#yandere platonic silco x reader
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bella-goths-wife · 4 months ago
Arcane masterlist:
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Kiss the barrel of my gun softly
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Nothing yet…..
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Nothing yet…..
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Nothing yet….
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Nothing yet….
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Nothing yet…..
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Nothing yet…..
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boredpotate · 3 months ago
Happier Chapter 2
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Disclaimer: I don't own Arcane or any other kind of media mentioned or linked.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences. (If you want to know the full idea I had then it's in the first chapter)
Note: Didn't mention in the first chapter, but I'm going to assume Vi was 11 and Powder was 6 in the opening scene since I don't think it has been confirmed.
(Edit: Forgot to add something. I'm considering letting Reader have a romance with Timebomb, but IDK. Not fully decided yet.)
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Vander Pov
Five years.
Five years since two little girls lost their parents on that bridge and since I became a father of two. Didn't think I would take in two more kids from the streets after them, but then again I never thought I would be a father. The two new additions were boys, all together they became a loyal little crew of four Undercity kids. Speaking of.
"You sure this this one's gonna work Pow Pow? The last one almost gave me a concussion.", Vi asks as Powder works on another one of her latest inventions. Supposed to be some kind of smoke bomb.
Powder puffs her cheeks a little with a pout.
"I said I was sorry and I told you it was a test. I didn't mean for it to have a delay on it. The switch went off later than I planned.", she says grumpily, but a hint of guilt in there.
"Of course not. That's just because you're a jinx.", Mylo says teasingly which makes Vi sock him in the arm. Making Claggor chuckle a little. Deserved, honestly.
"It's fine. I just don't want you blowing yourself up."
I smile as I set down drinks for them, not alcohol of course, before turning to Powder.
"Just make sure you don't run any tests in here. Unless you all want to spend the day cleaning paint off bar.", I say before taking a good look at my troop of trouble makers.
Claggor, big and strong, but not dumb. Smarter and wiser than others actually. A kind soul..... unless you're looking for a fight. Kid can take hits and hit you back harder.
Mylo, not the biggest nor the baddest, but surprisingly cunning if you didn't know him before hand. Always putting up a cocky facade, but he does care. Though he has a problem with making his face enticing to punch.
Powder, youngest of them all has a knack for mechanics and inventing. A tinkerer through and through, like Benzo's boy, Ekko. So much potential in a little bundle of joy. She'll go far in life. As long as she doesn't blow herself up first.
Vi, the oldest, the protector and the leader of the four. Always wanting to put herself in front of all the danger for her family. Take on all the burden, like the stubborn girl she is. Especially for her sister. Most likely to kick a door down before checking if it's unlocked.
Together we were a family. Honestly this would have been enough for me, but to think I'd get my brother back too.
"I'm sure it will go well this time. I took a look at the mechanism, she only needs to make a few adjustments.", Silco says, sitting next to Powder while working on his notes and occasionally glancing at Powder's work.
Silco, my brother in every way but blood. I didn't think I'd ever be able to rekindle our bond from before. He read my letter. Apparently he stayed in hiding for a few years to think about all that happened and himself. I still remember when he came back, around the time I took in Mylo and Claggor, the feeling I had felt when he just came walking in one day like it was any other regular day.
We talked about our mistakes and regrets. We reminisced on the old days when we were young and dumb, and when Felecia was still alive. It took time, still is, but right now? We're in a good place now. Forgave each other and moving forward to help Zuan. He and Powder seem to get along well, which is good. Silco was always the smarts between the two of us; always had his nose in his notes or a book.
I couldn't help but smile when looking at the scene. The bar felt more alive nowadays, the kids I took in talking and bickering but safe, and the man who is like a brother to me is back. All in The Last Drop where it's safe. All we need is Benzo and his boy, Ekko, here and we'll have the whole party together.
Everything i-
Damn. That damn voice again. Been bugging me ever since the bridge. Like a memory, but from talks I've never had with someone before.
SoOoo, QUiCk qUestIOn. wHo get's THE bAr wHeN YoU reTiRe? hM?
Who is that? I can barely make it out to be a kid's, but I never heard any kid like that. Yet, it feels like I'm supposed to know. It brings out that same feeling in my chest that I have for my kids.
I look back up to Silco, who is looking at me with concern in his eyes.
"Is everything alright? You froze there for a second."
"Oh, don't worry. I'm fine, nothings wrong. Just.... something bugging my head for awhile."
He looks at me with some worry, but drops it after Powder grabs his attention. Probably something about her tinkering.
I go to clean a few glasses as I ponder on the voice again.
'Who is that?'
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Reader Pov
"Get back here you little shit!"
I hear and ignore the shouts as I keep running. I managed to eavesdrop on a deal. Heard them talk about there drop off point for payment. The people came earlier than I expected for the money and I got caught in the act. Now I'm running through the streets with five people on my trail. Not my fault everyone ignores kids when discussing stuff.
I weave through alley ways and crowds in the streets with a mask and hood. After years of growing up in it, it's only natural that it's pretty easy to navigate. Especially as a kid; there's lots of little crevices and old pipe lines to slip into. Though these people are pretty persistent, but I can't really blame them. Seems like whatever job they did paid a lot based on the weight of the bag, though I am a kid so I could be wrong.
I take a quick look back to see that the crowd built me a good bit of distance before quickly ducking into another alley. I take many turns before getting onto another crowded street and build some distance before I start blending into the crowd. I see one of them pop out from the alley, but it's already too late. I'm good as gone now.
I steady my breathing as I begin to backtrack from where I ran from. They'll probably stay in this area and wait for me or some kid with a bag to come out, meanwhile my home is on the nowhere near here.
'I miss home.'
I thought it would be easier than this honestly. Not the living part, that's easy. Zuan isn't some drug filled city like before where everyone is trying to be on top. This like a playground compared to what it turned into. People still have a sense of community and gangs aren't taking over, or at least not completely.
Zuan went from being a dog town to a pit full of chickens and snakes. No more dogs ready to bark and bite for their own, ready to gather together and fight back when backed too far into a corner by the rich. Just a bunch of snakes chasing to be on top and taking out anyone who get's in their way. A bunch of snakes and fakes being led on by even bigger fakes and snakes; couldn't lead from the front or do their own dirty work.
What's hard is staying away from everyone, but it's worth it. To see them happy and together again. It'll really show it's worth in a few years. When everyone can come together and that bridge doesn't need to divide us anymore. Where markets can be opened and communities can intertwine with one another.
Plus, it's good to see Vander and Silco talking again. Even with everything that's happened last time; Silco grew on me. I never thought he would, but like Powder, he became another father figure to me. He didn't like to show it, but I knew he cared.
It took awhile to find him after I got Vander's letter from the mines, but after a lot of eavesdropping and investigating I tracked him down to some old bunker. Slipped inside when there was an opening and left the letter. Just had to hope that was enough to change his mind, and luckily it was.
Without Silco meeting Singed, Shimmer doesn't exist, and hopefully it stays that way for good. Though I still keep an eye out for it. Either way it's one problem dealt with, now onto the bigger one. Hextech.
That one damn job ruined everything, even when I tried preventing it from happening or going wrong. Things still went to shit. Hextech, always advertised as a sign of progress and innovation for everyone was only made for the wealthy. While Piltover thrived, Zuan was left in the dust and forgotten. It only stirred the pot and upped the heat. It just made people more frustrated, hateful, and more open to an aggressive stand against Piltover.
Watching all of this play out was one thing, but living in it? Watching as your very own home was slowly killing itself with no help from it's so called leaders? It was horrible. So many people I knew were killed, corrupted or became another addict hooked on Shimmer. Meanwhile the council and enforcers just let it happen. They could have at least gained control before it grew too big, it was obvious what was beginning to fester, but they didn't. Too busy enjoying the benefits of Hextech and luxury.
'Fuck Hextech.'
My mind wanders and procrastinates on possible dangers and outcomes as I make my way home. Before I know it I'm already across the Undercity, deep into the lanes where it reaches under the river above. Dark, smog everywhere and mostly filled with lowlife crooks and junkies, but less likely to run into the family. Here I can stay hidden.
I find my way home safely in an abandoned building. Parts of it crumbled away, but I managed to make a home for myself in one of the rooms on the upper floors. It was enough.
"Home, sweet home.", I say as I close the door behind me and lock it. I toss the bag aside to count later before flopping myself down on my makeshift bed. Not comfy, but better than nothing. I turn over and stare at the ceiling as I contemplate the future.
"I need to stop Hextech no matter what. One job. Get in, take the crystals, and get out before the crew get's there. Just gotta wait for Jayce to get here. Then it'll all be okay.", I say as begin to drift off into much needed sleep.
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Powder Pov
"Stupid, Mylo. What does he know?", while fiddling with one of the toys Vander got for me. Looking out over the buildings buildings of Zuan and the few stars I can see in the night.
I wheel my head around looking for the source of the unknown voice.
"Hello?", I call out but receive no response.
Y'kNoW, YOu'Re SmArTer tHaN yOu tHiNk yOu'Re RiGhT?
I hear it again, so I stand up and search my surroundings.
"W-Who's there!?", I say, trying to be as brave as Vi. I don't think I'm doing that good.
PoWder, pLEasE LisTen tO Me cAUse I mEAN it. yOU'rE nOt a jiNx. YOu'Re So mUcH MoRe tHaN yOu ThInK yOu ArE, yOU jUsT DoN't sEe iT yEt.
I hear the weird voice again. I realize it's not from someone but from my head, like when I remember a conversation, but much louder. I suddenly feel a sharp headache.
"W-What's happening?" I ask not knowing what's going on.
JinX oR No JiNx. I wiLl AlWaYs bE hERe PoWder. I pROmiSe. I wOn'T aBaNdOn YoU.
Why did that voice sound familiar? Why was it comforting?
"Who are you?"
I lift my head and see Vi looking relieved, probably has been looking for me.
"There you are I was looking around for you. C'mon it's time for bed.", she says, but I stay still and wait for my headache to die down before taking a breather. I see Vi walk towards me before kneeling down and putting a hand on my head.
"Hey, is everything okay Pow Pow? What's wrong?", Vi asks with concern in her eyes and voice, but I don't know how to respond.
'I don't even know what that was.'
"....Yeah, I-I think so. Just a little headache.", I say, not wanting to worry her over was I heard. Remembered? I don't know.
"Are you sure?"
I do take a second to consider telling her the truth but.....
I wiLl AlWaYs bE hERe PoWder. I pROmiSe.
"Yup. It's fine. I think I'm tired from working on my stuff all day.", I say, trying my best to sound casual. She looks hesitant for second before nodding.
"Alright. Let's go to bed.", She says as she stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder and we head back inside.
As we walk to our room I can't help but think about that voice.
'Why do I remember it? Vi never said that, not Claggor, not Ekko either and definitely not Mylo. So, who is it?'
As I lay in bed and drift off to sleep I can't help but still feel that pull to that voice.
'Why can't I remember? And, why does that make me sad?'
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3rd Person
As Powder goes to bed for the night with a head filled with questions about an unfamiliar, yet nostalgic voice. She doesn't know she is not the only one.
A voice being remembered by multiple people, but not able to be recognized by any. It only brings more questions and a feeling of longing and guilt for this voice. Unknowingly something darker lurks underneath all of it. Waiting.
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Note: Might either do a little time skip next and work on a little more development for events and the reader, or just do a big time skip next chapter. IDK, I'll figure it out. I just didn't want there to be and immediate jump in time and at least have some kind of development on how things have changed and what reader is doing, and have been doing.
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milkbean69 · 3 months ago
My thoughts on the Yandere Arcane Au
Tw: sorry y'all not good at writing yandere, yandere content
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Okay before we get started we need to talk about what this universe of the undersity looks like pre- time skip. Honestly I think that this univers had a lot more progression in term of revolution and a lot less shimmer. Also considering the fact that Vander and Silco were able make up after Vi's death makes me think there was a lot less bloodshed between the two over the years. I mean of course silco when and found the note vander left but the fact that the crew is all laughing and partying together means there has to be new layers of loyalty amongst the crew caused by Vi's death.
