#yandere kiwi
wolverineluvr · 28 days
yandere maine crew hcs plz :3
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CW: yandere themes, not asking consent(Pilars part), sa, ooc characters(?), mentions of murder. Gn reader
Characters: Maine, Dorio, Kiwi, Lucy, David, Pilar, Rebecca.
Divider credits: @cafekitsune
A/n: ofc, this also helped me get out of my rut of not writing at all so thank you!<3
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He's not the most patient, but he's not the most forceful either.
He'd rather you love him on your own accord, but he doesn't mind making you love him, especially if you take too long to show any affection.
He's a little possessive, he doesn't mind if you have a friend outside of the crew, but he hates when you touch anyone that's not him or Dorio. Pilar is..annoying. But even he knows not to push it too far. It doesn't mean he's not going to push that line as far as it can go.
If you joined his crew, then great. Better reason to get close to you. But if you're just a random civilian, of course you'll be confused as to why someone like him is interested in talking to you.
You know you shouldn't be weary of him because of how he looks or his background. So you try to be nice. You make conversation with him, questioning the occasional suspicious things he says but, it's probably nothing. You don't want to be mean, so you never turn him down when he asks you something small.
When he brought his girlfriend, Dorio, around, you really thought it was okay. He seemed to love her a lot. So you ignored the side of your brain that was screaming at you to cut contact with him, to atleast be a little more safe and to question his objectives more.
You should've known, should've done differently. You never should've even spoken to him in a friendly way. But now you're stuck. He says he's doing it for you, for your safety, but is he? You used to think he wasn't but you can't tell anymore.
She tries to take it slow with you, she doesn't want to scare you off or make you hate her. But it's so hard sometimes. All she wants to do is show you how much she loves you, how much she cares.
If you don't accept her confession, she'll ignore it. She'll act like you're both together. She doesn't care. She needs to let out how she feels in some way.
She tries to make you have a relationship with Maine as well, she's less forceful with that, because in her mind, you'll come around.
If you try to leave or breakup-even though you were never dating in the first place-she'll threaten you. If you never do that, she'll be sweet with you. She doesn't mind if you express displeasure with some things she or Maine do. Everyone needs their boundaries, even if she doesn't like them.
Overall, she's pretty tame. She prefers you to spend all of your time with her or Maine but she doesn't mind when you spend a little time with others-atleast those in the crew.
She's more of a stalker, she knows she shouldn't get close. She shouldn't entertain this fascination of hers.
She observes you when she can, taking note of your movements and making sure she knows your schedule and you to the point that she knows what you're doing, even if you're not doing what you regularly are.
She's possessive, but she knows she can't just kill everyone who touches you. So she settles for the occasional stranger or acquaintance every now and then. It's never enough. And eventually, she cracks.
If you're in Maine's crew, she'll talk to you sometimes of course. Never being too nice, never being too standoffish. Like you don't matter to her.
If you're not, then of course one day she can't help it. She'll squeeze herself into your schedule, just to keep how she feels at bay. She'll talk to you for a moment, feel the fleeting brush of your hand under hers as she apologizes for bumping into you.
Soon she starts popping up more and more in your life. It's odd, but she seems nice.
After a while of the same song and dance, she starts to yearn for more. Stronger than before. She knows that soon she'll have to do something. She's already planning on what.
She tries to become someone close to you first, she stalks you when she's already seen you for the day, and she wants to know what you're doing.
She's not stupid, she takes it slow. She doesn't mind playing the long game if she gets you in the end.
Eventually, once she's one of your closest friends, she slowly starts picking off everyone you know. Your friends, family, whoever. At first it was just a sad coincidence, in the end it was a curse for you. You even shut her out, you didn't want her to get hurt or die.
She saw how much it was hurting you, but she kept going. She left some, but you wouldn't let them near you, and they didn't want to be around you either. She was the only one you had left. You should've been suspicious. But you were just grateful.
She'd never leave you. She's been by your side through everything. In the end, you're the one confessing. She doesn't reject you. You should've known. But how could you have?
David (before time skip)
He wants to make you comfortable, wants to make you feel safe and he wants for you to love him naturally.
But he can't help how clingy he is, always offering to come with you everywhere, like a dog.
Let's say you're his best friend, he knows he's been pining over you for so long. He just never realized how bad it was until recently. When he felt genuine murderous intent when he saw another one of your friends-a male one-hug you. He doesn't think he's ever felt like that before.
You're always the one to patch him up when he gets bullied, and he loves it. He loves it so much. You're so kind to him. You're so close to him.
He confessed to you the day before his mother died. He thought that, for once, everything was going perfect for him.
After he joined Maine's crew, he introduced you to them of course. You told him to be careful, to make sure he doesn't get hurt. You don't know much but obviously it's not a great line of work. He did his best to listen to you, to not worry you. But eventually, there was nothing he could do.
David (after time skip)
If you thought he was bad before, he's insufferable now. Occasionally, you can use the bathroom alone. But not most of the time. He gets on your nerves so much.
And he's only gotten more possessive. He hates it when you even glance at anyone. He tries to be lenient with you, you're only a human. It's natural for your eyes to wander around, for you to be curious. But when other people look at you? It's a different story.
He lets you around the crew, sometimes. He doesn't want you to get attached to them, or anything like that. He wants you to rely on him for everything. Food, touch, conversation, safety, love.
You couldn't leave him if you tried, but it's better not to.
He's a little more laid back, not very possessive. He doesn't mind it much if you're around others, as long as you come back to him in the end.
But he does hang off you like you're the only thing keeping him alive. His arm is almost always around you, and if it's not he's still around you.
He's touchy, sometimes he tries to take it slow but he can't help giving you the occasional grope or feel. He's more forceful with touch than the others, but he's less forceful with how you feel. He knows you wouldn't love him, atleast not immediately. So he doesn't mind.
If you're a civilian, you're bound to think he's a bit odd. He didn't start touching you inappropriately immediately, but he was pretty touchy from the start. The same goes for if you were in Maine's crew, although he does start to give you gropes faster.
She's rather clingy, like her brother. She's always with you. She's confident in herself, but she doesn't mind being a little forceful to get what she wants.
She's possessive as well, getting irritated the moment you talk to someone. She acts annoyed when you interact with others, but if you start expressing that you feel bad she shuts up. She doesn't want you to feel bad, she just wants the other person to go the fuck away.
She doesn't mind killing for you, it only makes her enjoy it more. She knows not to be too extreme with it, to not kill every person you know, but it's hard for her.
It's more likely that you met her if you were in Maine's crew, but if you're a civilian then you only met her by chance. She doesn't plan much, just sort of suddenly pushing herself into your life.
She's loud and brash, but it's sort of endearing in a way. You start to look forward to seeing her again, even if the ways are always random or at the wrong time.
Maine's crew
If you have the attention of all of them, then you're fucked.
You're never left alone, not for a second. Most of the time it's at least two of them with you. You're coddled and doted on like a child.
There was a chance you could've escaped one of them, but all of them? No shot.
If one of them does something to make you uncomfortable, most of the time another stops them or tells them off. Most of them don't want you to hate them, the others...don't really care. As long as they have you.
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Extra notes: I wasn't sure if I should add a little more of the entire crew but I ended up writing a little for them !
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coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
🂠 ♣ ♦ ♥ ♠ 🂠 Tea party menu🂠 ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 🂠
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Coffee speaking! Tea speaking! Twins speaking!
We have a various kinds of tea, chai latte is my personal favorite tho
Come on Dear, take a sit with us in this tea party! If you rather coffee, of course we have!
We have a lot of little treats to share with you as well!
Maybe is someone's happy not-birthday? oh, its our not-birthday too!
So, tell us, what do you wish to have?
🍅 Fruit salad:
🍋 Lemon:
edit! Not really bullys
human! Lemon + silly edit
wish I was your safe space
🍓 Strawberry:
edit! Not really bullys
🍈 Melon:
Sweet sweet rain
🍏 Green Apple:
edit! Not really bullys
🍍 Pineapple:
edit! Interruption
better that sleeping pills
➤ keep pretending
➤ Say something
do you notice?
human! Pin
You need a proper care, Dear (Lovesick! Doctor)
Can't you stay longer? (Lovesick! Patient x Reader.)
💐 Hanahaki killer:
Imagine if hanahaki isn't a sickness but a serial killer
❄️ Backrooms:
liminal space single daddy introduction post
🏪 The yandere shop:
welcome to the shop! What are you looking for?
Sneak peek of the first encounters
Out of the menu, still the choice (the seller post)
🎪 Circus:
Why being a side character when you can have the spotlight?
Oh, and if you don't find that little something you're searching for...
