#yandere jack marston
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yanderes-galore · 2 months ago
idea popped in ma head, maybe a wolf hybrid jack marston with a domestic dog darling? Rdr1 eiplouge
Sure! Here's the wolf that's making your farming life hell.
Yandere! Wolf! Jack Marston with Domestic Dog! Darling
(Hybrid AU)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Animalistic behavior, Stalking, Violence, Blood, Murder, Courting, Kidnapping, SFW smell kink, Mentions of mates, Threats, Forced relationship.
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You're a domestic dog hybrid built for farming.
Since you were a pup/child you were raised by a human family who owned a ranch.
It wasn't an uncommon sight for humans to take care of domestic hybrids.
Cat and dog hybrids were the most popular.
Usually said hybrids are treated more like human children than pets.
Yet their animal characteristics often made them more capable for some jobs.
For example, since you were a pup you've been taught to herd animals.
You take care of cows, sheep, pigs, chickens...
You're often on guard duty to protect the animals, too.
You often saw your humans as family since you were a stray at one point in time.
Now you often follow them everywhere, even helping them sell supplies made at the ranch for extra money.
As you're often on guard duty, your humans have taught you how to use firearms.
You're quite the shot and have always defended the ranch with your life.
Nowadays your folks have gotten old, often needing you to help out.
They've told you when they go... The ranch is yours to care for.
You've always promised you would protect this place... it's your home, after all.
You don't typically encounter hybrids often.
Occasionally when you go down to town you'll see a cat or dog...
Yet you've never seen any wild hybrid.
You've seen normal wolves and coyotes.
Yet you've never seen hybrid versions.
The scent is always different from them... Even when they're in a mostly animal form.
You can just smell... human in them.
When you met Jack, you saw him as a threat.
He's a wolf hybrid... yet even you can tell he's oddly domestic for a wolf.
Which is true.
Jack was originally more domestic than your typical wolf.
The most wild he's been was when he was a pup, still cared for by his two wolf parents.
Yet his father was soon hunted like the wild wolf he is... right after the law used him to hunt a bear, a coyote, and finally an infamous panther.
For a while Jack lived with his two wolf parents and a sloth he viewed as an uncle.
Yet at least a year ago, all of that came crashing down.
Now all he's called family are dead.
Leaving him to go back to his roots, to be wild like the wolf he is.
Jack has always been depressed since losing his pack.
The life he now walks is quite lonely.
That is until he came across your ranch.
Your interactions were often from afar.
You two smelled one another, recognizing the scent as another hybrid.
You were always on edge when you smelled the wolf.
Meanwhile, when Jack caught your sweet scent...
He couldn't help but be curious about you, the rancher dog he often watches as he stalks about your home.
I imagine the obsession is gradual, just two hybrids watching each other from a distance.
Maybe Jack originally intended on stealing a chicken or sheep for food...
Only to find he's becoming enamored with the hybrid that lives at the farm.
Jack might test how close he can get, carefully stepping closer to see when you'll bark at him.
He may even get as close as the fence to try and start a conversation between you two.
He'll lean on the wood, tail swaying as he tries to make you speak with him.
For a long time you ignore him or give him threats.
Yet since he comes around so often, you eventually give him brief answers to entertain him.
Admittedly, as long as he stays where he is, his company is nice.
Your chats are often behind a fence, Jack promising to stay where he is just to speak with you.
You told one another your names... and Jack can't stop saying your name to himself when he's alone.
Occasionally, after feeling bad for the lone wolf, you may even sneak meals out to him.
Unfortunately, it's like feeding a wild animal... he only comes back for more.
Once you've entertained him the first time, the wolf stays.
He talks about how he used to help run a ranch... How you and him could probably do some farming yourself someday...
Without humans.
Jack finds you being domesticated amusing.
You're such an adorable puppy compared to him, a wild wolf.
Most of the time you two speak in your partial human forms.
But imagine you both in full animal forms?
You're laying on the grass in your dog form, resting...
Only for a familiar howl to occur, and a brown wolf stares at you with eager eyes.
This pairing actually makes a lot of sense, too.
Since wolves and dogs are compatible for breeding... if you know what I mean.
Jack may actually bring this up, usually leading to you ignoring it.
You aren't interested in a wolf hybrid like THAT.
But Jack is.
He finds the idea of making a domestic dog hybrid his mate pleasing.
He's been lonely for a long time on the run...
He needs a pack of his own.
Won't you help him find a new family?
You often refuse, which often makes Jack more eager.
He often prowls around your home, watches through windows...
He's always hated the fact you let humans take care of you instead of other hybrids.
You should've known Jack would be trouble.
Like a loyal dog, you left home to get supplies for your folks at home.
Which can end in two ways, depending on the honor of Jack.
