#yandere  headcannons
yandere-paramour · 1 day
Yans During a Hurricane
In honor of a hurricane absolutely ravaging my state, here is some content before my power goes out.
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Vivien is worried. Like really worried.
He lives in an apartment, so he's not worried about his indoor plants, he's worried about his plot at the community garden. He doesn't care how wet it is outside, he will do whatever he can to try and save those tomatoes.
He's also worried about you and him. Obviously, he wants you to come over, the thought of you weathering the storm alone is physically painful.
He tries to think of everything you both might need from snacks, making sure both your cars are gassed up, and collecting plenty of batteries and flashlights.
It's like he's planning for doomsday, he's really worried. The thought of being unprepared and something happening to you because of his hubris makes his stomach seize up.
He gets stressed and tries to turn that into making things. He does a lot of cooking and baking for the two of you, making enough so you don't have to leave the house for a few days and can just stay inside and wait.
You're going to have to somehow get him to calm down and relax otherwise he will work himself into a state.
His apartment building isn't the best so, of course, you are the first in the city to lose power. You both gasp in unison at the sudden way everything grows quiet.
Vivien nearly cries when the cookies he's baking suddenly stop. The thought of not being able to provide for you is very, very upsetting to him.
You'll have to redirect/cajole him into a new activity that doesn't require electricity like tending to his plants, that always calms him down. Or maybe build a blanket fort, rainy days like this are perfect for blanket forts.
Gently you poke into his side and ask if he wants to build a fort on the rug, and he gives you a quizzical look, wondering if you're making fun of him or something.
When it becomes clear you're serious, his face lights up and he drags every single chair, pillow, and blanket in the apartment.
He is very strategic as he builds, and you just let him do his thing, knowing he needs this to be able to feel secure.
When it's done, your fort is a masterpiece. It is large enough for you both to crawl inside, and Vivien has decorated it with some small battery-operated tealights so there's enough light to see. The many pillows are comfortable to sit on, and you both giggle like excited children as you both do a craft together.
You two spend the night cuddled in each other's arms in, snacking on fresh fruit, talking about nothing, and listening to the melodic rains outside, and finally, Vivien is able to take a breath and know that this storm will pass and you and he will be okay.
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Do you really think Atalanta Montclair is going to stick around and have to deal with running out of food and her power cutting out? Get real.
She, her parents, and, by extension, you are getting tf out of there.
Atalanta makes the executive decision to shut down Montclair Industries for a few days. She doesn't want her employees to have to work when they should be with their families, and she definitely doesn't want anyone to get hurt or worse in the process of working.
Whatever happens, she'll deal with it when she comes back.
She even puts Noelle in charge with a promise of a bonus while she's gone (And you know Noelle's taking that shit, there is nothing that could come up that Noelle couldn't handle)
Somewhere where a hurricane is not currently raging, that's where you're going.
Enjoy a nice sunny weekend with your wife and In-Laws!
Lots of normal Montclair activities (beach lounging, fancy dinners, going to the theatre, museum browsing, generally experiencing what it's like to be in another part of the world)
Any worries you have about things back home, Atalanta will soothe and comfort you and generally do everything she can to make you calm down. If it makes you feel better, she can give some employees a quick call to make sure everything is perfectly fine.
She wants you to enjoy the little vacation with her, so just let her send a quick text, and then she'll get you another fruity drink so you have something to sip on while you both walk through the night market.
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Noelle is mildly concerned, but she is not going to pass up a few days off to spend with her Darling.
Atalanta left Noelle in charge of the company while she's gone with promises of a sizable bonus (and you know if Ata says sizable, she means it), but that's really only for anything big or emergent.
Basically, all she has to do is keep her phone charged and nearby, and check it every once in a while, and that's an extra few thousand on her paycheck.
Noelle is very pleased about that.
You're usually alone during the day, but now Noelle is here with you! You're so happy to spend so much time with her!
To begin your little respite, both of you start with a relaxing bath together, which always turns into a little skincare/spa night. Noelle is so very gentle as she wipes your face with toner, and you get to see her cute puzzled look as she surmises which face mask to give you.
As a little treat, she orders in from whatever restaurant you like best and you both eat on the couch, laughing at a movie you pick. She cradles you in your arms, kissing your arms and hands and hair because she doesn't want to mess up your moisturizer.
After the first movie, Noelle inspects her supplies. Of course, she has everything she needs, but she may need to top off your snack stash if you've been hardcore snacking this week.
Anything you need, she will quickly get delivered so you both can spend the next few days being as comfortable as possible (with a generous tip for the delivery guy for braving the pouring rains).
She lives in a much nicer apartment than Vivien, so her electricity never cuts out so you both stay comfortable and warm the whole weekend.
Noelle spends the entire weekend absolutely doting on you. Anything you like, she is doing with you and making sure to praise you for every breath you take. She will paint with you, bake with you, even game with you (but she's terrible). She knows she's terrible, but she just wants you to have fun.
You catch her watching you with tender eyes many times, and you are just so touched by how much she loves you and how well she takes care you. You in your matching pajamas, clean and moisturized, fed by some chicken and rice Noelle cooked for you, soft and sleepy and ready for her to brush your hair and cuddle you to sleep, humming that little song she always hums for you.
By the time the hurricane has passed, you're severely disappointed that Noelle has to go back to work, but she just kisses and comforts you, saying that if you be a good girl and wait for her, she'll bring you a treat back later.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 month
Yandere! Husband who thinks of you every single moment of the day, spoils you rotten, makes sure you feel loved 24/7 with letters, gifts and his presence. Being married to you is a privilege and he makes sure he shows you that.
Who does the little things like making sure you never open any doors by yourself. “What the fuck do you think that ring of yours means? Get your hand off that handle!” proceeds to climb over the car to open the car door for you
who randomly squeezes your hands with a vulnerability you almost never see from him. muttering things such as, “i can’t even remember life before I met you.” or “i love you so much. leave me one day if you must, but know that i’ll never be the same without you.”
yandere! husband who always makes sure you take care of yourself, personally appointing days where you have to go the salon to get your hair or nails done. yandere! husband who always has a fun new date idea to keep things fresh in the relationship. yandere! husband who studies your body for hours on end so you’ll never have to look for satisfaction elsewhere.
so that you’ll never question why he’s changed so much. because he was never the man you married in the first place.
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yoru-no-seiiki · 4 months
[part two]
brainrotting about yan! cool kid. like komi’s brother who’s like hella quiet and never interacts with others but people keep fanboying/fangirling/gushing about him.
yan! cool kid who sits beside or behind you in every class.
yan! cool kid who despite looking like he wants to be anywhere but in his seat, earbuds plugged in, eyes staring off to the sky from the window right next to his seat like the anime harem protag he is except he’s actually just listening to your voice through a mic he planted on you.
yan! cool kid who always brings two umbrellas so that he could give one to you when you need it.
yan! cool kid who fantasizes about being with you 24/7. making songs about how he feels, drawing your visage on his notes, and using you as inspiration to study.
(it works too well and he’s always at the top of your class)
yan! cool kid who forces you to pair up with him in every single project. you just happened to be the closest to him. it’s convenient. deal with it.
yan! cool kid who uses the opportunity to get into your house and surround himself with your scent. if only he didn’t need oxygen otherwise he’d be stitch on your sweaty ass gym uniform/workout clothes unto his face.
yan! reader who smiles knowing that their crush is as depraved as they are to him. giggling as they take a video of the school’s most popular and handsome guy getting off to their scent. hands desperately chasing release — one rough tug and he’s spilling all over your bedsheets. judging from the amount of fluids it definitely wasn’t his first climax since you left to ‘make a bite to eat’
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Yandere Creepy Bunny Hybrid
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After a criminal conviction, the claimed hybrid shelter responsible for sourcing most of the beloved species of hybrid is set to shut down
It’s employees pleading with the public to take in their hybrids who’d be otherwise left on the street
Enough for your parents, who you’ve come to live with, to worry
While they were undecided about the morality of owning hybrids
Humanoids with some animal features
They were determined to be helpful 
whether they truly felt such justice or enjoyed the good samaritan role they’d take in a low-maintenance hybrid
A White rabbit with crimson eyes 
In your opinion one of the more beloved species that would’ve found a home somehow but you couldn’t complain
“Welcome Hori! We hope you can find a home with us!”
