#yandere jester
peoplesgraves · 1 day
Imagine being a Royal who can’t escape obsession
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Yandere Knight who’s been trained for the honor of protecting the royals their entire life. Who’s had any semblance of self beaten out of them instead being filled with nothing but reverence for their favorite. At first their obsession is devoid of romance, solely based on their divine duty to protect you. They’re happy just to stay by your side and content with forgoing their own life in favor of yours. That would all change the moment they actually get hurt protecting you. They expect to be broken just like when they were a kid, destroyed and remade stronger, better for you. Instead you are gentle and kind, you help nurse their wounds and their obsession transitions from one of duty to one of love. No longer content to die for you, now they must live for you, their beloved royal. No matter how many people they have to cut down your knight will never forsake their love.
Yandere Advisor a few years older than you but much much younger than your other advisors. They were a prodigy, groomed from a simple stable hand to the person they were today. Their incredible intelligence, tactical mind and people skills make them invaluable to the kingdom but they find themself laying awake night after night. Not worrying for the people but for you instead. They care not for the opinion of other royals or their peers but only of yours. They view everyone as below them, sure their friendly and compassionate on the surface but below the skin lies a bubbling darkness. Every meeting with you that’s interrupted by some silly problem or royal ball they’re forced to miss due to work, they find their facade cracking. They contemplate abandoning the wretched kingdom you loved, whisking you far far away so they can finally have what they love. For now though they’ll wear their cracked mask and guide you as gently as they can, both in your role as a royal and towards your devoted advisor.
Your families resident Yandere Wizard is a strange creature. Equally out of their mind as they are terrifyingly cunning. They slip between the two states so easily that it’s not quite clear which is their true self, maybe they’re both just hiding what truly lurks below their calculating eyes and outrageous outfits. Despite being perfectly capable of turning whatever enemy crossed their path into nothing more than a pile of dust, the prefers to use his magic in more…joyful ways. Turning your dress into whatever color you fancied at the moment or making flowers appears out of thin air whenever you seemed down. Some may call it a waste of their gift but they knew the truth, knew that nothing was a waste if it was done for love. They turn their tower into an inviting place for you and makes sure you know you’re always welcome, that they’ll always have time for their royal. They contemplate keeping you up in their tower forever and using their magic to bring you bliss until the end of days. They would give you whatever you wanted because all they wanted was you.
A Yandere Witch who’d started as a simple forest witch. Content to live in her small cabin among the trees and animals, only ever going into the royal city when they needed supplies or to sell off potions at the marketplace. Sometimes people would come to them for help with their maladies or to try and observe their strange skills for themselves and usually they’d abide before sending them on their way and going back to their solitude. Lately though their solitude wasn’t the great comfort it had once been. Something was missing or rather someone. They found herself going into the royal city more and more, not just flitting in and out of the market place but becoming a frequent fixture. So frequent in fact that under cover of night and a cloak you’d come to seek them, hearing of their skills on one of your visits to greet the subjects. They indulged you, allowing you to watch their work until the sun starts to peak through the horizon and to their joy you keep coming back whenever you can. They becomes so fond of your company that they consider getting rid of that pesky wizard of yours and offering themself for the royal court instead.
A Yandere Maid and your closest confidant, a fact she very much likes to rub in to anyone who will listen. She’d been raised for this since birth, the knight was raised to protect you sure but she was raised to serve. To handle every tedious, boring or undesirable aspect of your life so you’d never be anything less than content. It was a job they took very seriously, keeping detailed lists of what you liked and didn’t like, paying the shadiest people to vet any new people you came into contact with before you ever met them and of course helping in more normal ways too. Because you trust them so implicitly it’s startlingly easy to get rid of any favors of affection from anyone else, after all you didn’t need anyone else. Only they could take care of you the way you needed, it was their purpose, you were their purpose.
The Yandere Jester is perhaps the least assuming of yanderes. Always joking and smiling and laughing and prodding oh so subtly. Telling you stories of when they were sent to the gallows and their escape even fantastical tales of robbed royals, mysterious murders and other various crimes and misfortunes. Ultimately these were assumed to be humorous fibs from a misguided jester but still some nobles would whisper theories while looking at the jester fearfully, saying they were an escaped madman or perhaps a demon in human form. Truthfully no one but you seemed to like them much, always acting as if they were a rabid bloodthirsty beast and they were, to anyone else at least. To you they were a lapdog, hungry only for your laughter and joy. Eventually their stories get to be less about the past and more about the future, talks of how funny it’d be to steal away their beloved and leave all these silly nobles heads spinning. They don’t sound quite as funny telling that one, but still you smile politely and they love you even more for it.
