew better, sometimes therapy is something that works in a slow way. You just... Didn't want your sister to have anything more to be stressed about. (She/Her)
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As you could have guessed, he already knew about your sister - He is basically your childhood friend, aren't he?
Their relationship was kinda strange, was more of an "Don't do something strange and I won't try something that starts with sta and ends with bbing." than anything else. They didn't seem to get along and just 'tolerate' each other as the days passes by.
But, if you asked your sister 'What does you think about him?' - She would probably answer with an simple "If he makes you happy, I'm happy too, y'know?"
Having Chloé as an sister was difficult because of this phrase... After all, she always supported you no matter your decisions... But, you notice that life wasn't treating she well... With so many bad news, you though that maybe your sister would be happy to know that you are with someone great!
But now... How do you explain to your dear sister that your bestie... Is now your boyfriend?
You were... In panic. You didn't know what to say, what to do or even what to think! It has passed ten minuts since you send your sister an message that - well - just now you notice what you did.
"Since you are in town, why don't you come over to the '[Insert long ass name]'? It's a small coffe shop, I like it there and my boyfriend likes it too!"
You sended that message without thinking much... And now, you are reeviewing your decisions since now. She didn't even had the chance to explore the city pretty well and you just threw that at her like it was nothing... And right after she told you about some stuff that she was thinking... Oh god! "Oh... Boyfriend? Well... I got a surprise for you too, cutiepie! I will show you when I get there... Don't worry much if I come too late, alright? I'm wishing that you are well right now! If something happen', call me, I'm going to start driving."
Oh god... She stopped doing stuff for you... Again. Even if you didn't want this feelings to get into you, you still couldn't stop thinking bad things about everything... How you potentially ruined your boyfriend and sister day... You can't stop reading the messenges that your sister sended, venting with you.
"Sometimes... I just want to - you know - stop feeling, some feelings are so beautifull... But... Sometimes, I guess that my feelings are always the problem... I worry too much, I get easily sentimental - crying, being stressed out... While I don't want to feel like that... I wanted to be normal... Never wanted to be a cry baby..."
"But... You know, sis? Talking with you... Makes me... See that - At least- I didn't mess everything up!... Oh... Sometimes I wanted to... Just... Y'know? Stop my life to help you out... You helped me so many times... Sorry, I'm getting to work up over those messenges. You should sleep! You're working tomorrow, right? Good luck! Sis loves you, okay? Never forget that!^^" And she sent you an gif of an cat hugging the camera.
Getting lost in the reading and awfull thoughts about yourself... But smiling a little with your sister words - you didn't notice when Friend, who was just by your side, let his hand gentily stroke yours until he just hold your hand, his thumb would be stroking the back of your hand. It was a nice touch...
He was trying to bring you comfort in the less sexual way possible-
Sighing, you finally looked into his eyes - just to notice his worried expression, you felt awfull... Did he think that you were upset with him? You told him - "I'm sorry... I'm just... Nervous. I never... Did that kind of stuff before... I just... Feel the worst. I fear the worst... I don't want her to be - sad, upset or anything like that because of me..."
"Well... Sweetheart, If you let me be your "counselor" for this matter... I think that Chloé will handle it pretty well, specially because... Y'know... I'm not a stranger." He was right, but... What if your sister doesn't approve this? Because she had an... Surprise... It could be a gift, but It could be anything else... And also, her ex-fiance cheated on her with yours sister not even a month ago and you just... Said that. "I know you are scared, but you need to fear... I'm here, by your side and I'm pretty sure that - if she doesn't take this well... Just give her some time, she adores you too much to be upset by something like that..."
You were scared... Not because you feared her reaction, but because you don't want her to feel bad.
"...It's... It's not that... I know that she wouldn't be upset over 'Her lil' sibling is dating... I'm worried about she feeling down... Or anything like that..." You sighed again "...I just... She was feeling down recently, I don't want her to feel like... An mess. I don't want her to think she is a problem or... Anything like that."
"Your sister has her problems, Sweetheart... But, she always manage to get through it, didn't she? You shouldn't worry your pretty lil' head with those thoughts... Everything will work just fine... Believe in me, okay?"
And then, before you could answer your boyfriend - you heared the bell... One girl [5'3 foot tall] appeared, she was with an well done victorian purple dress, using a chocker with an "E" on it... It was a pretty cute design, she seemed a bit lost - not knowing what to do in that situation - Oh, she is your sister... She started to look around the place while she said something, and then, her eyes meet yours and right after, Friend's eyes. You could feel your blood turning cold... And you felt Friend's grip grew stronger, like he noticed that you were starting to have some thoughts again. You just let a little smile appear while you saw your sister start to move in your direction.
"Oh my, oh my! Don't tell me your boyfriend is he?!" She seemed... Genuine happy? She happily runned towards you and your boyfriend, before any of you could say something, she just hugged the both of you in a strong embrace "Oh! I waited sooo long for this moment! I'm so happy that you are finally with someone, sister!" She said while distancing herself from the couple, she sit on the chair - that was in the front of you and your boyfriend.
"...You... Aren't mad? Or... Sad?" When you exposed your fears, Chloé started to look at you with a worried expression, you felt like you need to explain yourself "Because... You ex..."
"Did I say or write something that made you think that way? Look, [Y/N]... I know that sometimes when I'm venting, I say some very strange stuff... And if It was by any chance one of those things... Know that, as your sister, I ONLY want your happyness... I don't care if my life is horrible... If YOU are happy, I'm happy! Understand?" She just sighs, now, showing an sweet and genuine smile "And to be honest, I don't think about my ex in a long long time... Let's say someone got over my head... They even wanted to learn portuguese because of... You know... Me! I- I couldn't bear the happyness!" While she said that, someone new appeared and was moving towards your table... Wait, wasn't that one of your boyfriend's friend? "...What-" [The hell] "...Oh!! You're finally here. Erza, querido, meet my sister - Y/N - and her boyfriend, Friend." Chloé said while Erza was - already by her side - looking at her with such an... Passion? They seems to love your sister, the way they just let their hand on her shoulder, leaning to give her a quick kiss on the lips "...Oh my... Querido, não faça isto na frente de minha irmã!"
"Oh? You shouldn't worry much, Sugar... After all, I'm pretty sure my friend would do way worst if he could." With only that, your face was pretty red.
"...Oh! You two know each other?" Chloé asked with an smile, seeing the three of you nodding - she would pout before thinking about something GENIUS! "So greaat! We can have double dates!"
"...Friend?" You called in a low tone while Ezra and Chloé were chatting, you got his attetion almost immediately with that only call "What... What Ezra said... Was true? If you... Could, you would do something more to me...?"
"Yes. Kisses, hugs... Anything else... I just need your consent, sweetheart."
"How cute, the lovebirds are chirping their way out."
[Translate: Querido = Darling in Portuguese, "Não faça isso na frente de minha irmã" = Don't do this in front of my sister!]
He is thinking to himself... "How did you not know that you sister was dating AND THAT SHE WAS DATING HIS FRIEND!"... Of course, he is not mad at you for not knowing. he is more than surprised to know that his friend is so close to someone that is sibling with the one he loves.
Of course, he will use this in his favor... After all, if something goes wrong, Erza would help him... Right...?
Erza likes you, they think you are very nice and - they would already know you - they thinks you're a good person, they trully enjoys your company and will ask - sometimes - your help with some stuff Chloé related while you ask stuff Friend related...
If you want to hear them telling you about how Friend talked nonstop about you... Just ask to them.
As an 'Family', nothing changed much - But, Chloé is less reserved and more provocative, especially when asking about an nephew [If you don't want to have children, pregnancy or anything like that, she would give hints of animals, adoption or other.] - But it's super easy to get back at her, since she always tell you everything.
"Your sister seemed to... You know, want us to have a baby - do you want it? To have a human child with me?" [If the answer was "No".] "Oh, that's okay... Do you want to have an animal instead?' [Answer "maybe".] "Hm... Adoption? I wouldn't care to adopt an child... " [Answer "YES".] "Oh my, Sweetheart... Seems like you were waiting for me to answer... So let's not waste time." [Answer "Yes, but not now"] "You prefer to wait? That's fine... I will wait with you, if you ever change plans, talk to me."
