#yall living away from home is gonna save my life holy shit.
legobenkenobi · 1 year
he’s trapped forever in my dorm room lamp
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ashen-laguz · 1 year
screaming crying throwing up ect ect over canto 4 and not even like. the main story part. just
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i think the voice acting was what really hit in home for me tho like holy SHIT. the VA's have been doing a phenomenal job in general and this is just one of the most recent examples. gregor sounded so DISGUSTED. HORRIFIED. which like of COURSE he wouldn't have a great time hearing something like this, i don't think mr "i have intense survivor's guilt over running away from the war and my fellow g corp soldiers w/ even worse bug mutations then me, but wtf was i supposed to do to save my own life" is really gonna take "deserters are the worst <3" very well. goddamn.
but then his follow up of just
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you tell em bud, you don't just have to accept the shit people fling at ya anymore, live your own life ;w;
..but also damn i love all the sinners but. they sure are just kinda shitty people lmao. faust following up like "idk the robots are important too" and outis flat out "i think it was fair when deserters got executed when i was a soldier so this is fine <3" (on top of outis just. ignoring ishmael melting right in front of her just cause dante can fix that lmao)
like bruh yall are gonna say that??? right to gregor's face???? riGHT NOW???? BRUH.
(honestly considering ishmael also has the whole survivor's guilt thing. saying that around her would Also be a dick move if uh. ya know. she wasn't melting.
shout-out to dante for being the only bitch who seemed to actually pay attention to that part and outis only caring about it upon the realization of "omg when dante has to fix her, it's gonna hurt them ohno :(" outs stfu we know you're full of shit lol)
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gaylienn · 2 years
February and March stuff
Ok so like the last two months I've been in an internship provided by the state or whatever, because I've been down with depression and I need to get up again or whatever. Doesn't matter, other than I just finished it and I'm going to miss the place, but for once I'm looking forward to the future! A few months ago I got an ask here asking me if I had a recommended tag, which I answered that no I don't, but always feel free to ask me about stuff, but now I've decided I wanna try to do one of those little blog like posts where I go through the media I've watched the past month and say a few words about it. I've never been good with words and analysis and shit, so it's not gonna be extremely... profound or whatever, but I'll just word vomit a bit. If anyone is interested in my thoughts and opinions on media, this is the place \o/ (I'll try to stay away from spoilers, but beware)
I'm doing February and March this time because I didn't consume that much in March
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^ That's Cola, the cat from my internship :)
TV shows
So I just wanna warn yall that I've mostly (read only) been watching Korean dramas the past two months, but at least all the ones I'm going to talk about are on Netflix (at least here where I live)
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All Of Us Are Dead
I love apocalypse stories, with or without zombies. There's something so interesting about human perseverance in the face of death and destruction that I just love. This show is about a zombie apocalypse outbreak on a high school, the school is the ground zero, and we follow a bunch of different high schoolers (and a few adults) dealing with the danger. I've seen people frustrated with various characters' actions in this show, but I personally really enjoyed the characters. They're clearly teenagers, and it's really hard to tell how people would react to or handle an event like this, so I usually enjoy most interpretations. Anyways, I really like this show too because it's relatively short, just 12 episodes long, and it wraps up its ending pretty satisfyingly in my opinion. It also focuses a lot on how the government and military handles the disaster, choosing who is worth saving and who isn't, something that's eerily familiar after two years of COVID pandemic... I'll recommend checking this show out if you're into zombie apocalypse media that focuses on the survivors especially. Also South Korea is just incredible with their zombie designs and acting.. man
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Sweet Home
Okay, so I've had this show on my list for a long long time, but I've always kinda pushed it to the side because I didn't care much for the monster designs. And I still don't tbh. The show is based on a webtoon, and it's very obvious that it works really great as a comic, I think the monsters look way more interesting as drawings, than as CGI monsters. But still, I think they did well with what they had! And I didn't expect to like this show as much as I did to be honest. It's another Monster Apocalypse show, instead of zombies, people turn into various different monsters, and no one really knows why. We follow a group of mismatched people who are all stuck in the same apartment complex together after all hell breaks loose. We follow mostly Cha Hyun Soo (Song Kang) who pretty early one shows signs of turning into one of these monsters, but seems extraordinarily to be able to control it to some extend. There's this theme throughout the show of wanting to live, no matter what. Also each character is just interesting in their own way, showing all kinds of different viewpoints of life. Like varying ages and such (there are small kids, old people and anything in between.)
TW for some heavy themes like self-harm, suicide, abuse, alcoholism, bullying etc, take care of yourself first!
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It's another fucking zombie show.. Would you believe it? Ok, Kingdom has been on my list for so long, and after the two previous shows, I was still on a zombie kick, so I finally watched it, and holy shit. This is so good. It's your "regular" zombie outbreak story, but this time it takes place in Korea during the 1500s (i think.) Already that makes it sound way more interesting and fresh! I gotta admit, I do not know that much about Korean history, so I can't speak much of that, but just based on what you're watching, it's working so well. The main character is the Crown Prince of Joseon (Korea) Lee Chang (Ju Ji Hoon), who under turmoil from a recent war, political conspiracy and the rumors of his father, the King's death, stumble across a plague of sorts, that seems to be resurrecting the death. Turns out, yeah, they're zombies. He allies with Seo Bi (Bae Doona), an assistant physician and Yeong Shin (Kim Sung Kyu), a young tiger hunter with a past. Both people were survivors from the "first" outbreak. It's a show filled with political intrigue, family matters and zombies, all in the beautiful backdrop of medieval Korea. The show has two seasons so far, I hope it gets another. It also has a prequel movie, called Kingdom: Ashin of the North, that I highly recommend checking out too. It's perfect to pick up after season 2's ending.
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Juvenile Justice
Ok, so this one is a bit from left side. I don't mind law stories, and this was one was honestly okay. I'm at all not informed on South Korean law, but this show is apparently about a special law around juvenile criminals. The cases in themselves were honestly super interesting, what drives a child or a teenager to crime, and how each case is unique. I'm extremely bad at wording this, but it's just that my main issue with this show was the main characters. The juvenile judge Shim Eun Seok (Kim Hye Soo) who is very stern and hates juvenile criminals, and the compassionate judge Cha Tae Joo (Kim Moo Yeol) both seem like fun opposites, but I feel like they were just a bit too tropey for my liking. Like from almost the first episode it feels pretty obvious what both their pasts are, and it's not executed in the best way. Anyways, that's how I feel about them at least, but I kept watching for the kids to be honest.
TW for child abuse, sexual abuse, self-harm etc.
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Death on the Nile
I watched one movie in February, and it was this one. I went with my best friend to the cinema, we watched Murder on the Orient Express together too, so we've made it a tradition by now. Up front I gotta be real with you all, I have never read any of Agatha Christie's books (yet) or watched any of the older adaptions of her works, so I'm pretty blind and naive to these stories. I enjoyed Murder on the Orient Express, and I think Death on the Nile was just as entertaining. In case you don't know anything about this just like me (the sole other person in the world) this is a murder whodunnit story, from the POV of Hercule Poirot, a private detective or something. You know the type. He's invited by a friend of his that he runs into in Egypt, to a wedding of just the most peculiar couple. It's the perfect setting for social intrigue, and a murder :D
I can't say if it's worth it for fan of Hercule Poirot who already knows the story, but for someone like me who's going in entirely blind, it was very entertaining to follow along and try and figure out what happened! Also I'm curious to see where Kenneth Branagh is going with this seemingly connected story over the Poirot movies he's making.
Video Games
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Elden Ring
Ok, so full disclosure, I haven't finished it yet. I know I'm getting relatively close to the ending, but I like to savoir these kinds of open world games. I decided to put it here because I have still used 110 hours on this game in March, so it deserves to be here. I haven't played any of the souls games before, only Bloodborne and Sekiro, both which are among my all time favourite games. The Dark Souls series hasn't spoken as much to me, because I'm a little tired of the medieval fantasy setting, so I was a little iffy about Elden Ring before it came out. Would I be able to enjoy it even if I hadn't played any of the souls games, would I like the setting which also seems to be medieval eurocentric fantasy? But fucking hell, this game is awesome. It's FromSoftware's first open world venture, and they delivered! I think an upgrade from some of the earlier FromSoft games, is the fact that you can run away. Sure you can do that too in the other games, but it's easier here, it's open world, if you're in a place you feel is too oppressive you can just go away.. Go somewhere else, explore that. I'm rambling a bit, anyways, I'm not entirely sure what's going on in the story, in true FromSoft style. Sekiro had a relatively straightforward story that you could follow somewhat, but my knowledge of Bloodborne's story is almost entirely thanks to this youtube video. So I hope that I'll get more informed on Elden Ring's story too sometime in the future :D
Gameplay is fun. Tough, but fun. It's an RPG so you can go in all sorts of directions, and personally I've ended up with two katanas, just hacking and slashing, and it works! The enemy designs are wild, interesting and fun! 10/10
Idk music, idk how to talk about music, but I love listening to it, so I'll just list some of the music I've been listening to a lot the last couple months, in case you're interested.
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Eve - Kaizin
Anything by Eve tbh
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Woodkid - S16
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JAURIM - 스물다섯, 스물하나
I just wanna mention this here for fun, but I went to a fun escape room with my friends on my birthday, and it's only really relevant for people in Denmark, and specifically around Copenhagen, but if you're in a need of a fun escape room I really wanna recommend Midgaard Event's Downfall Spy Mission escape room, it was so much fun, and so much worth the money. It was well put together, the setting, the rooms, the acting, just all of it. Just be aware that you will need to crawl on all four at some point, just in case you got bad knees or something lmao
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rocketcowboyblu · 4 years
Hi! Hello it’s me again (PArdon me lmao)
Since I posted about the Lion king idea of presenting finn, Thought why not give an idea of the entire movie if yall wanna idk write it? Cause I cant write at all. Ignore the spelling and grammar errors Im trying my best. ANYWAY uh have fun reading this mess of an R.D? (Rough Draft)
Alright, its like 10 years or so after the prime invasion. The BFF Squad finished restoring magic to the universe and found out where Adora and Catra hail from, (Magicat hidden kingdom on ethiera, and adora on eternia etc.)   Catra finds out shes magically pregnant and tells adora, adora is like “Holy shit were gonna be moms” SO like the dummy she is goes to glimmer and asks her permission to present her when the kit’s born. (cause its presumably from magicat culture idk u decide) Glimmer agrees and puts it on her to do lists cause yknow queen shit. 
