#yandere robert baratheon
blakeswritingimagines · 3 months
Dating Yandere Robert Baratheon Would Include:
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As a Yandere, he would be the ultimate and most devoted lover. Anyone who captures his heart will be under the most intense protection and adoration you could imagine. Your every need would be attended to, every desire fulfilled.
As a Yandere, he would be obsessed with you. He would constantly be thinking about you, wanting to know what you are doing, and make sure you remain his and his only. He would become jealous if you paid any attention to anyone else and might even resort to drastic measures to keep you for himself. He would be very possessive but also extremely protective. He believes that there is nothing in the world worth more than you.
He would constantly shower his lover with gifts and attention, trying to ensure that you are content and happy in your relationship. He would also continuously crave physical affection from you, and become agitated and depressed if you are ever away from him.
He would also be extremely possessive and controlling. He would constantly monitor your movements and activities to keep you loyal to him. He would become obsessed with you, trying to learn everything about you and your past relationships. He would be prone to fits of jealousy and would not allow you to spend time away from him or with others without him present. He would feel intense rage if you betrayed him or showed interest in another person.
He would also feel an intense sense of protectiveness and loyalty towards his lover. He would be willing to do anything for you, even if it meant sacrificing his own well-being. He would always be there to support them through any difficult situation and provide comfort and reassurance. Overall, he would be extremely devoted and loyal, never questioning your bond or ever thinking of leaving your side.
He might also experience extreme mood swings. One moment, he could be sweet and loving to his beloved, but the next, he could be jealous and irrational. This unpredictability would make it difficult for you to know how to deal with him. On top of this, he would constantly seek validation and reassurance from his beloved, as his insecurity would lead him to continually doubt your love and loyalty.
He would also demonstrate signs of psychological instability. He may show signs of anxiety, paranoia, or even depression due to his intense emotions. He would struggle to trust others and would become very insecure and jealous quickly. His entire world would revolve around you, and he would have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. He would become obsessed with your safety and well-being, sometimes to the point of becoming overly protective and suffocating.
He would become manipulative in his behavior to keep you by his side. He would use his charm, charisma, and sometimes even emotional manipulation tactics to keep you interested and devoted to him. He might use guilt, threats, or lies when necessary to dissuade you from leaving him. He would make himself seem like the only one who truly understands or cares for you. In extreme circumstances, he may even threaten self-harm or suicide to keep you from leaving him.
He would also exhibit manipulative behaviors. He would use emotional blackmail and guilt to try and keep you close. He would be prone to gaslighting and making you doubt yourself or your worthiness. He would make you feel that only he can provide love and safety to you, creating a sense of dependency. He would also try to isolate you from friends and family to make himself your sole source of emotional support.
He would also resort to extreme measures to keep you with him, even if it meant resorting to violence. He might stalk or even harm anyone you show interest in and would not hesitate to use threats or manipulation to keep you by his side. His obsession and love would border on psychotic, and he would feel possessive towards your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
He is extremely jealous. He would likely experience intrusive and possessive thoughts anytime you were around other people, especially members of the opposite sex. He would become paranoid and suspicious of any actions or gestures, and his jealousy might lead him to extreme reactions, such as stalking, harassing, or even violence toward those he perceives as threats to his relationship.
His dates with you would likely be intense and passionate. He would plan elaborate nights full of romantic gestures and heartfelt moments to demonstrate his love and commitment. He would strive to create the perfect date, where everything is about celebrating your love and ensuring you feel appreciated and cherished. At the same time, he could become extremely possessive and controlling during your dates, ensuring that you stay glued to his side and remain fully captivated by his presence.
He would demonstrate extreme levels of affection towards you. He would shower you with gifts, compliments, and constant attention. He would want to kiss, hold, or touch you at every opportunity. He would be very romantic and try to create intimate moments between you, often to the point of being overly affectionate, even if it leads to discomfort or boundaries being crossed.
He often rewards you for your loyalty and devotion. He would shower you with gifts, affection, and attention, as well as go the extra mile to ensure you feel loved and cherished. He would likely also use intimate and romantic rewards as a way to keep you invested in your relationship and to further emphasize his possession of you.
He will resort to punishments if you were disobedient or strayed from his expectations. He would likely use psychological means such as intimidation, shaming, or emotional manipulation to keep you in line. He could even turn to physical forms of punishment to assert his authority. The punishments would not be motivated by practicality but by his excessive possessive nature and insecurities.
His demeanor in front of others may appear charming and benevolent at times, yet sinister and unhinged at others. He would likely put on an act to hide his true nature and maintain appearances, yet his Yandere tendencies would sometimes emerge in unexpected ways. In general, he would try to maintain a facade of normalcy and stability to avoid suspicion, yet this façade would often waver and his possessive, obsessive behavior would manifest in unexpected moments.
His family would likely disapprove of his Yandere tendencies and his possessive, obsessive behavior. They would be concerned and perhaps frightened by his extreme displays of jealousy and controlling tendencies. They might confront him or try to intervene to prevent him from causing harm to others or himself. However, it's also possible that his Yandere tendencies would manifest in such a subtle way that they may not immediately notice or fully comprehend the extent of his behavior. This could cause tension and confusion in his familial relationships, as they struggle to understand why he is acting the way he is.
The marriage would likely be dominated by his possessive and controlling impulses. He would strive for a level of exclusivity and dependence, making sure you remain fully invested in the relationship and devoted only to him. He would likely become incredibly paranoid and jealous if you displayed any interest in anyone else, leading to potential conflicts and arguments. The marriage would be intense and passionate, but also potentially unhealthy and emotionally volatile, as his Yandere tendencies could cause significant strain on the relationship.
As a Yandere, his parenting style would likely be extremely protective and possessive. He would tend to be overly involved in the children's lives, wanting to know everything they do and whom they spend time with. He would be very fearful of them leaving him or being taken away, and his possessive tendencies could lead to potential conflicts with you if you disagree with his strict parenting style. As the children get older, his possessive instincts may manifest in various ways, even going to extremes to keep them close to him by any means necessary.
The response to you not wanting or being unable to have children may be a mix of extreme disappointment and potential resentment. He would likely struggle with accepting the situation and might even become depressed or withdrawn as a result. His possessive, obsessive tendencies would likely manifest in attempts to persuade or guilt you into changing your mind or using unconventional means to try and force the issue. It would be a difficult situation for both you and himself and would likely lead to emotional turmoil and potential relationship strain.
"You are mine. I own you, both body and soul. There's no point in resisting me, you're stuck with me, forever. No matter where you hide, no matter where you run - I will always find you. The mere thought of you trying to get away from me fills my heart with an intoxicating mix of fury and excitement. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I cannot imagine even a moment of my existence without you. So, stop resisting now."
