#yandere edgerunners
wolverineluvr · 28 days
yandere maine crew hcs plz :3
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CW: yandere themes, not asking consent(Pilars part), sa, ooc characters(?), mentions of murder. Gn reader
Characters: Maine, Dorio, Kiwi, Lucy, David, Pilar, Rebecca.
Divider credits: @cafekitsune
A/n: ofc, this also helped me get out of my rut of not writing at all so thank you!<3
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He's not the most patient, but he's not the most forceful either.
He'd rather you love him on your own accord, but he doesn't mind making you love him, especially if you take too long to show any affection.
He's a little possessive, he doesn't mind if you have a friend outside of the crew, but he hates when you touch anyone that's not him or Dorio. Pilar is..annoying. But even he knows not to push it too far. It doesn't mean he's not going to push that line as far as it can go.
If you joined his crew, then great. Better reason to get close to you. But if you're just a random civilian, of course you'll be confused as to why someone like him is interested in talking to you.
You know you shouldn't be weary of him because of how he looks or his background. So you try to be nice. You make conversation with him, questioning the occasional suspicious things he says but, it's probably nothing. You don't want to be mean, so you never turn him down when he asks you something small.
When he brought his girlfriend, Dorio, around, you really thought it was okay. He seemed to love her a lot. So you ignored the side of your brain that was screaming at you to cut contact with him, to atleast be a little more safe and to question his objectives more.
You should've known, should've done differently. You never should've even spoken to him in a friendly way. But now you're stuck. He says he's doing it for you, for your safety, but is he? You used to think he wasn't but you can't tell anymore.
She tries to take it slow with you, she doesn't want to scare you off or make you hate her. But it's so hard sometimes. All she wants to do is show you how much she loves you, how much she cares.
If you don't accept her confession, she'll ignore it. She'll act like you're both together. She doesn't care. She needs to let out how she feels in some way.
She tries to make you have a relationship with Maine as well, she's less forceful with that, because in her mind, you'll come around.
If you try to leave or breakup-even though you were never dating in the first place-she'll threaten you. If you never do that, she'll be sweet with you. She doesn't mind if you express displeasure with some things she or Maine do. Everyone needs their boundaries, even if she doesn't like them.
Overall, she's pretty tame. She prefers you to spend all of your time with her or Maine but she doesn't mind when you spend a little time with others-atleast those in the crew.
She's more of a stalker, she knows she shouldn't get close. She shouldn't entertain this fascination of hers.
She observes you when she can, taking note of your movements and making sure she knows your schedule and you to the point that she knows what you're doing, even if you're not doing what you regularly are.
She's possessive, but she knows she can't just kill everyone who touches you. So she settles for the occasional stranger or acquaintance every now and then. It's never enough. And eventually, she cracks.
If you're in Maine's crew, she'll talk to you sometimes of course. Never being too nice, never being too standoffish. Like you don't matter to her.
If you're not, then of course one day she can't help it. She'll squeeze herself into your schedule, just to keep how she feels at bay. She'll talk to you for a moment, feel the fleeting brush of your hand under hers as she apologizes for bumping into you.
Soon she starts popping up more and more in your life. It's odd, but she seems nice.
After a while of the same song and dance, she starts to yearn for more. Stronger than before. She knows that soon she'll have to do something. She's already planning on what.
She tries to become someone close to you first, she stalks you when she's already seen you for the day, and she wants to know what you're doing.
She's not stupid, she takes it slow. She doesn't mind playing the long game if she gets you in the end.
Eventually, once she's one of your closest friends, she slowly starts picking off everyone you know. Your friends, family, whoever. At first it was just a sad coincidence, in the end it was a curse for you. You even shut her out, you didn't want her to get hurt or die.
She saw how much it was hurting you, but she kept going. She left some, but you wouldn't let them near you, and they didn't want to be around you either. She was the only one you had left. You should've been suspicious. But you were just grateful.
She'd never leave you. She's been by your side through everything. In the end, you're the one confessing. She doesn't reject you. You should've known. But how could you have?
David (before time skip)
He wants to make you comfortable, wants to make you feel safe and he wants for you to love him naturally.
But he can't help how clingy he is, always offering to come with you everywhere, like a dog.
Let's say you're his best friend, he knows he's been pining over you for so long. He just never realized how bad it was until recently. When he felt genuine murderous intent when he saw another one of your friends-a male one-hug you. He doesn't think he's ever felt like that before.
You're always the one to patch him up when he gets bullied, and he loves it. He loves it so much. You're so kind to him. You're so close to him.
He confessed to you the day before his mother died. He thought that, for once, everything was going perfect for him.
After he joined Maine's crew, he introduced you to them of course. You told him to be careful, to make sure he doesn't get hurt. You don't know much but obviously it's not a great line of work. He did his best to listen to you, to not worry you. But eventually, there was nothing he could do.
David (after time skip)
If you thought he was bad before, he's insufferable now. Occasionally, you can use the bathroom alone. But not most of the time. He gets on your nerves so much.
And he's only gotten more possessive. He hates it when you even glance at anyone. He tries to be lenient with you, you're only a human. It's natural for your eyes to wander around, for you to be curious. But when other people look at you? It's a different story.
He lets you around the crew, sometimes. He doesn't want you to get attached to them, or anything like that. He wants you to rely on him for everything. Food, touch, conversation, safety, love.
You couldn't leave him if you tried, but it's better not to.
He's a little more laid back, not very possessive. He doesn't mind it much if you're around others, as long as you come back to him in the end.
But he does hang off you like you're the only thing keeping him alive. His arm is almost always around you, and if it's not he's still around you.
