#yandere jeepers creepers
Dating Yandere Jeepers Creepers Would Include:
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As a yandere, he's obsessive and fiercely protective, with a strong desire to be the center of your attention and love. Jealousy fuels his actions, as he'll go to extremes to keep you all to himself. Obsessive monitoring, stalking, and possessiveness are part of the package, though with an underlying sweetness and a fierce loyalty to you.
He maintains a sense of ownership over you, often viewing you as "his" and becoming aggressive if he perceives any threat to your relationship. He may also exhibit controlling behaviors, dictating your interactions with others and attempting to isolate you from friends and family who he sees as competition.
He might be controlling, attempting to isolate you from others to maintain his exclusive bond. He'll also likely demand constant reassurance and affirmation of your love for him, seeking validation for his intense feelings. While he can be loving and affectionate, his need for control can sometimes blur the lines between passion and possessiveness.
He'll express his love through extravagant gestures and unwavering devotion, even to the point of obsession. Your safety and well-being are paramount to him, and he'll fiercely guard you against any perceived threats, real or imagined. Despite his possessiveness, he can be incredibly protective and caring, although his obsession can lead to possessive and controlling behavior.
His intense love and attachment can lead to possessive behavior, like tracking your phone, checking your messages, or even isolating you from friends and family. While he'll shower you with affection and gifts, it's all in the name of keeping you close and dependent on him.
His love is all-consuming, and he'll go to extremes to ensure you're never apart. Expect intense, unwavering devotion, often expressed through romantic gestures, gifts, and declarations of love. He may also display a willingness to resort to manipulation, control, or even violence to keep you with him.
He might exhibit a possessive nature not just over you but also the environment around you. He may feel territorial about shared spaces, asserting dominance and demanding that you pay attention to him. Additionally, his sense of self-worth is often deeply tied to your affection, leading to a constant need for reassurance and validation.
There's an element of hyper-focus with this yandere, where he becomes intensely dedicated to learning everything about you - your likes, dislikes, fears, and dreams. He collects personal items, like pictures or mementos, as tokens of his obsession. Privacy becomes an alien concept to him as he believes knowing everything about you is a form of intimacy.
The line between love and obsession blurs with his heightened sense of jealousy. If he perceives your interactions with others as too friendly or thinks someone else is interested in you, he might react with extreme jealousy, potentially leading to possessive or even violent outbursts. He also monitors your social media or phone to ensure no one else is encroaching on his claim over you.
Rewards in this twisted dynamic are often contingent on obedience. If you cater to his obsessive desires and show complete devotion to him, he may reward you with praise, tokens of affection, or small freedoms. However, any sign of rebellion or independence is met with punishment - ranging from emotional manipulation to outright threats. The rewards are a means to reinforce the power dynamic and control he seeks over you.
Punishments for not meeting his expectations are varied and can be harsh. He withdraws affection, ignores you completely, or subjects you to prolonged bouts of silence as a form of psychological torment. He also threatens to harm himself or others in response to your perceived disobedience, using emotional blackmail to ensure your compliance.
Arguments with this psycho are intense. He might become jealous or suspicious, perceiving your disagreement as a threat to the bond he's trying to maintain. Instead of constructive communication, he's likely to use underhanded tactics like guilt trips or manipulative tears. He's quick to forgive if you submit to his will, but any sign of resilience or insistence on your viewpoint could escalate into controlling or even dangerous behavior as he struggles to maintain the power dynamic.
The affection from him is a double-edged sword. He showers you with declarations of love, gifts, and words of endearment, but it's all laced with an undercurrent of possessiveness and manipulation. The line between love and obsession blurs as his affection becomes a means to control and dominate you, rather than a genuine expression of love. He sees you not just as a partner but as a prized possession to be kept under his tight grip.
Dates with him are more than just romantic outings - they're another tool for his possessive behavior. He'll plan every detail, likely choosing activities that align with his desires, showing a need to steer the direction of the date. He might test your loyalty by introducing scenarios where strangers or past connections might flirt with you, gauging your reaction to ensure that your attention remains solely on him.
He perceives potential threats to your relationship as a reason to eliminate them, believing that getting rid of those who could pose emotional or physical harm to you is the only way to secure your complete devotion. However, this act of violence often stems from an unhealthy desperation rather than a genuine desire for your protection.
There have been instances where individuals close to his beloved have tried to intervene, believing they're rescuing you from his "clutches." Typically, these attempts are futile as he's already established a strong hold on his darling, making it difficult for others to break the psychological bond you share. His obsession leads him to take proactive steps to prevent such interference, ensuring that you remain safely under his control.
Marriage, in this case, is not a union based on mutual respect and love but another extension of his possessive grip. He might insist on quick engagements or even propose to you in a way that doesn't allow dissent or choice. The wedding, in his mind, is a public declaration of his ownership over you. The concept of "forever" becomes a trap as he uses the institution to further bind you to him, both emotionally and legally.
The idea of children, just like every other aspect of life, is seen through the lens of his obsession. He might see children as a way to eternally bind you to him or as an opportunity to mold someone completely in his image. He might become intensely possessive and protective of the child as well, seeing any influence other than his own as a threat.
If you didn't want or couldn't have children, it would likely create tension in the relationship. While he may initially try to push or manipulate you to reconsider, ultimately he would have to accept this decision. However, his acceptance could come with a slew of emotional baggage, as it would challenge his deep-seated need for complete control and ownership. He might withdraw affection, or even begin to resent you for not giving him the family he desires, potentially creating further conflicts.
"I own you. You belong to me. You are mine and only mine. You will do everything I tell you. You will do whatever it takes to make me happy. I am your world, and I will not allow anyone to change that. You are nothing without me. You are nothing without my love."
Erotic humiliation - Degrading someone, putting you down, and making you feel inferior during sex can be incredibly arousing for him.
