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Just wanted to let people who are following my yandere story "Happier", that chapters might be coming out slower because my next quarter for college is starting, so I'm going to be kinda busy.
I'm still going to keep working on this. Don't worry. Just wanted to give a heads up, just in case some people think I might have just suddenly dropped it and vanished. I do intend to try and finish it.
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Happier Chapter 9
Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or any links. I only own the concept idea to this story and the story itself.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but it has unforeseen consequences.
Reader Pov
"MMMMPPPHHH!!!" I let out a muffled yell of pain. One of my kidnappers stomping on my braced leg; the leg brace being broken a while ago with some of the parts being bent or broken off.
I tried to escape, I really did, but that blow to the head really isn't me doing me any favors. They snuck me back down here to the deep end of the Undercity and once far enough away, they started their "payback" in some fucking dead end alleyway. Taking turns punching, kicking, slapping and just overall beating me to a pulp.
"Hey! Remember not to mess her up too much. We won't get paid if you break the merchandise" The woman who I determined as the boss of the rest of the group.
"Oh c'mon! We did this to get payback didn't we!?" one guy says as he kicks me on the ground as a heave for breathe.
"Yes, we did. We also all want to make an actual pay from this right?," their boss says and I can only guess the others agree, "Then we can't fucking kill her! We fuck her up, let her have what has been coming for a long time and then get paid. After that we can start making big moves down here, especially after this bitch is stuck in recovery." she says as she grabs my hair and lifts my head up to show them my state before throwing me back into the dirty alleyway floor.
"Fine. Still gonna have our fun though." Someone says kicking me in the back, the bruises that were already beginning to form from earlier assaults making the pain much worse.
I feel emotions rising again, but I don't shed tears for them. That would just make them happy. Instead I hold out and hope for this to be over soon; for the pain to just stop already. But a part that I try to bury down still sticks to my mind. A part of me that fears that this won't end, that they won't stop, they'll get carried away or change there minds.
'What if I die here?' the thought runs through my head as someone else decides to join in and get their hits in. The pain not getting any better, and only escalating as I scream out from behind my bindings.
Powder Pov
"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Ekko asks as we dance together as the music plays and people party and mingle around us.
"Two things. First, Y/n and I talked and she said some things that really touched me and open something up in me. So, I want to present the power cell with you. As partners, like you said you wanted to; before I walked off on you like a bitch. Sorry about that by the way." I say, feeling a little guilty now that I think back on when Ekko first asked me and I got upset at him.
"Really!? That's great! And you don't have to apologize for being upset. You were going through some things. We all do. But are you sure? You really want to do this with me?" he asks which makes me smile.
"Yes. I really do. I-I don't want to be stuck. I was scared of messing it all up and screwing things up for you too. I thought I would fail at it all..... but then Y/n talked to me. I'm still scared, but if I fail, I want to work through it. I wanna push forward and keep trying. I want to do that with you, Ekko." I admit, and he smiles and we lean into each other and have an intimate moment together on the dance floor.
Ignoring a random whistle and comment towards us from someone who is probably drunk as shit, even though the party just started.
We pull apart and continue dancing; holding each other close and I feel a weight be lifted off my shoulders. Finally feeling..... free.
"You don't know just how happy that makes me Powder. I promise you won't regret it," he says with determination in hus voice making me smile at his steeled resolve, "And the second thing?" He asks, making me a little nervouse.
"Right. So y'know how we said we would talk about our "thing" with Y/n tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Why?" he asks as he furrows his brows.
"Well when Y/n talked with me she said some things that were really touching and meaningful and then something inside me was just like 'Oh shit. I love her,' sooooo I may have kiiiiiiisssed heeer" I say as I shrink back slightly, afraid that he will be mad.
"......Okay." he says casually which makes me stunned and we stop dancing.
"Okay. Surprisingly, I'm not mad."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Usually I would, but this is Y/n we're talking about. We both know we have a "thing" for her, and I honestly don't mind," he explains making me relax more as I hold his hands, "Is that weird?" He asks and I take a moment to genuinely think on it before answering.
"No, at least, I don't think it is. Even if it were the other way around, I don't think I would be mad either. As long as it's her," I say as I think back on those beautiful words that Y/n let spill from her lips. Her soft lips, "She makes me feel a certain way. Just like you. She brings something out of me that I didn't know was there." I say, and I hear Ekko chuckle.
"I know. She's also kind." "Caring too." "Loves Isha." "Always wants to help." "Cute too." "More like hot as fuck."
We bounce off of each other as we list the things we have grown to love about Y/n in just a month of knowing her. I smile and think back fondly on all the times we spent with Y/n and Isha. Just living life happily together.
"I love her, Ekko."
"I love her too." He says and we both stand there, two idiots in love with someone and wanting to bring her into our lives.
"You think.... You think she might feel the same way?" I ask him with hope in my voice.
"I don't know. You're the one who kissed her. You tell me." he says with a laugh.
"Well she didn't push me away, but she also didn't kiss back, although I think that's mostly because she was in shock. You should have seen her face."
"I got a glimpse of it when you two came back. Looked like her brain was fried" he says and we both laugh a little at that, "Since we're on the topic; how was it? The kiss?"
"It wa-"
"Hey you two!" I am interrupted by being pulled into a tight hug by none other than my sister Vi.
"Hey sis." I say in a strained voice.
"Happy you made it." Ekko says, his voice also strained and I see Cait shaking her head over Vi's shoulder.
"Of course we made it! This is a big night! Sevika's here too, but she went straight to the bar for a drink." Vi says as she somehow squeezes us tighter.
"Sweetie, you're gonna kill them if you hold them any tighter," Cait says, making Vi let go and take a step back, "You two looked like you were in a good mood. I'm guessing the energy cell was a success?" Cait asks.
"You know it. I already have it on display and ready for Powder and I to present to investors and the judges." Ekko says, making Vi perk up at the mention of my name.
"Together?" Vi asks, and both she and Cait look towards me expectantly so I give them a nod, making them both brighten up more, "That's great! Amazing! So are you two are going into this as partners?" Vi says excitedly making me smile at her encouragement.
"Of course. It's like what Y/n said. We're gonna rattle the stars." I say as I think back on those beautiful words that reached and touched such a deep part of me.
Suddenly I feel something ram into my lower back, almost throwing me off balance, begore quickly turning aroundto see Isha in a new frilly dress. Looking very happy.
"Isha! Look at you! When did you become royalty?" I ask as I kneel down to get a better look at her and she does a twirl to show off her dress to us.
"I didn't know Isha was a princess. Cupcake, why didn't you say anything?" Vi says jokingly and get's a pinch on her arm.
"I'm not a princess, and my family isn't royalty. We just collected a lot of influence over all of the years." Cait defends herself.
"So, basically royalty then." Ekko says, making the rest of us chuckle as I pick up Isha, and Caut sighs in defeat.
"Ekko! Powder! There you guys are, I've been looking for you two," I hear and turn to see Mylo and he does a double take at Vi and Cait, "Oh, hey! Good to see you two made it."
"What did you need?" I ask.
"Just wanted to let you know there's already some high profile looking people eyeing your energy cell, if you wanted to leave some early impressions on some investor's before the competition. Claggor is already showing off our plant. See?." he says as he points in a direction and we see Claggor showing off their invention to some people.
"Shouldn't you be with him?" Ekko asks and Mylo burshes it off and blows a rasberry.
"That's more of Claggor's thing. I'm better off mingling with the ladies." he says smugly and obviously eyeing at Gert on stage.
"You're such an idiot" I say as I shake my head, before feeling Ekko grab my hand as Vi tries to give him some advice on what not to do with women.
"Wanna make an impression?" Ekko asks and I look at Isha who nods her head happily.
"That looks like a yes. But first; hey sis! Cait!," I call to them and grab their attention, "Can you ask Y/n to meet us at Ekko's display? She helped us make it too, so I want her to be there when we show it off. That's fine, right?" I ask Ekko and get a nod.
"No problem! Where is she amyway? You four Are usually always hanging out together." she says with implication in her voice.
"She was sitting at the bar the last time we saw her. She should still be there," I say before adding on more thing, "And if she looks like she's in shock or contemplating something. That's fine. Just send her our way." I say we start walking away to where I would presume Ekko's display is.
"Don't worry, we'll find her." Cait says reassuringly before we start heading to the power cell; it already having people inspecting it.
"You ready?" Ekko asks me and I nod.
Caitlyn Pov
"Can you believe it, Cupcake? Powder is gonna present with Ekko! She's finally gonna get out there and show off to the world." Vi says excitedly. Which I understand completely considering all the times I've heard about Powder holding herself back.
"She looked happy. I wonder what made her so confident to try now?"
"I'm willin' to bet it's her and Ekko's latest eye candy," Vi says with a smirk, "Those two are lovesick if you ask me." she says as we look for the girl in question around the bar area.
'Who would've thought an investigation would lead to a new addition of our family and friends.' I think back to just a month ago when we first met Y/n in this bar. I was slightly scared of her then, but afterwards she showed a much mofe gentle side of her. One that cared and laughed.
"Vi! Cait! It's good to see you two made it!" Vander calls out as he finishes serving a handful of people.
"Of course we made it. We wouln't miss such a big night." Vi says as we approach the counter.
"I saw you two lookin' around the bar. Somethin' wrong?" he asks sounding concerned.
"Nothing at all. We were just looking for Y/n. Powder and Ekko want her there with them to present their power cell, and said she should be here. Probably in an unusual state too, but Powder said that's fine." I explain to get rid of his worries.
"Oh, good. Don't need trouble on such a goon night. Last I saw she looked freaked out about somethin' before going out the back door for a breather. Though I don't know where she went afterwards, Silco and I got busy once the party started kickin' up."
"Thank you. We'll go check to see if she's still out there." I say as I glancs at Vi and nod towards the door, before making our way there.
Once outside and in the alleyway that the door leads to, we do a quick scan around to see if she's here.
"Damn. Not here either. You don't think she got drunk and wandered off do you?" Vi asks me with some worry in her voice.
"No. Vander would have told us if she drank. I also don't think he would have let her out here on her own is she was drunk."
"That's true. He wouldn't risk that on any of us." She says as she goes deeper into the alley to see if she might be nearby, and I head the opposite way towards the main street.
As I walk, I suddenly hear a small wet sound when I take a step.
'It didn't rain today.'
I take a step back and look down before kneeling to get a closer look. My eyes widen slightly at what I knew was blood. My shoe making a print of it and some drops of it surrounding the area I stepped
"You got something over there Cupcake?" Vi asks, but I don't respond. Trying not to panic.
'It could be from anything.' I thought before spotting something familiar laying near a trash bin.
"Cupcake? You okay?" Vi asks now behind me, but I get up and quickly walk towards the object and pick it up. My eyes widening.
Y/n's helmet. No doubt about it with the bunny ears Isha drew on it. It's dented in the back and I turn back to Vi, her now leaning down inspecting the blood before looking up at me and her eyes widen in fear just like my own at the helmet before looking into my eyes. We have a wordless conversation through our eyes before rushing back inside.
Y/n was in danger.
Powder Pov
"With this, it should produce a much more effecient power cell. Both for long-term use and energy efficiency. We...." Ekko continues to explain to people that have shown interest in the energy cell. It's been going great. Isha seemed to like the attention when we mentioned how she along with Y/n helped us with putting it together. Speaking of.
'Where is she?'
It shouln't be taking this long for Vi and Cait to find her. Unless Y/n herself didn't want to come, but they would have told us if Y/n refused.
I take a glance around the bar and try to see if I can spot her when I see Vi and Cait rushing in through the back door, not caring to close it. I see them rush over to the bar and immediately grabbing Dad, Silco, Sevika and Benzo's attention, as I see fear on their faces. My heart starts beating faster at their expressions and only get's worse when I see the other three's expressions go from shocked to fear.
I hold Isha closer at that and tighten my hold on Ekko's hand and give it a tug to the side.
"Um, could you give us one second?," Ekko asks them before stepping aside with Isha and I, "Powder, what's wrong?" he asks and I only nod towards the bar and he looks to see what I see. Isha noticing as well.
We move forward to try and get a better look at what's happening through the crowd, and I spot something in Cait's hands. Something I recognize immediately as we get a better angle.
"Y/n's helmet." Ekko says for me with with worry in his voice.
I see a dent in the back of it and look up and see that Cait has spotted us. She doesn't need to say anything for me to know what happened. I can see it in her eyes.
Y/n was attacked, and by her absence took also her.
'Someone kidnapped Y/n.'
Something inside me awakens at that thought. I don't care. Y/n was taken away. We need to get her back.
I need her.
We need her.
Reader Pov
How long has it been? Minutes? Hours? I don't know. All I feel is pain and exhaustion as I lay limp in a dirty alley. I tried to grt away from it all and dissasociate, but the pain is too much. My throat feels strained from all the yelling and screaming.
"Alright! I think that's enough. We gotta move before someone finds us here," Their boss says, but I feel a foot apply weight on my braced leg. I only groan in pain as I am too tired and in too much pain to scream, "I said enough! Anymore and you'll kill her."
"And!? This bitch has had this coming for a long time!" The man from earlier yells out.
"Because then we can't get paid, remember? We got our payback; now we get paid." Their boss says again.
"I say we off her here and now. Bitch deserves it." A different woman says and I hear some murmurs of agreement from the others.
"Are you guys crazy!? We do that and the enforcers will come down on us harder than they already are now!" Their boss says, trying to regain authority, but it doesn't sound like it's going well.
"She's the reason why they're hitting us as hard as they're in the first place! What happens after she recovers and comes for us!?" the other woman says, getting more murmurs of agreement.
"I say we send a message." I hear the guy from earlier say. I start panicking as I see someone hand him my shovel that was taken off of me and start walking towards me.
"Hey! This is not the plan!," Their boss tries to step in front of me to stop him, but is blocked by others and moved aside, "Are you guys serious!? If you do this we're fucked!"
I try to get up to run or fight. To at least do something, but I'm too tired and in too much pain. I can only hardly push myself up with my arms before being stomped on my back.
'This is it? Dead in a fucking alleyway?,' I thought as I am kicked to roll over on my back. The others all cheering the man on as he steps over me, 'Maybe this is the cost? Time letting me face the consequences of my actions,' I barely stare up at the man as he lifts my shovel high over his head. Ready to bring it down onto me, 'As long as they live.' I try to accept, but then the memories come running back to me.
Talking with Vander, Silco and Benzo.
Listening to Heimerdinger play toons on the street.
Messing around with Claggor and Mylo.
Having tea with Cait and Vi.
Sevika showing her tough love.
Going out with Powder, Ekko and Isha.
Talking, laughing, caring and living.
'I want to live.'
I move my head last second and the shovel imapcts the ground next to my head and I use as much strength as I can muster curl up and kick him away. I use the force of the kick to roll over onto my feet and try to run in the confusion, but don't make it far. Someone manages to trip me and I fall down again.
"Damn! She still has some fight left in her! Not enough luck though!" The guy says with a laugh as I try to get up, but I get stomped on my leg.
"Stop! If you do this we're done for!" their boss, or maybe former boss, tries again to stop him but is stopped.
I can only look over my shoulder as the man with my shovel stands over me again and raises it high.
'At least I tri-'
"AAAGH Shit!" The man yells as he drops the shovel and blood spills from his hand. I look forward and see Cait and Vi there.
"Drop your weapons now! Or else!," Cait yells out orders, but no one moves. She shoots near one's head and only barely misses, "I'm not asking again! Drop! Them!," she commands them and they follow orders this time, "Back away from her to the end of the alley! Now!" she says and I glance back to see them continuing to follow orders.
I hear Cait and Vi get closer to me and I can only make brief eye contact with Vi before they move to stand between me any kidnappers. I hear people running from where Cait and Vi arrived and look forward again.
"Cait! Vi! What happ-......" I feel a wave of relief go through me as I hear Powder's voice and see Ekko next to her with Claggor and Mylo behind her.
They rush over and untie my restraints before gently turning me over after seeing my state. Powder gently lifts my head to lay it on her lap instead of the cold floor and brushes some hair from my face. I can't help but let tears fall now and cry. I turn myself into her and she holds me close; not too tight because of my bruised body.
"Someone get her gun." Vi says and Ekko is quick to respond and get's it from the floor and brings it back to Powder and I. Handing it to Powder to hold onto.
"Kids! What's goin' on!?," I hear Vander's voice now, rushing towards us and I peak out from my embrace with Powder to see him, Silco and Sevika. Vander is wearing his old gauntlets. They give me concerned looks before staring down the alley at the thugs on the other end, "What happened." Vander says, sounding more like a command than a question.
"They were going to kill her. We got here right before that guy was about to cave her head in." Vi answers and I feel Powder stiffen at that. I feel her hold on me only tighten a little. Not too much to hurt me, but just to have me closer.
"Ekko." She says and no other words are exchanged. He looks over at the thugs, specifically at the one bleeding from his hand before he picks up my shovel from the floor.
He walks forward and before the guy can step back Ekko swings the shovel at him, knocking him to the ground; the others backing away from the sudden outburst.
"Wait! Wai-" he's cut off as Ekko doesn't stop. He keeps beating on the guy on the ground. No one tries to stop him. Not even Cait; who keeps her rifle aimed at the other thugs.
"Wait, he doesn't ha-" I try to protest through a strained voice, but Powder just cradles my head closer to not see what's happening.
"Shhh. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Everythings okay now." she says as I hear the guy's yells and screams and Ekko beating him senseless. I hear bones break, blood leaking and more screams.
"Stop! He's had enough!," I hear their boss say, but Ekko doesn't stop. He ignores her and keeps going. I feel one of Powder's arm loosen and peak out to see the woman go step forward to grab Ekko, "Sto-" *BANG*
I hear a familiar gunshot. Not from Cait. Powder's arm with my gun in hand is extended out towards the woman. Powder shot her. The woman drops dead and I stare in shock at her corpse, before Powder wraps her arm around me to hold me close again. Ekko continuing to beat a man to death; his screams and yells getting weaker. I hear the breaking of bones and blood being spilled. No one stops him.
"Wh- Why did you....."
"It's fine. They deserve it." she says in a certain tone that sounds too familiar. Too much like Jinx.
I'm overwhelmed by emotions. Too much happening for me to know what to do. Eventually Ekko finally stops and I can hear his labored breathes.
"We-We won't resist arrest. We'll go to Stillwater!" I hear a thug says and getting no protests from the others.
"Vander. Y'know what needs to happen right?" I hear Silco ask, "They hurt one of ours. They were going to kill her." he continues in that cold tone I know all too well.
A few seconds goes by before I hear Vander's heavy footsteps walk forward towards where I know Ekko is.
"You're done here, Ekko. Kids! Take her home."
"What!? Dad, they were going to kill her! If Cait and I di-"
"There might be others who might try something Vi. Take her home," Vander says again as Ekko walks over Powder and I, "We'll handle the rest."
"What!? We'll turn ourselves in! We won't bother he-" the voice is cut off by a loud impact.
'What are they doing!?'
"Come on, let's go home." Ekko says as he picks me up gently and I can only get a peak over his shoulder at what is happening. I see another dead body in front of Vander, there head looking like it was caved in. Powder runs a hand through my hair before gently coaxing my head to lean into Ekko.
"Don't worry about them Y/n. Get rest." she says as if there isn't a massacre about to happen.