He's touchy, sometimes he tries to take it slow but he can't help giving you the occasional grope or feel. He's more forceful with touch than the others, but he's less forceful with how you feel. He knows you wouldn't love him, atleast not immediately. So he doesn't mind.
If you're a civilian, you're bound to think he's a bit odd. He didn't start touching you inappropriately immediately, but he was pretty touchy from the start. The same goes for if you were in Maine's crew, although he does start to give you gropes faster.
She's rather clingy, like her brother. She's always with you. She's confident in herself, but she doesn't mind being a little forceful to get what she wants.
She's possessive as well, getting irritated the moment you talk to someone. She acts annoyed when you interact with others, but if you start expressing that you feel bad she shuts up. She doesn't want you to feel bad, she just wants the other person to go the fuck away.
She doesn't mind killing for you, it only makes her enjoy it more. She knows not to be too extreme with it, to not kill every person you know, but it's hard for her.
It's more likely that you met her if you were in Maine's crew, but if you're a civilian then you only met her by chance. She doesn't plan much, just sort of suddenly pushing herself into your life.
She's loud and brash, but it's sort of endearing in a way. You start to look forward to seeing her again, even if the ways are always random or at the wrong time.
Maine's crew
If you have the attention of all of them, then you're fucked.
You're never left alone, not for a second. Most of the time it's at least two of them with you. You're coddled and doted on like a child.
There was a chance you could've escaped one of them, but all of them? No shot.
If one of them does something to make you uncomfortable, most of the time another stops them or tells them off. Most of them don't want you to hate them, the others...don't really care. As long as they have you.
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Extra notes: I wasn't sure if I should add a little more of the entire crew but I ended up writing a little for them !
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wxnheart · 1 year
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐯𝟐.
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Adam Smasher whose, uh, interest in you has made you the talk of Arasaka. Yep, you're special alright.
If your co-workers aren't quiet as a church mouse every time you enter a room, they're gossipping like crazy when you're not in earshot. You feel like a circus act what with the way people are talking. And of course, your superiors would openly dismiss it as office gossip at best but secretly...
Of course, there's always that one messy dumbass coworker who never takes the time to read the room and just straight up asks you, "So... you're dealing with Smasher, eh?" ...Huh? What the fuck? Smasher?! ADAM SMASHER?! Since when? You're equal parts shocked, confused, and... embarrassed?
And unfortunately, as much as you'd like to hide in your office and never come out, you can't do that. Unfortunately. ESPECIALLY from Adam Smasher, who's made your shitty nice couch his.
Adam Smasher who doesn't even deign to entertain your bullshit question with a response and just sits there. Menacingly. ("Why... Why are you here, Smasher?" "....") What the fuck kind of question is that?
Adam Smasher who makes it a point to intimidate that one messy dumbass coworker because they caused YOU to ask him that stupid ass question. Killing them expends more energy than they're worth (for now) and Smasher is getting his rocks off watching them piss themselves in horror every time he sees them.
Adam Smasher who doesn't verbalize it but pretty much confirms you're HIS cut of meat in the slaughterhouse. In more ways than one. Because fuck you that's why.
And poor, special you. Once you connect the dots (fucking finally), you have to have a stiff drink to keep from freaking the fuck out. Chill, choom. Have another drink. And maybe another one. You didn't want this shit, you just wanted a nice cushy job, money, and some power. Fuck.
Adam Smasher whose, uh, interest in you culminates in you sitting before your superiors in Arasaka and they've given you an offer you can't refuse. No, I'm not saying that lightly. You've no other choice but to accept it.
You can either help keep Smasher in line with this... thing you two got going on (what fucking thing?!) and continue to rise to the top or you can be, uh... you can be zeroed. Career-wise or your lifestyle, there are so many ways to interpret that (there aren't). So... what are you gonna do, corpo?
Just Smasher Things. Accept that you're special now, kid...
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trancylovecraft · 6 months
How about headcanons for Lucy from Cyberpunk?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: N/A FANDOM: Cyberpunk Edgerunners
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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I headcannon Lucy as a Posessive, Protective, Stalking and Lucid yandere.
Possessive in the way that she feels a sort of jealousy whenever someone talks to you, A sort of need Lucy feels to show that you and her are together, Often becoming bitter towards anyone she deems as a threat.
Protective in the way that she worries for you. In a dystopian world where violence, Crime and healthcare is a rich mans luxury, She believes she has full right to worry for you. Sure, She's a bit more overbearing than she probably should be, But
Stalking in the way that ties into the protective part. Lucy often follows you around and with her skill, You most certainly won't know she's doing it. Lucy likes to make sure you're safe, Making sure that your day goes by as peacefully as it can be.
She's lucid in the way that she knows what she's doing is wrong. A part of her feels bad for you, Lucy knowing that she should back off. But a much bigger part of her wants to come closer, Much closer than anyone ever should with someone.
I can see this going in really only one way.
You are an average citizen going about your daily life, Living in the ever-bustling heart of Night City. You're not particularly rich or poor, You don't really have any big aspirations either. You prefer to just go through the motions, Going wherever life takes you.
But what you do have is a rather pricy chip, One that could go for quite a lot on the market. And it just so happens that Lucy happened to notice. Seeing an easy grab, She casually strolled past while you were distracted, Caught your chip and-
"Give it back."
Her wrist was caught in yours, A surprisingly strong grip you had as her head snapped over to you with wide eyes.
You met it with a stare that could kill a man, A calm yet firm look in Lucy's eyes that made her just freeze up.
The fact that you caught her hand, That and the look you gave her- Her grip released instantly, Dropping the chip into your palm.
