#yandere the8
o-ochangx · 2 years
i-i don’t know...we were perfectly fine... *i hug him back and squeeze him tightly, my tears soaking in his clothes as i cry in his arms for a while. after some time, i pull away and nod with swollen puffy eyes* thank you hao...i-i mean it...i think i’ll do that...i don’t have anyone else close to me that i can...stay with...and i haven’t eaten since yesterday...i can’t get through this on my own, so...just...thank you so much... *i sniffle* — 🍮
(hhh thank you! i just want to make sure you don’t feel too pressured. good luck on your exams! take your time in answering and i believe you’ll do great!)
You should go and wash your face. I will close the shop. Come on. *I held her hand as she went in the washroom. I checked everything to make sure it was alright as I went outside the shop with Y/N and closed the store* Do you want to eat to chicken? Or I can make you some nice hotpot once we reach my house. I have all the ingredients already. Or we can eat whatever you feel like eating.
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(I am sorry for taking such a long time to reply 😭. Safe to say that I passed this year with…really bad marks. Well at least I went in the next grade….I will have to work a lot harder in this grade and the next one. Plus I took economics which is not that much of a easy subject-)
Anon 🍮
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svtyandere · 1 year
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I’m a new writer for exclusively sub!yandere!seventeen <3 
My name online is Tim :) and I am comfy writing for fem! masc! or nb!reader
I am Dino and DK biased but will write for all members 
REQUESTS ARE OPEN FOR ANYTHING (reactions, drabbles, fics...)
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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10.2k, trauma, abuse, domestic abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, needles, drugs, medication, choking, suffocation, accidental murder, temporary death, mentions of suicide, guns, asylum patient, mind control, smut, non-con, manipulation, fingering, handjob, penetration, unprotected sex, yandere (@starillusion13)​
“Found you.”
  The voice sent shivers down your spine. For a moment you were frozen in fear, but as you began to hear footsteps approaching you broke out into a run. You didn’t bother looking back. You knew that voice all too well and your only option here was to run. It was already so late into the night, and nobody else seemed to be around. As you ran you reached for your phone, dialing emergency services. You were running out of breath, looking for a place to hide. As you heard someone answer the phone, a hand was suddenly over your mouth, pulling you back.
“You can’t run from me anymore.”
    Your eyes shot open and you jumped up in bed, breathing heavily as your mind was racing. You gripped the bed sheets tightly, taking in your surroundings and starting to settle back into reality. It was just a bad dream, just another bad dream. You laid back in bed, eyes losing focus as you looked at the ceiling, trying to think of anything else so you could forget this nightmare all the quicker. The problem was it wasn’t the first time you had dreamt of something like that, and it probably wouldn’t be the last.
    Once your mind had settled, and your breathing was even, you got up. You grabbed your phone and stared at the date for a while. It had nearly been a year since you last saw him, even in your nightmares about him, you never saw his face. His voice alone was enough to haunt you. At first you adored it, hearing such sweet words from him, hearing your own name, but now the memory itself made you feel uneasy. Even if you were living a normal life, he still clung to you like a shadow. Sometimes he wasn’t visible, but he was always there, and you could do nothing to get rid of him.
    You had some breakfast and got ready for the day, taking a moment to let the sun wash over you. It was a silly substitute to the warmth you once got from another. You walked over to your bus stop, thinking about what your day would look like, already forgetting about the morning. The day itself was normal, and you figured it would end that way, but I guess that was too much to ask for. As you walked to your apartment you noticed two figures in black waiting outside your door. You thought to run away and call the cops but they noticed you first, waving you over and taking steps in your direction.
“Miss y/n, we’re with the police and have a few questions for you.”
“… pah… police?”
    You were thinking of running, but when they said they were police you let your guard down a bit. The two got close and showed you their badges, detectives Choi and Kim.
“Uh… what is this about… I’m a good citizen and-”
“Can we speak somewhere more private?”
“Yeah… sure…”
    You let the two into your place, offering them something to drink and sitting down with them in your living room. You were visibly nervous, and they noticed.
“You’re not in trouble.” Detective Choi assured you. “We just had some questions for you regarding Wen Junhui.”
“Oh… you mean…”
“I believe he goes by Jun.”
“What’s this about? I haven’t heard from him since…”
“Nearly a year ago he was institutionalized for…” Detective Kim began but stopped. “Well you know the rest. You haven’t had any contact with him since, have you?”
“No. Not at all. He wrote me letters for a while, but I never read them and just sent them back. Eventually he stopped, and I haven’t heard from him at all. Nor did I ever try to make contact with him.”
“But you do know where he is?”
“The facility that has him in their care, yes, I’m aware of it.”
“You said he sent you letters.” Detective Choi continued. “And eventually stopped. You haven’t received anything strange in the mail lately, have you?”
“Nothing at all. As you know I’ve moved, and I doubt he knows my current address. What is this about anyway? Does he have a hearing or something? I was informed he’d remain institutionalized because of his diagnosis and beha… vior…”
    You trailed off as things started to fall into place. It was late at night and two detectives had been waiting for you at your door. Now they were asking if you had any contact with that guy, especially recently.
“He broke out… didn’t he…”
“Unfortunately he-.”
“How!? Those type of places-”
“Please calm down, miss. You’re correct that he has no idea about your current whereabouts, we’re just asking for information about him.”
“Information!? What can I possibly give you? The police report on him says everything you need to know! He’s a stalker, he abused me, he kidnapped me, he locked me up, he nearly killed me! He’s a psycho who got off easy going to some asylum for the mentally insane! And now you’re here telling me he escaped! How exactly do you think I can help you!”
“We just-”
    You expected some decency, for the two to get up and leave on their own. They did get up, but instead of leaving, they locked the door.
“Wa… what are you doing…”
“I’m afraid we can’t leave until we get what we came for.”
    You grabbed your phone and bolted for your room, only for Kim to grab you and pin you against a wall. You tried to break free, but he was much stronger than you.
“Who are you!”
“We’re just trying to help, honest.” Choi said. “We’re trying to find Jun, and you’re our best bet.”
“I want nothing to do with him!”
“We’re well aware of his history with you, and understand you have no ties to him, but he’ll be looking for you. So we need to know everything. If anything strange has happened lately, any friends reach out and seem weird, anything at all. You might not be aware of his presence, but he could be nearby.”
“He… he…”
“Once we’re satisfied we’ll go, and you won’t see us again.”
“No… no, I don’t know anything!”
“Then just let us be sure.”
    You were held still as the other jabbed a needle into your neck. You screamed bloody murder, thrashing around, but soon enough you felt yourself growing weak. You thought you’d pass out, but instead wound up in this drowsy state. Kim set you down on the couch, keeping his hands on your shoulders so you wouldn’t slump over.
“What are you gonna…”
“This won’t hurt, promise, but it might feel weird.”
    You could vaguely make out Choi getting something from his pocket, like a small tin case. Then you felt something small and cold pressed against the side of your head. It made you shiver, and then you felt some weird tingle, like static in your head.
“Why don’t we do a quick trip down memory lane to make sure we didn’t miss anything.”
    You ran into the arms of your best friend, your lover, your everything. He picked you up with ease and spun you around before peppering your face with kisses.
“And where have you been all day, my love?”
“Working. Someone has to pay the bills around here.”
“We both pay the bills, not just you.”
“True… and what have you been up to today?”
“Trying out a new recipe for my love.”
“Is that what the delicious smell is?”
“Yes. It’s almost done, so wash up for dinner.”
“Will do.”
    You had known Jun for most of your life, and we’re always so close. It only felt natural that your friendship would evolve into something more. Jun confessed to you with a bouquet of roses and poured his heart out, bringing you to tears. You had both loved each other for a while, but he was the one with courage to say it first. From there everything was like a dream. He was so perfect, and he convinced you to move in with him after a few months. Your life together felt like something out of a fairy tale at times.
“Open wide.”
    Jun loved to feed you, especially when he cooked. Not to mention giving you a bath at the end of the week.
“This tastes divine.”
“Only the best for my love.”
    He cuddled with you every night, and every morning you had to fight with him to let you go. It was adorable, even if sometimes you didn’t have time for it. You knew he did it all out of love, and you couldn’t fault him for that.
“I’m going to be home late tonight, so don’t wait up.”
“What? Why?”
“I’m hanging out with the girls tonight.”
“No, no, no.” Jun reached over and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back down into bed with him. “Let’s have a movie night together, just the two of us.”
“Hm, that does sound tempting, but I haven’t seen the girls in months now. So a night out is overdue.”
“Do you have to?” Jun pouted. “I don’t want you out alone.”
“I won’t be alone.”
“Yes you will, I won’t be there. It’s gonna be so lonely.”
You giggled. “Don’t be silly, I’ll be fine.”
“Then can I come?”
“Girls night, sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
“No fair.”
    Jun was very reluctant to let you go, but he knew he wouldn’t get you to change your mind about the matter. He called you often that night, just checking in and asking if you needed a ride, wanting to know where you were. After a few drinks though you stopped answering and just focused on enjoying yourself. He didn’t take that well though.
“Huh? Jun? What are you doing here? How did you find-”
“Why didn’t you answer your phone, I was so worried!” Jun came over and pulled you into a hug. “I thought something had happened to you.”
“I told you I was hanging out with the girls tonight.”
“And you couldn’t answer my calls or texts?”
“I answered you ten times already.”
“Look at you, your face is burning up. It’s time you came home anyway, let’s go.”
“What, no, Jun.” You pulled away. “The night’s still young, and the party is far from over. I’m fine, so you can go now.”
“No, you’re coming with me. If you can’t even answer your phone, then you’re done.”
“Ya! You’re not my dad! Now go.”
“No, you’re coming home-”
“I’m not. I’ll stay with a friend tonight, so don’t wait up.”
Jun laughed. “Hilarious.”
    Jun grabbed your arm, his grasp a lot stronger than before, and he started dragging you away from the others. Your friends immediately got up and tried to get him to let go, but he pushed them all away, and considering most of you were already tipsy, they lost balance quickly.
“If this is how you’re gonna behave, then you’re not going out again.”
“Jun, let me go!”
    You couldn’t break free, but when you got to the car you started fighting him. He had opened the door for you and was trying to get you in, but you refused.
“Don’t be a brat!”
    Jun slapped you, making you freeze. It wasn’t a hard hit, but your cheek still burned from the impact. You grabbed your cheek with your free hand, slowly looking back at Jun.
“Get in the car.”
    In your state of shock it was easy to get you in the car, he even put your seat belt on for you and then slammed the door shut. You watched him walk to the drivers side, silently getting in the car and driving off. You stayed quiet the whole ride over, waiting for him to open the door and pull you out of the car too. Neither of you spoke until you were in the house.
“I’m sorry about-”
“You hit me… you actually…”
“You’re drunk and-”
“And you weren’t listening to me! I told you I didn’t want you going out tonight, and you completely ignored me.”