As we leave Vander, Slico and Sevika in the alley with the rest of the thugs, I can feel my exhaustion taking over. The screams and yells being left in the distance. My eyelids grow heavy before I have no choice but to sleep. Too tired and hurt to fully process anything that is happening.
"It's okay. You're safe now. Just rest. Isha is waiting for you back home." Powder says softly before I finally drift off into sleep.
Hope you enjoyed. And hopefully 2025 is a good year for everyone. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
#arcane au#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi
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Happier Chapter 8
Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or any links. I only own the concept idea for this story.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences.
Reader Pov.
I'm in a clear white space with blue pulsing light that that endlessly spread throughout the whole space. Up, down and around. I don't know how I got here, but a little ways away from me I see someone. A hooded figure with some kind of staff.
"Hello?" I call out and the figure turns to me, though I can't make out a face under the hood. A sharp pain suddenly goes through my skull and I black out.
My eyes shoot open and I feel my body being shaken on the bed again and grunts that I know only one little girl makes. I turn my head and see Isha trying to shake me awake, which makes me smile and forget about the weird dream.
"Five more minutes," I grumble and turn over to the other side, making Isha climb onto the bed and shaking me more to wake up. Her little grunts and hums insisting that I wake up for the day, "*sigh* Okay, I'm up. I'm up." I say as I sit up and get a morning hug from Isha. Her hug being much tighter than before, since her body has become much more healthy during this passing month. Along with more energy to run and jump around.
After separating from the warm hug, Isha hops off the beg and grabs my shoes and leg brace for me as I scoot over and swing my legs over the side. She helps me get my shoes on and put on my leg brace; tightening the lower straps while I tighten the higher one's before holding my hands and helping me stand up. The cane no longer needed now that I have enough strength in the rest of my body to balance myself, but my braced leg still not fully recovered, but getting better. I let out a big stretch and groan before putting on my gear. Isha almost immediately tugs on my hand after I'm ready and heads towards the bedroom door. Always acting like she's my nurse or caretaker ever since she started getting healthier.
What has felt like a little over a month has been nice. Therapeutic in a way. It felt like home again. Having talks with Vander, Silco and Benzo. Getting to know the older Claggor and Mylo and what their interests are and bantering like old times. Talking with Sevika, Vi and Cait about their work and learning that Vi and Cait moved into their own place; even getting invited for tea sometimes. Though most of my time was significantly spent with Powder, Ekko and Isha in Powder's lab. Surprisingly the same one Jinx had but a vastly different mood in it. Though more bright colors have been brought into it thanks to Isha and Powder's drawings and decorating together; creating a strange, but nice, mix of themes.
Mostly Powder, but with a touch of Jinx.
Both Powder and Ekko invited me in to help them with their project for the Innovator's Competition, in fact it felt like they insisted on it with Isha either pulling or pushing me to the lab with them. If I remember correctly it's some kind of chem energy cell that lasts longer and outputs more power. I couldn't do much on the research or figuring out how it works, but I could help with more labor tasks just like old times and Isha seemed to love learning from them. Besides that they would plop me into one of the bean bags or couch and let me watch them at work. Occasionally playing with Isha when she get's bored of waiting to continue working. I didn't mind; it felt nice not being alone. We eventually got the damn thing working, but they still need to run some tests.
Anyway, Isha drags me out to the bar where I see the boys with Powder sitting at their usual table and Vander getting the bar ready for the day while talking with Benzo. He turns to Isha and I as we sit at the bar. Opting for two tall chairs with backs to lean on instead of the regular stools.
"Rise and shine. Today's gonna be a big day," he says before heading to the back and coming back out with two plates of food, "Here, eat up. It's still warm." he says as he sets them down for us. Isha immediately stuffing her face, which makes me slow her down before enjoying my own.
"So, how many people are you expecting tonight?" I ask curiously as I eat my breakfast.
"Quite a lot. There's gonna be a whole party goin' on here along with the competition. Music and dancin'. Y'know Gert, right?." He asks, making me smirk.
"Of course. The girl Mylo has a crush on~" I say out loud teasingly as I glance at him. He flips me the bird as a response and I giggle before I turn back to a chuckling Vander.
"She has a band called "The Chem Sisters". They're gonna perform tonight, and Heimerdinger said he might play some toons too. Said he was working on some bar songs."
"Ha! Can't wait hear those!" Benzo says with a laugh.
"Hey I never asked, what's the big deal about the competition anyway? Is there some big prize?" I ask and I am greeted with Powder sitting next to me and scooting closer.
"Yes and no." she says as she steals some food off my plate. I give her a glare before poking her arm with my fork, making her laugh as Ekko comes up to sit next to Isha. Scooting his stool closer and laying and arm across Isha and I's seats, and I feel his arm brush against my back.
"There is a trophy for the winner, but it's mainly to catch the eyes of investors. Get them to invest in you or your invention, or at least have eyes on you to invest in for future projects or something." Ekko explains for me.
"Ooooh, so the real prize is just getting the spotlight in front of the investors?"
"Yup. The top three are likely to get more eyes on them and if your invention works and you get your bag, that's when you can start taking off in life. Or at least that's the idea." Powder says as she leans her head on my shoulder and letting out a sigh. A normal occurrence from both her and Ekko whenever we hang out somewhere. Ever since that one night we accidentally fell asleep in a pile in Powder's lab after losing track of time and spending all day working.
'It actually wasn't that bad. Best sleep I ever had in fact.'
For some reason, I spot a look from both Vander and Benzo. Their eyes going between Powder and Ekko, and I glance over and see Ekko shifting and adjusting in his seat; avoiding eye contact.
"Something wrong?" Powder asks sounding a little nervous, but is acting casual. Leaning more into me.
'Did they do something?' I wonder before looking at Vander and Benzo. The both of them having slightly narrowed eyes before glancing at each other, then looking back at us.
"Yeah, nothin'. Don't worry 'bout it." Benzo says as Vander moves and leans over to him and they start having a hushed conversation. Making me even more confused.
"What was that about?" I ask both Powder and Ekko.
"I dunno." "No clue." They both say with shrugs.
'Clearly I'm not gonna get an answer. Better just drop it.' I thought before I put whatever that was aside and finish my breakfast.
"So, you and Isha gonna join us again?" Powder asks, making Isha tug on my sleeve.
"I know, I remember Isha. Don't worry," I say to her before turning back to Powder, "I promised Isha I'd take her out for some ice cream today and get her an outfit for the party tonight, if she didn't have another paint bomb accident." I say making Powder stiffen before sitting up.
"You-You're going alone?" Powder asks with concern clearly in her voice.
"No. I going with Isha. But yeah, besides her it might just be the two of us."
"But what if you two get lost or something?"
"I think we'll be fine. It shouldn't be too hard to find our way there."
"What if you get hurt?," Ekko asks which makes me look at him in confusion, "Zaun is more safe than ever, but that doesn't mean there isn't any bad eggs stills around. Your leg still isn't fully healed, so if something goes wrong, you might not be able to get away." he explains his worries, but I still feel confused about their concern.
"You're not wrong, but what are the chances of something really bad happening that I'll need to run away? There's a bunch of enforcers on patrol too." I say to try to reassure them, but fail based on their conflicted looks.
"We can go!," I hear Claggor call out and we turn to look, "Mylo and I aren't doing anything today, so we can go with you. We could use a break after spending so much time on our plants." he explains and I see Powder relax a little out of the corner of my eye.
"Are you sure? You don't need to do any finishing touches on your plants or anything?"
"No. The samples from the tree and the plants really helped out a lot into understanding how to get them to grow and still produce air. We already spent the past few days running tests, so we're pretty much ready for tonight's competition."
"There we go. That solves it." Powder says before going back to her relaxed posture leaning against me again and I glance over to Ekko to see he also relaxed. I hear a chuckle from Claggor and glance back to see Mylo shaking his head.
"And people say I'm stupid," he says to Claggor sounding perplexed before turning back to us, "So what are we doing? I wasn't listening."
"We're gonna get clothes for Isha for tonight, then get her some ice cream. Maybe one of those big cones with three scoops." I say, which makes Isha excited; bobbing in her seat.
"You think we spoil her too much?" Ekko asks as Powder picks more food off of my plate.
"Definitely," I pinch Isha's cheek because she's being too adorable, "but she's our spoiled kid, so who cares." I say before pulling in Isha for a quick tight hug, then once again catch Vander and Benzo giving a skeptical look our way before turning back to their conversation.
"A-Anyway, we better get the energy cell ready. Right, Ekko?" Powder says as she stands up from her seat.
"Yeah. You two stay safe out there." Ekko says quickly as he stands up and they both go speed walking out of the bar. Clearly in a rush.
"Well. I'm done, what about you?," I ask Isha and she nods her head before hopping off her seat, "Alright. You two ready to go? Or you need to get breakfast too?" I ask Claggor and Mylo.
"Nah, we got something on the way here this morning." Mylo says as they get up from there table.
"Alright. Vander, we're heading out. We'll be back before the competition starts." I say as we head towards the doors.
"Stay safe out there."
"Bye!" I say and Isha gives him a wave before we all head out for the day.
Vander Pov
"She has got to be the most clueless person I've ever met." Benzo asks after we watch them leave.
"No kiddin'. I mean, I knew they spent a lot of time together. Never thought they'd get like that though." I say, as I look at him disbelief and remembering Powder leaning against Y/n and Ekko having an arm out behind her and Isha being protective, "I know those kinds of looks Benzo. You saw that too right?"
"Thought my glasses might have been playing tricks, but you're right. Those two lovebirds are usually always with themselves in that lab of hers; never seen them bring anyone else with them in there that much," he says as I refill his drink for him and filling a glass for myself, "I'm wonderin' if they both know what each other's feelin'."
"They most likely do if you ask me. After that "she's our kid" comment those two looked more red than a tomato." I say with a chuckle at the image.
"I see why they would. Have you seen those four goin' out around town? Only a month and they're already actin' like a small family they are. I heard the rumors, but thought that's all they were." Benzo says before drinking from his glass.
"You're not alone. I only found out about it when Gert asked me one time during her shift, thought she was joking till I started really taking notice of those two's behavior around Y/n. It's pretty obvious now. Especially after that; never saw Powder get that comfy with anyone but Ekko," I say before taking a sip from my own glass, "So, what's your opinion on it?"
"Y'know me Vander, if they want to and Y/n is fine with it, then I don't see a problem with it. It's not like we haven't met anyone before who had some "friends"."
"That's different. What those two got goin' for her is more than just wantin' a "friend" Benzo. They want her heart."
"Hah! That's pretty obvious. They're already rasin' a kid with her. We better be careful, or else next week they'll be married. Wouldn't mind her as a daughter-in-law though. She fits right in around here." Benzo says, making me chuckle at the idea.
"I wouldn't mind either."
Ekko Reader
"Well it looks stable, power is going through fine, no leaks and not overheating. I think this baby is ready," Powder says after checking off a list of precautions we're taking. I watch her from her workstation as she examines the power cell and can't help but admire the look in her eyes. The passion behind them, "You're staring again."
I snap out of it and fumble with a screw driver I was holding as she laughs.
"U-Uh sorry. Can't help it sometimes." I say as she walks up and wipes some grease off my face before she leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek
"You're cute when you try to flirt," She says as she sits on the chair for her workstation and stretches, "I wish Y/n and Isha were here. We would be celebrating together." she sees with a fond look in her eyes and I can't help but do the same.
"It feels like somethings missing without them."
"Yeah," she says, obvious that her mind is wandering before blinking out of the trance she was in, "By the way, should we talk about that? Y/n, I mean. Y'know?" Powder asks, the first time either of us have actually addressed this topic about her.
'It's pretty obvious.'
"I mean, if you want to. We can. Only if you're ready though."
"Are you ready to talk about it?"
"Honestly, I don't know."
".......Tomorrow then?"
"That sounds good." I say with some relief in my voice. Too much on my mind today to really talk about this.
"So, I guess we're finally done. Investors are gonna eat this thing up, so be ready to feel like eye candy to them." she says with a satisfied smile. I can't help but feel conflicted as I glance between the energy cell and Powder, not wanting to ruin the moment.
".....Hey, I uh, I wanted to actually ask you something." I try to start off, but she is already giving me a skeptical look.
"I-I was thinking. Maybe we can present it together, as partners?" I ask her and I already see the hesitance on her face, "I wouldn't have been able to do this without you, and you seem to really like doing this. If we were to present together-"
"Ekko. I just.... I just don't know, okay?," she says as she starts to close in on herself before shaking her head and standing up, "I'm going to get ready. You should too." she says before she starts to leave.
"Powder!," I call out to her, but she doesn't stop, "Damn it."
Reader Pov
"Look at you. You look great Isha," I say as she wears her new frilly dress I got her. We got back awhile ago to prepare for the party for the Innovator's Competition and because the sun was getting low. Isha immediately wanted to go put on her dress; dragging me upstairs without giving me a chance to say hi to Ekko at the bar or bye to Claggor and Mylo before they left to get the plant they chose to show off for the competition, "Ready to show off to people?" I ask and she nods her head before holding my hand and we make our way back down to the bar.
As we walk down the stairs and I look over the people that have arrived a little early for the competition I hear Vander call out to us over all the noise.
"Now who let a princess in the bar, huh?" he says making Isha smile brightly and laugh a little while I also see Benzo and Ekko smile at her from there seats. We reach the bottom of the steps and I help Isha up onto a seat.
"Aw, she looks lovely," I hear from behind and turn to see Silco.
"Silco! You made it!" Benzo says as he claps a hand against Silco's shoulder.
"I wouldn't miss such an important event. Plus, we have royalty visiting." he says as he gestures to Isha with a slight bow, and Vander pulls out a coloring book and crayons from behind the bar for her.
"Get over here. I'm gonna need help serving tonight." Vander says, making Silco chuckle and he ruffles Isha's hair before heading behind the bar with Vander.
I smile at the two before noticing Ekko looking down and I get a look from Benzo. He nods towards Ekko, before moving over to Isha and asking her about her coloring book while I take his seat next to Ekko.
"What's got you so down in the dumps? Something happen to the power cell?" I ask, a little worried about all the hard work he and Powder put into it going to waste.
"No. That's not it. It's just..... I made Powder upset." he says and I give him a skeptical look.
"You didn't say something stupid did you? Did you say "Yes" when asks if she looks fat in a dress? You always say "No". It's not an actual question, Ekko" I ask jokingly which makes him chuckle and nudge my leg a little with his.
"No! Not that. At least I don't think I said something stupid," he says now making me look at him in genuine confusion. He turn on his stool to face me directly and I do the same, "Look, I know we've only known each other for little over a month, but we spent a lot of time together. You..... You see the same thing that I do in Powder, right? When she works? And focuses in on an idea?"
"Oh, yeah! Of course! Passion in her eyes, fully invested on the task, prodigy, genius, talented and a whole lotta potential. You both are the same like that..... except Powder has a habit of biting her lip when she's in her work trance," I finish before looking at Ekko and he stares at me in silence, "What?"
"U-Uh sorry. But yeah, yes! Exactly! I asked Powder if she would present the power cell with me as partners, so that maybe she would start pursuing her passion, but she didn't want to. It's not just this either. She has always been hesitating on pursuing a dream or passion and I don't know why. I know she can be great, an-and I'm not saying I don't like her now, it's just I know she has this passion that she loves and can pursue. But-"
"She's holding herself back for some reason?"
"Yes," he says with a sigh and takes a few breathes before hesitating to look back at me, "I know this might seem like a weird thing to ask, but d-" I cut him off by with a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll talk to her." I say which makes him smile before surprisingly he gives me a hug.
"Thank you." he says and I gladly return the hug even tighter.
"It's fine. As long as you don't mind keeping watch of princess over there." I say as I point a thumb over my shoulder towards Isha.
"It would be an honor, but I don't really know where Powder went. I haven't seen her since she walked off."
"I'm sure I can find her." I say as I stand up and head back up the stairs, already having an idea of where she might be.
'There was always a certain spot she liked to go to.'
I make my way up and up through doors and more stairs leading to upper levels of Zaun. I see and hear more people making their way to The Last Drop for the event. I get to look out over Zaun, the higher I go the more of Zaun and Piltover I get to see before finally reaching that special place I have engraved in my head. Powder sitting by herself at the edge in a new outfit and her hair down.
"Powder?" I call out to her and she turns around. I see she applied makeup and her new outfit in full. A nice jacket with a white dress making a simple, but very good combo.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" she asks sounding confused as I walk closer to stand nearby, not wanting to invade her space since she might still be in a bad mood.
"Looking for you. Ekko said you were upset." I say, which makes her slightly sad before turning back forward to the beautiful view of our home.
"You didn't have to come looking for me. It wasn't anything bad."
"I know, but I wanted to find you make sure you're okay and..... maybe talk about something?" I say that last part with a little hesitance, which makes her sigh.
"Why?," she asks, still looking forward at the view, "Why does everyone keep pushing me on this? What's wrong with just staying where I am?"
"Because then you'll be stuck Powder. You'll be stuck while the world moves on and regrets build up," I say to try to reach out to her, "We all care for you, and we all know you have a gift. I know that may sound weird since we only met like a month ago, but I've seen the way you work with Ekko. You love inventing and working in that kind of stuff. What's holding you back?" I ask, genuinely curious on the reason.
She stays silent for a few second before I finally hear something.
"I'm scared."
"*sigh* I'm scared." she says, now making me perplexed at that answer.
"Scared? You? What could you possibly be scared of?" I ask with a short laugh at the idea.
That freezes me in place. My feet feeling rooted in the ground at that answer. At Powder being scared of herself. Just like before. Before she became Jinx.
"W-What?" I ask, trying to control my breathing and ignore the old memories resurfacing again.
"All my life, ever since I was young I always found a way to just mess something up," she says my eyes widening at her words. At their similarity to what she said to me before, "It's like I was bad luck or something. I go on a job with my siblings, it goes wrong. I try to invent something, it doesn't work or ends up hurting someone. What if..... what if I mess up again?"
"But, you were young then Powder. There's nothing wrong with failing; we're all supposed to fail and learn from them to get better. It shapes us. Makes us stronger." I say to try and reassure her, but I don't seem to reach her.
"I-I..... I don't know," she says as she stands up, "Maybe I'm just a jinx."
Jinx. That damn word echoes in my head. Memories of a young Powder crying and blaming herself for the deaths of Vander, Mylo, and Claggor. Believing herself to be destined to hurt everyone close to her. To never know peace or happiness.
'No! Not again!'
Powder turns around and walks past me to leave, but I grab her arm and turn her back around to stop her.
"No!," I say letting my emotions get to me as she stares at me in shock, "You listen to me, Powder. You have the making of greatness inside of you, but you gotta push for it. You need to leap! Charge down the path you want in life and let nothing get in your way," I take a step back and gesture towards the city with my arms, "and when the time comes in life for you to really test your inner iron and steel and show the world what you're made of. I-I can only hope I get to be there that day Powder. Catching some of the light shining off of you," I say as I look up at the stars starting to shine in the night sky, "You may not believe in yourself Powder, but I do," I say before turning back to look at her with tears running down my eyes and cup her face with my hands gently, "You're gonna rattle the stars one day. I know it."
I stand there in tears and see her eyes water before she shoots forward and embraces me into a close hug. I hold her close to me, hearing her sniffles and labored breathes. I take in the moment and just hold her close to me, feeling my shirt get wet from her tears.