Bondage - Tying you up and taking control of your body is a huge turn-on for him. Seeing you helpless and at his mercy only amplifies the pleasure.
Masturbation - Watching himself or someone else masturbate can be incredibly erotic. The sight of fingers sliding over skin, or a hand gripping a throbbing cock...it's all so tantalizingly sensual to him.
Choking - The thought of his hands around your throat, squeezing just enough to make you gasp and squirm...it's a dangerous fantasy that sends shivers down his spine.
Spanking - The feeling and idea of his hand connecting with soft flesh...both are equally enticing.
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Creeper's Mate (1?) Yandere Jeeper Creeper X Listener
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littlenightma · 8 months
Hello. I hope this request is not strange. Can you write a Yandere Jeeper Creepers headcanon?
Yandere!Jeepers Creepers Headcanons (NSFW)
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• Your scent was intoxicating and it called to him like a siren’s song. He drops his latest kill to the ground. He had to find the source of the delicious smell or he was going to go insane. As he searches, he is bombarded with an assemblage of differentiating scents, but none of them are yours. Where are you, sneaky human? He flaps his wings harder until he is nothing but an unrecognizable blur in the sky.
• And there you are, pinned beneath him, screaming and squirming. Talons dig into your skin. Muscles ripple beneath your hands as you futilely try to pry away. He trails his nose everywhere, sniffing and scanning, searching for something. You think, this is it. This thing is going to rip me to shreds. He finally comes to a stop between your legs. Ah, there it is. To your horror he buries his face there and inhales deeply and rises with a toothy grin. He is going to enjoy you.
• Unfortunately for you, Creepers mate for life, so unless something terrible happens and you die, you’re stuck with him forever. Mating lets him to bypass the 23 year hibernation cycle, too, so yeah, until you die, you belong to the Creeper.
• There’s no use in running. He can track you from miles away and will find you every time. Not to mention he will be very displeased and will rip whoever helps you apart. All those times he allowed you to leave the den for a few hours are long gone.
• Creeper doesn’t talk much — and it depends on if he has vocal cords on him at the time — but every now and again he calls you different pet names from little human, pretty pet, or a simple mate/pup because he senses how you like it. His main form of communication is through body language or vocalization. When he growls you know you’re in trouble or when he tenses and his ears perk, it means there is someone or something nearby and you are expected to hide until it’s safe to come out.
• You do most of the talking because of this. Whenever he brings home bodies to “work on”, he listens to you ramble about different things: the weather, politics, or the new tv show you’ve been watching. He doesn’t understand a lot of it like why humans feel the need to buy their food when there was a plenty of animals to be hunted or why there were some who refused to eat meat altogether, but it doesn’t matter to him as long as he gets to hear your voice.
• Very territorial. Does not like when males of any species get close to you. Human, feline, canine, it doesn’t matter, however humans can get you pregnant and if that were to happen, he’d have no choice but to kill the offspring. No mate of his was going to bear any children that didn’t belong to him.
• Will scent and mark you to let others know you are already claimed. If anyone wants to fight for the right to have you, they can certainly try, but you know what’s going to happen, right? It’s not going to end well for them.
• You know who is in charge here, don’t you? You humans deemed yourselves the apex predators, top of the food chain, but it’s certainly not him rolled onto his back and displaying his belly in a show of submission. Such a good little pet you are.
• You’re unprepared for when he knots you the first time. Your initial reaction is to move away, however the knot is connecting you to him and will not budge, causing pain. You have no choice but to lay there and allow it to lodge itself further inside you. It’s intense, the feeling of his knot invading you, stretching you more than his monstrous cock did. You can’t believe you’re being fucked like an animal in the literal sense and how it’s even remotely possible for your human body to be adjusting so well. Wasn’t your body supposed to instinctively push out anything foreign? So why was your body greedily sucking him in and why was it starting to feel so good? Oh…
• When you’re on your period, it sends him into a state of frenzy and he will not leave you alone. The combination of your blood mixed with your pheromones are begging him to breed you. While it is impossible for him to impregnate humans, you’re still going to be put on your hands and knees, ass up and ready so he can fuck you all night long.
• And when I say all night long — I mean it. There are no breaks, no time outs, no breathers for you to take. It’s just him pounding into you relentlessly until his knot forms then it’s rinse and repeat. It’s messy, it’s sticky, and the more you cry out, the harder he goes. If you reach behind and grab his hips, pulling him close because you’re needing more is exactly how he wants you; a pleading, blood-soaked, cock drunken mess. You will never have to worry about having cramps again because he will fuck them right out of you.
• Loves to play fight. One because he wants you to learn how to properly pounce and pin prey to the ground. The more you learn to give into your own primal instincts that humans have all but lost long ago and learn to protect yourself when he isn’t around, the less he has to worry. Two, because of the social aspect of it. He likes spending time with his human and enjoys when you try your best to get the upper hand. Sometimes he will let you win, but there’s no changing the dynamics here. He will always play the dominate role.
• Takes you on impromptu flying trips. At first you were too scared to open your eyes to even look at anything and he has to jostle you until you do. It’s scary to know you’re that high in the air, but the fear eventually gives way and you begin to enjoy the wind blowing in your face.
• On those rare occasions when the Creeper isn’t out and prowling for himself, he rests you on top of his chest and cocoons you within his wings, locking them tight. He hums an old tune while scratching your back with his claws and eventually you are lulled to sleep, dreaming of a winged creature who has turned your life upside down.
• But maybe not for the worst.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 12}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Camping date (Alphonse + Seth)
{♡} requested
- A camping date w the boys :D poly bittersweet
How wrong they were huh?
{♡} requested
Incorrect Quotes:
Oh boy smooching time!
canon event
called him my husband so there's that.
packin heat
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Sleeping in
{♡} requested
- Seth and Boo cuddle while Alphonse has to leave </3 poly bittersweet
Crazy eyes
{♡} ask
- jeepers creepers where'd you get those eyes!
