#yandere tf2 heavy
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5eraphim · 2 years ago
the classic heavy x reader x heavy snippet and the request 4 context
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(also note- this work is a unofficial/loose cannon sequel to Keep Your Friends Close (the heavy x reader x medic oneshot)
trigger warnings: assault, violence, angst
"C'mon, big guy, I'm offering to share. You should thank me." Then, in a lower voice, he mumbled into your ear, "You both should, actually." Despite your back to Cheavy, you could feel the animosity radiating between the two titans. But you despised the amusement you could hear from Cheavy. He despised the two of you, the feeling entirely mutual, but it was as though he didn't even see either of you as a real threat, and given the current situation, you could see why. It made you feel enraged and helpless all at once. The feeling of his skin crushingly close against yours made you want to wretch. He smelt borderline unwashed, and you hated to think his scent was already starting to rub off on you. It wasn't too hot out, but you could feel his body's heat beneath his clothes, making you feel overheated in the worst ways. Before now, you assumed the stories you'd heard of Cheavy to be dramatized. His bloodthirstiness and viciousness sounded too terrible to be a reality, even in a profession as morbid as yours. Cheavy, that maniac who would smile during battle and lick his enemies' blood from his weapons, would stop at nothing to accomplish his mission. How you wished you could return to such ignorance. Neither of the men moved. Heavy remained motionless as a statue, white-knuckled fists at his sides, his shoulders rising and falling visibly with each breath. While Cheavy kept the pistol's barrel crushed against your temple and a thick arm wrapped around your neck, forcing you to watch helplessly as Heavy all but shook with rage. "Doesn't look like your friend here wants to listen to me. You better call him over yourself. I'm starting to get impatient." Your throat felt dry, and the awful grip around your neck barely gave you enough breathing room to speak. Though you couldn't manage more than a whimper, "Don't make me do this…." In your peripherals, you saw a humorless smile spread across Cheavy's rugged face. "Why not? The big guy is your protector, isn't he? The perfect Heavy, a guardian angel for all the weaklings and parasites too cowardly to fight their own battles." The bitterness was all too evident. You never asked either Heavy or Medic about their past with Cheavy, the topic too taboo, the memories too painful. Whatever the bad blood between them was, it ran deep. You cringed, feeling the pistol move from your temple as you felt the cold gun-metal caressing the side of your face, the sensation only slightly less uncomfortable than his fingers against your face. Heavy's jaw clenched tighter as he tried desperately to hold in his emotions, tormented between wanting to run over and beat the life out of Cheavy and not daring to take a step closer and endanger your safety so recklessly. "You bastard!" Cheavy must've felt pretty pleased finally getting a verbal reaction from Heavy like that. "My only regret was not squeezing the life out of your precious doctor with my own hands. I intend to make up for that tonight."
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axedr · 2 months ago
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Yandere Medic I drew Inspired by the song : Angel ft. Horace Andy
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jermer10 · 5 months ago
i couldn’t exactly find out if your requests were open or not, so feel free to ignore this if they are but can you do a platonic yandere heavy or medic x reader ?
TF2 platonic yandere mercs hcs
gn reader | thanks for the ask anon!
tw: yandere behaviours includes: heavy, medic
drabbles under the cut :P
Heavy: - Heavy’s love for you comes in the form of an overwhelming need to protect you at all costs - no one is allowed near you unless they pass his strict approval - Even if you don’t see him, Heavy always knows where you are and what you’re doing - He's is always close, and his imposing size makes it impossible to escape his presence - He’s convinced that only he can keep you safe from the dangers of the world, including his own teammates - While Heavy doesn’t resort to violence with you, he isn’t above using his presence and tone to scare anyone he perceives as a threat to your safety or well-being - He believes it’s his duty to take care of all your needs, from food to shelter, ensuring you never have to rely on anyone but him - He won’t outright forbid you from doing things, but he’ll make you feel like you should always stay close to him - “You are safest with Heavy,” he’ll say in that deep, soothing voice, slowly making you doubt your own independence
Medic: - Medic views you as his most prized subject, and that curiosity bleeds into every interaction - he constantly monitors your health, both mentally and physically, often conducting “checkups” on you without asking - You’ll find yourself waking up to him taking your blood pressure or measuring your heart rate, always under the guise of caring for you - Medic wants to know everything about you - your habits, thoughts, and feelings - If he feels someone is negatively influencing you, Medic won’t hesitate to interfere, he'll secretly administer a sedative or concoct a reason to separate you from them - always believing it’s for your own good - He’ll often pull you aside to help with his experiments or keep you occupied under the pretense that he needs your assistance (in reality he just doesn't want you spending time with anyone else) - If you ever express discomfort or try to distance yourself, Medic will make you feel like you’re being ungrateful for his “care” - he’ll remind you how much he’s done for you and how lost you’d be without his medical expertise - He might become desperate, reassuring you with unsettling intensity, “No one cares for you like I do.”
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dark-side-blog3 · 9 months ago
not really a request! just saw ur tf2 post and uhhh about went a lil feral at the mention that u may consider writing for the characters? 👉👈 love ur content so much pls pls if u choose to write for tf2 i will be in ur debt- 🙏
no pressure tho pls write what u wanna! love ur blog!!!
I really like the idea of the power imbalance that could come from a victim who can't use the respawn machine; especially if everyone else on the base can. The isolation that comes with being a new member of the team that already has years of chemistry, knowing that assassins don't exactly get an HR for interpersonal conflicts on the job site, anyway. You're more vulnerable, socially and physically. If a Pyro decides to light you up, you're permanently dead. Even if you manage to kill someone, they'll just come back a few minutes later.
Maybe Medic or Engineer saying it will only take a week or two until your respawn is available (and "delaying" it more and more, simply because it's funny to watch). Pauling calling you and saying they're not planning to give you respawn until you manage a higher killstreak.
Everyone in the base is a sadist. They probably don't even like you, let alone feel deeper emotions when they all nearly kill you during off hours.
It's probably only after months of constant near misses that one of the members starts to think of just how far they could take your desire to stay alive. Your respawns still not up, so you're not in a position to say no...
OR, for your consideration: someone on the other team realizing you don't have a respawn because there isn't a version of you on their team. Spy is probably the first to pick up on this (maybe Medic is a close second) since keeping a level head and multitasking is his job description. He knows you're vulnerable. And then it just becomes fun to try to single you out every round.
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cheavymedicdaily · 4 months ago
Bite At The Hand
Rating: M. Wordcount: 342. Summary: RED and BLU Medic are stalked by CHeavy. Tags: Horror elements, stalking, yandere, yandere! Classic Heavy.
The two doctors turned to look at each other, raising an eyebrow. One, dressed in pastel blue, looked to the other and silently mouthed a word. He gestured to a plant a few feet from them, a large man crouched behind it. The blue one's eyes grew wide as he quickly directed his focus back to a water bottle. He picked it up, undoing the cap before taking a swig.
His red doppelganger followed his gesture, looking at the plant. The heart in his chest retched as he saw the familiar, hulking outline of a old figure. A chill shot up his spine as he quickly looked back to his twin. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead, his hands becoming clammy and shaky. His body trembled.
"What do we do, BLU? He's going to find me again." The RED whisper-shouted. His gaze flickered back to the plant for a moment, his eyes catching goggled ones. He looked back to his BLU counterpart, reaching out his hands and placing them on his shoulders.
"Don't worry, I have an idea." The BLU Medic said, grinning wildly. "He's been stalking you for some time, right? Then, maybe we can play his game." He darkly chuckled and put the cap back on the water bottle.
The RED tilted his head, looking at his twin with a puzzled look. Without any words, the other pointed to a nearby bathroom and grinned. He grabbed his hand, rushing over to the swinging door. The two entered the bathroom as the door loudly swung behind them. Tension filled the air thick as a knife.
The RED whipped around and watched as his twin began to undress. "What are you doing? Put them back on! He might come in here and-" A clump of clothes was thrown at him, making him tumble back.
