#yandere donna Beneviento
spicybunni · 3 months
Love Bites
I’ve had this lingering headcanon that all the Lords in RE:VILLGE need blood to appease the cadou inside them?
Summary: Some headcanons/descriptions of how the Lords in RE Village bite you for the first time/ how they use you for your blood 🩸
WARNINGS ⚠️ blood, injury to reader, biting , rough handling, violence to reader, yandere tendencies
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🪡 - Yandere vibes with this one and you can’t convince me otherwise.
🪡- You were visiting the estate to give Donna some fabric she had requested from the village. You were one of the estate’s gardeners so going to the mansion was no big deal, besides getting a glimpse of Lord Beneviento from time to time.
🪡- She had to have some excuse for you to come into her manor alone. For some time she has been observing you from all windows of the estate and concluded she needed to have you, taste you, lock you away…
🪡 - She would trap you in once you placed the fabric on the table inside. You would panic at the sight of the doors slamming on their own, being in a dark and creepy manor such as Benevientos.
🪡- She would sneak around you in silence once she has you trapped. The dolls would move on their own in excitement and anticipation like their master. The whole atmosphere is making you panic with paranoia.
🪡 - Appearing in front of your vision suddenly with her arms outstretched to you. She rushes over before you could react. Suddenly being embraced by Lord Beneviento makes you stay still with shock, not knowing how to respond. You realize that her usual veil was missing too. You feel her hair tickle the side of your face.
“M-My Lord??…What are yo-“
🪡- An unknown force would make you go nonverbal before feeling a sting on your neck that gradually gets worse. Donna is very sadistic when it comes to inflicting pain. So your whimpers and groans are music to her ears.
🪡- She would let go with a pop of her lips, licking an excess blood dripping from you. Looking directly at you once she is done. Having the biggest grin on her face, blush on her cheeks, and a little bit of your blood dripping from her mouth.
🪡 - There’s something so perverted about how she just wants you to herself, to play with and drink from.
🪡 - She will gladly leave you alone in the manor if you refuse to let her drink or give her resistance. Watching as you dodge unimaginable horrors chase you down to your new bedroom where she awaits you.
🪡 - Just holds you after she feeds from you. You would be pretty weak from how much she drinks from you to not oppose her cuddling.
“I can’t let you leave, I won’t let you!”
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🐚 - Oh man, this guy is even more awkward than Donna when it comes to interacting with villagers.
🐚 - He would wobble out from his spongey abyss of the docks, and come watch you work on the windmill. You've had your share of encounters with Moreau, but always found it creepy he would watch you for a moment before approaching you.
🐚 - His bloodlust would not overtake him completely, he just had this urge to be around you all the time. He could never romantically love you since he held that spot for Mother Miranda, but he did favor you.
🐚 - One day you managed to injure yourself while hammering nails into wood. The hammer smashing your finger and breaking skin. You cursed to yourself and it seemed to draw Lord Moreau out of hiding to reach you. You jumped at first but calmed down when you realized it was just him. You showed him the little cut in your finger, signifying that you were alright. He offered you a handkerchief from his cloak to clean the blood dripping from your finger.
🐚 - You hiss at the sting of cloth rubbing against it, but it quickly subsides. You were going to toss it later, putting it in your pocket. The Lord blubbers out "W-Wait! Noo..I can take it if you'd like.." He says disappointedly. You raise an eyebrow at his reaction, but he's technically your boss so you return the handkerchief back to him. "I'm sorry it's dirty my lord, are you sure you want it back?"
🐚 - His pupils were dilated, his mouth agape as he watches the liquid is soaked up by the cloth he gave you.
"It's no t-trouble at all, I shall go fetch you some proper bandages..."
As he waddles away, he hides quickly from your view behind a boulder and sniffs the handkerchief and bites into it, trying to wring out any blood.
He would end up almost eating it before wanting to preserve your essence. 🫣
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🩸- You were one of Alcina’s favorite servants. You knew all the rules like the back of your hand. There was no reason to brag about it though, you have done a lot precautions because you’ve seen what happens when you don’t follow in line. You just kept your head down and avoided her daughters like the plague.