Yandere Suitors sent from other kingdoms, mostly weaker ones seeking to form an alliance but also a few from stronger kingdoms, even empires who simply had a spare and figured it couldn’t hurt or needed agreements on something specific from your kingdom such as a rare resource. Eventually as more and more suitors came and then refused to return home even after rejection, they ended up as more of an unwanted harem situation. Constantly making and breaking alliances with each other to try and gain favor, flitting around the palace ordering servants around to make sure everything perfect all the time for you. Each trying to be seen as the best spouse for you, dreaming of the day you pick them and send the rest home, in pieces if required. Always whispering gossip in your ear, offering to warm your bed or accompany you out of the palace. Theyd do anything to be your favorite, just one step closer.
Throngs of adoring, Yandere Royal Subjects, even people from the far away villages and outer edge territories make their way to the royal city when you make a grand appearance in town. Cheering and waving colorful flags made from scrap, some huddled in groups giving blessings for your safety and health hoping they’d be extra effective with you so close. Parents hold up their kids as high up as they can hoping you’d bless them through the carriage window as they’d seen you do before. People insist on giving gifts and offering, although not to you directly once the royal entourage passes many march to the castles gates and leave them there, in place for your return. While many have negative views on other royals or monarchy in general, none ever seem to extend to you, their beloved royal. Any citizen led attacks or rebellions to the crown always seem to happen when you’re away and never touch your preferred parts of the castle or castle grounds, the very worst that’d ever happened to you was when a small outlier group raided your room and stole a few things. Those same outliers were later found bled out in the middle of town,in the middle of the day, with absolutely no witnesses. Everyone in town knows what happened of course, justice was served.
Yandere Assassin who was the best, never once caught or suspected for the hundred deaths they’d directly caused, so disconnected from themself and from the world that every new identity and culture they found themself ingratiated in felt just as much like home as anywhere else, nothing felt real or right so what did it matter who they were or who they killed. Not until they were assigned to your kingdom, to your family, did they finally start to understand what it meant to be alive and just how precious life was. Years of blood on their hands hadn’t taught them to live but a week with you and their heart was beating for the first time. They mostly watched from the sidelines, acting as just another servant. They watched how the other royals misuse their power to mistreat the people, each other and most egregiously, you. They watch as the others ignore and placate you, watches as they lie and cheat and subjugate the masses and they’re disgusted. It’s amazingly easy to poison their wine, everyone who could possibly be a threat to your ascension. They know you’ll be upset for a while at the loss of your ‘family’ but they promise to be there for you and now that they’ve taken a permanent position in the castle they’ll have all the time in the world to look out for you.
A local Yandere Dragon who kidnaps you every few weeks or so. Of course the first time you’d been terrified, a huge thundering monster snatches you from your visit to the courtyard and just flies off, with you in its talons. Though once back at their surprisingly not horrible cave, you come to understand them a bit. At least more than any other human had ever bothered to. Some knights from your kingdom had stolen from their horde and they wanted whatever it was back, sure being kidnapped wasn’t great but at least they were negotiating instead of just destroying the place in revenge. They are gruff and unpracticed but ultimately harmless to you and after a guarantee of their stolen treasures return you too are returned home. Though every few weeks the dragon seems to have some new grievance that requires the beloved royal as collateral and in that time they grow to be more and more comfortable around you, their little human. Should your kingdom ever wise up to their trick and try to fight against the dragon for you it wouldn’t be pretty. Last time someone stole from their horde they negotiated, that time, they’d burn the kingdom to the ground and take what was theirs, permanently.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
What if the roles are reversed. Yandere jester and Emperor Y/N.
You became ruler of an entire kingdom before you reached the age of thirteen. Tragedy struck a month before your upcoming birthday; leaving no one else to rule but the young heir. Lacking the experience, your crowning came with the introduction of a royal advisor. Both celebrations were on the same day, and you had not smile once since the accident nor had you often before.
Your lack of care was noticable by all, your advisor came up with a plan to brighten your mood. His sibling ran a traveling act, and while they were unable to make plans to visit the kindgom anytime soon, their child was working towards taking over the family business someday, and cheering up the new ruler was the perfect start.