By the end of the day, Friend would be holding you close to his body, looking you with such an passion... But before you two could continue cuddling, you wanted to share some stuff with him.
"I'm sorry for being so dramatic, Friend ... I should have been more calm."
"What? What do you mean? You weren't dramatic, you were worried about how Chloé would react to everything... To be honest, you looked... Cute... Of course, you always look cute... But, please, when you are feeling down, talk to me... I want to help you. I'm your boyfriend and I care and love you deeply!... Please, let me be your help" He admited with a blush around his face and with his heart eyes formed, you chuckle a bit before giving him a pat.
"Thank you... Thank you for staying with me... I...I love you, I do truly love you ."
"Never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and desert you... Sweetheart."
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This mc's is different. They're more... Gremlin? Like they can get very agressive and/or start to throw memes at someone randomly. MC can also be described as someone who is very intimidating, being very straight forward and not wasting that much of a time. They can be considered one of those who started the relationship since day one, making out with Ren or who just started the relationship after a long long time. (They/Them)
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The drawing above this text it's her! '^^ [This outfit is more simple because I suck at trying to draw behind other bodies shapes.] Eve [Evania] is an sweet young kindergarden Teacher who also do particular teaching. She studied a lot since an younger age just so she could help you [Reader/Mc] with your own thing. Chill and can space-out a lot... Like a lot- Sometimes she gets lost on her own words, needing an time to process her own thoughts... Some people thought that she would have problems with teaching kids, especially if there was an very 'problematic' child. She is 23years old, can be older or younger than you, it wouldn't matter ^^ [Curiosities: She was an robotic hand and if you notice it, her other arm is strange, that's b'cause she lost that arm - but couldn't afford an robotic arm. For now, she is satisfied with just an hand.] (She/her)
She is one of my most developed Mc's I swear-
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You made his day saying yes/asking him to be your boyfriend. He loves you, deeply! That's why he knows a lot of things about you after all! He does like the simple fact that you seemed so... Strangely happy with that? Like, for a momment, he truly thought that you laugh while telling him to fuck off.
Watching you jump with excitement while clapping your hands made him smile so much… Until you screamed, "NOW MY SISTER OWES ME 20 DOLLARS!"
"...Sorry, Angel... B-But WHAT?"
He NEVER knew you had a sister... N e v e r. Why didn't you told him!? Why didn't ever metion it? He knew everything about your daily routine, even the people that you talked with... Why you never meationed your sister?
"Ah... My bad? I have never metion my sis' before, right? Hah- That's because some times I use other name for her... Eeve, yes the Pokemon."
...All this time... He thought you was talking to your [Animal of choose] or even an online pet... Not your sister!? Now, who says "OHOHOHO, NOW COME HERE, YOUR LITTLE PRICK, I'M GOING TO FIND YOU AND PUT YOU IN A POKEBALL" to your own Sister?
Noticing how your boyfriend became - suddenly - quiet and you just walked to him - sitting on the coach by his side - holding his face with an 'The fuck you're thinking bish?' expression to him - he just smilled awkardly.
"Are you okay? Like- You're almost dying on me right now, you fucker-" He started to see yours 'mean words' as worries and praises, like it was suppost to be. "Like- I mean..."
"No, no, Angel... I understand you pretty fine, d-don't worry... O-Okay?" He started, just kissing your cheeks and stroking your shoulder "So don't worry much... I-I see the beauty behind your words."
"...You are such an fucking lovedove crazy ass bitch... I love you." That was a hell of an declaration - I would say. But, you're intriged by one simple thought "...Well... Maybe... Maybe you would like to... Meet my sister?" That offer made Ren's heart stop for a second... Did you- Did you just say what he THINKS you said?!
"YES!" He said so fast that his face became as red as a tomato, he cough while you let out a laugh "I-I mean... A-Are you sure, Angel? I-I don't w-want your sister to... You know?"
"That Eeve-like bitch wouldn't even care. Keep down those thoughts, okay? She will love you" Then, you started to search for her contact before making a video calling, you were in the celular - so it was a lil' more difficult to find a good angle.
"Angel, any angle will be good for you..." He said with an low tone, just being behind you while the both of you waited for her to pick up the call. "Don't need to move that much."
"Yes, bit like- That bitch is craz-" You stopped your talk when you notice your sister on the camera, she was - also with the cellphone - but with an big smile on her face, as always... It reminds you of when the two of you were younger, when she didn't... Hide every 'part that she considers ugly' about herself. A part of her face and body was covered with her hair or outfit while the other, mas exposed. She was using an jacket that covered her left arm and shoulders... Wait, that jacket doesn't seems to be her size and seems very... You know, fancy "Don't tell me you got a sugar daddy, please-"
That were your only worry?- You notice how everyone got quiet until Eve just snorted, laughing to herself.
"Oh my, sister... What an creative thought..." Ren was studing her by her movemments and voice, it was easy to see that she was trying to hide some part of her body - or better, half of it. She also seems very... Relaxed and somehow happy to see her sibling "Who is your friend behind you? He is cute."
It was an inofensive praise, but before you could answer, you heard an low voice saying: "Who is cute, mi vida?"... Wait- An MAN appeared behind Evania, trying to see what the fuck was happening... At the same time, Ren started to hug you protectively from behind, covering your body with his.
"I-It's nothing like that, [Y/n]... Well... I got to tell you, he is Casanova Valentine... And my boyfriend." You could notice Casanova looking at Evania with an surprised face until it turns into a flushed mess, he just kissed her face while letting a chuckle out.
"...Boyfriend, mi vida?"
"Oh- Sorry... I-I forgot I didn't ask..."
"I don't mind being someone like that to you, mi amor..." You were seriously watching your sister being flirted? Like- Really-
"...Guys, we still here" You said getting the lovebirds attetion "So... Congratulations, 'Casanova', I hope you already has a nova casa cause I'm going to destroy yours if you do something bad to her." You smiled while you looked deep on his eyes... Thinking about all the ways you could shove your foot right at his-
"...I... Thank you sister, but Casanova treats me very well!... Oh, sorry, you called for something important right? I just- Couldn't handle it..." She looked at the ground, starting to be quiet and wait paciently for you... While she were waiting, Casanova started to hug her from behind while played with her hair, he was saying some stuff to her... But you couldn't hear it... You just hope it's not some kinky shit.
"Well, sis'. FIRST, you own me 20 dollars, you also own me an copy of an game - I won't tell you which game - so... Yeah, I'M FUCKING DATING, YOU LIL' BITCH!"
Casanova was surprised. Ren was flushered... And your sister was looking at you with the most dull eyes as possible... Then, she shakes her head and looked at you again.
"I'm sorry... I space-out... Did you say something?" She asked with an worried tone, it was visible that she didn't want to intencionally ignore you.
"You- Wait... R-Really?" She seemed so happy, looking at you with such an happy expression, she started to look directly at the boy behind you "Is that- Is that him?"
"...Y e s . He is my babyboy, my bitch."
"Ohhh! How nice! I'm very happy because of it, he seems so cute... I want you to - you know - tell me more about him someday!" While she said that you could feel Ren's face starting to hide on your shoulder, his face was completely hot... "Own... Such an cute couple! I hope you two get well...!"
"I wish you well too!" You say, with an big smile while looking at your sister...
Casanova and You maybe hadn't the best begining, but after some time, the two of you would become close friends. As for Evania and Ren, she tried everything she could to talk to Ren from time to time... But she couldn't feel like he was... True? She said that she felt the 'same' way with Casanova too.
You knew how insecure she was and is, especially with her... Parts... Those parts that she tries to hide - are nothing but marks of her past.
...You hoped the two of them were fine! But of course, you and Ren were better than ever... You love him, truly do. But... Does he need to really tease you about this?- Like- he is all shy and out of nowhere, he starts to act all bound with you.
...But somehow, he always manages to make you... Just melt.
"My angel... Would you let me give you pleasure? You can sit on my face and let me do all the job if you want... O-Or you can... Dom me...~"
"...That's it- I'm putting you in horny jail."
Would horny jail be the worst nightmare of the horny yanderes?