🩸- Alcina does have a preference for man blood that she mixes in her wine. But she loves the taste of a fearful and devoted servant from time to time as well.
🩸- She would summon you randomly to her study, sending a maid to fetch you. The maid would look at you with pity. Nobody usually see's the lady alone unless its the head maid/butler or if you are getting fired. You respond with haste and drop whatever it is that you are doing to go there. Rushing through all servant corridors and arriving out of breath.
🩸- You would be filled with anxiety over what she could possibly want with you. She tells you to come in and to take a seat. You open the doors to your Lady in reading glasses with papers and books organized everywhere. She walks over to you as she closes up what she is doing. Towering over you as she approaches.
🩸- Much like a predator to a prey, she would circle around you as she makes small talk. And you make small replies back. She would make comments of how you are such a good servant to the Dimitrescu castle, making you turn red at the praise.
Stopping behind you, she leans down to whisper to you. Making you shake where you stand.
"-but you know Y/N, your most delicious quality is.. your obedience."
🩸- She would grab you from behind and drag you to the loveseat nearby, making you sit in her lap with your back against her chest. She uses one hand to raise your left arm up to her lips, the other is wrapped under your right arm and gripping your head in place. Your screams and cries of protest were not heard by her as she sunk her fangs into your forearm. The pain was awful, it makes your hand cramp and muscles sore from straining in one position.
🩸- If you kept freaking out as she drank from you, she would use the hand gripping your face to cover your mouth instead. Such a dreadful noise.
🩸- She wouldn't drink enough from you to make you faint, but you are most certainly weak and not in any shape to make a quick escape.
🩸- Shifting your position in her lap, she would move to carry you to her chambers for the night. All you see illuminating through the dark halls of the castle were those terrifyingly golden eyes of hers, peering down at you in her arms.
🩸- Would only approach you for your blood after the first bite, even if it meant stealing you away in front of everyone.
🩸- Will throw you against the wall if you refuse to give blood.
🩸 - Your neck and arms would be littered with dark lipstick and bite marks.
"Consider it a promotion, Y/N. You are now my new favorite drink."
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⚙️- This man is half lycan, of course he consumes blood.
⚙️ - He tries to reserve himself from drinking blood for as long as he can. To him it’s what separates him from his other monstrous siblings. He does get a vial from another Miranda every now and then, scolding him that he needs to take better care of himself.
⚙️ - His eyes would be blood shot and constantly have headaches when he craves blood. He’s more irritated and is easily pissed off. Making him take out a lot of rage onto his machines.
⚙️ - If it’s that time of the month for him when he transforms and joins the Lycan pack for a hunt, then there’s no controlling his blood lust.
⚙️- Meaning if you were to pass by in his factory, covered in sweat and body hot from working near the factory fires, he would pounce you immediately. Or if you were to approach him asking “Lord Heisenberg…are you alright?” He would grab you by the hand and hold you from behind, biting into your neck.
⚙️ - His bites are the worst, they are so painful it would make you well up with tears and hyperventilating after your initial scream of agony.
⚙️ - With his intense bloodlust he would most likely drink you dry, or be very close to killing you, making you go limp in his hold either way.
⚙️- If you woke up, it would be in an office/bedroom in his factory. Your neck would be bandaged and sore. You go to touch it but your hand is restrained by a cuff to the bed post.
⚙️ - He realizes its a better solution to his lycan transformation, just having a person for his own feeding so he doesn’t harm the village. At least that’s less of a bother Miranda which means she leaves him alone. Problem solved! But not for you. He would limit your exploring to only one side of factory, isolating you from the rest of your old coworkers who wondered what happened to you.
⚙️ - Will not hesitate to drink from you in his Lycan form as a punishment for refusing him. Which is way worse than dealing with his “human” form.
⚙️ - Is not great with wound aftercare besides bandaging your bite marks. He just treats you like a meal and would leave until he gets hungry again. Doesn’t bother talking with you unless it’s to give you an order.
“Normally I would have let you go, but I never thought a villager would be so tasty. So now you must stay. Or face becoming one with my factory Y/N!”
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🕷️ - You just really have no choice when it comes to the villager leader. You are to do as ordered without question or face her wrath like everyone else.