Working on your studies in the garden, the sound of laughter and the ringing of bells alerts you to your guest. A smile face replaces the book in your lap; slinking away as you express your shock. The young jester bows as they stand back up, pulling a horn from behind their back and blowing it with all their might.
"Good Afternoon, your highness! It is an honor to meet you. I come from far away lands just to bring a smile to your face. I hope we can become great friends."
You stare at the other child's colorful clothing, before collecting your books and walking away with another word. They pursue.
"W-wait! Where are you going?"
"To continue my studies elsewhere. It iss too noisy out here."
"Please don't leave so soon! I-I'll help you with your studies!"
You stop in your tracks. "Alright."
With the jester's help, you finish your studies quicker than usual that day. As thanks, you push aside the rest of your duties to see their act. The only problem with that was it wasn't very good. Their jokes fell flat even before the punchline, and they were unable to juggle amongst other physical activities. As their pins crash on their head for the fourth time, the jester finds themselves close to tears for which you offer a handkerchief.
"You shouldn't cry over something like that. Wipe your face and try again. I'll show you."
You pick up the pins, setting two on the wall as you toss the first back and forth in your hand. Gaining a good grip on the first, you add another until you're tossed all three in the air with no problem. You catch them and and place them back down as the jester claps.
"That was amazing! How did you do that?"
"We had a jester before you who taught me.. He was in the carriage when it fell off the bridge."
The jester loses their smile. As it falls, they wonder if this ache in their chest is what you've been feeling the entire time. It felt terrible. They didn't want you to suffer like this anymore. They grab one of the pins, shouting:
"I'll do my best!"
One step at a time, the jester becomes better at their act with your help. They try it out on others in the castle with tremendous reception. You take them on as the royal jester, having them play at gatherings and festivals much to everyone's delight. Despite their success, they failed to bring joy to the one that mattered most. They were the smile for the crowd that you had still yet to muster.
After another failed attempt at making you laugh, the then teen ventured to the garden alone that evening. Chin held high, they still couldn't fight the sadness held within for failing their now closest friend. It was nerve wracking, and there was only one other cure for their woes.
The jester pulls a small music box from their pocket, a gift from their father before they came to you all those years ago. They turn the handle until it clicks, humming along to the soft tune that emits from the box. It soothes their soul just like it did when they were young; bringing only pleasant memories to mind. Strangely enough, the most recent ones only have you in their image.
"What are you doing?"
The jester clutches the box, and their chest as you approach from the darkness. You pay no mind to their fright, staring at the box as its melody ends.
You point. "What's that?"
"This?" The jester cracks its handle one more. You frown as it plays.
"There was something else with it."
Their face grows flush. "Do you mean my singing?"
"I suppose so."You sit beside them. "Please do it again.'
The jester eventually begins to sing. You close your eyes, listening to the combined melody of them and the music box. As your lips twitch slightly, an idea pops into their mind. They gradually rise in tone, reaching the point where their voice reaches every corner of the garden. They throw a hand over their chest, dramatically orchestrating themselves along to the tune. Their performance comes to a halt when they hear a small snicker.
"You're the worse. I was enjoying that." A half smile lingers over your lips as you pull your hand away from your mouth. The jester stares at it, and the faint twinkle in your eye. They've never seen anything more beautiful. Finally, they've reach the goal they set so long ago - and the result was far greater than they could've dreamed. Neither a starlight night nor a cloudless sky could compare. There had been the sparks of emotion before then, but on that day- they fell in love.
Your smile remained after that night, and the week after. With your faithful jester by your side, it never left and neither did they from your side. With the gloom overcasted over the castle gone, you gained the attentions of your people and others throughout the land. Those of the upperclass attempted to win your hand. The townspeople spoken of your beauty at its full shine. The little jester felt something else in their heart from then on - rage.
"Leave me alone!"
A ball rolls across the hall grounds as a shout rings through its entryway. The night had just come to an end with a big festival held throughout the day. The jester was working on improving their act even further when they heard a shout. Your shout.
Hurrying to the scene, they watch as a general's son is tossed to the floor; a red streak across his face. Looking at you, the jester could see a red ring around your wrist and tears in your eyes; anger as clear as day. No, that wasn't right. You should always be happy. You should always smile.
"Get out of my castle. Get the hell out of my kingdom. I'm not looking to marry anyone now, or ever for that matter!"
