#yandere burning spice
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cookiekissers · 4 months ago
pls i need some yandere burning spice cookie 🥺🥺 just general headcannons or anything really 👍
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[Yandere Burning Spice HCs]
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Honestly, you could say regular Burning Spice is a yandere and I wouldn't disagree /j
But actual Yandere Burning Spice would dial his usual traits up to an 11.
Burning Spice is aggressive, possessive, and he always wants MORE. More of you, more of your time, more of your affection, more of your attention.
Burning Spice gets incredibly annoyed when your attention is on anyone but him, and he doesn't hesitate when crumbling the competition for your affection.
He will leave bits and pieces of those who dared to get in his way as "gifts" on your doorstep. It is a sign of his strength and conquest!
If you have feelings for Burning Spice, and haven't caught on to his darker intentions, he will ironically start playing hard to get. This is his way of testing you, to see if you're as intensely in love with him as he is with you.
He wants someone to reignite that SPARK he's been yearning for. And when he saw you, he felt an old, familiar flame flicker inside him. That's when he became obsessed. It was immediate and intense. And Burning Spice wants to chase that feeling.
Once he felt that spark, he won't waste any time trying to kidnap you. Burning Spice won't be subtle about it either. There will be no traps, no slow burn, or luring you into a false sense of security. He will pretty much break into your home in broad daylight and grab you. I mean... who's going to stop him? Unless you are protected by the Ancients, nothing and no one is going to stop him.
Burning Spice lives for excitement. He LOVES the thrill of the chase. So there will be a couple of times while he's bringing you back to Beast-Yeast where he will "allow" you escape, only for him to hunt you down again.
You never get far because he's only toying with you. Its merely a game to him. The only reason you have a chance to run is because he allows it.
From then on, Burning Spice essentially regards you as a trophy. You're always by his side, hanging on his arm.
Burning Spice isn't fully delusional. He fully knows that he took you against your will and that you want to escape him. Like how he gave you chances to escape when on the way to Beast-Yeast, he will do it here too.
You think if you play the loving "spouse" act long enough, Burning Spice will get comfortable and let his guard down. Once you think you have the chance to escape, Burning Spice quickly snuffs out any hope you had of freedom. He knew all along of your plans and little act. But, he's gracious, and will give you a head start before he hunts you down and captures you again.
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mostholystuffz · 1 month ago
kiss kiss 💋
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Inspired from @brittle-doughie’s post ❤️💙 (i lovee love binging on em brittle answers especially the beasts gang)
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rollingeevee · 22 days ago
Imagine their darling but they are more compliant and behaved around/adore their assistance like haetae, candy apple cookie, and nutmeg would they get jealous or nah?
Ooooooo~ For the Beasts we have so far, I can say this
Mystic Flour would not mind one bit. Cloud Haetae is helping to keep you compliant, and you seem to find genuine joy around them. Soon, that joy will be found when you’re around her when you realize your place. And with Cloud Haetae’s help, she’ll get that from you a lot faster. I also see Mystic Flour and Cloud Haetae having the healthiest relationship of all the Beasts and their assistants currently, and with Mystic Flour being the Beast of Apathy on top of that, jealousy is unlikely when it comes to Cloud Haetae.
Burning Spice would likely get jealous at first, until he gives it some thought… Nutmeg Tiger’s strength is closer to yours than his is. His strength is above everyone’s after all. Perhaps Nutmeg Tiger would be willing to help train you! Enhance your strength! So that when you do attempt escapes, he gets a better thrill from it! Nutmeg Tiger, ofc, is willing to do anything to please the Great Destroyer.
Shadow Milk I definitely see as the most jealous of the bunch currently. He’d probably get more jealous of Black Sapphire than Candy Apple, but both still make him jealous if you’re paying attention to them instead of him. He’s not subtle with his jealousy either. If you’re with Black Sapphire and/or Candy Apple in the Spire, soft growls and hisses of discontent can often be heard from the darkness that grow louder with the more time that passes. It’s not long after that that Shadow Milk will swoop in to snatch you up for some quality time with him, parting with you ensnared in his embrace and a quiet warning snarl to his minion. You’re his, after all, in case he hadn’t made that clear. You should be with him, not them! He might try to play it off to you, but if you’ve been around long enough, you’ll notice the signs fairly easily. His usual smile will be strained, his eyes just a bit more narrowed than normal, and his lips and eyelids will very subtly twitch every now and then. His minions pick up on this rather quickly and, to avoid his wrath, will either try to avoid you (Candy Apple’s typical method, as she gets jealous of the attention he gives you rather easily and has been punished in the past for trying to bring harm to you or help you escape) or guide your attention back to their master (Black Sapphire’s usual method), where it should be.
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brittle-doughie · 5 days ago
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I’ll Take You V1 (I’ll Miss You Alt)
Some things are not fated to last, but trying to push closer only makes love farther out of reach. Results can be fatal.
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Five Cookies were baked by the Witches, radiant beings graced with wisdom and power unparalleled. The Five were destined to reshape the tempestuous world and usher in a new age of peace and prosperity for all.
Seeing as how the Five were unlike most Cookies, they could live on for far longer, the Witches have decided to bake one more Cookie. A Cookie that wasn’t as strong or held great power like them, but rather…as a companion for any of the Five to cherish and love dearly.
The love blossomed into something more that could be considered as forever happiness…
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You’ve always looked up to the Fount of Knowledge to know many aspects of this world like the back of his hand! However, all of the knowledge in the world wouldn’t compare to the joys he would have spending time with you!
He likes to spend his time in the Spire of All Knowledge cuddled up next to you as he reads books with you, showing you the many wonders of Earthbread! He always kept the stories interesting with his mannerisms and funny way of speaking, you’re never bored when he reads.
He makes sure to always leave time away from writing in scrolls and books to have moments with you, why would he keep his cutie patootie waiting on him! The texts could wait, snuggling up to you by his tower window was much more preferable to him!
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“Man, you always tell such fascinating tales, my fair Fount! It almost makes me feel dull in comparison!”
“Oh, don’t let those little words come out of your mouth again! You are way more fascinating than any of the books I have! I can write whole books on their own on what you’re just oh so great to me!”
“Oh stop, you’re just saying things.”
“Far from it, my little Cookie~ It’s the honest truth~”
The two of you share a laugh as you look out the spire window, leaning on each other…
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The Herald of Change always had that bit of a grumpy side to him when it came to getting him out of his temple to come look at the new civilizations and kingdoms being created everyday.
Everything was the same to him no matter the result, but he could never say no to your requests to visit these civilizations. Your enthusiasm to see what could possibly be different was pretty infectious, encouraging him to go with you in these visits.
He was quite the protective one too, insisting that in return of going with you, you are to stick by his side as you two walked. He makes sure of that by having one of his arms around your waist, he behaves himself but will shoot a glare anyone getting too close.
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“Look at that spring the townspeople made, my Herald! Look at the flowers blooming from the water and the creatures that inhabit in and around it, isn’t it wonderful?”
“It’s remarkable, but it’s nothing new to me. I’ve seen many springs like this before, they come and go eventually. Just like the many civilizations we’ve visited today, there’s so much more that I can get done by now!”
