#yandere Dokyeom
o-ochangx · 1 year
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Yandere Prompt List 🐾 (SVT)
1. "I'm going to engrave myself into your very being."
2. "You don't need a job, baby. Your job is being mine."
3. "Don't complain now - you did this to yourself."
4. "One, two, Daddy is coming for you. Three, four, knocking down your door."
5. "Why would you want to leave? I'm keeping you here for your own good!"
6. "If his filthy hands touch you again I'll kill him."
7. “Silly kitten. Did you really think that you could hide from me?"
8. "You're so dead.”
9. “Say it. Say you love me. I don't care if it's a lie - say it.”
10. "You're mine."
11. “I will make you love me, one way or another.”
12. "Your blood.. it's so beautiful."
13. "I'll kill everyone for you. Just say the word.”
14. "l love you to death. No one else can have you. You're mine, only mine"
15. "Why do you hate me so much? I love you!"
16. "What do you mean I'm crazy..? I'm perfectly fine!"
17. "I'll make sure you won't escape me ever again"
18. “You were never a good liar, darling."
19. "Stop crying. It's not going to help you.”
20. “l like you best when you're sleeping."
21. "I want to hold you but I can't. Once I do, I know I'll never stop."
22. "No matter what you do to me, l'll worship the very ground you walk on. That's what it means to love someone."
23. "I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. No matter where you run, I'll catch you."
24. "Your poor wrists... Maybe next time you'll do what I say the first time I ask."
25. “There you are.”
26. “I'm going to teach you how to behave properly, love."
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svtyandere · 1 year
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I’m a new writer for exclusively sub!yandere!seventeen <3 
My name online is Tim :) and I am comfy writing for fem! masc! or nb!reader
I am Dino and DK biased but will write for all members 
REQUESTS ARE OPEN FOR ANYTHING (reactions, drabbles, fics...)
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seokseokjinkim · 5 months
How can I find enha smut on Twitter and Reddit??
Got time finally so wanna read
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peachesyeo · 5 months
The Maestro The Others
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word count - 3k words pairings - seventeen ot13 x fem!oc genre - mature, dark romance, cultish/yandere, mystery , crack chapter warnings - none
author's notes - this is also posted on ao3! lalali m/v killed lots of people, (esp. mingyu's jacuzzi(?) part, boy know what he's doing) and i simply adore vernon's outfit!
thank you @sousydive for beta reading!
series taglist — @seungkwanschicken pernament taglist — @sousydive @yeodeulz @oddracha @jaerisdiction @yukichan67 @evidive @onysmamas
back to masterlist?
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Dear Mr. [REDACTED],
We have received news of your newborn child. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to you and your wife for her safe delivery. Please be reminded of your promise with us, and we trust that you will fulfill it.
The Residents of the Maestro
When I finished packing, it was already seven. I decided to change into a pair of casual outfits - a simple white tee with black jeans. As I tied my hair up into a neat ponytail, I couldn’t help but feel nervous about the dinner later. Would it be rude of me to show up empty-handed? It is my first time visiting; I want to leave a good impression.
I glanced around the apartment, searching for something I could bring. Spotting a vase on the counter, I quickly grabbed it and rushed to the balcony, plucking a few fresh flowers from the potted plants. I made a simple bouquet, placing them on the coffee table.
I hope they don’t mind flowers, the owner of 301.
The doorbell rang again, and I hurriedly checked my outfit in the mirror one last time before rushing to the door. “Coming!” I called, opening it to find Soonyoung standing there, a familiar bright grin on his face.
“Hi! Shua hyung told me to come and pick you up. Oh, and to pass you this…” Soonyoung grinned.
“Hi, Hoshi, thank you,” I said, taking the file. “Are we going to 301?”
“Yeah, to Mingyu’s.” Soonyoung's grin widened. His gaze lingered on my outfit. “Nice fashion sense, you dress like Kwannie. He lives in 401, by the way,” he added, his voice light and casual.
Jeonghan, Chan, Mingyu, Kwannie... How many people live in this strange apartment complex? “I see… I'll put this down,” I said, rushing to put the document on the coffee table. Taking the bouquet, I went back to Soonyoung. “Let's go…”
“Hang on, let's go with Hoonie and Dokyeom,” Soonyoung said, noticing the bouquet in my hands. “That’s a nice bouquet.”
Hoonie and Dokyeom, that’s two more names. Adding the three men and the four names earlier, there must be more than ten residents here. “Thank you… I didn’t want to show up empty-handed…”
“I’m sure Mingyu would appreciate it,” Soonyoung said kindly. I walked alongside him to the corridor on the other side of the elevator. The both of us stopped in front of the apartment door labelled 203.
Something about the atmosphere felt off, as if there was an underlying current of secrecy that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Soonyoung knocked on the door, shouting. “Hoon? Are you done?” he called out.
Silence followed, broken only by the sound of approaching footsteps. Soon, a pale figure wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants opened the door. He shared the same almond eyes as Hoshi, framed by long lashes. Despite the gentle flush to his cheeks, there was a coldness in his gaze, as if he were distant, detached. It gave him the appearance of a strawberry mochi with a frosty exterior.
He eyed me silently, before casting a questioning glance at Soonyoung, silently demanding an explanation. Soonyoung pulled him out in front of him, turning to me. “This is Lee Jihoon. Hoonie, this is Raeyang, the new resident in 201.”
“Are we doing introductions now?” A sudden voice joined from behind me. I jumped again, turning to see a tall blonde man shutting the door of 204. His eyes were round and lively, sparkling with a mischievous glint. 
Beneath his straight and well-defined nose, his lips were full and curved into a wide, charming smile, revealing a set of perfectly aligned teeth. “Oh, you must be the new neighbour, Kang Raeyang, right?” he exclaimed warmly. I nodded, and he shot me a cheeky wink. “Hi, I’m Lee Seokmin, you can call me Dokyeom. Don’t worry about Jihoon, he looks distant but he’s a huge softie-”
“Kyeom, shut up,” Jihoon muttered, scowling at Seokmin. I looked to Soonyoung for help, but he seemed entertained by the turns of events. “Now, don’t fight, you know Cheol hyung would be annoyed…”
“Not fighting,” Jihoon avoided my eyes. “Hi, welcome to the family,” he murmured, closing his door and heading towards the elevator. Soonyoung nudged me with a grin, gesturing me to follow after Jihoon. Seokmin caught up to me, sending me a friendly smile.