"Give me your clothes, RED." BLU stated. His twin looked at him with a flicker of confusion. "If we swap clothes, he won't know which one is which. And that's how we get him."
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omg that demon!reader prompt.. big brain moment. which mercs would comfort their s/o when captured? like they cant help but sweep them up in their arms n stuff
This is so soft I love this.(yandere mercs)
Tw: Yandere, kidnapping, possessiveness, unhealthy relationships, unwanted affection (not nsfw), gaslighting (brief), attachment issues.
Demoman: Most likely, if you’ve driven Tavish to the point he needs to grab nab you you’re pretty reckless. Otherwise he wouldn't have tried to grab you. Anyway, Tav would make a whole deal out of hit, just happy to have you out of harms way and into his arms. He’d be suffocating for a week at the least, it’s enough to tell you how long Tavs been bleeping tabs on you. And enough to clue you in to just how much care he’s taken in makin y’all’s new house perfect for the two of you. He’s very much one to want to rush you into comfort, though sometimes at the expense of sanity. 10/10
Engineer: Oh boy, dell can tell you’re anxious and that it’s already not looking good for him. He loves you. And he knows he loves you, he knows it’s unhealthy. But the slightest bit of his delusional side is that you’re overreacting to the whole, ‘being captured thing.’ He can even get close to you no more without you trying to push him away so how’s he going to comfort you. If you’d let him he’d come and sit down with you quietly. Like a husband trying to coax his spouse out of a breakdown. Except that’s not what this is is it? He realizes that, and he’d comfort you if you let him but you’re not so what’s he gonna do exactly? 2/10
Heavy: Very calming from the start, like Tavish in a way. The way he captures you is less like capture and more like- “Wow this is a horrible natural disaster, might as well make it count.” Just- stretch it out. He claims that things are getting worse outside, and keeps you in. To quell his own anxiety he holds you close. He tries to tell you stories to keep you sane, and insists on staying at your side the entire time. He’s very lovable, and even more protective. Very silly, and always tries to comfort you. Although he downplays some of your fear because he truly believes he can protect you from anything. His attempts are good but there’s too much gaslighting for things to settle to a reasonable degree. 7/10
Medic: He doesn’t try, it just kind of happens. No matter what it WILL happen, he WILL capture you and that will be that. He cares about you a great deal, he should have you with him! And that translates to how he cares for you as well, he makes sure you’re not hurt throughout the whole thing. His banter also makes it seem more like moving in with a good friend rather than being abducted. His house is jarring and surprisingly cold, but his demeanor makes up for anything he lacks. Not to mention the swarm of kisses you’ll get if you don’t try and escape post capture. 8/10 surprisingly good!
Pyro: You wouldn’t realize until he told you straight up in which case it would get VERY eerie. A lot of what Pyro did prior was similar and one could assume based off that, that it was just how he acted but no. He’s pleasantly surprised you aren’t put off. When he tells you that and you realize you are HE panics. He’s no better at calming you down. Or comforting you. Rocking you back and forth before getting up to check the locks again. He’s a mess and he tries to hide it. 1/10, surprisingly BAD.
Scout: His moms the one that’s gotta do it. Her constant presence is a saving grace. Scout is supporting his Ma, so his capture isn’t traditional like the others. It’s more like a relationship entrapment, and he doesn't realize he’s doing wrong. So his Ma gives you advice, and food. Like- a lot of food, since she can see you’re shakin up over something. Her jokes are light hearted, and she helps you see where Scout's heart comes from. She doesn’t justify her son's actions, but she’s been in this predicament before and all she can suggest is to wait it out. Scout: 0 Ma: 10/10
Sniper: I am conflicted on this, where else would he focus but also- why would he try. Snipers an unhealthy mix of hyper aware and delusional at all times. Really he debated on nabbing you until he just pulled you off the road with a well placed dart. So justifyibly you’re shaky and awkward… but he’s always anxious, shaky, and awkward. (High off shrooms too maybe but that’s besides the point.) He thinks it’s cute to a degree and and offers to walk with you if that’ll clear your mind. But he then gets worried and dismisses the idea. He makes a couple of attempts that lead to him not finishing the job. In the end he just settles on popcorn and a film in silence. The attempt is there. 5/10
Soldier: I’m going off premarriage here. He will fuck you up more, between the shouting and the likely bombastic way he captures you, you’d be damned if you didn’t leave the scenario with no new phobias. When you finally settle down a bit, (as in stop hiding from him) you would be surprised with how patient he is. It’s unexpected but he’ll wait for what he wants if he truly cares. He’ll wait until you let him hug you then just curl up around you and say the cheesiest things just above a whisper. He also is a human pillow with a heater setting so that could help too! 7/10.
Spy: Like sniper he makes an honest attempt. Past relationships didn’t like his possessiveness but then again there wasn’t really a way to keep his Fling safe. Spy falls hard and fast, which is concerning given his position, but it’s always with people unconcerned with his expertise. You- you are the one that he can keep an eye on. He already has all the things you could need. A little area to calm yourself, but that’s not to say he wouldn’t struggle and try to get you to give him affection without him earning it. Seems like a charmer but ultimately can’t deal with himself or admit that you might just- not like him. 5.5/10
Hope you enjoyed!
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fandomandangstlover · 1 year ago
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cringetober, day 11 :: YANDERE
hello heav... .. ah haven't done anything with this au in. awhile.
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redamoureux · 2 years ago
can you do a platonic yandere heavy x reader?
Yandere Red/Blu Heavy headcanons
↳ content warning: yandere themes, overprotective behaviour, threats, intimidation, manipulation
• genre: platonic
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How he got into a close relationship with you is pretty interesting. You were always scared of him. I mean who wouldn't be? He's a large man with an always stolid face who can easily scare off anyone with just his presence alone.
When heavy's on the battlefield, his whole demeanors immediately took a 180 degree turn. From how he shouts for an über and at times leading the team to attack the enemy sometimes led you to lose focus which may affect the team.
By that you'd earn a few disappointed glances from him which made you feel rather down later on.
But where your friendship truly started was when you saw him practicing his english in the locker room during intermission. You hesitantly approached him and saw that he is also interested in literature and you offer to help him out with it.
From then on, the two of you would spent time learning to get better on each other's languages and he also helped you train using his types of guns.
He'd probably also apologize about unintentionally scaring you in the past and promises to try to do a better approach towards you.
Heavy would be very determined to save you from the enemy's attack and keeping you behind him and everyone would say he's seemingly too protective over you, though you just think that this was just something part of his nature.
Will try drive people away who he thinks are too close to you too. He doesn't have to do much though, for his cold silence is enough to scare them off.
This hulking russian man is the definition of hard on the outside but soft inside. So having someone like him looking after you as a close friend or sibling can be pretty benefiting at a few points.
Overall, he would act almost the same generally even as yandere. All you have to do is stay close to him and you'll be fine.
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obsessivemenace · 3 months ago
『 Bedside Manners 』
AO3 link.
Incomplete, 100 words, 1/5 chapters. Pairing(s): Classic Heavy/Medic, Classic Heavy/Classic Pyro. Summary: Medic stands at the foot of her bed tonight.
"He's mine, he's mine." The doctor hissed as he raised the bone saw. Its sharp teeth gleamed in the moonlight, her reflection embedded. "He's mine, Bea." He plunged the weapon into her throat.
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5eraphim · 2 years ago
You mentioned in the past that you thought yandere medic would be okay with sharing y/n with another person. How do you think that would go? maybe with heavy, since they’re so close? (If you aren’t doing request rn feel free to ignore this <3 have a good day )
anon,, my sweet beloved and treasured above all loving sentiment, if only you knew how long I've awaited this very ask....
I teased this idea way back (here, the first part obvi.). I've gone back and forth about going for it and writing out the prompt in full, as I think it would be very, very... enticing, and another one of those things I would love to read which must unfortunately start with a blank word doc. I wound up writing this to be rather light-hearted, but if anyone wants to see this scenario played out a bit darker, I'm open to the request!