You can always sit and ask/sugest us, dont be shy, Dear. Although we express differently, we share our only braincell.
So come sit with us and enjoy this little tea party we prepared for you, with all the sweets and the sours too!
Ah, last but not least, english isn't our first language, probably you all will find weird things in my posts lol, y si prefieren leer algo en español, también pueden pedirnos usarlo si hacen un ask, acá está el intro post en español.
Our beloved neighbors that come to celebrate their not birthday with us! (anon list):
🧸 anon
🍰 anon
Do you also want to celebrate your not birthday? Of course, come with us, my brother makes the best brownie ever, you should try it!
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kiwi-solace · 1 year
Devotion’s Fall (Teaser)
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Brief: While living may not be as easy and comfortable as many, it was just fine to Y/n. Resigning herself to the circumstances, she’s come to accept her life and the future. When assisting a friend in attending the annual party of the kingdom’s prized royalty in finding their final soulmate for the first time, she expects a few days of playing pretend of what she wishes to be. But one should always be careful with the words you speak into the world.
Word Count: 993
Warnings: moderate injury, yandere (you know the drill), controlling behavior
A/N: Would you believe me if I said this was supposed to be finished in March? Btw Italics are not being spoken out loud! It’s in her head that’s all. Anyways, feel free to message me ( ̄∇ ̄)
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Keep moving.
That’s all she could think of as she navigated through the dense forest that surrounded the kingdom’s domain. Seeking safety was top priority even if it brought her further away from a place she almost called home. 
Dodging the various roots and vines of the forest floor had taken a toll on her bare feet. There was no time to care about something as simple as shoes when there was rarely a moment of opportunity for this getaway. Deluded were she, to ignore the signs and fall victim to their sweet nothings and reassurances. There had to be a catch. It was stark in hindsight.
Lungs has since yelled for her user to stop for a simple break, but that’s too much of a luxury to afford for the situation, let alone being in a simple nightgown. The alarm bells keep the adrenaline pumping, knowing you only had a small headstart. You can hear the storming footsteps behind you even on this stormy night. The thunder unable to drown out those sent after you–those coming after you themselves. They’re getting too close for comfort.
“Find her now! If you come back without her you’ll have bigger problems to deal with than finding a mere human.” 
“We’re tired of this game of cat and mouse love.”
“It’s too dangerous outside for you— stop running.” 
There it was. Those damned commands they started using within you. Their blood is the cause of this. The entire connection is cursed. Why had she been chosen for not just one, but eight creatures that have sought not just her heart, but her unconditional love and obedience. 
Fighting the command with all her might slowed down her pace, a splitting headache begins in dismay of her disobeying. I will listen to you no more.
Being within a 50 mile radius of just one of them— let alone the eight of them— was more dangerous than the outside world. It’s sunshine and rainbows compared to them. With that thought, she attempts to speed up once again, only to trip on a slippery root infront of her beyond the kingdom’s wall. While the rain did aid in masking her scent with its downpour, it came to be her downfall when traversing haphazardly. It mocks her really. To know that you’re so close to being free from their jurisdiction, but even then there’s only one question: what happens? She laughs to herself at the thought. Maybe it’s the adrenaline or she’s losing it completely, but what’s to stop their pursuit even after fleeing the kingdom. They’ve proven to know no bounds when it comes to getting their way. Manipulation. Lies. Murder. It’s nothing new.
Groaning from the fall and newly acquired bruises, she attempts to get up again only to give out as another command is forced through. “Stop Now.” 
Everything begins to hurt as you try to resist again, but it’s futile. Finally, with her knees to the grown and head hung, she stops. 
Things never went accordingly. From your failure in aiding your friend in being chosen all the way to the hell that was to come as being the “missing piece” in this kingdom’s royal bloodline. It’s a curse. She doesn’t know who she wronged in life to be given such circumstances, but they succeeded in making her life miserable and seemingly temporary.
This was never her wish. Her words were twisted from a mere joke. It just goes to show how a person should always be careful with what they put out into the world. She can hear the gods laughing at her.
“Surround the area, I’m approaching!” Not like I can move.
She knows she won’t be let off easily this time being caught. Feigning innocence isn’t possible in this situation when knowingly disobeying the commands of her lovers— the king and his seven princes. The very beings responsible for the well-being of the kingdom and its prosperity.
Beings that promised when they found their missing bond, would they cherish and take care of them wholeheartedly. They’d know nothing except leisure and comfort as they delivered on their word of giving them the love they deserved. Thinking back, is this what she deserved? Tension, anger, exhaustion, skittish, helplessness—all things you’ve felt since your life had been uprooted from its natural continuance of a humble life.
“What did I deserve?” She spoke to no one.
Death seems to be the only way out from here. Her humanity a reminder that she still has something against them—something she can proudly claim. A way out. Maybe she should’ve been one of the many men and women throwing themselves at them. It looks like they got the better end of the stick with just dealing with rejection rather than this. Leaning against the trunk of a tree, she brings her knees to her chest slowly so as to not disturb her injury and rests her forehead atop her knees. The rain still pelting around her seemed to mask the approaching footsteps, or maybe she just didn’t care anymore. There’s no time to decide which one it is when said figure crouches beside her and places a hand on her shoulder.
“Did you finish your little adventure?”
Yeosang. It wasn’t said aloud, either to let the others into the conversation through their connection or because he knew she wouldn’t reply verbally. She didn’t care.
Met by silence, Yeosang sighs before repositioning himself to lift up his prize as the fragile princess he believes she is. The trek back wouldn’t take too long for him even with her in his arms.
“As much as we love you, you know the others will not let this go so easily,” he said out loud knowing it didn’t matter if there was a reply. Effective enough, the threat alone made her shiver because she knew what was waiting for her back in the castle would be the final descent into madness they’d want. Full compliance.
Their heaven, her soon to be hell.
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eniruok · 3 months
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Utena and Kiwi stickers from GoMG
Im hoping to have these in stock for animethon so come pick them up if you're there!!
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Really wish I could lurk the farms again rn. I bet they are having a party over yanderedev being finally exposed as a child groomer after they have been posting receipts of his gross behavior for years.
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obsessedomi · 8 months
A very funky kiwi bird for you
─ 🩷
YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍 Thank u smmmm!!
words cannot describe how much I love kiwi birds :3
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lillylvjy · 1 year
yandere! ghost!wilbur would be interesting because “yandere’s” feel such an extreme feeling of love and obsession.
the idea that you would be living in a yandere’s house, not that tommy understands that term, but imagine that is why tommy barks at wil to stop flirting with them? tom has seen it many times before, and can’t understand why past residents left; in his eyes, it’s because wilbur pushed his love on to them and scared them off.
in reality, wilbur has such a sickly perception on love because knows he can possess a body. the warmth, the emotions, the over-exhilarating amount of senses that comes to him is almost refreshing. once, he only desired to host a body but that was until he met you.
being inside you, experiencing your thoughts and heart beat was like nothing he has ever experienced. it was addicting, and he only grew more dependant on you the more you shared yourself—so fucking willingly too. you were just so refreshing, so new, like a summers breath he missed out on when he was alive.
since his emotions start to get extreme, the more advantages he has. similar to a poltergeist of sort, and its all because of you.
when you get the hint and start getting scared—that is when he possesses you more—traps you in physical spaces he knows you can’t escape from. your home because a hell from the inside, and you know you’re useless at trying to get help because you can feel his breath against your neck. his hands on your sides as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, so loving, as the touch of death brushes against your skin. he loves you.
imagine you’re so close to escaping, so close to getting that help, brushing against freedom itself: then he kills you:)
There’s nothing to add- you said it all.
Bro- and it would start getting bad as you show your love towards him too- and it’s just- ugh! I love yandere!Wilbur
Also he would kill you. Like he knows your trying to escape and shit- but he lets you almost get the taste of freedom just to keep you here, with him, forever. And your just- you learn to deal with it and learn to love him as well-
But it’s so fucked.