If he's low honor, fitting of a wolf, you'd come home to a bloodbath.
Some of your animals are mauled, claw marks in their skin with bite marks bleeding.
You quickly enter your home, overwhelmed with the smell of blood.
Only to see your humans dead, their blood leaking into the wood.
You stare, nose assaulted with the smell of crimson as your ears and tail are down.
Then you pick up the smell of a wolf... yet not quite a wolf...
"Sorry, darling... All of this was getting in our way. Now with all this gone... I can court you properly yeah?"
Jack's behind you, blood on his claws, mouth, and clothes...
He looks happy with what he's done.
His tail is even wagging... while you stare at him in fear.
Even if you ran out as your dog form, how long can you go before the wolf catches you?
When Jack asks you to come with him... to run before you're framed...
You reluctantly listen.
High honor Jack instead leaves your family and farm alone.
He simply cuts you off between town and your home, sabotaging you on your horse if you're on one...
Or tackling your dog form as his wolf one.
This time he's not harming your family... yet he threatens you to come with him.
Either option ends in Jack kidnapping you.
One just so happens to end in more bloodshed.
Jack doesn't really have a den or anything.
He essentially makes you an outlaw like him, making camps in the wilderness and keeping you beside him.
While you don't see him as one... Jack always calls you his mate.
When you two camp, he only makes one tent.
Sometimes you two sleep beside one another as your more human forms, Jack's tag constantly wagging as he nuzzles and scents you.
Or if you're both in animal form, his larger wolf body curls around you, licking your fur softly as he looks after you.
Jack teaches you how to be a wild hybrid.
Poor you is so confused... but Jack's patient and often hunts for you.
In fact, he likes you reliant.
You should rely on your mate....
Jack originally feels guilt for forcing you beside him... yet he still feels like this was the right decision.
Now Jack doesn't feel alone... Just you two may not be a pack, but you're close.
He loves your scent and soft fur... he loves you.
He'll make sure you two are never alone when you have each other...
Meanwhile, as a domestic hybrid, you just miss your old home....
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frostbitemutt · 3 months ago
some Jack marston hcs? Low honor more specifically 👀
Oh dear. But, Yes. Yes I will. This is low honor. Don't expect anything less than awful 💀.
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Yandere! Low honor! Jack Marston hcs
Warnings: gender neutral darling, yandere trope, forced "relationship", obsession, stalking, harassment, unwanted crude flirting, perverted comments, non-consensual kissing and touching mentioned (nothing explicit), breaking and entering, kidnapping, violence, murder, sadism
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Main traits:
✘ John Jack Marston Jr. Better to just call him Jack. A raunchy 19 year old trying to imitate his less than a saint father. On track to being an outlaw... yeah.. you're pretty fucked. He's an absolute little shithead.
✘ I'm going to assume you're a local townsfolk, maybe a store clerk, farmer, or maybe you're just his neighbor. You'll know when you've caught his eye. He makes it more than clear. Hounding you around town. Cat-calling you.
✘ His comments are perverted "They tell me I'm at my sexual peak sweetheart..", "Come on, just one kiss.", "are you are aroused as I am?".. and other comments. Very much to your dismay. Dosen't matter your gender. The perversion dosen't stop at words. If you don't have your curtains shut.. you may have to deal with a peeping Tom. His hands wander where they shouldn't, attempting to grab at you, pull you in close enough for him to kiss.
✘ He's possessive of you. You're not in a relationship. Hell you're not even friendly with him. You're definitely less than that. He still feels you're his regardless of the fact you hate his ass. No other man or woman needs to be looking or touching up on you. That's his job. Not theirs. He won't stand by and let someone else harrass you either. To him it's only okay when he does it. Hypocrite. Threatening, dueling, and shooting people left and right.
✘ Just like his daddy, he's violent. Wouldn't John be proud? Probably not. I already mentioned him shooting randos down. Your friends? They're found with a ludicrous amount of bullet holes. Lover? Yeah their head got blow clean off with a shotgun, sorry. You ain't off the hook either. He'll tackle you to the ground and manhandle you in a fit of anger. He'll shout real loud too. Sudden and explosive is how his temper runs.
✘ Sadism is something that shines through a bit in Jack. Now he's not going out of his way to harm or hit you most of the time, unless he's feeling petty. Maybe he'll give you a mildly harsh kick to your side. However that dosent mean he isn't at all. Your tears, your screams, your sobs, and your insults...make him feel all funny inside as he'd put it. Yuck. He'll laugh and snort at you most of the time. Mocking you and your fear. Maybe even make some pig noises at you to add some salt to the wound. Calling out "Sooie!".
