An, she/her, cis, pansexual. Writing, myths, cultures, pop-culture, queer stuff, feminism, crafts, books, gaming, tea, pretty object and places, beautifull people, inspirations, animals, activism. With ocasional rants. And whatever fandoms I'm into.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I missed Tumblr usage of tags so very much
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Me: War crimes are only hot in fiction, never in real life My current MC: It is my real life for me! Why do you force me to witness war crimes?!
#writing#my writing#original fiction#fantasy writing#problematic writing#your fave is problematic#MC is a modern 30+ woman isekaied into fantasy world#she definitely had been rooting for fictional war criminals in her “normal” life#now she thinks it is very unfunny#both love interests are in a good position to commit war crimes#They will not though#My MC hates me at the moment
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“that character is a war criminal” that character is from a fictional fantasy world and did not attend the geneva convention
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Mam dziś dzień epickich tekstów:
– Skoro już jesteś tak miły i zaoferowałeś uwolnienie mi rąk, to może byś to zrobił? Trochę drętwieją mi palce. – Który idiota cię tak nieumiejętnie związał? – Och, nie, związali mnie całkiem umiejętnie, po prostu mam cieśnię nadgarstka.
Mogła w końcu przyjrzeć się własnemu ciału. Nawet w obozie wojskowym, gdzie kilka razy miała okazję przemyć się w balii, nie przyjrzała się samej sobie tak dobrze. Wtedy jeszcze nie była pokryta taką ilością sińców i zadrapań. Nogi miała podrapane i zarośnięte, pochodzenia paru sińców nie była pewna, stopy pokrywały jej pęcherze, a na kilku miejscach na ciele porobiły się odparzenia. Jej biodro próbowało się zdecydować, czy chce być flagą bi- czy panseksualną i chyba stanęło na czymś pomiędzy, bo stało się fioletowo-żółte.
Ula zanurzyła się po szyję, wyobrażając sobie, że jest kapibarą. Kapibary są miłe. Kapibary są kwintesencją chillu. Kapibary nie muszą się martwić, że przypadkiem wmówiły komuś, że sprzedadzą mu ze zniżką nieistniejącą broń.
#ja tu piszę#pisze się#pisanie#pisarka#fantastyka#polska fantastyka#Nowy Błyszczący Pomysł Przywieziony z Japonii#nie ma jeszcze tytułu
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W czasie kiedy mnie nie było na tej wspaniałej/koszmarnej stronie, napisałam trochę rzeczy... I zgadnijcie co? Sporo z nich można przeczytać, całkowicie za darmo, w formie cyfrowej!
Na przykład opowiadanie "Wyspa Łosi" w antologii "Tęczowe i Fantastyczne", do pobrania TUTAJ Groza, bagna, tajemnicze lokalne wierzenia, mumie torfowe, trauma po toksycznym związku i budowanie nowej relacji. Jeśli was to zainteresowało - to zapraszam (do przeczytania reszty antologii też!). I psst, i ja, i inne osoby autorskie będziemy zadowoleni za jakieś opinie albo choć ocenę na goodreads i lubimy czytać...
#ja tu piszę#pisanie#writing#polska fantastyka#tęczowe i fantastyczne#grupa wydawnicza alpaka#queer#queer literature#f/f#wlw#wlw fiction#f/f fiction#opowiadanie#groza#horror#fantasytka#polski horror#queerowa fantastyka#tęczowa fantastyka#autoreklama#pisarki działają na feedback#proszę karmić
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Dear Writers Everywhere:
1. It’s okay if you lose interest in your story. It doesn’t mean you wasted your time; it means you’re growing in your hobby.
2. It’s okay not to want to publish your work; that doesn’t mean your writing isn’t worth reading. It means you have different goals than some other writers.
3. It’s okay if you need a break sometimes. It’s frankly unrealistic to think you never will.
4. It’s okay to write fanfiction; that doesn’t make you any less of a writer but makes you that much more of a fan.
5. It’s okay to sometimes have self-doubt. After all, you are human and sometimes as humans it’s easy to fall into that trap. Sometimes the feeling doesn’t even have anything to do with the writing but has everything to do with being overwhelmed, mentally exhausted and ready to give up. Don’t give up.
6. It’s okay to feel relief and happy upon reading this. Give a like if you did and spread it to your writer followers and maybe make their day a little.