But additionally, I know myself well enough as a person, and didn't really want to go through all that effort unless if was for a request, or unless I knew it would be for me and at least one other reader, because it feels only natural a multiple character x reader one shot should be long enough to give each character a decent enough feature, thus will (safe to say) always be much longer, and take much longer to write, than a regular x character oneshot. (If that makes any sense?) Anyhow, that's all to say, thank you, thank you, thank you ever so kindly for the ask, I really hope you enjoy how this came out, it was a pleasure to write. <3
Characters: The Heavy 🐻 and The Medic 🕊️ (Team Fortress 2)
Summary: Drunkenness and tenderness between comrades lowers inhibitions, let's hope your ambitions will rise to compensate.
Content Warnings: AFAB reader, smut, three way, oral (female receiving), first time, size difference, slight intoxication, dubcon (nothing too intense, but for the sake of intoxication/slight coercion), heavymedic sandwich.
Word Count: 4.5k
(Song Inspo: Delicate Weapon- Grimes)
"when I say eat me, I mean suck the bones clean, leave nothing for the waiting, leave nothing for the vultures, or the travelers to come." “vivisection (you’re going to break my heart)” by Marty McConnell from The Best American Poetry 2014, edited by Terrance Hayes and David Lehman.
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While the mission wasn't technically over yet, the work for the day was, and thank God for that. The job was simple enough, nothing more than a little errand run, fetching some supplies to bring back to home base, not necessarily requiring the combined efforts of you, Heavy and Medic. Still, when you were requested to accompany the two, you immediately agreed. So while the work bored you, the company would make it all worth it. 
While the mission wasn't technically over yet, the work for the day was, and thank God for that. The job was simple enough, nothing more than a little errand run, fetching some supplies to bring back to home base, not necessarily requiring the combined efforts of you, Heavy and Medic. Still, when you were requested to accompany the two, you immediately agreed. The work bored you, but the company made it all worth it. 
The road down was straightforward enough, and collecting the supplies was just as effortless, but the trip back was less so. A sudden and severe thunderstorm forced the lot of you to find a room for the night to accommodate all three of you and your cargo. Along with a few beers picked up along the way, a little treat to celebrate a hard day's work. While typically, you knew drinking on the job wasn't professional, this was a special occasion, and you knew it would be back to work once you returned home, so you might as well enjoy it while it lasted. Finding a suitable room big enough for all of you on such short notice was a miracle, but this place suited you well.
Two double-wide beds, a radio, an armchair, a couch, and a little kitchenette with an ice box to keep the beer nice and cold while you took turns changing in the bathroom out of work clothes and washing up a little. You took the initiative to contact Homebase regarding the delay. 
A part of you was so tired you wanted to crawl into bed right away, but you weren't about to deny yourself a nice cold beer with friends. To your surprise, Medic sat in the armchair beside the couch while Heavy sat on the sofa, leaving the only open space to unwind next to Heavy, which you reclined comfortably into. Considering how they were practically glued to the hip most of the time, you didn't understand why they didn't sit together now. Also, you didn't like how Medic's eyes seemed to follow you across the room as you sat down next to Heavy, doing your best to keep a respectable distance between you and Heavy. 
For some time, you relaxed, talking, listening to the radio, one beer turning into two, and two into two and a half as you settled more comfortably into the couch, no longer holding yourself so austerely, relaxing a little. Your head eventually resting on Heavy's shoulder, he looked at you, "Comfortable?"
You nodded, his body mass was so burly, and you could feel the warmth of his body through his shirt, making you feel a little giddy. "You're too cozy- I wanna sleep right here."
"Still cold from storm? I warm you."
It wasn't a question. And without waiting for a yes, Heavy effortlessly pulled you onto his lap, sitting you sideways on top of his legs. With one arm slung over your shoulder and one under your knees, he pulled you into his lap, the overwhelming closeness feeling sudden, but he was still so temptingly warm and comfortable you didn't want to pull away.
"Feel better?"
You giggled, nodding your head as he ruffled your hair playfully, keeping one arm around your shoulders as you settled against the arm of the couch. Your eyes were closed, your head feeling all floaty as you felt his hand move from the top of your head to the side of your cheek. His hands, no longer concealed under his gloves, felt calloused but so gentle against your cheek. He moved subtly, decisively. You didn't even realize he moved your face to meet his until you felt his lips connecting against your own.
Without warning, you pulled away sharply with the awkward rigidity of a stranger. Your actions caught Heavy by surprise, allowing you to detach yourself without restriction, though you could see his confusion through wide, frightened eyes. In a moment, you were made shockingly aware of everything the alcohol so effectively blinded you to before now. It was that awkward, sinking feeling of becoming all too aware of your own body all at once, aware of the space you were taking up, of how much of your body was pressed up against the massive Russian you shared the couch with, the clammy sweat coating your palms, the tension in your joints, yet most of all the butterflies in your belly which intensified into something less than pleasant. All of this awkwardness made you feel suddenly insecure about yourself, your form, and your relation to the men around you; how could you have been so blind to this before? For goodness sake, these were your coworkers; it was your responsibility to keep things professional between the lot of you, a task you could not more thoroughly have failed at. It was humiliating to realize you folded after just a couple of drinks, even if Heavy was playing along; it all felt so wrong and too pushy. Not to mention the fact Heavy was a taken man. The truth made all the more grievous, considering his partner was sitting right there facing the two of you. While the guilt for what you'd just done made you want to hide your face in shame, it was impossible to keep from looking at Medic. However, to your surprise, he merely sat there watching the two of you, cocking his head to the side slightly, with a confusion matching Heavy's as though you were the one acting strangely here.
"Something is wrong?" Heavy inquired, his hand on your waist tightening slightly, likely in reassurance, unfortunately having the opposite effect. It felt too awkward to look Heavy in the eye or face him at this point. So instead, you kept your gaze locked on the floor before the two of you as you nervously tried to squirm your way off the larger man's lap. All to no avail, however, as Heavy's grip on you was cast iron, and you resorted to clasping your hands together on your lap, speaking as levelly as you could, using all your willpower to keep the emotions and alcohol from causing your weak voice to crack, "I'm sorry, Heavy. I think I've, um-overstepped here; I shouldn't have, y-you know… Well, I mean, I think I'll turn in now- it's so late, already…."
Your voice trailed off, and you hated how wishy-washy you sounded, betraying your will to stay strong, to appear rational and firm as any reliable comrade should.
Heavy was not convinced. "You were fine when I pulled you on my lap. Why so tired so fast?"
Forcing a nervous laugh and uncomfortable forced smile, you tried to turn to Medic for reassurance, but he stared back, eyes squinting slightly, matching Heavy's suspicion. "Must be the alcohol's catching up with me then-'' It wasn't a total lie, as you could've sworn you could feel the alcohol churning in your gut, almost taunting you, forcing you to remember just how much you'd drunk in such a short amount of time.
"Explain." Heavy looked at you and deadpanned, waiting for you to tell the truth. You tried to swallow, but your mouth felt dry. 
"I mean, aren't you two-" The awkwardness melded uncomfortably with the guilt; how were you supposed to explain yourself in a situation like this? "I mean- but you two are together, aren't you?" 
"And?" Heavy spoke bluntly, putting you right back on the spot. You sighed nervously, nibbling at your lower lip and turning your head to face Medic. 
"I just, I-I know it's not my business, but I mean- I can't imagine you're alright with any of this-'' You thought you knew your friends well, but you never would've imagined winding up in a situation like this with the two of them. To your surprise, a smile spread across Medic's face.
"Of course I am! This was my idea, after all!" You merely blinked at him, not at all following what he meant by that.
"Huh? What do you mean, it was your idea?" 
"Well…" You could see his eyes flick from you to Heavy, silently asking for some backup. Heavy's fingers began to rub comforting little circles over your waist, his other hand covering your own hands on your lap in a reassuring gesture. 
"You're pretty and kind but sp shy. We thought a little experience would help." His blunt words took you completely by surprise.
"Experience?" You managed. Heavy nodded, not at all registering the shock on your face. 
