Is it cold outside?
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Yandere HORROR writing blog, any pronouns most of the time, Don't romanticize Yanderes.
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frostbitemutt · 20 hours ago
Hi this is kinda weird LOL
But yandere!Kieran.. But he doesn't know he's a yandere. He thinks he's doing smth okay cuz he just -loves- you right???? Prompt 12
- 🎀L
it's ain't weird, first time writing a proper attempt at some sorta fic, hope this is at least decent. Sorry if his dialog is kinda ass 🙏
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Yandere! Kieran Duffy + Prompt 12
Warnings: Gender neutral darling, yandere trope, obsession, implied murder, delusional behavior, unwanted pyshcial contact (Not sexual), slight aggression (Kieran grabs darling a bit roughly), possibly ooc Kieran
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The sunlight speckles on the ground through the forest roof. Some animal scamper away as you make your way through. You heard some commotion and couldn't help but want to stick your nose into it. Could be someone needing help, an odriscoll camp in need of snuffing out, or something else. You see the beginning of the camp, a small one, not one fit for gang. Some crates, a smothered fire, a chair, a tent, and two horses.. wait, two? Then it hits your eyes, a familiar skittish man hunched over a bucket full of water. Kieran. "Kieran?" With those words that leave your mouth he jolts as if struck by lightening, bumping into the bucket as he abruptly turns, some of the water spilling onto the ground. His eyes wide, face pale, tensed to all hell. A mumer leaves him. Unintelligible to you besides that fact it was a hasty attempt at a greeting. "What are you doing here? Did you find something or..?" You don't finish. Giving him room to come up with whatever explanation he had. Did he set up this camp? Was he looking for something? Did he find something? A nervous laugh leaves him. "Oh.. um.. sure. I guess you could say that. Yeah." He tries to keep up a smile as he speaks, yet it twitches and falters. You squint at the water, it was discolored, yet with the sunlight you couldn't tell with what. You take a few steps closer. He hastily wipes his hands dry on his pants. "What do you mean? What'd you find?" Were the next words that left your mouth. He looks down st the ground like an almost guilty dog. Bitting a bit on a nail. Contemplating. But what? The water looked slightly.. maroon. Dirty. Something had definitely been washed off his hands.
He looks up at you from under his hat. Struggling to word what he wanted to say. His stammering didn't stop you from noticing the red in the dirt. Blood smears leaving the small campsite. Your face takes a much more sour scrunched up look.
The sunlight speckles on the ground through the forest roof. Some animal scamper away as you make your way through. You heard some commotion and couldn't help but want to stick your nose into it. Could be someone needing help, an odriscoll camp in need of snuffing out, or something else. You see the beginning of the camp, a small one, not one fit for gang. Some crates, a smothered fire, a chair, a tent, and two horses.. wait, two? Then it hits your eyes, a familiar skittish man hunched over a bucket full of water. Kieran. "Kieran?" With those words that leave your mouth he jolts as if struck by lightening, bumping into the bucket as he abruptly turns, some of the water spilling onto the ground. His eyes wide, face pale, tensed to all hell. A mumer leaves him. Unintelligible to you besides that fact it was a hasty attempt at a greeting. "What are you doing here? Did you find something or..?" You don't finish. Giving him room to come up with whatever explanation he had. Did he set up this camp? Was he looking for something? Did he find something? A nervous laugh leaves him. "Oh.. um.. sure. I guess you could say that. Yeah." He tries to keep up a smile as he speaks, yet it twitches and falters. You squint at the water, it was discolored, yet with the sunlight you couldn't tell with what. You take a few steps closer. He hastily wipes his hands dry on his pants. "What do you mean? What'd you find?" Were the next words that left your mouth. He looks down st the ground like an almost guilty dog. Bitting a bit on a nail. Contemplating. But what? The water looked slightly.. maroon. Dirty. Something had definitely been washed off his hands.
He looks up at you from under his hat. Struggling to word what he wanted to say. His stammering didn't stop you from noticing the red in the dirt. Blood smears leaving the small campsite. Your face takes a much more sour scrunched up look.
"Do you um.. remember that fella from the bar? The one in Valentine?"
You freeze when you hear that. He was shakey. There was blood on the ground, blood in bucket that'd been washed off, and only him at the camp. Now he was asking an odd question. You remembered the man. You had a nice little chat with him. Nothing further. Nothing that would warrant.. what was being implied.
"What did you do. Did you-?"