“I heard about your parents,” he started, his tone friendly yet with a hint of something peculiar. “I’m sorry about them. They were nice.”
“You know my parents? Oh, right. They owned this building.” The bitterness from earlier seemed to creep back into my heart. As we waited for the elevator, Seokmin patted my shoulder, his smile unwaveringly warm but his touch lingering a bit longer than usual. “Well, Raeyang. We don’t keep secrets here, so I can assure you that Shua really told you everything he knows.”
“Dokyeom’s right,” Soonyoung agreed, his cheerful demeanour not faltering, but there was something in his eyes that seemed to hint at a deeper understanding. Seokmin retrieved his hand while Jihoon leaned on the wall with his arms crossed, his expression unreadable.
“Over here, everyone knows everything about everyone. No one has a secret. We’re a big family. Right, Hoonie?” Soonyoung nudged Jihoon, who was still avoiding my gaze. He nodded silently at Soonyoung's cue.
Just as I opened my mouth to speak, the elevator arrived with a ‘ding’. The doors opened, revealing a young man standing inside. He looked like he stepped out of a painting; his eyes were like pools of liquid silver, framed by long lashes that gave him a dreamy, otherworldly gaze. His nose was straight and slender, leading down to lips that were soft and inviting. His hair was tied up into a short ponytail, and when he spoke, his voice was soft and angelic.
“Oh? What a coincidence.” His lips curled. Jihoon inclined his head at him, while Seokmin and Soonyoung greeted him loudly. “Jeonghan hyung!” 
So this is the Jeonghan that was supposed to show me around earlier. Jeonghan stepped aside, allowing the four of us to enter the elevator. “Hello, Raeyang, I am Yoon Jeonghan,” he introduced himself with a slight tilt of his head, his voice soft. “I apologise for not being able to show you around earlier, I was busy. Nice bouquet you have there, by the way.”
As the elevator door closed, his eyes seemed to glint with a hidden emotion. I could feel the heat rising to my face as I shook my head. “Thank you.. And no, it’s okay. Seungcheol showed me around,” I said, hoping that Jeonghan wouldn’t notice the blush on my face.
But Jeonghan laughed lightly, “I know he didn’t, Raeyang. You don’t even know where the letterbox is,” he said casually, his tone lying with a hint of… anger? “But maybe I can show you around tomorrow, Raeyang. How does that sound to you?”
“Sure…” I replied, feeling a chill run down my spine as the air in the lift turned colder than usual. Suddenly, it felt suffocating to be standing right next to Jeonghan. The elevator stopped, saving me from the silent tension. I quickly exited, eager to escape his unsettling presence.
There were two unfamiliar faces standing in the middle of the lobby. One of them was a tall, thin man with a black mullet. He wore a thin brown button-up with black pants, and his feet were clad in comfortable sandals. The other man had silver hair and was dressed in a simple hoodie, paired with grey sweatpants and running shoes.
Once again, why are they all so good-looking?
“Minghao! Hansollie! What are the two of you doing outside?” Seokmin called out loudly, gaining their attention.
I silently switched my position to stand beside Jihoon instead, feeling safer with him than with Jeonghan. Jihoon gave me a weird look, and I returned a smile back to him. He paused, his eyes widening a little before turning away from me. 
“Ah, hyungs.” The man with the silver hair spoke. He looks mixed, with fair skin and a pair of light, hazel eyes. “We were just waiting for Kwan and Jun hyung.” His brows raised when he saw me. “Is this the new neighbour?”
“Yeah. Raeyang, this is Vernon, or Hansol, his Korean name. That’s Minghao,” the thin man with the mullet tilted his head at me. It was then I realised that his eyes were actually electrifying blue. “Hello.”
“Hello, Miss Raeyang.” Minghao’s voice is surprisingly soft. Vernon, on the other hand, nodded at me. “What’s up?” He said coolly. I gave him an awkward smile, the goosebumps once again rising up my arm. “Erm, I’m all good?”
“That’s nice to know.” Vernon’s features crinkled into a smile as he raised a thumbs up at me. Seokmin clapped him on his back, while Soonyoung hung an arm over Minghao’s shoulder. “Should we go in first? I wanna introduce Raeyang.” Soonyoung grinned, while Vernon seemed unfazed. “You guys can go in first. Jeonghan hyung, Kwan asked for you too.” He said, before his gaze fell on me again. “I believe Mingyu hyung would be very happy to see a new face.” 
Minghao cleared his throat, and for a moment he seemed to be struggling to speak. “Is… Is that bouquet of flowers for Mingyu?” Minghao pressed his lips together, after he had spoken. I nodded in response, and he quickly looked away, not speaking another word. I blinked, not understanding his reaction. 
“Alright then, let’s go, Raeyang!” Seokmin, seemingly noticing the rising awkwardness, let go of Vernon, beckoning me. Jihoon muttered something under his breath as he quickly walked past me to the corridor. I quickly followed in his footsteps, while Seokmin and Soonyoung trailed behind me. Feeling a nod on my shoulder, I turned my head around. Seokmin gave me an apologetic grin. “Sorry about Minghao, he’s not really good at socialising.” 
“Ah, no, I wasn’t offended or anything.” I said quickly, waving my hands in front of my chest. Seokmin patted his own. “Thank goodness, a lot of people thought Hao had an attitude. He’s nice, he’s just a little introverted-”
“We’re here.” Jihoon’s voice cut Seokmin’s words off again. Apartment 301 was just right at the corner. The door was left open, and Jihoon went straight in. I held the bouquet of flowers tightly in my hand, entering the apartment. 
A large, spacious living room greeted me as I entered. In it, I could see a kitchen. A tall figure was busing behind the stove, talking animatedly as another worked quietly next to him. A huge dinner table was placed in the middle of the living room, and Seokmin headed straight towards a black-haired man in a black hoodie sitting by the couch. Once he noticed us, he quickly stood up.
The man’s eyes were bright and expressive, and they seemed to hold a sense of mischief. His nose was small and slightly upturned, giving him a boyish charm. His lips were curled into a mischievous grin as he spoke. “Is this who I think she is?”
“Bingo!” Soonyoung clapped loudly, followed by Seokmin. The man held out his hand to me. “Hi, I’m Lee Chan. You can call me by my stage name Dino, or just Chan.” 