Months later, Finns Born. Swift wind like the annoying loyal steed he is, goes to inform the other princesses of the presentation. (Insert the Circle of life Music) 
The princesses show up along with a bunch of other people cause It’s She-ra’s Heir/Kid. Anyway magicat queen comes and takes Finn and goes to present them (the balcony idk what part of brightmoon looks safe!?) presume the thrusting of them over a balcony. 
Scorpia and Bow are holding each other crying over how cute finn is, Catra and adora are looking at finn feeling so proud and shit, Glimmer is just holding her head staring at these idiots wondering why she even let them live there.
Behind the scenes, Catra had been helping glimmer with advising and taking over the actual royal advisors job. The R.A aint happy that her job is being taken by a war criminal and fraternizing with Etheria’s Hero. SO With some rogue clones they build a plan to get rid of finn and catra.
Finn’s growing up and needs to learn the difference between play and work, the advisor tells finn that and suggests  adora help them out. so Adora takes Finn out to the whispering woods to teach them about self defense and magic bonding with the planet. 
DT strolls up cause their now Brightmoons babysitter (Much to their Utter Delight) and tells adora that theres some trouble in the LightZone (Frightzone) about clones. Finn wants to come but adora says no cause its dangerous, So DT offers to take finn cause they were gonna round up the Runestone kiddos for a playdate. 
DT and Finn pick up the kids and they get into trouble. Finn has a whole inner monologue about cant wait to be a Hero or something to make adora let them come with em. Cue the Ditching of DT and the Runestone Kids find themselves lost in the whispering woods.
Rogue Clones find them and give chase with laser blasters. Catra finds DT tied up and explains the kids tricked DT and they hear laser fire. So they go and save the kids. 
NOW catra’s a lil pissed and impressed cause Finn manged to trick DT but also left their sights. Catra gives a speech about how much trouble finns in but also quite impressed with their work and tells them that, they’ll show them how to really trick somebody (aka pranks) 
Later that night the advisor and the rogue clones finally finish the plan to get rid of catra and finn. 
A WEEK LATER. Spoiler alert its finn Bday (Oh god here comes the angst)
The R.A suggests a Royal family picnic. Glimmer, Micah, Bow, Glimbow kid, catra, adora, and finn go to the whispering woods cause theres a nice clearing the advisor has “Suggested.”
a mile or so away rogue clones had been herding up the wild beasts of the woods. (Yknow those hog creatures) 
Catra and adora actually have a gift for finn but want it to be a suprise so they ask the advisor what to do, Advisor tells them that theyll take finn to a spot near the picnic and they can give them the gift there.
Advisor puts finn in a spot and then signals the clones.
The ground shakes, the trees start moving, BAM OUT comes running thousands of magic hogs. RUN
Finns on all fours running for their life, their panting and see a spot which they presume will keep them safe. It’s not safe at all. 
Finn bolts into a canyon, and sees a high top rock that SURE LOOKS STABLE. They climb up it.
Back at the picnic advisor runs back to the crew, and tells them what happened, Catra goes haywire and starts bolting towards the canyon, Adora tells bow and glimmer to get help and grab the advisor and head towards finn.
Catra reaches the canyon first, she spots finn on the rock, Jumping down she goes running along in the herd til grabbing finn, Adora and the advisor are watching from the top, Catra is carrying finn and puts them on a platform of the canyon. Catra gets impaled by a running hogs horn, She goes down into the herd.
“CATRAAA!” Adora cries and jumps down into the herd as She-ra to save catra. Finn looks on in horror trying to spot adora and catra. Boom out jumps adora  going up the slide, struggling to carry catras limp body.
Finn goes to climb their way out of the canyon.
Adora is holding catra tightly and is still climbing til she sees the Advisor looking down on them. “Here! Grab onto catra!” The advisor smiles sinisterly. “I’m Afraid I can’t do that adora..” Adora looks at them in confusion. “Goodbye my oldest enemy” The advisors eyes flash green. Adora’s eyes go wide. BAM a burst of magic hits adora causing her to fall with catra.
Finn screams in the distant.
The herd leaves. Its quiet. dust is still kicked up.
Finn looks at their parents bodies on the ground. Limp.
“M-mom’s?” They called out. Knees buckling they go to catra shaking her “Please you gotta get up...”
“What have you done...” The advisor voice tells them.
Finn looks them at in fear “I didn-” “Insolent child! Look at what have you done! You’ve robbed etheria of their greatest heros!” Finns ears fold back, tears flooding their face.
“Get out of here. If you ever show your face here again I’ll have the palace guards kill you” a bright ball of magic formed in the advisors hand.
Finn bolts. the advisor chuckles darkly, for it was only the beginning of a new era.  
Bow and glimmer teleport to area. they spot their friends.
Glimmer shakes catra “Horde scum DONT YOU DARE-” Catra bolts up gasping and then groans in pain “well.. there goes one of my 9 lives.”  catra looks around and sees adora. And now shes screaming at glimmer to heal her. 
The advisor looks ready to run. Glimmer heals adora and adora stirs going “W-what happened?” catra fills her in (catra doesnt know about the advisor she was unconsious.) And they cant find finn. so now its depresso expresso time cause adora cant remeber what happened and where finn is. 
Alrighty alrighty. So finn gets lost in the crimson and find Lonnie and the horde kids. (they dont know its catra or adoras kid cause they burnt that bridge) they adopt em for protection and help with digging in the crimson waste mines for gems and whatever else. And finn dyes their hair blond and shaves it to hide their idenity in fear of the advisor.
8 or so years past. Finns like 17 and the horde kids r old LOL
Scorfumas kid stumbles upon finn and they go into conversation about what the hell happened. Finn tells em about how they killed their parents and how they werent allowed near brightmoon cause the advisor would kill them. Scorfumas kid then has to explain that the advisor was now running brightmoon into the ground using their grief to an advantage. Btw kyles singing can u feel the love cause he do be misintruptioning shit. fuckin kyle XD (Lonnie is gonna kill this fool)
LATER FINN LOOKS AT THE WOODS AND OUT COMES YA GURL RAZZLE DAZZLE! Madam razz goes into her time loops and yknow the deal, she goes “Catra is that you dearie?” Finns like “YOU KNOW MY MOM?!” anyway razz leads them to the abandoned fort of grayskull yack yack yeack. Razz tells them that evil comes from power, not from heart, remember who you are type of shit.
Finn finally decides to go home.
Back at brightmoon everythings horrible. its the works yknow? DT got stuck in the “Prison” cause of how they were sus of the advisor.
Just gonna shorten it cause this is so LONG. Finn shows up, catradora are in shock. advisor turns out is the leftover of PRIME so then finn and him fight. Finn wins and here comes one of the newest heros to etheria. GG end of AU LOL
Sorry I dont know what I just wrote. but yeah theres the gist of the idea if yall wanna steal and try to write this shitpost? idk lol thanks for coming to this ted talk
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter ten
A/N: i just looked and realized it’s been over three weeks since i last updated this story??? holy shit i’m so sorry !! hopefully this chapter makes up for it. thank you for all the love and support yall have given me in my writings. it really means a lot. okay, enjoy this chapter :)
story description
taglist: @far-to-many-bands , @idfk-tbh-oops , @muted-mayham , @ughwhyislifesohard , @justtanerd , @ashyoungxblood ,  @cmburgos
trigger warning: cursing, fighting, vampire powers, blood, magically powers, wound
word count: 1888
It’s been a week since I last saw Colby, or really anyone from XPLR for that matter. All I've been doing is going to work, eating, and sleeping.
And also vampire proofing my house.
I've hidden stakes everywhere throughout, just in case Cyrus decided to show up. Plus, I carry around multiple vials of Angelica dust just in case.
I'm not fucking around this time.
I have been keeping in contact with Sam, though. I ask him every couple of days what's been happening with Cyrus; is he getting closer. So far, Cyrus has been on the decline, like he's almost gone underground, which I thought would be a good thing.
Turns out he might just be playing around with me. Or he caught up with XPLR who were still hunting him.
Sam told me to just keep living my life, go about like nothing is unusual.
It's hard to do that when it feels like at any second Cyrus could show up and kill me.
"Jade! I need five shots of tequila, stat please!" Ronnie yelled, waving her hand in front of my face.
I blinked a few times, finally getting out of my thoughts. "Yeah. Sure. Sorry."
"Where are you tonight? You've been really slow." Ronnie asked, leaning against the bar.
I had explained some of my problems to her, but not all. Mostly because how could I tell her a vampire was possibly hunting me down? Or that my blood might make vampires more powerful and I don't know why? Or the fact that Colby and Mike, two vampires I thought I could trust, almost killed me a week ago?
So... I kind of just lied.
"Colby was acting... weird last week and I'm honestly still confused about it." I mumbled, pouring the shots.
"Girl, move on from that loser vamp. You literally work at a vampire bar. You could find a new one in a second." She laughed, grabbing the tray and walking off.
I sighed. "Yeah... right."
~ \/ \/ ~
I was so ready to be home, the night feeling like it took even longer than usual to be over. As I walked up the stairs to my apartment, I clutched the stake that was holstered to my thigh. A new accessory I've had since last week.
I unlocked my apartment door quickly, slamming it shut and locking it again. I took a deep breath, relaxing for a second as I leaned my head against the door.
"Why are you so scared, Jade? Afraid a vampire might be around?" A voice called from behind me.
I spun around, my eyes landing on a man. Dark black hair and vibrant green eyes, I knew who it was instantly.
"Cyrus." I whispered.
He chuckled. "I thought you would forget what I looked like. I'm glad you didn't."
Cyrus stood up hastily, his eyes never leaving mine. He licked his lips, glancing over me slowly. "I took the liberty of getting rid of all your stakes. I don't think you really need them. Not after tonight anyway."
"So, before I kill you, I gotta ask... why'd you kill my friend?" He questioned quietly.
I gulped, sliding my hand behind my back and clicking the button on my bracelet.
Dear God let them get here soon.
“He attacked me. What was I supposed to do?” I spit, trying to put up a front.
“Die, preferably.” Cyrus shrugged.
I exhaled. “I didn’t kill Jasper. Colby did.”
“Right… your little friend killed him. But you’re the reason he’s dead in the first place.” Cyrus grunted, stepping towards me.
I pressed my back against the door, trying to put room between us. “Maybe he should have just left me alone.”
“Well he couldn’t.” Cyrus argued.
“Why?” I whispered.
“Because his power didn’t work on you.” His chest brushed against mine, his eyes staring into me. “He was so adamant about finding out why. I kept telling him to let it go, but he needed to find out. And now he’s dead.”
“Good riddance.” I smirked.
I yanked the stake from the holster on my thigh and shoved it into his side. He yelled out in pain as I began to run away. He wrapped his arms around me quickly, slamming my body onto the floor hard.
“You fucking bitch!” He fumed, jumping on top of me and holding my hands down.