“The destination may be the same, but the journey doesn’t have to. It can be different compared to another, so many different ways Cookies behave and act, environment changing with many different plants and creatures. Tell me just one thing that you wouldn’t want to change.”
The Herald, looking down at the ground, slowly formed a smile as he softly laughed, turning his gaze to look at you. One of his arms going around you to hold you close to him.
“I’d say….”
“It would be us that I would never want to change.”
The two of you hold onto each other close as you both looked on at the lively spring.
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The Seeker of Volition was immensely patient and considerate of you, shaping and changing her realm to make you as comfortable as you can be. She knows things around the Ivory Pagoda may not too interesting or extravagant, but that was alright with you. So long as you were with her.
Her displays of affection were pretty subtle that no Cookie that visited her would’ve suspected that you and her had something close and in a way, it made it more special to her. The gentle hand holding, the way she caressed your cheek as she spoke to you, it was small yet held so much love that she shared with you.
She’s always wondered why you never asked for a wish from her, with how many Cookies that visited her wanting that exact thing. Well, you didn’t really want to wish for anything, the Seeker was enough for you. Being able to stand by her side like this was a wish come true. She didn’t understand your refusal for a wish, but…it touched her that she was enough for you.
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“After all the Cookies that have come to me for a wish, I did not think you wouldn’t be one of them. Is there not anything you want wish for?”
“Oh, Seeker. We’ve been through this, ehe. I do not want a wish, I have all that I need here at the Ivory Pagoda. As long as there’s this, I’m happy.”
“You are? After spending all of your time here at the Ivory Pagoda with me, you must have some sort of wish you want granted. Please, say the word. I shall fulfill it to the best of my abilities.”
“I wish to take a walk around the Pagoda with you. Just the two of us.”
The Seeker was not expecting such a simple and mundane wish, she would’ve seen it as a waste if it came from any other Cookie, but…
To hear it from you…it made giggle softly with a smile.
“Hm…hehe, very well. I shall grant you your wish, my dearest Cookie.”
The two of you hold hands as you leave out the doors to her Pagoda, intending to enjoy a peaceful walk together…
But could that happiness really last forever?
As time went on, it felt the Cookies you once held dear to you had changed, no longer being the Cookies you once loved. It was as if the power they held was slowly warping their minds and ideals into something more twisted and dark.
“But we both know it’s ever too good to happen.”
The Fount could never be truly honest with you, always masking his words that tinged with deceit, always making a game of things. Even the books and text he’d were how you remembered…
“Fount, this..isn’t how the story went the last time I’ve heard about it…”
“Oh, that boring ol’ story? I helped myself to make a few changes that really added to the pizzazz of it all, don’t you think?”
“But that never happened! It’s a complete fabrication! Real Cookies have gone through those events, I feel like we shouldn’t tarnish that to make it “interesting.”
“Oh my! I’m hurt! I just wanted to make it more good! Oh well, I’m sure those Cookies wouldn’t mind, right? Come on, let’s read another, shall we?”
“N-no, I don’t want to read another. I’ll just..be in my room.”
“Hey! Where you going?! I swear the details on the next one are accurate! Mostly! Maybe!”
The Herald never could see how you see the many locations and civilizations you two see, always groaning and muttering that it was boring to him. It had gotten to the point where he ignored you and remain sat on his seat in the temple.
“What do you mean you’re not going?”
“I mean it. You say that all these places would be different in their own ways, but it’s all been the same! It bores me when I have to go through the same thing over and over again!”
“I-I promise that I’ll keep your interest piqued with this one-“
He destroyed a nearby table with a single hit.
“You can go on without me from now on. I have no reason to endure something so boring as another town visit…”
“R-right, okay, I’ll just…go.”
You hastily leave as the Herald looked at his fist that broke the table, he realized something as a large grin on his face formed…
“That…felt good….”
The Seeker didn’t feel like herself anymore with the coldness and apathy she now radiated. She didn’t push you away when trying to be close like old times, but she didn’t really reciprocate your affections like she would back then. It felt like..she didn’t love you all that much anymore.
“Where you going?”
“I must return to the Ivory Pagoda in order to continue my pursuit of becoming a Leavened One.”
“I know this Leavened One status is important to you, but…wouldn’t that mean I won’t get to see you much anymore. I can’t bear that…”
“Oh, Y/N Cookie…”
She caressed your cheek, but it didn’t feel right. There was no sense of love placed into it, as if she only did it to calm you down by reminding you of the past.
“You should know that I hold this opportunity dear to me, but it does not mean I value you any less, it is meaningless to worry. I must go.”
“What about my wish to spend the day together…?”
“You should also know that not every basic wish will be granted. I am sorry…”
Regardless, it felt like you were kicked to the curb as you walked outside during the night.
You were not happy. You look up at the sky, wondering if your Creator was looking down at you too.
You ask them how could things go so wrong. What purpose could you have now that the Cookies you were made for weren’t themselves anymore? Were they even the same Cookies at this rate?
You ask��what could you do…?
You look down, only now noticing a nearly invisible string flowing in the air, red in color as it looked like it came from your chest. You reached up to hold it and in doing so, the string was seemingly cut and it floats away into the sky…
That…oddly felt liberating. You looked at your hands and realized that..you did have meaning outside of your purpose. There was a whole world out there that you could now explore! Many things to see and Cookies to meet!
You felt rejuvenated and head off to rest for tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll be a new Cookie!
Surely, the “Virtues” wouldn’t mind if you were gone for a little while, right?
But you weren’t the only one who felt a change after that string was cut…
The spire trembled.
The temple shook.
The cocoon violently spasmed.
Their occupants having felt the full effects…
The Fount suddenly tore the book they were “changing” as he keeled over, clutching his chest where his heart was…he felt…empty.
The Herald started a rampage in his temple, the pain in his chest fueling his anger and muddied despair as he destroyed everything…he felt…lost.
The Seeker, once settled in her cocoon, was now clutching her head with both her hands as she lets out silent screams of anguish, the pain in her chest amidst a void of white too great to ignore…she felt…voided.
One by one, they fall….
They’d find you, and they’ll take you….
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You were just about to carry on in your boat out of the continent when a sheep wandered to you.
“Oh hello, little sheep. You lost your way from your herd?”
“Why are you looking down? Come on, look at me…”
The sheep suddenly jolted up to look you, it looked furious as it’s eyes glowed shades of blue.
The sheep poofed into blue smoke, and in its place was now a very angry Cookie.
“My Fount?!”
“ERRR! WRONG! Now let me ask you a question. WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!”
Shadow Milk Cookie had found you right as you were about to leave Beast-Yeast.
“I’m sorry, my Fount. But…I can’t do this anymore. You are no longer the Cookie I know and loved. You lie to me, you twist things so badly, I can’t even tell what’s true and what’s not.”
“I do not lie to you! I never could! You weren’t supposed to leave me behind! You were supposed to stick to me like glue for as long as the two of us lived!”
“We all change, Fount. That includes you and me.”
“Is that it?! Are you just going to walk away from EONS worth of our time together all for my new change of style?!”
“You are NOT going anywhere! You are coming back with me to that Spire and we are going to adore and be mushy to each other like always!”