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mrjocrafter · 2 years
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aviradasa · 29 days
I just wanted to give a HUGEEE thank you to all of my mooties who have supported me and my work this far. I feel like I've come a long way and have improved greatly, and It's all thanks to you all. It doesn't matter if you don't keep up with my work or if you like every post (special thanks to those who do, lol) but I couldn't have come this far without all of you so with that thank you to
@delusional-mushroom @imsimping4life @hubba-hubba1 @josmarney23 @sativaachiever98 @blueberryspiders @elisiassideb1tch @delicioussnakeinme @tired-of-life-86 @eurydices-dreams @sleeping-squire @laurynsgonemad @ash-porter @rose-of-many-colors @iffyingrid @their-dearest @sincerest-one @brainrot-enjoyer @kindadolly @chaotickitten91 @colourstreakgryffin @speedytoadzonkdream @kiwi-but-the-bird-not-the-fruit @eridanstarr @starstudded783 @muichirolover @matimatillda @pyreemo @fortunatelyclassycollector @spydersperits @kpopandmusicpassion @k-p0p-4ever @benossummongirlii @myfictionalfables @ilovefanficsion @ronin-of-valenwood @scriptershifter @michellefisher927 @00-darlingz @mehgreyson @itsmocaworld @certified-smiles @emolonersblog @thewindandthewolves @mars-writes-yandere @sallieryreanheart
Love to all of you even if I don't know you,speak to you,or check out your blog. If you follow me I love you! I hope you all have a lovely day 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚕𝚖 - 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸
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Warnings: +18, adult content, semi-erotic content, harsh language, dub-con, mild psychological torture, yandere vibes, slow burn.
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton, @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic, @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @adamjf , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch, @whenimakeitshine1234, @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore
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Chapter 1
“But first” Claudio squeezed the flesh of her hip, making sure to apply enough pressure to make her feel his trimmed nails sinking into her skin. 
It was a silent warning, she could feel the harshness of every word underneath his deadly grip. She would have to be careful with this one, he wasn’t completely under her spell as Mox was. And even though Yuta was dangerous, he was a minor one compared to the bald man. 
She could see it in his eyes, as Claudio slowly released her flesh, that he wouldn’t think twice before hurting her. 
And if she’d like to have any sort of advantage over these men, she would have to get at least two of them on her side. 
“Let’s have our snack before it gets cold” Claudio grinned, his dark eyes sparkled with knowledge and a fake warmness that was meant to give her a false sense of security. 
She knew that look all too well, being familiar with it ever since she was a child, she could sense it from a mile away. This one was smarter than Yuta and Mox together.
This one was going to be responsible for putting her acting skills to the test. 
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Claudio had brought them two grilled cheese sandwiches, a cup of coffee for himself, a cup of orange juice for her, and a small bowl of chopped fruits. Strawberries, kiwis, red and green grapes were the ones she could spot on the top of the porcelain bowl. 
She slightly frowned, these were not only all of her favorite fruits but it was also intriguing to her how they had managed to find kiwi in her town. 
The fruit is typically grown in temperate climates with mild winters and warm summers, and that was the exact opposite climate of her town. 
All of the times she craved to eat the exquisite fruit, she had to drive at least 3 hours to the closest state with a temperate climate so she could find the sweet yet tangy-tasting fruit at the grocery store. 
This was odd, to say the least. It was either an indication that they were distant from her town or that the men who kidnapped her came from somewhere far from where she lived. 
“Do you like kiwis?” Claudio asks, suddenly curious about her apparent fixation over the fruit. 
“Yes,” She nodded, momentarily licking her lips in order to try to fake a nervousness. “It’s one of my favorites…I haven’t eaten it in a long time”
“Well, ain’t today your lucky day?” The smile on Claudio’s lips was spine-chilling, like an owl’s hoot on a winter night. A bad omen for what was yet to come. 
Her eyes found the deer’s head on the wall once again, it whispered softly to her, humming a familiar tune over and over like a broken record. 
She felt it before she could see it, the sweetness followed by the tanginess and slightly acidic taste of the fruit against her lips, her eyes darted down to Claudio’s fingers, which held the piece of fruit against her bottom lip. 
The once-friendly flavor now tasted hostile, aggressive, malicious, and venomous. The man before her had poisoned it with his touch, and nausea began to rise up her throat. 
Staring at the Swiss man who was now face to face with her, she watched as his tongue darted out to collect the juices of the green fruit spread across her lips. She felt it, the warm and rough texture of the muscle tasting her skin. And before she could rationalize what had happened, the man whispered “Lay down”.
Her eyes fixated on his as he spoke:
“I’m going to ask you some questions, and for each correct answer I’ll reward you with some of your favorite fruits” Claudio smiled widely “Let’s begin”. 
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The winter wind blew against her wet skin, prickling and burning her delicate flesh. Uncontrolled shivers run through her entire body, a sharp pain constricts her lungs and pressure begins to install itself in her chest, making her already shallow breath become weaker with each drag of breath in.
Her eyes tingled with the unshed tears and her throat burned with the desire to scream through the howling wind.
“I can see your tears from here, dytyna. You’re not fooling anyone” Mykola laughs, pulling a long drag of his cigarette as she screamed at the top of her lungs “FUCK YOU!”. 
The temper tantrum only served to make her father’s right-hand laugh louder, his combat boots sank into the snow as he squatted down, “Are you feeling better now? Good, now control your emotions from now on. You’re a smart kid, but you let your mind take over and that’s a terrible mistake. The last thing you want is to be your own enemy, got it?”.
She nodded weakly before Mykola snarled “I asked if you got it”
“Dobre, ya zrozumiv.” She answers, shaking violently as another harsh gust of wind hits her wet skin.
The Ukrainian man tossed the cigarette bud on the snow before helping her stand up from the floor, “Let’s get inside, we’re done for today”. Placing a thick blanket around her body, Mykola opened the back door of the warehouse and pushed her inside with him. A fluffy navy blue towel covered her head as he carefully dried her hair, “Can we go near the fire?” She asked with trembling limbs.
“No” Mykola softly pushed her down to sit on the old armchair, “You’re hypothermic, if we do that you’ll die. We need to warm up your body slowly, we’ll stay here for now, and as time goes by we’ll move closer to the fire”.
Mykola “Myko” Kolavenko was her father’s right-hand and her bodyguard ever since she was a child, he was the closest she’d ever get to a fatherly figure, and most of the time even being referred to as so by her. When she was 4 years old, Myko wanted to introduce her to martial arts as a way of discipline and self-defense, but her father completely forbade “Men are supposed to defend and fight, not women! I don’t want her to become a tomboy, Myko. She will fit the role God created her for, which is a woman who will be a wife, a mother, a nurturing figure” Was her father’s first and last statement about the subject.
After finding her in the kitchen crying over her father’s response, Myko sat beside her on the table, dried her tears, and whispered “Your father didn’t let us train your body, but he didn’t say we can’t train your mind”.
“What do you mean?” She looked up at him, hope written all over her innocent eyes.
“Means you’ll be able to beat me at poker” Myko winked, which made her giggle.
The memory made her smile and from the armchair, her eyes now settled on his wrinkled face. “Do you think I’m able to beat you at poker now?” She joked, teeth chattering as Myko placed another heavy blanket around her body.
The man chuckled, pulling an old chair in front of her so they could seat face to face, “Absolutely fucking not. At least not yet, you still have a long way to go before I even allow you near a poker table”.
“Why?” She frowned
“Because I don’t want to lose money” Myko winks with a smirk. He grabs a whisky glass and fills it to the brim with the amber liquid.
“Do you think I’ll ever be able to do it, Myko? To control my mind, I mean. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck like it’s all for nothing. I don’t think I’m having any progress at all, and it’s fucking frustrating”.
Myko took a big gulp of the whisky and let the all too familiar burning feeling settle in his throat. “Training the body is easier than training the mind. After a few years of training you kill the receptive nerves of pain in your body and well, you become basically painless. Meaning it doesn’t distract you anymore, someone can punch you in the face and it won’t shock you or disorient you. Now the mind is way more problematic because it’s in constant change, as you grow older your mind and perception change and you have to adapt to a completely different reality. Compare yourself from 6 months ago to now, you’ve changed so much in here” Myko tapped her left temple, “And it will happen again 6 months from now, so you have to be able to adapt to everything, dytyna, because you never know what’s going to happen. The reason why I put you outside on a winter night in Kyiv and wetted your skin is to start to accustom your mind to be in uncomfortable and under pressure sceneries because that’s when your whole system becomes alert. Emotions appear all at once, your mind races due to stress, pain, and despair, and you either shut down or do something really stupid that will have catastrophic consequences so you have to learn how to act during times like this.
“You will register your feelings, your thoughts of despair and agony, but they won’t be what drive and guide you anymore because you’ll control them not the other way around. That’s the most valuable lesson you have yet to learn, divchynka. Control your mind before it controls you because if that happens, you’re doomed. Completely fucked”.
Myko grabbed another glass of whisky and filled it with the equivalent of two shot glasses, he handed the glass to her and she frowned in confusion. “It’ll be our secret” He winked as she took the cup in her hand.
“Here’s to not being completely fucked” Myko clicked their glasses together before smiling fondly “Happy 16th birthday”.
“Thank you” She smiled back, a hint of sadness hid behind her soft smile, “And thank you for not letting me spend today alone…it means a lot”.
“You can always count on me, dytyna. Even when I’m not there”.