✘ You swear, you wake up at least once a week to a weird noise in your home. Window or door suddenly cracked open, not even cracked, more like wide open. Yet you can't find no one. Oh, yeah, mutiple items go missing too. Lots of clothes. Toothbrush. Notebooks if you got any. Were there always boot prints in your carpet? Your bed feel oddly warm? Nope. It was Jack. Who else.
✘ Escape is certainly.. difficult when he goes to kidnap you. He abuses the fuck out of his lasso. Running away on foot? Lasso. On horse? Get the fuck over here. Lasso. Move more than 30 feet from him? Lasso. That point he's doing it cause he thinks it's funny. Unfortunate for you. Not to downplay the fear that comes with it. Thinking you're free, only to be yanked off your horse and hogtied to the back of his.
✘ It's all much worse when he has you isolated, in his home. No police you can snitch to, bystanders to chase him off, or neighbors of yours to questioning him snooping about. He's dosen't bother restraining himself, he was barely before. Sloppily kissing you, hands grasping wherever he can, shoving you against the nearest solid surface. It's vile.
✘ You'll have to endure more of his tantrums than ever. Grumbling when you refuse to talk to him, because why would you want to? Pouting and stomping his foot when you push him away from you. Going on rants when you won't stop crying. His mood changes day from day. Luckily after a bit you might be able to read his face and tell when he's about to to blow a fuse. You can brace yourself for his delusional complaining.
✘ Don't loose all hope. Escape is possible. Now I'm not going to say Jack's stupid, he isn't. However we're still talking about a 19 year old. (I'm almost 19 I can throw shade). He doesn't have a plethora experience like his dad or an older outlaw. He's a new adult on a violent power trip. If he leaves the house, check the locks, he might have forgotten one. Try to knock him unconscious in his sleep or.. more permanent if you're absolutely certain you can. That's the more risky option. If you can act well enough, you can possibly convince him to let you outside with him. If he does? Book it.
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livingdeadmlm · 12 days ago
Master list Requests:Open!
Smut 🖤
headcannon format 🕸️
Oneshot format🌾
Kinktober 2023🪨
Kinktober 2024🪻
Characters with no links have no fics as of 12/15/2024
Also this is in no way every fic I have written as I went crazy when I made this blog so most Jojo fics are lost to time (and not good)
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
Low Honor Morgan Priest Reader 🩶🖤🪻🌾
Werewolf Morgan HCs 🕸️
John Marston
Javier Escuella
Charles Smith
Dutch Van der Linde
Kieran Duffy
Sean MacGuire
Obey me!
Pet Play🩶🖤🪻🌾
Tail Play🩶🖤🪨🌾
Breast Worshipping 🩶🖤🪻🌾
House MD
Gregory House
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Eric Forman
Captain Curly
Age Gap🩶🪻🌾
Nathan explosion
Table Sex🩶🖤🪻🌾
Pickles the drummer
Toki Wartooth
Charles offdensen
Blood Play🩶🪻🌾
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Yandere Skwisgaar 🖤🌾
Nudes with Dethklok🩶🖤🪻🕸️🌾
Doing their Makeup before a Show🤍🕸️
After a Long Tour🤍🕸️
Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Saul Goodman
General Dating HCs🤍🩶🕸️
Fake Dating to Lovers🤍🩶🌾
Lingerie 🩶🖤🪻🌾
Cuddle HC's 🤍🌾
Jessie Pinkman
Nacho Varga
Lalo Salamanca
Mortal Kombat
Kung Lao
Dating HCs 🤍🩶🕸️
Face Sitting🩶🖤🌾🕸️
Johnny cage
Face Sitting🩶🖤🪻🌾
Kenshi Takahashi
Liu Kang
American Psycho
Patrick Bateman
Creampie 🩶🖤🪨🌾
Complimenting his beauty
Working with Patrick
Big Businessman Reader
Fight club
Jack/ The narrator
Tyler Durden
Dating HCs 🕸️🩶
Scott pilgrim vs the world/takes off
Scott Pilgrim
Wallace Wells
Lucas Lee
Todd Ingran
Nu Carnival
Oral Fixation Bruce Banner 🩶🪻🌾
Vampire Midas Fortnite🩶🪻🌾
Hol Horse 🌾
Mike Schmidt with an Insomniac Reader🌾
Monster Fucking with Postal Dude🩶🖤🪨🌾
Ryo Asuka with Affectionate Devilman 🤍🕸️
Clingy Reader with Gyro Zeppeli 🌾
Hugging Miles Edgeworth🕸️🤍🌾
Akira Fudo with a himbo bf
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eterniivexx · 2 years ago
Finally remaking my pinned posts, as I've got a lot more characters to add and I'd like things to show up in the tags for once.