“Yeah make yourself at home. Don’t mind our kids they’ll be happy to explain anything you need.”
“I appreciate it.”
“Come come I have to show you all the cool things I have!”
Your family takes to him like metals to magnets 
Hovering near him and waiting on him like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread
But he’s just so incredibly…quiet
Not just because he doesn’t speak unless spoken to 
But because he just doesn’t move
You’ve peaked at him sitting in the living room on a chair with no book, no TV on, windows closed, no music playing
What kind of bunny sits in the dark and does nothing
His large red eyes are huge, his ears incredibly long and upright
Skin  so pale, he could pass as the undead
Hori won’t even eat like other bunny hybrids
When your parents first gushed over his photo too many evenings were spent looking up what a bunny hybrid would need
Vegetables, fruits, bunny-hybrid pellets were what they filled the cabinets and fridge with
But he ate none of that 
Barely nibbling when your brother excitedly presented the spread
“This looks…good.”
Barely a quarter of the plate was gone
Before he claimed he was stuffed
The second your family slipped up though and handed him a plate full of steak 
he left nothing on the plate
“I thought bunnies weren’t omnivores?”
“...Maybe the original animal doesn’t but I am a hybrid. Things are…different.”
“Yeah (Y/n), things are different! Stop bullying Hori!”
It oddly feels like Hori is not all he seems 
Constantly seeking out hotdogs over the fruit you offer
Or spending unusual amounts of time staring at the passing neighbors
Or coming home at unspeakably late hours
But every time you tried to bring this up your family would scorn you
Writing off your observations as you being nitpicky
Or even jealous of the newest member of the family
“Just know (Y/n) you still hold a special place in our hearts.”
“Yeah no need to whine, we won’t forget you.”
“Just don’t take it out on Hori he’s been through so much.”
So you settle to avoid him
Just let him be in his parts of the house and you in yours 
But that doesn’t seem to work with his edition
“(Y/n)...will you accompany me on the grocery run?”
“I thought my older sib was taking you?”
“Originally…but I’d like for you to take me!”
“Come on (Y/n)! Take this time to bond with Hori! Maybe you’ll find something’s in common between you two.”
It’s annoying that he insists on doing things with you
But it’s just some things
And of course, because he’s so creepily quiet it almost feels like you’re by yourself
It just gets worse
“I want to sleep with you, (Y/n).”
It was way past midnight and Hori was above you 
Caging you between his arms as he practically laid above you 
There was blood around his mouth and if you had the space you’d check over you body for a wound
“Hori? (Y/n)? Please?!”
“T-t-that’s not even a real sentence! Please get off me!”
Once he does reluctantly give you space
You flick on a lamp or use your phone’s light to light the room
Hori’s hair is much longer, flowing past his tail 
Which was no longer a small puff ball now bloomed into something larger
His ears were incredibly long and twitching as though it was filled with joints of its own
His teeth seemed like they had no end, just rows and rows of spiny teeth all coated with the gunk and gooey mess of a carnivore’s meal
“All that blood?!”
He licks an abnormally long tongue around his mouth
“The left-of-overs from dinner.”
“Dinner was hours ago!”
“Not your dinner my dinner.”
The implication made your stomach twist
“Uh was it good?”
“Very. Now, sleep with you?”
You hoped he’d forget but if only to get some semblance of control and maybe be able to fall back asleep 
You relent
“Fine, but I’m not going to share my blanket…you’re a lot bigger than before.”
“It's okay those covers are not the heat I am after.”
You decided not to comment on it, wrapping yourself in your comforter
Letting Hori’s much larger limbs wrap around you tightly
This creepy bunny continued to surprise you
You could only hope that you’d figure him out soon 
Or your family might be the one to pay the price
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2-dsimp · 5 months
For the life of me I couldn't find the picture that inspired this ask cause no one credits artists anymore and just reposts the work 😭
BUT! it was of a harpy girl and a man sitting on a bench and the harpy was watching other harpies with partners walking by while chirping and stuff and when she and the man were alone on the bench she let out a large CAW! like a mating call to the man. I wanna see Lynx's reaction if harpy!reader did that to him.
『Featuring your Yandere Harpy getting put in a trance by your mating call』
You and Lynx the harpy were enjoying the quiet times within the center of the park. Sitting side by side with wings pressed together and yer colorful tail feathers lightly coiled around the other like a loose knot. The popstar singer recommended the both of y’all going on a stroll away from the media and attention thy came from publicly being his mate.
Y/n: “It’s such a nice day out—CAW!!!”
Lynx was utterly stunned by the sound of your mating call. His feathers fluffed up as he stared at you with heavy dilated pupils that blackened out the color his eyes into a shiny opal hue. He looked to be in a trance resembling that of a night owl as his head was tilted and his keen orbs were unblinking. While he just sat and stared at you in awed silence.
Y/n: “Oh my gosh! please ignore that. I guess that time of the month must be near. Ugh so embarrassing…”
You tried to backpedal but it was already too late as you had this man singing his own flamboyant mating call.
Lynx: “Awe don’t stop! You sound so beautiful~ just keep singing for me little birdy. And I promise to take great care of you, my sweet muse”
The Harpy literally swept you off your talons and took flight straight towards y’all’s sacred nesting spot where he’d be sure to remedy that heat that was creeping on you with a vengeance.
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leaf-line · 1 month
Hello! Can i request some Yandere robin/Kafka and Himeko (seperate) x Gn reader, romantic hcs, please?
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𝐒𝐡𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲
Yandere! Robin/Kafka/Himeko x Gn! Reader
❏ You weren't staying away from them because you were 'shy', you have a perfectly good reason to.
cw: ooc, general yandere content.
w/c: 1,557
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You were happy with what you have, you were happy with the many people around you, but you liked Robin too.
She was irreplaceable, along with all of the people you love. You cared about everyone.
Robin liked you too! She liked the way you told her not to push herself much and to not pressure herself, the way you were all worried and caring for Robin.
She relishes on your affection for her greatly, no matter how small or big it is, Robin would indulge in your attention.
Even if you give her the smallest affection, then the largest to somebody else, she's... she's... She's fine by it. Totally.
But later, you were suddenly down, refusing to pay attention to her, or anything for the matter, even yourself.
Thus... Robin thinks you need saving.
No, no, why won't you smile like you used to? Did something so bad happen?
Robin is appalled by the way you just won't help yourself or push yourself for the better and move on? Isn't that what you told her to do? Why are you opting to be a flesh rotting in your bed and not getting out of your shell?
She had problems too, she too were hard on herself when her mom died, but she used those experiences to get up and push further, why can't you do the same?
She thought that maybe it was her turn to give her full affection and attention to you instead. In a way to pay you back, yet... You won't allow her.
Robin is just concerned. Why won't you let her pamper you?
Why won't you let her sing songs to you?
Why won't you let her visit you?
How could you even refuse such an angel who's willing to drag you up when you're down?
Maybe you're shy. Perhaps she's way too overbearing for your mental capacity to accept her payback. She's sweet, empathetic, and extremely kind to you, especially you.
Why else would you avoid her other than the reason that you're flustered by her appearance? It's because of that, and that's the only reason.
"Oh... My love... Is there any other reason why you're avoiding me other than you think I'll over shine you? Don't worry, I won't do that. You deserve your own spotlight! I'll look at it, only me... I love you, alright?"
She says, clinging on your waist, holding it down enough for you to be thoroughly uncomfortable inside. She would then brush your hair with her hand as if you were a delicate being she needed to protect from danger.
Even after you have tried to escape her countless times, she still has you in her arms, begging for your attention every second, every minute, every hour. It's scary to know that with the snap of her fingers, all of her devoted fans would turn their heads at you, ready to strike with their pitch forks and torches for not accepting such an angel in your life.
Though... Has she ever stopped and thought that maybe, just maybe, the reason for you avoiding her was because you just figured out that she's the reason that the people you've recently been talking to disappear out of thin air? Even the ones you treasured and cared for?