Veins popped out from under his eyes as they suddenly turned crimson. I thrashed my body around as much as I could, screaming.
He smiled brightly down at me, his fangs almost glistening. “That’s not gonna stop me.”
Cyrus slammed his teeth into my shoulder with a large bite, drinking my blood speedily. His hold loosened on my hands, allowing me to slide my hand down to my pocket and grab some Angelica dust. I gripped the vile and smashed it onto his back.
He snapped his mouth away, howling in pain. He tried to reach the spot on his back where the dust was burning his skin off, but he couldn’t. I crawled out from under him, standing up instantly.
Cyrus grabbed a chair next to him, picking it up and throwing it at me, knocking me back onto the floor. I felt a throbbing pain shoot up through my leg as it twisted uncomfortably.
He grinned as he gazed at me, ready to attack me once again. Before he could reach me, he was thrown against the wall by a dark blur. My eyes followed it, landing on Colby.
In their vampire speed, they began to fight; almost too fast for me to recognize. I could see Colby pull something shiny and small out of his pocket, trying to stab Cyrus with it. Cyrus suddenly had Colby by the neck, choking him intensely.
Colby tried his best to fight back, taking the shiny object and aiming for Cyrus, only for Cyrus to rip it from his hand and push it violently into Colby’s stomach.
“You think you’re the only one that knows about Angelica?” Cyrus laughed, shoving the syringe deeper.
Colby winced, his hands trying to stop both of Cyrus’ from killing him.
I had never seen Colby unmatched before in a fight. It was like he wasn’t strong enough to fight Cyrus. But I knew he was. Cyrus was a younger vampire compared to Colby! It didn’t make sense.
My blood… it’s in Cyrus’ system!
“No! Let him go!” I screamed, struggling to get up.
Cyrus didn’t react, his grip on Colby only tightening. Colby’s eyes landed on me as he fought.
I felt a warm sensation flow through me unexpectedly, starting from where my necklace laid and flowing through my whole body.
I felt powerful, like I could fight Cyrus and win.
I glanced over at where my stake had fallen, too far away from me. My hand raised up, reaching towards it. The stake shook, tapping the floor multiple times before it shot to me, landing in my hand magically.
The pain that was in my leg no longer existed. I was able to stand up normally. With the stake in my hand and my strength back, I ran towards Cyrus.
Before he could turn to me, I shoved the stake right through his heart.
Time felt frozen.
Cyrus let out a breath, his grip on Colby’s neck let go, dropping him to the floor. Pulling my hands away from the stake, I watched as Cyrus’ body slammed to the ground dead. His body turned a grey color as his skin began to dry up.
The warm feeling dissipated from me as Colby groaned suddenly, pulling me away from Cyrus.
“Oh my God, Colby!” I collapsed to my knees.
I glanced at the syringe in Colby’s stomach. The liquid inside was still mostly full, meaning the dose of the poison hadn’t been injected. But some must have gotten into his system.
“I’m gonna pull it out, okay?” I asked, holding the syringe softly.
Colby nodded; his breath ragged. “Hurry.”
I slowly pulled the syringe out, tossing it away. The hole that had formed from it wasn’t healing like it should have. Colby’s blood slowly began to pour out.
“Why aren’t you healing?” I questioned breathlessly.
“It’s… killing me.” He choked.
“No. No. No it can’t be! You barely got any in you.” I argued.
He uttered. “Any amount is all it takes.”
“Colby!” Sam yelled, appearing in the doorway and running over to us. Katrina followed right behind him.
“Fuck, what happened?!” Sam exclaimed.
“I got stabbed, brother.” Colby hissed.
Sam grimaced. “Shit.”
“What can we do, Sam?” I replied.
He didn’t respond. His eyes just stared at Colby’s wound.
“What the fuck can we do, Sam?!” I belted.
“I don’t know!”
I gasped at Sam’s voice. His voice was heavy, eyes welling up with tears.
Holy shit… Colby was going to die.
Katrina placed her hand over Colby’s wound, mumbling something under her breath quickly. Her palm began to glow a white and yellow light. We all stared in awe at her.
“Oh my God… you’re a witch.” I whispered.
She pulled her hand away, glaring down at the wound. “It’s not healing.”
“What do you mean it’s not healing? You’re a witch, shouldn’t it be healing?” Sam queried angrily.
“I’m doing everything I can but it’s not healing. Maybe the poison got too deep in.” Kat admitted.
“What are you saying, Kat?” Colby moaned, sweat dripping down his face as he became more and more pale.
“I don’t think I can save… you.” Katrina answered, her eyes watering.
“Fuck… it’s getting hard to breathe.” Colby gulped, trying to remain calm.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Sam screamed, punching the floor.
I gasped. “Wait! What about my blood?”
“What about it?” Sam responded.
“What if it could help? Why don’t you drink it?” I stared down at Colby.
He shook his head. “Jade, I don’t know-”
“It’s either you drink my blood or you die. What other choice do you have right now Colby?” I huffed.
“It may not do anything! I might just drain you dry and then die!” Colby barked.
“Well it’s better than nothing!” I snapped back, pulling the sleeve of my shirt up to expose my wrist.
“Fine then! Sam, get Kat out of here.” Colby demanded.
Sam scoffed. “What? Colby, I’m not leaving you!”
“Yes you are! You’re taking Kat out of here in case she smells Jade’s blood and can’t handle herself. I’ll be okay.” Colby insisted.
“What if you don’t make it?” Sam retorted.
“Then it was one hell of a ride, brother.” Colby smirked painfully.
Sam objected. “This ride ain’t over yet for you. C’mon Katrina, let’s go.”
Sam grabbed Kat, pulling her out of my apartment quickly.
“It’s now or never, Colby. Drink up.” I raised my wrist up to his mouth.
Colby’s eyes turned red instantly, veins appearing from under them. His fangs slid out sharply.
He growled. “Fuck it.”
He bit into my wrist hurriedly, a whimper falling from my lips. His hands traveled up to my arm, holding it tightly and closer to his mouth.
Dark dots began to cloud my vision, a woozy feeling falling over me.
“Colby… drinking… too much.” I mumbled, slurring my words as I tried to stay awake.
Then in a flash, everything went black.
<< CHAPTER 9 || CHAPTER 11 >>
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piperdelaprim · 5 years
Shelly and Colt accidentally kill a man (headcanons)
Okay! It's been a while, hello 👋 I'm finally back with more headcanons and this time it's for none other than the faces of Brawl Stars. I'm not exactly sure what you should expect but it's content regardless!! Let's go!!
Is it Sholt? Yes. Is it romantic? Not entirely sure but I'll try.
So the scene starts off with Shelly being like: "Uh, what the fuck did we just do...?"
And then Colt being shocked as hell stands there for a minute and then takes initiative to check if the dude's really dead. He uses his revolver to nudge the body, but lo and behold--it is lifeless.
Imagining the duo with a motherlode of meiotic dialogue (the rhetorical device, not cell separation yall LOL) Shelly would then say: "Mm yeah. He's dead."
Colt responds, not believing what they just did: "Okay great! Wanna go grab some coffee?" Shelly then elbows him so Colt can have a jarring reality check alongside her. She starts shedding some tears, however she tries her best to hold them in to control the situation.
Colt, knowing how stressed Shelly can get even in arguably much smaller dillemas (in comparison to a murder), he starts to reassure her, hugging her and all that good uwu shit, telling her it's going to be fine and that they were ultimately innocent. However, Shelly, stopping her tears and interrupting Colt, she ominously says: "We need to hide the body."
And then Colt's like: "You're...insane...but sure okay!"
Then the scene segways to the events leading up to this incident and I'm about to tell you it right now yeet
It's a "normal" day in Brawl Town, the sun's out on a windy Wednesday and nothing was out of the ordinary. Colt and Shelly at this point have known eachother for a couple months but absolutely LOVE pining! The third wheel and best friend, Poco, gets insanely irritated with the two of them not professing their affection for one another--but like most days, that's just a normal thing.
After a match, Poco and Shelly hung out and ate lunch together at Bull's Diner. Poco noticed that something was quite out of the ordinary: "I think there's a weird dude in town."
The "weird dude" doesn't match any of the existing brawlers' characteristics or physical appearances. Poco continued to tell Shelly that he was always acting weird and randomly knocking at every brawlers' residences.
Shelly being skeptical asked Poco for proof. "Well! I don't have any! But he does look weird, like the pictures of the robohumans I saw in the newspaper centuries ago," says Poco.
"What are those?"
"You know those things we fight every day, Shelly Yeah, they used to capture humans and turn them into robot human hybrids. I don't know who stopped the robots from doing it, but I haven't seen one in forever--until now. But stay safe tonight, Shelly. Maybe you can ask Colt to come over. Hehehe."
Shelly, with red cheeks, almost jumps out of her side of the booth to nag back at Poco, "I don't need protecting!" As partially annoyed as she was, she couldn't help but chuckle at what Poco had jokingly said.
"Are you sure you don't need protecting, Shelly? You *did* let your emotions get the better of you just now!"
"Haha very funny //bonehead, but I think *you* should be the one worrying about safety with a guitarrón as your only weapon!"
"Shelly, I'm fine...I'm already dead." bruh moment, end of scene
Later that night, Shelly returns home, half asleep and ready to crash--until she saw Colt at her front door. Almost instantly, Shelly was wide awake.
Not knowing how to showcase her affection toward him as per usual, with her eyes open wide she sternly says, "What the hell are you doing here."
"Poco said you needed me here." Colt said with a smirk.
"Screw you Poco oh my god." said Shelly under her breath. She looked back up at Colt and said "Look, thanks for going out of your way and everything, but Poco's just messing with you. Goodnight, Colt."
Before she went in her house, Colt said with the greatest of speed: "Okay wait listen, so two things: my cousin Penny just arrived at Brawl Town and I actually can't stand her attitude but Mama and Jess love her a lot because she's really good at brawling and she's making a lot of money right now for the family but once again I don't really like her so I hoped I could stall and talk to you for a little bit and ALSO that new guy here is scaring the shit out of me and I don't feel safe at night hahahaha....ha..."
Shelly, internally excited that Colt wants to spend more time with her but forbids to let that show in her face, gives in and lets him in her house. Before that, she says: "You know you really gotta start sucking it up. The kid's making more money than you for a reason."
Shelly and Colt started chatting with eachother in the couch about their lives in Brawl Town and how crazy their lifestyle is, and eventually Colt says: "Man it still shocks me how we just...ran into eachother back there." (The whole "No Time to Explain" thing)
Shelly, with a laugh says: "You were literally about to die :))" Colt laughs with her, saying "I really wouldn't have been here gushing over you every day if you didn't save my ass a couple months ago."
