#yandere quartet night
mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Rover - Spy!Jongin X Reader X Yandere!Spy!Kai
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Twin!AU, Spy!AU & Yandere!AU - Based off of Kai's Mini Album Rover
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Tragedy, Smut
Pairing: Jongin X Reader X Kai
Words: 25,600
Warnings: Violence: physical and gun related, blood and injuries, unhealthy relationships, allusions to cheating (but not actually in that particular context), major deaths, assault and mentions of sexual trafficking. Smut: Dub-Con (there is explicit consent, but it's immediately negated due to the fact that OC is misled to believe she is consenting to her husband when it is not actually him; unknowing infidelity), oral (fem. rec), praise, body worship, dirty talk, very sensual and intimate. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: *Ding ding ding* @ninibears-erigom come get your dinner!! Hehehe, anyways, this is heavily inspired by Kai's third mini album and the subsequent MVs/Films for it. I'm a little hesitant posting it cause of the dub-con aspect, but this is a much darker fic than I usual write and I really like how it turned out. Also, please don't come in my inbox saying OC is stupid for not realizing things, I don't wanna hear it lmaoo anyways, as always feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
P.S. Please don't let this flop guys. If you enjoyed it, please reblog!!!
“What’s your position from the target?” A deep voice sounds in your ear, but you appear to pay him no mind.
“Twenty metres.” Comes your low reply, taking a sip from the crystalline glass held in your hand.
“Whenever you’re ready: approach.” Another male responds, and you can feel his eyes locked onto your figure from the side of the room.
Carefully, you place the champagne flute in your hand onto a side table, weaving your way through the crowd. People hardly notice you, too wrapped up in their own worlds to see nothing but a fleeting shadow dancing in the corner of their vision.
You smirk.
A moment later, and you feel someone bump into your front, spilling wine all over your satin gown.
“Pardon me,” a rough voice greets your ears as you wear an expression of shock.
“It’s all my fault, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” you smile sheepishly, curling in on yourself as hushed whispers and pointed glances are sent your way.
“Be more careful next time, lass,” he responds with a firm nod of his head before turning away.
A waiter offers you a napkin to begin cleaning yourself off with, of which you accept graciously as you begin to walk away.
Little does anyone notice the smirks that tug subtly on either one of your faces.
A shrill scream reaches your ears as a dull thud echoes around the room. The music from the string quartet stops abruptly, people gathering in a circle around a now convulsing body. Not just any body, but the body of the man you had just ‘accidentally’ bumped into.
Not even a second later, the body stills, laying dead upon the floor.
Turning down one of the side hallways of the banquet hall, you appear to slip into the bathroom to freshen up. Only, you mange to slip out of the side door instead.
The cool night air is crisp against your skin, hands immediately coming up to grasp your arms for warmth. That cloth is still held in your hand, but you’ve long since given up attempting to save your dress. There’s no use, anyways. You’ve done what you’ve came here to do, so now all that’s left is to rendezvous at the meeting point, and call it a night.
“Did you get the rest of the information we needed?” That same deep voice from earlier echoes through your little earpiece, but you know he’s not talking to you for the moment.
“Signed, sealed, and delivered.” The other answers just as you hear the same door you exited out of creak open behind you.
Sparing a glance over your shoulder, you see that same waiter step out of the building. A smirk pulls at his lips as he sees you, loosening the first few buttons on his shirt as he approaches.
“God, I don’t know how these servers wear these things all night,” he grumbles, fingering the tie looser to ease it from his neck.
You grin, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he steps in front of you. “Well, I think you look very handsome.”
“At your service, My Lady,” he grins right back, a teasing glint shining within his eyes as he wraps his arms around your waist.
A small silence settles over the both of you as you begin to lean in to one another. You stare deeply into his soft brown eyes, lips quirking as he squeezes your waist gently in his hold.
“If you two are done flirting with each other, we have a job to finish.” A sharp voice interrupts the moment you had been having with your husband.
“Yeah, yeah,” you roll your eyes, turning to face the second male who now stands at the end of the alleyway. A male who is identical in every way to the one who still stands behind you, save for a small mole on the back of his neck, directly beneath his hairline. “We’re coming."
“Just because you don’t have a wife, Kai, doesn’t mean that I’m not allowed to appreciate mine.” Again, his arms slide around your waist, resting his chin over your one shoulder.
Kai’s jaw tenses, lips pursing as his frown deepens.
“Jongin, don’t boast.” You poke said male’s arm lightly while letting out a soft giggle. “It’s unbecoming of you.”
“It’s never stopped him before,” Kai mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. Then, without waiting for either one of you to respond, he continues, “Come on, let’s get going.”
Without another word, the three of you are heading down the alleyway and towards a sleek black car. 
The all leather interior is cool against your skin as you slide into the backseat, a chill running down your spine.
Kai’s eyes flash in the rearview mirror, a silent puff of air escaping him as your husband doesn’t even seem to notice.
“There’s a blanket under the passenger seat if you’re cold.” He states, somewhat gruffly as the engine purrs to life.
The lights illuminate the path before you, and without waiting another second, Kai speeds out of the alleyway, racing off into the night.
“Stop taking better care of my wife than me.” Jongin grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest somewhat childishly. “Get your own."
“Maybe if you payed better attention to her, I wouldn’t fucking have to.” Kai remarks, weaving in and out through other cars as he heads for the agency you all work for across the city.
“Boys,” you tut, shaking your head in amusement. A moment later, and that blanket is wrapped around your figure. It’s surprisingly warm. “We’ve just got to find your  older brother a partner of his own to worry about, and then he won’t have to worry about me.”
Briefly, his eyes glance at you again within the rearview mirror.
Impossible. He’ll always worry about you, since his brother never seems to want to.
“What type of person are you in to, Kai?” You lean forward, resting your arm on the back of Jongin’s seat as you look towards the elder of the two.
“You ask me this every time.” He grumbles, hands tightening on the steering wheel.
“And you never have an answer for me.” You reply with an amused hum, somewhat knowingly. “Do you fancy men, women, both, or any type of person there is?”
Jongin quirks a brow, shaking his head while muttering about your incessant need to find his brother a life partner.
“Why is it you really want to know?” Kai shoots a look towards you out of the corner of his eyes, lips quirking as he pulls off of the highway. “Worried you might make yourself jealous?”
A loud, boisterous laugh falling from your painted lips greets his ears. You even go so far as to pat his shoulder a few times in jest, wiping at your eyes with your free hand as if you had tears gathering at the corners.
“Now, why would knowing you fancy someone make me jealous?” You remove your hand. “You know I’m married, right?”
That damn ring of yours glinting beneath the artificial lights illuminating the street he drives down mocks him, the matching one sitting proudly on Jongin’s own hand. A ring which should have been on his finger instead.
Kai grits his teeth. “How could I ever forget?”
“No, I want to know your type so I can set you up with someone,” you say, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Perhaps Shinobu from logistics, or my friend Sunmin.”
He blinks, staring blankly ahead as he turns into the entrance to the underground parking lot for your agency. “I’m perfectly happy on my own.”
“Your comments about our marriage suggest otherwise,” Jongin grumbles just as Kai pulls into a spot.
Your brow quirks, but you say nothing as you exit the vehicle.
As soon as your foot touches the concrete flooring, the engine is cut, the two males stepping out to join you immediately after. Jongin instantly has his arm around your waist, helping to guide you inside of the building.
The whole time you walk inside and to the elevator, you can feel Kai’s eyes on you. However, little do you realize the way his shoulder still tingles from your touch mere minutes before.
The ride up to the main facility is silent, both males flanking you on either side. The only difference is, Jongin has his hand placed lowly on your back, even with that blanket still resting over your shoulders. It’s faint, but the material smells of jasmine and a certain type of musk you can’t quite put your finger on. All that you do know, is it smells incredible, and you find yourself leaning in to catch that scent more often that not. 
A fact of which Kai picks up on.
A subtle smirk pulls at his lips as he sees you wrap that blanket tighter around yourself as the elevator doors slide open with a slight ding. The fact that you lean into it, wanting to smell more of him mixed with you sets his heart racing in his chest.
Now, if only he could have you smelling like that naturally.
“I’m going to go change, and then I’ll meet you boys in the boss’ office.” You say, voice managing to pull both of them out of their thoughts for the moment.
A nod is all you receive from Jongin as you turn to place a gentle kiss onto his cheek. Pulling away, you smile softly at Kai before heading down a separate hallway and towards your own private office at the one end of the facility.
As soon as you disappear from sight, Kai is shooting a pointed look at his younger brother.
“You didn’t even ask if she was okay.” His tone is pointed, disproval heavy in his gaze.
“Oh, don’t give me that crap.” Jongin rolls his eyes, already heading down the opposite hallway and towards their boss’ office. “You didn’t either.”
“At least I noticed she was cold.” Kai huffs, eyes narrowing at the back of his brother’s head as he follows after Jongin.
“If she was cold she would have said something.” Jongin replies nonchalantly as he tucks his hands into his pockets. Taking another step, he rounds on his brother. “Stop meddling in our affairs. What my wife and I do is none of your concern.”
“It is when you don’t fucking treat her properly.” Kai seethes, pushing Jongin harshly against the wall using his forearm. “Did you even notice that bastard didn’t even fucking apologize for spilling his drink all over her? Or were you just too busy eye-fucking his wife.”
“We got the job done, didn’t we?” Jongin spits, shoving his brother off of him.
“You’re fucking lucky we know what we’re dong.” Kai snaps, brushing past his twin with a harsh knock into his shoulder. “Why did you even bother to join this agency if all you ever do is complain about the jobs we get told to do, and the covers you get assigned?”
Of course, Kai knows exactly why Jongin does everything he does. It’s to prove that he always gets what he wants. At least, everything that Kai has ever desired. It’s not like Jongin actually likes the same things as his elder twin, he just wants to prove that he can take whatever it is that Kai wants for himself. Yet, whenever Kai points it out, no one believes him. Instead, they fall for Jongin’s little innocent act. Every. Single. Time.
To say Kai is frustrated would be an understatement. If he needed a new phone, Jongin’s always had to come first. If he wanted to follow a specific career path, Jongin did everything in his power to prove how much smarter, how much better he is at it than him.
The final straw had been you.
Kai had been smitten ever since he first laid his eyes on you in high school. Only, Jongin took notice of the fact of yet another person his twin had desired and made it his mission to get you first. Kai had lost many friends and lovers throughout the years because of this, but he thought you would be different. You had never played into Jongin’s tricks, so Kai couldn’t help but hope that finally, he could claim someone as his own. Someone who he had always desired above everyone else. Someone whom he loves.
That’s when the two of you announced you were getting married. With the same damn set of rings Kai had wanted to use to propose to you someday, too.
Kai had seen red that day, taking the most intensive and erotic bender of his entire life. It took him days to recover, and when he did, he was never the same man.
None of these other women were you. No one else mattered to him but you.
Yet, he couldn’t hurt you. No, never you. He couldn’t ruin your own happiness for his own selfish gains. Not like his brother. So, no matter how badly it pained him to watch you walk down that aisle in a dress he only ever dreamed you’d be wearing for him, he grinned and bared it. All because he loves you. More than anything.
The worst part? You don’t even realize how badly Jongin treats you. At least, in Kai’s opinion.
Jongin doesn’t bring you your favourite flowers on your birthday like he does. Jongin doesn’t remember your favourite take-out order when you’re feeling down. Hell, Jongin can’t even offer you the love that you have always deserved like Kai can.
If only you could see that, too.
Sitting within the boss’ office with his brother is tense, the elder woman leaning against her desk with her arms crossed over her chest. Her stern gaze looks over the both of them sharply, the usb they were required to use to hack the system of the banquet held firmly in her one hand.
“Do one of you want to tell me how this got destroyed?” Her tone is pointed, and they both know she won’t accept a bullshit answer.
A moment of silence before Jongin is letting out a loud sigh. “I told him to be more careful, but this idiot managed to crush it while subduing the waiter he was supposed to be impersonating.”
Kai’s nostril’s flare.
“You were the one that insisted that he take out the waiter instead so he could ‘keep an eye on his wife’. If I remember correctly.” He seethes, nothing but malice in his gaze as he glares at his brother.
“Jongin trusts his wife with his own life, why would he need to babysit one of our top two agents?” Their boss, Quincy, replies bluntly.
“Oh, is that what he told you?” Kai scoffs, sitting back in his seat as he rolls his eyes.
“I’m getting real sick and fucking tired of your attitude, Kai.” Her gaze sharpens, turning the full intensity of her heated glare onto him. “You may be the other half of our top two agents, but every day you push your luck.”
“If it weren’t for Jongin’s fuck up tonight, I wouldn’t have had to hack into the security mainframe manually, and we could have been out of there sooner.” Kai shifts in his seat once more, gripping the arms of his chair tightly beneath his fingers.
“Your purpose in these dual missions is to give each other an alibi should people start getting suspicious.” Quincy looks between the both of them, her lips pursed in a tight line. “We can’t keep your covers hidden if the both of you don’t cooperate. You’re brothers for crying out loud. Act like it.”
“I don’t know what you know about brotherly love, boss,” Jongin chuckles, “but we’ve never had it.”
“Then you better learn some before one of you ends up dead.” She huffs. “I know someone who would be devastated if they were to learn of at least one of your deaths.”
The pointed look she sends Jongin has a white hot fury flooding Kai’s veins at how unbothered his twin looks by this statement. Not only that, but a tightness begins welling inside his chest, heart aching at the truth behind those words.
He swallows thickly.
Just then, a knock sounds on the door. A second later, and you pop your head in, entering the room in a fresh pair of pants and a new shirt.
“Good. You’re here.” Quincy nods, pushing herself off of her desk and walking behind it so that she can take a seat. “Now, the three of you,” she looks between you all, “give me the rundown of your latest assignment.”
Stepping over beside Jongin, you perch yourself on the one arm of his chair as you meet Quincy’s gaze across from you.
“Target: William Darcey, eliminated.” You begin, pulling out a small pin no bigger than the size of a pill capsule. Leaning forward, you place the empty container on the edge of her desk. “The new toxin Jeremy developed works like a charm. Dropped dead within a minute of being administered, and looked like a seizure to boot.”
“Excellent.” She nods her approval. “As always, it’s what I expect from you, and you always deliver.”
“Thank you, Ma’am.” You nod back, keeping your head tilted forward in gratitude for a moment longer.
“I expect none of you were discovered.” Briefly, she looks over all three of you.
“If we were, we are unaware of it.” Jongin answers her, his hand moving to settle on your lower back.
The way you lean into his touch has Kai tensing in his seat beside you.
“My moles haven’t heard anything. Darcey was pronounced dead at the banquet, by natural causes.” Quincy shuffles some papers on her desk. “The information Kai managed to hack gives us our final target. The man pulling the strings behind this entire operation we’re attempting to shut down. Already, our Zero Division has moved to rescue those who have been trafficked by Don Vanderleen. The rescue is underway as we speak.”
“Are operations running as usual?” You inquire, and you notice her eyes flash. You shrink in your spot, noticing the disappearance of Jongin’s comforting touch. Though, you’re not the only one that does. “My apologies, Ma’am. I should have known better.”
“Next time, don’t interrupt until I’m finished.” She places the papers in her hands rather firmly on top of her desk.
You can only avert your gaze to the floor as Kai shifts once more in his seat.
His fingers twitch, longing to comfort you like he knows his brother should be doing right now. Even if it’s as little as his hand on your back, he would offer you his support in any way he can, not take it away.
“As I was saying,” another sharp look is sent your way by Quincy, “in two days’ time, Don Vanderleen will be attending the ballet Swan Lake at the Holly Theatre. We have already reserved the booth seats for you and Jongin to attend with him. You’ll be covering as two private investors interested in his more personal affairs.” She looks at you when she says this, shifting her gaze to the man sitting to your left in the next second. “Kai, you are expected to perform the assassination from the rooftop through the large domed ceiling. We will not tolerate failure. Not when we’ve been working towards this goal for the past two years. It’s time we bring this warlord to justice.”
Immediately, the three of you are nodding your understanding, accepting the files she hands you from across her desk. Your alibis, new cover profiles, as well as all the information on who you’re going to be sitting with, interacting with, and how you will be acting are all included inside.
“Learn this inside and out,” Quincy states, leaning back in her chair and observing the three of you carefully. Then, she turns her sharp gaze towards both you and Jongin. “Tomorrow, you’ll be fitted for your outfits. Don’t be late.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” You reply for the both of you.
“Until then,” she turns away from you to begin riffling through the one drawer of her desk. “Dismissed.”
The three of you do not need to be told twice. 
Standing, you all exit the room. Jongin leads, not even bothering to wait for you as Kai holds the door open. You smile slightly in thanks, and from that simply action alone, Kai can feel his heart attempting to beat right out of his chest. At least he knows that if anything were to happen, he will take much better care of you than his brother can.
Catching up with Jongin, you fall into step beside him. Casually, he wraps his arm around your waist, not even bothering to look in your direction as he does so.
Stopping in the main hall, you turn to face Kai once more.
“Thanks for covering for his ass tonight.” You meet Kai’s gaze as you poke Jongin in the side of the ribs. “I swear he’s never outgrown his baby stage.”
“Oh, so, you’ve noticed, too?” Kai quirks a brow, a grin tugging at his features.
“Hey!” Jongin whines, lips tugging downwards in a pout before pulling upwards in a smirk. Leaning in, he whispers in your ear loud enough for his brother to hear, “that’s not what you were saying last night.”
Kai’s jaw twitches, and he has to restrain himself from clocking his brother right in front of you at this very moment. He knows what Jongin is trying to do, and he won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing him snap.
“Jongin,” you hit his side, averting your gaze so sweetly as you do so.
If only Kai could make you react like that. Oh, what he wouldn’t give to see you so bashful because of him. Him, and only him.
“Anyways,” you clear your throat, noticing how the elevator opens before you. Jongin must have called it while you weren’t looking. “We should get going, but did you need-“
“Come on, Darlin’,” Jongin tugs you into the elevator beside him. “I’ve had a long day, and I want to get home.”
You blink in mild shock, attempting to turn back towards Kai to finish offering him a ride home since you all drove in together this morning. Only, before another word can so much as leave you, Jongin is turning you towards himself and pressing his lips against your own as he cups your face.
The last thing Kai sees before the elevator doors close in his face is your surprised face before you’re completely melting into the kiss. The fact that he could just tell his brother had been watching his reaction out of the corner of his eyes sets his blood boiling.
Heading towards the stairs, Kai harshly slams the door open. His fists are clenched by his side as he begins to rush down them, the familiar burning of tears igniting behind his eyes. With how tight his jaw is clenched, he’s surprised his teeth don’t crack from the pressure.
Jongin is ruthless: dangling you in front of Kai like some toy. Viewing you as some grand prize to hold over his older brother every chance he gets. Only, that’s what Jongin doesn’t understand. You are not some toy. You are not an object to be owned and used as he pleases. 
That is what angers Kai the most. Jongin doesn’t even view you as a person, but simply another conquest that he can hold over his twin. A trophy to display whenever and however he wants, just to hurt Kai as much as possible.
If only you weren’t so blinded by your own emotions.
Emotions which shine clearly in your eyes as you pull away to stare deeply into Jongin’s own. The silence in the elevator is comforting, and the soft smile you see painting his features as he looks at you sets your heart racing.
You chuckle. “I wish you would stop doing that.”
“Doing what?” He hums innocently, his arms once more wrapped around your waist, and holding you flush against him.
“Kissing me so suddenly,” you poke his chest lightly. “If you want to kiss me, just ask.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” He grins, leaning in to peck your lips one more time.
You roll your eyes playfully as you hear the familiar chime of the elevator doors opening.
Stepping out, Jongin follows close behind, grabbing your hand in his own. He swings your arms gently between the both of you as you walk to the car, pulling the keys out of your pocket and unlocking it quickly. You part only to slide into the seats, hands immediately finding one another over the console once you’re both settled inside.
Jongin turns to you, a tender look in his eyes. “Stay with me until sunrise?”
You smile, heart warming at the secret code you made for each other ever since your wedding night. A code which lets you know that you not only love one another, but will stay with each other until the end of time.
“Only if we get to watch the sunset.”
Pulling out of the parking garage, you take off down the road. The drive home is quick, quaint in the silence that settles around the both of you. Yet, with the comforting way he squeezes your hand, you wouldn’t want it any other way.
The next morning, you wake to an empty bed.
Pulling yourself up and tossing off the covers, you’re quick to get ready for the day. Jongin must already be up and waiting for you, opting to have let you sleep in for a little while longer.
Once you reach the kitchen, you’re surprised to see no sight of Jongin waiting for you. Not even a note has been written for you in attempts to explain his whereabouts.
Your brow furrows in slight worry. He couldn’t have left without you already, right? It wouldn’t be extremely odd for him to; not completely out of the ordinary. The last time he did something like this though, was at the very beginning of your relationship. Back when you were still learning everything there was to know about each other.
After having a quick breakfast, you begin to make your way towards the agency. You hope beyond everything that Jongin is already there waiting for you, and not having decided to just up and disappear. You know that he hates fitting days, but you never thought he’d run out on you like this.
Stepping through the door to the clothing department reveals Nancy waiting patiently for you behind her desk. Her sewing machine whirs softly, a piece of fabric being pushed beneath the threaded needle.
“I’ll be with you in a second!” She calls, her glasses close to sliding right off her nose as she concentrates on the hemline she seems to be sewing.
“Take your time, Nance,” you call, already moving over to your usual fitting spot.
A soft sigh escapes you as you sit on the edge of the little pedestal in front of the three way mirror. Blankly, you stare at your reflection, leaning forward to rest your elbow on your knee. 
Jongin still hasn’t answered any of your calls or texts, and you’re getting a bit concerned. The last time he skipped out on fitting day for an upcoming mission, you thought Quincy was going to hang him by his toes off of the side of the building. You just hope he has a decent excuse this time.
The sound of the door opening behind you draws your attention just as you finally get a response from him.
“Sorry I’m late,” a deep voice sounds, and you lock eyes with who appears to be your husband in the mirror.
You glance down to read the message.
Had an emergency arise. Cover for me?
“Jongin!” Nancy exclaims, eyes lighting up with mirth as she finally finishes sewing that piece of fabric together. “You’re right on time! Come in, come in!”
He gives her a tight smile, before turning to face you.
“I was worried.” Your brow furrows slightly, a disappointed downturn of your lips as you stand to your feet.
“I know,” he grimaces slightly, playing the part of the remorseful husband well. “I’m sorry, Darling.”
You let out another sigh. “You’re here now.”
Nancy glances between the two of you curiously, a minor quirk to her brow. “Trouble in paradise? I’ve never seen you two act so cold.”
“We’re fine, Nance,” you reply quickly. “Let’s just get this over with, yeah?”
“Alright,” she shoots you a skeptical look. “I’ve already got the outfits ready for you both, so you just sit tight and wait here.”
Scurrying off to the back, Nancy disappears from sight.
You can hear her fumbling around with some clothes, cursing as she drops something. A loud clatter is heard from behind the stacks of fabric, and you see some beads scatter across the floor.
“You okay, Nan?” You call out.
“Yeah!” She assures you, cursing a few more times under her breath as she shifts things around. “I’m just going to be another minute.”
You can hear her muttering to herself about finding where she put the matching vest as more shuffling occurs.
Taking this opportunity, you turn towards the male standing beside you, only to see him already staring at you.
“Thank you,” keeping your voice low, you lean into him subtly. Your arms are crossed over your chest, and you notice that he blinks a few times, as if you’ve just pulled him out of his own thoughts. “For covering for him.”
“Yeah, well,” Kai lets out an exasperated breath, “you know my brother.”
“He doesn’t deserve you.” You tell him honestly. “I don’t know how you put up with his shit all the time.”
“He’s done this before?” His brow quirks, an irritated twitch to his lips.
“Fittings aren’t the only things he likes skipping out on from time to time.” You say, glancing down at the ground with a frown. “‘Emergency’ my ass.”
You swear you see Kai’s nostril’s flare, but before he gets a chance to reply, Nancy is returning with two separate outfits in her hands.
“Sorry I took so long, couldn’t find the one vest for the life of me.” She chuckles, handing each of you your respective outfits. “Change into these. and then I can finish any alterations you may need.”
Grabbing the garments from her hands, both you and Kai enter your respective changing rooms. Not even five minutes later, you both step out, moving to stand on each of the two pedestals in front of the mirrors.
A low whistle escapes you.
“I always knew you’d look good in red.” You comment, eying the finely tailored suit that hugs Kai’s figure delicately.
The bright crimson stretches from the jacket, all the way down to his slacks. Even the vest he wears beneath is the same colour, exposing the slightest bit of his chest as there doesn’t seem to be a shirt buttoned underneath. The fact that his hair sits that golden blond atop his head only adds to the look, his honeyed skin practically glowing despite the harshness of the artificial lights.
Kai absolutely revels in your gaze. His breath hitches slightly as he sees you give him a few glances from head to toe, a shiver caressing his spine as he notices the corner of your lips twitching upwards. He knows you’re probably only picturing what Jongin will look like in such an outfit, but like hell is he letting anyone take this moment from him.
Finally, you are gazing at him just as he always knows he looks at you, and right now is no exception.
There you stand, in a gorgeous golden gown which accentuates every sinful curve of your body. A slit rests on the left side of the dress, following your leg upwards until about mid-thigh, allowing for ample movement in case things go south. Either way, you look absolutely radiant, and Kai curses his brother for being stupid enough to miss this.
He should be here, worshipping the very ground you walk on. Not fucking off on some random trip just cause he’s throwing a tantrum over fitting day.
“You look…” the words get caught in his throat as you meet his gaze, his breath hitching once more. He blinks, clearing his throat, “stunning.”
A soft smile graces your features as you avert your gaze, and if Kai didn’t know any better, he’d say he just made you shy.
His heart warms. Finally, he can say that he was the cause of your bashful reaction. Him, and him alone.
“Are you sure these outfits aren’t too…” you turn towards Nancy, “loud?”
“Yours? No.” She shakes her head. “His? Maybe.”
A chuckle escapes the woman’s mouth as you nod.
“I just remember you saying how you would love to see your husband in a bright red someday, that preferably isn’t blood.” She winks. “Though, I’m just surprised he didn’t fight you on it like he usually does. Equally surprised he didn’t complain this time around.”
You and Kai share a look.
“I simply decided that maybe I should listen to my beautiful wife for once.” Kai answers smoothy. “She’s usually right, after all.”
“Oh?” Nancy quirks her brow at this. “She finally smack some sense into your whiny ass?”
“I did no such thing!” You gasp, as if you’re truly scandalized by her words. Only, the playful wink you offer her immediately after has grins pulling at all of your faces.
