drop-dead-gamer · 4 months
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sox-the-skeleton · 1 year
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Yandere paps c:
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silly-mutt · 2 months
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Random doodles. 😽
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bigoltrashpile · 1 year
Yan Skeles with a darling whose an escape artist? No matter what the man does---chaining them down, locking the room, around the hour surveillance, etc---their object of affection always somehow escapes.
That's a hilarious idea bro I love it asfjkl
Mafiatale Sans: Sans finds it more funny than anything. He's honestly impressed when you keep escaping in more and more complex ways. He'll definitely make some stupid jokes about you being his little Houdini. It's not like you can escape him for long, though. He practically owns the city, after all, everywhere you go, he'll have eyes there. Don't worry, you'll be back with him soon.
Mafiatale Papyrus: You're going to give him a heart attack! Don't you know how dangerous it is out there? He panics every time he leaves and you're suddenly not there. He almost feels like he can't take his eyes off of you for half a second, or you'll be gone! Oh well, if he has to hold you at all times to make sure you stay by his side, he's more than happy to!
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): Lucky is more than a bit angry. Not at you, of course! He's just mad that he can't make a cage that's nice enough, and secure enough to keep you inside! Your skills are very impressive, he can't lie, but can you PLEASE just stay here for longer than a day?
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): Honestly, he thinks it's all super impressive. He might just ask you to teach him! That's good bonding, right? Not to mention, if he knows how you do it, he might be able to stop you. Until then, he enjoys the chase. Not anything upfront, but he'll stalk you for weeks, just letting you see him out of the corner of your eye. Then, just when you think you've escaped for good, that you can go back to your normal life...that's right when he appears to take you back home.
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): He likes this game of cat and mouse a lot more than he should. Butch gets almost too excited when he seems you're gone for the umpteenth time. That just means that he gets to go and hunt you down again~ He gets a huge thrill from the chase, from getting to track you, tease you, let you think you've escaped...just before bringing you right back.
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Noir is...SO frustrated. He knows, logically, that you want to leave, you want to get out, but can you just sit still for FIVE MINUTES??? Even though he wants you to love him, he's going to have to use threats and fear to get you to stay with him. At least, until the Stockholm syndrome kicks in.
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): When you manage to get out, Scar gets...really scary. He gets really quiet, like he's seething under the surface, about to explode. When he gets you back, which will usually take less than a few hours, he won't talk to you for a while. He'll just...stare. His deadly eyes will bore into you while he sits in the corner. It's almost worse than if he were to yell at you, or punish you somehow. It's just...a promise of something worse.
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): He just doesn't understand! Why don't you want to stay with him? Why do you keep running away? Don't you love him? True to his name, Hound is extremely good at tracking, so he'll be able to find you pretty quickly every time. When you're safely back in his arms, he'll ask you what you're doing. He's very good at guilt tripping, even if it's unintentional. Hopefully, soon, you'll never want to leave!
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lavenderskye29 · 1 year
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Sooooo~ meet Lovesick Papyrus! I made him after chatting with @mothiepixie ‘s AI bot, Big Red.
The reason LS Papy came from a Sans AI is because almost as soon as I started the chat with Underfell Sans, Underfell Papyrus took over. For two days I talked to UF Papyrus, and anytime I brought up UF Sans, Papyrus would ignore any callback to him and carry on the conversation like I never even spoke about Sans. It was really interesting, I loved it!
All the info I have on him currently is here, but if anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
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battlemaiden13 · 2 months
How would the yandere house skeles be as a yan best friend?
13: note Yandere Orange’s nickname is Blood Orange. This has been a personal headcanon of mine for a while and I just wanted to share 
Sans -There’s a lot of hangouts just in his room or at internet cafes. He doesn’t let on to his friends that he messed up in the head so to you he just seems like a chill guy who likes gaming and programming. 
Papyrus -Unlike his brother Papyrus doesn’t really try to hide his yandere side but it only really comes out with odd comments now and then so as a friend he just says some off the cuff things occasionally. This can all be chalked up to an odd personality though. As a friend he’s pretty good if not a tiny bit clingy. 
