#yandere lie ren
peoplesgraves · 1 year
Divine Intervention
Yandere Team Jnr X Reader
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Imagine team JNR coming across an injured girl, a visiting student from another academy, right after the fall of Beacon, right after…Pyrrha. A wound exactly like Pyrrha’s and eyes that shone just like hers used to. It’s akin to divine intervention in their grief ridden minds. A second chance to save her or at least something like her. They take you aboard the airship but instead of passing you off to the professionals like all the other injured people, team JNR keeps you to themselves. Nurse you back to health as best they can.
Ren takes care of most of the actual medical care and caregiving duties. Like making sure to change your bandages and helping you bathe and eat. Sometimes when there’s no work to be done he’ll just sit and read to you letting his demeanor and voice lull you to an uneasy sleep.
Nora is in charge of trying to keep you entertained. She’ll come into your room and talk for hours about anything and everything. Even if your silent the entire time or only scoff and act annoyed she’ll still be bubbly and giddy about it. She treats it like a girls day instead of a hostage situation.
Jaune is protective. He’ll sleep on the floor in your room ever night just to make sure that whoever hurt you doesn’t come to finish what they started. He’s the one who holds you when you breakdown either from pain or from the situation they’ve forced you into. Sometimes when you’re sobbing into his chest he’ll slip and call you Pyrrha. Desperate for some kind of connection to her again.
I’d imagine without proper medical care your wound would heal a little wonky. (Perhaps Ren would do it on purpose? To make sure that you wouldn’t take away the only bit of happiness they’d had lately) Such as having permanent nerve issues which team JNR simply take as proof that you’re meant to stay with them and be the next Pyrrha.
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Sun: "Alright, what is the most questionable thing you've done over a crush?" Jaune: "Alright, I have one, but this stays between the four of us." Ren: "Lips are sealed." Neptune: "It can't be that bad, anyways." Jaune, letting out a breath: "I...may or may not have stalked a girl for a month straight in junior high." SNR: "...Dawg, whAT-" Jaune: "It gets worse." Neptune: "How?!" Jaune, holding up an old notebook: "I still have the notebook where I wrote stuff down about her on it." SNR:
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(Jaune as a Yandere who is trying desperately to be A Normal Person will never not be funny.)
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howlingday · 1 year
Nora: Sorry to show up uninvited~! B-But I thought maybe we could share these panca-
Ren: (Knock at the door) Excuse me, Nora. Yang just arrived.
Nora: Y-Yang..? Oh! R-Right! I'll, uh, just get us some plates...
Nora: (Walks away) When did they start hanging out? They're... They're not dating, are they?
Nora: (Walks back in)
Ren: (Chuckling)
Yang: (Giggling)
Nora: (Hyperventilating, Trembling)
My god... What have you done..?
I got rid of her. And now there's nothing keeping us apart, Renny~.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Prompt
AU: Yandere AU
Summary of the Question: Navy is usually just sitting back and enjoying the show kind of girl. However when she notices a couple hitting on Ren and Velvet that is when she gets pissed off. They belong to her and she won't let anyone take them from her. Especially some random couple that can't hold a candle to her.
Themes: (Possessiveness)
“Who the fuck do you think you are doing.” The punk delinquent asked in a calm, but black tone of speech. Glaring at scared couple. “Don’t you see that you are making my stud and bun-bun uncomfortable with your obnoxious flirting….” The punkish beauty glared dark and dead with haunting intimidation in her sapphire blue eyes.
“Do yourself a favor and fuck…off….”
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Hi, hello, are you taking writing requests? 🥺 do you think you could write something with Haru? I don't really have anything in mind, so it can be whatever you feel like, fluff, yandere or smut (as long as it doesnt have a sad ending lol) (。>﹏<。) I'm desperate for some Haru stuff and I love your writing so much!!!
Be careful with snakes!
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Haru had the nicest dream/hallucination after being bitten by a snake.
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Wc: 1,9k
Notes: I wanted to follow the future family idea we had going on but it didn't end up being as much of a future as it was his inner wishes. But it's cute! Haru just wants a calm and domestic life here.
This took longer than I expected... ndjdj
Chillingly cold winds awaken Haru roughly, seeping through the white cotton button down and hitting his pale skin causing goosebumps. Opening his eyes just enough to see sunlight above him almost completely obscured by the leafy treetops, he comes with the most likely possibility.
“Did I pass out again?” Haru scratches the nape of his neck, he was using his stigma pretty frequently lately and he might have skipped dinner and breakfast before using it today but it was unlikely that he passed out just because he was low on glucose, he has used it in worse condition and came out pretty alive!
Even then, he guesses it's better to cut possible losses short, drag himself to the dorm and do some damage control with the anomalies because it's very unlikely that Towa or Ren suddenly got the calling to help around for once.
Looking around, what does feel unsettling even if just a second is how different the forest area looks compared to the last time he scouted the area. The terrain uncharacteristically steep compared to the usually plain jabberwock and the weirdly vast amount of fir and spruce when most of the trees were oak or anomalous species. 
Regardless, he brushes off whatever worry he could conceive. It isn't abnormal for Jabberwock to experiment sudden changes to account for new anomalies entering and leaving it, that could easily explain the trees and plants and the geography, while harder to change, it's still possible.
What was more concerning was his overall disorientation, if he could get to his dorm that would be great, did he walk towards or against the sun? He doesn't even remember how he managed to get himself here.
While looking down at the dry and rocky dirt trying to find footsteps a familiar voice presents itself as a better clue.
“Hey, stop it, be nice” the familiar childish reproach that you would tell to the miniature rams when they fought for territory, even when he explained they were totally grown and it was normal for them to fight, reaches his ears and he lets out a sigh in relief, he could at least trust in you to take care of some anomalies even if just for a little while.
As much as he loves his housemates he can't lie and say they are good at anomalously animals husbandry, Towa is quite a ditz and forgets feeding times and what each anomaly can eat -and tends to electrocute them but he doesn't know that- and Ren refuses to work around aquatic areas and if forced to he will audibly whine while doing it.
Still, knowing that you didn't have any real powers to protect yourself if any of the anomalies got rowdy, he decides to slide down the face of the mountain to where your voice is, maybe you will be able to guide him back to the dorm or explain to him what was happening. Sadly, he has to slide normally down the vertiginous terrain without using bahnti, it wouldn't be helpful to black out again and the heaviness settled in his head didn't give him a positive outlook. 
Angling down his foot just right and working along gravity, Haru starts surfing down a wave of dirt and rocks while dodging the branches and stumps on the way down the slope and soon enough reaches the foot of the mountain with slightly dirty clothes.
At the foot there is a small area blending the sharp and angular mountain range and a somewhat plain surface spotting a cozy cabin. Around it there was a grown up Peekaboo and a log thrown in the dirt, where you were seated holding a white fluff. 
That was Peekaboo! How did he not notice he wasn't in his baby carrier?! His hand lingers on his abdomen but he doesn't feel the fabric of the carrier, it must have fallen off and you found his little one.
“Natsu, you can't hurry how fast Pukaboo eats, he will get a tummy ache otherwise” you tell calmly but firmly to someone behind you. As Haru walks closer he sees a redheaded kid no older than 4 hanging from the same arm holding the bottle.
After walking a few meters away from the thickest part of the forest he seems to have caught your attention finally, if the way your head snapped up is anything to go by. With a smile on your lips you usher the kid away.