“I just finally realized that I should appreciate the woman I love more often.” 
There is nothing but sincerely within his gaze as he looks at you when he says this. An intensity you almost long for from another male who looks exactly like him.
A puff of air escapes you, shaking your head lightly. “You always were the hopeless romantic.”
“For you?” He hums, turning back to face the mirror as he straightens out his blazer. “Always.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Nancy feign gagging.
“Bleck! Will you two stop being so lovey-dovey?” Her nose scrunches as she moves over to you to fix the hem of your skirt slightly. “It’s seriously gross.”
“You think this is us being lovey-dovey?” You snort out a laugh, the corner of your lips twitching upwards knowingly. You lift your head to meet Kai’s gaze, a playful roll to your eyes. “Oh, Honey, you’re just so sweet. I cannot bear to call you anything but.”
Kai shares a laugh with you, despite the way his heart races inside of his chest from your words. Sure, you may not mean it, but he’ll cherish this moment for as long as he can. After all, your words mean more to him that you’ll ever know.
“But, My Darling,” the grin that stretches across his features is nothing short of sultry, “you know that nothing can compare to your beauty. It’s enough to rival even the deepest of oceans, and highest of mountains, for it is eternal in the ways you captivate me.”
You both share another laugh, though this time, it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Okay, now you’re just rubbing it in.” Nancy sighs, shooting an almost longing glance towards who she thinks is your husband. 
A glance which you immediately pick up on. 
You tense. 
“I wish someone would speak to me like that. Maybe I should flirt with you brother more often. See if he has as silvered a tongue as you, Jongin.” Nancy darts her gaze over at the male briefly before focussing back in on the task at hand.
Thank fuck Nancy is too busy hemming your skirt to look up to see the way Kai cannot hide the grimace that pulls onto his face at her words.
“You shouldn’t use him like that, Nancy. Kai is a gentleman, and you shouldn’t joke about getting him to do what you want. He doesn’t deserve that, and I don’t think he’s in the market anyways.” You state, rather casually as you smooth out the front of your dress. “Besides, aren’t you married.”
The judgement is clear on your features as you meet her gaze in the mirror. Lightly, you shake your head in disproval.
“A girl can dream.” Nancy sighs, her gaze once more flicking over at the male to your right.
“If you’re that unhappy in your marriage, Nance, you should probably get a divorce.” You say, a hint of concern now shining in your eyes. “To even imply you would cheat-“
“It was just a joke, sweetie,” she huffs, rolling her eyes a bit exasperatedly. “Lighten up.”
You purse your lips, letting out a long sigh through your nose.
“Jokes are meant to be funny.” 
Nancy shoots an incredulous look towards the male standing to your right.
“Geez,” she huffs, “didn’t realize you’d be so sensitive about your brother.”
The two of you share a look.
“Anyways, you’re probably right about the red being too loud for the ballet.” Nancy sighs, standing back to her feet. A second later, and she’s disappeared around the stacks of fabric only to reemerge holding a standard black suit and tie. “Change into this instead.”
Seamlessly, she hands the male the new outfit before he disappears back inside the change room. 
Once the curtain has slid closed, she leans into you, “Don’t worry. I’ll pack that little red ensemble for you separately.”
You quirk a small smile, somewhat sadly, “Thanks, Nance.”
A minute later, and Kai is stepping out in the muted suit, looking just as fine as he did in the red one.
“Your husband can certainly pull off anything he wants.” Nancy chuckles, a certain spark shining within her eyes that you don’t particularly like.
You simply quirk a tight smile in response as you step in to ‘adjust’ his tie.
“I think you’re negating the true beauty in the room.” He replies effortlessly, gaze locked with your own.
Your breath hitches, freezing right in your spot as you search his features. The sincerity alone that you can see shining within his eyes has your heart fluttering.
You turn away, clearing your throat. “So, should these be ready by tonight, or tomorrow morning?”
“I’ll have them ready for tonight. That way if you need to make any last minute alterations before the mission tomorrow we can do so then.” Nancy tells you, seeing you nod your understanding. “Kai will be in the same outfit as Jongin in case he gets spotted, only with a black button up to blend in better with the night.”
This time, you both nod your understanding. Of course, Nancy fails to see the way the two of you lock gazes.
You let out another sigh. 
“Well,” you step back into the change room, “better prepare for tomorrow.”
Sliding the curtain back over the rail, you slip out of the dress and back into your regular clothes. The moment you step back out, you’re handing the golden gown back to Nancy, thanking her lowly again. You notice Kai has also taken the liberty to change, handing the aforementioned female his brother’s outfit once more.
“I’ll be by later to pick them up,” you say, seeing her nod her head as she retreats back to her sewing machine for the moment.
Without another word, the two of you leave the room.
The walk to the elevators is silent, a sort of tension filling the air between the both of you. A tension which finally boils to a head when the elevator doors open to reveal Jongin laughing along with Shinobu inside. Her one hand playfully smacks his shoulder as her other covers her lower face, attempting to stifle her giggles as he grins widely. A faint blush creeps up her cheeks, her eyes shining with clear affection towards your husband.
Kai swears he sees red as he stands there, just as stiff as you as you both witness the scene before your very eyes.
Noticing the sudden tension around them, both Shinobu and Jongin turn their heads to see you and Kai standing there. Your expression remains unreadable, steeling your nerves as you step into the elevator with a curt nod to the other female. Kai, on the other hand, can barely control the shaking of his hands in anger.
The moment Shinobu scurries from the elevator, Kai is closing the distance between himself and his twin. His arm is pressed harshly across Jongin’s chest as he pins his younger brother to the back wall. 
The elevator doors slide closed.
“The fuck was that all about?” Kai hisses lowly. “Bailing on your wife to fucking flirt with your coworker? On fitting day, no less? Was that your fucking emergency?”
Your somewhat exasperated reply gets cut off by Jongin shoving his twin off of him.
“You think I would be the one to cheat?” Jongin’s eyes widen slightly, his tone incredulous. “We just so happened to step into the elevator at the same time. Why are you always so adamant on finding something that isn’t there?”
“Maybe if you stopped acting like a fucking asshole, and treated you wife properly, I wouldn’t have to.” Kai spits, nothing but pure fury reflected in his gaze.
You can tell Jongin is about to reply, but your hands firmly pushing them apart stop him from going any further. You step between them, further separating the fire that continues to rage on between the two brothers.
“Enough.” You look from one male to the other. “We have a mission tomorrow, and the last thing we need is for you two to be at each other’s throats more so than usual.”
A brief silence where the tension crackles in the air like lightning before Kai is heaving a tremendous sigh.
“She’s right.” He takes a reluctant step back. “You should listen to your wife more often, it might just save your life.”
“Are you threatening me?” Jongin’s eyes are wild as he tilts his head at his brother.
“If you feel threatened, then by all means,” Kai gestures loosely towards Jongin.
Jongin’s lip part in retort before your sharp gaze is causing the words to catch in his throat. You turn to Kai.
“Thanks for covering for him today.” You say. “Him and I need to have a talk on the way home. See you tomorrow for the mission.”
Without another word, you’re hitting the button to open the elevator doors, a silent command for Kai to leave you and Jongin alone.
Reluctantly, the male exits the elevator, watching the doors close behind him with a look of pure irritation on his features. Irritation aimed directly at his twin, who only looks annoyed at this specific turn of events.
Clicking his tongue, Kai turns around. There’s not much for him to do for the moment, so he might as well release his anger doing something productive.
Heading to the shooting range, Kai rolls his shoulders. At least this way he can kill two birds with one stone: practice for the assassination tomorrow evening, and pretend he’s making his brother suffer as much as Jongin has made him throughout the years.
Oh, how Kai longs for the day where he can see that complete look of devastation wipe that smug grin from Jongin’s features. He’s fantasized how it would happen more times than he can count. The biggest being a scenario where you end up in his arms while Jongin is forced to reap the consequences of his actions. With how things are going, perhaps such a dream may come true sooner, rather than late.
Kai sighs, pulling out his favourite sniper rifle from the cage. At least once he’s done here he can prepare everything for tomorrow. After all, he never misses.
Meanwhile, back in the elevator, a tense silence settles over both you and Jongin as you ride down to the parking garage. Your arms are crossed over your chest as you refuse to so much as turn in your husband’s direction. The moment that familiar ding chimes and the doors open, you’re walking over to your car, an unreadable expression on your face.
“Come on, Darlin’,” Jongin flicks his bangs out his eyes, a look of annoyance on his features. “You seriously can’t be mad at me right now.”
“And why is that, Jongin?” You round on him, nothing but bitterness shining in your eyes as you stare at him from overtop of the car. “You left before sunrise, on a day where you knew we had somewhere to be. I understand you dislike fitting days, but do you realize what would have happened if you had been caught skipping again? Our line of work is already dangerous without having our own agency breathing down our necks and watching our every move. Do you want to be put on lockdown again?”
“We won’t be put on lockdown, again.” He sighs, exasperatedly while sliding into the passenger seat of the car. “Besides, Kai handled it just fine.”
Your nostrils flare as you move to sit in the drivers seat, slamming the door closed and pointedly starting the engine. “I’m lucky your brother even showed up.”
“Next time, you should just text him. He always seems to be at your beck and call, anyways.” He grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh, no.” You shoot him a glare out of the corner of your eyes as you pull out of the parking garage. “You don’t get to pull the jealous card here.”
“Me? Jealous of my brother?” Jongin nearly scoffs. “As if he would ever have a chance with you.”
“I don’t know, he looked remarkable in red.” You comment lowly, noticing how he stiffens almost immediately from your words. “Quite slick with his tongue, too.”
“How dare you-“
“You honest to god think I would ever cheat on you, Jongin?” Your grip tightens on the steering wheel as you merge onto the highway. “After everything I’ve told you that happened with my parents? On how I feel about the matter? You think I would be capable of inflicting that type of pain on a person I love?”
“Well, when you say things like that…”
“How do you think it makes me feel to see you arrive late to work with Shinobu of all people after you run out on me claiming there’s some ‘emergency’ you have to take care of?” You counter, noticing how he averts his gaze in shame in the next second. “Do you have any idea how that looks, not just to me, but to anyone aware of the situation? I know for a fact you claimed ‘emergency’ just because you don’t want to deal with Nancy’s subtle flirtations with you. I don’t blame you for being uncomfortable around her, but the least you could do is tell me where you are. I’m your goddamn wife for fuck’s sake! You think I don’t notice when my own husband is both being hit on, and is uncomfortable by it?”
“Then, why don’t you say anything to her?” He grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I do!” You exclaim, voice rising in pitch slightly. “I have, and when I did, you were the one who got mad at me for bringing it up!”
Of course, he didn’t get mad at you in front of her. Only once you were behind closed doors did he say to lay off of Nancy. Turns out your husband rather enjoys the attention, more so than the discomfort it causes him. Which is why you found Kai’s reassurance today, even if it was something as simple as backing you up while pretending to be your husband, so refreshing.
Before he can respond, you’re letting out a sigh through your nose. “Either way, it looks like you don’t have to worry about her flirting with you anymore. It seems as if she’s moving on to target your brother.”
“You say that as if it bothers you.” He mumbles lowly, refusing to meet your gaze as you pull off of the highway.
“Does it not bother you?” You cannot hide how appalled you sound. “He’s your brother, for god’s sake, Jongin! Kai deserves better than that, and you know it!”
“Then, why didn’t you marry him?” He snaps, slapping his hands onto his thighs in exasperation.
You go quiet, the silence deafening inside of the car.
You swallow thickly, keeping your voice low, “Because he’s not the one I fell in love with.”
You can feel him staring at you through the stillness that settles around the both of you.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.” His voice is low, averting his gaze back down to his lap.
“Well, I do.” You reply quite sharply. “I know you’ve always been insecure about your brother, Jongin. It’s just not fair that you take it out on me.”
He remains quiet for the rest of the drive, still staring down at his hands.
You’re right. He knows you’re right. He’s just too proud to admit it.
Kai has always been the better twin. Smarter, funnier, more popular. Jongin cannot help but get jealous, even if he hates to admit that he does. Everything Jongin does, he does for approval, but all it seems to do is irritate Kai. He thought that following in his brother’s footsteps would make the elder like him more, but no matter what he does, he can never seem to win. 
And now he’s pulled you into that mess.
The moment the car stills in the driveway, Jongin is stepping out wordlessly. He can hear the low sigh you let out behind him as he moves to unlock the front door. Only, it seems as if he’s misplaced his keys again.
You heave another sigh, louder this time as you pull out your own keys to unlock the front door. Once inside, the two of you each head your separate ways.
The rest of the afternoon and evening is spent like this, a tense sort of silence between the both of you. Sure, you’ve had fights before, but never anything like this. You know Kai has always been a touchy subject for Jongin, but he’s never gone so far as to avoid you when you bring him up. Perhaps you should talk to him after you get back from picking up your outfits for tomorrow.
Only, when you step back through the door, Jongin has up and disappeared on you again. At least this time he left a note.
Needed to sort out my head. Be back in time for mission.
Letting out a sigh, you retreat to your bedroom. You might as well get as much sleep as you can before tomorrow. You have a feeling you’re going to need it.
Jongin doesn’t return home until an hour before you’re supposed to leave for the ballet. He walks in to see you pacing near the front, already dressed and ready for the evening assassination.
You can see the words forming on his lips, but you raise a hand into the air to stop him. “Save it. You need to get ready.”
A solemn nod is all you receive in response as Jongin retreats to the bedroom. Not even forty minutes later, he reappears, fully dressed and ready to go. 
The button up he wears beneath his open blazer is slightly larger than it should be, the white material spilling out further than it should where it’s tucked into his pants. He struggles to fix it, and you can only click your tongue in response. Nancy adjusted his outfit based on Kai’s measurements yesterday, and Jongin’s brother just so happens to be the slightest bit buffer than he is.
The clothes still fit, just not as well as they should.
Looking upwards, you finally meet his gaze.
“I won’t ask you where you’ve been.” Your first real words to him since he’s gotten back. “Whatever you needed to sort out was your business. Just-“ you let out a somewhat sad sigh, “if this isn’t working out for you anymore, Jongin, all I ask is that you don’t string me along.”
Immediately, he’s shaking his head, closing the distance between the both of you in order to take your hands gently into his.
The front door opens, and in steps Kai.
You drop Jongin’s hands. “We’ll talk about this later.”
Kai’s brow quirks, gaze darting between the both of you, “Am I interrupting something?”
Jongin is quick to recover, the corner of his lips quirking upwards as he huffs out a laugh, “Nothing of importance.”
He fails to see the way your entire demeanour falls, but Kai doesn’t. However, before the elder male can so much as ask if you’re okay, you’re walking past him.
“Let’s get this over with.” You mumble, grabbing your clutch from the front table and heading out the door.
Kai spares a brief glance over to his brother, of whom simply shrugs in response.
Letting out a deep sigh, Kai is quick to follow right behind you, shaking his head the whole while. Looks like his brother royally screwed up again, and of course, Kai will have to do damage control to clean up his mess.
As Jongin locks up, Kai takes this time to subtly lean into you.
“You look gorgeous, by the way.” He keeps his tone low, the corners of his lips twitching upwards as his eyes roam your figure.
You smile lightly. “Thank you.”
“Come on,” Jongin’s pointed huff draws both of your attention. “Let’s go.”
Silently, Kai watches as you both slide into the backseat of his car. He’s supposed to act as your chauffeur this evening, and drop you off at the venue before finding a place to safely park the car and assume his position. He just hopes you can all last the night.
About halfway through the drive, you get a call from Quincy.
“Have you heard the news?” Her gruff voice sounds through the speakers of your phone, allowing the two males to hear the conversation at her instruction.
“What news?” Kai’s brow furrows.
“Both Shinobu and Nancy were found dead in their homes this morning.” She says, and you cannot prevent the way your breath hitches in your throat. “We suspect it was Don Vanderleen’s men sending a warning to us before the events of tonight. You three be extra careful, and make sure you don’t fuck this up. The last thing we need is more of our good agents being taken down.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Your reply is somewhat breathless as she soon ends the call.
A heavy silence permeates the air between the three of you as you get closer to the theatre. The news is both sudden and shocking, causing your blood to run cold. You might not actually be prepared for what you’ve just gotten yourself into.
“Are you okay?” Jongin stares intently at you, reaching over to place a gentle hand over your own in your lap.
“Yeah.” You blink, seemingly focussing back in on the reality around you. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
You fail to see the worried glance Kai sends you through the rearview mirror. Though, there’s something else hidden there, too. Something far more sinister than either of you two realize as his gaze shifts to the male offering you comforts from beside you.
“We’re almost there,” Kai states, somewhat roughly.
He clears his throat.
“The sooner we get this done, the better.” You sigh, eyes falling shut as you run a hand lightly over the side of your face. “Remember, if anything goes wrong, we rendezvous at the hotel across the street.”
“Right.” Both males respond at the same time, firmly nodding their heads once each.
Pulling up just outside of the theatre, you exhale a breath through your nose. Steeling your features into a look of determination, you motion for Jongin to exit the car.
“Let’s do this.”
The moment the car door opens, you can tell that Jongin has slipped into his persona for the evening. As he reaches back to help you exit the vehicle, you immediately do the same.
No longer are you both mister and missus Kim, but the Rover’s. Two souls madly in love with one another to the point of it becoming obnoxious to the people around you. People cannot help but to notice how you cling onto one another, giving you each the perfect alibi for when the time comes. You are to be inseparable. At least, to those around you.
Jongin is quick to wrap his arm around your waist as soon as you move to stand beside him. His touch is nothing but gentle, thumb smoothing over the material of your dress as he guides you inside. Each step is meticulous, your eyes subtly scanning the crowd for potential targets, security, and escapes routes. You all may have planned for this evening, but that doesn’t mean something couldn’t go very wrong.
Stepping up to the entrance, Jongin is quick to pull the two tickets reserved for the both of you out of the inside of his suit jacket. Wordlessly, he hands them to the concierge, whispering lowly how excited he is to spend the night with his beautiful wife.
You giggle at this, leaning in to him and placing a hand on his chest. Your own reply is low as you tell him it’s because you’re finally able to spend some time with your handsome husband that you’re able to look this good for him.
The way the concierge smiles tightly at you both while handing you both your tickets says it all. At least the act is believable.
“Enjoy the show.” He comments lowly, eyes pleading for the two of you to hurry inside.
“Oh, believe me,” your painted lips curl upwards in a sultry grin. “We will.”
You swear that were the poor man not working, he would have gagged at the way you giggle after your own words. You can tell he’s relieved to be rid of you as he holds the door open for the both of you to slip inside, nearly chuckling to yourself at his tight expression as soon as you’re passed him.
Jongin’s grip tightens slightly around your waist.
“There he is.” He leans in once more to whisper lowly in your ear, motioning to the side with his chin.
Shifting your gaze, you follow in the direction he’s pointed you in. A blink, and you see your target standing by the complimentary bar. A glass of wine rests in his grubby hands, high profile women and men surrounding him on either side. A boisterous laugh escapes him, his dark hair slicked back with grease as a wolfish grin tugs at his lips. Even from here, you can see the sheen of sweat that paints his flushed skin, and you nearly gag.
“I just hope I don’t get a single drop of that man’s vile blood on me tonight, but I know that’s just wishful thinking.” You mutter, disgust pulling at your features.
“You and me both, Darlin’.” Jongin replies, holding you tighter against him. “Are you ready?”
“If we didn’t have to interact with him all night, I would count myself blessed.” You exhale sharply through your nose. “Let’s just get this over with.”
Jongin squeezes your waist reassuringly as he begins to lead you both over to that group of investors surrounding Don Vanderleen. A group which your agency painstakingly infiltrated to make both you and Jongin a part of as the Rover’s.
“Good evening, Mister Vanderleen,” you cut in smoothly into the conversation, drawing everybody’s attention as you extend your hand out for him to shake. “It’s an honour to make your acquaintance.”
Recognition flashes in his eyes, and immediately he’s reaching out to grasp your hand in his own. Only, instead of shaking it, he brings the back up to his lips, placing what you’re sure is supposed to be a delicate kiss onto your skin.
You nearly grimace at the moist feeling left lingering on your hand, resisting the urge to wipe off the residue of the kiss this vile excuse of a man has given you. Hell, even Jongin tenses beside you.
“Ah, yes,” he hums, nodding firmly in Jongin’s direction. “You must be the Rover’s. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all ours,” Jongin replies, forcing a polite smile onto his lips.
“Once my dear hubby told me about the opportunities our investments could lead to with you, I couldn’t wait to meet you.” Your voice portrays the perfect mix of both enthusiasm and excitement. “He said you’d have further information for us on what this grants us in shares tonight?”
Vanderleen laughs at this, his whole chest shaking as the people around you all chuckle.
“Someone’s a little eager lily,” he grins, but it only serves to make you feel unnerved. You don’t particularly enjoy the way he continues to eye you up and down, licking his lips as if he is ready to consume you at any moment. “I promise to let both you and your husband know everything you need to know when the time is right, little missy. Preferably when we’re somewhere a little more private.”
You smile your understanding, even if it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. Still, it’s enough to fool the people standing around you.
You both fall into idle smalltalk after that, conversing with the rest of his supposed investors for the evening. That is, until the doors open, and everyone is filing into their respective seats.
Jongin and you follow Don Vanderleen all the way up to the special booth that has been reserved for you this evening. Only you, your husband, your target, and three others of Vanderleen’s party have been reserved for this balcony, making it much easier for you, Jongin, and Kai to do what you’ve come here to do.
The six seats rest three to a row, you and Jongin in front, while Vanderleen’s men file in the back. Unfortunately for you, the man of the hour decides to sit on your left, and he doesn’t seem to be that big of a fan of personal space.
The only thing separating you from the male beside you is the armrest, and you choose to angle yourself as far away from him as possible without drawing suspicion to yourself. Of course, with your covers, it’s easy for you to lean as close to Jongin as possible. It simply appears as you being unequivocally in love with him, but it becomes increasingly difficult not to twitch each time the man on your left ‘accidentally’ brushes against you in some way.
Clearing your throat, you steel yourself for talking to this man once more.
“We’re somewhere more private now, Sir Vanderleen,” you comment. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Please,” he leans in closer to you, and you can smell the alcohol clinging to his rancid breath. You nearly gag. “Call me Don.”
“Alright then,” you smile politely, eyes crinkling, “Don.”
You swear you see the man shiver before you.
“Well, as you know, my company handles many different aspects of many different industries.” The moment he sees you nod eagerly, he continues, “my business covers every domain you could possibly imagine: finances, political influences,” he purposely meets your gaze, “pleasure.”
You cannot prevent the way your eyes widen naturally at this.
“Ah, I see that has caught your interest.” He chuckles, his hand resting dangerously close to you on the armrest as his fingers curl around the wood. “I suppose I could let you in on the more private aspects of our company later on. After all, you seem like a very respectable woman who knows what she wants.”
“She certainly doesn’t take things for granted,” Jongin chimes in, his arm casually settling around your shoulders as he pulls you the slightest bit closer to him. “Unlike some people.”
Something within the other male’s eyes flash, but he backs off. For now.
“I see,” he hums, settling back into his seat. “I suppose that conversation will have to wait for a different time, then.”
The lights begin to dim, the orchestra picking up their instruments in preparation for the beginning of the show.
“I suppose so.” You hum, turning your attention to the front as you settle further into Jongin’s side.
It’s almost time.
The curtain rises, and the true event finally begins.
Near the end of act one, Jongin excuses himself to the men’s room just as planned. Only, you don’t expect Don Vanderleen to take this opportunity to lean further into you.
Casually, the male replaces where Jongin’s arm had been with his own, his wandering fingers dancing along the skin of your shoulder.
You nearly shiver in disgust.
“I’d say this is more private, wouldn’t you?” He grins, keeping his voice low as he closes the remaining distance between your bodies. “Perfect timing to talk about more personal matters, if you’d like.”
No, what you’d like is to continue watching the ballet. You wish for Jongin to hurry the fuck up with clearing out Vanderleen’s bodyguards from the booth, and to get as far away from this man before the bullets start flying. However, you know that that’s not what you came here to do. You nearly sigh, putting on an expression of pure curiosity instead as you turn to face the male beside you.
“Of course,” you reply, just as lowly. “I would like nothing more.”
“This one aspect is very dear to me, I hardly tell anyone about it unless I consider them truly worthy to hear it.” He meets your gaze, a sort of lull in the way he speaks to you, as if he were speaking to a child. “What I tell you stays between us, alright little missy? This is for your ears only.”
You nod your understanding, fingers tightening over one another as you hold them stiffly in your lap.
“You see, I only offer these positions to the utmost important people who have proved they are qualified to suit my needs.” He licks his lips, gaze shamelessly roaming down your front. “It’s a personal position which guarantees you’ll never have to worry about another thing in your life.”
You have to prevent yourself from clenching your teeth in anger. You know exactly where this is leading, for this is the exact same spiel he tells all the women he tricks into signing themselves over to him to be trafficked.
“You would be living a life of complete luxury, moving from one place to another, and visiting countries of your wildest dreams.” He continues, creeping closer with each word. “You would meet so many important dignitaries. Everyone would want to be you, and everyone would desire what you have.”
“Why, this offer sounds almost too good to refuse,” you chuckle, somewhat nervously.
Jongin sure is taking his sweet time. He should be back by now, right?
“You would be foolish not to accept.” He chuckles along with you. “After all, you’d never have to worry about anything ever again. I’d take care of all of it for you, and I’m a man who never goes back on my word.” His free hand comes to settle on your knee, and this time, you cannot prevent the shiver of disgust that trails down your spine. Only, he perceives it as something else. You can just tell from the way that he smirks. “Especially not when you’d be personally working for me.”
You absolutely despise the way he drawls those words out, his rancid breath tickling the shell of your ear.
Luckily, it’s at this point that Jongin finally returns, taking note of how stiff you sit while Don Vanderleen practically drapes himself over you.
Harshly, he clears his throat. “Am I interrupting something?”
Vanderleen smirks, pulling away from you rather slowly, “Not at all.”
“Don was just telling me all about a special opportunity he had for me,” you say innocently as Jongin sits back in his seat to your right.
You notice both males stiffen on either side of you.
“Missy, I thought we agreed that that was to stay between us.” There’s a sudden sharpness to his gaze that you do not fail to pick up on.
“Yes, but I don’t do anything without my loving husband.” You chuckle, leaning yourself further into Jongin’s side. Your gaze darts to him, and your eyes nearly widen at the small stain of red that smudges the collar of his white shirt. Thinking quickly, you angle yourself into him, lips pressing delicately against the material and leaving a bright red lipstick stain over the mark. You blink up at him innocently. “Isn’t that right, My Love.”