“I’m going, Fount. I’ve made my decision…”
“What? What are you laughing for-“
Your movements are stopped, you are horrified to see blue strings wrapped tightly around your arm. You try to free yourself, but you found that all your limbs were wrapped in strings too. You pulled into his arms as he giggled menacingly to you, a shadow over his eyes.
“Oh, you silly little thing~ I never would’ve expected you to lie to ME! My brand new style doesn’t mean my heart went out the window! If you can’t accept how deceit seeps into the very cracks of this world, then…”
He leans in real close to your face, whispering in a chilling voice…
“I’ll just have to take you, cutie~ Ehehehe~”
You were never seen again…
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You were having a peaceful time in the civilization you were staying at, enjoying a nice meal provided by the locals when…
“AAAAAH! Run for your lives!”
“He’s destroying everything in his path, watch out!”
“ARGH! It hurts!”
The screams of Cookies in the distance alerted you to turn around from where you were sitting to see Cookies running away from something.
And their screams weren’t the only ones you were hearing.
The Herald(?!) shouted in anger as he was breaking and bashing through anything in his path up ahead.
Cookies that were in his way were simply hit back with enough force to send them into walls or sliding back on the ground, he didn’t give them any time to move.
“Ah! Please! Show mercy!”
“Mercy?! There IS no mercy for you WORMS!”
The Cookie on the ground from an earlier attack tried to get up, but groaned in pain as Burning Spice Cookie slowly raised his weapon, the Cookie covers their face to brace for impact.
Burning Spice Cookie immediately stops to look in the direction of your shout and locking eyes with you, he heads for you.
“Please, don’t hurt any more Cookies!”
“So…you’ve been here all along, spending time amidst these ANTS! The tide of Change will sweep through all, leaving everyone here as nothing but dust in the wind!”
“Have you NO IDEA how long I’ve looked for to find you when you didn’t come back the temple?!”
“To not see you by my side for DAYS?!”
“I know you’re mad, but please, you don’t have to do this! I’ll..I’ll come back with you…”
“Will you now…? I must be sure!”
“What are you-“
Your talk was stopped when he grips your shoulders and brought you to a rough kiss that left you coughing spice when he pulled away.
“Hahaha! Yes! I remember this feeling now! I expect you to stay in the temple with me, for as long as we live! I promise not to break you too easily, ahahaha!”
You felt conflicted as you were dragged with him back to the temple. He’d never let you go as easily again…
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You say farewell to a close friend of yours as you head inside your home. You were ready to turn in for the night as you offed the lights, it was particularly foggy tonight, so you chose to keep things closed up before you turned in for tonight.
You close your eyes and drift off to sleep..or at least, you tried to before you hear a slight creak in your room. You sit up and look, only to see a pair of slit pupils staring right back at you in the darkness in the room.
Neither of you move….
“I may give nothing for your loyalty, but to see you offer your mind and soul to another, right after I had been free from my cocoon…you will learn that it was pointless to try and leave me…”
“My Seeker?!”
She barely gives you time to let the realization sink in before she rushed forward to hold your cheeks in her hands, lifting you up effortlessly to bring you face to face with her as she looks down at you. Her eyes wide open and pitch black, her slit pupils bearing down on yours.
She was as expressionless as ever, but her eyes told you everything you needed to know that she was mad. You felt weak, dough turning pale..
“I never forgot our bond, the years upon years that we shared…my rise to the Leavened One should not have been a path I walked alone…”
“Why are you saying..?”
“I should’ve shared my feelings with you, to show you that everything will be futile in the end. Just like your intentions to leave me as just a thought…”
“No, you don’t have to…”
“THIS is my wish. To have you see what I see, to feel how I feel. About everything, about you…”
“No, please…”
“I promise…I promise to not have us walk alone anymore…”
Everything was a blur as she took you away from your home, up the stairs; and back to the Ivory Pagoda. The last of the outside world forever a distant memory as the cocoon wrapped up once more, Mystic Flour clutching you close to her body.
Together in a world of white, that is what she always wished for…
“I loved you
Even though I loved you
I’ll treat you like this
Like the traitor you are
Return my feelings
I loved you
Even though I loved you
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cuppajj · 4 months ago
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yknow while I don’t subscribe to golden cheese x burning spice, I think Spice having an unrequited, toxic crush on cheese is a fun and scary angle
(yap below, tw for possessive/obsessive themes)
Spice wouldn’t have taken her seriously before and during BY 5 and 6, seeing her as little more than a thief with squandered potential that he just wants to see changed. She’s not supposed to be weak, he’s supposed to be a legitimate adversary. He’s bored, and she’s supposed to excite him! It’s why he’s mad when she gets her ass handed to him, and why he’s elated when he learns she escaped her birdcage. That burning anticipation for a reunion continues throughout the story, with Spice hunting her down for their (what he assumes) final fight, not wanting to waste any more moments without her in his sight. Sure, he believes he’ll kill her then and there, and go on to destroy everything she holds dear. It’s par for the course for all the heroes he’s seen and slain. She’s more special, a little different, but the same. It’s even looking like that when he finally tracks down and battles her, seeing the lost queen desperate and hanging on by a thread.
But then she puts up a fight. She defies his expectations. She turns into something more powerful than he could ever fathom and Spice isn’t even mad, he’s not horrified, he’s ecstatic. The most ecstatic he’s likely ever been in centuries to millennia. Finally, finally, Spice has something new. After a long and tired quest to make his life more interesting, he has it. And then the temple collapses on him, and his new light disappears. It’s not the end of the road for him, though, no. He laughs under the rubble. It’s clear he’s not given up, and he wants to see her again. He will see her again. He must see her again.
Spice never stops thinking of the day Cheese came back from the edge of death and teased him with power that he’s desperate to get a taste of. He wanted her to be entertaining, and he almost doubted her, but she proved to be it and more. She surprised him. She amused him. She, just like his addiction to destruction, provided an avenue to cure his boredom. His imagination runs wild with ideas of what she could do and how she could entertain him, his bird, just like she did back then. He wants to lock her up again and watch her plow through his underlings again. He could play other dangerous games just to see how she’d do. And he wants another fight, he wants to see her on the edge, but then what? What other surprise could she give him? She could find a way for him, or else he’ll just force her to find a way for him. Maybe her new wings could be torn off too, and she’ll once again crawl and struggle until she rises up stronger than ever. Because she’s full of those surprises, isn’t she? They can do this forever. As immortals, they have all the time in the world for each other.
I like to think that Spice isn’t fully aware of his feelings for her, but he’s aware of how she makes him feel. The thought of her and her power makes his jam boil and chest flare with tingling heat. Remembering her limp in his clutch makes his dough tingle with fervor. Maybe he notices that his breath hitches in the smallest way when he thinks of how she’s somewhere out there, waiting for him. It’s something not even destruction could make him feel, no, the little bird is above that. She makes him feel this way and he likes it. He wants more. Spice wants to keep her, plain and simple. He had her in his grasp once, and she ran away with the promise of more. He wants more. He wants it. He wants her. And maybe, if he takes away everyone she’s ever known and loved, she’ll have no one but him. His little bird, his to entertain him forever.
Cheese is absolutely none the wiser to this, and she’ll be in for a hell of a ride when their paths cross once more.