“I have my own life you know, a life outside of you.”
“No you don’t. I’m your whole world, and what I say goes.”
“Says who?”
“Me! Nobody knows you like me, and I know what’s best for you. Being out late and drinking, it’s not the best idea, and you shouldn’t be doing that.”
“Oh, unless you’re there, right?”
“You need someone to look after you.”
“I can look after myself. In case you didn’t realize, I was doing just fine without you.”
“How did you even find me anyway? I didn’t tell you where I was.”
“That was the first thing that made me worry! I had to use the tracking app to-”
“Tracking app!”
“Yes. The one for couples, so we can always-”
“When the hell did you install that in my phone?! And without telling me!”
    You pulled your phone out of your bag and began looking through your apps, seeing what he was talking about. You couldn’t believe you had never noticed it before. You were about to uninstall it when Jun snatched your phone away from you.
“Ya! Give that back!”
“You won’t be going out for a while, so won’t need it.”
“Excuse me!”
“It’s late, and you’ve had dinner, so you should get to bed.”
“You can’t be serious right now.”
“You’re unbelievable.” You headed for the door. “I swear you’re acting crazy right now.”
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere else!”
“You are so full of jokes tonight.”
    Jun grabbed your arm again and dragged you to the bedroom. He started stripping off your clothes and you were quick to stop him.
“What are you doing!”
“You’re drunk and need help getting your clothes off so you can shower.”
“Get your hands off!”
“Come on, babe, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
“I said let go!”
    Your actions and words were met with another slap, stunning you into silence once more. You felt tears sting your eyes, and then Jun pressed a kiss to your head.
“I’m sorry, love, that seems to be the only way to get you to listen right now.”
“Please let go…”
“I’m trying-”
“I’ll take a shower and get ready for bed…”
“Can you make me some tea?”
Jun smiled. “Of course, baby, I’ll make your favorite.”
“Thank you.”
    Jun gave you another forehead kiss before leaving you alone. You stood in place for a while before stripping out of your clothes and going into the shower. You didn’t know when the tears started mixing with the water, but you stayed there for a while and let yourself cry. The day had started out fine, but now everything felt like a nightmare. Everything you thought you knew about Jun had changed so fast, you felt like the boy you had known, had fallen for, wasn’t even real. Eventually Jun knocked on the door, and you told him you’d be out in a minute. You dried your hair and got into some clothes, meeting him in the kitchen for tea.
“Here you are.”
“Thank you…”
“I’m sorry about tonight, love.” Jun softly pet your head. “I didn’t like you being out there alone. It was better I take you home.”
    You took a sip of your tea, the warmth making you feel a bit better. Although you tasted something off about it. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, and while you were thinking Jun tipped the cup towards your lips.
“Drink up while it’s warm, it’ll help you sleep.”
    You wound up drinking every drop so as to not spill anything, and you definitely felt funny. You had been tipsy earlier, and practically sobered up in the shower, but this felt different. You were feeling drowsy, and Jun took your cup from you before you dropped it.
“Sh, it’s late, you should get some sleep.”
“I don’t… I feel…”
    Your legs gave out and Jun scooped you up in his arms. You could barely make out his face, let alone his words. With whatever strength you had you held onto him, mumbling about what was going on, but you were incapable of getting an answer. Despite your effort to hold on, you eventually fell into darkness.
    You woke with a minor headache, snuggling against your pillow when you felt something cold on your leg. You lazily sat up, thinking your leg wasn’t covered, but it was, so you pulled back the blanket to see a chain. Now you were awake, and you grabbed the chain, following it to the leg of the bed frame, seeing that you were locked up.
“Wa… Jun!”
    You were tugging on the chain when Jun came in, and he immediately stopped you. He could see the look of panic on your face, trying to calm you down.
“Easy there, baby, did you have a bad dream?”
“What is this? Why did you chain me up?”
“Oh, that, just to make sure you’re safe.”
“You had a crazy night, so you should stay in bed today and rest. This is just a precaution.”
“Take it off, now!”
“Now! Where did you even get a chain! And about last night, you were acting so crazy! I thought you’d be fine today, but this is unacceptable.”
“I’m just looking out for you and doing what’s best.”
“I can decide that for myself.”
“You’ve shown me otherwise.”
“Last night is proof enough. I’ve always been worried about the company you keep and-”
“Stop, just stop it. Get this chain off, and then we can talk.”
“We don’t need to.”
“Since you’re up, I’ll bring you breakfast.”
“No, Jun!”
    He didn’t listen and left you to struggle with the chain again. When he came back he had you sit against the headboard, setting down a tray for you and trying to feed you, but you refused him.
“Baby, you have to eat.”
“Not until you let me go.”
“That’s for your own good.”
    You flipped over the tray, getting food all over him and the bed. He stayed in place for a moment before quietly getting up and gathering the dishes. He left without a word and then came back to properly clean up, removing the stained bed sheets, and anything else that was dirty. You watched him in silence, glaring daggers at him, but he paid you no mind. Your clothes had gotten stained, but he didn’t do anything about that at first. Although when he came back with a glass of water you were confused.
“Here. At least hydrate.”
“No thanks.”
“I know you put something in the tea last night… you think I’m gonna trust anything else from you?”
“Hm. I guess that’s fair.”
    Jun drank the glass of water and set it down on the nightstand, going over to his dresser and rummaging around for something. From where you were you managed to see him pull out a small box, then there was a needle and vial in his hand.
“You need a bath after that ordeal, and if you’re not gonna behave on your own, I have other methods.”
“What is that! Where did you get that!”
“It won’t hurt.”
    As he approached you tried to get away, but you could only move so far before the chain went taut. Jun crawled onto the bed, and then on top of you, keeping you pinned with his body weight.
“Ju… Jun…”
“It’s just some medicine.”
“Get that away.”
“Sh, sh, sh, just hold still.”
    Jun had always been stronger than you, so he kept you still with ease, exposing your neck and driving the needle into you. The pinch made you close your eyes, and you could hear your own racing heart in your ears. A tear slid down your cheek, and a moment later Jun was wiping it away.
“Don’t cry my love, I’m just doing what’s best for you.”
“Please… let me go…”
“Sh, let’s get you cleaned up, okay.”
    You were already feeling weak, and Jun moved you with ease. You barely noticed when he took off the chain, or began to get you out of your clothes. He disappeared for a moment, and the picked you up in his arms. He took you into the bathroom, removing the last bits of clothing and putting you in a warm bath. He actually felt nice, but that might have been the drugs talking. Jun tended to bathe you on friday nights, so this wasn’t difficult for him. Especially since you were nothing but a doll at his mercy like this.
    At some point you did fall asleep, waking up dressed and in bed like nothing happened. Although the chain was back on your leg. You tried to sit up, but found it difficult to do so and just went back to sleep. When you woke up later Jun was there, helping you up so you could eat. You were still weak, so you couldn’t throw the food like before, but you did keep your mouth shut. That is until Jun grabbed your face and forced a spoon full of food past your lips. You had no choice but to eat, you were hungry after all.
“There you go, that’s a good girl.”
    You never really recovered from that day. Jun kept you chained up and in that drowsy state. You slept a lot, and you had no sense of time besides the daylight, but you couldn’t always trust that. Jun always made sure you ate, and cleaned you up too. You could barely understand anything he said, but you could make out the smile he always had on his face. You were powerless to stop him, but you knew you needed to figure out some way out of this. It was hard to come up with a plan when you could barely think for yourself , but fortune was on your side.
    One morning you had woken up with Jun, getting your face peppered with kisses as he cooed and snuggled against you. When he got up you noticed his phone on the nightstand. He’d be back soon, but you couldn’t waste this opportunity. You crawled over and grabbed his phone, shakily sending a message to a mutual friend of yours, and signing it with your name. You had to be quick, so you only begged them to come over. From there you scrambled to delete the message so Jun wouldn’t find out. As you were putting it back on the nightstand Jun came back and quickly took it from you.
“No, no, no, baby, that’s not for you.”
    You were nervous about getting caught, but after inspecting the phone he didn’t find anything suspicious. Now you could only wait and hope your message had been received.
“I’ll get started on breakfast.”
    Jun tucked you back into bed and went off to start preparations. He was nearly finished when he heard a knock at the door. He wasn’t expecting anything so he was quite perplexed. As he approached the knocking got louder and more aggressive. He checked to see who it was, finding a familiar face on the other side of the door. So he opened it, but only a bit.
“Hello, Misu, what brings you by so early?”
“Here to see y/n and talk about plans for the weekend. Can I come in?”
“Unfortunately y/n is sick and isn’t accepting visitors right now.”
“Oh dear, is it a fever? She rarely gets sick, let me see her.”
“That’s alright, I wouldn’t want you getting sick.”
“It’s no bother. I’m sure you’re tired looking after her day and night, I can give you a bit of down time.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I’ll let her know you stopped by.” Jun tried to close the door, but Misu stopped him. “Yes?”
“I’m not leaving until I see her.”
“She’s sick and-”
“And no one has heard from her in weeks. Not even her job.”
“She’s on sick leave.”
“Prove it.”
“I’m sorry, are you doubting me?”
“Not at all. I just want to see my friend and make sure she’s alright.”
“She is, I assure you.”
“And you expect me to trust you after that night?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re referring to.”
“Oh you know, when you showed up unannounced and dragged y/n out of the restaurant. You fucken hit her! Twice!”
“We had a little disagreement and-”
    Jun didn’t get to finish as Misu pushed their way into the house, calling out your name. They didn’t get far before Jun grabbed them.
“If you don’t leave now I will call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing.”
“Go ahead, call them. I’m curious to know which of us will end up in handcuffs.”
    Misu pulled away and stormed into the house, still calling out your name. Jun glared and watched them go, starting to think about what to do. The sound of your name stirred you from your slumber. For a moment you thought you were just hearing things, but it was getting louder and louder. You tried to sit up, but you could barely manage, so you just screamed out for help with your voice, starting to choke on your sobs.
“Holy fuck, y/n!”
    Seeing Misu in your line of sight made you cry tears of joy. They had come, and they knew you weren’t alright.
“What the hell is all this, what happened?”
“Hel… help…”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m going to call the police, this is fucken crazy.”
    Misu dialed emergency services, putting the phone down for a moment and focusing on the chain, trying to figure out how to remove it. You were so focused on them that you didn’t notice Jun coming into the room, not until he had Misu in a choke hold.
“Sh, sh, sh, don’t worry about this baby, just an uninvited guest.”
    You couldn’t do anything as Jun dragged Misu out of the room. You started crying again, thinking you had made matters worse. In between your sobs you heard a voice, and then realized Misu left their phone, and it was still on a call. You quickly found it, realizing the operator was still on the line. You composed yourself enough to ask for help, telling them you were being held captive, managing to give your address too.
“I know that… give me that!”