“Always, My Love.” Jongin purposefully meets Vanderleen’s gaze from over the top of your head as his arms pull you in closer. “I’m sure you’d do the same to protect what’s yours.”
Vanderleen’s eyebrow twitches in annoyance. “Undoubtably.”
The moment the male turns back to observe the stage, all hell breaks loose.
The sound of shattering glass is synonymous with the screams of terror that suddenly fill the venue as gunshots ring throughout. People panicking and running from their seats to the exits block every chance of escape, swarming the aisle as shouting reaches your ears.
A bullet just misses your shoulder.
A loud cry of pain from your left reaches your ears, and in the blink of an eye, you feel yourself be pulled down onto the ground on top of a body. Sparing a glance downwards reveals your husband clinging to your for dear life, a fear unlike ever before shining within his gaze. Blood seeps into the material of his blazer, staining his white shirt red beneath his black suit as he holds you above him. 
To the side, Don Vanderleen bleeds out. A cough escapes him, nothing but red falling from his lips and choking him out as he reaches towards you one final time before falling dead right before your very eyes.
Another gunshot is heard from above.
Scrambling to your feet, you duck for cover behind the wall of the balcony. Jongin follows right behind, using his body as a shield to cover you this time.
“Are you hurt?” He turns to you once you’re both out of range, checking you over for injuries.
You shake your head. “Are you?”
Your eyes catch on the red now staining his clothes and your breath hitches, hands scrambling to find the injury before he bleeds out.
“Don’t worry, Darlin’,” he assures you, gently stroking his hands down the sides of your arms despite the chaos erupting around you. “It’s not mine.”
His words only help to ease your worry a fraction.
“There was another sniper.” You comment lowly.
“Kai can handle it.” He states.
At the look you send him, he sighs.
“Fine.” Jongin removes his blazer, wrapping it securely around your shoulders. “You’ve done what you came here to do. I’ll go check on him, and then I’ll meet you at the hotel across the street. Okay?”
“Darlin’,” there’s that same look of fear in his eyes from only a few minutes ago, “I almost lost you tonight. Don’t make me go through that again.”
A silent understanding passes between the both of you, and you recognize that he’s not just referring to tonight, but yesterday as well. That fight feels like so long ago now, given the circumstances of the evening. Yet, you still find yourself nodding your head.
“I promise to be as quick as I can.” He kisses your forehead briefly.
“Be safe,” you squeeze his hands gently. “I want to be able to watch the sunset with you.”
He smiles. “As long as you stay with me for the sunrise.”
A nod is all he receives from you before he’s disappearing around the corner. He can feel his heart pounding as he races to the roof, hoping beyond everything that you manage to get out safely, and that his brother is okay.
Looking back on it now, this is probably the second worst night of Kai’s entire life. Sure, the male has been in some tricky situations before, but none as harrowing as this one.
First, he had to watch you be even more loving towards his brother all evening. Then, he had to sit through that filth of a man coming onto you throughout the entirety of the second act of Swan Lake. He was so distracted by his anger, that he failed to see the second presence creeping onto the roof a little ways away from him. It wasn’t until he saw the reflection of the lights upon the sniper’s watch that Kai noticed the other male taking aim directly at you.
Kai saw red, his body moving on instinct at that. It nearly cost him the mission, but more importantly, your life.
What made the situation worse was when he watched his brother pull you on top of himself for protection. The bastard couldn’t even protect you properly, opting to sacrifice you to save himself.
Now, as he wrestles off the other sniper’s back-up, he finds himself gritting his teeth in frustration. He has no idea if you got out safely, or if you’re injured. The only thing he does know, is that that bastard Don Vanderleen is finally dead.
Like hell Kai would ever let that pathetic excuse of a human live after watching what he did to you tonight.
A gunshot sounds in the night air, and Kai swears he’s about to feel the worst pain of his life. Only, at the way the man on top of him falls limply to his side, he realizes that someone is here to aid him.
“Couldn’t handle a few measly little troopers?” Jongin’s familiar mocking tone calls out through the silence. “You’re losing your touch.”
“I was doing just fine until you showed up.” Kai responds gruffly, pushing himself back to his feet and noticing all of the other henchmen have been disposed of.
“Uh-huh,” Jongin hums knowingly, a quirk to his brow as he tosses the gun in his hand to the side. “Sure.”
Kai spares a glance at his brother, noticing the blood that stains his once pure white shirt. He freezes, eyes locking on that mark of bright red lipstick that practically glares at him from the collar of Jongin’s shirt.
“Is that-“ the words get stuck in his throat. He swallows.
At the way his elder twin keeps glancing at the blood on his shirt, Jongin is quick to understand what he’s asking.
“I know, right?” Jongin scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Disgusting. The bastard bled all over me.”
Kai nearly lunges at his brother, but he realizes Jongin isn’t actually talking about you. He clears his throat. “And our partner?”
“My wife is fine, thanks for asking.” Jongin replies, a dry huff escaping him. “You nearly missed by the way.”
“Yeah, well, I had my hands full.” Kai begins to quickly disassemble his rifle, storing it back in its case.
“Didn’t think a few weaklings like this could slow you down.” Jongin rolls his eyes.
“I was a little busy attempting not to blow the fucker’s brains out early for assaulting your wife.” Kai snaps, his patience growing thinner by the second. “While you were off eyeing the ballerinas, I was actually doing my job.”
“You think I would risk the mission to go peep on the performers?” Jongin’s voice is incredulous. “You really think I would cheat on my wife?” 
“Now that your other two hustles are dead, I assumed you were in the market for a new one.” Kai retorts, zipping up his rifle’s case quite pointedly before slinging it onto his back.
“Never thought you’d be one to disrespect the dead, but here we are.” Jongin shakes his head. “You are so adamant on making me into the bad guy, Kai, and I just don’t understand why.”
“How can I make you into something you already are?” Kai tilts his head, almost mockingly at his brother.
“What do you think I could have possibly done this time?” Jongin replies, throwing his hands into the air exasperatedly.
“I definitely didn’t think up you pulling your own goddamn wife on top of you when bullets started flying just so you could save your own skin!” Kai’s tone is harsh, nothing but pure anger pulling at his brow. “How about that conversation I walked in on tonight. Did you or did you not practically admit to her that she was unimportant? To your own wife, nonetheless. Not to mention the countless times you’ve ignored her needs in favour of your own. Do you even know how she feels when you flirt so openly with other people around her? I can’t imagine it feels good.”
“You know nothing, Kai,” Jongin seethes, his hands clenching into fists beside him. “Stop pretending that you do.”
“Don’t I?” Kai drops his bags, the material making a dull thunk as it hits the roof. “I’ve lived with you our whole lives, Jongin. I know when you’re lying, and I know for a fact that you don’t love her. If you did, you wouldn’t do half the shit that you do.”
“How dare you say that I don’t love her!” Jongin spits back, voice low and deadly. His eyes flash with the same intensity as his brother’s across from him, the air becoming thick with tension. “I love her more than anything in this godforsaken world!”
“Like hell you do!” Kai’s fury spikes, sanity close to snapping.
“What would you know of the matter? You don’t know half the shit I’ve done for her.” Jongin hisses through gritted teeth. “I made sure to kill every fucking doubt she’s had about our relationship recently. Doubts you don’t know anything about. There’s nothing, no one in this world that loves her more than I do. I would do anything for her, and that’s more than you can say.”
Kai goes so still, he swears that he’s stopped breathing. His mind races with all that tonight has offered him. Not even a second later, his entire body begins to tremble.
“You’re wrong.” His voice is low, deadly like the approach of an oncoming storm. Already, he can see his vision blurring, fading in and out as he attempts to ground himself. “There will always be one person who will love her, who can always love her, more.”
“Oh, yeah?” Jongin scoffs, crossing his arms in front of her chest. “And just who might that be?”
A beat of silence as the two males lock eyes from across the roof.
Without wasting another thought, the two males lunge.
His breathing is uneven as he stumbles down the hallway of the hotel. The stairs were a bit of a challenge, but he figured it’d be easier and less conspicuous than taking the elevator to the top floor. Even still, his lungs burn as he braces himself against the wall, chest heaving with every breath.
Blood drips down his face and onto the white of his shirt, nearly smudging against that perfect imprint of your lips on the collar. Blood that is no longer his own. Every time he closes his eyes, he can still hear the sound of his fist on flesh, bones cracking beneath his fingers as fabric tore upon his skin.
Out of the corner of his eye, a ring glints on his finger. The light from the fluorescents makes the golden band glow, and from that simple glance alone, he can feel his heart racing inside of his chest.
The only thought on his mind right now is you. 
He needs to find you. To make sure that you’re okay. To make sure that you’re safe.
His head spins, and he can barely see through his blurring vision. He doesn’t even know how he managed to get down from the roof of the theatre and make his way to the hotel across the street, but he did. All just to see you.
Stumbling to the door, he checks the room number once more. Seeing it’s the correct one this time, he begins to jostle the knob.
A sigh heaves from his throat, resting his forehead against the dark wood separating you from him. 
If only he still had his key.
Movement heard on the other side of the door catches his attention. A moment later, and the lock is sliding out of place, the wood opening to reveal your face gazing upon him in worry.
“Jongin,” you seemingly breathe out a sigh of relief. “Leave it to you to lose your keys again.” You shake your head lightly, pulling him inside quickly. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Not even a minute later, you’ve sat the male on the bathroom counter, a towel held in your hands as you stand between his legs.
“I was worried about you, you know.” You dip the towel in some water before beginning to gently clean the blood from his face. “I didn’t think you would take so long.”
He clears his throat. “I’m sorry for making you wait.”
His voice sounds a bit strained, tone a deeper than usual. You chalk that up to stress. He usually sounds this way when he’s tired.
“Are you okay?” You pause your movements to stare deeply into his eyes. “You’re not hurt, are you?”
He shakes his head, gaze flitting everywhere over your features as if to commit your concerned expression to memory.
“Good.” You smile lightly, continuing to clean the blood from his face. “This doesn’t mean I’m not still upset at you, by the way.”
“I’m sorry.” His response is immediate, hands coming up to cup your face gently as he meets your gaze. “For everything. I know I’m an asshole, and I can be selfish. The thought of losing you is just too difficult for me to bear, and after tonight I promise you I’ll be a better man. I’ll be the perfect husband from now on. I won’t make you doubt. I’ll treat you right, like you’ve always deserved.”
You quirk a brow, the corner of your lips twitching upwards slightly in amusement.
“Someone still in character?” You joke lightly, shifting the cloth to begin wiping the blood from his neck. There seems to be a small scrape near his left eyebrow, but it no longer appears to be bleeding.
Softly, he releases his hold on your face, grabbing your wrist in his one hand to halt your movements.
“Tonight has just made me realize that I need to stop taking things for granted, especially you.” He replies earnestly. “Every day, I count myself lucky that a sinner like me has been blessed to love an angel like you.”
Your eyebrows raise in amusement. “I thought you didn’t like all that religious talk?”
He hums, pulling you the slightest bit closer to wrap his arms around your waist. If only you could hear just how fast his heart is racing. “I think I can make an exception just this once.”
“I should mark the calendar.” You tease, poking his chest. “You finally admitted your faults for once.”
His lips part dramatically. “But Darling, you know that I’m already perfect.”
“There he is,” you chuckle, shoving him playfully.
“Who?” He quirks a brow.
“My loving husband, of course.” You grin, rolling your eyes lightly.
His lips part, and he pulls you flush against his chest. Tightly, he holds you to him, his face buried into the side of your neck as his whole body shakes.
“Jongin, what’s gotten into you tonight?” You pat his back warily. “You’re awfully affectionate.”
“I told you,” he whispers lowly, “I need to appreciate what I have before it’s gone.”
“You’re not going to lose me.” You gently begin to card your fingers through his hair, hearing him hum lightly in response. “Not that easily.”
His grip tightens around your waist, absolutely revelling in this moment here with you. “I don’t deserve you.”
Immediately, you pull away to look into his eyes, a somewhat stern look on your face. “Don’t start that again.”
“What?” His brow furrows the slightest bit in confusion.
“Saying that you’re unworthy of my love.” This time, it’s you who cups his face in your hands. “You are more than worthy, Baby. Don’t ever forget that.”
You notice tears begin to well in his eyes, spilling over in the next moment. Tears which you are quick to brush away.
“You know, sometimes I cannot help but wonder,” you hum, noticing you have his complete and utter attention, “would you still have proposed if you didn’t think your brother approved of me?”
The way he tenses slightly, breath seemingly hitching in his throat has you smiling reassuringly at him.
“I know how desperately you long for his approval, Jongin, and I know that’s why you act out sometimes,” you keep your voice low. “Know that you don’t need his approval for anything. He probably doesn’t need yours, so don’t worry about his.”
All the male before you can do is blink.
“I’m proud of who you are.” You tell him, finally finishing wiping the blood from his skin. “I hope that counts for something.”
“It counts for everything,” he breathes, thumbs stroking languidly against the skin of your hips.
Again, you smile, placing the used towel in the hamper provided for you beside the sink.
“He’s okay, though, right?” You search his features, noting the irritated twitch of his brow. “You managed to find him on the roof?”
“I didn’t see him,” he replies, somewhat gruffly.
Your head tilts slightly, brow furrowing in worry. “I thought the whole reason I sent you up to the roof in the first place was so you could make sure he was okay.”
“I’m sure he’s fine, Darling.” A sigh escapes him through his nose. “It’s not like he hasn’t up and disappeared on you before.”
“On us, Jongin.” Your frown deepens, turning to exit the bathroom. “Maybe I should call him just in case.”
A hand on your wrist stops you.
“Why do you care so much about him, anyways?” There’s something shining behind his eyes that you don’t quite understand, but you turn around to face him regardless.
“I thought we talked about this, Jongin.” You sigh lowly. “Kai is still your brother. I care about him in the same ways I know you care about him. Even if you don’t want to admit it, I know you worry about him.”
“He didn’t care about me.”
“That’s bullshit, and you know it.” You meet his gaze with a stern one of your own. “Your brother-“
“Can we please stop talking about my brother?” The exasperation is clear in his voice as he practically pleads with you using his eyes.
Your expression softens, “Of course, Baby.”
The male seemingly breathes a sigh a relief, releasing his hold on your wrist not even a moment later.
“Why don’t you grab a shower, and then we can head to bed?” You turn to the cabinet to pull out a fresh set of towels. “We’ve both had a long day.”
“Will you join me?” Before he can stop himself, the words are out of his mouth.
Turning to look at him from over your shoulder, you smile, repeating your words from a mere minute earlier, “Of course, Baby.”
Grabbing another set of fresh towels, you place them both on top of the counter. Even though you already showered off before he returned, you don’t mind joining your husband one bit. Besides, he looks like he could use your company.
By the time you’ve turned back around, he’s already undone all the buttons on his shirt, his torso on full display. You couldn’t really tell before, but it’s as if his shirt suddenly had fit him better, unlike at the beginning of the evening. Either way, you shamelessly trail your gaze over his front, watching with a darkening gaze as he begins to unbuckle his belt.
The way his breath hitches as he looks up to see you already staring at him with hooded eyes does not go unnoticed by you.
“What?” The corner of your lips quirk upwards. “Am I not allowed to admire my husband from time to time?”
He swallows thickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the movement. “You can admire me anytime you’d like, Darling.”
A tender smile is all he receives from you in response as you move to turn on the shower. Testing the water, you make sure it’s a desirable temperature before ridding yourself of your own clothes.
The whole time you strip, you can feel his eyes on you, watching your every move. You can feel your whole body warm beneath his stare, even more so when you turn to face him.
There he stands, looking completely mesmerized by you. He’s gazing at you as if you hung each and every single star in the night sky personally just for him, his eyes shining with the deepest form of admiration you’ve ever seen him give you. It makes you feel shy, darting your gaze to the side briefly to avoid the intensity of his own.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You mumble, stepping into the shower shortly afterwards.
He follows right behind, humming lightly. “Like what?”
“You’re acting like you’ve never seen me naked before,” you chuckle, turning to face him and poking him lightly on his chest.
He stands beneath the spray of water, feeling it cascade down the planes of his back as he meets your gaze. He quirks a brow, never shifting his eyes from your own for one second, “Am I not allowed to admire my beautiful goddess that has chosen to fully reveal herself to a sinner like me?”
You can feel your cheeks heating, and you know it’s not from the steam of the shower. “Again with the religious talk?”
“Maybe I’m a changed man.” He grins, hands finding purchase gently on your hips, but never wandering.
A fact which you find quite peculiar at the moment, for you know Jongin would take every and any opportunity to squeeze your ass while you’re both naked in the shower.
“You’re certainly acting like it,” your hands settle on the skin of his shoulders, sliding upwards to caress his neck, followed immediately by you cupping his face gingerly as you stare into his eyes.
“I thought I told you that I was going to start appreciating you more.” He hums knowingly. “After all, you deserve no less.”
Again, your brow quirks teasingly. “Okay, Mister Rover.”
He simply smiles in response, the familiar crinkling of his eyes offering you comfort during this time.
Nothing more is said between the both of you as you wash each other beneath the warmth of the water. Every touch is careful, tender in the way his fingers caress your skin. What’s even more surprising is that he watches your reactions carefully, never lingering too long on your ass or your breasts more than is necessary. A stark contrast to what you’re used to with him, but it’s quite nice for a change. Refreshing, in a way. Something you have always longed for with him.
Softly, your fingers massage his scalp as you wash his hair. His eyes flutter shut, absolutely revealing in such a tender moment with you here in time.
All too soon, you’re both stepping out of the shower. You hand him one of the towels as you begin to dry yourself off, noticing how his gaze still never leaves your form. Only, his gentle touch halts you before you can get very far.
“Here,” he takes the towel from your hands, his already secured around his waist as water droplets cascade down his chest. “Let me.”
His touch is soft as the plushness of the towel caresses your form. He starts at your shoulders, sliding the cloth down each arm individually before bringing your hands up to place a kiss upon the back of them both times. Then, he’s moving down your torso, thumbs smoothing over the fabric as he dries your chest. The way he cups your breasts is so tender, your nipples hardening from his ministrations as you nearly let out a low moan.
He steps closer.
Everywhere that towel graces your skin, his loving gaze is quick to follow. There is not a single part of you that goes untouched, that he has not touched before, but this is the most intimate moment you think you’ve ever shared with him. Never has he caressed you like this before. Hell, never has he gazed upon you like this before.
Selfishly, you never want it to stop.
The sound of the towel being dropped onto the floor draws your attention. His hands rest on your waist, fingers trembling against your skin as he looks up at you with pleading eyes.
“You are perfect in every way, Darling. Did you know that? Perfect, and so, so, so, so, so beautiful.”His voice is barely above a whisper, but you still hear him loud and clear. He sighs your name so tenderly, as if it is a gospel upon his lips and only you can offer him rapture. “I love you. So goddamn much.”
Your expression softens, hand coming up to cup the side of his face as you stare down at him with nothing but love in your eyes.
“Please, Darling,” his grip tightens ever so faintly around your waist, “may I touch you? May I kiss you, and make love to you like you’ve always deserved? I want to treat you right, and make you feel good. Tonight, it’s all about you.”
Your heart positively flutters at his words, breath catching in your throat.
“Please?” He’s close to begging at this point, but he doesn’t care. This night has already been everything that he could have ever asked for, and so much more.
You swallow the sudden dryness in your throat, your heart swelling in your chest. He actually asked this time.
The answer escapes you before you even have the chance to think about it, tears of content welling in your eyes. 
“Yes.” You nod vigorously. “Yes, you may.”
The smile that stretches across his features is nothing short of brilliant, staring up at you with nothing but awe reflected in his gaze. Slowly, his hands slide down your waist, settling onto the sides of your thighs as he leans into you.
Softly, he places his lips upon your skin. Starting at about your mid-thigh, he takes his time trailing gentle kisses up your body, hands holding you steady. You cannot tell who’s shaking more, you or him, but at the feeling of his tongue darting out to soothe over your skin, you find that you don’t particularly care.
Each press of his lips against you is meticulous, nothing more than a gentle caress as he ascends your figure, muttering praises all the while.
“Your curves are hypnotizing, Darling.” He breathes against your skin, hands trailing along your sides as if to emphasize his words. 
“I adore your thighs. They’re so soft and warm, and attached to the most beautiful legs I’ve ever seen.” He brings his one hand down to give your flesh an appreciative squeeze, fingers sinking delicately into your skin.
Gently, his hands find purchase on your waist once more as he trails kisses all along your stomach, breathing deepening with each one. The press of his lips becomes more desperate with every meeting against your flesh, beginning to sensually lave his mouth over you the further upwards he gets.
Darting his gaze upwards, he sees you already staring down at him with hooded eyes. Your breathing has deepened, and your lips are slightly parted. What makes this moment even better is the way your hand comes up to lightly begin threading your fingers through his still damp hair.
He hums, licking a strip up your body starting from your mid-torso to between your breasts. Gently, he nuzzles against your chest, nose brushing against your skin as he moves to settle his face into the side of your neck.
“There isn’t a part of you that has not captivated me from the very first glance,” he whispers lowly against your skin, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. “I’m sorry that it has taken me this long to be able to fully appreciate you, Darling.”
You’re sure he can feel the way your heart stutters from his words alone, feeling him smile against the skin of your neck.
You swallow the sudden dryness in your throat. “Shall we move this to the bed?”
This time, there is no mistaking the way he smiles as he pulls back to stare lovingly into your eyes. “I would love nothing more.”
Grasping your hand in his, he leads you out of the bathroom. His towel has long since fallen from his hips, and you take the time to admire his broad backside as he walks back out into the main area of the room.
To the side, your dress hangs. Not a single spec of blood can be seen, juxtaposed to the black suit jacket which had dripped a lethargic pool of red onto the floor.
“You know,” you hum, drawing his attention to you once more as your eyes shine playfully, “my husband’s got a nice ass.”
The corners of his lips quirk upwards slowly, mirth dancing in his orbs as he helps you settle onto the bed. “It matches my wife’s perfect one.”
You slap his arm lightly as he craws over you, grins dancing on both of your features. 
You swear the male above you flinches, but before you can say anything, his forehead pressing against your own draws your attention.
“I would prefer if you didn’t call me that tonight, Darling.” His voice is but a quiet whisper upon your ears.
You blink, tilting your head slightly in curiosity. This isn’t the first time he’s wanted you to call him something else in the bedroom, and you’re sure it won’t be the last. “Then, what would you like me to call you tonight, Baby?”
He takes a moment before he answers, and you cannot tell if it’s in hesitation, or if he actually has to think about it.
“My Love.” He finally seems to settle on a response. “I want you to call me yours. Your one and only. Your love.”
You smile softly, fingers back to threading through his hair. “I can do that.”
The way his eyes light up in excitement makes you chuckle fondly.
“As long as you do the same for me.” 
You can feel the way his semi-erect cock twitches against the skin of your thigh from your words.
“I would love nothing more.” His voice is breathless, the deepest of affections shining within his gaze.
“Oh?” You quirk a brow at this, a teasing lilt to your tone. “And here I was thinking I’d have to beg you for it like the last time.”
He tilts his head slightly, amusement dancing on his features. Though, you swear you see his eyebrow twitch.
“I thought you didn’t like using those types of endearments in the bedroom?” Your expression is nothing but playful as your fingers still in his hair.
“Changed man, remember?” He grins, leaning down to press a kiss onto your forehead. “I said I would take care of you, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. In every and any way imaginable.”
“I suppose so,” you hum, pulling him closer into you.
“Now, My Love,” he stares deeply into your eyes as he licks his lips, gaze darting down to your own briefly, “may I kiss you?”
Once more, your heart swells inside of your chest, a pleasant warmth flooding your veins. You nod your head, “You may.”
His lips are on your own without another thought, pouring everything he is into the kiss. His one hand comes up to cradle your cheek, thumb stroking tenderly against your skin as he slowly grinds himself into you. The way you moan into his mouth makes his head spin.
Reluctantly, he parts from your lips, trailing his own back down your neck. Lightly, he nips at your skin, sucking gently until he finds that one spot that has you moaning for him again. Once he finds it, he cannot help but smile, laving his tongue over your flesh before suckling at the spot eagerly.
Sensually, he places open mouthed kisses all along your collarbones and down your chest. His hands hold onto your waist firmly, grounding him to you and the beautiful reality before him. His thumbs barely ghost along the undersides of your breasts, yet still, he waits for your permission.
The moment you nod, practically begging him with your eyes to touch you, his hands are on your breasts. Eagerly, he palms the tender flesh, giving them each an appreciative squeeze as he trails more open mouthed kisses between them. His thumbs move to trace over your pert nipples, circling them gently as he moans against your skin.
“So beautiful,” he trails kisses over the swell of your one breast, tongue darting out to trace over the same path shortly after. He gives them another appreciative squeeze. “So soft.”
Carefully, his mouth envelopes your one nipple, sucking eagerly at the pert bud. His tongue flicks over your skin, moaning around you as he feels you arch into his touch.
He can never get enough.
Reluctantly, he parts from you only to languidly trail open mouthed kisses to your other breast. Of course, he makes sure to give your other nipple the same amount of attention, rolling the one he’s just parted from slowly between his thumb and index finger.
“My Love,” the blissful sigh you breathe out has him twitching against you once more, his heart stuttering inside of his chest.
He moans, grinding his hips into your own and letting you feel every inch of his hard cock pressed against you.
Your breath hitches, tossing your head back as your eyes flutter shut.
“Do you feel that, My Love?” His voice is low, airy as he continues to nip at the tender skin of your breast all the while. “Do you feel how hard you make me? How hard you always make me, even just from the thought of you? You have no idea what you do to me.”
“Baby,” your grip tightens in his hair, pulling him closer into you. “Kiss me.”
Who is he to deny the one he loves?
In an instant, his lips are back on your own. Tenderly, his tongue caresses yours, holding you close as he continues to grind himself into you. The movement of his hips are almost synonymous with the movement of his tongue, sensually meeting yours every time.
Each sound you make, every reaction you give him, he absolutely revels in. The fact that he is the one to elicit such sinful sounds, such beautiful reactions from you, has a warmth unlike any other flooding his chest. Still, his head spins and his heart races, hands continuing to explore your body eagerly, yet sensually at the same time.
The moment he feels you wrap a leg around his waist, pulling him in closer, he nearly comes on the spot. Only, the feeling of you pushing on his chest halts his every move.
“What are you doing?” His brow furrows as he pulls away the slightest bit to look at you.
“This is usually around the time where you tell me to suck you off, is it not?” You blink up at him, brow furrowing in mild confusion. “Do you not want me to?”
He practically stares down at you, dumbfounded. A moment later, he’s blinking quite rapidly, as if coming back to the reality before him.