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yanderecookierunkingdom · 1 year ago
Six becomes Five
Inspired by @brittle-doughie and his few works about the 5 Beasts! The ones were the reader being a part of their group caught my eye, so have this!
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You were Compassion, brilliant, and beautiful. You aided the Cookies in their times of need, when they needed you most. Helping them up to their feet, using your powers to heal them, to soothe arguments. Your friends were once like that too.
Shadow Milk Cookie loved to put on plays for the Cookies, and have them join in. He'd always give you one of the main parts alongside him. It was only fair!
Burning Spice Cookie was always so valiant in defending them, with Silent Salt Cookie by his side. The two were nigh unstoppable, and with you near to always heal any wounds, they really were.
Eternal Sugar Cookie would often join you in aiding the common Cookies, always lounging on her cloud. She always made a spot for you, though. Mystic Flour Cookie would tag along too, going on and on about things seen. It always made you smile.
Until.. something changed.
You didn't notice it at first. It was subtle things, especially whenever you weren't around. Being cruel and hateful towards the Cookies, seeing them as lesser. For not having the power baked and blessed into you six.
You only saw it all too late when your comrades gleefully recounted all that they had done during one of your meetup sessions. You were briefly in shock before shakily congratulating them. You didn't want to anger them. You couldn't take all five of them at once in a fight..
However, you didn't need to wait long. Your Creators, the Witches, soon saw this and upon seeing you untouched by greed and corruption, asked for you help.
Mournfully, you agreed.
You called them all to the spot, saying you had a dance you wanted to show them. A special one, just for their eyes. It was difficult getting them in the exact spots, but once you did..
The Forks fell, trapping them one by one. You continued your dance until the sapling of the Silver Tree was planted, where you then bowed to them.
None of them could understand. Why would you betray them?
Why were you walking away?!
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For so long following that fateful day, you tried to stay there in Beast-Yeast, but it wasn't possible. Many of the remaining Cookies, that were the Faeire Cookies, couldn't bare to live there any longer.
So you said a mournful goodbye, and led the Cookies that wanted a new home to a new home. Crispia, you decided it would be called. Once many Cookies began to settle, you turned and left. You couldn't bare the thought of becoming like one of the Beasts, so you secluded yourself, changed yourself.
Your divine appearance, your name, everything. Once a Cookie representing Compassion, now you were a mere shadow of yourself. The only thing that stood constant was your Soul Jam, now a beautiful amulet around your neck instead of attached to your clothes.
It was the one thing you couldn't part with, no matter how hard you tried.
You rebuilt yourself. Made new friends, connections, loved ones.
Until the day came.
You had to return to that land to find White Lily Cookie. You didn't want to, but for the sake of the world, you had to.
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Oh, it had all gone so terribly wrong. White Lily Cookie had awakened, you had your reunion with the Faeires, and then the Seal began to undo. Try as anyone might, it couldn't be resealed.
And from the rift.. came Shadow Milk Cookie.
Without a single thought, you put yourself between the group and him.
He opened his mouth to say something, but when he spotted you, his pupils went wide.
After so long of being trapped, hidden away by the seal and vines, Eternal Sugar Cookie's constant wailings about you being tricked, manipulated, or brainwashed had gotten to all the Beasts. It was the only explanation, it had to be.
And as Shadow Milk Cookie grins widely down at you, obession in his eyes, you swear to yourself.
You really shouldn't have come back to Beast-Yeast.
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sadly-in-active · 9 months ago
maybe yandere beast cookies? or just Shadow Milk if you cant do them all
Bet 😘
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Yandere Beast Cookies x Reader hcs
Summary: My, my, my. The former five Cookies of Virtue, all fallen from grace are…attracted to you? Yes, and very attached. Almost to a point where it could just be considered unhealthy and unhinged. Well, good luck my dearest reader! Try to survive in this world of chaos and doom! ❤️
TW: The usual yandere stuff, stalking, murder, manipulation, gaslighting, threatening, and some other SUPER cool stuff :D
(Sorry if ooc 😭)
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Eternal Sugar Cookie
Quite the clingy gal, that’s for sure. She knew you loved her from the start…but she loved you before you even knew her. She had her eyes on you this entire time, watching your every move with a giddy smile. It almost makes her giggle when she remembers the situation.
Eternal Sugar enjoys holding you close and wrapping her wings around you. She wants you to feel content and safe, but she also wants you to get attached to her as well. She knows that if she was going to try something more extreme, it would have to be when you’re becoming more vulnerable and soft towards her. Then she’d strike.
“Oh, sweetie…that unfortunate Cookie spoke to you too long. They looked like they were flirting with you, and I just couldn’t have that! I love you dearly, and I’m never letting my darling go again~!”
All in all, you’re probably too busy looking at how beautiful she was, how her sweet eyes were filled with care for you…and…then…
Were you getting sleepy just now?
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Burning Spice Cookie
He’s not the type to really stalk you, but he’d demand to know where his little peppercorn is at all times, who you’re with and why you’re even there in the first place and not next to him. (yes he nicknamed you that and no I’m not talking about the canon Peppercorn Cookie don’t come at me)
Burning Spice probably gets really aggressive when you try to go somewhere without his permission, even trying to burn you once or twice to make you stay with him while he treats your wounds, love-bombing you afterwards and holding you close to his warm chest while he bear-hugs you. This tactic is usually done on your legs and especially your knees, giving you second degree burns and ending up with you being unable to walk for about a week or so.
“C’mon, toots! It’s just a few burns, no need to cry when you’re around me! This only happened because you aren’t being a good partner… Hey, look, maybe we could cuddle after if that’s what you want?”
How could you stay mad at a guy who looked so sure of himself? So warm and confident…
But the temperature was increasing more, you just didn’t realize until it was a bit too late.
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Silent Salt Cookie
They’ve always been, well, silent. Even when around their peers, they’re known as the quiet one. Their situation with you is probably a lot like Eternal Sugar’s, watching you since the very beginning. They’re definitely light on their feet, a sound rarely coming out of their mouth as they watch you go about your day.
Watching you was something that made them feel a bit of hope in the quiet silence they’ve had during their time as a Beast.
They’ve never tried to hurt you, but they’ve hurt many cookies that have interacted with you. Haven’t you noticed all the missing posters? Well, Silent Salt is sure happy that you didn’t see the papers or notice anything off about the world. After all, how could you when you’re in their home, wandering the salt flats from time to time?
“…it’s not to hurt you.”
They had whispered in your ear while keeping you close on their lap, the two of you embracing each other and the silence that came with it.
The Beast of Silence had even felt some…guilt, being this attached to you.
They could kill armies and hundreds of innocent civilians…but never raise their sword at you.
And it would be best to keep it that way.
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Mystic Flour Cookie
So, I don’t really know what to write about her…because she’s basically a nihilist and the literal Beast of Apathy..
But she’d definitely try to guilt trip you into making you care about her and worship her by telling her story, wanting you to feel sympathy for her even if she doesn’t want to care for you. (She does, in a way.)
“Don’t stop the flow of life, dearest. Join me and become flour…”
Anyways, she’s probably going to turn you into flour in the end.
But watching you cough out flour as you collapse next to her was…a strange sight indeed. Not even she knew how to feel.
