#yandere stannis
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 months ago
All of Himbo! Baratheon's brothers being overprotective when he gets into a relationship with someone.
Renly would be the absolute worst out of the three. He’d be a literal menace. He would by no means hide any disdain or disgust he harbors for whoever comes into his brother’s life as a romantic figure, whether through an arranged betrothal or as someone his beloved brother has taken a genuine interest in. It wouldn’t even matter the status or gender of the person, Renly (especially young!Renly) would be ready to throw hands with whoever. And if he can’t necessarily physically fight them then you can bet he’ll read them to absolute filth whenever given the chance. He would be the epitome of a brat, throwing utter tantrum after tantrum when the Reader’s attention or time isn’t dedicated to him anymore. He’s not use to not being the center of his favorite brother’s world anymore. Or at least not being able to turn the Reader’s attention on to him whenever he wanted. To say Renly is overly dramatic about the whole thing is a complete understatement, both as a kid and as an adult. This would literally be his villain origin story and you couldn’t tell me otherwise.
Stannis is the most level-headed out of the three. He knew it was bound to happen. He knew it was inevitable. If it was a betrothal then he either already had knowledge of it or he had a say in making the decision. Either way, Stannis isn’t surprised or caught off guard. Even if Himbo!Baratheon!Reader were to just turn up one day, hand in hand with someone, having already gotten married on a whim; Stannis wouldn’t even bat an eye. What would make him bat an eye would be who exactly he brought home. Like, I could see Himbo!Baratheon!Reader drunkenly walking into the room hand in hand with fucking Rhaegar Targaryen (literally “we were drunk and thought it would be funny” only Rhaegar wouldn’t have been nearly as drunk as Himbo!Reader and totally used this as an excuse to marry his dude crush) or someone just completely out of the box. It wouldn’t even really bother Stannis too much that they’re both men or that one of them is THE prince/soon to be king (Stannis knows damn well his brother can pull whoever by merely existing, making whatever situation work out in his favor without even meaning to so he hasn’t much to worry about in that regard), but more so of the headache that’s going to become his new every day once Robert and Renly get word of their beloved brother’s new spouse (whether it be Rhaegar or someone else).
Robert would be adamant about being his beloved brother’s wingman from the very beginning but really he has no plans of helping his brother whatsoever. On the contrary he’s there to ensure nothing works out for the offending party trying to take his brother away from him. Robert has no real problem with his brother whoring around similar to himself because it doesn’t mean anything in Roberts mind but when it comes to actual marriage and settling down then Robert’s gonna have a big issue with it. He knows damn well that Himbo!Baratheon!Reader will be the most fantastic husband and father anyone could want but he doesn’t want to lose his brother to anyone else. He can barely tolerate sharing his beloved brother with their other brothers as is, so of course he’ll lose his shit if someone else thinks they can just swoop in and try to wife up his precious brother. Not on his fucking watch.
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myladysapphire · 2 years ago
My Lady Strong (III)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 2613
CW: Mentions of death, violence
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
A/N sorry i haven't posted in a while I've been ill and busy will college, hope you enjoy, I don't really like how this chapter turned out, but next chapter their will be a little time skip
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Two months following her and Aemonds betrothal, grief struck Kings Landing.
First was the death of the Strongs, ser Harwin and lord Lynol. Then came the news of her Aunt Leana’s death.
They had travelled to Driftmark for Leana’s funeral, a morbid affair she did not wish to attend, especially after receiving all those nasty looks from her Veleryon kin. Her father had been lost to the world of grief, the death of his sister taking over, and his days spent wallowing in the sea. Her mother was better, though isolated. Focusing all her attention on the new babe.
She, as always, stood beside Aemond, few things had changed between them since their courtship began, Aemonds possessive nature towards her had come out tenfold. Though the general rules of courtship dictated they remain an ‘appropriate distance’ from one another and must always remain accompanied (a fact her septa had constantly reminded her), they instead broke every rule, acting as if they were already wed, they even shared a bed every night (which Aemond insisted had to remain secret), Aemond claiming it was then ‘practising for married life’. Though Aemma was not too sure what the fuss was about. People had begun to treat her like a grown woman, even her mother, acting as if she were not a child who had yet to reach her tenth name day.
She had decided grown-up life seemed incredibly dull, even her lessons changed, now focusing on new responsibilities, such as sewing and running a household.
She hated the whole thing, hated that her lessons with Aemond were now few and far between.
Her brothers had too changed since her betrothal, namely Jace. Though it was more recent, (mainly due to the strong departure and death, why that seemed to greatly affect Jace’s behaviour she was not sure) He had insisted on being her and Aemonds chaperone, though they usually managed to escape him, he would follow them around, breaking them apart whenever they did something ‘improper’, she had begun to refer to him as septa Jace, though not out loud, she even began to think allowing her septa to chaperone them may be better than his company.
Aemond himself didn’t seem to care, he had never liked Jace and seemed to act up more in his presence, becoming more possessive of her, even manhandling her (not that she knew what that was). If she was anyone else perhaps, she would have been worried over his possessive nature, But she did not, she loved it. In truth, there was nothing wrong with it as far as she was aware.
Her mother had been the same. So protective and controlling of her life that it felt right.
With Aemond though it never felt like he was controlling her, she felt it was normal, he would protect her from the mean words and looks from others (not that she knew they were even happening), and he would even take her out of septa lessons were she was being taught ‘nonsense’, an action both her mother and Aemond partook in.
Aemond was a constant presence that she could rely on, he was the one by her side as she heard the news of each of the deaths. He had instantly sought her out after the news of Ser Harwin, she may not have been as close as Jace and Luke were to him, but he had always been there with a kind smile and open arms for her. As for her aunt, she had never met Laena, but her father always told her stories of her, she had wanted to, and now she never would.
Aemond gripped her hand tightly as she sniffed her tears.
“We have nothing in common!” Aegon whined next to them.
She had decided to stand with Aemond and Helena, having had enough of the stares she received from the Velaryons as she stood beside her mothers and brothers. Heleana was on one side, crotched in the dirt playing with some new insect she had discovered, and on the other stood Aegon, already deep in his cups.
“she’s our sister” Aemond reminded, following their betrothal her grandfather saw fit to preserve the Valyrian bloodline once more and betrothed Heleana and Aegon.
“You marry her then!”
“He is to marry me, uncle” Aemma replied, naively, moving to crotch near Heleana “Perhaps he should have betrothed Heleana and Jacaerys, Helena would be a good queen!”
Aemond and Aegon shared a look.
“She is to be your wife, brother, show her some respect”  he replied, choosing to ignore her words. He moved to pull Aemma back up from the ground “You’ll muddy your dress”.
“Heleana already has, what does it matter if I do!” she replied, kneeling, and looking at Helena’s newest bug, “what is that?” she asked, but instead of an answer, she was met with Heleana muttering about a hand and spools of black and green.
“Aemma” she heard her mother call her, pulling her away from the ground and Aemond.
“Mother? What is it?” she asked,
“it is time to bed sweet girl,” her mother spoke, caressing her face.
“But it’s early!” she whined, Aemond would not wish to go to bed yet, she was sure to not find any sleep.
“just go.” Her mother sighed.
Aemma was woken to the sounds of shouts coming from the great hall. The whole family had gathered in the dead of night, the hall was silent when she reached it, her mother comforting her brothers, receiving Alicent’s disapproving stare.
The Hall was split in two, the whole of Driftmark in attendance. On one side stood her mother, brothers, cousins and Veleryon grandparents, on the other her grandsire, Alicent, Heleana and Aegon. Someone was sitting in a chair facing away from them all, maesters surrounding them.
“Muña?” she questioned confused as to what was going on “What happened? Where’s Aemond?”
“Oh, my sweet girl” her mother ran, pulling her to her and her brothers.
“What happened? Where’s Ae-“She was cut off, a sob leaving her mouth as his head popped around the chair. His eye gashed out and his face was swollen.
“Aemond!” she gasped, moving from her mother’s grip, “what happened?” she cried, reaching for his face.
He hissed, pulling back, “They attacked me!” he shouted pointing to her brothers and cousins.
“What! Why?” she sobbed, burying her face in his chest, “why? Why would they do that to you?”
“He attacked Baela” she heard Jace shout back.
“He broke Luke’s nose!”
“He stole my mother’s dragon!”
“ENOUGH!” her grandsire demanded; his anger apparent.
“He was going to kill Jace!”
“I didn’t do anything!” Aemond insisted, pulling Aemma’s face closer into his chest, finding solace in her presence.
“ENOUGH!” her grandsire demanded once again.
“It should be my son telling the tale” Alicent insisted, moving her hand to rub Aemma’s back.
Her grandsire hit his cane to the floor, demanding silence, “Aemond, I will have the truth of what happened, now!”
“What else is there to hear? Your son has been maimed…Her son is responsible”.
“It was a regrettable accident” her mother spoke.
“How was taking his eye an accident?” Aemma questioned, moving her head back to look at her mother, “what could he have possibly done to deserve his eye being taken?” she questioned, glaring at Luke as he shrunk back behind their mother.
