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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 year ago
today in "krad continues to be very normal about gunter fire emblem" i hyper-analyze 3H's teatime preferences to divine up gunter's favorite teas and a few other fun facts ~ :D
so, context:
in Three Houses (FE16), there's a teatime minigame where your avatar drinks tea with selected characters, and try to guess their favorites / favorite conversational topics / etc for bonding points. FE's pretty big on character archetypes across the games (nabarls, jeigans, etc); while it's never a 1:1 as the series does like to subvert the stories and character arcs in some fun ways, you can generally trace a pretty direct line across them a la 'wow innes and shinon sure share more than a few surface-level similarities' and 'man OG!Jeigan, Gunter, and Marcus are cut out of the same cloth at least appearance wise huh'.
tl;dr -- it's easier than you'd think to pick a few 3H characters that echo gunter's archetype/arcs.
since i've played through 3H a few times, the three characters i figured gunter would share at least a higher-than-background-average similarity in archetypes + taste were:
Hubert - loyal advisor that does the dirty work behind the scenes in black to a charismatic royal. definitely holds a not-entirely platonic flame for said princess who had a Fucked Up past. has a tendency to be the disciplinarian for the others. (also both characters are hellaciously kinky bastards but that's just me)
Jeritza - strict instructor turned surprise(!) villain yandere paladin with a more complex backstory than you'd think. even has the black armor in his alter ego, and dislikes talking to others / prefers being alone. (seriously does that sound familiar or what.)
Hanneman - older (ie, definitely over his sixties versus all of the other babies in age) classic jeigan archetype and another instructor, kind but keeps to himself as well.
I could see people debating Hanneman vs Gilbert on technicalities but whatever, this is my post, I'm sticking to this list. :P
so, next step! looking at serenesforest.net's teatime preferences chart, we find out the favorite teas of the previous characters are (common teas in bold) ...
Hubert - Dagda Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
Jeritza - Albinean Berry Blend, Southern Fruit Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Sweet-Apple Blend
Hanneman - Bergamot, Sweet-Apple Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
... and surprisingly, there was a very high level of crossover! :o holy shit i was kind of not expecting that lmao. I checked a few of the other characters just to make sure it wasn't the same 5 teas over and over again, and no, these were pretty rare. that to me, reinforces that hunch that says looking into these patterns was worth it.
therefore, it is in my very humble opinion that (in 3H's style), Gunter's favorite teas would be generally the fruitier-sweet flavored ones, plus cinnamon.
fucking hell i love this so much. omg.
it makes so much sense in hindsight; i mentioned before how FE has a lot of fun playing with the archetypes/subversions, and there's something kind of hilariously adorable about the old strict "traditional" masculine dude fucking loving his fruity teas :D;;
gunter's already (ime) an interesting case of wildly subverting his archetype expectations so this is just yet another fun super-stealth easter egg nod.
to that note---you know what that reminds me of? this meme (below) of the bodyguard and the chick swapping drinks so he can have the fruity one and she can have the beer. :D
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absolutely hilarious fun bonus fact in hindsight:
i almost had this as a scene in the gunter x fcorrin slowburn fic a while back, (yes, seriously, even before this post) but it ultimately got cut out for being ever so slightly gimmicky/meme-y in tone versus the rest of the fic which is played more seriously.
... this would make for an A+ drawing shitpost or a standalone fic tho. :D
no i'm not secretly smug af my instincts were on fireeeee why r u asking lolololol
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yanderefairyangel · 2 years ago
Idk if I can send this type of ask. Who do you think is the a yandere in fire emblem.
Of course you can, it's the name of my blog Anon !
Well, Arvis'dad from Fe 4, Orson from FE 8, Tharja from Fe 13 and Rhajat too. In Heroes, Freya. Aelfric in 3H.
And in Fire Emblem Emotional Damage;
Rafal (if Alear S support him)
Hey maybe if I managed to collect some more, I could make a "Yandere in Fire emblem" Poll !!!
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yandere-sins · 3 years ago
Imagine a comparison of pre timeskip and post timeskip love letters from Dimitri. Like pre timeskip is all flowing soliloquies about how much he adores you with a sinister undercurrent of possessive behavior and post time skip is mask off straight up incomprehensible rambling that is written with blood on somebodies shirt. Shit sounds just 👌
Aaah, I kinda always kept this ask because I wanted to do these letters but I couldn’t bring myself to it ;;
But anon, you are so right.
As a student, Dimitri still has his dignity to write you in penmanship that makes you think he just personally awarded you a medal. And yet, what he writes is probably the sappiest, most naive story of how much you mean to him. How everything he sees and hears just reminds him of you, from morning dew on flowers to horses neighing as they wait for their riders. It’s cringy enough to not show your friends, and at the same time, fairytale-like that you feel like you will burst if you don’t tell someone about your royal admirer. 
However, as you keep reading it over and over, unable to put the letters (plural, he wrote about 5 pages, two-sided, adding additional ones after he found the courage to actually send them to you), it feels weirder and weirder by the sentence. You can overlook some of the innuendos in it that Dimitri might not even have wanted to put in there, but it’s clear as day that he has a lot of feelings about you. Still, especially when it comes to how he feels when he sees you with your friends, away from him, out of his reach, you get the shudders. It takes a while to completely get through all Dimitri has written, truly a rollercoaster of emotions on both sides; yours and his. It’s hard to make out in the end what exactly his intentions are, other than to tell you how much he likes you but hates everything happening in your life and out of his control at the same time. Really strange, and you end the reading with goosebumps, wondering what you should do about your admirer who doesn’t appear so proper to you anymore as you always thought he was.
The questions about his sanity you had since that letter are finally answered when you meet his eye after being separated for years. In the dim blue you see a flame burn up again, one of desire that instantly attaches to the image of you reflecting in them. The questionable gifts he sends you freak you out, but how can you blame him after all he’s been through? It’s terrible, but he is needed. You had always been his first love, so it’s expected he’d latch on to you even if you wanted to get away from him now more than ever. 
But the war is still raging, so you just have to hold out no matter how many bloody hearts you find in front of your door in the morning, or his clothes, dirty and disgusting, after he was forced to change them. The new ‘letters‘ are his unique - a bit feral - way of showing his love and, well, possession, but you need to keep your mouth shut. You can’t lose your general and most prolific warrior. You are nothing compared to Dimitri, but you make plans on how to avoid him the moment the battle is won. However, your resolve will be tested the night before the grand battle. Dimitri seemed to have gotten better, but perhaps only you know that insanity is still lodged in his brain as you read his last message to you. In capital letters, smeared in blood on the wall of your temporary lodging is a string of words you never wanted to read:
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gantalicious-edits · 4 years ago
~As per requested by Anon~
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Personally, i think this one came out nicely, despite how simple it may be. I hope the quality is to your liking, annon!
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mlmdarkfiction · 5 years ago
What kind of yandere is Hubert?
Hubert, regardless of whether or not he’s a yandere, is an incredibly calculating person. I think we can all agree on this. It’s very unlikely he makes an action that he hasn’t totally thought through before hand. 
This extends to yandere Hubert. This extends to how Hubert would react with a s/o.
And to start with I feel like there are definitely worse yanderes. 
At first he doesn’t want to cut away from your freedom, especially because he’s a very busy man. He doesn’t have the time that it would take to make sure you were stuck in one place.
In that regard he has quite a lot of respect for his s/o. 