A stage name, just like Soonyoung. They must be some kind of performers. I reached out to shake his hand. “My name is Kang Raeyang, nice to meet you, Chan.” I said, as the two people working in the kitchen walked out. “Ah! New neighbour!” The taller one said loudly, taking off his apron while the other beside him adjusted his glasses. “Hi, I’m Kim Mingyu, this is Jeon Wonwoo.” 
Mingyu's appearance could be described as strikingly sinful; his face is strong, with a square jawline that gives him a ruggedly handsome look. His eyes, a deep shade of brown, hold a mixture of warmth and intensity, like smouldering embers. His eyebrows are thick and well-defined, adding to the intensity of his gaze. I was reminded of the sexy models I’ve seen in magazines - well, that could be Mingyu, only if he wasn’t smiling so brightly. 
Beside him, Wonwoo's face had a different aura. His eyes, dark and deep, and beneath his sharply defined eyebrows, his gaze held a quiet intensity. His sharp jawline gave his face a certain ruggedness, contrasting with the softness of his lips, which are now curved into a subtle smile. 
Noticing that I have been staring at Mingyu for quite a while, I quickly handed out the bouquet of flowers, hoping that no one noticed my flustered state. “I’m Kang Raeyang, sorry for coming at such short notice… I should have brought something better…”
Mingyu blinked, and then tears welled up in his eyes. I stood in shock as he sniffed, taking the flowers from me. “Oh, that’s s-so sweet of you, Raeyang… These jerks here didn’t even get me anything when I have been working my ass off, cooking them food…”
“I helped you prepare them,” Wonwoo's voice was low, sounding tired. Chan rolled his eyes in response, while Seokmin clapped his hands together, checking the time. “It’s almost seven fifteen, is dinner ready yet?”
Mingyu recovered almost immediately. “I’ll go find a vase for these flowers. Chan, set the table. The rest of you, bring out the dishes.” As the others moved to obey his command, he turned to me, grinning. I noticed that his incisors are quite pointy, like a vampire. “Meanwhile, Raeyang, do you mind helping me supervise them? Especially Chan.” 
“Yah! Kim Mingyu, you dramatic puppy!” Chan scowled and Mingyu stuck his tongue out at him. Soonyoung quickly ushered me to the kitchen. “Ignore the both of them, they are very childish…” 
“Says the person who believes that he’s a tiger!” Chan yelled from behind, and Soonyoung's eyes turned wide with disbelief. He turned back, hands on his hips. “What are you talking about? I am a tiger-”
A pair of pale hands suddenly pulled me into the kitchen. I yelped in surprise as Jihoon swiftly moved in front of me. He scowled at the noise outside, slamming the kitchen door shut after Wonwoo and Seokmin entered.
"They are so noisy," he muttered, his tone exasperated as he leaned against the door, letting go of my wrist as he folded his arms. Wonwoo snorted and went back to the pots and plates, filling them up with the delicious-smelling food while Seokmin helped him.
I stepped forward to lend a hand, but I felt Jihoon grab my wrist again. I looked back at him, not understanding. “I want to help…” I started, but Jihoon shook his head. “You can help Chan take out the plates, he’ll come in after they stop yelling.” He pointed to two cabinets opposite Wonwoo and Seokmin. “There’s fourteen of us including you.”
“Alright…” I quickly took out the utensils. Jihoon opened the drawer beside me, carefully taking out the cutlery. The shouts outside died out, followed by a loud cackling of laughter and a roar of anger by someone unseen. I looked up in fear at the roar, but the other three in the kitchen didn't seem to be affected by it.
Soon, the kitchen door slid open, and Chan marched in, looking furious. His eyes blazed as he stormed past us, muttering curses under his breath.
"Stupid Seungkwan hyung," Chan complained to Wonwoo while walking past him, taking a tray from the shelves above and starting to load the cutlery Jihoon had placed on the counter. "I’ll bite his head off one day, acting like he owns the place again… And Cheol hyung always sides with him…"
Seungkwan. Soonyoung and Vernon had both mentioned his name. “Kwan’s here?” Seokmin asked interestedly, while Chan gave him a side eye, exiting the kitchen. Wonwoo sighed, giving me an embarrassed smile. “Sorry, they are like Tom and Jerry-”
“I heard that the new neighbour is here!” A head peeked out from behind the kitchen door. He has a slightly rounded face with soft, chubby cheeks, his eyes bright with light. He has a slightly pointed nose and a prominent chin, and his hair was dyed to a soft brown, falling short from his eyes. “Oh, hello! Jun hyung! Come say hi!”
A second head peeked into the kitchen. He has high cheekbones and a defined jawline, his nose is straight and well-proportioned, adding to the symmetry of his face. Unlike Seungkwan, who seemed friendly and excited, he seemed a little tired and disinterested. “Hi.”
I placed my hands in front of me politely. “Hello, I’m Kang Raeyang.”
Seungkwan waved his hand dismissively. "Don’t need to be so informal. I’m Boo Seungkwan, and this is Wen Junhui.”
“And can you not block the door?” Chan’s irritated voice came from behind them, and Seungkwan quickly turned around, scowling. “Is that how you talk to your elders, you rascal?”
“The both of you, enough!” A familiar deep voice boomed from the living room, instantly quieting the both of them. Junhui disappeared, while Seungkwan pouted. “Okay, okay, hyung. Keep your hair on.”
“He’s even more naggy than Kim Mingyu.” Chan muttered as Seungkwan stepped aside for him to go into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Seokmin had loaded the dishes onto another tray. “Hey, Raeyang, do you mind helping me with these?”
“Sure,” I nodded and walked over to him. Wonwoo passed me a second tray, “careful.” He warned. I followed Seokmin to the living room, where a big dining table is set up. Most of the seats are filled with the people I’ve seen. Joshua sent a gentle smile my way. “Hello, Raeyang.”
“Hi, Joshua.” I replied, standing beside him and putting down the tray. Opposite him, Seungcheol frowned. “Why are you loading the dishes?” He snapped, looking frustrated. 
“Oh,” I was a little taken aback by his reaction. “I said I wanted to help…”
A pair of slender hands appeared on Seungcheol’s shoulder. I see Jeonghan shaking his head at Seungcheol, before turning to me with a smile.