Internally, Shelly's like: holyshitholyshit whatdoesthatmean whatthehellishesayingtomerightnow ohmygodholyshit but the words that came out of her head was: "You? Gushing over me? Quit playing h a h a." Shelly's hella nervous and super flustered.
"Wow Shelly," Colt said playfully, "what a way to discredit weeks and weeks of me thinking of what I was planning to say to you sooner or later :P"
Shelly got up from her spot in the couch and inched closer toward Colt. Very much unlike her usual self, she was flustered and smiling like a middle schooler around their crush, except it's actually like that besides the fact that they're not middle schoolers. "Just...shut the fuck up already." said Shelly jokingly with a smile as she put her arms on top of Colt's shoulders.
The both of them were MEGA flustered, and as excited as they were, they allowed for the moment to carry itself. Although slowly, their lips eventually locked for a couple seconds, HOWEVER, a sudden sound of a window breaking startled the both of them--the sound came from the second story of Shelly's house.
Jerking up from the couch, the both of them grabbed their weapons and stormed upstairs. Shelly recognized that the sound came from the spare room--a place where she hardly goes to maintain.
When the pair approached the door, they found cover and kicked it open like the police do and instantly pointed their weapons toward the figure they recognized as the "weird dude".
"Shit, Poco wasn't kidding." said Shelly, "What the hell are you doing in my house?Get out or we'll shoot!"
The weird dude, super unfazed by the way, says menacingly, "Oh dear, I just need a place to stay!" Shortly after his request, he shoots at the painting that hung in the hallway, knocking it down.
You know what that means! W A R. It was Shelly and Colt vs. the Weird Dude. Shelly and Colt's regular attack hardly damaged him. It was clear what he was. He was made by the robots (not the robo squad but the big boys we fight during the ticketed events).
Shelly's super was charged up, but didn't want to use it. However, the weird dude's punch attack was inching closer and closer to Colt, and Shelly, without thinking, fired her super at the humanoid.
After doing so, there was peace and quiet, but Shelly didn't know what she had just did because the first thing she did was attend to Colt.
"Holy shit are you okay?!"
"Of course, if my hair's fine, then I am too ;) but one thing, Shelly...*points to the humanoid* I THINK YOU KILLED HIM."
And then it's basically back to the beginning of the post!
The two of them brainstorm on ways to dispose of the body, but alas, their moral compasses are failing them in this scenario. But, suddenly, Colt remembered that there was an incinerator back at the Junker family home.
"Okay...NO." Shelly didn't like the idea of literally dragging a dead half-human into the Junker residence. "Your mom's really not gonna like me if she smells a dead freaking body in her house."
"Heh, is that *really* what you're worried about? ;))" bruh moment no.2
*flustered ass Shelly activated* "nOOo...of course not! I just killed a man. I can't really worry about anything else anymore can I..."
Shelly really didn't want to face Pam after this whole mess, even though she had nothing to do with it anyway. "Well, we're not doing that. I don't want to freak them out." She's just too packed with emotions to meet the parents LOL
Suddenly there was a knock on the front door downstairs. Sholt both had an "oh shit!" moment and Shelly hesitantly ran down the stairs opened the door, ready to give an explanation, but turns out it was just Poco.
"oH mY gOd sHELLy aRE yOu oKAy?!" Poco cried as he LITERALLY jumped on top of her. "I heard your shotgun from a mile away and I-"
"you wh-"
"Yeah I know I murdered a guy in front of the literal sheriff to save his life how much more ironic can it get,,,"
"Okay that's cool and all but you guys really kissed it was gonna happen sooner or later hehe..."
"Eh, I wouldn't worry too much about that."
*confused Shelly*
Colt, from upstairs, screams: "BABE HE'S GONE WHAT DO I DO? ALSO WHO'S DOWNSTAIRS?"
Poco's face lit up at Shelly, "bAbE?? ;))" said Poco quietly. Shelly let out a sigh, flattered at what he called her but irritated because he decided to call her that while Poco was around.
"IT'S POCO WE'RE FINE." Shelly said loudly from the lower level.
Colt came down to greet the not-usually-giddy Poco, "Hey Colt! It's all good! They respawn back to where they came from sooner or later, it just takes them a longer while!"
"Phew, that's a relief!" Colt exclaimed, "Did you know that Shelly didn't want to burn the body at my Mom's place because she was nervous to meet her?"
*irritated Shelly activated* "You're fUnNY."
Poco laughs, knowing he did enough to poke fun at the two. "You guys are so cute, I'll leave you two alone now, goodnight!"
Poco leaves and what do you know it's just the two of them!
"So Shelly...where were we? ;))" Shelly chuckled a little bit, as she warmed up and started to act more natural around Colt. They lean toward eachother to finish what they started before the whole conflict, but once again...
*irritated Shelly, part 2* "I'll get it..." Shelly opens the door and starts saying "Poco oh my-" until she realized it was actually Jessie. "Oh sh- hi Jessie!! Sorry about that!"
Colt doesn't want Jessie to know that he's at Shelly's place, so he runs behind the couch to hide.
"Hi Shelly! I've been trying to look for Colt because Mama misses him so much and she really wants to see him. Is he here by any chance?"
Colt's SUPER soft spot is his mother, so he decided to get up from his hiding spot and reveal himself to Jessie. "Jessie! What are you doing alone at this time? It's dangerous!"
"Actually, I was wondering what you two are doing alone at this time?"
Shelly, slightly irritated (but not fully because she silently finds Jessie super adorable) once more, says "nothing, Jessie, don't worry about it." She turns around to Colt to tell him he should go and that she'll see him tomorrow.
And then they exchange really soft goodbyes to eachother and Jessie already knew what's up. When they were on the way home Jessie decided to ask him: "You guys are together now, aren't you? Don't lie to me!"
"Heh, sure, whatever answer satisfies you, kiddo. But I think we need to have another first date--before you did, let's just say a couple o' people decided to crash it."
That's all! I know this is much longer than my regular posts and this is definitely much more experimental than usual. I'm not exactly sure how it'll be received or if it even quenches the Sholt drought but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!
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End of Season 3
Last one! Then I’ll shut up until October
Episode 51: Moving Into Dorms
•”I won’t make you worry, Mom” Izuku don’t life to your mother like that
•”She reminds me of my predecessor”
“What why?”
“It’s the hairstyle” All Might asbsjienb
•I genuinely just want like a spin off of the kids in the dorms. Like them just being super powered teenagers living together and being KIDS like. Please. Living with all your friends with powers? What could go wrong...? Think of the shenanigans
•Aizawa laying down the hammer wow
•I. Love. Kaminari. Jirou leave him alone
•Kirishima is Best Boi
•Uraraka falling over from shock the entire time and Iida freaking out is so cute
•Tokoyami’s is badass leave him be he tried so hard
•Mineta no
•Leave Ojiro alone he’s comfortable
•Kaminari’s room is literally any teenage boy room. I knew at least 4 guys who had a room almost exactly like that lmao
•The girls are outnumbered. Hate when Mineta’s right
•Bakugo is such an old man he’s already asleep I love a sleepy sad Boi
•Mineta:”I knew I’d get in trouble if just I suggested seeing the girls dorms now I have people to back me up!”
Todoroki:”I’m over it”
•Honestly Kirishima’s isn’t that bad y’all are just mean (except you Uraraka you get it)
•”If I found out my boyfriend had a room like this I’d dump him” HAGAKURE WHAT THE HECK
•Shouji... honey. Your bed isn’t even made. And they thought Ojiro’s was plain
•Okay Sero’s is cool “yup that’s me, always the wild card” god I love you
•Todoroki’s is so cozy
•Sato is so. Sweet lmao we need more of him
•Jirou is so punk I LOVE HER
•Hagakure. So. Pink
•Mina. So. Hot Pink
•Ojiro is so polite he’s so good
•I need Momo’s bed
•Intervention time
•Tsuyu is so pure she deserves so much
Episode 52: Create Those Ultimate Moves
•Mido forgetting he was in the dorm is kinda cute he’s like wait this isn’t my room at home
•”That’s 2 questions. Calm down” Iida it’s too early for this and Aizawa is a tired man
•Everyone’s so intense. Then Mido is just like...I can’t move my arms what the fuck do you want from me
•”How can I fight with these damaged arms?” Well everybody told you NOT to break your bones, Deku
•Lmao they just blew up Midoriya
Mido and Uraraka: BOOOOOOBS
•”I’m Tenya Iida, the man you tricked into to being a walking billboard for you at the Sports Festival!”
“NEVER HEARD OF YA” Hatsume has no chill
•Hatsume doesn’t know personal space lmao
•”My quirk is in my legs you mad woman” Iida is done
•Mido is so soft for his mom’s costume I love it
•Bakugo is literally trying to kill somebody
•”If I’m so worried about using my arms then I’m use my LEGS” what happens when you break your legs again honey THINK
Episode 53: The Test
•Gotta protect those stupid red shoes
•I live for Kami’s choker. But Kiri you added sleeves. But still. No. Shirt. Honey
•Tsuyu’s hair up is *chef’s kiss*
•The girls talking about boys like regular teenagers I love it
•Cue Uraraka watching Deku lmao “it’s not it” SWEETIE YES IT IISSSSSSS
•Inasa is Iida x1000 and with WAY too much caffeine
•Erasure is too emo for love lmao
•”Think about it Erasure, if I was your wife your future would be a life of constant laughter”
“That sounds like a legitimate nightmare” god I love this grumpy man
•I do love Joke and Aizawa’s “friendship” if you want to call it that lmao
•”This charming pretty boy is going to steal our girls” You’re right Kaminari he is
•”Please date me”
“Shut up” I’m both Ms. Joke and Aizawa
•Aizawa has so much faith in his class he’s like I’m not worried about my little shits just watch
Episode 53: Shiketsu High Lurking
•”PROTECT THIS PERV” Mina is my favorite 1A girl I’m not sorry
•Shindo is slutty Deku and I love him
•I am the commentator wow
•”I don’t know why but I’m actually getting pretty excited about this” of course you are Midoriya you big quirk nerd
•”In order to help others you have to be able to take care of yourself” DEKU SAID SELF CARE
•”Midoriya what is this enviable situation you fight yourself in” Serooooo why
•We’re gettin some good Sero content thank god
•Lmao there’s a ninja school
Episode 55: Class 1A
•Todoroki is. As you say. A Badass
•Inasa:”Wait what were we talking about!?”
Poor Random Kid:”I don’t know. You just came up and started talking...”