“I thought I told you that tonight is all about you,” he can tell that his answer catches you off guard, for now, you are the one staring at him in mild shock. “Besides, I’d rather see you falling apart on my tongue.”
You blink at him a few times, as if in a daze. “You want to eat me out?”
“More than anything,” he practically pants out his answer, chest heaving as he slowly begins to descend your body. His eyes are dark, locked on your face as he places wet, open mouthed kisses against your skin the whole while. Once he’s settled between your legs, he licks his lips, hands eagerly spreading you open for him as his fingers dig into the skin of your thighs. “You don’t know how long I’ve been dying for a taste.”
Your breath hitches, and your thighs twitch, feeling yourself clench around nothing from his words alone. A movement which you know he picks up on, for you can see the way his lips tug upwards smugly as his dark eyes dart to your core.
“I thought-“ you blink your surprise away, “I thought you didn’t like giving head?”
He licks his lips, pulling you in closer as he meets your gaze.
“I lied.”
The second those words escape him, his lips are on you, and the way your whole body shudders does not go unnoticed by him. He smirks, hearing you sigh in pleasure.
A loud moan falls from him as his tongue drags through your wet folds, eyes fluttering shut in bliss. Gently, he laves his entire mouth over your pussy, sucking eagerly at your essence all the while. Each movement of his tongue is precise, parting your folds only to flick at your swollen clit in the next moment. He is shameless, and messy, slurping at your wetness as he pulls you closer into him.
The whole time, he never breaks eye contact with you. The heat from his gaze travels straight to your core, and you cannot help the way you clench around his tongue as he circles your lower lips. You can feel the tips of his fingers digging into your skin, holding you down as his nails prick your hips. A sensation unlike anything you’ve felt with him before.
His plump lips kiss over your clit, the ghost of his touch sending little jolts of electricity racing up your spine. Not even a moment later, he wraps them around that pert little bud, suckling as he flicks his tongue over you once more.
You cannot help it. Your one hand moves to tangle in his hair, hips shifting against his mouth with his every movement. Your eyes flutter shut, breathless moans escaping you as the wet sounds of his mouth fully devouring you reach your ears. He seems to be enjoying this even more than you are, and you can feel yourself clenching just from that thought alone.
“So fucking sweet, Baby,” he moans directly over your core, the vibrations sending pleasant tingles up your spine. “Best I’ll ever have.” Something within his eyes flash. “Only one I’ll ever need.”
A moan of his name nearly escapes you, but you catch yourself just in time. The last time you disobeyed his wishes in the bedroom, he left you high and dry for weeks. The last thing you want is for him to stop now. Not when he’s finally eating you out like you’ve always dreamed about. Just like you’ve always wanted him to. Especially not when he’s getting this lost in your pussy.
“Fuck, My Love, just like that,” you sigh, nothing but bliss pulling at your features as you tug him in closer by his hair.
He moans, tongue lapping eagerly at your juices which continuously flow from you like the sweetest nectar he’s ever had the pleasure of tasting. He never wants this to end, becoming addicted to the desperate way your hips grind against his mouth, seeking more of him.
His grip tightens, moans bordering on low growls as his dark eyes consume every reaction you give him. Slowly, he begins grinding himself down on the mattress, seeking any sort of friction to relieve the aching of his hard cock. Seeing you like this, and knowing you’re seconds away from falling apart because of him and him alone has his head spinning. 
He wouldn’t want it any other way.
His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head, feeling the way your essence begins to drip down his chin as he becomes drunk on you. His arms are wrapped around your legs, thighs tossed over his shoulders as he pulls you in closer. His grip is desperate, as if you might disappear from him at any moment, only emphasized by the eager way he sucks your clit back between his lips. Not even a second later, he’s shaking his head lightly from side to side, mouth eagerly consuming every drop you have to offer him.
“Fuck yes- just like that,” your voice is airy, lips parting as your moans begin to increase in pitch. Your eyes squeeze shut in bliss. “Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!”
The deepest of browns gaze at you with nothing but tender love and affection, pleading you with his eyes to fall apart. He’s just as desperate as you are, moaning against you unabashedly with each movement of his lips. Every flick of his tongue is precise, focussing all his attention to your clit now, and begging you to come for him, even without saying it.
His one hand reaches up to intertwine your fingers of your free hand with his own. Gently, he squeezes them, reassuring you that he’s right here, and that you can let yourself go. He needs to see you fall apart for him. Because of him. Him, and only him.
Not even ten seconds later, you do.
Your thighs tremble as your back arches off of the bed, eyes squeezing shut as your orgasm crashes into you. A loud moan escapes you, hands subconsciously tightening their holds on him for support as your entire body thrums with pleasure. The euphoric sensation is unlike anything that you’ve felt before, and you can feel yourself rhythmically clenching around nothing as you come down from your high.
Languidly, he hums between your legs, loving how he can feel them continuing to shake around his head as he laps gently at your cunt. No drop is to go to waste, needing to clean up the mess he’s made of you, and making sure he does so well. Only when he begins to feel you lightly pushing his head away from your quivering entrance does he pull away from you.
He meets your gaze, a primal sort of lust shining within his own as he licks his lips.
“Goddamn addictive, you know that?” He places tender kisses onto the skin of your inner thigh, nipping lightly at the sensitive flesh all the while. “I have half the mind to tell you to sit on my face right this very second so I can continue getting lost in this beautiful pussy of yours, Darling.”
The way you clench from his words alone does not go unnoticed by him.
“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you, My Love?” The grin that pulls at his lips, still shining with your essence, is nothing short of feral. “Smothering me with your dripping cunt so I have no choice but to give you the loving you deserve.”
Your chest heaves with each breath, your eyes searching his own as your lips remain parted. “You’ve been holding out on me this whole goddamn time? Who knew you were this desperate for my pussy.”
“I’m always desperate for you, My Love. In any and every way possible.” He hums, kissing his way back up your body until he can nuzzle his face back into the side of your neck, nipping at the shell of your ear. “I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to show you.”
“You’re showing me now, and that’s all that matters.” You bring a hand up to cup his cheek tenderly, noticing how he immediately leans into your touch.
“I’m here now, and you never have to worry about anything ever again.” His eyes flutter shut, a content sigh escaping him. A moment later, he’s turned his head, placing a gentle kiss upon the palm of your hand. His eyes open, and your breath hitches as the darkness you can see swirling within. “Now, let me love you like you’ve always deserved.”
His lips are on yours in an instant, sensually moving against you as he shifts his hips to fully settle between your legs. Naturally, your thighs part to offer him unrestricted access, soft hums falling from you as you pull him in closer. You part only to begin trailing your own lips down his neck, biting and suckling on his skin as his breathing deepens.
“Baby,” the soft drawl from your lips catches his attention, “you’ve already done so much for me tonight. Won’t you let me love you, too?”
A guttural groan escapes him, head falling forward so that his forehead rests against yours.
“Lay on your back, Baby,” your hands slide tenderly down his spine as you move to flip your positions. “Just relax, and let me take care of you.”
The way his honeyed locks look splayed out on the pillow accentuate his golden features beautifully. His warm, brown eyes reflect nothing but awe and love as he stares up at you, his lips parting with every breath that falls from them.
“I thought-“
“Shh,” you bring a finger to his lips, your own tugging upwards in a sultry grin, “This is still about me. Only now, I wish to please my husband just as he has pleased me.”
A shudder wracks his entire body, a moan tumbling from his lips at your words.
You smile.
Gently, your fingers begin to dance along the skin of his chest, nails teasingly raking down his torso as you sit above him. Just as he did with you, you begin placing kisses all over his tanned skin, biting your marks for all to see.
“You’re so handsome, Baby,” your tongue comes out to soothe over a particularly harsh bite you’ve just given him. Not that he seems to mind from the way he’s keening beneath you. “Always looking as if you were sculpted by the gods, and all just for me.”
You feel his cock twitch beneath you as he moans shamelessly, “Just for you.”
Slowly, your hands trail up his sides, feeling the way he shivers beneath your touch. At the same time, you begin to grind yourself down onto his aching cock, hearing how he moans for you as you do so.
Without wasting another moment, you take his hard cock into your hand, pumping him a few times as you line him up with your entrance. You tease him, dragging the head through your wet folds a few times before you purposely grind the tip against your clit. The way his fingers dig into your skin says it all.
“Please, Darling,” his chest heaves with every breath, barely able to hold himself together, “Don’t tease me like that.”
The corner of your lips twitch upwards, beginning to sink yourself down on his cock. Still, you cannot help but to tease him, sliding yourself a few inches down, only to lift yourself back off of him shortly after. Each time you do this, you sink lower and lower, noticing how his gaze rests transfixed on the space where your two bodies meet. His breathing comes in jagged pants, clinging onto you for dear life.
Finally, you decide he’s had enough teasing for now, and you slide all the way down. The way he feels fully sheathed inside of you has moans falling from both of your lips, your warm walls pulsing around him almost in time with his heartbeat.
Did he suddenly get bigger? The stretch you’re so used too feels the slightest bit different, as if his cock is even thicker than you remember. Perhaps he’s just that hard.
The feeling of his thumbs stroking lightly over the skin of your thighs grounds you back to the reality before you. His touch is nothing short of tender, and you cannot help the way your heart races from that fact alone.
“Are you okay, Darling?” There’s nothing but deep affection shining within his gaze as he look up at you in awe.
You nod your head. “Are you okay, My Love?”
“Never better.” He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the sides as you feel him throbbing within you. “You can move whenever you’re ready, Darling.”
The only response he gets from you is the twitching of your lips upwards before your hips are shifting against his own.
His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head for the second time tonight, his fingers pressing desperately into your skin. The feeling of your warm cunt sucking him in, your essence dripping down his shaft and onto his skin makes his head spin.
He did this to you. Only he can make you feel this way, and for that, he could not be prouder than he is in this very moment. Only he knows how to please you in such intimate, intricate ways. Ways he’s only every dreamed about.
Finally, all of his wishes are coming true.
He meets your gaze.
“I love you.” His voice is breathless, his own touch gentle on your hips as he helps to guide your movements over him. “I love you so fucking much.”
Again, you smile, humming to yourself as you look down at him in adoration. “I know.”
“Do you-“ he swallows thickly, “Do you love me, too?”
Your expression softens, slowing your pace for the moment. “You know that I do.”
“Say it.” His words are a near whimper on his lips. “Please, My Love, I need to hear you say it.”
“Say you love me.” His grip tightens, almost desperately on your hips. “Even if it’s just for tonight. Please, say you love me.”
You cup his face in your hands, leaning over him as you stare deeply into his eyes.
“I am so in love with you, Baby.” You breathe out, stilling above him. “And I don’t think I could ever stop.”
“I never want you to stop.” His hands begin to creep up your back, pulling you flush against him.
“Then, I won’t.” You hum, placing a kiss right above his racing heart.
“Please, My Love,” he whimpers, his eyes squeezing shut as he fights off his tears for the time being. “Say it again.”
Immediately, you comply. “I love you, Baby.”
He flips your positions, sensually grinding his hips into yours as he moans lowly.
“One more-” He pleads, voice catching in his throat. He rest his forehead against your own as his one hand comes up to intertwine with yours. “One more time.”
“I love you.”
Slowly, his hips roll into your own, letting you feel every inch of his cock pressing against your walls with every movement he makes. He’s in no rush, wanting to savour this moment, this feeling here with you for as long as he can. This is everything that he’s ever wanted, and so much more. Finally, he gets to experience it with you.
After all, everything that he is, everything that he does, is for you.
Blissful sighs escape you with each movement of his hips, only emphasized by the way he grinds himself into you each time he’s fully sheathed inside of you once more. His one hand holds onto your own desperately, fingers interlaced with yours as he presses his body against you in every way that he knows how.
A single touch isn’t enough, he needs to feel all of you. A simple glance is too fleeting, he needs to have your attention focussed only on him at all times.
“Look at me, Baby,” his deep voice draws your gaze to his own. “Keep your eyes on me.”
A choked whimper escapes you, your free hand desperately clawing at his back to draw him in closer to you. 
The feeling of your nails raking over his shoulders is a sensation unlike any other, and it has him twitching inside of you yet again. He can never get enough of you. Nothing will ever be enough. Not when it comes to you.
“You’re so pretty,” he nips lightly at your jawline, thrusts becoming the slightest bit sharper as he continues to grind himself into you. “So pretty spread out beneath me, letting me take care of you like this.”
A gasp escapes your lips as the head of his cock brushes against such a tender spot within you.
“Oh? Is that it?” He shifts his hips, angling his cock to grind against that spot once more. The way you keen into him, walls clenching involuntarily around him has a smile tugging at his features. “Am I making you feel good, Baby?”
“So good,” you breathe out, eyes fluttering shut as he continues to sensually roll his hips into yours. Your breath hitches, “Yes, just like that.”
Softly, he begins to press kisses against your skin, tongue soothing over everywhere he can as he claims you in every way he knows how.
“So beautiful for me,” he hums. “Letting me take care of you like this.”
He can tell there’s a word beginning to form on your lips, but you bite them to keep it from spilling out. He bites down the slightest bit harder on your neck, thrusts increasing in pace as he desperately needs to hear you say it.
“Go on, My Love,” he encourages lowly. “Let it out. Let it all out.”
A desperate moan escapes you, pulling him closer. “Mine.”
His hips stutter against your own, a deep, guttural groan escaping him as his brow furrows. His heart feels as if it’s about to beat right out of his chest, grip growing all the more tighter on your body.
“Yours, Baby.” His head falls against your own as he snaps his hips into your own a little more sharply now. “All yours, and I always will be.”
Your breath hitches at that, and he notices you staring at him with wide, glossy eyes.
“Am I-“ your voice is small, innocent, as if suddenly uncertain of yourself. “Am I yours?”
His heart swells inside of his chest, a loving smile pulling at his features.
“Forever, Baby.” He kisses you, pouring everything he is into the movement of his lips against your own. Pulling away, he rests his forehead against your own. “You will always be mine.”
This time, it’s you who pulls him down for a kiss. The way your tongues move against one another is desperate, moaning into each other’s mouths as he begins to pick up his pace.
His hips snap into your own, adjusting his position slightly so that he can bring his free hand down between your bodies to begin flicking at your clit.
Your eyes fall shut, head being tossed back as a low whine escapes your throat. Your thighs begin to twitch around his waist, holding him desperately to you he kisses you like his life depends on it. Which, to him, it does.
Gently, his thumb circles over that sensitive little nub, feeling your walls beginning to spasm around him in time with his thrusts. You can tell that you’re getting close, that familiar tightening building within your abdomen with every move that he makes.
“Oh, fuck- just like that, Baby,” you whimper against him, clinging to him for dear life. “Don’t stop- you’re gonna make me-“
A desperate keen escapes your lips as your whole body stills. Not even a moment later, your entire form trembles in his embrace, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your orgasm washes over you. Whimpers and whines continuously escape you as he helps you ride you through your high. He holds you as close as he possibly can, feeling your walls clenching around him, squeezing him so sinfully as his hips begin to stutter.
Not even a moment later, he stills inside of you, releasing deep into your warmth as he moans your name. He can feel his cock twitching inside of you, lazily thrusting a few more times before grinding his hips into your own.
Every movement, every touch, you both are sensitive to, breaths mingling as you attempt to heave air into your lungs. A second later, and he’s collapsing on top of you, his skin sticking to yours as he holds you close. 
Gently, you begin to card your fingers of your free hand through his hair.
“So good to me,” you hum lightly. “So, so good to me.”
“Only for you, Darling.” He places a tender kiss onto the skin of your chest. “Only for you.”
“I love you, Baby.” You manage to catch his gaze, watching as it shines with nothing but adoration for you.
“I love you.” He breathes, finding enough strength to lift himself up in order to kiss you deeply once more.
Slowly, he pulls himself out of you, the both of you whining at the loss of contact. Almost immediately, he goes to wrap you in his arms, but you standing from the bed draws his attention.
“Where are you going?” He pouts, following your figure as you retreat back to the bathroom.
“To pee, what does it look like I’m doing, silly.” You giggle. “I don’t want to get another UTI like the last time.”
The way his brow furrows slightly has you giggling once more as you disappear into the bathroom. Not even two minutes later, you’re reappearing, a damp cloth held in your hand.
He looks at you curiously, “Shouldn’t I be doing that for you?”
You nearly snort out a laugh. “When have you ever done that for me?”
His gaze is nothing but soft as he watches you clean him up, your touch soothing against his heated skin. The care you extend towards him makes his heart swell, and he cannot help but fall deeper for you in that very moment.
Just as you return to the bathroom to disposed of the cloth, he moves to open the mini-fridge. Pulling two bottles of water out, he immediately hands one to you once you return to him.
“Drink.” A firm nod is sent your way at the skeptical look you shoot him.
Wordlessly, you obey, sitting back on the edge of the bed after pulling the covers back. Once you’ve had your fill of water, you’re placing the bottle onto the bedside table, right beside your phone.
A warmth at your back has you sparing a glance at the male behind you from over your shoulder. His hands lightly trail over your shoulders, rubbing tenderly against your skin as he places gentle kisses against the side of your neck.
“Are you okay, My Love?” His voice is low, so as not to disturb the quaint moment between the both of you. “Sore anywhere? Stiff? Tender?” He hums, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. “I could give you a massage if you want?”
You blink, caught off guard by his inquiry. Normally, it’s you who has to give him a massage after sex, not the opposite way around. The fact that he even offered has your heart racing pleasantly inside of your chest.
“I’m alright,” you place a loving hand over his arm, of which settles over the skin of your waist, pulling you flush against him. “Are you okay?”
You take the time to face him now, staring deeply into his eyes.
“Never better.” He smiles, cupping your face gently in his one hand. “Lay with me for a while, yeah?”
You mirror his expression, lips pulling upwards tenderly as you nod.
A moment later, the two of you are laying yourselves beneath the sheets, your head resting over his chest as he holds you close. His one hand holds your own, fingers intertwined as his other strokes calmly over your spine.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask him after a few minutes of silence. “You’ve been acting different all night.”
“Have I?” He hums, almost knowingly. “Maybe I’ve just realized that I never appreciated the love of my life like she’s always deserved. You are everything to me, Darling, and I hope you never forget that.”
“You’ve been smooth talking all night. Since when have you been known to enjoy all of this ‘lovey-dovey, romantic crap’ as you’ve so put it before?” You quirk a brow at him, shifting your gaze to look up at his face.
“But you like it, do you not?” He hums, hand continuing to stroke tenderly over your spine.
“I do.” You hum in confirmation. “But when have you ever been known to do things like this for me?”
He remains silent, and you believe he’s actually contemplating your words. A surprising fact, considering he would normally scoff and retort with something like, ‘I always do things for you.’
Your heart warms for the moment, choosing to revel in his embrace and the way he doesn’t seem to fight you on this. It’s quite refreshing, and you wish it could be like this all of the time, but you know that by tomorrow, he’ll probably be back to his regular self.
You sigh, somewhat wistfully.
“What is it?” He hums, sparing a glance down at you resting in his arms.
“No retort, and you’re actually listening to me and my desires for once?” You reply, somewhat blissfully. “I wish you were always like this.”
“Like what, My Love?” There he goes with that term of endearment you’ve always been fond of. A term which he never really used to enjoy before tonight, it seems.
“My perfect lover.” 
You swear that this night is too good to be true. A sentiment that is unknowingly shared by the male that holds you even tighter while laying in bed with you. Yet, for you both, neither of you particularly want this night to end.
With that thought, you allow yourself to fall asleep, succumbing to the darkness pulling you deeper into an unconscious abyss. Besides, you’ll probably wake up in the morning to this having all been a dream. A beautiful, blissful dream which has fulfilled all of your deepest desires.
Morning comes, and instead of waking from the dream like you thought, you are awoken to the sound of your phone buzzing on the side table. Groggily, you blink the sleep from your eyes, bringing your hands up to rub them in the next moment. 
You can feel a weight pressing against your back, and when you turn your head, you see the sleeping face of your lover staring back at you. His arms are wrapped securely around your waist, as if he’s afraid you might disappear at a moment’s notice.
You must have shifted your positions overnight, you turning onto your side with him following right behind, even unknowingly. Still, it takes you a good minute to wiggle out of his embrace, hearing him groan in annoyance as he turns onto his back. Luckily, he appears to stay inside of the realm of dreams, even as your phone begins to vibrate with a call once more.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you grab the device. One look at the screen and your eyes are going wide, standing from the mattress as you answer the call.
“Hello?” Your voice is still rough from sleep, that much you can tell, even as you speak into the receiver.
“Finally! We’ve been attempting to contact you all morning!” Quincy can be heard through the speaker as you quickly toss on some pants and a shirt. “We have an emergency.”
“What’s going on?” Your brow furrows, mind focusing more on the scenery around you finally.
“We found a body this morning.” She states.
“Yes, Don Vanderleen has been dealt with as of last night.” You confirm, wondering where this is all going.
Nothing could have prepared you for the next words out of her mouth.
“No, it’s not just his body.” Quincy sighs pointedly. “We found Jongin’s body. Well, what’s left of it.”
You let out a laugh of disbelief. “That’s impossible.”
“As your superior, I would never lie to you over these types of matters.” She states, rather firmly.
“That’s impossible, because I’m staring at him right now.” You reply, tone a bit harsh at being woken up with something like this. “You must have found Kai’s body instead.”
“Genetics confirms that it was Jongin’s body.” She sighs. “I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you.”
Your heart leaps into your throat unpleasantly, seeing the male on the bed beginning to rouse the longer that you’re on the phone.
“No,” you shake your head, tears forming in your eyes. “You’re wrong.”
A tremendous sigh is heard on the other end of the phone. “There was no mole on the back of his neck. I would send you the photos forensics took, but I fear it may be too soon for you to see.”
“This can’t be happening.” You mumble, running a hand over your head desperately.
“I’m sorry.” Quincy sighs once more. “I’ll call you again when I have more details. As his wife, I thought you should be the first to know.”
Without waiting for a response, she hangs up, and you are force to watch who you assume to be your husband finally awaken to the world around him.
The male sits up, rubbing lightly at his eyes. Slowly, he lets his arms fall back to the bed, blinking the remaining sleep from his vision. You notice his gaze darts slightly around the room, brow furrowing in minor confusion before he turns his attention to you standing in the corner. As soon as he sees you, his eyes are widening ever so slightly before a smile of almost pleasant disbelief is painting his features.
He runs his fingers through his hair.
It seems as if he thought all of last night had been a dream, too.
“Good morning, Darling-“
“How dare you call me that.” Your voice is low as the first of your tears begin to trail down the side of your cheeks.
Immediately, worry crosses his features, the male shifting to move closer to you and comfort you in any way he can.
“Don’t come any closer!” You raise a hand, halting him right in his tracks.
“Baby, what’s gotten into you?” His eyebrows furrow, nothing but concern shining in his eyes. Eyes which plead desperately for you to tell him what’s going on.
You swallow thickly. There’s only one way you know to prove that Quincy spoke true.
“Turn around.” You keep your voice low, hoping beyond anything that it remains steady for the moment. “I want to see the mole on the back of your neck.”
His whole body tenses slightly, but you do not fail to catch it this time.
“What are you talking about? You know I don’t have a mole on the back of my neck.” He chuckles, somewhat nervously.
“Then, you should have no problem showing me.” Comes your blunt reply.
“Baby, what has you so paranoid?” He searches your face. “Do you not trust me?”
He shifts off of the bed, pulling on the closest pair of pants he can find as he stands.
“I got a call.” You state, and he glances down at your phone held in your hand. “They found a body.”
His gaze darts back up to your own.
“A dead body.” Your whole body begins to tremble.
He blinks.
“It’s your brother.”
He remains silent, and you swear you can hear a pin drop with how still you both have gone.
He swallows, “I told you that I couldn’t find him when I went up to the roof.”
Your shoulders seemingly relax the slightest bit when he says this.
Cautiously, he takes a step closer.
“A lot has happened in the past twenty-four hours,” he speaks to you calmly, as if attempting to calm you even further from the edge. “Why don’t we just take it easy, yeah? Take a deep breath, and then we can handle this together.”
Softly, you begin to nod your head, seemingly dropping your guard for the moment as your shoulders slouch.
“I suppose you’re right,” you sigh, clutching onto your phone as a lifeline as you step closer to him, resting just at the foot of the bed. “Let’s just stay together, and watch the sunrise.”
You see his brow furrow slightly in confusion, and your heart drops.
“But the sun’s already up, My Love.” He offers you a somewhat perplexed smile.
“Oh,” you chuckle, but you know that it’s quite stiff. “I suppose you’re right.”
In the next moment, you reach for him, appearing to seek his touch just as he does the same to you. Only, you’ve been planning this since the second he stepped out of bed.
A blink, and you have him pinned on his stomach, his one arm trapped beneath his body while you pull the other one behind his back. Your touch is nowhere near as gentle as it was last night as you shove his head into the mattress, pushing the ends of his golden locks upwards to reveal what you’ve been dreading since you got the call.
There, resting just below his hairline, resides a small mole, practically glaring back up at you in the light of the morning sun.
As if the code he botched wasn’t enough, this just proves it.
Your breathing deepens, chest heaving with every stuttering inhale you take as the harshness of reality sinks in around you. Suddenly, the room is thick with tension. So much so, that it weighs on your shoulders, suffocating you with every beat of your frantic heart.
You push yourself off of him, shaking your head as more tears fall from your eyes.
“No,” you back yourself against the wall as you watch him push himself up from the bed with a disappointed sigh. “No, this can’t be happening.”
Your heart feels as if someone has reached inside and torn it from your chest, the betrayal you feel coming through as clear as day on your face.
“Don’t fucking call me that!” You shriek, eyes blazing with an unbridled fury. “You- you-“ you push yourself as far against the wall as you can, your voice breaking as you attempt to find words, “you made me believe you were him.”
A deadly silence washes over the both of you.
“I should have known,” you scoff, a sort of sadness taking over your features. “I should have known it was too good to be true. He’s never listened to me like that. He’s never loved me like that.”
Kai’s jaw twitches in irritation, watching you break down in front of him like this.
“The entire night,” you laugh bitterly, “the entire night he was missing, probably already dead. Yet here I was, fucking his brother.” Your expression drops, horror painting your features. “I fucking cheated on my dead husband with his brother. I- I-“ You meet his gaze, breath hitching in your throat as you realize something. “Why did you let me believe that you were him?”
He remains silent, lips pursed into a thin line.
“Why?” You shout, tears streaming down your face.
“He could never love you the way that I could.” Kai’s voice is low as he replies, watching your every move carefully. “He’s never loved you in the way you deserved.”
“That’s bullshit!” You spit. “Who are you to decide who can and can’t love me? Who are you to decide what kind of love I deserve?”
“He’s never deserved you, period.” He keeps his tone steady, but you can hear the restrained anger he holds back for the moment.