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Yandere's Vander and Silco:
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OH GOD!!!! These two I swear, I honestly feel like in terms of protectiveness Vander would actually be worse. I mean he watched Vi die in the attack so you have that. He would not want to lose another.
If Vander was a platonic yandere, yeah no, your never leaving the Last Drop without him ever again. The trama he has from Vi is crazy. But if it was a romantic situation, he would be a little more lenient.
Now for platonic yandere Silco. I feel like a lot of protectiveness would come from a place of guilt and attonment. I mean his actions killed Vi during the pre-timeskip in this universe and he is probably still feel's guilty for that despite the fact that he has been forgiven.
So I feel like bring a young obsession or kid into the mix, would make him feel like he needs to make amends for what he did. Not only to prove to himself but for the others aswell that no other will die under his care.
Now them as a pair, would go crazy platonic or not. We need to remember something the two are brothers and the the pillars of the undercity. So the levels of communication and partnership are already there. There abilities to unite people would probably be where a lot of the Yanderness of the crew starts to fester. Always having someone with you, eyes and ears all over Zaun, and generally not being fucked with or else you'll have two of the powerhouse's of Zaun on you doorstep.
If this was romantic, they would share, God damn it. I don't know what it is but they would share, I just know it. You would be the king/queen of the Zaun in Silco's eyes, Vander hates it because he feels like if bring to much attention to you. Your always with on or the other. Silco defininatly spoils you, I mean you know he would.
Here me out, I feel like they both also have some fears from what happened to Felicia, so that definitly are supper on edge all the time because of that. One of both of them had to have liked her romantically, I was felling the vibes during the flashback.
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Okay but I feel like they would be worse than the adults, in terms of platonic yandere's. Like we saw Vi's death really fucked them up. You would 100% be the Vi replacement. Expecally if you were older than them.
With Powder , it would be the worst. She wouldn't be violent, but more manipulative in certain ways., 100% a guilt tripper. Then would rope the other into it as well. Saying things to you about how you remind them so much of Vi, and there protection is just so you don't end up like her, so you should never leave them.
You probably wouldn't go on jobs, mostly saying in the last drop with Vander and Benzo. Maybe they let you go into Piltover, but you are always with someone. But never in the more dangerous parts of Zaun that have yet to be changed, and you still got to worry about the grey. the wouldn't want ther baby breathing in all that polluted air.
With a younger obsession, your never leaving there sights again. Even if you were a year younger than them, your getting little siblinged so hard. They have so much more experience now and realize all of the thing they did as kids was dumb and dangerous. They probably teach you how to fight just in case they are not there. But that is unlikely considering how mother hen they all are. If you ever when parkouring like they used to in piltover you would get an earful.
Powder and Ekko would make you little trinkets and gadgets. They'd make things to lure you in and bribe you. Or to love bomb you when you complain they are being to overprotective.
They would be so affectionate. Powder and Claggor the most, we all saw that scene with Claggor and Milo during the dance. Honestly I feel like Milo would be affectionate in the annoying older brother way, like ruffeling you hair and picking you. Ekko would be affectionate when you inationating it.
In tems of duos we would have Claggor with Milo and Powder with Ekko. Milo is the one to tease you alot, but he means well. He probably thinks he's the funnies guy on the planet, when in reality it's probably Claggor. Milo seems like the more aggressive on in terms of yandere's. He is the jokester character but see seems more scared that something might happen to you. That make him more aggressive and paranoid. While Claggor is more level headed and perceptive, but don't be mistaken, he has build and is the stronger of the two
Between Powder and Ekko, Powder is the one you need to worry about. She lost her older sister, Powder was the youngest of the group, so in her mind she is kind of filling Vi's role as older siblng, and must protect you like Vi did her. Should someone try to hurt there darling, Powder is the impulsive one but Ekko is the deadlier one between the two. Ekko is calm and more laid back, but he seems like he has the patience to go in for the kill on the first strike. Silent but deadly.
Now with romance, there all into you, sorry not sorry. I actually don't think they would have the company to share a darling. Powder and Ekko, maybe? But Claggor and Milo, definitly not. Milo would be that last to realize that everyone is pinning after the same darling, there all pretty perceptive so it wouldn't take them long to figure it out amongst eachother.
You would never have any partners, they would scare them all away. Powder would be the dustrusstful one spreading seed of dought anytime someone would flirt with you, saying there not good enought for you. Ekko and Claggor would be the intimidating ones, Ekko has the deadly glare while Claggor has the build to scare off any potital suitors. Milo is one of two, he is the one who likes to claim you already taken, usually with him saying he's you boyfriend, or the physical aggression type. He will get kind of pissy wanting your attention kind of annoying the person flirting with you. Then maybe ruffing the person's up after they leave your earshot so you don't see.
They would all try to one up each other in there own ways Claggor is the more laid-back type and lenient of yandere, so he would milk you needing to escape from the other craziness. Powder is clingy type and needs to be near you always. Ekko seems like the silent type, always lurking in the shadows, the man always has his eyes on you and knows where you are. Milo seems like the possessive and aggressive. Not aggressive in the, I'm going to hurt you type of way but someone else for looking at you the wrong type of way.
No matter who you end up with its going to be messy, I'm sure of it.
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itsmebytch001 · 2 years ago
I’m so happy you would write for arcane!! I love the fanfic that you write! So I can’t wait to read this!! ❤️❤️❤️ (I’m shaking, help me)
Can you right a platonic yandere Silco and jinx, with a similar reader to the “Smoking it away” reader?
Sure, Spoon person. I LOVE Arcane SM So thank you for this!
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Jinx and Silco had taken you in when you were young, maybe nine. Jinx had lived with Silco for not long now and hadn't settled but found you, a street kids precence soothing, she would seek you out to play together and bring you back to Silcos home to eat and sleep. And at some point you simply didn't really leave, Silco accepted you though you were never as close to him as he and Jinx were. And you weren't really as extrodanary as Jinx was, you didn't have any extensive skill in explosives, or war and though it was never said, you did feel useless, like dead weight. so you fought you'd find a way around it, a way sourced to you in the city, a constant prescene and a unstopping force in Zaun that turned average men in to beats and rage and later deform them and shrivel them up into only skin and bone, so you sourced it out, behind Silco and Jinx back of course.
So you started Micro dosing, just a few drops at any given time where you wanted to feel that pep of energy, you would find some where private, like your room that wasn't really private since Jinx would enter whenever she liked, or sometimes would sleep in your bed without you knowing and take out that one vile in your left pocket that you had been working on for the last few weeks, press the top of the vile on your finer, and then take that drop or purple liquid and press it on your tongue to feel that rush, that feeling of elecitricty running down from your mouth and across your spine setting you free from your uselessness.
And though Jinx may not have noticed, Sevika did.
She noticed the shakes, the paranoid looks around the room and massive weight loss, and she thought to tell Jinx, not to be kind, but to be a bit cruel. So she entered Jinx's lair, a extremely unusual occaronace, Jinx didn't notice her until she sat down next to her.
Jinx: "...Sevika?"
Sevika: "Hey"
Jinx: "...Hey? What brings you to by humble abode huh?"
Sevika: "I see Y/n's not here, you know where she is?"
Jinx: "No, but she's probably in her room or just hanging round Silco, Y'know, why?"
Sevika: "You notice anything...different about her recently?"
Jinx: "Youre being reeaally criptic Sevika, I don't like that" She said leaning away from her with her frog goggles.
Sevika: "She's always cold, always shaking, acting strangely don't ya think"
Jinx: "What are you getting at?"
Sevika: "I think she's using, Jinx"
Jinx: "Using, like shimmer?"
Sevika: "She's got all the signs of microdosing"
Jinx: "HA! You gotta be kidding, she would never do something like that with out telling me!"
Sevika: "Well maybe you two aren't as close as you think
Jinx: "Excuse me?" She said standing up, and stepping up to Sevika.
Sevika: "I'm just saying, if you paid attention you would see she's falling off, and you two were as close as you think, she would tell you that she's using"
Jinx: "Get the fuck out"
And so she did, she left without another word as Jinx stood motionless in her lair, glaring out into the darkness over analizing every single recent interaction.
Jinx: "She's not using, she' s just saying that to be cruel" but what if she is
Jinx: "No, NO! I would notice! I know what using shimmer looks like, I WOULD KNOW" so why is she avoiding you?
Jinx: "Avoding me? She's not avoiding me she's just busy! Why would she be using any ways, she has everything she could ever need, she has me! and she would never do that to me, and definetley not behind my back! hahah, No no no that's silly" What if she ends up like those bums down in the gutter
Jinx: "No, No that's not gonna happen baecuse she's NOT using!" What if she ends up like vander
Jinx: "NO!" She screamed pulling at her braids.
Maybe she's lying to you, maybe she's using to escape you maybe she wants to leave, she probably rather be high than with you
Jinx: "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" She shriked into the void.
She'll be one of those scroungers begging for food shrivled and dying, covered in filth and all baecuse of you.
Jinx: "NO NO NO! No NO NO" She pulled herself into the fetal position rocking back and fourth so sooth the terrible thoughts again and again, she had to talk to Silco about it.
And so, later that day she bursted into his office, sitting on his desk while his chair faced her, looking out the window.
Jinx: " Sevika came to see me today"
Silco:"...At your lair? odd, Why?"
Jinx: "She said...She said Y/n was...microdosing"
Silco: "Shimmer?"
Jinx: "Yeah shimmer what else?! And I was like She's not using that's silly and she was like 'maybe your not as close as you think you are' You know all Sevika like so I-"
Silco: "Jinx, your starting one of your ramblings again"
Jinx: "Oh Yeah yeah sorry" She giggled to herself
Jinx: "Have you noticed anything off about her recently?"
Silco: "Well, she is spending less time with us than usual, I suppose it is possible"
Jinx: "But she wouldn't...She wouldn't!"
Silco: "Jinx, Instead of spinning yourself into a frenzie, go check her room for anything susbicious, anything strange"
Jinx: "But...What if I find something?" She whispered.
Silco: "we'll figure it out"
So Jinx found herself in your room scanning over how messy it was, how much dust had collected and how the windows where musted over, as she began to go through your wardrobe, throwing out you clothes onto the bed until it was bare, going through all your draws and vanity until she had basically destroyed the place with all your things stroon about the room. She huffed to herself wondering where, if not here it could be, until she was the glint in the corner of her eye, she swivled around to the air vent where something shined in the reflection of the sun. Jinx, being for to short to simply grab it pushed your vanity to step on inorder to open the vent to find a small metal lock box, standing back down onto the floor the took a hair pin out and jimmied the lock only to reveal what she despratley wanted not be there.
Two Vials of shimmer, she felt herself shake with rage and frustration, why would you do this, for how long were you doing this? In a flip act of rage she threw the box at the wall, casusing it to dent, holding the two vials in one hand so tightly they might shatter in her hand.
Now what are you going to do?
Hours later Jinx had found you back in the back room of that Last Drop like you often were, she heard you shuffling about as she slowly turned the handle to the room, with your back facing her as she entered silently as she watched silently while you again as so many times before took your half used vial, unscrewed the vial pressed the end onto your finger to rub the resedue onto your togue, but not before she stalked you from behind and placed a hand on your shoulder.
Jinx: "What are you doing?" She asked in her childishly calm voice.
Y/n: "I- I I'm Just, Jinx I-"
Jinx: "Oh Y/n" She sighed before whacking you over the head with her rifle, knocking you out.
Eventually when you woke, you found yourself in your bed, but not in your room...
You sat up to realise you were in Jinx's lair with your bed laying on one of the giant fan panneles, looking over at Jinx welding something with the sparks flying out in all directions.
Y/n: "Jinx?"
Jinx swiveled round in her stool smiling at you.