“There is your papa, why don't you help him feed peekaboo” and in 2  seconds a kid smashes face first against his abdomen and pulls him towards the big white fluff. As it unrolls from the furry sphere, it seems to perk up when it sees him, nudging its head against his leg. As he went to pet it the child pulled his hand back.
“Don’t pet him, papa, Peekaboo ate my chia pet! I hate him now” at the harsh words the creature whimpers, offended. His Peekaboo does make a habit of eating wild plants whenever Haru isn't monitoring his playtime but this is obviously a grown up of the same species, not a little baby.
“Peekaboo? But this little dude is huge! Peekaboo is small enough to carry” he laughs while scratching his neck. 
“Hm? Silly papa, Pukaboo is the tiny one, Peekaboo always was biggg” and almost to make a point the child extends his arms wide on the last word. The grown Peekaboo, supposedly his Peekaboo, keeps looking at him expectantly and tilts his fluffy head in just the same angle his baby would when begging for treats or scratches.
“Natsu, how do you intend to feed peekaboo without food? Go inside and get your dad the lettuce, it's in the kitchen sink” now finished feeding what Haru thought was his peekaboo you started walking towards them with the cub in your arms. 
Natsu slides away, a smile splitting his face in two, such a helpful kid, Haru can't help but think that he almost wishes Ren was as eager to help as him.
Watching as the cub is put down next to its father  and how quickly it hurries under his fur to hide from the cold and, without thinking about it, Haru laughs loudly. Even if anomalies weren't pets he himself admitted they were particularly cute when the temperature starts to drop. And they start being less aggressive and bite-y.
“Just like Natsu when he was a baby, don't you think? He would usually fight with Pukaboo to see who snuggled under your arm” in a friendly gesture your elbow him but soon your playful tone turns sober, and your eyes darken with worry “did something happen? You left before breakfast without even leaving a note” 
He stays uncharacteristically quiet, what could he even say? He doesn't even remember why he was out and about in the first place but you seem to have taken his silence as bad news.
“Did the new specimen not adapt well to here?”
“Ah, it's not that!”
With a sigh of relief you giggle “Did the director try to get you to act like a forest ranger for the normal part of the park? He never learns, huh?” linking your arms you start dragging him to the cabin, speaking lightheartedly about what he would like to eat, how you fed the anomalies or how fast Pukaboo and Natsu are growing.
Allowing himself to be dragged inside, into the welcoming warmth emanating from the fireplace and his family, the heavy knots tied inside his muscles relax feeling belonging in the little cozy home.
Hanging by the small foyer, you urge him to take off his muddied mountain boots to not drag dirt inside and he compiles without a word, sliding with his white socks on the hardwood floors.
“Daaaaad, can you help me open this?” the little redhead approaches him jumping with a little tin can on his hands but you snatch it.
“You can't eat sweets before lunch”
“But dad always eats gummies before leaving” 
“Those are collagen gummies for his joints, not sweet ones” The kid pouts and runs off to his room, in response you only roll your eyes and return the treat to the kitchen cabinets “you need to eat something. There is toast, some cereal…”
“Cereal is good” it isn't often that he gets hounded to take care of himself, Elias would sometimes tell him off for overexerting himself or peel him apples whenever he inevitably ended up in the infirmary, but the fuzzy tingling in his chest at being taken cared of by someone else tickles a part of his brain so nicely. 
Allowing himself to be swayed by the arm pulling him into your arms and down to the sofa, he feels coddled like a sick little child.
A hand rakes his hair while both of you look at the empty wall in front of the sofa until a tiny bit squeaky voice whines.
“Hey! Don't cuddle without me!” your kid's voice whines as he throws himself at his dad's stomach, attempting to burrow between his parents and almost making the bowl slip from Haru's hands.
“Be careful! You are going to make a mess with the milk!” Even as you chastise him you still throw an end of the blanket over his head, encouraging him to burrow further and you yourself lay your head on Haru's, making a sort of cocoon with hugs and blankets.
Your warm breath as you laugh fans against his skin causing goosebumps but he leans against you, cheek resting against your collarbone and his ear just snug enough against your skin to catch the heartbeat lying under it. 
“Haru?” You ask him and he lets out an acknowledging hum but you don't relent “Haru? Haru, Haru?”
With each repetition of his name it almost feels like you are getting further and further away from him. It isn't like he would be able to check, his eyelids suddenly weighted down like concrete. Being unable to open his eyes makes Haru notice how the rest of his body is also too heavy to move even one inch.
A heavy hand grasps his forearm, turning it around to show the inner side and pricks the skin to inject something making him progressively harder to hang onto his consciousness. A string of tiny whispers reaches his ears.
“He still doesn't wake up” 
“If you account for his less than optimal sleep schedule and the hyperpyrexia from the venom it isn't weird he is still out. Why don't you return to class?” 
“Are you sure? I would like to see him wake up before leaving though” 
“Luckily you brought him soon enough but he still needs to rest” 
 The sun is settling down the horizon when Haru wakes up for good, no more fog clouding his mind and his muscles working as he intends. He is able to sit up before a mortkraken student notices he is awake. 
“Oh, good, you are finally up”
“Did something happen?”
“seems like one of the snake like anomalies bit you” her eyes screen a piece of paper Haru guesses is his medical record. He does remember having to feed the tsuchinoko hatchlings, it is likely that one of them grew its fangs and bit his ankle without him noticing.
“Even if you are a ghoul you should take care of yourself, you know”
Without paying her much mind he says but gets brushed off “I had such a weird dream”
“The venom or the fever might have made you hallucinate, was it at least a nice dream?”
"very nice"  
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mosaickiwi · 9 months
Hi hi, if your requests are still open, could you do [REDACTED] becoming self aware and finding out that the player is super obsessed with him? From his pov cuz I wanna see the internal dialogue. Been meaning to write this myself, but alas, writer’s block 😞
obsessed angel is best angel hehehe >:3c
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
~Super Obsessed Angel~
The library was often slow in the morning, so you always put some extra time into helping whoever came in. You were getting a few books off the higher shelves for an elderly visitor. As you climbed down the ladder, a stack of novels held to your chest, you were completely unaware of the other visitor who’d been sneaking through the aisles since they arrived. [REDACTED]’s gaze was glued to you, lost in thought as he watched you go about your day.
Something about you had changed since he did away with the Ren persona, as if a certain switch had been flipped on in your brain. It was easy to connect the dots for them—you'd been so obvious about it. Or maybe years of watching you just made every little change easy to spot: you were utterly obsessed with them.
The first clue was a genuine shock for once. He'd dropped you off at your apartment after a date as he always did. You were well past nervous and shy the whole time, but it was to be expected since he wasn't “Ren” anymore. Under the dark mess of hair, black outfit, piercings and tattoos, he was a nervous wreck, too. Far more than normal to pick up the hints of what came next.
As soon as your door closed the dark-haired man pulled out their phone to admire you through the cameras placed in your home. He thought you'd surely wind down on your couch before bed like usual. Maybe even chat up a friend while catching up on your favorite anime.
Instead they were greeted with the sight of you still standing in the entry and typing away on your own phone. He quickly switched to watch your screen, eyes widening at the rapid barrage of texts you were sending to Moth. All gushing with joy about your date.
Of course he committed them all to memory immediately—and his eyes had widened at some of the more interesting things you'd typed before hastily erasing it for a slightly less unhinged message. But one in particular stood out.
“I don't think I can be normal about them.”
That was months ago, and each new thing you did only reminded him of it. He noticed everything and he loved it.