You let go of her wrist, Watching as she sped away as you reinserted the chip into your system. You saw the pastel rainbow of her hair shimmer in the light, A rather memorable fade.
Lucy, On the other hand, Is shocked to say the least.
As soon as you had caught her wrist, She didn't know what to say. With that look in your eyes, For once in her life she froze in place, Unable to do anything but oblige and drop the chip into your hands.
She knows she should've interrogated you, Found out who you were, But her mind had drawn blanks..
And she's grown interested.
Lucy instantly starts to search for information on you, Anything. What's your name, Where do you live, Where you went to school, How old you are, What your type is. Anything.
And Lucy is surprised to find out that you're completely normal. You're not rich, Not poor. Grew up in an average area, Went to an average school and lived a generally average life.
And yet she's interested anyways.
Lucy doesn't know what it is about you. Was it your looks? Your stare? Or the way your body heat felt so abnormally warm and inviting on her skin, How you made her feel addictingly strange when you met eye to eye. Maybe she just needs to know more.
She's invested in you, She wants to see you again.
It's night time, A good few days after meeting Lucy. You're walking home from work like you usually do, Taking the train before walking home the rest of the way.
As you do however, You notice a chromatic shine come from a feminine figure leaning up against one of the walls, Coincidentally in your pathway, Side-eyeing you from behind her short-cut hair.
It's the thief.
You recognised her by her hair, The rainbow pastel from her hair was near luminescent under the night's sky. You turn off the music playing in your ears, Looking up at her and ask her what she's doing here, On guard.
Lucy this time is prepared however, Keeping her calm as she raised up from the building she leaned on.
Lucy explains that she wanted to apologise for what happened a few days ago, Explaining that she felt bad for doing that and wanted to make it up to you.
You, Of course, Are rightfully suspicious of her. Not because she knew your work route, No, She was a thief with tech access and that was easy information to gather. You were suspicious because a thief wanted to formally apologise.
You deny her at first.
But when she says that she wants to make up for it by buying you a drink, At a rather expensive bar only a bit away, One that was notorious for good service and always had a lotta people ready to intervene if necessary.. You consider it.
You had a rather hard day at work and quite frankly it might as well have been a hard few months. You were exhausted, Your boss forcing you to work overtime gave you little time to enjoy yourself.. And a drink sounded nice, Even if it was with a thief.
And hey, You didn't really have any valuables apart your chip, And you could easily tell if she stole it so..
You go out for a drink with the Thief. Lucy only really wanted to do this as a way to find out more about you, To kill the cat, Per se. But she ended up enjoying herself much more than she should've.
Throughout the night she acted standoffish, Pretty aloof as she asked off-handed questions about your life. Though as you both took a couple more shots, Lucy started to realise she was having a good time.
By the end of the night, When she offered to walk you back home, Lucy had completely forgotten about her goal of knowing more about you..
You thank her for the night and leave, Leaving Lucy with a sense of yearning she had never experienced before, A want to stay.
Lucy doesn't wanna go.
But she does, With full intention to return tomorrow.
For the next few weeks when you head off to work, Lucy meets you by the front door and comes with you on your journey to work. Through both journeys, The train route and the walking journey.
Lucy excuses it as her going the same way, And in some aspects it is. She can conduct her chip-stealing side gig on the train while still working in your general vicinity.
You notice that Lucy always stays close to you when walking back and forth from your job, Almost like a guard dog as she eyes up anyone who comes just a little too close for her liking.
You excuse it as her being Lucy, Wouldn't be out of character for a thief to be paranoid.
But what you don't know is that Lucy has hacked into your apartment's cameras. When she's not with you or doing her stuff with the Edge-runners, She always has a screen locked in your apartment that she glances at every few minutes.
You find that you've been just a little wealthier than you have been before. You were always just barely making rent, But now you find yourself being able to make rent easily and have change to treat yourself to something nice.
People that bothered you before seem to go missing. Men who harass you in the streets seem to actively avoid you now, Your boss seems to lighten up on your overtime and eyes you up and down with a near terrified stare. You're life is getting.. Weird.
Lucy opens up to you about her dreams of going to the moon, And you understand entirely. You don't call it stupid or give Lucy some weird look, You just accept it.
And Lucy appreciates it so much.
Lucy begins to take you out on her free-time. To bars or other places you particularly enjoy, And you appreciate it a lot! Lucy always seems to have a hand on you somewhere though-
An arm around your waist just a bit too close, A hand holding yours a little too tight. When you had a smudge on your lips, Lucy leaned in just a little too close when she wiped it off.
Lucy never seemed like a touchy-feely type, But when she's around you that seems to change.
You make Lucy feel welcome, You make her feel like a friend.
And for some reason, Lucy wants to get closer.
Lucy can't get you out of your head, And it could take weeks to months for her to actually realise how close she wants to get with you. When she does, Lucy feels shocked, Almost horrified.
There was no way..
When she accepts how she's feeling, There's no doubt about it. When Lucy walks you home from work, She lingers by and asks to speak to you before you go into your apartment.
Lucy takes a while to gather her words, But eventually, She says it.
Lucy asks if you'd want to explore something just a bit more than a platonic relationship, Slightly embarrassed and flustered as she asks this, A blush that makes her usually calm face seem so out of character.
But.. You frown.
You tell Lucy that you're so sorry, But a woman from your work had already asked you out around a week ago and you had said yes. You apologise, Saying that you'd still really want to be friends with her.
Lucy's face goes blank as you tell her this, She doesn't have any overreaction or disheartened look appear on her visage. Just.. Nothing.
You thank her for walking you home and she nods slightly, You close the door and leave her in the hallway.
She didn't say she expected this, No, She thought she knew everything about you! She thought you would at least go out on a date to test waters but-
Lucy breathed out.
