#yandere transformers prime soundwave
rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Hallo! Yandere Poly TFP Soundwave and Shockwave Romantic Pls?
TFP Yandere Poly Shockwave and Soundwave X Reader
whoops much longer than I meant it to be-
You had been working with the Decepticons for some time. You knew that they despised humans, but they at least respected you- unlike a lot of people on Earth. 
You often had a hard time expressing your emotions and often came off rude or cold. You were actually a very emotional and caring person- but no one ever tried to get past your cold-seeming exterior. That is, until you met Soundwave.
He was trying to hack into your computers because the Vehicons believed you had something on the Autobots. Soundwave was shocked when he couldn’t hack into your computers remotely, so he went to attempt in person. 
You walked into your huge garage to see him standing there. He noticed you immediately and snatched you up off of the ground. Instead of the fear he expected, he was met with a blank stare. He tilted his head curiously at you.
“Yeah, good luck hacking that buddy. You’re not the first to try and you won’t be the last.” 
Soundwave felt that his pride was threatened so he held onto you as he continued his work. He was instantly frustrated to find that you were right- he couldn’t get in. Somehow, this small human’s technology and code bested his Cybertronians. He placed you on the ground and pointed at the computer.
“What are you looking for?” You popped the gum in your mouth. Soundwave showed pictures of the Autobots and their alt-modes. “Oh. Those guys. Yeah, I don’t have much on them. I don’t care enough to bother.” 
Normally you humans were so nosy- the amount of humans he has had to kill being in the hundreds. He watched as you typed in a few things that he recorded for future use. You pulled up the few images on the Autobots.
“There. You’re free to use the files, but make sure to shut the door behind yourself, thanks.”
He was dumbfounded as you walked back through your garage door to the kitchen. 
When Soundwave went back to the Nemesis, he couldn’t stop thinking of you. While he always got his work done on time, Megatron still noticed his distracted state. 
“Soundwave, has something been bothering you?” The silent mech shook his head only to be met with a scowl. “I’ve known you for over six million stellar cycles. You cannot lie to me.”
Soundwave’s shoulders slumped as he replayed the interaction between the two of you. “You couldn’t access it?” Megatron looked on with a mix of curiosity and confusion. “That’s… unusual.”
Soundwave looked down in shame. He was supposed to be the one who could get into anything. The one who was Megatron’s most trusted and reliable ally. 
“Bring me this human.” Megatron ordered. 
Shockwave heard about the human through the ‘grapevine’. He was ordered to make arrangements for the human’s stay. He did so, although begrudgingly. He’d much rather have been working on the Predacon Project.
It was a few days later when Soundwave came to grab you. You were watering your garden as he transformed in front of you. You looked up again at him with the same expression you had when you first met. Instead of just snatching you up, he offered you a hand which you stepped quickly onto. The next thing you knew you were on a giant alien spacecraft. 
“So you’re the infamous human that beat Soundwave’s hacking skills.” Megatron looked at you from your position on Soundwave’s shoulder.
“I guess so. I didn’t think it was a big deal.” 
Megatron studied the straight-to-the-point human. You were unusual-even by his standards. “How would you like a place among our ranks?” Megatron offered. 
“I mean, yeah I guess. I’m not doing anything after 3PM everyday anyway.”
With that, you began visiting the Nemesis everyday from 3PM-12AM. You would often sleep on the Nemesis when you got your work done early- and Megatron couldn’t be more pleased with you as you strengthened their encryptions and even listened in on the Autobot’s transmissions. 
Soundwave and you had become closer too, with him making it a point to ferry you to and from work everyday. Whenever anyone badmouthed you or threatened you he was there to loom over them threateningly.
Shockwave kept hearing of you, and how ‘helpful and intelligent’ you were from Megatron and some Vehicons. He was irritated- how could anyone from your species be that useful? He’d studied and experimented on many humans, and all had base intelligence of a primitive species. He had eventually had enough, and stormed in to see what the fuss was all about. 
You were sitting at your computer that had been so graciously gifted to you by Megatron when you heard the door slide open. “Soundwave, can you grab me that big USB you gave me? I wanted to do a data transfer.”
“A data transfer?” Shockwave echoed. You turned to him with a nod.
“Yeah. I updated all this set of files with stronger encryption.” Shockwave looked over to your computer. He was impressed. For a human, you were pretty interesting. You both had eventually grown a mutual respect for each other over science. You would often banter back and forth, when something he had said made you laugh. 
Hearing your laugh shocked both Shockwave and Soundwave who was watching through the cameras. That sound was like music to their ears and they tried to get you to laugh more. Whenever they managed to get you to laugh, Soundwave would secretly record it.
Soundwave and Shockwave (who hated each other even before you came into the picture) began competing to see who could make you laugh more.
Over the course of a few months, you went through all of their files and put heavy encryption on everything. You also made them a code that would do it for them, and another code that could pick up on transmissions. You informed Megatron that you’d be going back to your normal schedule, but he could call on you anytime that he needed you. 
Because he knew that you were a person of your word and you had more than proven your loyalty, you were allowed that privilege of leaving until he yet again called upon you. He assured you that when he conquered Earth, you would be given a life of luxury. You figured you’d see Shockwave and Soundwave again, so you hadn’t bothered saying goodbye.
Shockwave and Soundwave found out when they were on the bridge together with Megatron. Megatron had offhandedly brought it up, and both of them looked at him in shock.
“My lord, is that wise?” Shockwave raced his words out. “The autobots could capture them.”