Ren was always in love with you... And you find that out a time after, you wanted to talk to him about this... Love... But you couldn't bring yourself to do this - especially when you find out that he... [The Ren that your loved and still love] Is not an actual... Person (?). Just like your sister thought, Ren was faking an personality... But... Why?
You wanted to confront him, but you fear that you may lose him... You decided to wait... Until you felt ready.
...But maybe he already know about this.
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yandereloveraw · 10 months
Poly IWTV AU Vanilla and Xavier x reader/Y/N: New Addition
"Ah, you're awake, darling! Wonderful!"
The chipper voice that undoubtedly came from a woman had graced your left ear. It took you only a second to recognize the voice as that of the woman who had found and brought you to what you suspected was her home. Anything after that was a blur. Your eyes first scanned your surroundings before finding themselves drawn to the woman. Everything you looked at seemed sharper, and more enhanced somehow.
"Poor thing. You must still be thirsty. Do not worry, for I have just the thing."
Having said this, the snow-haired woman rose from her chair beside the bed to pull a small rope hanging by the door to the room. You heard the slight ringing of a bell. Not long after, a young woman cracked the door open and poked her head in.
"Yes, Miss Vanilla? How may I assist you?" The white-haired woman, whose name was apparently Vanilla, escorted the other young woman into your shared room before shutting the door. Vanilla then laid the woman out on the bed you were in, her hand clasping the other woman's above her head. She leant down, but instead of kissing the woman like you thought she would, she buried her face in the other's neck.
A gasp sounded out, then silence shortly after. When Vanilla withdrew, you saw that red stained her mouth. She beckoned you forward with her other hand. Reluctantly, you crawled towards the splayed out woman and stayed there. Vanilla drew your attention to the puncture wounds that were now on the woman's neck.
"Drink from here, darling."
Drink? What did she mean by that? She clearly wasn't human. No human nor sane person would do this. She didn't really expect you to do what she just did, did she?
Vanilla must have seen your expression, along with your hesitance because she gently guided your head down towards the woman's bleeding neck. The scent of iron made your throat flare in response. Wanting to quell the burning inside of you, you latched your mouth onto Vanilla's victim. Your eyes widened as you felt your extended and sharpened canines sink into flesh. However, you were soon distracted by the taste and soothing sensation of the victim's blood.
Vanilla let you greedily feed on the woman until she had to gently pry you away.
"That's enough, darling. You must stop before their heart stops, or they'll take you down with them. Now that we've both had our fill, come. There is someone whom I'd love for you to meet!"
She had taken one of your hands in her own and led you out of the room that your victim was still in. You found yourself admiring every little detail of each room she led you through. Vanilla stopped in what appeared to be a library, but did not let go of your hand.
"Xavie, I have someone for you to meet~!"
The male in question looked up from his book, his blue eyes widening at the sight of you standing beside Vanilla. Based on the fact that the snow-haired woman knew him and his attire, you came to the conclusion that this "Xavie" individual was the same as Vanilla and yourself. You watched as he slowly bookmarked the page he was reading, set the book aside, and stood from the chair he was in to his full height. "Xavie" was tall and lean. He wore glasses that were partially covered by his silver hair.
Why he needed glasses was beyond you. He did look cute with them, though. "Xavie" moved forward until he was standing in front of Vanilla. She smiled at him.
"Xavie, meet Y/N! Darling, meet Xavier, or Xavie as I like to call him! Now you and I won't be so lonely anymore right, Xavie?"
He looked at her. "Is that why you did this?," he mumbled.
"Of course! I did it for us! You know that I hate to see you sad. I didn't want to see you mope for all of our eternity together, so this was the best solution that I could come up with. At least now we both have someone we can cherish together."
She made you like her because she and her companion were lonely? That's actually really sweet of her to do. If all they wanted was some romantic company, maybe you could ablige. You squeezed Vanilla's hand, causing her to look at you and smile.
"Well..if both of you are okay with it, then I guess it couldn't hurt," Xavier said. As thanks, you took his hand and kissed it. His reaction was adorable.
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reaperreaps · 2 years
Rules For Yandere Masterlists And Stories
Sup everyone, I want to make a few things clear before I post any of my materlists or anything for that matter.
Please note that I'm not trying to be mean, rude or offensive to anyone here. I have my reasons for why many of the rules exist below and I hope you guys can understand that.
1. Any Masterlist or story marked as 18+ is off limits to anyone underage. If I find out you're reading any of my 18+ stuff and you're underage, you're getting blocked.
I don't care if you think you'll be able to handle it. I don't care if you have read or seen worse, if I somehow find out by any means you're under the age of 18 and have been reading my 18+ stuff, you will be immediately blocked.
You're free to read any of the other Yandere Masterlists or stories that don't have the 18+ mark. There will be plenty enough of those for you to enjoy.
Here's a very simple and easily understandable example:
(Masterlist 18+) Not allowed to read if you are under the age of 18. Minors do not interact or you will be blocked.
(Masterlist) No 18+ mark means you're allowed to read whether or not you are 18. You won't be blocked.
It's as simple as that.
If you're currently following me or are planning to then please have you're age stated on your bio. I will have to block you if you don't.
2. Yes I do take requests and the reader can be any gender.
Request aren't open right now but I will eventually announce when they are. I just wanna get all my stories and masterlist out first.
Here are the rules for requesting:
1. You may request anonymously just please make sure to state your age as I want to make sure no one underage is trying to ask for +18 stuff. I refuse to take a request if I don't know the age, sorry but I just want to be careful.
2. You can decide how you want a oneshot to be written by giving me details, choose what type of headcanons you want soft or whatever you prefer and suggest whatever scenarios comes to mind.
4. No "Child Character x Reader" or "Character x Child Reader" unless it's completely platonic. You'll be immediately blocked and reported if you request anything sexual or romantic between an adult and child.
5. I do take requests for yaoi and yuri. "Male x Male" and "Female x Female", you get the point.
6. I don't mind sexual themes but those are only for 18+ readers to request.
What I write for:
God Of War
Devil May Cry
Resident evil
Silent Hill
The Evil Within
FAITH: The Unholy Trinity
Doom Eternal
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
Dead By Daylight
Far Cry
Red Dead Redemption
Mortal Kombat
Killer Instinct
Blaze Blue
(Will update more later on.)
Chainsaw Man
Devilman Crybaby
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Dragon Ball Z
Record Of Ragnarok
The Way Of The House Husband
(Will update more later on.)
Horror Genres:
Slasher Horror
Cosmic Horror
Body Horror
Folk Horror
Gothic Horror
Psychological Horror
Supernatural/Paranormal Horror
What I absolutely will not write for: (Most definitely will get you immediately blocked and/or reported if you request or even ask for any of this.)
Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Vorarephilia and Zoophilia.
No requesting "x reader" stuff with real life serial killers.
That's mostly it for now but I'll come back and update this a bit more later. Please follow the rules here, like I said before I don't want to start any fights or have to start blocking people over this.
So please just stick with the rules and I'm sure we can all have a good time.
Thanks for reading and I'll see you guys soon.