Before you can finish your demands your feet are movin. Following the blood smears, Kieran panics, his hands grasp at your jacket, missing in vain. You easily pull past. Just past the tent, a few feet behind it, a body. You can only stare. He'd actually done it.
For what? Why? All the man did was talk to you. Kieran was capable of killing sure. He did it to save Arthur's life.. but you never knew him to do something like this. This is behavior you'd expect out of Micah.
"The fuck-"
You can't even finish your curses before a pair of hands feverishly grabs at your clothes. Particularly at your side, yanking you to face him, all while yanking himself to his feet. You attempt to pry his hands off, yet his hands grapple onto your shoulders harshly.
"Please!.." his horse voice fills the air. Please what? What could he possibly be asking please for?
"Let go of me you-" your retaliation is cut off by being almost violently shook, his nails digging into your shoulders, his heels digging into the soft dirt as you try to yank away. He manages to get you to still for a moment
"I- I can explain.. it's not as bad as it seems okay?" *he whines like a kicked dog as he presents his case to you* "He was bothering you wasn't he? The way he was looking at you.. you saw it right? He would have hurt you! He aas gonna hurt you!"
You take a glance behind your shoulder, eyes peaking at the corpse, that didn't help. At all.
"No, no, no! Don't look over there! Look at me! Me dammit!" You're brought back his face with a shout and more shaking. Speaking of which, Kieran was shaking like a frail mare. You tense. Readying yourself as he keeps up his pathetic excuses. You should've known an O'driscoll would have been trouble.
"You understand don't ya?" You answer his question, with a swift, hard, knee where the sun don't shine. He staggers back with a yelp. Doubling over. Meanwhile you're beelining for your horse off to holler to the camp on what he'd done. He'd have to hope he. could keep up.
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frostbitemutt · 6 days ago
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frostbitemutt · 13 days ago
Your John ones were really good! He’s so creepy in low-honor lol. I also think it’s interesting because most people try to deny or hide their cheating, but he openly doesn’t give a shit
thannk youu
Hi yall I swear I'm working on writing, just took some time to take care of myself
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frostbitemutt · 20 days ago
Hellooo can you do arthur morgan hcs? Ty!!!! Keep going your works are genuinely so good
thank you!!
I've already done some here, although if you'd like some low honor or more specific ones I certainly can!
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frostbitemutt · 21 days ago
sorry if my johns hcs kinda lower quality I'm rusty 🙏
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frostbitemutt · 21 days ago
Hi resending the low honor rdr1 John marston request! There seems like such a big difference between the low and high honor characterization. Ty again!
I agree, Low honor John is.. he's something. Not something good for sure. Sorry if this is discombobulated i had a lot of thoughts, so many in fact i might just make a dif set of hcs for em.💀😭
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Yandere! Low honor! John Marston (RDR1)
Warnings: Yandere trope, gender neutral darling, sexual harassment, attempted sexual assault, cat calling, stalking, breaking and entering, murder, violence, sadism, threats, mature themes
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Main traits: |sadistic/perverted/violent/possessive|
✘ Deplorable. Disgusting thing of man you have to put up with. A simple no ain't gonna stop him either. You could stab him and he'd still keep going and spitting out filth at ya. Don't be shocked if he enjoys it too.
✘ If you read my jack headcanons, John ain't too much different, I mean the boy's gotta get it from somewhere. It's him. To your displeasure.
✘ He doesn't need any big reason for the obsession to start, he's a sleaze, if your looks happened to get him hot and bothered, he's pestering. Typically people tell him to fuck off and he moves to the next innocent person going about their day to verbally harras.
✘ Yet you bite verbally and he thrives off it. It's like you infected him with rabies, except those rabies are a crude selfish obsession. It's got him foaming at the mouth. It don't matter if you're man or women neither both or in-between. He's commenting on whatever is in his view.
✘ His sexual comments are typically geared to whatever bodily features you have. Especially considering the time period. His approach may be more subtle if you're the same gender presentation as him, after all, homosexuality in the 1910s? Yeah.. at the same times he's an outlaw. So I could see him not giving a shit as well and being just as openly vulgar.
✘ It dosen't just extend to words.. he'll try to corner you. Cage you against walls, fences, counters. Laughing with sick pleasure when someone tells him off or you kick him in the crotch. If anything he might like you hitting him. Freak.