•This is literally Anime Hunger Games
•Shouji holding Tsuyu is. So pure
•The power group we don’t deserve: Momo, Jirou, Tsuyu, and Shouji
•KAMI AND KIRI FOLLOWING BAKUGO MAKES ME SO HAPPY they love to annoy him and it works but they work so well together love Bakusquad
•Aizawa basically saying Mido and Bakugo are the leaders who help the class work better the most and that he’s honored to teach them is PEAK
Episode 56: RUSH!
•Sooo Shindo’s a sneaky bastard I see
•I need more Baku and Kami interactions tbh
•”Those ugly ass gauntlets of his” love sassy Kami
•Oof Mido takes no prisoners
•It does suck that if you don’t pass the Provisional License exam do you just never get your Hero License? Do you only get a set amount of times you can take it?
•Iida has grown so much
•Bakugo knows your secrettttt
•Jirou says fuck Kaminari lives lmao
•Aizawa shut up you big softie lmao
Episode 57: Rescue Exercises
•Sero why are you starting shit lmao
•Kirishima and Kaminari following Bakugo just because they want to is my favorite
•Momo stopping Uraraka from acting too quickly is great leadership skills. All these kids have what to takes to be heroes they work so well together and in situations like these I love these kids so much
•Shouji and Mineta are a good team because Shouji keeps Mineta in line and I appreciate it
•The fake bystanders are hilarious
Episode 58: Special Episode: Save The World With Love!
•All Might and David Shield (GAY)
•Bakugo why are you like this
•Midoriya is a giant softie romantic and I fucking love it
•All Might as a villain is just funny he gets so into the roll but he’s also just a bad actor lmao
•Mic needs to tone it down but he’s so funny
•I like Cementos a lot and Midnight is an A1 actress go her
•All Might running away and shattering the kids idea of love is so fucKING FUNNY LMAO
•Nice way to set up the movie
•The timeline of this episode is throwing me off tho since this is before Midoriya moves into the dorms
•DadMight and Deku family vacation SO CUTE
•”You are the real heroes” THEY’RE SO PURE HOLY SHIT
Episode 59: What’s the Big Idea?
•Bakugo you need to calm down babe
•Gang Orca came to play damn
•Todoroki and Inasa are so chaotic together oh my god
•Gang Orca is just like what is up with these damn kids
•”It was a shock to meet your father because when I looked into his eyes the only thing I could see was an insatiable anger aimed at the entire world” imagine being raised/trying to live with that hatred, Inasa
•Lmao Todoroki triggered Inasa into not coming to UA. Endeavor loves ruining kids lives doesn’t he
•Inasa is so. Weird
•”Why didn’t I remember him? He’s so loud and obnoxious” You were so blinded by hate for your father that you were literally blind to other people in your way sweetie
•Highkey love Shindo ngl
•Team Work Boys come on
•Ojiro my fuckin BOYYYY
•Love Hair Dude
•Gang Orca’s actually impressed wow
Episode 60: A Talk About Your Quirk
•Mido passed yesss All Might Jr lol
•Bakugo and Todoroki. Whomp whomp
•B:”Let me see it [review of the exam]”
Kiri:”Ahh how about you worry about yourself”
Kiri’s like please don’t kill me
•Sero:”Hey looks like I’m pretty great at this” I love you Tape Boy
•I love how Iida just picks Mineta up by his cheeks and takes him away from people when he’s being too much lmao Dad Mode Activated
•Inasa and Todo are such an interesting dynamic. I haven’t read the manga but I know the make up exam happened recently and their interactions always make me laugh
•Kinda forgot about Toga but there were hints that it was her the whole time so it’ll be cool to actually meet Camie later on
•Holding his Prov. Hero License:”I have to show my mom and All Might right away” Izuku I love you precious boy
•oh my god One For All shut the fuck UP
•”I won’t be dying any time soon. Especially not by Shigaraki’s hand” if that is foreshaDOWING IM GONNA CRY IT BETTER NOT BE HIROKOSHI
•”We’re gonna have a talk about your quirk” I’m ready to CRY
•Kiri sleeping is so cute I love his hair down. And Iida sleeps stiff as a board I’m laughing reminds me of a friend of mine
•Bakugo please just. Breathe
Episode 61: Deku VS. Kacchan, Part 2
•Kacchan Hon, Deku doesn’t live just to get in your way in life believe or not
•Bakugo DEFINITELY kinda planned on killing Midoriya AHH
•”Why hurt each other when we could just talk things out?”
Bakugo tries to blow him up instead
•The flashbacks are killing me they were so small
•Bakugo’s voice cracking while talking about his anguish and self blame? That shit HURTED
•When he yells like this he looks like a feral wolf oh my god Kacchan
•Kacchan needs a hug. Too bad he doesn’t understand being comforted by other people. So instead Izuku KICKS HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD WHAT THE FUCK
•Feral Bakugo has been Leveled Up
•”Our relationship to one another is completely screwed up” Oh really Mido what made you think that
•These kids wanna fuckin die
•”It’s obvious you’ve always looked down on me even when we were kids” Bakugo you are a BIG DUMB BLIND BOOMY BOY
•Okay but the animation tho???
•”All Might was my hero but you were the one ACTUALLY IN MY LIFE” WHEN I SAY I SOBBED
•When Bakugo’s crouched and ready to strike, Me:”MA THERES A WEIRD FUCKING CAT OUTSIDE”
•A wild Gremlin is loose Aizawa and All Might come get your kids
•lmao whoops never mind
•my favorite MHA ship? Bakugou and Therapy
•Bakugo blaming himself for All Might’s retirement? Kill me
•”Sometimes I forget that you’re children” apparently everybody does THEY’RE 15/16!!!
•”Don’t you dare lose again” you are. So confusing
•Baku’s little exhale tho he had so much weight on his shoulders this poor boy
•”If this secret ever got out, people will wonder where the power went. You idiot why did you tell me about it before” Deku’s like I can’t win with him lmao
•Aizawa with his hair in a ponytail and black V neck tho? Oof when I say I love a man...
•Aizawa is done with this class and these 2 problem children in particular lmao
Episode 62: A Season For Encounters
•My boy Twice
•”Your face makes me want to puke” you get used to it rando villain dude...or noT DABI NO
•Dabi. Babe. Bruh. What the fuck
•Twice and Ectoplasm have similar quirks...TODOROKI WHERE ARE YOU
•Overhaul. I’m gonna hate you so much I can tell. Especially for Season 4 I KNOW YOU you creepy Plague Doctor Asshole
•Kirishima trying to comfort Todoroki is adorable
•SHINSOUUUUUU “looks like he’s bulked up a bit since the Sports Festival” my boy gettin BUFF since he knows Midoriya could’ve killed him if he wanted to lmao
•Kami playing with Ojiro’s tail gives me life
•...You ain’t nothin but a Hound Dog Lmao
•God I love Present Mic
•Sero and Mineta are asking to die I swear
•The first time I saw the scene of Mirio sticking his head through stuff to scare Mido was on Tumblr before I watched MHA and I was CACKLING AND CONFUSED
•The broccoli head was strong in that frame
Episode 63: Unrivaled
•Sometimes I forget how fucking gross Mineta is. Then he opens his mouth and it all comes flooding back
•”He didn’t do that great a job at the Sports Festival last year. Definitely left a strong impression” being buck ass naked will do that lmao
•I relate to Amajiki Tamaki so. Fuckin. Much. I feel you sweetheart
•Kaminari you dumb
•”The futures gonna be!?... Awful” Wow. Mirio gets it
•Tamaki if you could get off the wall you could do what Mirio’s trying to teach these kids I love an anxious boy
•Big Tough Boi Kiri is both badass and soft I love a Rock
•Aaaannd Mirio traumatized a bunch of kids with his dick. Mostly Jirou lol
•Aizawa your whole class was just murdered by a wild naked man
•Mirio has a baby face TinTin but is fucking JACKED
•”I tried to make it so that you didn’t see my willy. Sorry if you did” Mirio you’re so cute I’m going to bawl in Season 4 I’m not ready
•Mirio walks so funny
•...who the fuck is Sir???
•Kiri bringing Baku his trash: “Sure I’ll take it!”
Anybody else bringing Baku their trash:some kind of aggressive phrase
•Oh, you. I heard about you. I know what happens to you... this is gonna hurt, huh?
Whelp that’s the end of my rewatch. I can’t wait for Season 4! Is it October yet???
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hugsfromdad · 6 years
Hey kids,
How is everyone?
It's been a long time since I've done a check-in post and I've recently been feeling a real need to reconnect with all of you on here.
TLDR: my life is really busy and crazy and theater hasn't been good for me but I'm surviving. I miss y'all sm and want to hear from you. Whether it's anon, message, comment, or reblog. I have next to no freetime rn, but i really want to reconnect and am gonna try my best to be present on here more.💗
My life update: I've been so enjoying not being on instagram and just focusing on myself, healing and growing, and the few real relationships I have outside of social media. However, it's been hard cause I realized just how few close friends i actually have and the desperate need I have for friends who live nearby me. My two current best friends live 3.5 hours away, and in Colorado... So not someone i can hit up to have supper with and get a hug from when im having a tough day. And ive been having quite a few of those recently.
Joining theater has been...an experience. My mum has helped me to realize that i joined this production with expectations of making new friends.... Those expectations, as low as i thought they were, were wrong. It's like being in a ridiculously intense class with kids who already all know each other. It's not a clique, and I'm not being excluded, but it's like trying to break into a world where i dont even speak their language, and I'm still deciding if i really even want to.
I've been spending 3-4 days a week, 3hrs+ (sometimes 10hrs) per day with these people, for now 2 months--and I still dont know more than 3ish facts about the majority of them. A couple of them i have been able to get closer to-- but only because I found a time outside of practice hours to get to know them.
This has been really difficult for me. A lot about this situation is triggering for me and bringing me back to my bad years when I knew and spent time with a lot of people, but felt really alone and had no friends... So, it gets kind of scary when im already having a bad day and i go to practice. I have to be really careful and intentional of staying on the road when I drive home because my suicidalness kicks back in real strong...yeah, it's that bad. But I'm being careful and open with my mum and therapist about this all.
On good days, I kind of maybe consider doing this again. But in actuality... I dont want to. I'm not really having fun and I don't want to put myself through this again. I dont have a passion for this and I would need some really good, close (location-wise and friendship-wise) friends in my life, and in theater, to be able to enjoy doing this again.
So yeah... That's THAT whole situation. I'm counting the days til it's over... 20. Closing night is on my birthday... Best present I could get. I really just want to have my life back from this. And i hate that I'm good at it and so the people there assume im having fun and gonna want to do this again.. And, worst of all assumptions; that im carefree and happy-- lol.