Howdy! Names Michael/Dean/Vincent (take your fucking pick I don't care), welcome to my x reader blog. Not sure what these are officially called but that name seems close enough.
I'm 15 years old and I write for a lot of characters. The rules and characters I do write for will be under a read more, I got a lot more canon characters to write for than ocs. The ocs are basically just there for my friends.
(again, characters + rules under the cut!)
Rules, first off.
Obviously, no nsfw. That should be obvious but it's Tumblr and people can be weird, so, feels safer to say it.
I won't take on new characters to write just bc you asked me to! Seriously, what the fuck!
I have the right to deny any request I want, it's rare for me to do so but that is still there.
No, I refuse to write any yandere shit. If you even ask for it I'll block you immediately.
Now, onto the characters I write for.
Canon Characters
Ash Williams
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Trevor Phillips
Postal Dude
Johnny Gat
Jacket (Both the Hotline Miami + Payday verse)
Wolf (Payday)
Vinnie Cannoli
J.D (Heathers)
Tony Montana
John Wick
Nick (Left 4 Dead 2)
Frank West
Chuck Greene
Rusty Caldwell
Jack Cliff
Aaron Trouble
Axel Wright
Shane Galaxy
Reilly North
Mac Limit
Miles Ive
Sev Voorhees
Ash Dovahkiin
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yanderes-galore · 2 months ago
Hii!!! Literally so excited for this!!! How about Rdr headcanons for a yandere romantic Jack Marston with the self-aware au? I remember seeing a post about how he probably feels a little upset that he’s essentially the sloppy seconds of the protagonists, and I really wanna see more on it! (I apologize if this isn’t within the request format, I tried)
This poor man is so underrated. Rockstar gave him trauma and then just left him to his own devices.
Yandere! Self-Aware! Jack Marston Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Self-Aware Yandere, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Isolation, Dubious relationship.
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Jack is a... neglected protagonist by most.
Compared to his fellow Self-Aware protagonists, he isn't given much affection from his player.
Think about it...
Arthur gets his own story in RDR2.
John, Jack's father, gets RDR2's Epilogue and RDR1's main story... AND Undead Nightmare.
What does Jack get?
RDR1's Epilogue and whatever sidequests John left him.
It gets on his damn nerves.
Jack's left with what amounts to table scraps in terms of what he can do with his player.
Arthur and John are the spoiled protagonists who get to bond with their player the most.
But there's a good chance Jack will just be abandoned when you finish his Epilogue mission.
The most Jack gets is minigames, outfits, roaming the map...
All small 'tying up loose ends' tasks.
Even Jack knows you're just playing him to finish things.
You just want to do Stranger quests and challenges...
Jack almost wants to resent you.
But deep down, he knows he's too attached and nervous that you'll shut off the game and not come back.
That's the curse Jack bears.
He's given sentience... Only to have his player leave him.
Truth is, he's felt your presence for a long time in his life.
He probably felt it through Arthur and John.
You really are a guiding force... Even if you don't guide him for long.
I imagine all of this makes Jack desperate to keep you entertained.
I can see him trying to alter the game by undoing quests or making certain guns on sale.
Do you have all the horses yet? The outfits? Quests?
Did you finish all of your challenges?
Come on, won't you 100% the game to spend more time with him?
Jack would eagerly let you dress him up in the outfits.
It shows you care when you put him in your favorite outfit....
Jack would keep trying to add content for you to play.
PLEASE don't try John again...!
Just... spend more time with Jack!
He really is the neglected child of the protagonists...
Which makes him push the game's limits.
Jack has the highest chance of leaking his code out of the game.
He'd do it when he realizes you aren't going to play anymore.
He can tell you're getting bored...
Even when he tries his best to convince you to stay.
He starts by trying to break the fourth wall a bit to make you intrigued.
He makes small compliments seemingly directed at you.
He refuses to acknowledge other people at times in any way but is passive aggressive.
If you're having trouble with bounties, he makes things easier by making them unable to flee.
If you want to have him show more violence, he allows it and even tweaks the Wanted meter to prevent a huge bounty.
However... His efforts appear to be fruitless when he notices you no longer on your save file.
This behavior would make him work to infect your device like a virus.
He either forces the game and save file open to make you play.
That or he corrupts other games or saves....
That's the more "realistic" option, him forcing your attention back on him so he can properly greet you.
Imagine if he greets you like a cutscene, looking at you dead on as he greets you warmly.
Even worse, imagine if he confessed while you aggressively try to find a way to shut the game and console off.
Even if you try to turn it off, it never shuts down.
Jack only ever seems annoyed when you act like this.
Then there's another option to consider that I don't typically do...
Jack traverses to your world once he gets fed up with your panic or you ignoring him.
He would probably either travel to yours or lock you in his.
Honestly, you neglecting him is so rude.