🕷️ - Her interest in you only went so far as seeing how devoted you were to her. You would always offer yourself as a volunteer to help her or do small favors for Mother Miranda. Were you a good person? Maybe. Were you actually just trying to get in her good graces? Yes.
🕷️ - Miranda didn’t usually partake in consumption of blood. She left that sort of activity to her children mostly. From time to time however she would taste the samples in her lab of villagers who passed or failed her experiments for the Cadou. She would feel her body react positively to the small drink.
🕷️ - Recently she was feeling weak and exhausted every time she used her powers. Drained of all energy at the stupid meetings with her children regarding this pitiful village. She thought that she could try you out, and if you died in the process? Well, she could consume another.
🕷️ - The cruel thing is that she knew you wouldn’t refuse her request. You would do anything to be helpful or if use to her right? So just be silent and still.
🕷️ - “You want to help me don’t you, Y/N?” She asks with a malicious tone in her voice.
🕷️ - She would be up close to your face, her glowing golden eyes piercing into yours as she holds your face in her hands. She would slowly guide her hand behind your back, arching you and supporting your weight. Moving your face to one side, she would lean down and bite.
🕷️ - There is only a little pain from the puncture, but the sting of her sucking you blood out makes you yelp and twitch in her arms. You thought this would be over quickly but her lips have yet to leave you.
🕷️ - Once she has a taste it was difficult for her to stop. Her black wings come out and flutter as she drinks from you. In your vision, all you see is her blond hair and wings extending out before you fall into a slight blood loss slumber.
🕷️ - After the first taste, she did not want to let you go. You would tell the whole village how she abused your devotion just to take from you. As she locked up Mia in a isolated cell she would do the same to you. Except you were given more than Mia was. A bed and table with books. Your basic needs were met but your life was changed forever. Becoming only a blood pack for Mother Miranda to feed off of when she was feeling low. If you dared to give her any trouble in feeding from you she would discipline you until you understood your place, restraining you with black tree roots and muffling your cries with her hand as she would have her fill of you.
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shortstrawberry · 10 months
Yandere headcannons for the resident lover routes I've finished till now
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1. Bela
Her heart laid numb beneath her chest for God knows how long. But it was long enough that the minute she got it back, her feelings for you just steamrolled into obsession.
And it's not like she didn't care about you at all when her heart was locked away. She still took care of you when you were sick, and tried to protect you from Mother Miranda's schemes. But she did it hiding behind her uppity attitude and snarky comments on your work ethic.
Now? You are her savior, her kitten who needs to be spoiled rotten. You never realised how flithy rich Bela was until she started to splurge her family fortunate on you. Dresses, scenic places, scents, books, you name it. You name it, and Bela will give you the world.
It is not all sunshine and spoiling though. Bela has always been notoriously control freakish by nature. And now it has quadrapled. You don't answer her text within 30 seconds? Expect to face the consequences. Namely, tied to her bed and being ravaged until you forget your own name, and remember only hers.
And God have mercy on anyone who tries to flirt with you. Cassandra tried, and Bela had her next play blocked. Bela even used her presidential powers to have you move in her dorms. On bright side, at least you get breakfast in bed now.
Overall, life with Bela is as intense as her beating heart. She keeps you under a kind, but tight leash.
2. Cassandra
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It's no secret that Cassandra's first and only love was theatre. She would sacrifice anything and anyone (*cough*) for the sake of her acting career. Well, that is until she fell head over heels for you. Now she would do anything for you.
Cassandra is like a sweet black hole that keeps asking for more. She has always thrived on fawning and praises, and now she needs your exclusive attention, only on her.
Expect her to take you out on romantic dates. Stargazing, Shakespeare plays, candlelit dinners. Anything that would make you smile and be happy. Cassandra loves to be the only reason behind your smile.
You can also expect Cassandra to be needy for attention and touch. You are sitting just few inches away? She will immediately pull you over on her lap. You can't go to her dorm because of college work? She will kidnap you and bring you to here, even if only to watch you work.
Cassandra considers herself no 1 so you better treat her like it. If you ever even gave a shred of praise to anyone else, Cassandra will give you a demented smile and let you know that you'd be sleeping gagged up in her arms for the night.