We stand there for what feels like forever in each other's embrace, before I feel her pull away but still hold on close and I see her makeup streaking down her face, so I wipe them away with my sleeves.
"You-You're makeu-"
"Shut up." she says before I feel her grab my collar and pull me into a deep kiss her arms wrapping around my neck. My head blanking for that moment not knowing what to do as I feel her explore me deeply before pulling away. Then I start to panic.
"Wha-!" I go to yell, but she puts a finger over my lips.
"Ekko knows," she says, making my brain even more fried than it was a second ago and based off her laugh it shows on my face, "C'mon, I'll tell him about this tonight and we can talk about it all tomorrow. I just really needed that." she says before dragging me back down the stairs and leading me to the bar while I'm left with no words.
'What the fuck.' Is the only thing I have on my mind as we arrive back at the bar. All the sound and music not registering as Powder puts me on a bar stool.
"You're back!" I hear Ekko yell out and I turn to see him and Powder hug and kiss. The kiss brining back memories from just a few minutes ago and Powder gives me a wink, confusing Ekko and making me blush.
"I want to talk to you for a second." Powder says to him before pulling him off to somewhere as I stare at the bar counter; still processing what the fuck just happened.
"You okay?"
My head shoots up and makes eye contact with Vander and I immediately start to panic again.
"U-Uh u-um, ye-yeah. I'm fine. I just....," I say as I stare at the back door of the bar that I know leads to the alley, "I just need a breather from all these people. Be right back." I say before quickly rushing off towards the back door, and step outside for fresh air.
I take some deep breathes of the cool fresh air of the night.
'Calm down. Just breathe and calm down.'
I slowly steady my breathing before looking back at the door and consider going back in, but back out and instead head down the alleyway.
'I need to walk. Get my mind off of, whatever the fuck just happened.'
I thought before walking down the alleyway towards the main street which looked much more busy and crowded tonight.
"It really is a par-"
I'm cut off by a sudden force of pain to the back of my head and falling to the ground; my helmet rolling away from me. The world goes blurry and my head dizzy as I reach for my gun, but my hand is stomped on and my gun is taken from me.
"Got you now. Bloodhound," I hear someone say before I feel my multiple footsteps and my hands be tied behind my back and my mouth gagged, "I think it's time for payback gang." they say before I feel myself be picked up. Too light headed and dizzy to fight back.
Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes.
#arcane au#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi
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Happier Chapter 7
Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or any links. I only own the concept for this story.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforseen consequences.
Reader Pov
"Come on. I'm sure you look great. I wouldn't pick something that would make you look ridiculous." Powder says outside of the changing room I am in as I wear another set of clothing she chose for me.
After dragging me back to Zaun to give me a "tour", she immediately brought me straight to a clothing store since I didn't have any for myself currently and Isha needed more clothes after a paint bomb incident. Maybe back in my original world this wouldn't be a big deal, but it's been so long since I've actually went clothing shopping that I have no idea what to look for.
I tried to get out of it by saying I had no money, but she insisted on paying. I tried saying I could get some of my extra clothes back at my old place, but she wasn't having any of that. I tried voicing my concerns on not knowing what to even get, so she started picking out clothes for me. To be fair I did like some of them, but some just felt wrong on me. Especially the one I'm in now.
Meanwhile Ekko had the balls to just stand there and smirk with a knowing look; watching me suffer. At least Isha was having a good time and she even picked out some clothes for herself.
"I'm going to come in there myself if you don't come out." Powder says, not sounding like she's joking at all.
"Trust me. She's not joking." Ekko warns me and I can hear the smirk on her face.
"Okay! Okay! I'm coming out." I say before reluctantly stepping out of the dressing room and facing a smiling Powder and Ekko.
"There, you see? Look," she says as she grabs my shoulders and brings me to a full body mirror to look at myself with a smiling Powder now standing next to me. She picked out a blue and white striped shirt dress that ties around just above my waist, folded sleeves and the top three buttons undone, "You look good."
"I feel exposed." I say as I look at my reflection with hesitance.
'The last time I remember wearing a dress was in my original life. This is kinda weird.'
"Oh c'mon! It's good, plus you'll match with Isha." she says as she wraps an arm around my shoulder, making me confused before the child in question bursts out of her changing room.
I look over to see her in an unbuttoned long sleeved collared shirt with the same stripes and colors as mine with a white shirt underneath and dark blue shorts with white high socks to match. She runs over to Powder and I and stands in front of us to look at herself in the mirror.
"That isn't fair, why does she get pants and I get a dress?" I ask making Ekko and Powder laugh before Isha turns around and comes up to me and raises her arms to me.
"Because it wouldn't look as good if you two were wearing the exact same thing, soooo Isha get's the pants." Powder says which makes me roll my eyes as I pick up Isha, hold her in my arms and smile at how happy she looks.
"You didn't force this on her did you? Do you actually like it, Isha? Or are you two just conspiring against me?"
"MmMm" Isha denies with a shake of her head, but Powder gives her an obvious wink, making me roll my eyes again and Isha giggle.
"See! It looks good. Ekko come look," Powder asks Ekko who comes over and joins us, standing on the other side of Isha and I in the reflection of the mirror, "Oh yeah. This..... this looks great."
"I think it looks good on you." Ekko says while I take a moment to look at Isha and I's matching outfits in the reflection.
'I look like a mom from the suburbs."
"Isha seems to like it too." he adds on, and Isha nods her head rapidly; looking at the reflection.
*sigh* "......Okay, I guess it isn't that bad. I'll get it, if Isha likes it." I say, making Isha's smile brighter and hug me a tight hug.
"Nice." Powder says as she hold up a hand to Isha and they high five each other.
"Alright. I think that's enough clothes, right?" I ask Powder as I glance at the pile of clothes Isha and I have found to our liking.
"Fine, I guess that's enough for now." Powder says sounding dramatically reluctant, making Ekko huff.
"You're just upset you don't get to dress them up like dolls." Ekko says, getting a light slap on his shoulder form Powder as I set Isha down.
"I'm gonna get changed."
"Don't wanna wear it out?" Powder asks suggestively.
"I still have my gear to wear, maybe on another day Isha and I can match." I say as I head towards the changing room; Isha doing the same towards her.
"Don't think I can't see what you're doing."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
I catch their conversation but ignore it and focus on getting out of this dress and into more comfortable attire and putting my gear back on. I step out and notice Powder and Ekko seemed to have stepped aside to have a private conversation; whispering to each other, so I wait for Isha to be finished to give them room. It only takes a minute or two before Isha is done and steps out.
"Do you like the clothes you and Powder picked out?" I ask while taking the clothes from her to put into the pile. She nods her head before going to put on her helmet, adjusting it so it sits right.
"Sorry about that, I'm going to go pay for these. You guys wait outside." Powder says as she grabs the pile of clothes and hauls it to the cashier.
"I'm guessing she likes to play dress up with you too?" I ask Ekko with a teasing smirk as the three of us go wait outside the store for Powder.
"Oh yeah, you got off easy. The first time she took me out to buy clothes I thought I'd be stuck for eternity," he says, but has this fond smile on his face that says he still enjoyed it, "Anyways, you have any idea what you wanna see next?"
"I have no idea," I say as I look around at the different stores and take just how.... normal it all feels, "Still getting used to it."
I feel a hand pat my shoulder I turn to Ekko.
"Hey, I get it. Well I kinda get it. We were here as Zaun was changing, so it was easier to adapt with it; still weird though. Trust me, you'll love it up here after a few days." Ekko says, reassuring me. I relax at the comforting gesture.
"Thank you."
"I'm back!," I suddenly hear Powder say and Ekko yelps as he is immediately dumped with two bags of clothes, making me hold in a laugh at the surprised look on his face, "So where to next?" she asks more to herself than us as she thinks to herself; looking up and down the streets.
"I was thinking," Ekko says as he steadies himself and holds the bags in one hand, "Maybe we can take them to our usual spots? Where you and I hang out together?" he asks her making her perk up at the suggestion before looking at Isha and I for confirmation.
"Hey, you're the tour guide. I'm the tourist." I say with a shrug.
"What about you kid? Wanna see our favorite places?" she asks Isha, who grunts and nods excitedly before grabbing my hand in one and holding Powder's hand in the other, "Alright, let's go. C'mon babe." Powder says as she grabs Ekko's free hand and we make our way through Zaun. Occasionally giving Isha a swing from between Powder and I.
It was moments like these that made life feel normal. Peaceful.
We went browsing through a couple stores and market places. I got to see the depths of this new Zaun and just how much better things were here. Powder and Ekko showed me the usual places they go to spend time together from places filled with the community and places where they can have some privacy like the library I saw earlier; Isha actually got a book for herself. We even ran into Vi, Cait and Sevika while on their patrol and got to hang out with them for awhile before moving on to our next stop. Eventually what felt like noon came around so Powder and Ekko wanted to take Isha and I to a nice cafe that they like to go to and sit down for lunch.
"Trust me. They make some great coffee. Ekko got addicted to it for awhile, so I had to monitor him."
"By monitor me, she means follow me to the cafe and also order herself some coffee and pastries," Ekko clarifies, getting a nudge from Powder, "I ended up being the one to cut us off from having it on the regular."
"I mean, technically, it still worked." Powder says as I laugh and hold Isha. I noticed her getting tired and only purely running on kid energy, making her legs wobble a little so I decided to carry her to the cafe.
"Well I can't.... wait..." I say as I slowly stop, now noticing where we were heading.
The bridge.
Now filled with little market stands and people, but memories come back. Enforcers guarding the bridge. The segregation of two classes of people. Finding Pow- No. Jinx. Finding Jinx on the bridge after not making it in time again. Silco taking her away.
"Y/n?" Powder calls out ahead of me. I snap out of the memories, but my hesitance is still here. Only ever crossing this bridge once before, when we rallied together to fight against Viktor, Ambessa and their army.
"U-Um, so-so the cafe is in Piltover?" I ask already know the answer to that, "We can go there?" I hold Isha closer and guarded to myself and she looks at me worried. My eyes locked and unwavering; looking down the bridge to the other side.
My thoughts too chaotic to notice Powder and Ekko give me looks of concern before approaching me until I feel a hand grab my free one. I look to see Powder and Ekko standing close to me.
"Hey, it's okay. It's not like before; we're allowed to go to Piltover now." Ekko says, and his comforting tone, Powder's hand and Isha holding me close grounds me enough to not panic, but still filled with nervousness.
"Y/n, it's okay. No one is gonna hurt you." Powder says, keeping my hand held in hers and tracing over my knuckles with her thumb as comfort.
"Promise?," I ask, though after a moment I realize how childish I sound now that I think about it so I go to correct myself, "Sor-"
"We promise. It's okay. No one is going to hurt you Y/n," Powder says now interlocking her fingers with my own, "Right, Ekko?"
"She's right. We won't let anything happen." Ekko says before Powder starts leading me onto the bridge.
We walk a slow pace on the bridge as I look back and forth between the small market stalls on either side of the bridge. Seeing both people from Zaun and Piltover just going about their day, talking, bartering and just....... living. To my surprise I even see Jericho about halfway through the bridge serving enforcers that looked to be on their lunch break; he gives us a wave as we walk by and Isha returns the gesture. My nerves start to lower as we slowly make our way across bridge and I just take it all in. It doesn't take too long before we reach the other side into Piltover.
"See it wasn't tha-..... Oh. Are you okay?" Ekko asks as I look back at the bridge and feel some tears slip down my cheek.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-"
"Hey, hey! It's okay. It's fine. We got you," Ekko says as he reaches towards me to wipe the tears away, "Better?"
"Yeah, thanks. Sorry about that." I say which makes Powder roll her eyes and groan.
"Stop apologizing. It's fine; you're still getting used to all of this." Powder says before taking second to brush some hair out of my face and behind my ear, "There. Now c'mon, we need to make you an addict like Ekko and I. Not you Isha, you get juice." Powder says as she pulls me along and I see Isha put on a little pout at not being able to try the coffee.
"I'll let you sip from mine." I whisper to her, making her immediately perk back up.
Powder Pov
"Not bad right?" I ask Y/n as she sips from her mug of coffee and looking to be enjoying her drink. A satisfied moan as she drinks the beverage and it sends a tingle down my spine.
"Greeeaaat. Now we gotta prevent another addict." Ekko says as he enjoys a pastry, and Isha having stars in her eyes as she enjoys one of the many pastries on her plate that we got for her.
"I'll be back. I need to use the ladies room." Y/n says as she stands up from her seat and walks away, now giving me time to address something.
"Hey, now that she's gone. What do you think that was about back at the bridge?" I ask, making him think on it for a few seconds before sighing.
"I don't know. Her hesitating to cross the bridge made sense since she's not used to it. But her crying? I have no idea. Maybe something personal? She might have some bad memories on that bridge," Ekko suggests, but I can hear in his tone that he's not sure about his own theory as much as I am, "Whatever it is, we can help her get used to it. She's still adjusting to everything."
'True, but she looked ready to run away from the damn thing.'
"You're probably right. Anyway I was thinking, maybe I can help you with your project for the Innovator's Competition?" I ask and Ekko chokes on his coffee which makes me immediately start patting him on the back.
"Re-*cough* Really!? Why?"
"What, don't want my help now?"
"No, that's not it! I'm happy you want to help. It's just, you seemed pretty hesitant before. Why do you want to help now?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders.
"I don't know. I'm just...." I trail off as I look at Isha enjoying herself and gaze at Y/n's empty seat, "I'm just in a good mood." I say before feeling Ekko wrap an arm around my waist and pull me closer; I lean my head on his shoulder as he does.
"I know what you mean. You think she might want to help too? I know Isha will, she seems to love messing with your old gadgets." he asks, and I can hear the hope in his voice. To be honest that brought an odd feeling of hope to me too; now imagining Y/n joining Ekko and I with our work, or just watching us work from the the side.
"I hope so. She's going be living with dad and I for awhile, so it will be a good way to spend her time than just sitting in bed or something," I admit with hope in my voice, "I don't know about you, but I meant what I said back at the bridge. Even if this whole thing is a little weird. We need to keep her safe, okay?" I ask and he holds my hand in his own.
"I know. Don't worry, we'll protect her. She needs help adjusting and feeling safe here in Zaun, and we will do that for her," he says and Isha grunts and raises her hand while nodding her head, making me laugh as Ekko reaches over to ruffle her hair, "Of course you will too, Isha. We all will." he says, making me smile before glancing back at Y/n's seat.
"I like her." I admit after a few seconds; not knowing what the full meaning behind those words are.
"Me too." Ekko says as well and I can tell there's a deeper meaning behind his words too.
'Whatever it is. I don't want this feeling to go away.'
Hope you enjoyed.
#arcane au#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi
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So I've been juggling two drafts for the next chapter, but I'm not sure.
One is to make the next chapter about the tour Powder, Ekko and Isha are going to take Reader on; it will be mostly about that and then have a time skip for the next chapter. It might not be that long, because it's mostly for more character interaction.
Should I just do the time skip and progress the story?
#arcane au#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi
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Happier Chapter 6
Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or any music I link. I only own the concept for this story.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences.
Powder Pov
"You really are a little artist. You like your new addition to your army kiddo?" I ask Isha as she colors another toy that Ekko made for her. She nods her head rapidly, not breaking her focus on coloring the toy robot while wearing a smile on her face.
"Good to know you like it." Ekko says, sitting on the other side of Isha, keeping the kid between us, before reaching to wipe some food off of her face.
It's been a few days since that operation happened; five days to be precise. After things calmed down for everyone, Vi and Cait went more into detail about what happened in those mines before leaving to check on how the others were doing, and then report their findings. Apparently some old rich guy from Piltover was running the gang and they were using orphans to work in the mines.
"Did she finish her food?" Dad asks as he walks over our table, making Isha pick up and present her empty plate to Dad, "Good job kid. Looks like you're getting your appetite back." he says as he pats her head which makes Isha giggle before going back to her coloring.
After all the kids from the mines were checked on by doctors, we decided to take Isha with us back home and dressed her since Y/n seemed to really care for her.
Their name echoes in my head again. I recall her lying down on the table again. Coming back with uncle's medicine to see a more clear view of her injuries with her clothes cut open. Watching as fragments were removed from the surface level of her body. I didn't get to see much more after Professor Heimerdinger arrived, but just by the look on his face before Ekko and I stepped out of the room, I was able to tell it wasn't good. Even when that Viktor guy arrived, it didn't help ease my nerves.
She had some close calls when it came to some deeper wounds in her back, but they would heal with time. The worse was her leg. They said she may recover, but if she woke up she wouldn't be able to walk right for awhile. Cait offered to house her until then but..... that didn't feel right for some reason. Luckily dad suggested housing her in one of the guest rooms we have available since buying out the old building connecting to ours. It being a more familiar place for her to wake up than in a fancy place was his reasoning.
Uncle Silco and the professor pay visits to check on her condition and make sure her IV is working. We sometimes find Isha checking in on her too.
Speaking of Isha, she's been a bundle of joy for the place. Took time, but eventually when she started getting comfortable she started showing her kid self more. Doesn't cause trouble and if she does it's harmless stuff. Ekko and I have taken over the duty of watching over her; I can see why Y/n cares for her a lot. Only took a few days for me to grow attached to her, and it looks like the same goes for the others. She doesn't talk, but she's expressive enough to convey how she's feeling and actually knows some sign language. Can write too.
"Kid must feel lucky. She's got her own personal attack dog ready to go rabid for her." Benzo says as dad brings the plate behind the bar to clean.
"Tch. More like a reckless bodyguard. Ignored all the thugs in the area and just gave into impulses." Sevika says as she nurses her drink at the bar, sitting near Vi and Cait. All of them off duty.
"I wonder what that's like?," I say sarcastically as I glance at Vi and Cait. Cait giggles a little while Vi gives me slight glare before I look back to Isha, "Take my advice kid, and appreciate it while it lasts. Next thing you know she's gonna get all lovesick for a cutie and start stalking her." That get's a chuckle out of people that hears, since pretty much everyone knows how protective Vi is.
"C'mon Pow Pow, y'know I would do the same for you. AND. I did not become a lovesick stalker. Right, Cupcake?" Vi says and looks to Cait to back her up, but get's a skeptical look instead.
"Mmmm, it's not completely wrong." Cait says making Vi look betrayed and the rest of us smirk.
"Sweetie, did you really think I believed that you would "conveniently" run into me every time I went on patrol around Zaun?"
"......It wasn't every time." Vi says, defeated and slightly embarrassed making us all have more of a chuckle from it.
"I did find it cute though. You also made patrols less boring." Cait says with a kiss to her temple to cheer her up, which makes Vi immediately perk up. The scene makes me smile before turning to look at Ekko.
"Hey, I'm gonna go check on her real quick. Keep an eye on her?"
"Go ahead. I got her." Ekko says and I ruffle the girl's head as I stand up and make my way up a set of stairs.
The walk to her room isn't too far from the bar. We decided it would be best that she was close to check on and just in case she woke up with no one with her.
I open the door to see Y/n still lying down on the bed, not having moved a muscle, the light from a nearby window slightly shining on her. I walk to the side of the bed and go to check her IV to make sure nothings wrong and doesn't need to be switched out. Once that is done I turn to look down at her again, this time much closer, and I take a moment to look her over. I see some of the bandages wrapped over her shoulder and collar bone that sticks out from underneath the blanket and take a quick look under the blanket to make sure her wounds haven't opened up again.