🤍 H
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A few years ago, while I was off this loveable mess that is tumblr, I wrote a fic I am really proud with. It is one of the best things I’ve ever written (including original fiction) and I believe it always can do with more exposition. If you are into Transformers and search for a complex story with tons of worldbuilding, elements from multiple continuities used to creating something new, references to the real life political and social issues - then search no more! Also, if you like MegOP, then it is definitely for you! If you read it - you can always recommend it to some people! If you wanted to read it, but forgot somehow - here is your reminder. If you never heard about it but it seems interesting to you - give it a try!
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A few years ago, while I was off this loveable mess that is tumblr, I wrote a fic I am really proud with. It is one of the best things I’ve ever written (including original fiction) and I believe it always can do with more exposition. If you are into Transformers and search for a complex story with tons of worldbuilding, elements from multiple continuities used to creating something new, references to the real life political and social issues - then search no more! Also, if you like MegOP, then it is definitely for you! If you read it - you can always recommend it to some people! If you wanted to read it, but forgot somehow - here is your reminder. If you never heard about it but it seems interesting to you - give it a try!
#fanfic#fanfiction#ao3#archive of our own#writing#transformers#transformers fanfiction#megop#megop fic
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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime Characters: Optimus Prime, Megatron (Transformers), Rodimus | Rodimus Prime Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, No war, University, Philosophy, sociology - Freeform, Politics, leftist ideas, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, fuck theocracy, LITERALLY, MegOp week 2020 Summary:
Being a Prime's protege means that Rodimus is expected to get some education. He is not a big fan of this idea, but this philosophy professor is a fascinating person with very controversial ideas... ideas, that catch the attention of Rodimus' mentor.
An AU where the revolution was not necessary and Megatron pursued an academic career.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Optimus Prime Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Established Relationship, Aftermath of Torture, Anxiety Attacks, Sleepy Cuddles, Post-Canon Fix-It Series: Part 7 of The Sickness of Spark Summary:
Megatron remembers bad things that happened - and a good one he has now is still hard to believe in.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers: Prime Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ratchet/Wheeljack Characters: Ratchet (Transformers), Wheeljack (Transformers) Additional Tags: Action, Injury, Established Relationship, Medical Procedures, Cybertronian anatomy, secret solenoid gift, Fluff, at least more fluff than anything else, Secret Solenoid Summary:
Ratchet agrees to help Wheeljack on a seemingly simple action. It goes wrong and Ratchet gets injured - whch probably would't be such an issue, if Wheeljack just stopped overreacting...
@secretsolenoid gift for @emotionalrobots (please give me your AO3 ID if you have one, so I could add you there!)
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I am TERRIBLY happy every time I see a kudos or bookmark on my fic. When someone bookmarks my fic, they probably mean they want to re-read it? Because this is the purpose of bookmarking for me! And no matter how much I’d love to see more people commenting on my fics, I don’t find kudos and bookmarks creepy, quite the contrary!
This might be a silly question, but how do you and the others feel when you 'only' get kudos and a bookmark but no comment from a reader? I have trouble commenting on fics I like (I try to work on this), but my friend says it's kinda unfair since I leave a bookmark and that it's kinda creepy without context... :/
What on earth is creepy about bookmarking a fic you like? That’s what the bookmark feature is for.
Reading fics on AO3 has zero price of admission. You don’t have to kudos. You don’t have to comment. You don’t even need to have an account. You can read fic on AO3 without even knowing what AO3 is if you stumbled into a fic from a google search. Fics posted on AO3 are there to be archived and there to be shared. It’s that simple.
I love to see names I recognize in my kudos. It’s like having a tumblr mutual you never talk to but you like their posts all the time and you think they’re probably pretty great. There’s that spark of recognition and then a feeling of pride that, “Hey look! [username] liked this one! Awesome!”
Comment if you can, but don’t be bullied or pressured into it. A comment should be written in the same spirit as the fic itself: wanting to reach out to other people who love the same fandom as you do. It’s not easy to do that, I know, and I don’t hold it against you at all if you can’t.
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[Image Description: Tag reading “no fluff we read angst and cry like men”]
The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Healthy masculinity
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Y’know, NaNoWriMo isn’t actually about getting 50,000 words in 30 days
Yeah, that’s the Goal – but it’s not what it’s about
NaNoWriMo is about sitting down, starting a project, and learning to manage that project and keep going even when it gets hard
it’s about building skills and forming habits and developing discipline and learning more about yourself as a creator so you can get a sense for what writing methods do/don’t work for you
its about trying things – about making discoveries and making mistakes, and about making progress without getting mired in the minutia so you end the month with more words than you had when you started
It’s framed like a contest ‘cause goals and prizes make things fun, but you’re only really playing against yourself
50,000 words is only a target to shoot for ‘cause without a target it’s pretty hard to practice your aim
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