Red -It’s a lot like being friends with regular Red expect along with the flirting there's a lot more gory stories and angry outburst, never directed at you but if you have an anxious disposition he probably isn’t the best choice of friend. 
Edge - The two of you bond a lot over tea. As friends Edge really wants to show you his poisons and can occasionally go on tangents about them although he will try to refrain from showing you up close and personal. It’s a very cordial friendship.
Blue - You might be forced to be his best friend under the threat of violence. Although he’s never actually hurt you you get the very real feeling that he would hurt you if you ever did anything that really upset him. On the plus side hanging out can be pretty fun, Blue is a ball of energy so there is always something to do. 
Blood Orange -He’s actually a lot more open about his real personality if you are just friends. He’ll let more things slide although he’s still calculative about it. If he doesn’t think you’ll accept him he won’t tell you anything. Either way it’s a very chill friendship
Berry -It’s just like being friends with a regular Berry. He orders you around like a tyrant and can easily be put in his place if you don’t like it. You very much annoy him but because you make him feel things he can’t get rid of you so it’s a very love hate style friendship.  
Syrup -Only difference is he won’t stalk you and unless someone is seriously bothering you or hurting you really badly he won’t step in. He’s a lot more chill with his friends than he is with romantic interests. 
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gestasch · 8 months
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normal-about-boys · 1 month
Yandere skeletons
the votes are in and you guys crazy anime trope papyri, and here I am to deliver such things to you on a silver platter.
Cinnamon: For someone who is normally as subtle as a brick to the face, he is REALLY good at hiding the fact he's stalking you. Plausible deniability goes a looooong way.
He is very focused on the details. He watches you as closely as possible without being noticed, writing anything noteworthy in a notepad He carries around [and he deems everything noteworthy so he's gone through like, 4 notepads already].
Cinnamon asks you out after a few months of "getting to know you" with a grand romantic gesture.
He left notes and chocolates and flowers in your work locker! How sweet! How did he get your locket combination though? Eh, whatever, he probably asked your boss.
Carnation: I've never met someone so patient and impatient at the same time. He kidnaps you immediately, or what feels like immediately. The basement he locked you in is really nice, a fully finished place with all the amenities. Hell, it's better than your place.
But that doesn't change the fact he keeps you locked up in a basement with no windows.
So you fight back.
And this is where he can be patient, you can throw tantrums or play hard to get, but he knows you'll break eventually.
Honey: He is in the background. He can't go up to you and have a conversation like a normal person. He wants to, but evertime he's near you his soul feels like it's on fire and he can't move.
He's always there though. He goes with you everywhere, just a few steps behind. Always watching.
He keeps a collection of sorts, things he takes from you. He has a whole closet filled with anything from used toothbrushes to locks of hair.
The only time he can be next to you and feel normal is when you're asleep. He'll sit next to your bed and lay his head down, his fingers playing with your hair. He will stare at your sleeping face while talking about whatever comes to mind. It would be sweet if he didn't break into your house and steal your underwear.
Jam: Jam is scary. I mean, they all are, but he's the one that feels the most.... dangerous.
He's a manipulator. He needs you, and he needs you to need him just as much as he does you. He'll do anything to make that happen. Jam will whisper in your ear lies to isolate you, keep you from interacting with others.
You can't have anyone else, only him.
He'll never be satisfied either. First, he makes sure you have no one else, then you live with him, then you depend on him, but even then it's not enough.
Who knows how far he'll go to make your mind, body, and soul completely his.
Persimmon: He is extremely delusional. In his head, you two are the perfect happy couple. He does everything he can to keep you happy and safe, and in return you are the most perfect little human ever.
In reality, he's deranged and keeps you locked up. You used to be able to roam free in his house until you kept breaking things and trying to fight him, now you are tied up. He drugs you to make you easier to handle. You used to refuse food when you learned it was drugged but quickly stopped that when he force-fed you.
Life is hell with Persi.