“And you do?” You counter, incredulously.
“I loved you first!” His one hand slams over his heart, nails biting into the skin of his bare chest. “I wanted you first. He only wanted you to prove I could never have you; to take you away from me. He never loved you, he only loved knowing he had something else over me. The only thing I’ve ever wanted. The only person I’ve ever loved.”
Your eyes catch on that gold band wrapped around his one finger.
Pure dread washes over you as realization sinks in. Your blood runs cold.
“How did you get that ring?”
Kai notices your gaze locked on his hand, and he pulls it away only to gaze down lovingly at the metal adoring his finger.
“It belonged to me before he stole it.” He replies, somewhat bitterly. At your skeptical look, he’s quick to continue, “Yes, your loving husband took this set of rings from me to propose to you with. After I had told him of my intentions of doing the exact same thing. Only, he got to them first.”
“So, you had two sets.” You voice, attempting to wrap your head around this new information.
“Oh, no, Darling,” he shakes his head, the corner of his lips tugging upwards maniacally. “Just the one.”
Your brow furrows, until morbid realization paints your features. “You killed him.”
“He didn’t deserve to live.” Comes his blunt reply. “Not after everything he’s done. Not after everything he’s put you through.”
“That wasn’t for you to decide.”
“Wasn’t it, though?” Kai hums, tilting his head mockingly. “He couldn’t protect you properly. I saw what that bastard did to you last night. Do you really think Jongin would have done anything about it? No. Instead, he pulled you on top of himself when the bullets started flying to protect himself. He never cared about you, because no matter how much attention you could give him, it would never be enough. You were never enough for him.”
“He pulled me on top of him because I said I didn’t want any of that man’s vile blood to touch me.” Your voice is low, like the approach of an oncoming storm. “You are so jealous of your brother, you continuously make up false claims just to tarnish his name. You never saw how he treated me behind closed doors. You don’t know what our relationship was like.”
“Really? Because I certainly learned enough last night.” Comes his pointed retort. “He was a fucking selfish lover, wasn’t he? Always putting his pleasure first over your own. He used you in every way he could to get himself off, both physically and emotionally, yet you’re still too blind to see it!”
“Don’t pretend to know what he was like.” You snap, arms crossing over your chest. “At least he never made me believe he was someone he was not.”
“You’re the one who assumed I was him.”
“You’re the one that went along with it!” You counter, your chest heaving as you swear your heart might collapse at any moment from the suffocating feeling of pain that surrounds it. “Now, I’ll have to live my entire life knowing I slept with my husband’s murderer on the night he was killed. I cheated on my dead husband!”
With each word, your voice rises. You’re almost hysterical at this point, beginning to pace while laughing insanely the whole while.
“You want to get mad at me for killing someone as vile as him?” Kai’s nostrils flare. “I killed him before he could kill me. It was self defence! Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like Shinobu or Nancy were that lucky.”
“Are you seriously implying that my husband was the one who killed Nancy and Shinobu?” You reply incredulously, eyes going wide in disbelief.
“He told me himself that he killed any further doubts you might have about him last night.” Kai states, somewhat matter of factly.
“And I’m supposed to believe you?” You scoff, shaking your head.
“I would never lie to you.” There is nothing but honesty dripping from both his tone and his gaze, and you hate how you actually do believe him.
“Yet, you made me believe you were your brother.” Your voice isn’t as firm as before, your tears slowing, too.
“You said it yourself last night,” he meets your gaze, eyes flashing, “I am your perfect lover.”
“You’re despicable,” you spit, noticing how he slowly begins to creep towards you now.
Your heart leaps into your throat, and you begin to angle yourself away from him. Only, he’s faster, pinning you to the wall as he rests his forehead against your own.
“Every night could be like the last when you’re with me. No, it will be.” He breathes, pressing himself right up against you despite your best efforts to shove him off of you. “You know I can treat you right, Darling. I think I’ve more than proved myself to you. I have always wanted you. I have always loved you. With me, you’d never have to question that again.”
You hands come up to rest on his chest, keeping him distanced from you as much as you can.
“You’ve betrayed me, Kai.” Your voice is but a mere whisper on your lips, the devastation clear on your features. “I can never forgive that.”
“That’s bullshit!” He pushes himself off of the wall, anger pulling at his features. “You can’t forgive me, but you can continue to love a man who continuously cheated on you, and could never love you in the ways that you’ve always deserved?”
“Jongin never cheated on me, Kai.” You state lowly. “Your brother was a lot of things, but cheater he was not. Not after he knew what happened with my parents.”
The male before you remains silent.
“You knew what happened with my parents, how they didn’t know the meaning of loyalty. You know how I feel about cheaters, and you purposely led me to believe you were my husband just so you could fuck me.” You slowly begin backing away from him again, leading yourself towards the hallway that will lead out of the room. Your phone begins buzzing in your hand. “How do you think that looks to me, Kai? You say you love me, but would someone in love do something as unforgivable as that to the one they claim to love?”
“I do love you.” His tone is firm, taking a step forward as tears gather in the corners of his eyes.
“No,” you shake your head, finally having reached the bedside table. “You don’t love me. You want to own me.”
His breath hitches, the first of his tears beginning to trail openly down his cheeks.
“I have always loved you.” He repeats his words from earlier, a bit more desperately this time. “Last night-“
“Last night was you manipulating me into getting what you’ve always wanted from me.” You say. “You want to make Jongin out to be the bad guy when you’re the worst one!”
“I only want to love you!” His fist slams against the wall beside him in frustration before he begins tugging desperately at his hair. “Can you not see that?”
“I cannot love a man like you, Kai.” You shake your head, feeling your phone begin vibrating once more in your hand. “I never can, and I never will."
Something within his eyes flash, and he goes so still, you swear that he’s stopped breathing.
“You don’t mean that,” he starts to hyperventilate, his eyes crazed as he begins clawing at his face. “You- you- you need me like I need you! You said you loved me! You said I was yours!”
“I said I loved my husband, Kai.” Your voice is firm as you meet his devastated, tearstained face. “Not you.”
“No!” He lunges, managing to knock your phone out of your hands as he wraps his arms around you. You both go tumbling to the floor. Desperately, he clings to you, sobbing into your neck. “You can’t leave me! I love you! I did this for you. For us!”
“Kai, let me go.” You attempt to push him off of you, but he doesn’t relent his hold on you even in the slightest.
“No.” He begins to shake his head. “I- I’ll make you love me. You’ll see!”
“Kai, this isn’t an opportunity for you to change my mind.” You, again, attempt to shove him off of you to no avail.
“I don’t need to change your mind,” he starts to nod, as if he’s convincing himself more so than you, now. “I’ve already proved it to you. You felt it, didn’t you? You felt my love last night. You wouldn’t call me your perfect lover otherwise.”
You can tell he’s no longer talking to you, but reasoning with himself. The more he speaks, the more he seems to believe, calming himself down with each word that he says.
A knock at the door breaks his train of thought. He stiffens.
“Don’t answer that.”
Another knock, more frantic than the first sounds.
You attempt to break free from his grasp once more, only for him to pull you firmly back into his arms each time.
“You’re not going anywhere, Darling.” His voice is low, suddenly much more ominous than only moments before. “I won’t let you leave me.”
You still, heart stuttering as a fear unlike ever before floods your veins. If he can kill his own brother, there’s no telling what he might do to you.
A call of your name from a familiar voice outside the door draws your attention.
“Are you in there?”
It’s Quincy.
Just as you open your mouth to respond, Kai slaps a hand over your lips.
“Shh,” he keeps his voice low right by your ear, sending an unpleasant shiver down your spine. “Wouldn’t want the big boss lady to disturb the happy couple, now, would we?”
You shake your head, deciding to play along with his games for the moment. You’d rather stay alive than upset him further and truly set him off. He already seems incredibly unhinged, and there’s no telling what he might do.
Another knock sounds.
Slowly, Kai beings to lower his hand, trusting that you won’t act out.
Only, you know better.
A loud yelp escapes him as you bite down on his hand quite harshly. This causes him to loosen his hold on you, and you managing to scramble free after elbowing him in the chest. Rolling away from him, you’re quick to fling open the closet door right beside you, seeing as you wouldn’t have enough time to stand and open the door to the room. Luckily, you know where you’ve stashed all the guns, and the closest one now rests in your hands as you stand back to your feet.
“I’m inside, Quincy.” You call over your shoulder, watching as Kai slowly stands to his feet with his arms raised beside him. You cock the gun. “Kai’s gone mad.”
You hear a low curse come from behind the slab of wood behind you, some shuffling occurring as she whispers order too low to make out.
“Please, Darling,” he expression falls. “Don’t do this. You know I can make you so happy.”
“Take off that ring.” Your eyes briefly dart to his hand, that metal band glinting almost mockingly at you now. “Besides, I thought I told you not to call me that.”
“And I thought I told you that these rings are mine.” His eyes flash. “Ours.”
Your nostrils flare. “Fine then.”
Shifting your hand, you begin to slide your own wedding band off of your finger. Except, Kai takes advantage of your movements, lunging towards you while you’re distracted. He manages to wrestle the gun from your hands as you go tumbling to the ground. You scramble onto your back, hands supporting you as you look at the man you thought you could trust.
The gun is now pointed at your head, tears streaming down his face as he gazes down at you with nothing but sorrow on his features.
“Don’t make me do this.” He nearly chokes on a sob.
You can hear some scratching at the door. The slow, telltale movements of someone picking the lock.
“I’m not making you do anything, Kai.” You shake your head. “You did it all yourself.”
“Please,” he begs, hand trembling as that barrel stares you down. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You can’t lose what you’ve never had, Kai.” You reply lowly.
His expression falls, and you notice his hand has stopped shaking.
“Fine then.” He swallows thickly, as if steeling himself for what he’s about to do.
You hear the click of the lock falling out of place.
“If I can’t have you,” his eyes are crazed, wild as he meets your own, “No one can.”
The sound of the door swinging open is synonymous with the gunshot that echoes throughout the room. The second shot is quick to follow, a body falling limply to the floor.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
going a wee bit insane over the thought of forced ballroom dancing. ayato is my prime candidate for this, thinking about him forcing poor reader to waltz with him (with the threat of punishment hanging over their head for every time they mess up), but the harbingers are up there as well… the tsaritsa holding a ball and pantalone (or childe) dragging his newest "pet" with him, hands dipping lower than what’s considered proper as the dance goes on, but no one daring to say anything… i’m frothing at the mouth fr ahsldjlajdkdj
oh . . . oh i am THINKING, anon
cw: yandere behaviour, abuse, suggestive (especially childe's), death (in childe's, not of reader), violence (in childe's, not of reader), childe should be his own warning i guess.
characters featured: ayato, diluc, childe, pantalone
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ayato is as princely as they come; and you are more than aware that, in such occasions as this, you are the envy of every other person with no ring on their finger. ayato kisses your hand, his thumb trailing over your wedding ring - your bonds, your chains - and leads you out to the floor to open the dancing, as is his right.
"your dancing has improved," he says, with only the lightest smile at the corner of his lips. it goes unspoken it has improved because the last time you had failed to keep up with ayato's waltz, he had made you practise with thoma until you had collapsed in the housekeeper's arms, faint and exhausted and aching.
"i'm glad you've noticed, my lord," you say, softly, your eyes fixed on ayato's chest instead of up at those pale violet eyes that are capable of more cruelties than anyone in this room would ever suspect. you see the twitch of his lips; the mole beneath his mouth, the proud chin, every feature you often wish you could never see again.
"perhaps i should make you practise with thoma more often," he says, smiling, his gloved hand resting just a little too low on your waist.
(nobody will say anything; the commissioner is in love with his sweet little spouse, after all. how darling, that the two of you are still in the honeymoon phase--)
he spins you, laughing when he pulls you back. you can see thoma at the side of the room, smiling, his eyebrows drawn in in the merest suggestion of anxiety. he looks at you like he wants to take you away from all of this.
ayato's eyes follow your gaze. his hands become iron chains.
"perhaps not, after all," he says. "i do not like to share my toys."
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you cannot deny diluc ragnvindr a dance, when he comes to you. you want to, of course - the dawn winery tycoon has frightened you for months now, with intense crimson eyes and his awkward stance, with his gruff low voice and his habit of showing up wherever you are. you are unsettled by his presence.
even if it were not his ball - even if it were not his winery walls you were currently ensconced in, dressed in soft blues as far away from the colour of diluc's eyes as you can manage - you could not deny him. not when your family are all of a-twitter on the other side of the room. a husband like diluc, after all, would be the greatest of coups--
and you have been raised to be polite.
"of course, master diluc," you say, with a pasted on smile. his hands are so warm, even through his gloves, as he brings you out onto the floor - and then, finds a shadowy corner to place his hands urgently on your waist. it is perfectly proper - diluc is never anything but - and yet, it leaves you unsettled.
heat soaks through your bodice and through his gloves, his hands feeling like the desperate clutch of claws upon you. the shadows ripple about your feet. diluc does not like to be the centre of attention, you know - but you still do not feel comfortable, amongst the darkness of the night with him.
the string quartet draw to a close. you can see, from your position, several other likely candidates for dances - captain kaeya, in blues that would match your gown. albedo, the knights of favonius chief alchemist, who you know from other balls will hold you at exactly the right distance and pressure. acting grand master jean, who always needs a moment to relax and let her guard down at such parties--
but diluc's grip does not falter.
"another dance," he says to you, voice stilted- and it is not a question.
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childe does not care about a single one of the scandalised looks when he drags you to the centre of the fray - and you have learnt better than to argue against the eleventh fatui harbinger, who thinks that you are cutest when you are spitting blood and vitriol at him, and you're certain would welcome you to make this party a little more interesting.
there are still flecks of blood on your face, from the fatui grunt whomst your harbinger had decided had left his gaze lingering on your exposed shoulders too long - but they are nothing compared to the blood staining childe's hands, the wild light in his eyes, or the fact that there is still a dagger at his hip. he is far from the only person here with a weapon on him - but he is the only one with it so on display, still shimmering dripping scarlet on the white marble floor of the palace.
"dance with me," childe says to you, his grin wide, his eyes still the colour of the darkest night-time sky from his furious pleasure at the events that occurred before he even got to this party. and so you do - and so you let childe drag you against him, let hands roam all over your body, let him dip his head down and kiss you in a clash of tongues and teeth.
disapproval radiates from almost every person in the room, but such things have never stopped childe.
"dancing should be like fighting," he says to you, with a particularly hard nip to your lower lip. he breathes in, hot and wanting. his hands slide past your waist and cup your ass, dragging you closer against him so you can feel the stiff heat of him through his trousers. "fighting should be like fucking. and so it stands to reason that dancing should be like fucking, and fucking should be like fighting, doesn't it?"
you swallow.
"perhaps not in front of everyone," you try and say - but childe just laughs again, wild and free and uncaring, and whirls you away in a furious move that does not at all match the waltz pace that the musicians have set.
"and why not?" he says to you, glittering dangerously, as fear and cold ice crawl up your spine. "don't worry. if anyone looks at you when i fuck you, i'll carve their eyes out."
it would not be a romantic threat in any circumstance; but for childe, it is all the worse, because you know that he means it.
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this what you must understand; you belong to pantalone. and he never lets you forget it; that he found you in the gutter and prised you out of it himself, seeing in you something that could be made to glitter. you owe him - and not just for the glittering jewels about your throat, but for the cleanliness of your hair and the newfound straightness to your bearing. for him making you his galatea; perfect and adored, polished to a shine, and utterly and completely his.
so when he brings you out to the ballroom floor, gentlemanly as ever, soft sighs take the audience as they watch - as they think on your former place in life, and how you have been raised above it. pantalone smiles down at you, his grip on your waist bruising, as he brushes his lips against the shell of your ear.
"don't forget your place," he murmurs, his gloved fingers skimming your spine. "don't forget how easily i could take it all away from you."
he is not wild and free; pantalone does everything with a slow consideration, a careful weighing up of options. you are his precisely because you had no other options, and you are thoroughly trapped in his net. abandon pantalone, and abandon luxury and safety and warmth and respect, sleep in the gutter and freeze to death and have those same people who look at you now starry-eyed avoid meeting your haunted gaze lest they catch that most despicable of all ills, poverty--
when pantalone tips your chin up to pull you into a kiss, you know that your only option is to kiss him back like you mean it.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Omg I’m so invested in this au now!!!! I love the vibe and everything you said about it so far. Your last post/answer about how the mutants sometimes get days off due to their mutation gave me this thought:
Some teacher, doing attendance: Reader Readerson?
Laura: Shes excused today because of feral reasons
The teacher: Huh? I thought she didn’t show a mutation yet? I wasn’t informed that she developed a feral mutation…
Laura: she didn’t
Teacher: then what are you talking about?
Laura: Logan started nesting and he’s refusing to let Reader out of his room right now, it has something to do with the protective instinct with the weakest member of the pack.
Teacher, stunned:
Teacher: okay, I’m not going to get involved in this, let’s just continue with chapter 7.
(Also I love 🐝 BeaBee!!!! Amazing. That’s what I’ll sign off with from now on)
- 🐝 BeaBee
Did you read my mind?! That's what I was thinking!!!😱😃 And yay, Laura! They, Reader, is too sweet to say no, and most likely they were asleep when the instincts took over, so it's not like they can leave anyway without causing a very, very big problem...
But yes, whenever the feral or partially feral mutants have to take a day off to handle their instincts (they're in a school and they can't hug or attack or nest regularly), they almost always request for them or move Reader into their room to cuddle with. So, that means Hank, Logan, Victor, Kurt, and Laura... along with possibly Todd, too... And Reader is slightly confused but happy to help! It would be nice, though, if they could get up to get them all food... (It's been three hours since they woke up, and no one has eaten anything since about 5:30pm or 6:30pm last night...)
• And to be fair, a few of the ferals do share rooms with each other/are roommates... For instance, Kurt and Todd possibly share a room, along with Evan and Pietro (they have bunk beds, and are bunk buddies)(Reader will jokingly see them as a quartet, like Ninja Turtles or some Power Rangers)
• Laura is likely with Kitty or Rogue, but because everyone sleeps over a lot in the rec rooms, she's usually able to curb most of her instincts by sleeping against Logan or cuddling with Reader.
• Aaand Victor and Logan share a room. Whenever Victor deals with instincts, he's the only one allowed out of the nest (their beds end up pushed together and covered with every blanket, sweater, and jacket they have) (Heaven help the school if all of the ferals/partially ferals are out the same day... Because they're likely keeping Reader with them, and no one is sure they can take on all of them to get Reader back to class/breakfast/lunch/recess...)
(Okay! You, ❤ Anon, I now dub🐝BeaBee!)(😊 And if you want to discuss more of this au or the characters or the world-building/backstories, please, feel free to ask about it or talk about it!)
(I and 🐑 Anon finished discussing the seven adults and their potential as Reader's parent in the 🖤Dark AU, and I was wondering: which platonic yandere adult would you want as Reader's parent? I'm curious. You can choose up to two or three, as I realize choosing just one is a little hard)
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utapriyanderes · 4 years
Hello everyone! I would like to be fully back on this blog, and I am really in the mood to write and create more for it! So I’m going to finally put up something about the type of asks I want. 
I would like to have short asks, as I can write a lot per boy/character and too much is overwhelming. So I would prefer to have 4-5 boys/characters at a time. (Though I will also accept 6 but as ultimate maximum, but remember less is better.) I hate to split up the 7 member groups, but this will keep me motivated and help out a lot! If a request is over the number then I’ll do the first 4-6 characters requested based on how the names are ordered or based on group order. 
Any character that I’ve done a Yandere Headcanon on is for requesting! Though, if there is a character you want then just request a headcanon (it helps with figuring out their type/plot line) and then they can also be added to the list! 
The current list is: 
ST☆RISH (+ Satsuki)
Ringo Tsukimiya
Ryuya Hyuga
Haruka Nanami
Tomochika Shibuya
Seiichiro Jinguji
Shining (Mitsuo) Saotome
(Look at Masterlist for link to headcanons/types.)
So, I think this is all for now! I hope this also motivates all of you to start requesting again as well! Thank you all so much for reading this and hopefully some fun things will come out in the future! 
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
omg can I request reiji for the yandere alphabet thing pls
YES YOU CAN!! sorry it took so long ;-;
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Its not about how HE shows love its about how THEY show love. Hes quite literally a baby and needs attention all the time so he'll force love and affection out of THEM. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Ehm… well the sad part about this is that.. It may or may not ever get as bad as him eliminating not only strangers, but also people they and him know like… bandmates… And family…. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Very kindly like nothing was ever wrong? Almost makes it seem like theyre taking a vacation at his house ya know? Only that it's forever… he doesnt mock them, he just comforts them and then goes on about his happy-go-lucky business. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
YES. If his darling shows any discomfort toward something and HE really wants to do it, he'll force them. But he'll also praise them afterwards for going through with it; almost like congratulating a child for jumping into the deep end of the pool. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
The only thing he doesnt like to expose his darling to is his really dark side and it doesnt come out a lot (thank god). Other than that, his darling knows his every thought and feeling. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would quite honestly get angry after a while. At first he'd think its funny and maybe even fight them, too, but all games have to end at some point. 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It was in the beginning. Oh darling~ its so cute that you're trying to escape. Except that you cant. Go on, try it, every door is locked, but Rei-chan's arms will forever be open for you. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Yandere Reiji is like a complete thrill seeker… but dangerous. Going down the highway at 180kmh+ without seatbelts is only the beginning. Bungee jumping without a cord, entering the lions den in the zoo. He gets CRAZY and quite honestly all of thise scenarios were the worst things his darling has experienced. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
The fun kind of course! Marriage, kids, adventures. You cant fight against that, he will get what he wants no matter what. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He feels jealousy all the time but usually creeps people off with laughs and weird jokes that no one understands..rarely lashes out unless the threat really doesn't take the hint. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Loving, kind of babyish, and honestly kind of like a house husband? Its weird because he seems so domestic and loving but hes also super crazy and sadistic.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
His fun personality and teasing draws a lot of people in and he uses that to his advantage. Much like Syo, he'd become best friends with them first and then slowly move himself into his s/o's life permanently. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Actually, no. Most of QN and STARISH already think he's crazy as all hell so this is really not a huge surprise to any of them. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
By making them do crazy things; irrational things; dangerous things. Making them BEG him to not go through with it and please spare their life. Hes very much a heart attack kind of person. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
It seems like his darling has a lot of rights at first, but the leash theyre on is shorter than they think. He controls them from behind the curtains and most likely, no one would know. Not even his darling. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient. Very loving. Babies his darling and reasons that it's just a child having a little emotionally overwhelming moment. He will tell himself, and them, that this is normal, and rock them back and forth, singing softly to them. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
You cant escape the craziness thats the thing. It's almost like a haunted house, hes EVERYWHERE. On billboards, behind you, even across the world from you. If his darling dies, he would feel like losing a family member and hit a deep episode of depression, maybe even take his own life. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Absolutely not lol. His darling is meant to be with him by any means necessary~ 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Curiosity more than anything. He wanted to test his own limits and see where it takes him, its just that he fell down this hole and cant get out anymore, not that he wants to, either. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He would hurt with them and do anything to see that beautiful smile again. He doesnt understand that he's the reason theyre not smoking and just holds them tightly, even if they fight back. Its okay, Rei-chan is here ~ 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Again, he does go to CRAZY extremes by putting both his and his darling's lives in danger. Takes "til death do us apart" to a whole new level. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He has no weakness, like many of these guys. He doesnt feel guilty or understands why his darling would ever try to escape 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
In the bedroom, yes ~ other than that, he just likes to give them heart attacks. Not actually hurt. Sure he'll hold a knife to your throat and hang you from the roof top but you didn't think he'd actually hurt you, did you? Silly darling~ 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
His darling is his whole world and he would make that known in more ways than one..he would engrave it into the earth if he could.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Not very long. He becomes very clingy very fast and his darling realizes that pretty soon, but shrugs it off as it just being Reiji. Thats how he gets you. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He may or may not realize it but he breaks his darling slowly over time until they're successfully and truly his. No one stands in their way, and if Reiji has to get rid if a few bodies along the way, he will. 
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Yandere Quartet Night Headcanons :
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Reiji Kotobuki
Clingy Type Yandere 
Basically a parasite, where he is too affectionate and knows no personal space because in his mind his s/o is already his anyways.
Uses his child-like innocence to his advantage, and also a way to guilt trip his s/o when they try to spend time with anyone except him.
Like most Yanderes, he is among the most jealous and is so easily. If he so much as catches another person looking in the general direction of his s/o he immediately becomes upset with the person and his s/o for attracting someones attention, which could lead to “punishments”.
Ranmaru Kurosaki
Posessive Type Yandere
Ranmaru is a special mix between Tsundere and Yandere, making him even more dangerous and unpredictable than most Yandere. 
Treats his s/o basically like a possession, not caring about the happiness of his s/o. He is also not above harming his s/o with punishments if they try to escape him or get too close to someone else. 
He is among the most violent and likely to act on impulse, so it would be wise to walk on egg shells around him. He has the “If I can’t have you, nobody else can” mentality.
Ai Mikaze
Manipulative Type Yandere
Ai is extremely smart and cunning, using his knowledge to his advantage to shape and mold his s/o into his own image. 
He will make his s/o seem like they have a lot more freedom than they actually do, such as giving them free time to perhaps window shop downtown for a certain period of time. However he is known to “just happen” to show up, and drag them away when he feels they have had too much outside interactions.
Often twists the words of his s/o to make them feel guilty if they tried to question his love for them. Eventually convincing them that what he is doing for them is the best thing for them. 
Sadistic Type Yandere
The most dangerous type of Yandere among all others, since he harms his s/o purely for satisfaction and sick pleasure even if they had been faithful and followed his words perfectly.
He often makes it a goal to “break” his s/o, so they are nothing but a shell of their former self and a complete devoted slave. In reality, he does not care about his s/o much beyond his own selfish needs.
Eventually he will no longer trust his s/o being out in the real world and results to kidnapping them to keep in his basement. With this Yandere his s/o is most likely to develop Stockholm Syndrome and adapt to the abuse.
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Midnight Masquerade
Todoroki Shouto & Shinsou Hitoshi
word count : 8.6k
[  ✘ (nsfw 18+) ] 
themes : DUBCON, YANDERE. MFM threesome, vampire!todoroki, vampire!shinsou, spanking, praise kink??... double penetration, blood play (hello they’re vampires)
bio : You attend a masquerade ball in hopes of finding a bachelor on Halloween night… only to get much more than you originally bargained for. 
author’s note : This fic was inspired by one of my fav movies when I was younger! Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman (2004), in which Dracula hosts an exquisite masquerade ball, full of masked vampires.  
side note : Happy Halloween!! I didn’t have time to edit/beta this fic, so it may be a little choppy/rough.. but I’m about to leave for my Halloween party and I wanted to get this out on time so!! please try to enjoy, and I apologize if this is not up to my usual standards. <3
 ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅈ou received an invitation to a Halloween party… and that was about all the information you had to go off of. What awaited you at this gathering, you had absolutely no idea. The envelope had simply arrived on your doorstep at the beginning of the month, no messenger in sight.