Marriage. Of course others wanted your hand. You were everything one could ever want, but did they truly care about you? You were happy, happy with your caring jester and everyone else in the castle. Their heart stunned at the last of your words, but if they could remain by your side that's all that mattered.
You hurry off; your frown the last thing they saw. Why - why was the world so cruel? They worked so hard to make your smile last, and it was shattered. By him.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" The man shouts.
The jester doesn't even flinch at the venom in his voice. The one brewing in their chest was too loud for them to sense anything, but the anger they felt for this pathetic creature at their feet. Lower than them. Lower than you. Only you matter in this world. You and your happiness, and they'd do anything to achieve that- as well as tear apart whatever force tries to take it away.
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carnivorousyandeere · 2 months
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The Jester Twins are in that generic faux-medieval fantasy era!
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slumber-lexifer · 1 year
Here have yandere fast food restaurant logo of jester
(I'm having brain rot right now lol)
Welcome to "Jester's Heart", the fast food restaurant where our mascot, the jester, will entertain and captivate you with their tricks and jokes. But beware, the heart with an x in it is alive with this place with creatures who will go to any length to win over their beloved, y/n. Our yandere staff will serve you with a smile, but don't let their friendly demeanor fool you. Come and experience our delicious menu, but be prepared to leave with more than just a full stomach. Jester's Heart, where love and obsession meet, you don’t have to beg to stay you will have to beg it if it let you go.
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malfromtheblue · 1 year
what would Arlie's reaction be with a silly! darling psychiatrist with a goofy sense of humor like himself?
Ooh, good one!
Only drives his obsession more, for sure.
Arlie had decided to bring a horn to your session today, and every time things got too serious for his liking, he'd honk it as loud as possible. And you being the goofball you are, laughed every time.
Arlie watched as your eyes would scrunch and your cute little nose would wrinkle as you let out that contagious cackle. He beamed in pride, and boops your nose. "Sorry, Ms. (Reader)! You can continue!"
You never actually suspected that Arlie liked you, much less revolved everything he did around you. You barely knew why he was here. Cannabalism, Mass Murder, Abduction, etc. But nobody actually told you this. Everyone knew how fragile and breakable you were, and nobody had the heart to scare you off by telling you that Arlie was the craziest patient there. You always thought it was weird that they didn't give you any background information or files on your patients, but you just shrugged it off.
As for Arlie... He was just a silly, harmless guy... Right?
A silly, harmless guy who has to wear a titanium muzzle/mask so he doesn't try and eat anyone.
(all for you, love *bows*)
~ Mal💕
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talkbycolor · 10 months
jester-shaped fucktoy
A/N; have you ever had sex with a clown? It sounds like honk honk with every thrust
Pairing; "Damon" x AFAB!Reader (im starting to consider to make the reader no tits, no pussy, no dick, just a barbie doll with a hole man)
CW; this is a little gross ngl, just sweaty sex / unprotected sex, semi-public sex, creampie, just like the hentais teached me / rough sex, heavy overstim, fucking like animals just like the song / circus scenario, porn without plot / this is just smut but hey, dont be shy and request something / this counts as an AU?
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You were never the main attraction of the show, a jester whose only function was to demonstrate clumsiness in presentations, a cute clown.
So how did you end up spread-eagled in your dressing room?
There was a man in reddish clothes thrusting into your fat pussy, you didn't even know his name, you had barely finished the show that night when he showed up at the door of your trailer proclaiming to be a big fan.
"AH SHIT! FUCK! RIGHT THERE!" You moaned as your trembling hands tried to hold onto his shoulders, you screamed so loudly that your circus buddies could probably hear you from their trailers, the guy was huge compared to you, he grunted and howled every time his thick penis wedged itself between the folds of your abused Damn, it was like having sex with a wolf instead of the adorable fan who had sheepishly introduced himself a couple of minutes ago.
Because you had just had a performance, you were so sweaty and having sex right now only made it worse, you were melting in his arms as he fucked you against the dresser in your dressing room, practically dripping as your clown makeup ran down your cheeks, combined with sweat and pleasurable tears from being fucked so well.
"P-Please, PLEASE! I'M GOING TO PISS!" You whimpered, your body reacting on its own, saliva dripping down your chin as you begged him to slow down, your ass ached from the clash of skin and your peach was as red as your lipstick.