{♡} ask
- dw Seth I don't fuck w spiders either
Running like hell
{♡} personal
- So bc I wanted fucked up bittersweet we torture Boo.
US flag shirt
{♡} personal
- this is so stupid that I love it sm
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Fluttering kisses
{♡} requested
Mine mine mine
{♡} requested
- so, Casper is very protective of what's theirs-
chew toy
{♡} ask
- hes basically a squeaky chew toy.
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Body comfort
{♡} requested
- Finn comforts Sunflower who is being a bit too mena to their body.
damn he fine
{♡} ask
Incorrect Quotes:
four leggeds
who's driving the car?
like a sinner in church
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Yandere Faust
{♡} personal
- oh this bitch kinda crazy
Gaming with Pookie
{♡} personal
- He died and is singing California girls by Katy Perry.
Incorrect Quotes:
not bitchy nice
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Pathetic Obession
{♡} requested
- did you really think that'd work?
Demon and Priest (suggestive)
{♡} requested
- Yeah let's corrupt the Priest- OH!! HES PULLING HIS COCK OUT-
Oh lord it's teenager me-
{♡} requested
- Rook meets younger Auron. Older Auron is contemplating life rn.
Help from some Cherubs and Cupids
{♡} requested
- Camp AU I wrote about that a moot made! Kids and the other adults help make a date for the couple!
Fav out of the trio
{♡} ask
- ngl I can see him liking Boo more
{♡} ask
- honestly could be batman but has both parents
Didn't make it in time
{♡} personal
- so, psychological torture anyone?
Office Siren
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
I'm here no matter what
place is fancy
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Bed ridden
{♡} requested
- Lucien takes care of sick Angel
{♡} ask
- it's rough out here man
Ew Meatloaf
{♡} ask
- i actually despise meatloaf
Better myself
{♡} ask
- Lucien making people's lives better fr
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Incorrect Quotes:
*pulls out comically large piano*
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After care
{♡} requested
- Alphonse and Seth being after care kings.
Awe a little baby!
{♡} requested
- So, reader has a kid, how would Faust, Auron, Lucien and Jack react to that?
Tiktok trend (All boys)
{♡} requested
- So the listener's nails look like the boy's tip-
Cuddle position's (All boys)
{♡} requested
- Cuddle positions I think they'd love!
Tattoos (All boys)
{♡} requested
- How would the boy's react to Listener having tattoos?
Love songs
{♡} requested
- what if Alphonse, Seth, Charlie and Auron were love songs?
Poly Bittersweet NSFW HCs
{♡} requested
- Just like the title says!!
Scary movie
{♡} ask
- Alphonse and Seth being assholes
NSFW stand on things (for asks in the future)
{♡} ask
- just as title says!
Boo's garden
{♡} ask
- Boo with a garden would be so cute
{♡} ask
- Cool idea's!!
Dynasty/Emperor Au
{♡} personal
- Either Listener is Emperor w a big Harem. Or Auron with a Harem he help's get together w their boys
Pirate Au Not so happy introduction
{♡} personal
- The first one is Listener Pirate crew and the other is the start of how Seth meet the Crew.
Feast for the bubblegum Prince
{♡} personal
- Yandere Seth scene inspired by Arcane Jinx table scene.
Fic Idea Bittersweet trio
{♡} personal
- Time reversed too far and now young Boo is trying to get back ot their boys.
YV Twitter PT16 PT17 PT18 PT19 PT20
Incorrect Quotes (Multi character):
lock in lock in
The porn star?
*pulls out of inventory* want one?
go on
♡•♡•{Please consider following}•♡•♡
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familiars-journal · 1 year
Journal entry #3: Rules
Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience. Here are the rules for this lovely blog.
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I will write:
• Romantic or platonic pairings
• Self insert (x reader)
• Pairings (canon or otherwise. I’ll do my best with rarepairs!)
• I think I will write NSFW here. However, I have the right to deny any requests that makes me uncomfortable.
• Yandere
• Headcanons/imagines/one-shots
•I write GN by default but please specify if you want specific pronouns/gender preferences as well as body type preferences.
I will NOT write:
• Incest
• NSFW/romantic scenarios for underage characters
• Scat/watersports
• Ageplay
• CNC/dubcon
• Proships DNI. You are not welcome here.
Fandoms/characters I’ll write for:
*🔥 next to name are characters I’ll do NSFW for
• Robert Montague Renfield (Hoult or Frye!) 🔥
• Teddy Lobo 🔥
• Rebecca Quincy 🔥
• Brahms Heelshire 🔥
{(Musical/04/1990/Leroux) please specify which iteration!}
• Erik (The Phantom)🔥
• Chance 🔥
• Lady Luck 🔥
• Julian Browning (The Usher) 🔥
• Paulo Ravinski (The Director) 🔥
• Eddie Schmidt🔥
• Dr. Mary Agana (Bloody Mary) 🔥
• Boris Shuster 🔥
•Art the Clown 🔥
Fandoms/characters I will NOT write for:
• Jeepers Creepers
• Patrick Bateman
• The Grabber
• Erik/Christine
More slashers coming soon! Sorry for the small list; I must do more research to do them justice. If you have anyone that you’d like me to write as I know the list of horror icons is very long, please send me an ask and I’ll make sure to take note of it! Also if there’s a character that isn’t listed under the fandoms above, feel free to send an ask requesting that character and I’ll do my best!
-R. M(od). Renfield
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Yandere Halloween Prompts Day: 23
Word/Theme: Foreign
Yandere! The Creeper
A/N: It was odd for me to write but I didn't mind ^^ I still like to experiment writing Slashers! It's a little short as I wasn't sure where to bring the plot? Think of this as a concept :)
Pairing: Romantic/Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Questionable Yandere behavior and Kidnapping.