This invitation, scrawled in perfect calligraphy and sealed with the kiss of a stamp upon wax, proved to be even more puzzling when you attempted to uncover its origin. And while you had asked around to anyone you could possibly think of— your friends, family, neighbors, hell, even your mailman— you found no one who could give you any answers. It seemed that you, for some reason, had been issued this invitation, when no one in your primary social network else had.
What was even more peculiar, was that a gown and a pair of heels had arrived two weeks later, in all senses more luxurious than you had ever seen, and tailored to your exact size and measurements. Just from lifting it out of the box, you could tell it was expensive. And as if that hadn’t been enough of a gift, a necklace and earrings that dazzled nearly enough to blind you arrived just a few days following the dress. Finally a last package arrived a few days before the party, containing an intricately-painted mask that tied the whole outfit together. Each of the gifts had a card laid across the top of the tissue-enfolded contents, signed off from your inviter and now confirmed “secret admirer, S.H.”
The enigma of it all perplexed you. You liked to tell yourself that a smart girl like you would never go to such an event, considering you had no clue who had sent you the invitation, let alone such extravagant gifts. You told yourself that you had no obligation to go, that it would be ill-advised to show up without any further information than the address, date, and time.
But someone had clearly gone to great lengths to impress you, and you couldn’t just ignore that. Curiosity burned bright inside you when raked your brain for potential inviters, and as you came to more and more dead ends, your intrigue grew with every second the event stayed on your mind.
You spent every day leading up to the party thinking about it, flipping back and forth as to if you were going to attend or not. Even on the night of, you spent a ridiculous amount of time switching between deciding on going or staying home, taking short bursts of either frantically getting yourself ready, or sitting down and scrutinizing the situation.
You ended up arriving at the address scrawled at the bottom of the mysterious invitation an hour late.
Although you had planned to just hail a cab thanks to your indecision, you were surprised to find a sleek, black Rolls Royce waiting for you at the entrance to your building. The driver, donned in a crisp black and white tux, sported an elegant mask across his face, and wordlessly opened the door for you, bowing and gesturing for you to enter. After a moment of hesitance, you decided it would probably be best to just get into the car— whoever had requested your presence had already gone to such lengths as to cloth and bejewel you— it only made sense for you to arrive in a vehicle that screamed as much wealth as did your outfit.
What you had not expected was to find the location of the event to be a rather estately manor at the border of the city. The driveway twisted through an ominous wood to reach the massive home, and rather nastily-spiked wrought-iron fences guarded the border of the property, looming metal casting eerie shadows against the overcast evening sky. You found yourself wondering briefly what exact purpose the metal lattice served— both sides adorned with rough silver spikes. Traditionally gates were meant to keep things from getting in… it was peculiar to you that they were double-sided.
It was certainly curious, but your eyes were quickly torn from the gates as the car ventured closer to the maleficent abode, your heartbeat beginning to pick up as you came nearer to the grand entrance. There was a gorgeous fountain laid between two sets of curved stone staircases, both leading up to the tall, mahogany doors at the dead center of the manor. The car came to a stop just before the fountain, and you spent the small moment your driver took crossing over to your side and opening your door in breathless anticipation.
The cool, dry October air felt heavenly against your exposed shoulders, the tops of your breasts just peeking out of the neck of the beautiful, sleek gown you’d been sent. The autumn chill did wonders to calm the thumping of your nervous heart, and as you climbed the stairs, your fingers trailing along the cold balustrade, you took a deep breath. When you chanced a look back toward the car, you found it had already disappeared, and a pang of uncertainty rang through you once more. Yes, this was definitely uncharastically brash of you— you still had no idea who could possibly be the one to invite you to such a prestigious soiree— and yet, you found your nerves crackling with excitement, barely able to contain your jittery disposition.
Two more men, also hidden beneath tuxedos and blank masks, bowed as they pulled the heavy wooden doors apart, revealing the bustling affair that lay inside. You were shocked to find so many bodies within just the first glance of the interior— it was a magnificent foyer that was ten times larger than the tiny apartment you had become so accustomed to, a sea of masked party-goers that ebbed and flowed with the live, string-quartet on the stage in the far corner of the room. Countless couples waltzed and spun across the middle of the room underneath humongous crystal chandeliers, all glittering and shining with the low lighting of a thousand candles, by far more fire hazards than you’d ever seen. It was quite a culture shock to you— you had never before been invited into the fruits of such luxury, this level of wealth as mysterious to you as the cryptic sender of your invitation, S.H.
And though this was your first time indulging in the pleasures of such extravagance, you looked like you belonged. You were sure that the outfit this mystery persona had given you to wear tonight was worth far more than the rent you constantly worried about making, and so you fit in quite seamlessly with the crowd of silk-enveloped, gem-encrusted faces, perhaps even going so far as to stand out. The soft silk of your pashmina tickled against your arms as it sat snug around your lower back, curled around your elbows and seams brushing against your hips. The thick necklace— more of a collar, really— sat heavy against your chest, each diamond shining brightly, leading to a large teardrop-shaped pendant of brilliant amethyst that hung perfectly in the middle of your chest. The ornate mask you’d been given concealed the top half of your face, bright ruby gems adorning along your eyes and matching your dress’ deep rouge to an impossibly perfect degree. Initially upon receiving such gifts you were suspicious of their authenticity, but standing now before such a display of affluence, you were certain they were real. The jewels and fine linens gave you a false sense of confidence, and after a moment of absorbing your astounding surroundings, you tentatively began to make your way into the party.
For a while you wandered around by your lonesome, but you didn’t really mind the solitude. It was a refreshing change of pace, and you admired each symbol of wealth you came across. The grand room was decorated with no expenses in mind— rich velvet curtains hung across the walls, tied back with gold corded tassels to allow the cold moon’s luminescence to shine down into the hall. Massive oil portraits lined the walls, each frame depicting a different person of undoubtable esteem, each in their own respect poised yet handsome as the last.
Your eyes wandered to the last two photos on the wall, both of them shockingly attractive in their own ways. One had wild, violet locks and a sultry smirk, the others’ hair split down the middle with tousled red and white, mouth set in an indifferent line. What stood out most to you was the emotion conveyed in both their eyes— it was cold and callous, sending shivers down your spine.
As you turned away from the portraits, you were met with a server, who offered you the silver platter he was carrying as he bowed. Tiny steak tartares, garnished with a red wine sauce and a sprig of herbs; the sight made your mouth water and you thanked him as you took one with the classy little fork he handed to you. Just as you turned your attention back to the portraits before you, you jumped at the discovery of a figure standing beside you.
He was tall, your head coming just above his shoulder, even in your four inch heels. He donned a crisp tuxedo of his own, but his bowtie was left undone, strips of fabric hanging loosely around his neck. Though there was a mask covering his face as well, you instantly recognized the purple flumes of hair, your surprise evident as you let out a small gasp. He didn’t seem to notice you, his eyes set on the frames above your line of sight, but he then began to speak, his deliciously deep voice taking you again by surprise. “Rather rare,” he spoke, quiet yet clear, eyes still scrutinizing the art before the pair of you.
“E-Excuse me?” you asked for clarity, wondering when exactly this man had appeared, and why you had not noticed such a captivating presence by your side.
At the sound of your voice, he turned his gaze to you, lazy violet eyes inspecting your figure without much attempt at concealing his blatant inspection. You bristled at his audacity, but soon found yourself relaxing as your own eyes wandered the length of his lithe, cut figure. It wasn’t your fault, you reasoned— you had just been admiring this man in his photo and now he appeared before you, looking even more delectable in person.
“The hors d'oeuvres,” he explained, eyes dropping to the forgotten disc of tender meat perched at the end of your fork. He let his gaze wander across your chest before he met your stare again, that same smirk coming to rest on his supple lips. “And such beauty as yours, of course. It’s unparalleled, Miss…?” he trailed off, angling his head to the side as he awaited your response.
You thanked him and told him your name, watching as his smirk only seemed to grow, something mischievous shimmering in those enticing amethyst orbs of his. He leaned forward and ducked into a slight bow, long fingers taking your free hand hostage as he brushed his lips against your knuckles.
“Shinsou will do, for now. Delighted to be acquainted,” he murmured as he pulled back, letting your hand drop and a brief silence fall on the pair of you.
Your eyes wandered to the portrait, then back to your new acquaintance. “That’s you, right?” You inquired, looking up at him through your mask. His bored eyes pierced yours as you met his gaze, and you felt heat accumulate in your cheeks. “What incredible artwork, I don’t think I’ve met anyone that’s posed for an oil painting— was it hard to sit still while it was being made?”
“Not at all,” he replied, taking a sip of the hammered-metal chalice in his large, gloved hand. “The fruits of life sweeten with patience, anyway.”
You wondered briefly if it was his first time posing for this kind of painting. Never had you met anyone who would want— or could afford, really— to commission such a painstakingly realistic portrait of themselves. How much it cost, you could not fathom, and did not care to discover. “So this is your party, then?” You continued after he made no further attempt at conversation.
He nodded, that smirk curling the corner of his mouth again. “You’re an observant little thing, aren’t you?” He remarked, sipping again from his cup. His words were rather rude, and you frowned before you shrugged them off, dismissing them in an instant. You weren’t really surprised by his smug comment, though your displeasure must have been visible because he immediately steered the conversation in another direction. “Are you enjoying yourself? May I get you a drink, my honored guest?”
It was a little off to you how his demeanor changed just like that, a flip of the switch, really— but you were thirsty, and you were curious to see what kind of expensive refreshments were available, so you found yourself nodding with a small smile of gratitude on your lips. He mirrored your smile before he mumbled something about returning soon, his figure swallowed up in the sea of masked faces.
Finding yourself alone once again, you went back to inspecting the portraits, happily humming to yourself as you enjoyed your hors d'oeuvre. You looked around the party, searching for that same waiter, wanting to grab a few more of those delicious bites while you had the chance.
It was then that you met a distinct set of eyes across the room, a white mask with delicate swirls decorating his handsome face. However much the mask concealed his face, there was no doubting that he was the other man from the portrait behind you— his hair was a stark giveaway— half of it scarlet and hanging loosely atop his brow, the other half a shocking shade of white, pushed back to give him a devilishly intimidating aura. Your throat tightened up as he began to make his way toward you, slowly but surely closing the distance between the two of you.
You couldn’t help but wonder if either of these men were the one who sent you your invitation— if one of them was to thank for showering you with such extravagance, for allowing you to dip your toes in the enticing pool of luxury. But you were not allowed to ponder the thought, for in no time at all the man in question stepped before you.
Without even a single thought, your body automatically shifted into a curtsey, and you blinked in surprise as he bowed his greeting in return. He didn’t give you a second to question it, lithe, gloved fingers taking hold of your hand and bringing it to his mouth. His lips were cold to the touch, and your hand trembled slightly as he let go.
“Todoroki Shouto,” he introduced himself, his smooth, deep voice resonating through your body. Something about him made you feel incredibly hot, yet you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. It was strange how much he seemed to affect you— almost supernatural. At your stunned silence, he smirked ever so slightly, shifting his head to look down at your shorter figure. “Your name, love? It would be rude of me to refer to you as the most alluring woman in the room the whole night, no?”
Flustered you were caught off guard, you quickly told him your name, adding on it was a pleasure to meet him.
“Y/N, hm? A beautiful name. It suits a woman as breathtaking as you.” He continued, and you could see how satisfied he was by your bashful reaction. “I can assure you, the pleasure is all mine.”
You smiled hesitantly at the man before you, unsure how to respond to his blatant flirting. With the momentary lull in your conversation, you looked over your shoulder to eye the painting once again. Todoroki watched your curious gaze like a hawk, unbeknownst to you. When you looked back to him, you smiled as you pointed your thumb over your shoulder. “Is that—”
“Would you like to dance?” He interrupted, folding your smaller hand in his and taking a step backwards into the dancefloor.
Panic coursed through you— you didn’t know how to dance, or at least, you didn’t think your ballroom skills would be nearly as good as his and everyone else’s here. Yet somehow when you opened your mouth to politely decline, instead came out, “I would be honored.”
With wide eyes you were guided into the center of the room, his other gloved hand coming to rest at the curve of your waist. Your hands found their own way into position, one on his shoulder, and the other wrapped tight around his as he began to steer you around the room. You were shocked to find yourself matching each of his steps, your feet moving in perfect harmony with his. But when you looked into his eyes, a trickle of horror ran down your spine.
He was looking directly at you, two-toned eyes boring into yours with unbridled desire, and some other emotion mixing in to create a frightful end result that could only be described as hunger. Yes, there was no mistaking it— that was hunger in his eyes— for what, you did not know, but somehow your body was aware that whatever it was, you were in for quite the night.
“The dress looks simply appetizing on you, love,” he whispered in your ear, chilling the blood in your veins just like that. “Were you surprised to find it fit like a glove? You look so angelic when you sleep… I hated to disturb you, but it was gratifying to know how much you enjoyed my touch...” His lips brushed against your dangling earrings, and a shiver ran through your body as he inhaled across the skin of your neck.
“Y-You—” you stuttered, eyes widening with realization. Had he— had he taken your measurements? He’d snuck into your bedroom? When? Why? You didn’t even know this man— why would he have taken such an interest in you, how did he know where you lived,  and why— why was your heart beating out of your chest at the thought of him seeing you in your sluttly little pyjamas? You knew there was something off about this, but never could you imagine this would be the turn of events tonight. You were terrified, and yet ashamedly, a small part of you was pleased to know a handsome and powerful man as himself had gone to such lengths to woo you. There was no denying it… even though your stomach was tied into knots and fear sat like a stone in your belly, a white-hot, irrefutable desire had sparked to life between your legs.
“Not just me...” he murmured, the tip of his nose dragging against your temple before he dipped you down towards the tiled floor right in tune with the crescendo of the music, your back bending in his grip. Now upside-down, your heart skipped a beat as you recognized Shinsou staring the pair of you down from across the room, that same smirk on his lips as he raised his chalice in contempt. “You’ve met Hitoshi, correct?”
You were only spared a moment to piece it all together, that tight feeling in your stomach only twisting further. S.H… it wasn’t the name of one suitor, but two— Shouto and Hitoshi. Two rich and powerful men that both tricked you into coming to their home, and you had fallen for it— practically serving yourself to them on a silver platter. You were no better than a damn steak tartare! You wanted to face-palm, to smack yourself for being so naive, but you found that your body was not your own; you couldn’t control yourself, couldn’t even speak, and all you could do was continue to dance with the horribly attractive man whose trap you had strolled right into.
Had they drugged you? Was it that accursed steak tartare? But then, wouldn’t you have passed out, or your limbs stopped working? How were you not missing a single step with Todoroki right now, spinning when he led you to spin, and willingly stepping into him when he pulled you back into his embrace.
“What… What are you going to do to me?” Your voice was shaking, even though your body moved more confidently than ever as the pair of you strode across the marble floor. “How is this happening?” You added, feeling quite small as the target of not one, but two predatory gazes.
Todoroki took his time to answer you, wordlessly twirling you in his arms as the music then came to a stop, a new melody beginning just as the previous one faded out. “Whatever we want, I suppose,” he answered, his gloved fingers traveling up your back to grasp your chin, forcing you to look into his chilling gaze. “But don’t worry, love… I don’t think you’re going to hate it all that much.”
— - — - — - — - — - — - — - —
It was only an hour later that you were being led to the other side of the mansion— away from the music and festivities, and away from the false sense of protection the crowd provided. Todoroki walked in front of you, and Shinsou’s hand rested casually on your hip as he walked beside you. Your palms were lined in a thin coating of sweat, your growing fear causing your pulse to skyrocket. You knew that you were about to understand why they had fooled you into coming here, and though you had pondered what terrible fate they had chosen for you for the past hour, your mind was completely blank. You could only watch as your feet moved one in front of the other, your body once again under their spell.
Whatever it was that they were doing, they somehow had complete control over you, and they had forced your body to dance with the both of them for the entire time you’d been there so far. It had created some fake relief as whatever it was they had planned was pushed off for the time being, but you couldn’t indulge such relief, and your nerves were more heightened than ever. You reached your breaking point when you entered a dimly-lit bedroom, and the door closed behind you, lock clicking into place.
“Please,” you pleaded, your body moving to stand in the middle of the room, right before the four-poster, canopy-laden bed. “Just tell me what’s happening, I can’t move a single muscle…”
Shinsou frowned, gloved hand coming up to discard his mask. Your breath caught in your throat— God, even if he was your captor, you couldn’t deny he was handsome. He slowly approached you, fingertips tracing along your jaw before removing your mask as well. He sucked in a small breath of air, violet eyes dark with a foreign sentiment. “Relax, baby… We’re just gonna make you feel good. We’ve wanted to make you feel good for so long now…” His eyes dropped to analyze your lips, entranced by their color and plushness.
“But… Why can’t I move?” you reiterated, and your eyes widened as Todoroki’s presence noticeably pressed up against your behind. The feeling of his body against yours sent your heart hammering, and you swallowed as you considered your options here— there was really only one means of escape and that had to start with you tricking them into freeing you from their spell. Licking your dry lips, you meekly added, “What if I… wanted to make you feel good, too?”
“Fucking Christ,” said Shinsou, who took a step backward, his palm coming to run across his face momentarily. He seemed on edge, anticipation distinctly painted across his rugged features.
Meanwhile Todoroki took his time to answer, considering your choice of words thoughtfully. “We have a lot planned for you… but we need to re-energize before we can do anything, love,” he replied simply, his voice low in your ear. He pulled off his gloves, cold fingers catching on your jaw as he turned your face to meet his. You whimpered as he leaned into you, and before you could make a single word, his lips claimed yours, cutting off any chance at a rebuttal.
You didn’t want to admit how good his mouth felt on yours, but you couldn’t ignore the butterflies that burst into your stomach as he kissed you— they were not the result of any foreign spell. Shinsou groaned as he watched Todoroki’s tongue slip into your mouth, actions getting more fervent as the dual-colored man’s fingers slipped around your head, cradling your face against his. His lips attacked yours, slotting against them and tongue wandering between the gaps. You gasped when something sharp pricked your bottom lip, automatically pulling back, your hand coming up to touch your lip.
Bright red stained your fingertip, and you looked between the evidence of your injury and the cause of the wound, eyes widening as you took in how dark Todoroki’s eyes had become, canines elongating into sharp fangs. Bewildered, you stayed frozen to the spot, unable to do anything yet again as his hand swiftly wrapped around your wrist, yanking your hand to his mouth and wrapping his lips around your finger. The feeling of his tongue swirling around the digit made heat flare in your core, even as terror began to pump through your veins. His other hand gripped your hip roughly, pulling your body flush unto his.
The desire to scream out in fear came quickly, but you found no sound came out of you when your mouth opened. Your head still turned to Todoroki, you didn’t anticipate Shinsou coming up in front of you, only noticing the other man when his tongue stroked across the tender skin on your neck. Your body stiffened as the wet muscle slid along your throat, your eyes wide and petrified.
“There you go, just relax...” Todoroki groaned, leaning in to suck on your broken lip, his tongue petting over the fresh wound gently. It stung, but at the same time it felt very intimate— something you had never done before that had that heat building in the pit of your stomach.
A set of fangs pricked your neck, Shinsou’s lips fluttering up toward your jaw. You loathed how soft they felt, a distinct contrast to the sharpened enamels that suddenly descended into your flesh. You cried out, unprepared for the searing pain that shot through your body. Your skin felt like it was throbbing, sizzling from the unwelcome heat and pain mixing together.
“Shhh, love,” Todoroki cooed, laying a gentle kiss on your open mouth. “It won’t hurt for long…” He continued to suckle on your lip, beautiful eyes staring deeply into yours as he cradled your face. The thin ring of iris around his blown pupils shone brightly in the low light of the flickering candles, brilliant aqua and stormy gray contrasting, mesmerizing you and momentarily taking you away from the pain of the fangs lodged in your throat.
Shinsou was moaning against your neck, Adam’s apple bobbing as he took his fill from your bloodstream. His hands were gripping your waist tightly, fingers wandering up your back to curl your body closer to his embrace. You were so out of it, so lost in the taller man’s gaze, that you almost didn’t register the growing hardness pressing into your inner thigh. Shinsou was gently rutting against your leg, pressing his crotch onto you as he held your limp body with surprising care.
The sharp pain of his fangs in your neck had transformed into a dull throb, your body slowly numbing to his bite. It wasn’t long before Shinsou drew back, tongue roving over the flesh puncture marks that laid on your throat. His tongue hurt at first, but the second and third swipe of the strong, wet muscle felt increasingly good, and you hated how your thighs twitched together at the feeling. Apparently the two of them knew you would be experiencing this effect, for they both started to move you backwards, wandering closer to the bed.
You could hear Todoroki get onto the mattress before the pair of them maneuvered your body to join his, lifting you up and setting you down onto the plush comforter before him. His hands slid to your front, down your stomach and perched on your hips, pushing them back so your ass met his crotch. Your eyes went wide as you felt Todoroki’s erection poke into your ass, and Shinsou chuckled darkly as he, too, crawled onto the bed.
Although you opened your mouth to speak, no words came out, and the purple-haired vampire before you winked as the smirk on his lips only grew. There was still a trickle of your blood tainting the skin on his chin, and his fangs poked out as he grinned at you.
“You missed some,” Todoroki stated, voice a bit rougher than it had been downstairs. Your head turned to look at him, but you found his gaze was not focused on you— he was looking straight at Shinsou, eyes darkening and teeth elongating into points.
“Saved it for you, have a taste,” Shinsou replied nonchalantly, scooting closer to you. The space between the two men’s mouths closed and you gasped as you watched their lips collide, a moan tumbling out of the man supporting your back. That horrible heat burst between your legs, your mouth watering as you saw Todoroki’s tongue slips into Shinsou’s mouth, their fangs clicking as they brushed together.
Shinsou chuckled as he pulled back, Todoroki’s tongue wandering down to trace the line of your blood that streaked down his chin. Shinsou looked at you as he grinned, clearly happy that their kiss had such an effect on you. “You taste so good, baby,” he complimented, and you whimpered as heat burst in your cheeks.
It was shameful how much this was turning you on— a monster straight out of a fairytale was here in front of you, feeding off of you, able to end your life he re really wanted to in probably just one swift bite— and yet your pussy was drooling all over your panties for him, an uncomfortable dampness collecting between your thighs. You couldn’t stop your hips from wiggling, but as you moved back from Shinsou, you pressed up against Todoroki, who let out a throaty groan. The swell of your backside pushed against his hard cock just right, and you gasped as his hands suddenly jumped to the hem of your dress, pulling it to rest at the tops of your thighs. Your pussy twitched as the cool air rushed across your sticky panties, and you mewled as one hand drifted up to squeeze your breast, the other slapping gently over your panty-covered clit.
Shinsou’s hands glided down your waist, large palms running over your hips before he grabbed your thighs, yanking you to the edge of the mattress as he fell to his knees. Kneeling between your legs, he chucked again as he inspected the wet patch on darkening the front of your underwear. His thumb met your slit and he traced it up and down a few times, grin splitting his smirk as you unintentionally let out a moan.
It was then that Todoroki’s fangs sliced into the unmarked flesh on the other side of your neck. You cried out, the pain just as stringing and intense as Shinsou’s bite had delivered. But you weren’t left to focus on it long— Shinsou pulled your underwear to the side and dipped a thumb into your soaking folds, rubbing up the length of your slit once again. The direct contact made your toes curl, your slick folds parting with ease as the ample evidence of your arousal allowed his finger to glide through without catch. He hummed as he rubbed his thumb against your clit a few times, violet eyes flicking up to see your eyelashes fluttering across your cheeks, Todoroki’s lips latched to your throat as he took his fill from your sweet bloodstream.
Todoroki’s fingers curled into the top of your dress, and he pulled it down to reveal your tits to the cool air, your nipples instantly perking up and standing at attention. The red and white haired man moaned as he sucked on your throat, his forefinger and thumbs capturing each nipple and twisting the sensitive buds.
“Fuck!” you whined, immediately embarrassed that you hadn’t been able to hold the expletive in. But neither of the men seemed to share your sentiment, the pair of them moaning softly in response to your noise of pleasure as if encouraging you to let out even more.
Shinsou smiled as he pinched the sides of your panties, yanking the material down your thighs and off your ankles before separating your legs and inserting himself between them. He gave you no warning as his tongue suddenly licked a flat stripe up your slit, rolling around your clit perfectly at the end of his journey. Your legs tensed as they closed around his head, a hot puff of air escaping you as Todoroki finally pulled off of your neck with a broken gasp. His breathing was ragged as his tongue lashed over the fresh marks, the repeated action having the same, dizzying sensation that Shinsou had elicited. Then Shinsou’s tongue was wiggling across your clit, alternating between sucking on the sensitive pearl and lavishing it in vicious swipes of his strong, wet tongue.
Meanwhile Todoroki was ripping off his clothes, revealing his broad, sturdy chest in all its glory before he yanked at the zipper on your spine, sliding your dress over your shoulders and tossing it onto the floor. Your bra was next, leaving you in just your sparkly heels and your glimmering gems.
You could feel both pairs of eyes inspecting your naked body, Todorki’s hands returning to tweak at your nipples while Shinsou thrusted his tongue inside your quivering hole. He moaned as his tongue probed at your insides, sending vibrations through your core and causing your legs to tighten around his head. Pleasure was coursing through you, overwhelming the urge to scream and run that had been all you could focus on just minutes ago. But your pussy was dripping for the both of them, and Shinsou was savoring every drop as he animatedly lapped at you— never before had anyone so enthusiastically eaten your cunt like this, and his zeal only made you leak onto his mouth even more.
You had been so focused on the man in between your legs that you only recognized Todoroki had fully unclothed himself when he moved backward, easing your head back so you lay flat on the mattress. Your pussy twitched violently on Shinsou’s tongue when you caught sight of Todoroki’s cock standing long and thick, tall against his carved abdomen, his expression dark as he shuffled forward.
“Open your mouth, baby,” he instructed and you obeyed immediately, as if you couldn’t follow his instruction any faster. Your eagerness made him smirk, and you made sure to keep eye contact as he rubbed the tip of his heavy cock against your sealed lips. But suddenly Shinsou started to attack your clit with new fervor, tongue flicking across the bundle of nerves repeatedly.