"Hey, is everything okay in there?" Someone knocked on the door of the trailer, which shook a little from the intense movement of the event that was happening inside. The stranger with fangs only growled when he heard a new voice wanting to interrupt the fun.
"Everything's fine! t-everything is perfect, give me a second!" You warned, putting all your effort and self-control into ensuring that your words didn't come out like the desperate screams of a whore who was being fucked at that moment.
The person outside the dressing room had probably understood the situation long before hearing you so no one else asked again.
Making out wildly with a fan inside your trailer while he put his penis in your hole was not something you had in mind due to the hectic life you had.
But hell, it wasn't something you turned down either.
Not long after, you choked a scream in his throat as you reached your orgasm, feeling like you were choking on the stranger's tongue, your breathing was erratic and your body was shaking violently, you had already come but he didn't stop, moving his hips like a dog. wanting to knot and fill you completely.
"You'd look so adorable swollen with my seed, you wouldn't mind me inseminating you, right?" He spoke between grunts, they weren't even coordinated thrusts anymore, his voice sounded so agitated as he panted like a dog in search of his orgasm.
"This fucking pussy is all mine, I'm going to fill you so many times that you won't be able to appear in any performance for a whole week, you'll spend those days getting out all the semen that I'm going to put in you" He said as he gently chewed your ear, his tongue going shamelessly on your sweaty skin, biting your neck until leaving several marks in shades of carmine and violet.
At that point he was just desperately licking every drop of sweat from your body, he was also dripping and not just semen, the splash between skin was a combination of precum and sweat, and the entire trailer smelled of sex.
"But how easy, you offer your ass to every fan who talks to you?" That sounded a little more threatening, like he was genuinely angry and the thought of you being with others was enough to make him furious.
So furious that he grabbed your hips until he left violent marks.
"F-FUCK! P-PLEASE! I HAVE NOT BEEN WITH ANYONE, ONLY WITH YOU!" You moaned between whimpers at the delicious pain, now he moved with more force, you could almost swear that you felt the head of his penis making an effort to enter your cervix.
Overexertion made you a stupid whore, you had urinated yourself even when he was pounding into you, isn't that pathetic? You were drooling shamelessly and your head was ringing as you didn't even recognize what was happening, you just knew that he felt too good despite having your cunt numb from the amount of stimulation he was receiving.
Grinding his hips against your entrance finally brought about his orgasm, cumming in large quantities until your belly looked a little more swollen, proud of that work he spread your legs in a perfect split, you were quite flexible after all.
As for you? A trembling doll that only let out pathetic gasps and his head was too screwed to be able to say coherent words, you even laughed softly.
The guy brought his forehead together with yours and kissed your lips, your lipstick was already a disaster so you returned the kiss more than gladly.
"I'm Damon, and I was serious about being a big fan…can we go on a date?"
He introduced himself even though you probably couldn't even figure out what was going on, you could only whimper with a satisfied smile.
"I… sure" You smiled exhausted.
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murasakinocatt · 5 months
Choose one to protect you and the others tried to kill you
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tylerxrbtwhp · 7 months
Personal Favourite Fanfics | Genshin Impact |
Let's just get straight into it, these are listed for myself and I don't care if anyone dislikes it. Apologies if it sounded harsh. Pierro Petty Desire https://www.tumblr.com/shumidehiro/691819219914047488/petty-desire?source=share [No Name] https://serendipityandbenevolence.tumblr.com/post/714813368772509696/pierro-x-reader-gn-in-sagau-im-rushing-this-one
[No Name] https://frogchiro.tumblr.com/post/691528304613834752/your-hcs-about-pierro-and-his-behaviours-like
Oh, Sister! https://sondepoch.tumblr.com/post/689800438469492736/oh-sister-pierro-x-reader-ft-harbingers
[No Name] https://genshin-side-piece.tumblr.com/post/700576576188940288/yandere-pierro Drowning https://blueparadis.tumblr.com/post/694928022344695808/drowning-pierro
[No Name] https://popsicle-parfait.tumblr.com/post/690636491914887168/spontaneous-pierro-headcannons Sugar Coated Medicine https://teabreakpancakes.tumblr.com/post/696020148420771840/sugar-coated-medicine