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You felt as if you were being toyed with. Like your death was being prolonged. You could do nothing but run and hide, even then it wouldn't be long until you were found.
From what the townsfolk have been telling you, your fate was sealed. It could smell your fear. You knew it wouldn't stop until it found out what it wanted from you.
"I'll die being hunted like an animal...." You whisper to yourself. No matter how much you locked the doors and tried to defend yourself you knew your fate would be the same. Any psychic would tell you the same thing.
The thumping and crashing coming from the upstairs floor of your house didn't do much to quell your fear. That was probably what you needed most right now. To make it stop following your scent.
Quietly you open the bottom floor window. It has been dragging this out for quite a long time. It must really enjoy manipulating your fear.
Slipping out the window silently you hoped luring it here would work. Your house was so full of your smell maybe it wouldn't follow you. The question was, where to go now.
You shiver to yourself, crossing your arms while walking away from the scene. If you could just get a breather like right now to plan you would be fine.
"Just be distracted a little while longer...." You pray.
That sense of calmness was quickly interrupted when a smash came from your house. Of course, the creature wasn't a dumb animal.... It was intelligent. Why else would it toy with you.
A loud screech was heard from behind you. You were stunned for just a moment before you began to run. Your ears rang but that wasn't enough to stop you.
When you were practically pounced to the ground you could tell the creature had enough of following you. The game of cat and mouse was over. Your judgment now must come....
You truly felt like prey when the foreign creature relished in your fear. How close it was sent chills down your spine. You hope it all would be painless.
Growls came from the creature behind you. It didn't seem too keen on letting you leave. It was clearly not doing this just for some sick pleasure, it wanted something.
It needed something.
No matter how much you struggled, the creature only had to shift ever so slightly to pin you again. Once the creature was done...sniffing you to assess who knows what, it leans back.
You're then aggressively grabbed and pulled up from under the creature. You've only ever seen it with its human disguise... seeing it in its full beast like form terrified you. Wings and all....
It never seemed to speak vocally towards you, either. Only growls and roars. Everything it did made you want to run....
You continued to push against it, the creature carrying you close with the intent of taking you with it.
"Don't do this...please don't do this! I've got nothing you want!" You plead. The creature seems to listen before shaking its head. It then takes one of its hands and makes a circle motion around you. You realized what it meant.
'All of you....'
It wanted all of you....
"Why...?" You ask. You weren't expecting an answer. How could it give you one? It only stared at you, growling once more, before taking off with you in arms.
The entire time you struggled. It didn't matter if you fell to your death, anything was better than dying by this thing's claws. It never seemed to care.
By the end of it your throat was painfully raw. Your muscles were tired, too. You had little to no energy by the time the creature landed. You were in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, completely at its mercy.
A new sound then came from it. A 'coo' like sound reaches your ears, odd leathery skin brushing against your cheek. Then there was a wet tongue against your neck and face. It all felt strange.
You try to pull back and it changes to growling again. It had an odd fascination with you.
You couldn't tell if that was scarier than death....
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hello!! i am mike/freddy and i am opening my requests, i can do nsft, problematic scenarios (as in manipulation, yandere, possessive and possibly dub-con, depends on the request) fluff, angst, imagines, one shots, and really anything else! I am in no way romanticizing unhealthy behavior in the slightest and will do my hardest to not portray it in a ‘cute’ light.  I do not take requests for violent rape, underage, pedophelia or borderline pedophilia (a middle aged person with a freshly 18 y/o) incest, scat, vomit. piss, and i will probably add onto this as I am reminded of more things. I write for FNAF, The Lost Boys (1987), and most slashers! (excluding jeepers creepers, i refuse to watch that movie.) 
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polyghoul · 2 years
Welcome to my blog dear creatures of the night, it’s so wonderful to have you here!Here I will design icons for characters of my favorite genre: horror! This ranges from horror films, horror video games, horror manga, anything horror related so long as there exists official artwork or screenshots. Before we begin, please consider the following:
This blog is dedicated to horror icons from films, animation, video games and more, with a few exceptions! To keep with the spooky theme, I am allowing requests for Ghost, Dark, and Psychic Pokémon and trainers. Additionally, I am accepting requests for media that isn’t categorized as horror, but has a very prominent spooky theme (the Beetlejuice cartoon, Hotel Transylvania, Monster High, Monster Prom, etc). If there is a series you are unsure about being considered horror/horror adjacent, simply ask and I’ll let you know if it qualifies.
I am welcoming of all regressors, dreamers, systems, kinnies and mogai identities alike! You’re absolutely allowed to tag any posts as “kin” or otherwise. So long as you don’t infringe on my dni banner, you’re free to interact!
Proshippers/anti-antis, pro para and radqueers are not welcome here.
If a character has a confirmed canonical identity, I will not accept requests that contradict their gender/sexuality. (i.e. Glen Ray is canonically genderfluid and David King has been confirmed to be gay.)
To avoid any confusion and clear the clutter, anonymous asks will not be enabled. All asks will be answered privately and any attempts at conflict will be promptly deleted.
When requesting, please specify if there is a specific flag you’d like me to use. With anonymous asks turned off, you are able to submit images and provide links for reference!
I am a singlet therefore I won’t engage in any system discourse, as I am not in the position to comment on such matters.
Please remain patient with me as I fulfill your request, as I am preoccupied with personal affairs.
Blacklisted sources and characters: Boyfriend to Death, Until Dawn, Yandere Simulator, Jeepers Creepers, Midori: Shōjo Tsubaki, House With 100 Eyes, The Poughkeepsie Tapes, Mogeko Castle, Clockwork Orange, Killing/Stalking, Happy Sugar Life, House of 1,000 Corpses, Puppet Master, Hello Neighbor, Baldi’s Basics, Hellsing, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Freddy Krueger (2010 remake), Hideki Sohta (Misao), Jonah Vasquez (Dead by Daylight), Buddi (2019 remake), Butterball (Hellraiser), Doctor Carl Hill (Reanimator), Boaris (Dreaming Mary)
Current trigger warnings: Eye contact, blood, body horror, genderbends, House of Wax, pedophilia, incest, ableism, racism
All of the ghoulishly grand banners were designed by the lovely @epicrapbattles, thank you so much dear!