She needed to keep her cool, But she couldn't let this go either. The way you make her feel makes her feel so.. Not alone anymore.
She wants to go to the moon, And she wants to do it with you.
But she can't, Not if you were with someone that wasn't her. Lucy knew what she wanted to do was wrong, Especially to some innocent person she hadn't even met yet.
But.. Lucy wasn't ready to let go, And most likely never will.
You and the woman that asked you out have decided to go to a bar as a first date, You're already walking to the place in some nice clothes. You're excited, A little nervous too.
You've been fretting over this for ages now. Was your hair okay? What about your clothes? You remembered to put on perfume, Right? What about your wallet, You remembered to bring that, Didn't you?
You sigh, Trying to stay calm as you almost reach the bar.
But you hear something clash in the alleyway, Almost like something heavy hitting the ground.
You know you should just keep walking, Keep your head faced forward. It could just be some junkies or something you'd rather not get involved in, You know you shouldn't but you take a glance anyways.
And you seem to notice.. A pastel rainbow shine coming from inside.
Your eyes widen, Though it's dark you can definetly make out the figure of Lucy standing deep within the alleyway. You're surprised, Wondering why she's here as you take a closer look..
And she was covered in blood.
You finally see what it was that fell to create that large thump! A feminine, Humanoid looking shape lying covered in red on the alleyway floor, A bullet hole through the head.
You scream, Realising that the woman you were meant to go out with, Was that shape.
Lucy finally notices you staring at her, Snapping up her head with wide eyes. You had came early, Much earlier than Lucy had been expecting. She had assumed that she'd have time-
You turn to run away, Get away, But Lucy was much faster than you as her hand lunges to your wrist. She pulls you back towards her, Hurriedly telling you to hush.
But you don't listen, You yell out for help, Screaming that someone was dead. Lucy's heart starts to drum faster than the flap of a hummingbirds wings, Eyes widening, She panics.
Suddenly you fall to the floor, Going unconscious. Lucy stands over you, Having knocked you out with the hilt of her gun.
She can hear people starting to notice the commotion. Knowing there was no turning back now, She pulls you up into her arms and begins to make her escape, Formulating some sort of plan to make this work.
And when you wake up, Restrained and tied down to a chair, You know you're not gonna make it out.
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Yo, good luck with your new blog! Can I have a short scenario about David Martinez being rejected by his obsession after he chromed up? After Maine died and all?
Thank you! I hope I won’t disappoint with this little scenario. I hope you like it none the less!
David Martinez
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The rain fell relentlessly, each droplet weaving a chaotic melody on the streets of Night City. In the midst of this downpour emerged a mysterious figure, a presence with an allure that bewitched David Martinez from the moment their paths crossed. The city's rain-soaked streets painted a vivid backdrop to their meeting, amplifying the intrigue and danger that characterized the cityscape surrounding them.
David recalled that encounter vividly, as if etched into his memory like a permanent scar.
He approached you first, asking you out for a drink out of the blue. Against your instincts, you accepted his invitation for a drink, although demanding your choice of venue. He accepted.
Soon, friendship blossomed, kindling his protective instincts and igniting emotions that ran even deeper.
Not long after that however, Maine died. You don’t know how, but what you could tell was that the way he’d died had a great impact on David. And it eventually showed as he suddenly disappeared out of the picture for about a year. He quickly delved into the darkest recesses of a certain underground clinic as the days passed by, trading pieces of his humanity for the cold embrace of cybernetic enhancements.
But with all the pain he’d lived through as result, he never though that pouring out his confession to you would actually be the one thing that’d eventually torment his mind the most after he’d suddenly called up to meet up with you. Even more so than the deaths of any of his loved ones.
“I do not want to be with you.” the words reverberated louder in David’s thoughts than the clamor from the familiar crowded bar behind them, drowning even the persistent rain that had characterized every moment since he met you. But the words that follow were even worse.
“You think you’re special, but you’re really not,” you downright growled at him, your voice tinged with an otherworldly blend of anger and concern. David's eyes widened, caught off guard by your harsh words. He stammered, searching for a different kind of response, but you continued instead, your frustration palpable.
"You've made yourself an unchangeable, ticking timebomb, David," you sighed heavily, your frustration giving way to a hint of sadness. "One day, somewhere, triggered by something, you'll start losing it. Gradually, and then all at once." Your glare returned to the same intensity it had before. "And I don't want to be there to witness that."
David was speechless, the weight of your words sinking deep into his soul. The rain continued to pour, a relentless reminder of the harsh reality. You turned and disappeared through the rainfall, quickly disappearing out of his sight. He didn’t find the voice to call after you.
The chrome upgrades, the Sandevistan at the very center of it all, finally consumed him as your words sunk in to the deepest point, twisting his once noble intentions into something sinister. As he emerged from the shadows about a month later, David confronted you near your home, his body exuding an intimidating aura. His eyes glowed with an unnatural hue, an eerie reflection of the cyberpsycho he had become over that period of time.
The tremble in your voice resonated through the cold air as you confronted him on your doorstep. "Why are you here?" you inquired, eyes fixed on the cybernetic man who lingered just beyond the porch's edge.
"To make you reconsider," David responded, his voice tinged with desperation.
"I can't," you assert, a shiver coursed through you. "There's blood on your hands, David."
"[Y/N]," David's voice quivered, a haunting blend of longing and desperation, "Everything I've done, every augmentation, every sacrifice, every life taken, it was all to prove my worthiness of your love. But I see it now. You never comprehended the depths of my devotion."
His words lingered in the air, a chilling revelation echoing between you both.