Jinx: "Your awake! I was worried maybe I hit you a bit to hard haha"
Y/n: "I- How did you"
Jinx: "So I found your stash"
Y/n: "Oh"
Jinx: "You thought you could hide that from me?"
Y/n: "Jinx I"
Jinx: "Ssssshh" She angrily shushed you, skipping over to your bed that had misteroulsy moved from your bed to here, flopping onto the covers climbing over you to trap you between the bed and her, staring you down.
Jinx: "How long have you been lying to me?"
Y/n: "Jinx please I"
Jinx: "nu uh, No No no" She placed her her finger over your lips.
Jinx: "No More talking, all you've done is lie to me" You winced ash she said it so aggressivly spit was coming onto your face.
Jinx: "Why would you do this? Why would you do this to me?! This is so selfish, I should have known, I don't know why I didn't see it, you were acting all sketch and going all quite and odd, I should have seen"
Y/n: "Jinx, I-I was only using so I could be..."
Jinx: "So you could what?"
Y/n: "I just wanted to feel strong, you know, like you"
Jinx: "HA! That's funny toots" She held your face squishing your cheeks together into a kissy face.
Jinx: "It's beacuse you want to leave me, you would rather get high than spend time with me!"
She wants to leave you
Jinx: "Shut UP!" she screamed to the left of her.
Y/n: "Jinx, I want to go back to my room"
Jinx: "This is your room now, why do ya think I had Sevika move your bed here, Silco will get his cronies to bring the rest of your stuff soon enough"
Y/n: "What?"
Jinx: "I can't be having you alone if I can't trust you, can I?"
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sk3tch404 · 2 years ago
How will a yandere!Silko react to a reader who puts up with him just because she's in love with Jinx? (gosh, i love this girl)
I mean since Silco is her kinda adoptive father, it's kind of weird considering age differences and relationship wise 😭 I think im going to answer this as,
Yandere! Silco x Fem! Reader
Platonic! Jinx x Platonic! Fem! Reader
A/n: Also! I don't condone or heavily support Jinx's and Silco's familial relationship. Its a lot of genuine care but also emotional manipulation. This is written through the view of Silco's psyche- Not really the facts here!
But I see where you were going anon! Im sure this was just supposed to be wholesome ^^
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If you're putting up with his affections just to hang around Jinx, then he will be somewhat heartbroken. He's glad you get along with his dear daughter, but the way you dim down when she's not around hits his ego pretty hard.
If you seriously do what Silco asks of you with not much complaining, then he won't dwell on it too much. But if you don't want anything to do with him and only intend to use your time with Jinx, then he'll blow.
Since you're so attached to Jinx, the next best course of action is giving Jinx a little push. Silco will paint a negative and hysterical image of you. Says your, "mental stability is too fragile."- That you're not what you seem to be.
Jinx will definitely not be happy with this isolation arrangement. Due to the amount of time you spend with her, she most definitely looks up to you as a mother figure. Despite her upset mood, Silco comforts her. He is her father, and you are just an issue of sorts. Once it's figured out, you all can be a family again.
She's suspicious, but orders are orders. And Jinx knows how serious things can get when it comes to Silco's one and only Y/n. Usually she just pops up wherever you are, but this time, she'll stay on the down low. After all, that is her dad you're messing with.
You missing Jinx will also push you to behave. You want to see that dear girl of yours? Oh well, you can't pick and choose when you're in a family now, can you? If you want to see your "daughter" again, then you best pay attention to your husband too.
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insane-arcane · 2 years ago
Is the yandere Silco with a reader who works under Marcus one meant to have Silco & reader be romantic or platonic?
Either way, I'd like to see that even while working with Silco, reader still continues to help those of Zaun. Whether in different ways than before or not is up to you. Regardless, I'd like for their influence to be an overall positive one.
Maybe they study helstromism & criminal psychology, thus is a freaking wizard of interrogation without needing to resort to violence.
Also, it'd be cool to see their relationship with Jinx.
Romantic eventually. But it's a bit of a slow burn as Silco is slow to realize his feelings and Reader is slower to accept them. While they care for Zaun and all its citizens, they have a very different process than Silco. They'll have to compromise eventually if either of them want to get what they want.
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strategistsfav · 3 months ago
☾  ꕀ  𝓷𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
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— this blog is an x reader centric blog only. additionally, i only write sfw content as of now. whether i'll tap into other sub-genres in the future will remain unknown for now.
— all gender identities are welcome on this blog, though i mostly focus on neutral readers.
— i'm willing to write dark content and topics, in fact i utterly welcome it.
— i'm a slow writer; like many people, i'm a pretty busy person, so you'll have to bare with me upon requesting.
— if i don't respond to your ask, don't take it the wrong way. this may be either because a) your prompt/idea doesn't inspire me all that much or b) i simply haven't seen it yet/haven't gotten the time to write it.
— i don't write for real people. no exceptions.
— lowercase is intended.
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☾  ꕀ  𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼
❧ arcane ambessa ✦ caitlyn ✦ jayce ✦ jinx ✦ maddie ✦ mel ✦ sevika ✦ silco ✦ vander ✦ vi ✦ viktor
❧ call of duty gaz ✦ ghost ✦ könig ✦ price ✦ soap
❧ five nights at freddy's michael afton ✦ william afton
❧ marvel captain america ✦ ironman ✦ spiderman ✦ scarlet witch
❧ mouthwashing anya ✦ curly ✦ daisuke ✦ jimmy
❧ sonic the hedgehog (any universe) amy ✦ blaze ✦ espio ✦ knuckles ✦ rouge ✦ scourge ✦ shadow ✦ silver ✦ sonic ✦ tails (platonic) ✦ tangle ✦ whisper
❧ the amazing digital circus caine ✦ gangle ✦ jax ✦ pomni ✦ ragatha ✦ zooble
❧ the last of us abby ✦ ellie ✦ dina ✦ jesse ✦ joel ✦ tommy
there are countless others so please ask about anything or anyone's that's not on the list
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☾  ꕀ  𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼
❧ will do
✓ fics, headcanons, and drabbles.
✓ yandere partners
✓ gender-specified readers (male, female, etc.)
✓ platonic & romantic relationships
✓ whump
❧ won't do
✘ smut
✘ fetish content
✘ glorified abuse/dark romance content
✘ romantic relationships with monsters or minors
✘ dead dove
✘ a/b/o dynamics
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olinblogin · 1 year ago
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ⁺   . ✦
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Dandy’s World
-Pressure (only like three characters I’ll write for💔)
-Cookie Run
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-slightly suggestive content (not full on nfsw)
-childhood romance (no suggestive stuff)
-teen romance (no suggestive stuff)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-polycules/polyamory (multiple characters x reader)
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
- major nsfw
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rm
- extreme Yandere stuff (r@pe, cannibalism, etc)
- Viktor
- Jayce Talis
- Vi
- Jinx
- Sevika
- Caitlyn Kiraaman
- Mel Medarda
- Ambessa Medarda
- Salo
- Lest
- Vander
- Silco
- Ekko
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Pigsy (mostly platonic)
-Sandy (mostly platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (mostly platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
Dandy’s World
- Dandy
- Astro
- Vee
- Shelly
- Sprout
- Pebble (platonic)
- Glisten
- Flutter (platonic)
- Toodles (platonic)
- Rodger
- Teagan
- Brightney
- Scraps
- Goob
- Boxten
- Poppy
- Finn
- Razzle & Dazzle (can be semi-poly)
- Shrimpo
- Hollyberry Cookie
- Dark Cacao Cookie
- White Lily Cookie
- Golden Cheese Cookie
- Pure Vanilla Cookie
- Pitaya Dragon Cookie
- Burning Spice Cookie
- Shadow Milk Cookie
- Wind Archer Cookie
- Moonlight Cookie
- Sea Fairy Cookie
- Black Pearl Cookie
- Frost Queen Cookie
- Stormbringer Cookie
- Elder Faerie Cookie
- Crimson Coral Cookie
- Shining Glitter Cookie
- Stardust Cookie
- Clotted Cream Cookie
- Nutmeg Tiger Cookie
- Street Urchin Cookie
- Rebel Cookie
- Mozzarella Cookie
- Burnt Cheese Cookie
- Smoked Cheese Cookie
- Captain Caviar Cookie
- Financier Cookie
- Crunchy Chip Cookie
- Wildberry Cookie
- Affogato Cookie
- Tea Knight Cookie
- Lilac Cookie
- Red Velvet Cookie
- Almond Cookie
- Black Raisin Cookie
- Latte Cookie
- Kumiho Cookie
- Milk Cookie
- Werewolf Cookie
- Vampire Cookie
(There’s just a lot)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ⁺   . ✦
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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trender-official · 6 months ago
Rules + Fandoms
I will write for:
-Dragon Age (obviously): Any romancable character for any game and Varric
-Cyberpunk 2077: Romancable companions + Johnny and Takemura
-Fallout New Vegas, Four, and the show: Boone, Arcade, Raul, Cassidy, Veronica, Joshua, Danes, Deacon, Hancock, Piper, Preston, Codsworth(platonically… ya hoes), Cooper(2070s and later), Maximus, Norm, Lucy
-Pillars of Eternity One (haven’t finished the second): Edér, Aloth, Kana Rua, Sagani, Durance? if u want??, Islemyr, Hiravias, Pallegina, Maneha(only women romantically), Devil of Caroc
-Baldur’s Gate Three (still playing old ones): All romancables + Jaheira
-Horror: Michael Myers, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Brahms, Thomas Hewitt
-Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Crowley, Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Rowena, Charlie
-Mass Effect: Romancable characters + Wrex
-Ocs: Ninsun, Helgi, Vígdís(will be posting them later)
-Far Cry Three, Four, Five: Joseph, John, Jacob, Faith, Vaas, Pagan Min
-Lord of the Rings: Frodo, Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Legolas, Sam, Gimli, Pippin, Merry
-Overwatch: P much the whole cast
-Dbd: Most killers and surviors(keep in mind i haven’t played in a long time)
-Arcane: Cait, Vi, Jayce, Mel, Silco, Sevika, Viktor, Vander, Ekko
-I will write dark fics but nothing genuinely disgusting
-If you don’t see a character for a fandom, just send the ask! Ill probably still respond and probably just forgot.
-I have the right to deny any request! If I say no please don’t keep sending it.
-Yandere is fine with me!
-May take up to a week to respond, depends on how busy I am
-I will not change canonically queer identities, but I will write queer pairings for straight characters!
-This will be updated as I consume more media! I’ll update yall when I change it :)
-I will write x reader and cxc! Just send the ship and I’ll let you know :)
-I sometimes may use my inquisitor/tav/hawke/ u get the idea for a fic. If you request reader I won’t!
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l0cked0uttt · 2 years ago
About Me + Request Guild lines (Please read before requesting anything)
Hello, so I have just decided to write on Tumblr so I created this blog! I also write on wattpad my name on there is King-0f-Hearts and I am in the process of getting an AO3 account. I have a main account here where I just mess around and post on the occasion.
A little bit about me!:
My name is Elijah but you can call me either King/Kingsley or Elijah/Eli I am fine with either of those.
I am a trans man (he/him) and I'm omnisexual
I decided to start writing on Tumblr in hope of not only getting my work out there but also to help improve my writing and get requests. i also want to write without sticking to a specific book like this is any different but i guess this is how my brain will work
Request Guild lines:
My request box will most likely always be open so don't be shy to shoot a request over to me, I will be more than happy to do it.