Your bright smiles as you leaned into their touch, their side, their embrace at any chance you got—they had his heart soaring. If only they had let you convince them to do away with “Ren” sooner. 
You even accepted the ring once thrown away all those years ago. Still on the necklace he’d worn to keep it close to his heart, but now a favored offering he would catch you playing with throughout the day while distracted by something or another.
It was everything he ever dreamed of. Of course, the quirks you picked up when you thought they weren’t looking were just as fascinating.
The way you always hastily tucked your phone away when he came back into a room was precious. As if they hadn't seen the photo of them you used as a wallpaper, least of all the dozens of other pictures you thought were safely hidden in the depths of your phone gallery. He had a picture to match each of yours in the thousands that filled his own devices.
Innocent calls in the middle of the night where you’d say you couldn't sleep just to hear their voice. He thought about teasing you and saying you could just record it, but then you wouldn't have an excuse—a blatant lie, he knew—to call. They always wanted to hear you just as much anyways, if not more. And even if you did figure out how to record it, he'd make sure the audio file somehow mysteriously disappeared.
He was almost certain of your obsession once you started taking clothes. Hoodies and jackets were obvious, especially since he intentionally left them out for you. That was more than enough to have him practically ecstatic. 
Until one morning after you spent the night he realized a few things were missing from his wash pile. A cursory glance through their security system’s recordings confirmed it. The items in question had been purposefully stolen from the middle of the basket so as not to arouse immediate suspicion, and squirreled away in your bag without their notice. He’d only left your side for a moment that day to pick up the takeout order at the door. You were starting to get careful. It made him all the more desperate in seeing what else you’d do.
The sound of a scanner beeping in the silence of the library brought him back to the present as you finished up with the elderly visitor. You politely bid them farewell before sitting back in your chair with a huff.
They couldn’t help but notice the hopeful glance you threw towards a spot on your desk that was obscured from their vision. No doubt the place where you always kept your phone during work. Your hand reached out of habit for the golden ring—his ring—dangling from your neck.
Were you thinking of him? It was only fair that he indulged you. He was thinking of you just the same. One text hurriedly tapped out on his cracked screen, and he was intoxicated by the love struck way your face lit up at the buzz of your phone mere seconds later.
Eventually he knew he'd have to come clean about spying on you. But he had a feeling you wouldn't complain too much. The obsession was finally mutual, after all.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 9 months
Loving your new yandere set 2! I’m back again to ask a question for all the men (yandere set 1)
What would be each yanderes’ ideal outfit/clothing style they’d want to dress up their darling in? (Basically if the yandere had full control and decision making over their darling’s wardrobe from now on)
For example…casual outfit, fancy formal, the yandere man’s own clothing, etc. Or is there a specific piece/accessory that’d make them go wild like high heels, oversized shirt, sundress, etc.?
Also, will you do the same asks I’ve sent in before with the yandere set 2 once they’re completed? (Ranking as fathers, how they’d behave if their child/ren were yanderes, dream date…any other I missed that I sent in?)
Thanks as always, you’re the best! And I hope school is still going ok for you!
Yandere! Men and their Choice of Outfit for You
Heyya! Well, about the choice to make the second set of Yanderes with the same question. Not gonna lie, it sounds exhausting 😭 maybe if I felt like it, I will do it!
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Arlen wants to matchy-match with you, so he definitely would pick soft light academia looks. Cardigans, sweaters, a-line skirts, pants, with boots, loafers or kitten heels. Then a small, statement pin of a palette on you and him!
He will go crazy though if you wore his paint apron with nothing underneath. Let's just say you won't walk straight for some days if you did that. He'll paint you with his colors if you do that, that's for sure *wink
Lavish outfits just for you, his royal partner. Silk, satin, cotton of the highest quality, velvet, with golds and jewels to decorate your sacred royal body. And, he'll pluck a scale from his body and give it to a smith to create jewel out of it just for you. Vincent will personally put it on your neck. Then suddenly, the other jewels seems so insignificant...
Yet, he goes crazy whenever you will only wear a robe on your body. God, just seeing you teasingly show off skin to your dragon husband is enough to warrant his want to breed you. And that's like... Everyday.
Ignatius would want to match cosplays with you of roles and plays he was in. May it be from Waitress, Heathers, Ride the Cyclone, Dear Evan Hansen, Wicked... This man will conjure casual cosplays with you. Of course, not the costume and outfit itself, but like a casual iteration of it if warranted.
But, his most favorite is seeing you in outfits that he wore and that his character dons. Not the leading lady/man, but that character itself. Let's say, if you wore the JD costume that he wore too, he'll perform Dead Girl Walking all night with you.
Well, with Zero... In the earlier stages, he would be adamant of choosing outfits that you won't wear. So he'll still clothe you in noble clothes.
But once Zero has developed his own tastes, he'll want to see you in a maid outfit. Yes, even if you're masculine presenting. Something that's remotely lower than his personal butler status. He will have a field day watching you fluster and order you around for a change. And it will end up in a weird power dynamic that both of you will end up wanting for more.
Rowan loves seeing you in all of these high end clothes. No, not branded clothes that you can easily see from malls. No, definitely not that. But clothes from runways? Clothes that are exclusive from Fashion Week that has only a handful of copies? Outfits from fashion designers with fees so high it makes a person weep? Yeah. Those. It displays his raw money and prestige. And seeing them on your body is like owning you completely <3
Nothing beats it though if you incorporate his clothes with yours. Like you made his shirt as your dress with a belt on the waist to wear on dates or outings? Let's say that the both of you aren't gonna go to the outing after all.
He will still clothe you on your normal clothes. He liked it that way. He doesn't remotely care about dressing you in clothes he likes, but buying clothes of your taste but with a higher quality is something he will like immensely.
But, if you wear Damon's letterman jacket though... He'll get so pumped and suddenly, with you cheering on the bleachers with his jacket on, he's scoring points left and right. And when he inevitably wins, he'll have his celebratory win with doing his ways with you. Interpret that as how you like lol
You, in formal clothes, but with harnesses? How does that work? You don't know. But he makes it work really well. He loves seeing you in these corporate attires but with touches of his own tastes on your body. And, harnesses are restricting. Like he's restraining you, owning you, making a statement that you're his.
Although, he has twisted tastes though. If he just came from a mission a bloody mess? Let's say goodbye to the clothes you're wearing that day, and that you're gonna spend the rest of the day washing off blood from your body. Yeah, he's into that.
Lee would love to wear you in casual coquette clothes. He thinks it would look cute on you. And he's right! It fits so much with how amazing on you. And then, he would make you wear other styles too! Academia, cottage, even cyber. He will make it up to you by showering you with gifts of clothes that he knew will look good on you no matter the style.
He will go crazy if you did tropical stuff though. Tropical gyaru, beach core, sailor outfits... He's a sweating mess when he's watching you in that swimming outfit and it's not even hot out (The beach traumatized him and he's coping it in a somehow healthy way).
Is it obvious? Cowboy clothes all the way! Flared jeans, patterns, flannels, boots, he will have a field day deciding on a buckle for your belt. He loves seeing you in clothes from his daily life. It made it feel like you're integrating yourself for him (despite the clothes being his choice and not yours lol)
And this one is also obvious. His cowboy hat on you will never fail to make him excited in one way or another. If you wear it by yourself whenever you're doing the deed? Get ready. His stamina just increased tenfold and you will be needing a horse to transport you everywhere.