He trusts them. 
At least until he’s made to not trust them. 
He’s made jealous quite easily however. This comes from his own lack of self confidence. 
If he see’s you spending too much time with people like Ferdinand or Dorothea (traditionally pretty, traditionally likable people) he may become jealous. 
I think one of the most telling things about him as a yandere is that he keeps you a bit like a well pampered pet. 
You’ll have everything you want, free range of Enbarr, and the castle, but you’re not allowed to leave the capital, you’re not allowed to fight anymore.
It doesn’t matter how much military prowess you had before the start of the war, you’re never seeing another battlefield again if he can help it. 
The last thing he wants is to lose you…and you are…admittedly a huge distraction on the battlefield. 
When worse comes to worse, Hubert has ultimate forms of manipulation. 
This doesn’t come in threats to your own freedom, as previously said he’s far too busy, but in threats to the lives of people you know. The Von Vestra’s have a reputation for a reason.
Play nice, stay in the castle, give him affection when he’s home, and no one else will have to be hurt. 
I don’t feel like Hubert is a canon yandere, but I feel like yandere Hubert takes a lot of Hubert’s canon traits and makes them worse/more prevalent. 
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years ago
I think the problem with your Hubert = Manfroy archetype take is that many western FE fans still haven't played Geanology, and also, that even Japanese FE fans don't think primarily of Manfroy when talking about what inspired Hubert or which pre-existing character he resembles. The popular JP take is that Hubert is most likely inspired by Paul von Oberstein from Legend of the Galactic Heroes. (1/?)
Which has been bolstered by Intesys admitting that one inspiration for Claude was Yang-Wenli from the very same series. Or Ferdibert being the Two Jewels of the empire while LoGH has the Twin Jewels of the empire. Quite the coincidence! I’m kind of middle of the road in that I’ve recognized Hubert as a character archetype I’ve encountered a few times before in various fantasy anime and manga. (2/?)
A ruthless (almost always) male servant who is ready to go against his master’s orders if he thinks that his master is being too soft/reckless but who is also nevertheless has the loyalty of an utter zealot. This plot line is usually accompanied by the master really loving a morally more upstanding character. The servant tries to get rid of said morally upstanding character because they’re turning his master soft which could spell doom for said master. (3/?)
In the end the servant character either dies for his master or sees the error of his way, his master is redeemed and a happy end of some sort happens. The master is usually a man and the servant usually comes across as subtextually gay or is even in some cases confirmed as gay in canon. In extreme cases he winds up the only confirmed or implied to be gay character in a very straight cast (4/?).
What makes it even spicier is, that in the rare cases in which the servant has any homoerotic tension with someone else (or even a requited romantic relationship), it’s in my experience to date, always with a male character he has an antagonistic relationship with. There’s a lot more I could write about trends regarding this character but this is already unwieldy and long. Needless to say, someone in the Intesys writing room knew this archetype pretty well (5/?).
To circle back to Oberstein, after watching LoGH, I realized that Oberstein is most likely the origin of this character archetype and that the archetype has developed away from him over the years. For example, Oberstein himself isn’t all that gay but the archetype itself sure is. Hubert himself imo, has traits of both Oberstein and the later versions of the archetype (too many of them to list here). (6/?)
Also, interestingly, the physical resemblance between pret-s Hubert and Oberstein from the 90ies LoGH anime is pretty strong, so I think the 3H character designer was in on it, too. Not saying that Manfroy has nothing to do with him, but Hubert is closer to Tharja, I think. Intesys imported an animanga archetype into FE that previously didn’t exist in the series. In Tharja’s case, she was FE’s first yandere and in Hubert’s case, he was FE’s first „Oberstein“. (7/7)
Interesting. I admit that outside of (some) Nintendo IPs and a scattered few others I have next to no knowledge of or interest in Japanese media. I remember one of my mutuals quite some time ago made the observation that there's a surprisingly large subset of FE fans who don't seem to be much into anime or manga, despite this series being what it is.
In any case, while I always enjoy pointing out the intertextual nature of FE there's something to be said for influences and parallels (intentional or not) outside the series. I lean more heavily on FE4 for Three Houses specifically because that game was cited as an inspiration, but as much as IS loves to reuse characters and archetypes they're (almost) never recycled exactly as is.
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baeshijima · 4 years ago
WAIT NOW THERES CEO WAKATOSHI 😫 dbqjajiaijaannaak af this point you might as well create a series; ushijima + the 1738812727 aus you’ve come up for him
king wakatoshi
prince wakatoshi
bad boy wakatoshi
CEO wakatoshi
magic-user wakatoshi
idol wakatoshi
boxer wakatoshi
mafia boss wakatoshi
MMA fighter wakatoshi
taekwondo captain wakatoshi
stride runner (anchor) wakatoshi
fencer wakatoshi
android (later turned deviant) wakatoshi
barista wakatoshi
bartender wakatoshi
waiter wakatoshi
musician (violinist) wakatoshi
swimmer wakatoshi
florist wakatoshi
vampire wakatoshi
detective wakatoshi
kyudo wakatoshi
archer wakatoshi
pirate wakatoshi
wizard (hufflepuff and if you disagree i will fight you) wakatoshi
kings candidate/dungeon capturer wakatoshi (if you know where this is from then i love you)
or djinn wakatoshi too
pokemon trainer wakatoshi
demon slayer wakatoshi
or demon wakatoshi
god wakatoshi
angel wakatoshi
chef wakatoshi
football (soccer) player wakatoshi
bodyguard wakatoshi
black clover! squad captain wakatoshi
ice hockey player wakatoshi
tennis player wakatoshi (look, i need to live out my dreams of playing mixed doubles with him bc we would destroy everyone—)
baseball player wakatoshi
coffee shop owner wakatoshi
dancer wakatoshi
titan slayer wakatoshi
sprinter wakatoshi
firefighter wakatoshi
doctor wakatoshi
basketball player wakatoshi
one punch man! hero wakatoshi
bnha! wakatoshi
yokai wakatoshi
ayakashi: romance reborn! wakatoshi
a3! wakatoshi
fe:3h! wakatoshi
model wakatoshi
actor wakatoshi
author wakatoshi
artist wakatoshi
bounty hunter wakatoshi
medieval wakatoshi
sengoku wakatoshi
ghost wakatoshi
lifeguard wakatoshi
monster hunter wakatoshi
spy wakatoshi
racer wakatoshi
teacher wakatoshi
psycho (yandere?) wakatoshi
i actually hate my life
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heroes-never-discourse · 4 years ago
Anti-incest people continuing to not get that Fire Emblem is probably not the franchise they wanna throw their hat into the ring for continue to be hilarious shxjxjx
FEH the mobile game just introduced the next storyline and the main antagonists/the obligatory heel face turn party member are siblings (two are blood and were adopted by the third), and the middle brother is very clearly at least a little yandere-y for their older brother sbxjxjs
Literally like, this is two chapters in:
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Mind, this is directly following book IV, wherein the main antagonist of that story was also yandere-y for her brother fjxbxjxhf
And I've already seen at least one person go like "feh doesn't have a good track record with siblings i hope they dont make it weird like they did in book iv :////" re: otr's relationship towards his brother and im just like why are you even here fjcjjxjxjx
Every fe fanti that got into the series through three houses should be forced to play fates i stg, i'm sorry kiddos but this series is probably not for you if youre gonna bitch about incest, blood related or not, because it's in literally every single game (hell its even in 3h but i guess we just dont talk about dimigard fkxhdjdj)
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codys-yandere-realm · 5 years ago
Axelfel’s USTs are a rare treasure to come across these days, so I grabbed this one the moment I had the opportunity presented to me. Of course Felix would get the yandere spotlight eventually.
cough cough Felix singing about Sylvain and killing Ingrid for stealing Sylvain from him cough cough
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josuke8 · 5 years ago
i forgot to do it i– THANKS FOR TAGS 😭
| i. leo tsukinaga of enstars !!
| ii. nagito komaeda of sdr2.
| iii. dimitri of fe:3h.
| iv. meliodas of seven deadly sins.
| v. tanjirou kamado of kimetsu no yaiba.
| vi. moon phos of houseki no kuni.
| vii. akasuna no sasori of naruto shippuden.
| viii. shuichi saihara of drv3.
| ix. josuke higashikata 8 of jojo’s bizarre adventure.
| x. edward elric of fma.