"What he means is-" Medic chuckled slightly, interjecting, amused watching how flustered Heavy's words made you. "We thought if we helped you with a little, let's say, physical bonding-"
You opened your mouth, ready to ask what exactly he meant by this, but he pressed on.
"Nothing too intense now- just a little intimacy to get you more accustomed."
You hated how vague he was being, but also, you'd be lying if you said you'd never thought of being in a situation like this before. Only in your wildest, most unrealistic dreams, or so you thought. The two men were handsome in their own ways, you'd known before you got to know them, but you never liked to dwell on such lewd thoughts. You always felt so guilty afterward; they were your friends after all, even if just in your thoughts, you knew it was wrong to think so lustfully of friends. 
Sure, there was always a little lighthearted play-flirting occasionally, but you would never have tried anything serious with either of them. Your friendship meant too much to risk losing like that. 
You felt Heavy kiss the side of your head, murmuring in a low, uncharacteristically quiet voice into your ear, "You're shy but not sneaky. I see how you look at Doctor behind his back. He says you stare at me also. Is this true?"
Your breath hitched when he began to trail his beautiful, massive hand from over your hands, snaking it up your belly until it cupped the side of your face, forcing you to focus on him and meet his eye. Heavy drank in every detail of your face before settling his eyes on your lips, waiting for you to answer, and with a trembling exhale, you spoke, "It is." Before he could wait no longer, closing the space between your mouths once again, his lips curling into a smirk just seconds before his parted lips connected with yours.
While you were still awestruck at the surrealness of the situation, you felt your reservations evaporating by the second. Finally kissing back, you allowed Heavy to deepen the kiss as he used his hand to push your head closer against his. His thumb brushed over your cheek, feeling the warmth of your skin as you felt almost uncomfortably overheated. He moved slowly but so lovingly, using his tongue to dip into your mouth and taste you, sucking against your lips as you broke the kiss with hesitation, asking,
"Are you sure you want to go through with all this?" He nodded with a mellow smile as you continued, still feeling traces of nervousness clinging to you stubbornly. "I'd never forgive myself if I ruined our friendship, and I, uh-" Despite your awkwardness and hesitation, Heavy smiled at you so resolutely, so affectionately. Watching you as though you were the most beautiful person he'd ever beheld.
"I don't want to let you down here. You guys were right; I've got no real experience here… I don't know if I'll be any good at this." It was almost shameful to say out loud, but Heavy didn't even blink, playfully kissing your cheek.
"Don't think of that. It's your time to learn, not lead." 
He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, the feeling almost ticklish, making you stifle a giggle. "Just lay back and look pretty. You'll do perfect." He pulled away a little, his hand on your waist, tugging at your shirt a little; only then did you see how blown out his pupils were, "Will you come to bed now?"
It was time to be decisive. The abruptness of the question caught you off-guard, but you had no idea if you would ever get a chance like this again. This was your moment; it was time to act or wish you had. You swallowed your uncertainty and nodded, finally removing your hands from your lap to help Heavy pull off your shirt before reaching out to touch his own top and about to do the same. But he gave you a look that made you pause.
"This one off too? It's not too much? We only go as far as you want." As praising as he was moments ago, his firmness and evident respect for your boundaries made you feel all the more loved. You took this as your chance to try and charm him, as he did so effortlessly to you.
"The shirt off is better; I mean, I've always wanted to get a look under these clothes." The sound of Medic chuckling beside you made you realize you'd almost forgotten he was there in the first place. It felt odd knowing he was so close, though if this was all his idea all along, you wondered where he factored into all this. Pushing that thought aside, you helped Heavy remove his shirt as you curled a little closer, your head resting against his chest, your hand on his shoulder as you softly kissed his skin, nuzzling to feel the delightful feeling of skin-to-skin contact as much as you could. "Heavy, your body is so warm. You feel amazing." Your words were mumbled, quiet, and practically smothered as you spoke without moving your head much from his chest. You could feel his chest rumbling with a low laugh, and when you felt his hips gently press a little closer against your body, but you didn't shy away. You could feel he was aroused and didn't doubt he knew you were too. You felt the warmth between your legs intensifying the longer you felt Heavy's bare skin against yours, your thighs squeezing tighter and tighter, and you swore you could feel a bit of wetness from the kiss alone.
"Will you take me to bed now? Please?" The neediness gave you a bit of confidence as you looked up at Heavy, who needed no further incentive. You leaned against him for support as you both rose, your hand finding his as you two walked to the bed, laying down. At the same time, Heavy lingered for a moment overhead, distracted by the curves of your body now spread out like a banquet before him, eyes looking everywhere but your face. Then, for a second, you felt a twinge of insecurity, "I won't lie; I'm still a little scared this is gonna hurt." 
Instantly, this snapped Heavy's attention back to your face as he sat beside you on the side of the bed, his hand finding yours again as he spoke, "We only go as far as you want… We can stop now if-" You didn't talk, just shook your head no, moving Heavy's hand with your own to the waist of your pants. He looked at you one last time for assurance. However, you could practically feel his hand trembling in yours with anticipation before you guided him to unbutton your pants, helping pull them off you. At the same time, you slinked out of them and your underwear, kicking them to the floor. 
Even against your thigh, his hand loomed intimidatingly, the size difference so beautiful, making you shudder, wanting this man more than ever. You were so distracted by his hands you didn't even hear Medic sneaking up behind Heavy until you heard him speak. "How precious you two look~" You jolted a little in surprise, seeing Medic peering down at you from behind Heavy with narrowed eyes glazed over with lust, shamelessly checking out your nude figure, now stripped perfectly naked in front of him.
"You didn't forget about me so soon, did you?" He asked in a faux-hurt voice, "You're doing so well. Are you ready to go a little further now?" 
"I am." You spoke without hesitation, the burning between your legs intensifying almost painfully as you shyly parted your thighs, feeling cool air ticking your sweaty skin as Medic walked to the foot of the bed to get a better view before you sat up a little, pushing away from the headboard as Heavy got into bed behind you.
"Heavy is here, right behind. You will be safe."
Before now, you remembered how painfully tense you felt, but at this moment, you were put at ease, comforted at last by the presence behind you, no longer so overwhelmed. How foolish you were to think your relationship with the two men had to be strictly business, how blind you were to the pleasure the two men had to offer.
"We will stop at any time-"
You cut him off with a kiss as he settled at the head of the bed, "I know I'm no good at showing it, but. I want this. I've wanted this for so long. You two mean so much to me, and I trust you."
You were about to say, 'I love you,' but you held back. You didn't have the guts to say something so bold. But you hoped Heavy, as well as Medic, understood, despite your shy quietness. There was a minute or two of moving around, Heavy moving from his spot at your bedside to get behind you; he spread his thick legs to give you space to settle between. Finally, you were lying down, your upper back and head resting on his belly, noticing the bulge in his pants as it pressed not-so-subtly into your back. Despite the lewdness of it all, you let your head fall back a little; Heavy's body felt so solid and warm behind you, it almost made you want to skip everything and just cuddle up and fall asleep already, but you knew Medic wouldn't allow such a thing.
"I'll start nice and slow, just for you." Medic's words were deceptively sweet, almost enough to hide his lustful intent. Your throat felt too dry to speak, so you merely nodded, feeling the heat in the pit of your stomach intensify at this new position. He was condescending to you, and yet you didn't even have the inner strength left to respond. Medic moved over you, his hands resting on Heavy's thighs around your head to keep you nice and caged, right where he wanted you. He could see it written all across your face; you were getting turned on being obedient like this, submitting and letting them take the lead. He leaned his body down further, enough for you to feel the rub of his pants over your naked flesh, the odd sensation making you wince as he slotted his knee between your legs, the gentle contact alone enough to make you jolt a little, startled. 
"Aww, I'm sorry. Did I scare you? You must be pretty needy down there, aren't you? Did Heavy do a good job getting you warmed up?" Medic could feel your chest rising and falling rapidly as you breathe deeper. He continued, "You've masturbated before, haven't you?" The question caught you off guard. You looked at Medic with wide eyes, feeling another throb of arousal, seeing his predatory grin, one you'd seen countless times in battle but appearing like never before, given the current position. He pressed his knee a little harder against you. 