Things I will do:
male x male
male reader
gender neutral reader
FTM reader
Suggestive scenes (No smut and as long as they are within any guidelines of the people being written)
Drabble/short stories (are they the same? idk)
Little disclaimer I just decided to start writing obsessive and yandere alts of characters and due to me never doing something like that before it may be very cliche and just outright bad
Things I won't do:
Smut (I do not feel comfortable writing it)
Age gap
Female reader (y'all have enough stories go read your own, there are not enough male reader and gender neutral reader stories out there so just let us have this)
character x character (I just dont really enjoy writing it, I have nothing against it just isnt what I really want to write for)
Fandoms/Characrters I write for:
Gravity Falls (Dipper, Mabel)
Arcane (Vi, Jinx, Milo, Silco, Claggor)
Hunter x Hunter (Killua, Gon, Kurapika)
Promise Neverland (Ray, Norman, Don)
Attack On Titan (Levi, Eren, Armin)
Black Butler (Ciel, Alois, Finny, May-Rin)
Blue Exorcist (Rin, Yukio)
None, open to suggestions :)
DSMP, only using the characters in the SMP and not their real life selves (Dream, Technoblade, Tommyinnit, Georgenotfound, BadBoyHalo, Wilbur, Tubbo, Quackity, Ranboo)
Resident Evil, only 2 and 4 because those are the only games I've seen so far. (Leon)
Sally Face (Sal, Larry, Travis, Todd, Ashley)
Cuphead, ONLY PLATONIC (Cuphead, Mugman)
Little Nightmares 1 & 2, ONLY PLATONIC (Mono, Six, Runaway kid)
Other (Books, other pieces of media etc.):
Any of Wilbur's bursonas (Simpbur, Argbur etc.)
Genloss Ranboo (I know very little about Genloss and I plan to educate myself because from what small bits I've seen it's so cool)
Creepypastas (Jeff the killer, Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Ben Drowned, Jane the killer, Clockwork)
This list is subject to change as my interests change and I gain and lose hyper fixations. Probably the Fandoms that I'm in the most in Resident Evil, Gravity Falls and DSMP but I will still write for the others.
Just because a character from one of the fandoms isn't on the list doesn't mean you can't request it it just might take a little bit because these are the characters that I know the most about.
If any of the creators or characters that are written about say or have said that they are not comfortable with stories being written about them I will remove them from the list and remove the stories if needed.
I don't have a writing schedule so if it takes me a long time to get your ask posted I am sorry! I just take forever to write and then I will get really distracted or I just won't want to write one day.
Thank you for checking out this blog, feel free to request something!
My main account:
My Wattpad account:
Update! I got an AO3 account! I already made a separate post about this but here's the account on this post so people can find it easier:
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boredpotate · 3 months ago
Happier Chapter 3
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Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or any music, just this concept idea.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences.
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??? Pov
Running. It's all I have on my mind right now. Get away. Get far away from that thing. I can still hear the few people left standing fighting. Shots being fired, screams of pain and a brawl happening. Damn it. This was supposed to be a secure place. The boss said so himself.
I hear as the fighting ends in the distance behind me, but I keep running anyway. Not chancing it. Not with this person. I need to report to Simon and le-
An immense and sudden pain shoots through my leg, causing me to fall over onto the ground.
"FUCK! fuck! shit! fuck!" I yell out swears to the skies as I grab my leg onto my leg. I don't have time cope with the fact that I just got shot in the fucking leg, because I know they're coming. I see their silhouette through the smog. One arm raised in my direction and the barrel of a handgun I can't make out facing towards me, and a shovel being held in the other dripping with what is most likely blood. I push through the pain and force myself up to limp myself to an alleyway as they shoot in my direction and use the wall as a support. They're messing with me.
'Why me!? We aren't even in their territory! We made sure of it!,' I continue on and take many turns to try to loose them and holding onto my leg wound to lessen the blood dripping, 'I just need to get to the light. They never come out of this hole.'
I start becoming more aware of the pain as I continue moving, but ignore it to keep my pace steady. Some hope rises as I look back to see nothing, but just as I turn back around I am met with a boot to my chest. I feel the wind get knocked out of me as I hit the ground, my vision dazed from the back of my head being hit as well.
I look up already knowing who it is standing in front of me, but I never thought I'd be one of their victims. Boots, ragged pants, shovel hanging from their hip on one side with a holster on the other side, some dirty jacket with some kind of body armor underneath and an enforcer gas mask with a one of the old miner helmets. Always covering their face. Always a bad omen for any gang that's hunkering down here.
"Please! I do- AAGH!" I yell in pain as they stomp on my wound. I then feel myself be yanked up by my collar before getting slammed into the wall.
"Listen I don't know anything you want! I was only put in charge of that warehouse!"
"Bullshit, that's what the last guy said before he confessed about you. He said you report to your boss and I want to know where he is."
'Of course she does. Another gang leader being tracked down by this crazy bit-.' my thoughts are interrupted by being pistol whipped across my nose.
"Fuck! Please, I really don't know! I only report to a guy named Simon, but he's not the boss! You saw the place I was in; it was hardly secure at all!", I plead to them, hoping for some mercy. They stare at me for a second before letting out a breath of frustration.
I am yanked forward and thrown onto the ground. I flip over and find myself looking up at them as they stand over me; my eyes staring down the barrel.
"You want to beg? After all the lives you've taken and ruined ever since you moved into this area? Be happy I don't make it slower."
Then there was nothings.
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Reader Pov
'Another fucking dead end.' I think to myself in frustration as I holster my revolver.
I take a minute to finally catch a breather before checking for anything useful on this guy and the others at the warehouse. Once I'm done I decide to go track down this Simon guy next. It's been nothing but this constant cycle for the past eight years.
"At least everything is going good up above. From what I hear at least." I say to myself, trying to look on the bright side of things. Ironic considering how I'm in what is now the shittiest part of the Undercity. It's been awhile since I've left this area, and since I've seen them.
Last time I left, it was to go witness that historic speech on the bridge. They did it. Vander and Silco finally accomplished their dream, and now Zaun has become a better place. So much light and the whole mood of the town is different too. Much more happy. Just like what I dreamt about, but I don't go over there. I can't.
There's enforcers that will most likely think I'm up to something, it's too bright to hide, not crowded enough to blend in anywhere and honestly I just don't really fit in with this new Zaun anymore. Not their fault, it's me that's the problem. Everyone dresses so nice, clean and casual along with how nice the community has become. Then there's me. I look like I crawled out of a dumpster or came back from an apocalypse..... honestly the latter isn't too inaccurate considering what almost happened originally. Probably also the reason why people usually leave me alone and gives me looks sometimes. I look weird compared to everyone else.
Though even with everything I still do my part. Just because most of Zaun has become better doesn't mean there isn't any who didn't like the idea of Piltover and Zaun making peace. Mostly gangs. Since enforcers were able to do their jobs easier the gangs have been pushed down here with me. I've been taking out as many as I could, and nipping the bud of one's that start growing. Especially the one's I knew were aiming for Vander and SIlco. No mercy. Like that one group who tried to recruit me to, I quote "Rebel and takeover Piltover for the true Zuauites." what a bunch of weirdos. Though this most recent one I've been working on is giving me trouble.
They were the only smart one's to stay under the radar when I first started the purge of gangs down here and only recently have been making bigger moves. They aren't too big yet, but if I don't dismantle them they could cause trouble. Turns out that would be harder than I expected. Every time I get pointed to one person, that person points me to someone else and the cycle continues. I'm no detective either, so I'm getting nowhere with the way things are going.
'It's fine. Something will come up eventually,' I try to reassure myself on my way home. It helps a little. Still tired. Kinda hungry too, 'I need to find a way to money.'
Making money the old way wasn't as easy anymore. Not many people that need "jobs" done, and not a lot of people who need to hire a merc for anything anymore. Most of the mercenaries either used their money to leave or joined up with the enforcers for some good and reliable pay with benefits. Can't blame them. Either my line of business is almost dead, or I'm one of the last one's still keeping it alive. Zaun doesn't need mercs like me anymore. That's good.
*stomach grumbles*
*sigh* "I really gotta make more money. Maybe I can pick up some small jobs here and there. Deliver mail to people or something." I reach into my jacket and pull out my journal. I don't write anything in it, but I do draw.
I turn to my most recent sketch and touch up on some details, another one of Jinx. I can't help, but remember. Sometimes I dream of all that happened. I try to put it behind me, but it's hard. They're scarred into my mind, but they remind me why I do this.
"Always stubborn about your hair. Even when I warned you how it can cause trouble in a fight, you insisted." I say to myself as I draw her braided hair. Took forever to braid them, but she loved. Honestly she made them look good.
I smile. Taking a moment to forget about the world and get lost in something else.
'Hopefully this, Simon, has better info.'
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3rd Person
Meanwhile above ground across the bridge. A certain investigation in being looked into. With an ongoing interrogation happening.
"Do you really think we're that stupid?" Vi asks the woman sitting across the room from her and her partner. Both in crime and..... other things.
Vi shoots forward and ready to lunge, but is quickly stopped by Caitlyn who leans into her ear.
"Calm down, Vi. She wants you to get upset." she says while holding onto one of Vi's shoulders to comfort her. Though she does understand her frustration.
Ever since they've been looking into a recently bold gang, they've hardly gotten anywhere. She takes a moment to make sure Vi has calmed down before turning back to the woman in questioning.
"I understand that you have no reason to help us, bu-."
"No shit. I get thrown behind bars and then pulled out for questioning about a gang, I'm not even a part of."
"But. We really need something here. If you cooperate we could negotiate with reducing your sentencing. Your records show you have been improving and haven't caused trouble, but we can only do that if you work with us." Caitlyn explains, trying to negotiate some kind of deal for some information.
The woman slightly relaxes before shaking her head with a sigh.
"Listen girl, I told you before. I really don't know anything about this gang. All I know is what I told you. They used to be small and kept to themselves and they've grown."
Caitlyn scowls, not at the woman, but down at the table in front of her. Another dead end.
"But.... you could try asking the hound." the woman suggests, which catches Caitlyn's attention, but Vi scoffs.
"We already asked my dad. He's not really involved with that stuff anymore, and his contacts have been out of that kind of business for awhile."
"Not Vander. The new one down in the deep end of the Undercity." this catches Vi's interest now.
"A new hound? Let me guess, another wannabe big shot?"
"No. This one's the real deal. Has been making a name for themselves for a few years now. Ever since most of the gangs got pushed back down deep into the Undercity; ever wondered what happened to all those old gangs eight years ago? Bloodhound took them out one by one." the woman explains, her tone lined with admiration and respect. Caitlyn raises a brow at the name.
"That's what people call them. No one I've met knows their name or has seen their face."
With things moving in a good direction, Vi sits down next to Caitlyn at the table.
"I assumed all the gangs just died out after peace was made. So what? They some gang leader or something?"
"No, but they do have a small territory. All to themselves. They got a lot of respect down there. You remember that weird group two years ago? Dressed all rugged and called themselves "True Zaunites"? They idolized Bloodhound; tried to dress like them too. Then one day they went into their territory and tried make them their leader, but ended up coming back beaten black and blue. The guy who was leading the group got a bullet through his skull."
Caitlyn looks skeptical and glances at Vi, who also looks to have some doubt about this "Bloodhound". The inmate notices and shrugs her shoulders.
"I know, sounds weird but it's true. The point is, they hunt down gangs. You want someone with info, then try them."
"How do we contact them?"
"I don't know. Last people who tried was that weird group. Now a lot of 'em are too scared to go back down there."
This brings some, not a lot, but some hope to Vi and Caitlyn to this investigation. Better than nothing. Caitlyn stands up before holding out a hand towards the inmate.
"Thank you for your time and the information. I'll be sure to put in a good word for your cooperation, maybe even get you on probation."
"No problem. Not like I had a choice in coming here. You better not be bullshitting me about that deal." the inmate says as she takes Caitlyn's hand.
Caitlyn nods before turning around to leave, Vi already holding the door open for her. Caitlyn wordlessly signals the two enforcers standing outside to escort the inmate back to her cell before walking with Vi.
"So this "Bloodhound", you think they're legit?"
"I don't know. But we don't have any other leads on this case. My mother trusted us with this case Vi, we can't just give up." Caitlyn says with hints of frustration in her voice.
"Hey, I'm not saying we give up, Cupcake. I was just wanting to hear your thoughts."