Megatron looked at Shockwave. “You seem almost concerned, Shockwave.” He noticed Soundwave’s tentacles swaying- something he often did in irritation. “Ah, I see. You both want the human. Because you are both my most loyal Decepticons, I’ll allow it- but hear this. No harm can come to this human. They may have future use.” 
When Megatron waved them off, Soundwave left to get you while Shockwave made small repairs to your living space. You weren’t that shocked to see Soundwave there, except when he grabbed you without your consent. You were pretty much quiet the entire trip back to the Nemesis where Shockwave explained you’d be staying with them indefinitely. 
“You know you’re going to have to buy me food, clothes, and toiletries, right?” 
“We have more than enough.” Shockwave gestured to the semi-trucks that had been stolen. 
You shrugged.  “Alright, at least I don’t have to go to work anymore.”
And you’ll never have to do any job for a human ever again- because you were never leaving this ship. Not that you wanted to. Shockwave and Soundwave got you anything you wanted.
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yandere-wishes · 6 months
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The more I study electronics the more I'm positive whoever came up with Transformers smut terms was studying something in the electronics engineering field.
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ablobwhowrites · 1 year
Yandere TFP Soundwave Pls?
This bitch knows when your sleeping and when your awake cause he tracks you in your phone, plus he flys over you a lot and you kinda told Jack about it and that made Soundwave upset cause bro doesn't want you talking to the autobots pets. and when he eventually captures you, he flips off the autobots and flys away with you cause like, he wants to get back at being captured and he's a bit salty cause of that but he's happy to have you with him now.
He lets you keep your phone but your on a strict code that your phone automatically deletes anything that has you call for help or any of the autobots or jack, miko or raph and your phone turns off and a long, long paragraph of a lecture is given to you and at the end this comes up >:( and he's very angy
he threatens to kill miko, jack and raph it you try to escape. He only got like two morals is all he has, one be a good deception to lord Megatron, second not to hurt you. Cause I personally headcanon that Soundwave doesn't discriminate so everyone except you and Megatron going to catch theses hands or, die cause of his portals or blaster
He keeps you well fed, and gives you clean clothes. Laserbeak definitely doesn't steal them, like his guy got.
If your relationship is platonic, he's already a single father. He's a good dad to Laserbeak and he's a good dad to you, cause in single father Soundwave we trust. But he's going to research all
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random-fandom1984 · 5 months
Hi!! 😆
May I request TFP Yandere Soundwave x human reader?
Thank for reading this (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง✨
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Sorry if it doesn't have that much yandere as you were hoping for.
Okay, so, the only way I can see that you could've gotten his attention is either you're related to one of the three human charges – family or friend. Because of that, you don't know about the Autobots and Decepticons.
Soundwave was given the mission to find out more about the human pets, through humans that are close to them. Out of all of their family and friends, he chose you.
He only went through some of your info, and you're a friend of Miko's host parents that lives in a state up north, in Gravity Falls, Oregon (Yes, I'm making a little crossover with GF, but TFP came out 2 years before Gravity Falls existed, so Weirdmageddon hasn't happened yet, nor have the Pine Twins visited yet.)
You've met Miko a few times when you've came to visit, and it's best to say you don't like how loud, irresponsible, foolish, and doesn't understand people's boundaries. You were a rather quiet introverted person, and she was an overbearing extrovert, so you two didn't mix well.
When it was Christmas last year, they were at your family gathering, and she almost got your cousins hurt with firecrackers, who were mainly toddlers and young children. She even said, quote-unquote, that "They needed to live a little and not have helicopter parents deciding everything for them." The thing was that your aunts and uncles weren't helicopter parents, they were normal, calm, and understanding parents!
Miko was one of the main reasons why you lost faith in humanity, and you despised her with a burning passion. You even told this to her in her face, but she would say that you're just grumpy and should take a nap. As if you were a little child that didn't know better!
You work as an online artist that takes request for people who can't draw certain things like, animals, details, DND characters, Oc's etc.
As time went on, he was starting to get obsessed with learning more about you, and he knows more about you than anyone else you know in your life. Your favorite animal are birds, your favorite color is d/s/f/c (Dark Shade of Favorite Color), you hate people, don't like talking, have a pet European Starling named Jermey, after the crow in the Secret of Nimh because of his love for shiny and sparkly things, who is also the model for your watermarks on your designs, you like dying your hair, and so much more.
You were having a normal day, doing a live stream as you were taking requests from your viewers, when this one person in particular to do a city made out of metal, the people are robots that can transform, and even gave you an image that they "made" that was called Kaon. Interested, you took up this challenge.
It was safe to say that Soundwave wasn't disappointed with the end results of it; It looked magnificent. The image of his home was nostalgic of the good old days of Cybertron, when it wasn't just him and Laserbeak, when all of his children minicons were still alive.
The two of you kept in contact and became friends on the internet. You would tell each other about how your days went; you were told that he works as one of the higher ups in a company, has to deal with an annoying, loud, arrogant assistant of his boss – reminds you of a certain someone –, has a pet bird, is introverted, doesn't talk, doesn't like humanity- you're already hooked.
You turned a blind eye to things, like how he somehow knows where you live, find out about private accounts on social media, knows that you're talking to someone even when there's barely any people around, kind of seeming jealous/overprotective over text. The hardest one to do is when someone insults or steals your art, only to end up severely or lightly wounded somewhere between the next day to the end of the week, saying that a robot version of Slenderman or a metal bird that has an origami themed shape, etc.