And as the warm tears rolled down her cheeks, she felt Myko’s arms pulling her closer to a tight embrace.
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Would Myko be proud of her? Not only of the adult woman she became but mostly of her approach to what was currently happening? Would he be proud of her Machiavelli-like persuasion, of her theatrical skills, and what about her ability to be cohesive? If he could see her now would he applaud her choices or curse her through her less appealing tactics?
“Everyone can lie, dytyna. But a valley is what separates a liar from a good liar. And a bridge is what separates a good liar from a magnificent liar. And that’s who you’re aiming to be: a magnificent liar. To a point where no one, not even me, can tell apart a truth from a lie”.
And that she had successfully achieved, if there was one thing she had learned from Myko from a very young age was to be a terrific liar.
That is her advantage over the Swiss man before her, he can have the wits and the strength, but she has the biggest advantage of all time: she knows how to lie.
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serxinns · 3 months
The Hero await but With a deadly fate: Chap 2!
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Tw: torture, knife use, drugging drinks, pills, swearing and yandere behavior if you aren't comfortable with that stuff do not read thank you
You got up extra early to prepare yourself and Eri for the morning, you've been up since 4:00 AM training, exercising, and making breakfast and lunch for you and Eri you were so determined today and made sure you were prepared for everything
you even made her favorite bunny-shaped onigiri with a side of a small candy apple and her fav drink strawberry and kiwi punch all wrapped in her bunny themed bento!
"Morning..." eri called lazily rubbing her eyes to see you all smiling with her bento box in hand "Morning! Your bento is on the counter right there make sure you eat your breakfast!" Eri was surprised to see a whole dish of yummy breakfast choices, normally you would've fixed herself some toast with orange juice but this was a rare occasion when you go all out on breakfast!
you giggled as you heard her dash back up the stairs to the shower running a few thumps here and there and coming back down with her school uniform on happily eating breakfast "What's the occasion?" She said with a fluffy pancake I'm her mouth "Well today I got a big mission to catch some dangerous villains..." You said as you punched and kicked the punching bag testing out some new moves
"Oh.." Eri's face turned to worry when she heard dangerous in the words, she knows you fight villains almost every once a day or a week or 2 but hearing dangerous in that sentence made her worried that those people her father might come and take her and you away you notice the shift in her voice, you came up to her and crouch behind her
"Eri don't worry at all I won't ever let them take you away from me not in a million even if I end up in a horrible fate I will do anything to get you back your my little sister the best sister that I'll do anything protect you" she looked at you with a small smile and hugged you real tight "now..last one to the car has to pay ice cream!" Without any response, you rushed towards your car behind you was an angry eri calling you a cheater and playfully hitting you
Time skip to work
"Cmon y/n just one night out you'll have fun~" "fuck off Darrel" Your coworker Darrel was always been a pain to you at work, one time you caught him eyeing your rear with that lust in his eyes which made you hurl and wanting to punch him, another time he forces himself on you which caused you to back against a wall but before he tried to do anything else you smacked him and told him to fuck off before he could do anything so you tried to avoid him at all cost especially being alone with him
"Cmon sweetcheeks you always working and taking care of that little girl let go come have fun" his face was close to yours now you could smell that awful breath "She's my sister and my last answer is no fuck off" Darrel was getting pissed and yanked your hand pulling you further you were stunned but glared at him "Let.go." "Listen here you Cocky bi-"
"Y/n it's time to go on our mission! Darrell get back to work now! Mirko came in between the two of you the two of you stared at each other for a second and Darrel scoffed and walked away, you took a sigh of relief "Thanks" "No problem I honestly wanted to punch his TEETH" she said crackling her knuckles "it's not worth it lets just go" so the Two of you head off to your mission
While the two of you were heading to the destination in a disguised car Mirko started explaining the plan: you were gonna sneak into the warehouse using your invisibility, then you sneak over and knock out the villain guards and open the entrance quietly letting the heroes in and corner them
"You got all that?" You nodded determination in your eye the two of you made it to the secret warehouse the disguised car went into the woods behind the warehouse to make sure they didn't get caught, and that's where you made your move!
You used your quirk to turn invisible and climb on the roof, then cut an O shape on the roof carefully using your telekenies to float you down you saw the entrance guards and knocked them out quickly without anyone noticing "I'm in" you said in the small microphone
You then sneaked open up the until you heard them chatting among themselves "It's been so long I miss them and their blood so much" a high-pitched voice spoke out "Oh shut your complaining fangs we'll get them before those brats get to them 1st" you froze by your tracks decided to hide behind some big boxes carefully not to knock any down to hear their conversation there your eyes widen in fear
It can't be them...
"But we haven't seen n/n in 3-5 years I miss their cute little face when they get all scared and grumpy!" Twice said as Toga nodded excitedly "And their blood tastes so good!"
Why out of all people it had to be them!?
"Such a shame honestly...it would been hilarious if they were here, hiding somewhere behind the boxes," Shigaraki said with a wide twisted grin the comment made everyone turn their head curiously "what do you mean crusty?" Dabi's eyebrow raised forming a sadistic "your trying to tell us something aren't you?"
Wait what!? But ho-
Shigaraki could only grin and landed his eyes on where you were currently hiding leading the others to eye the spot
Oh fuck
You hurriedly tried crawling out of there but a blue fire was in your way " Found you~" you froze, panic building up from you when you realized that your quirk had worn off "Y/N WHATS GOING ON!?" you heard Mirko say in the mic but you couldn't say anything as the villainous group as they surrounded you suddenly you felt a sharp pain on your neck
"Y/N! Y/N!" Mirko kept yelling, pleaded you to say something anything but when she heard creepy laughter and someone saying "Kurogiri let's go" she instantly panicked she broke down the wall rushing over to your rescue.., but it was too late The last thing she saw was your unconscious body carried by a giggling Toga pinching your cheeks lastly going into the portal.... leaving a confused and angry Hero
"Wakey wakey.." you slowly opened your eyes seeing Toga right on top of you, you gasped and tried to squirm off of her "Aww that's not very nice especially if we haven't seen you got so long~" "Get. off. of. me." You managed to kick her off the bed "Ugh so mean!" She whined and glared at you "But I can forgive you since you're gonna be playing with me!"
"Now Toga you can't just be hogging them" you froze as you saw Shigaraki slowly walk up to you with a smirk "Hello there~ it's been a while hasn't it?" "Unfortunately" you spat, glaring daggers while he chuckled "can you stop toying with them Shigaraki they're already stressed then they are" kurogiri intervened while cleaning up the bar "why not its fun to toy with them while they're stress Giri maybe torturing them of they're bad will be even better"
you tried to back away from everyone surrounding you but realized there was a chain connected to the bed and quirk cuffs on both arms and legs while toga childishly giggled "We're gonna play dress up do our nails, hair and ooo do a pretend wedding!" She sighs dreamily talking about all the "fun" the two of you were gonna do while you stood there mentally gagging
"NO YOU HAVE TO FIND THEM YOU JUST HAVE TO" Eri said as she cried into Hawk's arms when she heard about your kidnapping she had a panic attack right then and there, thoughts all around the place, and empty sobs filled up the police station while hawks tried comforting her "I'm so sorry sweetheart we'll try the best we can to find your big sibling" the female cop tried reassuring her but eri kept sobbing, "Miss Mirko can you try and communicate with h/n(hero name) " "Yes but there's always no signal like the the place h/n is is probably either far away or has no connection" mirko walked back and forth questions filling her head
During your stay, it was honestly hell you were constantly getting dragged around by your captors, Shigaraki would always make you watch his game trying to make you pat his head and lay on your lap and if you tried to move him off he would get mad and aggressively puts your hand on his head
Dabi would taut you about escaping and mocking you he would "accidentally" say some things to get you pissed off but you didn't give him the satisfaction which on why you got some burnt marks, kurogiri was the only sane one trying to strike up a conversation and telling you fun little facts while the two of you silently watch the little TV from above it was nice to say atleast
But Toga and twice were the worst of all making you and twice wear frilly clothes with bows in your hair and take lots of pictures and putting them to what seems to be a collection of pictures she would do your hair in the most cutest way and hand feed you treats, twice would just stare adorably at the two of you his siblings just having so much fun!, but what made you snap was when she tried to get your blood which you snatch your arm away and smack her right in the face she paused and glared at you
"Now that was not nice!" She yelled her glaring piercing at you "I think you need a reminder of who you belong to and to keep those Danity little hands to yourself!" She dragged your body harshly, ignoring your kicking and screaming, she put you into a room and strapped your hands and feet to a chair she grabbed her knife from the counter and some cloth your eyes widened realizing what she's gonna do,
you tried to scream out but she slapped you as hard as she gave you a mark and quickly tied the cloth around your mouth "You better keep that mouth shut bun if you dont wanna make this punishment worse" She grabbed her knife once more adjust knife to where she wanted to mark you "Now let's begin.." the knife began stabbing your skin, you started wailing begging her to stop pleaded with her that you wouldn't do it again "hold still.." she grabbed your shoulder focusing on finishing her masterpiece,
"All right all done!" She skipped towards the counter again and grabbed a small mirror skipped over and aimed it at the masterpiece she had done, you widened as you saw an H.T drawn on your skin with a badly done heart underneath it, you slowly pulled your head down and cried miserably not wanting to see her or the damage she did
"aw now don't cry I forgive you" she softly said as she lifted your chin with her hand and smiled at you, you wanted to punch that smile off her face but were too tired "Uh oh it's time for a nap! Lemme clean you up and carry you to your bed! She grabbed a bunch of wet wipes and tissues and quickly cleaned you up changed you into some cutely little pajamas and carried you to your bed
Toga later came back with some snacks and drinks and a pill "You need to take this pill so even when you wake up you'll be too sleepy to try and escape!" You quickly tried squirming away but her legs pinned your arms down as she grabbed the pills and forced them in your mouth to swallow she was about to stuff it in until she heard Dabi calling her
"Ugh such a party pooper.." she grumbled she quickly got off of you and walked towards the cellar door "You better take that pill before I make you," she said as she shut the door you were beginning to plot a plan then it clicked you quickly grabbed the pills crushed them down with the cup and quickly poured them in her drink "I'm back!"