"I-I know. I'm sorry. It's just, I don't wan-."
"AH. You don't need to apologize Cupcake. I get it. Don't wanna disappoint parents, trust me, I understand," Vi says reassuringly which makes Cait stop, "What?"
"I love you." she says with a smile before giving Vi a peck on the cheek, making said Pink haired girl blush like a tomato.
"I-I love you too, Cupcake. .....Ahem a-anyway, I don't know if going to find this guy will work. I was thinking maybe we could go see my dad instead. He might know someone who can get in touch with this guy. Plus, I think he'd like to know that there's another "Hound" in the Undercity." Vi says as she wraps an arm around Caitlyn's shoulders to hold her close.
"That sounds nice."
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Powder Pov
"So you want me to see if I can get someone to talk to this guy that you two need to talk to."
"I know. It sounds sketchy, bu-." Vi was saying until Benzo cuts in.
"Are ye kidding!? Vander! We gotta see this kid. Running around using your title; they must be a fan! How have I not heard of this guy before!?" Benzo says, poking fun at dad since apparently he has some copycat or something.
"I second that!" Mylo says, making Claggor shake his head with a chuckle.
Dad rolls his eyes, but still has a smile on his face.
"Technically not the same. They're called "Bloodhound"." Cait says, but slight smirk still on her face with Vi wearing one to match.
'Might as well join in on the fun.'
"I don't know if that's a good idea. They might want his autograph." I say with my own cheeky smirk. Leaning into Ekko, as he writes in his book of projects, sitting at the bar with everyone.
"Alright, alright. I get it. I might have some people who still owe me a favor or two," Dad says, as he wipes down a glass behind the bar, "One condition. They gotta meet you two here."
"YES!" Benzo yells in elation, but Vi doesn't look that happy.
"Here!? Dad seriously this person could cause trouble and this place isn't like that anymore." Vi says, but Dad doesn't look like he's budging.
"I'm being serious too. I've heard stuff hear and there about them and I don't want you two going down there alone. I know you two can handle yourselves, but if anything I've heard is somewhat true then this isn't like any other thug or gang leader." Dad says, which makes Vi back down.
'Damn. Now I'm interested.'
"Are you sure they would even come here?" Caitlyn asks a pretty reasonable question.
"Pretty sure. From what I hear they've been getting into shootouts with the gang recently. Probably hunting them down too."
"That isn't a guarantee though. What if they don't show up?"
"If they don't then show up, then they don't show up. They wouldn't have been help even if you went down looking for them, you'd probably just gonna end up in a fight."
'Fair point, honestly.'
Cait looks to Vi, who sighs as a sign of surrendering.
"Fine. How soon can you get someone to talk to them?"
Cait looks surprised which makes Dad shrug.
"I got good contacts."
"Good. I guess tomorrow in the afternoon? Does that sound fine?" Vi asks, looking at Cait for confirmation which she gets via a nod.
As the conversation shifts to something else, I look at Ekko as he continues to scribble in his notebook.
"What do you think?" I ask him which makes him stop writing for a second.
"About "Bloodhound"," he asks and I give a simple nod, "Sounds a little fishy. Sounds like one of those people still stuck in the old times of crime everywhere."
"It doesn't sound like they are. They did supposedly take out that one weird group of "True Zaunites"; honestly those people were so stupid." I say with a small laugh, Ekko chuckling a little at the mention of that bizarre group of people.
'The speeches those guys made in the streets were insane.'
"Still, doesn't sound like good company. Why would they want to stay in the deep part of the Undercity? Zaun has become so much better over the years."
"Maybe..... they're afraid to move forward. Don't wanna lose what they have now." I say, honestly projecting more about myself than what I actually think.
'They could just be a psycho.'
I feel Ekko's arm come up to my waist before pulling me in closer as he sets down his pencil.
"Powder. I know it's not easy, but I really do think you could do a lot of amazing things. I know you're afraid of things changing, but..... sometimes taking a leap forward means leaving a few things behind."
"I-I just.... I don't know. I just need some time to think about it." I say, avoiding the topic of what I want to do in life, looking away just staring at the details of the bar counter.
"Okay..... just know I'm here for you Powder. Nothing will change that." Ekko says, supporting and sweet as always, which makes me smile.
"Thanks." I say before giving a small kiss on the cheek.
"No thanks needed."
We sit at the bar in a comfortable silence as my mind wanders.
'Tomorrow should be an interesting day.'
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The Next Day.
Deep in the Undercity the infamous Bloodhound stands in the middle of the street, farther than usual from their territory. What is usually a busy street is now completely empty with only Y/n standing there by herself, and facing towards the brighter side of Zaun.
People peak out from their homes through blinds. People who looked like they were about to step outside immediately turn around to lock themselves inside. Others who were making there way down the street immediately turns right around to take a detour around.
All of them had the same questions on their minds.
Why are they here? What are they up to? Is a fight about to happen? Is someone about to die? Are the meeting up with someone here?
.....Also why are they just standing in the middle of the street?
Reader Pov
'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck this shit! This is, SO! FUCKING! BAD!', I internally panic as I stand in the middle of the street.
Yesterday right after getting some intel from that Simon guy I got a message from some guy. Literally right after. I just tackled that fucker out of the second floor of his shitty bar when he tried stabbing me after getting information out of him. Then I turned and there they were. Staring in shock. Anyway that doesn't matter.
What really matters is the fact that Vander wanted me to come to The Last Drop. I couldn't even ask why because before I could they ran away.
'Why!? What did I do!? Am I in trouble!? I didn't even do anything!'
I'm not supposed to meet them, but how am I supposed to ignore a call from Vander. From Dad. So I forced myself out of bed and I only made it this far before getting too scared. I feel rooted to the ground. I'm scared. I'm scared to see them after so long, even if it's just to talk or something.
"What if I mess this all up?," I ask myself. Trying to decide whether or not it's worth risking all of the good things that have happened to Zaun over the years, "What if I cause a butterfly effect and ruin everything?"
But then there's that other part of me. Desperate and longing to see how my family has been after so long of isolating myself down here alone.
I stand still in contemplation for another minute before finally taking a step forward.
"One time couldn't hurt. Just this once."
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Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes.
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makethiscanon · 2 years ago
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Current request status: closed
Inbox game status: open
Current game: Send a single '🌸' + any character name (+ fandom if it's not obvious), and I'll give you one headcanon for them. Limited to one headcanon per ask. The same character can be asked for more than once.
I can go in fandom-blind. Pick any character you like.
Firstly, anyone new here please know I’m the slowest writer on this planet, with a feeble amount of motivation. When requesting, it’s better off to think of it as a suggestion, because unless I get inspired, there’s a high chance I won’t have the brain power to write your piece.
I work under a policy that every character is pansexual/panromantic, unless explicitly stated by the original creator that the character is not attracted to a specific orientation.
What I will write:
Reader-inserts only
Second-person, or third-person if requested
Headcanons, drabbles, blurbs, short stories, voice lines, match ups.
Any gender, but will default to fem! unless requested
Romance or platonic
Aro or Ace
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Horror/Suspense 
Minor injuries/blood
Alternate Universe (please specify)
The list isn't completely exclusive so if in doubt, hit me with what you've got.
I reserve the right to decline or ignore any requests that make me feel uncomfortable, and have no obligation to disclose reasons why.
What I won’t write:
NSFW / Taboo
Hate speech
Whump (Yandere is fine but won’t be graphic)
Real celebrities x reader
Young-coded characters romantically. E.g. Eri, Kota, Klee, Nahida, etc.
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I can try writing for any character from the fandoms listed, but the characters below are the ones I’m more confident in. Those with an ‘ * ’ are the characters I’m most confident writing.
Jayce || Viktor*
Demon Slayer:
Akaza* || Douma || Enmu || Gyutaro*
Inosuke || Nezuko
Rengoku || Sanemi
Dr Stone
Senku || Taiju
Tsukasa || Ukyo || Yo
Chrome || Kinro
Final Fantasy
7: Reno || Vincent || Genesis || Zack
13: Hope || Snow || Caius || Noel
Genshin Impact:
Arataki Itto || Cyno || Thoma || Tighnari || Xiao || Zhongli
Childe || Scaramouche
Gotham (TV Series):
Oswald Cobblepot || Jerome Valeska || Victor Zsasz*
Kingdom Hearts:
Organization XIII members || Axel*
Sora || Riku || Hayner
The Maze Runner:
Gally* || Newt || Frypan || Minho || Alby
My Hero Academia:
Class 1-A [Any] || Bakugou Katsuki* || Ojiro Mashirao*
Amajiki Tamaki || Kaibara Sen || Monoma Neito || Shindou Yo || Shinsou Hitoshi || Togata Mirio || Yorarashi Inasa
Chisaki Kai [Overhaul] || Dabi || Spinner || Toga Himiko || Twice
Fatgum || Pro Hero: Manual
Obey Me:
Mammon || Lucifer || Beelzebub || Asmo
Simeon || Solomon || Raphael
Tales of Arcadia:
Douxie Casperan || Krel Tarron*
Nari || Skrael || Strickler || Tronos
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lolita-lollipop · 2 years ago
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Silco loves you,
That was quite known among the entire undercity, even before he had taken you to his compound, he always had sevika following you around when you worked in those factories, which alone was enough to make people scared of you. He deposited money in your account when he thought you were getting too thin, or he would secretly intercept any letters you would send to your mother complaining that you always felt like you were being watched
So when you were fired from your job completely on the random, he knew he had to take this opportunity. Jinx loved you, and she wanted you just as much as he did, so it was only natural.
You should've known better when you got an offer from Silco to work in his house the second you were fired, but you had been far too distraught over your current lack of employment. You especially should've known better when the letters kept coming from him even after you'd thrown out the first one.
Eventually, you had found that no one else was willing to hire you, which was such a surprise, as a woman, usually every business in the undercity wanted you as their own, having a good looking little thing like yourself attracted so much business. So when you went looking for a job, any job, and no one was even willing to let you in their building? You had become desperate.
So, you had to accept. You didn't know where to find the man, but generally you associated
The leaders of the undercity with that bar, the one your mother used to go to all the time. The Last Drop, When you had shown up, the loud club went silent. Immediately you were brought to his office, where he had a very personal conversation about what you would be doing for him.
It was simple really, he had known that if he hired you with no purpose you would grow suspicious, even fearful, so he simply told you that the head maid at his house lost her assistant, and she needed to train you into becoming a good little housemaid to help her.
And with what he was willing to pay you? Which by the way was far more than the head maid was being paid, you were more than willing to live here under the bar with him and his daughter.
Of course, his reputation precedes him and jinx, so you were more than scared of them, you avoided them like they were plague rats. On the occasion the head maid would send you up to bring him a cigar or some disgustingly fermented kind of alcohol, she knew what he thought of you, and she knew that the more he saw you, the higher her pay would be.
He watched you every day from the secret windows he had all across the place, and he had jinx and his head maid and savika take tabs on you, jinx had almost befriended ou at this point, after all she did know sooner or later you would end up being her little sister, she could be what Vi wasn't.
Usually, with the pay motivation, he would notice that cute little pep you had in your step everyday, wearing that little maid getup was so adorable, especially since it was made just for you. Of course when you were his he would dress you in the finest silks and linens, you didn't belong in the undercity, and he would make sure to dress like it. Generally you were very happy to do your job, a pleasant smile adorning your face.
Which was why today was so odd. You had woken up and gotten dressed as usual, but the maid had reported that you had stayed groggy all morning, and when Jinx had talked to you, you looked like you were about to cry. It was just so strange of you, even when you worked in that miserable factory while making only 2 cents an hour, you had always been so sweet, so happy.
That's why he was so worried about you today. He watched you bustle slowly in the kitchen, you had large dark circles and your nose had begun to sniffle, you were slouching heavily, and you let out the occasional cough. You looked bad. The last straw for him was watching you begin to doze off with a knife in your hand while chopping vegetables for breakfast.