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Shadow Milk Cookie
(Nightmare nightmare nightmare)
He’s certainly a flirt, ever since the two of you met. Shadow Milk has always been thinking of you as his little toy, someone that he could play around with and face little consequences.
Because how could you resist a face like his? With a pout on his lips as he tries to justify harming the ones who’ve wronged you a long time ago, whether it be a childhood bully or even your parents… Heck, he even swears that it was for your sake and not because he’s a sadistic piece of shit.
“But [name]! How could I rest well knowing that my sweet, sweet doll still has enemies all around them? It’s my duty to protect you and keep you safe. Besides, don’t you love me?! I know you’re not chickening out now, sweetheart!”
He’s definitely tried to control you, making you into a mindless puppet without your knowledge. It’s something he only does when he’s feeling particularly pissed off at you because you’re not listening to him.
Well, if you’re not listening to him, he’s not planning to listen to his little doll anytime soon!
And he swears he’ll change. Every promise he makes is another lie from the jester. Those kisses he gives you before he goes off doing who knows what? That’s just to keep you entertained.
It’s his duty to protect you, but it’s his job to keep everyone entertained— especially himself.
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
Y'know how Cacao has a son, you remember dark Choco right? Y'know how Vanilla got custard the II right? And then there's holly with royalberry and Golden Cheese with fettuccine and White Lily with.... Gigngerbrav-
What the beasts think?
Could be yandere, could be their already a thing, some other stuff idgf i must hear your words on this
Been wanting to try to answer this one since I saw it haha. Let's go both routes I've got for these bozos, Reformed Beasts and Yandere Beasts
Reformed Shadow Milk: I want to imagine that, once upon a time, Shadow was an actual people person and was genuinely fond of children. After he reforms, he regains that old fondness, and it extends to Custard III (perhaps more than all other kids, just because he's close to Vanilla). Such a cute, silly boy, with his silly crown and his silly dreams (not that he wants the kid to feel bad for wanting to be a king, it's just... Kid doesn't seem to understand what a king actually is, you know? It's funny, and a bit sad... But Vani is there and now so is Shadow, so it'll probably be fine). He keeps calling Custard his son/nephew/grandson/apprentice/heir (he keeps thinking of new titles all the time, all tongue-in-cheek) and cooing over him... in a not-so-different manner than how he likes to fuss over Vani lol
Yandere Shadow Milk: Ohhhhh this tiny little creature. This bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, ignorant little WEAKLING. None can take Pure Vanilla's place in ANY capacity, including leadership; though he might be a soft-hearted fool, Vanilla is nevertheless a capable king, and Shadow knows this - and he deeply, violently resents the thought of anyone usurping him, even if that throne no longer truly exists anymore. The thought of a small child wanting to be a king? To be like his Silly-Vanilly? Foolishness - and Shadow only tolerates foolishness if it occurs on HIS timetable and HIS terms. But it's fine... This child shall pay for his hubris eventually. Vani means so much to the boy, and vice versa... Perhaps Shadow can use this to his advantage. Perhaps he can breathe a whisper or two into his ear. Leave a footstep or two behind in his dreams. Tie a string to him somewhere, see if he notices - and after he doesn't, which Shadow knows he won't, he'll tie another. And another, and another. Until Shadow can greet the world with his brand new puppet. Poor little orphan boy, nowhere to go and no one to care about him... Stupid, arrogant, foolish little boy, who thinks he can rule the world and that he can ever be a fraction of who Vani is and was. He shall atone for his sins. For his pride, for that empty head, for that hideous little costume (he would try to stitch together such a haphazard monstrosity in the face of Shadow's own superior craftsmanship? He would try to don his Silly-Vanilly's face this way?!)... For being dear to Pure Vanilla at all, because the only person who deserved to exist in Vanilla's world is Shadow Milk himself.
Reformed Eternal Sugar: Now that she has found a place in the world and by Hollyberry's side, Sugar has likewise found good company in those surrounding Hollyberry herself - including and especially her dear son. Such a sweet man; so much like his mother, inside and out, albeit without the same energy... but that was alright. Royalberry's passion simply manifests in a different manner, one more similar to Sugar's own. Calmer, quieter, but no less sweet and sincere. Sugar almost acts as a motherly figure to him herself, sometimes... He doesn't mind, though. They get along quite well. She only hopes that whatever wisdom she can offer in service of the kingdom is actually worthwhile.
Yandere Eternal Sugar: Hm... Perhaps she would like him more if he was HER son. If he'd come from her rightful union with her dear Hollyberry. But he didn't, so she doesn't. Shame, really; he's quite adorable. So much like his mother... but not like her at all, at the same time. He lacked her drive, her spirit. Perhaps that was for the best; Sugar cared nothing for drive or spirit anymore, save for that fire that burned within her dear Hollyberry that awakened what was long-dormant within her... that strange, ethereal feeling that she dared to call happiness. And that lack of drive would make Sugar's plans all the easier... He's a weak, silly man who worries much and often. She has experience with people like that. She'll put him down for a nice nap, let him dream happy dreams where he can pretend he's a worthy king and son. Then she can right the wrong of his and the entire kingdom's existence and have Hollyberry to herself. Hollyberry could even join her in a special dream she'd gladly make up just for the two of them, where they have their own child, a better one than this fool she already wasted time loving and raising...
Reformed Mystic Flour: In all honesty, Flour actually harbors a bit of admiration for Dark Choco, for the path he once walked wasn't so different from hers... and he, like she eventually did, found the strength and wisdom to turn back. She's had a good few conversations with him about it all; about the nature of redemption and atonement, and how one answers to evil when it calls for your soul. Dark Choco can't help but understand and relate to Flour, always lamenting his own fall to darkness and betrayal of those he meant to protect and serve. Lots of commiserating between them, I'd say. Outright wallowing, at certain points lol. But it's this understanding between them that actually helps Flour along her journey to redemption, arguably more so than what others offer her. She cares for and respects Dark Choco, and vice versa. She can see so much of Dark Cacao in him... whatever mistakes Cacao made, he nevertheless raised a fine young man, even after making mistakes of his own. It only proves to her that Cacao really is the rightful owner of the Soul Jam after all...
Yandere Mystic Flour: ...What a strange feeling this man gives her. So much like Cacao. Too much so, in some places... yet, unlike his father (and, more importantly, exactly like her), he strayed from the path and ultimately stumbled and fell into the same abyss as she and so many others. Flour's denial of her attachment to Dark Cacao likewise extends to those around him, his son more than all the others - in fact, one might be tempted to say that her denial of having any thoughts or feelings regarding Dark Choco is stronger than what she has regarding Dark Cacao. The reason behind this goes as such: with how similar to Cacao he is, and with his fall from grace... it almost makes Flour hope believe ponder whether or not Cacao could fall from grace, as well. If Cacao could follow in his son's footsteps, as his son once tried so hard to follow in his. Dark Choco worsens her sickness, feeds her delusions, albeit indirectly. If he can fall - if he can become a beast - then Cacao can, too. And if he did, then perhaps she... they... No. No, no, not this. Not this nonsense... Dark Choco angers her worse than anyone else in Dark Cacao's life, because he inadvertently offers her this fantasy of Cacao turning out just like her, thus increasing her chances of having him. But... she doesn't want him. She doesn't want anyone or anything. She's not supposed to. Damn it, even things and people tangentially related to Cacao make her worse...