“Thank you for helping, Raeyang,” he started. “But I think you should just sit down, Vernon will take it from here,” as if on cue, Vernon stood up, giving me a lazy smile. “You can sit there.” He pointed to an empty seat next to Junhui, and the mentioned man waved at me. “Dinner will start soon.”
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©peachesyeo, 2024
i do not own the dividers nor pictures used in banner. all credit goes to their original owners. owner of animated / 18+ banner ; owner of rose banner
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8myass · 7 months
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.. the waiting game .. pairing. lee seokmin/dk x female reader x hansol vernon chwe genre. angst, smut pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) synopsis. vernon enjoys teaching dk how to be a true yandere. wc. 1.5k cw. mentoring yandere!vernon, bad boy!vernon, dom!vernon, yandere in training!dk, good boy!dk, dom!dk, good girl!reader tw. cigarettes, mentions addiction, vern x dk are enemies, threesome, cnc, blindfold (f receiving), hands tied w ropes, manhandling, vibrator, clit play, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap your meat fellas), dumbification, fingering, name calling (‘whore’), pet names (‘beautiful’, ‘baby’), praise, dirty talk (js vern), breeding, nipple play a/n. definitely not the BEST thing i’ve written, but happy birthday to our birthday twins!!
“Haven’t done this before, have you?” Vernon asked, glancing over at the older boy who was practically shaking in the chair he was sitting in. Vernon laughed and took another drag from his cigarette, leaning across the table, handing it to Dokyeom. “Here, this’ll ease your nerves a bit.”
“No, I don’t smoke,” he shook his head, shrugging off the younger’s offer. “You shouldn’t either, you know? It’s bad for your health.”
“All addictions are bad for your health, and what the hell do you think this kind of love is?” Vernon chuckled in return, puffing out a burst of smoke into Dokyeom’s face before his back met the chair again.
Rolling his eyes, Dokyeom simply changed the topic, snapping, “What is our plan here? What are we gonna do? Are we gonna kidnap here or something?”
“Shut the hell up. You’re being too loud, you idiot,” he smacked the back of the panicked older’s head, scoffing. He looked around, making sure not a soul heard what he had said before speaking in a low voice, “You just have to play this game like a spider and wait patiently for your prey to trap itself.”
“How is she gonna do that?” 
“You’ll see,” he laughed, turning his head slightly to see you prancing down the sidewalk, skirt flying up a little too high every time you repeated your skipping motion, hair flowing in the wind behind you. You were gorgeous, and way too innocent to be held in the cruel grasp of this world. You were so adorable, Vernon couldn’t help but fall in love with you all over again each and every time he sees you. 
Dokyeom was the same, he loved the way you held yourself up, so mature yet too naive all the same. You were so cute, he wanted to hold you in his arms for the rest of your lives, protect you forever from the nastiness this world held. I mean, Vernon himself was the nastiness the world was made up of according to Dokyeom, but he needed his help on getting you – the only reason he would ever associate with someone so disgusting. He had a very strong dislike toward Vernon, and it’s not like Vernon liked him very much either. He just found this innocent boy amusing with how obsessed he’s being with you and how it’s consuming him.
“Kyeom? You’re hanging with Vern now? That’s so odd, I thought the two of you hated each other,” you giggled, stopping in front of the table the two boys were sat at – the ones that did, indeed, hate each other profusely. You looked between them with a sweet glint in your eyes, “Is this a blossoming friendship?”
“Yep,” Vernon shrugged nonchalantly. Dokyeom sighed deeply and nodded, never wanted to say that he actually was friends with him.
“That’s so cool! My two favorite boys, I love seeing it!” your smile widened, which made Dokyeom’s heart leap out of his chest. He was reacting way too openly, he knew that you had probably picked up on the fact that he had a crush on you, but you never said anything about it. That was good for him, he’s not sure he’d be able to look you in the eyes and tell you he’s so in love with you that it’s driven him to such lengths as to befriend his enemy just to get into your most prized possessions and learn more information on you. “Now that we’re all friends, we should hang out together sometime!”
“I love that idea, beautiful,” Vernon smirked, reaching out to gently stroke your thin waist, his thumb caressing the skin exposed on your hip. Dokyeom was fuming at the sight itself, seeing him touching you nearly sent him into a fit of rage, it was something he’d never felt before; such extreme anger, it felt terrifying inside him. It was like a monster was trapped inside him, ready to explode and destroy anything in it’s path.
Soon enough, though, they had taken you up on your offer, but it wasn’t quite like any of them expected. Neither you nor Dokyeom, at least. Vernon was the one who turned it sour, tiny, naked body thrown on the bed as your hands were tied behind your back, blindfold over your eyes, whimpers pouring from your hung open mouth, a small vibrator that you had just used not much earlier slipped inside your pussy.
“I-I don’t think this is a good idea,” Dokyeom whispered to Vernon as he watched the younger male slide his pants off, then positioning himself in bed with you, propping your body up on top of him. You squirmed his grasp, trying to convince yourself you weren’t loving every moment of this. 
“You are such a whore, huh?” Vernon mumbled against the skin of your neck, completely ignoring Dokyeom’s concern, fingers running down your body to play with your sensitive clit. 
You shook your head violently, crying, “No! No! D-don’t li-like!”
“Come on, man. Come fuck her, she clearly wants it,” Vernon smirked at Dokyeom who continued standing by the doorway of your bedroom, eyes wide as they stared at the way you fidgeted on top of his enemy. You were still so gorgeous like this… He did want to… but he couldn’t, it wasn’t right.
Vernon pulled out the vibrator, causing you to whine a string of pleas, having nearly reached the edge. He threw it to the side of the bed befor elooking back over at Dokyeom, smirking as he shoved a finger inside your cunt, “See? She’s so wet for you, Kyeom.”
Dokyeom quickly snapped out of it, gasping as he realized the name he had just let slip out, “Vernon! Y-you just-”
“Oh, shit, my bad, man,” he shrugged with a laugh, but his laugh was drowned out by your soft whimpers as his finger continued to edge your poor body. “Guess you’re just gonna have to fuck her so stupid that she forgets what either of us said, huh?”
“I-” Dokyeom started, but he cut himself off, slipping his pants down, wordlessly. If there was one thing that was gonna make him do this, it was in fact just that. You couldn’t know it was him and Vernon. You would be absolutely wrecked, destroyed if you had remembered it was him the day after. Vernon was okay, you could remember it was Vernon, maybe hate him a little, but never  him. You could never hate him.