You tensed up when he walked into the kitchen, but continued doing what the head maid had told you to do. She had made sure you wouldn't be too tense around silco by making you be around him every so often. Did Not make you any less fearful, you knew what he was capable of.
He watched you work, recording in his mind how out of sorts you'd begun to appear, your eyes were sagging closed on occasion, and your hands were shaking like you were freezing, even though it was perfectly warm in the kitchen. You were sick. That much was obvious, it only made sense, as there was some kind of flu going through piltover, and whatever illness happened there spread here, and it was always worse here.
“Are you feeling alright dear? You look… unwell” The scary man questioned in that scratchy voice of his that you'd grown quite fearful of by now. THe question itself made you perk up immediately, you didn't think you looked so bad, it brought fear to you, at your old work if they believed you were not in the right condition to earn them the most money it was very likely you would be fired… or beaten. You didn't think this man was above that.
“Yes sir. I’m just a little tired today.” you replied, continuing chopping the onion, this morning you chose to ignore the little tears it made you shed, not wanting to look weak in front of him. He rolled his eyes and watched as you fumbled with the knife, the head maid shouldn't be letting you do this on your own, especially since it would be so easy to just chop a finger off.
“I don't think you should be handling knives in your state darling, and you look far more than tired” He condescended, leaning over on the counter and watching you as you almost nicked yourself.
“No sir, I’m alright, I can work- I swear” you practically begged him, and continued your task for the head maid, you weren't really sure if doing this with him was okay, you weren't disobeying him, but it just felt wrong.
In a matter of seconds he was behind you, he had moved so swiftly that you hadn't even noticed his hands snaking under your arms, or his chest pressing against your back. It startled you, and It obviously didn't help that you weren't fully aware of yourself, as you were sick.
“I said, put the knife down, I wasn't asking. You are ill” He squeezed you and pulled the knife from your hands, tossing it to the side. It made a sharp clanging noise, he would have a talk with the maid about her letting you deal with such dangerous things, she knew not to. You turned around, only to let a sharp little gasp out, you hadn't realized the close proximity you were in with him at the moment, you barely talked to him, and this, this was more than you'd ever touched your own mother, let alone silco.
“I will call the doctor, you won't be working today”
You stared up at him, and he stared right back down at you, practically daring you to try and keep working, you didn't though, only stared, a little bit in fear, a little bit in anxiety for what he was going to do next. Nobody had ever showed this much concern over your wellbeing, with a sniffle you began to tear up.
You didn't even know why you were reacting this way to him, it was just so abnormal, so strange. But you just felt so drawn in by the way he looked at you, the way he looked like he actually cared, the way he held you. He was supposed to be the most dangerous man in the undercity.
It only took a few seconds for little tears speckling your eyes to turn into large awful globes of water flowing freely from your own. The more he looked at you the more you found yourself crying, it was embarrassing really. You just stood there crying as he stared down, his arms wrapped around you.
“I-I’m sorry sir i don't know- I don't know why this is happening, I-I think i might be a little sick I’m sorry I-” you stuttered out through your own heavy breathing, trying to explain anything and everything. His gaze slowly softened, and he held you tighter, you noticed.
“Do not apologize, usually I’m less understanding, but you- you're quite the exception” As he spoke his voice drew out any anger or sadness you had towards your old life, your old family, the life before you met him. His words only made your cries harder. Silco noticed the maid walk in from the corner of his eye, and then walk right back out after seeing whatever was happening here.
“I think it's time to reconsider your title here, darling”
The next morning, Savika wasn’t surprised to find you sleeping in Silcos lap, dressed in a pale blue-silk nightgown as he did his morning work.
Savika wasn't surprised to see you wearing a diamond necklace with an S engraved on it
And she certainly wasn't surprised that Silco seemed to be in a much better mood.
After all…
Silco loves you.
My daddy issues are screaming rn fr.
Anyone else just watch a show and then obsessively want to write like 30 fics on it? Just me? Ok nevermind.
Anywayyyyyy. If you have any ideas for little gay things with Vi or Jinx please be my guest, my inbox is open for those.
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mars-writes-yandere · 2 years ago
Planotic Yandere Silco and Child reader
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silco as a father>>>
Warnings: none? i dont think
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You were probably in a similar situation to jinx. Your family abandoned you and you were left with no one. You roamed the undercity for days, hungry and alone before silco found you. He took pity on you. A small child out here all alone. 
At first he was just going to put you to work but, when you begged him for help and cried in his arms he felt something stir inside of him, a need to protect you. He would take you back to headquarters and make sure that you have everything you could ever want. 
Toys? You'll have all the shiny new toys. Stuffed animals? He’ll go through hell and high waters to get you whatever you want. His only rule is to not go outside. The last thing he needs is his precious child getting hurt.
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yandereaffections · 3 years ago
I finished Arcane now and wow what a good series! Can I request a reader baking sweets with Jinx and Silco? Just a cute moment from them, please 🥺
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You have a energetic and hazardous goofball and a stoic man who at least tries to go by the directions as you get the ingredients all lined up, it's a whole family moment with the three of you trying to coordinate your efforts
Jinx is looking over between you and silcos shoulders, watching you scoop out the brownie mix as he holds the bowl up so it's easier to pour out onto the pan that Jinx bent into her own weird shape when waiting for you two to figure out how to work a makeshift oven
Once it's ready and cooled down you can stop distracting jinx and finally let her focus all her energy on decorating the cake, bright and vivid colors silco got just for this purpose will be used while silco pats you both on the head, right before jinx shoves a piece up to his face to try of course.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 3 years ago
Yandere Silco & Jinx: Blood is Thicker than Water (Team-up/Platonic Scenario)
TW/CW: Blood, murder, implied stalking/strangulation, use of firearms, bruises & auditory hallucinations
A.N: While on the search for some fitting music for another fic, I end up listening to the Arcane soundtrack which led to me writing this fic. Enjoy.
Running the cloth across the wooden counter, you hum silently to yourself, the scent of liquor lingering in the air as faint music plays from its jukebox. Retrieving the fabric, you crack your knuckles & resume with another sweep as the tune blurs to white noise. "Another tired day?" Thieram nervously chuckled while he simultaneously sluice a mug as he turned to face your back. "Yeah, especially from her..." You face your bar companion, walking over next to him & dipping your hand in the detergent water to rinse the cloth. Feeling the tepid, clear liquid brought you some level of tranquility, especially from the dour streets of Zaun.
"You seem extra exhausted, do you maybe want something to drink? It might help" Thieram rests a hand on your shoulder, eyes meeting he offers a frail smile as he grabs another mug & resumes to cleaning more glass cups. "I'd like a drink, how about it, yeah?" The addition of the playful voice has you tense up, out of the corner of your eye, you notice sky blue hair styled in braids that you know far too well. "J-Jinx! What do you want now? I‐ Um..." Thieram goes mute, staring at the floor before snatching your cloth & scrubs away at the bar counter.
"Well? I'm waiting for my drink. I want my usual, please and thank you!" Jinx giggles as she plays with the ends of her braids like a bored child. You sigh before pouring some grog in a glass cup & adding a straw. Treading her way, you slide the mug at her slowly. As you're about to turn & walk away, a cool chill runs up your arm as you feel whetted nails poke harshly at your skin. "Hey bud, how come you don't hang out with me anymore?" She pouts at your direction while simultaneously playing with the straw, you subtly look at Thieram who is avoiding looking at your direction.
"Do you not like playing with me anymore?" While still having that sad look on her face, there's a faint hint of vemon on her tongue. You swallow hard, you move your hands under the counter to hide their trembling. "I'm... not tired of playing with you. It's just that- You know, working at the Last Drop & having to deal with countless customers and the streets here aren't forgiving so-" Each word fell out your mouth with increasing speed & you felt like you were about run out of breath. You seize a random mug from under the counter in an endeavor to calm your nerves. "hm, why don't you just quit? I'm sure Chuck can handle things by himself, yeah?" She clasps her hands as she takes a few gulps from her drink, sighing & snickering as she parts from the straw.
"H-Hey! It's Thieram, now. Call me Thieram" His words fall on deaf ears as she lifts the straw up from the cup with her mouth & grasps it between her pointer & middle finger, "Chill out Chuck, no harm down" Jinx swirls around, abruptly standing up & making her way over the counter. You struggle against Jinx as she tugs at your arm roughly. "Jinx! I can't just leave, I have to finish up my shift. I can't afford to lose this job!" Her tugging halts, eyes just staring at you but she seems to be lost in her thoughts. You cautiously removed her grasp on you & back away at a turtle's pace, fearing any sudden motions will cause an episode from the lapis haired girl.
Jinx mumbles something incoherent as she hoists her head to stare at the ceiling. After a few seconds of torturous silence, Jinx snatches the cup & drinks the liquor in one gulp. "Thanks for the drink! I appreciate it. I'll see you soon!" She boops your nose as she exits the vacant bar. Your stare remains at the doors as if waiting for her to pop up again to reveal she never left. "You...still need to help close things up..." Thieram rubs the back of his neck avoiding to make eye contact like getting caught telling a lie. You sough, inspecting the counter, "At least she didn't leave a bomb" You hear Thieram sigh in relief just as you snatch a couple mugs & begin to rinse them, allowing the faint tune to ease your mind.
Each step felt hefty, a cough rising up your throat & escaping you mouth from the amount of smoke from the cigarettes surrounding you. You grip onto the timber handrails, gliding your hand as you tread up towards the second floor. The wallpaper fading off revealing the decayed wall with some patches of coal black. The second floor, while seeming in much better shape than the space below, still had fragments of chipped wallpaper & the smell of rot idled, each step provoked a creak from below with dents visible on the ground.
Standing in front of an entrance, you seize the handle of the door taking a deep breath. Opening the door laggardly, glancing around the room before quietly stepping inside. The scent of smoke, while to a less degree, dawdle in the space nearly provoking another cough if you didn't clasp a hand over lower face. The room was antiseptic, aside from some specks of dust & cobweb in the corners, it had an off sense of comfort from the sullied exterior.
You glance over at the desk ahead with the back of the chair facing you. A tiny tint of light flashes by a small mirror disc accompanied by a low hum. Crimson red can be seen clearly on the mirror glancing at you, "Ah, it's you" A low chuckle emits from the Eye of Zaun, turning to face you, you stand there keeping your arms to your side & peer at the head of the undercity like a deer in headlights. "I suppose everything went well in the Last Drop?" Silco lights a cigar awaiting a response.
You eye around the room debating if you should take a step forward or not. "You don't need to stand so far, you can walk closer if you choose to" Silco hoists his head to stare at the ceiling as clouds of smoke rise before it fades away, you hesitantly inch your way closer to Silco, "Can I...take a seat?" you grasp the chair & lightly pull it back, his gaze meeting yours for a few seconds. "Of course, take a seat. You seem quite tired" He huffs a quiet snicker as you perch yourself down on the seat, "Yeah, lots of customers today and...an unexpected last one that made my shift go longer"
Silco places the cigar into the ashtray before leaning back on his chair, "I see, but you managed. That's much more than I can say about the lost souls on our streets, yes?" Talking with Silco, while something you did quite regularly by either Jinx dragging you her lair to hang out or Silco himself calling you over to discuss, still had you tense fearing that if you don't hold it together you'll never see the light of day again.
"Is something on your mind?" Silco lifts himself of his chair & walks toward you, you subconsciously begin to play with the edges of your clothes, his gaze feeling intense on you. "Is someone bothering you?" Your chair is abruptly turned around & before you know it, you're staring at Silco with his nose scrunched as his red & blue eyes seem to have some fire behind them. "Give me a name and I'll take care of the rest" The feeling of his cold hand land on your arm causes you to jolt, the coolness of his palm feeling like being electrocuted. You've heard of the Eye of Zaun having a cold touch but never realized how chilly it was.