    When Jun returned and found you on the phone he quickly took it from you and hung up. He was glaring at you, but before he could say anything he noticed Misu had left her messages open, and there was the one you had secretly sent from Jun’s phone.
“You… you… how could you!”
“Jun, please… please…”
“After everything I’ve done! You, you, how dare you!”
“… please… just stop this…”
“We have to go, we can’t stay here anymore.”
“Quiet! Not another word from you.”
    You certainly quiet down when you saw Jun with another needle. You could barely struggle beneath him, and felt the pinch on your neck. Jun removed the chain and picked you up in his arms, taking you out to the car, and that’s when you heard the sirens. A weak smile appeared on your lips, feeling a sense of relief. So you let your eyes shut, hoping to wake up in a better place.
“Y/n… y/n, please wake up…”
    Once again your name brought you back from the void. Everything was a blur as you opened your eyes, your senses slowly taking in the world. You heard a steady beeping noise, the white of the room hurting your eyes. Although your movements didn’t go unnoticed.
“Y/n! You’re awake! Doctor! Doctor!”
    Soon enough you could make out Misu’s face, but your vision was soon blurred by tears as you saw the bruises on their neck.
“Misu… Misu, are you okay…”
“Don’t worry about me, worry about yourself. I’m so sorry I didn’t realize something was wrong sooner. I couldn’t fathom Jun… I’m sorry…”
“He… what happened…”
“He was arrested, and is currently being processed. I already told the police everything, and even asked about getting you a restraining order.”
“… what happened to us…”
“Don’t waste tears on that monster. Everything’s going to be alright now.”
    The doctor looked you over once you were awake.Thankfully your health was alright, you just had drugs you needed to flush out of your system. Although the doctor did mention the withdrawal wouldn’t be pleasant either. Misu promised to stay with you, not planning to leave your side anytime soon. You’d be staying in the hospital for a while, and they’d be your overnight guest. It was weird getting back to normal. The world was no longer spinning and you could actually focus on things and be awake again. The withdrawal wasn’t fun though, but you were in a hospital, so nothing bad could really happen to you.
“What the fuck do you mean he got out!”
    Misu reacted for you when some detectives came by, telling you that Jun had gotten out on bail. He would still be prosecuted for assault, and kidnapping, but for now he was free on the streets.
“What stupid… look at me! Look at her! A guy like that shouldn’t be out of prison!”
“I’m sorry, but that’s the law here.”
“What if he comes here, tries to threaten us to drop the charges?”
“We’ll have someone posted outside until the court hearing.”
“Misu… we’ll be okay… right?”
“Of course. You heard them, we’ll have our own security detail, and I doubt that asshole knows where we are anyway. No one’s gonna talk to him and tell him. We’ll get him arrested at court and get that restraining order as well.”
    Misu’s words reassured you, so you could rest easy. You had a date set, so now you had to wait for that. It gave you some piece of mind, and that’s all you could ask for right now. Once you were better you were allowed to go to the garden to get some fresh air. You’d probably be discharged soon, and Misu offered you to stay with them while you figured out what to do next. Your other friends also came to visit you, glad to know you were alright and also apologizing. You didn’t blame them though. You and Jun had always been so perfect, but things just went south so fast. You thought everything would be alright now, but that wasn’t the case.
    You were sleeping peacefully when you heard some noises outside your room. You groggily woke up, seeing someone come into the room. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, seeing the white coat and believing a doctor had come to see you. It was strange to have a visit at night, but you figured it was for good reason. Before you could ask there was a rag in your face, and you were pushed back against your pillow. Now that they were close you could see their eyes, and you’d recognize those anywhere. You tried to scream and squirm, but the chemicals were already taking hold.
    When you had gotten weak he stepped away, doing the same thing to Misu who had not woken up from the commotion. You could barely keep your eyes open, and you certainly couldn’t scream for help. Once Jun was done with her, he brought over a wheelchair, getting you into it, and putting a mask on your face. He gently pet your head and mumbled something about taking you home, but you couldn’t do anything to stop him. He wheeled you right past the officer posted outside your room, even greeting them on the way out. You desperately wished to say or do anything, but you were barely holding onto consciousness.
    You could barely make out the elevator ride, but you were aware enough to realize you had been taken to the parking garage. Jun easily got you into the backseat of the car, laying you down and wrapping you up in a blanket. He found your attempt to struggle adorable, but just told you to get some rest and that everything would be alright. You couldn’t fight the drugs for much longer, and ultimately passed out. Completely unaware of what awaited you when you woke up.
    The new place was so unfamiliar to you, the first thing it did was strike fear into your heart. You felt like no one would find you, and that’s exactly what Jun wanted. You woke up as you arrived, Jun carrying you inside and into the bedroom. Of course he chained you up again, but things were different this time. You weren’t on his drugs anymore, and now that you were awake, you were gaining back your strength. You couldn’t just be weak this time.
    So when you had the chance you attacked, grabbing Jun from behind and trying to choke him out. He was quite surprised by your actions, but he still had the upper hand. He slammed you down on the bed and pried your hands off him. You would have thought he’d scramble away, but instead he quickly pinned you down, glaring daggers at you. Of course you were afraid, but you couldn’t just let that fear take over and make you helpless.
“When did you get so brave?”
“You should be in prison!”
“And away from you? Do you have any idea how agonizing these last few days have been without you?”
“They’ve been heaven for me.”
“It’s true! Being away from you, being free! I don’t know what happened, but you’re not the Jun I fell in love with!”
“I am! I’m the same Jun you’ve known your whole life.”
“No you’re not!”
“Yes I am! The same man who has loved you for years, who couldn’t bear the thought of you being with another! I’ve always loved you so deeply, I can’t live without you! Don’t make me lose you again… please…”
“This isn’t love! You kept me trapped at home like some animal and-”
“You were gone! Out in the world without me, and I didn’t know if you were alright. You scared me to death that night, I couldn’t handle the thought of losing you again. I had to keep you safe!”
“This isn’t how you keep someone safe! This is kidnapping and-”
“It’s just the two of us. No one will find us here, we’ll be okay, and we’ll be together, that’s all that matters.”
“You’re crazy if you think I still love you after all this…”
“Don’t say that… I know you love me…”
“I don’t know you…”
    You could see the heartbreak in Jun’s eyes, and it terrified you. He was acting like a total psycho, yet it seemed like his feelings for you were sincere. It made you wonder if he was always like this, if you had never known this side to him. Although the answer was clear as day now. He had always been so clingy, never really letting you go out without him, and even when you did, he’d check in every hour or more. You were so blinded by love you couldn’t see the warning signs, no one around you really did.
“Liar… you’re a fucken liar! You think you can just throw away all those years of our love! All your stupid so-called friends have been feeding you lies! Taking you away from me when I’m the only person you need! Because of them you were in the hospital! Because… you called them… you were the one… you betrayed me!”
“Then just kill me already! I’d rather be dead than be locked up with you!”
“You don’t mean that!”
“If you won’t do it, I’ll do it myself!”
“Liar! You… you… if you don’t love me anymore, then I can’t let you love another! It’s only me!”
    In the heat of the moment Jun wrapped his hands around your throat and started to squeeze. You didn’t register what he was doing at first until you found it difficult to breathe. You reached up to get him off, but he didn’t budge.
“Ju… Jun… Jun…”
“You’re mine, and only mine!”
“… jun…”
    You couldn’t hold out for long, the edges of your vision going black. You said you’d kill yourself just to get away from him, but you didn’t think he’d do it himself. The lack of oxygen weakened you by the second, so you stopped fighting all together and just let it happen. This may not be how you pictured your end, but you’d take it if it meant freedom. Jun didn’t let up either, not until you stopped moving. Then he realized what he had done.
“Y/n… y/n! Y/n, wake up! Wake up, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please, y/n, wake up!”
    Jun shook your body, quick to begin CPR, and not stopping until you took in a breath. He was so relieved, and held you tightly, weeping into your chest.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… please forgive me…”
    You could barely make out his words as you were taking in life again. Relieved and disappointed all at once. Silent tears slid down your cheeks as you were left to wallow in your meaningless future.
    Jun couldn’t apologize enough for his actions, but he vowed to treat you with such care. Although that was difficult as you were still upset with you. He struggled to get you to eat, or even look at him. He may not have access to the medicine he gave you before, but your lack of nutrition was making you weak.
“My love, you have to eat.”
“I won’t let you die like this, so please, you have to keep up your strength.”
    At times he’d have to force feed you, even if a bit, just to make sure he wouldn’t lose you. Still, he could see such emptiness in those eyes, and it pained him dearly. No matter what he did, it seemed like that spark was gone. You on the other hand truly felt like a living corpse, but a part of you still thought of escaping. It took days, maybe even weeks, it was hard to tell time anymore, before you found your chance. The chain only ever came off when you needed to take a bath, so that was your time to act.
    When you had the chance you shoved Jun out of the bathroom and quickly locked the door behind him. He immediately panicked, but you focused on what you needed to do. You only had a bit of time, and your strength wasn’t what it used to be. You turned on the shower head, trying to fill the tub faster, grabbing a bunch of things and throwing them into the water all together, splashing it around a bit to give the illusion you were attempting to drown yourself. You heard the panic in his voice, knowing he was putting together pieces you had laid out, so now was your chance.
    There was a small window in the bathroom, one you had never seen locked. It was just big enough for you to squeeze through, even if it would be painful. You forced it open and began to crawl through, grateful you were on the ground floor. Once you were outside you didn’t hesitate to get up and run. You weren’t trying to go far, you didn’t have the time for that, so the plan was to go to the neighbors for help. You saw a light on in one of the houses down the street and ran over to it, frantically banging on the wall and asking for help. Soon enough there was an answer and you let yourself in, telling the home owners to call the police, that you had escaped from your captor.
    You were glad they believed you, and you stayed with them, out of sight, until the police showed up. Of course you had been missing this whole, so your escape brought relief to many around you. Although you had been worried about Jun escaping, the police had him in custody, and you saw him being taken into the back of a police car. That is until he saw you and went ballistic. He got away from the officers holding him and made a run for you. Thankfully he didn’t get close, but the possibility itself terrified you.
“Y/n! You’re okay! You scared me back there! Please, baby, tell them there’s been some mistake! Y/n! Y/n, look at me! Y/n!”
    You hid behind a friend of yours that showed up, keeping your tears to yourself and trying to ignore his words. You were trembling, just wanting everything to stop. It wasn’t until you were told he was gone that you could lift your head. Relief washed over you, and you were properly taken care of from there. He didn’t get bail this time, just kept locked up until the trial. Now you were dreading that, not wanting to see him again, but you had no choice if you wanted to make sure he was behind bars. Although sadly that didn’t go to plan.