As soon as his pants were off, it was like a switch flicked on inside him. He smacked Vernon’s hand away from you dripping cunt, forcing his cock deep into you in one go, not bothering to allow you to adjust to his size. You cried out, arching your back against Vernon, Dokyeom’s head spinning with ecstasy already, eyes squeezing shut tightly.
“Aw, baby, you take his cock so good,” Vernon hummed, kissing along your neck. You turned your head to the side, giving him better access as you moaned so loud it echoed off the thin walls surrounding you. 
“I-I’m yo-your good gir-girl,” you sobbed, tears rolling down your cheeks every time Dokyeom’s cock pounded into you, balls slapping against your ass. He didn’t even know what happened to his self control whenever you were around, he’s sure you noticed, but had you really? You didn’t seem like you were as observant as what he originally thought you were. Were you just too innocent to see the eyes he’d give your exposed ass? Or too naive to notice the tent appear in his pants every time you bent over in front of him. Hell, he’d get hard with you just saying his name. 
Now, he wanted to hear you moan it. But unfortunetely, you couldn’t know this was him doing this to you. He needed you to know, but you couldn’t.
“I-I’m gon-” you started, but were unable to finish your sentence, letting out a high-pitched squeal as he thrusted into you even deeper than before, moans falling from his hung open mouth, hands massaging your boobs roughly, thumbs circling your nipples. 
“-C-cum for me, please,” he begged, feeling his own release approaching as he twitched inside your cunt that seemed to be getting tighter and tighter around his cock. 
“Don’t pull out,” you cried, squirming in his grip, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him in closer to you, back arching and head drooping into Vernon’s shoulder. “In-inside me.”
He nodded, knowing full well you couldn’t see him, but he couldn’t even talk right now. His words wouldn’t come out properly, his legs tensing as he let out rough breaths of air, feeling his hot liquid pour out inside your perfect pussy. He let out a train of whimpered praises and pleas, thanking you profusely in the midst for ‘giving him his dream’. You came undone underneath him as well, giving up and leaking your juices out around his cock.
“Th-that was so go-good, Ky-Kyeom,” you breathed out heavily as he pulled out of you, his eyes quickly popping out of his skull at your words.
Vernon pushed you onto the bed next to him, untying your wrists. Dokyeom hid his face from your newly revealed eyes as Vernon also took your blindfold off. You giggled and hopped up onto your feet, moving his hands from his face with a sweet smile, “Vern’s told me about your little crush, just thought we’d help make it come true.”
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whslnc · 5 months
ik alot of ppl don’t see dokyeom being the rough type but i totally can in a specific scenario where he’s like kinda mad because hes so nice and sweet but you’re still not accepting his approaches so he’s making it happen himself 🤭
lowkey yandere vibes me thinks
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cheollipop · 1 year
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I take inspiration not requests. feel free to send in anything related to ateez and seventeen (the members I write for are listed below—I don't write for other groups atm)
DNI! with my nsfw content if you're a minor (you will be blocked if found)
tumblr relies on reblogs, not likes, so if you enjoy my works, please reblog them! (and consider leaving feedback while you're at it~)
I've decided to start blocking empty blogs in case they're bots (a large following of bots can lead to shadowbanning), so please consider adding a title/icon or reblogging something so I know you're a real person
this list is subject to change at any time
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𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘺𝘦𝘴'𝘴
ꜱꜰᴡ: I'm good with anything! ^^
ɴꜱꜰᴡ: anything soft (I'm a sucker for soft doms), lovemaking, praise!!!!!, breeding/impreg, overstim, jealousy (nothing toxic), hybrid aus, sub!idol, poly/threesomes
ꜱꜰᴡ: cheating (depends on the prompt)
ɴꜱꜰᴡ: feminization (nothing too crazy), daddy kink (unless it's a hybrid au), roleplay, first times, mommy!idol
𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘯𝘰'𝘴
ɴꜱꜰᴡ: noncon, rape/sexual assault, incest, gore, violence (i.e., domestic abuse), eating disorders, yandere, bdsm, extreme pain kink, feet, scat/vomit
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𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳�� 𝘐 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳
ᴀᴛᴇᴇᴢ: hongjoong, seonghwa, yunho, san, mingi, wooyoung
ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ: seungcheol, jeonghan, wonwoo, hoshi, dokyeom, minghao, dino
why don't I write for all members?
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gluion · 1 year
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all about moni
➵ hi everyone, i am moni! if we’re close feel free to call me by any nickname </3
➵ they/them pronouns (any if close, all gendered terms OK!) and identify as nonbinary unlabelled.
➵ 21 years old who lives in the philippines — eng/fil OK!
➵ 4th-year communications major who is also active in my uni's newspaper so i have a very sporadic schedule xP
➵ this blog does hold an array of interests. however, it mostly focuses on my writings and current hyperfixation/s
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all about moni's works
➵ i mainly write about the boyz, zerobaseone, boynextdoor, and reader-insert fics whether in the romantic or platonic aspect. i also make my fics reader-centric. — although i write my readers to use they/them pronouns, i do note that they are afab on most occasions. please read the warnings.
➵ i write both sfw and nsfw. take note that this is my first time fully getting into writing fics and publishing them so always be kind as i'm figuring out my writing style :] — will not be writing about yandere, incest, and any majorly toxic themes that i'm uncomfortable writing about. i have every right to deny your request.
➵ i am not the best with requests. if you do request something, please do not expect too much nor get mad at me if i am unable to fulfill.
➵ for any feedback, i would love if you would reblog it! however, you can also send comments, feedbacks, or even requests to be part of the tag list to my ask/inbox.