3. Donna (my love)
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Donna is the sweetest person you've ever known. She would spoil you with even the tiniest of things. A gentle touch on your shoulder, a kiss to your forehead every 10 minutes. Making sure you're hydrated at all times. Bringing you ginseng and honey tea. Your well being is the top priority for Donna.
Donna is also a keenly sensitive woman. You ever slightly raise your voice or ignore her even more a minute? She'll burst into tears. And heaven forbid if you try to leave her even if just to go back to your dorm for lunch. She would look at you with teary eyes and insist you stay and have lunch with her instead.
It's not all nurturing and codependence though. Donna has a possessive streak that runs a mile wide. Heck, scratch that, it is at least 10 miles wild. That one time a customer was flirting with you? Let's just say the hemlock in his bouquet was a complete accident. Cassandra is lucky she is Donna's niece. The worst thing Donna has done against her is to slip needle leaves inside her bouquet.
Donna has been trying to come up with ways to make you stay longer and longer with her. From increasing your working hours to calling you home for "work", she will do everything except just ask you to move in with her. She is deathly afraid of rejection and would rather use her employer authority on you to keep you close.
Still, it's not remiss to say that Donna for all her softness likes to hold power over you. Being both your girlfriend and employer has a lot of scope of manipulation, and Donna is making more and more use of it. You remain blissfully unaware, too lost in her loving kisses and embraces.
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belasfavkitten · 7 months
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to that one person on my fyp who wanted to know this is what a fight between two yanderes looks like
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grrrechka · 5 months
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"Hey, lover"
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Heisenberg is an absolute menace
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9tailedfoxfire · 4 months
Resident lover isekai
REVillage optional comes in at bottom
Yandere au platonic/romantic
A girl from our world who never played RL but is a huge RE fan ends up in the game as mc's sister/best friend a week before the letter arrives she gets a letter too cause we all now Maranda did her research on MC's life. The only way for our OC to get home is to go through ALL the routes + a Elena and MC route twice first as support for MC so she can learn about the characters and get an idea for them (not that this helps at all) and the second time as the lead but with some twist first twist she has to go through all the bad endings first then neutral then good second twist the characters remember bits and pieces of the other routes starting from MC's time in routes leading to them getting more and more obsessed with OC to the point that by the end they pull a Monika(DDLC) and make a new harem type route not that anyone relizes thats what the route is they just didn't want to let her go so this route is just them fighting over OC till someone (MC) gets frutrated and yells out that they should just share her (good ending) which leads to OC getting a option to leave but like all good yandere lovers hesitates to press the button now scence the characters are aware now they see the option too there's a couple ways this could go you end the fic here happy ending OC stay's or everyone goes to OC's world though this could go on the continue fic route 2 bad ending angest she pushes the leave button or someone while everyone is fighting to get to her someone gets pushed into her causing her to bush the button or continue it like stated above the go to OC's world or like donnabenevitosimpingzone's paradoxicel fic they end up in revillage so now u got those ladies trying to get OC's attention 2
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buttercandy16 · 6 months
Characters I'd write for: (Send in Requests)
Rebecca Ferguson
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Lady Jessica
Rose the Hat
Jenny Lind
Gwendoline Christie
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Larissa Weems
Lucifer Morningstar
Sarah Paulson
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Cordelia Goode
Diane Sherman
Mildred Ratched
Wilhemina Venable
Sally McKenna
Lana Winters
Cate Blanchett
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Lady Galadriel
Lou Miller
Carol Aird
Lydia Tar
Lana Parrilla
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Regina Mills
Rita Castillo
Trina Decker
RE Women
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Lady Alcine Dimitrescu
Mother Miranda
Donna Beneviento
Jessica Lange
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Fiona Goode
Sister Jude
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maybegays-blog · 10 months
Welcome to my blog 🙏 🫡
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What I WILL write:
X (Fem!) Reader (anything but male)
What I WONT write:
Heavy saw level gore. (It’s hard to write and it makes me a lil sick 😔😵‍💫)
Character x Character (nothin wrong w it, I just personally don’t really like ships)
X Male reader
If you request something that’s not on here, I will look into. (If I do not respond then I will probably not write)
Please specify what you want me to write, I’m not good at coming up with things :(
Also, a small disclaimer. English isn’t my first language.