Fear flickered in your eyes as you stepped back, realizing the extent of David's transformation.
Sensing it, he reached out, his mechanical grip closing in on you. Your heart raced with a mix of terror and regret, realizing the monster you had inadvertently created.
He grabbed you by the arm and pulled. You screamed in shock, in frightened awe by the little strength it took for him to lift you up from your feet before hauling you towards the back of a van he parked at the back.
He threw you inside of it, hitting your back with a dull thud as lines of code started to blur your vision.  As he loomed over you, his voice held an eerie determination and a disturbing certainty of future love.
“I don’t care that you’ve rejected me today as well. But one day, you’ll see I’m different. Better. Prove to you that I can handle the chrome, and that I can protect you from any harm that may come your way.”   
His chocolaty eyes drifted downward towards your lips, and he ran a finger alongside the curve of your jaw. You’re too shocked to even move.
“You’ll learn to love me back eventually. I’ll make sure of that.”
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madmanwonder · 1 year
[Ask Cyberpunk/Yandere Crossover] How attached is Rebecca towards Dipper?
“Help.” Dipper asked with a meek whimper as he looked at the dead, haunting leer from the dangerous cybernetic nightmare of a woman.
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yandere4lyfe · 10 months
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𝕶𝖎𝖐𝖎 | 𝟐𝟕 | 𝕾𝖍𝖊/𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖞 | 𝖄𝖔𝖚'𝖑𝖑 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 💜✍
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This is a R-18 blog, so any minors or ageless blogs will be blocked! This blog will focus mainly on yanderes. So, this is your first and final warning! Do not follow me if this is not your thing! Block me, filter me out, ignore me, but do not harass me. I'll just ignore you.
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🌟𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒𝖘 𝕴 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗🌟
💜Bungo Stray Dogs
💜Jujutsu Kaisen
💜The Amazing Digital Circus
💜Boku no Hero Academia
💜Genshin Impact
💜Obey Me
💜Demon Slayer
💜Spy x Family
💜Cyberpunk Edgerunner
💜Twisted Wonderland
💜Black Butler
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💜And many more! If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know!
😚𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝕴'𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊💅🏾
- Unhealthy relationships
- Obsessive behavior
- Non/con, dubcon, etc.
- Smut
- Gore
- Manipulation
- Toxic behavior
- Graphic descriptions of bodily harm, murder, etc.
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☠𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕴'𝖑𝖑 𝕹𝕺𝕿 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊🔪
- Incest
- Anything involving underaged characters ((Aged up Characters are okay, though))
- A/B/O or anything involving the omegaverse
- Anything involving piss/scat
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natsuki-bakery · 1 year
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Call of duty 、 hoyoverse media 、ranfren 、Earthbound ( all games ) 、Danganronpa ( all games ) 、DDLC 、cry of fear 、fear and hunger 、elden ring 、Inscryption 、IRL ppl ( celebrity , ect. . . ) 、Demon slayer 、DC / Marvel series 、Yandere simulator 、pjsk 、 It's not me it's my basement 、cookie run ( all games ) 、pokemon 、Metal Gear Solid 、Hetalia 、DBH 、JJBA 、Resident Evil ( all games ) 、Moral Orel 、Home stuck 、Dr.House 、Eldarya 、OMORI 、 Evangelion 、One piece 、Nanbaka 、Poppy The Performer 、TADC 、StreetFighter 、 HxH 、 JJK 、 Psychonauts 、Postal 、BSD
Hell's paradise 、Metalocalypse 、Starfox
. . . but i can do other fandoms ! !
Naturo 、TOW 、Attack on Titan 、Steven Universe 、Rick & Morty 、 Big mouth 、Cyberpunk Edgerunners 、Dead End paranormal park 、HH / HB 、 MHA
꒰🌷 CHARACTERS ( blacklist ) : ✧
Haiji Towa 、Hifumi Yama 、Ishimaru Kiyotaka 、Teruteru hanamura
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momo-hearts · 1 year
NAIB BEING THE GIRL AND MICHIKO BEING THE GUY ON LIFE SUPPORT- {bonus points if naib is using Sagittarius costume and is yandere}
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wolverineluvr · 8 months
Soft yandere David x reader
TW: Slight angst, ooc David probably, size+strength difference, a few uses of Y/N, after time skip, stalking, fem!reader.
WC: 1.2k
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You were practically rushing around this morning, in a hurry because you have a job interview. You woke up late, had to make breakfast for your little sister, bring her to school, and now, it's finally after the interview. You hope you got it. You already work as a bartender, but it's just not enough to provide. Especially now that your rent has been raised.
As you walk, spaced out and thinking, you bump into someone. You freeze and look up from the ground, and you have to crane your head to look at the man. Your heart practically stops in your chest. The guy is, to say the least, huge. And you don't live in the best place, though practically none of Night City is necessarily "the best". You're terrified. The man looks tired and annoyed, his eyes are narrowed and his eyebrows are furrowed as he looks down at you.
"I-I'm so sorry." You choke out, quickly backing up from the man. His expression stays the same for a minute, before it softens. "Nah, it's good. We both should've watched where we were going." The man says, smiling a little. "Um..yea. Thank you." You reply. You thought he was going to be livid and have a much, much, worse reaction than he really did.
The man just smiles a little more and holds out his hand for a handshake. You hesitate at first, but take his hand and slightly shake it. Your hand is miniature compared to his. "I'm David." The man, who is now known as David, states. "Oh um..I'm Y/N." You clear your throat as you utter, but David just nods. "Nice name. Well I gotta go so, I'll see you around?" David lets go of your hand and begins to walk past you, turning his head back a little to hear your response. "U-Uh..Yeah." You murmur, and David smiles as he walks off.