Body Worship - Robert absolutely adores your body, and will make sure to show it off every chance he gets. He loves running his hands across your skin, feeling the contours of your body, and caressing you in intimate touch.
Impact Play - Robert is a big fan of impact play, such as spanking or whipping you to create a combination of pain and pleasure. He loves the way it causes you to react, and the fact that it gives him control over your body.
Praise and degradation - He enjoys praising you when you please him but is also not above putting you down when you don't live up to his expectations.
Exhibitionism and Voyeurism - Robert likes the idea of having other people watch as he has his way with you. He enjoys the sense of power that comes from having others watch as he takes what he wants.
Public display - He likes to show you off to the world and make it known that you are his. Whether it be by making grand public gestures or simply having you walk around with a visible mark of belonging.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 11 months
I can imagine Himbo!Baratheon being very protective over Renly. What would their relationship look like?
Oh Renly is absolutely and utterly Himbo!Baratheon’s little stagling. Given that Himbo!Baratheon!Reader was the youngest before Renly came into the picture he absolutely cherishes being a big brother. From the day Renly was born, Himbo!Reader was right there excitedly hovering over him and wanting nothing more than to take care of and protect his new baby brother. You can’t tell me Himbo!Baratheon!Reader hasn’t been found more often then not late at night or in the wee hours of the morning tending to a crying baby Renly. Even before anyone else could. And even if servants, or the wet nurse, or even Steffon and Cassana were to have gotten to baby Renly before the Reader could, Renly would only stop crying when his brother held him or at least until he saw his face.
When Steffon and Cassana parish on their return journey to Storm’s End, not to mention within eyeshot of Robert, Stannis and the Reader, Himbo!Baratheon!Reader would take it upon himself to fulfill both a maternal and paternal role for Renly. And given how young Renly was when Steffon and Cassana died all he would truly know are his brothers to begin with, but especially the Reader in particular. And when I say Renly is completely attached to Himbo!Reader’s hip, I mean it. Renly, utterly adores his big brother, much more than he does either Stannis or Robert. And it’s no secret how absolutely spoiled Himbo!Reader treats Renly, and Renly talked complete advantage of it. The one thing he wants more than anything though is his beloved brother’s attention and he’d do anything to get it. Good or bad. And that certainly doesn’t change with the older Renly gets. If anything he’d only strive all the more for his brother’s time and attention.
Honestly, I could even see Renly’s obsession with Himbo!Baratheon!Reader growing romantic. I mean the Reader was the first person Renly ever looked up to and admired, and certainly the first person he’s ever loved. If anything his brother was, at the very least, his very first crush and the foundation of all Renly’s standards for his later lovers.
Also, given all the time and attention Himbo!Reader has and continues to spoil Renly with, you can be certain that Robert and Stannis absolutely hate it. Stannis is much, much better about keeping his jealousy and contempt under wraps, after all he is more understanding of the situation. Robert on the other hand has no problem literally putting himself between Himbo!Reader and Renly to take up whatever attention wasn’t being put towards him. When Renly was younger, Robert had absolutely no remorse swooping in and basically ripping little Renly out of Himbo!Baratheon!Reader’s arms and happily passing him off to the nearest person just so he could finally have some time with his favorite younger brother. Stannis was usually the one who got stuck with an overly dramatic crying Renly while Robert was damn well happily skipping away with Himbo!Reader thrown over his shoulder.
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kentstoji · 7 months
I like to believe (as does a large portion of the fandom) that Robert only had that "love" for Lyanna because she was a female version of Ned. With that in mind (and considering that Jon Arryn was the most important male figure in Ned's life), how would Robert behave himself with a daughter of Jon Arryn?
So yes! This is the return of Jon Arryn's daughter on this blog. I already mentioned that Rhaegar would be obsessed with her, merely motivated by the idea of ​​completing a prophecy.
I think Robert would see her as his first love. And perhaps, his last because she has a tendency to keep him in line.
She, despite having a sense of honor, would not be afraid to expose her claws and a sharp tongue, "So, you got a woman pregnant? You're lucky I won't make you marry her."
However, she forced him to take care of Mya.
"Don't be an cretin, Robert" Her eyes flickered with clear menace. "Go visit the girl and see if her mother will need anything."
(Jon learned that the best thing he could do was let his heiress rule. Otherwise, he himself was the target of severe criticism.)
And with that, we have Rhaegar Targaryen. Heir of the Seven Kingdoms, creating expectations and being miserably frustrated when he realized that the pleasant maiden of his delusions was a rigid and calculating woman.
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Jon, holding his newborn son from Baratheon!Reader: I will name him after my father. He was a great man. He was the most honorable and respected man of his time who was brutally murdered in the most egregious manner by his enemies because he tried to do the right thing…
Rhaegar, in the afterlife: Oh my son… 🥹
Jon: Eddard ❤️🐺❤️
Rhaegar: 😐
Rhaegar, you gotta raise to be considered a dad, Ned did all your work for you, be grateful.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Imagine Yandere platonic Lannisters disappointment to know that Queen Rhaella escaped Westeros with Viserys 3 and unborn Daenerys. Oh, Lannisters would be furious.
Plot twist: Queen Rhaella Targaryen survived when Daenerys was born. Before she left Westeros, she left a letter which was written in Valyrian language. And who could know Valyrian language? That’s right Modern Reader. So when he and Jaime came back, he gives her a letter and asked her what does it say? Once Modern Reader reads the letter, everyone could see Reader’s shaking, and replied “I’ll see you again, Sweet girl. When I’ll find you, I’ll get you.” Modern Reader starts to shake even more with the thought of what Yandere Rhaella would do to her, when she comes back. And that’s how Stannis found out about Reader’s abuse by the Queen.
That’s scary. Also how would Yandere platonic Lannisters would comfort Modern Reader? Because thanks to the Queen, Reader is traumatised and have nightmares about it. Of course Reader would feel better that is, until someone would remind her of Rhaella or would call her “Sweet girl.” Tywin would be hurt, because he and Joanna used to call her by that nickname.
So yea, I would like to know details of Lannisters and probably Baratheons comforting Modern Reader.
The Lannisters will do anything to help the reader get well. Robert will instruct the reader that no one should ever call him that again.
Robert: You don't have to be afraid. Those stupid Targaryens won't hurt you. The Baratheons will destroy them.
Reader :🥺 Thank you.
Robert: Besides, my brother Stannis would be very happy to protect you.
Robert : 😂
Stannis :😡
Reader : 🤭
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Could I request a Cersei x f reader where the reader is Cersei’s secret lover but Jaime (Love him but needed a villain) found out and made up lies about reader so Cersei herself throws the reader to jail. When she’s finally freed after the allegations were proved wrong, reader is now cold hearted, avoiding Cersei who tries to talk to her. Go heavy on the angst. You can decide if it’s happy ending (at least as happy of an ending as you can get with Cersei) or not. Thank you! You don’t have to write it if you don’t want to
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(Gif not mine but can I just say that I hate myself for loving how beautiful she is?)