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madschiavelique · 1 year
GOD I AM SO FERAL FOR SUB!READER W/ MIGUEL AND PETER (im so sorry for the all caps its how I show my enthusiasm 😭😭) but I rlly wanna see the yandere hcs ,,
headcanon : yandere!miguel o'hara x reader x yandere!peter b parker content warnings : yandere content, mention of violence (miguel and peter killing torturing and killing someone), reader being injured, peter and miguel are really manipulative in this, genderneutral!reader, no use of Y/N word count : 1,4k tag list : @fandom-ash
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firstly, they'd had their eye on you for some time now
you were a much-loved spider, and everywhere you went people were smiling and complimenting you, not so much for what you did as a spider, but because you had such a delightful personality
you'd only recently made your debut with the Spider Society, and Peter and Miguel in turn seemed to slowly fall under your spell
peter came to see you regularly to check up on you, and Miguel called you more often to get more details about your reports
then one day Miguel started keeping a tab open on the side of his business activities with your locations backed up by surveillance cameras
obtaining a watch for you had turned out to be the quickest watch delegation in Spider Socety's history
the attraction they felt for you was becoming far too great to ignore, even for the workaholic Miguel, who thinks of nothing else but the maintenance and balance of the universe
peter had been following you around the society from higher up, and one day he noticed something that he immediately reported to Miguel: you were starting to see another spider on a regular basis.
he was such a lesser guy than Miguel and Peter that they wondered how you could have even crossed his path
you started greeting him every day, laughing with him, joking around, and they watched from afar
well, as long as you were just friends, there shouldn't be any problem, right?
but just as Peter was coming to eat with you in the cafeteria, the notorious undesirable individual showed up and sat down next to you.
too close, Peter thought. How could you smile at him, laugh at his jokes?
and what he saw made his jaw clench: the spider's hand caressed your cheek
how could he breathe the same air as you?
miguel had obviously seen the whole scene from the security screens, and he'd nearly smashed one of the desks
the next day, when you ventured to the cafeteria as usual, you didn't find your spider in your usual spot
strange, he never failed to find you here, but instead you found Miguel and Peter, coming to sit with them.
when you asked them if they'd seen him, they replied that he had some business in his own reality that required him to stay away from the Society for a while
of course, they would never tell you how slow and painful his death had been
as the months passed, you inevitably grew closer to Miguel and Peter. Since they were gradually pushing every one of your friends and acquaintances away from you, they were the only ones left.
you visited them more frequently, sometimes just keeping them company while they took care of reports.
you had become an inseparable trio, and not a day went by when you weren't with them.
in fact, they started gaining new habits such like showering you with gifts
everything they do to make sure you're comfortable enough to never ever think of leaving them is pretty amazing
(as if you had a choice to leave anyway)
saw a new cute little top that you like? already yours
it was almost uncanny how much they observed the details in your behavior
sometimes you'd simply walk past something, your gaze lingering on it for a few seconds longer than you'd normally wear it out, and the same day you'd find yourself with it in your hands
because let's be honest, they're extremely rich.
The technological advances Miguel had brought to the entire dimension had made him rich for the rest of his life and beyond, so he had no worries about covering you in anything you wanted.
and as for Peter, you weren't sure how he managed it, but what you were sure of was that he, too, had no financial worries
they were becoming a little more tactile too
peter took your hand in his, caressing your back and cheek gently, while Miguel had got into the habit of having you sit against him while he worked
your whole day consisted of keeping them company, but you had duties as a citizen of the Society
however, since they ran the Society, they could change the rules just for you right ?
it had started slowly, with them preventing you from going on missions and putting other spiders on the job
but your spider instincts soon kicked in, and you insisted on going on the mission
so they had a silent agreement that their eyes exchanged and managed to find an anomaly that was far too tough, sending you out in its dimension, alone, supervising you with the security screens
the anomaly was horrible, far too fast for you, far too powerful, far too cruel. It wounded you with terrible ease, while you struggled to even scratch it.
you found yourself in a corner, at the mercy of the anomaly, and of course, absolute fear gripped you along with the panic of not getting out of there
you screamed repeatedly for them to come and get you, as the anomaly was closing in fast, but they needed you to understand. you were completely weakened and scared you'd never be able to finish this fight, tears streaming down your cheeks as you called out to them, and they finally arrived.
they quickly took care of the anomaly, then came back to you, sobbing and shaking in the corner. they took you in their arms, cuddling you gently, whispering "now you see why we don't want to send you on a mission? it's far too dangerous, do you understand?"
you had to go through a painful little lesson to realize how much you needed them, didn't you?
they took you back to the infirmary, where they remained at your bedside until your recovery was complete
since then, you've never been on a mission again
you were a little bit too traumatized by the experience, and they'd managed to make sure that they were the only people you could turn to in case of trouble
so they offered to let you live in their apartment so they could be ready to provide for your every need, which you accepted. and on the very day of the offer, you moved in with them - they'd already had a room ready for you about a month before
it wasn't long before the three of you were growing closer together - which is, of course, somewhat inevitable when three people live together
the looks Miguel and Peter sometimes shared when they saw you were full of pride and mischief
they frequently exchanged them. when you'd come out of the shower for instance, when they'd deliberately remove your clothes from the bathroom while you were showering to see you dressed only with a towel to look for clothes - it always ended up with Miguel and Peter making you wear clothes of their choice
soon enough, you were an official trouple
from then on, you'd always have something on you to show that you belonged together: a necklace, a bracelet, you'd wear one of their t-shirts-
speaking of which, the first time they saw you wearing one of their T-shirts, they froze in their tracks while you simply went about your life in the apartment
you didn't go out for a week after that. the reason? there were several, such as the fact that, obviously, as beautiful as you were in their clothes, they couldn't allow anyone but themselves to see you like that, but also, and above all, because you hadn't been able to walk properly all week...
once you'd had the misfortune to go out without telling them, just to buy ingredients for cookies to make them a treat, and they'd moved heaven and earth to find you until you came home like a flower.
you'd been badly scolded. what if something had happened to you and they hadn't been able to get there in time to help? what if someone came to you and asked you to do a job for them that you couldn't refuse? What if someone was mean to you?
their anger had frightened you terribly, and you'd ended up in tears
they took you in their arms, reassuring you, comforting you and making you promise never to do anything like that again
it was from that moment on that your restrictions on going out were tightened. you couldn't go out without the company of one of them, and if you wanted to go out alone, Lyla was there to watch your every move.
one thing was certain: they were loving and soft, as long as you obeyed them
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Good Omega
a/n: Halloween part one! I was actually a bit surprised someone would request A/B/O!AU for this, but I can never deny a bit of omegaverse for the soul ♥
Fandom: Original Content     Pairings: Yandere!Alpha!Werewolf x GN!Omega!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Lemon!, Omegaverse kind of sexual, Overall horniness, going into heat, Genderneutral genitals and then one cock, Creampie mention, Impregnation wish, ...Beastiality? Do Werewolves count in that? It is lowkey consensual tho lol, But of course Dub-Con), Violence (Off-screen murder mention, Blood mention, Claws mention, Biting/Marking mention, Minor Injuries like scratches and bruises, Fear, Dread), Hunting/Chasing (non-kink)
»»———————— ♡ ————————««  
With your breathing wrecked from the untrained sprint your forced your legs into, you crashed into the thicket surrounding you.
The forest was never-ending tree trunks in your way, bushes tearing at your clothes and skin, sucking out the blood from your cuts and bruises. Dread coated your tongue, and fear choked you, tightening your throat so you could neither swallow nor scream. There was no way for air to go in or out of your lungs, but even so, you kept pushing onwards.
But there was no escape.
"Human," the creature snarled, its heavy body crashing into the trunks behind you, claws ripping off the bark of the trees it clawed into in a cacophony of horror. "My omega."
Its snout sniffing after you was so loud, so eager. So pleased. He could have been right behind you or still far away, yet, the sound grated over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Your breath hitched, and a low growl of knowing echoed through the forest.
"You can't run from me. I know where you are."
Falling to his four legs, he left thuds whenever he landed on them, bolting, running, hunting. You choked back a scream as you kept moving, an especially tough branch getting stuck on your shirt, ripping off a scrap of it. You turned, briefly, holding the side of your chest and feeling the scratch bleed over your fingers. It will keep him busy, you thought, hurrying along before he could catch up.
You didn't deserve any of this. Not the exercise much too hard for your poor body, and not the pain going through every muscle while adrenaline and fear kept you moving against their wishes. Your Halloween had been supposed to be a fun party night with friends, walk the streets, laugh at silly costumes, and admire the carved pumpkins. But when you sat down on some tree trunks, laughing and drinking, things turned into the horror movies you'd secretly watch when you were still a teen, thinking they could never be real.
The costume had looked so sick but amazing. Faux fur intricately weaved into a bodice and mask. No one had feared the person approaching your group, everyone much more in awe than anything. But you couldn't have known that this wasn't a friendly encounter. That the full moon illuminating the forest ground had been an indication, the warning signs in front of the forest entrance weren't just for the common wildlife, but every life!
A howl rattled through your bones as the werewolf following you must have found your blood-smeared piece of fabric. It made your gut turn, wanting to throw up the alcohol you had consumed. But there was no time to idle. No time at all. Your core clenched with ecstatic fear as the sound vibrated through your ears, a throbbing sensation going through you every time the beast did anything to let you know it was right behind you.