Once I see that she's fine I find myself staying to watch her for a little. Usually I'd find this type of thing weird, especially since I hardly know her, but something about her makes me stay longer than needed. It's comforting. She eased the headaches Ekko and I have been having. At first I would just do a quick check up, but then I started staying longer to just watch her sleep. It wasn't just me either. Sometimes Ekko and I will just stay in here and talk while keeping an eye on her.
I take a glance at the door and listen if anyone is coming before sitting down on the side of the bed. It felt nice to be close to her. It felt.... right.
I slowly reach forward and brush aside a few strands of hair behind her ear and I hesitate before laying my hand gently against her cheek and jaw. After caring for her and keeping her clean there's no longer any smudge of dirt or smog on her face.
"Why do you make us feel this way? Why do those headaches go away when near you?" I whisper, knowing she can't hear me or respond. I get lost in my thoughts before noticing my thumb brushing against her cheek and quickly pull my hand away. Calling my strange behavior there, "What is wrong with me?"
I stand up and quickly go to leave, but I take one last long look at her before closing the door and heading back to the bar. Feeling guilty of my strange behavior that I know I should be stopping.
"Why do I not want it to stop?"
Reader Pov
I feel my senses start coming back to me from what feels like a long sleep. I go to open my eyes, but find them hard to open from a bright light. I raise an arm and try to sit myself up on the bed I am laying on and feel myself struggle slightly to do the simple task.
'Wait. A bed?,' I realize before quickly covering my eyes from the light and open them to see myself in an unfamiliar room. I then notice the unfamiliar large shirt I am wearing and lack of pants. I finally see the light that has been causing me trouble is the sun shining through a nearby window, there's what looks to be a leg brace leaning on the wall near the nightstand and I notice that I am connected to what looks like an IV before taking out the tube connected to my wrist, 'Where am I?'
I remember what happened before falling unconscious in Isha's arms. I slowly shift to the edge of the bed and go to stand up; finding myself struggling slightly with my legs feeling weak. One leg feeling very painful to put weight on, so I hold onto the IV stand for support and make my way towards the nearby window and look out after my eyes adjust to the light. I see the streets of Zaun with people going about their day and kids playing.
"Good morning!"
I jump in shock, instinctively reaching for my gun which isn't there, but calm down once I see Professor Heimerdinger.
"Oh, sorry for frightening you. It's good to see you awake. How do you feel?" he asks in his always joyous tone.
"Uh, yeah. Thank you, I feel fine. Some pain in my back, but mostly my leg. My body feels weak though." I say which get's me a chuckle.
"Well that is expected for someone who has been in a coma for five days. S-"
"Five days!?"
"Yes! Now I must ask that you take a seat on the bed so that I may give you a quick check up." he says and I follow instructions while thinking about how long I was bedridden for.
Heimerdinger first jumps onto the bed and checks my eyes before asking me to lift the back of my shirt to look at the bandages I only now notice were wrapped around my torso. He then drops down to look at my injured leg.
"Um, quick question. Where am I?" I ask as he looks it over.
"Oh right! Don't worry young one, you're safe. Currently you're in The Last Drop, the owner of this establishment was nice enough to house you." he answers which makes my eyes widen.
"Yes! You were in quite a severe condition from your task with the enforcers, but you were rushed here to get help. You're lucky nothing vital was damaged. After removing all the embedded fragments and making sure you were stable, Vander and her daughter suggested housing you here. He said it would be better for you to wake up in a place you're more comfortable with than in the Kiramman estate like Caitlyn had offered," Heimerdinger explains before finally looking satisfied with his examination of my leg, "Well, Y/n, it looks like most minor injuries have healed and the more concerning ones are healing fairly quick. The only one that brings concern is your leg. It took a bad hit and will take awhile for you to recover before you can use it normally again, but don't worry. Viktor and Jace both made a leg brace just for you based off your measurements. Easy to put on too." he explains and I nod my head before looking down at the oversized shirt I am wearing.
"Do you mind telling me where my clothes are?"
"Ah, right, well unfortunately they had to be cut open in order to operate on you without risking making things worse. Your armor also did not survive the blast and was fractured in my places; stopping some fragments from hitting you, but also some of it cracking and stabbing into your back. I don't know what was done with it afterwards," he explains and I nod with a disappointed sigh, "Though I am sure Powder will have some clothes for you. Oh! I need to inform them of you waking up! Wait here." he says before rushing off back out the door he came in. I smile at his antics before my eyes explore the homey room.
It has some simple decorations like lamps, a shelf and a wardrobe. Decide to get lost in my thoughts for a few minutes about the situation I find myself in while I wait.
'I really messed up this time.'
*knock* *knock* I hear before I see the all too familiar blue head of hair before seeing Powder's whole head poke in. I see a smile on her face when she sees me.
"Hey, it's good to see you recovered well," she says as she steps in with folded clothes under her arm and cane held in the other, "These should fit you well, and Heimerdinger said you're gonna need the cane to walk. I hope you don't mind if my clothes don't match your tastes. Oh, and your shoes are just by the door." she says as she sets the cane near the nightstand and hands me the clothes.
I over the simple clothing of a pair of pants and a white collared shirt with long sleeves and smile.
"Thanks. This is fine, and thanks for housing me." I say and notice her shoulders drop slightly to be more relaxed.
"Don't mention it. Plus it wasn't that hard to look after you. Even Isha helped a lot." Powder says and makes my eyes widen.
"Isha's here!? I-Is she okay?" I ask and Powder sets a hand on my shoulder.
"She's fine. We took her in after the doctors looked her and the rest of the kids over. You clearly cared a lot for her so we thought it would be best for her to be here," she explains which makes me sigh in relief, "Now if I were I'd hurry before Isha finds a way to sneak up here herself. Ekko and I can only keep her at bay for so long. By the way, how do you know her anyway?," she asks which makes me freeze, "She told us she doesn't know who you are, but she does really like you now for saving her. She makes sure to check up on you every morning."
'Shit. Did not think about that.'
"I..... I kinda knew her parents. They weren't in the best position to support her, so they gave her up." I make up on the spot.
"Where are they now?"
"They passed away. I didn't know which orphanage she was in, and even if I did I couldn't care for her. My lifestyle would have put her in danger." I continue to build off of the lie.
"Hm, how did you know it was her then?"
"It..... It was a feeling," I lie which get's me a brow raise, "I know. It's weird, but it really was just a feeling. I-I can't explain it." I lie again, knowing it's not hardly gonna work to kill her suspicion.
She stares for a second before nodding and goes to leave, but before she does I see her stop for a second before looking back at me.
"H-Hey, are you gonna need help...... y'know... undressing?" she asks with a light blush on her cheeks and I my own cheeks heat up at the question.
"No-No I-I got it. Thanks for offering though."
"Alright, yeah..... cool. I-I'll see you down there. Just head over here when you're ready." she says, pointing down the hall before shutting the door and I hear her footsteps quickly leave.
I take a few seconds to calm my blush down before I start changing. Turns out, I did not completely have it. The pain on my back making it a little hard to take off the shirt I'm wearing, but I still manage to get it off before changing into the clothes given to me. Honestly it felt kinda weird to wear something that was clean and good quality.
I fold up the sleeves just before my elbows before reaching for the leg brace. Now holding it closer I can see the quality of the brace and a part of me hesitates before strapping it on. Once I make sure it's on correctly I use the cane to stand up from the bed and immediately notice the lack of intense pain in my leg because of the brace.
I awkwardly make my way out of the room, trying to get used to the brace and using a cane, before making my way down the hallway to another door where I hear noise. I walk through and find myself on the 2nd floor of The Last Drop. I spot familiar faces sitting at the bar before heading to the stairs. I try to take a step down, but find it a little difficult with the brace and cane making the movement unfamiliar.
"Need help?" I hear and see Ekko walking up towards me, but doesn't make a move to help until I smile and nod.
'Always a gentlemen.' I think before he helps me balance and walk down the stairs.
"Thanks. Not used to moving around with a cane, let alone a whole leg brace."
"No need to thank me. Does it hurt?"
"Nothing I can't handle, the brace helps a lot. I just gotta get used to it. Name's Y/n by the way."
"Oh right! I'm Ekko, sorry, forgot we haven't met yet." he says sounding a little panicked, making me laugh a little.
"Who doesn't know about "The Boy Savior"?" I ask which makes him groan, making my smile widen.
"Man, and here I thought you wouldn't know about that. I don't know why people call me that."
"'Cause you help people. From what I've heard you always try your best to help people."
"So? A lot of people help people."
"Not as much as you do "Boy Savior"," I say again teasingly which makes him roll his eyes, "Sometimes all people need is for someone to care. It gives them hope." I say as we finally reach the bottom step.
"Well, looks who's finally woken up." I hear Vander say and finally notice all the eyes on me now.
"Mornin'," I say not knowing what else to sayin in the moment, before I notice Isha staring at me from behind Powder's legs which makes me smile, "Hey kid, good to see you're alright."
'Most likely kinda scared after I we-' I don't finish the thought because she comes running from behind Powder and crashes into a lower half; hugging me close, 'Maybe, not.' I thought as I run a hand through her hair.
"She's been waiting for you to wake up for days. Always checkin' up on you to see if you're awake," Vander says as I take a moment to take a moment to hold Isha close, old memories of her death going through my head, "Here, you better eat." he says as he places a plate of food on the counter once Isha pulls away, but still holds the bottom of the shirt I'm wearing.
"You-You didn't have to do that." I say which makes the professor look aghast on his stool.
"Nonsense! After being stuck in bed for so long it's best to have a nice meal to start building back your strength and readjust your body." he says and Isha grabs my free hand before tugging me to the corner of the bar counter where Vi, Cait and Sevika are sitting; insisting that I eat, "See? Even the young child agrees." he says which makes me let out a sigh before sitting down at the counter; Isha trying to climb up the high stool next to me to sit down so Powder helps her up.
"Thank you." I say to Vander and begin eating the fresh meal.
'It's felt like forever since I last ate a hot meal.'
"So, I have informed Vander of your condition. I believe after some rest and not putting too much weight on your leg you will recover in no time." Heimerdinger explains and I nod.
"Thank you again. Uh, how much is the brace gonna cost exactly?"
"Oh, don't worry about that. Free of charge! Viktor was the one who wanted it made and insisted you not worry about any payment."
"Really?" I ask in slight disbelief before continuing when I get a nod, "Huh, I guess that's one less thing to worry about. Just gotta figure out how to get back home." I say as I take another spoonful of food. Though I sense a tone shift in the room.
"About that. I, or more like we, were wondering if you got anyone back home to help you recover. We thought someone would come asking for you eventually, but no one showed up." Vander asks as he picks up a glass to wipe down.
"Oh uh, no," I answer which makes Vander look concerned, "I should be fine though. I could hunker down for a few day." I say as I continue eating.
"And if some gang tries something?," he asks and I stay silent; not able to provide an answer, "Mmhm. You're staying here until you recover." he says, making me choke on some food.
"Taking in two more strays I see?" Silco jokes from across the bar with Benzo letting out a small laugh, as Isha pats my back.
"Wait. No I can't st-" I go to protest, but Vander gives me a look which makes me shut up, and Benzo laughs harder.
"Haha! You still got it, huh Vande'!?"
I sit there in defeat after already being shut down of any protests like a damn child, while the three men break off into their own conversations.
'This isn't fair. He used the "Don't test me" look.' I thought as I hear giggles from Powder and Vi.
"Nice try, but when Dad decides on something like this it's better to just roll over. I've tried." Vi says as she gives me sympathetic look.
"Plus I doubt this kid would let you go by yourself. She'd probably follow you down there and I don't think any of us want that." Powder says as she ruffles Isha's hair and hands her a toy robot.
"Thanks. And I'm sorry for screwing up the whole operation." I apologize, but Sevika scoff and waves it off.
"Whatever, it's fine. Wouldn't be the first time we had someone go off the rails on the team," she says as she and Cait give Vi a quick glance, making the pink head roll her eyes, "Plus it turned out better than expected. That explosion caused a noticeable rumble above ground, so when some enforcers found Chross and his guys come out of a tunnel up in Piltover, they put them into custody." she explains making me curious.
"They ended up in Piltover? I didn't know there were mining tunnels there." I voice my curiosity and Cait jumps in to give an explanation.
"There are a few old ones that have been abandoned. Turns out that's how he moved shipments to the Undercity. After interrogation his thugs broke and admitted to crimes, such as paying off some caretakers at orphanages to stay silent and lie about the whereabouts on the children," she says which makes me glance down to Isha who is now coloring the toy, "and the rest of the gang are scrambling without order. Overall a much better outcome than expected, even given the way it went. Your payment will be given in a few days time after we finish our overall report for our investigation." Cait finishes with a satisfied tone and expression on her face before I hear the door of the bar opening.
"Woah, look who woke up. It was about time." I hear and turn in time to see Mylo get elbowed by Claggor.
"Sorry about him. He's still learning how to behave," Powder says as she leans back against the bar counter next to me, "Y/n, these are my brothers, the gangly one is Mylo and the big one is Claggor. Guys, meet the new residence of The Last Drop, Y/n."
"Wait! She's staying here!? Why!? Isn't she still technically a criminal?" Mylo brings up which makes me glance at Cait.
"Right. I forgot to mention. My mother took a closer look at your record and insisted on pardoning you of charges on your record. It was pretty easy to get when it was obvious you weren't targeting any civilians. Though she recommends putting your skill to good use with the enforcers; if not then she suggests at least getting a mercenary license if you want to operate as a mercenary." Cait explains which makes me even more confused.
"There's licenses for mercenaries?"
"Yes. Though it is no longer as common to have mercenaries working around; Silco suggested making it available so that mercenaries would lean towards a more legal line of work instead of working with gangs, which worked." Cait explains making me wonder just how much has changed with laws.
"You didn't know about merc licenses?," Ekko asks as he walks over next to Isha and sets down a pack of what looks like crayons for Isha, and I shake my head, "It was a pretty big deal. Helped a lot when Piltover and Zaun made peace. The council paid any mercenary willing to help with clearing out gangs in Zaun, even if it was just some info."
"See Mylo, she ain't that bad. Stop being an ass" Claggor says, but Mylo scoffs before looking me up and down.
"Well, at least you aren't dressed in rags anymore. You really need a sense of style." he says with a smug look which makes me look deadpan at him.
"You really gonna judge my look, Eyebrows?" I ask, getting a few chuckles from the others and Mylo looks offended.
"I've been telling him the same thing for years." Powder tells me which gets another scoff from Mylo.
"I am, not, getting my brows done. That's a girl's thing." he says which makes Ekko raise a hand.
"Powder does my eyebrows sometimes." Ekko argues.
"Whatever, that's different. I'm not getting my brows done." Mylo continues to protest as he folds his arms, making Powder roll her eyes.
"Fine. If not the brows, then shave the facial hair," which makes him look aghast at the suggestion, "At least the sideburns."
"What!? No way! They're the main part of my look. It's manly. Right guys? Tell her." Mylo says as he looks at Claggor and Ekko to defend him on this.
They both look at eachother, then me, then back to Mylo before acting like they didn't hear anything. Looking elsewhere around the room, making the rest of us laugh.
"Oh, c'mon guys! It looks good." he tries to say, but doesn't gain any support. He then looks defeated before making eye contact with now my own smug look.
"Shave the sideburns." I say as I finish the last of the food on my plate, before my attention is grabbed by the capsule contraption Claggor is holding. Is that a flower?
"What's with the flower?" I ask which makes Claggor smile.
"Glad you asked," he says as he brushes past a disgruntled Mylo and sets it on the counter, "This is a hybrid flower to help get fresh air into the Undercity. It's supposed to be able to survive and produce air, even with all the gasses from the fissure." he says as he twists and pulls some things which gives a demonstration on the flower taking in the fissure gasses.
"What a brilliant idea!" Heimerdinger says enthusiastically.
'Mylo and Claggor working with plants? Never would have expected that.'
"Buuuut?" Powder asks with a slight head tilt, making Claggor sigh.
"But it's not fully working as expected. We got it to start feeding off the fissure gasses, but it's not working out fully as expected. They survive, but won't grow and can't produce enough air down here." he explains as Isha taps on the glass of the capsule.
'What about the tree? That somehow survived.'
"Tree?" I hear Ekko ask and turn to see him and Powder both looking at me curiously.
'Oh shit. I was mumbling again.'
"Oh, u-uh nothing. Sorry I was ju-"
"What tree?" Claggor now asks Ekko.
"Y/n said something about a tree." Ekko says, making Claggor and Mylo look to me. Claggor looking very interested, making me slightly nervous.
'Do they not know about it?'
"Uh, y'know. That one tree in the underground? Has some plants growing around it? Why don't you take samples from those?" I ask, but they look confused, "I guess that's a no."
"A tree? What tree? Where?" Claggor asks, now leaning onto the bar.
"It's not in plain sight. It's hidden in some abandon place, probably where maintenance used to be for the old pipes or something."
"W-Wait. So it's like an actual tree? How big is it?"
"Pretty big. I'd say it's been growing down there before any of us were born, maybe even longer than that."
"An actual tree. Can you show me where it is? Maybe if Mylo and I study some samples and the soil, then we can make a hybrid that can actually work for the Zaun." Claggor asks with hope in his voice and eyes."
"Woah, hold on," Vi says with a raised hand, "I don't think you should be walking around with your leg right? You just woke up." Vi says with concern.
"It's fine. I just gotta make sure not to put too much weight on," I say and turn to Heimerdinger, "Right?"
"Hmm, usually I would say you should rest, but I am also fascinated by this recent discovery. If the location of this tree is not hard to get to, then I think your leg should be fine."
"Not hard at all. Just a walk through some pipes and you're there, though I hope you don't mind getting your shoes wet." I say to Claggor and Mylo.
"As long as there's an actual tree, then it's fine by me." Claggor says and Mylo just shrugs his shoulders.
"Cool. I'll come too. Ekko?" Powder asks and gets a nod before looking at Isha, "And I'm guessing you're gonna wanna come too, huh?" Powder asks and Isha excitedly nods.
Vi then groan as she leans back into her seat.
"Maaan, I wanna see the tree too. Instead I need to go on patrol again." Vi says disgruntled and Cait comforts her with a shoulder rub and Sevika rolls her eyes.
"We can go see it another day Sweetie. Speaking of patrol, we better head out. Stay safe on your trip." Cait says as she pays for the drinks before leaving with a disappointed Vi and Sevika.
I stand up from my seat before looking down at my hip, remembering my lack of weapons.
"You guys wouldn't happen to have my stuff?" I ask, Isha perks up as she jump off her stool and rushes to the backroom, making Powder and Ekko chuckle.
"Yeah, about that. Isha found her way to them, so I hope you don't mind. We were supposed to clean them before you woke up." Powder says, making me raise a brow at her before Isha comes rushing back out with her arms full and wearing two helmets.
She looks at me expectantly as I see she made some cosmetic changes to my gear. Blue and green being the most colors that stand out. My shovel having a smiling face with shark teeth on it, my plain holster now being a mix of blue and green, my revolver having some stars and smiley faces with numbers on the spinning chamber, my gas mask has some little markings added where they could fit, and my helmet is much more colorful with bunny ears on the front. Looking at the colorful gear makes me smile as I pick up my helmet from atop Isha's head.