Title: Lioness Roar
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Cersei Lannister x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,719
Summary: Cersei’s brothers could do whatever they wanted with little to no consequences all because of their gender. Now as the Queen, Cersei believes she can do more.
Warnings: vulgar language, daddy issues (guess who), homophobia, angst, mentioned wlw smut, and I will admit it does kind of read like yandere.
Author’s Note: God I love writing about Lannisters. They’re so complex (and I know I’ve said that before so sorry if you’re sick of hearing it but I’m not sorry for saying it) and I think this might be the first time I’m writing a Cersei x reader so this was exciting!
(I do not consent my works to be reposted/copied)
Cersei always believed that if she were born with a cock, her world would be a lot different, but for the best.
As a child, she drew pictures of herself on the back of the dragon, and as she got older, her father kept promising to marry her to the prince, so then she began drawing Rhaegar Targaryen in those same pictures.
Before she grew into her female qualities, she was able to dress as her twin brother and attend sword fighting lessons without anyone able to tell the difference. 
While Jaime had no interest in listening to his father about the importance of their history, their finances, and the running of the keep, Cersei listened intently. She knew that if she were Tywin’s firstborn son and heir, he’d be proud of all of her accomplishments, and this was just one of many ways she tried to gain his approval. 
She did all these things to prove that she can do anything her brothers did possibly even do more than Tyrion but Lord Tywin always stamped down her ambitions other than the one that involved her getting married to the prince. No matter how hard she tried, Cersei could never get her father to actually see her aside from what she already was.
One look and Lord Tywin would’ve seen his daughter holding a sword better than Jaime ever could and reciting old text better than Tyrion could ever pronounce. If Tywin could only see past her gender, Cersei would truly be his golden child.
Alas, she was nothing but a bargaining chip; a pawn he liked to move around the board. When her marriage proposal to Rhaegar fell through and all the Targaryens were killed off, Cersei was married to Robert Baratheon and she became his Queen Consort. She gave him three children, despite the two of them being unhappy from the start. Even if her children didn’t look like the King, she didn’t care. She did her duty to the realm, to her husband, and to her father, securing the legacy Tywin always wanted for his family. Cersei did her part and now she felt inclined to her own right of freedom to do whatever she wanted.
That freedom came in the form of Lady Y/n.
As a wedding gift, Lord Tywin sent Cersei the daughter of one of his bannermen to act as her handmaid and confidant. Y/n was possibly the only truly kind gesture Cersei’s father ever made toward her, but the new Queen was bitter from the beginning. She did not confide in other women. Cersei felt as though she was above gossiping and hand-sewing, even when she was a little girl. With her father’s praise and boasting of her being the most beautiful woman in all the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei even believed she was above all the ladies of the country, including Y/n. 
Y/n was a quiet young woman. Dutiful towards her Queen and tending to her every need without question, the handmaid was smart to never speak openly to Cersei. She kept her thoughts tight-knit in her mind and only replied to the Queen if Cersei spoke directly at her. Even where Y/n was from, she heard certain rumors about Cersei and how the Lady Lannister’s best friend, Melara Hetherspoon, mysteriously fell into a well and only Cersei lived to tell the tale. Y/n’s mother was secretly concerned when Tywin Lannister sent her daughter away to tend to Cersei, knowing that the Lioness of Casterly Rock was always troubled and strangely devoid of any emotion other than anger.
Even Y/n believed this, and in fear, she never spoke a word to Cersei unless spoken to so as not to draw attention to herself. Tending to Cersei was like awaiting with anticipation for a barrel of wildfire to ignite. All it took was one tiny flame.
However, once Cersei’s children were born, it appeared as though that flame was tameable. Y/n often tended to her Queen’s children more so than the wet nurses. Many wondered if the wet nurses were just lazy, but one maid, in particular, had the bravery to whisper about the Queen being behind this, how Cersei ordered the wet nurses to do their duty to feed her children except Myrcella but to leave all other care to Lady Y/n and herself.
If this rumor was to be taken seriously, no one knew why Cersei would do such a thing unless she full-heartedly trusted her handmaid. But this was Cersei Lannister of all people, and no one, not even King Robert, was allowed to be near the princess and princes without Cersei’s presence.
And yet, Y/n could be found with all three children, alone, holding them to her chest when they cried or laughing as she chased them around in the gardens. If they weren’t with Cersei or their teachers, the royal children were likely to be found with Lady Y/n, who they lovingly nicknamed their aunt once they began to speak. Perhaps the children truly thought Y/n was part of their family and if so, Cersei had allowed it to appear that way.
The truth is Cersei grew to care for one other person besides her children and Jaime, but kept that close to her heart and locked it away, not even Y/n could reach it. At first, Cersei was disgusted with her thoughts and her feelings. There was a time in her inner turmoil when she would lash out at her handmaid even though Y/n did nothing wrong. Despite all this, Cersei blamed her for everything and was even tempted to send her away. But young Myrcella, barely able to write her own name, cried one night when Y/n was not there to tuck her into bed and told her mother how much she loved Y/n. Feeling defeated, Cersei never exiled Y/n and refused to look at the other woman for many months.
Cersei’s demons came to a head when she heard Jaime tell yet another story about Tyrion finding another whore to bed with... but instead of her usual disgust, another thought struck her. There was a time when Cersei could act like a boy all she wanted without anyone batting an eye. She could do whatever she wanted and even though she was now Queen, Cersei had yet to take full advantage of that. As long she remained married to the King and gave him children, her father could not tell her what to do and her husband cared very little about what she did as long as Cersei kept him out of it. Hearing Jaime’s story of Tyrion’s new woman, Cersei thought if her dear little brother could take any common whore to bed without scandal, why couldn’t she?
Lady Y/n was already her handmaid. It was already the perfect disguise. If Tyrion could do it and hide his lover as a servant girl, so could Cersei. If Robert could openly bring whatever woman he wanted into his bed, so could his wife.
Of course, Cersei could order Y/n to kiss her and bed her if she liked, but she was a clever woman and felt the excitement of playing the long game of convincing Y/n to love her. So as not to scare her, Cersei started off slowly, starting by subtly nodding her thanks to Y/n when she helped her dress and undress because yes, Cersei has never once thanked anyone before. When Y/n didn’t appear put off by this, Cersei slowly began to openly thank her, then slowly progressed to subtly touching her arm or moving Y/n’s hair off her shoulder. 
This slow progression is successful in many ways. Y/n doesn’t notice how much Cersei changed because Cersei had slowly done so without any red flags rising. Before Y/n could remember the story of Melara Hetherspoon, Cersei had her wrapped around her finger, practically brainwashing her handmaid into believing that she had always been a kind and loving queen towards her loyal subjects. Cersei’s patience paid off when Y/n began to openly talk to her about her hopes and dreams, even her opinions, without ever flinching of fear or repeal.