"Y-yeah, I've- a lot, I guess…." 
"Did you ever think of it like this? Your pussy leaking all over me while you grind against me as hard as you can?" You keened, your hips rolling against his clothed thigh, the muscle bulging distractingly beneath the thin covering. It was humiliating to have him mocking you while you were powerless to defend yourself, yet still, you wanted even more. He laughed, amused by your lack of a response, as though your brain was already succumbing so quickly to your own lust you forgot how to form whole sentences.
"Does it turn you on when I dirty-talk you like this? I bet behind that pretty face, you're even more perverted than either of us." You grit your teeth, biting back a moan.
"Medic, w-why are you keeping your pants on?" He paused momentarily at the abrupt question, looking at you with an eyebrow raised as you rushed to explain yourself. "I mean, doesn't it feel- like, weird?"
"You want to see me undressed that bad, huh?" Medic responded. Of course, he wasn't wrong, but the self-satisfied look on his face stopped you from admitting he was right. 
You shook your head, "W-well, I mean, aren't you uncomfortable under all that?" He grinned, seeing right through your bluff. But, even though he knew you were lying, Medic wasn't about to press you too hard on the matter. 
"You'll understand once you get more experience. But, you know, it can be just as rewarding to stay dressed, to keep control-" He paused to trail a finger from between your breasts down, just below your navel, the light sensation causing you to throb with want against his thigh. Continuing in a low, almost antagonistic tone, "While your partner is a wet, needy, naked little mess beneath you." He could not more clearly be mocking you, but something about it had quite the effect on you. Medic knew just how to push your buttons, and it was driving you crazy.
He was about to say something when Heavy's voice from behind interrupted. 
"Medic, be nice. This is first time. You're embarrassing her. Don't overdo it." Thank God there was a literal angel over your shoulder to watch over you and reign in his partner.
"Perhaps, but it looks like someone's enjoying it." He was about to move his hand lower when you interrupted,
He stopped his hand immediately, eyes meeting yours as you continued, "Can I get a kiss first?" You felt awkward, making such a bashful request compared to how confidently he spoke. His face softened at this, nodding before leaning closer, your hands cupping his cheeks. It felt good to be the first to deepen the kiss, your tongue flicking over his lip as his mouth parted, allowing you to get a better taste. Then, without breaking the kiss, his hand began to move down again, his thumb finding your clit quickly, causing you to moan into the kiss. 
Your mind went blank with pleasure at the stimulation, his thumb rolling softly over your clit as his other fingers deftly traced the exterior of your sex, collecting the abundant moisture and spreading it over the entrance while you throbbed beneath his fingertips. You felt an almost painful burning feeling as his fingers moved faster, lips working in rhythm against your mouth; far better than any fantasy you'd felt before.
Medic broke the kiss, "Do you want me to use my mouth? Are you ready for that?"
Without waiting, you nodded, "Please! It feels so good- please, please don't stop!"
"Just wait another moment- need to make sure you're ready," Medic spoke in a sweet, gentle voice, so sickeningly sweet you could practically feel your heartthrob. He pushed two fingers inside, and you couldn't help but buck forwards at the contact. Making Medic hum in satisfaction at your reaction. You could vaguely hear him chiding you for your impatience, but you were beyond caring at this point, and when you felt him tracing painfully slow little circles around your entrance, you whined out loud in annoyance.
"Will you stop teasing already and get on with it- Fuck!"
Medic looked genuinely shocked momentarily at how bold you were, but it didn't deter him. Instead, without waiting for another moment, he dove his face between your legs as you unconsciously spread your legs further for him, leaning back against Heavy for support, arching your back, feeling his hands on your shoulders to keep you steady; it wasn't long until you felt Medic's hands just above your knees, his breath fanning against your pussy.
But far be it from Medic to let you off so quickly, and you groaned out loud as you felt his tongue moving, intentionally moving up and around your clit, but refusing to make contact. You were dangerously close to digging your fingernails directly into Heavy's thighs. But you forced yourself to move one hand to the top of Medic's head, your fingers clutching his hair, trying to guide him into place while you ground against his face. When you finally felt his lips connecting with your clit you were practically sobbing with bliss, the feeling intensifying as he began to suckle against the swollen bundle of nerves. 
"More, more- Oh God, please- More!" You were getting louder than you intended, but fortunately, the radio likely kept anyone from overhearing any of this, but you only got louder as he began to suck harder. His tongue lapped upwards, swirling against your clit, as he moaned into you, swallowing as much as he could. You felt feral. Like you were burning hot on the inside, but Medic kept tempo without issue. Finally, you could feel your climax coming on, rolling your hips even harder, unintentionally pulling his hair just as fiercely. Still, if he was bothered by this, he didn't say anything, slurping contently as you finally felt the end coming on. And you trembled, feeling your body awash in ecstasy as you succumbed to the blinding pleasure between your legs.
It was an embarrassingly long time until you managed to catch your breath, the gap in experience between you and them becoming painfully obvious once again. Your throat felt so dry and scratchy from your heavy breathing and moaning, much like a scorched throat from pushing yourself in physical training. Though other than that, you were in a situation unlike any you'd known before. Naked, slick with your own sweat, your mind still tipsy and unstable from your orgasm. 
You could feel Heavy's hand petting at your hair from behind, and you couldn't help but swoon, feeling so supported and intimate with him after such a perverse moment. "You look so pretty when you come." There was an edge in his voice, and you thought he was indirectly asking if you wanted to go again, but you were too tired, too used up to think about doing this all over again. You didn't know how to respond; thankfully, Medic spoke first.
"It would be a shame if we kept this a 'one-time-thing,' wouldn't you agree?" And you felt your headrush, this evening felt too good to be true, nothing less than a dream come to life, but the promise of more was all the better. Nodding, you focused your gaze on Medic as he moved from between your legs; you responded, "So long as it's ok with you, I'd never want to come between things-"
 You felt like a rag doll, limp and being pulled lifelessly by the other two, Medic facing you, arms around your back, pulling you into his chest. "Don't worry about it; you're the one with much more to learn here." You felt Heavy's enormous arm pull the both of you tighter into his chest. And at this moment, sandwiched between the warm bodies of two men you cared more about than anyone else in the world, you prayed the night would never end. 
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hypernova-writes · 5 months ago
☆Nova's Masterlist ☆
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It's about time I make one before I get too many pics and can't Keep up with all my posts!!
As for right now i only write for TF2! But later I may switch things up!
They’ll be marked like this —> F for Fluff, S for Smut, Y for Yandere, DD for Dead Dove (Do Not Eat), and A for Angst!
As well as these —> SF for Short Fics, H for Headcanons, LF for Longfics, and S for series!
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Masterlist Below!
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-> Red Roses - [F, A][SF]
-> Scout with a Nurse S/O [S][H]
-> Scout with a Brainrot! S/o
-> Aftercare with Scout [FS][H]
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-> Soldier being comforted after a Bad day [F][H]
-> Soldier with a Hippie! S/O [F][SF]
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-> Heavy with a Brainrot!S/o [F][H]
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-> Engineer comforted after a bad day [F][H]
-> Engineer with a Southern!S/O [F][SF]
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-> Medic with a FTM Partner [F][H]
-> General Yandere Medic [Y][H]
-> General NSFW Headcanons [S][H]
->More Yandere Medic [FS][H]
->Proposal [Nurse S/o!] [F][SF]
-> Aftercare with Medic [FS][H]
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-> Spy with a Stoner!S/o [F][H]
-> Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better! [F][H]
-> Date Night [F][SF]
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-> Sniper with a Stoner!S/o [F][H]
-> Sniper with a Strong, Australian S/o
-> Sniper being comforted after a bad day [F][H]
-> Daily Routine [F][SF]
-> NSFW Headcanons Sniper [S][H]
-> Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better. [F][H]
-> After Care with Sniper [FS][H]
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Kinktober Masterlist 2024
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jermer10 · 7 months ago
If possible could I ask for yandere tf2 mercs (all or your favourites, whichever you choose!) with an enemy reader?