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Dating Would Include:
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Mystic Messenger
Poly-Dating Seven and Yoosung
Poly-Dating Jumin and Jaehee
Obey me! Shall we date?
Poly-Dating Lord Diavolo and Lucifer
Poly-Dating Lord Diavolo and Mammon
Poly-Dating Leviathan and Barbatos
Poly-Dating Beelzebub and Simeon
Dating Solomon
Dating Simeon
Dating Mammon
Dating Lucifer
Dating Leviathan
Dating Satan
Dating Beelzebub
Dating Asmodeus
Dating Weird Barbie
My Hero Academia 
Dating Izuku Midoriya
Dating Yandere Bakugo Katsuki
Dating All Might
Dating Yandere Enid Sinclair
Dating Enid Sinclair and Best Friends with Enid Sinclair
Best Friends with Wednesday Addams and Dating Yandere Wednesday Addams
Dating Tyler Galpin
Dating Xavier Thorpe
Stranger Things
Dating Robin Buckley
Dating Steve Harrington
Dating Yandere Steve Harrington
Dating Eddie Munson
Dating Yandere Anthony Bridgeton
Dating Yandere Benedict Bridgerton
Dating Peter Parker
Dating Yandere Brother Day
Dating Yandere Logan Howlett
Peaky Blinders
Dating Arthur Shelby
Dating Yandere Thomas Shelby
Dating Yandere Alfie Solomons
Dating Bonnie Gold
Dating Yandere John Shelby
Dating Halfdan
Dating Yandere Ragnar Lothbrok
Dating Bjorn Ironside
Dating Ubbe
Dating Hvitserk
Dating Sigurd
Deathstroke Dating An Easy-Going S/o
Dating Bane
Dating Yandere Jason Todd
Dating Yandere Tim Drake
Dating Yandere Erik Lensherr
Dating Yandere Superman
Dating Yandere Spawn
Yandere Al Simmons Having A Crush and Al Simmons With A Crush
Poly-Dating Poison Ivy And Harley Quinn
Yandere Harley Quinn With Hero Darling
Dating Wonder Woman
Dating Yandere Bi Han
Dating Yandere Kuai Liang
Dating Yandere Hanzo Hasashi
House of the dragon/ Game of thrones
Poly-Dating Rhaenyra and Alicent
Poly-Dating Sugar Mommy And Daddy Rhaenyra And Daemon
Poly-Dating Jacaerys and Lucerys
Poly-Dating Jacaerys and Cregan
Dating Jacaerys Velaryon
Dating Yandere Benjicot Blackwood
Dating Yandere Duncan Targaryen
Dating Yandere Jacaerys Velaryon
Dating Yandere Daemon Targaryen
Dating Daemon Targaryen
Dating Harwin Strong
Dating Yandere Criston Cole
Dating Yandere Cregan Stark
Dating Cregan Stark
Dating Yandere Alicent Hightower
Dating Yandere Aegon Targaryen
Dating Yandere Aemon Targaryen
Dating Yandere Ramsay Bolton
Dating Yandere Brynden Rivers
Dating Yandere Maekar Targaryen
Dating Tyland Lannister
Dating Yandere Jon Snow
Dating Yandere Robb Stark
Dating Yandere Aerion Targaryen
Dating Yandere Aegon The Conquerer
Dating Aegon Targaryen
Dating Yandere Aemond Targaryen
Yandere Aemond Who’s Obsessed With His Maid
Dating Yandere Rhaegar Targaryen
Dating Yandere Baelon Targaryen 
Best Friends with Helena Targaryen
Dating Yandere Rickard Stark
Dating Yandere Domeric Bolton
Dating Yandere Brynden Rivers
Dating Yandere Roose Bolton
Dating Yandere Arryk Cargyll
Dating Yandere Erryk Cargyll
Dating Cole Caulfield
Dating Jamie Drysdale
Dating Jack Hughes
Dating Nico Hischier
Dating Yandere Mick Taylor
Being Married To Yandere Eric Newlon
Dating Yandere Fire Lord Ozai
Dating Yandere Clyde Shelton
Dating Yandere Dark Mario
Dating Yandere Cat King
Dating Yandere Archie Hicox
Dating Yandere Deucalion
Dating Yandere Hans Landa
Dating Yandere Dieter Hellstrom
Dating Yandere Jeepers Creepers
Dating Yandere Trager
Dating Yandere Husk
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Creeper's Mate (1?) Yandere Jeeper Creeper X Listener
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Hey there! I’m Angelo and I’ll be your writer for this blog! Just a note: this is a yandere blog so if your not vibin with that, You won’t vibe with this blog so I suggest ignoring me! 
I write Yandere themed blog for horror movies. Though most write for both horror movie villains as well as the characters in them because I don’t see much content about them and I wanna do that prospect justice ;) Though for any character that isn’t classed as the villain or “ final girl “, Please leave the movie with it. I’m bad with names that aren’t ingrained over multiple movies. This blog is also reader focused, Mainly because I find those overall the easiest to write.
Things I write: 
Match ups ( just give me enough details aka: personality, interests, stuff like that )
Platonic / Familial Yandere imagines!
Pretty much anything that’s not NSFW
For the movies / Franchises I write for, They’ll be under the cut. If one that is on my list but you’d enjoy me writing for, Let me know.