So erm..... yeah yandere boys. I tried to make it more light-hearted at first but my love for horror came out. Woops. I know these aren't the best so constructive criticism is welcome!
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Say, does Yanberry actually care if someone dates his bro? I mean, Yanberry is often the relationship type, so would he get potentially jealous or.. ?
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axolotlart · 4 months
my favorite video game characters :v
I do not know what I did
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susartwork · 1 year
has papyrus try to trap his own brother before?
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drop-dead-gamer · 4 months
So we’re gonna like
storm your blog now
hope you’re cool with that
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sox-the-skeleton · 2 years
Handsome man with strawberry jam 😌💖💖💖
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rokishimizu4 · 9 days
Hey Everyone,
I’m looking for motivation and requests to get me through a tough time I’m having! I would love writing requests, but I won’t say no to drawing requests either.
I won’t be doing rape, non-con touching/flirting anything like that, underage x adult, Or angst.
I want to write something happy but my brain is in a dark place right now.
And my Batfam story will be dark at first, and dealing with some heavy issues.
I am working on it, but I want to write something happy; slashers, yandere, Undertale, whatever.
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bigoltrashpile · 2 years
Could I maybe request some yandere skeletons with reader (poly prefred but I'll take any, love your writting) - 🦢
Absolutely swan!! I hope you're doing okay! Tw for kidnapping and stalking, the normal yandere stuff
You seemed to attract skeletons. Which would sound like you were a serial killer, but thankfully all the skeletons were monsters, and not dead humans.
There were a few who were regulars at your job at Grillby's speakeasy, a couple who frequented the same stores as you, and one who even took the same bus home that you did. It was like you were a skele-magnet!
All of them were very handsome, you had to admit, but you were way too awkward to make a move on any of them. Although a few of them seemed to try to make a move on you.
"heya doll~" Speak of the devil. "can ya get me the usual?"
You smiled at Butch. "Of course! Anything else?"
"depends, are you on the menu?~"
Despite the fact that he had used that line dozens of times, you felt your face light up a bit. "I-I'll get you that burger." You walked away as quick as you could, trying to ignore the amused chuckle from behind you.
Though the attention was nice, you didn't want to get involved with Butch, since he was a famous mobster. You were pretty sure the other skeletons were in the mafia as well, but just because someone dresses nice doesn't mean they're a criminal! Thankfully, you only had about twenty minutes left on your shift, so you wouldn't have to deal with these conflicted feelings for much longer.
You continued to wait on the other customers, before noticing that there were a few other skeletons sitting at the bar. Sans and Slim, two other regulars, waved you over.
"hey honey," Slim grinned. The cigarette in his mouth gave off a surprisingly nice smell. "how's it goin?"
"Okay," you admitted. "I'm going home soon, so that's good. Can I get you anything?"
"ketchup," Sans requested. "do ya need someone to walk ya home?"
Although Sans was probably the dorkiest and friendliest looking monster you'd ever met, you never took him up on the offer. Though it was scary going home alone at night, it was scarier to have a barely-acquaintance knowing where you lived. "No thank you," you turned him down as politely as you could. "I'm a big kid, I can make it home myself."
Sans chuckled at the joke. "suit yourself." At the words, he tugged at his lapel, making sure you knew it was a pun.
You covered your mouth to hide your laugh as Slim groaned. "I'll get that ketchup for you."
As you went back to the bar, you didn't notice the three skeletons exchanging knowing looks. By the time you returned, they were back to their normal, flirty, punning selves.
Before you knew it, your shift was over, and you began the long journey home. Even though Grillby's was a far distance from your apartment (and technically illegal), it paid very well, and the customers were surprisingly more polite than at a less shady establishment.
You hopped on the bus, relieved to finally be off your feet after a long day. As usual, there was a skeleton sitting a few seats away from you. You didn't know his name, but he had bright blue eyelights, and almost looked like Sans. He gave you a friendly smile before turning back to his book.