I imagine the mercs aren't too happy about this as most of their time is spent apart.
Keep up the fics!!
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TF2 yandere mercs with an enemy s/o
nsfw, gn reader | i love yandere mercs holy cow
tw: violence, yandere behaviour, sexual themes
drabbles under the cut :P
Scout: - insanely delusional - just as he acts with pauling, he convinces himself that you are totally and utterly in love with him, that you're saving yourself for him and that you specifically target him during battles because you feel the exact same love-rage he does when he sees you!! - every shot to the head, every punch, kick, scratch leads him to becoming increasingly infatuated - he treats you as if you're already his partner, and i mean hey, why wouldn't you be? you're showing all of the signs! you're practically slobbering over him the same way he does to you! - goes into a fit of jealous rage when someone else kills you - he prides himself of having a domination streak over you, letting you know who the big guy in charge is - this likely only serves to piss you off, unfortunately you probably don't feel much of the same towards him - even if you do return his feelings, you'll often find yourself feeling far too overwhelmed with his infatuation
Soldier: - a clingy mess - for a man who prides himself on being 'the epitome of what independent, masculine america stands for' (whatever THAT means), it seems he has attached himself to your hip - is not afraid to harm or (in the majority of cases) straight up kill someone who tries to separate him from you and has done this both in front of you and behind your back - doesn't even register the fact that you are the enemy, he decides that it was a mistake and you were always meant to be on his team - your escape attempts barely cross his radar, he always finds you and when he does he always chalks your absence up to some sort of foul play - this usually results in another death of a random loved one because "OF COURSE THEY WERE TO BLAME! THEY STOLE YOU FROM ME!" - has no boundaries or limits, not outright violent or aggressive towards you but will do anything in order to keep you beside him - all in all not a huge threat to your safety despite the fact that he is supposed to be your combatant, he's just incredibly annoying
Pyro: - the epitome of a sadistic yandere - they come off as a sweetheart, out of battle they buy you things, shower you in praise, act as if you aren't even enemies - but pyro enjoys hurting you, and this especially works in their favour when you're on the opposite team - utterly ruthless whether they're physically harming you or taunting you from across the battlefield, you leave the match feeling miserable - they love seeing you cry, half-assedly comforting you, and in turn causing you to grow this needy codependency where they say that they "don't reeeeaaally mean it!" and you somehow continue to believe that bold faced lie - they will eventually kidnap you, and yes they will torture you whether you've been good or not - no one even knows it was them who did it, they're just that convincing in their unassuming facade - don't get me wrong! they do love you in some sick way! they just only know how to express it through violence </3 (and NO you cannot fix them)
Demoman: - another clingy merc, only this time you're best friends - yes, he is aware you're supposed to be enemies on and off the battlefield, but his feelings for you outweigh the not so gentle reminders from his teammates that he needs to shoot you when he encounters you, not flirt - extremely manipulative, he uses his alcoholism as a cover for how intelligent he really is - would charm you with words of affection and chaste touches, he ensures that you are 100% into him before asking you out - then he isolates you from everyone you love, preoccupying all of your time, supporting you in any interest that doesn't require you to communicate with other people - he is CONSTANTLY there, whether you're aware or not. you literally cannot get away from his, quite literal, watchful eye - if you realize what he's doing, you sure as hell haven't made any steps to try and remove him from your life, nor have you set boundaries - after all, where would you even run? who would you even tell?
Heavy: - controlling and protective - he refuses to harm you, nor let anyone on his team harm you, this leads him to completely incapacitating you during battle so you're essentially useless - your teammates hate the extra attention you receive, they hate even more that you can't help whatsoever, eventually they tell you to stay at base, no use for you to come with if you're not doing anything - eventually when you do go missing, they just assume you left - heavy corroborates this story, telling the Administrator that he heard rumours of you packing up during the night and fucking off - little do they know you're tied up, gagged, and blindfolded in an unused, heavily locked and guarded maintenance room - he will not let you leave, he's more likely to pack up and take you back to russia than to ever let you see the new mexico landscape again - you are going to rot in a maintenance closet, or die trying to escape
Engineer: - very chill and normal surprisingly? - or so you think. he doesn't come off as creepy or odd the way the other mercs do, he is totally and utterly normal to a fault - he fights you during battle, kills you, dies to you, thanks you for a good fight afterwards - and then your devices begin spasming, your anti viruses go off, your phone calls have a strange staticky sound and a beeping you've never heard before - against your better judgement, you go to engie for help. he "fixes" them for you, and in the process gains your friendship and trust - you start hanging out with him outside of battles, unbeknownst to you that he is observing your every move and thought through your phone and laptop - uses this information about you to become closer to you, buying you gifts you're unable to afford for yourself, performing the kinds of romantic gestures you read about - if he wasn't constantly watching you and obsessing over your whereabouts, he would barely even qualify as a yandere!
Medic: - this guy is creepy, off-putting, odd, and strange! - he doesn't bother hiding his obsession with you, he actually goes out of his way to push your boundaries to see how far he can go before he breaks you - depending on how you respond will decide your fate with him, either way he is not going to let you go so you might as well adapt! - if you show outright disgust or hatred he will kidnap you and store you in the medbay, experimenting on you for hours with no relief, punishing you for your insolence - if you reciprocate he will still kidnap you, only this time he treats you like a doll, treating your various cosmetic 'ailments' in order to make you the perfect creature - he is incredibly strict and commandeering, if you step out of line for even a second he does not hesitate to torture you - he only rewards you with sexual favours and new clothes, you are quite literally just a doll for his enjoyment - he tells you he loves you, but you're not so sure you believe it
Sniper: - likes to hunt you - he treats you like how one would hunt a deer, seeing you as the ultimate prize and reward for his patience - wants you to find out about him, wants you to find it endearing and sexy, wants you to make the first move - he is the most self aware, snapping out of his obsessive haze regularly and vowing that 'this time will be the last' as he aims his sniper at your head and blows it off - but it never is. he is totally and utterly addicted to you, and it only gets worse the longer he waits for you to offer yourself to him, so he takes action - he corners you in the middle of a battle and takes you then and there, you'd think it was sexy if he didn't kill you immediately after - then a strange, sadistic game of cat and mouse ensues, he stalks you day in and out and you know, you entice, and you keep this little thing you have going a very well kept secret - the only relationship between the mercs that becomes mutually beneficial
Spy: - by far the most manipulative and cunning merc - he can spend years leading you on, flirting, dropping subtle hints of his overwhelming, consuming obsession with you - he showers you will affection and gifts, with luxury holidays and designer brands without ever actually committing to you - he lies about sleeping with other people to keep you wrapped around his finger, he lies about having another family, kids, another life - he treats you as if you're his special side piece, that no one must know about you, that what you have is a secret - he constantly backstabs you (literally and figuratively), both teams know your deepest secrets, they know your favourite position, they know the names of all your stuffed animals - he treats you like shit and promises to be better, all whilst staying up every night concocting another way to keep you intrigued with him, to keep you by his side, it eats him alive - you have a love/hate relationship, the most toxic man alive istg
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wisteriaiswriting · 10 months ago
TF2 Masterlist:
Red / Blue refer to the coloured sides, uncoloured could be for either side.
Now separated by solo mercs and multiple, multi are under all the banners.