And, in a way, her patience also brought Cersei to love Y/n even more than just for lust. Listening to Y/n talk made Cersei wonder why she had suppressed the young woman from doing so in all the years she’s known her. Everything sounded exciting when Y/n spoke, her voice forcing Cersei to listen to every syllable. 
That is... until eligible suitors came searching for Y/n’s hand in marriage. When Y/n talked about her suitors, Cersei would immediately order her to speak of something else. She couldn’t bear to hear about the men trying to take her new interest away from her. She wouldn’t allow her brothers to steal a toy from her as children, why would this be any different?
It was the talk of the decade. Throughout King’s Landing, people whispered about how Lady Y/n must be cursed. Ever since her father announced opening a proposal for her, many of Y/n’s suitors have mysteriously disappeared or been found dead in their beds, sometimes even before they could meet her. Over time, several men have gone to King’s Landing in hopes of winning Y/n’s hand. None have returned to their homes and some houses were on the brink of extinction because of this curse.
It didn’t take long before men stopped asking for Y/n’s hand in marriage, and Cersei had never been happier to have her handmaid remain at her side.
By the time Jon Arryn mysteriously died, Y/n was more than just a confidant or friend. She became Cersei’s secret lover, and Cersei didn’t feel any shame or disgust the first time she kissed her. While making plans for the royal family to travel to Winterfell, Y/n shyly and breathlessly confessed her love for Cersei. Before she could escape the Queen’s chambers in her shame, Cersei roughly held Y/n’s face in her hands as she fervently kissed her. The victory going on in Cersei’s mind was all too sweet, hastily taking Y/n to her bed then and there, finally claiming her as no one but the Queen’s.
Cersei had begun to feel like a god with what she had taken as her own. With Y/n secretly under one arm and Jaime under the other, she began to believe and reminisce about the young girl she once was, a Lady Lannister who took no prisoners and always got whatever she wanted. As Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei felt as though she held the world in her hands and was believed to be untouchable.
This god complex would continue to fester and grow as several events play out. While in Winterfell, Young Bran Stark mysteriously fell out of a window. When the royal family left the North, they brought Ned Stark and his two daughters with him as the new Hand of the King. When Cersei arrived back in King’s Landing, Y/n was waiting for her in her chambers with open arms and a hot bath. Cersei had never felt such power secured tightly in her fist before.
That is until it slipped ever so slightly out of her grasp and Cersei lashed out and nearly lost her mind. Under Lord Stark’s orders, his wife Catelyn took Tyrion as her prisoner and this prompted Jaime to attack the Hand of the King before escaping King’s Landing. Cersei could feel her power and influence slipping when, even as Ned Stark admitted to her accusations, Robert still refused to punish his old friend. 
Madness slipped through, for a split second, as Cersei snapped, “I took you for a king!”
“Hold your tongue.”
“He’s attacked one of my brothers and abducted the other. I should wear the armor, and you the gown.”
King Robert spun around and hit her before Cersei could say more. She proudly claimed she would wear this mark on her face like a badge of honor before swiftly leaving the room. She retreated to her chambers to lick her wounds and fester in her rage. When Y/n was summoned, she was horrified by the angry bruise on Cersei’s face and tended to it immediately. Unaware of what had happened, Y/n barely even blinked when Cersei ordered her to stay with her the whole night.
War began to brew after that and Cersei received word of Tywin and Jaime raising an army to bring back Tyrion. Sensing it was time to make her move, she had her cousin Lancel bring an armload of wine for Robert when he fled to the Kingswood to hunt. Of course, everyone knows that wine and hunting don’t mix, and when Robert returned to Cersei, his guts were spilling out of him. It wasn’t long before Joffrey was sitting on the Iron Throne after that, his mother sitting beside him.
Cersei had Ned Stark arrested and his daughters confined to the Red Keep. With her son as king, she now had all the power with no one to tell her otherwise. She still felt her self-control slip, however, when she heard of Jaime’s capture and then Tyrion returned to King’s Landing as Tywin’s Acting Hand of the King. When she heard the news of her twin brother, Cersei retreated back to her chambers and once again, kept Y/n in her bed all night long. Y/n was none the wiser, believing Cersei was only grieving her brother’s capture by taking her anger out on her lover. This anger got even worse when Myrcella was sent away to Dorne.
When Jaime returned, Cersei was still an angry woman and nothing was ever the same again. Cersei retreated from Jaime’s embrace whenever he reached out to her. At first, he thought it was because of his missing hand, but then Cersei gifted him a golden prosthetic as a replacement. When she didn’t appear disgusted by him, Jaime kept a watchful eye on his sister.
He suspected Cersei had another lover but failed to find any man entering his sister’s chambers, no matter the time of day. He did, however, always noticed Y/n freely walking around wherever she wanted. Even when Cersei was not around, Lady Y/n would enter her room and the guards standing outside wouldn’t even question her. Sometimes, Jaime even witnessed Y/n ordering the guards around as if she were speaking on the Queen’s behalf, and they listened to her. Jaime’s affronted thoughts came to a halt when one day, he noticed Y/n out in the gardens with Tommen, the young prince indulging the lady with a book he read out loud. Cersei was nowhere in sight.
Jaime was not the smartest Lannister, but he knew Cersei better than anyone, and he knew that his sister would not trust their her children with anyone unless she had complete faith in them.
He confronted his sister that night when he knew that Y/n was sent away after helping Cersei undress. With the Queen now alone, Jaime snuck in and didn’t hesitate to speak his mind, “You love her.”
Cersei froze, her back turned to him, refusing to say a word or even look back to face him. Jaime scoffs because that was enough of a confirmation for him. Cersei was never one to hold back her tongue; this would have been no exception if it wasn’t true. The emotions that began to build within Jaime were rage and disgust. He pushed a boy out of a window for Cersei. He kept their affair a secret for Cersei. He killed his cousin for Cersei. He even lost his hand when trying to get back to Cersei. How is it that he went through all that trouble the gods have cursed him with for Cersei, and she had already moved on and fallen in love with another? How could he live with this knowing that Cersei had pushed him aside for none other than a woman?
“As hateful as you are... you love her,” he seethed between his teeth, “All those years you made me believe you kept her around to keep all eyes away from us... when really you just wanted us both. You have always been a selfish woman.”
A wry smile curls over his lips, the brewing anger slowly turning malicious, “But I wonder how selfish? Or are you just too blind by love to see it?”
Cersei turned to face him, her expression sour and voice dripping with venom, “See what?”