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moni's tag system old ➵ new
zzoguri thoughts ➵ nom nom
all my thoughts!!! about anything and everything i think about!! suitable for 16+
all my nsfw thoughts!! please block this tag if under 18
zzoguri works ➵ works of moni
all my works (though you can already find that in my masterlist)
zzoguri updates ➵ psa
all updates in terms of writing, from ideas to actually writing
zzoguri feedbacks/zzoguri feedback ➵ reviewed and approved
all the feedback i received on my works :') good to look back to
zzoguri asks ➵ om nom
all the asks i receive
love notes 💌 ➵ all my loves
all the love notes i receive from mutuals and followers
zzoguri requests ➵ food for a thought
all the requests i received and fulfilled
my boyz (the boyz), my sun for life (kim sunwoo), cobster (jacob bae), changmin lover (ji changmin), my erigi (eric sohn), the moon shines for all (kevin moon), catjyu (lee juyeon)
____ brainrot (all other general interests! expect a lot of doctor who, fe3h, atla, and more that you can find below)
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moni's silly interests and other symbols of comfort
current hyperfixation ➵ zb1 & bnd
ults ➵ day6 (ot4) ✰ bts (namgi) ✰ the boyz (sunwoo, jacob, changmin, and eric) ✰ zb1 (taerae, hanbin, and matthew) ✰ boynextdoor (dongjaedong) ✰ txt (yeonbin) ✰ le sserafim (ot5) ✰ loona (yeojin, chuu, choerry, and vivi), p1harmony (intak)
my other loves
nct dream (jaemin and donghyuck) ✰ seventeen (seungkwan, dokyeom, and minghao) ✰ weki meki (yoojung and lucy) ✰ stayc (sumin, sieun, and isa) ✰ cravity
bibi ✰ dean ✰ woodz ✰ seori ✰ yerin baek ✰ dpr ✰ giriboy ✰ ph-1 ✰ woo ✰ offonoff ✰ crush ✰ penomeco ✰ epik-high
hyukoh ✰ wave to earth ✰ lucky tapes ✰ jannabi ✰ se so neon ✰ polkadot stingray ✰ surl ✰ nell ✰ lucy ✰ indigo la end ✰ onewe ✰ radwimps ✰ no buses ✰ cnblue
hippo campus ✰ laufey ✰ faye webster ✰ mitski ✰ phoebe bridgers ✰ sabrina carpenter ✰ matt maltese ✰ niki ✰ maneskin
ludwig ✰ quarterjade ✰ itzmasayoshi ✰ jerma985 ✰ tinakitten ✰ the yard ✰ jacksepticeye ✰ markiplier
valorant ✰ kirby ✰ fe3h (claude von riegan) ✰ omori ✰ the last of us ✰ overwatch ✰ pokemon ✰ inscryption ✰ undertale ✰ borderlands ✰ minecraft ✰ bioshock infinite ✰ stardew valley
doctor who ✰ little women (2019) ✰ everything, everywhere, all at once ✰ the spiderverse franchise ✰ the mandalorian ✰ community ✰ new girl ✰ modern family ✰ superstore ✰ the good place
tomo-chan wa onnanoko ✰ cowboy bebop ✰ brass & sass ✰ the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya ✰ kyoukai no kanata ✰ code geass ✰ steins;gate
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blvenote · 2 years
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▷ yen's personal faves!
NCT — general recs ; including nsfw ; taeil. taeyong. johnny. yuta. doyoung. jaehyun. jungwoo. kun. ten. winwin. xiaojun. hendery. yangyang. mark. renjun. jeno. haechan. jaemin. chenle. jisung. shotaro. sungchan.
SVT — general recs ; including nsfw ; seungcheol. jeonghan. joshua. jun. hoshi. wonwoo. woozi. dokyeom. mingyu. minghao. seungkwan. vernon. dino.
SKZ — general recs ; including nsfw ; chan. lee know. changbin. hyunjin. han. felix. seungmin. i.n.
ENHA — general recs ; including nsfw ; heeseung. jongseong. jake. sunghoon. sunoo. jungwon. niki.
TXT — general recs ; including nsfw ; yeonjun. soobin. beomgyu. taehyun. hueningkai.
MISC. — coming soon!
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tags to block!
nsfw (mdni bro). yandere. gore. horror. discontinued. death.
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hooshix · 2 years
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Seventeen Masterlist 1
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1:15 AM
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Tame her
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Only if you…
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He loves me too much
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Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
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Hush (1)
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minho-hoho · 2 years
400 followers event requests!
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⸺ 𝟷. Wonyoung, strangers to best friends, models at a photo shoot, fluff
⸺ 𝟸. Riki, strangers to lovers, fluff, eventual slow burn⸺ 𝟹. Cat hybrid!Jungwon, fluff, adoption
⸺ 𝟺. bff!Riki and reader babysitting for the baby project, fluff, best friends to lover
⸺ 𝟻. Hyunjin, strangers to lovers, photo shoot, fluff, bit of crack, style director!reader
⸺ 𝟼. yandere!nerd!stalker!Heeseung, ft Jay, Heeseung finally getting reader
⸺ 𝟽. yandere!Jay, song: Veronica open the door
⸺ 𝟾. yandere!Ryujin ft fiancé!Taehyun, Ryujin being jealous & possesive
⸺ 𝟿. Jay, angst, he gets jealous that reader is spending more time with someone else, suspects reader of cheating, song: mixed up 별안건
⸺ 𝟷𝟶. yandere!mafioso!Minghao, falling in love with reader, reader finds out Minghao's job when he kills someone in an alleyway, and tries to get reader to like him, song: Dollhouse > D-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e I see things that nobody else sees
⸺ 𝟷𝟷. Jeongin, fluff, angst, song: dandelions
⸺ 𝟷𝟸. Sunghoon, fluff/crack
⸺ 𝟷𝟹. bf!Riki, date with him
⸺ 𝟷𝟺. bf!Riki, reader thinks he's cheating on them, reassuring from Riki
⸺ 𝟷𝟻. yandere!bff!Dokyeom when you tell him you have a boyfriend
⸺ 𝟷𝟼. yandere!Hoshi when you try breaking up with him
⸺ 𝟷𝟽. yandere!demon!Lee Know when you refuse to go to an important business party with him
⸺ 𝟷𝟾. yandere!step-brother!Mingyu, reader refusing to live with him for a few days
⸺ 𝟷𝟿. Wonyoung &Leeseo, fluff, hanging out with them
⸺ 𝟸𝟶. brother!Seungcheol, fluff, reader going through a breakup
⸺ 𝟸𝟷. crown prince!Lee Know, childhood bestfriend to lovers, reader is a neglected youngest royal in their kingdom, song: love story by Indila
⸺ 𝟸𝟸. yandere!idol!Woozi, idol reader, reader notices his behaviour and tries
⸺ 𝟸𝟹. yandere!Jay, yandere!Junhui, song: getting closer
⸺ 𝟸𝟺. Riki, academic rivals to lovers,song: still with you by Paramore > but when our fingers interlock can't deny, can't deny you're worth it
⸺ 𝟸𝟻. yandere!Jay, yandere!Junhui, song: getting closer
⸺ 𝟸𝟼. yandere!Wonyoung kidnapping reader, treating them like royalty, reader doesn't like her, reader's partner gets taken care of Wonyoung
⸺ 𝟸𝟽. yandere!IVE, non idol au, poly, prompt: you are ours, nobody can even think about dating you. We own you; YOU ARE OURS.