✘ All you screams and cries are music to him. He'll gleefully present himself to you smeared in blood. He'll hold a knife to your throat and a gun to your head. Making gruesome threats be won't follow through with.. but its nice feeling you squirm. He'll drag his knife along your skin and lick any nicks made. Maybe he'll even make some marks to show you're his.
✘ Only he can be vile to you though. Another person prying open your window? Pistol whipped over the head. Guy gave you a compliment? Followed behind on his horse and shot dead in the back of the head. Partner? Filled with bullet holes and laid at your feet. John happily taunting you.
✘ If you bring up he's a married man.. he dosent deny it. Nor at all. You should feel lucky he has his eyes on you instead of the wife he's had a child with. Of course you have more respect for yourself than that.
✘ He blames you for his actions. If you didn't look the way you did he wouldn't be feeling these things. You wouldn't be tempting him to be unfaithful. You know what you're doing. You tease.
✘ He starts stalking you about from a distance, like a wolf stalking a rabbit, blending in through the crowd, sitting on shop stairs, riding at a distance. You spot him? He just gives a sick grin and little whistle. Getting a kick out of seeing you jolt and speed walk off.
✘ It won't stop at the town. He'll find out where you live. Ramsacking it when you're gone. Or hell you just have to be asleep. He's stealing anything that's been if your mouth, stealing your clothes cough cough underwear, even cutting off a piece of hair with his knife as a keepsake. Don't ask what he's gonna do with these things. You don't wanna know. Trust me.
✘ It'll all come to ahead when he decides to strike. He's tried of just chasing and getting a small taste. He wants to devour you whole like the greedy beast he is. He'll break into your home, barge into your room, startling you awake. Enjoying whatever chase and fight ensues. It'll all end with you hogtied and dragged off to his horse.
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frostbitemutt · 21 days ago
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🗡 Yandere Javier Escuella (RDR2) 🗡
Javier's fingers deftly pluck at the strings of his own fervid longing, producing chords of pure yearning. The notes are overlaid with a lust-filled serenade, directed at the object of his passion—bordering on neurosis.
"Ángel de amor, tu pasión no la comprendo"
"Si la comprendo, no la puedo expresar"
He croons like the lovesick fool he is, every ounce of his soul begging for reciprocation on your end. Your name tugs at the edge of his lips after each word is sung. He doesn't―can't stop this—this ritual it has become, even after the day is done. His music attracts those in camp like moths to a bright flame, but you always stay just out of his light. It's like you can sense his intent, but you don't act nor acknowledge it.
He nearly screws up as he finishes Ángel de Amor. His fingertips itch to reach for one of his knives. His voice urges to dip into a more menacing tone. A certain undignified Irish cretin is flirting with his amar. And he's doing it near Javier.
Sean is leaning up against the side of a tree, flashing you one of his oh-so-forcibly charming smiles. El bastardo.
"The first time I saw ya MacGuire Junior jumped to attention, hard and ready for ah challenge. Me Da always said that'd happen if ah met da love of me life." Sean does his best to lay it on thick, thicker than his accent.
A whole-hearted, delicate laugh escapes you, lacking any animosity or mockery.
"Fuck off, Sean. A two dollar whore can flirt better than that."
'You're reciprocating.' Your conversation with Sean would go much better if half his head was blown off. Javier can correct that. 'Is he not better than Sean?' The thought is farcical.
"Ey! I take offense to dat," Sean mumbles flirtatiously, moving into your personal space, "You could get at least tree dollars for meh."
"You don't even know how to spell the word three."
You take a step closer to Sean, and his eyes widen slightly, pupils dilating.
"I do! I do! You start off with a... ah... t... then you go on to a―"
Javier punches Sean in the side of the head before he can finish, the impact resounding. The ginger's neck snaps at an angle so grotesque that Javier nearly succeeds in killing him. But alas, Sean falls into the dirt instead, right near your feet—and even that is far too kind of a fate for him in Javier's eyes. His guitar was discarded nearly instantaneously after seeing that―this―them.
"Instead of trying to fuck everything with a hole, you cocky, drunkard fuck, maybe you should actually contribute. Make some money for the gang," he vitriolically spits out, grinning slyly at the state of disorder he has put Sean in, "Heh, like you actually give two shits about anyone but yourself and your dick."
"What the hell, Javier?"
Those words… came from you. Javier can only roll his eyes.
"I thought better of you, ángel."
He is unable to meet your eyes, turning around and walking back to his place on a campfire log, tuning out Sean's angered shouts―your… words. Javier picks up his guitar reverently, admiring it for a moment before returning to his singing.