There were a few things that caught your attention. How he uses the wrong terminology for things such as units time, parts of the body, even saying organics, fleshies, humans instead of people or others by their names. You were suspicious but brushed it off every time it happens.
At the beginning of Soundwave's his sire growing obsession, Laserbeak didn't even understand what was so great about you. But it changed when he was shot down by Autobots and landed out in the woods, you found him, and repaired him. During his stay, he made friends with Jeremy, and during repairs, you were gentle as you could be when fixing him up, your touched were light, you asked if what you were doing was alright, and he honestly thought of those human films where the mother would help their child when they get an injury. In this situation, he was your the child, and you were his the mother; he understood now.
Knowing Laserbeak's existence was the reason why it was a little hard to turn a blind eye to those that were injured.
When Laserbeak returned, he gave the information to Soundwave, and that's when Soundwave knew that you were the one to complete the family.
When the both of you actually met face-to-face is when you texted him that an ex of yours came back is so persistent on getting back together and won't leave you alone. When it was night, your ex cornered you, and was ranting on and on about how you should be grateful that he's giving you a second chance, even though you were the one to break up with him, only to end up dead on the pavement. You looked up to see Soundwave himself.
The first thought that came to mind didn't revolve around fear. No! It was 'Oh, god, he looks hot-'
So, you were taken aboard the Nemesis, you became a part of the Con Crew. 1.) Because you're close, in a way, to one of the Autobot's human pets; 2.) You hated humans just as much as they did; 3.) It's Soundwave. Megatron trusts him with any decision of his. A reason Soundwave gave, in public? A human to spy on the Autobots- Shut the fuck up random Vehicon, this is a human spy, not Makeshift. This isn't like Starscream's plan.
This happened only a day after Optimus Prime became Orion Pax. Soundwave had a feeling that something might happen, so he had you wear something that will cover up everything, mainly your head/face. He knows the archivist is smart, and if he were to revert back to Optimus, then he would recognize who you are.
Often times, some Vehicons would make comments about a human joining the ranks, or try to get rid of you, and they were met with an electric end.
It was only about a week later, after Orion became Optimus again, when they decided how they were going to get you in their base, and with the help of the newly arrived Dreadwing, they can do just that.
Part 2 coming soon...
So, basically this was a yandere x willing reader. I just hope you're satisfied.
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fandom-go-round · 1 year
Can I Request Yandere Soundwave Kidnapping Autobot Femme Reader?
I defaulted to Prime Soundwave, opps
Warnings: Yandere, Kidnapping, Stalking, Being Held Hostage, Isolation, Claustrophobia
            You yell as you slam into the wall again, right side of your body going numb. As always, nothing happens and you begin to pace again. You feel like a trapped animal and you suddenly have a lot more sympathy for the tigers in Miko’s documentaries.
            You have no idea how long it’s been since you woke up here and everything before these four walls is hazy. You were in the middle of a fight, the Decepticons trying to steal something from a military base. The details weren’t all there at the time; your job was to make sure that no humans wandered on to site.
            The forest had been dense but not oppressive and it was easy to pick off stranglers. Maybe you were too distracted to notice whatever took you, maybe it was a trap all along. All you remember is pain on the back of your helm and chest and then nothing. HUD warning fell quickly once your circuits were fried.
            The room you’re in is sterile. Nothing to show who might have taken you or what they want with you. There’s a full-sized berth but that’s it; white walls and ceiling tile. Your internal clock has been disabled and you try to ignore the voice that says that more code may have been messed with.
            Pacing seems to be all that you’re able to do, walking from one wall to another. You recharge when you can but the lights are always on and you’ve gotten used to Earth’s day night cycle. There aren’t any windows or walls and you wonder how this person got you in here. M.E.C.H? The Cons? It doesn’t matter, you just want out.
            You have no idea how long it’s been but you feel like you’re going mad. Your shoulder armor is dented and you’re running on fumes. Static more often than not fills your vocalizer and after another round of trying to find a door, your fingers begin to bleed.
            The noise, the light, everything is driving you to the edge. You curl into a ball as much as you can, tucking your head between your knees. You rock without thinking, whimpering and pleading to anyone who will hear.
            Soundwave watches silently from his camera feeds. You’ve lasted longer than he thought but it only makes you more endearing. He watches for a few more minutes before turning to get energon. Now it’s time for his plan to truly start.
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Yandere Decepticons
he knows literally everything about you, because people stupidly leave too many traces on the internet…
he doesn't need to tell you to realize you'll never leave him.
soundwave will definitely find a use for his plugs and cassette players
you'll never be able to trick or outsmart that Mech, so you can forget about running away.
What, honey? You can't praise Starscream all the time? It's okay. You'll learn.
Starscream's claws are sharp enough to rip you from the inside out, so wriggle out of the fun with care.
You may be under the misleading impression that this mech is the only one who is kind to you on this ship. well. That's a perception that's extremely favorable to Breakdown.
and yet you shouldn't have been rude to him because his hammer separated your leg from your body too easily.
Don't cry. He and Knockout can comfort you together.
this fur will make you look attractive at all times. for him.
Knockout is a doctor. Practice is essential for him. Now for organics too.
Knockout has invented a wonderful remedy to elevate your mood and arousal. now you break out a little less
He cares about honor, but honor doesn't extend to organics.
Perhaps this fur will give you everything… and ask for everything in return.
Dreadwing was able to prove to Megatron that you're useful on their ship. now it's time to repay the favor.