Alicent nodded her head, agreeing with Aemma, “The prince Lucerys brought a blade to an ambush. He meant to kill my son!” she insisted, causing Aemma to gasp and continue her teary glare at her brothers.
“It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves… Vile insults were levied against them” her mother declared.
“What insults?”
Her mother hesitated “The legitimacy of my…son’s birth was put loudly to the question”.
Speaking up, Luke said “he called us bastards!” sending her a pleading gaze, trying to prove his innocence, but Aemma only saw his guilt, he took her Aemonds eye, and whatever Aemond did she doubted had cause for his eye to be taken.
Looking at Aemond, she whispered “What’s a bastard?” with confusion written on her face, Aemond only shook his head, guilt shimmering in his eye.
“My sons are in line to inherit the iron throne, your grace. This is the highest of treasons…. Prince Aemond must be Sharpley questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders”.
“He just lost his eye, and you want to… to interrogate him, over an…” Aemma lead off, confusion clear in her tone, but Alicent continued for her.
“Over and insult? My son has lost an eye!”
Her grandsire moved towards Aemond, Aemma was ushered off Aemonds lap, moving to stand near Heleana. “You tell me, boy, where did you hear this lie?” her grandsire demanded.
Alicent was quick to respond, coming to Aemonds defence, (perhaps even her own) “This insult was training yard bluster, it was nothing”. But her grandsire paid no attention to her, only moving to question Aemond again.
where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The children’s father? Perhaps he might have something to say on the matter.”
“Yes, where is Ser Laenor?”
“he’s at the beach” Aemma interrupted, “ he has not left the sea since we arrived,” she looked around the room, her move gaining some sense of confidence from Aemma’s interruption.
“yes, he nor I could find sleep, we took a walk on the beach, where Laenor chose to remain” Her mother nodded, a smug smile gracing her face as Alicent kissed her teeth.
Her grandsire spoke, stopping Alicent from changing the subject once again “Aemond, look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?”
Aemond shifted his gaze to his mother, “It was Aegon” he answered, moving his gaze to his brother.
“Me?” Aegon asked confused, she had never heard him say it before, then again until today, she had never heard the word at all. And seeing how uncomfortable the word made everyone, it made sense for Aegon, he seemed to thrive on the discomfort of others.
“And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies?” her grandsire spat “Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!”
“We know, father. Everyone knows. Just look at them” Aegon sighed, eyes turning to her brothers, Aemma herself was pulled back to Aemond, who hid her from everyone’s gaze.
“This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show goodwill to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it.” Her grandsire demanded.
“That is insufficient. Aemond has been damaged, permanently, ‘Good will’ cannot make Aemond whole” Alicent demanded.
“I know Alicent, but I cannot restore an eye,“ a deep sigh left her grandsire.
“No, because it’s been taken!” 
“What would you have me do?”
“There is a debt to be paid. I shall have one of her son’s eyes in return” Alicent declared, gasps filling the hall.
“My dear wife-”
Her eyes watered, her son, their sons’ eye had been taken and he does not seem to care “he is your son, Viserys. Your blood”
“Do not allow your temper to guide your judgment”
“If the king will not seek justice, the queen will. Ser Criston… Bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.” Alicent ordered.
Luke let out a nervous shout for his mother, moving to hide behind her. 
“he can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son” Alicent spoke, Ser Criston stared down at her, unsure of what to do.
Turing to Ser Cole, her grandsire demanded “You will do no such thing… Stay your hand”.
“No, you are sworn to me!” she shouted at Ser Criston, as he stood unsurely “As your protector, my queen.”
“This matter is finished, do you understand?” her grandsire spoke to Alicent, moving away before declaring “And let it be known, anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s children should have it removed!”
“Thank you, Father” her mother spoke, relief clear in her tone. But Alicent was enraged and moved towards grabbing the dagger from her grandsire and moved to charge at her mother and Luke.
Shouts filled the hall, trying to get Alicent to stop, but she continued.
“you’ve gone too far” her mother spoke, grabbing Alicent’s arm, preventing the dagger from diving into Luke’s eye.
“i? What have I done but what expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, and the law. While you flout all to do as you, please” Alicent spat in reply. “Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? And now you take my son's eye, and to that event, you feel entitled”.
“Exhausting, wasn’t it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness” her mother replied, seeing Alicent face drop and her grip on the blade began to loosen. “But now they see you as you truly are,” she said lowly, the dagger slipped from Alicent’s hand, down her mother’s arm, blood dripping to the ground.
“This proceeding is at an end”
Aemma had not left Aemonds side since that night. She took over from the maesters, changing Aemonds bandage, and applying the ointment. She refused to let others near him, to leave him. Even when her mother tried to carry her out of the room herself, she would scream and protest. She only left once her mother came and told them they were leaving.
“I will not” she shook her head, ripped her arm from her mothers “I will not leave him, you can not make me!” she screamed.
“dōna riña” her mother begged, “please, my sweet girl, for me and your brothers they miss you, you will see in in a few years when you are to wed.” her mother sneered the last part, the maids had whispered about how her mother had pleaded with her grandsire to end the engagement, but only a fool would think she herself would let anyone but Aemond be her husband.
“I do not care! Alicent has said I can stay in Kings Landing, in my home, Mother please!” she begged “I cannot leave my Aemond, especially after what they did, stay Muña, please”.
“I cannot, sweet girl, it is for the best” her mother continued.
“For whom? For you? Mayhaps, but for me it will be nothing but pure torture, I will scream if you make me go, I will bring you nothing but hell if you take me there, take me away from MY AEMOND!” She shouted, streams streaming down her face.
She noticed the man then, he had silver hair like her mother’s family, she remembered who he was then, Aemond had mentioned him, their uncle Daemon, rider of Caraxes. He stood against the wall, his lip quirked and laughter leaving his lips, “leave her, let the Hightower cunts have her” he spoke up.
“Do not-“ her mother began, a sigh leaving her lips. She looked at Aemma, defeat filling her features, “Please, sweet girl, please”
“I won’t, I can’t leave him, Muña”.
Her mother sighed “ok, but if you ever, and I mean if for a second, a minute second, wish to come to Dragonstone, come. You are my daughter, my dōna riña, and you always will be my favourite girl” tears filled her mother’s eyes.
“of course, Muña, I love you” she whispered the last part, looking down “I’m sorry, I’ll miss you”.
“I love you too, I’ll miss you, sweet girl, I’ll visit whenever you ask” her mother promised.
Though that would soon become a lie, as Aemma would not see her mother for years to come.
next part
Taglist (bold means could not tag)
My lady strong: @aemondssiut @idonotknowenglish @sydneyyyya @wondergal2001 @whitejuliana1204 @meowtastick @bellaisasleep @tinykryptonitewerewolf @sarahkimtae @winchesterfamiliebusiness @iiamthehybrid @zzz000eee @spookydaddy01 @melllinaa @ateliefloresdaprimavera @aelora-a @aleemendoza2425-blog @chittakii @gghoulzz @ryiana @duckworthbean @cynic-spirit @may-machin @Gianinaa19
Hotd: @targaryenmoony @theanxietyqueen17
Aemond: @blossomedflowerofluv @violet-potter
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months ago
Dating Yandere Stannis Baratheon Would Include:
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As a yandere, he'll easily have an obsession, a fixation. He is possessive, and controlling. He will go through any extent to make the object of his obsession fall in love with him. He will not let you go. He will not let anyone else have you. You are his and his only.
Dating him is not for the faint of heart. There is no room for failure and no room for error. Expect him to have high demands from you — not only because he's the Lord of Dragonstone, a great house of Westeros, but also because you’re his and he doesn’t accept disobedience. He's a man driven by purpose, so no matter what other things cross your mind, you’ll always see his mind on your duty.
Everything in your life is about him. He doesn't do "free time." Expect him to be a demanding man. Your friends? Forget about them. They're a waste of time. You can expect him to keep them out of your relationship in any way he can. They may disagree with your relationship and he cannot afford them undermining him. Besides, you need to spend all of your time focused on him instead.
He will do whatever it takes to make you love him. He will hurt anyone who comes in between you two. He will go to great lengths to ensure that you have no choice but to love him back.
Like a typical yandere, he has the potential to become even more dangerously obsessive with you. He'll take extreme steps when it comes to expressing his affection and jealousy for you. His obsession with you becomes a part of his normal daily life. He can become aggressive and territorial over you, always making sure that you're kept away from others.
If you don't listen to him and disobey him often, he'll become extremely angry, aggressive, and unreasonable, and there will be nothing that could stop him from hurting whomever he considers responsible for hurting your relationship. He is very possessive of you, and he can easily hurt someone to protect you and your relationship.
If you do something he disagrees with, he can become aggressive with you, showing his extreme attachment to you, and demanding that you do exactly as he says. He seeks absolute control over you, constantly monitoring you, and making sure that you're not interacting with anyone that is not of his approval.
He could even go as far as stalking you and taking away any opportunity that could end with someone else taking you out of his life. To keep you for himself, he'll even use other methods like emotional blackmail. No matter what happens, he'll do anything he can, at any cost, to make sure that you're his.