“That she has fooled you,” Jaime lets the words spill out of his mouth like water, fluid and graceful, even he believed the deceit he spoke, “Lady Y/n’s father may be our father’s bannermen, but she is no ally to us. I intercepted a raven before my escape, one that was addressed to Robb Stark. It was sealed with your sigil but not your handwriting, so I knew it wasn’t yours. However, seldom few have access to your seal and your desk, so one could only wonder who had the means of contacting the King of the North bearing your mark?” 
Cersei stood still, eyes locked onto Jaime’s as her expression slowly twists and turns corrupt with barely restrained rage and madness in between the flicker of the candle flame. For a moment, a brief moment... Jaime thought that rage was directed at him.
Y/n was roughly woken by a few of the Queen’s personal guards, binding her and muffling her screams with a rag. Tediously, they bring her all the way down into the dungeon before throwing her into the deepest, darkest cell. With her bonds and gag loose, Y/n finally has a moment to yell and plead, her hands gripping onto the iron bars for dear life as she begged for someone to help her.
Her pleas stop, however, when from the shadow emerges Cersei, regal as always, dressed in her usual red and gold fabrics without the help of her usual handmaid, now trapped behind bars. The moment Y/n caught the light on Cersei’s face, she knew who to place blame for her arrest.
“Why are you doing this?! I deserve an explanation!”
“You’re a traitor,” Cersei hissed even with a sly smile on her beautiful face, “You betrayed my son, your king. And worse of all, you betrayed me. Did you truly think I wouldn’t find out about your secret little messages to the King in the North? Were you praying that Jaime would never return so that he wouldn’t be able to inform me of your treachery?”
Y/n was initially shocked by these accusations before turning to defend her honor, “Surely he’s mistaken! Your brother has been away from home for far too long. His mind might be sick from being Robb Stark’s prisoner all this time. Why would you believe Ser Jaime over me?”
The question dies in her throat, her face crumbling into fearful realization as Cersei continued to stand still, as quiet as a cat while smiling down at her mouse. Y/n’s voices drop down into a whisper as she tries to hold back her own emotions, “... Unless it’s true. The rumors have all been true. You and your brother...”
Y/n’s fear slowly reverts to anger as her thoughts spill openly from her lips, “I refused to believe the whispers. I was loyal to you from the very beginning. I stuck by your side through everything and yet-- How could you?” She finally snapped, voice rising once again as her grip tightens around her bars, “I sacrificed everything for you! I gave you all I had and it still wasn’t enough, wasn’t it? I loved you... with all my heart, but not even love can cure you from this madness.”
Cersei’s eyes bore into Y/n’s own, the two women standing in the silence of the dark, cold dungeon. The Queen doesn’t acknowledge her actions for not even she knew why she quickly decided to imprison her former lover. She herself felt disgusted. Cersei had been able to round up each of King Robert’s bastard children and slaughter them for the sake of Joffrey’s legitimacy, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to have Y/n executed even though the woman was accused of betraying Joffrey. Cersei once believed she would do anything for the sake of her children, and now she felt disgusted knowing that she couldn’t even kill a woman to uphold that silent promise.
Cersei held her chin high, her voice was as cold as the day she first met Lady Y/n, “I love my brother. I will only ever love my brother. How could I ever love someone as lowly as a servant girl?”
It didn’t take long before Tywin noticed his daughter had a new handmaid and not one who was trusted enough to tend to Tommen when Cersei wasn’t around. Without questioning the Queen, Lord Tywin conducted an investigation and quickly discovered Y/n in the dungeons. After briefly talking to her and investigating Jaime’s accusations, Tywin was able to concur that Y/n was innocent of such treasonous actions and set her free. When Cersei heard of this, she was enraged and immediately went to her father with demands of executing her former confidant. When Tywin brought his evidence to her attention, Cersei refused to believe it, turning a blind eye and cursing her father’s name. Even in disbelief, Cersei couldn’t help but internally feel the ache and anger in her heart. Deep down, she knew Y/n had done nothing wrong, yet she listened to Jaime anyway. The last nail was wedged into her coffin when Tommen asked Cersei where his Aunt Y/n had gone. Only then could she truly admit she made a mistake.
But it was too late. With Y/n no longer being Cersei’s handmaid, the lady avoided the Queen like the plague. Y/n was no longer the woman everyone once knew to be kind and compassionate. She was cold and calculating to everyone, including Cersei, if the two women ever had a brief encounter in Joffrey’s court.
Y/n couldn’t even find it within herself to feel sympathy towards Cersei when Joffrey was murdered at his own wedding. Long after Tommen was crowned King, Y/n continued to avoid Cersei and never once shed a tear for the boy she once loved as her own. As long as one bore the face of Cersei or sported any sort of Lannister trait, Y/n avoided them at all costs and even felt disgusted if she had to share a room with them. A moment of opportunity arrived for her to be rid of this Hell when the High Sparrow became a big influence on King Tommen and his people. Cersei had the High Sparrow annointed as High Septon with the belief that he would work under her rule, and Y/n watched this unfold from a distance until finally, she made her own calculated move.
In time, Loras Tyrell, Queen Margaery, and even Cersei had been thrown into various cells of the Great Sept when none of them confessed to the sins they were accused of. Cersei had felt the cold breath of karma ghost down her neck the moment her cousin Lancel entered the room to stand beside the High Sparrow. Weeks dragged on and Cersei was miserable in her cell, hair matted and body covered in filth, tongue dry from her thirst. The cell door opened one miserable morning and Cersei curled in on herself instinctively, ready to refuse the water when offered in exchange for a confession... but the septa never said a word. Slowly, Cersei looked up from her arms and found Lady Y/n standing there instead of a septa, dressed in travelling clothes and holding a small pouch of water in hand, devoid of emotion as she looked down on the former Queen she served.
Cersei didn’t look pleased or impressed, turning her away to lean against the cold wall of her cell, “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? The one thing you have always strived for; craved for... You have always wanted to see me suffer.”
“I don’t know if there is anything I can say or do to convince you otherwise,” Y/n scoffed while setting down the pouch of water, “I gave my life to you, yet you still believe I betrayed you somehow in some shape or form. Even when I was proven innocent, you despised me. Why?”
Cersei blinked slowly while staring off into space, trying to swallow her spit to relieve her thirst, “You were just some lowly reminder of a time when I was unfaithful.”
“To who? King Robert? Everyone knows you despised him. That is no secret. Everyone knows that you would have done anything to hurt him. But to hurt Jaime... I think most can suspect that at this point, you would have done anything to keep him at your side. You can’t fool anyone, Your Grace. Not anymore.”
“I have fooled no one.”
“No one but me. You had me fooled the moment you kissed me,” Y/n’s voice broke, ever so slightly, cracking her mask, “You had me believe what we had was love. And yet you threw it all away the moment you decided to believe whatever you wanted to hear.”
“I didn’t want you to betray me.”