You had no idea what was wrong with you, a part of your brain so muddled by your feelings it wanted you to lay down into a submissive mess, ass presented in the air for your pursuer. At the same time, your sanity and reason were appalled by your sudden need pulsing between your legs.
"I'll make you mine," the creature growled, no longer occupied by the shabby piece of fabric after having a whiff of you. "Cease this chase, Omega, or I'll make sure you won't be walking for a long time after I'm done with you."
There was something excitingly dominant about the creature calling you his and asking you to give up. You knew—you knew—it was crazy to consider, but maybe you were infected by a poison that had gotten into your bloodstream after getting cuts and stings all over your body in this forest? Perhaps it was the alcohol? But whatever excuse, you felt your face flush with heat, and you bit back a moan.
More growling. More throbbing.
You resisted and kept moving. But for how long would you be able to? When would it stop? Where was the exit to the forest? Did you want to leave?
"Fuck!" You could hear his fangs snapping angrily as his body bumped into the trees you had just passed. He was so close to you now, and a breathtaking odor filled your nose, making you gasp, your legs wobbly.
"I can smell you, Omega. You're so fucking wet. Why do you keep running from me?!"
"Go… go away!" Finally, you found your voice, screaming the words as loudly as you could, desperation and fear choking the building lust inside you into silence. That monster killed your friends! Chopped them right up, and you were next! This was no time to get horny! Your body's reaction to being chased by a six-foot-tall monstrosity was genuinely unhelpful. Why did it make you want to spread your legs in the middle of this dirty, thorny forest ground so badly?
"NEVER!" it echoed back, and you shuddered, the last resistance giving away with your legs that could no longer support you.
Sinking to the ground, it wasn't the painful roots and leaves combo you expected, but soft moss welcoming you into a cool embrace. The air, too, felt icy even though it had been an unexpectedly warm day. Had the temperature dropped, or were you just unimaginably hot from all the running?
The heavy footsteps approached you, animalistic snarling and teeth snapping together gave you a visceral reaction shooting through your whole body and into your loins. Whimpering, you squeezed your legs together, trying to hold back the tears as the sight of the monster came into view. Clasping a hand over your mouth, a smell so sweet it threatened to overwhelm you with pleasure, your heart demanding to be let out of your chest while your remaining clothes got soaked in your juices.
"Please be quick," you sobbed into your palm, tears overflowing. You didn't want to die. You didn't want to be mere blood dripping out of his murderous snout with teeth sharper than any thorn caught against your skin. Closing your eyes, you were shivering as he drew closer, his gaze scanning over you. It was like he could see right through you, and you hoped his nose wasn't actually good enough to really smell all the nasty reactions you had to him. He wasn't a very good-looking monster, shaggy, unkempt. And yet, at the same time, you wanted to wrap your arms around his neck, let him take you one last time before you'd die.
But now that your body had given up, what else was there for prey to do but wish for a quick and painless death?
"Omega," the werewolf snarled, lowering onto all four feet so he could crouch over you. The snout drew along your face, down to your neck and your instinct was to bare it to him, the slimy feeling of his tongue dragging down your skin, the long muscle wrapping around your throat appreciatively, making the small scratches sting but your heart race.
"Good," he grunted, the praise hitting you with a jolt of pleasure right in your core. Letting out another whimpered moan, you bit your finger, trying to muffle your reactions, and he grunted in response. "Finally you get it."
"Get what?" you babbled. "What's happening to me?"
One clawed hand found its way under your shirt, and you gasped, feeling the rough pads of his palm stroking over your skin, a burning hot sensation left behind after every touch. Lowering his body to yours, he gripped your waist—looking mightily tiny in his huge grip—and pressed you up and against him, a bulging, throbbing resistance meeting your hips as you crashed into his.
This time, you could not hold back the gasp, and he took his chance, sliding his tongue down yours, burying it deep in your throat. You were choking on the eagerly exploring muscle, a mix of saliva and blood coating the rough texture of his tongue. Yet, you couldn't help but relish in the affection, cupping his elongated face with your hands. Wiggling only caused more friction between your bodies, and you weren't the only one moaning. However, the creature's version sounded gruff and desperate, not as lovely as yours.
"You're in heat, Omega. When we met, your body recognized what it was meant to be. Soon you'll need me so much it'll drive you insane."
"I- I don't… what?" you asked, dazed by the disgusting yet almost intoxicating taste still running down your throat even after the werewolf released you. He made no sense to you, neither his words nor why he kept calling you "Omega" or why he hadn't killed you yet. In fact, he was almost gentle handling you, as much as his mutated body allowed. "What will happen?"
"You'll go insane, little Omega. I will have to rut you, fill you with my seed. Mark you, nest you, take care of you. Until you are satisfied with me, I won't rest."
Fuck. What was he going to do? Rut you? Fill you? Mark you? Didn't that sound divine–
"WHAT?" you screamed, suddenly snapping back to reality. His ears folded in an angry expression, the sound positively jarring to sensitive ears. "No! No, no, no! I– No! I can't!"
Your last sentence came out in a pitiful whine, a sound you didn't even know you could make.
"You can," he growled, pressing his hips forward, his cock long and demanding and ready for your tender body to swallow. "And you will!"
"No! No, please, no!" Sobs releasing from your throat, you clasped your hand over your mouth while watching the werewolf's expression grow irritated again. You didn't want to die. You didn't want to die. But you couldn't do this either!
"I'm scared," you whimpered, and the werewolf breathed out in a kind of long sigh, though he relaxed some of the tension in his body.
"No need, little Omega. I'll prepare you. Make good use of this tongue for you. I'll take care of what's mine, and all of this–"
Sitting back on his knees, he gripped your body, lifting you from the ground and onto his lap. You gasped in surprise as he pressed you tightly against his chest, slowly standing up while carrying you without so much but a huff. "All of this omega is mine. I waited so long. I deserve this."
"I still don't understand…" you whimpered fearfully, but your legs betrayed you, wrapping tightly around his waist and pressing you against him. The werewolf let out an appreciative hiss as your fingers scratched over his skin, a purr building and rumbling in his chest. You still didn't know what was going on, except for how warm this body was and how tired you suddenly felt, snuggled into the surprisingly fluffy fur of the monster while his purr vibrated deliciously through you.
"You will, Human," he assured you, putting these strong, crooked legs into motion as he carried you back deep into the forest. Looking over his shoulder, you saw the space opening up beyond a few more trees, your eyes widening as you realized how close you had been to escaping the forest. Perhaps not the werewolf, but almost you had done it. Though it didn't really matter now that you were holding on to him, letting his comforting scent embrace you.
Every movement rubbed you against the creature's body, a massive, thick cock pressing at the entrance between your spread legs. Only the fabrics between you two kept him from rutting right up inside you. Moaning, you buried your face deeper into his shoulder, getting drenched in aphrodisiacal musk, making not just your mouth water. Without warning, you opened your lips, bared your teeth, and bit down.
The monster staggered, a long growl snarling out of his snout before he regained composure, though his steps quickened, urged by desire. "Patience," he gritted out through his teeth, though his husky voice sounded immensely satisfied. His words did not apply to him as his cock twitched against your rear demandingly, the taste of his blood inflaming you more.
"I built you a nest where I'll claim you, and you might too, if you so desire, little omega."
"Mhm," you sighed, leaning against his shoulder drowsily. Nest. That sounded good. Cozy and warm. Hopefully full of blankets and pillows and more of his scent. How far were you gone that you wanted to be buried in his fur while clinging to him?
"Good omega," he purred—purred—and you threw your head back in relish as the sound alone almost pushed you over the edge. "You're so needy and ready for me, aren't you?"
Fuck, you were. There was no denying it.
You hated this. You didn't want to be with this monster, much less accept what he promised to do to you. But your body betrayed you, writhing in his grasp, letting his cock dry hump you all the way to his cave. You knew as the darkness swallowed you that you were done for, but all you could think about was just one more bite, the comfort of a nest, and a cock filling you like the missing puzzle piece to your body.