Even worse when you cower away from him as the outlaw steps closer.
He tries his best to calm you, claiming he'd never harm you.
In fact, he's in love with you!
He knows that you used to spoil Arthur and his father...
But look who's winning now!
Neither of them could come here to see you.
He's quite excited to see you, smiling as he tries to pull you closer.
Stop crying, will you?
Jack would probably drag you to his world since he's used to it.
He doesn't understand your world much.
Imagine Jack dragging you back to his world with you in his arms?
He holds you close, kissing your forehead as he promises to take care of you.
Do you want him to pamper you?
He can give you dates, buy you outfits, surely you need to look like you belong here....
He may be an outlaw now, but he still tries to promise that he'll get you two a home together.
You aren't going to be harmed by anyone on his watch.
Jack has Dead Eye like the rest of the protagonists.
Any NPCs that threaten your life are immediately put down.
His gaze is so cold towards them... especially since he knows they aren't real.
You're the only person who's truly real.
You're all his and his alone, too.
The best part about taking you here?
You can't run from him.
Unless he allows it, you'll never go home.
Jack at first seems like the unluckiest protagonist of this AU.
Yet if he manages to make this breakthrough before the others...
He may just be the luckiest AND last one to have you after all.
He won't have you neglecting him anymore.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months ago
Jack marston (adult obviously + low honor) prompts 15, 21 by inuzkua
Shitty wifi will NOT stop me!!
Oh God... Here's yet another Marston who can't take a hint. This takes place after the Epilogue in RDR1.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Low Honor! Jack Marston Prompts 15, 21
"You’ll come around sooner than you’ll think."
"I kinda like when you play hard to get."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Harassment, Jack is icky in this, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Restraints, Swearing, Forced kissing, Forced "relationship".
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It became a routine for Jack... watching you.
The man had once met you at the saloon you work at. He was getting a drink to revitalize himself after a long horse ride... only to find you. You caught his eye with your looks and innocent personality, tending to patrons with little care in the world.
Jack can't help but feel drawn to such innocence.
Look at you, some townie who hasn't seen what the world has to offer. You look as if you've never seen corruption. As if you've never seen an outlaw up close...
It's like he has to corrupt you at this point.
He's been making it a fantasy... a goal... to tear such innocence from you... to make you his.
But you've been difficult.
You've been denying Jack ever since he met you at that saloon. He's a regular at this point, a common face for you. You look at him like he's scum.
Each time Jack enters the saloon, he's searching for you. Be it at the bar itself or the saloon tables, he's hunting. Then... when he sees you... he corners you like weak prey.
Every word out of his mouth comes out as some odd flirtation. Anything from crude pick up lines, depraved comments, teasing touches.... Jack is a man who doesn't leave anything to the imagination on this path...
It frustrates him when you bat his hand away or curse him out of the saloon. It irritates him even more when he's tossed out of the saloon by folks on your side. You are a difficult catch...
Which just means you'll taste all the sweeter once he has you.
"I kinda like when you play hard to get." Jack purrs out one evening, leaning against the saloon wall as he watches you clean. You ignore him, which causes him to chuckle darkly. Oh you hated him... He knew it...
He loved it.
"Fuck off, Marston...." You spit, causing Jack to whistle in response.
"Ohhh, naughty mouth, dear..." Jack chuckles, eyes staring you down with a predatory grin. "I like that too... want me to clean it for you...?"
You grimace, continuing to do your job. It was typical of patrons to harass you as you work. That's the downside of working in a saloon.
However, Jack came here just to do that. He would spend hours in the saloon just to watch you. Sometimes, when he's merciful, he's just watching.
Other times... like now... He follows you around the saloon to try and court you. You're never receptive, especially with what words come out of his mouth. The worst part...?
Jack's sober during all of it... acting like some hormone charged disrespectful teenager the moment he sees you.
You were getting tired of him messing with you. You were even more tired of having to throw him out for getting into bar fights over you. Jack... wore you out.
But that was all when it came to him. He would just be a nuisance to you at work and that's all. The moment he's kicked out and you get back on your horse, things are fine.
Which is exactly how tonight was going to go it seems.
"Oi!" You call, making Jack grit his teeth. "He's back again!"
"Come on, doll...! I haven't even touched you this time!" Jack pouts, only to receive a glare in return.
"It doesn't matter... get out of my sight!" You spit, irritated by his past behavior. Jack looks irritated but raises his hands in defeat with a sigh.
"Sure, fine... whatever you say, sugar...." Jack surrenders, making you confused for a moment. "Want me gone? I'll go, sweetheart...."
His tone feels... suspicious to you. Jack leaving of his own accord? That doesn't sound like the Marston you know.