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Scout |
General Dating Headcanons
Yandere Reader
Nightmares With Scout
General Scout Headcanons
Reuniting With Reader After Years
Visiting his ma (Platonic, child reader)
Finding a kid!harpy reader
Age regressed reader scenarios
Scared of undead!kid!reader
Returning home
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Soldier | [☆]
General Dating Headcanons
Possessive Soldier With Short S/O
Short and Chubby S/O
With a calming S/O
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Pyro |
General Dating Headcanons
S/O who can understand them
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Demoman |[☆]
General Dating Headcanons
Sleeping with Demoman (SFW and NSFW)
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Heavy |
General Dating Headcanons
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Engineer |
General Dating Headcanons
Tire Me Out (Slightly suggestive)
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Medic | [☆]
General Dating Headcanons
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Sniper |
General Dating Headcanons
Yandere Sniper
Roadtrip with shy!reader (Platonic)
Date idea
Reader who's prone to anxiety/panic attacks
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Spy |
General Dating Headcanons
Miscellaneous headcanons (Scout, Heavy, Sniper, Pyro, Spy + Engineer)
Mercs as parents (All)
S/O who acts like Willy Wonka (2023) (Scout, Engineer + Spy)
Caring for a child!reader from an orphanage (Scout, Sniper + Spy)
Befriending Scout and Sniper
Short and feisty S/O (Soldier + Medic)
S/O With A Puppy Crush (Soldier, Pyro + Demoman)
S/O with tiny hands (Soldier, Sniper + Engineer)
Chill S/O with a daughter (Soldier, Sniper + Engineer)
Chill and laid-back, hippie S/O (Soldier + Spy)
Mercs wearing lingerie for the first time (Soldier, Sniper, Engineer + Spy)
Mercs S/O disappears completely (Soldier, Sniper, Engineer + Spy)
Argument aftermath (Soldier, Sniper + Engineer)
Supersoldier reader (General/all)
Cuddling headcanons (Heavy, Engineer + Spy)
Caring for toddler reader (Experiment gone wrong) (Spy, Medic + Heavy)
S/O Love Language Is Physical Touch (Sniper + Engineer)
Short and Chubby S/O (Sniper + Engineer)
S/O That Falls Asleep To Radio (Medic, Sniper + Spy)
S/O that can talk to animals (Medic + Sniper)
Hyperactive, cheerful Reader (Medic, Spy + Sniper)
Non-mercs as parents (Miss Pauling, Saxton Hale + The Administrator)
Trigger happy boyfriend (Saxton Hale + The Administrator)
Mercs missing S/O returns (Soldier, Engineer, Sniper + Spy)
S/O's daughter calls them dad (Sniper, Engineer, Soldier + Spy)
Reader who uses gauntlets (Heavy, Engineer + Demoman)
Miss Pauling |
General Dating Headcanons
Saxton Hale | [☆]
General Dating Headcanons
The Administrator | [☆]
General Dating Headcanons
122 notes · View notes
mistkisbiggestfan · 7 months ago
On the day of 10.08.2024, I'm back to writing! I do mostly canon x reader, can do canon x canon I do both HC and fics/oneshots Fandoms I write for:
The Amazing Digital Circus: - Everyone (Mostly HC but I might do some oneshots, but I like HC better for this show) - Including: Ragatha, Pomni, Jax, Kinger, Gangle, etc.
Amphibia: <ON HOLD> - Marcy Wu - Sasha Waybright - Anne Boonchuy - Others, just ask!
Spider-man: Across the spider verse: <ON HOLD> - Mainly Gwen Stacy - will do: Miles Morales, Pavitr, Hobie, Miguel, Spider-Noir and others
Voltron: - Pidge Gunderson - and others
DDLC: <ON HOLD> - Sayori, - Natsuki, - Monika, - Yuri
FNAF: - Vanessa Shelby (Fnaf movie) - Vanessa (Security Breach) - Vanny - Others, just ask!
TF2: - Ms. Pauling, - Scout, - Spy, - Medic, - Heavy, - Engie, - Soldier, - Demo, - Sniper, - Pyro (Mainly /p with Pyro)
Overwatch: <ON HOLD> !Venture/Moira/Mercy doesn't count! - Venture! - Tracer - Sombra - Mercy - Moira - Kiriko - Cassidy - Maybe others!
THE WALKING DEAD TELL TALE GAMES!!!!!!!!: - Kenny - Lily - Carley - Lee - Nick - Molly!!! - Jane - Violet - Louis - Clementine - Others, just ask! I love TWDG fr fr - Lowkey if you send me ref of your TWD oc I might do fanart of 'em.
Fallout: New Vegas: - Corporal Betsy!!!!!! - Boone - Others, just ask
Tangled the series: - Cassandra - Others
OTHERS - Just write the character and fandom from where they are, I might write them!
Basic Rules: - No full on NSFW, - Suggestive is fine, - Platonic and Romantic :3 - No yanderes, none - No fetish work - No proships, anything similiar - Light gore, full on angst, angst/no happy ending, are all okay!!!
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mantidbasil · 4 months ago
I have been thinking nonstop about how tf2 mercs and markiplier egos would interact now 😭
Heavy, squinting down at Dr. Iplier: tiny.... tiny little doctor...? (mark is only taller than engie, maybe the same height as pyro)
------- Medic: Hey if you want I could heal your ey- The Host: NO. Medic: :( why not The Host: It's complicated Medic: Please don't tell me your eye sockets are haunted too... ------- Google: (minding his own buisiness) Engineer, visibly twitching: Hey there. (slowly pulls out screwdriver. casually approaches). Mind if I ask how you were made? ------- Spy has no interest in interacting with anyone until he finds Dark sitting in a corner drinking wine. He sits down next to them, pours himself a glass, and they just silently exchange looks. -------
PYRO AND WILFORD PYRO AND WILFORD OMG Pyro: (drawing rainbows) Wilford: Ha ha! I'm wearing rainbow suspenders!
Pyro: (burning down buildings, setting people on fire) Wilford: This is fine because death isn't real! (shoots someone)
Pyro: Mmph Mmph! Wilford: Unfortunately your subtitles haven't been translated, so ol' Warfstache here doesn't know what you're saying :(
------- Bing and Scout do skateboard tricks together. Both of them attempt a very simple trick and fail it, falling down and scraping their knees. Both insist they are the better skater, the world's best skater even.
Heist Mark pulls out his bombs and his 16th Century flintlock pistol likely used by pirates for boarding actionsTM and Demoman is mildly interested. Heist Mark then proves that he has strangely extensive knowledge about medieval weaponry and Demo is much more interested. Demo pulls out Eyelander and Captain Magnum joins their little group where they all start talking about weapons and bombs.
Engineer: (disappointed after having failed to get permission to take Google apart and put him back together) Head Engineer Mark: Hi there! I heard you're an engineer? I'm an engineer! Engineer: Do you. Build guns. Or robot arms. Head Engineer Mark: I mean I have the Asteroid Defense System turrets..... but actually I build a spaceship and sort of maybe a time travel universe breaking machine? Engineer: So a dangerous device that can destroy the world.... can I see the schematics?
------- I know in my SOUL Ed Edgar and Sniper hate each other but I can't elaborate. Illinois and Sniper have a very casual truce going on but ultimately Sniper does not really wanna hang out with anyone. This of course means the Jims spot him standing off to the side and think he's the perfect intervewee and at least three, maybe four Jims swarm Sniper and shove cameras and microphones inches from his face and he has a terrible time.
Yandere somehow completely enchants Medic's doves and I can't elaborate on this either. Heavy is bemused. As long as Archimedes chooses Medic over Yan he's going to pretend he isn't jealous about the attention his doves are giving her. Scout goes "AWOOGA GIRL?!" and gets stabbed by Yan. Heavy is reminded of his younger sisters and is delighted.
Eric Derekson is terrified of Soldier. The main two off the top of my head who are not put off by Soldier's shouting are King of the Squirrels and Yancy. Soldier corners King and is like "what are you king of?! not america. WHAT COUNTRY IS SQUIRRELS" Scout hears Yancy speak, hears the accent, and immediately throws hands.
I am yap-o-clock-ing in your ask box but I needed to give you the brainrot that you've given me
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jacquestar · 2 years ago
someone said yes to the tf2 post so fuck it we ball with
general merc relationships hcs!!!
(friendship & dating)
i'm trying to make this as gender neutral as possible. also no romance w pyro bcs i hc him as aroace :) s/o means significant other, but in this case, a petname for a gf, bf, etc!
() scout is the friend ever
() he has got your back!!!
() adhd icon
() maybe with enough convincing, you teach this man how to READ.
() ...& then he falls for you.