    His lawyer pleaded insanity, going over all the things he had done to you, and stating how that proved Jun was mentally unwell. His behavior at the trial certainly convinced everyone else too. The whole time he couldn’t keep his eyes on you, on occasion whispering your name and an apology. Asking if you were alright, if you had eaten, completely ignoring the trial itself. Everything he did to you was out of love, even you couldn’t deny that, and his lawyer used that to his advantage. In the end he got a proper diagnosis and was sent to a mental asylum for treatment. That wasn’t really what you wanted, but as long as he was away from you and couldn’t hurt anyone, it was good.
    You couldn’t really go back to the place you called home. You did try, but he was everywhere, not to mention the letters you received practically every day. If you truly wanted to get better you had to move on with your life, move on from him. So you did. You sold the house and got your own apartment, moving away and losing some friends along the way. You had to do what was best for you. It took a while, but you slowly started living again, but your heart remained still. After all that, you couldn’t possibly trust anyone with it ever again.
“Hm… there really is nothing…” Choi said. “I kinda expected… something…”
“I guess she really hates him.” Kim added. “You know that boy never shut up about you, kinda feel bad for the sucker now.”
Your head was pounding, so many memories being dragged to the surface at once, you could barely make sense of the present.
“… who… who are… you… really…”
“No one important. We’ll keep an eye on you though.” Choi stated “Jun is bound to find you.”
“No… no, please…”
“Don’t worry. We won’t let him get you, we just want him back in his cage.”
“Nothing to worry about. Let’s go.”
    You felt something get take off your head, the static feeling finally starting to fade away. You could see the other two making their way to the door, and you tried to get up, but ultimately collapsed to your knees. You heard the door open, and then there was a crash. Kim landed next to you, knocked out from the impact. You were starting to get your stability back, looking up to see an impossible sight before you. Choi was dangling in the air, clawing at his throat, struggling to breath. You thought you were still delicious, moreso when you saw a third party in your apartment. The figure stepped closer and closer, ultimately coming into the light and making your eyes go wide.
“… no… no, no, no… it can’t be…”
“… how… how did you…” Choi choked out. “… how…”
“It was easy.” Jun laughed. “I saw you scoping out my old home, and I followed you from there. I knew you’d lead me right to her, so it was a matter of waiting.”
    The gentlemen in the air suddenly flew out the window, making you scream and cover your head. You then heard footsteps approach, crushing glass along the way. You were too scared to look, wanting to believe this was all just another nightmare. Your desires didn’t do anything for you as you felt a hand grab your chin and force your gaze to meet theirs.
“Found you… I finally found you, my love.”
“… you… you’re not real… you can’t…”
“Sh, I know it’s shocking. I can’t quite believe you’re real either, but you are, and so am I.”
“… no…”
“My poor baby, you must have missed me so much. I know things didn’t go well last time, but this time it will be perfect. You and I-”
    Kim had regained consciousness, immediately drawing his firearm, only for his weapon to suddenly be pointed up, and all rounds emptied into the ceiling. You screamed after the first shot and covered your ears.
“You dare to try and hurt my lover?!”
“Subject 074, you’re to return to containment!”
“I didn’t escape, just to go back. I will thank you for the blessing though.”
    Once the gunshots had stopped, you took a moment to settle down. Whatever this was, you couldn’t stay, so when you had the chance you ran for the door. You only took a few steps before you lost your footing and found yourself floating up in the air. You screamed over the sudden levitation, not understanding what was happening.
“I’m sorry love, I know this must all be so scary and confusing, but I can explain.”
“… pu… put me down…”
“Of course.”
    You tried to run away, but the door slammed in your face. Even though it wasn’t locked you couldn’t get it open, as if something heavy was blocking it. You eventually gave up and collapsed to the floor curling up and shutting your eyes. You heard footsteps approaching, flinching when you felt a hand on your head.
“Sh, sh, my baby, everything’s going to be okay, I’m back now.”
“No… no you can’t… the police…”
“They can’t keep me away from you, no one can.” Jun smiled. “I should get rid of our uninvited guest first though.”
    You didn’t know what that meant, but you made the mistake of looking over as Kim was also tossed out the window. You hid your face again, starting to sob. This was the worst nightmare you had ever had.
“We should probably go somewhere else.”
    You suddenly began to feel dizzy, as if the ground beneath you was moving. You opened your eyes, confirming that wasn’t the case, but not feeling well regardless. Jun watched you with a fond smile on his face, petting your head some more and softly cooing you to sleep. For whatever reason you couldn’t resist, not even if the adrenaline of all these events should keep you awake. The last thing you saw was Jun’s wicked smile, hoping this was all just a dream.
    You woke up peacefully, hoping to find yourself in bed, but that wasn’t the case. You sat up and found yourself in some kind of glass cage. There was no top, but the walls were too high, and there was no way for you to climb out. Around you there was nothing but darkness, and you thought you were alone until Jun showed his face.
“There you are.”
“… no… no you can’t… you’re not… this is just another dream… just another bad dream…”
“Oh, did you dream about me? I did too. Both at night and during the day. I missed you so dearly my love I was going insane.” Jun laughed. “I guess my love for you did work in my favor.”
    You were still uncertain about this whole thing, but you were so confused more than anything. You wanted nothing to do with him anymore, nothing at all, but something was very different about him, very wrong.
“How… how did you escape… you’re supposed to be… medicated and… and…”
“Out of my mind? Please, I was never sick to begin with, so there was nothing to treat. Everyone thought my love for you was psycho, but they were wrong, even you.”
“… me?”
“You couldn’t understand that everything I did for you was because I loved you, because I had to protect you.”
“That wasn’t love…”
“Not what most would think, but that’s the only thing that dictated my actions.” Jun came up to the glass, a deranged look on his face. “I love you, y/n, always. Now we can finally be together, and no one can ever take you away from me.”
“No… no this isn’t right, this isn’t love.”
“Silence!” Jun took a breath. “Everyone always says that, but they’d happily use it to their advantage. You know a lot’s been happening these last couple of months.”
    Even if you were scared, there were still things you wanted to say. Although now they all seemed to be stuck in your throat.
“At first I was in that asylum. Taking pills and talking to doctors, everyone trying to fix me, but you can’t fix what isn’t broken. Then they came along… I know what you might be thinking, who, but even I don’t know that. What I do know is they took me somewhere else, somewhere special. They said I was special, that I had great potential. I think it was just cause I appeared crazier than the others, but that’s when the real fun began. Needles, and drugs, and blood, and pills, and torture… I was their human lab rat… for what I’m not sure, but I can’t deny the results.”
    Jun started laughing again, and then you began to notice things start to float up in the air. He knew you were watching, so he began to make the items move around with ease. Then it finally clicked, this was all his doing.
“Power, like nothing else. Telekinesis, that’s what they call it. Isn’t it cool? The power to move things with my mind. They were certainly happy with me, telling me I was a good investment, wanting to move on to the next phase, but I only cared about one thing, you. It honestly wasn’t that hard to escape, they doubted my skills, not to mention my other powers.”
    In the blink of an eye Jun disappeared, and then he stood right before you, inside that glass cage with you. He quickly cornered you, keeping you pressed up against the glass and pinned by his own body. He had that devilish smile on his lips, and you wanted to look away but he grabbed your chin.
“They were really no match for me. The only hard part was finding you again. You completely disappeared, leaving behind no real trace. I guess I got lucky seeing those two snooping around. I would have found you anyway, but they sped up the process.” Jun stared at you fondly. “It’s good to see life in those eyes again. I missed it.”
“Ah, right, the other thing. You can speak your mind love.”
    It was a strange feeling, this heaviness in your chest suddenly disappearing. Your throat didn’t feel constricted anymore, so you tried speaking, surprising yourself with the results.
“Who are you…”
“Jun, Wen Junhui, the one and only.”
“You’re lying…”
Jun sighed. “This again. Why do you lie to yourself, are you so afraid of loving me?”
“You’re not Jun.”
“Of course I am.”
    His lips were suddenly pressed against yours, kissing you deeply, kissing you with hunger. Despite everything you had said so far, you couldn’t deny the familiarity you felt. When he pulled away you were both out of breath, but he was far from done with you. He latched onto your throat, kissing and sucking on your skin, marking you up in ways no one had in so long. You couldn’t resist it, not having felt this way in months, not having been touched in such a manner either.
    While Jun’s lips were on your neck, his hands were running down the side of your body, caressing you and squeezing. They wrapped around your waist and then moved down to grab your ass, making you jump, and he chuckled, calling you cute, but continuing. His hands began to tug down your pants, and you tried to stop him, only to have your hands slapped away. He bit down hard on your shoulder, giving you a warning to behave.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you baby, and I know you’ve been yearning for me too.”
“No… no… you-”
“Your body doesn’t lie.” Jun hissed. “Just relax baby and let me take care of you.”
    You felt like you were melting under his touch. Every little skin to skin contact sending sparks across your body. Once he had access he didn’t waste any time to grab your crotch, starting to rub you through your panties. You bit your lip to hide your moan, only for him to notice and kiss you. Forcing your lips to part and making you moan into his mouth.
“That’s my girl.”
    Jun was just as impatient as you, soon enough moving your panties aside and teasing your core directly. He began to rub your clit, sending more tingles down your spine, and when he pushed a finger into you without warning you threw your head back. You nearly hit the glass but Jun moved you forward just enough to miss it. He loved the look on your face, especially knowing he was the cause of it. He just wanted to see more and more of it, having had his imagination for the past few months, and now finally having you in his grasp again.
    You were too focused on your own pleasure to remember the circumstances of your situation. Not having felt this way in so long, you were easily giving in to your carnal pleasures. It also didn’t help that Jun knew, and knew exactly what to do to make you his. Your body began to move in rhythm with his, your hips moving on their own, and your hands mindlessly looking for what you wanted. Jun was a step ahead of you, already having his pants at his ankles, making it easy for you to grip his cock. He let out a groan when you wrapped your hand around him.
“You really did miss me, you can’t lie.”
“Just… just shut up… and…”
“Fuck you?” Jun chuckled. “Anything for you.”
    He got sloppy fingering you, just wanting to get you ready as fast as possible, but he couldn’t hold out for long. Whatever bits of clothing you had that constricted his access to you were torn up, and soon enough your legs were wrapped around his waist.
“You want me baby?”
“Hm… yes, please…”
“You gotta say the magic word.”
“Nope, you gotta tell me what you want, and from who.”
“You… I want you to fuck me, please…”
“And what’s my name? What’s the name of your lover? The name of the one who owns our heart? The name I haven’t heard in so long.”
“… Jun…”
“Jun, please, please… fuck me.”
“With pleasure.”
    He wasn’t going to tease you any longer, and ready or not, you were going to take everything. In a swift motion he pushed into you, making you cry out his name in ecstasy. You had been stretched out like that in so long, and no one else besides Jun ever had the pleasure of doing so. He gave you a tiny moment to feel him before his basic instincts took over and he began to move. He was relentless, making up for lost time with each thrust, and making your eyes roll to the back of your head every time. His name spilled out of your mouth like a confession and a prayer all in one. Soon enough there was nothing in your head but him and what he was doing to you.