So thats pretty unfortunate, but I'm at least getting another really good learning experience, and I cannot tell yall how fucking proud of myself i am for doing this. This is a big deal and I threw myself in the deep end and it turns out im actually good at swimming--even if I dont like it.
When it comes to my personal life (what's that?) It boils down to: I need friends. I'm trying to find people close in location to me... But, because my soul is currently owned by the theater, I cant do much at all. I am trying tho.
I tried a few dating apps... Oof. Ew no. I hate dating apps and I hated every moment on there. Not finding people really and its pretty sucky, but my therapist keeps reminding me that it's not me, it's my difficult situations throughout life that's kept me from finding people to date. There was one person I matched with who I was talking to for a bit, but then they havent replied to me for 2 days now, so im hoping everything is okay, but I'm kinda used to being ghosted at this point. Ill finding someone tho. Its gotta happen.
I'm pursuing my transition more-- hopefully I'll be starting testosterone soon and I'm looking into surgeons now and saving my money with a mindset towards top surgery within a year... We'll see. But its super exciting. My theater director (who is really bipolar and freaks me out some, but seems to adore me) put a stubble beard on me with makeup yesterday cause I had mentioned wanting a beard once i got on testosterone. It nearly made me cry and I couldnt stop smiling. I wore it home and hated taking it off before bed. I really really want a beard and im so fucking close, it's giving me strength.
My music and writing and painting and all other things have come to a screeching halt since starting theater, but i have a ton of inspiration that's built up over the past couple months that I'm super excited to unleash it the moment I'm free of this commitment. Im already working on a musical about this whole experience joining theater that I think would be really good. And I really want to finish my books and get them out there. We shall see what happens.
I love you all so much and my heart constantly goes out to you all and all of your experiences and struggles. I want to be here with you and laugh and cry, morn and celebrate together. Hopefully more of the good, tho.
Please feel free to reach out to me, even though I haven't been active at all on here. Message/anon me about your life, or questions, updates, celebrations, jokes, good pickup lines for me to use on my best friend as soon as his cruise is over and I can spam him again (holy shit I miss him so much @jamesboii please come home soon). Or like just reach out and say hello-- it might take me a day to reply, but i will.
Love y'all so much, sorry for this long blurp about my life. But i just wanted to post something and try to reconnect.
What do y'all want to see me posting? Im down to try new things. ✌
Sending hugs and love,
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rxcusant · 6 years
Lol explain Kingdom hearts to me. Like all of it. Cause I'm confused as fk. Not KH3 tho cause I'm still going through it.
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buckle up lads
so theres a buncha keyblade masters called foretellers and theyre all runnin round like headless chickens cause their master disappeared and nobodys telling each other anything so they all start fightin (except this one guy luxu voiced by max mittleman, he grabbed a box and high tailed it outta there) and then it sparks a keyblade war for all the light in kingdom hearts i think ??? and then i legit forget what happens from here because i hate ux with every fiber of my being but it made this cool place called a keyblade graveyard, its pretty dope.
fast forward 1000 years and we got the cool wayfinder trio all living in land of departure about to take their mark of mastery except terra doesnt pass because Mark Hamil Said Darkness Sucks. also we meet this old guy Xehanort he kinda sucks a lot. theres these enemies called unversed rolling around and mark hamil tells aqua and terra to go stop them but ventus said HEY IM COMING TO and ran after terra so aquas left to be the mom to bring them both home idk and its revealed ventus is made of pure light and xehanort literally split the darkness form his heart and it made vanitas-- hes responsible for all the unversed, he sucks, we dont like him but we love him-- in an effort to forge this thing called the X-Blade (PRONOUNCED LIKE KEY BLADE I HATE THIS SERIES) that will open the door to kingdom hearts, and the x-blade can only be made when pure light and darkness clash, and like... restart the keyblade war and bring about balance?? idk. And xehanort wants to live long enough to see this happen so he literally possesses terras body. Cool! Just what the poor guy needed. Ven and vanitas fight and ven sacrifices himself so he goes to take a Very Long Nap and vanitas just dies like the bitch he is. But ven’s heart finds his way to baby 5yo sora who decides HEY ILL HOARD YOU IN MY HEART FOR THE NEXT 11 YEARS and thats why roxas looks like ventus. Aqua yeets him in the land of departure and then like..locks the world up and it turns into castle oblivion.  meanwhile terra and aqua punch each other and terras about to fall into a darkness pit but aqua sacrifces heself to get him out and so she ends up trapped there for 11 years and terra??is now terranort and has amnesia and this old dude Ansem The Wise finds him and adopts him and an apprentice. yeah. bet he wont regret that decision ; )
10 years later kh1 happens and sora and riku and kairi are chilling on destiny islands until it explodes and riku fucks off to the darkness and kairi fucks off to soras hearts -- i hope she said hi to ventus in there-- and sora ends up in traverse town where he meets donald and goofy. YOU SEE king mickey of disney castle also fucked off because worlds are disappearing to darkness and he left donald and goofy a note to go find The Key cause thatll help. so they do and they journey around with sora and become good buddies i love the trinity trio so much. eventually they meet riku at hollow bastion again and hes been posssessed by this dude Ansem whos not Ansem the Wise but is actually Xehanort’s Heartless (i hate this fucking series) and they find kairis comatose body chillin in the corner and they have a fight scene thats engraved in the memory of Everyone whos ever played PS2 KH1 KAIRI! KAIRI! OPEN YOUR EYES! ITS NO USE. THAT GIRL HAS LOST HER HEART. SHE CANNOT WAKE UP. oh my god why didnt they add a skip scene button. anyway they punch the possession outta riku and sora stabs himself with the keyblade to release kairis heart BUT it also releases his own heart which created his nobody, Roxas, who got vens heart???who thats why he looks like ven?? and it created namine who is kairis nobody because??i honestly forget i hate this goddamn series. anyway soras a heartless for a few minutes but kairi got her heart and life back and wanted to get some sweet sweet screentime and so she saved sora and restored him Thank you kairi. so sora dumps kairi off at traverse town and goes to give Ansem / Xehanort’s Heartless a good ol ass whopping ad they win and restore the worlds but kairi and sora are separated again I’LL COME BACK TO YOU, I PROMISE! I KNOW YOU WILL! WHEN YOU WALK AWAY YOU DONT HEAR ME SAY PLEAAAAAAASE OH BABYYY DONT GO oh also riku and king mickey and sora closed the door to kingdom hearts and trapped riku and mickey in the realm of darkness, that was a thing.
and then chain of memories happened. theyre in castle oblivion!!! whoa!! we meet the organization for the first time! whoa!!! we meet namine!! whoa!!! so like namine has sora-memory powers and can tinker with his memories and the memories of everyone hes connected to (AND HOLY FUCK IS THAT BOY CONNECTED TO A LOTTA PEOPLE NAMINE IS VERY POWERFUL) and the organization is making namine rewrite soras memories as he progresses throuhg castle oblivion to turn him into marluxias pawn so he cna use sora to like..overhtrow the organization, i think?? i hate this seriees. but it all works out in the end except soras memories are so scrambled he decides to sleep for a year to get all the right ones back. MEANWHILE RIKUS IN THE BASEMENT OF CASTLE OBLIVION and hes fighting his own demons i mean darkness i mean ansem i mean xehanorts heartless and he meet up with mickey a few times and then he meets DiZ and he also meets a replica of himself--yeah by the way the organization is making replicas, That Sure Wont Ever Be Referenced Again : )-- and its this game that rikus like YEAH I CAN USE THE DARKNESS AS POWER AND STRENGTH and HES GONNA WALK THE ROAD TO DAWN and then every riku rper put dawn in their url and i got confused trying to keep them all straight lord please help me im a little ol sammi
then we have 358/2 days for the DS which i never replayed cause it was tedious af which is all about the organization and roxas’s time in the organization and meeting his best buds axel and xion and saix standing in the corner being a jealous little binch PLEASE SAIX JUST BE NICE THEYLL GIVE YOU ICE CREAM TOO IF YOU ASK POLITELY Xion is another replica except shes a replica of sora but something got messed up and she got his memories of kairi which is why she looks like her but with black hair for whatever reason, i think nomura just wanted a cool goth girl to add to the series and we all thank him for it, and she and roxas become so close they kinda start influencing that weird memory shit going on and xion keeps trying to leave the organization to set things right but axel always gets stuck with the icky jobs and we got the iconic GO ON YOU JUST KEEP RUNNIN BUT ILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO BRING YOU BACK and i think around this time roxas is also super fed up with the organization and decides FUCK YALL IM DONE and punches saix and leaves. but xion finds him and they have a cool boss battle sequence got i love you xion you are a POWERHOUSE but roxas defeats her and she dies and its the saddest thing in the world AND NOBODY REMEMBERS HER WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT!!!! anyway roxas decides hes gonna punch kingdom hearts next cause it was xions last wish but riku, who is sporting a cool blindfold for edge, is like HEY WE NEED YOU TO WAKE UP SORA and roxas is all SORA THIS SORA THAT I DONT GIVE A FUCK and tey fight! and riku loses cause roxas has two keybladees! OBLIVION IS THE BEST KEYBLADE IT LOOKS SUPER COOL I LOVE IT SO MUCH WOW but riku rips off his blindfold and summons the darkness and he takes on ansems, xehanorts heartless, appearance and he squeezes roxas until he passes out and then they yeeted roxas into a data twilight town for a few days.
so enter kh2 with the 6 hours roxas tutorial in the data twilight town until he goes to find sora and returns to him. SO FINALLY AFTER AN ENTIRE YEAR sora wakes up with all his proper memories and so does donald and goofy and theyre like COOL LETS GO FIND RIKU AND KING MICKEY and they go journeying around the worlds again to stop the organization. meanwhile axels gettin desperate to see his best friend for life roxas again and kidnaps kairi but shes like HEY I AINT HAVING THAT and runs off and ends up in twilight town but axel finds her and kidnaps her anyway but then saix kidnaps her to the world that never was. and so soras like WE GOTTA GO SAVE KAIRI AND RIKU NOW cause by the way earlier like midpoint of the game maybe Mickey was like SAY FELLAS DID SOMEONE MENTION THE DOOR TO DARKNESS and its one of my favorite quotes in this hell franchise, so like THYE KNOW KING MICKEY IS OK that just leaves kairi and riku and stopping the organization. so they find kairi and they find riku and sora cries a bit and im just happy the destiny trio is together again. And DiZ showed up again, hes actually ansem the wise, and he talks about computers and hearts and research and xemnas, the organizations leader, is likeI WAS YOUR APPRENTICE! BUT YOU DIDNT LET ME DO ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENT SON HEARTS SO I KICKED YOU OUT AND RREMOVED MY OWN HEART AND THATS WHY THERES A HEARTLESS AND A NOBODY OF XEHANORT and ansem the wise is like YEAH BITCH and he explodes and riku turns back to normal but he also really needs a haircut. so they go punch xemnas in his zebra coat and riku and sora chill in the realm of darkness for about ten minute son the beach, i guess aqua was hanging out somewhere else, and they get a message form kairi in a bottle and the door to light opens and they go home and it was literally!!!!! a better fucking ending!!!! than kh3!!!!!!!!! thats my tea!!!!!!