“And I never did. But you didn’t exactly care, did you? Instead of just asking me, you threw me in a cell and left me to rot. Because it was Ser Jaime’s word against mine.”
“Why are you really here?” Cersei rasped, watching her finger as she absently traced shapes into her cell wall.
Y/n composed herself, hardening her heart again and quickly blinking away the tears before they could be shed. She straightens up her vest as she confidentally spoke, “I came to say goodbye and to pray we never see each other again. What happens to you is no longer my concern. King Tommen has granted me leave from your service and is sending me home today. My only wish... my only wish is that we part with our truths laid out to one another... the way it always should have been.”
Cersei finally turns to look up at the woman standing over her, feigned smile spreading over her filthy face, “What truths, pray tell?”
“The truth is you were right, Queen Regent. I did betray you,” Y/n carefully watched as Cersei’s face twisted with several emotions before continuing, “I betrayed you to the High Sparrow. I confessed my sins to him and thus revealed yours. I told him everything, from our affair to yours and Ser Jaime’s. It wasn’t your cousin who turned you in. It was me.”
For years, Y/n has watched Cersei play the game with eager eyes and thin smiles and it wasn’t until recently did Y/n want to see the smug smile wiped from her former Queen’s pretty face. In her dreams, Y/n could imagine this and feel satisfaction bloom in her stomach, fulfilling her without food or water and lasting her till she is old in age. Now, finally succeeding in making Cersei lose at her own game, Y/n doesn’t feel that satisfaction she desired. All she could feel was guilt and shame.
Cersei’s face crumbled until it was laid bare for Y/n to read her as a childrens’ book, the Lady Lannister’s voice becoming accusatory, “So I was right. All you’ve ever wanted was to see my downfall.”
Y/n felt as though she had been slapped in the face, hating herself even as the words fell out, “No... never. Not when I loved you.”
Cersei looked back up when she heard Y/n kneeling down to her height, meeting her shining eyes as her former handmaid whispered as though she spoke a secret, “You might not see it as I do, but if I were to recall... you were the one who betrayed me first. I only returned the favor. Farewell... my lioness. I will pray for the next whore you decide to take to bed.”
The way Cersei’s face fell only made Y/n feel worse as she stood, turning to leave. The former handmaid wanted this woman to beg for her life as she once did in her own cold cell. She wanted Cersei to squeal and cry and feel her heart break as she once did, betrayed by the woman she loved. In a last ditched effort, Y/n kicked her pouch of water close to the cell door, far from Cersei if she even tried to reach it.
“No-- wait, Y/n, please-!”
Y/n hastily made her exit, slamming the cell door behind her to shut out Cersei’s pleas. As she walked down the hall, Y/n could feel a tear slip past her detection... as well as a smile of freedom.
A/N: Hi I’m back on my bs again. It’s been a busy couple of weeks and now that I’m caught up on House of the Dragon and no longer working nights, I feel fueled to write again. Please support and leave a request in the ask box!
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greycloudsinwinter · 5 months
Yandere Stannis Baratheon headcanon.
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🦌 Stannis is and always has been known as the younger brother of Robert Baratheon. The heir encase Robert failed to farther children. However Robert did which made Stannis a bit bitter . You see Stannis wanted that throne more then anyone of those other lords and seeing his brother turn into a pig only made him angry more.
🦌when he meets you a young lady of a powerful house he is intrigued. His wife failing to give him a son was making him desperate and you were just so perfect.
🦌starts to court you in a way no one knows however in private you know what he is truly like.
🦌kills his own wife once she insults you . Now he needed a new wife to look after his daughter and to beat him sons.
🦌forcing you to marry him even as you begged him to let you go he just shook his head and told the septa to carry on. To which the septa did afraid for there life.
🦌once you are married you won’t escape . Anyone and I mean anyone that makes him jealous is killed. And your usually at his side so he doesn’t loose you.
🦌he will have the throne no matter the cost but he won’t take the throne if that means losing you.
🦌wants many children and by many I mean LOADS . Will be disappointed if it’s a girl but he still will love the child after all with you being so young he can try as many times as he needs to . To have a male heir.
🦌unhinged and devoted yandere .
Thank you for the request ❤️❤️
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lunarmoonanons · 1 year
Can you write yandere Rhaegar Targaryen ?
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
Queen of Love and Beauty
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
YN was very close to her twin sister Lyanna. The two were cut from the same cloth and shared everything with each other. YN loved to ride with her sister, they shared the same dresses and play clothes, and they both disparaged at the thought of YN marrying Robert Baratheon. One eventful day, YN, her sister, and her brothers were sent down with their father to a tourney at Harrenhal. A tourney where the prince Rhaegar and others of the royal family would be. 
During the tourney, YN had the most wonderful time. She spent most of her time with her sister and brothers. Standing up for Howland Reed when he was attacked and insulted. Once he was in their tent, YN immediately went to his side to press a clot to his bleeding face. Her brothers went on about how they would not stand for this, and Lyanna stood off to the side pondering something that she was planning to do. 
At the feast, YN caught her first glimpse of prince Rhaegar, who had played them all a piece of music that brought her sister to tears. YN didn’t know at the moment but Rhaegar had caught a glimpse of her too. The man found the girl beautiful. And he was a man and she a girl, the prince being in his early twenties and YN being 14 at the time of the tourney. 
When it was time to watch the tourney, YN sat right next to her twin and enjoyed watching the men go at it. They both cheered for their brother Brandon, who was winning the tourney so far. Then Rhaegar went to compete and he performed outstandingly. He was absolutely wonderful and so pretty, at least he was to YN. Then he won the tourney. Unseating Brandon. The crowd applauded as he took the wreath of blue roses to give to his queen of love and beauty. But he did not place it in the lap of his wife. He took that laurel of roses and placed it in the lap of YN. YN who blushed and sweated under the gaze of everyone who was shocked at the prince. She felt her stomach go aflutter from nervousness. YN no longer found the prince beautiful. She hated that he made her the center of attention and scrutiny. But you did not turn down a gift from a prince. 
“Thank you Prince Rhaegar.” YN said steadily. One hand on the laurel the other tightly gripping her sister’s. 
“A beautiful wreath of flowers, for my queen of love and beauty.” He complimented, then he rode off leaving YN to try and steady her breathing. 
The fallout of this tourney was a catastrophic one. Robert raged and hated the prince, insulted that the man would show any interest in his betrothed. YN’s father and brothers ran to her rescue and adamantly defended her honor. Her virtue. No one thought the girl was the prince’s mistress. The two had never even met before. But the blame was laid against Rhaegar’s true wife, Elia. Believing she was not giving the prince what he wanted, that she was making him unhappy. Thankfully YN did not see Rhaegar again for a whole year. 