    As Jun got close to the edge he held you tighter, keeping you right where he wanted with ease. Although he wanted you to climax first, pressing you against the glass and using a free hand to rub your clit. He didn’t need to play with you for long before your vision went white and your body shook for him, squeezing him tighter and pushing him to his own climax. You could feel the warmth inside you growing and growing, feel him throb inside you. It brought tears to your eyes, reminding you of everything you had missed. Your body was spent, but Jun was far from done with you.
    He stayed put inside you, gently rocking his hips and making you tremble with the tiniest of movements. You could feel him getting hard again, knowing what came next and that you were powerless to stop him. He had a lot to make up for, and a lot of frustrations to get out. He worked you over for your second climax, and third, and fourth, and then it all blurred together into one. Somehow you could take, even if you felt like your body was way past its limit. Something in your mind keeping you in that perpetual state of bliss. You had lost count of how many times Jun spilled his seed inside you, but you could feel the overflow, and it was so nice.
“Had enough yet, baby girl?”
“Hm… I… I…”
“You don’t know? Did my precious girl get stupid on my cock?”
“I’ll take that as a yes. Why don’t you close your eyes and take a nap for me love, I got you.”
    Just as quick as you found yourself floating in a sea of bliss, you felt a calm darkness wash over you. The exhaustion made it so easy to just pass out by his words.
“Wake up, y/n.”
    You inhaled softly as you opened your eyes, still in an unfamiliar area. You looked around, seeing some sort of lab equipment around, but nothing you really recognized. Then you realized you were strapped down in this metal chair, something similar to what you’d find at the dentist’s office. You tried pulling on the restraints, but it was no use. Your body ached with exhaustion over the previous events. Which brought it all to the forefront of your mind, making your eyes go wide. You couldn’t believe that after all this time you had merely let Jun take you like that. You barely even put up a fight.
“Don’t beat yourself over that.”
“I might have cheated there. I need you exhausted for this next part, and I figured I could kill two birds with one stone.”
“What are you talking about…”
“It felt good though, better than before, right? I know your memory might be fuzzy, but I promise it was way better. And we can do it again, and again, in the future.”
“What is this… what are you doing…”
“Right. That. I mentioned I had other powers besides telekinesis. You saw me teleport, so care to guess what the other one is?”
  You screamed upon hearing his voice inside your head, pulling on the restraints again in a frantic panic.
“Easy there, easy. I’m not gonna do anything bad.”
“You… you manipulated me back there! You made me-”
“Oh please, you know you want me, and no one else. I was just making sure you felt extra good. Telepathy can be so fun when you figure out how to manipulate the brain.”
“Get out of my head!”
“You wound me with your words, but I forgive you. I’m gonna make it all better.”
“You psycho!”
“Everyone keeps calling me that, but what are you going to do? Even if you’re upset with me, that doesn’t change the fact you’re tired, and I can do what needs to be done.”
“Wot… what is that?”
“Fix us. Fix you.”
“It’s simple really. I’m just going to get rid of all the bad things, and only leave the good. Remove that terrible night where everything went wrong and go from there.”
“You can’t do that!”
“Yes I can. It’s all I ever wanted to do since that day, and now I have the power to do just that.” Jun came over to pet your head. “It won’t hurt at all, just a fuzzy little tingle while we talk and get things straight.”
“… no… stay out of my head!”
“Don’t be scared, I’m going to put everything back in place, and we’ll both be together again, like nothing ever happened.”
“Don’t… don’t, please…”
“Sh.” Jun kissed your head softly. “I’m gonna fix our love.”
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candysugarush · 2 months
𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬: part 2
"𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒏-𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒆𝒔"
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Xu Minghao
Character : The eighth princess
Story : The second born prince of the concubine of the king. Minghao despite his words and behavior, fully enjoy spending time with his brothers even if they tend to get on his nerves. Which is why he meditate to control his emotions and tend to lean toward more calm activities and artistic ones. Dancing is a way for him to let out everything he can't put in words. Whether it is the good, the bad, or just the passion. And oh, how much passion do you inspire him! His emotions going as brazen as a wildfire pulling him in thousands waltz.
Won't you take his hand and join him? If you refuse him, his temper might get out of control and burn you.
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Kim Mingyu
Character : The ninth princess
Story : The charming and sweet giant prince. Despite his looks, Mingyu doesn't have traditional princely interest, finding cooking and baking in the kitchen more interesting than sparing. Even if his appearance and muscles would suggest the contrary. Dancing might be the only moment he willingly moves as he sees more as an art than a sport. All of this just adds into his princely charm that makes most of the kingdom's maiden swoon. But you, you saw behind this and genuinely went to learn about him and his interest. He is so grateful for that, you're the only one who did such effort.
This deserves a gift, a special treat he made just for you... Don't mind the tangy taste and just eat it all, don't be ungrateful now.
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Lee Seokmin
Character : The tenth princess
Story : The sunshine and laughing prince. There isn't a day in the castle without hearing the wonderful laugh of the tenth prince. He is always following along his brothers, eager for whatever adventure or mess they get into. But he is just following, he also know how to tale the lead and demonstrate remarkable skills such as acting or quick thinking to get out of whatever mess. Even when it involves dancing, and singing. Nobody can stop him once he starts. And you, you are no exception, although he would pause just long enough to pull you against him in a waltz.
Isn't this wonderful? Everyday would be full of joy and laughter if you remained by his side. Now won't you consider it? He won't let go until you say yes.
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Boo Seungkwan
Character : The eleventh princess
Story : The elegant, eccentric and chic prince who's voice resonate through the castle with gasps, huff, and scoffs. He is the oldest of the triplets and share a deep relationship with the second twin and a rivalry with the youngest. Of course he has a good relation with the rest of his brothers, especially when it comes down to him asking for attention or anything. Dancing is one of the most refined art he likes in partake in, and you my dear is the lucky one who gets to share this with him.
What a privilege, don't get your hopes up. It's just because you provided him with dancing shoes... But that doesn't mean he doesn't want you here! At least stay to watch him try them.
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Chwe Hansol
Character : The twelfth princess
Story : The nonchalant and blank faced prince who is laid-back and doesn't bother himself with useless matters. He is the second born triplets and has a good relation with all his brothers, he isn't playing favorite (even if eleven want him to). Although he has a tendency to get distracted and let his twin drag him around, Hansol knows how to put his focus when it matters. Such as dancing, probably the most energetic his brothers had ever seen him. And also when it comes to you. Sure he is chill and laid-back, but that doesn't mean he will let people walk over him.
He isn't a doormat and his talent for swordmanship speak for itself. If anyone bothers you, just tell him. He will make sure they don't ever again try such silly stunts.
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Lee Chan
Character : The thirteenth princess
Story : The youngest prince who's treated like a child and babied by his older brothers. He is the youngest of the triplets and the runt of the litter. Despite being teased by his brothers all the time and the weird rivalry with his oldest twin, Chan know how to stand on his own. And he is a man of many talents to back up his words. And that includes dancing, as all his brothers were into it and he couldn't stand the thought of being left out. So he tries his best to be an excellent dancer. And good dancing shoes are quite the must for that. That's where you come in.
He is smitten and wants you, but seeing how all his brothers are also vying your attention sends a wave of jealousy and rage through him. They cannot have you, that's the only desire he won't concede. So stop looking at them and only focus on him.
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Who will be your dancing partner?
Taglist: @loumin908
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˜”°•.˜”°• MASTERLIST •°”˜.•°”˜
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Re-blogs, likes & feedbacks are appreciated!🤍
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𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼: Random Snaps They Would Send You: (Hyung line) (Maknae line)
𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼: Second Chance- Joshua
“Aren’t you the model from my figure drawing class?”- The8
Unexpected Romance- Mingyu
Hwachae at 3AM- Hoshi
𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼: Nothing yet....
𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼: Arranged Marriage- S.Coups
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『S』『T』『A』『R』『Y』 『K』『I』『D』『S』
𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼: Things They Love About You
Chan As Your Boyfriend
𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼: Helpful Stranger- Bang Chan
𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼: Nothing yet....
𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼: Nothing yet....
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𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼: Nothing yet....
𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼: (YANDERE) “Oh love, don’t worry you don’t need him, I’m all you’ll ever need. In this life, the next & even in the afterlife.”- Taehyun
𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼: TEXT Reaction: When you ask them to buy you period supplies
Doing Their Dance Challenge With Their Idol Crush
𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼: (YANDERE) Lovesick Psycho- Yeonjun
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𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼: How they fell for you
How they would confess to you
Physical Features They Love About You
𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼: Gamer Idol- Ni-ki
Puppy Love- Jake
Airport Crush-Ni-ki
Spa Date- Sunoo
Princess Treatment- Jay
Winter Wear- Ni-ki
"If I could give you some advice, I would leave with me tonight" -Jake
𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼: Nothing yet....
𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼: The Bet- 02 Line
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ericshoney · 7 months
Seventeen Masterlist
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~ Brother!Seungcheol (Imagine)
~ Brother!Jeonghan (Headcannon)
~ "Are you afraid yet?" (Oneshot) (Yandere)
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Could you do a yandere guard minghao falls for princess oc? Thank you
The light from the lantern dances across the stone walls as you descend the spiral stairs into the dungeon. Shadows flicker beside you, causing you to continuously glance over your shoulder, certain you hear footsteps following you down. Once you're sure that the coast is clear, you begin your descent once more.
Ever since you overheard some of the other guards talking the other night, worry has been gnawing at your mind. People have been going missing lately - townsfolk, staff, even your best friend seems to have disappeared right from underneath your nose. You just don't want to believe who could be behind it.
It can't be true. It just can't be.
Minghao would never do something like this to someone, he's much too kind for his own good. Besides, you're sure you would have noticed if he's been acting strange lately. After all, he's been your personal guard since you were sixteen.
You'd like to say you grew up together, what with him only being two years older than you are. Unfortunately, before he became your guard, you had no idea who he even was. Of course, he knew all about you, spouting off little facts that even you hadn't noticed about yourself from the moment the two of you had met. It freaked you out at first, but he constantly reassured you that it was all apart of his training.
You should have listened to your gut when something told you that that couldn't have been right.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you nod to the two guards standing just beside the entrance to the dungeons.
"Princess," one greets with a nod of his head, "what brings you down to the cold cells this late at night?"
"I was just curious about something, is all." Comes your vague reply. You know quite a few of the guards are close with Minghao, so you don't want to alert their suspicion. Being down here by yourself is already suspicious enough.
Taking step so as to walk through the entranceway, the other guard halts you in your place. Your head cocks to the side, silently questioning his intentions.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but we cannot let you in there." He says.
"And why not?" Your tone is pointed, eyes narrowing at the two men before you.
"Captain Minghao's orders." The one that first greeted you replies.