"La vida, sueño el porvenir, mentira" "La amistad y el amor, mentira son" "Y mentiras son también las ilusiones" "Que se forja delirante el corazón"
Members filter in and out of his vicinity, knowing better than to try and interact with him when he's in this state. He plays his fingers raw, the strings cutting into them, leaving the newly opened flesh to quietly wail in pain. Only when his voice begins to die out does he stop. Regaining his senses, the last lyric sung just barely audible.
"Ya cayó el que andaba ausente, ahora verán los cabrones."
The sun must have set a couple of hours ago. No one remains to listen to him but whatever creatures remain in the night. His head snaps up as he hears footsteps. Or maybe―you. You're leaving Sean's tent…
He could follow you and explain. Or he could eliminate a problem before it gets any worse―after all, that's what you do with weeds; you take them out.
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frostbitemutt · 28 days ago
writers block hit me like a semi truck ill try to get back to writing soon
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
should I write for Seth Briars
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Arthur Morgan⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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✘ Yandere! High Honor! Arthur Morgan hcs
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Short Fics⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
Lowky kinda nervous to request but.. Yandere Arthur Morgan hcs? (high-honor preferably) read some other people’s take on Yandere Arthur and I’m curious about yours:)?
Have good day/night! Love your writing also❤️❤️
yessir!! Thank you!! Here's my take on him
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Yandere! High Honor! Arthur Morgan hcs
Warnings: Gender neutral darling, yandere trope, major spoilers for rdr2, terminal illness, death (Arthur), obsession, stalking, overprotective behavior, manipulation, smothering behavior at times, semi-lucid yandere, possibility of kidnapping
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Main traits: |Overprotective/lucid/patient/desperate|
✘ Well heres my thoughts, a lotta of em, worded as best as I can for a complex character like him. First off, he's one of the "better ones" to have, especially considering we're talking high honor here folks.
✘ Like a many characters I don't imagine this obsession is gonna appear outta thin air, it has to have a basis. Meaning you're once more in the gang, probably been there for years at that point alongside Arthur. Longer you been around the stronger the obsession.
✘ Starts as a faint crush here and there over the years, some closeness he dosen't quite show with some gang members like Javier or Sean, but probably more along the likeness of Charles and John. Yet nothing too out of the ordinary.
✘ Now when the game starts, Dutch starts slipping, bodies dropping, and more and kore extreme leaps.. that's where the obsession picks up. Kicks in fully later when his thing with Mary fully ends.
✘ After Sean's death he's more atnsy, wanting to stick beside you a bit more on missions, back to back with you during gunfire. Something that seems reasonable. It turns into him outright trying to stop you from going on certain missions.
✘ He tries to reason he and the others can handle it, you should stay behind and look over camp, you'll still be helping that way. If you still come along he's beside you as much as possible.. especially if Micah is on it. Oh Micah he glares at and grumbles under his breath ig Micah tries anything with you. Barking at Micah to leave you alone on your behalf.
✘ He starts to doodle and fantasize about you in his journal, portraits of you, drawings of you going about doing things, sketches of you in action during a fight from his memory. More and more each day, each night, the thing might as well be a shrine to ya.
✘ He stalks to follow you on your own outings. just from a distance.. making sure you're safe. Magically showing up when you're in danger. Bumping into you in the city. If he's confronted he gets all akward, brushing it off with some hand sways and lighthearted jokes.
✘ He persuades and if he needs to intimidates people away from you. Particularly folks like Micahs friends, drunkards at a bar, or people getting in your way. Violence ain't entirely out the question but he ain't jump the guns blazin violent.
✘ Chapter 5? Oh no. Chapter 5 when he gets diagnosed with tuberculosis? His world is spiraling twice over. His fantasies of living out a long life with you are shot down. That won't stop him. He wants.. he needs to spend as much time as he can with you. He wants his last dying moments to be with you.
✘ He's insistent on talking to you about Dutch, implying leaving the gang together.. earlier than the final mission of the game. Trying to sway you, pleade, this whole things in shambles, won't you just go with him? You can find a little cabin to settle down and hide in.. or something. Please.
✘ He's even more glued to you side. Conflicted. This isn't right to try to chain you to him.. but he's going to die anyways isn't he? You'll be rid of him once he's gone cold. But does he really want your last impression of him to be a possessive bastard? No.. he dosen't.. but he might.