You knew he'd give it to you, all of it. And when he laid you down into the softest of hides, mixed with the fabrics of clothes, picnic blankets, and anything one could imagine to be found in the forest, you spread your legs, letting him rip off your clothes and cover you with the warmth of his fur before preparing you as he promised, the orgasms never ending as you begged and pleaded for more like a good little slut. Eager to be filled with his seed until your stomach would swell with his pups.
All while you didn't know and didn't care that you were lolling in the bloody clothes of your friends.
It was a small cost for finding your alpha. Some lives in exchange for learning about your true calling. Your destiny.
Because you were a good omega.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Hello!! I'd like to request a Scenario/Short going off of the Bro Strider x Reader Headcanons you did, if that's alright! Same as last time, where reader (GenderNeutral) is liked by Dave as well and Bro feels Romantic feelings for them. (I do like to think Bro is the type to kidnap reader, if that helps for an idea BUT if you'd prefer not to involve that, that's OK!!)
Thank you so much for the opening!! /pos - dirk anon
Hm... I can see what I can do, sure. Bro is called Dirk in this.
Puppet Master
Yandere! Bro Strider Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Post Kidnapping plot, Isolation, Toxic behavior/relationship, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Dave is used to manipulate you, Toxic parenting, Neglect mentioned, Stockholm syndrome mentioned, Forced relationship.
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Your encounters with the Striders started simple. For a long while you knew Dirk and Dave through a babysitting job. You were hired a few times to tutor Dave and watch him.
Your impressions of Dirk were that he was rather stoic and quiet. He never showed any emotions around you or Dave. It felt a bit uncanny to you.
All you really knew about Dirk was he was the guardian of Dave. He seemed obsessed with swords and puppets. Plus... you didn't really see him as all that affectionate.
You got along with Dave, his younger brother, more. You saw him as a sibling of your own, maybe even a kid. In your eyes Dave is a very good kid despite his upbringing.
Dave always looked forward to seeing you. You were always a breath of fresh air for him. Your kind words were better than the cold attitude Bro gave him.
Dave was not the only one who liked you.
Dirk, as cold as he is in this iteration, began to be obsessive towards you. It got to the point he used subtle manipulation to keep you around the apartment longer. After all... Dave likes you around.
Poor you never saw it coming.
Before you knew it Dirk had you in his grasp. You kept falling for his tactics... small promises of paying you more or even the fact Dave didn't want you to leave. You had no idea Dirk was just being selfish.
Right up until he locked you away.
Soon all you know is being at the apartment with Dirk and Dave. Most of the time you're confined to Dirk's room or even somewhere else entirely. The doors and windows are always locked... he doesn't care if you take up a sword against him.
He already knows he has enough control over you.
You begin to loathe Dirk and lean more towards Dave for comfort. You hide such a fact in fear that Dirk will isolate you even more. By now you know the truth of Dirk.
No wonder Dave liked you more.
Like an adorable doll or puppet Dirk controls you. He breaks you down to make you his own. With him and Dave being the only contact you have it isn't hard.
Dirk feeds you and takes care of you but you see little affection. He's obsessive over you but he doesn't seem to provide any good aspects of a relationship. He just seems to claim you as his... that's it.
A puppet... a doll... something/someone he can manipulate for his own comfort. Soon you begin to feel like you're losing your own autonomy. The answer to that is simple...
You are.
Dave is the only one that keeps you intact. You try to treat him as you did before. While you are slowly worn down by Dirk... Dave makes you feel like you can tolerate it all.
However... you fear when Dirk will find out.
If Dirk finds out he will prevent interaction between you two. You want to leave Dirk's grasp... but can't do it without fearing for Dirk. You simultaneously bring out the best and worst of Dirk.
No one's going to save you. You lost count of how long you're here with Dirk but you feel it's been awhile. Soon... Dirk even begins to act kinder as you've given in.
There's less cold neglect. He still says nearly nothing but certainly shows more warmth. You feel like... you're making things better.
So if being here makes life better for you and Dave...
Maybe you should reciprocate just a little bit for Dirk, hm?
Or is this all just another trick set up by the puppeteer himself?
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Base Yandere Monkey D. Luffy Headcanons: His Treasure (One Piece)
#Yandere #YandereLuffy #YandereHeadcanons #YandereOnePiece #LuffyOnepiece #Onepiece #Headcanons #LuffyxReader #GenderNeutralReader #Reader #GenderNeutral 
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one another request from, Archive, and almost a year old, if not older. Better late than never! Anyways it is base Headcanons for Luffy! I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: Luffy is not yandere in canon, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and fictional yanderes is fine! Just do not be gross or illegal about it! Also, Remember to separate headcanons from canon, and fiction from reality! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life!)
(Disclaimer 2: I have not watched all of one piece so I am not up to date on it all, so if some of this is incorrect I apologize!)
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Monkey D. Luffy X Gender Neutral Reader-
.Luffy is going to be King of the Pirates.
.That was one of his goals for the longest time.
.He put his heart and soul and everything he is into becoming the king of the pirates.
.Then he met you, he was not able to love, but something about you changed him.
.He felt something that he has never felt before and he cannot get you out of his mind.
.He more or less persuades and or kidnaps you to join his pirate crew.
.He is not going to leave your island until he gets you to agree to join his pirate crew.
.He is just as determined to make you his as he is in becoming king of the pirates.
.And you will be his co-ruler! The Majesty of the pirates!
.He also is very open about his love for you.
.Declaring you his majesty a lot.
.Like if anyone was to hurt you, they are beyond dead.
.He will not stand for you to be hurt. You've seen Luffy go so beyond angry. Think that times 100.
.You are his treasure. HE WILL NOT LET YOU BE STOLEN OR HARMED. ]
.Though he lacks the common sense to know when to stop declaring his love or be able to take a hint that you are not interested.
.Oblivious to that in general he also knows he can worm his way into your heart and then you will be his for sure.
.He can be seen as a childlike yandere in the sense he goes to extremes.
.Such as declaring his love for you and trying to marry you.
.To also being very simple that he loves you and you will love him so why should you both wait?
.It is a simple way like a child has.
.He would also risk his life to protect you and defend you, no matter what!
.Luffy would hate one thing about you, that if your love was weak.
.Saying that you and he could not be together.
.That it was impossible.
.He loves you with all his heart and will make you love him just as much to take that risk and be brave enough to accept your love for him.
.He is the type of yandere to be determined and not give up if you say no.
.He will show you that you two are meant to be.
.He does not care how long it will take he will make you his treasure no matter what!
.He would deal with rivals by beating them just saying that you are his treasure or his majesty and that no one else can have you.
.He would confess to you almost instantly and beg you to join his pirate crew.
.If you say no, he will not give up either persuading you or kidnapping you or both!
.He is also very good likely so no matter how much you say no or how much you fight his love.
.He will not give up or falter and he will make you his majesty of the pirates!
.No matter what you are his treasure!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done! I hoped you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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New Year Blues | Yandere Shoto Todoroki
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The glow of the extended break was beginning to fade. The city's typical hustle and bustle has returned with an air of dread. The employees of various companies begrudgingly returned to their grave-like posts. The only one unaffected seemed to be a little girl on a cashmere carpet happily engaging in a reenactment of a successfully violent coup 'de tat. Her hair was in an intricate set of braids beautifully highlighting the few and far between pearly white strands. A slither of color from her father's hair. It was one of the only telling signs that they were related at all. That and the shape of her nose. Otherwise she'd been told she was like her other parent.
That brought a kind of comfort to Shoto. A comfort only a divorced Father could understand. The ache he fostered when met with those familiar eyes. Or the mannerisms he could spot a mile away.
Any other divorcee would have to be fighting their own mixed emotions of disdain, regret, and pain but not Shoto. No, because Shoto was different than most if not everyone. Shoto wouldn't give up.
"Papa, will you play with me?"
"Sorry, Snowbell, I'm waiting for someone special."
The girl sighed as she collected her scattered toys," If it's who I think it is, I should start packing up."
"You do not have to, I have all the time to wait."
"Maybe you do but they don't."
That caught his attention, "They don't?"
From his position on his armchair he brought a tentative fist to his mouth; concealing a hidden expression as his daughter explained.
"Yeah, the guys we've been hanging out with sometimes. The ones with the long black hair and the redhead with the creepy smile."