so then we have KH3D, dream drop distance, which begins telling us ‘hey when you kill a heartless and a nobody that person is gonna be recompleted so uhhhhh xehanorts coming back Thats Not Good, make sora and riku do their mark of mastery test in the realm of sleep to get the power of waking’ and thats the whole game but its great because flowmotion! dream eaters!  TWEWY TWEWY TWEWY T W E W Y!!!!!! playable riku!!! fun worlds!!! soriku!!! except KH3D’s fatal flaw is THEY INTRODUCED TIME TRAVEL INTO THIS FUCKING COMPLEX HELL HOLE I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR THAT. anyway rikus been doing a great hecking job!!!! except sora ended up in twtnw and kept chasing the dreams into the deepest pit of slumber and the organization broke his heart so they use him as one of xehanorts vessels [gesutres to my blog with will smith arms] yeeah babey. and riku is understandably like HEY GIVE ME MY FRIEND BACK and xehanort is like FUCK OFF TWINK and mickey and donald and goofy and axel, whos been recompleted as lea, arrive and steal comatose sora back form xehanort and xehanort monologues about the X-Blade split into 20 pieces- 7 of light, 13 of darkness- and so hes gonna make 13 vessels of darkness with his heart inside them and the guardians of light gotta gather 7 lights to clash and bringg about the keyblade war or bring about kingdom hearts, i-- i literally hate this series so much Why do you think i went on a year long hiatus??? i needed to calm the fuck down-- either way xehanort yeets off with his darknesses and soras STILL comatose and rikus like I WILL DIVE INTO HIS SLEEP AND SAVE HIM BECAUSE DEARLY BELOVED IS PLAYING AND if i continue this joke someones bound to get mad at me for ‘’’pushign a soriku agenda’’’ BUT YKNOW WHAT, RIKUS A REAL MVP AND PUNCHES A NIGHTMARE VEN AND SAVES SORA AND SORA HUGS HIM AND ITS GREAT AND I LOVE MY SONS SO MUCH and the kh3d ends with them saying ‘hey look kairis gonna do something!’ but Little Did We Know.
and thats your summary of what the fuck happened in kingdom hearts. i hate this game so much.
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diana-panda · 4 years
wow I can’t even remember the last time I logged onto Tumblr. This place used to be my life, I even had to reset my password to log back on here. i’m amazed that I still have followers. looking at things I used to blog about is so bittersweet, I legitimately feel the things I felt back in the days. shit was really changed since then. been broken over and over and having to grow bigger and bigger. I decided every few years I'll make a  post, a lil update of my life so I can  continue to self reflect on the shit I wanna change. considering I know absolutely none of my followers, this is the perf place for me to just unload a bunch sack load of shit. covid was crazy this year, survived that shit and realize all those years smoking have really fucked my lungs up. today I got another call from Dahni, who I still consider as my best friend forever. one day when we both got our shit together and both thinking straight again, I know we’ll be able to be friends like we used to. I never pick up to phone numbers I don’t know but every fuckin time I randomly choose to pick up to a rando number - it’s Dahni. this is the 5th time she has called me from a mental hospital. it’s crazy, never thought my life would have be me working in a mental hospital and her coming in and out of one. after all these years, you’ve probs haven’t seen her in 3 years - but she has never ever forgot your phone number, even when she has completely lost her mind. she literally doesn't make sense when she talks. at the beginning, you sometimes understood the shit she said and understood what she meant and felt because you were that fuckin close to losing your whole damn mind before you decided to get sober. still so proud of you choosing to be sober, even after probation, even after drug tests. Dahni still remembers your literal exact address. she said she’s been sending you letters for the past 2-3 years but you haven’t seen shit, especially because you moved to Milwaukee this year. you texted daddy but he said he ain’t seen shit, probs lying, he would hide this shit from you. he always hated her but he doesn’t understand that it was actually you who got her into drugs in the first place. I pray all the time Dahni has completely lost herself or she’ll be able to return to herself again, I miss having my best friend around. after the call, you looked at oldddd ass pics like 2015 shit, yall were the craziest - up and just went to alberqueque, breaking into hotels and creating body slides out of tables and chairs in the ballroom, tripping at the trail of lights and deciding to just walk towards the Austin skyline, there were so many pics I don’t even know where we’re at. I miss that life with you dude, not giving two shits about anything and doing whatever we could to just live life. you were the one person I connect with in such a weird way. anyway 2020 was the year I had to finally grow up, and I can’t be more proud. the reason I got sober was because I was drugged then gang raped in 2016, but I have finally accepted that it happened and I am finally moving past it. your ptsd and anxiety was debilitating. months of therapy with no progress, Janet your psychologist thought the best option was drugs to calm you down but you refused, mommy had to move down to San Antonio with you, you got daddy to install security cameras around the house, you went to 3 different police stations and 2 different apple stores because you thought you were being tracked, a panic attack literally every fuckin day, you got your first gun - but damn shit has changed. I think when you got rogue, that was the start of your life changing around. you used to walk her literally only on your street but now you can walk her for hours anywhere. you got control of your own life again. texas sunshines helped you tremendously, you met a few life long friends - even though you made some besties but ended up losing them - either way, they helped you return back to your old self, the free spirit and careless golden wild beautiful soul you had. exposure therapy - that shit works. going to 6th every weekend, even a couple times a weekend helped you a lot. you had only a couple freak outs where you let your anxiety take over you but there was progress. you have grown so much the past 4 years, it’s honestly mind blowing because you used to be at rock bottom. you legit lost your mind at one point, legit rock bottom, even hearing voices and seeing shit, Janet said drug induced psychosis - but your resiliency and strong heart and soul helped you, with the help of god of course. you were in such a dark place but getting through that helped you be where you are now. but none of this could've happened without the help of your parents - they taught you the definition of unconditional love. maybe that’s why Dahni is still battling this love and hate relationship with drugs - she doesn’t have this support system like you. your parents never gave up on you dude, like how am I ever gonna repay them, because if it wasn’t for them - I'd literally be dead long ago. you still have only told a few of your close friends. Dahni and Mikayla a year after it happened. kiara, erin, and Gracie 3 years after it happened. maybe that’s all that ever has to know. this shit don’t define your life anymore girl. it sucked but you have let that shit take enough of your life. no more living in the past. you live and you learn. stop thinking of ways how you’ll somehow find these fuckers and make them pay, they’ll get what’s coming to them. I used to pray everyday these fuckers got killed and died a horrible and painful death but you’re letting them win every time you waste a second thinking about them. just be thankful you got out of that shit alive. you have this deep rooted reputation of a party girl. but never forget, daddy defended you when yall had guests over once - “yes she parties a lot, but she also studies hard too.” you’re legit a UT grad, you got into grad school - which you are killing. you’ve never been a straight A student but now you are in grad school whaaat. but you know if you studied this much and this hard during UT - you would’ve had a higher gpa, but no regrets. ever!! my time at UT was truly a blessing - it was the best time and worst time ever. that was boot camp training you to be resilient. you used to think you were being punished for having to move to Milwaukee for grad school but that was the biggest blessing in disguise. Jim howard was right, even if I did get accepted into UT’s msn program - I shouldn’t go or stay anywhere near Austin, I have too many distractions here, I would’ve failed out immediately - I need to start thinking like a healthcare provider, people’s literal lives will be in your hands. you can’t kill no one dude, losing your license will actually be the end of yo life and all this school and bullshit would’ve been for nothing. Milwaukee was rough at the beginning but you’ve grown to fall in love and appreciate its true beauty. you needed a break from Austin, it’ll always be your endgame and it aint going anywhere. you got to start over, start fresh, grow up, it was exactly what you needed. Milwaukee was the place where you defeated your ptsd, your annoying anxiety - I mean yeah sometimes you do psych yourself out but you have made the craziest progress, even Janet is so surprised and proud of you! you fuckin live alone and do a damn good job of it. but it wouldn’t have happened without Lola. rogue saved you 4 years ago and now Lola has saved you. they are both fuckin wild and misbehaving, but I am sooooo thankful I have them in my life. god put the most perfect dogs into my life, they helped you be where you’re at today. you even made a fuckin solo trip with just you and Lola from Milwaukee to Austin, stayed in Memphis with just yall 2 and literally no panic attacks. never thought that would have ever been possible. lol having your gun around definitely helps. this year you realized that you used to be fat, how come no one told you omg. but that doesn’t matter because you have finally reached the weight you had on your vision board that you made in high school - 105. you got home from grad school and literally every single fuckin person in your life has said you lost so much weight - girl you didn’t even know it, you don’t got a scale in Milwaukee. but looking at past pics, holy shit girl you lost weight. you still got some to go but good job dude - don’t ever let yourself get that bad again. your new goal is to be 100, then you can stop stressing. lol you’ve been trying to lose weight literally since high school, and all it took was grad school and being depressed AFFFFFFFFF to lose 20 fuckin pounds! with the help of addy too. yeah you were depressed, started in the 2nd semester of grad school and was at its worse at in the 3rd semester. but you yourself, and Lola of course, pulled yourself out of that. you walked to the beach, appreciate the scenery, focus on the sound waves - learn to love life again. you’ve changed so much dude, I feel like you’ve finally lost all of your old self now. quarantining for covid made you finally truly clean your room and rearrange it. took the biggest cleanse of your life, and damn it was a struggle because you the biggest hoarder out here. you found your old pieces, crazy how you still got them, you found old pills, even weed - proud of you for throwing everything away finally, and real quick. because you did think about smoking some and pop a pill or two - what’s the worst thing that can happen right. bitch you know what can happen, normal people can do that but you have forever fucked your mind up, like physically and biologically fucked up your brain. the way drugs works on your brain and Dahni’s brain only has a dark side to it - drug induced psychosis - every time, no matter what or when or how long it’s been, you have forever fucked that up. yall dropped the ball on that shit, yall did it too much, esp the mind altering shit and will never be able to enjoy drugs again - but that’s okay. you don’t need that shit. okay for guys, fuckin listen to me here girl. we ain’t going into zayne or Terren - yo first 2 boyfriends was just dipping yo feet in the waters for dating. you already know what