"Tell me," you voice drops as you lower your gaze, and the shadows that fall over your eyes from the lantern you hold in your hand has the two men visibly stiffen, "when did the Captain outrank the Princess?"
They both visibly pale, straightening their posture in the next moment before one of them opens the door for you. "Our apologies, Your Highness."
You humph, tilting your chin upwards so as to give an air of superiority. "Next time you attempt to control where I can or cannot go, there will be consequences."
Without another word, you step into the darkness, the only source of light being that of your lantern still gripped firmly in your hand. The door falls shut behind you.
Continuing on your way, you ignore the vulgar insults thrown at you from some of the criminals. Their vile and pointed words have your pursing your lips, a sudden tenseness to your steps as you hear all of the things they would do to you if they could.
Finally, you make it to the end of the hall. Behind this specific door is the cain ward. The ward in which the castle keeps its most hated and feared criminals. The worst of the worst, if you will.
Taking a deep breath, you push open the door.
When you were younger, your parents told you stories of past criminals that have been kept here. There were never many, maybe a few every couple of years or so. Which is why when you step through the threshold, the sight that greets you has you dropping your lantern in shock.
Horror paints your features as you see blood smeared all over the walls. Fresh blood. Some of which is still in the process of drying. The smell of rot and decay reaches your sense and you choke on your breath, the pungent fumes nearly suffocating you.
Shakily, you take a step forward, eye wandering the few cells that surround you and seeing the faces of ordinary people staring back.
A gasp escapes your lips.
There's the baker that went missing last week after he gave you an extra loaf of bread for being such a valued customer. And over there! The newly hired staff hand who had complimented you non-stop for the first few days of her job.
Many faces you recognize, but many you do not. Most seem too scared to say anything, opting simply to stare in fear at your form as you sway slightly on your feet. You can hardly wrap your head around this. You thought this ward was reserved for the worst of the worst. Not everyday people.
Reaching the final cell after circling around what looks like a torture table in the middle of the room, a scream nearly tears itself from your throat. Behind the metal bars, beaten and bruises, sits Junhui. Your best friend who has been missing for the past two weeks.
"Jun?" Your voice escapes you in a frantic call of his name.
The man groans, lifting his head slightly as his eyes attempt to lock onto the figure that called his name through the darkness. "Princess? Is that you?"
"I'll get you out of here," you promise, eyes flitting around the ward in hopes to find a key of some sorts, even in this darkness. "I'll get you all out."
A torch suddenly entering your line of vision has you freezing in your tracks as someone enters the room. The sudden brightness of the flames licking at the walls has you squinting your eyes. Blinking a few times to adjust to the light, your vision clears to see Minghao standing there with a scowl on his features.
"You will do no such thing."
A tense silence settles around the room, many of the villagers cowering away from the Captain of the Guards in fear, pressing themselves as far away from him within their cells. It doesn't take you long to piece things together and figure out why.
"Release them." You command him. "Immediately."
Minghao blinks, "I will not."
"It's no use," you hear Junhui say from behind you, coughs wracking his body in the next second as one of his wounds becomes irritated. "He's insane. You need to run, Princess."
"Shut the hell up." Minghao growls. "You have no right to address them at all."
"Minghao, I am not going to tell you again." Your voice is low, threatening. "Release them all this instant."
"I cannot do that."
A whisper of 'run, Princess' reaches your ears.
"You can, and you will." Despite how badly your whole body wants to begin to shake, your voice holds firm.
"You do not have the authority to deny me." You retort. "Especially not after what I've just discovered here tonight."
"When you're safety is threatened, I have every right to act as I see fit." He replies, voice low and ominous.
"My safety?" You ask, incredulously. "How on earth are any of these people threatening my safety?"
"They're all too close to you." His eyes flash as he meets your gaze. "They were going to take you away from me, and I couldn't have that. This is where they all belong."
"If anyone belongs here, it's you." You spit, anger rising within you. "Release these people at once, they're all innocent."
"If anyone's the innocent one here, it's you." His words take you aback, and at your confused look, he lets out a chuckle. Not a comforting chuckle, no, but a dark sound that you've never heard from him before. "You have no idea what they could be capable of, of what they could do to you. You trust them so easily. A trust which could be manipulated and taken advantage of. I could never let that happen. Can't you see that I'm looking out for you?"
"They have done nothing but show me kindness." You seethe. "I'm sure my parents would agree."
Minghao only chuckles once more, shaking his head slightly as he looks to the ground. "You don't get it, do you?"
"Get what?" You frown, back away as soon as you see him starting to approach you. Only, you don't get very far until your back is up against the metal bars of the cell behind you.
"Princess," Junhui's worried voice reaches your ears, concern clear on his features as he see Minghao shoot him a deadly look.
In a flash, Minghao's gaze is locked on your once more, the heat from the torch practically burning against your skin. Shadows dance across his face, only serving to make the maniacal grin that stretches across his features all the more sinister.
"Who do you think let me put them here?"
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svtyeongwonhi · 3 years
Yandere!Seventeen Reaction - S/O Being anxious about school/work
CW - Anxiety, Mentions of abuse, bullying, violence
Another one of Anon's requests <33
2. seventeen reaction to their s/o being super anxious about school (or work if you're more comfortable with that)
I decided to alternate between the two, enjoy!
BGM - Seventeen - Shhh
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You were having a tough day at school again and, when you came back home to Coups, it showed. He immediately rushed over to your side with a concerned look on his face. He cupped your face gently into his hands and asked you, "What's wrong?". That one sentence was all it took for you to release all of your emotions, you broke down in his arms. Coups was patient and comforted you throughout. When he came to know that the reason behind your distress was your abusive teacher, he was furious. When you finally calmed down and went to bed, he set out for your teacher in the middle of the night. When you went to school the next day, you saw that your teacher didn't come to school. Little did you know, you would never see them again because they were in your s/o's basement repenting for everything they had done to you.
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When Jeonghan came to your room to check in on you after coming back home, he saw that you were sitting at your desk, breathing heavily. He rushed back outside and quickly cooked up your favorite dish Jjajjangbap! [Black bean sauce with rice] He entered your room once more, now sitting beside you at your desk when you tell him about your work assignment due tomorrow. Jeonghan consoled you by offering to stay by your side and cheer you throughout. You slowly got your spirits up and got back to work. And the rest of the night was spent with you two bickering, him trying to get you to eat Jjjajjangbap while you half-ate and half-worked.
"Ahh, it was just an assignment" "N-no I didn't mean it like that! An assignment is no big deal for you, Y/n!" "Listen, you can get through this easily with an all-nighter, and I've made you Jjajjangbap- take a bite!" *You try to resist your favorite food and turn in the other direction* "Oh- you can't escape from this, Y/N" *feeds you a spoonful anyways*
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Your phone was pinging like crazy but you were too absent-minded to notice that when you were panicking over your unfinished school project, you were super chill about it a while ago thinking the deadline was next week but it was actually in 2 days, as soon as your friend reminded of it, you were hyper-focused on your work. Focused enough that you ignored Joshua's texts. When he got home, he was dead silent, silently moving towards your room. When he got there, he saw you hunched over your desktop typing away. He spoke to you in a cold tone of voice, he was mad but he decided to keep calm. When he came to know that you didn't run away and were just busy with work. He settled down and decided to help you out with your work, he was still cold, but as time moved on he slowly turned into the warm Joshua you knew.
〈Y/N~ I'm at this ice-cream truck close to home!〉
〈Which flavor do you want? Strawberry Cheesecake? Or Stracciatella?〉
〈Y/N, where are you right now?〉
*Joshua reaches home* "Y/N, why didn't you pick up your phone?" "Is that all?" "Here, I got you some ice-cream and move aside, I'll help you with that."
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Junhui would be completely oblivious to the fact that you were panicking at first, minding his own business on the couch till you called him over asking if you could ditch school for a while. Naturally curious, Jun inquired as to why, you said that you might have accidentally punched your classmate and gave him a blackeye when you saw that he was bullying someone. Jun looked at you with such proud eyes and broke into a hearty laugh hugging you in the process.
"Wait what?? Y/N- Since when did my darling get so courageous? But why do you want to skip school for that?" *You explain that he most probably will gang up on you with more of his friends* "Oh y/n, you don't have to worry about that" *Jun says with a loving smile*
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You hurriedly called Hoshi from your workplace, Hoshi picked up instantly "What's up, Y/N?" You told him about you needing a file that you left back home immediately because you had a meeting that required it in 15 minutes. Hoshi was at home already and replied, "Gotcha, I'll bring it over right away. You just calm down for me alright? I'll be there in a heartbeat." You tried to follow Hoshi's advice and just breathed for a while. It was almost time for the meeting when your boss came to your cubicle and you cursed in your head. Your boss started scolding you for being careless and that's when Hoshi came in. Before you could say a word, he had already knocked your boss out with your chair. "Get in the car, now" is all you heard from Hoshi. Terrified by what just happened, you silently went to your car pondering about what Hoshi just did. Hoshi came out soon enough and entered the car with a subtle smile on his face.
"You don't have to go to this workplace anymore, sweetheart" *You ask about your boss* *Hoshi says nothing but just imitates a poof*
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Wonwoo and you attend most classes together so you two mostly spend the most time together. Wonwoo always only pays attention to you during classes so he always knows what you are upto, if there was anything you were bothered by, he would immediately resolve it for you. So with Wonwoo by your side, you'd have no reason to be anxious.
"Stuck with that problem?" *You nod and Wonwoo smiles* "Look, this goes here, and you just have to find the square root of these ones here, got it?" *insert more complex maths explanation :P*
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Woozi would honestly have a hard time finding you serious when your anxious face was way too adorable. You sitting there with your brows furrowed and slight pout was too much for his heart to bear. He seriously considered making you quit your job but then- he wouldn't be able to witness this face that often. When he's had his fill, he'll come over and help you with whatever you need.
*You notice Woozi staring at you with a smile* "Care to help me out here?" *You say with a mildly pissed tone* *Woozi breaks out of his trance* "Oh- sure"
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Much like Wonwoo, Minghao would have a eye at you at all times, except he didn't have many classes with you so he would have to sneak around all the time and he was pretty good at it. Most of the time you wouldn't even notice a presence. As you were walking from one class to another, the school bully picked on you, you were trying to ignore them and walk away silently when Minghao came out of his cover and gave the bully one glare and they quieted down. He came over to you and casually said -
"Let's go" *You naturally wondered why he was here* "Oh me? Well I changed my classes, mind if I sit next to you for this class?" *Minghao asked with a charming smile* *You nodded and smiled back*
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Mingyu's mood always matches with yours. So if you're feeling really happy then he will be ecstatic, and if you were anxious, likewise he would be too.
So if anything were to frustrate you, Mingyu would do anything to bring your mood up again. Be it anything, a coworker misbehaving with you? Mingyu would break their legs. Too much work being assigned to you? Mingyu would blackmail your boss to treat you well. At this rate, you were normalized to MIngyu's tendencies and it worked in his favor. Getting rid of your problems while gaining his trust without having to hide all of the behind-the-scenes.