Ashton will dress you in Jirai Kei clothes! HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW THAT? As a child of the internet, he of course discovered different types of alt fashion. He got too immersed and found Jirai Kei, and he absolutely loved it. So, expect frills, dark cutesy clothes with a hint of vulnerability due to it's origin, it's the perfect matching fashion with him despite not really being emo.
He's aware of Jirai Kei's dark history and implication though, and if he knows you're not comfortable with those, then, he'll completely dress you in emo clothes. There is a reason though why he went with Jirai first and not emo. Whenever you wore emo, he gets so aroused, especially it's the opposite of your original fashion choice. He loves tainting you with blacks and darkness, with the vulnerability and intimacy he enjoys so much.
Greens, blues, browns... Anything nature themed would do good for him. So, cottage core is the go to for this guy. He loves seeing you in these cute dresses that has floral hints that blended seamlessly with the nature of the place you both live in. Like you belonged, like you were his.
But, seeing you wear stuff you knitted from his wolf fur is what would set him off. Even if it's just a scarf or gloves, he WILL groan from the want he's feeling. Breeding you won't be enough, he wants you to smell like him completely.
Inigo, just like Rowan, would not want generic branded clothes on your body. But, unlike him, he will have a tailor to make formal, casual, evening, sleeping, active wear clothes just for you. Only one in the world. Even if the tailor or designer isn't well known, but if that designer is really skilled and do clothes that will fit you, then he's sold.
But, if he sees you in his shirt and nothing more than maybe your undergarments? Such a vulnerable choice of clothes is guaranteed to make him want to have more children from you ;)
Xavier is a simple man. He would love to see you in flowy clothes. I mean, somehow, something on you should make you look free and not locked up in his mansion due to his anxiety and paranoia, right? So, light, airy clothes would ebb the guilt he's feeling inside from locking you up.
You wearing his white coat though would make him throw the guilt out of the window though. He'll go haywire, since his coat would probably have bacteria, virus, or anything that can harm your health on it! So, he'll punish you greatly by "sanitizing" you. Not medically accurate? Meh. He's too far gone to think straight from the pleasure.
Eros on the other hand from the other nobility yanderes, he would love to see you wear simple clothes. Sure, he will gift you regal clothes fit for nobility, but nothing beats seeing you shed from your noble life and just relax in his arms in simple garments just like back in earth for him, and just like back in your childhood for you.
Although, seeing you in modern earth clothes for him is guaranteed to satisfy him. Not casual clothes, but in evening gown clothes with high slits, straps, backless, clothes that will kill a conservative lady in Saphiri. It makes him feel like he's in earth, and how he wishes to whisk you away in this life back home.
Maximus would give you clothes that is reminiscent of the 50's. Skirts and dresses below the knees, pearls, something not revealing yet so classy and elegant. It's okay if it's figure hugging, but he will pick something that is not short and with no windows to show off your skin. It's only for his eyes, and nobody else's.
He will go crazy seeing you in modern clothes though. It is a secret, and it's up to you if you decided to tease and test him and wear short, cocktail dresses with a backless design and tube tops. He'll "punish" you for it, burying himself deep in you as he whispers who you belong to.
Hades would dress you in something not reminiscent of his work. So light academia, cottage core, coquette, kawaii, anything that doesn't taint you with his job. Although, that "not tainting" bizz is just on your clothing though. Other than that, like your lifestyle will inevitably be tainted. Whether he likes it or not.
If you did decide to wear clothes that fits the "mafia" aesthetic (whatever that means), he'll get inexplicably aroused. Seeing you in this strong and authoritative style is making him want to put you in your place.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 1 year
Too Good To Be True
Oneshot King!Ren x reader Contains: Fluff, Angst, some Yandere tendancies -------------------------------
You find yourself smiling as you haul the last of your things through the door of the Crastle. It's been so long since you agreed to move in. It feels so good to finally do so.
You remember how apprehensive you were at first, unsure of the King's intentions, but he remained sweet to you, kind. He agreed to give you all manner of creative freedoms inside his home. His castle.
Bdubs hadn't been overly fond of the idea, of course. Could you really blame him? No. But he has always been strange to you, cold. As if he doesn't want to acknowledge what you and Ren have going on.. or you at all really. Not since Ren became King anyway.
You turn with a smile, dusting off your hands. Your friend and former roommate does not share your enthusiasm.
Doc has a deep scowl on his face, something has ticked him off but you're not sure what. And he hasn't helped in explaining.
"I wish you wouldn't do this" he mumbles. "I'll come visit, don't you worry." You go in for a hug but someone clearing their throat behind you causes you to pause.
"Welcome home." Ren beams as you turn, taking full advantage of your desire to hug someone. You can hear Doc mumble something else, but you don't quite catch it.
"B-Double-O!" Ren shouts as he pulls out of the hug. Quick as a strike of lightning, Bdubs appears at Rens side.
"Ah, there you are." The king grins. "I need you to carry these bags and show my dearest their room." Bdubs nods and bows, "well of course, follow me." The smaller man says all too enthusiastically.
You give Doc a hug before you go, he whispers "be careful, you know where I am if you need me to come get you" and that's that. Off with Bdubs you go, leaving the two former friends to chat.. hopefully.
Bdubs leads you through long, well decorated corridors, rooms filled with all manner of trophies and collectibles and all sorts of back rooms. It's amazing what most people don't get to see of this castle, and now you get to call it your home.
The deeper you go the more the grand feeling starts to fade away. Rooms seem to be unfinished or just don't seem to have any effort put into them. The colours become dull, metal unpolished. It's not perfect and pristine anymore. In fact it's the complete opposite of the throne room, of any of the castle available to the public. Then you turn a corner.
"Here we are." Bdubs says, dropping your luggage in front of a large wooden door. It all looks very out of place, the ornate carvings decorating the panel, the handle is shiny and bright. It feels like you're back in the castle entrance, even though you've just seen for yourself that that's an illusion.
Bdubs unlocks the door and opens it, revealing a large, circular room. You enter first at his request, a smile falling upon your lips as you look around.
The room is big, finely decorated, the ceiling is high in the center of the room, and a diamond chandelier hangs there. Around the edge of the room a kind of second floor exists, it wraps around the whole outside wall.
You can see half of the room up there is bookshelves, practically overflowing with books. Opposite that there is a large window, not that you can see where it looks quite yet.
It's a nice room, no one can deny that, but it seems.. off now. There's a feeling in your stomach telling you that maybe it all means something. It's probably just the nerves of moving.
You lie on the large bed, listening as Bdubs brings all your things into the room. "That's all your things, I'll leave you to sort it all out." He says. You nod, well, as much as you can nod while laid down.
You hear the door close and let out a deep breath. Everything will be fine once you're settled in. That starts with unpacking.
Unpack you do, finding homes for each of your things. You discover things about the room while you do, for example when it was painted no one bothered to move the furniture so its all just a facade hiding windows into what the room really is.
Once all your things have a home you move on to what you should do next. This is a new place, perhaps you ought to find out what other secrets it holds.
You walk over to the door, reaching out and taking ahold of the ornate copper handle. But it doesn't turn.
You try again. Nothing.
The door rattles as you shake the handle, but it doesn't open. Bdubs must have locked you in by accident.
You pull out your communicator only to find there isn't any signal for it to work. It looks like you'll have to wait for someone to come find you.
You busy yourself with the room itself, flicking through books and tracing ornate patterns on the furniture with your fingers. The time stuck in the room gives you a chance to see all the potential the room has to keep you busy, to be your own space.
"Hey baby." You stop what you're doing, almost tackling Ren in a hug. "I'm so glad to see your face." You grin. "Get used to it, you live here now." He winks, "what do you think of the room?"