"I'll leave you alone tonight..." Jack murmurs, going to walk by you. "But I hope you know how much I want you, darlin'...."
Jack then kisses your cheek, the feeling wet and uncomfortable. A teasing lick is given to your skin before Jack pulls away and heads out of the bar. You stare blankly when he leaves... before quickly rubbing your cheek with your sleeve.
That's all you expected that night.
As suspicious as it was for Jack, you're just happy he's gone. Afterwards you were able to continue your work. Cleaning tables, serving drinks, making money...
Then you left to go home on your horse.
The air is crisp outside as night begins to settle on the town. The chirping of crickets and howling of wolves greet your ears as you make your way to your horse. You're exhausted and...
Your horse is gone.
Your heart drops to your stomach when you realize your ride could be stolen. You look around the area, concerned for where the animal went. Panic sets in as you aren't sure what to do... then you hear footsteps...
"You won't need a horse where you're going, sweetheart...."
You're roughly slammed into the back of the saloon's wall. You yelp, wanting to scream before feeling lips on your own. Facial hair tickles your skin as a wet warmth coats your lips.
You roughly push back, allowing you to part from the disgusting kiss. The man allows you to pull away with a grin, yet pins your hands above your head. Upon closer inspection... you see it's Jack...
No wonder he left so easily...
He was waiting for you.
"I was wondering how you'd taste..." Jack murmurs in a husky tone, licking his lips. "I hope I'll get more tastes like that when you're mine, darlin'...."
"No! Get off me!" You bark, only for Jack to chuckle.
"Aw... all bark no bite, puppy?" Jack teases, pulling something off his belt. "Come on... Don't be like that. You deserve a real man, know that?"
You struggle against his hold, yet it only accomplishes you two falling to the ground. This new position only aids Jack, who manages to pull his lasso off his belt to tie you. He starts with your wrists... then your ankles...
Then he picks you up like you weigh nothing.
"Pissy, are we? I thought you always wanted someone to sweep you off your feet like some romance story, dear?" Jack hums, seeing you struggle in his arms.
"Please! Let me go!" You plead, making Jack click his tongue and shake his head.
"Sorry, sugar, you made me wait long enough... You're mine now." Jack chuckles, whistling for his horse.
Jack notices you shake in his arms as he begins to stow you on the horse. He sighs with a chuckle, patting your back before mounting his horse. You are so cute when you cry...
"Now don't get all upset on me..." Jack soothes in his own twisted way. It's obvious he doesn't mean it as he rides off with you on his horse.
"You’ll come around sooner than you’ll think." Jack laughs, looking back at your bound and scared form
"Then you'll realize you like being mine... won't you, darlin'?"
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frostbitemutt · 3 months ago
Hi i have a request Could you write part 2 to your jack Marston fiction. What will it be like after being take by him? Would he kill you? Let you go when he gets bored? Will he try to be a normal family marry reader and have kids? Or will reader be locked in the cellar till one of them dies?
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Yandere! Low honor! Jack Marston post-kidnapping hcs
Warnings: Gender neutral darling, yandere trope, kidnapping, imprisonment, possibility of stockholm, possibility of bones being broken, non-consensual pyshcial affection, mentions of intimacy (nothing actually happens), degrading behavior, sadism, breif mentions of time period gender roles (your gender is irrelevant, he treats you the same regardless)
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✘ Will tell ya, death isn't a very likely outcome, not at all with Jack. Once again, that'd ruin his whole thing. He cares in his own way for you too much to put a bullet through your skull. He wants a partner not just another dead body! Don't mean it's fun though. You're still kidnapped.
✘ Your at first left in his room, on his bed, tied up and bound. It's like that for a day or two so you get "used to it", then he let's you just sit in his room unrestrained. He slowly let's you go from room to room, like introducing a new animal to its home.
✘ He barely leaves your side, which means he barely leaves the house. He'll reluctantly go out to get food and nesscessities. He's not stupid. He locks all the doors and windows, hides any weapons from you, basic stuff about any yandere would do.
✘ He tries to act like it's a normal arrangement, he wants you to act like it too. He dosen't mind you crying and begging a bit, finding it cute in a sick way. Teasing you. After awhile though.. he gets tired. Especially if it's constant. Making snarky remarks and comments. Whining back at you when you won't cooperate, pouting like he's a child and not a full grown 19 year old.
✘ If you try to run, everything is going on lockdown. Tied up tighter than before, everything locked, and a big shouting lecture from him. You got everything you need here. He provides for you like a man should for his partner. All you have to do is stay in the house.. that's all.
✘ If you keep pushing it, keep trying to make a break for him, fight, bite, he'll make threats of violence. Threats to break bones, raising his voice, aggressive gestures, mostly bluffs. Mostly. For a bit. Worse case scenario.. he really follows through. You're left with a broken bone or two in your legs.