If he feels like you are avoiding him, he'll become a jealous wreck, thinking that you're hanging out with others too much. He'd obsessively call you and demand detailed explanations of your actions and whereabouts. And if he couldn't see you, he'd become enraged and start suspecting you of cheating on him. In short, when not by your side, he'd become a hot-headed maniac.
He can be very affectionate and caring towards you once he's sure that you're really under his control. He'll shower you with all his attention and affection, calling you pet names and treating you with love despite his obsessive nature. He might also be prone to being clingy and demanding your attention and time.
He can become quite hot-headed when it comes to fighting with you. He'd become outraged and explosive if he felt like you were not listening to him. He'd argue and scream loudly, not caring about what he said in front of other people. He'd resort to anything to prove that he's right and will not admit any mistakes that are made from his side. He'd become stubborn and inflexible, insisting that he was correct and unable to listen to other alternatives. He'd easily get aggravated and lash out both physically and verbally towards you.
If he feels like you're disrespecting him or your relationship, he'd easily get angry and retaliate with punishments to make you understand that there are consequences to not complying with his demands. He'd punish you by not talking to you, not allowing you to go out, or not taking you to places that you like until he believes that your behavior and the situation have improved.
In contrast to punishments, he'd reward you for following his instructions. He'd give you gifts, praise you for your good behavior, and shower you with affection and attention. He'd tell you how much he appreciates your relationship and how much he values you. He'd tell you that he loves you. He'd make you feel loved and needed, making sure that you feel appreciated and acknowledged for your loyalty and commitment towards him.
Despite his obsessive tendencies, he can carry himself confidently and appropriately in front of others when not angry, giving off a sense of stability and maturity. His yandere nature is mostly reserved only for your intimate and private life. He tries to not show that side of him around others, making sure to keep it only a private affair between you both.
His family might see him in a completely different light, unaware of his obsessive tendencies towards you. They might interpret his protective nature over you as pure concern for your well-being and safety. They'd be shocked if they knew of his extreme jealous tendencies and how aggressive he can become when it comes to guarding your relationship.
When you're on dates, he'd be extremely possessive and jealous, constantly watching you and paying attention to how you interact with people at the place where you're having your date. Any time a waiter approaches you for any reason, he'd become immediately aggressive. He'd insist on paying for the whole date, but his possessiveness would be so severe to the point of even wanting to decide what you eat and drink. He'd be too much of a control freak and want to dictate every aspect of your time together.
Getting married to you would put his obsessive tendencies on full display. He would be a possessive and controlling husband, not allowing anyone else to see you or have access to you. Anything that doesn't go according to plan would make him angry and upset, possibly leading to violent outbursts. In the end, this possessive nature would be an intense display of his strong attachment and love for you, even though it might seem excessive.
If you were to have children, the relationship would become more chaotic. He would be a possessive and obsessive father, constantly watching over the children and ensuring that their upbringing is exactly as he desires it. He'd be protective of them and wouldn't want anyone to meddle with their lives. He'd be very strict and demanding about their education, manners, and behavior. He'd be very cautious about who they befriend and play with, wanting them to spend most of their time with him.
If you couldn't have children or didn't want to have them, he'd struggle to accept your decision and would be very upset. He'd go as far as to pressure you into changing your mind/getting someone else to carry the baby because he really wants a family of his own.
"In front of other people, I may appear to lack emotion and remain stoic, but inside, I'm constantly thinking of you. I feel your presence all around me, even when you're not here. I dream about you and envision a peaceful and blissful future together. I want to spend that future with you, as you're the only one I can call mine."
Public play - He enjoys the thrill of doing naughty things in public places where there's a risk of getting caught or seen by someone. This heightens the sense of taboo and danger for him.
Power exchange - He loves the idea of being in a position of power over someone else. Being able to dictate what you do, how you behave, and when/if you can come satisfies something deep within him.
Humiliation - Degrading you through name-calling, teasing, or even just verbally reminding you of how small you are compared to him is a major turn-on.
Breeding - The thought of impregnating you against your will or persuading you to get pregnant by him is incredibly erotic even if you can't actually get pregnant. Knowing that he's left his mark on you in such a permanent way is incredibly satisfying for him.
Spanking - Hitting you with a paddle. Or even just a plain hand. Spanking you until you're red and sore. And then fucking you while you're still sore from the spanking. So it feels like you're more submissive and vulnerable at that point.
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greycloudsinwinter · 10 months ago
Yandere Stannis Baratheon headcanon.
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🦌 Stannis is and always has been known as the younger brother of Robert Baratheon. The heir encase Robert failed to farther children. However Robert did which made Stannis a bit bitter . You see Stannis wanted that throne more then anyone of those other lords and seeing his brother turn into a pig only made him angry more.
🦌when he meets you a young lady of a powerful house he is intrigued. His wife failing to give him a son was making him desperate and you were just so perfect.
🦌starts to court you in a way no one knows however in private you know what he is truly like.
🦌kills his own wife once she insults you . Now he needed a new wife to look after his daughter and to beat him sons.
🦌forcing you to marry him even as you begged him to let you go he just shook his head and told the septa to carry on. To which the septa did afraid for there life.
🦌once you are married you won’t escape . Anyone and I mean anyone that makes him jealous is killed. And your usually at his side so he doesn’t loose you.
🦌he will have the throne no matter the cost but he won’t take the throne if that means losing you.
🦌wants many children and by many I mean LOADS . Will be disappointed if it’s a girl but he still will love the child after all with you being so young he can try as many times as he needs to . To have a male heir.
🦌unhinged and devoted yandere .
Thank you for the request ❤️❤️
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gulnarsultan · 2 years ago
Imagine Yandere platonic Lannisters disappointment to know that Queen Rhaella escaped Westeros with Viserys 3 and unborn Daenerys. Oh, Lannisters would be furious.
Plot twist: Queen Rhaella Targaryen survived when Daenerys was born. Before she left Westeros, she left a letter which was written in Valyrian language. And who could know Valyrian language? That’s right Modern Reader. So when he and Jaime came back, he gives her a letter and asked her what does it say? Once Modern Reader reads the letter, everyone could see Reader’s shaking, and replied “I’ll see you again, Sweet girl. When I’ll find you, I’ll get you.” Modern Reader starts to shake even more with the thought of what Yandere Rhaella would do to her, when she comes back. And that’s how Stannis found out about Reader’s abuse by the Queen.
That’s scary. Also how would Yandere platonic Lannisters would comfort Modern Reader? Because thanks to the Queen, Reader is traumatised and have nightmares about it. Of course Reader would feel better that is, until someone would remind her of Rhaella or would call her “Sweet girl.��� Tywin would be hurt, because he and Joanna used to call her by that nickname.
So yea, I would like to know details of Lannisters and probably Baratheons comforting Modern Reader.
The Lannisters will do anything to help the reader get well. Robert will instruct the reader that no one should ever call him that again.
Robert: You don't have to be afraid. Those stupid Targaryens won't hurt you. The Baratheons will destroy them.
Reader :🥺 Thank you.
Robert: Besides, my brother Stannis would be very happy to protect you.
Robert : 😂
Stannis :😡
Reader : 🤭
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jessamine-rose · 10 months ago
*sobs* Rin, thank you for sharing this glorious idea. The brainrot is still consuming me, and I hope you don’t mind this addition \(//∇//)\
Tw:: yandere, violence, firearms
Note:: read Rin’s post first for context
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It’s natural for you to be visibly shaken. As you lower your gun, you want nothing more than to turn away from the fresh corpse and redirect your attention to Pantalone. To find solace in his proud smile and honeyed praise…though you still tremble as he provides points for improvement.
“My darling, how many times have I told you to calm down and focus? The last thing you’d want is to miss and hit your target in a noncritical area. I know you aren’t one to find delight in screams of pain.”
And if you were to ever point your gun at him? The moment your eyes meet, that is when you know you’ve lost. With every step he takes in your direction, it’s clear Pantalone can see past your mask of courage.
That’s how you find yourself backed up against a wall, the tip of your gun pressed against your lover’s chest. Bejeweled hands trace the barrel of your gun before reaching for your shaking wrist. And that is what snaps you back into action.
You pull the trigger.
When were the bullets removed?
You shoot again. And again. But your lover is still standing in front of you, gazing at you with bright eyes and an amused smile. The death grip around your wrist is an evident promise of your future punishment.
Blame him all you want for providing your gun and teaching you how to shoot.
But at the end of the day, darling, you are the one who pulled the trigger.
Tag a Pantalone enjoyer!! @beloved-blaiddyd @leftdestiny-posts @navxry @diodellet
cw.firearms, yandere(-ish?)
sorta inspired by Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast (Yandere!Wanderer & Pantalone/Reader) @/throwaway-yandere and this rb comment from ansy:
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blame them for this. it made me brainrot because my grandpa and mom were shooters (the legal kind where they'd go on competitions and stuff lol) and i used to shoot back in uni (honestly i wanted to learn to use a rifle instead of a pistol but all the girls chose pistols so peer pressure won hsldfjklsdf) and. and. and.....
pantalone with a gun.
pantalone who teaches you how to shoot, who fixes your posture and nudges your feet apart so you'd be more stable. who hums at the way your arm trembles and fails to straighten the first time you hold a gun and teaches you a trick to help with holding them. who gifts you your own gun with your initials engraved on the metal and a special holster for you to keep the said gun on your hip, close to you at all times.
pantalone who teaches you how to aim. who chuckles the first time you hear the loud gunfire and feel the recoil from the bullet. who hums in approval the first time you hit the center of the target card. who claps at your accomplishment when you finish one full round with all your bullets hitting the inner circle of the linear-moving marks.
pantalone whose hands gently rest on your trembling shoulders. who whispers lowly into your ears about how ready you are to move to real targets now. who glances darkly at the poor man who was kneeling in front of you, begging for forgiveness for bumping into you that one time when you both were on a little date.