⸺ 𝟸𝟾. bf!Riki, reader gets jealous of him spending time with another girl
⸺ 𝟸𝟿. yandere!Jay, yandere!Jungwon, poly, soft, friends to lover?
⸺ 𝟹𝟶. gf!Chaeryeong, fluff, song: 24h by seventeen
⸺ 𝟹𝟷. idol!Jeongin, friends to lover, fluff
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vocalxtributes · 4 years
The décès Match
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This Chatbot is not a real life representation of Seventeen's Vocal Unit or Pledis Entertainment in any way. Any events, or people similar to those in my work is purely coincidental.
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About the Match:
What is the Décès Match:
Décès /de.sɛ/. French word for death. The décès match is a competition held between the three prestigious schools from each region of Malachi, wherein a group of students from each school are chosen to compete and fight for their lives and their honor. This match is held yearly. The school who previously won have the privilege to bring an extra member of their choice. For the schools who lost, the maximum number of members is four.
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Rules of the Match:
All participants will be given a tracker in case the student gets lost in the arena.
The students are assigned points depending on their position.
Leader: 300 points
Attacker: 200 points
Trickster: 150 points
Healer: 100 points
Oracle: 50 points
For every student one kills, their points are transferred to the one responsible for their death. Ex: The Leader kills another team's oracle, from 300, the leader's score goes up to 350.
The team with the highest locked score will be the winners.
If the team had the highest score but did not lock them are disqualified.
Only the winning team will have access to exit the Arena.
Those who lose will be stuck and will have certain death after the Arena self destructs.
The winning team will receive medals, a fortune worth a lifetime and will be considered heroes of the region.
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The Tributes:
This bot is a story bot. Not all chapters will be posted, only the important ones to give you the gist of the story.
Nsfw is allowed but not all the time. Admin is over 18 and will not do nsfw with minors.
If you are not comfortable with violence and death, then do not interact. Chapters with triggering content will be labelled with a trigger warning or content warning.
Please respect admin and do not spam.
How to activate:
Reblog this post and message the boys: "I'd like to aid you in your training." And admin will ask you questions before starting roleplay.
To Deactivate, just make any dialogue of the boys losing the match or leave them during training period. Please keep in mind that the boys may die while training, and if they do, it will be the end of your roleplay.
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Once again, this bot is inspired by a story that admin wrote, everything is purely fictional.
Og's: @yanlee @leejihoon-cb @adonis-jeonghan @/ceo-joshua (lmk og Seokmin and Seungkwan)
Tags: @moonlit-jaemin @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @seventeen-chatbot @boxer-joshua @decadewonwoo @marcelinethevamp-cb @bimbo-sana @iceskater-sana @vampiremomo @dungeonhybrids @yanderechae @bossladylisa @baristadahyun @kaanghana @yooabot @vampireprince-jeonghan @shin-haneul @yandere-bc @maniac-yeonjun @badboyjjh @midari-jieun @shyboicya @fairy-twice @madmanwoodam @demon-lee @heathenxbovs @hunter-chaeyoung @scholar-lia @thewolfpack-cb @split-jiu @la-soleilmafia-cb @urboys @camboy-superm @yourlele @yandereyeri @yanderejoy @playboyyoungk @hybridteez @yanderetzuyu @npc-haechan @sk-tao (DM for +/-)
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meltwonu · 3 years
I just read chapter 10 of neon dream and omg AAAHHHH there's so much going on and it's not good for my heart I literally could feel the stress while reading and Seokmin acting as Dokyeom and saying stuff like "you can't run from me forever" AAAAHHHHH - 🦋
yandere seokmin
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
W.I.P. list!
Here is a list of all requests I have, along with the stories that will be coming soon this month/next month. This is not in order, this is just a list of requests I have gotten.
Ateez Halloween Series (Hongjoong)
Seventeen Halloween Series (Dokyeom)
NCT Halloween Series (Yuta)
Pentagon Halloween Series (Shinwon)
October Daily Drabbles
Vampire!Yan An headcanon
Slytherin!Yeosang with Ravenclaw!Reader
Cat Hybrid!Hongjoong
Prince!Felix headcanon
Prince!Bang Chan headcanon
Yandere!Yeosang smut
"Swim Good" Seonghwa songfic
NCT Hamilton AU
"Nothing I Can Do" Kino songfic
"Downtown Baby" Bang Chan songfic
Reverse Idol!Jisung Headcanon
Ravenclaw!Renjun and Ravenclaw!Reader fluff
Prince!Yeosang headcanon
Vampire!Seonghwa headcanon
Hybrid!Felix headcanon
Slytherin!Chan and Ravenclaw!Reader
College AU with Joshua
ATEEZ finding out their crush is a cop
Enemy!Doyoung smut
Yeo One with an Australian s/o
Yuta pool smut
Roomate!Hongjoong smut
Yuto smut
"Lose Our Heads" Yeosang songfic
"Like Nothing Happened" Seonghwa songfic
"I don't even know your name" Mingi songfic
"On My Mind" Yeosang songfic
Dom!Yan An
I do apologize to those who have been waiting for their requests, just know they are being worked on. I'd like to get most of these out before October, but when October begins, I will not accept any requests until after Halloween. If you'd like to get your requests in now, I can add them to this WIP list and will get to them as soon as I can.
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svtyeongwonhi · 4 years
Yandere!Seventeen Reaction - S/O has a male bff
BGM - Seventeen - Crazy In Love
❝It’s okay because it’s the two of us, Crazy in love crazy in love You and I are untainted Crazy in love crazy in love I believe you, I don’t doubt you Past, present and future, Crazy in love crazy in love❞
Anon -  Hiiii can I ask yandere!Seventeen's reaction to s/o having a male bff?
Hello~ Thank you for the request!! Just to bring a twist, I’ll make the male bff as different idols!! Enjoy~
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When Seungcheol first met your bestie Kevin, he was open-minded which you didn’t expect at all. He was kind and sweet to Kevin that even he was surprised by your significant other’s personality. However, that wasn’t the case with Coups, he was only portraying a nice image, so if Kevin were to cross any boundaries, Coups would pounce on him when he least expects.