{ @ohshiningstar / @vampirehourz / @peachyunjinn / @choexhoe / @yes-ter-night / @rabbitparachute / @mila-minnie / @nvzuna / @chae-lin / @cherub-yandere }
ya think i know 10 ppl i –
10 tag game
rules: name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
Tagged by: @poisonepel, @meilc, @twisted-monarch and @night-raven-dorms
Marvel (Tony Stark a.k.a Ironman)
Hataraku maou sama (Hanzo Urushihara)
Magi (Judar)
Demon slayer (Nezuko or Guyyatora)
Twisted wonderland (Leona Kingscholar)
Obey me (Leviathan)
My hero academia (Dabi)
Kingdom hearts (Xaldin)
Angles of death (Rachel Gardner)
Lunar chronicles (Scarlet Benoit)
I'll tag @yandere-romanticaa @whisperinghallwaysofmirrors @writerbyaccident @julie-fandom-artblog @xdendenx @akaza-s-bitch @last-curse @poisoned-thorns @tinseltina @choconanime
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yandere-sins · 4 years ago
Masterlist Fire Emblem
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Yandere!Sylvain’s reaction to his darling being very flirtatious Yandere!Sylvain general HCs Yandere!Sylvain with a broken darling
Yandere!Lorenz general HCs Yandere!Lorenz/Hilda/Felix/Sylvain/Claude general HCs
Thoughts on Yandere!Hilda
How Ashe would be like as a yandere Yandere!Ashe general HCs Yandere!Ashe and Yandere!Dedue sharing a darling
Yandere!Dedue’s obsession starting HCs Thoughts on Yandere!Dedue
Yandere!Felix with a reckless darling Yandere!Felix general HCs Yandere!Felix getting jealous over his affectionate darling Yandere!Felix visiting his darling at night Yandere!Felix Drabble “I could kill you if I wanted to.” Yandere!Felix Drabble “You don’t have to love me back.”
Yandere!Dimitri building his life with his darling Yandere!Dimitri with a pregnant, perfect darling Yandere!Dimitri and his children [NSFW] Yandere!Dimitri making his s/o believe they love him and everything is perfect Yandere!Dimitri and Yandere!Felix coming to terms with sharing you Yandere!Dimitri and Yandere!Ash falling in love with the same darling Yandere!Dimitri/Felix/Ashe reacting to their crush being a yandere Yandere!Dimitri and Yandere!Claude sharing and punishing their darling Yandere!Dimitri and Yandere!Claude sharing their darling who plays favorites Yandere!Dimitri and Yandere!Claude sharing their darling who plays favorites 2 Yandere!Dimitri becoming yandere for his darling after the war Yandere!Dimitri/Ferdinand taking advantage of their pushover darling Yandere!Dimitri starting to obsess over a darling that helped him heal his wounds
Yandere!Ferdinand general HCs
Yandere!Byleth fighting with Yandere!Claude about his darling Yandere!Byleth and their divine pulse Yandere!Byleth sharing their darling with the house leaders Yandere!Byleth with a Teacher!Darling Yandere!Byleth manipulating their darling Darling finding out Byleth is also a yandere after they escaped their original yandere
Yandere!Claude “Nighttime struggles” Yandere!Claude/Dimitri/Sylvain HC Yandere!Claude with a darling who has yandere tendencies Yandere!Claude with a touch-starved darling Yandere!Claude with a darling turning yandere after he broke them Yandere!Claude and Yandere!Lorenz fighting over the same darling Yandere!Claude with a darling who gives up on resisting Yandere!Claude with a darling that struggles with their vision Yandere!Claude using his Yandere!Darling for killings [NSFW] Yandere!Claude “Conquest” [Commission] Yandere!Claude when his darling uses him
Yandere!Edelgard/Claude/Dimitri with a darling who escapes while they are distracted
Thoughts on Yandere!Marianne
Yandere!Rhea fixating on a non-believer Darling
Yandere!Linhardt manipulating his darling
Thoughts on Yandere!Mercedes
Yandere!Dorothea with a Bard!Darling
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Yandere!Xander with a loyal, shy darling
Corrin playing wingman for their Yandere!Siblings
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yandere-sins · 4 years ago
Would it be okay to ask for a crumb of yandere byleth after the war ends and him trying to get with the darling he was pining for for the longest time since he became a professor but darling wanted to travel the world and leave because she wanted to be away from the soils and aftermath of the war :3
Thanks for requesting! I chose gn!Byleth for this because I felt like it, hope that’s okay!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
Part of you had always hoped for a hand to hold you back.
Hold you back from the few stupid decisions you made in life. Hold you back from charging into a battle recklessly and getting wounded. Hold you back just for the sake of telling you how loved you were. But not this time. Not anymore.
You had made this decision with a heavy heart, but you stood by it firmly. What happened was now only the shadow of the past; the war, the lost friends, the bloodshed. And yet, as long as you’d stay in this godforsaken land, you were sure that you would never find even an ounce of happiness around you ever again. Seeing how people slowly started to rebuild their lives, move on from what happened, and cultivated the churned-up soil hurt you much more than the memories could.
Every day you woke up with tears in your eyes from yet another terrifying dream of death and pain, and looking into the eyes of other people, you knew they were going through the same. Even if time healed wounds, you weren’t sure it would be the same for you if you stayed, and thus, you packed your belongings - or at least, what was left of it - in a single backpack, throwing it over your shoulders with a heavy sigh. Who knew if some other place could make you happy. But even if it was as shit as staying here, at least you would have tried to find a way out.
So who gave Byleth the right to hold you back now?
“Listen,” you tried to argue, their stare only intensifying, leaving goosebumps on your skin. “I will go, no matter what.”
The dreaded lack of noise fell over you two as Byleth remained silent. They had never been one for speeches or long lectures, and it had always been up to everybody else to figure out what they meant once their sentences trailed off. It had never bothered you before, but you were tired. Tired of everything.
“Where are you going?” they asked, and you wondered if this was a hint at them wanting to come with you. Maybe they were tired as well. Tired of expectations and responsibilities. But who knew if they never spoke up? Shrugging, you tugged at your wrist, trying to detach it from their grip, but their hand only squeezed tighter. “I won’t know until I’m there.”
“Then...” they mumbled, thinking briefly about what they wanted to say. “Don’t go.”
You couldn’t.
“I can’t.”