"I like it," I say before putting it on, "How does it look?" I ask
"Somehow, even more scary than before." Ekko says making me nod in approval before reaching to put on the rest of my gear while Claggor and Mylo discuss with the professor about the potential of their hybrid plants.
I do kinda struggle with reaching around with my gun holster before I feel my hand brush against another and turn to see Ekko.
"Let me help with that," he says as he helps me get the holster around and before I know it he helps with buckling it too; I feel a slight heat on my cheeks from the action, "That good?"
"Yup. Thanks," I say and Ekko nods before I take my gun and shovel and strap them on my hips, then put on my gas mask. Only then do I remember one more important thing missing, "Did you happen to find a journal on me too?" I ask, making Powder perk up.
"Oh right! Sorry," she says before reaching into her jacket and holding it out to me, "Don't worry, I didn't look in it. Just thought you'd want it somewhere safe." she explains and I nod before taking and pocketing it.
'It's best for you to never look in it.'
"Thanks. So I guess we can head out now?" I ask and get nods from everyone and Isha grabs my hand and pulls me towards the doors.
"Dad! We're heading out to go see a tree!" Powder says and get's a nod from Vander.
"Stay safe out there, and don't lean on your leg too much Y/n." Silco says before the three men go back to talking.
As we leave and Isha holds my hand in hers, I can't help but have a nice warm feeling in my chest.
'.....Maybe this isn't so bad.'
Ekko Pov
"Hey, you okay?" I whisper to Powder after noticing her lagging behind the group. All of us now walking through an old pipeline that supposedly leads to the tree Y/n has mentioned. Isha enjoying the the walk in the water, while our shoes are ankle deep in water.
"I am, but.... I don't know. This is just weird."
"You think it's a setup? She seems fine to me"
"No, I don't, but that's the problem. This whole thing feels too fine. Feels too right for someone we just met yesterday. Look at them," she says as she gestures forward at the rest of the group. Bantering about things that come to their minds. I see Y/n, her mask now off and attached to her holster, say something that makes Mylo and Claggor laugh, "She fits in. She fits in too well. Mylo would usually be stumbling over his words when met with a cute girl, but instead they're just joking and ribbing each other like they've known each other since forever." she says, making me sigh.
"I know. I was surprised when Mylo was actually able to let out a sentence without a voice crack." I say jokingly, making Powder slightly glare at me and give me a nudge.
"I'm serious. It's weird, but it's good weird. Even you and I have stayed in her room because it felt nice to just be there with her. You know that's not normal," I remember the times we'd spend in that room, using Isha as an excuse of being there sometimes because she wanted to be there, but I know Powder and I enjoyed Y/n being in the same room as us, "She makes me forget that she's a stranger. We all have friends, but we have a pretty tight knit group of people we really really care for. When I saw the condition she was in that day Vi rushed her in; I never felt that worried before. I thought she was gonna die and that made me want to cry. Even now, I still hardly know her, but it just feels right to be with her. She's hiding something and that makes me feel really upset, and I shouldn't be." Powder finishes airing out her thoughts and finally takes a deep breath. Making me wrap an arm around her.
"You're not wrong. I've been questioning it too.... but is it that bad? Maybe she just fits in really well with us?," I try to argue, but then immediately sigh in defeat to myself, knowing that's not it, "Never mind, I'm just lying to myself. I feel it too. That weird pull to her. It makes me want to protect her."
"Exactly! Whenever I think about how she's hiding something, I really wanted to look in her journal but held myself back. It's wrong, but it feels right. I-I think I see it in the others too. What-What's happening to us?"
"I don't know."
'A part of me doesn't want to know. Just accept it.'
"There just up ahead, it should be there." Y/n says as she points to the light at the end of the tunnel. A smile on her face that brings back that comforting feeling and I feel Powder relax under my arm as we catch up with the group.
Once we finally reach the end I blink to adjust to the sunlight and stare in shock at the actual living tree.
"It's real." I say looking at it in awe.
"Amazing! To think that life somehow found a way to live deep down here underground. Imagine what it must have gone through to adapt to it's conditions!" Heimerdinger says looking at it in awe.
Claggor quickly goes up closer to it with Mylo and the professor following close behind. Isha splashes around the area, she looks to be having fun playing in the water and looking at the insects.
"It's beautiful. How did you find this place?" Powder asks Y/n, who is keeping a close eye on Isha with a smile on her face.
"Just wandering around. Eventually stumbled upon this place one day." she says, but I see her fiddling with her shovel handle. I ignore the sign of nervousness and turn back to the tree.
"I can't believe no one knew about this place. It's like a sanctuary."
"A sanctuary for hope," Y/n says as she glances at me, "Even in the roughest conditions. Life finds a way to thrive. Kinda like Zaun." she says and turns back to the tree. I catch myself admiring her in scenery, apparently a little too long because I feel Powder nudge me slightly and give me a knowing smirk. It's then that we see some slight shine onto her eyes, making her blink and rub at them.
"Damn light." she says as she raises a hand over her eyes and blinking a lot, having a hard time to adjust.
"You really aren't that good with light are you? What's up with that?" Powder asks as Y/n moves to a more shaded area.
"I'm just not used to it. I've spent most of my life in the deep end of the Undercity, so light isn't really a thing I'm used to." she says making me raise a brow.
"You've had to have come up from there at least sometimes right? When was the last time you left?" I ask curiously, and also some concern for the health of her eyes.
"Besides yesterday, it's been years. Last time was when that whole speech about peace between Piltover and Zaun happened on that bridge," she says making both Powder and I stare at her in shock and horror, "What?"
"Y/n. You haven't been to the surface in eight years!?" Powder asks in concern, making Y/n nervous as she helps Isha up from the water after she slipped.
"No. Too busy dealing with gangs honestly. Never really kept up with Zaun," Y/n says as she wipes some dirt off Isha's face, "Wake up, eat, hunt down gangs, sometimes wipe them out and if I'm lucky I get a good amount of sleep. Rinse and repeat." she finishes explaining making me connect some dots.
"That's why you look so confused about laws and the way Zaun is now. You've been completely out of the loop," I say, getting a nod from Y/n, "So you haven't seen how Zaun is now? The markets? Stores? Community? Nothing?"
She looks hesitant and too embarrassed to answer, even getting a sympathetic look from Isha.
'She has been living in the past. Literally.'
"Okay. No, we're going on a different trip." Powder says, sounding slightly upset, as she walks up to Y/n, grabs a hand and starts dragging her back to the pipe with Isha following close behind. Y/n gives me a pleading look to help her, but I shrug my shoulders. A part of me also wanting to see where this goes.
"But-But what about the tree and the others?" Y/n asks making Powder roll her eyes, before tugging Y/n forward almost causing her to fall and looping her arm with her own, holding her close to support her and help her walk.
"They're too busy getting samples and admiring the tree, they'll be fine. We, are going to give you a tour around Zaun."
"You do-"
"Shut up. You don't have a choice. Come on you two." Powder calls back to Isha and I. I quickly catch up them and pick up Isha from behind and place her on my shoulders as we follow behind the two. Powder continuing to drag the reluctant girl. That feeling of everything being right, emerging again.
I don't fight the feeling this time.
Hope you enjoyed reading. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes.
#arcane au#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi
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Happier Chapter 5
Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or anything I link. Just the concept. Also I'm not a medical professional so if what you read seems dumb, just imagine it makes sense.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences.
Reader Pov
As I sit here waiting for Vi and Cait to show up with whatever amount of enforcer's they plan on bringing, I polish up my old mining helmet after I already finish doing the same thing with my lucky revolver. I've been sitting here waiting on the steps of some random building that hasn't been occupied in awhile.
'I may have showed up a little too early.' It's felt like I've been here for hours, but they still haven't showed up. I also occasionally checked the tunnel for anyone going in or out, but no luck. Must be too early to catch anyone. So I took a quick peak inside just to see the tunnel lead deeper than I can see into the mines.
I suddenly hear footsteps and quickly stand up with my gun in hand. I relax once I see the familiar head of hair, pink standing out the most. I see Cait with one of her family's new rifle models and Vi with what looks like a modified pair of gauntlets.
'Still a brawler,' I thought as I smile behind my mask, before running my gaze over four other enforcers behind them. One of them having a very familiar larger stature reminding me of a friend Vi made in the Enforcers; being pretty much confirmed once I see a large shield on his back, 'Yup, definitely the same guy. Didn't get to know him that well, but he seemed like a nice guy too when he was training the volunteers. Though the team looks one person larger than normal than I remember.'
I holster my gun before putting my helmet back on and approaching the group to talk to Cait.
"Good to see you here. I started thinking you were gonna bail on me."
"We wanted to be sure we wouldn't be spotted, so we took a longer route to get here. Hope you weren't waiting long." Cait explains, having her professional tone back in action.
"Don't worry about it. So who are the other four?" I ask which makes Vi step aside and she start introductions. First gesturing to the big man himself.
'What was his name again?'
"This is Loris, he's usually in the front when clearing a room and stays close with Cait and Robyn in confrontations. He's really good with that shield of his and is good in a melee too," then the to one wearing what looks to be a vest and wielding tonfas, "this is Steb, doesn't talk much but he has good instincts, he's fast and can handle guarding our rear," next is a kinda short girl but I know they aren't that traitor bitch since their hair looks more like a caramel brown and reaches their shoulders, "next is Robyn, she's only recently joined but is a great addition to the team. She handles carrying and deploying gasses and explosives if needed and providing some fire support when she's not deploying them."
"Also isn't a turncoat." I barely manage to catch from the taller woman. She's the 2nd tallest here.
"Finally is Sevika, we usually lead the front together and clear a way for the team when in a sticky situation. Other than that we usually switch between making sure no one get's too close to Cait or overwhelms the group overall," she says before turning to the four behind her, "Guys this is Y/n, better known as Bloodhound." Vi finishes introduction, but I'm too busy staring at Sevika. No longer missing an arm.
'Sevika as an enforcer. Who would've guessed? This timeline really is better for everyone.' I thought as I see Loris step forward towards me.
"Well, I'll be honest I thought you'd be taller, but I'm not complaining. Hopefully this job goes good, huh?" he says as he raises a fist to offer a fist bump which makes me smirk before returning the gesture, "heh, I like them already." he says as he turns back to the others which makes Sevika and Steb shake their heads, but the girl looks stiff as a board for some reason. Probably nervous.
"Let's just get the job started. What do we know?" Sevika asks as the rest of the group gathers closer together.
"I haven't seen anyone going in or out while waiting. Took a quick look in the tunnel, but it goes deeper than I can see. Last time I saw people go in it took a couple hours for them to go in then come out, so the walk might be long. We're gonna need to move quick if we want to find out what's down there before people start showing up. I'd rather not have people hitting us from both sides." I explain to the group, before we start planning how we want to approach this operation.
Once we finally move into the tunnel it's Loris and I up ahead of the group, then Sevika and Vi, then Cait and Robyn, and Steb behind all of us to watch our rear just in case someone shows up.
At first our guard was mostly up, but once it was obvious that nothing would show up for awhile we treaded at a more calm pace. I also noticed a slight incline bringing us deeper underground. We stayed in silence for most of the walk before someone finally decided to break it.
"So, Bloodhound huh? Quite the title." Loris says which makes me roll my eyes.
"I didn't choose it."
"Hey, I'm not judging. Cooler than mine if you ask me. I could only come up with "The Wall" when our little task force starting making a name for itself."
"I wonder why." Vi says sarcastically behind us. I can hear the smirk on her face, which makes me lighten up a little.
"I'm being honest, I didn't choose mine. I only found out about it yesterday. Had no idea I had any sort of rep in Piltover, let alone a title." I say and hear a scoff come from behind me.
"You saying you didn't notice that pretty much everyone left you alone, including the enforcers? Are you just that clueless?" Sevika asks and I shrug my shoulders.
"I thought I was just an outcast. I don't really fit in with today's Zaun if you haven't noticed. I'm a merc remember?"
"I don't think you're that bad." I hear and turn to see the girl, Robyn. I also see shoulders tense when my eyes land on her which makes Loris chuckle.
"She's a big fan!" Loris loudly whispers which makes Robyn groan.
"She said you inspired her to join the enforcers a few years ago," he says which makes me raise a brow at Robyn who now looks too embarrassed to look me in the eyes now. Only making Loris laugh even more, "Must've been one hell of an inspiration too, because she climbed fast."
"How does a merc inspire someone to be an enforcer?" I question her since the concept of it confuses me.
"W-Well, um..... you saved my family a few years ago. They got into some debt with a gang and no one could really do anything about it. They called themselves the Sewer Rats."
"Oh, right, I remember them. Mostly loan sharks. Honestly they were asking to get taken out eventually with a name like that." I recall the horrible gang emblem and the fact that they all stunk. Their gang was literally in the sewers, which was disgusting.
"Yeah. I remember blaming the world and everyone for my family being stuck in debt because no one wanted to help, even though I didn't really do anything about it either. Then one day you came around and started kicking ass left and right all by yourself. You were pretty scary, but you also brought hope to people and helped a lot; even if you didn't mean to," she says which makes me ponder for the first time on how my actions may have affected people other than my family and friends, "It made me think 'If one person could do that. Then why can't I?' so I joined the Enforcers. I didn't want to feel helpless like before. I wanted to make a difference." she finishes which makes me feel..... honestly I don't know how it makes me feel. To know that I am a inspiration to someone in some way.
"Well, I hope your family is okay now." I say since I couldn't think of anything better to say.
"They're fine now. Moved out of the deep end of the Undercity after you took out that gang. Started making an honest living...... thank you."
"Don't ment-" I immediately go silent and signal for the group to stop as I hear some distant noise up ahead. Sounds like people talking. No yelling.
We all move slowly forward as we make our way forward until we finally reach the end of the tunnel.
"It is one person! You're saying one person is causing trouble with establishing groundwork in the deep end of the Undercity!?" I hear someone yell and it strangely sounds familiar.
We move into what looks to be a large mined out area of the mines with paths along the walls leading down to a lower levels, old railroads leading up and down the path fpr minecarts and old tunnels being connected here and old mining equipment being left to rust.
We move in quietly watching out for some of the people that are hanging around the area, but slacking off from keeping watch. We stick closer together and move past more people until we reach a spot to look down to the bottom level to see more gang members spread around and working, until I finally spot a familiar face which makes me scowl.
'Chross. Even when Piltover is thriving you can't fucking have enough!?' I think before my eye catches something that makes me even more upset. Children. Working in the mines, like last time. Only a few, but still bad.
"This is fucked up." Loris says, hiding nearby behind a minecart with Robyn.
"Chross," I hear Cait seethe crouching next to Steb and Vi, "I knew he was under investigation for suspicious activity, but I didn't think he would have started a gang." I hear her say, but my eyes are still locked onto the kids.
"How the hell did they all get down here?" I ask to no one, but I get an answer anyway.
"We heard of orphans going missing, but couldn't track them down. Some assumed they left to pursue a life somewhere else; it's not uncommon for a kid to go missing then find out they're working on some trading ship or somewhere at the docks a few days later." Robyn answers and I can hear the angered undertone in her voice.
"Listen, we know that bastard is behind it now, so let's prioritize getting those kids somewhere safe. Any ideas?" Sevika asks as she turns to the group.
"Maybe we can..." whoever it was that was talking I don't remember because my eyes widen on another familiar face.
'No. Why are you here!? You aren't supposed to be here!' I thought as I see a familiar kid with a mining helmet on her head.
"Isha." I say as memories of her fly through my head. That precious little girl who became family, who loved so much, cared so much, and sacrificed herself. My eyes begin to water.
"You know one of them?" someone asks, Sevika maybe, but I ignore it when I see Isha starts coughing and looks too exhausted to keep working. One of Chross' henchmen notice.
"Hey! No one said to stop working kid!" the man yells, but Isha looks to tired to pick up the mining tool. He walks over to her and shoves her to the ground causing the other kids to look at the commotion in fear. My heart starts beating rapidly and my hand clenches my gun, "What did I say!? Back to work!"
I see Isha crawl backwards away from the man as he reaches for a baton on his waist. My grip on my revolver tightens.
"Oh no."
The man takes it off his waist.
"Don't. If you do something everyone here wi-"
The man raises the baton high.
"We will get them out, but yo-"
The world slows down.
I watch him hit her.
I hear her cry.
The sound echoes in my ears.
He just hit Isha.
He goes to hit her again.
I don't let him.
I see RED.
Vi Pov
'This definitely did not go a planned!' I thought as I knock out another thug and help Steb defend our rear, as we all move to keep up with Y/n. She has completely lost it.
"PLEASE! N- AAAAHHHH!!!!!!" another person dead. Y/n slamming the apex of her shovel into their face. They're left to bleed out as Y/n charges to the next with a gun and shovel.
"I see why they call her Bloodhound!" Loris says before bulldozing over someone and slamming two other people into a wall.
"What's happened to her!?" Cait asks as shoots some more incoming thugs and covers Y/n's back wherever she can. I help Steb deal with the last of the people behind us before turning around and see Sevika chuck someone off the edge to fall all the way to the bottom.
"The guy she shot hit a kid she knows! I tried stopping her, but she lost her mind!" Sevika explains as she takes out any leftover stragglers that Y/n is leaving behind.
"Well on the bright side! We're making good progress!" Robyn says as she stays close to Loris, but I think she's enjoying watching Y/n lead the charge a little too much...... for some reason that kinda upsets me.
I hate to admit it, but Robyn's not wrong. Her complete rampage is causing a lot to flee and any who stay to try and fight her are met with a beast of rage shooting a gun and swinging a shovel.
The man in question looks terrified before quickly yelling out orders to the last of his thugs that have stayed.
"Hurry up and deal with them you idiots!" he yells out to the rest before two men rush to get him out of there through another tunnel. Doesn't matter. We gotta get the kids out of here. Speaking of, by now most of them are huddled together. I move up to take Loris' place in the front to speed up the process; taking out one after another.
We begin to start getting close to the children, but at the corner of my eye I spot someone hiding behind crates and watch as they throw what looks like a bomb towards us.
"You idiot what are you thinking!?" one of thugs yell at the person before running for cover and I yell out to Loris.
"On it!" he yells before rushing up and deflecting it away with his shield, causing to go flying towards another pile of crates off to the side, and rushes to the kids to shield them, "Get behind me!"
The rest of us take cover and I think we're fine, until I see a little girl was hiding near the crates; staring at the bomb in shock.
Y/n yells again, but this time in desperation. Before I know it, Y/n rushes over, picks the kid up and tries to run as far away as possible before the bomb sets off.
The explosion was bigger than expected, probably something in those crates. Dust and smoke now cover the area as I hear rumbling and see some of the old supports of the mine now giving in under the tension.
"Shit! This place is about to collapse, we gotta go!" Sevika yells out and I hear kids crying while Loris tries to calm them. Sevika rushes to them and picks up two of them before looking towards the kids that are older than the rest, "If you can, pick up one of the younger ones and stay close to us. We're getting out of here!"
The older kids are in shock, but quickly listen to instructions and each picking up one of the younger children. Robyn, Cait, and I do the same. Carrying two each. Loris manages to carry three.
"Where's Y/n!?" Robyn asks looking around which makes me begin to panic.