"No! No, nothing's bothering me" You brush your fingers against your arm, feeling the gelid cool of his touch fade. "I actually came here to tell you something that I think you'd be interested in hearing" You reach a hand out slightly but leave it hanging not knowing what to do with it before lowering it back on your lap. "I'm a busy man, but I can spare some time for you" Silco let's out chuckle before returning to his seat & picking up his cigar once more. "You have my fullest attention, my friend"
"Thank you. When I was done with my shift at the Last Drop & was in the Lanes, I noticed something soaring through the sky. It had a green tint and I know I probably shouldn't have but..." you avoid eyeing the man in front of you, already feeling his eyes narrow at you, he raises a brow as he smokes. "Go on" His voice stern, he rests his arms on his desk , returning the cigar in the ashtray. "I followed it to where it went, out of curiosity. I know it was dumb and I could've gotten hurt but I saw that it was a firelight! And it said something about going to one of your factories and when i heard that i thought it'd be smart to tell you" You reluctantly look at Silco, awaiting him to yell or be infuriated by your careless actions, saying how you could've been seen.
Silco remains silent, leaning his head back, seemingly pondering on what you said. "So I have a trail of those pests, hm. I least I'll be preparing now, thank you, my friend. But please do be careful" He looks at you, giving you a faint smile, "Of course, but also, one more thing" You stand up from the seat, hands resting on the head of the chair as your fingers faintly drum on the chair, "I heard them say someone about getting them for the plan but they never said a name. I'm guessing they're going to try and capture one of your workers?" "Probably, but we won't know until it happens. But I'll have preparations ready so dont worry" You hum in approval, the distant sound of chatter ring in your ears. "I request something from you, up in Piltover. I hope it's not much to ask"
The streets of Piltover were the complete antithesis of those of the Lanes or Zaun. The sun reflecting on the marble ground made the routes appear to glow, buildings standing with pride without a tint of soil as those around you chattered away without a care in the world. Walking up to a local academy, you sigh in relief seeing as no one was out in the halls, speculating all the students were attending their classes now. Strolling through the corridors, the feeling of eyes on you causes you to slouch a bit like a weigh on your shoulders as your steps slowed down, much to your dismay.
The murky hail of footsteps echoed in the corridor, you turn to look behind you but are met with nil, you resume pace until your ears capture giggles. You freeze up as the footsteps get closer, "Hey, I did say I'd see you again, didn't I?" By the tone of her sportful voice, you froze up unable to move like a corpse. "Nice outfit! Really makes you look like you're from Piltover" You began to dash down the halls, panic consuming your train of thought. "Huh? Hey! Where are you going?!" Jinx lays her head on her hands as she crouches down, on any other day yo would've tried to comfort her, but her seemingly following you here caused you to act on your fight or flight response as you kept running through the halls. "They're getting away!... You always scare away those close to you..." Jinx groans, hitting her head with her palms in a pathetic attempt to silence their voices.
"Shut up! I'm not scaring them away!" Jinx glances at you running off, lifting herself from her crouching position, "They just want to play...That's it! They just want to play with me!" Jinx twirls the end of her braids around her finger & without wasting another second, she begins to give chase, her cackling echoing through the corridor giving more reason to continue running, disregarding how tired you're getting. Turning a corner, you quickly hide within a classroom which was thankfully vacant. You press your face against the door as the sounds of rapid footsteps begin to disappear before all you can hear is silence.
You cautiously open the door, eyes widening in realization that if students were to leave their classes at this moment, Jinx without a doubt would decorate the area with her bombs. You hastily make your way through through the halls, listening in for any noise, you enter a random room to discover it to be a cafeteria. Tables neatly aligned with the other with enough room to move around in, you glide your hand on the smooth texture. "Excuse me, do you need any help?" You whip your head to the feminine voice, a girl with golden hair keeps a distance from you as her friend stands behind her with judging eyes. "Oh! um, no I don't. I just- Uh..." As you ponder on what to say, all three of you pick up on the sound of clinking as a small toy monkey lands between you & the girls. Recognizing the design anywhere, your gasp gets got in your throat as you harshly tremble, the girls seem baffled by the thing, just as the girl who called you was about to bent down to retrieve it, you shriek abruptly. "Don't touch it!"
Blue smoke invades the space & clouds your vision as you hide under one of the many tables. You can make out a figure opposite of the girls who were busy coughing up a storm to notice the figure until it spoke. "You aren't Y/N...hm, where are they?" The blue haired girl lifts a finger against her cheek just as one of the girls glance at Jinx as the smoke began to evaporate. "Who are you?!" The blonde girl shrieks as her friend bumps against the edge of a table, briefly groaning. "Did you throw that thing that exploded?!" Jinx perks up at the mention if her invention, her eyes brightening up, "It was cool right!? I'm quite proud of it. I'm sure I heard them here though, I'd love to hear what they would have to sat of it!"
Jinx clasps her hands as she bounces off the heels of her feet, she widens her eyes for a second before shaking her head with a scowl. "They wouldn't say something so terrible! They love my inventions!" Jinx waves her hand around as if shooing someone away. "Are you...?" The blonde ponders on the lapis haired girl in front of her, you hoist your hand up to your mouth in fear of Jinx hearing your breathing. You consider how to exit the space without them noticing you, Jinx snickers while swirling around, the blonde reaches behind her at her friend & snatching something from her. "What are you doing?!" The girl hangs onto the table as to not buckle, the blonde raises a pistol at Jinx, trying not to tremble in fright.
Jinx raises a brow before huffing at her, "I don't have time for a chitchat. I have a game to play with a friend here, now if you'll excuse me-" A shot is fired but misses, Jinx wheezes in amusement raising one hand up while the other reaches behind her. "If you wanted to play, you could've just asked... Shush Mylo, I'm sure they won't mind a little pause in our game" The girl fires again in panic, hitting the floor between Jinx's feet, Jinx lifts her arm to reveal her own firearm which she fires, hitting the other girl's leg.
The girl wails in agony as she collapses onto the floor gripping her leg tightly as she feels her warm blood seep through her fingers as tears begin to stream down her face. Another shot is heard which lightly grazes Jinx's arm, a hot sensation traveled through the braided girl's body as she traces her finger where the heat was, chuckling in merriment. "And here I was thinking you didn't even know how to hold a gun properly!" Jinx fired another shot, hitting the blonde's shoulder causing her to take a few steps back sucking in air through clenched teeth. You slowly crawl out of the table by the opposite side & make your way towards the door as quiet as a mouse.
"I won't let you hurt anyone here you psycho!" The blonde briefly glances at her friend, the girl is crying in pain as she drags herself away at a snail's pace. "You'll pay for hurting her!" The blonde lifts the gun, disregarding the seethes in pain as she fires two more shots. Jinx evades the bullets with ease, yawning in boredom as she twirls her gun around her finger, "Jeez, give me a real challenge here!" The blonde girl struggles to keep her head lifted as the blood loss from her shoulder seep down, forming a small puddle by her. "You've already shot five times, and with that pistol you have only one shot left" Jinx teases with mockery evident in her tone.
The girl feebly aims as Jinx cackles, raising her gun to the girl's friend with her finger ready on the trigger. You're right at the door, staring at the face-off, frozen in place with horror in your eyes fearing the two girl's fate. The girl fires the last bullet as she stumbles back gripping her shoulder & glancing at her friend. Jinx dodges the projectile with it almost hitting her side causing Jinx to silently wince, "Hit her side and you'll win..." She pulls the trigger on her gun with a deranged look on her features. The blonde shrieks in anguish holding her side as she feels her warm blood seeps, another shot is heard accompanied by the girl's friend crying loudly, too busy holding her leg to halt the blood from the other leg. Tears falls down both girl's cheeks as Jinx walks closer to both of them with a vast smile, you quietly exit the room, stumbling your way through the corridor attempting to run off from Jinx.
You stop your running, holding onto the cool wall as to not lose balance, you hear the sound of footsteps approaching but you're too tired at that point to move, waiting for Jinx to pick you up & drag you off. "Hey, are you okay? What's the matter?" A young woman strolls towards you, resting a hand on your cheek. The coolness of her touch feels electrifying, you subconsciously lean into her touch as you breath harshly. "Cafeteria- Two girls...gunshots" You struggle to muse the words above a whisper, the young woman's eyes lock on yours by your words. "Two students? Gunshots?! You stay here, I'll get enforcers!" Before you can respond, the woman runs off & out of your vision, you sigh in annoyance rubbing the bridge of your nose. "I need to get out of here before the enforcers get here" You contemplate getting Jinx but images of Jinx & her little twisted game of russian roulette flash in your skull, making you begin to walk off, hopeful not to get caught in the process.
Jinx groans as she stretches from hours of being crouched, the lair hued with blues & lavender purples with specks of pink as fragments of creations scattered throughout the floor where, one wrong step & you better pray you end up on the floor of the rotors, music blaring through the record player sending tiny vibrations on the iron ground . Fleeting footsteps echoed as a particular tall man appears in Jinx's burrow as he looks daggers at the blue haired scientist. "Jinx" The girl doesn't acknowledge the presence too busy tinkering away, "Jinx" Still not loud enough, the man turns to the origin of the music & slams his fist on the player, provoking it to screech before silence fills their ears.
Jinx whips her head baffled at what disturbed her tune, "Oh hi Silco! Want something?" Jinx shifts to stand up, lightly stretching as Silco remains mute with a grimace. "Do you mind explaining what on earth you did today?" Silco crosses his arms with a finger tapping hurriedly on his upper arm, Jinx tilts her head with a raised brow, "Mind elaborating? I do plenty of stuff everyday" "A little bird told me that a gunfight occurred at an academy up in Piltover" Silco walks up to Jinx's desk, eyeing the handmade bombs with crayon drawing added, "They found a quite peculiar bomb with a distinct design on it" Silco crashes his palms against the timber table, the handmade items momentarily trembling from the force.
"Two random pupils gunned down, nearly dying of blood loss. What were you doing over there?!" Jinx rocks on her heel bones glancing at her father seemingly pondering on his words. "Well, I was just walking by Piltover and I saw Y/N enter the building and thought, hey, I haven't hung out with them in a long time so I decided to go in! And we finally got to play, but it was short lived though, damn kids ruining my fun" Jinx switches from hyper to somber like a flip of switch, playing with her braid with an exaggerated sigh emitting from her. "Do you have any idea how much damage you've done?! I'm never going to hear the end from Marcus" Silco turns to face Jinx, being met with her fiddling around with a screwdriver with a smile.
"Oh relax, you're the Eye of Zaun, you can handle anything!" Jinx prances around Silco as her titters fill the space around them. Silco seizes his daughter's wrist, hindering her motions, "That doesn't mean that you can get away with anything without consequence" The Eye of Zaun liberates Jinx's wrist as he steps away from her, the blue hues blurring on Silco's crimson collar giving off a tint of deep purple.
"Well, if maybe they didn't have so much work at the Last Drop, I would've have been so bored" Jinx sulks momentarily before a sparkle flashes in her eyes, "Maybe they should work with you personally on a desk job! Or have them be my partner on missions!" Jinx cheers with a large grin like a child getting a new toy. Silco sighs placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose with his other hand on his hips, "If I sent them to work with me from a desk that'll be more work for them to do and if I sent them with you, who knows what dangers you might bring to them. We don't want them dead now, do we?" Silco rests his palms on her shoulders, Jinx eyes the floor, contrition on her face as she lightly kicks her leg against the ground.
"Can you at least give them less shifts?" Jinx wraps her arms around Silco's torso as he remains silent. "I miss them..." Silco wrapped his arms bit by bit, contemplating his daughter's request. "I'll think about it, Jinx"
The office door swings open, nearly crashing into the wall as Marcus enters the space in with heavy steps. The chair's back faces the Sheriff as a cloud of smoke is briefly visible before evaporating. "Weren't you ever taught to knock before you enter?" The chair swirls so that Silco now faces Marcus, the sheriff snatches the seat in front the desk & sits down, putting his headgear on the edge of the table. "Two girls at an academy were found bleeding profusely on the cafeteria floor with shot wounds" Two other enforcers stood beside the sheriff with some distance between him & the Eye of Zaun.