“There is nothing out there. Here you at least have--”
“Nothing,” you intercepted their sentence, their mouth standing open as you interrupted them before they slowly finished their sentence. “You have me.”
In the past, this would have made you the luckiest you could have been. Who wouldn’t have wanted a chance to hear Byleth tell them about their feelings? This wasn’t a confession per se, but it was the closest it would get. Loyalty, comradery, attention - what else was there for a soldier to give to their beloved?
Your eyes falling onto the hand holding on to you tightly, your heart grew heavy in your chest. Now, it was all just a burden. When you looked at Byleth, you didn’t see the sweet, trustworthy teacher. You saw the monster of the battlefield, the blood-soaked hair, and the shining of a sharp sword. Even if they wanted you to stay, you couldn‘t imagine remaining at the side of such a monster.
A monster just like you.
“I don’t want you to go. Please... don’t leave me now as well. We can start over and become happy.”
Like in a fairytale, there even was a little smile on their lips as they said it.
“We’re too different,” was your curt answer. You had to admit it was harder to say ‘no’ than to say anything else. Even if there was nothing to care for anymore in your eyes, it was hard to hurt someone you had considered to be close to you before. “You want to stay, but I can’t do that. Please understand it.”
As hard as it was to see emotions on Byleth’s face, the sting of pain they experienced as they heard your response was clear as day. Even if desperation seemed to make them hesitant, their hand eventually loosened, slipping from yours. Having finally let you go, you pulled the strap of your backpack further up your shoulder, quietly whispering, “Farewell...” before turning around to leave.
You wouldn’t be held up anymore. Held back by no one but yourself. This was a fresh start, even if it was built on a foundation of pain and suffering. Telling Byleth goodbye in such a harsh manner only added the cherry on top, but, sometimes, to gain, you had to lose. That’s what this war taught you. It hurt, and it was sure to sting for a long time, but maybe someday time would have mercy on you and finally heal the wounds you were left with.
That was the hope and decision you had come to, even if it was cruel.
However, that’s how the world was. Cruel.
A hand clasping over your mouth from behind surprised you, your body being easily pulled back into the shadows of the monastery. You couldn’t scream as your nose was pinched, cutting off your air supply painfully. Adrenaline, pure survival instinct, rushed through your veins, but despite your struggles, you couldn’t escape the hold, running out of oxygen faster as you tried to defend yourself.
“Stay with me,” you heard as your vision became blurry. “Because I can’t let go of the past like you do.”
As you sunk to the ground, mint-green strands of hair fell into your view, eyes shining like brilliants looking down at you. Jewels of madness, that’s what they looked like, but it was too late to call out to your captor and tear them out of their trance as you lost conscience.
Perhaps, nothing had ever held you back, even when you wanted it to.
But you could be sure that a monster would never let you go.
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yandere-sins · 4 years ago
Bad Decisions
[My Commission Info] | [My Ao3] | [Ko-Fi]
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I was again commissioned for a companion piece to this one! This time from the reader’s pov and some backstory. Thank you ♥
Characters: Ignatz Victor (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) x Reader Words: 3401 Warnings: Yandere, Obsession, Mentioning of stalking, Mentioning of War/Death/Blood
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You could still remember the first time you met him vividly.
Taking a seat on the ledge above the training grounds, you heaved a long breath, trying to calm your racing heart. If only you could have put this energy into training more, instead of using it as a reason to take a break, but your legs felt wobbly just from thinking about getting back up. For the better of the last three weeks, you had trained and studied tirelessly. Being granted the chance to attend the academy of your dreams was no reason to slack off, and you were thankful for the opportunity you were given. 
But… rubbing your sore legs and feeling your feet pulsate in the tight leather boots as they finally got a break, you had to admit that it was more challenging than you expected. Even though you had built up stamina and muscles before coming here, you were still met with the instructors’ high expectations for their top-tier students. Day in, day out, you were either on your feet and training or with your head in the books studying. No wonder it felt so draining when all you did was pressure yourself more and more on being perfect and prepared for all that would come your way. After all, your expectations of yourself far exceeded the ones anyone had in you. 
“It’s tough, isn’t it?” a timid voice called out to you, and you turned your head towards it, a flask with water being held out in your direction. Surprised you took it, finally getting a look at the person behind the voice. A young man, not much older than you, smiled at you friendly, his glasses tilting a little from him leaning forward. Without waiting for your reply, he pointed at the space next to you, asking, “Mind if I join you?” and you shimmied to the side to allow him to take a seat.
“Swordsmanship isn’t my strong point either. I keep forgetting where to put my feet,” he laughed bashfully, rubbing the back of his head. He appeared friendly, approachable, and kind, but his physique was on the weaker side, making his struggles a tad obvious. Nonetheless, you weren’t one to judge someone based on appearance, and taking a sip from the water flask, you felt yourself be soothed by the refreshment. Having spent so much time holed up in the library or handling weapons hadn’t given you a lot of chances to make friends, so having someone be so kind and nonchalant around you genuinely made you happy. 
Handing the flask back to him, the young man gladly accepted it. His shirt had stains of polish and sweat on it, and you realized he must have come from training himself just like you. You wondered what year he was in, or if he was a classmate you just never noticed. 
“Sorry, that was weird, wasn’t it? Approaching you so out of the blue. I’m Ignatz. Ignatz Victor, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
Though his name didn’t ring a bell, you shook his hand out of respect. Even if it started out a little awkward, you two soon fell into a comfortable conversation as you shared your weak points, and so did he. Your words weren’t forced out, and you started to relax around him. At the same time, Ignatz laughed and smiled at you, putting you at ease as well. Perhaps you two were more alike than it appeared at first glance, and thus you were relieved to find someone like-minded. 
At that moment, you didn’t find him approaching you so weird anymore. More so, you were relieved to have someone accept you so openly and interact with you, who had been rather lonely up to this point. Part of you had always wanted to make friends in the Monastery and hang out with them, and this was the closest to it you had come. It was also refreshing to have someone to talk to, and as it turned out, Ignatz was able to lift your mood significantly with his input and suggestions as you spoke about your everyday life at the Monastery.
“Come,” he prompted, jumping down the small ledge and standing before you. Holding out his hand to you gallantly, he waited for you to join him back on the training grounds with a kind smile. You didn’t feel pressured to join him. Instead, you wanted to join him, agreeing that it might be good to not cool down too much. 
“Let’s see if we can help each other,” Ignatz laughed, and perhaps, for the first time since you arrived, you let out a chuckle. Taking his hand and letting him lead you back to where the weapons were, you agreed with an enthusiastic, “Okay!”
It wasn’t a friendship you expected to have, but with every passing day, you felt yourself growing and thriving from it. With Ignatz by your side, new things were opened to you. He took you out in the city and showed you around the fields. His interests sparked new ones in you, and soon enough, you weren’t caught in that somber life you had built at the Academy before. Having someone to motivate you and lift the burden on your shoulders with a clever and upbeat nature made you strive for more and greater things. He picked you up when you were down and in a slump, helping you to enjoy your time much more than you did when you still struggled to find your place. Time passed on, and you two still stuck together. Everything was going so well.
Until it wasn’t anymore.
It was the little things that made you nervous. The glances that lingered too long, the hand next to yours on the library table whose pinky kept touching yours. Goodbye hugs that were too tight and eyes that tore away from anything just to look at you. Ignatz’s unfinished paintings that he never worked on again once his attention shifted to you instead, making you feel bad for the waste of paint, and the tests he seemed to flunk because he only ever cared for your lectures. 