"You proud of me?" *You nod and give Mingyu a hug* "I swear, Y/N, there's nobody else in this world that I'd do this dirty work for"
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Dokyeom was the class president. A very reputable position to have in your school. So whenever you were anxious about something, he would most likely uplift your spirits first. He'll make you laugh and alleviate some of your stress before getting to the problem. Because all that mattered was how you feel, worldly problems can be fixed in an instant. After he's made sure that you are okay, he'll help you with anything you need and for something bigger, he'll use his power to get things done. All the teachers and students respected Dokyeom so nobody would question his requests.
"Y/n, look at me!" *Does an exaggerated expression of how you complain and you burst out laughing* "See- stressing over your problems is dumb- and also looks dumb! I'll take care of it, so you don't have to worry about a thing."
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Seungkwan would instantly be put in a bad mood when he sees you being anxious. His usual cheery aura would fade away, and a cold one would take its place. You would be put off guard noticing the sudden change in Seungkwan’s demeanor, even at the extent of forgetting about your anxiety for a bit. But it was especially bad this time around. He confronted you seriously about quitting your job because he didn’t like seeing you being stressed one bit, and if you persisted then he would have no choice but to lock you up.
“Y/N, I’m telling you, this job is not worth your time and efforts. I don’t like seeing you like this. Just quit already, I can provide for the both of us”
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It was breaktime at school, when your s/o Vernon came over to you and sat down at your bench. He noticed that something was wrong when you didn’t bother looking to your side, when you would usually greet him and tell him about your day with excitement. He saw that you were reviewing the latest biology chapters over and over again. He put two and two together and realized that you were panicking about the upcoming biology exams. He quickly wrote down notes and handed it over to you.
“Take this, it’ll help you understand the concepts much easier. And if it still doesn’t make sense, I’m right here, I can explain it to you” *You finally noticed Vernon by your side, you thanked him and took the notes with shaky hands, the after effect of being caught off-guard* *Vernon simply gives you a smile and watches as you go through the notes*
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You were studying alongside Dino after school when you were trying out a new sum and slowly getting frustrated about not solving it properly. Dino was watching your anxiety bubble up at a distance and he broke your train of thoughts by asking you what were you struggling with, and leaning towards your notebook, overlooking your shoulder. His sudden movement and little distance made your cheeks blush as you tried to focus on the problem ignoring Dino’s proximity. 
“What is that? Let me take a look” *Leans into you* “Ahh, this is quite the tricky sum, but no worries, I’ve got you covered, I’ll show you how to do it”
A/N - Holy crap, this took way longer than I thought XD but pheww i’m glad to have got it done! I’m finally feeling pumped to take in more requests now, thank you so much to the Anon that sent these requests. I’m working on the rest too- so I hope you enjoyed this one!
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ baby ✦
this chapter pairing; yandere!the8 x reader
genre&warnings; yandere!au, softdom!minghao, ice play, wax play, blindfolds, shibari, sex toys, minghao taking ~pictures~, uh murder ☠️.
✖ That being said, I do NOT condone yandere-like/obsessive/possessive behaviour in real life. this is a work of fiction therefore I will indulge in it. If you do NOT like this kind of content, please just ignore it.
notes; the way yandere minghao would be fucking ✨pristine✨ when he's taking care of 😳business😳 if ykwim,,, WHEW the mind, she reels. also no I didn't make anyone suffer in this chap by killing off anyone important 😩😩 I know that hurts too much khjfkdjfh I've spared you all for the last yandere chapter LOL 💕💕 One more chapter to go!! Thank you, as always, for your kind comments and support 🥺 I love u 💕💕 See you tomorrow for our last Monster Mash chapter!! 🎃💕👻 
word count; ~2000
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - x
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checking locks;
turning knobs
i’ve been circling for block;
and i’ll never stop.
like a moth to the flame;
when you’re calling out my name
and i’m on my way.
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A tear slips from your eye and immediately soaks into the blindfold over your eyes.
Where was Minghao? You think.
Your thighs tremble, soft cries spilling from your lips when you tug at the ropes that keep you only slightly suspended above the bed. The hitachi he’d placed against your clit had gotten you to cum twice now and your body was quickly reaching your limit as you tried to shy away from the vibrations of the toy.
Minghao had said he was going to take care of something and that he’d be right back, but it had surely been at least 30 minutes since then and the only thing you’d heard was the creaking of the rope suspensions and the sound of the hitachi vibrating against your swollen clit.
He’d really been gone for far too long.
You’re about to tug at your restraints a few minutes later when you hear the doorknob starting to rattle. Oh, thank god.
“Have you been good, sweetheart?”
Minghao’s sweet voice feels like home and you’re quick to reply; glad that he’d come back sooner than later. “A-ah, y-yes but, mmh, the--the toy…”
“Ah, is it too much?”
You nod, squirming slightly as you sway in the rope suspension. “I---I already c-came tw--twice, ‘Hao…”
He smiles at you, even if you can’t see. “Only? You’ve cum more than that before, when I’ve left you like this.” You can hear him laugh lightly and soon his fingertips run across your skin and the intricately tied ropes around your limbs and torso.
Minghao takes pity, turning off the Hitachi when he hears your soft whines. “I’m sorry I took so long, sweetheart. I didn’t intend for it to take so long.” Your body goes slack as soon as the toy turns off and you feel him tugging at some of the ropes as they loosen around you.
“Let’s get you into a more comfortable position, hmm?”
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When Minghao moves to undo some of the ropes and lowers you down onto the bed gently, he also takes a moment to take pictures on his film camera of your body covered in the indents from where the rope had dug into your skin.
It’s for my collection, he says. Just a personal one.
You always agree and he always lets you see the finished product as the two of you admire the way he captures you in his camera lens.
When you’d met Minghao through mutual friends, he wasn’t very talkative, admittedly. It’d taken a while for him to open up to you and you to him, but once the two of you had found common interests, you had found that he was quite the talkative person with a wide array of interests and skills.
He was incredibly meticulous and preferred to be in control whether it came to his craft or in bed, which you didn’t mind at all.
Minghao knew what he was doing.
“What’s your colour right now, sweetheart?” “Mmh.. G--green, Minghao…”
The blindfold is still firmly placed over your eyes even when he redoes the ropes into a more comfortable position; and this time, your head rests against the pillows with only one of your legs bent and tied and your arms tied neatly in front of you.
“Always so pretty for me.” Minghao coos. “I want to try something new, okay? Just tell me if it’s too much.”
You hear the clinking of a glass nearby and soon the chill of an ice cube meets your warm skin as you mewl. It makes goosebumps rise as he drags the ice slowly until he places it directly against your clit and your fingertips try to reach for his hands as you gasp.
“Oh, M--Minghao!” You writhe under him as he smiles adoringly back at you. He runs the ice cube through your folds, letting it melt slightly as he holds it to your soaking entrance.
“Is it too cold, sweetheart? Would you prefer something warmer?”
You shake your head yes, hoping he meant his fingers instead. “Please…” You feel the bed shift slightly and hear the clicking of a lighter and realize it's definitely not what you were hoping for.
“Um… y-yellow…?” You answer; a little unsure. The lighter clicks stop. “Yellow? Tell me what’s wrong, sweetheart.” His voice is soft and gentle and you feel his fingers massaging your skin a moment later.
“I--I’m okay with it, just---it’s, um, it’s not going to b-burn, right?”
“Of course not, sweetheart. I would never do anything that hurts you. Would you like some water? Or do you want to take a break?” You bite the inside of your cheek, blushing underneath your blindfold that hid your pink cheeks and ears.
“M-maybe some w-water?”
Minghao helps you tilt your head enough for you to take some gulps of water, kind fingertips wiping at your lips and helping you ease back against the pillows when you’re satisfied. “Thank you, Minghao…” You whisper.
“Of course, baby. Everything okay, now? Still yellow?”
“Mm… ‘m green now~”
He gives it a second as his hands roam your skin, massaging your thighs and your bound arms before he positions himself back between your legs.
You hear the lighter clicking again, body tensing at the heat that you knew was coming.
Minghao tilts the small candle over your bound thigh, letting the wax fall over parts of your skin and the ropes as he licks his lips. “Baby, you’re so so good for me.”
You’re a little shocked that the wax wasn’t as hot as you initially thought it’d be; only a mild sting before it eased into a nice warmth and dried cold onto your skin.
He lets it drip a little more on your thigh before he moves it up; a trail of wax dripping from your thigh to your hip bone as you whine. “Ngh, ‘Hao it--it feels really g-good…”
“Do you prefer the ice or this, hmm? Which one feels better?”
It takes you a second to think; in all honesty, they both felt good in their own ways.
“Um, ah, I l-liked them both…” You pause, “They’re d-different…”
He hums in response, letting the wax drip onto your inner thighs as you tremble underneath him.
Minghao repeats this pattern a few times; moving from your thighs to your hip bones and even letting a little drip onto your arms before he blows the candle out and sets it onto the tray he’d brought onto the bed. He takes a moment to admire his own work, fingertips itching for his camera.
“Hold still, okay?”
“Okay, ‘Hao~”
You hear the camera shutter going off a few times as you lay still for him, waiting with anticipation if he was going to play with anything new after he’d taken his pictures.
“I can’t wait to show you these pictures, baby. You look incredible.” He mutters; too focused on getting the right angles.
“I can’t wait to see them too!” Smiling, you wished that Minghao would take the blindfold off of you, but you also knew to let him do his thing as he wanted it.
It needs to be perfect, he’d say. There’s only so many free spaces on film.
“A-ah, yes?”
This time, you jolt when you feel his thumb on your clit and you easily let out a choked moan as you slightly tug the binds. “You’ve been so good for me, baby. I think you deserve to cum one more time.”
You nod shakily, lips parted. “Pl--please… ‘m so sensitive a-already…”
Minghao doesn’t respond, instead, he rubs your clit harder; relishing in the way you squirm and buck your hips up to meet his hand. You clench around emptiness as you chase your high, simultaneously wishing he fucked you instead. 
“Ngh, Minghao...”
“You can cum, baby. Whenever you want.” 
You imagine Minghao fucking you, cock grazing against your g-spot. And it was a feeling you knew well; toes curling as you let your imagination run wild. You imagine him between your legs, tongue teasing your clit and your soaking entrance as you tangled your hands into his hair and his hands wrapped prettily around your throat when he made you feel fuzzy and lightheaded.
“O-oh, I’m---I’m cumming!” 
Your body tenses up one last time, back bowing off of the sheets as he continues to rub your clit; working you through your orgasm as his name rolls off of your tongue. 
Another tear soaks into the blindfold as you ride out your high and your entire body buzzes with electricity and mild overstimulation when Minghao doesn’t let up. 