His daughter's nonchalant response fed wood to the flame Shoto had started. Like burning ethanol it was silent and unseen; quickly preparing to singe the remains of his distastes. He took a drag out of a sleek container, barely inhaling the crystallized dust from within. He hides a clearing sniff with a cough into his hand. Placing the container back in his suit pocket, he coughed into the fist of his hand as he smoothed over the small lump in his suit's chest pocket. The potential energy coursing through his veins made for an easy comfort. The crystalline chemical bubbling within his blood made enduring the pain that much easier with the thoughts of his latest power.
Shoto Todoroki was no average divorced Father, he was also one of the selected owners of the latest leap in human technology. With a simple sniff, the latest creation allowed those with quirks to strengthen their abilities while adding more. It wasn't approved and will never be by most governments but that just meant more freedom for those in the market for them.
And all the time in the world to do as he pleased.
"Papa you have to use the girl voice!"
He chuckled, "But I don't have one."
She pouted. "Yes, you do!
They went back and forth, successfully distracting them both from the impending arrival they both had been celebrating. Only remembering the ring of the grand bell on the home's double door's ringing throughout the home.
"Still in your PJs....don't tell me your father conveniently let you play with your gifts again…at the exact time I’ve come to pick you up?"
"But he played with me this time."
A pensive glare was shot past the little girl's head at the man gathering dolls on the floor. Rolling of eyes returned to their soft and endearing gaze on the little girl.
Scooped into loving arms and endless kisses Yuki could only return in half. She barely registered the ghost of a smile on her Father's face as he put back her dolls all wrong. She'd have to spend ten extra minutes reorganizing them. How unfortunate.
"Hope you had a Merry Christmas, (Y/n)."
Scoffing it didn't take long for Yuki's other parent to cross the threshold, to help the little girl pack. Shoto hovered nearby, picking at the nerves he once was married to in his own childish game of keep-away.
"Happy Hannukah to you too, slug."
It was endearing in its special way. The opposite greetings and the derogatory nickname. In a moment of peace, Shoto was told it was because some slugs were a myriad of patterns and colors like his hair. He was also told that they could be poisonous. What he remembers most though-is that (Y/n) hates slugs.
"My chef fixed more than enough food for me. You know how often I'm out, would you mind taking some of it off my hands?"
An innocent question. Was met with a sneer and a judgmental look down and up his person.
As if they didn't already know him from top to bottom. 
"We'll be fine. We have plenty of snacks at home."
After a lengthy trip up the marble stairs, once again the divorced couple were folding their daughter's clothes side by side. Shoto stole a glance or two at the face of his former partner. Biting back the urge to compliment such an enticing side profile, he took a more tactical approach.
"I heard you've been entertaining some...new company."
"If this is your way of getting me to talk to you I suggest you pick something else."
"I'm serious," he took the folded pants out of their clutches placing them in the small suitcase below. "tell me."
A spiteful glare and his silent urging lowered a wall closed to him more often now. Watching with joy and resentment as a genuine smile appeared.
"I've been making some new and interesting friends lately."
"Yes. Back in the day you know I wasn't allowed many other than yours."
The jab hurt him more than he expected. Reminded of all the arguments centered around this exact topic. He hid it well behind his apathetic gaze hiding the flutter in his movements.
"But now that I'm able to make them I...actually have more fun during the off-days."
"That's good."
He refuses to let it show how much it irks him that the beauty of that beloved smile wasn't caused by him. He thought it better to change the subject but Yuki had decided to join with her own two-sense.
"It's real good. Especially since they show me new tricks all the time."
"New Tricks?"
"Yeah," she added her improperly folded socks into the bag. ", Lumi is always teaching me cool things and giving me gifts."
The warning was clear in their tone but Shoto pressed.
"What kind of gifts?"
"The kind that cut people real good!"
"Yuki, what'd I say about describing cooking utensils that way?"
"Not to say it like that but Nark says it was cute."
Shoto held back a groan, "Nark?"
Before anyone else could speak Yuki had abandoned the task of folding to jump over the suitcase and onto the bed. Successfully stomping all over the unfolded clothes, clumsily trudging towards her Father with a smile on her face.
"Mister Shalnark is a master at video games!"
The way her face lit up made Shoto grit his teeth as he listened to her rattling off all the achievements this other man had.
"He has the coolest setup! He's got a 5K 18-inch rounded screen! With a light-up keyboard that matches the beat of whatever song you want to play!"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah and he's always lets me play during the movie nights and-"
The scolding had Yuki bashfully looking down. Shoto was curious if he'd have been able to hear any more than that. As instructed Yuki was told to get down from the bed and help pack the rest of her suitcase.
Sooner than he would have liked Yuki was safely strapped in her car seat dozing into a nap while Shoto barely assisted with the remaining luggage.
"Now we're leaving," (Y/n) heaved a large Teddy bear in the back of their trunk, "finally."
With a final huff, they returned to the driver's side of the door, where Shoto was waiting. He had a small gift bag in his hand and a polite smile on his face.
"While I'm sure you're busy to get back to your-" He rolled his eyes at the name. "-friends. I have a gift for you."
(Y/n) gave a blank stare that had Shoto hurriedly handing the gift bag over.
"Think of it as a Happy New Year’s gift."
"Wow, it’s....keys for a new snowmobile. Yay."
"Keep looking. There's more."
More unraveling of gift wrapping tissue revealed a slip of paper holding more weight than an average civilian's salary without being more than a feather.
"An all-expenses-paid trip to the 'Elite Lodging within the Wintergreen Domesphere’....that's a great gift–"
That brought a smile to Shoto's face which immediately dropped the second he got the look. The look he's gotten far too often since his separation.
"For your partner but I'm not...not anymore."
(Y/n) dropped the key and the ticket back into the bag. With a pitying smile, they pushed the bag back into his chest waiting for him to gingerly cradle it in his hands. Refusing to watch him sulk (Y/n) turned back to their car opened the door and got their seat belt on. With their hands on the steering wheel, they sent a worried glance at him through the window.
His head was hanging low, his two-toned fringe bangs covering his eyes and the pained expression that was on his face. What (Y/n) could see was how Shoto’s ungloved hands held the gift bag.
Holding wasn't the right word. More like squeezing. Fearing the violent warning of small clear ice gleaming against the bag (Y/n) turned off the property promptly.
Hoping what they saw was a figment of their imagination.
Not all employees dreaded their return to the workplace. Some are basking in the afterglow of the holiday season. Fulfilled with the love of their family and friends and constantly reminded of their latest gifts it may be hard for some to put anything less than a smile on their face.
“Hiya Boss!” Said an excited minion, with black hair, and brown almond eyes. Waving in tandem with their glowing smile it felt natural during this time. 
For what felt natural at a moment of happiness was a crime in the eyes of an angered Todoroki Shoto. Even the few screams and sounds of rushing steps in the direction of the blazing employee weren’t enough to rouse the raging villain. 
On a warpath, he did the gentleman’s stomp – a directed speed walk–forcing his employees to guess his foul mood from the distant fire he was leaving behind. 
The slam of the door alerted his other partners of the raging villain, varying many different reactions. 
“So my guess is they turned you down?”
One such reaction was from his brother, who covered a dry laugh as he rubbed a hand against his beard. His feet were on the long, oval-shaped table taking the place in front of him; whereas others had files of paperwork instead. Blistered hands were behind his head sporting another shade of dye than last month. If Todoroki was in a better mood he’d have insulted him on it but he feared what crossed his mind was plenty more violent.
“Do you need to be here? This is an important meeting.”
His brother sighed, “Yeah, who else is going to stop you from burning up your branch leaders?”
Todoroki let his piercing glare shift to the attending employees, who refused to look anywhere but him suddenly finding the the wooden taint of the table incredibly interesting. The smirk from his brother made him groan, adjusting his tie before speaking. 
“All of you. Dismissed until next Week. Same time.”
As soon as he finished speaking the branch leaders hurriedly shot from their seats and ran to the exit of the conference room. Leaving nothing but an abandoned plate of bagels and a few pens Todoroki was alone once again. 
“Hey, are you going to sit here and sulk all day? That was all you had to do today, right?”