Franchises I write for:
The Texas chainsaw massacre Franchise ( both the new and older movies )
The Friday 13th Franchise
The Halloween Franchise
The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise
The evil dead Franchise ( Including the show Ash vs the Evil dead )
It ( 1990 and  2017 / 2019 )
The Hellraiser Franchise
The Jeepers Creepers Franchise
Carrie ( 1976 )
The Thing ( 1982 )
The Scream Franchise ( I’m including the show because I enjoyed it, But I’ll be using different hashtags to differ them )
The Boy ( Not including the Boy 2 cause then, Nothing makes sense. )
House of Wax ( 2005 )
The Collector Franchise
The Shining
The Babadook
The Candyman
The Black Christmas Franchise
Martin ( 1977 )
The lost boys
These are the only movies that come to mind at the moment, I will probably add things as I continue to watch more and stuff :)  Let me know because it’s always appreciated! 
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Yandere Halloween Prompts 2021 Masterlist
All prompts I did for October 2021
Edited: 4/11/23
Tumblr media
Day 1 - Ancient (Xegetl Debut) (Unknown) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 2 - Mischief (Aener Debut) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 3 - Malfunction (Iseth-413 Debut) (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 4 - Demon (Demon! Hanzo-Overwatch) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 5 - Phantom (Wraith-Dead By Daylight) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 6 - Fang (Vesztar Debut) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 7 - Tomb (Garai Debut) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 8 - Ferocity (Hyde Debut) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 9 - Infestation (Katetti Debut) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 10 - Prey (Echo Debut) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 11 - Cult (Norman Winter) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 12 - Disguise (Feign Debut) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 13 - Fog (Unknown OC) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 14 - Venom (Naga! Ray-Mystic Messenger) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 15 - Stalker (Michael Myers-Halloween) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 16 - Torture (Pinhead-Hellraiser) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 17 - Serial Killer (Serial Killer! Medic-TF2) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 18 - Shadow (Maxwell-Don't Starve) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 19 - Trickster (Tatsuya Debut) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 20 - Cannibal (Leatherface-Texas Chainsaw Massacre) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 21 - Drown (Jason Voorhees-Friday The 13th) (Romantic/Platonic) [FEMALE]
Day 22 - Haunting (Aiden Debut) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 23 - Foreign (The Creeper-Jeepers Creepers) (Romantic/Animal/Pet-like) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 24 - Rebirth (Phoenix! Aesop Carl-Identity V) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 25 - Chill (Human! Male! Gengar-Pokemon) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 26 - Trapped (The Man-Hush 2016) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 27 - Nightmare (Dream Walker! Luchino-Identity V) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 28 - Afterlife (Undertaker! Cater Diamond-Twisted Wonderland) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Day 29 - Corruption (Mikaela Reid-Dead By Daylight) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Day 30 - End (Halloween OC Lore) (Lore)
Day 31 - Meant for break
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Dating yandere Jeeper Creepers would include
Here you go! Hope you enjoy
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Mate's Fear~ (Headcanons)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am back with another update and I hope that you all enjoy this as well, if you cannot tell it is yandere jeepers creepers headcanons with X small male reader Requested By: StarShadow972 please enjoy this chapter sexies!]
-Headcanons With Jeepers Creepers X Small Male Reader
.He lives off fear. He eats those who only fear him, fear is his greatest pleasure.
.The fear of others that is.
.So when he catches the scent of your fear oh boy he wants it so bad.
.You were a simple small male going to high school. You were dragged along with your sister to the away game.
.So here you are on the bus glaring at the jokes who are such pigs and dicks and made jokes because you were gay.
.A twink they would call you.
.The bus breaks down and it is soon night, you sit there trying to get some sleep when you hear something on the roof of the bus.
.That is when you saw it and it saw you.
.It looked at you and licked it's lips hungry for you, your fear smelled better than anything he has ever smelled before.
.But it was more than that, you scent it smelled that you were his mate and he will have you.
.He started to kill off everyone one on the bus, that was until they realized it was you he wanted.
.The jokes say throw the twinkk out.
.This enraged Creeper.
.Your sister stood up for you and Creeper knew he would let her live.
.But the ones who offer you up, well they deserve death.
.And Death they got, he was no longer playing with his food even when they threw you out of the bus and he could have easily taken you he killed them every single one.
.You sobbed and begged him to stop, saying you would do anything.
.Creeper smirked at you and leaned down kissing you, you did say you would do anything so you kiss back the best you can.
.He pulled away and smirked.
."My Mate~"
[WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANOTHER ONE DONE I hope that you all enjoyed stay sexy!]
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True Master List, Fandom List, And Rules
Hello my sexy readers! You all know Marie my stunning co author. She made her own archives of her own account with her oc which is basically her (aka Marie) she has a very good story for hazbin hotel when Alastor was alive check it out!
This idea and writing is all her own and man is it really good new concept even I did not think about! So excited for more!
[Hello My Sexy Readers, this has the master reading list which is a work in progress and the fandoms I will do list and the rules for requests and so on. Enjoy!]
Now there is no way with My Anxiety and such I be able to create a master list the normal way. but I can send links to wattpad and Quotev where you can read ALL The one shots which are organized in different ones. I hope you all enjoy that.
Yandere DC And Yandere Marvel
now here is a bonus the lists on wattpad of almost every single story I have ever made over 750 stories 
EPICNESSQUEEN/Co Author: Oneshots, Headcanons, Scenarios series
And lastly the completed list of stories on wattpad 
.No Sex Scene with any characters 16 or younger
.No World Leaders or Real People such as youtubers or Celebrities
.Keep It At Least DUB CON or less
-What You Can Request Supporting Hints-
1: Genders and Genderbents
.You may have the reader be, (Male, Female, No Binary Or Transgender) (If Transgender say born as (Fill in birth gender) Identifies (Fill in Gender they identify as)
.Genderbents you make take a character from the list of fandoms bellow and ask if you want them to be the rule 63 aka genderbent version of themselves (Like with Superman Clark Kent being genderbent to Superwoman Claire Kent and anything else)
2: Sexuality
.You can Have Reader be Any sexuality there is (Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, Gay, Lesbian, Asexual, and so on)
.Same with Characters from Fandoms. Since they are fiction you may make them any sexuality you want (Kinda obvious a yandere is yandere for whatever gender)
3: Roles and AU's
.You can make reader be anything (From Superhero to royalty, from homeless to Villain anything really may it be headcanons or scenarios I even had one story I made reader a chess champion so anything and everything (Except racist and pedo and rapist Obviously)
.Same with the characters from fandoms (Like I have Made priest characters, Dad characters, professors, serial killers and more, anything excpet those three things is good to go)
.You can do au request of like a fandom in a fantasy world or au's with soulmates and so on.