"why don't you try to run? give my darling a challenge, hmm?"
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yanderes-galore · 4 months ago
Melisandre x Magician!reader? maybe one who is from Asshai as well
I wasn't quite sure what kind of magic user I was supposed to call darling as the universe has many types... so I tried to keep in general and make you a similar caster to Melisandre.
Yandere! Melisandre with Mage! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Dubious
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Invasive behavior, Violence, Religion, Sacrifices, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Forced kissing mention, Murder, Forced companionship/relationship.
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Asshai is a place that brings many Westerosi people a chill down their spine.
Not many know much about it and it has quite an ominous reputation.
No adventurer is brave enough to venture into it.
People barely are visible during the day... but it is known to hold many magic users.
Many come here to practice their taboo arts, such as worshiping dark Gods and using twisted spells.
While many magic users typically stay here, others venture off.
Essos as a whole is the most common place to find these dark magic users.
Each one is strong in witchcraft and wizardry.
Although, due to their ability to hide their appearance and intentions, sometimes they make their way to Westeros.
An example of this is Melisandre.
There's not a lot known about these magic users.
Ages and behaviors are often hidden, shrouded in lies.
So it's impossible for anyone but the user to know their true identity.
But they seem to forget themselves if they have to play the part for too long.
Melisandre seeing another magic user like herself, maybe even another Shadowbinder, could be interesting.
Usually such magic users are isolated from one another, often blending in with other crowds.
Although, since it's so rare for two Shadowbinders or magic users to be so close outside of Essos or the Shadow Lands...
Melisandre may assume meeting you was fate.
You might feel that way too... But while Melisandre thinks you two meeting was a good thing...
You might not.
Melisandre may be under the impression you're here to help her guide Azor Ahai.
In reality, you probably sense misfortune if you helped her or stayed near her.
Melisandre would be interested in your skills as a magic user.
She's curious about you since you're also from Asshai like most sorcerers and mages.
Although... her time in Asshai is not too fondly remembered... She's still… obsessed with you in particular..
Not only that but she wants to convince you to help her.
She prays to her God through sacrifice that you will be a guiding light for her goals.
She tries to convince you and Stannis you're needed for the grand plan.
If they do not have you...
Failure may occur.
Melisandre is delusional at times, she genuinely believes she needs you.
She's unsure of why... but she's insistent on you coming with her.
You try to slip away, to avoid her as much as you can.
Unfortunately, you both know fate is a strong thing, it's difficult to fight if you can at all...
So, you may be forced to join Melisandre's side by Stannis hunting you down.
After all, if Melisandre said you are needed, then he'll have you.
Which greatly pleases Melisandre.
Melisandre is a deceptive and manipulative person, which allows her to convince others of her delusions.
Stannis trusts her word so much, capturing you is as easy as saying it's for a plan.
Since Melisandre and you are so mysterious, many Westerosi wouldn't bat an eye at two magic practitioners being needed to fulfill a prophecy.
In reality, who knows if Melisandre wants you for the prophecy or not.
She may just want you for other reasons.
Companionship comes to mind... but the nature of it is seemingly unknown to you.
Seven Hells, even you can't read Melisandre's intentions with you.
She needs you badly enough to capture you...
But you aren't sure why.
Although... Maybe she's the reason you were driven to Westeros in the first place?
Have you met before...?
You might have had a different skin back then... yet you doubt she's taken you in for a reunion.
When you speak to Melisandre, she always speaks of destiny.
She says she's seen visions of you both helping Azor Ahai destroy the Great Other.
However, your own visions show burning ruins beside Melisandre.
When you bring it up, Melisandre denies them and says you need more trust.
You're simply not looking in the right place... or not asking the right God.
Melisandre forces you to aid her in rituals, regardless of if they fall under your religion or not.
She claims the non-believers burning on this pyre are being freed...
She claims it's all necessary.
In reality, you feel it's a subtle threat.
That if you don't listen and give in to her... She may make you the next pyre.
Melisandre is strange even to you.
You've seen many horrific practices in the Shadow Lands.
But you find Melisandre's behavior odd.
She's oddly touchy, affectionate, flirty...
Of course, seduction is merely one way she makes people listen to her.
You can tell Melisandre wants you to listen and trust her.
If you do not follow her religion, she no doubt tries to convert you.
She's done that to many and feels in her God's light... You two can be perfect.
You assume Melisandre has a fascination with you.
Again... you try to ignore it... until Melisandre gets more assertive.
She tries to break you in, to seduce you to her cause and bring power to Azor Ahai.
She may even kiss your skin or lips, pleading with you to give in.
Yet you keep denying her.
It irritates her when you ignore her plans.
Even more so when you try to leave....
Melisandre would take you fighting her as just being misguided.
She tries to give you affection... warmth... love... you don't change.
She tries to make you practice her religion, you decline.
Melisandre would just about lose it if you pushed her away and tried to escape.
It appears you'll never learn... oh well...
Imagine if Melisandre then told Stannis he needs to have you recaptured.
You're a needed sacrifice in the plan.
Imagine being recaptured and dragged towards a pyre in the camp.
Melisandre orders you tied to the pyre before strolling closer.
She cups your cheek, whispering how she wishes you'd just lend your power to her cause.
Unfortunately... It appears this was your destiny.
With one final kiss to your lips, Melisandre backs up.
Then the pyre ignites.
She tells Stannis this was to help their plan.
She has a twisted grin on her face as she watches you squeal and writhe.
The flames are your ruin.
But to her, she thinks it's salvation.
In reality, she wanted you to be cleansed in her God's name...
Plus, this way, you're all hers in the end.
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missglaskin · 1 year ago
Regarding the works I have in my drafts that may come out soon enough (I hope with the finals week and all) out of curiosity which one are you guys most excited for?
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cdragons · 2 years ago
Like a Wave, She Broke; But Like the Sea, She Persevered
A Robb Stark x Yi Ti fem!OC/Reader & GOT AU Fic
Chapter One: Farewell/Goodbye
Next Chapter
Author's Note: Hello, so I am very new to writing fanfiction, and also I have never read any of the books, but I have done a lot of research. This fic will be mostly based on the show Game of Thrones, but it will take elements from the books (especially for the characters Euron Greyjoy and Stannis Baratheon). Also there is practically no information of the language/culture of Yi Ti according to GRRM. So taking in mind that it is supposed to be inspired by "Imperial China," I used simplified Mandarin because while I do think Cantonese would be better considering how the geography is inspired by southeastern China, I need pinyin and can only speak Mandarin. I will offer translations at the bottom. Also for the names, I am not perfectly clear how they work so I basically tried to make a name using characters that I felt would have a lot of impact together.
Warning(s): This fanfiction will include dark themes of the following: sexual content, sexual abuse, violence and violent themes, child trafficking, depression, angst (so much angst), and dark/yandere attitudes. (Please comment if I had missed anything)
“I made it… I actually made it.” I thought to myself as I slumped onto the deck, relief flooding my body as my legs start to give out in exhaustion. I managed to get onto the ship just before it left the dock. I close my eyes and try to breath as waves rock me back and forth like a never-ending pendulum. The last time I had been on a ship felt like several lifetimes ago, although I supposed that it was true in more ways than one. For as I had so fervently sworn to never step foot onto another ship, I could not deny that a part of my heart was soothed by the familiar cries of gulls, the thundering orders of those and command, and the waves crashing against the wood of a vessel completely at its mercy. Still, I felt myself turning green, and soon 黛玉 (Dài yù) is curling up next to me, offering much needed comfort. I curl myself around her, and breathe in her fur. Her fur, whether dry from a nearby fire or soaked in red life, smells of cypress, smoked sandalwood, and spices. It reminds me of Winterfell, of the North, of my second home. Once again, I thank Lord Stark in allowing me to keep my sweet shadowcat when I found her as an orphaned kitten from a band of poachers that had already killed her family and intended to skin them for profit. As I continued to stroke her luscious black and white striped fur, I felt 黛玉's (Dài yù) deep purrs turn to breathing becoming deeper and more consistent to signal she was about to sleep. And just when I was about to do the same, hoping for sleep to be dreamless, I heard my name being shouted out in pure agony.
“龙力 (Lóng lì)!” My head shot up while 黛玉 (Dài yù) immediately became alert and ready to strike any figures that posed a danger to us. I turned my head to look at the dock we just left, and to my horror I found a figure so far that he might have been a trick of light. But I remember those eyes, those clear blue eyes. Eyes despite their clarity, were filled with more fury than any storm I had witnessed out in the seas. Eyes belonging to a figure that once stood tall looked broken and defeated, as if their shoulders had been burdened by the gods themselves, although I supposed in a way they had. Next to him was direwolf the size of a small horse holding his head high, and howled so forlornly as if the ship was a floating pyre.