Somehow you were glad when he wasn’t allowed to change classes. This way, you’d have at least a little bit of privacy since he wouldn’t let you go train alone, even if you told him you had a different sparring partner this time. It had started out so innocently. You were just two people who got along well and spent a lot of time together. But now, roughly three months since you came to the Monastery, you wondered if there was anything else going on.
By now, you had made new friends and then lost some, but you found the courage to join clubs and help the student council because Ignatz had been with you all this time and supporting you. Without him, you probably wouldn’t have had the success you achieved, and while you were glad for such a good friend by your side, you slowly felt like you were drowning again. Not drowning in work and insecurities like in the beginning, but drowning in Ignatz’s presence in your life. 
Truth be told, you wanted to spend some hours alone every now and then. With everything going on, you searched for ways to relax and destress from the buzz of the day, and not always did you wish for company that, frankly, made you anxious. Even if it was hard to pinpoint - perhaps because part of you wished you didn’t have to pinpoint it at all - something about Ignatz felt off. 
There were off-hand comments about your life that he shouldn’t have been familiar with. Finding out about your extended family was weird, but you thought it might be registered somewhere that he could have stumbled upon. However, when he brought up your favorite toys and books from before you had joined the Academy, you raised an eyebrow. His mentions were so casual and woven into conversations that it was sometimes hard to find them, but when he also started to talk about the days you spent apart from him in the Monastery, you knew something was up.
Part of you only wanted to believe he might have a crush on you.
Sure, as sweet and positive as he was, Ignatz still occasionally tended to be clumsy and awkward. It was always easy to forgive him for a wrongdoing as he’d apologize and learn from his mistakes, though, so you never worried much. Still, it seemed like he tried to get even closer than he was to you by following you around and checking on you more often than not. It might have been pleasant and cute at first, but you had to admit you were beginning to be creeped out by his obsessive observation of you, knowing even little details like your toilet breaks or what you had for lunch. 
Perhaps it was just his way of trying to tell you how much he cared and wanted to be with you. But what if it wasn’t?
The thing he didn’t realize was that the more he pushed himself on you, the more you wanted distance from him. It had been a harsh realization, one over which you lost sleep for a few nights. Because how would you be able to make it clear to the person who had supported you all this time, kept you company, and helped you through everything, that you wanted to have a break from them? Perhaps, a few days or a week. Maybe it would stop the negative feelings you had about him if only you wouldn’t interact for a while. At least, that’s what you hoped.
Waiting in front of his classroom, you picked at the skin around your fingernails nervously. Class was already dismissed, but you could see Ignatz talking with the teacher, his back turned to you. It was taking a while, but you had to do it. Better now than never. If he had feelings for you, he had to realize he wasn’t showing them in a way you were comfortable with. And if he genuinely liked and appreciated what you two had, he’d understand your request for a break as well. 
It was nerve-wracking to wait for him, but eventually, you heard his signature laugh as he waved goodbye to the teacher and turned to leave, sorting his papers for a moment before he noticed you. Anxiously, you lifted your hand in a greeting, and Ignatz’s eyes widened and began to shine amorously, a broad smile curling his lips. He was so happy to see you that he quickly ran up to you, almost colliding with some passing student. But he didn’t even care, only coming to a halt right in front of you. 
“Ah, I’m sorry to keep you waiting,” was his first response even though you two hadn’t actually made an appointment with each other. Ignatz stood closely to you, almost enough so that your chests would touch. It was a kind of forced intimacy that made you uncomfortable. Still, in foreknowledge about what you were going to drop on him shortly, you allowed it. 
“Actually…” you mumbled, looking around in hopes that the crowds would start to dissolve. “I’ve got something to tell you. But maybe not here?” 
Ignatz’s expression only grew softer as he heard that, and you wondered what he thought you were going to tell you. Nevertheless, he softly pulled you by the hand and into the small garden next to the classrooms. Sure enough, there weren’t as many students here as most took after-class activities or went to the training grounds instead, and it made you feel better. Breaking his heart in front of everyone was an embarrassment you didn’t want to put Ignatz through. 
“So, what’s up?” he laughed, happy as ever, but he had yet to stop holding your hand, which you pulled away from his for him instead. 
“Ignatz, it’s just…” 
As expected, it was hard to form the words in your mouth. There were too many accusations on mind that you didn’t want to hit your friend with, but how else were you supposed to tell him? Something had to come to mind now, preferable a reason that wouldn’t ruin your friendship. Ignatz looked at you expectantly, as if he was hoping for a confession rather than a break announcement, but you simply didn’t return those feelings of his.
“I wanted to talk to you about us, and--”
Just when you finally managed to bring up the courage to confront him, a voice behind you called out to Ignatz, who - reluctantly - looked away after his name was called out a second time. “Byleth wants to talk to you!” a student you didn’t know announced to Ignatz, and you bit your lip.
Just your luck.
“I will go after--” Ignatz tried to argue, dismissing the call, but you gave his arm a pat to get his attention, quietly releasing him to go. 
“It’s not that important anyway,” you assured him. Like a liar. “We can talk about it some other time.”
“Are you sure?” Ignatz questioned, furrowing his brows. You could see his honest disappointment in not hearing the words he was desperate to receive from you in his eyes, but you just nodded. “Of course, we can always talk about it later!”
Reluctantly, he looked back to the student who was waiting to lead him back to Byleth before he sighed. “Okay, I’ll be quick. You can tell me after that!” 
“S-Sure,” you mumbled, forcing a smile on your lips, and Ignatz reached out his hands, squeezing each arm comfortingly as he saw your awkwardness. Finally, he passed you by, not without having his eyes on you until he really couldn’t anymore, and off he went. Just like that, you had missed your chance to tell him, and with it, all the courage you had built just for this moment.
Just before he turned the corner, Ignatz stopped, and your eyes met for a split second. “I’ll see you at training later?” he asked, sounding worried. You gulped before nodding, and he went on his way with a tender smile playing on his lips. It was the first time you really didn’t want to go train since you came to the Monastery. Just sit out for the day, and maybe, forever, so you wouldn’t have to see him.
In the end, you never got around to tell him. Before you knew it, you were busy with your duties and studies. Even though Ignatz’s behavior continued, you didn’t have the time to give it your attention. 
Then it happened. The event that would change everything in your life and everyone else’s.
And the tragedy ensued.
As you carried yourself through the forest, colliding with countless branches and thorns in your way, you felt so frustrated. It all could have been different, but now that you chose this path, it would be the one to die on. If only you had told him your feelings back then. If only you had made an effort to hold him back and fess up. Then nothing like this would have needed to happen.
Your hands were stained with the blood of your friends and comrades. The same ones you spent the best months of your life with. The ones that helped you get proficient enough to kill them and the ones that begged for mercy as you gave them a quick death. And yet, because you never told him to back off, you had never been able to make the same cut with Ignatz. He had been the beginning and the end, the reason you had survived for so long and the reason why you were now deserting from the fraction you swore your fealty to. 
Goddess, you were pathetic. 