David was right, only he sees you a lot more than you see him. He excuses his actions with the thought that, well, Night City is dangerous. He's just making sure you're okay. There's no harm to it. He just needs to protect you. You have no cyberware, he assumes you couldn't afford it even if you wanted to, do you want cyberware? Is that little girl your kid? If so, how young were you when you got pregnant? What's the girls name? He's sure she needs a father figure in her life, right?
The next time you bump into David was a few weeks later, he smiled down at you and asked if you wanted him to help you home. It was pretty late. And he doesn't seem like a bad guy, but you didn't say yes. You barely know him! David jusr smiled and nodded. He gets it. If he was in your position he wouldn't have said yes either. But still, he followed you after you left, making sure you didn't realize he was there. He doesn't want to call it stalking, he's just making sure you're okay, but yeah, he basically stalks you.
Eventually, after a few months of purposefully bumping into you, the dates not too far apart but not too close either, you considered David a friend. You started planning some hangouts if you had some free time. He learned that the girl, Nana, is in fact not your daughter, and she's 7. You brought Nana with you when David invited you somewhere or vice versa, and she was shy at first, but she grew to like David.
David was with you while you worked every now and then, just stared at you as you poured a shot of liquor for a customer. David walked you home after your shift ended, 12am. You offered to let him stay, and so he is. You don't have an extra bedroom in your apartment, and you know the couch isn't very comfortable, so you added that he could sleep on your bed if he wanted. He was ecstatic. Up until he realized that, 1, you'd be sleeping on the couch and 2, your bed nor your couch allows him to lay down comfortably. But he was still optimistic, he got to be around you, and you trusted him enough to sleep in your house.
You gave him two blankets and a pillow when he said he was fine with sleeping on the couch, and now it's dark, he's sitting on your couch, a blanket hanging off his shoulders and another covering his lap.
He can't sleep. Maybe because of the fact he's sitting, or maybe the fact he's been left alone in the dark with his thoughts; He doesn't blame you for either, he gets why you can get a bigger couch or a big spare bed, and why you can't keep the TV on for very long. But the real reason he can't sleep, at least to him, is because you're so close to him, just down the hallway. But at the same time you're so far away, he's in the same small apartment as you, yet can't even catch a glimpse of your face right now.
David tries to be optimistic again, at least he can protect you and Nana if something happens. Because you certainly can't. He admires you even more for the fact that your only Cyberware that is installed is for communication and the basics, not only because you couldn't afford any Cybernetics, but because you don't want any. David's thoughts are back to the fact that you're in another room. How do you look when you're sleeping? Maybe you look peaceful, blessed with the sweetest of dreams? Or maybe your face is contorted in fear, your mind riddled with terrifying nightmares? 
David stands, quickly folding the two blankets you gave him and placing them on the couch. He quietly walks down the short hall and is faced with your closed door. He tries to excuse his actions, what if someone broke into your room? He's just checking. He opens the door.
David is met with a rather small room, even for this apartment, the only thing in it is your bed, closet and photos of Nana as well as drawings from her taped onto the wall. He searches for you through the darkness, he can see you easily so he steps closer. He's rather quiet for someone of such large stature. Once he's beside your bed he just stares for a little. You don't look peaceful nor fearful. You just look...troubled and tired, yet so beautiful. Just like always. Even in the few hours of sleep you get, you don't get a break, your mind is still riddled with thoughts of paying rent, waking up on time, feeding Nana, paying the babysitter, making sure Nana is okay. 
You don't deserve to have to work two jobs and get a small amount of sleep before the cycle repeats. You don't deserve to have had to drop out of school so you could take on jobs and pay for you and your sister's necessities. 
He sighs and moves his large, cold and metal hand up to his face and kisses the thumb lightly. David then reaches down with the same hand and brushes his thumb against your cheek as he simultaneously crouches down beside the bed. He makes a promise to himself. To his mother, to Nana, and to you.
No matter who else he fails or has to hurt, he'll watch over you.
He'll protect you.
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Notes: This was a request for my Cyberpunk Edgerunners book on Wattpad !! I love him
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wxnheart · 2 years
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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Adam Smasher who finds the newest corpo to be a rather nice piece of fuckable meat. Oh shit...
Adam Smasher who practically knows everything about you before you've even laid eyes on the scary motherfucker.
Adam Smasher who keeps tabs on you more often than not. Consider yourself special because most people aren't even worth his time.
Adam Smasher who has you wondering just who the fuck is watching you. Because you feel like you're being watched. You're thinking it's the head honchos because you're the newest addition but that's bullshit. It's Adam Smasher. Feel special yet?
Adam Smasher who finally takes the opportunity to make his presence seen rather than felt by making himself comfortable in your nice, cushy office. Uh...
Adam Smasher who, upon you courteously inquiring about why he's even in your office (never mind the fact that your voice is practically shaking, you're so fucking on edge), makes some smart-ass, sarcastic remark about your 'nice' office. It isn't nice. They all look the same to him and the decor is shitty.
Adam Smasher who’s having the time of his life making you squirm from behind your desk and he makes your couch his couch. Good luck working.
Adam Smasher who, when he isn't with Yorinobu, is shadowing you. Usually in your office. And scaring the ever-living fuck out of the people who are dumb enough to come in and talk to you by sitting there. On your his couch. Menacingly. Who the fuck are they?
Adam Smasher whose interest in you has attracted the attention of the upper-upper echelon in Arasaka. Smasher's a wildcard at best and who wouldn't jump on the opportunity to keep his ass in line. That's where you come in. Guess you're pretty special after all.
Just Smasher Things...