“Robb.” I croak out, my voice sounded so unfamiliar to me. I tried to look away, but I knew if I did, I would never forgive myself. So, I gazed into his eyes trying to shout out every apology I could think of, begging for his forgiveness. When his figure disappeared, I turned around and let out a sob I didn’t realize was there. I curled into myself, reach to my necklace and grasp on the black pendant and pray to any god that would listen. 黛玉 (Dài yù) mewled softly before laying her head on top of mine, even wrapping her arms around me, as if she were a mother soothing a weeping child. I could not bear to see her blue eyes, so frozen yet alive with winter fire. I knew that sleep would never come for me tonight. So instead, I prayed that Robb would not let his impulsiveness cloud his judgement, that he will only focus on the war and freeing the North. I prayed that he will forget me and move on to find happiness of his own and to grow old and happy with a good woman by his side and his siblings all together. But above all, I prayed that he would let me go and let me be free. I do this until my mind blacks out, and a memory had played out as if I was a spectator to moment that did not belong to me.
~Flashback of 7 ago~
“龙力 (Lóng lì),” I decided, gazing at the stone turned dragon pendant handed to me, knowing the confusion that must be filling Robb Stark’s eyes, “my family name is 王 (Wáng), but my first name will be 龙力.” My parents’ sweet “小玉 (Xiao Yu)” no longer existed, she her lullabies were gone forever, but she will never forgotten, not her nor her parents, never again. But “龙 (Lóng)” had taken her place, it was born from the anguish of the small jade in order to a dragon that clawed out of anguish.  “龙 (Lóng)” was a dragon, and dragons carried a magic within them that could never die, not even when the world demanded it. My grandmother was partly right, I was not born a dragon, I was but I was made into one. As for “力 (Lì)”, that would be something of my own. “力 (Lì)” was a testament to my strength. Even before being a dragon, I was strong. I had a strength of my own that belonged to no one but me. And although it had been cracked and broken down repeatedly, it remained. The events forced upon me to realize that strength, however unfortunate, will not go unrewarded.  This pendent was evidence of that, that if a piece of jade can transform and be molded into a strong dragon, then so can I.
I turn and face Robb Stark, the boy I thought was a spoiled and obnoxious brat that had everything handed to him while so many others claw for just a scrap of his fortune, and give him the first hug that I have given anyone since my parents died. I hold for so long and tight that he has to push me away for air. I smiled with tears almost spilling from my eyes, happiness overtaking me for the first time in what felt like a lifetime ago. I kissed both his cheeks, and he turned so red that he tried to sputter out a response, but I beat him to do it.
“王龙力 (Wang Long Li),” I beamed so brightly, “that will be my name. I finally have decided on my name, it is the only thing that was not given to me but what I gave to myself. It is important, too important, but you deserve to be the first to know. I will wear this forever, thank you so much. Thank you so much.” I hugged him once more, and felt his arms wrap around me before tightening and even saw the tips of his ears turning bright red before Maester Luwin came upon us and I showed him my pendent and told him my name. I didn’t have to tell him the meaning of a name, his smile told me enough.
~Flashback Ends~
Waking up I realized that I was still grasping on the black pendant as if it was the only thing that kept me from falling completely apart. I should have left it behind, but I knew it wasn’t a possibility. If I had to take only one thing that could possibly link me to my past, from the youthful joy and spilled blood in Yi Ti, to the beautiful hope and horrendous tragedies in Winterfell, I couldn’t leave it. This pendent meant far too much, for it alone was the sole witness to my life (past, present, and soon-to-be future). It had seen every moment in the life of that once naïve and sweet 小玉 (Xiǎoyù) that played along the warm breezes of the Jade Seas, the 小玉 (Xiǎoyù) that laughed to her parent’s singing songs of the Jade Emperor, the same one that witnessed her family’s slaughter and was stolen away until she no longer laughed, no longer smiled, and eventually forgotten her own voice. The precious and rare black jade that was eventually picked from the pockets of tattered rags to be used as a paperweight by Euron Greyjoy, forgotten by the shadow of a girl who was robbed of every joy and security that should have been her right from birth. A girl who became so broken, who’s soul became so lost, she carved through men with her knifes with such masterful and impassioned fervor and searched through the gashes with such sober and languid eyes to see if she could find hers in their bodies.
But it also witnessed the gaining of her strength, starting at the glimmer of remembrance in hearing an old lullaby sung by a mother with features similar to her own. Every time she snuck away to hear the woman sing, her eyes daring to show wistfulness as opposed to chilling apathy, the black jade could feel the little girl that was constantly struck down finally begin to stand and walk again. Every step that the girl took, the black jade that lost its luster from being forgotten had slowly regained its shine. Even when the kind woman that sung so sweetly was broken in, taken by the wicked pirate’s men and himself, her face with warm eyes and tender smiles, was mutilated beyond recognition, the girl did not fall again. Instead, her eyes held righteous fury and body was fueled by liquid lightning. Quick were her hands in drugging those men, meticulous and masterful were her fingers in slicing through their facial nerves, cruel glee dancing in her eyes as they could make no sound but knowing they felt everything, the sheer intensity and determination of her strength in hoisting their bodies underneath the sail’s pole. So easily could the black jade remain forgotten, once more losing its luster and shine, but the girl had decided that she would no longer forget the little girl in Yi Ti. Because although that girl was gone, dying the day she was sold in Qarth, she knew that the girl still deserved to be remembered, as did the people she loved that died with that girl.
With that decision, this new girl took only a blanket and the jade before changing into a pair of breeches and tunic that sagged over her body to prevent any suspicion of her sex, left Euron Greyjoy to venture to a new place. A place where she would meet a kind and good man, one who she would gladly devote her life in serving and protecting. She would meet his family, his wife and children. A wife that would take one look at the girl, and think her too savage and wild. But knowing in her heart that the girl was someone who would torture herself before letting any harm befalling her family. Children, all so different yet each one had a foundation of wildness, and were raised with so much unconditional love and loyalty that witnessing it had quickly thawed the suspicious girl’s icy walls. A place where she would meet another Greyjoy, but a different Greyjoy, a better one. A Greyjoy whose blood was Ironborn, but his heart would be northern. A northern boy whose blood carried the salt of the sea, but whose heart and soul were strengthened and bathed by the snow, the trees, and the winds of northern land. A boy who she distrusted before slowly and surely becoming her found brother, and she becoming his found sister. A place where she who had sea water in her veins, was not born in the biting inland North but the tropical breezes from the Jade Seas, slowly rebuilt herself from the ground up and fortified her soul with new memories, new happiness, and most of all, a new name. A name she gave herself, with the help of a boy with auburn curls and blue crystalline eyes that shimmered with wide smiles as he gave her the greatest gift that she vowed to carry with her so long as she breathed.
I let out a shaky breath as I once more closed my eyes and began to pray. I never prayed so much in my life before now. I was never one to pray, never one to truly believe in higher beings despite the stories of ancient and powerful magic I heard as a girl that I once believed in, the same stories I told to Bran and Rickon when they entered my rooms to protect them from nightmares. But my grandmother told me that there is usually no point in praying to the gods, because the gods never listen, and if they do, they will often do the opposite just to spite you. She said they had already laid out plans, and we were at their mercy without hope to change it. But maybe just this once, she was wrong. But maybe there are gods that listen, that will hear this unworthy girl’s prayer, that might grant her this one thing. I always thought I was a good granddaughter, always following and listening to my grandmother’s words.
I should have listened better.
*Switching POV’s to Robb*
As the Young Wolf stood there on the port, watching as the ship that carried his love farther and farther away from his arms, looking more and more like the broken boy that cried his heart out when his father died and less and less like the shapeshifting King that tore apart his enemies in the battlefield sung amongst smallfolk across Westeros.
“Your grace, do you want us to commandeer that ship in order to search for the fugitive? It isn’t too late; we can still hope to catch up to it if we use a galley with our strongest men.” Smalljon Umber tried listing off other ways to get to the ship, and was more than ready to do it himself. But Robb knew that doing so would be of no help to him. He knew what game his lady was playing, and he will let her think she had the upper hand for now.
“No.” Robb steeled himself into his full height and once more became the Young Wolf feared in the South. His eyes no longer full of sorrow as they just moments before, now they were filled with ice and a cold fire that looked it would burn you as horribly as it would freeze you in an instant should you be so unfortunate as to touch it. “Now we continue with our goal, marching to King’s Landing and littering the South with Lannister dead until they acknowledge the North’s independence and free my sister Sansa.” Gone was the naïve lovestruck boy, and in his place had risen a hardened leader that had a blade hungry for blood and screams. “But first we gather up the Frey’s and Bolton’s and call for their execution immediately. When Walder Frey’s and Roose Bolton’s heads are separated from their necks, I intend to make them gifts to Tywin Lannister.”