La Zarra
Lady Gaga
Charlize Theron
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Gwedoline Christie
Trolls 3
The Conjuring
Lorraine Warren
Wednesday (2022)
Morticia Addams
Larissa Weems
Marilyn Thornhill
The School For Good And Evil
Lady Leonora Lesso
Clarissa Dovey
Black Panther
Queen Ramonda
Shuri Udaku
Riri Williams
Steven Universe
The FEMALE Crystal Gems
The Diamonds
Resident Evil: Village
Lady Dimitrescu
Mother Miranda
Donna Beneviento
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Total Drama
(Not that far in the show, sorry!😔)
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nessamist · 1 year
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: ̗̀➛ be sure to be specific in your requests so i know exactly what to do!!
what i will write: headcanons, x readers, non binary readers, fluff, smut, dark content(ex yandere), polyamorous relationships
what i won’t write: incest/stepcest, pedophilia, large age gaps, daddy/mommy kinks, age play, intense bdsm, heavy angst, male reader, rape/noncon
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yellowjackets - (only precrash for teens)
- vanessa palmer (adult)
- misty quigley (adult & teen)
- lottie matthews (adult)
- natalie scatorccio (adult & teen)
- shauna shipman (adult & teen)
- taissa turner (adult)
overwatch -
- elizabeth caledonia ashe
- angela ziegler (mercy)
- moira o’deorain
- amelie lacroix (widowmaker)
resident evil village -
- donna beneviento
- alcina dimitrescu
- daniela dimitrescu
wednesday -
- wednesday addams
- enid sinclair
- larissa weems
- marilyn thornhill (not laurel gates au)
cruella -
- cruella de vil
- estella miller
- anita darling
chucky -
- tiffany valentine
- glenda ray
- glen ray
- nica pierce
misc. characters
- eda clawthorne
- harley quinn
- barbara handler
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spicybunni · 3 months
Thinking about Yandere Donna Beneviento being so suffocating and affectionate. But the affection ranging to hugging you from behind, doing sewing projects, and reading/drawing in silence. She’s a very quiet yandere, which means you do most of the talking unfortunately. If you don’t talk she’ll just sigh and be super deflated for the rest of the evening. She’ll get super jealous if you talk fondly of other people or things besides her and the things she does for you.
Yandere Donna is not above locking you in her mansion. And if you ever tried to escape? You would be put through the most horrific never ending maze of your life. At the end of it when you’re sobbing and begging for it to end she would envelop you in her arms, shushing your cries and rubbing your back in comfort. If you got anyone’s attention while in her care she would isolate you in the mansion for about a week until they forgot they ever saw you.
Yandere Donna would make you wear the clothes she made for you and if you didn’t, Angie would shout death threats at you until you did. They are always a perfect fit on your form.
Yandere Donna doesn’t sleep with you in one bed. She lets you sleep alone under the condition that you sleep with a doll in the bed with you or in the room to keep tabs on you. May the black winged god help her if you actually asked to sleep in her bed or asked her to join you. Of course it’s because of the noises and scary shit you see in the mansion that scares you enough to come to her. But she’ll take it that you’re finally warming up to her and need her.
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shortstrawberry · 10 months
Done with playing all the routes and their endings in Resident Lover. Here's the remaining yandere headcannons for Angie, Dani, Alcina and Miranda mommy.
1. Angie
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Angie, just like her beloved aunt Donna, hates to be alone. But instead of shrinking into a wall like Donna, she went the exact opposite way. She fills up the emptiness inside of her by socialising with people while high on alcohol. Still, it isn't enough. At least until she met you.
If Angie is a unstoppable force, you are the unstoppable object. You ground her to the surface, show her that fun can be had outside of the bottle of vodka. Soon enough, Angie starts to depend only on you for her emotional fulfilment.
Angie is the fun kind of yandere. She will not put you under a lock and key. Oh no, she wants to take you around the world, show you the sights. One day you'll be on a cruise and the next night you'll be DJing across Europe. Angie will show you the world, whether you like it or not.