Secretly, you had always known this. No matter how hard you tried to cover it up, you weren’t a genius or especially well-raised like the others at the Academy. You didn’t even have a title to defend, and you chose the side that seemed less risky when it was time to decide to whom you gave your loyalty. All the efforts you had put into your time at the Monastery had been the only thing you were good for - working hard and diligently. But you weren’t cut out for these heavy burdens. 
And you couldn’t kill the only true friend you ever had when it was most crucial to do so. 
Your whole life could have played out differently. You could have asked to be moved to another frontier in the countryside. Maybe you’d have died at some point, but at least you wouldn’t have to meet all these people you once loved and admired, seeing them die one after the other. Or maybe you should have just given up and let Ignatz do the deed, at least so you didn’t have to hear the words you always dreaded. He had utterly taken you aback with his confession, and you felt even more confused and appalled than back in school. 
Hearing him confess his love, you simply couldn’t fight him anymore. 
It was wrong. Wrong to run, both from your duties and Ignatz, but it had been the only thing you knew how to do. You never learned any better, never stood up for yourself in any choice you made. Following instructions and orders was all you could do, and even if you tried to do something on your own, you’d always end up needing to rely on others. Plagued by these thoughts, it only pained you more when you heard Ignatz shout behind you, realizing he still wasn’t going to let you go.
“I looked up to you! I needed you, and you needed me! And yet, you betrayed us! And yet, I only liked you more!”
Yes, you needed him. You needed someone to save you when you were lost. But right now, you needed anyone but him to take pity on you. Anyone but Ignatz to tell you what to do. You needed to decide on your own what you were going to do from now on!
A sudden push tore you out of your thoughts. You had come so far and almost reached the other end of the forest, but the saving light disappeared in front of your eyes, replaced by the dirty ground as you crashed down. Frustration, pain, fear - all of it caused tears to collect in your eyes. The weight of Ignatz’s body on top of you made you struggle against him, the last effort to escape the clingy obsession he had with you. 
“I love you! I love you so much, don’t ever leave me again!” he yelled, his face contorted in pain as if he was the person going through a lot. What expression were you making? It satisfied you to see the disgust visible in your face reflecting in Ignatz’s eyes, hoping he’d get the hint. Twisting and turning your wrists, you hoped it would cause him to let go, but his grip only tightened the more you moved.
Out of sheer willpower, you managed to lift your pinned down right hand to his face, scratching and fighting against him. But alas, he kept you where he wanted, making you wonder where he managed to gain so much muscle strength to do it. He looked different now, but all you could see was the nice guy who first approached you at the training grounds, a weak but chipper young man. And yet, perhaps because of the war, or maybe you simply never noticed it before, the aura of madness was all that surrounded him.
It was just like back then. Ignatz was the one who took the decision about your life off you. It was a slow, painful realization, your screams being covered by the ones on the battlefield, and your tears disappeared in the dirt beneath you. You’d never have the last word in your life. Someone would always come to take it away from you. Maybe you were just not meant for it, but there was nothing more terrible you could imagine than not being the master of your own self. 
Bad decisions led to this outcome. But how could you have known back then, when Ignatz was a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
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yandere-sins · 4 years ago
this isn't from the alphabet thingy (so if youre only doing requests for that rn feel free to ignore this!!) but could u maybe write something for a reader who spends the entire academy phase pining for dimitri and then after the timeskip when they've maybe already buried their feelings, dimitri goes yandere for them maybe?
Thanks for requesting! :3 Let’s go!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««      
This much should be okay, right?
Even though you had this nagging feeling in the back of your mind, it wasn’t like you two were doing anything especially strange. Dimitri just... held you. A little too awkward and a little too tight, sure, but after all, he went through, could you blame him? Five years ago, this would have been a dream for you, and even though the world around you turned into rubble and dust, you couldn’t ignore the soft flutters in your stomach now that your wish was fulfilled.
You, too, needed comfort after all that happened.
Back at your time in the monastery, you had only ever dared to glance at the prince. Admired his diligent and firm way of thinking and talking, but also the soft smile and tender laugh falling off his lips. Every day you swore it would be the day you’d approach him, reach out to him. Yet, every day you hesitate, watching the chances you had, dwindle away and so did Dimitri. More and more did he start to distance himself from you and everyone else, for that matter. He may had his struggles - and you, for one, would have loved to be his confidant back then - but he never let them on, even if they were written on his face in pain. Only as things started to become more and more convoluted did something inside him break, vanishing all the light from his eyes and cladding him in somberness and hatred. 
Dimitri was nothing like his former self anymore. If he spoke - and he did so rarely - it was hard listening to him, painful even. Before you stood a broken man, someone whose heart had been ripped out and trampled on before reviving him. You didn’t want to be the one pointing out his flaws, not when he was so important in the upcoming battles, and you were thankful for his presence. But he also wasn’t the man you fell in love with anymore, that much you had to realize for yourself. 
And yet, who’d have thought that of all people, you were the one he’d let close. Dimitri had stopped talking to so many of your comrades. Stopped eating and moving, spending hours inside the cathedral, and not rarely did you wonder what his mind did in times he stood dead still. 
Perhaps, something about the lost reality Dimitri embodied at this time was what made you take extra care of him. You, who got back so much strength from seeing the Blue Lions reunite, have both the prince and Byleth back from the presumed dead, just couldn’t abandon the boy- or rather, man you once loved. Even when he hissed and screamed about you at first whenever you approached him, it soon made space for more silence, and you calmed down, knowing you weren’t one of his victims-to-be.
All you did was bring him food and told him about the news around the monastery. When you took heart and approached him more closely to get his cloak, carefully pulling it off his shoulders with only an exasperate sigh falling off his lips, you almost jumped for joy, even though the garment was stinking abominably and washing it was more challenging than fighting in battle. But it was all worth it for the moment when you returned it, Dimitri adjusting it with daggers shooting from his eyes at you, only for him to mutter a quiet ‘Thanks’ as you left again. To you, this was the highest praise you could have received all your life.
So now that he decided to hold you, you couldn’t refuse. In the end, you didn’t know what happened to him or what he truly was thinking. But in these uncertain times, everyone could need someone to hold and rest their head on. Even a presumed monster like Dimitri, or maybe, especially Dimitri, needed it. You didn’t want to assume anything or think too highly of yourself, but perhaps your dedication of not letting him decay like he did before was the reason he chose you for a change of mind. 
Nothing would ever be the same as it was, and you weren’t the naive teenager anymore you had been before. The teenager who still believed that nothing bad could happen in this world and Dimitri was a literal saint sent from the goddess. But your body wasn’t lying either, hands shaking as you returned his embrace, putting them on his back carefully, scared you’d make him disappear if you touched him. 
Of course, nothing like that would happen just from your touch, and you took a deep breath to calm yourself. The happenings of the days... they still weighed heavily on your mind too. But how hard must it have been for Dimitri if you were already suffering? Another fight, another important soul perishing from the world. The head of house Fraldarius may not have died in vain, as his last breath was used to put some soul back into the empty, murderous shell Dimitri had been. So how much must the former prince be suffering right now that he’d chose to trust in your company instead of anyone else?
“Thank you,” he whispered quietly. It was only you and him and the wind howling around you two on the balcony you two had retreated to, but he still spoke as if his words were only meant for your ears and no one else. 
At first, it had surprised you greatly when he approached you himself, smiling nonetheless. You were almost convinced you died; otherwise, how could you explain the change of heart he had gone through? 