“Fly, fly, fly little dragon,” Robb’s mind hiding the dark whispers swirling in his head. “Fly as far as you can, but know that you will never escape the wolf you cheated.” Anger and fury had further cemented in his bones with each step he took to his steed. He realized long ago his feeling for his cruel lady love. He was enchanted by Talisa’s warmth and kindness, believing that she could be enough to thaw away your bitter chill. But it was all for naught, for nothing could replace you. He should have known this the moment he set his eyes on you when his father first brought you to Winterfell all sullen and feral but strong and determined. When bitterness and jealousy filled him as he heard you laughing at Theon’s stories and saw you two sitting together at dinner. When he caught you gazing at your black rock that you protected so fiercely and he longed to have you feel that way towards him.
“Ah yes, her precious stone,” Robb almost smiled as he remembered one of his most treasured memories, as it was the first time you truly smiled and it was the day you decided your name, “how could possibly forget that day?”
~Flashback to 7 years ago~
“My grandmother gave it to me,” your accent still a little thick when talking in Common Tongue, but you were making extremely good progress according to Maester Luwin, “she said that I would need it one day in order to protect me.”
“Why? Father won’t let anything happen to you while in Winterfell.” Robb thought this obvious, for his father was the strongest and most powerful man in all of the North, and it filled him immense pride and joy in being his son. His father was good and honorable man, one who always kept his promises to each and every one of his people as the Lord of Winterfell. “He promised you when you got here that no one would ever harm you so long you lived under the protection of the Starks.”
“I know all that,” you stated as you rolled your eyes. Of course, you knew that Lord Stark would keep his promise in keeping you safe, as Ned Stark was likely the best man in the world. “But I think it’s for something different, something bigger.”
“What do you mean by ‘bigger’?”
“I am not sure, but all I know is that my grandmother said that this stone would protect me when I would need it most. She said that this particular form of jade was only precious for those who needed it for its magic.”
“Magic?” Robb now rolled his eyes; you were trying to trick him. “That’s what old people tell kids in order for them to behave and not run in passageways and not track mud into the keep.”
“She said that it would lead me to my fate, to a place full of snow and ice and water with little green in the North.” Your eyes had a far-off look; your eyes only looked like that when you were remembering something. Robb hoped it was something good. “She told me that there was a role I had to play in this place, and that the jade would lead me to it.”
“But how will it protect you?” Robb was quickly growing irate. How could a measly stone protect you better than his father, the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North? A role that he will take over as his heir, making you also under his protection.
“She said that jade protects your spirit and mind from harmful forces, but I must carry it with me and never forget it. Otherwise, it will lose its power.”
“But why does it need to be black? Can’t it do its job if it were white or grey?”
You shook your head. “She told me that it had to be black. In Yi Ti, black is the color of the North, and the North’s element is water, so that means black is the color for water in the North. I think…I’m not sure what she meant, 妈妈爸爸说她喜欢...” you paused as you realized you were speaking in your native tongue; your cheeks grew flushed in embarrassment. Robb pretended that the rosy hue didn’t look the least bit adorable, “I mean, my mama and papa said she liked to…babble I think you call it? But what I do know that it is too important and I need to carry it with me.” Your voice quieted down as faint footsteps crunch the snow behind you only to find Maester Luwin. Deciding that you were done speaking, you stood up and ran to him to see if he could spend some extra time with you how to read and write out Common Tongue.
In that moment, Robb had the most brilliant idea in the world. Truth be told, the preparations alone were remarkably tedious and was probably more trouble than it was worth for a girl Robb had known for a fairly short period of time. It took weeks of searching the castle town to see if any of the jewelers had even heard of “black jade,” let alone worked with it. It was by some miracle only performed by the gods that he half stumbled upon an elderly near blind carver that once apprenticed under a master jeweler who dedicated his life in studying the different practices across the world in the slums. However, Robb was not so young and green to life to expect such luck to spring in his path without something else in demand. But the old man simply asked the chance to meet the wearer of the finished product so that he may see the face of the person who captured the young heir’s heart.
“Though my eyes have almost lost their sight, make no mistake that this old man had lived long enough to know that those in your position would not go so far for someone that did not mean a great deal to you.” He spoke so softly as if witnessing a memory unraveling before him. “And if I had the fortune of my sight, I am sure that your eyes would betray what you deny.”
It took great efforts separating the stone from you, and Robb truly feared for his life if you found out it was him that took it before the product was completed. Thankfully, the old man was a master craftsman, with tools made of bone and fingers so nimble and quick you would never think the man blind at all. When Robb had presented the dragon pendent to you, you first lashed at him something fierce, but in seeing the work had your words failed you. When your eyes lit up and you hugged him so tightly that he thought all the wind had left him, Robb found himself unable to speak. When you had been pushed so that he could breathe, but kissed his cheeks with tears in your eyes, did Robb hear his heart beat at an ungodly pace. Finally, when you had gifted him your name with happiness in your voice, when you chose him to be the first to know your name, did Robb realize that from that day forward, he loved you. He knew you to be the keeper of his heart and soul since he was a lad to when he would become a man.
~End of Flashback~
When he had first awoken from his injuries, barely able to breathe, and you were sitting next to him. Your eyes were filled with glee as you reached for his waterskin and tipped it so gently and carefully to not spill on his wounds. As laid on his cot, cursing himself for falling for such a trap and endangering his men and causing the death of his wife and unborn child. You said no words, only when you so lovingly placed your arms around his neck, allowing his head to rest on your shoulder, did he fall silent. He sat up and held you against him with both arms as you laid tender kisses in his hair. When he looked into your eyes, and begged you to kiss him as he wanted you to for as so long, and though your eyes were uncertain you laid him down on his back, and placed your lips upon his. In that moment Robb’s world felt so whole and happiness had filled so completely that tears escaped and a sob of pure joy was choked out. He knew that he was yours, he always had been, but finally you were his. How happy he was when you pulled away and smiled down at him so sweetly, and you told him to rest so that he can gain strength to fight for his kingdom, his people, his family. How deliriously in love was he in doing exactly as you asked.
And imagine the confusion he felt when he had awoken expecting you by side, only to be met with his lost little sister Arya and his mother. Imagine the fear in hearing how you had left the camp as part of a deal to save him and his men. Imagine the betrayal coursing through him learning that you drugged the water you placed on his lips with a powerful drug that would put him in a heavy sleep that was meant to last a week rather than only 3 days. Imagine the unadulterated fury filling his body as he quickly dressed and called for his steed and Grey Wind to track your scent. And imagine how his heart broke watching the ship being released from its dock, and in a final act of desperation to see your face, he called out your name as Grey Wind let out an ear-shattering howl. Imagine the joy he felt seeing your body turn and your eyes gazed into one another, knowing you hadn’t expected to find you so quickly.
“You will run, you will hide, you can do whatever it takes to be away from me. It will not matter, for in the end I will find you.” Robb’s vow was further his cemented as he rode closer to his camp, ready were the words to carry out the traitors’ executions. “You thought you could escape your wolf, when really all you did was prolong your inevitable fate as his future queen.” Robb’s teeth clenched as he thought this, how stupid you were indeed. To think he would ever let you go now that he tasted your lips, felt your body pressed against his chest, saw your sweet smile as you laid him down to rest. Oh, what he planned to do to you the moment you were in his arms, his cock grew strained and he could feel it leaking at just the thought of him claiming you. He relished at the thought of gazing upon your naked body, laying kisses and bites upon your collarbone and neck for the world to see. He was desperate to suck and nip your breasts as he plays with your soaked cunt with his thick fingers. He could see it so perfectly, you begging for him to mate with you like the bitch in heat you are, begging for his thick cock to ruin you for anyone who even thinks to look at you. How you mewl so obscenely as he slowly slides his throbbing member into your tight heat. Once he is fully sheathed into your wet cunt, and his tip kisses the entrance of your womb, as he intends to go at an ungodly pace with you at his mercy begging to be filled by his pups. How happy you are when he releases load into your womb and praying to the gods old and new that you can be blessed with a child immediately. And how he intends to do so over and over and over until his name is the only thing you can remember.
黛玉 (Dài yù): Black Jade
龙力 (Lóng lì): Dragon Force
王 (Wáng): king, but in this context of the story, it just serves as a very common surname
小玉 (Xiǎoyù): Little Jade
妈妈爸爸说她喜欢... (Māmā bàba shuō tā xǐhuān...): Mom and Dad say she likes to...
Please be kind as this is the first fanfic and smut I have even written, but still please like, comment, and reblog!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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ilynpilled · 2 years ago
Top 5 tsundere asoiaf characters 🧐
1. jaime
2. sandor
3. arya
4. stannis
5. joncon (with tyrion)
but the most important dere type in the series that should be discussed is davos being a yandere. this post was brought to you by real stavos patriots
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grrmartin-plz-dont-die · 1 year ago
Yo Stannis and Davos are so yandere why hasn't anybody told me
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months ago
Himbo Baratheon gets betrothed and all of his brothers keep trying to sabotage the proposal, not wanting anyone to steal their beloved brother away from them.
I’m just imagining Home Alone (or really any early Disney show) type of antics. Like, here are these grown ass men pulling out these childish and honestly idiotic shenanigans to keep their brother from getting stolen away from them. And by “grown as men” I mainly mean Robert and Renly. Stannis would be the one to come in and actually come up with a cohesive plan that works in their favor.