And for that whole year, Rhaegar thought about YN. The beautiful stark girl. He liked Elia, maybe even loved her, but he desired the girl he claimed as his queen. Rhaegar wanted to possess her, to adore her and worship the ground she walked on. But he needed to have three children with Elia. Once Elia had birthed a son for him, his hopes for a third child were dashed when the maester said she could not handle birthing another child. His mind turned to the stark girl. How he loved her. How she could give him a child. 
He would get his chance when he would see her again a year after the tourney. After the birth of his son. There she was in the Riverlands. He followed her into the woods where she danced amongst the trees. Believing she was putting on a show for him. In reality YN loved the woods. She needed these ounces of freedom away from her entourage of people. She wasn’t even thinking of Rhaegar. She knew he was there in the Riverlands, but didn’t even believe she would never see him again. 
“You're still as beautiful as that day at the tourney.” Rhaegar interrupted her. YN jumped and turned around to see the man staring intensely at her. 
“My lord! Prince Rhaegar! What are you doing here?” YN wrapped her arms around herself. 
“I never thought I’d see your face again.” Rhaegar ignored her question and stepped toward her. Yn stepped back. She was 15 and he was still a man in his early twenties. “Oh, are you scared? Do I scare you?”
“Prince Rhaegar. You should go back to your wife. I’m sure your entourage is missing you.” YN was scared. His purple eyes stared so deep into her, that she felt it pierce her soul. It felt like he towered over her. 
“You haven’t answered my question. Do I scare you?” He stepped closer and placed his hand against her cold cheek. 
YN swallowed back a whimper. “Yes. I am frightened of you. And I want you to leave. Please leave me alone.”
“But I can’t. I’ve thought of nothing but you since that tourney. How beautiful you looked. How I needed to have you.” Rhaegar whispered. 
“You have a wife. You have children with that wife.”
“I have two children. I need three. I need to fulfill something. Something I can’t explain now. All I must say is that I want you. I need you to give me a third child. I need you. There’s so many words that I have for you. I want you to come with me.” Rhaegar held her face in his hands. 
YN scowled and shoved him away. Breathing heavily. “No! I won’t go with you! I don’t want to have anything to do with you!” 
“I love you, YN. I need you.” Rhaegar reached for her. 
“You don’t love me! You don’t know me! Please go away! Go back to your wife and forget I exist!” YN bit. 
“I can see your unwillingness to mine. But I must have you.” Rhaegar was calm. Very calm. 
YN did not see Rhaegar’s companions when they came from between the trees. She did not see Ser Arthur Dayne behind her. The man grabbed her and placed his hand over her screaming mouth. Rhaegar and his band stole the stark girl away. The man gave into his dark desires and possessed the girl who fought and screamed against him. He promised her she would only need to give him one child. That he wouldn’t touch her after that. That he would just possess her body and spirit. He would have her. His queen of love and beauty.
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I hate Rhaegar. Why are you a grown man in his twenties fixating on this 14-15 year old.
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writingsofwesteros · 10 months
Dark Jon Snow and Baratheon reader. The only real child of Robert and Cersei. While the king was in his city, Sansa's only support was the reader. Now Jon can take the reader to himself. Jon and the reader have a lot of children. Jon always makes sure his sweet wife Baratheon is full and fed.Sansa is delighted to be an aunt.
ALL OF THIS !! Imagine the platonic Yandere from Sansa as she was the only one to show her kindness...poor thing can't escape the wolves as she is bred and took care of so sweetly.
Imagine if Cersei adored her daughter as well. Her ad Jon met at the pit when they brought in the white walker.
Jon just desiring her from the start
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missglaskin · 10 months
Regarding the works I have in my drafts that may come out soon enough (I hope with the finals week and all) out of curiosity which one are you guys most excited for?
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darkestspring · 1 year
Can you write more about the Yandere Baratheon children and mother Lannister /(and for the reader, House Lannister which is yandere)? Maybe the Lannister reader has four children. Because the prophecy was Cersei. So the reader may have more than three children. The order of their children is as follows: Crown Prince Steffon Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon and Cassana Baratheon. The Lannister reader is a good child, a good sister, a good wife, and a good mother. However, Robert is prolonging the reader with his idiocy. The mastery reader is like Joanna's. Moreover, while she was alive, Joanna had developed yandere tendencies towards the reader.
reader always tries her best to be a good wife even when her husband is less than nice or even good. reader loves her children regardless of everything and she pampers them greatly. she gives steffon advice that her mother and father had given to her growing up.
reader takes all of the time divided equally between her duties as queen, spending time with her family and spending her time with her children.
i fully believe that reader would be so proud of everything her children do. she'd display all of her children's hobbies and praise them endlessly, her precious babies.
i think cersei would be the "why do you think i hate you? i would kill for you. ask me to kill for you." kind of sister. she adores her sister and would do anything for her, including monopolizing her attention.
jaime follow the kind kind but your safety and wellbeing takes a bigger priority. he hated the fact that you got married but as long as you were happy, he'd be there to support you. the second robert steps out of line, he'll be there to defend you.
while jaime and cersei follow the physical type of ruining someone (beating them into a bloody pulp, threatening them and killing their entire family), tywin and tyrion (and even joanna to a degree) follow the method of emotionally and mentally destroying them. why get your hands bloody when you can just push them over the edge. tywin is utterly ruthless in how far he would go to protect reader. joanna would enjoy punishing people that hurt her beloved child.
i think all of reader children (except myrcella, she is actually an angel" follow the "angel and innocent and perfect to their mother's face, but devil to others" route. they love their mother, they adore her and would do anything for her but they hate everyone else. including their father.
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Hello. I see the requests are open, can you write to yandere for big Stannis Baratheon?
oooOoo okay :) i've gotta be honest i don't think there are many writings for him which i think is interesting so it was fun to write this but maybe i just haven't seen them, either way i hope you like this!
Stannis Baratheon is a man who commands respect and by nature appears very powerful
he is harsh but seems to put duty above desire not that he has many
lets say that he has married before you meet, he is not particularly fond of his wife and is uncomfortable around women in general so no one is especially surprised if they know him personally
if you are a woman then it will be considerably harder to catch his affections but not impossible, he might prefer watching you from afar at first when you begin to interest him but rest assured that alone could lead him to you
in the books he is perceived as the most frightening of the Baratheon brothers so he will definitely scare away any suitors wishing to court you, his brother Robert is almost able to charm anyone and so Stannis will use this to his advantage
while he hates having to ask his brother for help he will if it means getting information on you, who you are, where you're from, who else has become bewitched with your company?
he will not allow anyone except his brother know of his affection for you and even then he will imply vagueness
he doesn't want anyone knowing of his weakness for you–his only weakness
so he will stalk you from afar and reject any conversation while in even the corner of your eye, he refuses to allow any misunderstandings. he will grow delusional with his rampant thoughts of you as his lover, wife and Lady of Dragonstone
approaching his brother will be uncomfortable for him but he cannot allow a single hint of disagreement when he requests for your hand, he needs as much sway as he can garner from your guardian/s. who could ask for a better husband than the brother of the King?