You didn't find any animal fact that said birds are ruthless when they are jealous. You learned it the hard way.
Robin didn't even give you enough time to grieve for them before clinging on to you now that her 'obstacles' are gone.
She hums a melody. It's as if to comfort you from your loss, it feels mocking.
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You found a lady so breathtakingly beautiful it captured your full attention.
You then would ask for her number, maybe start a small chat, heck, even standing next to such beauty would be enough.
If you found Kafka beautiful, then she finds you adorable.
She's curious as to why you would willingly march straight into danger, clueless and unarmed. She might as well give it a shot and try to get to know you better.
This isn't a part of the script. Plus, she finds your face and mentality cute. Is there really no way you don't know anything about her?
Perhaps you don't read the news or you haven't seen her wanted posters in all its glory. Perhaps you knew and are just dipping your hand in with hidden intent. Perhaps you're just dumb. Either way, she'll know soon enough.
Rather than subtly forcing you to outright say who you are, Kafka played the slow—yet fun—game.
You went from conversing, to going on dates, to walking together in the sunset.
And not once has she seen you feel threatened around her, or even show a hint of your plans to capture her. Every last bit of you was adorable as she thought. That surprises her for a bit. However, not for long.
"This gift is handmade, my efforts and results. Accept it, dear." People's fun has to end one way or another
Her voice makes your ears ring, it gives you a headache. As much you want to cover your ears and muffle her sickly sweet voice, you can't. Your hand is trembling. It is too heavy to move, and you already feel bile rising up on your throat.
It was going well. Now you're asking yourself why we're you sitting on the ground, bathing in a puddle of blood.
Huh...? She told you in one of your dates she was going to gift you a big surprise, you weren't expecting a surprise that makes you fall on your knees at the sight in a different way.
Why... Why is this happening?
You get up on your feet and run away as fast as you can, just anyhow to get away from her.
"Don't try to back out now... You're hurting my feelings." Her footsteps were slow, loud, impending.
Tap, tap, tap, tap—
"You wanted to get to know me too, didn't you? Are you not liking what you see? Are you not liking the real me?" She tries to convince you.
Tap, tap, tap—
"Come on, don't be shy, I don't bite, I promise, come out now. You can't hide forever, can you?" She hums, as if to harmonize it with her footsteps.
"Found you."
Don't just walk straight into the cobwebs and try to leave so quickly, for the more you struggle to escape, the more you get tangled and stuck in it.
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Himeko wanted you join her, to board the Astral Express, telling you all sorts of stuffs about how amazing it would be to travel all across the cosmos.
You were there to support her from the start, she wished the same for the end.
You admired her ambitions and pushed her up to reach it. Himeko wanted you to be with her when she does so.
Himeko loved you dearly, the way you would encourage her on her adventures, the way you'd still swallow the last drop of coffee she made for you even though it's hard to swallow, the way you would hold her hand and tell directly that things will go the way she would want it.
She loved the way you can easily melt her heart with those genuine words and touch.
But when you declined and said that you will only be there to watch her fulfill her dreams. It was difficult to take in, but she wasn't able to press further.
And so she conducts the train without you. Only occasionally visiting your home world, then to leave, for there's more other pressing matters.
But the more she embarks, the more she learns and develop her own mindset.
For Himeko, trailblazing follows an unspoken set of steps to commit. Board the train, build immovable and precious memories, then disembark.
In other words, leave. It's difficult, but Himeko's determination perseveres, no matter how many of her short time companions leave her, she will still traverse the stars.
Himeko is the conductor, the train needs her to move.
But she needs you to move. Right now, she needs to hear your voice, your way of lightening up her day with little to no effort. So things will be alright with her. No matter how lonely it gets, no matter how much difficult it is to preserve these memories, she can still retell those adventures with you.
"Isn't that right? [Name]?" She puts her cup of coffee, gazing at the coffee table, then takes a moment to admire the scenery of the window, showing the stars of the universe at full display along with the planet close enough to visualize, then you.
The couch you were sitting on were the same as where Himeko sits. You felt compelled to move away from her, yet she will only move closer. "Don't be shy, it's just the two of us here. The others are away." She gestures at the window. "If you're worried about PomPom, they're in a different room."
She holds your hand tightly, things will go the way she would want it, not the way you would want.
"Please don't leave me. You wouldn't wanna make me lonely, would you?" She holds your hand closer to her face.
Declining isn't an option anymore.
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kikyan · 2 months
Cw: Yandere, Non-Con/Dub-Con, Spanking, Dumbification, Degrading, Sadism, Fingering, Oral (giving and it's forced), Trey forces you to call him big brother, Nasty, Spitting, Picture-Taking, etc. .. . (please let me know if I missed anything!) 
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland 
Character: Trey Clover X GN! Reader
Word Count: 5.2K
A/N: This is an attempt to explore darker kinks and darker content than I usually write! The tags are listed above, so if this makes you uncomfortable, please skip them! I promise not all my content is like this but I just want to show that I CAN write nasty horny and fucked up shit like this, okay thank you enjoy!!  :3 
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The cries of a child echoed through the small meadow and the rapid steps of another, to the source of the crying. 
“Gosh, it’s not like you fell that hard!” 
There in the meadow, were three children. One child had [color] and was sitting in the meadow, bawling their eyes out. Their knees were exposed, scraped, and bleeding. A child with short purple hair, all different shades, and choppy bangs. He was standing in the middle of the meadow; his eyes were staring at the crying child with annoyance. The last kid had short green hair, ruffled at the top, and wore glasses. He crouched down to the crying child shushing them in a soft caring tone. 
“There [Reader], it’s okay. Here, let me help you up.” 
“O-Ok. . .”
[Reader] took the hand, stifling their cries with sniffles and hiccups. 
“It’s what you get for being clumsy, we told you not to run down the meadow, stupid.” 
“Chenya! You’re not helping. Don’t listen to him, [Reader]. Let's get you cleaned up when we get to my house.” 
“Thank you. . .Trey.” 
“Of course, [Reader]. I’m always here for you. . .” 
Chenya rolled his eyes and continued walking, 
“Ugh, Trey is in love~! Whatever, I will leave you two if you don’t hurry up.” 
Trey’s ears turned bright red and so did his cheeks, 
“N-No I am not! I’m just a good friend, unlike you.” 
He huffed out that last comment and turned to face [Reader]. His thumb went to the corner of their eyes, and he wiped their remaining tears. 
“There, ready to head out?” 
[Reader] nodded, they smiled and took his hand in theirs. 
“Thank you, Trey.” 
All three continued to their friend's house, Riddle Rosenhearts. Chenya walked ahead leaving Trey and [Reader] alone, hand in hand. Later that day, after playing with their friend, Chenya bid Trey and [Reader] a good night. Before leaving, he stuck out his tongue at [Reader] who returned the favor. 
“You two, stop fighting. Anyways, see you tomorrow, Chenya.” 
“Night Trey, night [Reader]. Don’t fall in your dreams either, [Reader].” 
“Oh, shut up!” 
Chenya left shortly after his small encounter, leaving Trey and [Reader] alone. Trey adverted his gaze and from the corner of his eye, saw [Reader] looking intensely at Chenya.
“[Reader], let’s go back to my house.” 
“What for?” 
“We still haven’t cleaned your wounds yet, remember?” 
A scab had already formed on their knee, but he was right. They couldn’t disinfect it and after hearing Riddle’s talk about it getting infected and Chenya’s teasing about having to cut their leg off, [Reader] didn’t want to take any chances. 
“Oh okay, let’s go!” 
Trey led them to his home and his mother greeted them at the door, they had noticed the wounds and expressed concern, 
“Oh dear, here sit on the couch and I’ll be right back with the first aid kit.” 
[Reader] did as they were told, and Trey’s mother returned shortly after with the kit. They grabbed the rubbing alcohol and cotton pads to disinfect. 
“This might sting, Trey, hold their hand.” 
Trey did that exactly and his mother applied alcohol, cleaning the wound. Once the pad made contact with their skin, [Reader] let out a hiss, and tears welled in their eyes. Trey quickly took notice and wiped them away with his free hand while squeezing the hand they were holding. 
“There, all done.” 