You couldn’t stop the moan that flew out of you, and as soon as your mouth was open, Todoroki pushed forward, shoving his cock deep into your mouth. You choked at the sudden intrusion, but he only grabbed your throat with one hand and thrust into your mouth even rougher than before. He didn’t seem to care much about your comfort, your heartbeat skyrocketing as the need for oxygen started burning in your lungs.
Todoroki pulled his cock out just in time for you to gasp in a few breaths before he rammed his cock back inside, powerful thighs pinning your head to the mattress as he leaned forward with hands on either side of your waist and head hung while he uttered a quiet moan. “That’s right, love. Go ahead and suck my cock… I want to hear you choke on me, naughty little thing.”
A wanton moan slipped out of you, his cock filling your throat to the max, and his rough, determined thrusts causing your pussy to flood even more. Shinsou was still licking at your cunt purposefully, tongue sliding around your folds and over your clit as he sucked and flicked it to your liking. You started to become more vocal as pressure began to build in your stomach, your hips writhing wildly underneath his pinning grip as Todoroki used your mouth to his liking. Your eyes rolled back as you felt your high approaching, unaware of Shinsou slowly but steadily undressing himself while he suckled at your puffy folds.
Todoroki’s thrusts became slower but deeper suddenly, and you swirled your tongue around his swollen tip when his hips receded. You were caught off guard when Shinsou’s lips left your cunt and instead his teeth sunk into the soft skin on your thigh, taking another sampling from your veins. This time, the initial pain was much duller, and it quickly faded into something concerningly pleasurable. There must have been some higher-level effect at play here— there was no way that such gleaming fangs stabbing into you and feeding from you should feel that good. Yet it undoubtedly made your toes curl, bliss spreading through your body like wildfire through dry grass. It only increased when a long finger slipped inside of you, a second entering with ease as they began rubbing inside of you gently. You could feel Shinsou moan into your pillowy thigh, the noise only making your cunt itch for his attention again.
You let out a desolate whine when both of the men suddenly pulled away from you, your pussy hotter and wetter than ever, and your cheeks dribbling with your saliva as a result of Todoroki’s face-fucking. It was then that you realized Shinsou was naked, too, your mouth watering at his visage; his cock stood thicker and shorter than Todoroki’s, but both of them were punching well above average, muc to your delight.
Todoroki slipped off the mattress and Shinsou walked around the edge of the bed, the pair switching and settling in reverse positions. Shinsou stroked your cheek sweetly, capturing your attention as he smiled down at you. You craned your neck to press a kiss to the leaking tip of him, your tongue poking out to swipe the salty bead of pre-cum that lay there. Your eyes went wide when you felt the telltale smoothness of Todoroki’s cock splitting your slick-drenched folds, his hands settling on your hips before he grabbed them, rutting his own forward and causing his cock to push halfway into your tight hole. The stretch made the both of you gasp, your wet, little hole hugging his large cock snug as he began to move his hips.
Shinsou had enjoyed the intimate moment but found himself getting impatient, slapping his thick, oozing cockhead over your lips to grab your attention once again. You looked up at him with wide, starry eyes, your mouth opening for him to glide his cock into your mouth. “Good girl,” he murmured, eyes fixating on the way your lips wrapped around his girth, the way his thick veins looked rolling against your tongue. Your cheeks hollowed in attempt to satiate him, but you instantly cried out when Todoroki’s hips slapped flush against yours, shoving his cock inside of your cunt entirely.
The impossible fullness that bloomed in your stomach was delectable, and Todoroki began to thrust into your slippery cunt at a reliable, hard pace. He let out a guttural groan as he watched his cock disappear into your slick folds, the heat of your pussy overwhelming him. He lifted both your legs over his shoulders, making sure to grab one of your ankles and pulling it upright so your leg was fully extended. Then, his fangs broke the smooth skin on your calf and you whimpered at the feeling. It felt so good to have him suck on your skin— to feel your blood flowing out of your body and into his eager mouth. It was sick, but you couldn’t think about it at the moment— couldn’t find any fault with the two monsters that were taking you to cloud nine.
“Fuck, just like that,” Shinsou mumbled, eyes flicking up to watch a rivulet of your blood strike down your outstretched leg. When he looked back down towards you, your eyes were closed and your brow scrunched, an indication of the pleasure that was ebbing through your body thanks to the cadenced swing of Todoroki’s hips. “You’re such a good fucking girl,” Shinsou praised as he threw back his head, his fingers carding through your hair and tugging gently at your roots.
Just as the three of you seemed to find a rhythm, Todoroki pulled out abruptly, making your mouth part in a whine, Shinsou’s thick member springing out of your wet cavern and into the cool, still air. The purple-haired man hissed in annoyance, gritting his teeth as he looked to the other man to scold him, but quickly his irritation melted as he watched Todoroki flip you so your stomach lay flat on the sheets. Then, he hiked your ass into the air, your body moving along with him with such cooperation that the pair of them shared a look, haughty smirks stretching on both their lips. It was their secret that they had stopped using their mind control on you, and it seemed you were the only one that continued, blissfully unaware. Perhaps you didn’t even realize… perhaps you didn’t care.
It didn’t matter, really— Todoroki lined himself up with your dripping cunt, taking no pause this time as his cock speared inside you once again. You moaned as you reeled forward, your fingers gripping into the duvet harshly as your body tightened up from the delicious intrusion. His long, thick cock felt like magic inside of you, each thrust brushing a soft spot nestled deep inside of you and stimulating you further.
Shinsou jerked himself off lazily as he watched your facial expressions, trapping his bottom lip between his sharp teeth as he registered the erotic ecstasy painted across your beautiful features. After a minute of allowing you to focus his accomplice’s hard cock, he pressed the tip of his own to your lips. You immediately opened your mouth, taking the flushed member between your lips with restless reception, tongue rolling around the swollen head. Shinsou sighed, half-lidded lavender irises watching you begin to eagerly bob up and down his length. He thumbed over a drop of blood that had rolled down your throat, catching Todoroki’s eye and offering his finger to the other man, who happily took the digit into his mouth and sucked, tongue soaking up your life essence as his hand wrapped around Shinsou’s wrist to steady himself. They both chuckled as you moaned loudly, Todoroki’s free hand clapping across your ass cheek and causing your cunt to clench down on his cock.
“You like that?” he teased, grabbing your flesh and shaking it, watching your ass jiggle before striking you again, a few smacks in succession. You could only gag and moan in reply, Shinsou’s cock thrusting into the back of your throat. The purple-eyed vampire gripped your chin with his calloused, cold hand, keeping your head in place as he began to fuck your face. Suddenly Todoroki spat onto your behind, his saliva wetting your puckered hole before he shoved his thumb inside of your ass, the unexpected stretch sending fresh bliss through your body as his cock dragged against it through your walls. Tears were beading on your lashes, the combination of the lack of oxygen, the attack of your g-spot from Todoroki’s cock, and the sharp pain of his hand across your ass all sending you hurtling towards your high.
With a shriek you came on his cock, your cunt wringing snug around the heavy member that just kept pistoning into you, angling your hips so the head pounding into that sensitive, spongy spot again and again. Todoroki groaned, taking his finger out and both his hands now squeezing at your hips as he continued to fuck you, offering a few more slaps to your ass as you trembled in ecstasy. While your head was still filled with the euphoric fog of your climax, Shinsou pulled out of your mouth, nodding to Todoroki, who wordlessly understood. The mismatched vampire hooked his arms around your knees, heaving you up against his chest and spreading your legs far apart enough for Shinsou to slide between them.
You were still catching your breath as Shinsou reached for Todoroki’s cock, slotting his thighs between the other man’s and positioning his length so that his slick-covered head rested right at your asshole. You gasped, your arm bending to dig your nails into Todoroki’s shoulder as you looked behind at him, catching his lustful gaze down at you. Shinsou then began to sloppily kiss your throat, his cock rubbing against your glazed, ravaged opening as his hands ran across the curve of your ass, landing on Todoroki’s waist behind your hips. The both of them entered you at the same time, your vision dotting with white spots as the stretch from both sides took your breath away. They both managed to slip inside, fully seating you onto their laps as you trembled, your stiff nipples brushing against Shinsou’s toned chest.
Todoroki nibbled at your ear as he began to pump his cock inside of you, filling your ass with each thrust and stimulating you as he rubbed himself against Shinsou’s cock through your walls. “So tight, love…,” he murmured in your ear, the prick of his sharp fangs on your cartilage sending shivers down your spine. His tongue wandered out and he traced the tip of it against the column of your throat, brushing over the leaking puncture wounds that laid there. “So sweet… can’t help myself,” his words turned into a savage moan as he sunk his fangs into your skin, the pain washing away abruptly as Shinsou, too, started to push his hips into yours.
Shinsou groaned, one hand coming to caress your chin as he claimed your lips with his own. His tongue entered your mouth and wrestled with yours as his tempo began to pick up, his cock stretching your cunt wide and sending waves of pleasure through your core. When he pulled back, you were both panting, your breasts heaving with the rapid rise and fall of your chest. It was then that Todoroki pulled away from your neck, gasping in a breath of air as his fangs glistened scarlet. Shinsou took one look at him and crushed his mouth to his, your holes clenching around their lengths as you watched your blood be exchanged between their ravenous tongues. The pair of them were moaning, and so were you— unable to keep the noises of pure pleasure inside as you watched them make out.
Your blood was dripping down Todoroki’s chin, and you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching over and grabbing his jaw, ripping his lips away from Shinsou’s and instead placing your mouth on his. He growled in approval against your lips, his tongue battling yours as he sought to dominate you, the distinct flavor of iron filling your mouth as you tasted your own blood. Shinsou took the opportunity to sink his cuspids into the other side of your throat again, and your jaw fell in response, Todoroki’s tongue seizing control of yours immediately as he grasped the upper hand. Both of them were full-on fucking you now, your holes warm and wet, quivering around their thick cocks as the brought you closer and closer to your high yet again.
Only the sound of your heavy breathing and the slapping of your skins filled the air in the room, the music of the party drowned and far away as the three of you were otherwise occupied. Before you knew it, you were clenching on them again, your body seizing as your orgasm ripped through you, all the air in your lungs vacuumed out of you and your toes curling into the air. Your fingers fisted Shinsou’s wild violet locks, your nails digging into Todoroki’s jaw as you tumbled through the throes of your climax, euphoria rushing through your bloodstream and straight into Shinsou’s awaiting mouth.
The sweet taste of your oxytocin, your drug-like ecstasy, sent him straight into his own orgasm, his hips pushing flush against yours as he roared and his cock spurted thick white ribbons deep into your womb, his seed pouring into you and filling you to the brim. His chiseled body trembled as he emptied himself inside of you, his fingers bruising your skin while he gasped and moaned. Your holes clenched as you milked his cock, and suddenly Todoroki, too, groaned loudly behind you. His hands squeezed your flesh as his cock spurted hot cum inside of you, his abdomen flush against your ass as he crushed your body to his front.
The three of you sat there on the bed, your bodies covered in sweat and remnants of your blood, breathless and still as you came back down to earth. Shinsou’s lips trailed along your neck, Todoroki’s fingertips sliding across your skin with gentle care as they pulled out of you. Their seed dribbled down your thighs as they maneuvered your boneless body back onto the pillows, your eyes fluttering closed from the pure exhaustion and the lack of blood in your veins. Each of them laid back on either side of you, their cold hands wandering over your skin and causing goosebumps to rise, their eyes roaming your body in pure adoration.
“You did so well, baby,” Shinsou murmured into your hair, pressing his face close to yours as he sighed and inhaled the sweet scent lingering from the blood on your skin.
“So well-behaved for us,” Todoroki added, wrapping an arm around your middle as he, too, nestled closer to your limp body. “Go to sleep, love… you deserve some rest.”
You hummed at their praise, tired butterflies flapping their wings in the pit of your stomach. Your head was fuzzier than ever, bliss weighing heavy in your bones as your breathing steadied. Filled with post-orgasmic content, the idea of fleeing that seemed so wonderful just an hour ago now sounded distasteful, your body comfortable lying on the silken sheets, pressed between your two lovers. As you faded into a blissful sleep, you could hear the pair talking lowly, making plans to keep you here with them in hushed voices.
 ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
so sorry if that was rushed at the end!! hope you enjoyed, and Happy Halloween!! be safe out there <3
➥ masterlist
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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oyasuminto · 3 years
To Do List: December
Jealous PC breeding Kylar
Kylar being teased all day and breeding his S/O after school
Kylar and Wren comfort-fucking their s/o
Kylar and Ren falling for the same person
Kylar + Insecure S/O
Kylar + Great Hawk getting a lewd massage
LIs + lewd maid outfit
What if Ren kidnapped Lawrence instead of MC?
Noble Kylar + dragon hybrid s/o
Lawrence getting drugged with aphrodisiacs
Elf Kylar + loving orc S/O
Kylar’s S/O killing his bully
LIs + marathon sex
School trio learning you’re a hitman
LIs brat-taming defiant PC
G/T headcanons with Remy, Eden, Bailey, maybe Harper and Leighton
LIs learning PC is a kept boy for older women
LIs + Ace PC with no interest in sex
LIs + S/O who loves mating press (LIs giving)
Whitney being in love with Jordan’s S/O
LIs + S/O dying
Kylar + short, defiant s/o
LIs snapping and accidentally hurting PC
Kylar keeping his S/O as a pet
Kylar making his S/O cum for the first time
Jordan as an LI
Vincent breeding his girlfriend
School trio + idol s/o
Love interests getting their s/o pregnant
Yandere Jordan
Male LIs learning PC got pregnant from someone else
School trio + crossdressing male s/o
Kylar’s GF begging to be bred
LIs having a lipstick mark on their face
School quartet + subby s/o
Sydney’s angel pc getting kidnapped
Kylar + bully PC continuation
Whitney non-conning fem MC
Kylar and Sydney tag-teaming PC
Human lis + bailey’s s/o disappearing
Kylar kidnapping continuation
PC making out with Sydney, Robin, and Kylar while wearing lipstick
PC walking in on LIs + Wren masturbating
Cooking / baking with LIs and Wren
PC calling LIs + Wren at night just to hear their voice
Kylar and Ren sharing an S/O
DOL LIs as BTD killers
LI, Bailey and Leighton cooking headcanons
Wearing LI’s clothes
Napping on Toasty
xyx and Toasty working together
Best Bloomic threesome combinations
xyx oral headcanons
nightowl smut
BIGLADY and June as girlfriends
Accidentally turning on Quest, Toasty, xyx, and nightowl
BIGLADY with a pastel baker GF
yandere nightowl and xyx
Bloomic boys + needy and horny S/O
Bloomic boys hearing that MC broke societyboy’s nose
xyx/toasty/mc domestic headcanons
BP gang secret talents
BP LIs + jealousy
nightowl + s/o who can tease but gets flustered easily
Quest + virgin reader
xyx knife kink
BP characters seeing their S/O in lingerie
Bloomic ideal date night
Bloomic cooking headcanons
xyx getting flustered
bloomic non-li nicknames
Bloomic gang meeting you IRL
Toasty and Quest headcanons
Bloomic boy’s favorite body parts
cockwarming toasty while he’s in VC with xyx
two, quest, toasty, nightowl, xyx, and onion + insecure plus-sized S/O
Who on the Bloomic server is most proud of hickeys
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nanamisflowerpetals · 2 years
Scenario/Drabble Headcanon Requests 💮 Yandere 🩸
☆ Natsuki Shinomiya
★ Tokiya Ichinose
☆ Cecil Aijima
★ Ren Jinguji
☆ Otoya Ittoki
★ Syo Kurusu
☆ Masato Hijirikawa
☆ Reiji Kotobuki
★ Ranmaru Kurosaki
Raging s/o 💮
☆ Ai Mikaze
★ Camus
☆ Eiichi Otori
★ Kira Sumeragi
☆ Nagi Mikado
★ Eiji Otori
☆ Van Kiryuin
★ Yamato Hyuga
☆ Shion Amakusa
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Utapri Masterlist
A Night To Remember - Ranmaru X Reader X Camus
Quarter After One - Otoya X Reader [Ask]
We'll Change - Yandere!Camus + Yandere!Ren + Yandere!Yamato X Princess!Reader X Masato
We’ll Change PT 2 - Yandere!Camus + Yandere!Ren + Yandere!Yamato X Princess!Reader [Ask]
Prince Camus Cyrszard Ending
Prince Ren Jinguji Ending
Prince Yamato Hyuga Ending
One With Tragedy - Yandere!Eiichi + Yandere!Van + Yandere!Yamato X Reader X Kira [Ask]
One With Tragedy PT 2 - Yandere!Eiichi + Yandere!Van + Yandere!Yamato X Reader X Kira [Ask]
Deceitful Arrival: Yandere!Ren, Cecil + Kira [Ask]
Just Say Yes - Yandere!Yamato X Reader [Ask]
Boyfriend Scenarios
Chapter 1 - Meeting Him 
Chapter 2 - Hanging Out 
Chapter 3 - Feelings
Chapter 4 - Confession
Chapter 5 - Reply 
Chapter 6 - First Names 
Chapter 7 - First Date
Chapter 8 - Pasts
Chapter 9 - Overworking
Quartet Night:
Chapter 1 - Meeting Him 
Chapter 2 - Hanging Out
Chapter 3 - Feelings
Chapter 4 - Confession
Chapter 5 - Reply
Chapter 6 - First Names 
Chapter 7 - First Date
Chapter 8 - Pasts
Chapter 9 - Overworking
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
Yandere Hank Quartet playlists!
help lol
Street Fight - Adam Jensen
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! At The Disco
I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
IN MY MOUTH - Black Dresses
Pork Soda - Glass Animals
Brutus - The Buttress
Cradles - Sub Urban
Yandere - Jazmin Bean
I'm Poppy - Poppy
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pank
Fading Kitten Syndrome - Roar
Hello Kitty - Jazmin Bean
People Eater - Sodikken
Animal Cannibal - Possibly in Michigan (soundtrack)
The Mind Electric - Miracle Musical
Saint Bernard - Lincon
Daisy Bell - Harry Dacre
Brave as a Noun - AJJ
Always Forever - cultscultscults
Tonight You Belong to Me - Patience and Prudence
COPYCAT - Billie Eilish
Saccharine - Jazmin Bean
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
Taunt - Lovejoy
High Enough - K. Flay
Discipline - Nine Inch Nails
The Line Begins to Blur - Nine Inch Nails
Cradles - Sub Urban
Lambada - T-fest x Scriptonite
This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
EAT - Poppy
uwu - Chevy
Yandere - Jazmin Bean
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto
a cold freezing night - The Books
Money Machine - 100 gecs
This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Agoraphobia - Autoheart
Discipline - Nine Inch Nails
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
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ssanimehour · 2 years
4/6/22 - “Spring Favorites” ;D
1. ​Piece of Art by KIRA feat. Gumi, cover by Rachie (actually Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, Cover by ShirazukiOkami feat. Fukase)
2. Housewife Radio by GHOST feat. Gumi, Cover by Oktavia (actually dead memes dubbed by hatsune miku by  MinnemiMinnemi feat. Hatsune Miku)
3. Bitter Choco Decoration by Syudou feat. Hatsune Miku, Russian cover by Sati Akura (actually Smile, Smile! by Wolfy Animates feat. Hatsune Miku)
4. Paradise by QueenPb feat. Meika Hime, Cover by devvie feat. Gumi (actually Amazon Echo Kokichi Ouma Edition by GummyBearVA)
5. In Iolite by GHOST feat. LUMi, Cover by scenikeight feat. Avanna (actually I Swear (Date a Live Opening) from Date a Live 3, Cover by Sandy C)
6. i tried to make a vocaloid original again lol by fmwaves feat. Diana (actually it's dark! by GHOST, Ponko, Aria, and Umber feat. Oliver, Fukase, Kagamine Len, and Utatane Piko)
7. ​sleeping beauty by 164 feat. Hatsune Miku, Cover by Oktavia (actually luka luka night fever but every time luka says luka luka it gets faster by samfree feat. Megurine Luka, Version by madotspooki)
8. I Feed by Steampianist feat. Oliver and Gumi ​(actually i am not eating bugs by GHOST, PRiNZ, I0LITE, and Monstrosity)
9. Not Photogenic by Utsu-P feat. Hatsune Miku (actually The Cabin by Zyla Zo feat. Chris and Cyber Diva) 
10. Winter in Me by Skylar Grey, Nightcored by Brianna Kitty Bear MUSIC (actually HOW TO BUY VOCALOID!!! by Unholy Quartet)
11. Heaven by Jayn (actually Cold winter, One step closer by Kathy Hatsune feat. Oliver)
12. Two of Us by Ayako Ono (actually ALL STAR BUT HATSUNE MIKU SINGS EVERYTHING by Smash Mouth, Cover by Ctrl Ult Delete feat. Hatsune Miku)
13. Breaking Things into Pieces by Kikuo feat. Hatsune Miku (actually Spider on the Wall by GHOST feat. Prinz and Nessa)
14. Entomologists (Original Version) by GHOST feat. Hatsune Miku (actually Doki Doki Literature Club! But the OST Is REALLY Annoying by ohitscosmo)
15. Machine Gun by KIRA feat. Gumi (actually ASMR Yandere Len Kidnaps You by LenRinTwin)
16. Candle Queen by GHOST and Lauren Estes feat. Gumi (actually Baldi's Basics The Musical by Random Encounters)
17. Brain Fluid Explosion Girl by rerulili feat. Hatsune Miku & Gumi (actually Kokichi Ouma laughing over 53 times and each laugh is different compiled by MaxDoodle)
18. Future Diary OST - Ultimate Love Conceives Madness by Tatsuya Kato (actually It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Murder by YandereDev feat. Princess Rizu)
19. Cold from RWBY by Jeff Williams feat. Casey Lee Williams (actually Getting Rekt by the Kagamines, V4 Style by 2nd Ezmyth feat. Rin, Len, and Miku)
20. Death Parade OST - Game C by Yuuki Hayashi (actually Trickster Puts You To Sleep...But.. by LenRinTwin)
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utxpri · 4 years
If it’s alright, could I request yandere headcanons for Starish and Quartet Night? If not both then just Starish please.
It’s either one group at a time or six characters of your choosing, so I’ll just be doing Starish here~ :> And... this feels so strange for the sweet boys. It was hard to keep things realistic for their characters. Here’s hoping I did okay? 
. . . 
He starts out as a very cheerful, puppy-like yandere who just wants your attention more than anything. At first, Otoya doesn’t seem dangerous at all, but as time passes, he gets more and more possessive. He can never really manage anything violent, but he does get pushy and sort of threatening— in the sense that he demands your attention without any concern for how you feel about it. He’ll also make attempts to chase away any friends he has to compete with, but the success thereof is debatable. The real problem is when he starts threatening to hurt himself if you ignore him. 
For a while, he just seems polite and kind of clingy. It’s obvious that Masato admires you massively and wants your attention, but it’s easy to pay no mind to how intense his feelings seem to be. But as time passes, you start noticing things that don’t seem quite right. Things keep happening that make you turn to him and depend on him— and Masato seems a little too happy about it every time. He’s set on having you be his, no matter how you feel about it, and using manipulative means to make you love him is the best way he can think to get that. He’s a very subtle type of yandere. 
Natsuki is so sweet that you can hardly believe he’d do anything wrong... right up until he starts acting strange. There are subtle signs with him that something is wrong, but it’s hard to place exactly what’s wrong. He’s the one who wants to take you and lock you up somewhere where you’ll belong to him and he can do everything for you. And of course, if you resist him too much and make him upset, Satsuki will have something to say about your behavior. It’s much better to listen to Natsuki, right? He’s so gentle that he’d never hurt you. You’ll quickly get the message of how to play nice. 
He’s the type to use influence and money to try to sway you to his side... as well as make anyone else who threatens his claim disappear. He’ll get violent if he has to, whether it be with you or others, but it’s much simpler to just pull some strings and get what he wants. You’ll start out thinking that Tokiya is a level-headed guy who just wants to form a relationship with you, but it soon becomes apparent that he’s got a sharp temper and feelings for you that run a little too deep. All he can think of is having you by his side, and those feelings soon take over all rational thought he has. 
He’ll charm you and sweep you off your feet as soon as he sets his sights on you. Ren is the type of yandere where you’ll never see it coming. You’ll be so enamored with his kindness and flattery that you won’t realize a thing until it’s too late. He’s plenty capable of being violent and eliminating any competition, but it’s so much easier to simply make you want to choose him over any other. Concealing his real personality in favor of becoming everything you want is the best method. Of course, if you reject him, you’ll soon find that Ren isn’t anywhere near as nice as he seems. 
Syo starts out sweet and friendly, but he’s the one who’s more than willing to get rough with any competition. Intimidating all of your friends and potential suitors into leaving you alone is easy for him, and as he grows more fixated on you, it happens with increasing frequency and intensity. Once he’s set his mind on you, Syo won’t take no for an answer. Of course, he wants your praise more than anything, but the best way to get that is to be the best, right? He just has to prove that he’s the number one option you have. Even if you’re scared of him, you’ll have to accept him, in the end. 
Cecil is another yandere who’s not the most effective. He’s very needy and clingy, sticks to your side constantly, and just seems to want everything you have to give. Where he becomes dangerous is that he’ll drain you emotionally to a point where it starts taking a toll, and the way he begs is so sweet and innocent that you can’t say no. He won’t hurt other people, but he will manipulate you into being scared to talk to them for fear of how upset he’ll be. Cecil will give you everything you want if you’re sweet to him– which means it’s in your best interest to do as he says and stay by his side. 
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utapriyanderes · 5 years
i saw the anon who asked abt starish's s/o being a little rebel and i would like to raise you: quartet night's s/o being a rebel (defiant, sneaky, overall a general little rat in terms of how they act to test their boy)
Reiji Kotobuki:
Reiji would find it cute at first. How you wouldn’t do as he says and constantly try to go off somewhere. He thought it was just a cute little prank or joke. 
Until it wasn’t. He tried to put up with it as best as he could but, he eventually had to take matters into his own hands. No matter how much you fought Reiji would only put more restrictions on you. It could be by taking certain privileges away or locking you up longer than you want. 
At night when he sleeps he’ll handcuff you to the bed and to himself. Everytime you try to have your “fun”, he’ll always restrain you that much harder. He may tell you that it is to keep you safe, but it is more so you never leave his side.
Ranmaru Kurosaki:
Ranmaru found it really irritating and frustrating right from the start. He didn’t like you acting like this at all. Why would you go around to make a mess? Why would you try to escape him? He didn’t like it one bit. 
He wanted you to act more like a cat and just laze around with him, but you are making that dream quite hard. Eventually he had to of locked you up. With Ai’s help and advice he decided to place you in a room with traps placed all around it. If you wanted to mess around so badly then try doing it knowing extreme pain is going to come out of it. 