It comes with a catch however. You are allowed only to see the world. Try to interact, be too close with people who are not her, she will show you her Beneviento side. One party you danced too close with a fellow partier. That was enough for Angie to shriek and crack a bottle on that poor person. It's good Angie wasn't too drunk. Her drunk jealousy rages are downright lethal.
Overall, Angie is the kindest of all Resident Lover yanderes. She wants you to have fun. It just better be with only her.
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Have you ever seen a golden retriever with hidden canines? That's exactly what the youngest Dimiterescu sister is. She is the most easy going sister among the whole lot, and possibly the most dangerous one as well.
Daniela is all about that daily softcore gay romance. Taking you to cheesy pizza places, movie dates, or just Netflix and chilling in her dorm room. Dani adores her regular couple life with you.
It's no wonder you feel like you and Daniela are just like any other couple. But then you see glimpses of the simmering insanity beneath your girlfriend's sunny smile. Someone accidentally pushes you while in a packed concert? Daniela pushed back with her muscular shoulder so hard that the person smacked his head on the floor.
Baseline: Daniela is protective. Too protective actually. Even the slightest threat to your safety will set her off. Her protective rage is almost beastial in nature, as you found out when she beat up Cassandra's groupies for bullying you.
Her feral nature also showcases itself in another aspect the relationship: sex. It almost always starts sweet and gentle, but always ends with you completely ravaged and littered with bright hickeys. You have been asked on more then one occasion if you were attacked by a animal last night. You wonder if you should be honest and just say yes you actually were attacked by your beast of a horny girlfriend.
Thankfully, Daniela is her golden retriever self on most days. The leash is firmly in your hands, and your puppy of a girlfriend follows along wherever you go. At least, that's what you think. You never realise that Daniela is a Dimiterescu as well, the cunning inherited into her.
You never notice that ever since you've started to date her, your time with other friends has drastically lessened. You spent most of the time cuddled up by her side. Or on your phone laughing at her memes. But hey, Daniela is the best girlfriend in the world. So what if she tags along to every hangout of yours? That's just what happens in any fairytale romance, right?
3. Alcina aka Mommy D
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In your first meeting with Alcina Dimiterescu, she had threatened to fire her chef because she thought you didn't like the extravagant breakfast served to you. That should give you a good idea of what kind of person Lady Dimiterescu is.
Alcina Dimiterescu is a noble through and through and she will treat you like her queen. You liked that one donut from that one shop. Alcina would make sure to hire that donut chef so you can have them donuts anytime you want. You like red dress? Here, have 10 dresses more.
Alcina is also terribly territorial over you. Woe upon who dares to lay their eyes on you. Hell, one time Alcina in her seething possessiveness had banned a student from her class, just because they were getting to chatty with you. She also went ahead and banned her own daughter Cassandra from family dinners, just because she was flirting with you right in front of Alcina's fois gras.
Does Alcina use her professorly powers to make you stay with her longer? Absolutely yes. You know you don't need those extra classes, but your girlfriend insists that she teaches you extra. How the remedial classes end up on her office couch, you have no idea. You just wish she would stop ripping your clothes all the time.
Despite all this, you are happy with her tall hot girlfriend. Although it saddens you that you lost Daniela and Angie has roommates and friends. You're sure Alcina mourns their loss too. They were her family afterall. Little do you know, Alcina is actually secretly happy that now she can have you all to herself.
4. Miranda aka Mommy Miranda
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Here's a honest fact. No one, absolutely no one can beat Miranda when it comes to being batshit crazy. The woman changes the laws of physics to finally have you. From the get go, you know not to push Miranda's buttons. She is willing to kill you and get her desired version of you.
Miranda wants you to have unconditional trust in her. Trust Miranda to protect you, love you, care for you. Hiding anything from her is a big no no. For one, she knows everything thanks to her crows spying on you. Two, she will actually put you in a leash until you are deemed to be obedient enough again.
Miranda is possessive and protective, yes. But she does expect you to be her best self. You have to study and work hard to keep up with her demands. Don't worry though, Miranda would always reward you with plenty affection and bedtime love for your good behaviour.