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Blue Exorcist (Manga/Anime)
Yandere Platonic! Demon Kings x Reader: The Blood of an Unwilling Covenant (MASTERLIST)
Yandere! Lucifer x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere! Lucifer x Half-Angel Reader: Headcannons
Yandere! Lucifer x Reader: Radiance (DRABBLE)
Yandere Platonic! Arthur A. Angel x Apprentice Reader: Headcannons.
Yandere Platonic! Demon! Arthur A. Angel x Okumura! Reader + Exwires: Headcannon
Yandere Platonic! Shiro Fujimoto x Reader, Rin and Yukio
Yandere Lewin Light x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Lewin / Lucifer x Willing Reader: Headcannons
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Yandere! Lucy Kushinada x Reader: Headcannons
Death note
Yandere L Lawliet x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Light Yagami x Reader: Headcannons
Demon Slayer
(Yandere Platonic! Kokushibo x Sister reader)You, Shibou. I, Kokoro: MASTERLIST
Yandere Kokushibo x Sakura Loving Oiran! Reader: Renewal Season
Yandere Kokushibo x Moon Hashira Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Kokushibo x Reader: Sandalwood (DRABBLE)
Yandere Muzan x Albino! Reader: The Light Side of the Moon
Yandere Platonic Giyuu x Mean Older Sister! Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Gyutaro x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Shinobu x Half-Demon Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Douma x Reader: Headcannons
Hazbin Hotel
Yandere! Lucifer Morningstar x Eve! Reader
Yandere! JD x Reader: Headcannons
Helluva Boss
Yandere Striker x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Striker x Drunk, Flirtatious! Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Mammon x Girlfriend Reader: Headcannons
Moral Orel
Yandere Clay Puppington x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Clay vs Bloberta x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Bloberta Puppington x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Platonic Nurse Bendy x Reader: Headcannons
Yandere Platonic Stopframe x Reader: Headcannons
Original Work
Prologue Draft
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Yandere! Panty Anarchy x Reader: General Headcannons
Yandere! Brief Rock x Reader: Need (Drabble)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Yandere Matthew Patel: Alphabet
Yandere Ramona Flowers: Love Letter
Yandere Roxie Ritcher x Reader: Cheater! (Drabble)
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Yandere Cyberpunk Blog hereby open!
I'm pleased to announce that I'm starting a new yandere blog centered around reader-insert scenarios, headcanons, and reactions set in the dark and futuristic world of Cyberpunk. With a focus on Cyberpunk 2077 and the Edgerunners series, my blog will explore the gritty, neon-lit universe with the reader at it’s center.
As this is a blog for mature audiences, I'll be catering to readers who are 18 and above. This shouldn't come as a surprise given the genre - after all, Cyberpunk is all about pushing boundaries and exploring the darker, more twisted side of society. That’s no exception here. 
I'm happy to take on requests and offer a range of content featuring a variety of characters and gangs. Whether you're a fan of V and Johnny Silverhand or have a soft spot for the Valentinos or the Animals, I'm open for a lot of things. Do read the rules to learn where the line’s drawn, however. Thank you in advance! 
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madmanwonder · 1 year
what if bill cipher possessed lucy from edgerunners? prompt plz [Ask Cyberpunk/Yandere Crossover] and lucy
“Come and play with me, David~” David paled as he looked at his possessed girlfriend who was gazing at him with a insane expression.
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lili0writes · 2 years
Hi! I love your work and your hcs sm <33 I would love to send in an ask/request sometime! But before I do, I would like to ask if there are any topics you may be uncomfortable with writing? I know edgerunners itself already has some sensitive topics in the show, but still I figured it would be better to ask just in case for future askbox purposes :)
Hey!! Thanks so much for asking, you are so sweet! I write about most things, but the only topic I tiptoe around is the yandere/obsessive behavior. (Mostly because I can't imagine certain characters would fit into the obsessive category) but I don't mind writing about other things all that much!
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horrorlove14 · 2 years
Master list for my fanfiction works 01
I'm open for requests for any fandom you desire. Just send in an ask and you shall receive. I'll try my best to fulfil it to your satisfaction.
Second masterlist
The Sandman
His Shy Bookworm series (Morpheus/ Dream x shy! reader)
Part 01
Part 02 (coming soon)
The King of Dreams and His Energetic Adventuress (Morpheus/ Dream x Female! Pumpkinhead! Reader)
Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me (Edward Nygma/ Riddler x Female Vampire! Reader)
You've Got A Smile That Can Light Up This Whole Town (Bruce Wayne x Female! Reader)
The Red String of Fate (Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow x Female! Reader)
The Cat's Out of The Bag - Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow x Female! Reader
Relationship Headcanon of Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow with a Scaredy cat! Reader
Demon Slayer
Reunited Muse series (Yushiro x Tamayo reincarnated! Reader) (coming soon)
The Dream Demon's Childhood Sweetheart (Enmu x Female! reader)
Sweet as Caramel ( x reader)
Resident Evil Franchise
Hey Nurse, Be Gentle With Me (Leon S. Kennedy x Nurse! Reader)
Let Me Take Care of You, Alright (William Birkin x Female Assistant! Reader)
Safe Haven (Leon S. Kennedy x Wife! Reader)
William Birkin x GN! Reader request
The Silent Research Assistant (Yandere! Albert Wesker x Female! Reader)
For this fandom, I'll be a writing an anthology where the stories are set at the same time as each other.