✘ Forces affections. I mean come on, yall know the drill, yall know the voicelines. He isn't necessarily settling down with a no. Holding as your face in his hands as he mockingly croons to you. Holding you close to him in some way, forced kissing, hickies, and cuddling; which sometimes turns into attempts to do something more.. but he'll stop as you deny him.
✘ It's half on half, depending on his mood, when you shout and yell at him. Cowering away and cringing in discomfort whenever he even slightly touches you. Decent amount of the time, it only fuels him, spurring him on, adding to his enjoyment. Other times he'll get annoyed and bitch at you for not wanting his disgusting self on you.
✘ He'll cook for you.. it's not the best but it isn't awful? He'd help his mother cook here and there maybe, so he knows enough to make something edile. Although sometimes He'll fuck up and it's burnt to a crisp. It's better if you know how to cook for yourself.
✘ Going outside? Yeah probably not happening for a long while. Not until he's 100% certain you've developed stockholm. Speaking of which, tricking him into thinking you have it isn't easy. As he'll push and push and push your boundaries. Attempting to push it all the way to something intimate. soon as you show discomfort the illusion is broken for him.
✘ If police or neighbors come by he's immediately gagging and tying you and shoving you into a closet. If he can't do that in time.. well, what can't a quick draw solve? He's also fuming at you, thinking you managed to somehow get outside help. Unless you have a history of complaining to the authorities about him.. obviously he's gonna be the first suspect on your disappearance.
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frostbitemutt · 16 days ago
Hi! Could you please do Jack Marston with a childhood friend reader? If Honor level is needed let's go with high Honor for this one. Thanks! <3
sure! Sorry if this is a bit ooc, I have yet to play high honor jack, so I'm going off the wiki and yt clips
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Yandere! High Honor! Jack Marston with Childhood friend hcs
Warnings: Gender neutral darling, yandere trope, obsession, spoilers for rdr1, gaslighting, breach of trust, stalking, isolation, kidnapping, guilt tripping, possibly ooc Jack
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✘ Oh boy, a tragic one. Seeing your best friend go from a bright smart boy to a killer and obsessed stalker. Granted it's high honor at least.. so you won't get some of the nastiness of low honor.
✘ His obsession won't start until after both his parents die, leaving him alone, with only you around. It starts as worry, worry you'll be ripped away from him like his father and mother, just when things were starting to get good.
✘ You probably can excuse it as a reasonable thing, grief can change a person. In this case, it's a really big damn change. That's the advantage he has. He isn't as openly vulgar, crass, and deranged as his low honor self.
✘ It's things like insisting on following you around, escorting you places, casting doubt on certain people he's jealous weary of. He's just looking out for you that's all! After all you two been friends how long? Yeah. That's right. He's just worried about his best friend.
✘ He uses the childhood friend card like a drug. Paired with the grief one. Any accusation of him stalking you, beating up townsfolk, chasing other people away, stealing things? That's ridiculous! Do you hear yourself? You really believe some strangers over him? He's hurt. Even if it's all true. You don't need to know that!
✘ He even feels guilty sometimes for what he's doing, but he tricks himself into thinking it's reasonable again. After everything he's lost its only fair he tries to keep the one person left right? Anyone else would do the same in his position! Even if means shooting down a few people, they laid their hands on you.
✘ He is less trigger happy than his low honor counter part. Someone's gotta get real, real under his skin. He'll make it quick and brisk, leave their body, and never speak of word of it to you. He knows you wouldn't be exactly over the moon if he openly admitted to stalking you, stealing some of your things, or killing someone.
✘ He also conveniently takes up Journaling around this time. Don't worry. It's just fifty or so pages about you and his ramblings. Nothing you need to worry about at all.
✘ He really struggles. He knows it's wrong. It's dirty. Yet he can't just.. stop. His father was an outlaw, he was doomed to be like this wasn't he? A filthy crook dragging another innocent person down.
✘ Yet he also bounces back, you're his friend, you two have know each other for so long, so long before he was this? You've stuck with him for so long. You wouldn't mind staying with him forever would you? It's only reasonable for you two to be together after all your history, as he so claims. You should feel the same.
✘ Kidnapping will be a last resort. If he's guaranteed to loose you, like if you plan on moving. He's reluctant the whole time. You'd really see him as a monster now wouldn't you? He's talking to you the whole time, pleading for you to not make this harder for either of you than it needs to be.