Emotions are unnecessary, so your hatred and fear are of no interest to Shockwave.
And yet Shockwave can get bored too, so one day he performs an operation where you're no longer bothered by silly human emotions.
Now you're ready to do his bidding without a word.
Airachnid's a collector, and you're her biggest prize.
what? her flasks scare you? don't worry. they're not for you. they're for your family and friends. people like their family close to them, right?
You really shouldn't have run, little butterfly. because now your wings are nailed to the wall
Predacon is not an animal… almost. but he can be as affectionate as the most loyal animal to its master can be.
… and as stern as the most devoted animal.
In the rutting season, you'll hardly have to get on your feet. You won't be able to do it.
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Tfp cons meeting a yandere bot from their past
Who has been stalking and showing their feelings for them in a disturbing way and the cons not reciprocate ?
They stalked Megatron back on Cybertron, back when he was still a gladiator. At the time he was to timid to really deal with them, not wanting to hurt their feelings but feeling deeply uncomfortable with how they followed him everywhere.
When Megatron formed the decepticons they were one of the first bots to join the cause and while he hated their presence he allowed it since they would undertake some of the more dangerous and gruesome missions. When they apparently died in the fall of Cybertron he was nothing but relieved, so them randomly showing up now on Earth is nothing but bad news to him. So, he's gonna send them on a mission. A very special mission! To take down the autobots once and for all. Do that and he will accept their feelings, once and for all. Fail and... Well, he won't lose any recharge over it.
Starscream remembers them very well and only for the wrong reasons. At first it was nice to have someone so devoted to him, who loved him so much that they would do anything to prove it. He didn't really love them back but the attention was nice. At least until it turned downright disturbing. They tried to control him, manipulate his life and what he did and who he spent time with. And if there's one thing Starscream can't take its people controlling him.
Seeing them again brings back a lot of bad memories and Starscream can't wait to get rid of them again. He'll pretend he's happy to see them and that he missed them oh so much but the moment they least expect it he's going to stab them in the back.
They first started stalking Soundwave after the creation of the decepticons and quickly became one of his most useful agents, simply because of their devotion to him. Sadly for them, Soundwave has no feelings for them, other than annoyance and suspicion. He knows that the only reason they are a decepticon are because of their feelings for him, thus making them a loose cannon. Because of this he felt no sense of loss when they seemingly perished back on Cybertron.
Now, showing up on Earth, Soundwave can't help but feel slightly ticked off. Still, they are a decepticon and can be of use for him and the cause, so he will accept their presence. For now that is. The moment they lose their usefulness or become more trouble than they're worth he'll get rid of them. Until then he will grudgingly accept their 'love'.
Knockout immediately wants to turn tail and flee when he sees them. Back on Cybertron, before the war, he had a brief fling with them. Nothing serious, just two grown mechs flirting with each other and hanging out. Well, that was before he saw all the red flags. When he tried to cut contact with them they refused to leave him alone, stalking his home and workplace, hurt themself so that he would have to fix them. He had to move multiple times to get away from them, but they always managed to find him somehow. Because of this he was almost happy when the war started because the sudden commotion caused them to lose track of him and he hasn't seen them since. Well, until now that is.
Seeing them now, Knockout wants nothing to do with them. If they're just a neutral on Earth then he will just straight up ask Breakdown to kill them, because he really, really never wants to see them again. If they are a decepticon then he will reluctantly accept their presence, but only because he can't do anything about them. If they start to seriously stalk him again then he will actually defect to the autobots because he can't deal with the stress anymore.
Yeah, no, Breakdown is super unhappy with this. This bot downright creeps him out and he wants nothing to do with them. Will make it loud and clear to anyone that will hear him that he really, really don't want this bot around him. This is so when they start acting up again he can crush them and claim that he was feeling cornered/threatened. One of the few bots that will not play around, at all. Forget using them for his own gain, or waiting for a later opportunity, the moment he sees them it's on sight, he ain't dealing with their creepy, toxic behavior.
For such an emotionless mech, Shockwave surely feels a lot of things about this one bot. All of it negative. They are a hinderance, a nuisance and he wants them gone. Back on Cybertron, when he was still Senator, they scared him, due to their intense shows of 'affection' and stalking. Now in the present, these memories make his spark stir unpleasantly. Shockwave will try to ignore them but if they interfere with his work then he won't hesitate to turn them into a test subject or a guinea pig for his latest invention.
Just like Breakdown, Dreadwing will make it clear to everyone that he won't tolerate this bot's presence. He will even tell Megatron that if they approach him, if they interfere with is life in any way, that he will kill them. And he will. He outright loathes their presence and feels genuinely sickened by their 'love'.
Airachnid might toy around with them for a little bit, play around with their emotions and even use them for her own gains but in the end she feels nothing for them. Their senseless devotion are a useful tool but grows annoying in the end, like a mosquito that won't leave her alone. Once their novelty have worn off she will simply get rid of them, just like all of her other toys.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Jealous TFP yandere Soundwave headcanons when S/O is talking and hanging out with other cons? Maybe he feels that they’re getting in the way between him and S/O?
Soundwave knows that he is being unreasonable and paranoid. You have been nothing but loyal to him and he knows it. He knows there can't be anyone else, that he is the only one you have your optics on.
So why he feels like he is seething when he sees Starscream so shamelessly flirt with you? Soundwave can see that you're avoiding his advantages and turning the sleek grey mech down as gently as you could, but you aren't trying hard enough in his mind.