His mom said and made sure the band-aid was placed correctly with no lumps. 
“You did good [Reader]. Trey, you’ve been looking after them, right?” 
“Of course I have!” 
“That’s good, would you like to stay for dinner, [Reader]?” 
“Yes please!” 
His family had gathered around the table to have dinner with [Reader]. After dinner, Trey, [Reader], and his siblings played for a while before getting ready for bed. Trey’s mother had called [Reader’s] parents and asked them if it was alright for them to spend the night at their house, which they agreed was fine. Since it was short notice, they couldn’t prepare a spare bed but were quick to accommodate.
“[Reader], do you mind sleeping in Trey’s bed?”
[Reader] shook their head. They did not mind sleeping in his bed, much less sharing it.
“W-well where would I sleep?”
Trey had turned to ask his mom who gave him a confused look.
“In your bed as well, Trey. Do you mind sharing a bed with [Reader]?”
Trey’s cheeks flushed pink, but he knew it was nothing different than sharing a bed with his siblings or friends, so he quickly got over his embarrassment.
“Then it’s settled, that is of course if it’s okay with you, [Reader]?”
“Of course! I don’t mind sleeping with Trey!” 
Sleeping arrangements were finalized and the couple tucked both kids in, bidding them a pleasant night. [Reader] was sleeping on one side of the bed and Trey on the other, reminiscing about their day.
“I had so much fun today, Trey! I can’t wait to play with Riddle and Chenya again tomorrow! Even if he is a little mean. . .”
Trey’s expression softened at them and he turned his body sideways to face them.
“I’m excited to play with everyone again tomorrow but you know  it’s not nice to fight with others, [Reader].”
“He started it! I didn’t do anything, Chenya is just a big old mean bully!”
[Reader] huffed in frustration, thinking back to the boy with the smug grin and his witty comments. Trey merely laughed at their cute, annoyed expression,
“Alright, if Chenya is a bully to you tomorrow I will say something but don’t fight with him anymore, okay?”
With a heavy sigh, [Reader] agreed.
“You’re very nice to me Trey, that’s why I love you a lot! Unlike Chenya, so that’s why I love spending time with you.”
Trey’s eyes widened at the confession and his cheeks flushed, staring at them in awe.
“Y-you love me. . .?”
“Of course, I do! You’re like my older brother, you’re nice and take care of me.”
Trey’s expression fell for a second before he chuckled and placed his hand on their head, ruffling their hair.
“I love you too, [Reader]. You’re like a younger sibling to me too. . .”
With that, the two fell asleep into a deep slumber where his parents would come to find them holding hands in their sleep.
Following the years to come, Trey and [Reader] had remained as close as can be. Both attended the same middle school and frequently had sleepovers, playdates, and events together. Everything was the same even when Trey and [Reader] got the letter of acceptance from Night Raven College. Both were excited to attend NRC and even more excited when they were both assigned to the same dorm, Heartslaybul. It was the beginning of their high school life, but there was only one problem. Cater Diamond. During their time at NRC, they met Cater Diamond who became best friends with them. Trey thought he was an interesting fellow who certainly was hiding something, but [Reader] was different. Instead, they were enamored with him. Cater was the responsible upperclassman who wasn’t afraid to loosen up a bit. It had been a small crush that wasn’t noticeable to the naked eye, but someone like Trey who had practically lived with [Reader] all their life knew something was off. [Reader]’s crush was harmless because he knew Cater wouldn’t like them romantically. It still hurt to see [Reader] love him after all these years. It was okay though because Cater would never love them. . or so he thought. 
They were in their third year and  discussing the internships that they would be undergoing during their fourth year, 
“So what did you pick Cater?” 
“Nothing yet, I’m not sure what to do and now I’m even more confused after hearing everyone else. I guess everyone has their life planned out. . .”  
Trey nodded but the two remained silent. The silence was cut short when Cater spoke up, 
“I wonder what [Reader] is going to do. Maybe I’ll go to the one they pick, who knows.” 
Trey perked up at the comment, 
“Oh, why do you say that?” 
Cater lazily turned to look at Trey and gave out a sigh, 
“I know you’re very close to them Trey, but do me a favor. Don’t tell them what I’m going to tell you but I care for them. I think I like them.” 
Trey’s breath hitched, 
“O-oh really? What makes you say that. . .Cater?” 
“They’re always near me and while that can be a bore to some it’s nice to know that there's someone in my corner. They’re honest and they’re not trying to suck up to me because they voice their feelings and aren’t afraid to call me out. I don’t need to keep up appearances or a persona with them. I can be genuine and I like that.” 
Trey kept a stoic face, then awkwardly smiled. Hands scratching behind his head, 
“I see. . .your secret is safe with me Cater. I will say this much, I’ve grown up with [Reader] and I swear if you hurt them-” 
“I won’t. I would never dream of it and I certainly wouldn’t want to incur your wrath, Trey. So scary!” 
Cater made a face before the two shared a small laugh. If only Cater knew that Trey wasn’t joking and was plotting against him at the very moment. 
Trey aimed to prevent [Reader] and Cater from being alone. Cater wouldn’t confess his feelings towards [Reader] if others were looking. Despite being flashy and always posting, Cater valued his privacy. Right now [Reader] was missing but Trey was certain where to find them. Cater had his music club right about now and knowing [Reader], they were probably in the clubroom with him. Trey made it to the room only to see Lilia and Kalim talking. 
“Oh, good afternoon Trey. Are you looking for Cater?” 
“Kalim, Lilia, you could say that. Is Cater around? Looks like Riddle wants us back to dorm stat.” 
A white lie, that was all. 
“Oh, well you’re just in luck! They’re already heading back to the dorms!” 
Kalim voiced, making Trey question his verbiage. 
“Oh! [Reader] was here too, they both just left. They looked happy and were chatting about something.” 
Lilia clarified for Trey. 
Kalim smiled and turned to Trey, 
“I’m so happy for Cater. Make sure to say congratulations Trey!” 
“Congratulations. . .?” 
Lilia sighed, 
“Kalim, not yet. He hasn’t asked!” 
Trey felt a sigh of relief wave over him, but he had to intervene one way or another. 
“ Oh, I see! Sorry, but I must get going before Riddle has my head. See you guys around.” 
Trey bid his farewells and walked back to the hall of mirrors, Kalim and Lilia both bid him a farewell. At this point, Trey was running, if they had just left then they might still be at the hall of mirrors that was filled with students returning from their clubs like them. If that was the case, there was still time! Once he got to the hall of mirrors, he panicked as they were nowhere to be seen. He immediately rushed to his dorm and thought, if Cater were to confess, where would he go? Luckily he didn’t need to rack his brain for long, as Ace and Deuce were lounging about. 
“Ace, Deuce! Sorry, but have you guys seen Cater? I need to speak to him.” 
“Oh, hey Trey! Yeah, we saw him not too long ago. He was talking to [Reader] and they were heading to the dorm rooms. They left the lounge area like about. . .3 minutes ago?” 
Deuce answered his question, but his response did not soothe Trey.
“I see, well thanks! I’ll be heading out now, if you see him or [Reader], could you shoot me a text?” 
“Yeah, we got it.” 
Ace and Deuce nodded, turning back to what they were doing initially. Trey began to head to the dorm rooms and once he reached their area, he saw Cater and [Reader] standing in front of Cater’s dorm room. 
“I recommend checking out this artist, all their music is super good and I’ve been trying to get Lilia and Kalim to do something similar with me but it’s no use. Those two just don’t get it.” 
Cater sighed and held a face of disappointment, but perked up when he heard [Reader] chuckle. 
“Well, Lilia likes metal and wants to add screams to everything and Kalim just loves music that he wants to add every kind of beat and instrument. I’m sure you guys could make your own version, but I’ll check out their music!” 
Cater smiled and turned to them, 
“[Reader] I-”
“Cater! There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” 
Trey arrived at the right time, cutting Cater off and from making a mistake. 
“Oh, Trey. . how can I help? 
Cater’s gentle smile that for [Reader] turned forced and strained, like a ‘hey can’t you see I’m doing something, the hell do you need’. Cater had told Trey his plans to confess soon, but he figured he would be able to read the room to see what he was planning on doing. 