() he just sees you one day & is like "wait why are they cute now"
() he just starts joking about wanting to date like "yo what if we kissed lol" as a joke
() he's red now
() like
() redder than a cherry & tomato combined
() he makes it real obv that you both are dating, he means well though </3
() "GUESS WHO'S GOT A (s/o) NOW!!! SUCK IT!!"
() will stop if it makes you uncomfy or embarrassed :)
() huge on pda & petnames but they're corny petnames
() only problem is that he is easily jealous.
() "HEY! that's MY (s/o) pally, find ya own!"
() if some knucklehead even thinks of flirting with you, he will give them a very strongly worded speech about his s/o being his
() not to the point of being a yandere though, he will fight a dude for you but he won't (intentionally) kill someone!

(bear w me i'm not too good w soldier)
() this man. is autistic. i can confirm because i am autistic with adhd
() no convincing will change my mind
() ANYWAYS you are the most active person on the field other than scout
() & brave at that
() when this guy yelled at you, you kept a straight face
() no reaction or tears
() if you hate loud noises, he will be a lil more quiet to you after that :]
() also you became soldiers favorite person in the base bcs of that
() but the exercises are NOT easier but the only exception is that if you aren't really fit or you have a medical condition. he is NOT a monster.
() this man can GRILL
() he has some good grilling skills, but not cooking skills.
() solly slowly falls for you but doesn't even know it.
() & when he DOES realize it's love, he is IMMEDIATE to ask you
() you are VERY flustered
() but you return his feelings ofc & now when someone slightly insults or teases you, he will yell at them.
() you are his chill pill. you're the only person who can calm him down
() like scout, he easily gets jealous.
() he thinks you're a blessing to 'murica & he NEVER says that to anyone so he means it <3
() he has a hidden soft side that you activate in him & it is the most adorable thing ever <333333

(nonromantic btw)
() you became besties the day you understood him.
() he isn't really a bad guy :)
() he is roommates w engi.
() "ah, ya here to see pyro again? don't stress about it, hun, come on in." :)
() you LOVE drawing together
() he compliments everything you do & hypes you up!! :D
() despite being besties, he will NEVER. EVER. show what's under the mask.
() only engineer & medic know, & they will NOT tell you. >:(
() "sorry kid, i can't tell ya what's under the mask."
() "HAH! do you zhink I vould tell YOU?! not in a MILLION YEARS!!"
() you're one of the only people stopping him from "going into pyroland" (committing arson)

(tw: amputation mention!! just one but STILL!!!)
() you show a heavy interest in scientific/engineering stuff
() so
() you attract him
() he shows you his gunslinger, short circuit, etc., & you're all impressed
() you then ask if he had no arm at birth so he made the lil hand attachments & he just goes "oh hahah yeah yeah..."
() he had it amputated by the medic turns out. he keeps it a secret between himself & the doctor to this day.
() he has
() the best
() cooking
() ever.
() like fr
() when he falls for you, he immediately knows
() but he's been heartbroken before
() so, he just stares at you with loving eyes, daydreaming about a future life that may never happen...
() ...until py(b)ro does eventually make him confess because he learned from the doctor that compressing feelings is bad & it is big nono bad >:(
() he couldn't say no to that level of cuteness! so...
() he confesses to you via love song on his guitar
() ain't no way you're saying no to this. if you do, no you didn't you said yes shhhhhh
() every once in a while, he'll let you hold his gunslinger hand :')
() it's cold but also warm?????
() but fyi, he is a busy man
() you have to remind him to sleep or he will accidentally pull an all-nighter
() but his cuddles make up for it ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
() SOFTEST TUMMY EVER <33333333333333333
() you help each other with burnout ofc

() you stole his last scrumpy
() oh boy was he PISSED at you
() you two both yelled at each other & it almost got physical
() ...
() then you two became best friends.
() so now you both share drinks every night together <3
() which is how he fell for you
() you're tough, strong, & also a lil sassy!!
() he took a lil too many drinks one night &-
() "eruhhhhhh i think i love ye man..." & then proceeds to slur his words furthermore
() you're cuddling him when he wakes up & he almost has a heart attack
() but he doesn't leave your arms
() he snuggles closer to you <3
() this man is tied w engineer for the best cuddles imo they are TEDDY BEARS
() protects you at all costs
() oh btw his eyelander hates him being so lovey-dovey
() but you two will have small talk
() do not touch eyelander
() eyelander will be pissed & trying to attack you while demoman will worried
() not fun. 1/10. do not recommend

() you were fluent in russian & english
() so you served to him as a translator for a bit
() he seemed intimidating
() one day you were doing your workout in the base & heavy noticed & was like " little person strong??"
() so you & him are gr8 friends now
() will give you a crumb of the sandvich
() that's it though
() you are always complementing sasha/sascha & apparently heavy can speak gun because heavy is saying that sasha/sascha says thanks :)
() idk if it's sasha or sascha i seen both so bear w me
() he eventually, like everyone else on this list, falls for you
() like engineer, he makes some sort of art with words for you
() unlike engineer though, it's a poem <3333333
() it's specifically in russian so no one but you or him can understand it
() became lovey lovey with him FAST
() he is the equivalent of a bear
() a lil intimidating at first
() but depending on who you are, he loves you <3
() will stop guys flirting w you UNINTENTIONALLY
() "hey sweetch- HOLY SHIT-" *running* () "hm? why..why was little boy running?"
() if he ever forgets a certain word in english, he comes to you :)
() lifts you up A LOT
() he means well by it
() if you tell him to not do that, he ofc will stop for you

() you didn't take his bullshittery. you were thinking:
() but instead of thinking it, you accidentally said it.
() oops.
() thankfully it was just you & him.
() you knew a thing or two about medical stuff so you two bonded!!!
() you, him & engi helped w experiments that either of you had!
() you also talked about random things
() he is secretly a softie & falls HARD for you
() like with engi, he's afraid to tell you because he's been heartbroken as well,
() but he does want to be alone with you more often than usual,
() so you figure him out & wait
() he does eventually confess, & was very relieved that you felt mutual with him
() yeah you two spend a lot of time together more, but ofc you still hang out w engi!!
() it wld be very rude to just leave him behind like that >:(
() although he will accidentally pull an all-nighter too if you forget to make him come to bed.
() calls you "mein Täubchen" or any other german petname he can think of
() you & his doves are close friends
() OH one time you & him were practically cuddling on his chair while he was working right, & then archimedes flew on down to your head & rested there
() you're sure it was to just get medics attention but medic LOVED it
() you were asleep though :(

() loner
() you become friends after making sure he isn't being attacked by a spy
() you give him a warning sign that there lies a spy
() now he lies behind sniper
() "ey, thank ye for earlier"
() "ah no worries, i'm always glad to help!"
() you'll visit his van & chill
() doesn't even realize he's fell
() he just zones out on you a lot more.
() you confess first & he's like "wait that was the feeling?"
() he's never felt this way give him a break </3
() shy, at first
() he does branch out to you more
() takes you out on camping & maybe hunting dates if you're comfy with it :)
() keeps the relationship PRIVATE
() "ey look luv, as much as i love ya, if we share this with anyone, our careers are done for"
() means it in the best way though

() flirts with each other abound
() started as jokes, ended in actual love
() you eventually ask "hey are we actually dating?"
() he says "maybe, if you want to" to mess w you & flirt
() you SWOONED just by those words
() so you two are ALREADY dating
() you go FAST with him friendship & relationship wise
() by the second date, you two probably 👉👌
() of course, he is taking this relationship TO THE GRAVE.
() if ANY rumor were to get out about "spy has a (s/o)", he will deny it until EVERYONE is convinced.
() he loves you oh so much
() he TRULY means well & will protect you by any means necessary
() after he checks everywhere to be sure nobody is looking, he'll show you what's under the mask & tell you his real name
() the only rule with that is to call him by his name in private
() & ONLY in private
() outside, you two may never be alone
() he'll ramble to you about his life as you sleep on his chest <3

sorry it took a bit, school & life always kick my ass
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