You quickly went back to your helpless position Toga glanced at the snack table and saw there was no pill "Did you swallow it?" You nodded not wanting to upset her" She looked around to see if you were lying and inspected your mouth checking if you had hidden it somewhere only to smile to know you weren't lying "Aww good job! You finally starting to be obedient" You rolled your eyes as she giggled "lets see who will have the last laugh.."
As the movie progresses you observe Toga as she eats and drinker her spike drink making sure that she drinks it all Toga notices how you are staring at her thinking you were prob falling in love with her which she blushes and dreamily sighs Shigaraki and Dabi later join you on this movie night even spinner and they all fell asleep that's where you began your escape
You squeezed out of Toga's grip and replaced it with a pillow as she hugged it closely you then sneaked all around the bar for the eyes you went behind the bar counter to no avail you were about to give up until you realized you had hair pins in your hair you swiftly grabbed it and pitch pocket the cuffs until they were completely off
you silently shoot up a fist saying yes but then remember that this wasn't over yet you weren't free just yet you activated your quirk and swiftly went over to the torture room you were in and saw that there was an open window You then stack some stuff up and climbed to the window and quickly jumped out not caring if the stuff crashed down you fled out in the streets far away from that place
you quickly took shelter in an abandoned parking lot which still had some cars surprisingly, you slumped yourself onto the floor quietly chuckling to yourself, and sighed in relief.. "you did it y/n!" you said as you smiled confidently and exhausted "you fucking-'
"Wait guys I think I heard something?"
You froze hearing that familiar bubbly voice you peaked out wishing and praying that it wasn't her or couldn't be but unfortunately, your theories were correct it was your old friend Mina Ashido signaling her other friends to come closer to where you were, you quickly hid behind a pillar praying they don't come any closer
A bunch of other familiar faces came to where Mina heard the noise "Oi what's the hold up?" An annoyed irritated voice rang in your ears and then a red hair, a blonde hair, and a dark hair came running right behind him
Bakugo Katsuki
Sero Hanta
Kirishima Elijiro
Denki Kaminari
Jirou Kyouka
Now you were totally screwed
"Mina heard a noise do you think someone overheard our conversation..." Kirishima said as he looked around Denki "prob did fuck.. Denki u said it was abandoned" Sero said shooting a glare at him "It was I checked and everything not a single homeless person!" He protested
"Let's just find the bastards and kill them we don't have time for this!" Bakugo said irritatedly the 5 of them began looking at where the sound was you were hiding behind a busted old car fingering crossing and praying that they wouldn't look behind this car but the world couldn't give you a break could they as you glanced again to see that him aiming for the car you were hiding you quickly activated your quirk and made a shield to protect you from the explosion when the car was gone all katsuki and everyone else saw you In a bubble shield protecting yourself
Mina started at you blankly haply tears coming from her eyes Kirishima was smiling widely as denkin and sero smug smiles wild katsuki was stunned
"Y/NNNN!!!" Mina said as she ran towards you and hugged you like it was no tomorrow
Oh fuck..
A/n: This was 2.7k words...wow what a record honestly
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coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
✿ Introduction to this nonense ✿
Fruit salad: the unexpected romance
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Hi! coffee and tea speaking! this blog is purely to write and show all our silly thoughts, so let us speak a little of our main goofy story!
In this story, you are Tomato, a transfer student of the fruits school... yes, it was a surprise for you too, all your life believing you were a vegetable... But, in this school you will be able to make some friends too, right? right?
You meet a lot of interesting fruits here, but one seems to catch your eye more that the others, huh?
so, tell me, have you ever imagined a fruit otome game?
Let's be honest, there's so many bizarre otome games out there that you probably have
at least we have
we shall begin with...
✿ Character introduction:
Orange: they really should give me more vacations...
Coconut: don't get too close to me, freak
Lemon: tch, do whatever you want
Strawberry: yes, I know, I'm perfect, just admit it
Banana: everything's gonna be okay and if not, I'll help you out!
Tangerine: you don't know it yet, but we're already friends
Watermelon: the more the merrier, no matter which fruit you are
Green Apple: fruits like you are not worth my time...
Red Apple: we're not so different... I hope you can keep up with me
Pineapple: you're so...interesting, i could stare at you for hours
Green Grape: Shh! Don't rat me out to Mr. Orange!
Purple Grape: you have seen nothing~
Kiwi: Haha, you're very strange, I like it
Avocado: seems like our situation is similar, can we be friends?
Pear: I hope you're not having a hard time, in any case, I'll defend you!
Quite the characters, dont you think?
Yes, i think i already have my favorite..
But... arent we forgotting to mention someone, Tea?
Shush, don't rush it... it'll spoil the fun, coffee
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images from pinterest
sorry for misspells, english isn't our first language
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mha-platonic-yanderes · 11 months
o.k now you get me hooked i was wondering if you could to a platonic yandere class 1a x izuku please.
oh could i? absolutly.
also, not all of these are totally platonic, but a fair portion of them are. i just wanted some diversity with these characters and their interpretations. if anyone wants a strictly platonic lean on a character i portrayed more romantically, just hit my askbox!
also, also, this took me a while lmao
Aoyama is already kinda obsessed with Izuku, but it's cranked up here, besties!
Okay, so Aoyama sees Izuku as what he's not and what he could be, a reflection on who he should've been, who he could've been. There's a fair amount of angst potential with these two.
Aoyama cares about Izuku, loves him even. He's everything Aoyama is, without the negative traits associated with him. If he wasn't so desperate to fit in, maybe Izuku's opportunity would've fallen into his lap. Maybe there was another way to get a quirk that he oh so desperately wanted.
And now, in lieu of that, he just wants Izuku's attention and sympathy.
Only Izuku knows what it's like being formerly quirkless, but now having a power that hurts him. Izuku knows how his own body is breaking apart and his being pulled at the seams by it and the obligations attached to it. Hell, Aoyama didn't even want to be a hero at first, he just wanted to be normal.
But he'll never be normal, not anymore. So now, a part of him wants to be Izuku.
He's his #1 fanboy, molding himself to be more like Izuku would want. If he's more friendly to someone else, Aoyama's becoming him. He has a shrine to the things Izuku likes, making his interests into Yuga's own.
Because Izuku is what he could've been. And the guilt turned into a need for action. And that action is to better himself, make himself into his idol and the delusions Yuga has surrounding him.
Mina Ashido, as we established, wants to be Izuku's friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
She herself has always been surrounded by groups of people. With her pink physique and bubbly façade, she's always been able to be around people and befriend them quite easily.
Izuku wasn't as easy. Sure, he's willing to befriend anyone, in the way someone so undeniably lonely and starved for attention is, but she can't monopolize him. She can't get him into her inner circle.
And it's all Bakugou's fault.
Whatever bad blood they have from growing up is evident. He hates Izuku while still comparing himself and wanting to be with him. And Izuku looks up to Bakugou. It's evident. Mina may not be smart with school, but she's damn good with people.
And she wants to be good with Izuku specifically. She wants to know everything about him, be two peas in a pod. They're a kiwi strawberry, watermelon duo that deserves to be the bestest of friends.