4: OCS
.Yes yes there is OCS and we do better me and my co author writing smut for them here they are
.Marie (My co author as her oc based off of her)
.Mark (My co author with Rule 63 genderbent of her based of her if she was a man)
.Michelle (My Oc based off of me EpicnessQueen)
5: Poly Relationships AKA Sharing
.Yes you can be in a poly relationship where two or more yanderes are dating each other and have the same darling
.Sharing where to yandere decide to share the same darling
.You all know how this goes by now but for anyone new. You can ask for headcanons in many different ways with the rules above and also how they deal with any type of reader like even suicidal or yandere from sharing to single it all works.
.You can ask for a scenario like (Darling finds out (List of yanderes you want) is yandere for them or anything really.
-Questions aka Q AND A-
.How would (Insert yandere or yanderes) Be like as yandere, propose what pet names they have for darling and any other questions you have in mind for the yanderes
-Animes Cartoons-
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Bleach (Seen all the anime almost)
Naruto (Seen all the anime)
Naruto Shippudin (Seen a good amount of it)
Tokyo Ghoul (Only in season 1 right now)
Black Butler (Seen most of it)
Ouran High School Host Club (Seen all the anime and manga)
Attack On Titan (Seen First two seasons)
Death Note (Seen Most Of The Anime)
One Piece (Seen a LOT OF IT)
One Punch-Man (Got The Gist Of It)
Fruit Basket (Read all the manga got to watch the new anime)
Rosario Vampire (Seen season 1)
Vampire Knight (Seen all the anime)
Cells at Work (Watching Season 1 now)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Know The Gist of it)
Future Diary (Seen most of it)
Kamigami No Asobi (Seen all of it)
-Horror Themed Ones-
Movies (TV Series will be after)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (Seen Most Of these movies)
Alien (Seen All Of Them)
Alien VS Predator
The Boy
Carrie (Only the Original )
Child's Play (Seen the original one in 1988 not the sequels and will now do the remake)
Children Of The Corn
Deep Blue Sea (both)
Evil Dead (2013 Remake)
The Exorcist
Final Detestation (Only The Third One)
Freddy VS Jason (GO JASON!!!!)
Friday The 13th (All of Them)
Get Out
The Grudge
Halloween (Seen Them All)
Hannibal Rising
Harry Potter (All Eight movies)
Hellraiser (All of them but cannot remember most of them)
I know What You Did Last Summer (Seen it once)
IT (Original 2 parts and part 1 of the 2017 remake)
Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2)
Meat Train
Orphan (Seen once)
Pet Sematary
The Phantom Of The Opera
Predator (All Of Them)
Prom Night
Psycho (The first and second one)
The Purge (first one)
The Ring (2002)
Saw (All Of Them)
Scream (Just first one)
The Shining
The Silence Of The Lambs
Silent Hill (First One)
Silent Hill (1999)
Split (Yes it is under Horror)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon On Fleet Street (Can't remember which one)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (All Of Them)
Village of The Damned
When A stranger Calls
The Wolf Man
Wrong Turn (Some of them I cannot remember )
Next the tv shows which is shorter for reasons (Dont question me)
Bates Motel
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Walking Dead
Horror Games as I now a lot of you will want that :D
Alice The Madness Returns
Baldi's Basics
Bendy and The Ink Machine (Half of it so far)
Corpse Party (The First One)
Danganropa (all of 1 and some of 2 and 3)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Emily Wants To Play
Five Nights at Freddy (ALL OF THEM)
Hello Neighbor
Little Nightmares
Lucius (The First One)
Mad Father
Resident Evil 2 (The Remake)
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 8 (Currently watching it)
Ride With Strangers
Silent Hill (A Couple of Them)
Unforgiving The Northern Hymen
Until Dawn
We Happy Few
Welcome To The Game (1 and 2)
-Various Other Fandoms-
Dream Daddy
(TV Shows)
Avatar The Last Air Bender (Not The Legend Or Korra)
Grey's Anatomy
Law and Order SVU
Prodigal Son
The Blacklist
Breaking Bad
Criminal Minds
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
DR. Who
Good Omens
Once Upon A Time
South Park
How To Train Your Dragon (Both Movies and TV and Netflix series)
Rise Of The Guardians
-Dead By Daylight-
all killers most survivors
-Outlast, Outlast Whistlerblower Outlast 2-
all characters
all characters playable or not
all characters will not do the live action remakes
-Star Wars-
Most characters so far
-Degrees Of Lewdity-
All important non playable characters
-Greek Gods, Tales and Mythology-
everything even fucking Greek monsters as long as age is met
all 1ps all 2ps and all their nyotalia and cattalia
most of them
-DC And Marvel-
Most of the characters
-Team Fortress 2-
All characters.
Well I think that is it for this year master list I may add to it but this is it right now. Please Enjoy and stay sexy!]