“For not giving up on me. I am thankful that you were there,” his voice sighed into your ear, and you felt the heat rise into your face. Luckily, the armor you two wore for protection also protected your heartbeat from giving away how fast your pulse was racing right now. “N-No problem,” you managed to croak out, scolding yourself for the ordinary answer you gave. It could have been your moment to say something epic! Something groundbreaking! But no, it was humble at best. 
“I’m glad Your Highness is finally looking up again, even if what happened had been a tragedy too.”
Biting your lip, you thought to have overstepped with your words as Dimitri pulled back. But in the moonlight shining down on you two, you felt it rather than saw, as his hand cupped your cheek, the leather of his glove warm and soft. “Yes, I can finally see clearly again. I know now what’s important and where my priorities are. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me.”
The kiss that followed was timid at first but changed into unreserved and unstoppable quickly. Part of your brain knew that leaning in and accommodating Dimitri was a mistake, something a teenager might have done, but it had been five years since you felt this way for him. The war wasn’t over, and a love story like this was only true in books, so there was always a chance for it to end in tragedy rather than joy. 
But right at this moment, it felt like the world was restored to normality. As if his kiss could defeat all the evils and banish them away. Even if your love had laid dormant for so long, Dimitri was poking at the embers, stoking the fire inside of you. Perhaps, you hadn’t been over him as much as you thought five years ago when he was captured and vanished not long after. Maybe you had just ignored your heart, hoping that one day it would stop aching, but never abandoned your love for him. 
“Please don’t leave me.” Opening your eyes faintly, you could see the reflection of the moonlight shining from his. His gaze was wide and adoring, but in it laid so much more than what you could hope for. In fact, you weren’t sure if those feelings you noticed in Dimitri’s eyes were feelings you wanted him to experience when he looked at you. “Not tonight,” he continued, “Never.”
Fear, desperation, desire. It all flicked through his gaze, his lips continuing to play with yours roughly. He sucked and pulled, his tongue slipping in the first moment your lips opened in a gasp for air. It was an amazing experience, yet, a part of you felt like he was devouring you. All these things began to make your head spin uncontrollably, his words being questioned over and over. What did he mean? What did he want? You didn’t want to confront him with wrong assumptions, but you also didn’t want to let him down. It was all so much - too much - to bear, and yet you simply didn’t want him to stop and go away.
“Of course!” you sighed into the kiss. “Anything you wish for, Your Highness.”
“Ah,” he whispered back, pulling you into an even deeper kiss. “The Goddess is merciful with me today. I’m so happy! I am so--” 
Your body noticed it before your mind could register what happened, a harsh flinch jerking through every muscle. It shook you awake, slapped away the clouds that had fogged your brain, as you felt the pain coming from your lip. The taste of iron spread over your tongue, and you cocked your head away, reaching up at your lip only to find something hot and wet coating your fingers. Too thick to be saliva. Too red in the moonlight to not be blood. 
As you went to question what happened, Dimitri’s lips crashed back down onto yours. An assortment of stings made you close your eyes tightly, drumming your free hands against his breastplate. You wanted to like his kisses, but not if you were bleeding and put in a tight spot with his harsh movements. 
But you didn’t need to voice your uncomfortableness nor fight him as he quickly pulled away again. With a sense of horror, you noticed your blood on his lips, his tongue flicking out without ever looking away from you, to lick off the red color decorating him. “--happy! We’ll be together forever, right?”
You had no answer for him as he waited for your reply. This much, it should have been fine. It should have been fine to follow him into battle, to fight for him, and to celebrate his success. Even after all these years and the heartache you experienced before, it should have been fine to fall in love all over again, to care for him and accept him closer, right? Right?
Then why did it feel so dangerous to be in his arms, your lips trembling as they tried to heal the wound he just marked you with?
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yandere-sins · 4 years ago
hii!! i'm in love with your art! is it ok if i request Ribbons with Dimitri? i hope youre doing ok btw uwu
Honestly, my last two weeks were pretty much rock bottom but I am feeling a sense of relief atm since something I’ve been dragging around for years just got resolved. So right now? Doing pretty good actually, thanks, I hope you are healthy and happy as well ♥ Thanks for your request :D
Ribbons - “This hairstyle is so cute for you!... Hm? Oh sorry, the duct tape fabric is muffling your gratitude.”
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
The point of no return had long passed you by, leaving you behind at this end of the road that was Dimitri’s love. How had you ended up here? Hadn’t there been any other way this could have gone? Those questions bothered you day in, day out, from sunrise to sunset, and then throughout the night as well.
You wished for an explanation, hoped to get answers by reaching deep inside your memories. Still, alas, it was a vain endeavor, as the only thing you could ever think of was that it must have been your own fault. Truly, you had just wanted to be kind and supportive. Your motives were as pure as the water of a running stream, and yet, they had brought you into the worst possible kind of predicament.
Outside the cave you were hidden away in, war raged. People fled, and soldiers died while you were bound to a chair, waiting silently in the darkness until your captor returned. Every time he left, you were scared he wouldn’t come back. And every time he returned, you wished he hadn’t.
There was nothing human about Dimitri anymore. Whatever had eaten away on him - and you wished to know what it was and even more so how to cure it so he might regain the grip on himself - had made him to something akin to a monster. Every day he touched you with his bloodied hands after coming back from the war he was raging against everyone, sullying you in something akin to a love that only a desensitized humanoid like him could feel. Other days, he simply passed out on the bed of straw he had collected in a corner, leaving you to fight your demons and fears until he woke up.
His voice brought shivers down your spine, and the smell of iron caused a nauseous lump in your throat. Every day, you were hoping that his touch would be gentle, that the tender gestures wouldn’t bruise and wrench you apart, and yet, you found yourself disappointed that this wasn’t the case. Whenever you saw an opportunity to flee, you felt his gaze on your back; the gaze of a predator not too shy to break your legs.
And yet, as painful as it was for you, Dimitri found comfort in your presence.
Even if his touch hurt, when he used a cloth to wash you down, making sure you wouldn’t be bloody when he woke up the next day, he’d smile softly, like a happy boy, glad to assist. He’d tell you gruesome tales as if they were read out of books, and though you couldn’t eat a bite with him near, he was patient in feeding you, even if you made the food fall to the ground in anger.
Those mundane things, paired with the eeriness of the candle-lit cave and the constant feeling of losing all your senses to the lack of stimulation you had aside from Dimitri, were the worst thing of all to you. And you were sure, even death couldn’t have been as cruel as Dimitri was, keeping you as his own little secret, hidden away from anyone as well as his own disturbed mind.
Even though time was a concept now that you couldn’t witness it anymore, you were sure it had been a while that you last saw the outside. It was as apparent as the growth of hair on your head. Back when you had been an active soldier, you didn’t like keeping it as long as it was now. It simply wasn’t sustainable, and frankly, a nuisance. But now, it had long started dropping off your shoulders, and you wondered why you even bothered to entertain the thought of cutting it still.
Clearly, that had something to do with Dimitri’s new obsession with making sure you were prepared. Prepared for what? You wondered that yourself. Not even he could brag with great hair befitting a king, but he was still keen on combing through yours.
At first, he had done it with his fingers. Terrible nails, paired with a non-existent sense of being gentle, caused at least as much hair to be ripped out as it fell out naturally from the stress you were experiencing. What followed was more torture with a comb he picked up from some dead farmers, paired with tears and screams and unhappiness for you both. And yet, he always came back to preening, preparing you for something you might not live long enough for to find out if these conditions went on.