And if it wasn't for her fondness of Kirishima and Kirishima's love of Bakugou, she'd be much closer in making that happen.
Izuku reminds Tsuyu of her little siblings and herself when she was younger, to a certain degree.
He's so desperate for friends—jovial, determined to. He has set goals and wants to make the world a better place. And she doesn't want to stop him. Oh no, she wants to help him in any way she can.
He saved her life back in the USJ. He was the one with the brainpower to have a plan on how to evade those villains and get to safer shores. He could spring into action in a way she couldn't.
She froze, and Izuku saved her.
So now, Tsu's dedicated herself to being his older sister, subconsciously. Making sure he's safe, fed, and following the rules. She doesn't want to see him hurt, but he keeps putting himself in dangerous conditions. She has the mind to tell Aizawa to stop letting him destroy himself, but he's too good at being a hero, too self-sacrificing.
Oh well, she'll just stick to helping bandage him booboos.
He has a complicated relationship with Izuku, and it's completely one-sided on his side.
Sure, they're friends and they respect one another, but Iida wouldn't be alive without him. Iida sees Izuku as this symbol of virtue, a hero to look up to.
But he also sees him as a rival. Something to beat, something to overcome. Because he sees Izuku as holding him back. Being friends with him is what's ruining his own personal growth.
It's weird. It keeps Iida up at night. Honestly, he wishes Izuku wouldn't do heroics anymore. Not just because he's better at it then Tenya is, but because he's damaging himself. Over and over again, Izuku's shown to not care for his own physical safety when it regards literally anyone else.
It infuriates Tenya.
Izuku should take a break. Settle down, value himself. Because he's working himself to the bone. And sure, he's doing fine now, but it's one little slip up and he's down for the count.
Tenya knows this all too well.
If Tsuyu has a sisterly vibe with Izuku, Tenya has a fatherly fear for him. Sure, he wants Izuku to live a long and happy life, but he doesn't want him to get hurt. No, not at all.
We all know of Ochako's crush on Izuku. It starts when he saves her from being smushed in the entrance exam, and then comforting her afterwards. She has her feelings and tries to hide them miserably, even if somehow, Izuku doesn't notice.
But here, this crush is blown in to full on obsession. He's her personal hero. He's her driving force. Screw the money or her parents, Ochako's here to gain the love and support of Izuku.
She wants all of his support and motivation. She wants him to cheer her on and help her up. She wants him to be there for her.
And no doubt is she there for him also, always pressed up against him in the way that makes his skin turn all bright red and his words to stammer, as if she can see him short-circuiting. She wants him to be in awe of her, just like he is of all his heroes.
And she wants that to be more than the reverence he has of All Might himself. Because All Might does his heroics for everyone. She does it all for him.
Ojiro knew that he had no claim to Izuku. They weren't really friends and definitely not more than that. And that fact made him snappy.
Whoever was near Izuku was a threat. He'd bump them with his tail, whipping it around fast enough to leave a large red spot. And he'd frame it as an accident. They didn't see them there, behind them. They shouldn't have run into him. They needed to look.
But he always knew how to be sneaky about it. He trained this. He perfect this ability.
And he looks, watching. And he'll strike at just the right moment.
Denki found himself taken seriously by Deku, and that's when it all started for him.
Nobody has ever really not taken pity or outright laughed at him for what happens when he uses his quirk. He's been the butt of jokes and imitations, or long talks with adults speaking down on him for what happens afterwards. But Izuku just sat with him, talking.
As Denki came to, he was hearing a recap of the battle. He blinks into focus a green haired boy and nothing else. Denki's slowly able to count the myriad of freckles and see the way his emerald green eyes shine in the sunlight.
Denki swears that he could feel Cupid's arrow piercing him then and there. Not he just needs to act upon it.
Kirishima sees stars in his eyes as soon as Midoriya goes above and beyond to save Bakugou.
As we all know, Bakugou is Kirishima's best friend. But he sees that Bakugou feels conflicted about Izuku, some sort of shared past between them that he's not yet privy to. And we know it's one of hostility, at least on Katsuki's side, so when Izuku goes and decides to help him anyways when he's been kidnapped, something changes in Kirishima.
No doubt Katsuki's his best friend, but Izuku's like a hero to him. Someone he looks up to like he does Crimson Riot. And Kirishima wants to make him proud. Because he hero-worships Deku.
After all, he is his role model nowadays.
Izuku would speak for Koda when he could not, and that level of friendliness is what opened his eyes to the perfect pureness of Izuku Midoriya.
And Koda needed to know more. He needed to know everything. And he had just the quirk to do so.
His little animal friends would help him in every way possible, passing along information to better know the boy. Koda had difficulty speaking to people, difficulty letting himself be heard. But Izuku? He was someone he wanted to speak to, wanted to know.
But on days he couldn't, he was a fly on the wall. Gathering information and knowing everything about the boy who made him feel like something.
Satou knows what looks he gets, how people truly think of him. He's a dumb brute, a boy who has too much strength and no intellect to back it up. He looses himself when he's stronger and it makes him mad, like depictions of Frankenstein's Monster—all distorted from the truth that he is an intelligent person and that his biggest characterization is a quirk of his affliction, or, a side effect of his quirk.
But Izuku, he didn't care. He gave him grace to learn, to grow. He never saw him as lesser or stupid because of his mental state. In fact, he only grew in curiosity and understanding, even helping him learn how to siphon out his strength, pour it through a funnel and not succumb to a mental state in which he's more of a hinderance than help.
And, when he reaches that state? Izuku is there to reel him back in. Keep him safe while he regains his intellect. And if that isn't the start of an obsession, Satou doesn't know what is.
Shoji has a similar sort of reference for Izuku that Satou does. But instead it being about what happens to him, as an effect of his quirk, it's his quirk as a whole that Izuku provides comfort in.
Shoji isn't from a place that's understanding of mutants. A desire for small-town aesthetics and normalcy, even after a century of quirked people's existence. He learned to hide himself, hide the features that made him even more monsterous.
He could not hide all of himself like he wanted to, but the desire started to melt away after hanging out with Izuku.
Izuku came up to him, genuinely interested about his quirk. He asked questions with a reverence Shoji never experienced, an excitement not even he himself has about his own quirk. And, with a tenderness Shoji hadn't experienced in a long, long time, asked to sketch him for his notebook.
Shoji would've refused anyone else. But Izuku was so pure in his desire. There wasn't a drop of maliciousness in his emerald green eyes. And so he was sketched. And so he fell.
Shoji towers over many people, Izuku included. And he wants to protect as many people as possible, scoop them up in his strong arms and take them out of danger.
No one more so than Izuku for that fantasy of heroics, even if Shoji knows that Izuku can handle himself far better than most.
His sheer talent is what originally caught Tokoyami's eye.
Tokoyami just needed to be in a group for the Sports Festival. Being without one would be instant disqualification and it would be embarrassing to lose just because of his personability.
Izuku took him into the fold and used all that he knew about him and his group to their advantage, skyrocketing them. Tokoyami never really talked about himself, especially to the accident-prone, insanely talented Izuku. And yet, he felt as if he'd been seen.
And with his own eagle-sight, he set his sights on Izuku.
Everything he ever did, he was watched by the treeside raven. Tokoyami would take in his every action, his every thought.
There was nothing he did that Tokoyami didn't know. There was nothing anyone did to and around him that Tokoyami didn't know.
He was there, everpresent as the shadow behind Izuku. And he was not going to let anyone who harmed izuku get off clean.
Jirou has never really had the urge to abuse her quirk en masse, until she heard everyone else's obsession over Izuku.
It started with a curiosity. What made him so special. What made everyone else so obsessed. And as she unraveled this, the web just got bigger and bigger. She wanted less to know why everyone was so interested, but instead, she wanted to know more and more about him in general.
And she got her juicy information. He had received his quirk, not being born with.
It was an interesting phenomenon. She's yet to uncover what exactly happened—how the transfer occurred. But she knows about it, and she wants to know more.
But Jirou can't just come out with this information. It's obvious what she's doing and her cover will be blown.
So, she just accepts to listen in for everything. Any of his ramblings are good enough to fuel her fire.
Sero found himself perplexed at all of this commotion, just like Jirou.
Sure, Midoriya was cool and all, but nothing special enough to warrant this type of attention. What he originally interested in was Bakugou and his relationship with Midoriya, because he was convinced that there was more to meet the eye between those two.
And he hasn't yet found it, but he's desperate. The feeling that there is something there, something bigger than they just grew up together sits in his mind, unable to be left alone.
And he will find it. He'll tape together the pieces and fit this puzzle together, no matter how strange the pieces are.
She liked to watch, stare at people until the noticed her.