“Hey, [Reader]. . .sorry Cater I didn’t want to bother you but Riddle wants to speak to you. Says it’s an emergency.” 
At the mention of their housewarden, Cater sighed and gave an anxious smile. 
“Well, if Riddle wants to speak to me who am I to say no? Sorry, [Reader] but I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” 
“Mhm, I’ll be waiting Cater!” 
Cater waved them goodbye and turned to walk towards Riddle’s dorm room. The moment Cater was out of sight, Trey turned to [Reader]. 
“Are you going back to your room? I can walk you.” 
“Oh, yes I was, and sure, I’ll take you up on it.” 
Trey walked [Reader] to their room and made light conversation on the way. Once they arrived, [Reader] thanked Trey and then asked for help on a subject. 
“You want me to tutor you?” 
“Yes, please! If Riddle were to see my last potion’s exam score he would surely have my head! Professor Crewel is letting me retake it and I can go in on Friday, but I need help!” 
Trey thought back to all the time he spent tutoring [Reader] and hanging out with them after school, how could he say no? 
“Alright, let’s see what we’re working with. I’ll help. Let’s go to my room though, I think I have some old workbooks in there.” 
“Thank you, Trey! I’ll make it up to you!” 
[Reader] went inside their room to collect their materials and then headed over with Trey to his dorm room. He invited them in and sat on a desk chair while he walked around to find his study materials. Curiosity got the better of him despite already knowing the answer, 
“So, what did Cater want to talk to you about? You guys seemed. . .close.” 
“O-oh, nothing important. Just some club stuff, they’re planning on performing at a school event but aren’t sure what to play so he just wanted a second opinion.” 
“I see. . Well here are the books. What do you say we get to studying?” 
After a while, 48 minutes to be exact, [Reader] was still struggling. 
“So, when these two mix they don’t cause a reaction?” 
“No, because if you see here in this example-” 
After explaining it for a minute, [Reader] still looked at Trey in confusion, who just sighed a their expression. 
“Okay, we can review again. I don’t want to overwhelm you with information when it seems you’re deep in thought. Anything you want to talk about it?” 
Trey offered an ear to what he assumed was a problem. 
“Hey Trey, can I be honest?” 
“ Of course, what’s on your mind?” 
“Well. . .I’ve had a crush on Cater for a while and sometimes, I feel like he knows or feels the same way. He sometimes says things where they could be meant for friends but they linger in my thoughts and I think maybe he likes me. He’s your best friend, has he ever mentioned anything about me?” 
Trey tried to respond but was cut off by [Reader].
“It's just, I like Cater. I think he’s an amazing person who listens to others around him and he is always there to help! He is super easy to talk to and wants to make the most of his school life you know? He is like a safe space where I can talk about things I feel embarrassed to confess to another, I know that deep down he won’t open up as fast as another and he’s hiding behind something. Some might think it’s annoying, being friends for three years but still not knowing how the other truly feels or thinks. I trust Cater will open up when he wants, and I’m okay with that. I want to support him like he supports me. Sometimes I feel like, I found my soulmate here!”
Trey adverted his eyes and his once expressive face turned stoic. He was angry and tired, 
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I said, shut the fuck up! I’m tired of listening to you talk endlessly about Cater and how much you love him. It’s pathetic, you fell in love with someone who probably doesn’t know what they want or who they are. This whole time I. . .I’ve been here. I love you, [Reader]. What does Cater have that I don’t have?” 
[Reader] stared at Trey with wide eyes and swallowed thickly. 
“T-Trey. . .it’s not that Cater has something that you lack. It’s more like. . .oh how do I explain this, Trey, I don’t like you like that. To me, you’re more of an older brother, y’know? Someone I can depend on and ask for help; I don’t see you as a romantic partner.” 
Trey just stared at [Reader] with serious eyes. His expression was stoic and gave off an eerie vibe. [Reader] adverted their gaze from his eyes, but what’s done is done. [Reader] was honest with their feelings and though it was awkward, they were sure that with time they could get back to what they had originally. 
“Listen Trey, I’m sorry but I also didn’t want you to think differently, okay? I’ll go ahead and leave, feel free to reach out if you want.” 
With that, [Reader] made their way to the door to his room. Trey remained silent but slowly moved his body to face [Reader’s]. He reached out and right before [Reader] opened the door, he slammed their head into the door. They were knocked out briefly, turning to look at Trey with fear written on their face.
“Trey. . .w-what are you. .?”
“I’m like an older brother, right? Well then, it’s my job to protect and prepare you for the real world ahead.”
Trey’s hands went to their neck, and they wrapped around tightly. Their back was still against his chest while their hands were trying to pry off his solid grip from their throat.
“T-Trey. . h-hurts-!?”
He led them to the bed, where he threw them without any remorse and immediately crawled above them. Now [Reader] was lying on the bed, his grip returning to their throat with his legs in between theirs. With their legs spread, his hands traveled to their crotch and began to touch, trailing his finger up and down. He leaned into their neck and his lips got closer to their ear.
“Does it feel good? Do you want more? Do you want you ‘big brother’ to make you feel good?”
His tone was condescending and playful, no doubt he took pleasure in causing them fear. [Reader] shook their head at his suggestion, but his hands were already wandering and slipped inside their bottoms. His fingers found themselves inside, touching their sex and rubbing their sensitive bits.
“No? You seem like you want it. . .you seem aroused.”
[Reader] squirmed at the feeling of his hot breath on their ear but also at the feeling of his fingers playing with their sex.
“T-Trey. . .stop! I don’t w-want this. . .”
“Are you sure?”
He let out a light scoff, staring at their struggling form. He continued touching them but also tightened his grip on their neck. [Reader] was desperately flinging their arms around to try to hit him or make him loosen his grip, but to no avail. Trey was relentless.
“Look, can you feel my finger inside you?”
Trey’s finger pumped in and out of their hole, reaching deeper and deeper with each thrust. He struggled to thrust at a consistent speed as their hole clenched around his finger, no doubt trying to stop it from entering.
“You should really try to loosen up, [Reader]. It’ll hurt less, after all, ‘big brother’ doesn’t want to see you in so much pain.”
“T-trey get off me-!”
[Reader] yelled out, their hands slapping his face and arms to get him to release his hold. Trey did not show any remorse or intent on letting go, but he did. He let go of their neck and sex, before grabbing their face and shoving his fingers in their mouth. He made sure to reach the back of their throat to make them gag. After a while, his hand returned to their throat.  Trey’s hands went to his own pants, and he undid the buttons and zipper. His hands reached into boxers, pulling out his cock. With the same hand, he gave it a couple pumps and smeared the pre-cum around the tip.
“You should really shut the fuck up, [Reader].”
Both hands returned to their face, thumbs prying their mouth open before he scooted closer to them, sitting on their chest. He made sure his crotch was near their face and his cock close to their mouth.
“I don’t think I have to warn you on what’ll happen if you bite, right?”
He glared down at them before shoving his whole dick inside. His hold on their head never loosened, but rather got tighter which was also helping with prying their mouth open. Trey didn’t have to worry about [Reader] biting, his grip had made it impossible for them to even attempt to close their mouth.
“A-ah. . .f-fuck! Your mouth feels so g-good. . .God, imagine how your insides would feel.”
Trey held no remorse; he thrusted inside their mouth at a brutal fast paced and hitting the back of their throat. Their tongue was unintentionally licking the vein running down the side of his dick and their throat was watering up, lubricating it as well. Drool ran down the sides of their mouth and their hands at this pelvis area trying to push him out of their mouth, but how could they when his whole-body weight was on them.
“I’m fucking close, gonna cum in your mouth. Don’t you want big brother’s milk inside of your mouth, huh [Reader]?”
Grunts and soft light moans left his mouth as he continued to thrust. Tears welled in [Reader]’s eyes and their hands bawled into fists, hitting his pelvic area.
“F-fuck c-coming-!”
Trey hit the back of their throat, spilling his cum inside. He pulled out to see the line of drool connecting their mouth and his dick, but also the cum that was spilling from the sides of their mouth. The sides of their mouth and cheeks were turning red, no doubt bruising from how hard he was gripping.