Silco hums in acknowledgement, laying his cigar in the ashtray & leaning back in his chair. "I'm aware of what has occurred, but don't worry, I'm having that situation sorted out" Marcus grips the the edge of the table, eyes narrowing, "Well, some of my men found this at the scene, and I'm sure you might recognize it" Marcus sets down a fragment of a grenade, some helix drawings of pink & blue scribbled on it. Silco remains quiet, gazing at it before lifting his head slightly to eye Marcus. "Like I said, I'm sorting it out as we speak, Marcus" "Another thing, a young woman claimed to have seen someone supposedly limping on the wall of a corridor, she says that they said gunshots, the girls and the cafeteria but was overall vague"
Marcus gently leans back as Silco raises a hand to his head, the other hand tapping on the desk quietly in rythm. "I see, do we know who this person exactly is?" Silco eyes the sheriff quickly, "No, the person dissapeared before enforcers arrived" Silco retreats his cigar just as he grabs a lighter, "Silco, the people of Piltover need to feel safe" "And do you want me to hand a random soul? Hooked to my shimmer? Barely able to make it pass a day in the Lanes or undercity?" Marcus sighs holding his head in his palms. "Those girls could have died, they might be too scared to attend classes" "Then tell them and all of Piltover that you found the threat and... made sure they'd never hurt anyone ever again, yes?"
Marcus promptly stands up, hands clenching on the desk, knuckles turning white. "I take care of the threat and you make sure the people feel secure, that is the deal" Silco leans forward, elbows resting on the table, the sheriff silently groans & turns around. "Fine, you better keep whoever almost murdered the girls on a leash, got it?" Marcus grabs his headgear as he begins to walk towards the entry, both enforcers trailing behind. "Of course" Silco eyes a drawer, grazing his cool fingers on the handle where his shimmer laid, the Eye of Zaun stares at Marcus briefly before eyeing the ceiling, Jinx's jottings doodled on full display, "Anything to shield those close"
You don't know what happened. One moment you're walking along the streets of the Lanes & next thing you knew, you were running like hell. Bangs echoed throughout the streets, roaring rings in your ears as you dash around every corner in an attempt to hide from your chaser like a prey running it's predator. The echo of a shot being fired is heard before you collapse on the callous ground, a revolting hotness coursing through your leg. You groan in agony feeling your warm blood form a puddle beneath you, "Finally..." You hear the roaring quiet down & for a second, you presume that they left.
You're all of a sudden grabbed & lifted from the soiled ground & hoisted on someone's shoulder. Panicking, you start kick your chaser but your actions prove futile. "Quit it, unless you want to end up with a broken leg" A deep voice echoes through the avenue, you hear thundering as a tint of green is seen within your vision, "Shit, c'mon work with me..." He sough in chagrin, looking to the side at where the bridge is. "It's close enough, now don't make a noise, unless you want to deal with enforcers" You hang your head low as if in defeat as the man tramps his way towards the bridge.
Each of his steps rang on the bridge as the moonlight made the waters below glow with much beauty. The man holding you on his shoulder strolls by the edge as to not get caught by any of the enforcers. You feel this odd weight on your back but assume it to just be your captor, feeling too tired to fight back. You attempt to hoist your head to gaze at the dark sky, clear with visible beaming stars but out of the corner of your vision, you notice something peculiar, something blue. It vanishes by the time you blink, speculating that you're visualizing things that aren't there.
As you both reach the middle of the bridge, he looks over the concrete rails just as shots echo through the night. You're thrown to the ground feeling the small pebbles against your palms, the man quickly shrieks pressing his gloved hand to his side & retreating it to be met with blood coating his fingertips. Another shot & he turns to face the cause of the shots, blood flowing down his cheek like water in a river. Cackling rings around you two as the occasion hue of blue invades & fades from your vision. "Dammit! I don't have time for this" He motions to take hold of you but a bullet flies between you two, ceasing his movements. Ticking repeats that speeds up violently has you tense, a sudden explosion of smoke engulfs you two.
A dark figure walks up behind you as what seemed to be their hair, that appeared braided, bounced with every step. Before he could open his mouth, the figures dashes in front of him & smacks him with an uppercut with what you think is a heavy gun. "Hey! Are you alright?" the feminine voice rushes to your side cupping your cheeks as her pink eyes show concern within her irises. "Did he hurt you?" "Jinx..." You both hear the man groan as he begins to stand up, Jinx is quick to reveal her handmade pistol & fire at his leg, causing him to collide with the ground once more. "Shut it! I'm trying to protect them!" Jinx waves her hand around the air before letting it rest on the top of her head. The man jabs Jinx to the side as he roughly seizes you once more trying not to buckle from his leg wound, "Guys! I need some help up here!"
Deranged pink eyes stare with rage, Jinx stiffly lifts herself off the floor, "Damn Firelights...Always buzzing around where they shouldn't...!" Three firelights flew above you three momentarily before one, with a what seemed to be a mask in the form of a hummingbird, descend towards the man. "What happened? You got them, let's go" "We can't, not with her ass here" The hummingbird mask draws out a hatchet, the silver shining faintly from the moonlight, "I'll deal with her" The hummingbird mask woman wings towards the blue haired scientist as the man begins to move forward with you held tightly against his shoulder.
"Don't take them away!" Jinx evades the hummingbird's strikes, with aimed precision, Jinx shoots her board & she collapses to the ground with a groan. Jinx shoot the other direction, wail of anguish filling her ears. She walks up to the fallen hummingbird & directs her firearm against the firelights head, "I won't let any of you take them away from me" Jinx glances at her machine gun briefly at the edge of the sidewalk of the bridge, away from sight just as another firelight with an owl mask strives to withdraw Jinx's weapon. Jinx steps away & begins to fire away at those above. You stiffly get back on your feet & cling onto the indurate railings, the stone rubbing roughly against your palm.
In the distance, a few more figures stroll toward the brawl but are barely visible from your head banging harshly against your skull, holding your head in one hand as if suffering from a migraine. The figure in the middle raises its arm as a amethyst gleam emits from the figure on the right. The remaining firelight descends down to also seize Jinx's weapon but is pierced by a metallic arm hued in a purple glow. "Sevika!? How did you-" "You can't go a day without causing trouble, can you?" Sevika pins the remaining firelight by its neck, pressing her robotic arm against their windpipe as they claw at her arm to no avail. Jinx dashes to her machine gun just as the hummingbird woman gets on her board & flies above the two girls.
Jinx rapidly fires at the firelight with an unhinged look in her eyes as the firlight dodges her bullets. You tumble forward seeking not to get caught in the riot, the man seizes your arm abruptly tugging you back violently. You grunt in anguish as you struggle against his grip, the man is shunted against the concrete railings that would surely leave a bruise. A tall figure with purple specks littered throughout its face & neck turns to you & beckons you to ramble towards the figure ahead, gazing at the riot from a secure distance.
You pace towards the lanky figure with uneven steps, your breathing heavy as you hang your head low as to not get hit by Jinx's bullets. You don't look behind you fearing of witnessing the fate of the man who promptly held you hostage as you get closer to the remaining figure. It stood high with its arms behind its back, glancing with multicolored eyes that anyone from the undercity could recognize. Tumbling to the ground, you whip you head to see what was occurring. Flecks of blood painted the stone ground, Sevika was fighting with the firelight with the owl mask, blood running down her nose as she clawed at their face with her shimmered robot arm, leaving fresh marks & cracks on the mask. Jinx, with her machine gun, lands a blow on the board which then causes the firelight to plunge on the bridge.
The hummingbird firelight wouldn't go down without a fight though, they took out a pistol before firing it in Jinx's direction, the shot echoing as Jinx snickers, "You should learn how to aim better" She cackles as she steps near the fallen firelight. Disregarding her larger weapon for a smaller firearm, Jinx directs it on the firelight's head & before they could react, the trigger is pulled as the ringing of the shot fills Jinx's ears, blood splattered across her face with a wicked smile. You groan arching onward as the figure ahead steps forward & kneels in front of you, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner" Silco rests a hand on your shoulder, glancing up to see Jinx walk up to the two of you, Jinx halts in her movements, eyeing you clutch your side as crimson red seeps through your clothes. "Are they alright?!" Jinx rushes to your side, trying to get you to remove you hand from the red spot on your outfit.
As she manages to seize both your hands, Silco gently touches your side, provoking you to wince as blood lightly tinted his fingertips. "It's bleeding slowly, we'll need to bandage them up" Jinx delivering picks you up, guilt on her face as she quietly shakes her head trying to ignore the voices in her head.
Jinx paces back & forth rambling to herself as Silco leans back eyeing his daughter in distress. "What if shot was too deep? What if they're dying right now? What if-" Silco hoists himself up & treads towards his panicky daughter, resting on hand on her shoulder while the other caresses her cheek soothingly. Jinx grabs onto Silco's wrists, breathing erratically, "It'll be okay, Jinx" Jinx leans her head onto his chest, hugging him as Silco lifts a hand & gently pets her head. Books, papers & chemicals crowded together made the space within feel claustrophobic, essence of chemicals & shimmer lingered in the air as hues of green & purple were practically the only source of light within the area.
A dark cloaked figure appears from the darkness of the room, steps slow yet stern. Silco softly removes Jinx from his chest, purple tints with burn scars littered on the figure's upper face as it covers the lower part with a torn scarf. "How are they?" The figure takes sluggish steps around the two, gliding his hand by the substances before hindering his movements by a giant cylinder with a lizard like creature floating in the liquids, tubes covering its mouth & scattered throughout its body as if to keep it alive. "They'll live, just need to rest" Silco glances at the man before eyeing the dying creature, "The mutation must live on" The man lays his hand on the cylinder, the lukewarm liquid with his chilly touch feeling almost electric. "You understand, don't you?"
Silco waves him away, guiding Jinx with him in the space you're resting in. Your side clothed in bandages, blood sluggishly seeping & painting the bind cherry red. A noticeable contusion on your arm, presumably when the firelight grabbed your arm when attempting to walk away, Silco touches the blemish as tenderly as possible, red with tints of blue & purple color your arm as you slightly flinch by his cold touch.
Jinx leans against the stone wall, eyes examining the room as well as subtly kicking her foot quietly. "Can I take them with me?...With us?" Silco turns his head raising a brow, Jinx pushes herself off the wall & strolls towards the both of you, hair bouncing with each step. "Jinx, we can't just-" "I'll have them in my lair, my room. Practically no one besides you or them knows where it is, don't you think that would be safer? A place no one else knows about beside us?" Silco hums processing her question & statement.
He sees where Jinx is coming from, a place where you can easily rest without distraction & he can visit without the fear of you being hurt. But then that leaves Jinx, unstable mental health & seemingly hears voices in her head of those long gone from when she was Powder. Silco stands up, dusting off his shoulder, "Do you promise not to let harm come to them? Not even by your episodes?" Jinx seizes your hand, thumb rubbing counter clockwise on the back of your hand. "Yes, I promise! I'll make sure they get all the rest they need...Oh! It'll be like playing nurse, how fun!"
Silco eyes those who still have some level of strength in them as two begin a brawl for a tiny tube of shimmer, looking back where he lost saw his daughter Silco then eyes the statue of his old friend who he at a point in his life called a brother. "I'll do anything to liberate Zaun from Piltover" Silco faintly chuckles as he paces towards his daughter's direction, vowing to protect both you & Jinx from the clutches of the city above.
In a heartbeat, Jinx picks you up letting your head rest on her chest & commences her journey to her home. Silco walking out the room, he glances at the man who eyes him in question, the Eye of Zaun merely shrugs as he exits the area & returns on the streets of the undercity. Souls cowering on the streets, fatigued & thirsty as children rummage through trash for something to entertain themselves with. Silco gazes at a pair of blue braids turning the corner before disappearing from his sight.
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