She liked to bare herself to the world, even though she was invisible to them. She liked to be noticed and be present.
It was her way of making sure she was remembered. And of course, Izuku always noticed and remembered her, making sure she was included.
Izuku never made her feel invisible.
Katsuki knew Izuku the longest.
They were friends for all of their lives, born less than a month apart. Izuku was always by his side, following him. He was annoying to be honest, a pest that wouldn't seem to die.
But when they both went to UA, he noticed something: Others were interested in Izuku similarly to how he was.
And Katsuki hated it.
Izuku was his. Izuku had to be his. They were destined for each other, like celestial bodies caught encircling each other. Izuku and Katsuki weren't to be seperated.
He just didn't realize it. And that's what set him off the most.
Katsuki's hatred was an obsession. Katsuki's hatred was a shield so he wouldn't have to process the worry and doubt he would feel about Izuku and the whole world who wanted him dead for being Quirkless.
And so he blames himself for everything Izuku's gone through. Because if he wasn't so stubborn, if he was so righteous, then Izuku would never get hurt. He would never get away. He would never be in someone else's arms.
And Katsuki's willing to do anything it takes in order to keep Izuku to himself, just like it used to be.
Izuku outsmarted him at the Sports Festival and that's what started all for him.
He didn't pity him or take him as a lesser opponent for not leading with a physical attack. Izuku valued his smarts and then used that against Hitoshi.
And after the Sports Festival? He just chatted with him like his quirk was normal. Like he wasn't destined on becoming a villain just because his quirk could lend really well for it.
He even offered to help him become a hero. He said he understood where he was coming from and how to help.
Shinsou doesn't know why he trusted him, or why he believed Izuku was telling the truth in that moment, but Hitoshi would swear to both of those decisions and protect Izuku from the more nefarious villains from the underground.
After all, they're easily taunted and Shinshou works well with that.
Momo first noticed Izuku when he was voted for Class President and turned it down. Anyone would be lucky to have that on a resume for further education or applications to agencies, but he didn't.
Momo thought he was weird for it, but she finally understood why once Katsuki was taken.
Izuku didn't want to deal with any sort of beauacracy or rules, he just needed to save people.
Momo knows all to well of the legal side of heroics. It's what the Yaoyorozu family is known for. It's what allowed her to be a Recommended Student, making her entrance into UA easier.
And she can see the distain for it on Izuku's face. Momo's seen the disillusionment of heroics up close and she wanted to be on the other side of the fence, instead of alongside the lawyers and politicians like every other Yaoyorozu before her.
Momo wants to make sure he never feels that way. She wants to foster the feelings of heroism and joy that she knows many forgets.
She wanted it for herself, but no one is as important as a Hero than Izuku is. Not anymore.
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josnhoes · 1 year
I think my knak au with the batfam got eaten again
I'm going to resend this till it gets through
There are fruits that helps with sleep like kiwi, watermelon, cherries and so on and John brought some while visiting his friend Damian and see his cute yet weird insomniac little sister who once again holding a potato that literally out of thin air
And as the two eat Damian all wide eyes seeing the fruit that John brought ( after eating three bowls) mc just sleep on the table with no problem unlike the meds that doctors gives her
I don't really know how to keep adding potatoes in so it's just going to be mentioned rather then focused on. I'm sorry if you sent this more then once this is my first time seeing it.
Knak au
Content warning: mentions of yandere behaivor
Damien and Jon both watched rather impressed at how much you ate. Jon joked that maybe you had a hidden meta gene and it was getting ready to activate. Which Damien just scoffed at because did he really think he and his family wouldn't have done a full genetic test on you yet? It would be foolish to have not looked for any blood ties that may try to take you from your *true* family.
Jon never really thought much on the behaivor of the Wayne's when you were involved. Gotham *was* dangerous and they were heros. His dad was the same with him for a while, but let loose once he got more used to being a dad. So obviously they just needed time to adjust to having you around. He looks to Damien smugly as just as he told Damien you had fallen asleep after gorging on the fruit.
Damien knew some foods could make one sleepy but he'd never expected it to have such a strong effect. He should definitely tell father. He should also tell him that you had gotten ahold of more potatoes somehow.
The pair take you to your room and Jon is cooing at just how soft Damien was with you. He knew Damien wasn't just a stabby type. He was a lot of stabby type, like stabbing at times seemed like his love language, but he wasn't all stabs.
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Distorted Love (Yandere Alternate x Reader)
Just a quick little something I've been working on. And in case you're wondering, requests are open! If you're feeling extra generous, don't be afraid to hit me up on chime. :)
As the creature continues to slowly bangs its hands against the door, you tremble in your bed.
Covering your mouth with your hands, you try to quietly slip out of bed to get your phone but, when an especially loud bang sounds against the door, you squeak before pulling your covers over you and hiding beneath the blankets.
The creature laughs as he hears you squeak. 
"(Y/n)~ Come out, my little Angel. I know you're in there~"
As he calls out to you in a sickeningly sweet voice, you can only watch as the thing continues to fumble with your door knob.
"Love. You know I'm not going to hurt you. Just let. Me. IN! (Y/n)!"
That being outside the door is not your husband. It was never him to begin with and you had known this for a while. Ever since he ate those strawberries, you knew, he wasn't your husband...
It was a Thursday afternoon, 13 days ago. You were home alone, cooking in the kitchen. 
As you grab a knife and lay out the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables on a platter, someone's arms suddenly wrap around your waist.
As Gabriel lays his head against the crook of your neck and kisses it, you hum in pleasure before turning around and gently kissing his lips in turn. 
"Mmm~ Where'd you come from?"
"Just came back from the store and got a little present. Just for you."
"Oh? And, what exactly is it?"
As the man holds a bundle of red roses in front of you, a smile makes its way onto your face. Grabbing the bouquet and sniffing the flowers, your smile grows. Turning towards Gabriel, you give the man an appreciative look.
"Wow. These are so beautiful. Do we still have that vase your mother gave us?"
"Already covered."
As Gabriel motions towards the counter, you chuckle as you see it covered in multiple other bouquets and presents. Walking from the platter and towards the counter tops, you put the roses in a single empty vase. 
As you walk back towards the counter and begin to cut the fruit and vegetables, Gabe looks over your shoulder, a look of curiosity crossing his face. 
"So, whatcha making?"
You finish cutting up the fruit before putting the sliced Kiwi into one pan and strawberries into another, along with some other things.
"Vegetable stir fry with an omelet and a souffle."
"And...for dessert? Hopefully, you?" As Gabriel expectantly looks you up and down, you laugh at his behavior before putting on some oven mitts and taking the souffle out of the oven. 
"No. I'm not on the menu, today. However, I think you'll be pleased to know that I'm making Strawberry Cheesecake and Breakfast Pie with Yogurt, Kiwi, and a Kiwi parfait."
"Now, that's what I'm talking about! Are you making the little paste with the berries and kiwi all blended up together?"
"It's in the pan right now."
"Yes!" Gabriel stands from the table before wrapping his arms tightly around you and placing multiple kisses all love our face.
"You know, this is one of the many reasons I love you. You're so good at cooking, so smart...and talented...and so beautiful..."
The man tightly squeezes you before letting out a long groan. "I just can't help myself! I love everything you do and I hope that we'll be able to spend the rest of our life together!"
You blush as your husband says this. "I...you mean it?" He rapidly nods his head up and down. "Yes. I mean it. 100 percent."
He cups your cheeks with his hands as he looks you in the eyes, his own filled with absolute love and...something else you can't quite explain.
"You're my life. My joy. My everything. I can barely keep myself away from you and I love you so much that it honestly hurts."
Your heart swells in your chest as Joseph says this. "Aw...I love you too, Gabriel. And, speaking of love.." You place a kiss against his cheek before handing him the cutting knife and pushing him towards the fruit.
"It'd be great if you could finish up with the rest of the berries while I finish up the rice. If you finish then, I promise you'll love what comes after we finish dinner."
As you teasingly sway your hips and blow a kiss to Gabriel, he turns around and before immediately getting started on the fruit, his face slightly red. 
When Gabriel begins to cut the fruit, you playfully roll your eyes. "He's so adorable~" Before stirring the rice a bit more and turning off the stove. As you pour the rice into a plate and set it on the table, a dreamy look makes its way onto your face. 
How lucky am I to have him as a husband? He's so fun and caring.
You let out a breathy sigh.
Nothing can ruin this moment...
Or so, you thought...
As you see Gabe lifting a strawberry to his mouth, you instantly gasp. Running towards the man, you smack it out of his hand, much to his surprise. Grabbing the platter of strawberries, you notice a majority of them missing. 
"Oh God. Oh God. We've got to get you to the hospital soon! Or, at least get you your epipen! Hold on! I'll be right back!"