"It's nice, feels too good to be true." You let out a small laugh, the corners of the King's lips twitching as you do. "Well it is true. You're here to stay now, forever."
"So what else is there to do in this castle then?" You ask him. "Are you bored of this room already? I thought you just said it's nice." Ren frowns now.
"It is nice, I just-" "Bdubs and I put a lot of work into making this the perfect space for you." You nod, looking around as Ren does. There has been a lot of effort put into this room, maybe you should show some more appreciation for it.
"It is a nice room." You mumble. "I'm glad you think so," Ren smiles again now, "you won't mind waiting in here for a bit would you?" You shake your head no.
"Great, well.. I'll see you soon then!" Ren squeezes you tight, placing a firm kiss on your cheek before leaving the room. He closes the door behind him. Then the lock clicks.
You wait a second before moving over to the door, attempting to open it. Neither twisting or pulling the handle works to open the ornate wooden barricade. It doesn't budge, not one bit.
You groan, leaning against the door as if that's going to change the fact it's locked.
With a sigh you drag yourself across the room to the window. But you don't have a view you can enjoy, no.
Right there is the edge of the perimeter, Doc's baby. Your baby. Your home. Your real home.
Doc was right to be skeptical of the king, but Ren won you over with gifts and fancy words. The promise you'd get to live in a castle, be a royal.
You do live in a castle, and you may get to wear a crown one day. But for the time being it seems you are nothing but a prisoner.
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frickingnerd · 11 months
Team JNPR Masterlist
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Jaune Arc
jaune with a crush who's already in a relationship - headcanons
Pyrrha Nikos
love triangle with yandere!ruby & yandere!pyrrha - headcanons
pyrrha dating an insecure artist - headcanons
yang & pyrrha dating a faunus - headcanons
Lie Ren
lie ren crushing on a popular reader - headcanons
poly relationship with nora & ren - headcanons
Nora Valkyrie
caught making out with nora - headcanons
nora realizing her feelings for you - headcanons
poly relationship with nora & ren - headcanons
poly relationship with yang & nora - headcanons
poly relationship with weiss & nora - headcanons
poly relationship with ruby, blake, weiss, penny & nora - headcanons
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rwac96 · 6 months
My Mood
Original AU: Fantasy AU: Overlord AU, Medieval AU: Royal AU-Tyrant AU, Fantasy AU: Barbarian AU, Villainous AU, Clone AU, Horror AU: Zombie AU, Horror AU: Vampire AU, Yandere AU, Monstergirl AU
Alpha Stud AU: Prison AU: Prisoner/Guard/Warden, Slavery AU: Breeding Slave, Free Use AU, Law & Crime AU: Criminal/Fugitive, Farmer AU, Clone AU, Barbarian AU
General Mood(s): Sexual Slavery, GIF Meme, Shipping, Romance, Maledom/Femsub, Malesub/Femdom, Dramedy
Main Muses: Android #18/Lazuli, Shadow The Hedgehog, Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Yoko Littner, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Vegeta, Son Goku, Bulma Briefs, Chi-Chi, Android #21/Vomi, Juri Han, Rouge The Bat, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Troia/Donna Troy, Mai Natsume, Samus Aran, Kagura Mutski, Power Girl/Karen Starr, Izuku Midoriya/Deku, Mina Ashido/Pinky, Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Momo Yaoyorozu/Creati, Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Broly (Z/Super)
Male Muse List: Character/Muse List
Female Muse List: Character/Muse List
Meme(s): Normal Date vs. Horny Date, Love Ephiphany (Dark Love/Pure Love Ephiphany), NTR Difference, Transactional Sex, Exhibiting Excitement, Sexual Emblem, Hate Fuck Meme, Willing Pet, Eugenics Breeding Test
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
this is not an ask but like i NEEDED to share this with you.
probably helps if you’ve seen star wars lol
imagine yandere sith park seonghwa…
Don't fucken start! Look I read something like that a while ago, a little short where the reader was a Jedi, and called him Hwaseong, and he was like Kylo Ren and he kidnapped her and imprisoned her and just fucked her right there and just don't! Force users already have mind control powers, and a sith boy... okay I am not gonna lie I have an idea about that floating in my head >_<
Like the idea of Seonghwa and the reader growing up together, but during the times of the Empire, and early on Seonghwa showed signs of being force sensitive, and was taken away. Years later he returns to his home planet as an Inquisitor and does reunite with his old friend, but things happen and they're revealed to be force sensitive as well, and obviously scared given what happened to Seonghwa, and what he'll most likely do to them. A little chase would ensue but as you can imagine, he's well trained while they're not, and they get dragged away and you know... why wouldn't he want like his own little padawan, not that that's a thing anymore >_<
Could do straight Sith boy finding a force sensitive person and just being like, mine, gosh now you've just added more fuel to the flames here...
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howlingday · 5 months
w/ examples
Tsundere - Publicly harsh, Privately loving - WEISS SCHNEE / Cindy Vortex
Yandere - Loving to one, Volatile to others - NEOPOLITAN / Yuno Gasai
Dandere - Hesitant towards love interest - BLAKE BELLADONNA / Hinata Hyuuga
Kuudere - Loving, but must be professional - PYRRHA NIKOS / Mikasa Ackerman
Deredere - Obsessively loving, but healthy - NORA VALKYRIE / Amy Rose
Nemuidere - Often sleepy, Loving to waker - LIE REN / Frieren
Bakadere - Less than intelligent, but loving - RUBY ROSE / Aqua
Dorodere - Publicly loving, Privately harsh - WILLOW SCHNEE / Makima
Yottadere - Often drunk, but still loving - QROW BRANWEN / Misato Katsuragi
Masodere - Replies to bullying w/ affection - TYRIAN CALLOWS / Virgo
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madmanwonder · 2 years
(Ask Yandere Crossover Forbidden Love) How does Azazel take being forbidden from being with her true love Lie Ren?
“They can’t stop me from being with my true love.” Azazel said in a unsettling voice.
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
Ooo, preferences! I like it!
How about yandere Weiss and how she gives affection?
Yandere Rwby and how they show affection
Includes:Weiss, Yang, Ren
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Weiss shows her affection in less obvious ways then a lot of other people. Her affection comes mainly in the form of her unwavering support. Once she loves you then you’ll have her in your corner for everything. If you’re studying for a big test expect Weiss to by right by your side with flash cards and snacks every time. This also means she’ll support you in ways you won’t even know about like scaring away any one she deems unsavory.
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Unlike her teammate, Yangs affection is very obvious. She’ll always be on the look out for your happiness which means lots of physical affection, jokes and fun activities. She never wants you to be bored or sad so she’ll shirk any of her huntress duties or other relationships if it means putting a smile on her loves face.
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Ren is a caretaker through and through. He’s a man of a few words and isn’t overly touchy so the best way he knows to show affection if taking care of you. Cooking for you, keeping your schedule organized and making sure you take your vitamins and do everything to stay healthy. He takes it to an unhealthy degree though. Things like taking your scroll if he catches you using it at night or if Ren feels like you have too much on your plate he’s not afraid to cancel or quit on your behalf.
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justl0rddem0 · 3 years
The Start of Team B[Y]SH
Part 3 of Obsessed with you
Very unedited, Will Edit later
You were used to waking up earlier than others, so that gave you time to change before others and time to think of how might this work.
Even Though you woke up earlier than most, you still felt a pair of eyes watching you as you changed, which wasn't unusual as you always felt eyes on you whenever you changed or thought you were alone.