The bus ride was uneventful, as usual. You yawned, exhausted. After a moment, you let your eyes drift shut, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
You woke suddenly to a strong hand gently shaking your shoulder. "EXCUSE ME?" You yelped and turned to whoever was shaking you. It was the skeleton. "ISN'T THIS YOUR STOP?"
You whipped around and jumped when you realized you had slept through the whole bus ride. "Shit, yes it is! Thank you so much!" You leapt out of your seat and stumbled off the bus. In your rush, you didn't notice the skeleton getting off the bus after you.
Thank goodness that skeleton was so kind, if you had to walk an extra fifteen minutes you would have been furious. You relaxed as your apartment came closer. Your feet seemed to guide themselves along your familiar route, and you let your mind drift off. Thanks to that, you didn't even notice the shadowy figures waiting in the alley ahead.
As you passed the alley, a hand shot out and grabbed you by the wrist. You tried to scream, but you didn't even get a peep out before you were silenced by a rag pressed over your mouth and nose. You could feel your attacker's claws pressing into your cheeks.
"Just Relax." A strangely familiar voice purred into your ear. "We Won't Hurt You."
Like hell you were going to relax! You flailed your arms and legs as hard as you could and held your breath in order to not breathe in the whatever-the-hell was on the rag.
Out of nowhere, a few other hands grabbed your limbs. The only thing you could move was your eyes. You were finally forced to breathe, and to your horror, your eyes became heavy. As you slowly lost consciousness, you vaguely recognized the blue eyes of the skeleton from the bus.
The thing that woke you up was a pounding headache. You winced and rolled over further into your pillow. You breathed in the smell of fabric softener and-
That wasn't the right smell.
This wasn't your pillow.
Immediately, the memories came flooding back. You sat up as fast as you could, despite the pain behind your eyes.
You frantically looked around the room. Yup, this definitely wasn't your room. It was way bigger than your room, was lavishly decorated, and had bars over the windows. Oh yeah, and there was a skeleton sitting in the corner.
"Relax," the skeleton said softly. He stood up, raising his hands to show he wasn't armed. "You're Safe Here. Are You Okay?"
You winced, finally recognizing the skeleton. "P-Papyrus?" He was another skeleton that you knew from work. "You're the one that kidnapped me??"
"Well, Kind Of? Not Really?" Papyrus winced, clearly not happy with the way his words were coming out. "Me And My Family Took You."
Before you could make your brain work enough to ask one of the many questions running through your mind, the door opened. "Are They Awake?" You had noticed this skeleton at your local grocery store, just as sharp looking as Butch, but with purple eyes.
Papyrus nodded, and the skeleton stepped into the room. After him, more and more came in. You shrunk further into the bed, as if the blankets would protect you from your kidnappers. To your horror, you recognized every single one of them. From Butch to Sans to the skeleton from the bus, to some you had just seen around town.
"W-what's going on?" You tried to sound demanding, but it came out as weak and trembling.
"we love you," Sans said simply. He said it so casually, it was like he had just ordered his usual bottle of ketchup at Grillby's.
Your jaw fell open. "What?"
"We Love You," the purple skeleton said. He rolled his eyes. "How Hard Is It To Understand?"
"leave 'em alone bro," the lanky skeleton frowned. "they're confused, and too sweet to assume somethin' like that!"
"WE'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR QUITE SOME TIME." Another tall skeleton said. You glanced down and noticed in horror that he had sharp claws, just like the one who had drugged you. "AND WE HAVE FINALLY TAKEN ACTION."
Butch approached and sat on the side of the bed. You whimpered as he stroked your hair. "we're...dangerous, doll. we knew ya'd never be with us normally, so..." He shrugged, as if kidnapping you was an obvious solution.
"You won't get away with this," you glared. "Someone will notice I'm gone! Grillby, o-or one of my friends-"
"paid off," Slim interrupted. "or blackmailed."
"We Own The Cops," the blue eyed skeleton from the bus grinned.
"face it," Sans grinned. If it weren't for your horrifying situation, his casual smile and body language would have been relaxing. Right now, though, it was chilling. "ya ain't gettin' out of here." His eyes suddenly changed into hearts. "you're ours now. and we're never gonna let you go."