"I...epipen? Love, what's going on?" As Gabriel grabs your hand with his own and looks at you, extremely confused, you look at him as if he's gone wild. 
"What's going on!? Gabriel! You're deadly allergic to strawberries!"
"I..." He looks down for a moment. "I am?"
"What do you mean, "I am?" The last time you had strawberries, you almost died!"
"I...I honestly don't remember that happening...I- I seriously almost died?" 
"Joseph..." The man looks down towards you, still confused. "We were in the hospital for weeks. You were out for days...do you seriously not remember?"
As you continue to look towards Gabe, both surprised and concerned, Joseph's face goes blank for a moment.
"THAT'S RIGHT! I remember! With the ambulance and the doctor down the street?"
None of that happened. There wasn't even an ambulance. He passed out as soon as we made our way to the hospital.
"Well, that was close." Gabriel places his hand on your own before kissing your nose, his grip becoming intolerable. "I'm so glad you stopped me before I ate anymore. Thank you so much, (Y/n)."
"I...no problem. Do you...do you still want the epipen?"
"Y-You still ate a lot of strawberries...are you not worried?" 
"Oh...no. I'm fine, love. Now..." He moves away from you touch before tending back to the fruit. "Let's continue on with the cooking. I'm really eager to taste the Kiwi parfait~"
"I..yea. Sure..."
As Gabriel goes back to cooking, you can't help but steal a glance towards him and remember when he grabbed your hand a few moments ago, his grip tightening to the point where it almost became unbearable. 
His hand was cold. And, felt hollow. Empty. Somehow, distorted. Who was that and why were they impersonating your husband?
Little did you know, it wasn't a who, nor a what but, it was definitely something. Something that was not human. 
~End Flashback~
As a deafening silence you back to reality, you hesitantly bring your hands to your blankets before slowly lifting them. As you look from beneath the blankets, still heavily breathing, you happen notice the banging has stopped but, in doing so, you also notice the door is unlocked. 
Damn it. There's no way I can leave the door unlocked like that...
Cautiously stepping out of bed, you quietly make you way to the door. Making your way over to the counter, you manage to grab your phone without any type of problem.
When you go to close the door, however, you step on an old floor board.
As the door bursts open, you quickly run behind it and try to close it but, as the creature sticks its foot between the door and forces it open, you stumble back before hitting your head against the ground.
As you rub your head, trying to sooth the pain, you suddenly hear somebody laughing. Looking up, you see Gabriel staring down at you, a distorted grin on his face.
As he walks towards you, you quickly stand before stumbling back, trying to put some distance between you and the entity. 
"Get away from me...I-I have nothing to give...I-I have nothing you could possibly want..." The man grins before walking up towards you and cupping your cheek with his hands, the blood from his hands smearing your face. 
"I wouldn't say that. You have my love. My heart. My Never Ending Devotion.” As Gabriel continues to stoke your cheek, you feel tears in your eyes. 
When the man sees the fresh tears streaming down your face, however, he soothingly rubs your head as he kissing the tears away. 
"No. No. Love. Please don't cry. Where was the same (Y/n) who's so loving. And, affectionate?" You turn your head to the side, in order to avoid the man's touch.
"The same place the old Gabriel is...Please...I don't want to get hurt...just, let me go and I promise I won't tell anyone..."
The man in front of you laughs as you say this before grabbing your chin with his hands and forcing you to look him in the eyes, a love struck look on his face. 
"Love, you know I can't do that. We've been together for 7 years now. 7. We can't just throw that out the window now...can we?" 
"7 years doesn't make up for this, Gabe!" You push him away as more tears fall down your face.
"You're a fucking...you're...you're not even human! What did you think I was supposed to do!? Just be up and with the fact that you literally kill people!? There's no way I can do this...At least tell me...how long have you been impersonating my husband? Weeks? Months?"
"Oh, My darling, (Y/n)..." The snakes his arms around your waist before holding you close to him, a grin on his lips. "I'm been impersonating him for years. I've been impersonating him whenever you went on dates...whenever you kissed..."
He just barely brushes his lips against your collarbone as his fingers grazes against your bare thigh. "Whenever we made love..." You feel bile coming up your throat as the creature says this. 
"...If you were supposed to kill him then, why keep me alive? Why not kill me as well when you have no use for me?"
"Originally, I was going to kill you...However, when I saw you for the first time...in that white, night gown...I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It was as if you were an angel. Sacred..." Gabriel runs his fingers through your hair before twirling a strand between his fingers.
"I couldn't let anyone one else taint your beauty but, me..."
"You're fucking sick..."
"Maybe..." He runs his nose against the crook of your neck before deeply inhaling your scent.
"Or, maybe, I'm just in love. And, would do anything to protect that love." The creature suddenly tightens his grip against you and looks at you with hollow yet, love filled eyes. 
"You're mine, (Y/n). And, don't you ever forget that."
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gyaru-wish · 8 months
What I think Yandere Simulator Characters would have for breakfast.
Ayano: A toast and coffee.
Taro / Hanako: Scrambled egg with bread and coffee with milk.
Info-chan: Miraculously, a loaf.
Osana: Waffles and yogurt.
Raibaru: Fruit salad and milk.
Sakyu / Inkyu: Freshly baked bread with jam and cheese and cranberry or grape juice.
Kuu: Fried egg and tea.
Horuda: Sandwich.
Toga: It's hard to say. It's something different every day.
Hazu: A bagel and some fruit juice.
Kyuji: Just yogurt.
Otohiko: A muffin and latte.
Amai: Pancakes and Coffee with cream.
Shoku: Fried egg and orange juice.
Seiyo: Bacon, sausage with fried eggs and coffee with orange juice.
Saki: Strawberry crepe with chocolate and coffee with milk.
Kenko: Salad and water.
Ajia: Sashimi.
Kizana: Salad and coffee.
Tsuruzo: Omelet and orange juice.
Riku: Blueberry pie and apple juice.
Kokona: Sandwich and water.
Shozo: Bread with cheese and yogurt.
Tokuko: Toast and lemonade.
Oka: Bread with marmalade.
Shin: Air.
Chojo: Monster Energy.
Supana: Air.
Daku: Apple cinnamon pie and milk.
Kokuma: A bowl of random fruits she finds on her fridge with yogurt.
Geijuu: Air.
Borupen: He angrily smashes some grapes with his bare hand and eats that.
Enpitsu: A croissant and a latte.
Maka: Lucky charms but instead of milk, she uses Orange juice.
Efude: Miyuki cereal and some packed juice.
Miyuji: Scrambled eggs and milk.
Gita: Coffee.
Beshi: Kiwi with honey and water.
Dora: Cheese sandwich and strawberry juice.
Kiba: Sausages with bread and juice.
Budo: 7 boiled eggs and Gatorade.
Sho: The thing he ate on dinner yesrerday.
Juku: Chips.
Mina: Fish, rice, salad, eggs and water.
Shima: Corn Flakes.
Fureddo: Instant ramen.
Rojasu: Large sandwich.
Sukubi: 9 hamburgers.
Dafuni: Pancakes with fruits and coffee.
Beruma: Two toasts and coffee.
Kaga: Some weird ass meal he invented.
Horo: Coke.
Yaku: Miyuki themed cookies and soda.
Meka: Smashed potatoes.
Homu: Air.
Asu: Watermelon slices and Rockstar energy.
Itachi: Nutritionally balanced meal.
Hojiro: The same thing Itachi had for breakfast the day before.
Unagi: Protein shake.
Iruka: Scrambled eggs, an Apple and berry juice.
Mantaro: Two boiled eggs and protein shake.
Uekiya: Water.
Himari: Smashed apples.
Sakura: Egg whites and almond milk.
Sumire: Tea.
Tsubaki: Sandwich and grape juice.
Gema: Air, sometimes some anime themed snack.
Ryuto: Chocolate.
Pippi: Instant ramen.
Midori: Kaga's weird ass meal but make it green.
Mai: Whatever thing a cute anime girl eats.
Osoro: A banana. That's it.
Umeji: Three cupcakes and monster energy.
Hokuto: Gatorade.
Gaku: Two onigiri.
Hayanari: A ciggie.
Dairoku: Meat and smashed potatoes. He eats lunch on breakfast.
Megami: Whatever thing her father orders ti their chef.
Kuroko: Traditional food.
Akane: Cat shaped onigiri and hot chocolate.
Shiromi: ...
Aoi: Burger and milkshake.
Musume: Air.
Kashiko: French fries with Cheese.
Hana: Green drink.
Kokoro: Froot Loops and milk in a Hello Kitty mug.
Hoshiko: Air.
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I missed doing one of these posts 🥹
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