✘ You cry and scream at him and get very little back. He understands he's broken your trust, that's that. He can't un-break it. Yet he argues back, you should've know, you both should've known this would be the outcome. All you two can do now is stick through it together right? You don't have a choice anyways.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
Yandere! Red Dead Redemption Masterlist
General/Both Games
Yandere! John Marston Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Hybrid AU
Dutch Van Der Linde
Yandere! Panther! Dutch Van Der Linde Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Colm O'Driscoll
Yandere! Fox! Colm O'Driscoll with Rabbit! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Jack Marston
Yandere! Wolf! Jack Marston with Domestic Dog! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Arthur Morgan
Yandere! Stag! Arthur Morgan Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Red Dead Redemption 2
Multiple Characters
Yandere! Dutch Van Der Linde vs Colm O'Driscoll (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Arthur Morgan
Yandere! Arthur Morgan Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Platonic! Arthur Morgan with Darling who recently joined the group (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Arthur Morgan Prompts 79, 42, 15 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Disobedience - Yandere! Low Honor! Arthur Morgan Scenario/Short (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Lenny Summers
Yandere! Lenny Summers Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Micah Bell
Yandere! Micah Bell with Sheriff! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Micah Bell Prompt 🥀 12 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Self-Aware! Micah Bell Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Micah Bell Prompts 8 + 10 (Romantic?) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Javier Escuella
Yandere! Javier Escuella Prompts 2, 3, 25 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Vampire! Javier Escuella Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Risk and Reward - Yandere! Javier Escuella Scenario (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kieran Duffy
Yandere! Vampire! Kieran Duffy Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Hosea Matthews
Yandere! Hosea Matthews Prompts 16, 84, 89 (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Hosea Matthews Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Sean MacGuire
Yandere! Zombie! Sean MacGuire Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Charles Smith
Yandere! Charles Smith Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Colm O'Driscoll
Yandere! Colm O'Driscoll Prompts 26 + 29 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Red Dead Redemption
John Marston
Yandere! Low Honor! John Marston Prompts 5 + 10 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Zombie! John Marston Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Jack Marston
Yandere! Low Honor! Jack Marston Prompts 15, 21 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Self-Aware! Jack Marston Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Abraham Reyes
Yandere! Abraham Reyes Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL/AFAB]
Dutch Van Der Linde
Yandere! RDR1! Dutch Van Der Linde Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Finger Food - Yandere! Dutch Van Der Linde Short (Romantic?) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! RDR1! Dutch Van Der Linde Prompts M-2, D-1, A-1 (Romantic?) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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yanderes-galore · 1 month ago
an idea sparked in my head
How would a yandere jack marston handle being obsessed with a darling related to Edgar ross.. like maybe they're his great grand kid or something (assuming darling is around Jack's age and taking in account ross's age in the eiplouge, Ross would probably be a lil more of distant relative than an immediate one like a parent) not a request btw
I imagine he's be conflicted since you probably look up to Ross.
Although... Jack could always get back at Ross by corrupting you, right?
You'll be made into an Outlaw.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months ago
saw some yandere low jack marston hcs.. really neat idea I wanted to share from them, which was low honor jack calling for his daring like you would a pig, cattle, or something along those lines in a way to mock or tease em
That seems oddly him? From what I've seen of his character, I'm not too familiar with eiplouge jack
Gonna try to find said hcs so I can credit them
Oh God I didn't think of that... He would—
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yanderes-galore · 21 days ago
I love your works of yandere!jack marston!!
Thank you! Happy you liked them :) More in the future no doubt!
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yanderes-galore · 2 months ago
ykw what could make for a good request in the future?
Platonic yandere jack marston with a younger sibling
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frostbitemutt · 3 months ago
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Jack Marston⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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✘ Yandere! Low Honor! Jack Marston hcs ✘ Yandere! Low honor! Jack Marston post kidnapping hcs ✘ Yandere! High honor! Jack Marston with childhood friend
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Short Fics⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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yanderes-galore · 4 months ago
“yandere John Marston” this “yandere John Marston” that, listen people I hear you but we have we just considered the whole family??? Abigail most likely knows you as some scrawny teenager/kid who ran with the gang back in 1899, and sure, she saw you as sort of pseudo kid back then: she had more pressing matters to deal with (Jack, John, the gang falling apart, etc, etc) so imagine her surprise in 1907 when she happens to run into you again in town!!! “It’s really you!”
She practically drags you back home with Jack, babbling on and on about what’s happened in her life, how John built a home for her and Jack and now they have a ranch and Jack sort of remembers you as a sort of big sibling and he’s also very happy to see you! Won’t stop talking about his books and how happy he is to see you. And when John comes back home from whatever (murdeirng your old gang mates but you don’t need to know that!) he’s overjoyed to see you too! They insist you stay for dinner, then the night, and by the time you try and leave the next day they come up with dumb reasons to get you to stay. Won’t you stay???
I’m so sorry if this is long I had brain worms I had to share with the class
It's a neat idea for a platonic thing, yeah.
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