“This hairstyle is so cute for you!” Dimitri chuckled, and you could only guess from all the tugging, and less oily hair slapped to your temples that he was holding back a good batch of it. But what could you say? With your mouth gagged with a miserable piece of cloth that you were clenching between your lips for far too long now, you couldn’t have answered to that even if you had wanted to. Right?
You didn’t realize until the moment it was out that you let out the muffled equivalent to an angry shout, entirely the fault of a mood swing at that moment. Your eyes widened as you felt your voice crack and your throat split painfully inside from the unusual loud utterance.
The pulling at your hair that had continued up to this point stopped, fingers halting their work to put every strand over his hand individually. It went quiet enough in the cave to hear the candle flame flickering, but your own heartbeat shut down any other sound that might have closed in on you. You didn’t just feel it jumping in your chest, but also pounding in your ears the same way it would if you were to ride out into battle and just before it was about to start.
That’s how you always felt; it was a constant battle with Dimitri.
“Hm?” Dimitri questioned as if you had asked him something he didn’t catch while he was so busy pulling out your hairs. “Oh, sorry, the fabric is muffling your gratitude.”
Before you could flinch a muscle, you felt his finger dig between the cloth and your cheek, the strain painfully cutting into the corner of your mouth. But before long, the fabric simply pulled loose, falling into your lap soaked with your spit, pulling strings of saliva with it. Without it, you were free to speak your mind and saved from your jaw unable to close or open properly, and yet, there was nothing you could have said right that moment.
Instead, you shivered uncontrollably as Dimtri grabbed you on both sides of your chin, lifting your face to meet his, cheeks briefly rubbing against each other. You hated it! You wanted all of this to stop! And yet...
“Now, tell me again what you thought, my Love.”
... gripping your chin so tightly...
“You can tell me everything. I adore you. Speak to me. Do it. DO IT!”
... you were scared that one of these days, your body would simply snap from this love he swore to you.
[You can find the prompt list here]
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yandere-sins · 4 years ago
I was wondering, Claude had a tendency to use people for his own gain right? Like he did with Byleth and the sword of the creator? What if an uno reverse card was pulled on him? And the reader was using him for their own gain by getting close to him, and once the reader had what they wanted they stopped talking to Claude. How do you think Claude would react once they realized they loved the reader but found out that he was being used later on? Also I hope you’re doing well!
Thanks, hope you’re doing fine as well ♥ Thanks for requesting! I had an idea for it but it doesn’t exactly fit your request, so I hope you still like it!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««       
What pleasure it was to lay on your lap beneath the shadow of an old oak tree standing in the gardens. Just Claude and you, and the book you were reading. Sunlight broke through the gaps in the leaves as they swayed in the wind, tickled his skin while the breeze refreshed him. Even if this wasn’t a life he could live forever, he sure hoped it wouldn’t end soon.
“Read to me?” he asked, and your expression turned sour for a moment before you shook your head, taking a deep breath, turning another page. “You wouldn’t like it,” you responded in between reading, and he huffed. ‘I like everything you tell me,’ he wanted to say but refrained, wondering if you’d catch on to the subliminal meaning he put into it.
It was true, wasn’t it? You liked to tell him what to do, sent him on errands, fluttering your eyelashes at him as you told him what you wanted but couldn’t have. You wanted a component for a new potion here, a new sword there. Jewels for your mother that you never sent, and alcohol for your father that you drank with your friends instead. No matter what, if it was just that, Claude was happy to supply you, the moments spend with you in return every few weeks or so enough to still his hunger for a while.
How long would he be able to contain himself, though? Even if he was just a means to an end, Claude really loved you. You were aware that’s why you used him so much. But he couldn’t bring it over himself to deny you a wish when you came to him as if he was your savior. Even if you canceled more plans than actually showed up to the ones he made for you two, he couldn’t be angry at you when you fulfilled your debt eventually and asked him out for a day.
Times like those gave him enough fuel to carry on, to keep humoring you with his power and wealth that you desired. If not for his stand in society, you’d probably not bat an eyelash at him, but he was the heir of a noble house, and for that, you liked keeping him close. And for every good deed, he did for you, Claude felt confirmed when you hugged him or kissed his cheek, or rarely, let him lay in your lap and nap for a while.
Even if he was aware of your intentions, he loved you enough to oversee you playing with his feelings and using him. But how long? How long would he be able to keep it up? Claude wanted so much more - your attention and affection. And he wanted it unconditionally, not just because you felt like paying him for it in exchange for anything else.
“You seem tense,” he noted, one eye open to watch your reaction.
Indeed, the corners of your mouth dropped as you heaved a long sigh, partly in annoyance as he was interrupting your reading time. It must have been so uncomfortable for you to have him lay on your legs for hours just so you’d please him for a bit. The price you had to pay was grand, wasn’t it?
“There’s just someone bothering me... a group of juniors that keep spreading rumors and stuff like that. You know, they say I only use you and shit.”
Finally, you put the book aside to look at him ruefully. “You wouldn’t believe these rumors, would you?”
Claude countered the self-pity you fakely assumed for yourself with a smile, shaking his head. “Of course not,” he lied as if he wasn’t the one trying to sully your reputation around the Monastery. If someone would believe these rumors, you’d only have him to save your honor. And even so, no one liked to stick around people who used others for their own gain. Once the rumor festered, who’d you turn to will all you had to give? Claude so hoped it would be him.
You seemed surprised as he suddenly got up, the wind rustling through the leaves above you and flipping over the pages of the book you were reading.
“Do you want them dead?”
Claude’s words didn’t seem to reach you at first, as you remained quiet, your mouth opening way before you had processed the meaning behind his question. “W-What...?” you eventually mumbled, and your eyes met, serious intent shining in his.
But as spontaneously as the question had dropped into your life, as quickly Claude grinned again mischievously, plopping back down in your lap and shook his head. “Just kidding!”
“Oh... ahaha...”
The surprise and shock in your face was a welcome change in expression than you usually wore around him. In fact, it probably was one of the most sincere showcases of your feelings he had ever seen. “They can die all they want; I don’t care. They’re stupid,” you said as you tried to save yourself, noticing him still watching you. Putting on a tough act wasn’t going to save you now, as it only made Claude realize how much more he wanted to see of you.
Perhaps, true love and sincere affection weren’t something you could show him ever. However, it was a start knowing you could still experience the horror that he had to offer. “Fine, then I’ll go kill them now,” he said, unbothered by what he was talking about. As if it was yet again just an expensive gift he was buying you. It wouldn’t hurt him, but he was happy to provide it if you benefitted from it.
Rocking himself upwards, he hesitated before standing up, instead reaching his hand out towards you and pulling you close by your chin. “Anything for you, my Love,” he breathed against your lips, stealing the first kiss between you two ever before getting up and walking away.
All hell would break loose when he’d present you with the heads of the ones he hired to spread the rumors about you. But throwing a glance over his shoulder back to your utterly confused and flabbergasted form beneath the oak tree, Claude deemed it worth it.
He couldn’t wait for your reputation to be buried with the bodies of the people he killed and the face you’d make when no one believed you that Claude, the heir of House Riegan, did such a cruel murder to the innocent souls.
In fact, Claude couldn’t wait for all the emotions you’d show him soon when he was the only one to still stick around you.
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