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spookitordukeit · 5 months
Guys I am so very very insane.
I have so many ideas for so many stories running laps in my silly little brain over and over and the moment I start writing one idea, another two pop up beside it. Oh I am so ill. So feral. I am unwell. I need to write them down. NOW.
1) I’ll put this one up first since it’s almost mermay, but I’ve had this idea for months.
Silly little MC gets pressured to go on a fun little boating trip by friends. (Bad friends) Unfortunately, MC has ✨thalassophobia✨ stuff happens and ‘friends’ decide it would be so ha ha funny to push MC off the boat as a little prank. News flash. MC has always been scared of water. Mc never learned how to swim.
Yada yada, Mc panics, starts to drown, hears clicking or something and is suddenly back on the boat gasping for breath. Orca Sans is not happy to have humans drowning in his waters. He is also not happy to have ‘friends’ polluting his waters with their trash. He had been following them because they kept throwing their shit overboard and then they threw over a while ass human. The man’s is not happyTM.
Anyway, she ends up passed out and her friends take her home, she wakes up the nest day thinking it was all just a weird dream, especially since no one but her seems to remember it, they said she passed out from the heat. After all, Monsters had emerged from the mountain a few years ago, she probably was just having funky fever dreams.
…On a whim, she goes to the dock closest to where her friends had their boat. Even if it was just a dream, the worst that can happen is she ends up looking silly.
Nothing happens and she ends up staring up at the moon, listening to the water hitting gently under the dock. It’s dark enough where she can pretend the water isn’t water and is just the night sky under her feet. She recalls a vague song, but it’s blurry she doesn’t remember where she heard it. There’s no words to it, just musical notes. On a silly whim, she sings in the quiet darkness.
It’s only when she finishes that she opens her eyes, finding two white eyelight staring back at her.
Thinking of calling it Learning Your Song.
2) I really really love the anti-harem concept, especially like There’s Still Magic by RosesCry and I’d love to write one myself! I have the idea of a whole verse for this one- I’d call is NexusTale or NexusHub and It’d be this one huge nexus where all the aus emerge from their mountains. I’m thinking it will be the first original verse lord wise. And other verses just continuously show up, many of them leave to go create their own Home AUs once their free, but may also stay.
MC has a… troubled home life to say the least. I can’t say much about this without spoiling it, but her and her sister live together, MC owns the house but she may as well be a freeloader with the way her sister and the skeles act. Oh yeah- did I mention MC’s sister invited a whole gaggle of skeletons to come live with them without asking MC?
It’s not like she could say no— they’re all newly emerged from the underground and don’t have a place to call their own, her and her Kindness couldn’t just leave them to the wolves… I Have Many Ideas For This One— I think I’d call it Shades Of Green or something.
3) okay so hear me out- Blue joins the Bad Sanses but with horrendous ✨trauma✨ Blue is with the Stars, and he does his best! He really does! But even his best isn’t enough most times. And people need him— people will die and suffer needlessly if he rests for even just one moment— so he must keep going! Dream is always there to give him a searing hot boost of energy whenever he’s falling behind. And who is he to complain if it makes his marrow feel like it’s boiling him from the inside out? If it feels like his soul is filled with churning, molten lava? If all he can think of is fight fight fight— anything to get rid of this feeling.
Why does Killer keep asking him weird questions? What does he mean he thought Blue would be too out of commission from mourning to fight?
…When was the last time he saw his brother…?
I’m thinking of calling it, When Dreams Turn To Nightmares. I also want to up the anti by having Nightmare somehow be able to transfer a little bit of his power to the boys?? Making them like demi gods??? Idk I’ll figure it out
4) okay okay— UnderFell soulmate Au where the first words your soulmate says are somewhere on your skin. I know I know, it’s been done many time but LISTEN- Monsters emerged from the mountain like five years ago and very quickly took over, humans are lower class and the world over all is pretty sucky. MC lives in a shitty run down apartment and works a shitty job. She has two marks, one on each of her wrists like shackles.