[No Name] https://abbacchiosbelt.tumblr.com/post/696328744424636416/guhurehguhre-youre-so-right-abt-older-characters
The Sweet Fairy and The Bitter Fool https://thescribeoflostmemories.tumblr.com/post/697146067839582208/the-sweet-fairy-and-the-bitter-fool-pas-de-deux
[No Name] https://seakicker.tumblr.com/post/693633157162057728/m-maybe-pierro-with-fertility-goddess-pls-hear
Chess Piece https://www.tumblr.com/jessamine-rose/705894196829208576/hi-i-would-like-to-present-the-side-story-to?source=share
Disjecta Membra https://www.tumblr.com/jessamine-rose/704898782748409856/sigh-idk-what-to-say-at-this-point-im-not-even?source=share
Just Friends, Right? https://at.tumblr.com/jessamine-rose/as-your-common-mythology-enjoyer-i-always-adore/jvfu6qg8m3w3
An Old Acquaintance https://at.tumblr.com/jessamine-rose/read-disjecta-membra-and-chess-piece-here-in-my/wnyo4fzf7xd1
Misery Loves Solitude https://www.tumblr.com/jessamine-rose/734241709811269632/hear-me-out-what-is-savior-doest-cry-tears-but
Aoede https://www.tumblr.com/jessamine-rose/707593638842155008/aoede?source=share
Acquiescene https://www.tumblr.com/dear-yandere/689607844994121729/yandere-jester-x-gn-reader-tw-cockwarming?source=share
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maddymoreau · 2 years
@jennathearcher​ Thank you for the Ten characters, ten fandoms tag!
I did cheat a little and do Nine Visual Novel Characters!
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In order from left to right:
1. Meeting In The Flesh (Complete) - In this unique world where everyone lives off salt who will you choose to spend your time with? The world building blew me away to the point I forgot it was an 18+ spicy monster lover game. Also the MC is named Vil and Nonbinary! 
2. This Life Escapes Me (Complete) - Very short ten minute visual novel. You’re brought back to life by a necromancer. You have no memory of him but he seems to know you. Very emotional gut punch of a story. 
3. Trapped with Jester (Complete) - Another short game. You’re trapped with a Jester, how will you react?
4. See Thru: Need a Friend? (Demo) - Your childhood friend wants you to ditch work, will you?
5. Saint Spell’s Love Guide to Magical Student's Handbook (Complete) - If I'm being honest I haven’t beaten this entire game (there’s 29 routes).
I did hear an audio of someone dubbing Bugbear’s lines on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@keybunbun/video/7140783580912848133?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7121124325585094190
and couldn’t resist playing his route after. It is a horror route not romance buttttt he’s hot. So he can get away with it.
6. 14 Days With You (Demo) - Unsettling things keep happening around you, but on the bright side you did meet a man named [REDACTED] at work!
7-9. Colored Gaze (Demo) - Working nights at the local convenience store causes you to encounter three interesting men. 
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
Murder Clown Gang and Jester Demon Reader- Specifically one that has a tiny human form, and a massive true form. They wear baggy clothes so their clothing doesn't tear when they switch back and forth.
The horny levels of these dorks would be off the scales-
[Blue smashes open the cage Jester Reader was locked in by their victims for the evening. Reader peaks out of their cell, gazing at the bodies of the cultists littering the floor]
Murder Clown (Pink): Ohhh- Bless your poor heart. Come here, little one. We won't hurt you.
Jester Reader: !!! [Squeezes past Pink, tripping over the cuffs of their baggy pants as they attempt to flee]
Murder Clown (Purple): Would ya look at that. They're practically swimming in those clothes.
Murder Clown(Green) - mouth covered in red: Poor thing looks like they're starving. Looks like we're the heros this evening. Hehehe - I don't mind sharing if they could use a bite....
Murder Clown (Orange): The cops will be here any second. Can't one of us just throw them over their shoulder and carry them out?
Murder Clown (Red): Give them a minute. I doubt you'd trust anyone after being stuck in a cage for god knows how long.
Murder Clown (Blue): U-uh....guys?
[Jester Reader rises to their knees, drying their tears on their sleeves as they climb to their feet. A sickening pop! can be heard as one of their arms shoots out of their sleeve. One by one, their limbs grow - the rest of their body rapidly morphing to match. Their once loose fitting clothes stretches tightly around their figure, the button of their collar narrowly missing Orange's eye as it flies off. The entire group stare at the demon - their horns scraping the roof of the basement]
Murder Clown (Purple): ......Dibs.