Starscream was like an anchor. He would pull down anyone that hold on to him. If you decided to go with him, he would no doubt pull you below the surface and there would be no way back up.
Part of Soundwave wants to see you go down so he could save you from drowning, but he was a Decepticon, not a monster. He wouldn't let his loved one suffer just to boost his own position.
Who are we kidding, that's exactly what a Decepticon would do.
Soundwave might as well be looking down on you from the dock as you gasp for air, but he doesn't move a servo. He wants you to panic, and taste death. When you're most desperate, he dives in and brings you back to the surface with him.
Once he has saved you, you're thankful and more loyal to him than ever before. Starscream is history that you wouldn't ever look at again, for your optics were on yours truly, Soundwave.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
TFP Yandere Soundwave X Reader
Lol for the flip off part I imagined the breaking bad scene. I have to make my sibling draw this sometime lmfao
Soundwave saw you first when you were in Texas at the satellite array. You had quickly noticed the camera that moved to look at you all, and you jumped up and smashed it with a crowbar. 
Soundwave’s tentacle slithered into the room, and you were ready. Your crowbar slammed into his tentacle, drawing energon. He recoiled, and slammed all of you into a wall. He dragged you out to get a better look at you. The kids all followed behind you quickly. Your arms were pinned to your sides and you struggled in his grip. 
A second later, you’re face to face with a black visor. It’s pure silence as you stare at him with a glare on your face. “What, don’t talk?” Soundwave merely tilted his head at you. You dropped your scowl slightly. “Oh. You don’t- my bad dude. But still, fuck you man! Put me down”
Soundwave found you amusing- he actually had to stop himself from reacting. He dropped you from his face level to see what you’d do.
You quickly grabbed onto him and climbed down his sleek form, using the grooves to avoid falling. As soon as you were on the ground, he used the crowbar he stole from you to cut the lines to the array.
Miko quickly snapped a picture, and he nodded as he took one as well. Two to be exact- one of you. 
As he jumped into the air he found it amusing as you flipped him off, a serious look on your face.
When you got back to base, you were commended for your bravery. “Nah bro when I see him it’s round two!” you shouted, punching your fists together. 
Ratchet sighed, hoping that he wouldn’t have to patch you up in the near future.
The next time you saw Soundwave was when he was stealing the energon harvester. You were on the lift, holding the artifact still. When he opened the door, he reached for the harvester.
“Uh-uh! This thing isn’t leaving me, buddy!” You quickly got out the knife you’d been saving for this occasion. A smiley face appeared on his visor as he snatched both you and the artifact up. He had to electrocute you to stop you from stabbing him again.
When you woke up, you were laying on a metal table. You rubbed your sore back as you moseyed your way down the table’s leg. The door then slid open, and your worst Decepticon enemy came through. You quickly ducked under the table. You then realized that you had to be on the Decepticons’ ship. The door was beginning to slide shut so you ran for it. Before you could get even a foot out of the door, a familiar tentacle snatched you up.
“What’s your deal?” You yelled at him.
That ever-so-irritating smiley emoji popped up on his visor as he pet your head with a careful digit. 
“Hey, knock it off! And let me go- the Autobots will come for me!” You swatted at his servo.
“No escape- you’re stuck- here- little human.” Voice clips pieced together. 
You glared at him. “Why am I here?”
You gaped at him. How could he say that so calmly? You were silent as you were placed back on the table. Soundwave stood back in the corner of the room and watched you.
You were determined to not be ‘entertaining’ for him. So you plopped down on the table and flipped him off again. 
You sat there for about thirty minutes, neither of you moving when your boredom overpowered your pettiness. You looked down the table again, then to the door, and back to Soundwave. 
As quickly as you could, you darted down the table. Halfway there he caught you again and put you back onto the table, going back to his original place in the room.
Hours turned to days, and days to weeks, and weeks to months. He always watched you. You knew that even if you were to escape the room, he’d bring you back. He was watching anywhere there were cameras- on the Nemesis and Earth.  You could never escape from him by yourself. You just had to bide your time until your Autobot friends came back- or until you could find a way to kill him in his sleep (which was hard- he was a light sleeper). 
Until then, you’d be entertainment to the silent stalker. You just hoped he wouldn’t get bored with you- you had seen what he did to those he lost interest in.
EDIT: This was the silly meme I was talking about lol
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dat-lil-shark · 2 months
I found more TFP Characters Stats and they are VERY Interesting
So over a week ago I found out that in the Japanese airing of Transformer Prime, they put up these commercials in between episodes that displays the characters stats. Back then I only found Soundwave’s, but now I’ve found almost everyone.
Again, I have no guarantee that these are canon enough, cause it's made by Japanese, who made Airachnid a yandere.
But it’s fun to assume they are.
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Not only that but also higher speed and firepower TOO (OP got 7 speed and 9 firepower, and MT got 9 speed and 10 firepower).
Sure Optimus got bigger courage and skills but in battlefields if MT is not so dr**ed up he might just win a lot more.
And speaking of unexpected intelligence.
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Compared to Arcee, Airachnid also got WAY higher intelligence (AH 9 and RC 7) and slightly higher strength (AH 5 and RC 4) AND FIREPOWER (AH 5 and RC 4).
I was at first surprised how Airachnid could be so smart but then it did made sense since she was able to always lure Arcee into her fun cave to beat her up and was able to easily kill Breakdown.
(And I know technically this was supposed to be the Japanese yandere Airachnid but— let’s just ignore that— maybe let’s pretend it’s the normal Airachnid okay? Please?)