Reformed Burning Spice: Not unlike Shadow Milk, Burning Spice also once liked kids. He liked being seen and admired as a larger-than-life figure, figuratively and literally. He liked that he was "cool", he liked that he could be a big, strong protector to them. It's... difficult for him to lean back into this sentiment again. When you're a mass-murdering tyrant for so long, you tend to lose your people skills (it's something he always envied Shadow Milk for; even as a Beast, he knew how to hold sway over others with AND without violence. That envy was small and buried deep, but it existed nevertheless). And... many of his victims were children. Spice once killed wantonly, indiscriminately. He's beheaded children, cleaved them in two. Left them in pieces, scattered across the earth. The weakest, most vulnerable members of society... when he remembers how dishonorable and pathetic it is to target children, it deals quite the psychological blow. So he's quite awkward and uncomfortable around them while he's working through his redemption; they inspire a particular guilt and remorse in him that adults don't. Golden Cheese keeps pushing him, though, and brought Fettuccine around him most often as a sort of "practice". Fettuccine is calm, sweet and trusting; an "easier" child than most. Plus... she's a mummy. She, too, perished during the Dark Flour War. She's already endured pain, she's already faced death. There's nothing Spice can do that hasn't already been done to the poor girl. And Golden tries to remind him that she doesn't know him; they're complete strangers from different times and places. This is as fresh of a start as you can have with a person. So Spice is made to be an unwilling babysitter for a while... until he does eventually come around and warm up to the girl. And after he overcomes his reservations with Fettuccine, he goes on to overcome those he has with children in general. A series of baby steps that led him down the path of appreciating other people again, and he's grateful this little mummy girl helped him along
Yandere Burning Spice: Pfft. A mummy, huh? Amusing. Are his little bird's grief and desperation so great that it's infected the corpses of her oh so precious subjects? And one actually felt compelled to crawl out of her casket because of them, how charming. Burning Spice HATES Fettuccine. He hates ALL of the Golden Cheese Kingdom's citizens. He hates every single person, every single living organism that Golden Cheese ever paid an ounce of attention to besides himself. All the time and effort, all the blood and sweat and tears his little bird wasted on her oh so precious treasures - all of which should've been spent on HIM. Devoted to HIM. Nothing matters, no one matters, destruction is the only way. He will wipe EVERYTHING she ever held dear off the face of the earth, including Fettuccine. ESPECIALLY Fettuccine. This tiny, weak little worm that wiggled out of the dirt, trying desperately to crawl towards his little bird, craving her presence, her radiance. No. Golden Cheese's radiance is for Burning Spice alone. He can, he will, he MUST maim and dismember this pathetic child as soon as possible; the quicker he separates Golden Cheese from who and what she loves, the better. The quicker he can have her to himself. They can fight, they can dance, they can touch and taste each other, all without her treasures getting in their way. The world is theirs to do with as they please, and together, they shall wreak glorious havoc. And... well... if she gets upset... he can fix it. She likes children, he knows that. He can give her some. Such is his devotion to his other half that he'll briefly betray his nature and create something with her, for her. As many as she wants. As many times as she wants. Their children are the only children he'll ever give a damn about. And so help him, they'll be the only children that SHE gives a damn about, because he's going to slaughter all the other ones, STARTING WITH FETTUCCINE!
Reformed Silent Salt: Same deal as Spice tbh, only x1000. Salt struggles to be around anyone, let alone children, such is his soul-crushing guilt and shame. White Lily is the only one he's able to spend time with for a very long time; she has to coax him into coming into others' line of sight, and it doesn't work half the time. She ends up bringing people to him instead of bringing him to people - and, believing his demeanor might help soften him, she brings Gingerbrave and co. What an... unusually upbeat and forgiving boy, that Gingerbrave is. Lily acts as Salt's translator (I headcanon Salt as being mute and using sign + body language to communicate with people) as well as... a security blanket of sorts, because if she wasn't there, then Salt wouldn't be, either. But she's insistent, and so is Gingerbrave, and so are his friends. It's... strange, to have people be happy to see him again (I'll explain in a separate post, but I have some headcanons regarding Salt's old life and upbringing that basically amount to "I try to make myself useful so people think I have worth"). But it's nice. Nice enough that... he eventually lets more people near him. And eventually, he lets Lily and these kids lead him back to civilization, where he doesn't need to be alone with himself and his guilt anymore...
Yandere Silent Salt: Sigh... White Lily... His White Lily... All Silent Salt really wants is to make her happy. To see her pretty smile. For her to stop being so... sad. So somber. But that happiness needs to come from him. It NEEDS to. He tries so hard to pretend... He tries to be patient, he tries to let her focus on others for only a moment. But it never lasts. She's HIS White Lily. She moves too far away from him, she speaks too many words to someone else, she spends too much time in another's company- and he snaps. And that doesn't change with children, including Gingerbrave. ESPECIALLY Gingerbrave. That boy doesn't... suit her. Her countenance, her demeanor. He's too loud. Too annoying. Too simple. Silent Salt wants him to go away. He wants EVERYONE to go away, really, but Gingerbrave can go ahead first. Leave him and his White Lily to their peace. He tries so hard to pretend to be unbothered, Salt really does. But every passing moment, every ticking of the clock, every sound of that insipid boy's shrill voice and laughter reaching his ears (and all but drilling into his White Lily's, as he knows it must be)... He stands by in the shadows, waiting, waiting to take her back, his grip on his sword only tightening further and further...
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someweirdoreblogger · 29 days ago
Headcanon that Burning Spice Cookie is a malicious cookie cannibal and isn't above sharing crumbs and jelly morsels with his beloved.
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emphemeral-astralreader · 3 months ago
Lazy comic of Yandere Spice and Golden Cheese. Drawing is sh, but yeah.
(Part 1/2)
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naynkitten · 2 months ago
in the horror type of context yandere beasts au is fun to think about
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mostholystuffz · 1 month ago
y/n’s silly little former comrades
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Moments before disaster
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rollingeevee · 25 days ago
Guys I was reading a fanfic and suddenly I had a thought and my brain RAN WITH IT so… TAKE THIS
Beasts bite. They sink their claws and teeth into what they deem is theirs. And in terms of other cookies, it is no different. The bite of a Beast forms a tether that can only be severed by the Beast who put it there. It always dully aches, a pain low enough that one can grow accustomed to it, but one that always sharpens if its victim needs a reminder of who they belong to. The bite of each Beast feels different in how it reminds its holders
For Shadow Milk, the bite oozes magic that feels like the coils of a snake; cold, constricting, and possessive. They make it harder to think, harder to fight, harder to breathe…
For Mystic Flour, the bite feels like a paralyzing venom that makes one’s body heavy and numb until movement feels impossible
For Burning Spice, the bite seethes and burns just beneath the skin, as though their body is aflame, though no fire is present
For Eternal Sugar, the bite pulses with an aura meant to lure one into a false sense of security and almost like… it wishes to lull them to sleep
For Silent Salt, the bite radiates an oppressive pressure that makes it hard even to speak, let alone cry out for help, before striking with sharp and painful stabs
The bite of a Beast marks its prey, and reminds them that, no matter how far they run, their Beast will always find them, guided by the bond they forced with their bite.