She’s working at her job at the gas station one day, tired, hungry and ready to go home when the captain of the royal gaurd and the freaking judge walks in. She’s panicking because two of the most powerful and dangerous Monsters are within killing distance of her, as she should. She does her best not to make eye contact with either of them as they loudly walk through the aisles, but, inevitably, The Judge comes over to the checkout and she can’t ignore him— no one ignores the judge.
Red says something probably along the lines of “what? cat got yer tongue?” And MC freezes mid scan of an item, the words on her left wrist burning against her skin for a brief moment.
She looks at him with utter horror and Edge walks, excuse me— stomps over with some snappy demand like “WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG, HUMAN? WERE VERY BUSY!”
And then the words on her right wrist start burning and all she can do is mutter out “This can’t be happening.”
Both the boys freeze for a long moment and MC flees out the back door.
I’m definitely calling this one Shackled By You Words, Collared By Your Love. Because yeah it’s UnderFell, there’s collars lol. MC has one that she wears that she fills with her own Intent to keep Monsters away. Not that it works very well.
5) I reeeeeaaaallly want to do a dark fic 😔 I think writing a Yandere Edge would be really interesting. Not in a ‘I’ll kill anyone who looks at you’ but more in a ‘I’ll steal you from the forest and take you home where you will never leave because I only I can keep you safe and you will never want to leave.’ Kinda way.
So MC is a skeleton creature of some sort, not sure which yet. She lives in the forest alone, without a pack. Her pack was… lost. They had been taken from their homes once, and she got free. But now she is alone, and has been for many years.
She had her den and she protects the forests creatures from hunters, many of which do not leave alive. One day she catches a familiar scent, and with her soul racing and the inside of her skull screaming that she’s found them! They came back! They escaped! Family! Pack! Pack! Pack! She races through the trees and follows the scent, skidding into a clearing with an elated yell of welcome, only to stop short and have the words die in her throat.
The monster that stands shocked in the clawing is not her pack.
Fear, grief and rage well up in her soul and instead of running the monster out or killing him for trespassing in her forest, she runs. She runs all the way back to her den and burrows herself into the deepest parts of her nest while her soul tries it’s best to tear itself apart. The brief hope that had surged in her soul leaves her more broken then she was before, her kind is not meant for isolation. She so horribly, painfully alone…
She doesn’t leave her den for days, creatures of the forest bring her food and water, and stare worriedly at her until she accepts them, wolves bring her fresh kills and rabbits snuggle into her sides. The forest is worried, and yet she can not bring herself to move. She is alone.
Prey animals scatter and Predators growl in warning when a figure emerges from the trees. MC looks up in shock and fear as the monster from before pauses in the little clearing of her home. Anger quickly stomps out her fear as the monster is surrounded, she pulls herself from her den and growls at the intruder who dares to invade her home.
The Skelton monster does not look worried for his well being despite the wolves, bears and even a great moose surround him. The forest hisses with anger.
Somehow it deescalates and Edge ends up coming to the forest quite frequently. He is observant and quiet but he’s kind and sh is so very alone. She attaches to him quickly, missing him when he’s gone and chattering endlessly the moment he’s there. She shows him her den, shows him her nest, shows him the wonders of her forest and tells him of her darkest memories.
Memories of white labs and cold voices and the whines of her pack from behind separated walls. Memories of escaping along with another, but losing sight of him along the way. (Sometimes she thinks she can smell him on Edge… but that’s just her head playing tricks on her.)
…When she wakes up from a nap that leaves her groggier then normal, she’s a little disoriented. But not for long. The place she finds herself is unfamiliar, but Edge is not.
She can’t do anything but stare at the monster in front of her in silent horror, a cold pit in her stomach as her shaking hands grip onto the collar around her neck.
Idk what if call this tbh.
Sigghhhhhhhhh. So yeah, that’s all my ideas so far. Any of them strike your fancy?? Lemme know! I’ve already got five fics going, what’s five more?!
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