But Arcee got 9 on courage.
Airachnid might got the cunning but at least Arcee got the feral.
And the way Arcee only got 7 on the intelligence out here is breaking stereotypes that the only girl in the group has to be smart.
Luckily not all Autobot and Decepticon rivalry ends in a Decepticon topping the Autobot.
For example.
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Bulkhead is a lot— AND I MEAN A LOT better than Breakdown is.
He’s got higher strength (BH 10 and BD 9), intelligence(BH 5 and BD 4), courage (BH 8 and BD7), rank (BH 6 and BD 4) AND firepower (BH 7 and BD 6)
Bruh Breakdown is competing with Bulkhead just because he is insecure 😂😂😂😅😅
Bulkhead can actually sweep the floor with Breakdown if he wanna!
also I think Breakdown got the lowest stat in intelligence and rank than any other characters here.
This actually does explain how Breakdown could be killed so easily by Airachnid, honestly, since Airachnid got more than twice as much intelligence as him.
Well at least we know Knockout married him for true love.
And speaking of Knockout.
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He’s SO WEAK!! 😂😂😂😂
Dude Knockout is an absolute LOOSER!! (At least according to the Japanese)
THAT IS ALMOST THE SAME ENDOURANCE AND ALMOST HALF THE COURAGE AS ARCEE (who is about only 1/2 of his body size btw) (his buff armours are just for shows) AND HALF THE SKILL OF RATCHET!!
He is only a bit good on speeds. Now no wonder he loves racing ITS THE ONLY THING HE IS GOOD AT!! Bro litterally covers himself in makeups cause he’s too self aware 😂😂😂!
I wondered how he managed to lie so perfectly on his job resume.
And speaking of medics.
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Ratchet is WAY better in everything than I expected.
He’s more than twice the medic Knockout would ever be.
He actually got EIGHT endurance which is surprising, cause that is only one star lower than Bulkhead!
The doctor might be old but he’s still got armors and bones as strong as boulders.
No wonder he kept getting beaten up in this serie but just got up fine and never snap his back once like my own grandpa after standing up from his chair.
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Wheeljack on the other hand is also not bad at all.
He got 9 skills. I guess that’s what got him to be able to make all his terrorist toys.
Also it’s funny cause he’s only got 8 endurance, that’s 2 stars lower than Ratchet.
Could you just IMAGINE Wheeljack and Ratchet fist bumping as hard as they could but it was Wheeljack who ended up having to grab his fists in pain??
Also he only got 6 intelligence?? That’s honestly far lower than I excepted tbh. That is only one star higher than Bulkhead.
No wonder Ultra Magnus has such a bad time.
(it’s also funny how Arcee criticized Wheeljack for impulsively going to avenge Bulkhead when she herself is only like, one stat smarter, and does that with Airachnid on a daily basis (sure she didn’t drag any humans in but she is still barely better).
(Also by the way, speaking of Ultra Magnus, he doesn’t have a stat page unfortunately cause the Japanese TFP never got a season 3, it just ends at Optimus breaking the Alpha lock and that’s it, which means Ultra Magnus never appeared, and neither did Shockwave (beside that one Arcee flashback) and Predaking unfortunately).
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Oh and the Dreadwing Skyquake twins are over powered.
Just look at them!
They are almost the exact same in stats except Skyquake got more endourance and Dreadwing got more fire power.! If Megatron had both of them at the same time they could just deep fry the Autobots in episode 10!
RIP Skyquake you had SO much POTENCIALS man. And to think that even the PRIME HIMSELF ALONE can’t take you out without major help from Bumblebee.
And speaking of Bumblebee.
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Listen no one else in this whole list got courage 10 except Bumblebee.
Not Arcee, not Optimus, not Ratchet, not Smokescreen, and not even Wheeljack.
Damn it man now thinking back I don’t think I recall a SINGLE MOMENT in the entire show, although it wasn’t obvious first time through, that Bumblebee actually considered for his own safety before doing anything. And it’s not even in an “I am willing to sacrifice my own safety for the greater good” way but a “Oh I’m gonna lose a leg for this but it’ll be nice? Sign me up!” Way! “Psyc link into Megatron? Count me in!” “Jump on top of Skyquake? You bet!” “Run straight toward Silas when you can litterally wait for 5 more minutes but then you can get your t cog back for five more minute earlier? I’m coming!!”
If it’s not for the fact that Bumblebee got a good dad that he’s happy to listen to he will be a bigger disaster than Wheeljack is.
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The other kid, Smokescreen, is just a tad bit weaker. But he’s way better than I expected since he only just joined this war. (*cough cough* way better than Knockout).
on the other servo.
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Starscream is OVERPOWERED.
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Bro has got EIGHT STRENGTH despite his skinny arms (same as Skyquake & Dreadwing), NINE SPEED (faster than Megatron), NINE FIREPOWER (same as Optimus) and TEN FRAGGING SKILLS (same as RATCHET)
Honestly. If it weren’t for the 3 courage, DUDE COULD ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE TAKING OVER MEGATRON!!! He
He honestly doesn’t even need the apex armour tbh! And there are countless times he got defeated probably only because he froze in fear or else he could have absolutely fought back and won!!
That 3 courage ruined him.
Also they don’t have Cliffjumper too and that is very unfair tbh cause Skyquake also appeared for only one episode but got his, and pretty unfortunate cause I really wanna see how strong exactly Cliff was before his death.