“God, just look at how hot you look. Cater doesn’t deserve to see this. . .only I get to see you like this.”
There was a flash that awoke [Reader] from their state of shock. Turning to see Trey grinning while holding their phone.
“Say cheese~”
He tossed his phone to the side and his hand went to their face, gripping their cheeks together and puckering their lips out. He gave their lips a kiss, even as far as opening their mouth and sticking his tongue inside. His tongue went over their tongue, licking up his own cum and their saliva. While he was making out with them, his free hand went back to their bottoms and tired prying them off. Removing their bottoms and undergarments, revealing only their naked bottom half and exposed sex.
Releasing them from the kiss,
“I would love to see your face as I fuck you, but I think for today, I’m fine without seeing it. Besides, your big brother has plenty of time to see your fucked out face. Now, let’s get you on all fours, [Reader].”
His tone was that of the Trey everyone knows, kind and gentle, but his words were laced with venom and ill intention.
“W-what n-no, let me go Trey!”
[Reader] scrambled to find an opening, anything to get them out of his grip. They began to crawl towards the edge of the bed, but Trey was quick to grab their torso and drag them back to the center. His hands went underneath and propped them up, head down ass up. His hands were digging into their hips, and he leaned to give their back small light kisses.
“Can’t you see how good ‘big brother’ has treated you all this time? How nice he’s been?”
“Trey! S-Stop this, w-why are you acting like this! Fuck, I just d-don’t like you like that-ha!”
Trey had smacked their ass cheek and visible irritation was starting to form.
“Don’t make me gag you, I want to hear you after all.”
Another smack was heard. Trey alternated sides, but still smacked their ass. A light sob could be heard from [Reader] with light moans and groans from the pain slipped out. Trey stopped for a moment, [Reader] momentarily thought he may have been done before feeling a painful stretch.
“Fuck. . .you’re fucking tight.”
[Reader] let out a pained curse and tried to regain their breath. Trey started off with a light thrust before increasing his speed. He was stretching their hole and fucking them at a brutal pace with no regard for their feelings. [Reader] had yet to adjust to his length and was clutching the sheets in his bed for some sort of distraction and relief. As he was thrusting into them, he was also spanking them as well, causing twice the pain.
“Ha, you think I like being the nice guy, huh [Reader]?”
They leaned their head towards the pillows on the bed to try to get relief, focusing on his words instead of his actions.
“F-fuck, h-ha. . .think I like being the one everyone looks up to? They’re so annoying, always fucking complaining about every little fucking thing. Cater, don’t get me started on him!”
“How did he ever get your fucking love? He’s always lying and adapting to everyone because he doesn’t even know who he is. He’s so fucking two faced, but what have I done? I’ve taken care of you and looked after you. When you had a problem who solved it? Huh, [Reader]!?”
When Trey did not hear a response, he spanked [Reader] harder and inched his hand closer to their neck, adding light pressure as a warning.
“I fucking said, who solved it!?”
“Y-you, Trey. . .”
“Yeah? Me? Just Trey? Ha. . .or was it your ‘big brother Trey’? Say it, bitch.”
“Y-you, ngh-! I-it was you, b-big brother Trey-ha fuck!”
“That’s right, it was me. . .’big brother Trey’. Want ‘big brother Trey’ to make you feel better, [Reader]? I’m only using you as my toy, my cumslut but I know you want to feel good too huh. . ?”
Whines and soft moans left [Reader’s] mouth as they adjusted to his length. His pace had slowed down a bit but was constant, hitting all the right places and angles.
“Y-yes. . .”
“Yes, what?”
They felt so disgusting and dirty having to say what he wanted them to say, but if they complied with him would he let them go?
“Y-yes, ‘big brother Trey’ m-make me f-feel g-good. . .”
Trey scoffed at them and let out a laugh,
“Did I break you already? No matter, sure, “big brother Trey” will make you feel so good [Reader]. . .”
Trey began to thrust deeper and harder into them, he had arranged the position of his hands for one to hold their neck in place and the other free hand wandering to their genitilia. Trey began to rub slowly; unlike the first time he touched them. Stroking and rubbing slowly, creating a slow pace but one that pleasure their most sensitive points the best. After the pain subsided, [Reader] began to feel pleasure, which did not go unnoticed by Trey. He quickens the pace in with his fingers, rubbing, stroking, and pinching their sex.
“You’re twitching. . .are you going to come, [Reader]?”
His tone was still condescending and filled with fake worry.
[Reader] nodded but whimpered when his grip tightened on their neck.
“Y-yes “b-big brother T-Trey’, c-coming!”
As they said that, they came, but Trey did not come.
“G-good, did that feel good? See how good ‘big brother Trey’ can make you feel?”
[Reader] nodded, they thought this was the end until Trey continued to thrust inside them still.
“I didn’t come yet, [Reader]. Don’t you want ‘big brother Trey to come inside you? To fill your insides up?”
Seeing as they already came, Trey removed his hand from their sex but neck, but positioned his hand back at their hip, with his free hand holding his phone  and recording.
“Come on, say it, say you want ‘big brother Trey’ to fill your insides~”
Trey’s phone was pointed at [Reader’s] back, but also managed to get his cock mercilessly pounding into [Reader]. Their moans filled the room as well as the sound of flesh hitting each other. Overstimulated from their first release,
“W-want ‘b-big brother Trey t-to fill my insides, to c-come inside f-fuck! Ha! F-feel s-so good. . .”
With that, Trey gave one last final thrust before coming inside them. His cum filling them up and leaking from their plugged hole. He pulled out and angled his phone’s camera to their lower half, taping their exposed body and their cum filled hole. He stopped filming and leaned over their shoulder,
“Do you still consider me like your big brother, eh [Reader]?”
Cater was scrolling through Magicam tirelessly but then he got a message from Trey.
Trey: Hey Cater, are you hungry? Looks like I have some leftovers you can have.
Cater pondered for a bit, what could Trey possibly have made or ordered, but he stopped when he saw a video attached to another message.
“A video. . ?’
Cater clicked on it, curious at what the video was about since the surrounding background was dark in the video.
“Come on, say it, say you want ‘big brother Trey’ to fill your insides~”
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
hi! if this interests you in any way, yan xiao and yan scara with s/o who's naturally kind to everyone, not only them? would they want to hoard their s/o's sunshine to themselves only, would they go through unholy lengths to keep them away from others so they're kind only to them? kind of :)
Hiii! I think we all can agree that these two would adore a kind s/o, in fact, your kindness will accelerate their yandere tendencies. Xiao and Scaramouche are similar yet vastly different in their approach and intentions to such a situation.
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Scaramouche would 100% hoard your kindness, monopolizing it thereafter. His methodology merely varies depending on the most prominent periods of his existence.
Kabukimono, who's an infant to every little wonder of this world, takes just a little while to grasp the warmth of your glow. When he does, he understands its necessity to him by comparing it to the air that humans so desperately need to survive. Kabukimono tries to give you the benefit of the doubt for a while, too, but much like a child, he'll quickly become pouty when he sees you showering others in the same kindness. What, was it wrong for him to think himself a little special? He'll probably just follow you around like a duckling (not that he already doesn't everyday) and stare blankly at the person til they get uncomfortable and leave. Should you raise a brow at him—ah no, you can't. After all, he's just an innocent puppet who can barely comb his own hair, he's still new to all this. So, you have no other choice but to take the liberty of teaching him, digging your own grave.
Kunikuzushi is far more expressive and desperate, this is where his protective nature starts to dominate. The world is cruel and ugly, the humans you're so carelessly allowing to take advantage of you? They'll all crush you, extinguish your light. He cannot allow those vermins to greedily take all your attention. Kunikuzushi is also reckless, you try to understand him even when its apparent something is terribly wrong with him but does it affect anything? Yes, it merely strengthens his belief that you should be protected from the filth of the world.
The Balladeer, oh, is he smitten (all his incarnations are but that's besides the point). But unlike his younger selves he has all the means and an equally uncaring mindset for others necessary to actually take action. When he's certain that your kindness isn't just a fad, he's not allowing anyone else to bask in its glow. He's the most unhesitant to do so and you have no choice but to follow along his whims, burdened by your own kindness that deters you from even blaming him.