I also could totally see a young!Renly and a younger!Robert having pulled these exact same stunts in their youth whenever there was any talks of betrothals for Himbo!Baratheon!Reader in general. Their stunts only got worse when there was an actual romantic interest in the picture. And because they thought it worked for them then, then it of course will work all the same now too. It would be the only time the other Baratheon brothers actually work together for something.
I can’t help but envision King Robert and older Renly hiding and peeking behind a corner, watching their beloved brother in the midst of courting someone only for them to have sent out a rat that scares the ever loving life out of the offensive newcomer and they fall into a nearby water fountain or better yet over the side of the castle and land in the water below. Then again, I’m also sure that at least one time in their youth Robert full on distracted Himbo!Baratheon!Reader while young!Renly snuck up and full on pushed whoever the Reader was courting out a window. So, it could either play out as fun, gimmicky shenanigans that somehow end up working or complete and utter murder.
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years ago
Yandere Husbands prt 2
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
Second and final part. Now I don’t know anything about most of these characters since I’m not a book reader, so I won’t be doing Doran, Arthur, or Gerald. 
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
  Aeys 2
x sister reader
YN was the twin of Rhaella Targaryen, but unlike her twin she and Aerys had gotten along quite well. She’d read to him as he practiced his sword stances, he’d talk on and on about his aspirations to be knighted, and they’d dream about their futures. YN did also get along with her twin Rhaella, the two having nothing but good things to say about the other. Rhaella was the one to tell her first about her love for Ser Bonifer Hasty, YN was certain that if they asked their grandfather he’d allow her to marry her love. But it wasn’t to last, as their father believed that the prince who was promised would come from Aerys and Rhaella’s line. Aerys protested, demanding that he instead marry YN and they at least liked each other. YN held her twin in her arms as Rhaella sobbed, her own heart slightly breaking. But she complied, they all did. Stefan and Tywin offered sympathies but insisted they must all do their duty. The wedding was a somber affair. 
After the disaster at Summerhall and the birth of her nephew Rhaegar, Aerys approached YN. Saying that he still loved her and wanted to be with her, but YN pushed him away. He was married to her twin and she would not cause undue humiliation to her sister by indulging in his desires, and besides she was betrothed to a dornish prince. Finishing off her rejection with “You have an heir now, let me go to have children.” But he would not. One day, Rhaella was found dead in her chambers, her baby crying out for its mother. YN suspected poison but had no proof. When the question of marriage came up, Aerys demanded his father marry his sister to him. It wasn’t until 262ac, when their father died did Aerys get his wish. Despite the protests from Tywin, Nobles, and YN. 
As king no one would deny him. YN was afraid of her brother now, doing her best to watch over her nephew, now stepson, for her sister Rhaella. The law by Queen Alysanne years ago made it so that the heirs from the first marriage would not be disinherited by the second marriage. For the first years of his reign Aerys had the sense to listen to his hand. YN was grateful for Tywin, being able to be the realist to Aerys grand plans and ambitions. Yet as the years went on, Aerys started to grow irritated at the sight of his wife being friendly with his hand. When YN was finally deemed pregnant, Aerys' paranoia grew. He wanted a healthy child. So he isolated YN from everyone, never letting her see the mistresses he took. One tried to slap away the moon tea offered, and Aerys strangled the woman to death. Eventually, Aerys' paranoia became very apparent. He was cocky and began to disregard advice from everyone, even YN. After her pregnancy, YN had given birth to a pale little boy Viserys lll, and he found himself in her bedroom not caring if she wanted it or not. YN’s nephew Rhaegar tried to defend her, but Aerys would slap the boy away. By the time Duskendale was stirring trouble, YN was forced to birth 5 children. Three of which were miscarried due to Aerys rough behavior with her. Tywin tried to step in once but backed away. YN was always grateful for him, but in the end there was nothing that could stop Aerys from having her. One morning after Aerys had been on top of her all night, he mentioned he was going to duskendale YN tried to say that it was a bad idea, but had unknowingly mentioned Tywin. She was met with a slap, he held her hair tight and kissed her hard. 
“You are my sweet sister. If you mention his name again, I’ll have his burnt corpse presented to our children as a warning not to get between us.” YN hoped he would die in Duskendale.
Cregan Stark
(velaryon reader, just imagine maybe Laenor was able to do it once, so YN is the fraternal twin of Jaec)
Usually First Men descendants did not marry non first men, but Cregan wanted no one but the daughter of the princess. YN was the twin sister to Jaecerys Velaryon, unlike her brother she had darker skin and white hair. Cregan was enamored with the girl, but her beauty was only one layer. She also had a mouth on her, and could beat him at his own drinking games. After a month of bonding the boys swore an oath of brotherhood. Cregan and YN met under the weirwood tree, swearing love vows to each other. When it came to the issue of allegiance to The Queen, Rhaenyra, Cregan swore to her on condition that YN stay with him and one day marry him. Jaecerys and YN seemed to agree, as long as YN could do her part for her mother in the war. Her dragon Alaxys was eager to fly in the air. 
During the Dance, YN flew point with her brother, and always returned back to the north. She seemed to like the cold more than the warm south. Her betrothed Cregan was always happy to have her back in her arms. He denied her almost nothing, except when she wanted to fight in the Battle of the Gullet and fly to Kings landing for her mother. Cregan had said no, practically holding her down when she ran for her dragon. He could not lose her. When she fought him, vowing that if he stopped her she’d hate him forever. At that he locked her in the warmest room, sitting outside the room hearing her sob and scream in agony. When the news of her brother's death came, YN screamed at Cregan calling him a traitor and a monster. But the death of her mother broke her, she became cold and angry. Stating to Cregan that she wanted to honor her oath, he was already planning to honor the north’s promise and took his betrothed south.
The hour of the wolf began with Alaxys landing in Kings landing with YN and Cregan on her back. The north remembered and the dragon burned with fury. Cregan spared no traitors, for the oath he held and for the love he had for his betrothed. YN was by her little brother’s side as Cregan delivered her vengeance. Alaxys burned the ones YN deemed deserving, Cregan took rest’s heads. When the hour of the wolf ended, YN was hesitant to leave her brother. Cregan reminded her of her vow to him, that they were fire and ice destined to be. She tried to reason that her brother needed her counsel as he was still a child, but his fingers dug deep into her arms. Vowing that he held no mercy for those who broke their oath. With much resistance, Cregan took her back to the north. Alaxys had spent so much time in the cold that she did not feel comfortable in the warmth of the south. They were married as soon as they returned north. It was a tumultuous marriage, full of love and fights. Sometimes YN would blame him for the death of her family, stating that he prevented her from saving them. He would lock her away in their rooms during those times. Eventually Cregan would not let others see her. They even had to fly together, as YN was not allowed to be in the air alone. Cregan enveloped her whole life, but the north remembered their vow of love, and he would not let her break it. She was bound to ice. 
Rickard Stark
(Now I don’t know much about him other than the wiki stuff so please be kind)
YN did not notice the possession Rickard had for her. They were happily married for a long time, she gave him several children. During the time of Aerys ii reign, YN grew more fearful of the south. Not trusting that the Targaryens would keep away from the north. Her fears were proven to be true when the prince had stolen their daughter Lyanna. She begged her son Brandon not to venture south to retrieve her, but he was a Stark and he was loyal. The news of her son's imprisonment caused a great fury in her. The King in response, asked for her to come to the south. 
Rickard wouldn’t let her go alone, so he placed the maester in charge as they both traveled down south. Once at the red keep, Rickard kept to the shadows as YN pleaded for the release of her children. The king put on the image of listening, but instead just stared at her body. He requested to meet her later in his office chambers, against her better judgment she did. Her husband hid in the shadows the whole time. 
As soon as Aerys inevitably moved to assault her, Rickard emerged from the shadows and cut him down. The shocked shouts of his wife were drowned by his fury as he repeatedly brought the sword down onto his body. Damn his honor, his wife needed defending. YN tried to pull him off, but he pushed her away. When the king was unrecognizable, Rickard turned his blood soaked face to YN. She stepped back as he stepped forward, eventually she hit the bed shaking as he towered over her. He took on that bed, his own mad eyes shone with lusty glee. Adrenaline drowning out YN’s cries. He would be her king forever. 
Eddard Stark
YN was Ned’s Second wife. Catelyn had passed giving birth to Sansa. YN was Ned’s first love, even if she did not view him that way. Her place was in Starfall, in the warmth of the south. But when Ned asked for her hand and YN refused, he locked them both in her room. He never laid a hand to her, but he went on and on about how she was abandoning him. That his children already had to grow without a birth mother, was she that cruel to deny them a second chance. He would have none but her, and if she would not have him then he would die. Did she want that? For his children to be fatherless as well? For him to die?
YN was broken down to eventually agree. So she was taken from her home to the cold north. She wanted to meet the children first but Ned spirited her away to their shared room. Not wasting any time to bed his lady. Once he was certain she was to carry his seed, he allowed her to leave the room. The children seemed uneasy around her at first, but her calming nature was like a balm to their grief. Unlike Catelyn before her, YN also included Jon in all her activities with the children. Of all the children Jon grew the closest. He looked so much like Ned, that Ned would seem overjoyed that the two were bonded. 