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ablobwhowrites · 2 years
Yandere transformers prime/ animated shitposting
(just writing shit that I thought of while writing the yandere transformers request.)
Blitzwing random: "what if I cover you in energon and lick you up and down?" M/n: "oh my goodness" *m/n starts to laugh in fear*
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Tfp human m/n when realizes soundwave knows m/n’s every move even his fucking search history 
Sari: “why do you have boobs?” Autobot y/n: “these aren’t boobs” sari: ““do you have to wear a bra?” Y/n: ““you little shi-” 
*breakdown and bulkhead aggressively fighting on who gets to take y/n back with them* y/n: “haha, I’m in danger” 
Sari: “m/n likes your butt and paint job, he thinks it’s fancy” Optimus: “he thinks my paint job is fancy?” 
tfp Y/n: “nothing can ruin this beautiful day!” *bumblebee drives toward y/n* y/n: “OH JESUS CHRIST!” 
Tfp human m/n: “PLEASE LET ME GO, I HAVE A FAMILY!” Megatron: “how about no” 
*when transformers prime transformers come into the transformers animated world* m/n: “can you tell me sari….WHY THE FRAG IS THEIR TWO FRAGGING MEGATRONS?!?!” 
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime D-16/Megatron B-127/Bumblebee Elita-1 Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Sentinel Prime
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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fandom-go-round · 1 year
Can I ask for a part two on the yandere parents Soundwave and Megatron? Like if the reader regains their memory and tries to escape.
Part One
Warnings: Kidnapping, Yandere Parenting, Reader with Amnesia, Memory Stirring, Gaslighting, Chasing, Trapped Reader
Something nags in the back of your mind the longer you’re on the Nemesis. It starts off as a small itch, something mostly ignorable but popping up at the oddest of times. Your father tells you to ignore it the one and only time you mention it and you do your best. The issue is that it never goes away and eventually you give in. Something isn’t right about your dads and you want to know what.
Sure, you know that the giant metal beings aren’t your biological dads. That’s a no brainer. But they’ve raised you since you were a child and it’s all you’ve ever known. The other mechs on ship are kind and mostly polite (ignoring Starscream) but it still feels off. You get lost all the time, even though you should know this ship like the back of your hand. You feel odd when Soundwave records you, even though he’s been doing it for years. Megatron’s laughter sends a shiver of dread down your spine, even as you bury it deep down.
It comes to you in the middle of the night. You have to go to the bathroom and you don’t want to wake your fathers up, even if they would take you there. Wandering through the halls, you make your way there alright but getting back to the berthroom is difficult. You end up roaming, looking for a familiar door and not seeing it. You pass by the control room and freeze when you see a video playing. Blown up across all the monitors is a video of the Autobots. Not just the bots, the kids and yourself too, running from the Decepticons and retreating through a spacebridge.
Memories comes in waves and you stumble back, one hand on your head. It pounds in time with your heart and you know you have to leave, to get out as quickly as possible. There have to be spacebridge controls somewhere, you just need to find them. Tenacles slide along the hallways and you run, trying to remember where everything is. Loud, thundering pedsteps send you into a panic, scrambling into a closet. Megatron walks past, his canon hot and you hope you can make it out alive.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hallo there fellow robot simps, F(19) seeking for other 18+ Transformer Roleplay partners
Looking for someone who would be interested to double up against me in an Transformers Prime (TFP) roleplay.
Requirements I’m looking for
- 18 or above, the maximum age I roleplay with is 27.
- Would be open with human x bot roleplay, OC x CC (to be exact). Specifically looking for someone who would be able to roleplay Star Scream from the descriptions against an human OC. Other options I would had in mind could be Soundwave, Shockwave or Megatron, however Star Scream is the most preferable character I’m looking for.
- Experienced in roleplay. Someone who’s writing style is highly literature or nearing novelty skills as we speak.
- Comfortable with NSFW (further details will be discussed in the DM’s)
- Would be able give at the minimum an full lengthy reply to the roleplay once a week. (Although more active with chatting aside from roleplaying)
- Please no Mary Sue’s/ overpowered OC’s
If possible I would like to include yandere themes, although with lots of plotting.
I would like to include slice of life into the roleplay and indulge more into world-building, writing headcannons aside and plot idea’s for the upcoming future scenario’s. Aside from that I’m always open to chat about silly stuff roleplay-related or not. Besides that I’m willing roleplay any other character in the Prime series, I also would be able to roleplay some of the characters in the Bayverse films (1 till 5) if there is an interest in that. I’m open to FxM, FxF, MxM.
Only open to roleplay on Discord
If interested please drop a like and I will get back at you as soon as possible ^^
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Hi, I hope you're having a good day/night <3 could I request a romantic TFP yandere starscream vs TFP yandere megatron with human darling? I'd love to see your dynamic now in TFP😭 Either in concept or scenario. Thank u
- Anon 🫧
It's very similar if not the same to other Starscreams and Megatrons but I'll see what I got :)
I struggled a bit on this as it's been a bit since I've seen Season One of TFP but I hope you enjoy! Not edited so it may have spelling errors.
Yandere! Starscream vs Yandere! Megatron
(Transformers: Prime - Human! Darling)
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Cybertronian/Human pairing, Abuse of power, Dehumanizing behavior, Kidnapping, Brief stalking mention, Possessive behavior, Rivalry, Trauma, Violence, Attempted murder, Forced relationship/Pet dynamic.
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For the most part they're the same as other versions of Megatron and Starscream.