You brought it up to Blake once, she played it off as if it were nothing.
Closing your locker as others started to fill up the room, you noticed bright red hair out of the corner of your eye. Is it really...? You stopped and turned around. Blake could wait a few more minutes.
Your guesses were correct, Pyrrha Nikos was in the same room as you talking to The Heiress with the fox Faunus next to her.
Your heart started to beat faster. Your idol was in the same room as you! Taking in a deep breath, and ignoring your fear for the Schnee, you walked over to her.
"I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may." Pyrrha told Weiss.
Weiss was about to say something in return but you Interrupted her. Pay back for last night!
"Sorry for Interrupting! But.." You bashfully rubbed your head, not really sure what to say. "I just wanted to say Hi.."
Pyrrha waved and gave you a warm smile, "Hello!"
While Weiss sent you a small glare, "Excuse me, We were in the middle of something."
You rolled your eyes, ignoring The Heiress and focusing on Pyrrha, "Sorry- I'm just a big fan of yours and you inspired me to wanna become a hunter-- I've always wanted to meet you in person-- You look even prettier in person--" You rambled on a bit. "But you probably hear that a lot though.."
Pyrrha giggled a bit before holding out her hand, "I'm glad to hear that. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to finally meet you too! I'm [Y/n] by the way, Aha." You let out a nervous laugh, as you shook her hand, your face heating up.
Weiss impatiently tapped her foot, "Are you done yet?" She asked you.
You turned your heads towards her, tempted to say something before Vomit boy showed up.
"You wanna know what else is great? Me, Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you." Jaune introduced himself, surprisingly having a name instead of Vomit boy, He seemed to be having his attention focused on Weiss.
Weiss didn't seem too pleased as she crossed her arms, "You again?"
But Unlike Weiss, Pyrrha seemed excited to meet him. "Nice to meet you, Jaune!" But Jaune didn't really seem to care much about her, as he pushed her away.
You patted her back, giving her a friendly smile. "Puppy love, Am I right?" You joked, as she let out a loose chuckle.
"Yeah, Yeah. So, Weiss! Couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day." He said, starting to, or well, trying to flex his little to no muscles.
Weiss just facepalmed, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." He seemed to misunderstand her response for embarrassment of being caught.
"Don't worry, No need to be embarrassed!" He reassured her, "So, been hearin' rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one."
"What do you say?"
"Actually, I think the teams are comprised of 4 students each, so-" Pyrrha tried to explain, but Jaune just interrupted her as he took a quick glance at her then back at Weiss.
"You don't say. Well, hot-stuff, play your cards right and maybe you could join up with the winning team." He slid closer to Pyrrha, causing you to let out an annoyed groan, but that seemed to bring his attention over to you.
"Same goes for you, Blind-Person."
"Like I would ever want to be on a team with a Schnee.." You muttered out, earning a small glance from the fox faunus. Did she never speak or?
Weiss pushed some space between Pyrrha and Jaune, pushing you out of the way. "Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you are talking to?" Asshole...
"Not in the slightest, Snow angel."
You slightly shoved Weiss back, noticing the fox faunus seemed to be more alerted by it but ignoring that, "It's Pyrrha Nikos!" You blurted out.
"Hello again!" Pyrrha said sweetly, waving at him.
"Never heard of her."
"She's won The Regional Tournament in Mistral 4 years in a row! A new record! How have you not heard of her?!"
"The what?"
Weiss stopped you before you could fan about Pyrrha anymore, "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!" She said plainly, exciting Jaune.
He gasped, "That's you? They only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!"
Pyrrha just smiled at him. "Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you." She faltered.
"So, after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?" Weiss asked coldy, causing Jaune to get dejected.
He looked at the floor, with a now saddened expression. "I guess not...Sorry."
Mainly just wanting to disagree with The Heiress, You placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "Well I think Jaune would be a great leader." Causing him to get all bashful.
"D'oh, Stop it!" He swooned.
Weiss just looked disappointed in you, telling you. "Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged!"
"Sounds like Blind-Person's on board for team Jaune. Spots are filling up quick." Jaune exclaimed, "Now I'm not supposed to do this, but, maybe I could pull some strings. Find a place for you. What do you say?" Getting a little too close for comfort to Weiss.
She backed up a few, "Alright, That's a bit too close! Shiro, A little help please!?"
And just like that, Jaune turned into a giant ice cube, leaving only his head free as The fox faunus got up from the floor.
'Shiro', if you heard correctly, just gave a short nod towards Weiss before deactivating her gloves. Then the intercoms turned on as Glynda's voice boomed through them. "Would all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first year students report to Beacon cliff immediately."
Walking past the frozen Jaune, Weiss stormed off, Shiro following after her. Pyrrha gave him a meek smile, "It was nice meeting you!" She told him before walking off.
Jaune just sighed, "Likewise.."
You just chuckled as Yang and Ruby came behind you.
"Havin' some trouble there, Ladykiller?" Yang sarcastically asked.
Sprinkling a bit of fire dust onto the ice to melt the ice quicker, Jaune went on. "I don't understand...My dad said all women look for is confidence."
"Where did I go wrong!?" He asked, as Ruby helped him from the floor once he was free from the ice prison.
"'Snow angel' probably wasn't the best start." Yang commented, You nodded your head in agreement.
You moved closer to Jaune, roughly patting his back, causing him to stumble slightly. "You may be cute but you have no clue on how to talk to girls." You shook your head. "Maybe work on your social skills then maybe she'll fall, for whatever reason you want her to." His face turned a bit red.
You then turned away, suddenly remembering Blake. "Oh shit- I gotta get going! See ya guys later!" You waved goodbye, running out of the locker room.
Jaune and Ruby watched you leave, Jaune a bit disappointed as he didn't get your name as you soon disappeared.
Short Timeskip
Once you made it to the cliff and earned a small scolding from Blake about being late. You all stood on these weird platforms as Ozpin explained what was going to happen.
"For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." He stated, letting Glynda take over.
"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion."
You glanced over to Blake for a split second before turning your attention back to Glynda.
Her cold eyes gazed over all you, "Each of you will be given teammates...today."
Ruby paled, "What? Aw..." The fear was clear in her voice.
Ozpin spoke up again, calming down your nerves with his voice. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon." He informed. "So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well."
"That being said, The first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." He said, causing you to get nervous again. There was a chance that Blake might not be your partner, and it would easily be the Schnee instead.
"What?!" Ruby cried out, while a ginger looked at a boy with a pink streak in his hair and said, "See? I told you!"
Continuing on, "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die." He warned.
That was nothing new to you, You've taken a few lives before, both grimm and human.
Jaune let out a nervous laugh as he gulped.
"You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our instructors will not intervene."
You rolled your eyes, impatiently tapping your foot.
"You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately." He finally finished. "Are there any questions?"
Jaune raised his hand slightly, "Yeah, um, sir-" But was completely ignored.
"Good! Now, take your positions."
Everyone got ready, except for Jaune, as you crouched slightly, grabbing onto the hilt of Judgement.
Jaune was still raising his hand, "Uh, sir? I've got, um, a question."
Weiss got catapulted.
"So, this landing strategy thing, uh, w-what is it? You're, like, dropping us off or something?"
"No. You will be falling." Ozpin answered plainly.
Jaune awkwardly rubbed the back of his head as Shiro was catapulted. "Oh, I see. So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us?"
The ginger was catapulted, "WOOHOO!" Sounds like she was having a blast.