Eventually YN got pregnant, the baby draining so much energy from her. But little Arya was so worth the wait. YN thought that since the baby girl drained her so she could rest a bit before another. But Ned wouldn’t have that. He wanted her pregnant almost always. After Rickon, YN begged to be given rest but he called her heartless to deny her children siblings. That she was preventing new life from being born. YN’s life mostly consisted of being pregnant and barefoot. When the King arrived to call for Ned, YN hoped he would take a position as Hand but he denied him. The queen pitied YN, and mused to herself that maybe her marriage was not as bad. Pregnancy after Pregnancy, YN Dayne was exhausted out of life. 
Stannis Baratheon
(I’m not a fan of this guy so don’t expect much)
YN was married to a much older man. Stannis had already had a child, so YN believed she was in the clear for having children. But his red priestess told the would be king that their child would be a champion of light. One night YN was met with the image of her towering husband. SHe tried to ask him to leave, but Stannis grabbed her and forced her on the bed. Telling her it would be alright, that their child would be a champion, all the while ignoring her cried to stop. When it was over he rubbed her stomach and promised that their baby would be stronger than him.
Oberyn Martell
YN did not believe that a her, a Lannister, would be betrothed to Oberyn Martell. A staunch lannister hater, and a sexual fiend if you asked her mother. But her uncle was Tywin, and he had final say in the family. So she was sent south. 
Oberyn promised that he would be a gentle husband. That he did not blame her for the actions of her uncle, but the stares of the others could not calm her fears. It was like they either pitied her for her situation, or only glared at her blonde hair. Oberyn's children all flocked to her, sweet and kind little things. YN decided to make her situation as best as she could. Her husband had copious lovers, maybe she could find one. She tried to tell Oberyn.
“If you wish to be false to me, I will kill any man or woman who looks your way.” He whispered to her, holding her shaking body. “You are mine now. If you want me to get rid of my infidelity, fine. But I will not let another Lannister bring pain to me. Even If I loved them.”
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months ago
Dating yandere Stannis Baratheon would include ?
Here you go! Hope you enjoy
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greycloudsinwinter · 10 months ago
Master list ❤️❤️
A court of thorns and roses:
Platonic inner circle x reader x romantic azriel
Cassian x reader
High lord rhysand x reader
Thesan high lord of dawn x reader
Yandere inner circle x reader romantic
Kallias x reader
Amarantha x reader
My hero academia:
Katsuki bakugo x reader
Endeavour x reader
Eijiro kirishima x reader
Deku x reader
Twisted wonderland:
Azul x reader
Jamil x reader
Vert x reader
Poly bridgerton boys x reader
Colin bridgerton x reader
Game of thrones/ hotd :
The mountain x reader
Khal drogo x targeryan reader
Khal drogo x escaped reader
Khal drogo question
Khal drogo x reader smut
Jamie Lannister protected x reader
Maegor x reader
Rhaegar targeryan x reader
Maegor x wife reader with child
Aegon I x reader
Rickard stark x reader
Tywin Lannister x targeryan first wife reader
Jason Lannister x targeryan wife
Aegon I x reader with children
Maegor x male reader
Jaehaerys I x reader
Tyland Lannister x reader
Yanderes who become kings guard for male reader
Otto hightower x reader
Daemon targeryan x reader
Maegor x escapee reader
Ned stark question 1
Stannis Baratheon x reader
Otto Hightower x reader x platonic alicent
Poly viserys and Otto x reader
Poly viserys and Otto x reader
Poly viserys and Otto x reader question 1
Poly viserys and Otto x reader questions 2
Criston Cole x reader
Corys velaryon x reader
Criston Cole x reader part 2
Otto x reader x viserys question 3
Platonic aegon x platonic aemond x reader
Erryk cargyll x targeryan princess x arryk cargyll
Jacaerys veleryan x reader
Harry Potter / fantastic beasts :
Tom riddle x reader question
Gellert grindelwald x reader
Orion black x reader
Newt scamander x reader
Aberforth dumbledore x reader
Tom riddle x malfoy reader
Knights of walpurgis x reader
Cygnus black x reader
Cygnus black x reader questions
Cygnus black x reader questions 2
Pollux black x reader
Cygnus black x reader question 3
Cygnus black x reader question 4
Cygnus reaction to reader not wanting her children to be death eaters
Who wants the most children Orion or Cygnus black?
Orion black part 2
Poly orion and Cygnus black x reader
Poly marauders x Slytherin reader
Walpurgis x muggle reader
Lucius malfoy x reader
Salazar Slytherin x reader
Hobbit/ lotr :
Thranduil x fairy reader
Thranduil x fairy reader with children
Thranduil x fairy reader 3
Thranduil x fairy reader part of the company
Thranduil x fairy reader question
Haldir x reader
Would yandere Thranduil still join the battle of five armies
Yandere thorin Oakenshield x reader
Marcus volturi x reader
Aro volturi x reader
Cauis volturi x reader
Marcus volturi x reader part 2
Marcus volturi x stubborn reader
Aro volturi x reader (who doesn’t care )
Beaststars :
Ogma x reader
Tem x reader
Poly gohin and oguma x reader
Erik lehsnherr x reader
Erik lehsnherr questions 1
Historical characters:
Henry VIII x reader
Henry VIII x reader question 1
Baldwin IV x reader
Knight x reader
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gulnarsultan · 2 years ago
I imagined something, I wanted to add something scary and dark for Yandere platonic House Lannister to worry about Modern Reader.
Since Modern Reader is in Kings Landing with lord Tywin and lady Joanna, Targaryens get attached to her. When yandere platonic Joanna wanted to call Modern Reader to spend time together, she witnessing how Queen Rhaella noticed her and a smirk appeared on Queen’s face and she asks Reader “Tell me sweet girl, would you do what I tell you?” Modern Reader gives a polite smile, answers “Yes, my Queen, I’ll do anything you order me to”. Satisfied with answer Queen Rhaella gets closer to Modern Reader whispering “Anything?”to her ear. And Joanna could see that Reader is tensed and she wanted to interfere, but Yandere Queen Rhaella sends her a warning look, hugging Reader by the her waist and gets her close enough for Modern Reader to feel the Queen’s body. The Queen continues to whisper something to Reader’s ear, meanwhile Joanna is worried, because she doesn’t know what The Queen has in mind. Then The Queen Rhaella with one hand commands Joanna to leave and as much as Joanna doesn’t want to, she obeys and leaves Modern Reader alone with the Queen. Yandere Rhaella whispered Reader, smelling her hair “Such a shame that lions got someone precious like you” and then the Queen tells Modern Reader to be quiet and before Modern Reader asks why, Yandere Rhaella licking Reader’s earlobe and biting it a little, leaving a few kisses on her neck. Modern Reader is to shocked to move, but managed to say “Please… don’t, it’s not right.” But the Queen doesn’t listen and continues to mark her.
It could’ve get far, if there wasn’t a knock on the door. When Modern Reader heard it, Yandere Rhaella covered Reader’s mouth and asks “who’s there, I’m busy right now” Joanna “Your Grace, the King wanted to see you.” Rhaella responds that she’ll get there and looks at Modern Reader holding her neck and squeeze it a little and whispered “I’m not done with you. My sweet girl” and kisses her lips and leaves.
When the Queen leaves, Joanna rushes to her chambers to see what she had done to Reader, for her horror she noticed marks and a bite on Reader’s neck. And Modern Reader looks at her mother with tears in her eyes.
Then Joanna asks Tywin to leave Kings Landing, he doesn’t understand why, but he tells he will talk to the King. Aerys 2 allows them to leave, but Modern Reader stays here. And Tywin can’t go against the King. When they get home the twins Cersei and Jaime are happy to see them only to be sad because Reader wasn’t with them.
Once Joanna is in her chambers, she starts crying because she’s unable to protect Reader. When Tywin asked her why she’s crying, Joanna can’t handle it and tells everything that happened. And tells him if they’re going to do something about it, Modern Reader won’t be safe and if Reader does something, House Lannister won’t be safe.
In other words, they can’t do anything. When the Mad King let out his frustration on Rhaella, Rhaella let out her frustration on Modern Reader with sexual activity.
Ohh, that’s dark. Imagine Yandere platonic House Lannister reactions about a scenario that I described. Imagine that after Robert’s rebellion, Robert saying “You were probably enjoying the Queen’s company” but when he sees Modern Reader’s tears, he realised that something bad happened. Despite that fight, Robert apologies for not knowing the truth and tells her, whenever she wants to speak and let out her feelings, she can go to him for a talk. Seeing Reader’s tears would definitely break Lannisters hearts.
Tywin and Joanna feel guilty for failing to protect their reader. The Lannisters are very worried about the reader. This will probably happen after the reader and Robert's quarrel. The reader's watery eyes and expression are enough to stop Robert from speaking. Robert is not an unscrupulous bastard. He will apologize to the reader. In fact, Stannis will scold his brother for this. Renly stabs him, constantly reminding him of this mistake his brother made. Lannisters will have more remorse.
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