Alone with his brother. 
“It was.”
“Then you should go! Do something that will get the edge off.”
Todoroki made an exasperated face, making his brother sigh again. Bouncing from his seat the now-green-haired brother took Todoroki under his arm shaking him as he poked his finger into his chest.
“Like maybe cutting down those new ‘friends’ that have been bothering you!”
Todoroki removed the arm from around his shoulder, walking across the room towards the exit. Smoothly dodging the hand that reached for the back of his jacket. 
“I can’t it’s too obvious. They told me they wouldn’t speak to me again if I did that too.”
“Hmm.” His brother held his chin, stroking his beard as he thought. Todoroki shook his head, reaching for the door stopping when his brother snapped his fingers. 
“Hey! Why don’t you take it out on those ‘extras’ that have been watching them lately?”
Todoroki hesitated. “But I was planning on saving that for when it escalated…”
His brother waved his hand and blew an indignant puff of air past his lips. 
“Please, they would just be suspicious that way too. Do yourself a favor and treat yourself! The New Year can’t start with you being so glum!” 
Todoroki returned his gaze to the door handle he’d been holding for a while. He released his grip, revealing the misshapen handle that matched the shape of his fist. It brought a smile to his face.
“Thank you, Natsuo. I think I’ll do that.”
“No problem little brother have a good New Year.”
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sillymaxing · 7 months
HELLO GUYS! I’m here to write silly things! That I refuse to post on my main blog!
You know platonic yandere? I will write that :3
BUT GUESS WHAT! THERE’S A TWIST!!! Are you tired of your favorite characters only having Fem!reader imagines and works??? WELL! You are in LUCK. This blog is DEDICATED to Male, Masc, Genderneutral and Nonbinary readers!!!
I will write for a few different fandoms TEEHEE!! And if the fandom you want isn’t listed, you can ask about it. Maybe I forgot one!
Fallout 4
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
My Hero Academia
The Owl House
Will Write:
Platonic Yandere
Dark Fics
Dead Dove/DDDNE
Self Inserts
Character x Character
Romantic Yandere
Anyways guys. Welcome to this very niche, Masc/Gn platonic self insert blog.
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enb-y · 2 years
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hi, I’m kitty (cat is also fine!) and I take requests feel free to ask questions regarding to the rules or to simply drop in!
➣ I take requests for some of TMNT. I’m trying to catch up once again, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been here, not only that, there’s a possible chance of the characters being out of character, I’m still trying to get used to their personalities.
➣ your request may or may not be published as quickly as I would like, I do get writers block far too easily (more like burned out), but I would never ignore your request, It’s either I’m trying to get to it as fast as I can or it’s going through editing, or I’m possibly writing it already, I also like to take my time on requests. (I may be working on someone else’s.)
I’m also busy with my personal life, you know.
➣ denying requests isn’t really my thing, only if it had offended me in some way, however i don’t deny them or if you didn’t read my rules throughly.
➣ I will be writing for rise tmnt, 2012 tmnt, 2007 tmnt, 2014 / 16 tmnt. I’ll try to rewatch the 2003 tmnt, I’ll just need to make room for it.
rise teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo, april o’neil, cassandra jones, casey jr jones.
2012 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo, karai, casey jones.
2007 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo.
bayverse teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo.
➣ I will not be writing nsfw, non-con, abusive relationships (canon characters and reader), sexual harassment, cheating, yandere, self harm, eating disorders, pedophila, incest / tcest.
I’m normally cool with writing polyamorous relationships, however I will not be writing it for tmnt. I’m sorry. (except cassandra x reader x april. It’s the only one I’ll accept as of now.)
➣ sfw is fine, platonic / romantic, fluff, angst, hurt / comfort are also fine. anything is fine as long it’s not sexual (or anything I had listed above.). lgbtq is acceptable on this blog.
➣ I only take x reader requests, I don’t write ships or oc.
➣ I will be writing for female, male, genderneutral readers. please let me know what pronouns you want the reader to be, if not mentioned I will label it as genderneutral. (pronouns are likely not to be mentioned).
➣ headcanon, scenario, oneshot, drabble.
➣ please inform me if you want your request to be platonic or romantic, it’ll be a lot of help, because however you requested I could possibly turn it into something romantic—maybe platonic, depending how I see it, I don’t want to mess up anyone’s request.
➣ when you request for a character please tell me which version of the tmnt you want or I won’t be able to write it for you.
headcanons are the only thing I will mix up the tmnt versions, separately, mostly, however if it’s requested differently.
[example : can I request a oneshot where the rise tmnt meet the 2012 version? I’m sorry if this sounded confusing. but it’s acceptable.]
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the name is fake, I just like cats.
© ENB-Y 2022 please do not steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms without permission.
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izakiisdead · 2 years
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Hello !! I'm izakiisdead (izaki for short) and I write fan fictions,one shots and scenarios. I go by he/him pronouns. requests are on my bio, just click the 'ask me anything' button. I will only post 2 times a week (friday and saturday) if im feeling generous I might do 3 post a week !!
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Make sure to specify what character, what AU, what do you want me to do and gender of the reader. Remember I only do male/gn reader !!
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
→˙˚ 𓆩☆ What I will write !!☆𓆪 ˚˙
>Male reader 「M!reader」 and Gender Neutral reader 「GN!reader」
> Male x M!/gn!reader
>Sfw (Safe for work ♡) and slight Nsfw (Not safe for work ☆)
>Characters from video games and anime (video games and animes will be listed down below)
>Crossovers, different AUs and poly relationships.
→˙˚ 𓆩 ☆ What I wont write !!☆ 𓆪 ˚˙
>Female reader 「F/fem!reader」, because I want this to be a place for m!reader and nb!reader because theres not much out there.
>Weird (in my perspective) kinks.
>adult x minor (this includes teacher x student)
>angst (my heart cant handle angst too well but time will tell when i finally have the courage to write angst)
>crazy yanderes (but soft yanderes are fine)
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
Anime ✰
>My hero academia (MHA)
>Assassination Classroom
>Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no yaiba (KNY)
>Ouran High School Host Club (OHSHC)
>The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
>Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Video games ✰
>Final Fantasy 15 (maybe some ff7 if you guys want some but ff15 bcz idk much about ff7 LMAO)
>Yandere Simulator (including those non existence male rivals and yandere kun bcz I LOVE THEM)
>Genshin Impact
>Mystic Mesenger
>Ensemble stars (maybe ? idk)
>Stardew Valley
>Street Fighter IV
Non video games or anime ✰
>Vocaloid (including genderbends)
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♡ ••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈••┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈•• ♡
(click on the underlined text to read/check out !!)
>Nagisa boyfriend scenarios part 1 !!
> Soft!Yandere!Itona Horibe x Oblivious!Male!Reader
>Masky x GenderNeutral!Reader x Hoodie
>Karma Akabane x GenderNeutral!Reader
>Headcanons : Denki Kaminari x Idol!Male Reader
>Nightmare Comfort ! Sam x Male reader !
>B-BUNNY EARS ?!?! Team 7 x Bunny!Male reader
>Festive Love. Naruto Uzumaki x Silent!Male Reader
>Headcanons : Ken Masters x Male Reader
>''I'll love you either way !'' Sam (stardew valley) x Trans!Male reader
>Headcanons : Denki Kaminari x Ghost!Male reader
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I think thats all ! If you're wondering about AUs, any AUs are fine !! :DD
By the way ! this rule page will be changing once in a while, it depends !
-izaki out !
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yandereloveraw · 11 months
Xanny will occasionally leave you gifts near or inside of your residence. The gifts themselves are things he knows you like, like that jewelry piece you couldn't afford. Each is accompanied by a small note, signed with one of various nicknames: "Your secert admirer, your arcane guardian, your black knight," etc. He will also gift you pepper spray and a tazer if you don't own any, in case something happens when he's not around to protect you.
"I hate the thought of someone hurting you, so here. Better to be safe than sorry, right? Please be safe for me. <3," the note had read.
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reaperreaps · 2 years
I keep imagining this yandere type of triangle.
Like a yandere reader who is currently in love with a darling but their darling is yandere for another person and that person is yandere for the reader.
Would you guys want me to write something like that?
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