Miranda is surprisingly not as cagey as you thought she would be. You are still allowed to meet with your friends, even Mia who Miranda absolutely loathes. However, Miranda does keep you in a tight curfew. You should be back in her arms at the exact time she has given you, or she would be out for blood. She has always been a stickler for time. Even if she has all the time in eternity.
Miranda is ironically also a impatient woman. You are a minute late? You have to pacify her by sitting on her lap and begging for her forgiveness. She is also incredibly greedy. You didn't give her a long enough kiss? You have to give her 10 more to sate her endless desire for you.
At the end of the day, you guess Miranda deserves to have so many demands of you. She did break the universe to have you back. So let's cut her some slack, shall we?
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midnightlee25 · 8 months
Random Yandere Headcanons: Would they want their darling to become dependent on them or stay independent? - Resident Evil Village
Completely depended on them:
Alcina Dimitrescu
Salvatore Moreau
Mother Miranda
Mixed (they will want them to be depended on them but doesn't mind some independence):
Karl Heisenberg
Ethan Winters
Donna Beneviento
Independent enough to where they don't need to hold their hand all the time:
Bela Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
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shogvnate · 1 year
where you can find my silly musings.
also available as shogvnate and aeviternal on quotev, tsvnotarou on ao3. (click the emojis btw!)
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━━ 「 resident evil village 」
mother miranda [🐦‍⬛]
alcina dimitrescu [🍷]
mia winters [❄]
donna beneviento [🪡]
bela dimitrescu [🦇]
cassandra dimitrescu [🗡️]
daniela dimitrescu [🌹]
━━ 「 chainsaw man 」
masochist. various! chainsaw man x f! reader.
makima [🥀]
aki hayakawa [⚔️]
reze [☕]
quanxi [🏹]
beam [🦈]
━━ 「 other fandoms tba. 」
━━ 「 yandere! originals 」
gwyneth castell [🛡] (knight x princess dynamic)
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donnasbasementdweller · 3 months
Judging by ur blog, I think u like Donna a bit🤔🤔 CAN U PLS RECOMMEND GOOD DONNA FICSS???? I lit cannot find good fics accept for TDoC<\33
Most of them are unfinished but uh
But id marry you with paper rings by GoldenHour1989 on ao3
The psytologists guide to falling in love by LucidMagic (that one rarely updates but it’s so good)
And there’s a few yandere Donna ones on there that are good if you just look up yandere Donna lol
Then “🕊️DONNA BENEVIENTO AND READER ONESHOTS AND HEADCANNONS🕊️” by _ocean_lapis_ is really good for just one shots
I have ones I haven’t read yet that are on my reading list if you want those too😭
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noarawriteszr · 7 months
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Hello guys! How are you?
So I've been wanting to do this for so long, now it's for real, I'm really excited about this and I hope you all enjoy♥︎
I want to say that I'm open to do requests so here's the rules and the fandom I work for:
Fandoms🪼 :
Stardew Valley ( Bachelorettes(romantic) and all for platonic)
Coral Island ( All of them but I priorize bachelorettes)
Red Velvet ( All of the girls<3 )
Resident Evil Village( Donna Beneviento and Dimitrescu family)
These are the fandoms that I'm comfortable in writing for but it can expandᡣ𐭩
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I do gender neutral and fem reader headcannons, I can make an exception depending on the plot and write with a male reader, but I won't do it often.
I'm also open to writing fics and more long stories, specifying what you want, and I will do my best!
I'm also open to platonic requests.
If you agree with any type of discrimination, leave this blog immediately.
I'm not a native english speaker, so I ask you to be kind to mistakes I may make, be very explicit in what you want, and I want to give my best in those requests.
Please understand that I'm allowed to deny a request or delete it. Of course, I'm not going to do this every time, although I want you to know that it can happen.
I will not set a minimum or maximum delivery time, but I will try to deliver within a maximum of 1 week. It is worth remembering that this is not a guarantee.
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My style of writing 🪼 :
I mostly do in headcanon style, although I'm accepting more long stories and plots.
I write for different types of themes and concepts, and there are some exceptions which I will leave punctuated here: I don't do yandere or love triangle stories. For now, I won't do smut, but I can insinuate one thing or another, but I am really detailed. I won't do it because I don't feel confident posting this lmao.