For Wanderer, it'd take more time than Kabukimono to develop that sort of jealously. Having just recovered his past memories, he's a little overwhelmed, if not confused with his next course of action. At the same time, he's trying to be better. So, letting another person have that kind of grasp on him again will result in prolonged inner debates. He appreciates your kindness albeit, he can't help but wonder if you would still smile at him the same had you known of his past crimes. The anemo vision might've become Wanderer's heart but he still lacks a will to live and if you were to become that will? It's not a stretch to say he wouldn't try to keep all your attention on him and boy does he succeed. All those centuries of trial and error has taught him much and it's finally time to put that experience to good use.
Xiao on the other hand takes much, much more time, not.. necessarily or soley to develop that envy but the awareness of what on Teyvat he's actually doing. The intricacies of human emotions fly over Xiao's head, the only thing he cares to understand is that he likes it when you go out of your way to nurse his wounds despite his protests and pushes, when you greet him and ask how his day went (to which he always answers the same) or as you routinely bring him almond tofu despite his insistence that you needn't do so every single day. He isn't exactly surprised when he sees you treating others similarly, he might even consider himself the lucky one for having the blessing of your warmth. The only instance I see him, technically, hoarding your benevolence is if the people around you meant you harm. Xiao would then simply dispose of them but when that doesn't work anymore? Although it might take immense amount of contemplation and an equally strong push, until Xiao has no choice but to arrange his Adepti realm for a proper stay.
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colddelusionsheep · 1 year
I am watching a play through of the resident evil 4 remake, and all I can say is that Leon is just perfect yandere material.
He would be a Knight in shining armor to you. Just imagine how protective he would be after everything he has been through.
I feel like with all his quick one liners he would have so many cute nicknames for you. His favorite would be princess/prince.
And maybe him being infected would just worsen his tendencies. Maybe that want to worship would translate to you. With how dangerous he knows the world is, you can't blame him for wanting to lock up his goddess/god.
He will be the dragon guarding his sweet princess/prince in the tower, and no matter how you try you will never be able to climb down.
Here is where it gets spicy, so be warned( noncon/dubcon, overstimulation, oral, fingering, and bondage)
And just think about how needy he would be. Your body would be the perfect reward for him. So just lay down and let him collect his reward.
He would be so sweet about it. He wants you to feel just as good as you make him feel. How he would worship you, and you know that man has stamina. Leon could go for hours without stopping. No matter how much you may beg for a break, this man is on a mission to see how many times he can get you to come undone with his fingers alone.
You may think that he would be satisfied with that, but no. This man still needs to eat. His favorite place would be between your thighs. How he loves to hear you moan. The second you moan his name he would cum. Leon wouldn't stop then though. He needs to pay you back for making him feel so good ten fold.
I also have no doubt that this man would love to tie you up. You always would wiggle and try to escape. So you have to see why he has no choice but to strap your legs down and bind your hands to the headboard. How else could he worship you correctly?
He just would be such a good yandere.
I really didn't mean for it to get so....spicy but I just couldn't get it out of my head. I am also getting more comfortable with smut so feel free to send in requests of that type and I will try to get to them in a timely manner.
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falling-heights · 6 months
Yandere Viktor x Sick Reader
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"We're all killers.
We've all killed parts of ourselves to survive.
Something somewhere had to die so we could stay alive."
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He won't let you die.
Whether it be his unshakeable determination to save you, or because he just can't let the one person to ever understand his condition go. However, his idea of salvation is far from kind. A machine keeps you animated.
A liquid diet of nutrients driven into your veins daily. Synthetic air forced into your lungs, a thick, rigid tube shoved into your mouth, down your throat. It was calibrated, exact, like a ticking clock, never off for a moment.
You had memorized its rhythm for a long time now, there was little else to think about anymore.
This existence is beyond any imaginable pain or remorse. Nothing should be forced to live like this, not when you should have died so long ago. And yet he will not accept it; he robbed you of your very right to die.
He's taken away your ability to beg, with that horrible pipe. You supposed he preferred your silence if you would not ask him anything more than to pull its plug. Or perhaps, that you might even thank him one day if he were to ever 'cure' you. Until then, the only noise you could emit was the regulated gasps that were exhaled out of your chest with every forced compression of the machine.
You could not even will yourself to rip the tube from your throat. It was attempted only once, and your hands had been tied to the edges of the bed since then. Regardless, you didn't think you had the strength to lift them anymore.
What was left of your muscles must surely be atrophied after laying on this bed for what must be months. You weren't even sure how long it had been since he brought you here, he never said.
Has he even realized what little is actually left of the person he loved so dearly? How desperately you yearn for him to stop, to allow you to leave. How could he imagine that what he's doing to you is worse than if he had simply let you die as nature determined?
Viktor visits you every day. Usually to take care of you, to talk to you as he always did when things were more innocent. Oftentimes, he cuts into you during these one-sided conversations, speaking to you about the most ordinary things while he operated on you like you were some sort of experiment.
You didn't know why he did it, what he was looking for, or what he was planning. He spoke about the human body as though it were a machine, something with parts and systems, and you feared that one day he would begin to remove the things he cut into.
You feared what he may turn you into.
You were the one person he ought to love the most, but he seemed to have lost himself after witnessing you fade little by little. So lost in his resolve to fix you, he had forgotten any sense of morality or humanity. It didn't matter what he had to do or what would happen in the end so long as he could make you better.
And my dear, he will fix you. Even if he has to replace every inch of you.
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Just realized this is the first Arcane content to be posted on this blog. I have another blog with a lot of Viktor stuff, i didn't even realize that he had never been posted here until now.
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sucker-for-yanderes · 8 months
Yandere x Reader
Contains: gn!reader, sub!reader, dub/con, yandere behavior, forced orgasm.
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yandere who makes incredibly emotionally vulnerable and insecure reader cum even though reader thinks they don’t deserve that type of pleasure.
reader denying yandere’s advances continuously, all failing of course. all of that effort, for what? right. yandere pins reader down forcing them to take it, forcing pleasurable reactions out of reader, and eventually, forcing reader to cum.
but it’s mostly to let reader know that they do deserve that type of love! they deserve to feel pleasure on all levels. only the best for you, pookie. the other reasoning being that they want to make you happy, as happy as you can be.
yandere wiping reader’s tears of happiness as their high fades. they’re ready to give you that same high time and time again. yandere will always be there for you, my dear. they’re not going to let you go. they won’t let you pass up on the same feeling that you give them.
yandere massaging your back, adoring you as you fall asleep on them, mindlessly drooling on their shirt. but they love it. you’re so cute. they love you so much. goodnight.
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yandere-paramour · 6 months
Vivien NSFW Headcanons Part 1
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Vivien loves sex.
All kinds of sex. He loves fast and slow, gentle and rough, and any position he can manage to get into. He is pretty adventurous and willing to do nearly anything you want. The only things he really can’t bring himself to do is degrade you really badly, hurt you and leave bad marks, or let anyone see your body but him. 
He is a bisexual switch. He absolutely loves touching you, but he also finds a lot of appeal in you touching him. When he is feeling dominant, he loves to lavish you with lots of praise and mild degradation, but he won’t say anything that bothers you, he doesn't want you to feel in any way uncomfortable.
He will most likely pin your hands above your head or tie you up while he worships all your body and teases you. He much prefers bondage for you over him as without literal knots, he can’t keep his hands away from you. When he is feeling submissive (which isn’t often but isn’t rare either), he loses all control of himself. He will strain against his bonds and absolutely beg you to untie him and let him touch you or for you to touch him.
He kind of has a fantasy of you masturbating while he is tied to a chair and forced to watch, and he is struggling to get to you and help you out. Better tie him tight otherwise he’ll get in there.
He has a lot of stamina and almost no shame. He will have sex on any surface in any position at any time. He is not fully opposed to sex in public places, but he is less fond of the idea of people seeing you. He doesn’t care about people seeing him, he is just too possessive of your body to allow anyone else to see you. He prefers his sex a little more rough than gentle, and his strokes are usually fast and deep (he wants you to feel every inch of him). He very much would like to take Darling from behind and give them a few smacks on the ass if the mood calls for it.