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brittle-doughie · 1 year ago
The beasts, sealed away, punching the air while Y/N cookie accepts Elder Faerie’s proposal and the wedding after.
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Today is not a good day for the Beasts
You tell him that you do. That you wished to be married to him, now and forever.
The faerie priest asks if Elder Faerie Cookie will do the same.
“I do. Truly, I want nothing more then to be by your side, through the darkest of hours and the brightest of peaks. You, the wonderful cookie who helped saved the Silver Kingdom. And me, the guardian of the silver tree. Together, we may watch over this land as King and King/Queen.”
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Shadow Milk Cookie is seething. Hell, all of the Beasts were as they watched from their prisons.
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Red Spice Cookie, from within their prison, is trying with all his might to break free. Rage is all he could feel, it feels like his own dough is burning from the sight…
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Mystic Flour Cookie sighed solemnly. It looked like Shadow Milk Cookie had failed to convert you fully, a shame that you saw significance in these lesser cookies. Why settle for less? It was beneath a cookie like you.
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Cut them all down. That was the plan Silent Salt could conjure up in their head. Destroy every single cookie in their way, reduce them to bits. Remind them why there can only be few cookies that could protect you and it would certainly not be Elder Faerie Cookie…
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The other Beasts should be lucky they don’t share a prison with Eternal Sugar Cookie, who’s currently in emotional agony as she struggles to brute force her way out of her prison. She has to watch the brightest light she’s seen getting married right before her eyes. It made her want nothing more then to BURN THE WHOLE KINGDOM DOWN weep into her hands, unable to think of anything else but to MUTILATE ALL OF THEM think of you and what could’ve been…
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yanderecookierunkingdom · 1 year ago
HIIIW HOW ARE YOU? i’ve got a another request for you (i did ask a question a few weeks ago but i’m not sure if you saw it, it’s fine though)
imagine the yan! beasts and the yan! ancients (separately) with a reader that’s very stoic and calm, that has a reputation as a warrior or chief or something like that (something that has to do with fighting or getting or hands dirty.. or numbs? idk cookies don’t necessarily have hands) to hold so they have no room to be soft for anyone, but if you get them a little tipsy, they become more open? y’know how people get cuteness aggression from pets, yeah that’s reader, they become a totally different person when in private.. or tipsy, of course they still have control over themselves but still have like.. major cuteness aggression, but once a day passes, they act like it didn’t even happen
I don't think I ever got that? If you want to resend it, you can!
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Eternal Sugar Cookie would more than likely get you purposely tipsy more often to see this side of you, which she believes is reserved only for her. She'll always play it off the next day, acting like she doesn't know what you mean about her always carrying some alcohol.
Mystic Flour Cookie finds it endearing how you open up during events like this, but she never forces you to drink. No, she'll just.. gently persuade you. After all, it's only you two. There's no harm in it!
Burning Spice Cookie, surprisingly, wouldn't take advantage of it. While he'd love to see you more open and closer with him, despite his twisted obsession, he wants that to happen naturally. So getting drinks with him is far and few between, but whenever you two do, manipulation is often involved.
Silent Salt Cookie is similar to Burning Spice Cookie, but he won't hesitate to offer up to glass to you if he feels like you're hiding something from him. Getting you to be more open is a tough thing, so he'll savor the moments where you'll be too tipsy to remember what you tell him.
Shadow Milk Cookie can't help but be a little.. conflicted. While on one hand, you drinking and getting tipsy and being open is great for him, he can get to know more about you! But on the other hand, he wonders about if you'll find out. What will you do? He really doesn't want to have to control you with his strings, but if he has to..
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Hollyberry Cookie is probably the reason why you were drinking in the first place. Maybe a game she challenged you to, or just a night out between you, too. Regardless, she's fully aware of what you're like during this, and she takes it to her advantage. She'll learn everything she can about you in that time frame. Say, how about another outing sometime soon?
Dark Cacao Cookie probably doesn't drink that often, meaning you don't either. But when you do, he insists to anyone else that he'll be the one to take care of you. Guiding you to a private room, he'll gently pry information from you. How you feel about him, about others.. all to help his plans of making you love him.
Golden Cheese Cookie probably encourages you to drink. Every time you've gotten tipsy or worse, she's always been there and always there to help you calm down.. while asking questions to you that seem obvious, but to her she needs answered. After all, she can't have you panicking if she keeps you in the kingdom indefinitely..
White Lily Cookie rarely, if ever, drinks, so to see you get tipsy around her is a surprise. And the thing is, she might have not even been around when you first started drinking. She merely stumbled upon you and, well, decided to take advantage of the situation at hand. Just asking some questions, that's all. She just needs to know how you feel about her..
Pure Vanilla Cookie would try his damn hardest not to ask you anything while tipsy, but his obsession would win out. He'd start with small questions before they slowly ramp up in intensity and desperation. Cookies always say that you speak your true thoughts when you're intoxicated, so surely you mean everything you're saying. (He's so delusional.)
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yandere-wishes · 6 months ago
˖ ࣪⊹𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞/𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐜𝐞 ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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⸸ Yandere! Capitano x reader
༒︎ Summary: He's the ice bearer, the monster sent to snuff out the flames of your homeland. But isn't that just love? To kill with such passion. Wouldn't anything else just be a lie?
🗡Warnings: Yandere behavior, blood, and gore, reader has a pyro vision and wields a claymore
𓌜 author's note: I made some Girlypop Capitano edits to sorta fit the vibe: One & Two
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๋࣭ ⭑𓆩✧𓆪⭑ ๋࣭
Do you love me? Or do you love how I make you feel?
๋࣭ ⭑𓆩✧𓆪⭑ ๋࣭
Kachina is lost
She does not emerge from the scared flame
Nor does her ancient name echo across the skies.
Life stills, death looms.
light wanes, darkness reaches.
The glow of the sacred flame burns your eyes.
It's ambers whispering grime truths.
"I volunteer to go, too. You'll need all the help you can get."
Mavuika's flame mane rasps across her shoulders as she shakes her head. Lips taut in thought, sepia brows furled in eccentric fret. You've yet to see this shade of worry painted across your archon's face.
"I can't afford to excuse you, especially now that I fear my powers are dwindling. I need someone to have my back. Besides I'm sure the champians can handle it."
Duty first, that's the oath of the Princesses of Flame. Guard the archon with your life, protect her through any means necessary.
You force your head into a sharp nod.
The chill in the stadium air sends a nervous tang rippling through your spine. You've heard the Wayob speak of this sort of frost before. This all encompassing thing.
His boots grace the stadium floor with all the grace of falling stars. Ethereal armor glows in the soft roar of dancing flames. Icicles in dawn's first light.
The tall figure tilts his armor-clad head up at the archon's perch, with impertinence. You almost swear you hear a chuckle of mockery chime from the inside of his helmet.
"Pyro Archon" he speaks, voice distant and distorted, ice on ice through hail storms. The chill glides across your body again, how can one man be so cold? Shouldn't the cold be a sweet thing? Relief from harsh suns and harsher fires?
"Since the oath made five centuries ago remains unfulfilled, what use is the gnosis in your hands?"