I'm Forever Yours, My Love (Chamber/ Vincent Fabron x Female Doctor! Reader)
Being Forever Thankful (Husband! Chamber/ Vincent Fabron x Doctor Wife! Reader)
Reuniting With My Old Flame From Mother Russia (Sova x Female Ex-lover! Reader)
Ramen Bar Nights (Yoru x Female! Reader)
Lies of P
The Puppet's Songbird (Pinocchio x Female Singer! Reader)
Sequel to The Puppet's Songbird: Finally Human (Pinocchio x Female Lover! Reader)
It's A Fine Day (Human! Pinocchio x Wife! Reader)
Fluff one-shot request
Heartfelt Flowers and Books series (Pinocchio x Violet (OC))
Character Profiles and Moodboards
Couple and Story Moodboards
Relationship Headcanon
Marriage Headcanon
Halloween Special 🎃👻
Chapter 1: First Meeting
Tokyo Revengers
His Pretty Tattooed Doll (Timeskip! Hanma Shuji x Himura Natsu (OC))
A New Addition To The Family (Timeskip! Hanma Shuji x Wife! Himura Natsu (OC))
Paralyzed (Sanzu Haruchiyo song fic)
Happy Blissful Life (Timeskip! Hanemiya Kazutora x Pregnant Wife! Reader)
She Changes The Weather (Timeskip! Kokonoi Haijime x Wife! Reader)
The Umbrella Academy
Old Scars and A Bandaged Heart (Five Hargreeves × Female Doctor! Blood Healer! Reader)
Old Scars and A Healed Heart (Five Hargreeves × Female Doctor! Blood Healer! SO Reader)
Final Fantasy Franchise
Arranged Royal Love - Final Fantasy XVI
The Royal and His Street Performer - Final Fantasy XVI
His Mermaid Maiden - Final Fantasy XVI
Clive Rosefield short fic request
One Piece
His Forever Home (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Pregnant Wife! Reader)
Another Bun In The Oven (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Pregnant Wife! Reader)
Dead by Daylight
The Trickster and His Assassin Darling (Ji-woon Hak/ Trickster x Female Assassin Killer! Reader)
Thanks, Killer ♡ (Ghostface/ Danny Johnson x Killer! Artist! Reader)
Star Walkin' - Cyberpunk Edgerunners
Street Angel In The Rough - Peaky Blinders
Relationship Headcanon with Vash - Trigun (1998 & 2023)
Relationship Headcanon with Knives- Trigun (1998 & 2023)
Paper Rings and Wedding Bells - Haikyuu
The Merman and His Human - My Hero Academia
Merman! Mirio Togata as your Boyfriend Headcanon - My Hero Academia
The masterlist will be updated once I've written something down.
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yandere-plague · 2 years
"Heya Sugar~ stop on on by!"
Hey people of the internet! Do you want to know what your favourite games would be like a yandere?
No? Then go away lmfao.
Fandoms I do at behind the cut!
Types of writing:
thoughts on what the character is like as a yandere, what they do ect.
Headcannons but specifically based on a theme (ex, what they are like before and after kidnapping you, what would they do if you had a girl/boyfriend.)
Self explanatory, a single story.
Plots must have some sort of yandere theme to them
(Eg. Character kidnapping you , realising they have feelings for you , what type of person they want)
Must specify if you want it to be a oneshot or headcannons.
(If you don't I'll just do HC.)
No underage / aging up.
(Both you and character being the same age is fine, as long as they act adult / im comfortable writing for.)
No NSFW, I suck at writing it :P
(though I will suggest it.)
No kinks or fetishes.
I write faster if I'm given a plot
because then I know exactly what to write, if ya know what I mean.
No yandere x oc
(this is a x reader only)
No yandere x yandere
(whats the point)
No character x yandere
(you being a yandere is wierd)
No trauma dumping
(I am not your therapist and I do not care about you)
No Matchups
(I write my work to be enjoyed by everyone. Not just one person. Also look at the rule above)
I do put triggers at the top of the writing, though I might miss something.
Call me Plague, or Moxxi :)
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Stuff I'm taking a break from
Team Fortress 2
Scout , Soldier , Pyro , Demo , Heavy , Engineer , Medic , Sniper , Spy , Miss Pauling , The Administrator.
Portal (1 & 2)
GLaDOS , Wheatley , Cave , ect.
Stuff i write for currently:
Half-Life (1/2/3 & HLVRAI)
Gordon , Alyx , Barney , G-man , ect.
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Sam & Max
Sam , Max , Narrator, Sybil ect.
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Borderlands (1/2/3)
Handsome Jack , Rhys , all sirens , ect.
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Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
Alastor , Charlie , Angel , Husk , ect.
Blitzø , Stolas , Loona , Verosika Mayday , Millie & Moxxie (poly) , ect.
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Fortnite (STW & Battle Royale lore)
RaY , Ramirez , Agent Jones , Doctor Slone , Geno , Imagined, Kado Thorne ect.
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Infamous Second Son (conduits)
Delsin, Fetch, ect.
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Brandon Rogers (characters)
Cyberpunk 2077 (and edgerunners)
Johnny (both relic and alive), Songbird, Alt, ect
David, Rebecca, Lucy, Kiwi, ect
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Bryce , Bobby , Elmer, , ect.
Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette / Ladybug , Adrien / Cat Noir Hawkmoth / Gabriel ect.
The Walking Dead (Telltale)
Lee , ect.
The Wolf Among Us (Telltale)
Bigby , Snow White , ect.
Parappa The Rapper
PaRappa , Sunny , Lammy , Katy , ect.
(I might do these if someone requests)
Stray Gods: The role-playing Musical
Grace, Apollo, Pan, Eros, ect.
Feel free to message me whatever the hell you wanna say! I'm friendly i promise :)
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Previous characters this account has been (NOT A RP ACCOUNT, JUST THE CHARACTER THEME)
Miss Pauling - TF2
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