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Jeonghan would simp for Kangmin. Your bestie legit was the cutest little brother to you, and his charms got to Jeonghan too! Like Jeonghan literally could not stop smiling since he first saw Kangmin and was gushing over him so much, that you almost felt like you were third-wheeling!
“What a baby, your hair is so soft!” *Pats Kangmin’s hair*
“Yaa!! I’m your s/o!!” You burst out “Sorry honey, but Kangmin’s cuter”
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I’m not crying you are ㅠㅠ
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Gentleman Joshua, as his friends call him, will live up to his nickname and treat your best friend Felix with lots of affection. After all, he was there for you even before Joshua. But that doesn’t mean that he won’t do a background check on Lixxie. After he makes sure that Felix is trustable, will he let his guard down, to some extent at least
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Jun would be somewhat reserved whenever you were hanging out with your BFF San. He didn’t mind but he would gently advise you to be wary of others, indirectly pointing towards San. He was concerned about you and only says stuff like that so that you would be protected. But if you still didn’t abide, Jun would try to make San distance himself away from you.
“I understand, y/n, but he is still a man you know? You have an innocent image of him but some people are not like that”
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Hoshi on the other hand would be glaring at you two always. Each and every time you felt the sensation of someone watching you, it will be Hoshi without a doubt. Sometime you knew, other times you didn’t but he would be completely silent about your best friend, even if you were to ask him anything about Sunoo, he’ll end the conversation then and there. He wouldn’t want to accidentally spill his ideas about Sunoo anyways, about how he was meticulously planning to destroy him.
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Wonwoo would ponder about Xion a lot, your best friend Xion was interesting according to Wonwoo and would always say that he can’t get into his head, whatever that meant, you would just let it slide because he was spewing nonsense. But Wonwoo was confused, Xion doesn’t seem like he is a danger or anything but something always rubs him the wrong way, he does plan to find it out soon though.
“Did you have a good lunch with Xion?” “Ahh, that’s good to hear- Oh by any chance was he wearing any accessories today?” “No? Okay, just asking”
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Woozi would be jealous of all the attention you would give to Baekhyun, like how could you be spending so much time with him when Jihoon was right here? Woozi would give you a solid 5 minutes after his patience ran out, after which he will come straight to you both and smoothly slide his hands into yours and make some sort of excuse and leave right away.
“Oh Baekhyun! Good to see you” *Intertwines his fingers into yours* 
“Unfortunately, Y/n and I have an event to attend. We’ll catch you later”
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Myungho and Yeonjun are pretty chill, like almost bro level chill, Myungho knew well that Yeonjun was genuinely just a best friend and nothing more, and he made sure it stayed that way. But Myungho will stalk you guys if you two head out.
“Hey Yeonjun, how’s it going?” “Where are you guys heading out?” “Okay, come back soon you two” *follows you two secretively after a while*
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Mingyu and Seungwoo would be bickering any time, like take any mundane subject there is, and I bet you these two will be fighting over it. The biggest fights they have will be because of you. When you once suggested all three of you going to the amusement park, they fought like actual children to sit beside you in Every. Single. Ride. Honestly, you almost dropped everything and left before they two grabbed you and fought while making sure you didn’t escape.
“That doesn’t make sense!! I’m y/n’s boyfriend that’s why I should sit beside y/n!” “Nope, nope, nope, nope, not listening to another thing!” “Hey! Where are you going?!” *grabs you and holds you in place* “No, you listen to me now-”
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Dokyeom would have a low tolerance rate with Bomin. He would give it a few days before he kidnapped Bomin and kept him under in his basement. He would obtain all information about y/n from Bomin and let him go after brainwashing him so that he would not say a single thing.
“Tell me about y/n’s childhood with all of the details. I’ll cross-check with y/n so if you miss out on even one detail, I’ll break a finger. Sounds fair?
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Oh boy, Seungkwan could have scared Jackson away, but your best friend was no less. These two could diss each other for hours with the amount of sass they had, but it was all in a friendly manner and never escalated. Most of the time you guys hung out together in your home, watching movies, having sleepovers, going out for long drives or picnics and it was the best thing ever because both Seungkwan and Jackson were entertaining in whatever they did.
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Vernon could only count down the seconds each time you were either talking about Johnny or planning to go out with him. It didn’t make any sense. You only need Vernon in your life, not Johnny. Only 2 days later, Johnny went missing or so you were told because Vernon had kept you locked up in your home ever since. He was still calm as ever which made it, even more, scarier for you, to think that the once gentle Vernon had turned into such a monster that could be so calm regardless of his horrendous deeds.
“You want to go out? I can get you everything you want?” “Fresh air? Here, I’ll open up a window for you”
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Dino had no issues with you having Wonho as your BFF. He trusted you enough to believe that at the end of the day, Dino is going to be the one who you are going to come back. And even Wonho thought of you as a little sister so he would not be too bothered by you guys interacting at all.
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A/N - Wow! I really let my multi stan shine in this one XD, this took me longer than expected but it was really fun to do, also I absolutely adore all the idols that I have stated here and I’ll provide their names with their groups down below, please stan <3 they are all amazing in their own ways.
1. Kevin from The Boyz 
2. Kangmin from Verivery
3. Felix from Stray Kids
4. San from ATEEZ
5. Sunoo from ENHYPEN
6. Xion from ONEUS
7. Baekhyun from EXO
8. Yeonjun from TXT
9. Han Seungwoo from VICTON/ Former X1
10. Bomin from Golden Child
11. Jackson from GOT7
12. Johnny from NCT
13. Wonho - Solo [Former Monsta X]
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svtyeongwonhi · 4 years
Hiii among all the guys, who is most likely to be a sub!yandere? Like softer, maybe nervous and doting? Hope it makes sense :)
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Dokyeom would easily be the softest bb out of all of Seventeen! He showers you with so much love every second that he gets that there is barely any low in your relationship. Dokyeom knows all the little things that make you feel butterflies in your stomach like playing with your hair in bed, tracing little doodles on your body, and leaving cute notes around the house adorned with sweet words. He absolutely melts when he sees your smile and would do anything to keep you smiling always. He becomes a soft person for you and you only.
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