"No. You will be using your own landing strategy."
"Uh Huh...Yeah."
You were soon catapulted, "FREEDOM!" You exclaimed, looking around for a good tree branch to land on and once you did, You swung off the tree branch, landing 'gracefully' onto the ground. And by gracefully, You mean landing on your face after relying on pure luck to land. But no fear! You just pushed yourself to your feet and dusted off your jacket, spitting out the few pieces of grass that ended up in your mouth.
You stretched your arms out, and took a quick glance around your surroundings.
It was just a boring old forest as far as you could tell.
Gently patting Judgement, you started to head off. "Let's go find, Blakey! Or maybe even Ruby or Yang. They seemed cool." You told yourself, thinking of possible teammates. Maybe you could be lucky enough and end up with Pyrrha!
You couldn't help but grow a smug smile.
If Pyrrha ends up being my teammate, We'll be unstoppable. You let out a devilish chuckle as you wandered aimlessly around.
But there could be a possibility that you could end up with Weiss as well, causing you to shiver as you thought about it. Might as well kill me if that's the case.
It seems as if whatever god there is, took that as a wish as a wild Beowolf jumped out from a bush behind you.
It let out a low growl as it stalked towards you, causing you to whip your head towards it. "I didn't really mean it, but sure." You joked, unsheathed Judgement, gripping the hilt tightly.
"It was getting a bit boring around here." You said as you launched yourself towards it, jumping to the side as it swung it's claw at you.
You smirked, getting a bit cocky as the fight went on. "You need to be a bit faster than that to land a hit on me!" You boasted, switching Judgement into its revolver form. Cocking the hammer, and making sure it was filled with fire dust, you pulled the trigger, shooting it twice in the torsos.
This caused it to growl in pain as the blow pushed it back. Taking this time to transform Judgement back into a katana, you charged towards it, digging Judgement into its chest. Ending the fight rather quickly.
You sighed and put Judgement away again. "I was hoping you'll be more difficult but then again, I do have a gun."
Behind you, you heard slow clapping. Turning your head around, you saw the fox faunus that was with Weiss yesterday and last night.
She was really short, you could almost assume she was a child. Her somewhat long white hair matched with her pale complexion, with Radiation red eyes. But what stuck out the most was the big fox ears that she had. It was like those stole most of her height.
And unlike the Schnee, she just wore a gray jacket with old looking jeans. Kinda like yours, she also wore a red bandana but instead of covering her eyes, she wore it around her neck.
"Are you gonna continue to stare?" Her voice broke you out of thought, causing your face to heat up.
You quickly waved your hands around in self-defense. "No, No! Sorry, You just surprised me!"
You quickly placed both hands on your hip as you grew a cocky look. "But it must have been nice to see a pro fight like that, right?"
She just stared at you before slowly nodding. "Sure." Was all she said before looking around, "I guess you're my partner now."
You paused, before silently sulking. My chance to be unstoppable with Pyrrha is down the drain..
"Yeah, I guess so." You coughed, "The name's [Y/n], it's nice to meet ya..."
You smiled at Shiro, "It's nice to meet ya, Shiro. Now let's go find those relics."
She just nodded, and you two started traveling around the forest together. A few grimms joined you two, here and there but were quickly killed. Turns out, Shiro was surprisingly strong, freezing the ground so you could end its life.
Somewhere on your trip, You turned your head down slightly to Shiro, "So do you normally just let your friend yell at whoever she wants or?" You decided to ask, "Just wondering."
Shiro looked up at you, before looking straight ahead. "I'm just here to protect Miss Schnee. It isn't my job to interfere with whoever she decides to go off on." She said before walking ahead.
You shrugged and took the answer as it was. "So, do you work for her then?"
Shiro nodded, "Mr.Schnee assigned me to be her Bodyguard of sorts."
"Cool, Cool." You nodded slightly, still not seeing anything but trees in sight.
Shiro's ears twitched as she listened to their surroundings, before looking back up at you. "Can't you use your Semblance to check how far we are?" She asked out of the blue, startling you a bit. You didn't remember telling Shiro about your Semblance yet.
"How do you know about it? We literally just met a few minutes ago."
Shiro froze for a minute, before she quickly looked ahead again and speed walking away. "Just a little guess...!" She blurted out, suddenly nervous and giving off a different vibe than the normal cold one.
You eyed her suspiciously, letting out a small hum as you followed her. "Suspicious..." You muttered to yourself. You'll keep an eye on her for now, seeing as you two will be teammates for a while.
It was a silent, boring trip after that. Shiro talked less than Blake did, so making conversation was difficult, especially since Shiro refused to even glance at you after the little 'guess' she did.
You did end up climbing a tree and using your semblance to search around your surroundings. You guys weren't that far from where the relics were, and it seemed that Yang and Blake were already there.
"This way. I don't see any grimm in this direction, plus it's faster." You pointed, hopping off the tree branch.
Shiro finally looked at you again, just to see which way you were talking about before nodding.
You quickly grabbed onto Shiro's hand and pulled her along. "Quick! I don't wanna be the last few there!"
She nodded, before activating her glove and then the next thing you knew, you and Shiro were ice skating down the hill at high speed.
"Holy shi-"
You slipped and fell on your bum when going down while Shiro looked like a pro compared to you.
In just a few minutes, you were at the abandoned temple.
You couldn't really stop yourself from sliding and ended up flying into Yang, Interrupting whatever they were talking about.
"Jeez, [Y/n], We've only known each other for one day." She jokingly said as you steadied yourself. While Shiro calmly stepped off the ice, and grabbed a black pawn.
"Is this one fine?" She asked, as you gave her a sluggish thumbs up.
Blake shook her head, as she let out a sign. "Can't let you alone for a few seconds can I?"
"Hey! It wasn't my idea!" You huffed, before pointing at Shiro, "It was her's!"
Shiro just shrugged, "You wanted to get here quicker, I'm sorry I misunderstood."
But it seems Blake wasn't paying attention as she pointed at the sky.
You three curiosity glanced up at the sky as a familiar voice cried out, "Heads up!" Turns out, Ruby was falling out of the sky. How she got there, you had no clue.
It wasn't long until Jaune crashed into her.
Why the fuck is everyone in the sky? You asked yourself as they both crashed into a nearby tree.
"Did your sister just fall from the sky?"
But before she could answer, another short Faunus flew out of the woods as a blonde-haired girl ran after them. She held a slight smirk as she looked down at the hamster faunus.
"See? I knew it would work." She boasted, her dangerous red eyes gleaming.
The person with unkept brown hair glared up at her, before quickly getting up. "Give me a warning before just tossing me like that, Blake!"
The taller girl just rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Hiro."
"Did that girl just throw that faunus all the way over here?"
Yang tried to respond but was cut off by a growl as trees fell to the ground. An Ursa was thrashing around before pink lighting shocked it.
"YEEHAW!" Shouted the Ginger from the cliff as she rolled off the Ursa as it fell dead onto the ground. She looked at it disappointed, "Aww. It's broken." She zoomed back on top of it, as the boy she was with earlier came from behind it. "Eeeew..."
"Nora?" He called out to her, panting slightly. "Please...Don't ever do that again." But she just disappeared from her original spot and stared in awe at a White Rook. "Ooooo.."
Nora quickly grabbed it before doing silly poses and singing, "I'm Queen of The Castle~ I'm Queen of the Castle~" Or was, until the boy yelled her name.
She just giggled, "Hehehe, coming Ren!"
Blake crossed her arms as she watched Nora jog away. "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?"