✘ In the case it comes to a boling point.. he pulls out his lasso and hogties ya. Dragging you off to one of the abandoned cabin in the wilderness. Pleading with you, apologizing the whole time, please.. won't you grant a dying man's last wish?
✘ He might attempt to use his condition to guilt trip you without realizing he's doing it himself. Everything he's done for you, clinging to you, spewing out jumbled words his of feelings in an attempt to make you understand.. or to make you flee.
✘ There's a good chance he let's you run free. He dosen't want you to die just because he wanted to keep you with him. He dosen't want you miserable or buied because of his selfishness. He wants to do something good for before he leaves. Helping you flee like he does with John.
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
to the person that sent the low honor rdr1 john hcs could you send me it again? I accidentally posted it before it was done
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
To the person who request low honor John for rdr2.. I'm sorry but I can't come up with anything as I'm playing with him as low honor but I don't see any noticeable enough difference. In rdr1 there's enough of a difference, but rdr2 that's not anything that I can notice
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
the requests that were sent in tyy yall, will work on em once I'm done a different set of hcs, should only take a few days at most to get yalls mostly done
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
feel free to send me requests guys, especially with prompts, I've had a burst of motivation and want to use it
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Charles Smiths⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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✦ Yandere! Charles Smiths hcs
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Short Fics⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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frostbitemutt · 1 month ago
Hi hope you are having a good day!
is it cool to request both yandere javier vs john rivalry over the reader?
can the characters be from the second game.
thank you
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Yandere! Javier Escuella vs John Marston (RDR2)
Warnings: Gender neutral darling, yandere trope, obsession, stalking, murder, manipulation, gaslighting, unwanted/dubious flirting, major spoilers for rdr2/rdr1, blackmailing (between Javier and John)
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❆ Two friends torn apart in the end by the gang they'd found their kinship in. Choosing different sides.. but now in this case that ripping and tearing starts a while lot earlier. Over you.
❆ The obsessions could come about a couple ways, maybe John becomes infatuated first then Javier follows suite, maybe vice versa, maybe even at the same time. Regardless to leads to a head on collision in the tricky game of obsession.
❆ They both realize what's happening through catching one another being creeps. Both of them just happened to want to stalk watch you at the same time and choose spots right across from each other. Shit. They both akwardly stumble out explanations to each other until they both are able to catch on. Then it's just akward staring with eyes narrowed.
❆ Both hold it over each others head. Threatening to tell you or Dutch the deplorable things they're both guilty of. John's got more to loose with a son and wife he supposed to be faithful to. They both have each other in a headlock with the information. They can threaten to talk if the other threatens to do so.
❆ They're passive agressive to each other round camp. Backhanded comments and sly insults through gritted teeth. Glares when one of them gets too close to you. Quiet arguments that no one can quite hear.
❆ They bicker and compete over your attention and affection. Javier offers to take you fishing, out to town, teach you how to play guitar. John tries to offer you drinks, take you hunting, insits sit beside him st the campfire.
❆ They also try flirting, neither of them are good at it. Come off as very akward, and it is for everyone involved. Just pretend it went right over your head. John has to be the most subtle out of the two.. unless he's drunk. I mean have yall seen the interaction where he tries to pull Karen onto his lap?
❆ The only thing they agree on is your safety. Both of them are tailing behind you on any mission, one's on your right, others on your left, it's still a competition on you can impress you more during shootouts and chases, but it takes more of a backseat.
❆ If someone does manage to hurt you.. well they can put their differences aside this once to get the bastard back. Dump em in a lake after.
❆ All of this is a lot infighting and competitiveness.. later chapters it gets to sabotage. Whispering and planting suspicions of the other to you. There's a rat about.. Javier tries to throw doubt on John, John tries to throw doubt on Dutch and the others.
❆ John pleads with you, might even ask Arthur and Sadie to help to convince you Dutch has gone mad (He has). Dutch isn't the same person you kknew, nor he knew. He's going to drag you all down with him. Javiers stuck to his side like glue.. he's a lost cause. Why don't you just run away with him? Oh yeah, Abigail and Jack too, he didn't forget about them or anything.
❆ Javier drags the other way. Dutch has never lead any of you astray has he? He's kept the gang going this long. They're just having a rough run ins. Unfortunate roadblocks. You'll all be fine. You just need to follow Dutch.. and him. You two are close right? You wouldn't leave him for John woukd you? John can't even stick beside his own family.
❆ It all comes to a head at the final confrontation.. it's up to you which side you choose.. and what yandere you've fallen into the grasps of.
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