I won't do the A/B/O dynamics, I really don't feel comfortable writing something related to that.
As mentioned above, I prefer to write with gender neutral or female reader, male I may do but it's a exception and not going to happen often.
But I'm open for fluff, angst, alternate universe, cliche and many others!
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Those are the informations you need for to request something of me, if you have any question kindly inform me.
Please send requests 🐻‍❄️ྀིྀི
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fantasy-relax · 8 months
Ideas(worms ) that go through my head until one start eating my brain too much. Part 1/2.
My medieval/omegaverse au. Dark stuff
1. The aftermath with donna.
Warning: manipulation, controlling behavior, possessive behavior.
Ozzy being a conflict of emotions, self-hatred/shame about her actions, anger for being deceived by Donna/luna, the love/crush that she feel for Luna before and still feels, the joy of finally having a family to call her own.
The shame and guilt that both sides feel for the "event". The anger that Ozzy feels for being controlled and the anger that donna feels for almost being abandoned.
The lords/Queen/ nobles reaction to Donna being Bonded.
Donna being petty and controlling.
The dark side of donna duties as lady beneviento, being in charge of the information and espionage. The spider that trap the traitors Flys in the kingdom.
Angie being absolutely happy because now she had a Dad/Mom/Apa/Oma/Parent. She was too young when her parents died so she consider Donna her Mother and because now Ozzy is Bonded to donna her instinct considered them a parent too.
The omega and alpha instinct overriding their rational mind, sometimes. They just want to be together, care for each other and their pup.
2. Miranda story version.
Warning: Possessive behavior, yandere behavior, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, Violence (not at the reader/Ozzy).
Her first interactions with Ozzy.
Ozzy trying to befriend Andy.
Miranda knowing damn well that she is fucked up. The lost of her mate and daughter shattered her mentally, only keeping a semblance a stability for her remaining children and grandchildren. So she tries to stay away but fate (coincidences) keep Ozzy in her way.
Miranda straight up kidnapping Ozzy after learning that they were going to leave.
Ozzy life in the palace. Trying to find a way to escape.
The lords/nobles reaction to all of this.
Miranda feels guilt of her actions everyday, being Queen is choosing who blood needs to be spilled to keep peace. Her hands and the ones that will follow her will always be full of blood.
Because of this she just wants to be loved, doted and cared for when she don't have to be the powerful Queen when she can be just Miranda. Having full mental breakdowns every time that Ozzy denies her this.
Miranda showing that she can be a good mate, a good wife and good mother. Just love her please.
Miranda executing/torturing any person that tries to hurt you, help you to escape, talk shit about you, gets little too close to her liking, etc.
Ozzy giving in after months of this.
Ozzy alpha instincts considering Alcina, Salvatore, Karl and Donna as his pups because Miranda omega instincts considered them as hers. The shenanigans this cause.
Miranda getting pregnant. The reaction of the kingdom/Ozzy.
3. The dimitrescu daughters.
Warning: Possessive behavior, manipulation, drugging, Violence (not at the reader/Ozzy), Stockholm syndrome.
Their courting attempts.
Alcina and Mia reactions to their girls falling in love so deeply.
The girls panicking when the time of the deal is close.
Daniela tricking Ozzy in destroying a book so they have to stay longer to pay for it. This happens in any route.
More courting attempts.
The girls losing their mind when they confirm that Ozzy was planning to leave. The three of them going feral a lot more easy because of this.
Ozzy is not hurt but everyone that get close to them is. Naive or stupid maids are the number one victims.
Stupid nobles trying to hurt you to get back to the Dimitrescu are the second but this includes a lot more of torture.
Ozzy dealing with the girls in their feral state.
Ozzy playing along to gain some freedom to plan their escape, getting engaged, the marriage/Bonded will be done when the girls turn eighteen.
First attempt is close, but is stopped by Mia, the head assassin of the kingdom. Learning the dark side of the dimitrescu duties, the executioners of the kingdom.
Ozzy trying to ask Luna for help, being relieved when she accepts, the terror at waking up chained in the room of the respective daughter.
The resignation.
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