Of course Ranmaru doesn’t want to hurt you, but Ai was pretty good at convincing him about this idea. Though, it worked! Ranmaru was surprised how docile you become from being locked in there for hours, months on end! And the best part out of all of it was that you didn’t get hurt as badly as he thought you would!
Now you are the perfect lover he could ever have wanted.
Ai Mikaze:
Ai doesn’t enjoy your behavior at all. He tries to stop it instantly. If locking you up for a long time doesn’t help, then he’ll definitely try other methods. He’ll experiment and learn what he has to do to stop this irrational behavior. 
Eventually he’ll place a shock collar around your neck and shock you every time you do something bad. If you escape not only will you have a tracking chip in you, but high volts of electricity will shoot through you until you pass out. 
If he has to go to higher extremes he will. All just to have you. 
Camus isn’t having your personality at all. Constantly not doing what he says irritates him above all else. How hard can it be for someone to listen to instructions? Well, for you it’s very hard. 
One of Camus’ methods is to entrap you in a room that is frozen solid. He’ll lock you in there for hours at a time, until you are nearly frozen. When he takes you out he treats you as gently as ever as he helps warms you up, since he knows you can’t do anything in this frozen state. 
As soon as you are able to move freely again, you go back into the ice box. Of course with this cycle going on you eventually get sick. Though I guess it’s a risk he had to take. Not to mention how well this plan worked out in his favor. 
Or maybe it was due to the threats of him actually encasing your legs in a cool enough ice to last forever, or until they froze off. 
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Helloo pls don't judge me but I need a yandere Ai for my life sjhshs so can I request the whole alphabet for him? Thanks luv you and keep it up
BABE I DONT JUDGE OKAY I LOVE YOU AND I TRIED MY BEST AT THIS (I am not the best at his character ngl ) ❤❤❤ hope you're doing well
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He's very… monotone in his love. He rarely says it verbally and usually turns to soft touches. Mainly because hes still unsure himself oh how this is supposed to work but by God dont think that's a weakness. His grip does tend to tighten. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Much like Masato, he ruins their life without taking it. Im talking about exploiting their deepest darkest secrets, absolutely humiliating them in front of everyone that knows them hes like anonymous, but worse. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He doesnt mock them but he studies them which may or may not be worse. To have someone watch you break down and lose it, completely emotionless; analyzing you as your form becomes weaker and weaker is so much worse than a punch to the face. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Eh. He puts them in uncomfortable situations to study their reaction. It can go from anywhere to calling a ~bigger~ person pregnant looking, to going on the dark web and watching someone commit cannibalism. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He unknowingly entrusts then with a lot of it mainly because he wants his darling to explain to him why he's feeling this way. Why his heart aches to be with them under any circumstances. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He'd have a very rationally laid out answer for this type of reaction. May it be the lack of freedom of constant staring of his; its okay. He forgives them. 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This is not a game but rather a sick science experiment. Go ahead, try to escape, but there's literal traps all around the house and without his helping hand to guide them past them, theyre are sure to hurt themselves. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
As mentioned above, he has literal traps around the house. From tripping over invisible string to being magnet cuffed to the wall. Their worst experience, however, has to have been when they found a "secret" door, (which wasn't actually there, he put it there) and opened it only to have water pour on them and getting electrocuted. Now if you didnt know, water and electricity dont mix. Especially not on a human. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants to keep them with him of course. But more as a pet. A science experiment that bends to his every will. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He doesnt get jealous. He gets deadly. If someone tried to touch his darling or "save" them, he would W R E C K them in the worst way possible. Rationally, of course. All his steps are calculated and they would never catch him. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He acts relatively normal. Emotionless, stoic, smart. But he loves to just, well, love them. He likes to curl up against them or put them in his lap and run his fingers through their hair, whispering sweet words that they knew, ultimately, meant nothing. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Its a curiosity game. He's curious about them and they try to find out why he's the way he is. Why so blank? So monotone? It's quite fun to watch them figure him out while he already several files on them. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No. Much like he told Syo and Natsuki, theyre a test subject and he made that very clear from the beginning on, to everyone. 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Traps, testing the limits of the human body, you know? Hypothermia? How long til it kicks in? Could you withstand the boiling point of skin if he just gradually turns up the heat? Of course hed never kill you. Just… observe the process. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
They dont have any rights outside of him. They rely on him for everything from clothing to food and water, to walks in the park. Everything is determined and up to him. 
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He actually has a decent amount of patience because, again. Experiment. He wants to know why they're feeling this way and makes them talk about every last out and episode. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Quite honestly, that depends on the natural personality of his darling. If they're kind and compassionate, almost like a mother, he would feel all kinds of sad emotions, maybe even overheat and "die". If they're constantly defiant and just annoying to deal with one way or another, he can find himself a new darling. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. He might have felt a ping of guilt once or twice but if his darling didn't catch that, they missed all their opportunity. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Mainly the confusion about emotions in general. No one told him that feeling this strong toward someone was not, well, normal, but toxic. Suffocating. Deadly. Everyone just told him he was in love. Who knew love could be so killer? 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Indifferent. He'd take comfort them to get information out of them. Some times though he actually does hurt for them, mainly if it wasnt his fault though. Which is rarely the case. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
This is literally an experiment to him. Its not true obsession, but a kid who takes it way too far, ya know? 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Since he is very confused about his emotions, as mentioned above, if you catch him in a vulnerable state and kind of step on his emotions a bit, you might be able to distract him. Emphasis on might. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Oh yes, mainly to see their reactions and it's not as extreme as others. He would never beat them, cut them, or feed them to the wolves. Just… testing their limits in other ways.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Its so bittersweet that after every bad thing, he holds his darling tight and tells them how proud he is of them, how much he "LOVES" them, knowing damn well that he has no clue what love is and this is just unhealthy behavior. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He calls it observing rather than pining lol but he can go on for ages or at least until his darling shows interest in him, too. Thats when he strikes.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling? 
Yes and hes in the process of that. Taking away their rights is only the first step of forming an obedient pet .
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pzskye · 3 years
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I posted 96 times in 2021
92 posts created (96%)
4 posts reblogged (4%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.0 posts.
I added 286 tags in 2021
#utapri - 40 posts
#uta no prince-sama - 39 posts
#yandere - 37 posts
#yandere au - 32 posts
#yandere male - 30 posts
#prince/princess/angel asks - 24 posts
#au - 24 posts
#starish - 23 posts
#yandere males - 21 posts
#quartet night - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this one probably seems less yandere but since i like to build relationships instead of just throwing a yandere into it you'll probably see
My Top Posts in 2021
Blog Masterlist
Their Yandere Types (ST☆RISH)
Their Yandere Type (QUARTET NIGHT)
Their Yandere Type (HE★VENS)
Ringo Tsukimiya & Ryuya Hyuga Type
Satsuki (Shinomiya) Type
Haruka Nanami Type
Tomochika Shibuya Type
Seiichiro Jinguji Type (Possessive & Manipulative Type)
When You First Meet -
Otoya Ittoki
Masato Hijirikawa
Natsuki Shinomiya
Tokiya Ichinose
Fairytale AU -
Otoya Ittoki (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Masato Hijirikawa (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Natsuki Shinomiya (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Tokiya Ichinose (Beginnings/Chapter 1)
Yandere Shining Live AU -
Syo & Ranmaru (You getting trapped inside.)
Natsuki, Ren, & Cecil (You getting trapped inside.)
Ren & Ai (Switching them to another.)
Exploring inside Shining Live with Natsuki and asking to see the others.
Fantasy AU - 
Yamato Hyuga Scenario.
Eiichi, Kira, and Eiji Scenarios
See the full post
20 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 23:24:51 GMT
Oh! A Fantasy AU! I'm a sucker for those ones. I saw the Fantasy AU you made for Yandere Yamato, and I love it. How would you cast the rest of Heavens in your AU, if that's okay? If that's too many characters, I'd like to hear how you would cast Eiji, Eiichi, and Kira in your Fantasy AU.
Aah, thank you so much! I also love Fantasy AUs too which is why I made my own here! Also thank you for all the asks you sent in! (I’m assuming they were all from you?) You gave me some very exciting things. (Also my Fantasy AU is pretty much my Monster AU I created for Halloween last year but never actually wrote but shhh it’s okay.)
~ ~ ~ ~
Eiichi Otori:
You were treated as a monster by the town’s people as soon as he turned you. Why you ever thought it was a good idea to go find a vampire’s castle was beyond you. All you wanted was to try to get to know him, despite all the risks. You thought that if he knew he had a friend, a human ally then you would be able to convince the people that monsters and fairytale creatures shouldn’t be feared.
That everyone could live in harmony.
It worked out too, in the beginning. Even if he seemed closed off at first you were able to get him to open up. You figured out that he wasn’t harmful. He only acted that way to close out other people so he could protect himself. Yet you were able to get him to trust you. You were able to learn so much and how he truly cared for the people close to him.
You figured out he had a brother who lived close by in a garden, and that he had five other allies who came to see him often. What you never knew before it was too late was his overpowering feelings for you. You never realized the desire, the want. He was always kind but you never thought he felt that way.
He was obsessed and talked about you to his friends in such great lengths. For when it was time for you to go, it was hard for him to accept it. So when you visited him on the next blood moon he offered you what you considered to be a harmless hug. Yet the pain of his fangs sinking down into your neck shattered that thought.
He drank and drank until you passed out. Your blood was delicious to him, it was impossible for him to stop. When you finally went limp did he come to his senses and realized what he had done. He felt guilt over what happened. Until he realized that you were going to be with him, forever.
Then as soon as you woke up the next day you noticed that change. The sudden craving for blood. When he offered you his help you denied, quickly running out of the castle. By the time you got into town they all knew. If Eiichi didn’t come down to save you then you would’ve been killed.
Now you're stuck. In this castle only with him. You can’t go back to the life you previously knew. Even though he’s fine with it. Now he has you to help with his loneliness, and soon you'll see the bright side in all of this.
Kira Sumeragi:
You try to wriggle your way free but he’s got an extremely tight hold on you. After a while you stop in hopes to try to gain some air back into your lungs. You move your head back and stare up at him. Those golden snake eyes staring down at your small form. Your eyes trail down to the scales along his neck to his chest. Turning into a snake tail that you're caught in.
His grip around you loosens only enough for you to breathe properly again. He moves his long tail to bring you face to face with him. You’re so high up that you don’t even dare to struggle. He moves in towards your neck and smells it before darting out his tongue to give it a slow lick. You close your eyes and your ears atop your head twitch in response.
You were always adventurous and wanting to live away from your family, so you decided to live in a different forest. His forest. Your parents always told you to never trust a snake or else you’d become their next meal. Yet you trusted him. He was your first friend, the one who showed you around. You relied on him.
It wasn’t until you noticed how all of the other predators left you alone. How he knew the forest like the back of his hand. How he controlled everything. As soon as your senses told you that something wasn’t right you packed up and left as soon as possible. Except that decision was also what led you here. Stuck wrapped in his tail, about to be his next meal.
“...I love you…” You're frozen at his words as he pulls back to look at you. He moves his arms to wrap around you. His tail falls off of you and you're placed in his lap. He pulls you into a soft yet secure hug as you feel the coolness of his scales. He starts humming a certain melody, making your body go limp. Slowly you drift off into a deep sleep. Not knowing when or where you’ll wake up.
Eiji Otori:
You pound at the glass of your captivity. You thought that the two of you were friends, but he went and stuck you in a glass jar. With your wings taking up most of your space it is hard to move around, much less it’s not like you could just knock the jar down or grow back to human size. You look behind you at your torn wing. You had to walk until you found him in hopes he would help, but instead he did this to you.
As a fellow fairy and a friend you thought he would heal you so you could use your magic again. Instead he was quick to put you in a jar and tell you that everything will be alright. You were angry. You trusted him, a half-breed like yourself but you never knew it would turn out like this. Your situation even made you think about that other fairy who suddenly disappeared out of nowhere.
Even Eiji was surprised to hear they were missing, but it also seemed like he knew something the rest of us didn’t. The door opened pulling you away from your thoughts. Eiji walked in and flew straight over to you. You shot him a deadly glare but he was still happy to see you. He apologizes for keeping you locked up from time to time, but now all he talks about is the two of you being together.
He points out the things he loves about you and habits he’s noticed. He tells you everyday how much you mean to him. Even if you did once feel the same way, you can’t accept what he’s done to you now. It’s always the same thing. Everyday all he does is talk to you when he’s home.
It was surprising when he took the jar and decided that the two of you should have a little “date” together. Then as soon as you felt the sun your mood instantly brightened up. When the two of you were alone and out of hearing reach he opened up the lid to the jar. You propped yourself up to stare at the world you loved and missed.
“I’m sorry (Y/N)... I’ll heal you now so you can be free.” You turn around to stare at him. His words caught you by surprise. You could see remorse in his eyes and it made you look away. You thought about those days he talked about you and suddenly realized how much he really knew about you, how much he really loved you. You moved your small hand to touch his holding the jar.
Then you looked in his eyes for a second before dropping yourself back into your confinement. You hear him let out a surprised, but happy gasp. You sit as best as you could and hug your knees to your chest. Somehow, that budding flower of love has planted itself back into your heart.
21 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 22:34:10 GMT
I remember you did Starish reacting to their senpais trying to steal their special someone but how about the opossite? How would QN react to one of their kohais trying to steal their special someone from them?
I’m going to do this as though STARISH are not yanderes, but if you would like them to be yanderes for this ask then please just request again!
Reiji Kotobuki:
    Reiji really thought he could’ve trusted Otoya. Otoya was like a little brother to him after all! He cared for Otoya and taught him well as a senpai, so he never thought he would do something like try to take you away from him. In Reiji’s eyes, he couldn’t trust Otoya anymore. All Reiji had was you, and Otoya… tried to take that away.
    Reiji can’t help but to hide you away. Making sure his kouhai could never reach you again. He knows it will hurt you at first. The two of you were so very close after all. With how you two would talk together privately in the corner of rooms about music. You always fidgeting in excitement as you talked about his songs. 
    Then all it took was for him to look away for a split second. That one little second that changed everything. When he looked back at the two of you, you were gone. Vanished, disappeared. Just like that. Reiji felt his world crashing. Anxiety hitting him and ripping him apart. A flash of the ocean waves crossed through his mind before he roughly shook it off. 
    He had to find you. He needed you. He wouldn’t let his other best friend slip away from him. Reiji had to find you, fast. Who knows what you are doing to yourself right now. What if you’re doing the same thing as him?
    Reiji was spiralling. He quickly left in hopes of catching up to you. As he ran out of the Master Course he saw you go into a black car with Otoya. Otoya, caused this hurt. This pain. Otoya always made everyone happy, Reiji thought that happiness could’ve been trusted. Now there’s only dark clouds covering the sun. He could make Reiji happy no more. He could no longer make you happy either.
    It connected to Reiji. You weren’t trying to run away from him. Instead it was Otoya trying to take you away from him. With this realization it finally made sense to Reiji. You were being controlled by Otoya. You would never want to leave him of all people. You love him, why would you want to leave him?
    Reiji quickly went to his own car. He tailed the two of you until you stopped. As soon as he saw you get out of the car he got out of his own and ran towards you. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him.
    “It’s okay (N/N)... I’m here to save you. To protect you from him.”
    Reiji started to stroke your hair ever so gently. He felt you shake in his arms, but that’s only natural when you're just with someone who kidnapped you from the one you love. Otoya comes around to see Reiji holding you as though you are going to break. Otoya can’t help but to stare afraid at the sight. Reiji knows that it’s because he was caught in the act.
    Reiji can’t help but to stare in hatred at Otoya. He doesn’t say a single word to him. Just calmly and gently urges you into his car, saying it’s time to go home. All you could do was obey. Leaving Otoya behind as the two of you went home. As soon as you walked through the door all of Reiji’s previous feelings left. Relief washed over him in a huge wave.
    He quickly took you to your shared bedroom and made quick measures to make sure Otoya could never take you again. To make sure no one could take you again. The chains he’s been keeping put away finally come out. Now is a good time as any, to finally put them to use.
Ranmaru Kurosaki:
    Ranmaru always knew Ren was a flirt, but for him to go so low as to try to take you away from him? He couldn’t stand it. There’s no way you’d be happier with someone like that. Someone who flirts around with girls and doesn’t dedicate his time to you. He hates even thinking about you enjoying a life like that.
    So when he catches you chatting it up with the playboy he can’t help but to feel anger well up inside of him. Especially since this isn’t the first time the two of you have been caught. Ranmaru strides over towards the two of you. Making the once happy, playful atmosphere turn serious. With Ranmaru’s added presence you look away from Ren. Ren focuses his eyes on his senpai.
    Ranmaru takes your arm and pulls you into him. He glares at Ren and threatens him before leaving with you by his side. Instead of going into another room the two of you leave the place all together. Once the two of you are in the car back home his anger subsidies just enough to notice that you're shaking. Ren must’ve done this to you.
    Ranmaru can’t handle how that flirt has been with you. What if things became more than talking? What if you ended up becoming his? He hates the thought. Especially since your Ranmaru’s. He’s the one you should love. He’s the only one you should love. 
    Ranmaru takes your shaking hand. You slowly turn to look at him with fear clearly in your eyes.
    “Don’t worry. I’m here for ya now.”
    Ranmaru keeps true to that promise. As soon as the two of you reach home he makes sure no one can reach you ever again. Forever locked away in your home filled with cats. Never to see the sunlight again.
Ai Mikaze:
    Natsuki has been getting too close. Far too close then Ai would like. He’s been talking more to you and touching you more. Giving you hugs and affection. Even when he’s not there he knows what’s going on. 
    Of course Ai knows that you love him the most, but he just refuses to share with his kouhai. He has to get you out of there. He has to stop all your interaction with Natsuki. To stop whatever he’s feeling. A feeling that he doesn’t understand.
See the full post
23 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 01:24:06 GMT
If you feeling up it, I want to make a request which is... I'm kind of curious it
pov: you spent a lot of time with one of the starish and quartet night member in utapri shining live game, one of the member starting to act strange but you shrug it off because you think it's the featured of the game..
Then next thing you know, you got forced inside to trap in the game forever..
-- Can you do for Syo and Ranmaru? - -
Thank you for the ask! When I first read this ask I got super excited for it! I really like this idea! So if you or anyone else would like to request anything (more) pertaining to this au(?) then please go ahead and ask!
(Note: Some line spoilers for higher level bonds.)
~ ~
    After a hard day of work you come home and move to a comfy spot to start your evening of relaxation. Of course, the choice of app to relax your overworked brain is none other than the rhythm game “Uta no Prince-Sama: Shining Live”. You open it up to get greeted by your best boy on the screen...
Syo Kurusu:
    “I was waiting for you! Y'know, you're welcome here any time!” A smile blossoms across your face, a smile that unknowingly sends his heart to race. He’s so happy that you decided to see him again today. He watches as you switch the mode to portrait, making you focus all of your attention on him. You tap his chest and pure bliss is the only thing to describe what he’s feeling.
    “Oh, hey... I'm happy you're here.” His blue eyes watch as you bunch up in joy at his words. He feels like doing the same, but it would be risky to go off script right now. You tap him on the head this time, “Ahh, I feel so relaxed when you stroke me like that.”. Continuous happiness flows into him as he feels the bond growing higher. He knows that he’s your favorite. You have the highest bond with him after all. No one is even near to the number you have with him.
    He loves all the effort you put into the relationship. Every smile you send him fills him up with butterflies. When you would tell him that you love him and gush over him. When you would tell him about your day and what happened. The roller coasters of the good and bad things, he was there for all of it. He doesn’t even remember when he started to feel this way. To feel so in love that he just wanted you with him, constantly.
    He wanted to act off script for you. He wanted to respond to the times you would cry and laugh a lot more seriously and carefree than the lines he was given. He fully wanted you to know how much he was there for you outside of his written code. Everyday he was terrified about something happening to you. What if someone attacked you, or hurt you in a way where you could never be fixed.
    He was scared of those thoughts. Those days he would see tears worried him. He wants to protect you. He needs to protect you. Still, this screen is blocking him from doing so. From being a full beam of support and protection. Like he wants to be.
    “Hm? What's with all the staring? I'm here to look after you, so don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.” You remained idle for too long. You were just staring at him with a lovestruck look on your face, but it also held a bit of sadness to it too. That’s when he figured it out. He has to do what he’s been planning on. Now is the time to do it. It’s so obvious from the look on your face. You want to be here with him too.
    You move to touch him again. He meets your touch against the screen with his hand. A blinding white light goes across the whole screen. When it disappears the screen is gone. He’s left to look around in the chosen scene and outfit to see if it worked. He walks around the area and then finally spots you.
    You’re lying on the ground a little ways off. Syo runs to you afraid that it went wrong. That you're hurt or worse. He falls down to his knees. He picks up your torso and cradles your head. Faint breathing can be heard coming from your sleeping form. He lets out a sigh of relief as he buries his head in your chest.
    He’s so happy it worked. To be able to feel and hold you right now. Nothing could make him happier than this. To have you by his side for forever and beyond. With no screen getting in the way.
Ranmaru Kurosaki:
    “You're just the person I wanted to see.” All the tension from the hard day instantly melts away. Ranmaru’s happy at how much he can change your mood just by being there for you. You tell him a simple line of “me too” before giving him a tap.
    “I've been waiting for you. From now on, this time is ours, and I want your eyes on me and me only.” You flash him a smile and give him words of conformation, “Alright, all my attention is on you, for the rest of the night.” He loves it when you talk back to him. He enjoys hearing your voice and having your attention on him.
    “Hey, how about you join me here?” He asks, taking a chance off script. You tilt your head a little surprised and confused. In your head you shrug it off thinking of it as a voiceline you haven't heard yet. Your smile is quickly placed back on your lips. You shake your head, “Well Ranmaru, if I could I would, but that’s impossible.”
    Ranmaru knows there’s a way. He’s happy that you accepted his offer, because there’s nothing he wants more than to have you here. He worries so much when you’re gone. He knows you would be happy here. Then you could talk to him and cry in his arms. He’ll always be by your side through the ups and down at any time you need it, not just when you have the time to log in.
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25 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 22:47:32 GMT
Hey-o! It's your friendly neighbor artist, here to make a request for the yandere shining live AU (I'm assuming that what you're calling it). POV: You've had your favorite STARISH or Quartet Night boy on screen for a very long time and You've build up a pretty strong bond with them. However, one day you decided to switch them for another and he doesn't take to kindly to it...// Can you possibly do Ai and Ren's reaction?
Hello! Thank you for the ask! That’s correct I am calling it that. Also thank you for all the drawings you do of my AU here. I really love and appreciate it, everytime you tag me I get so excited and happy because I never thought anyone would want to draw anything I wrote or created. So it’s always a little surreal, but it leaves me happy for the whole rest of my day and even when I go back to look at the work you did. So, thank you so much!
(Note: Some line spoilers for higher level bonds.)
~ ~
Ren Jinguji:
You let out a sigh from the long and hard day you had, but now it doesn’t seem to matter since you can relax and enjoy the rest of your day with your best boy….
“It's great to see you. I hope this time with you never ends.” Ren as always is happy to see you. Especially since you’ve been visiting him more and more. It seems like every free chance you have you are going straight to him.
It makes sense, with how your days have been. You’ve been far more stressed and tense then you ever were. You would tell your feelings plainly then after you tell him how you feel so much better spending time with him. Even just looking at his face seems to put you in a much more happy and relaxed mood.
Yet instead of giving him a tap you click the “Idol” button. A wave of fear hits him but he tells himself that you’re probably just going to change his outfit and/or wallpaper. Except, you end up clicking on Masato instead. You select him as your favorite and spend your time smiling and talking to him.
Ren can’t help but to feel betrayed. He thought you loved him as deeply as he did you. He was certain you wanted to be with him here. So why did you go for someone else? Should he of acted off script so you knew he was really here for you? Not only that but how could you have chosen Hijirikawa over him?!
Deep jealousy spread throughout Ren as questions floated around in his head. He hated the conversation taking place without him. Everything you were saying was things you would only tell him. So Ren made sure you knew he was listening. He made sure the only voice you heard was his own. You don’t need Hijirikawa. All you need is him.
Everytime you would tap Masato, Ren would speak one of his lines instead, “Thanks for always being with me. I promise to devote myself to you from here on out.”. You were shocked to hear Ren’s voice come out of Masato’s lips. Even Ren’s lines showed up in the chat bubble when he would speak. Even restarting the app it would still always be Ren. Eventually you just gave up and switched back to Ren.
Which of course, is how it should’ve always been.
Ai Mikaze:
You open up your favorite app to rest from the overworked day. You get comfortable and get ready to greet your best boy…
“We make a great pair, you know that? Let's keep at it.” You came right on time as he expected. He was content chatting with you as you would talk and tap him for a reply. He could only speak the lines written, but he wanted to talk to you as a normal human.
Then after a little bit, as the conversation was dying down, you suddenly clicked the “Idol” button. Ai wasn’t worried at all. He knew the two of you were a couple and that you wouldn’t change him out for anyone else. If anything you just wanted to change his look and scenery. Except once your hand went to tap for Reiji, something started to swirl inside of his chest.
It felt as though you were cheating on him. Like you were denying the “love” you two had for each other. Of course Ai didn’t believe it. Maybe he did something you didn’t like, which makes him determined to change it. Since he knows that you love him, and only him. You clicking Reiji was just a mistake, a way for him to see how hurt you were.
He can’t stand being in the background as you talk happily to Reiji. He has to show you that he’s willing to fix things. To be there for you when you need it. So, with Ai being the tech-savvy person he was, he quickly started to take apart code to put himself where Reiji was. The device’s screen would flicker between the two, causing the scenery to glitch in and out between what the two idols had.
Ai kept deconstructing and constructing code. You stared at the screen in worry and fear. Reiji’s smile was gone as he pulled a look of sadness, and pain as this was going on. It was an expression you never saw and you doubted it was one of his usual expressions. Then there was Ai’s voice, “I’m here for you… so please don’t leave me again.”
After hearing his voice in a desperate manner in a line you’ve never heard before, as the screen was switching from him and Reiji, you finally restarted the app. You took a few moments to yourself wondering if it was all in your head or if that really happened. Your heart was racing so fast in fear and horror at what you saw. After recollecting your thoughts you opened back up the app. Hesitating before you did so.
The title page seemed normal and when you were greeted with your idol on the home screen, it was Ai, “I'm pretty meticulous when it comes to keeping a diary. After all, our memories together are precious.” You let out a relieved sigh to see that his lines are normal. You were still shaken up but you decided to leave your favorite as Ai, as usual.
All you can do is hope that it doesn’t happen ever again.
34 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 02:41:34 GMT
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