“M--Minghao, I--I can’t...” You cry, thighs shaking uncontrollably. 
You hear him chuckle and he immediately takes his thumb off of your clit as you catch your breath. 
“I’m going to take the blindfold off now, okay, baby?” Nodding tiredly, you raise your head to the best of your ability as he reaches behind you to undo the knot and slip the silk material from around your head. 
You’re thankful the room was already dim as your teary eyes start to focus on Minghao. 
There’s still bits and pieces of wax on your skin and soaked into the ropes when you look down at your body. “Hi...” You whisper, cheeks hot. 
“Hi, baby. How about we get you undone from these ropes and into a nice warm bath, huh?” 
Confusion crosses your features, “What about you though?” He smiles gently, eyes twinkling with warmth. 
“Let me worry about you, baby.”
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Minghao makes sure the water is warm and to your liking before he helps you ease into the tub; bubbles spilling over and onto the floor. 
“I’ll be right back. Don’t fall asleep, okay? I’m just going to grab you some water.” 
You nod in return, resting your head against the porcelain. 
Minghao was so sweet.
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Minghao clenches his jaw once he steps back into the bedroom. Eyes scanning the dimmed space to make sure he hadn’t tracked in any unnecessary dirt or grime.
There was still so much he needed to clean before anyone found the body. 
And it was really foolish of your boss to try and fire you, honestly. And to send you home crying? Just unacceptable. 
Minghao wouldn’t let anyone get away with such actions. Not towards you.
Although, maybe it was a little foolish of Minghao to make such a damn mess in his fit of rage. 
Ah, well. 
He’d wait for you to sleep before he’d slink out of bed to finish what he’d started. 
After all, Minghao was very meticulous with his work. 
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o-ochangx · 2 years
*i bury my face in my hands* n-no...it’s horrible, hao...someone murdered my boyfriend, and it’s all my fault... *i start to break down* ...i-i didn’t go with him to the convenience store and then he just...got stabbed to death so badly the police couldn’t even recognize him, t-t-they just found his driver’s license... *i start to shiver, thinking about what the police told me this morning* ...i don’t feel safe and i’m scared and i...i lost him, i-i-i can’t believe it...what should i do, hao...? — 🍮
(sorry to hear your annual day didn’t go well :(( i hope your head is better. maybe drinking water or sleeping can help? anyway i’m cheering you on for exams and everything!)
Oh my. That…that’s horrible. Who could do such a thing? *he stands up as he goes towards to hug her as a sign of comfort* hey. Cry all you want. I am there for you. The police will investigate it. They will find the culprit, don’t worry. I think you should stay with me for awhile till you get better. No one is there to look after you at your house I guess. It will be the best if you will be with someone instead of being alone. Come with me. I will make you some nice hot pot. It will make you feel better. *I will have to make a fake culprit before they realise I was the killer.*
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Anon 🍮
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
yandere asks e and w for the8 (seventeen) please and thank you!!
I completely forgot to work on these earlier... Sorry.
E-Earnest, Are they intense?
He's probably the most intense out of anyone in Yandere!Seventeen, possibly in the Yandere Universe. He just has that aura that makes other cower. He doesn't say anything, but actions speak louder than words. He terrified the shit out of Hongjoong, who's probably the 2nd most intense yandere, one day when they crossed paths.
W-Wild Card, a random yandere headcannon.
He has an Instagram full of aesthetic photos and there always seems to be a recurring person in the photo, but it doesn't seem like they know they're having their photos taken.
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neverknewgrey2016 · 6 years
Getting Closer: Minghao- Click (M)
Characters: Minghao x reader/you
Warnings/Genre: Yandere!Au, yandere!Minghao, mentions of stalking, madturbation, non-consented pictures, a shrine basically, watching through a window, as usual, if there is anything I’ve missed, please let me know!!
Words: 684
Summary: Minghao spends his night the way he usually does, capturing his favorite subject. You.
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“I look around, look around, look around for your heart.” “Zoom in onto you. Getting closer.”
He adjusts the camera.
He changes angles.
Click… click
“So beautiful.” He mumbles. You’re simply walking around your room, getting everything for yourself together for the next day, but Minghao couldn’t tear his eyes away. You doing the simplest of tasks always turned him on and entranced him. He could never look away.
He released a shaky breath when you raise your shirt over your head.
His left hand left the camera and reached down, the stand could hold it without his help. He had a perfect view from where he sat in his apartment. Your windows were exactly across from one another. It was by chance the first time he had photographed you. He had simply been peering out his window in hopes of something to catch his eye. He would have never figured that something would be you.
Your shirt has now been removed off of your body, and Minghao’s hand was on his erection, steadily palming himself. You were the most stunning creature he had ever seen. You pulled your pants down, now almost completely exposed.
Minghao had so many pictures of you in the same situation. They were some of his most treasured possessions. It didn’t matter how many times he’d seen you doing the same things it always made his heart race and dick throb. You in general drove him crazy.
His hand reached under his pants and grasped his member. He continued to watch you as you began to dress. Not that it stopped his hand from moving. It didn’t matter if you were clothed or naked, you drove him crazy.
His pants quickly became too restricting and he made work of pulling them down. Once free, his hand resumed its position. His right hand shakily scrolled through the photos he had taken. Every ounce of you was pure beauty.
His thumb swiped over his tip and his hips involuntary bucked up. He allows a few low moans to slip out as he imagined it was you who stroked him. His eyes closed. He imagined you before him. He imagined you changing. His hand sped up as he got closer. He imagined you flipping your hair over your shoulder. He released a groan, feeling his release sneak up on him. He never really lasted long when it came to you, or rather thinking of you. There was one thing that was sure to send him over the edge he was teetering. He imagined you smiling, a full toothed grin, and as soon as he did the all too familiar white substance covered his hands. His breath was heavy and his body clammy. He rose his head up, looking through his camera lens to see you sleeping peacefully and smiled. One day his imagination would be a reality.
After cleaning himself up, he entered his black room, where pictures upon pictures of you were strung. From you getting changed, to you walking to work.
His fingers skimmed over a few as he walked forward. He paused when he stood in front of his favorite picture. It was a spring day that you had decided to go out. And Minghao has decided to follow. You led him to a park, where you would spend the next three hours reading, and he the next three hours taking pictures. Taking one of his favorite pictures. The sun had been shining just right on you. You seemed so content, and absorbed in the book. You seemed that if the book could swallow you up and take you away to the fantasy realm, you would allow it. It made Minghao want to throw it away and burn it, and he may have if it hadn’t been for the happiness it gave you. The picture itself he’d gotten off to many a time, it was his favorite and he had many copies of it. He caressed it before turning his attention to the camera in his other hand. He looked through the photos, examining each one with a smile on his face.
He couldn’t wait to develop these.
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arcanejaems · 5 years
hey guys ♡ would you mind sending in some svt asks?? I'm rlly feeling them right now!! it can be whatever genre you want ;)
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
What are you working on right now?...
Update time!
Lol it’s been a little while. I am working on a lot of things and have so many half finished fics and ideas but I’ll list out all the ones I am trying to get done by the end of the year:
Seventeen Collab with @kpoptrashlord-007 (I have finished all of them now except the DK one which is overdue 😭 and they will be posted on time as stated in the collab list.) All members should be on the masterlist by the end of the year!
DK x Reader
The8 x Reader
Vernon x Reader
Sinful Encounters Collab with @kpoptrashlord-007 - these will be posted throughout October and there will be four fics each from both of us.
Mingyu x Reader
Jay x Reader
Jeno x Reader
Lee Know x Reader
I have another collab that will be posted near the end of October that I am not at liberty to talk about yet but there will be more information coming soon (spoiler it’s for bts and will be yandere themed)
Then @kpoptrashlord-007 and I plan to complete another collab for December with the Enhypen hyung line.
Heeseung x Reader
Jake x Reader
I am working on my 2k follower event requests (there are 12 and I have finished 6) and they will be released either in October or November. Those will all be yandere themed.
Jay/Heeseung/Sunghoon x reader
Yeonjun x reader
Jun/Hoshi x gn/male reader
Mark Lee x reader
Seventeen x reader 😭 (you’re killing me lol)
Obito Uchiha x reader
Seo Moon Jo x reader
Diavolo x reader
Baekhyun x reader
Then I have a few passion projects that I want to work on (and with everything else might get pushed back for now 😭😂)
Seo Moon Jo coffee shop au
Pentagon threesome (Yeo One x reader x Hongseok)
A secret smut project for NCT
And ofc my 500 follower event requests that I thought I’d lost but I found again 😋🙃
~~ Ohhh and don’t know if anyone has noticed lol but I’m trying to write up quick little tiny baby drabbles more frequently to keep everyone entertained and to help work on my writing skills - plus I really need to make writing a habit at this point lol 😂😭😂
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minho-hoho · 2 years
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Yandere!Hip-Hop Unit reaction to: foreign!crush preferring to date someone of their own race
Yandere!Hip-Hop Unit reaction to: S/O trying to escape
Performance Unit
Vocal Unit
thoughts and small scenario on yandere!vampire!Minghao + yandere!guardian angel!Junhui
yandere!95z head canon on them when their s/o doesn't listen to them
yan!china line reaction to reader cheating on them
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kdyism · 3 years
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masterlist of masterlists
gifs i've made
fic recommendations
general taglist open, dm or ask to be added + requests are closed!
↳ ya'll don't spam likes! or i will get shadowbanned
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yunan (she/her) but yunn is more known
first year uni, struggling, so there isn't a schedule. either too online or semi-mia
i write for — nct, seventeen, enhypen
i sometimes gif to torture myself
@nanformation : sibedlog for resources + prompt collection
i don't write nsfw, anything that glorifies any form of abuse, yandere themes, idolverse where they are idols... etc
dfi :: under 13, discriminatory towards anyone and anything, here to spread hate and toxicity
stan gwsn for clear skin & to save them
state of being, utterly in love with doie
carrd :: spotify playlist :b
all graphics used in this blog is through canva’s collection available on the website/app
pictures used for headers, headcanons, blurbs are found from pinterest or creative commons found on open picture galleries.
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─── TAGS
yunn.txt > filter it if you don't want to see shitpost and rants
ace of <3 : doie > doyoung rbs and posts
ace of ♤: joy > joy rbs and posts
ace of ♢ : jay > jay rbs and posts
diamond ring : yeonjun > yeonjun rbs and posts
kermit loverboy : hao > the8 rbs and posts
non-heart breaker : nana > jaemin rbs and posts
🌸:jun > renjun rbs and posts
my sea : yerin > baek yerin rbs and posts
active member <3
@nctinc @ankathi-a @caratwritersclub
closed network: kpopscape neozonenet @nct-writers @neoturtles @enhypennetwork @czennienet @k-dinernet
was sweetlyjaem for nct
was starboywoo & starboyhao for svt
📍.fedback : feedback
📌.requests : requests
💌.asks : asks
📬mention : tags and mention
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