However, if Darling prefers it, he can be very soft and romantic. He’ll buy soft sheets, light candles, and even sprinkle some petals from his precious flowers on the bed or in a hot bath. And he’ll do everything he can to hold back for them, trying to keep things to sensual strokes and caresses and tender kisses. In these romantic sessions, he is kind of into dacryphilia. He loves to see happy tears spilling from your eyes, knowing that you are feeling so engulfed in his love inside and out that you can’t help but feel emotional enough to cry as he fucks you. Makes him want to lick your tears away and thrust deeper.
This might end up turning into his other kink, overstimulation. Vivien has so much stamina that he could go for many rounds, even if Darling can’t. He just wants to make sure you’re very thoroughly satisfied before he stops.
He loves makeout sessions, although they never last long. He gets hard at everything so makeouts pretty much always lead to sex. If they don’t end up leading to sex, then Darling will be covered in hickeys in as many places as they’ll allow and Vivien will have to go to the bathroom to take care of himself.
Vivien likes to bite so everyone knows you’re his.
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
PATHETIC! YAN couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
He expected you to sneer at him, insult him, degrade him, curse him out for being an obsessive freak.
but not this.
“See? You weren’t even listening properly! I mean seriously, why do you suck at this so much? Augh.” You pressed your feet on his face, keeping him from looking directly at you. “How am I supposed to feel secure as a darling if my yan couldn’t even reject an invite so that you could stalk me more?”
PATHETIC! YAN had no choice really. It was a meeting that his family had arranged. If he had said no, the least they would do was chew him out on it. It was painful being away from you, but now he was starting to think that maybe it was the right choice.
Though your foot being placed on his face was nice, it obscured the pout on yours. He attempted to move it outside only to get kicked square on the jaw.
“Ah ah ah. Don’t fucking move. If the universe won’t give me a good yan, then you can at least be a good toy.”
pathetic! yan and borderline abusive/bratty reader is infecting my brain. this is so tim drake x cv! reader coded im not apologizing
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yoru-no-seiiki · 4 months
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tagging @onyanjune and @h0ly-l3mb for giving me the idea/motivation to do this lol
link to original post here
tw/cw: MDNI or you WILL be blocked, DDDNE, (skip for spoilers) yandere! reader, mentioned non/dub con, mentioned filming of said non/dubcon.
yan! cool kid has two siblings, your upperclassman and underclassman respectively. and it hella irritates him how close you are to the two.
ofc yan! reader’s intentions have and will always be depraved yearning. they only befriended the pair for the sake of “getting close to the in-laws.” after all you wouldn’t be a good future spouse if you weren’t somewhat involved in the family side of things.
but your tunnel vision sort of . . . backfired.
“quite a bunch of lunches you’re packing.” he mumbled, raising his head from his arms after a thorough nap through class. he had already studied everything that subject had to offer and thoroughly memorized it thanks to his notes that were covered in photos of you.
“oh these? these aren’t just for me, silly.” you answered. he already knew what you were planning, and you already knew that he knew, but keeping this façade of normalcy was a game you two liked to play, “you haven’t been bringing food to school recently i’ve noticed. so i made some more to share.”
“just one?”
you blinked at him, confused. laughing after you realize where his eyes were focused on. you explain that the rest will be going to his siblings, since you thought it may be a household / financial problem.
soon after that you took off, trying your best to hide the giddy feeling in your body threatening to spill unto your facial expressions.
yan! cool kid stares at his brand new lunch and wonders if you also cut out heart shaped potato for their curries, planning out ways to torture yan! loser later
yan! loser who’s yan! cool kid’s younger brother. they look so different, their demeanors even further apart. the only way you knew they were related was cause you stalked the latter on his way back home and almost killed the former before you found out.
you dropped by his class with a smile. his classmates staring at you with wide eyes as those in higher levels rarely ever go to this section of school.
“i hope you don’t mind, but i made lunch for you. is that okay?”
“is ThaT okAy?” he parroted back at you, his voice cracking, nerves on edge at all the people staring at the situation. he was going to eat lunch alone in the bathroom again like always but was occupied with erasing the marks left by his bullies on the table.
you laugh at his response, and set the lunch you prepared on his table.
you stare blankly at the brutal remarks written across. silently you walked outside before coming back with a spare table. you frown as the food you left remained untouched.
“you should eat first. lunch won’t last forever.”
you pat the poor boy’s back and left.
one last delivery til you were done.
you breathed in, knocking the door to the student council’s room. “mr. president, it’s me.”
“come in.”
yan! school president doesn’t even raise his head to look at you. his focus remaining on the papers in his hand and table. “leave the lunchbox there.” the bespectacled man points to your table in the room.
you set it down obediently and walked out. at least, you tried to until he stops you. “before you go, tell me why i shouldn’t report your actions to the faculty.”
you don’t turn around from the door, but still you answer, “hm, actions?”
“you, using school funds to pay for my youngest brother’s harassment.”
“…mmm…” you turned around, placing a hand on your chin in feigned deep thought “because . . . you love love love me?”
yan! president sighed. you hear paper shredding.
“you may go.”
you giggled. stepping outside of the stuffy room to go finally see your beloved again in class.
you put a hand in your pocket and fished out your phone. briefly smiling at the home screen wallpaper of yan! cool kid and quickly tapping out the password.
you then delete the video of yan! president tying you up as his unclothed hips slammed into yours. your skin covered in bites and slap marks all over. your eyes converging fear as tears fell and your mouth was gagged and unable to voice the feeling. the once prim and proper man man groaning in ecstasy and yelling words of degradation as he defiled you.
but you could only cringed at the words “i love you.” escaping his lips.
“a little reward for mercy i suppose.”
you stuff your phone back into your pocket. wondering if you should also warn him about the laxatives.
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yandere-yearnings · 2 months
I am fucking tired but I do think taking a nap on top of Sun would fix me
i totally relate to this, i have been literally low energy for way too long and it's getting to the point where tired doesn't even cut it. anyway, i hope you manage to recharge soon and that the tiredness goes away🥺🩷 in the meantime, you can totally nap on top of sun, he'd be more than happy to help❗️❗️
It was dark by the time you'd arrived home. The door clicked shut behind you, and you let out the sigh you'd been holding in the entire day — so incredibly tired, so wholly drained. Your shoulders felt tense, bag dropped in the entryway somewhere close to your shoes. Tripping over yourself to get to the kitchen, shoulders bumping the walls because you hadn't even had the energy to flick the lights on. The tap dripped, your ears guided you to it.
Running cold water, over your hands and face, downing a cup and then some more, feeling like nothing could bring you back to yourself. Droplets from your fingertips leading a whole pathway to the stairs, step after step after step as you heaved your way up. You couldn't make out any of the shapes in the shadows, you didn't feel like your mind was working at all, every move was muscle memory.
Your bedroom smelled like the man you shared it with; vanilla, peach, mellow sweetness all around that turned addicting after being exposed to the stale air outside for however long you had spent there. Sun was lying with his back pressed flat to the mattress, t-shirt so loose his collarbones and chest were practically spilling from it. Always a sight to come back to, always the perfect place to rest your head.
Sun was used to the routine too, because as soon as you dragged yourself in, his phone was locked and he tossed it aside, opening his arms for you with a smile. "Welcome home," he greeted, right as you collapsed on top of him. "I missed you."
You hummed in acknowledgement, burying your face into his skin. So warm. So inviting. Everything you needed. Hearing his heartbeat, steady in its sound, was lulling you to sleep. Eyelids heavy, safe in the arms that enveloped you.
"You must be tired." Sun's voice was drifting, but you caught the lightness in it, because he was as gentle as ever with you. "Sleep," his fingers lifted up, lightly over your head, soft presses into your scalp where he knew it'd make you melt, "you've done so well today."
You must've. Your reward was this.
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2-dsimp · 5 months
Hey 🎀 here! I have to ask. What madness and chaos would have occurred if Nokka and Quio had the same darling?
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Featuring Nokka the husband being your no1 hater and Quio the Dilf being your no1 supporter.✨
Bonus drawings will be in the discord ✨
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