He is all ice. But not the sugar-laced ice cubes that float leisurely in spiced cacao milk. No. He is the harsh verglas only spoken of in hushed tones around grisly campfires. The ice that leaves plains frozen and destroyed. It kills all things warm, all things that breathe.
There is a chill in the air.
It penetrates the skin and nests between the bones.
subconsciously you run your fingers across your neck.
"I challenge you for the gnosis, for the right over Natlan's rules" He shrugs off the heavy cape, the multilayered garment with too much wool and heat.
Strange, strange thing.
It amazes you how he hasn't melted from wearing such stout apparel in such smoldering climate. He tosses it to the side careful to never ripe the precious fabric.
"Fight, or summon your champion"
Your hand rests heavily on Mavuika's shoulder. Eyes transfixed in a silent plea.
The people need their Archon.
Natlan needs its Archon.
Besides this is your duty.
Mavuika nods.
Red eyes never once straying from the intruder.
Vicious sparks flicker across your palm. Like sparking a match across dried bark. You feel the inforno's kiss licking past your skin, weaving into the bone, as your weapon materializes. Your fingers ring across the worn, burnt handle of your loyal armament.
"I shall fight you fatui, for the honor and glory of Natlan and the Pyro Archon."
He watches you through the mask, through the ebony darkness that shields his mysterious visage. He reminds you of how Saurians watch their prey. Weighing each tiny breath, tasting each heartbeat through the air. He looks nothing less than regally monstrous.
Like death, doom, and despair.
You've tasted this before, engraved the bitterness upon your tongue, and honed your body to fight it. He will not take Natlan, he will not condemn your home to his cold.
The weight of your claymore pulls you down. Plunging into hard rock. You watch as he bats the dust with his hand. Gloved and armoured. What is he hiding? You wonder. What man truly needs so many layers? Armor, ice, frost, steel, wool. You long to peel them away, desperate to find something human underneath. Something squishy and worm. You want to feel his heartbeath between your teeth. Drink from his warm blood and relish in the sweet aftertaste. A testament to how you conquered the cold.
You've never seen someone so eager to be hidden in layers up layers.
Snow on ice.
Ice on iron.
"You're awfully young to take on such a big responsibility little girl"
his voice makes you shiver, you can almost taste his ice on your tongue.
Bitter, like barbwire and salt.
"Don't mock me Fatui" You warn, molding your body into a battle stance, knees folded almost kissing the stadium floor, weapon clasped with both hands. Eyes on the target.
Just like Mavuika taught you.
Just like you taught Kachina.
You can feel the heat from your vision coursing through your body, cracking your bones and mingling with marrow. You wait, just one more breath. You use the pyro blessing to project yourself through the air, like an arrow aimed straight for the man made of ice and lies. Swinging your claymore, ready to dent his helmet - and hopefully his head inside-  but he blocks it with his glacier sword. Just a thin dainty thing, capable of quelling your inferno-laced colossus.
Capitano advances, with a flick of his sword he pushes you back. Your heart hammers wildly, someone so skilled so strong, it's almost a shame he can never compete in the pilgrimage. That he can never be on your side.
You use the momentum of his push to frontflip through the foggy air. You land squarely on his wide shoulders, digging your foot into his trapezius muscle, while your knee scrapes his other shoulder for balance. You swing your claymore once more, trying to strike his head off. But to your shock, he parries it with the back of his rime gauntlets.
You keep pushing trying to slice through ice, armor, flesh, anything. Yet everything about this man seems to be made of inviolable steel adorned with everlasting cyro. For a second the metal of his helmet kisses the inside of your thighs. There is no shame in battle, no flirting with the opponent. There are only two bodies entwined until death and defeat. Until one rises and one falls. Still, there's something about the way his black face, regards yours that has a shy blush creeping on the hollows of your cheeks. The man, no this formidable monster is far too close, it's almost as if he's longing for a kiss. You leap back, whispering patronymic blessing to the Archon when your feet meet solid rock once more.
"You fight well little girl, but your attacks are careless, loose. You can not defeat opponents if you can not penetrate their defenses."
He dashes, so quickly you almost think he's flickering between the ground and air. You feel his familiar cold before, you feel the hilt of his sword nestle into your abdomen. He leans forward, helmet sending frostbite through the side of your head "You smell so sweet, like the roses of Snezhnaya". Capitan thrusts his sword with raw force sending you soaring into the stadium walls, the rocks crumple around you, as you struggle to lift yourself up once more.
Your eyes try to carve sight through dust and debris. The air is thick, hot and cold. You blink twice desperate for your eyes to focus. There are silhouettes dancing towards you twirling through the air like Yumkasaurus.
Capitano's ice projectiles glide through the air, they're almost beautiful if you could doubt their lethality. He commands them with flickers of his wrist, and it's only when their frost kisses your body that you fully remember this is a battle, not a dance. They lounge themselves between your ribs, underneath your heart, in the plump of your thigh, the bullseye of your shoulder. Pretty icicles cut open your flesh burying themselves deeply inside you, you'd almost dub it romantic, with how the icicles intonate to your erratic heartbeat.
The frost begins to infiltrate your vascular flow, cauterizing you from the inside. Spreading through the outside, you hiccup out a low moan. Capitano laughs, in a tone that feigns mockery. "I see my ice is to your liking". You bite your lip holding back another moan, it's so wholly painful yet so satisfying. You were right the cold does offer such a delicious relief from the blazing inferno all around.
Your opponent stalks closer, kneeling by your freezing body. You doubt Muarvirka can see through the grey air permutating the stadium. Maybe that's why, away from all prying eyes. The captain lifts his helmet revealing smirking lips. He grazes the side of your mouth with a faux kiss. savoring your warmth before, parting your lips, and deepening the kiss. Even his lips are utterly frozen, he sucks you flames from your mouth extinguishing your fires, with blood-deep frost. He runs a cold iron-clad claw across her cheek, scrapping up the skin, creating a rivulet of red. Before licking it lovingly with his icy tongue. "Why are you so cold?" you shutter, "Why so frostbitten? Has no one ever taught you the joys of the flame?"
He laughs, really really laughs this time. And while you still can't see his eyes, you swear they soften. "I've been burnt too many times, trust me the cold has its merits. But one must be willing to surrender to them."
Capitano plucks your body from the ground. He cradles you roughly in his arms.
He has no warmth to offer.
No heat.
He is only ice.
The fog yields, as you look up. Mavuika screams, her anger palpable. "I'll accept her as my prize for now archon" Capitano spits. "But next time I shall challenge you and know that I will take the gnosis too."
The flames in the stadium roar, trying to melt away the frost plaguing your body. Trying to replenish your spark. You begin to flail and kick, desperate to be liberated from Capitano's iron and frost-clad grasp.
You need to break free, to return to your archon's side, to be there when the others return with Kachina. You can not let this monster pilfer you away from your home, your people, your archone.
"Let me go!" you scream, your last attempt at a battle cry.
"Shhh, war trophies have no right to refuse."
Super tempted to draw the reader's outfit!!
🪐 @definitely-asexual-volcano @eth3realc0rps3  @numberonefanfury  @madara3437 @crystalkat6747 @m00nlight-mexican @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @orcasandtea @tecchoukisserr
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