but he will ask for your hand himself in a letter outlining the benefits to your union
If you expect a kind display of courting then you are sorely mistaken, he finds himself blushing whenever he so much as looks at you and he cannot allow you to dislike him
he will take a stroll with you once a week but mostly only hum in response rather than speak of his own accord
so you've barely heard your husband's voice before you get married but don't worry, if you're planning to panic and escape he already has strict orders for guards in front of your chamber doors
it doesn't matter if you're crying or beaming down the aisle, he'll still feel as though the Gods are finally giving him light
he makes it very clear that there will be no bedding ceremony and while he will share your first night in shared chambers, he will ask whether you would prefer separated
if you're happy enough to share then he will have so much relief and his love for you will only multiply with every night you spend together which he will spend actually trying to open up a bit more with his spouse
however if you would rather sleep in separate chambers it will cut deep, he won't hold it against him but it will lessen his comfortability to open up to you
regardless however, he will spoil you rotten even if his presence isn't always common with you, he will make up for it with anything your heart desires; flowers, new exotic foods, clothes, pets
he just wants to make you happy
he will spend meals with you and attempt to pretend to get to know you, feigning surprise at the knowledge he already knows
but sometimes he lets things slip by accident
how almost all the clothes he bought you are your favourite colour, every flower is reminiscent of your home, suddenly the same breed of animal you had in your childhood years appeared in your chambers; all things he really shouldn't know
but so long as you remain his perfect little spouse you don't need to worry about a thing
he will hope for one babe of you but he won't push the subject afterward or demand, he's not fond of people so neither is he particularly fond of children
you have most of the same liberties as when he first began his obsession but now have to accept his overbearing concerns of your company and pretend to ignore how many guards have started watching over you
however he is also serious, stubborn, rarely-forgiving so i'd suggest you make few mistakes around him because he will not tolerate infidelity or snubbing him, your chamber key can be just as easily taken away from you as it was given
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I can’t help but imagine that if Himbo!Baratheon!Reader ended up dying during Robert’s Rebellion, Robert ends up siring a bastard that’s basically the reincarnation of the beloved himbo-stag, through and through. Robert would have no second thought about legitimizing his bastard on the spot.
Or maybe Stannis ends up having a son, his one and only, that ends up being Himbo!Baratheon!Reader incarnate??! Ohhh~ that would be so much better!!👀 But Robert would totally want to foster the Reader as soon as possible. He’d want the Reader to be raised by him, glued to his side to enact the same adventures his precious brother use to have full part in. Renly would be no better, believing that the Reader should be raised by someone who isn’t anything like Stannis. And he too would try to get the Reader fostered to Storm’s End to be with him.
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Yandere Daenerys Targaryen x Reader Part 4
(I've tried to read up the marriage procedure in Westeros on the GOT wiki, but it's to much for my peanut brain to take in right now. The canon explanation for this series is that yandere Dany wouldn't want her S/O surrounded by others)
"Are you ready love?" you heard a humming voice behind you. To be honest you were not sure if you're ready. You stared out at the sea, standing at the edge of a cliff, waiting for Daenerys arrival. The pounding of your hear inside your chest almost drained her words out.
'What if she just wanted this due to my titles?', 'What if she just let's her dragons burn me alive when she grows bored of me?', 'What if-'
Every little doubt seemed to vanish when the Targaryen queen placed her hand at your cheek. "It's just me darling, there's nothing you have to worry about" she reassured you.
"I can begin if you're nervous. Do you Y/N Baratheon, son/daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, take me Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen, first of my name, queen of the Andals, the Rhyonar and the First Men, queen of Mereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the unburnt, breaker of chains and mother of dragons, as your wife?"
You could barely croak out your answer, afraid your heart would escape if you open your mouth. "I do. Do you Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen, first of your name, queen of the Andals, the Rhyonar and the First Men, queen of Mereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the unburnt, breaker of chains and mother of dragons, take me Y/N Baratheon, son/daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, as your husband/wife?"
Daenerys answer was filled with seemingly more confidence, wanting to show no sign of her nervousness "I do. You may kiss the bride."
The silver haired queen pulled you into a fiery kiss, you melted oh so delicately into. Your now wife, only let you go when she ran out of air. "You will be by my side when I finally take my righteous place on the iron throne."
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, We Made History: Westeros x Demigod!Reader
Yes, i am already making the masterlist, since i already can see that this is gonna be a long one with many different eras of the story.
So let's anticipate the chaos
The reader, Daughter of the Drowned God
The Eras and their Myths
Her pet
Her titles
The Iron Throne Curse
How the Faith views this situation and The Pretenders (The Pretenders Part 2)
Meera The Pretender (her ending fate)
Her Favorites
Elenei, her oldest sister
Her people and the origins of her trust
Aegon's Conquest:
The Beginning
Her first encounter with the Dragons
Harren Hoare and Argilac Durrandon
The Storm God true motives and the beginning of a war
She is taken by the Sky
Dance of the Dragons
She was tricked
Who stole her?
Daemon and the necklace
Blackfyre Rebellion
Aegon IV causes a war for the Demigoddess
The great bastards fighting for the reader
She runs away with Shiera Seastar
Robert's Rebellion
Rhaegar using Lyanna to supress his feelings for the Demigoddess
Rhaegar tries to run with the Demigoddess
Her betrothed shall take her away
She saved Elia Martell
Game of thrones
Reader leaves the Iron Islands to live in Winterfell with Theon. (First concept of it)
The Demigoddess adopted Theon
Unspecific Eras:
Maegor fucked up real bad and now Westeros is paying for it
Aerea Targaryen used as a message from the Drowned god
Baelor the Blessed and the Demigoddess
Shiera and the Drowned God became besties
A/N: That's mostly it, i hope i didn't forgot any major Era, if i did, hit me with a rock, will ya?
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Yandere Sansa Stark x Cerseis son reader headcannons
Prince Baratheon. He is the first son and only real child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. The prince has black hair and blue eyes. The two parents love the Prince more than anything. The prince is a crown Prince who has won the love of the realm. When the royal family visits Winterfell, Sansa falls in love with the Prince at first sight. Along with his love, his unhealthy obsession begins. When her engagement to the Prince is settled, Sansa will nearly faint from happiness. She is ready to do anything for the prince to like her. Cersei is reluctant to share her son. So Cersei doesn't like the bride-to-be. Prince admires Sansa and woos her like a gentleman. There is a loving and respectful relationship between the two. Sansa does not allow other women to approach the Prince. Sansa is jealous and possessive. She wants to marry the Prince as soon as possible and start a family. She will not allow anyone to disrupt and separate the Prince and her.
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