It's just Megatron is out for most of the starting obsession.
The obsession for both of them also takes longer due to you being human.
Since Decepticons usually see the fleshy creatures as some sort of pet.
Things most likely start when Starscream assumes "rule" of the Decepticons.
Megatron is stuck on life support and is unable to be a part of the concept for now.
You most likely meet Starscream first because of this.
It would take some time but he may eventually see you as a needed asset.
This could be for a number of reasons.
You could be associated with the Autobots, which means you have information.
Or maybe you're a researcher, which means... again, you have information.
That would be the primary reason for why Starscream would take you onto The Nemesis ship.
Starscream would plan and watch you, maybe even asking Soundwave to record your routine.
He wants to get all the information he can before he takes you in.
When Starscream eventually makes his getaway with you, information is all he really wants.
That is until he realizes he can vent his frustrations about Megatron using you... along with feel powerful by bullying you around lightly. (too much and you could break!)
Honestly, Starscream's obsession is a lot like the fic Power Trip I made a long time ago.
TFP Starscream would use his human to feel like he's stronger over someone.
I imagine he has some trauma due to Megatron and uses you as an outlet.
When he's done using you for information he doesn't plan on just letting you go.
During your interrogation he learns he can keep you as a "pet".
Afterwards that's exactly what he does.
He'd purposefully make you praise him and be loyal to him.
He can't hurt you as you're fragile and squishy.
The most you're hurt is maybe bruising and scratching as he's so large.
He hits you wrong and you go flying.
Most of your "relationship" with Starscream is him dehumanizing you.
Soon he feels daring and even makes you say you love him.
At first it was to see how far he can push you... but hearing you say it made his spark shudder for a moment.
Safe to say he becomes addicted to hearing you praise him and say you love him.
Even if to you it's all rehearsed.
This is the life to him, ruling Decepticons and holding his lovely human pet.
That is until Megatron awakens and takes back the role of leader.
I'd imagine this is where the rivalry begins.
However... first Megatron has to like you.
Megatron most likely learns about you through Soundwave and the fact that Starscream keeps clutching you so close in order to hide you.
In an attempt to hurt Starscream, Megatron takes you.
He can tell you and Starscream are close which he finds really weird.
At first Megatron thinks he should just kill you.
Then he hears you've been made into a pet... one loyal to the Decepticons.
Honestly, he has to applaud Starscream for managing to tame a human.
So instead of removing you, Megatron keeps you in a hanging cage.
You're just in sight to make Starscream remain obedient.
Megatron doesn't entirely fall for you until later.
He mostly just enjoys seeing Starscream look so distraught and seeing how obedient you are.
Again... you're used for a feeling of power.
How Megatron treats you is very similar to how he treats you in this concept.
Like Starscream, he uses your forced loyalty to stroke his own ego.
Megatron likes to think of you as his human pet.
Who knows, maybe if you say you "love" him like you did with Starscream, Megatron may grow more attached.
As time goes on, Megatron decides you'll thrive better in a larger cell.
Soon you have your own "enclosure" on The Nemesis, one where only Megatron gets to look at you.
Megatron also learns how to care for you through Knock Out and Soundwave.
He may even be able to threaten some info out of Starscream.
While at this point Megatron has claimed you for his own, he allows Starscream to see you in order to keep him behaved.
By this point Starscream doesn't care about ruling anymore.
He just wants you back, then he'll even leave!
Starscream may even wonder if he should attempt to take Megatron offline again...
He was close last time... this time maybe he'll succeed.
Unfortunately... Megatron isn't willing to have Starscream leave with you.
You know belong to Megatron, not Starscream.
Megatron keeps you in your enclosure, closely watching over you and speaking to you.
Meanwhile Starscream plots on how to steal you out of it.
Starscream may even create a plot where he has the Autobots storm The Nemesis all so he can take you in the aftermath.
It's unfortunate that you're stuck between the two....
You thought Starscream was bad, but now you have Megatron too.
There's two ways this could go.
Megatron exiles Starscream in order to keep you... or Starscream manages to run off with you.
Even then, there's still a chance you could fall into the claws of the other Decepticon.
Even when exiled... Starscream will just convince the Autobots to help him somehow if he says a "human is in danger."
Or if Starscream runs with you, Megatron won't stop searching until both of you are found.
Even if the Autobots save you some how, now both Decepticons are competing on who can locate you first.
Ever since meeting Starscream... your fate has been sealed.
You fear it may be too late to escape once both of the Decepticons are attached.
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petitelepus · 2 years
Ok this may be weird but love letter confession from Yandere TFP Soundwave and his reaction from when he gets a letter back from human crush kindly rejecting him. What would he think, how would he react? What would he do?
Soundwave couldn't quite pinpoint when he had fallen for you, he just knew he had feelings for you.
He had followed your every move from these flimsy Earth cameras around the city. You were never alone when he was watching.
For so long he had settled on just watching you from afar, observing and learning. He knew your favorite restaurant, your favorite color, your mother's maiden name, and your father's first pet, he knew them all and more. He knew everything there was to know about you.
Soundwave was a brilliant Decepticon. Even before he confessed to you he had gone through multiple ways the confession would turn out.
That didn't mean he liked being rejected by you, who he held so many feelings for.
He knew he should have done things the right way. The Decepticons' way. Take what was rightfully his. You belonged with him and not some human or worse, an Autobot.
He would let you be for the time being, but don't fret, he is always watching and the time the two of you will finally be together is just around the corner.
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