"*cough* *cough* I'm *cough* here!" I hear and I am barely able to see Y/n holding the kid close to her; her gas mask placed on the girls face.
"Are you alr-" Cait goes to ask, but is interrupted by more rumbling.
"I'm fine! Let's go!" Y/n yells and we all quickly rush back to the tunnel we came from much faster since there is no resistance from any of the gang members.
We all quickly rush down the path we came in from. I can hear the mine beginning to collapse behind us as we run for lives, and I can feel the two kids I am carrying hold onto me tighter. Soon we see the end and we all simultaneously increase our pace at the sign of escape.
We all run out and far away from the tunnel before finally stopping after the tunnel collapses.
"That was a close one." Loris says as we all catch a breather and the young children cry from that near death experience. Robyn pulls out a flare and shoots it into the sky to signal for help and I turn to one of the older kids, who is still holding onto a child.
"Was this all of them?" I ask, afraid of the answer I will get, but luckily they nod their head which makes me let out a breath of relief.
"Y/n!" Robyn yells and I look to see Y/n kneeling on the ground and only being held up by that little girl, Isha, if I remember correctly. On her back I see blood stains and the impact of fragments from the bomb embedded through her jacket and an injured leg.
i'M fInE, jUsT a ScRaTcH.
I set down the kids I am holding before rushing to her, Cait does the same. We both take a look at her injuries and by the look Cait gives me we're both thinking the same thing.
"It's bad Vi. She needs help. Now."
3rd Person
"So you boys got an idea on what you're going to present for the Innovator's Competition?" Vander asks as the young adults sit together at the bar.
"I'm still trying to figure it out." Ekko says which make Benzo, sitting off to the side with Silco, laugh.
"Hah! Got that right. You should see him at his desk; looks like his head is gonna blow up." Benzo teases, making Ekko roll his eyes.
"Me and Mylo got an idea for mutated plants. Been working on it for awhile, but it's not working right yet." Claggor says sounding a little disappointed at the progress he and Mylo are making.
"What about you Powder? You jumping in the ring?" Vander asks the blue haired girl who has her mind elsewhere, causing Ekko to slightly nudge her.
"Huh, what?"
"Vander was asking if you're gonna participate in the Innovator's Competition." Ekko explains to her.
"Oh. Um. I don't know yet. Maybe." Powder answers before staring back down at the bar counter. Vander, Silco, and Ekko catching the strange behavior. The brothers give Ekko a look, and Ekko only gives a slight shrug.
"Well. I'm sure whatever you all come up with, will be great." Silco says with a slight raise of his glass to them.
As the conversation shifts, Ekko leans towards Powder.
"Hey, you alright?" he asks with concern in his voice. Powder gives a complicated expression before sighing.
"I don't know. I-I've just had something bugging my mind recently." she says which gets a sympathetic look from Ekko. Hinting that he has been having the same problem.
"Yeah..... this might sound weird, but, does it have to do with Y/n?" he asks, the name once again feeling too familiar even when saying it out loud. Powder gives a smirk and raises a brow at Ekko.
"Oh? You thinking of other girls?"
"No! No, that's not wha-"
"I'm just kidd'in. But yeah it is. How'd you know?" Powder asks, and Ekko breathes a sigh of relief that he didn't mess up.
"It's been the same for me. Hard to think sometimes, even when I'm working with the professor . It's been bothering me. They look familiar. Sound familiar. It-It's like-"
"You should know them? Like, really, know them?"
"Yes! It's been driving me crazy."
"Me too..... maybe we just gotta get our minds off of them? Do something fun? You free today?" Powder asks looking at Ekko with hope.
"Sure. Maybe a date will get our minds off of it." Ekko says as he pockets his notebook and offers a hand to Powder, making her smile.
Powder grabs his hand and sta-
The whole bar turns to the entrance at the sudden loud noise. Standing at the entrance is a clearly out of breath Caitlyn and Vi, who is holding an unconscious Y/n on her back. Vi makes eye contact with Vander.
"Dad! She needs help!"
All of the close family's eyes gravitate to the unconscious girl on Vi's back. Powder and Ekko both immediately panicking internally at the sight of her. Not because they're scared of her, but for her.
"Bring her to the back! Gert handle the bar!" Vander instructs and both Vi and Caitlyn quickly rush to the backroom. Gert starts to clear out the bar as the close family all follow behind Vi, now being able to see the injuries on Y/n's back, causing Vander to quickly clear a large table, "Set her down here. Gently."
Claggor and Mylo both quickly help Vi unload Y/n from her back and set her down gently. Now all of her wounds clear to see for everyone in the room. Powder squeezes Ekko's hand as she scans over all the wounds and blood. That familiar voice once again going through their head; the same goes for the others in the room.
"Nothin' about that looks good" Benzo says as he looks a the girl in sympathy.
"What happened?" Silco asks as he get's closer to examine the wounds.
"Some guy threw a bomb. Loris hit it away, but it ended up landing near a little girl she knew. She rushed to pick her up and took most of the blow. It-It looked really bad and I didn't know any other doctor nearby to help her so I ran here," Vi explains while it being very clear that she is out of breath, "Can you help her?"
Silco looks at Y/n's unconscious face and that same feeling he has for the rest of the children raised in this bar rises. He doesn't ponder on it before nodding his head and looking to Powder.
"Powder, I need you to head over to my lab. You remember what I taught you about medicine?" he asks and gets a nod, "Then you already know what I will need. Go," He says and Powder nods again before giving one last long look at Y/n's form before rushing off, "Claggor and Mylo go see if you can find the professor around the area and send him here if you do," they nod before rushing off, "Ms. Kiramman go across the bridge and see if you can find Viktor and send him here as fast as possible," Cait quickly rushes off as well, "I'm going to need to cut her clothes off to get a better look at her injuries. Unless you think you can help with her wounds, step out of the room." he says as he pulls out a knife from his coat.
Both Vi and Benzo go to step out, Benzo doing his best to comfort her from her state of stress. Now leaving Vander, Ekko and Silco left.
"Alright. I don't know if I will be able to help, but we just need to make sure she's stable until more help arrives. Understood?" Silco asks both Vander and Ekko and get's nods from both.
"Will....Will she really be alright?" Ekko asks as he moves closer to get a better look at the injuries.
"The longer we talk the worse she gets." Silco says as he begins cutting Y/n's clothes.
"Right. She'll be fine." Ekko says before walking up to help Silco and Vander.
"She'll be fine."
Hope you enjoyed.
#arcane au#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi
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Happier Chapter 4
Disclaimer: I do not own arcane or any music, just this concept idea.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences.
Vander Pov
"So when is our special guest arriving?" Powder asks as she wipes down some tables.
"Don't know. Apparently whoever ended up giving the message ended up running away before they got confirmation."
"Really? I know this person's got a rep, but I didn't know they're feared."
"Hm. Can't blame 'em. Apparently they stumbled on them in the middle of a fight or something like that. Guy was too scared to stay and just ran off." I explain with a chuckle as Powder leans on a booth table that has Mylo, Claggor and Ekko sitting there.
Got almost the whole gang here today. Vi and Cait waiting in the back, the boys decided to come today 'cause Mylo wanted to see who this guy is while Claggor and Ekko wanted to be here in case something goes wrong. Benzo was supposed to be here, but he has something he needs to do, though he might get here in time to see them, and Silco might or might not. He's been busy helping the Council with making Zaun better. Though that doesn't mean he didn't get a chance to poke fun yesterday about someone adopting my title. Even if they aren't really the same.
Other than them, the bar isn't too full today. It has it's usual groups coming in and out, and Gert is working her shift today serving tables.
"Oh come on guys! You really believe all the stuff about this guy?" Mylo asks with that smug smirk he usually always wears.
"Didn't you want to see them yesterday?" Claggor asks
"Yeah, so I can see they're fake. I'm telling you, it's just a bunch of rumors. It's probably multiple people acting as one guy" Mylo says as he leans back in the booth looking relaxed, though I can tell he's a little nervous.
'I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I'd rather not have the bar be ruined, this place is important to us.'
"I think it might be true. Maybe they're some crazy guy who just likes to fight a lot. Kinda like Vi." Powder says with a smirk.
"I heard that!" Vi yells from the backroom, which makes the group laugh a little.
Ekko shakes his head as he jots down notes, but joins in on the conversation.
"Maybe it's both. Some true and some not. No doubt some details are exaggerated."
"They're always exaggerated. People love an unbelievable story, but that doesn't mean that they aren't true in a more realistic way." Powder says as she rolls her eyes.
"How much you wanna bet it's not true? I'll bet five silver" Mylo asks with a smirk. Which catches Powder's attention.
"Make it ten."
"Deal" Mylo says before shaking hands with Powder.
""Oh, no"" Both Claggor and Ekko say as they look at Mylo with pity. Which makes me chuckle.
'Mylo sucks at bets. Especially when he has that cocky look on his face.'
I watch over the bar until I notice Gert do a double take as she passes one of the windows near the front.
"Uh, hey boss! Your VIP is here." Gert says as she looks out one of the windows.
I see Powder quickly rush to the windows, and looking outside. I see her head turn to scan around only for a second before her eyes widen; then a smirk.
'She won.'
She whips around before quickly rushing back to the booth and taking a seat.
"So, Mylo, you want to pay me now or later?"
Before Reader arrives at the bar
Reader Pov
I look around at my home. This new Zaun as I walk through streets both familiar, yet unrecognizable. At first I was trying my best to keep my head down and speed walk to The Last Drop, but I quickly became distracted by, well, everything. The buildings, fresher air, clear skies, light actually being able to reach down here, and the people. God the people.
'They look happy.'
My steps slowed along the way to take in everything. I saw places that I remembered as gang hideouts now being used as homes, bakeries, small food places, a library and more.
I saw areas that used to hold junkies and be filled with thugs now being used as markets and for communities to gather. I recognized people who used to be at the lowest of society now thriving and happy. Hell I even saw a school!
'A school!? A fucking place for youth to have education! In Zaun!? Can you believe that!?'
It was so much. I could barely handle looking at it all, but I had to keep moving. I didn't want to keep Vander waiting, also...... I think I'm disturbing the peace a little bit.
I'm not oblivious. I look weird. Streets full of people being happy with family; enjoying the life of new Zaun. Then some weirdo in a gas mask comes wandering through town from the deep end. I see people giving me looks and some pointing me out while in conversations with others. Enforcers that were on patrol gave me looks of suspicion. I also think I'm being followed by some, but they're not approaching, so they must just be doing their job.
Then finally I see it in the distance, "The Last Drop."
It looks so different, but not too different that it gave off a different vibe. I stood outside just staring at the building. Remembering how it was to grow up here, and how much it changed. Now it looked more welcoming, and homely. So many memories were attached to this place. Helping Vi with her boxing, listening to Mylo try to act all cool, hanging out and talking with Claggor and helping Powder and Ekko with some tinkering; even though I wasn't the best at tinkering but I could help with the more physical labor. Not mention the occasional slap to Mylo's head when calling Powder a jinx.
'It's been too long.'
I take a few seconds before letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding and walking towards the entrance.
"Time to face the music."
Once I step in, I can hear the noise inside the bar get a little quieter, except the music, as I scan the area. First person I see is Vander, then Powder, Mylo, Claggor, and Ekko. Instantly I feel a weight drop into the pit of my stomach.
'Holy shit. They grew fast. It's one thing seeing it a dream, but here and now in person is so much more different.'
The noise around me becomes distorted and I begin panicking internally. Too focusing on the people I used to know so well. They're probably totally different now.
'I need focus. Breathe. Focus on something else.' I think, before looking away at the rest of the bar and patrons. I see the jukebox now all polished looking new. Parts of the bar that used to be damaged now fixed up. New tables and chairs. Patrons talking about their day or whatever. I take a breathe to calm myself down.
'I'm regretting this already.'
Powder Pov
"What dumpster did they crawl out of? Oof!" Mylo asks which makes Claggor elbow him in the rib.
"What are they doing?" Ekko whispers the same thing I think all of us are wondering.
This person just walked in and now is just standing at the entrance looking around.
"Getting a read on the room? They might think it's a setup by Enforcers." Claggor suggests as he keeps an eye on them.
Finally, they walk over towards the bar counter and I spot a gun sitting in a holster on one hip and...... a shovel?
"Why do they have a shovel?" I question with a confused look.
"I'm more concerned about the gun." Mylo says, as he rubs his side to soothe the pain from being elbowed, sounding slightly nervous. Which is reasonable, but seriously.
'Why a shovel?'
3rd Person
As Y/n walks over to the counter and finally face Vander for the first time in forever as he does his usual thing. Wiping down some used glasses. Y/n looks up into his eyes, which almost breaks the front she was putting up but she keeps it together.
"I was told you wanted to see me?"
"Me?" he asks, looking slightly confused. Which makes Y/n just as confused
"That's what a guy told me. Before he ran off." Y/n explains which makes Vander chuckle before sighing. Y/n panics thinking she messed up and is ready to run before Vander speaks.
"I did send the messenger, but I'm not the one who wants to talk. There's two Enforcers here. They aren't gonna arrest you; they just wanna talk."
This get's a physical reaction out of Y/n. Making them tense, which the others notice.
"About what." Y/n asks, making Powder and the boys tense with the tone Y/n was using with Vander. Not asking, more like a command.
Vander catches it, but just smiles.
"Nothing that's gonna bring you trouble. They want your help with dealing with a gang. Same one that you've been hunting down." Vander explains which makes Y/n relax.
"Why me?" Y/n asks, which makes Vander gesture to one of the stools to sit. Y/n looks at the stool and was gonna refuse, before reconsidering after looking back at Vander. She know him. She trusts him. So she sits down; unloading more tenseness to relax in her sit.
"Want a drink?" he offers as he raises a glass, but Y/n raises her hand shakes her head in refusal.
"I'm not planning on staying long."
"That's fine," he says as he sets it back down, "They want to talk to you for the same reason why you're having a hard time tracking down that gang. They've been put on the case after the gang started to try pushing into more secure parts of Zaun. They want to work with you."
"I figured, but why would they want to work with me? I'm a merc." Y/n asks which makes Vander humph.
"Listen, I know your type. You're a merc, but let's be honest. Mercs don't get a lot of work around here nowadays, and I know you're not getting paid to do your hunting. You don't got a gang either and don't go making trouble for citizens. That means you are doing this cause you want to. You and I both know you want this gang taken out just as much as the rest of Piltover does," Vander says, before leaning on the counter in front of Y/n. Even without being able to see their face behind the mask he knows they agree, "I just gotta ask that you don't cause trouble in here alright. Cause if you do then things are gonna go bad for the both of us. Alright?"
They stare at each other for a few seconds before Y/n shifts in her seat with a groan.
"Fine, but I don't know if I can help much. If I had anything good I would have dealt with them by now, but I'll do my best." Y/n says, sounding dejected while looking down at the wooden counter, before she feels a warm hand patting her shoulder and looks up at Vander's comforting smile.
"That's all I'm askin' for." he says, unknowingly making Y/n's eyes water.
Vander pulls away before nodding at Powder. Powder gets up from her seat before going to the door leading to the back.
"They're ready for you" she quickly whispers to Vi and Caitlyn before rushing back to her seat with the boys.
As Vi and Caitlyn step out from the room Y/n's eyes widen behind her mask. She doesn't have time to fully process that they're working together again, before they make their way around to where she is sitting. Caitlyn in front with Vi behind her looking on guard.
"First of all, I'd like to thank you for meeting us here. My name is Caitlyn Kiramman and this is my partner Violet," Caitlyn says and gestures to Vi, "We weren't sure you were gonna show up, but I'm happy to be proved wrong." Caitlyn says, professionalism and etiquette lining her voice as she takes a seat next, but not too close, to Y/n. Vi remains standing behind her.
"Don't mention it. Not like I had a choice when it's The Hound asking for you." Y/n says with a hand wave before adjusting herself to now be facing the two enforcers, also slightly being able to see Powder and the boys behind Cait's shoulder.
"Still, thank you. Now you already know why you're here, but I wanted to discuss terms before moving onto anymore business."
"Yes. In exchange for your help we're willing to grant a reward with a potential bonus depending how well things go, along with my mother being willing to negotiate with the council to pardon you of crimes on your record."
"Okay listen, I do-..... wait I have a record of charges?" Y/n asks in confusion since she doesn't remember doing anything bad. To her at least.
"Yes. Quite a large list. Mostly involving your past escapades with the gangs you have wiped out." Caitlyn explains, which makes Y/n even more confused.
"But they were gangs. They were causing all sorts of trouble down there. Isn't that fine?"
Before Caitlyn can respond, Vander let's out a laugh.
"It isn't fine no more. You can't just go around dealing justice without any actual authority." Vander explains to Y/n which makes her more confused before shaking her head of her thoughts.
"Whatever, you don't gotta do all that. I just want this gang dealt with. Gone." Y/n explains which makes both Vi and Caitlyn furrow their brows in confusion.
"Not even the pardon?"
"Knowing me I'd probably be tracking down some other idiot causing trouble right after this one."
Caitlyn sits in contemplation for a few seconds about that statement and relaxes more in her seat before responding.
"Well...... I must insist on you at least taking the reward. Not for yourself, but for the sake of the Enforcers' and Council's reputation. You would be doing them a favor." Caitlyn tries to persuade for the sake of not having the people doubt their leaders, also because she doesn't want to be the only one getting something out of this deal.
"Sure. Fine. Whatever. Let's get to business. Yesterday I finally got something that might be useful." Y/n says before pulling out and unfolding a hand drawn map of the deeper parts of the Undercity and sets it down between herself and Caitlyn.
Vi, Caitlyn and Vander scans over it. They see an obvious circle on what looks like a tunnel entrance at the outskirts and some buildings being marked with X's. Though you can also see past writing on the map which have been erased over the years.
*whistle* "You've been busy." Vander says as he looks over all the new and old writing on the map.
"Always on the clock. Anyways I've been tracking down these guys and already hit these places," Y/n says as she points at the buildings marked with X's, "but each one just led me to someone else. Luckily I finally got something yesterday. There's this old mining tunnel here," she points to the circled location, "and apparently got cleared out and has people going in and out of here. I got a quick look yesterday to confirm and it seems true. Saw a few people going in before leaving after a couple of hours." Y/n explains before Vi finally decides to join in the conversation and stepping closer between Caitlyn and Y/n.
"Are you sure it's safe? Who did you get the info from?" Vi asks, which makes Y/n freeze for a second at Vi's voice.
"Some guy named Simon. He was working for the gang and wanted to climb up the power ladder, so he ended up learning some things he shouldn't know."
"Where is he now?"
"I killed him." Y/n says plainly which makes Caitlyn's eyes widen and stare at Y/n in shock.
"He tried to stab me," Y/n explains with a shrug, though not helping with Caitlyn's expression, "This is the best thing I got. It's all I have, so unless you two got something better this is our best shot at either finding their boss or at least finding something useful. I'm hitting it tomorrow, so you're either in or out"
Caitlyn relaxes her expression and glances towards Vi who shrugs her shoulders, but still looks a little unsure about something.
*sigh* "Fine. I'll gather the enforcers needed today and meet you near the tunnel tomorrow, early in the morning. Around this area." Caitlyn says as she circles a spot on the map with her finger near the tunnel.