Yang was interrupted yet again, as more growling was heard as well as more trees falling.
Pyrrha was running away from a Deathstalker on her tail. It swiped it's huge claw at her but she managed to dodge it.
You clapped your hands together, "Well ain't this such swell." Quickly hushing Shiro before she could say anything. "I'm using sarcasming."
Ruby jumped off the tree branch, and rolled onto the floor.
"Ruby?" Yang looked down at her sister, as she smiled at her. "Yang!" They went to hug but got interrupted by Nora.
Pyrrha was coming closer to you guys along with the Deathstalker.
"Did she just run all the way here with a Deathstalker on her tail?" Blake's final question caused Yang to explode. Her eyes turned red, as she yelled, "I can't take it anymore!" Fire moved around her. "Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?"
Everyone went quiet as you held out two fingers, quietly counting down the two seconds.
"Done." You smiled happily as Ruby tapped her sister's shoulder as Yang looked down defeated.
But looking up at the sky, you saw Weiss hanging onto a Nevermore in the sky. "How could you leave me?!" She cried.
"I said 'jump'..." Ruby said in return, causing you to snicker, only to earn an elbow to the rib. "Fuck-" Shiro shot you a cold glare.
"She's gonna fall." Blake pointed out before Ruby dismissed her.
"She'll be fine."
"She's falling." Ren commented.
You let out a sign before activating your semblance. Quickly scanning for the quickest way to catch her, even though you really didn't want to and You were sure Shiro would try and catch her anyways, You climbed the nearest tree as fast as you could before catching her midway through the air.
"Falling for a poor old Faunus like me, Schnee?" You joked as you tried your best to land carefully. It somewhat worked, but you still ended up face first on the floor as Weiss was now on your back.
"Wow, My hero." She rolled her eyes before getting up and dusting off her dress.
You quickly pushed yourself up and shot a glare at her, "Hey! I just saved your life! A little thanks wouldn't kill ya!"
She huffed, sparing a quick glance your way, "Thank you." She muttered and the next thing you knew, Shiro was right by her side. Trying to check if she was alright.
Then just a few minutes later, Pyrrha was thrown in front of the gang.
"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" Yang exclaimed.
"Not if I can help it!" Ruby muttered, before taking off towards the Deathstalker, causing your eyes to widen as you felt a flash of panic. Did she want to get herself killed?!
"Ruby, wait!" Yang called out as she watched her sister let out a battle cry.
Ruby boosted herself with Crescent Rose, still screaming, at The Deathstalker. Once she came close enough, It swiped at her, knocking her back.
Slowly getting up again, "D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!" She turned to face it again, and shot it in the skull. She ran from it, sheathing Crescent Rose away as The Deathstalker chased after her.
Yang started to run forward, "RUBY!"
Ruby rushes towards her sister, until The Nevermore in the sky above her flapped its wings , releasing sharpened feathers that got caught onto her cape, stopping her.
Yang fell to the ground as she looked over to Ruby with worried eyes. "Ruby, get out of there!"
Ruby was struggling to get her cape free, "I'm trying!" But The Deathstalker came closer, raising it's golden stringer above Ruby, bringing it down on her.
Yang reached her hand out in vain, "RUBY!"
A [F/c] blur flew past Yang, racing towards Ruby just as the stringer was about to pierce her. The [F/c] blur jumped in the air before a flash of blue slashed at the stringer, cutting it off and into the head of the Deathstalker.
"I know I'm stupid but what you just did..."
Ruby slowly reopened her silver eyes as she looked up at her savior.
"[Y/n]...?" Ruby mumbled as she slowly got up, flinching slightly from the glare you gave her.
"Do you have a death wish or something?"
"I- What?"
You shook your head as you sheathed Judgement before wiping sweat from your eyebrow. "You need to be more careful, If you aren't you'll end up dead. There's no point in going into battle alone when you have people by you." She spat out before turning away.
Ruby teared up a bit, "I'm sorry-"
But you cut her off with a sign, "Don't be. You just need to be more careful."
"You can't protect people when you're dead." You let out a bittersweet laugh before disappearing from the others, leaving a concerned Blake and Ruby, and a confused Shiro.
You apologized to Shiro for leaving her behind after they made it back to the cliff.
And now you were waiting for Ozpin to call your name for your team.
"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie." Ozpin called the four of them up to the stage, "The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR."
Everyone started clapping, as Nora hugged Ren.
Ozpin went on, "Lead by Jaune Arc." Shocking the Blond boy himself. "Huh?"
"L-Lead by..?"
"Congratulations, young man."
Pyrrha 'gently patted' his arm, causing him to go flying. "Whoa- Oof!"
After them was your new team.
"Blake Dynamite, [Y/n] Taurus, Shiro, Hiro." Ozpin started, "The four of you retrieved the black pawn pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team B[Y]SH (Pronounced Bush)."
A team with three faunus' and one human, this will be fun. You thought with an eye roll.
"Lead by Blake Dynamite." Ozpin finished, causing you to get slightly bitter. There went your chance to show how great of a leader you were but You'll just be a great teammate then.
After you four went off stage, Ozpin called up Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long.
"The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Lead by Ruby Rose."
You slowly clapped for her, as Yang excitingly hugged her sister.
Who knew this all would lead to such destruction later on?
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rachetmath · 4 years
No Girls!
Atlas Academy 
Ruby: Hey guys as any one seen Jaune anywhere?
Weiss: Now that mention it. I haven’t seen him all day.
Blake: He must be working.
Penny: No, Mr. Arc’s job should be done for today.
Yang: You don’t think those moms finally got to him.
Nora: *laugh* Please. Jaune not that desperate to sleep with those kids moms. He has standards. Right, Ren?
Ren: *stares at Weiss* Standards. Right.
Weiss: Do you want discuss something with me Ren?
Ren: No.
Oscar: I’m sure Jaune’s fine.
Jaune: *walks in on everyone* Hey everyone, I’m back.
Nora: Where have you been?
Jaune: Oh talking to someone after work. She was willing to answer some of my question about Mantle.
Jaune: Yeah, I thought if we’re going to be here a while we might as well-
Ruby: *place a finger on Jaune’s lips* Shhhh hush. Now you said, she.
Jaune: Yeah, but what's the problem? 
Weiss: Oh nothing just tells us about your conversation.
Jaune: Well she answer a few my question but we cracked a few jokes here and there. She was funny. Then the food was good.
Blake: You had dinner with her?
Jaune: Yes.
Yang: Well at least she paid for her’s.
Jaune: No I paid her and myself.
Nora: You paid both you and and her.
Jaune: Yeah but that’s not important we-
Jaune gets slapped by Ruby which stunned Ren, Penny and Oscar.
Jaune: Ow. What was- 
Nora punches Jaune and girls surround him.
Ruby: It sees you are in need of punishment, side character.
Oscar: For what!?
Weiss: For giving special treatment to another girl! 
Yang: Yeah he never show us that kind of love and affection!
Oscar: It’s called being gentleman! Have you ever the word!?
Ruby: You want to join him?
Oscar: *scared* I said nothing.
Team RWBY and Nora then proceeded to punish Jaune by jumping him. Asking “who does he belong to?” while Ren and Oscar could nothing but fear for their lives while remaining silent Penny recorded this behavior for James to see. However, Jaune was not even phased considering he amplified his aura defenses. So he raised his middle finger at me and ask-
Jaune: Why do you put us in these situations, RatchetMath?
Me: Would you believe me if I say, I love and hate your show at the same time?
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