116 notes · View notes
.No Sex Scene with any characters 16 or younger
.No World Leaders or Real People such as youtubers or Celebrities
.Keep It At Least DUB CON or less
-What You Can Request Supporting Hints-
1: Genders and Genderbents
.You may have the reader be, (Male, Female, No Binary Or Transgender) (If Transgender say born as (Fill in birth gender) Identifies (Fill in Gender they identify as)
.Genderbents you make take a character from the list of fandoms bellow and ask if you want them to be the rule 63 aka genderbent version of themselves (Like with Superman Clark Kent being genderbent to Superwoman Claire Kent and anything else)
2: Sexuality
.You can Have Reader be Any sexuality there is (Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, Gay, Lesbian, Asexual, and so on)
.Same with Characters from Fandoms. Since they are fiction you may make them any sexuality you want (Kinda obvious a yandere is yandere for whatever gender)
3: Roles and AU's
.You can make reader be anything (From Superhero to royalty, from homeless to Villain anything really may it be headcanons or scenarios I even had one story I made reader a chess champion so anything and everything (Except racist and pedo and rapist Obviously)
.Same with the characters from fandoms (Like I have Made priest characters, Dad characters, professors, serial killers and more, anything excpet those three things is good to go)
.You can do au request of like a fandom in a fantasy world or au's with soulmates and so on.
4: OCS
.Yes yes there is OCS and we do better me and my co author writing smut for them here they are
.Marie (My co author as her oc based off of her)
.Mark (My co author with Rule 63 genderbent of her based of her if she was a man)
.Michelle (My Oc based off of me EpicnessQueen)
5: Poly Relationships AKA Sharing
.Yes you can be in a poly relationship where two or more yanderes are dating each other and have the same darling
.Sharing where to yandere decide to share the same darling
.You all know how this goes by now but for anyone new. You can ask for headcanons in many different ways with the rules above and also how they deal with any type of reader like even suicidal or yandere from sharing to single it all works.
.You can ask for a scenario like (Darling finds out (List of yanderes you want) is yandere for them or anything really.
-Questions aka Q AND A-
.How would (Insert yandere or yanderes) Be like as yandere, propose what pet names they have for darling and any other questions you have in mind for the yanderes
Bleach (Seen all the anime almost)
Naruto (Seen all the anime)
Naruto Shippudin (Seen a good amount of it)
Tokyo Ghoul (Only in season 1 right now)
Black Butler (Seen most of it)
Ouran High School Host Club (Seen all the anime and manga)
Attack On Titan (Seen First two seasons)
Death Note (Seen Most Of The Anime)
One Piece (Seen a LOT OF IT)
One Punch-Man (Got The Gist Of It)
Fruit Basket (Read all the manga got to watch the new anime)
Rosario Vampire (Seen season 1)
Vampire Knight (Seen all the anime)
Cells at Work (Watching Season 1 now)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Know The Gist of it)
Future Diary (Seen most of it)
Kamigami No Asobi (Seen all of it)
-Horror Themed Ones-
Movies (TV Series will be after)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (Seen Most Of these movies)
Alien (Seen All Of Them)
Alien VS Predator
The Boy
Carrie (Only the Original )
Child's Play (Seen the original one in 1988 not the sequels and will now do the remake)
Children Of The Corn
Deep Blue Sea (both)
Evil Dead (2013 Remake)
The Exorcist
Final Detestation (Only The Third One)
Freddy VS Jason (GO JASON!!!!)
Friday The 13th (All of Them)
Get Out
The Grudge
Halloween (Seen Them All)
Hannibal Rising
Harry Potter (All Eight movies)
Hellraiser (All of them but cannot remember most of them)
I know What You Did Last Summer (Seen it once)
IT (Original 2 parts and part 1 of the 2017 remake)
Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2)
Meat Train
Orphan (Seen once)
Pet Sematary
The Phantom Of The Opera
Predator (All Of Them)
Prom Night
Psycho (The first and second one)
The Purge (first one)
The Ring (2002)
Saw (All Of Them)
Scream (Just first one)
The Shining
The Silence Of The Lambs
Silent Hill (First One)
Silent Hill (1999)
Split (Yes it is under Horror)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon On Fleet Street (Can't remember which one)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (All Of Them)
Village of The Damned
When A stranger Calls
The Wolf Man
Wrong Turn (Some of them I cannot remember )
Next the tv shows which is shorter for reasons (Dont question me)
Bates Motel
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Walking Dead
Horror Games as I now a lot of you will want that :D
Alice The Madness Returns
Baldi's Basics
Bendy and The Ink Machine (Half of it so far)
Corpse Party (The First One)
Danganropa (all of 1 and some of 2 and 3)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Emily Wants To Play
Five Nights at Freddy (ALL OF THEM)
Hello Neighbor
Little Nightmares
Lucius (The First One)
Mad Father
Resident Evil 2 (The Remake)
Resident Evil 7
Soon To Be Resident Evil 8 Village (As soon as I can see it yasssssssssss tall vampire lady step on me!)
Ride With Strangers
Silent Hill (A Couple of Them)
Unforgiving The Northern Hymen
Until Dawn
We Happy Few
Welcome To The Game (1 and 2)
-Various Other Fandoms-
Dream Daddy
(TV Shows)
Avatar The Last Air Bender (Not The Legend Or Korra)
Grey's Anatomy
Law and Order SVU
Prodigal Son
The Blacklist
Breaking Bad
Criminal Minds
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
DR. Who
Good Omens
Once Upon A Time
South Park
How To Train Your Dragon (Both Movies and TV and Netflix series)
Rise Of The Guardians
-Dead By Daylight-
all killers most survivors
-Outlast, Outlast Whistlerblower Outlast 2-
all characters
all characters playable or not
all characters will not do the live action remakes
-Star Wars-
Most characters so far
-Degrees Of Lewdity-
All important non playable characters
-Greek Gods, Tales and Mythology-
everything even fucking Greek monsters as long as age is met
all 1ps all 2ps and all their nyotalia and cattalia
most of them
-DC And Marvel-
Most of the characters
-Team Fortress 2-
All characters.
Well I think that is it for this year master list I may add to it but this is it right now. Please Enjoy and stay sexy!] 
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