"Sounds good, but I don't recommend bringing a whole squad of enforcers down there. Might spook them and then they'll be ready; a small group that can move in without bringing too much attention to themselves."
"Agreed. I'd rather catch them off guard. I assume they might be prepared for you, but not being backed by enforcers."
"So looks like we-" before Y/n finishes speaking. Vi steps interrupts.
"Woah, not yet. We don't even know if we can trust you yet." Vi says which surprises Caitlyn, making it obvious that she didn't plan for this. Y/n tilts her head slightly.
"Wasn't it you two that wanted to talk to me?"
"Vi, it's fine." Caitlyn says, trying to defuse an oncoming problem, but Vi doesn't back down.
"Still. There's no way you expect us to just believe you. You could be setting us up for all we know."
"I could have said the same thing about this meeting, but I still showed up."
"Bullshit. I heard what you said to Vander. You didn't even know we wanted to meet you until Vander told you. How do we know you're not gonna set us up? You won't even show your face." Vi questions with a steeled tone.
Y/n knowing Vi won't trust her easily takes a few seconds to ponder what she should do next before standing up from her seat, carefully reach for her gun causing everyone who is watching by now to tense, and sets it on the bar. She reaches up and takes off her helmet before following up with her mask, placing them next to her gun and now with her face on full display makes eye contact with a surprised Vi. Not catching the change in Vander's expression as well.
"My name is Y/n; just Y/n. There, no mask. No bullshit. I just want this gang to be dealt with already. They've been a pain in my ass and I'm tired. So we got a deal?" Y/n asks as she takes of a glove and offers a handshake to Vi. Vi looks at Y/n's hand then back to her eyes before relaxing her shoulders.
"Fine. Just so you know, if you're lying and my Cupcake get's hurt, I'll kick your ass." Vi says which makes Caitlyn roll her eyes with a blush.
Vi grabs Y/n and shakes, before freezing her in place and her eye's looking distant. Her grip on Y/n's hand tightens, slightly hurting Y/n's hand, but Y/n looks more concerned than in pain.
"You okay?" she asks, but doesn't get a response. Vi's gaze still holding that distant look and her other hand comes up to her head.
Vi Pov
What's happening? What i-
Vi!? WhErE aRe YoU gOiNg!?
'Not again. Why now?'
Vi! YoU cAn'T lEaVe HeR! DaMn iT, liStEN tO mE! pLeASe!
'Why is it so loud now? It..... It hurts'
It wasn't just the voices this time. I see- no remember? Fire and rubble. I was.... angry? sad? both. Then a little girl grabbing my hand. Trying t-
My head clears and I remember where I am. I turn and see Cait's face close to mine with a concerned look and Vander with the same expression behind the bar.
"Are you alright?" I hear another voice ask and remember our guest, now known as Y/n. My hand squeezing theirs in a vice grip, so I immediately let go and take a breath that I was holding.
"Shit! I-I'm sorry. I don't know what that was. I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sor-" I struggle to ramble out a good apology, but I'm interrupted by Bloodhound raising a hand.
"It's fine, but are you okay? What happened?" She asks me, but I'm hesitate to answer. I've been wondering what the hell that voice is for years. But this time it sounded less distorted and I remembered seeing fire and felt emotions.
'What the hell is going on?'
I hear footsteps come from behind me before feeling a tap on my arm. Powder.
"Vi, what's wrong?" Powder asks me, sounding concerned.
"Nothing. Just.... bad headache. It just spiked up in pain suddenly. No big deal." I say, trying to brush it off. Though it still lingers there in my head. I then finally catch our guest's hand and see it bruised.
"I'm sorry about your hand. I really didn't mean to hurt you." I apologize again, but she just smirks.
"Like I said, it's fine. I've had worse." she says and I hear a slight chuckle from Powder.
"Of course the infamous merc "Bloodhound" would say that." Powder says with satire. I give a quick glare to Powder and expect to see the merc in question upset. Instead I see her brows furrow.
"What?" She asks, staring at both of us in confusion and giving glances to Cait and dad.
"Bloodhound. Your little title thingy that you go by?" Powder explains sounding just as confused.
The merc blinks once then twice before dropping down into her seat. Her confused expression now mixed with shock and she turns towards dad.
"People call me "Bloodhound"?" she asks him, which makes him let out a laugh.
"Wait. You didn't know that!?" Powder asks, finding it hilarious based on her tone and expression.
"How do you not know your own merc name?" I her Ekko question behind me.
As dad seems to take over the conversation. I feel Cait squeeze my shoulder and rub it.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
No. I'm not sure, but I can't tell her that.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to clear my head." I say before giving her a quick kiss and heading to the backroom as I hear dad explain how he didn't choose his title either.
I catch sight of Y/n and it brings questions.
'Did she do that? Or cause it at least? Why did that happen with her? And her eyes look so familiar.'
Reader Pov
I ended up staying here a little longer than expected. After what I can only describe as the strangest handshake I've ever had and finding out that I apparently go by "Bloodhound" to people, Vander went on to talk about how he got his own title.
Powder interrogated me. She made it seem casual, but I knew she wanted information about me. She asked all the questions and I gave most of the answers. I didn't tell them where I lived or anything too personal. Mostly just avoided or dodged the questions somehow, but I think it's time I leave now.
'I've been here too long.'
"I think it's about time I left. I got other things I need to get to," I lie as I holster my gun, fold my map, put on my helmet and grab my mask before looking back to the three, "It was nice meeting you. I'll be at the meeting point tomorrow morning Ms. Kiramman."
"Just Caitlyn is fine, and thank you again for your cooperation in this case." Cait says politely and I give her a nod before heading to the doors.
Just as I open it, about to put my gas mask back on, I am face to face with my former second father figure in this world, Silco. I freeze in place with widened eyes before finally stepping out of the way.
"Sorry. My bad" I say as I hold the door open for him.
"It's fine, thank you..... Do I know you?" he asks me which quicken my heartbeat.
"U-Uhm, I don't remember ever meeting." I say, but he stands there and stares at me for a few seconds.
"Hm. Sorry, my mistake. You just remind me of someone." he says before walking into the bar, and I quickly take the chance to put on my gas mask and get the hell out of there.
That was way too close. Hopefully I just look like someone else he's met.
Ekko Pov
"Silco! You just missed her." Vander says as Silco goes up to the bar, while Powder makes her way back to our booth.
"So what do you think?" I ask Powder once she takes her seat.
"I think she's hiding something. Seemed tense most of the time."
"Really? She didn't seem too bad; even showed her face and gave her name. Definitely younger than I expected. Looks around our age."
"Hmm, I don't know. Though.... I feel like I should know her, like I've met her before."
"You too!? I thought the same thing after she took off her mask. She looks familiar."
'And I felt a strange feeling when she left, but there's no way I'm saying that.'
"Maybe you two have seen her before? In a crowd or something?" Claggor suggests which might be a possibility, but it doesn't feel right.
'There's something deeper about it,' I thought and by the unsure look on Powder's face, I can tell she feels the same. She shrugs her shoulders and stays silent seeming more interested at the wooden table, 'this is bothering her a lot.'
I recall Y/n's appearance from her hair, to the light scarring on her face and her tired baggy eyes. Then I hear it.
We'Re GoNnA mAkE a DiFfeReNcE tOgEtHeR,
'Why do I hear you?'
mOstLY YoU aNd PoWdEr,
'Why can't I remember?'
I'm NoT a NaTuRaL gEnIuS LiKe ThE tWo Of YoU.
'And why does your voice make me feel a certain way?'
Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes.
#arcane au#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi
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Happier Chapter 3
Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or any music, just this concept idea.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences.
??? Pov
Running. It's all I have on my mind right now. Get away. Get far away from that thing. I can still hear the few people left standing fighting. Shots being fired, screams of pain and a brawl happening. Damn it. This was supposed to be a secure place. The boss said so himself.
I hear as the fighting ends in the distance behind me, but I keep running anyway. Not chancing it. Not with this person. I need to report to Simon and le-
An immense and sudden pain shoots through my leg, causing me to fall over onto the ground.
"FUCK! fuck! shit! fuck!" I yell out swears to the skies as I grab my leg onto my leg. I don't have time cope with the fact that I just got shot in the fucking leg, because I know they're coming. I see their silhouette through the smog. One arm raised in my direction and the barrel of a handgun I can't make out facing towards me, and a shovel being held in the other dripping with what is most likely blood. I push through the pain and force myself up to limp myself to an alleyway as they shoot in my direction and use the wall as a support. They're messing with me.
'Why me!? We aren't even in their territory! We made sure of it!,' I continue on and take many turns to try to loose them and holding onto my leg wound to lessen the blood dripping, 'I just need to get to the light. They never come out of this hole.'
I start becoming more aware of the pain as I continue moving, but ignore it to keep my pace steady. Some hope rises as I look back to see nothing, but just as I turn back around I am met with a boot to my chest. I feel the wind get knocked out of me as I hit the ground, my vision dazed from the back of my head being hit as well.
I look up already knowing who it is standing in front of me, but I never thought I'd be one of their victims. Boots, ragged pants, shovel hanging from their hip on one side with a holster on the other side, some dirty jacket with some kind of body armor underneath and an enforcer gas mask with a one of the old miner helmets. Always covering their face. Always a bad omen for any gang that's hunkering down here.
"Please! I do- AAGH!" I yell in pain as they stomp on my wound. I then feel myself be yanked up by my collar before getting slammed into the wall.
"Listen I don't know anything you want! I was only put in charge of that warehouse!"
"Bullshit, that's what the last guy said before he confessed about you. He said you report to your boss and I want to know where he is."
'Of course she does. Another gang leader being tracked down by this crazy bit-.' my thoughts are interrupted by being pistol whipped across my nose.
"Fuck! Please, I really don't know! I only report to a guy named Simon, but he's not the boss! You saw the place I was in; it was hardly secure at all!", I plead to them, hoping for some mercy. They stare at me for a second before letting out a breath of frustration.
I am yanked forward and thrown onto the ground. I flip over and find myself looking up at them as they stand over me; my eyes staring down the barrel.
"You want to beg? After all the lives you've taken and ruined ever since you moved into this area? Be happy I don't make it slower."
Then there was nothings.
Reader Pov
'Another fucking dead end.' I think to myself in frustration as I holster my revolver.
I take a minute to finally catch a breather before checking for anything useful on this guy and the others at the warehouse. Once I'm done I decide to go track down this Simon guy next. It's been nothing but this constant cycle for the past eight years.
"At least everything is going good up above. From what I hear at least." I say to myself, trying to look on the bright side of things. Ironic considering how I'm in what is now the shittiest part of the Undercity. It's been awhile since I've left this area, and since I've seen them.
Last time I left, it was to go witness that historic speech on the bridge. They did it. Vander and Silco finally accomplished their dream, and now Zaun has become a better place. So much light and the whole mood of the town is different too. Much more happy. Just like what I dreamt about, but I don't go over there. I can't.
There's enforcers that will most likely think I'm up to something, it's too bright to hide, not crowded enough to blend in anywhere and honestly I just don't really fit in with this new Zaun anymore. Not their fault, it's me that's the problem. Everyone dresses so nice, clean and casual along with how nice the community has become. Then there's me. I look like I crawled out of a dumpster or came back from an apocalypse..... honestly the latter isn't too inaccurate considering what almost happened originally. Probably also the reason why people usually leave me alone and gives me looks sometimes. I look weird compared to everyone else.
Though even with everything I still do my part. Just because most of Zaun has become better doesn't mean there isn't any who didn't like the idea of Piltover and Zaun making peace. Mostly gangs. Since enforcers were able to do their jobs easier the gangs have been pushed down here with me. I've been taking out as many as I could, and nipping the bud of one's that start growing. Especially the one's I knew were aiming for Vander and SIlco. No mercy. Like that one group who tried to recruit me to, I quote "Rebel and takeover Piltover for the true Zuauites." what a bunch of weirdos. Though this most recent one I've been working on is giving me trouble.
They were the only smart one's to stay under the radar when I first started the purge of gangs down here and only recently have been making bigger moves. They aren't too big yet, but if I don't dismantle them they could cause trouble. Turns out that would be harder than I expected. Every time I get pointed to one person, that person points me to someone else and the cycle continues. I'm no detective either, so I'm getting nowhere with the way things are going.
'It's fine. Something will come up eventually,' I try to reassure myself on my way home. It helps a little. Still tired. Kinda hungry too, 'I need to find a way to money.'
Making money the old way wasn't as easy anymore. Not many people that need "jobs" done, and not a lot of people who need to hire a merc for anything anymore. Most of the mercenaries either used their money to leave or joined up with the enforcers for some good and reliable pay with benefits. Can't blame them. Either my line of business is almost dead, or I'm one of the last one's still keeping it alive. Zaun doesn't need mercs like me anymore. That's good.
*stomach grumbles*
*sigh* "I really gotta make more money. Maybe I can pick up some small jobs here and there. Deliver mail to people or something." I reach into my jacket and pull out my journal. I don't write anything in it, but I do draw.
I turn to my most recent sketch and touch up on some details, another one of Jinx. I can't help, but remember. Sometimes I dream of all that happened. I try to put it behind me, but it's hard. They're scarred into my mind, but they remind me why I do this.
"Always stubborn about your hair. Even when I warned you how it can cause trouble in a fight, you insisted." I say to myself as I draw her braided hair. Took forever to braid them, but she loved. Honestly she made them look good.
I smile. Taking a moment to forget about the world and get lost in something else.
'Hopefully this, Simon, has better info.'
3rd Person
Meanwhile above ground across the bridge. A certain investigation in being looked into. With an ongoing interrogation happening.
"Do you really think we're that stupid?" Vi asks the woman sitting across the room from her and her partner. Both in crime and..... other things.
Vi shoots forward and ready to lunge, but is quickly stopped by Caitlyn who leans into her ear.
"Calm down, Vi. She wants you to get upset." she says while holding onto one of Vi's shoulders to comfort her. Though she does understand her frustration.
Ever since they've been looking into a recently bold gang, they've hardly gotten anywhere. She takes a moment to make sure Vi has calmed down before turning back to the woman in questioning.
"I understand that you have no reason to help us, bu-."
"No shit. I get thrown behind bars and then pulled out for questioning about a gang, I'm not even a part of."
"But. We really need something here. If you cooperate we could negotiate with reducing your sentencing. Your records show you have been improving and haven't caused trouble, but we can only do that if you work with us." Caitlyn explains, trying to negotiate some kind of deal for some information.
The woman slightly relaxes before shaking her head with a sigh.
"Listen girl, I told you before. I really don't know anything about this gang. All I know is what I told you. They used to be small and kept to themselves and they've grown."
Caitlyn scowls, not at the woman, but down at the table in front of her. Another dead end.
"But.... you could try asking the hound." the woman suggests, which catches Caitlyn's attention, but Vi scoffs.
"We already asked my dad. He's not really involved with that stuff anymore, and his contacts have been out of that kind of business for awhile."
"Not Vander. The new one down in the deep end of the Undercity." this catches Vi's interest now.
"A new hound? Let me guess, another wannabe big shot?"
"No. This one's the real deal. Has been making a name for themselves for a few years now. Ever since most of the gangs got pushed back down deep into the Undercity; ever wondered what happened to all those old gangs eight years ago? Bloodhound took them out one by one." the woman explains, her tone lined with admiration and respect. Caitlyn raises a brow at the name.
"That's what people call them. No one I've met knows their name or has seen their face."
With things moving in a good direction, Vi sits down next to Caitlyn at the table.
"I assumed all the gangs just died out after peace was made. So what? They some gang leader or something?"
"No, but they do have a small territory. All to themselves. They got a lot of respect down there. You remember that weird group two years ago? Dressed all rugged and called themselves "True Zaunites"? They idolized Bloodhound; tried to dress like them too. Then one day they went into their territory and tried make them their leader, but ended up coming back beaten black and blue. The guy who was leading the group got a bullet through his skull."
Caitlyn looks skeptical and glances at Vi, who also looks to have some doubt about this "Bloodhound". The inmate notices and shrugs her shoulders.
"I know, sounds weird but it's true. The point is, they hunt down gangs. You want someone with info, then try them."
"How do we contact them?"
"I don't know. Last people who tried was that weird group. Now a lot of 'em are too scared to go back down there."
This brings some, not a lot, but some hope to Vi and Caitlyn to this investigation. Better than nothing. Caitlyn stands up before holding out a hand towards the inmate.
"Thank you for your time and the information. I'll be sure to put in a good word for your cooperation, maybe even get you on probation."
"No problem. Not like I had a choice in coming here. You better not be bullshitting me about that deal." the inmate says as she takes Caitlyn's hand.
Caitlyn nods before turning around to leave, Vi already holding the door open for her. Caitlyn wordlessly signals the two enforcers standing outside to escort the inmate back to her cell before walking with Vi.
"So this "Bloodhound", you think they're legit?"
"I don't know. But we don't have any other leads on this case. My mother trusted us with this case Vi, we can't just give up." Caitlyn says with hints of frustration in her voice.
"Hey, I'm not saying we give up, Cupcake. I was just wanting to hear your thoughts."
"I-I know. I'm sorry. It's just, I don't wan-."
"AH. You don't need to apologize Cupcake. I get it. Don't wanna disappoint parents, trust me, I understand," Vi says reassuringly which makes Cait stop, "What?"
"I love you." she says with a smile before giving Vi a peck on the cheek, making said Pink haired girl blush like a tomato.
"I-I love you too, Cupcake. .....Ahem a-anyway, I don't know if going to find this guy will work. I was thinking maybe we could go see my dad instead. He might know someone who can get in touch with this guy. Plus, I think he'd like to know that there's another "Hound" in the Undercity." Vi says as she wraps an arm around Caitlyn's shoulders to hold her close.
"That sounds nice."
Powder Pov
"So you want me to see if I can get someone to talk to this guy that you two need to talk to."
"I know. It sounds sketchy, bu-." Vi was saying until Benzo cuts in.
"Are ye kidding!? Vander! We gotta see this kid. Running around using your title; they must be a fan! How have I not heard of this guy before!?" Benzo says, poking fun at dad since apparently he has some copycat or something.
"I second that!" Mylo says, making Claggor shake his head with a chuckle.
Dad rolls his eyes, but still has a smile on his face.
"Technically not the same. They're called "Bloodhound"." Cait says, but slight smirk still on her face with Vi wearing one to match.
'Might as well join in on the fun.'
"I don't know if that's a good idea. They might want his autograph." I say with my own cheeky smirk. Leaning into Ekko, as he writes in his book of projects, sitting at the bar with everyone.
"Alright, alright. I get it. I might have some people who still owe me a favor or two," Dad says, as he wipes down a glass behind the bar, "One condition. They gotta meet you two here."
"YES!" Benzo yells in elation, but Vi doesn't look that happy.
"Here!? Dad seriously this person could cause trouble and this place isn't like that anymore." Vi says, but Dad doesn't look like he's budging.
"I'm being serious too. I've heard stuff hear and there about them and I don't want you two going down there alone. I know you two can handle yourselves, but if anything I've heard is somewhat true then this isn't like any other thug or gang leader." Dad says, which makes Vi back down.
'Damn. Now I'm interested.'
"Are you sure they would even come here?" Caitlyn asks a pretty reasonable question.
"Pretty sure. From what I hear they've been getting into shootouts with the gang recently. Probably hunting them down too."