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carnivorousyandeere · 2 months
(MDNI, no age in Bio DNI )
Imagining a Gin and Tonic modern clown AU scene where they just drag you into the back of their tiny little clown car and the subtitles just read [copious honking]
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lotusparadise0 · 21 days
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Some of my old art about Jester🥺🫶❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥Hope you will like it! Also, I wonder when will he back??🤔
Tag: @antagames
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inom-humanflesh · 5 months
Soo is... an interesting fellow (+PreMilo)
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More lore!! Soo was one of Milo's bullies (impulsive little man with impulsive little desires tsk tsk)
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kyohaku-kannen · 1 year
Sister's reaction to parents' deaths?
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𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐓 of the front door she rung the doorbell and waited. Y/n was supposed to never speak to he family again. That what Macaque and her had agreed to but when she agreed to that, she thought just her parents. There were still three family members that she absolutely adored and would never cut off. They were the ones that treated her better than her parents ever did.
She could hear the door began to unlock and soon enough the door was now open. Standing in front of her was her aunt, what confused her though was the sound of her sister. Frowning she looked over her aunt's shoulder and into the living room.
"Y/n I'm so glad your okay." Her aunt pulled her into a hug and she smiled.
"Yeah I'm alright Aunty." Y/n hugged her aunt back and looked into the home. There she could see her sister on the couch crying. There wasn't times she even really recalled seeing her sister cry as she was now.
"What is Raya doing here.." Y/n asked as she pulled away from Lucina.
"This is her home, I had to move in with your sister..I didn't end up staying with your parents.." Lucina sighed and Y/n gave a small nod at this. She had visited her aunt but in no way did she want to see nor talk to her sister. Her aunt walked into the house and gestured for her to come inside. Heaving a small sigh she followed Lucina into the house making sure to shut the front door.
"They...they didn't deserve this.."
"Questionable." Raya flinched then looked over to Y/n with surprise. Y/n held a neutral expression and simply looked down at her.
"What do you mean...they were our parents they--!"
"They were your parents.." Y/n cut her off while holding her hand up. Lucina glanced over to Y/n and a thought came to mind. She knew that Y/n had at least loved her parents despite how they treated her. Seeing her not care for their death worried her a bit and brought up a ridiculous possibility.
'I doubt it...she wouldn't do that to them..'
"I was never their child..if anything you were my parent." Y/n didn't want to admit it but the more she looked back on the past. Her parents were never there, were never the ones taking care of her. The one who took care of her was her older sister, she did things that her parents never did for her. She was too focus on trying to please her parents to even see this and now she couldn't help but feel guilty.
"I...I know they were terrible but..I miss them.." Raya muttered out her voice cracking. She clung to herself and closed her eyes with her tears still falling. Y/n stared at her older sister before letting out a small sigh.
"I'm..I've never been good to you either..if anything I des-" Raya was cut off as she'd been pulled into a hug. Opening her eyes she was left surprised to see Y/n being the one to hug her.
"Ra-...Sister you've made mistakes..maybe didn't go about things the right way at times but you are nothing like them.. You do not deserve the fate our parents met, you are better than them." Y/n spoke thinking back on the time that her sister left her when she had gotten assaulted. As hurt as she was about that she'd learned that wasn't her intention. And despite this, she stupidly didn't notice how much her sister argued for her. She never spoke out against her parents but without her paying attention or caring, Raya did all of that for her.
"We shouldn't dwell on the memory of them too long..it may not have been they're time but grieving for them will not let you live your life. They wouldn't want you to grieve for them for too long any how." Y/n sighed as she gently began to rub Raya's back. Her gaze was casted downwards, she felt a bit guilty that she did not care for her parents death. As guilty as she felt, her care for her parents died the moment they had kicked her out the house.
While she was still injured no less..
"...I'm so glad your okay." Raya sobbed out as she pulled Y/n closer and broke down. Y/n didn't react to Raya crying, just simply held her older sister. Lucina watched the two siblings with a small frown.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
This one is a bit more shorter than the other parts due to this actually not being in the notes of the old story. That being said had come up with what was supposed to happen for this. Also my apologies for not being too active, I've been dealing with some things lately. Nothing too serious though and I'm ready to get back to posting stuff!
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shroomyglloomy · 3 months
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Lil jester dude I made...
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Thought this'd be funny and cute as well
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preetttoussaunt · 10 months
Jevil doodles I drew in school.
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♡ I was bored so I decided to draw him. And also, this is my art style and design for jevil.
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