"That isn't a guarantee though. What if they don't show up?"
"If they don't then show up, then they don't show up. They wouldn't have been help even if you went down looking for them, you'd probably just gonna end up in a fight."
'Fair point, honestly.'
Cait looks to Vi, who sighs as a sign of surrendering.
"Fine. How soon can you get someone to talk to them?"
Cait looks surprised which makes Dad shrug.
"I got good contacts."
"Good. I guess tomorrow in the afternoon? Does that sound fine?" Vi asks, looking at Cait for confirmation which she gets via a nod.
As the conversation shifts to something else, I look at Ekko as he continues to scribble in his notebook.
"What do you think?" I ask him which makes him stop writing for a second.
"About "Bloodhound"," he asks and I give a simple nod, "Sounds a little fishy. Sounds like one of those people still stuck in the old times of crime everywhere."
"It doesn't sound like they are. They did supposedly take out that one weird group of "True Zaunites"; honestly those people were so stupid." I say with a small laugh, Ekko chuckling a little at the mention of that bizarre group of people.
'The speeches those guys made in the streets were insane.'
"Still, doesn't sound like good company. Why would they want to stay in the deep part of the Undercity? Zaun has become so much better over the years."
"Maybe..... they're afraid to move forward. Don't wanna lose what they have now." I say, honestly projecting more about myself than what I actually think.
'They could just be a psycho.'
I feel Ekko's arm come up to my waist before pulling me in closer as he sets down his pencil.
"Powder. I know it's not easy, but I really do think you could do a lot of amazing things. I know you're afraid of things changing, but..... sometimes taking a leap forward means leaving a few things behind."
"I-I just.... I don't know. I just need some time to think about it." I say, avoiding the topic of what I want to do in life, looking away just staring at the details of the bar counter.
"Okay..... just know I'm here for you Powder. Nothing will change that." Ekko says, supporting and sweet as always, which makes me smile.
"Thanks." I say before giving a small kiss on the cheek.
"No thanks needed."
We sit at the bar in a comfortable silence as my mind wanders.
'Tomorrow should be an interesting day.'
The Next Day.
Deep in the Undercity the infamous Bloodhound stands in the middle of the street, farther than usual from their territory. What is usually a busy street is now completely empty with only Y/n standing there by herself, and facing towards the brighter side of Zaun.
People peak out from their homes through blinds. People who looked like they were about to step outside immediately turn around to lock themselves inside. Others who were making there way down the street immediately turns right around to take a detour around.
All of them had the same questions on their minds.
Why are they here? What are they up to? Is a fight about to happen? Is someone about to die? Are the meeting up with someone here?
.....Also why are they just standing in the middle of the street?
Reader Pov
'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck this shit! This is, SO! FUCKING! BAD!', I internally panic as I stand in the middle of the street.
Yesterday right after getting some intel from that Simon guy I got a message from some guy. Literally right after. I just tackled that fucker out of the second floor of his shitty bar when he tried stabbing me after getting information out of him. Then I turned and there they were. Staring in shock. Anyway that doesn't matter.
What really matters is the fact that Vander wanted me to come to The Last Drop. I couldn't even ask why because before I could they ran away.
'Why!? What did I do!? Am I in trouble!? I didn't even do anything!'
I'm not supposed to meet them, but how am I supposed to ignore a call from Vander. From Dad. So I forced myself out of bed and I only made it this far before getting too scared. I feel rooted to the ground. I'm scared. I'm scared to see them after so long, even if it's just to talk or something.
"What if I mess this all up?," I ask myself. Trying to decide whether or not it's worth risking all of the good things that have happened to Zaun over the years, "What if I cause a butterfly effect and ruin everything?"
But then there's that other part of me. Desperate and longing to see how my family has been after so long of isolating myself down here alone.
I stand still in contemplation for another minute before finally taking a step forward.
"One time couldn't hurt. Just this once."
Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes.
#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#arcane au#yandere claggor#yandere ekko#yandere mylo#yandere powder#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi#platonic yandere#yandere timebomb
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Happier Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I don't own Arcane or any other kind of media mentioned or linked.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to fix her timeline, but has unforeseen consequences. (If you want to know the full idea I had then it's in the first chapter)
Note: Didn't mention in the first chapter, but I'm going to assume Vi was 11 and Powder was 6 in the opening scene since I don't think it has been confirmed.
(Edit: Forgot to add something. I'm considering letting Reader have a romance with Timebomb, but IDK. Not fully decided yet.)
Vander Pov
Five years.
Five years since two little girls lost their parents on that bridge and since I became a father of two. Didn't think I would take in two more kids from the streets after them, but then again I never thought I would be a father. The two new additions were boys, all together they became a loyal little crew of four Undercity kids. Speaking of.
"You sure this this one's gonna work Pow Pow? The last one almost gave me a concussion.", Vi asks as Powder works on another one of her latest inventions. Supposed to be some kind of smoke bomb.
Powder puffs her cheeks a little with a pout.
"I said I was sorry and I told you it was a test. I didn't mean for it to have a delay on it. The switch went off later than I planned.", she says grumpily, but a hint of guilt in there.
"Of course not. That's just because you're a jinx.", Mylo says teasingly which makes Vi sock him in the arm. Making Claggor chuckle a little. Deserved, honestly.
"It's fine. I just don't want you blowing yourself up."
I smile as I set down drinks for them, not alcohol of course, before turning to Powder.
"Just make sure you don't run any tests in here. Unless you all want to spend the day cleaning paint off bar.", I say before taking a good look at my troop of trouble makers.
Claggor, big and strong, but not dumb. Smarter and wiser than others actually. A kind soul..... unless you're looking for a fight. Kid can take hits and hit you back harder.
Mylo, not the biggest nor the baddest, but surprisingly cunning if you didn't know him before hand. Always putting up a cocky facade, but he does care. Though he has a problem with making his face enticing to punch.
Powder, youngest of them all has a knack for mechanics and inventing. A tinkerer through and through, like Benzo's boy, Ekko. So much potential in a little bundle of joy. She'll go far in life. As long as she doesn't blow herself up first.
Vi, the oldest, the protector and the leader of the four. Always wanting to put herself in front of all the danger for her family. Take on all the burden, like the stubborn girl she is. Especially for her sister. Most likely to kick a door down before checking if it's unlocked.
Together we were a family. Honestly this would have been enough for me, but to think I'd get my brother back too.
"I'm sure it will go well this time. I took a look at the mechanism, she only needs to make a few adjustments.", Silco says, sitting next to Powder while working on his notes and occasionally glancing at Powder's work.
Silco, my brother in every way but blood. I didn't think I'd ever be able to rekindle our bond from before. He read my letter. Apparently he stayed in hiding for a few years to think about all that happened and himself. I still remember when he came back, around the time I took in Mylo and Claggor, the feeling I had felt when he just came walking in one day like it was any other regular day.
We talked about our mistakes and regrets. We reminisced on the old days when we were young and dumb, and when Felecia was still alive. It took time, still is, but right now? We're in a good place now. Forgave each other and moving forward to help Zuan. He and Powder seem to get along well, which is good. Silco was always the smarts between the two of us; always had his nose in his notes or a book.
I couldn't help but smile when looking at the scene. The bar felt more alive nowadays, the kids I took in talking and bickering but safe, and the man who is like a brother to me is back. All in The Last Drop where it's safe. All we need is Benzo and his boy, Ekko, here and we'll have the whole party together.
Everything i-
Damn. That damn voice again. Been bugging me ever since the bridge. Like a memory, but from talks I've never had with someone before.
SoOoo, QUiCk qUestIOn. wHo get's THE bAr wHeN YoU reTiRe? hM?
Who is that? I can barely make it out to be a kid's, but I never heard any kid like that. Yet, it feels like I'm supposed to know. It brings out that same feeling in my chest that I have for my kids.
I look back up to Silco, who is looking at me with concern in his eyes.
"Is everything alright? You froze there for a second."
"Oh, don't worry. I'm fine, nothings wrong. Just.... something bugging my head for awhile."
He looks at me with some worry, but drops it after Powder grabs his attention. Probably something about her tinkering.
I go to clean a few glasses as I ponder on the voice again.
'Who is that?'
Reader Pov
"Get back here you little shit!"
I hear and ignore the shouts as I keep running. I managed to eavesdrop on a deal. Heard them talk about there drop off point for payment. The people came earlier than I expected for the money and I got caught in the act. Now I'm running through the streets with five people on my trail. Not my fault everyone ignores kids when discussing stuff.
I weave through alley ways and crowds in the streets with a mask and hood. After years of growing up in it, it's only natural that it's pretty easy to navigate. Especially as a kid; there's lots of little crevices and old pipe lines to slip into. Though these people are pretty persistent, but I can't really blame them. Seems like whatever job they did paid a lot based on the weight of the bag, though I am a kid so I could be wrong.
I take a quick look back to see that the crowd built me a good bit of distance before quickly ducking into another alley. I take many turns before getting onto another crowded street and build some distance before I start blending into the crowd. I see one of them pop out from the alley, but it's already too late. I'm good as gone now.
I steady my breathing as I begin to backtrack from where I ran from. They'll probably stay in this area and wait for me or some kid with a bag to come out, meanwhile my home is on the nowhere near here.
'I miss home.'
I thought it would be easier than this honestly. Not the living part, that's easy. Zuan isn't some drug filled city like before where everyone is trying to be on top. This like a playground compared to what it turned into. People still have a sense of community and gangs aren't taking over, or at least not completely.
Zuan went from being a dog town to a pit full of chickens and snakes. No more dogs ready to bark and bite for their own, ready to gather together and fight back when backed too far into a corner by the rich. Just a bunch of snakes chasing to be on top and taking out anyone who get's in their way. A bunch of snakes and fakes being led on by even bigger fakes and snakes; couldn't lead from the front or do their own dirty work.
What's hard is staying away from everyone, but it's worth it. To see them happy and together again. It'll really show it's worth in a few years. When everyone can come together and that bridge doesn't need to divide us anymore. Where markets can be opened and communities can intertwine with one another.
Plus, it's good to see Vander and Silco talking again. Even with everything that's happened last time; Silco grew on me. I never thought he would, but like Powder, he became another father figure to me. He didn't like to show it, but I knew he cared.
It took awhile to find him after I got Vander's letter from the mines, but after a lot of eavesdropping and investigating I tracked him down to some old bunker. Slipped inside when there was an opening and left the letter. Just had to hope that was enough to change his mind, and luckily it was.
Without Silco meeting Singed, Shimmer doesn't exist, and hopefully it stays that way for good. Though I still keep an eye out for it. Either way it's one problem dealt with, now onto the bigger one. Hextech.
That one damn job ruined everything, even when I tried preventing it from happening or going wrong. Things still went to shit. Hextech, always advertised as a sign of progress and innovation for everyone was only made for the wealthy. While Piltover thrived, Zuan was left in the dust and forgotten. It only stirred the pot and upped the heat. It just made people more frustrated, hateful, and more open to an aggressive stand against Piltover.
Watching all of this play out was one thing, but living in it? Watching as your very own home was slowly killing itself with no help from it's so called leaders? It was horrible. So many people I knew were killed, corrupted or became another addict hooked on Shimmer. Meanwhile the council and enforcers just let it happen. They could have at least gained control before it grew too big, it was obvious what was beginning to fester, but they didn't. Too busy enjoying the benefits of Hextech and luxury.
'Fuck Hextech.'
My mind wanders and procrastinates on possible dangers and outcomes as I make my way home. Before I know it I'm already across the Undercity, deep into the lanes where it reaches under the river above. Dark, smog everywhere and mostly filled with lowlife crooks and junkies, but less likely to run into the family. Here I can stay hidden.
I find my way home safely in an abandoned building. Parts of it crumbled away, but I managed to make a home for myself in one of the rooms on the upper floors. It was enough.
"Home, sweet home.", I say as I close the door behind me and lock it. I toss the bag aside to count later before flopping myself down on my makeshift bed. Not comfy, but better than nothing. I turn over and stare at the ceiling as I contemplate the future.
"I need to stop Hextech no matter what. One job. Get in, take the crystals, and get out before the crew get's there. Just gotta wait for Jayce to get here. Then it'll all be okay.", I say as begin to drift off into much needed sleep.
Powder Pov
"Stupid, Mylo. What does he know?", while fiddling with one of the toys Vander got for me. Looking out over the buildings buildings of Zuan and the few stars I can see in the night.
I wheel my head around looking for the source of the unknown voice.
"Hello?", I call out but receive no response.
Y'kNoW, YOu'Re SmArTer tHaN yOu tHiNk yOu'Re RiGhT?
I hear it again, so I stand up and search my surroundings.
"W-Who's there!?", I say, trying to be as brave as Vi. I don't think I'm doing that good.
PoWder, pLEasE LisTen tO Me cAUse I mEAN it. yOU'rE nOt a jiNx. YOu'Re So mUcH MoRe tHaN yOu ThInK yOu ArE, yOU jUsT DoN't sEe iT yEt.
I hear the weird voice again. I realize it's not from someone but from my head, like when I remember a conversation, but much louder. I suddenly feel a sharp headache.
"W-What's happening?" I ask not knowing what's going on.
JinX oR No JiNx. I wiLl AlWaYs bE hERe PoWder. I pROmiSe. I wOn'T aBaNdOn YoU.
Why did that voice sound familiar? Why was it comforting?
"Who are you?"
I lift my head and see Vi looking relieved, probably has been looking for me.
"There you are I was looking around for you. C'mon it's time for bed.", she says, but I stay still and wait for my headache to die down before taking a breather. I see Vi walk towards me before kneeling down and putting a hand on my head.
"Hey, is everything okay Pow Pow? What's wrong?", Vi asks with concern in her eyes and voice, but I don't know how to respond.
'I don't even know what that was.'
"....Yeah, I-I think so. Just a little headache.", I say, not wanting to worry her over was I heard. Remembered? I don't know.
"Are you sure?"
I do take a second to consider telling her the truth but.....
I wiLl AlWaYs bE hERe PoWder. I pROmiSe.
"Yup. It's fine. I think I'm tired from working on my stuff all day.", I say, trying my best to sound casual. She looks hesitant for second before nodding.
"Alright. Let's go to bed.", She says as she stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder and we head back inside.
As we walk to our room I can't help but think about that voice.
'Why do I remember it? Vi never said that, not Claggor, not Ekko either and definitely not Mylo. So, who is it?'
As I lay in bed and drift off to sleep I can't help but still feel that pull to that voice.
'Why can't I remember? And, why does that make me sad?'
3rd Person
As Powder goes to bed for the night with a head filled with questions about an unfamiliar, yet nostalgic voice. She doesn't know she is not the only one.
A voice being remembered by multiple people, but not able to be recognized by any. It only brings more questions and a feeling of longing and guilt for this voice. Unknowingly something darker lurks underneath all of it. Waiting.
Note: Might either do a little time skip next and work on a little more development for events and the reader, or just do a big time skip next chapter. IDK, I'll figure it out. I just didn't want there to be and immediate jump in time and at least have some kind of development on how things have changed and what reader is doing, and have been doing.
#yandere arcane#yandere arcane x reader#arcane au#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi#yandere claggor#yandere mylo#yandere ekko#yandere powder#yandere caitlyn#platonic yandere
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Happier Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Arcane or the music I linked in the title.
I had an idea about an angst yandere scenario.
Synopsis: Isekai Fem Reader turns back time to make a better timeline, but some characters can't help but feel like they know her.
Concept: Isekai Fem Reader who didn't see S2 of Arcane dies and reincarnates into Arcane. Gets taken in by Vander along and becomes a part of the family (younger than Vi but older than Powder) and tries to prevent the future tragedy but fails. No matter how hard they try to change the plot, bother before and after Vander dies, it seems to stay on course. She gets adopted by Silco with Powder, but she can't save Powder from becoming Jinx, can't stop Jinx from losing more of herself, can't convince Silco that there's a better way, can't free Vi from prison, can't stop or change anything no matter how hard they try. At the end of it all it was too much for Reader so they move far away trying and failing to live one without remembering her failures. Later finds out that they feel a connection to the arcane and gets glimpses of a timeline where she didn't exist, but Hextech didn't exist and Piltover and Zuan were united. Risks everything to turn back the clock and fix everything but stays away from her family. Not wanting to risk it. However, her old family can't help but feel like they know her.
If you're interested, have any ideas, advice or an opinion on whether or not there should be romance let me know. I just really had to let out an idea.
Reader Pov
'I did it..... I.. I'm back.'
I thought as I look around at Zuan. It was dirty, messy, smoke and some fires, but it was my home. My shitty dump of a home that I grew to love. When loyalty still meant something.
Just like before all those years ago, I find myself wandering the streets as young girl again.
*step* *step* *step*
I hear a heavy set of steps just like before, but this time I panic. I whisper to myself before quickly rushing to an alley to hide behind some debris. I wait and listen before slowly making my way to the corner to peak around.
What I see makes me want to cry as my heart pound in my chest. Feeling like it would burst out any second. I see a young girl with pink hair holding an older man's hand, a blue head of hair leaning on the shoulder of the man and an all too familiar stature of someone I haven't seen in forever.
For a moment I consider stepping out and I really want to, but then I remember.
I freeze in place, needing to give absolutely everything I have to stop myself from running to them, stop myself from hugging my sister again and stop myself from hugging dad again and feeling safe.
'I can't. This time it needs to be different. I can't risk it.'
So I stop. I don't allow myself what I want the most. No matter how hard my heart beats. I restrain it all, except one.
I cry. I cry both tears of happiness and sadness.
Happy because my plan worked, because my dad is alive again, because Vi and Jin- no..... Powder (god does it feel good to call her that again) together again, and because it means I can fix it all.
Sad because I can't go to them, because I want them to be happy and because I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't remember.
That dream and those visions. Those damn glimpses into another time where everyone was alive and happy. Alive and happy. Without me. No me, myself and I. Which makes sense honestly, so I don't know why I'm crying. I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place.
I let tears rapidly flow down as I stare for just a few seconds more taking it all in. Just to make sure this is real and I'm not imagining it all.
I finally will myself to pull away from the corner but knock into a bottle laid on the ground by accident.
"Who's there!?"
I hear dad call out, so I quickly hug the wall and stay quiet. Afraid to make noise by trying to run away.
'It's me, dad. It's Y/n.'
I do all I can to keep myself from coming out and crying from hearing him again, but I manage to hold out long enough to hear them continue on their way. I take one last look before turning into the alley.
'I'll fix it all. Don't worry about a thing. I'll get you and everyone else's happy ending.'
Vander Pov
'It wasn't supposed to be like this. Connole, Felecia...... I'm so sorry. I promise I-'
I suddenly hear the sound of steps and a bottle clattering. I quickly turn around, pulling Violet and Powder close, and scan the area I heard it coming from.
"Who's there!?", I call out but receive no reply. I consider going to check, but reconsider when I feel Violet and Powder hold onto me tighter.
'I need to keep them safe.'
I wait a few more seconds before turning back with the kids.
"C'mon, let's get you two somewhere safe."
I don't know why, but I had a strange feeling about something. I couldn't describe it. Doesn't matter right now; what matters is the girls.
Chapter 2
#yandere arcane#arcane au#yandere#yandere arcane x reader#yandere silco#yandere vander#yandere vi#yandere claggor#yandere mylo#yandere ekko#yandere jinx#yandere powder
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