you learned from them. you know what you want and don’t you ever fuckin settle.”life is a mess when you settle for less.” I loved Arin, and I'll always love him. your dumbass almost married him but why, knowing he does not meet half yo standards. from Arin, you learned you want someone that treats you like a princess like he did, he always showed you off, he put you on a pedestal, you were legit his everything - you want someone that does that, where you are their everything. but you don’t want someone who gets angry like that, who lets problems get bigger and bigger til they explode - shit needs to be fixed immediately, if your their everything - shouldn’t they do everything in their power to make sure it stays like that. from josh, you learned you want someone who you can be your goofy self and have fun and literally laugh all the damn time with you - it was such a fun time with josh, yall really did have this amazing connection. he truly loved you and honestly truly loved you. I loved josh, and I'll always love him too. he was the first relationship you had after getting raped, and he showed you how to trust men again. these 2 dudes lacked goals and had different visions for the future from you. you’re such a goal oriented and family oriented person - they were not. you worked hard to get to where you are today, and continue to drop the guys and the people who will get in the way of your goals. friends too - if they ain’t with you, drop em. in the end, it’s your family who will always be there for you. lol you truly treat guys like shit dude and everyone knows it, you don’t even feel bad about it, maybe it’s from being raped, maybe it’s from that ginormous wall you’ve built, or maybe you’re just that afraid of getting hurt, but that’s okay, you can keep doing that, it’ll get rid of the weak ones - what you can’t do is treat the good ones like shit, like tai. you never expected to find a dude so different, but maybe that’s what you need. he’s the exact opposite of the typical guys you usually go for - a fuckin gamer, not 6 feet, lol even asian. you didn’t date tai but yall definitely had something for 6 months. he has never done drugs and doesn’t want to even try drugs - I didn’t know that was maybe something I needed in a guy. from tai, you learned that you do want someone who went to college, grad school is even better, super caring about you. at one point you did think he was going to be the one - he speaks Vietnamese, he’s in pharmacy school, he can game with your brother. he may seem perfect but you learned a lot of shit you don’t want in someone. you’re not on social media a lot anymore, other than snapchat. you even had insta deleted for months - then when school ended for winter break, it took you awhile to download insta again, but when you did, you made one post and never got on it again. tai is super in the social media world, and you don’t want that. you’re starting to be someone who really lives in the moment, the shit happening right in front of you matters to you more, you don’t want someone super into the social media world. he doesn’t treat you like you’re a priority to him, he actually makes it clear that he actually doesn’t give two shits about you - so why you allowing yourself putting any efforts into that. the second he’s upset, he’ll drag that shit out and won’t try to fix shit at all - you need someone who will fix shit right then and there so yall don’t go to sleep at night angry, you need someone who will fight and continue fighting for you no matter what. he doesn’t apologize for shit and when he does, there is always an excuse - you need someone who owns up to shit and apologizes sincerely. you deserve someone who truly cares about you and is committed to you, they need to do anything in their power to keep you and show you love you and not give up on you. you did not get gang raped to settle down for someone who doesn’t make you feel loved. you did not graduate from UT and get into grad school for someone who causes you mental stress and make you unhappy. you did not grow into this strong, independent, brilliant ass woman to date someone who makes you question your worth. you deserve someone who continuously challenges you to be your best self and make you feel beautiful. cami said you deserve someone who spoils you, and she is damn fuckin right. you have come so far, getting sober, getting into grad school, someone needs to feel lucky as fuck they have you. but what’s the common denominator between all these dudes - quit pushing guys away, quit purposely ruining shit because you’re scared of shit, quit getting pissed because they don’t react the way you wanted, quit overthinking shit because you’re usually fuckin wrong. just don’t settle for less but allow yourself to get close. your trust issues ain't going anywhere, but learn to put your guard down a tad bit, let yourself get hurt - it’ll only make you into a stronger bitch than you already are. nothing will ever hurt you nearly as much when you got raped. if you got through that, you can literally get through anything. a lot has happened in the last 4 years, but you know what you need to focus on. continue working on your best self. keep thriving and surviving. maybe we’ll self reflect and reorient again when grad school is over in a couple years and you’re back in Austin. just be happy <3 do your best and fuck the rest
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asterdeer · 7 years
wolf 359 liveblog
hey uh so wolf 359 is a special thing for me and i want to record my reactions to it for my own personal posterity or w/e so spoilers only below the cut. merry christmas and merry surviving-wolf 359-finale night!
(pre-episode listening to the one-last-thing ep) michelle agresti made goddard futuristics badges she’s SO GOOD and i’m crying a lot. and everyone was there. a wolf 359 reunion. i’m crying. “the wolf of wolf street”
okay episode time
this music signals nothing emotionally stable
is cutter the old man. did pryce give him a new body. OH GOD CUTTER IS THE OLD MAN AND PRYCE GAVE HIM A NEW BODY RED ALERT
they’re telling their stories and telling each other’s parts of the stories this is the creepiest shitting thing
fuck off cutter no one has lived happily ever after i hate you SO much. i hope pryce stabs you through your throat before she conveniently dies too
“let’s get started” fuck me.
i have some genuine concerns right now about evil and plans
eiffel talking about the alien!!! ayyyyyyyyyyy boi!!
god emma sherr-ziarko is just.... so good. she’s SO good. minkowski is strong and commanding but there’s this very slight tinge of fear and desperation and i love her SO much i love her and her va so much she’s SO good
eiffel’s and hera’s conversation :’)
.......uh yall hey quick question did we time travel or time loop or is this just a flashback. i’m too trained for panic to trust this and i’m weirded out akshkdjh
....but hera’s and eiffel’s first meeting......im crying......bye.........im out....... “it’s good to know you’re around” :’) :’) :’) let’s see how far we’ve come
is this scene gonna be kepcobi #confirmed i’d scream. OH SHIT THO JACOBI LAYING DOWN THE TRUTH. BLESS IT. 
EIFFEL AND LOVELACE ARE BEING FRIENDS!!! IT’S BEEN SO LONG!! I LOVE THEM!!!! EIFFELLACE FRIENDSHIP LIVES!! oh god they brought up his alcoholism and i’m crying again. also like. eiffel appreciates lovelace being there and it’s SO pure but i’m also really really really glad someone expressed some appreciation that eiffel is there too. like. he needs that. the boy needs that. 
“destroy an entire species” oh GOD pryce&cutter you’re trying to kill the aliens??? what the?? what the shit??? why??? god why
minkowski’s speech.... minkowski trying to get kepler and young on her side.......everyone grOAnIng when rachel quotes princess bride (shut up eiffel u don’t even get that groan privilege)...... good stuff........
jacobi......babe..............! your unrequited love is showing..... not to mention.....your humanity....
“thank you daniel... and goodbye” SHOT! THROUGH! THE HEART!! and unrequited kepcobi is to blame!!!
jacobi: yea so i’m a real mean dude jacobi: but also hey i just met you and this is crazy but i just swore undying loyalty to you so love me maybe
okay look. look here. douglas eiffel is so damn strong. douglas eiffel is so damn strong. he can sit there believing in his heart that he is going to die today at the hands of depraved and relentless villains and still speak words of strength and encouragement and love for his daughter who he hasn’t seen in years, and then come out only to encourage his commanding officer as well. there’s a reason douglas eiffel fulfills the communications officer role in this show and it’s because of this. it’s because he’s tough enough for this: he’s tough enough to smile for the sake of other people. 
.................................no. no. NOPE. he called her renee. she loves him so much. she just wants to know he’s happy. he. she. he. he. she. she. i’m. no.
SHIT lovelace backing minkowski up. that’s what i’m HERE for. 
RENEE MINKOWSKI LAUGHING!! SO MUCH OF RENEE MINKOWSKI’S LAUGHTER!!! I’M SLAIN AND I’M IN LOVE!! SHE’S PLAYING COMMANDING OFFICER! SHE’S BEAUTIFUL AND GOOD AND ADORABLE AND PERFECT!!! whenever minkowski calls it “her” station i cry because minkowski deserves like a whole planet to command not just a station but she is so good at running her station. i love her. she’s good. she’s good.
i’m fricking. i’m fricking proud of myself. i heard that music and loved it and then cutter said it was based on a shakespeare play and i thought “that’s the tempest music.” and it was fuckin tempest music. this isn’t about wolf 359 i just gotta yell that even before cutter quoted it i felt that tempest feel in my soul.
i swear to pan The Harpoon is one of my favorite wolf 359 characters
jacobi!!! a great soul!!! maybe not a good one but a great one!! blowing that kazoo in victor’s face!! classique DID JACOBI JUST GET SHOT. SHIT. PLEASE TELL ME THAT WAS LOVELACE SHOOTING VICTOR. WHAT’S GOING ON. WHAT. 
so like is eiffel/jacobi a rarepair. idk i feel like they might mesh well together under better less morally suspect circumstances. the whole “want to turn my shit around and do some good for a chance” thing. and also the idea of jacobi being a bad influence on anne and completely destroying her chance of being an Upright and Morally Child Who Doesn’t Like Setting Things On Fire (At All) 
*takes the deepest possible breath* AALLLEXXAAAAAANDDEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR
ssshshiiiiiiiiitttttttt that’s what decima was for
BOB’S BACK and god what i would give if bob would just. just. fuckin flatten them. just break past their shitting scienceyfied weapons and flatten them.
“with my life, darlin. with my life.” douglas f. eiffel..................!!!!
jacobi no!! stop hurting him!!
cutter just.........???? killled????? an alien????????????????????????
....................shit. shit. NO. don’t........take.....his memories........shit.... this is bad this is bad this is SO bad. this is SO SO BAD. pryce. pryce needs to die. she needs to die nice and quick ok she needs to go HERA!! HERO!! THANK GOD!
this is the scene where kepler comes and saves jacobi??? right???? right
the eiffera is so strong and i’m SO weak for it he believes in her so much damn......... and pryce can get bent hera IS the army
SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT WARREN!!!! DAMN! WARREN!! GOD i knew his monologuing would kill him. i knew it. he should have just walked out. kepler. damn kepler. DAMN kepler. SHIT. SHIT.
jacobi.... jacobi no.......... jacobi don’t....................... J A C O B I [LONG UNENDING SCREAM]
M I N K O W S K I !!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uhhhhhhhhh i don’t like the way he said “let’s finish this” oh no  oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no  HIS MEMORIES OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO OH NO  EIFFEL NO!!!
and he’s awake for it. shit. oh god. oh god. oh god. he’s saying his final words. shit. shit. shit. 
they’re all gonna die aren’t they.
minkowski is completely and totally alone right now and i’m crying abt it. i’m crying a lot abt it rn. everything is going to shit. hell. HELL. this is my christmas present from gabriel fuckin urbina and co. hell. hell is my present. thanks gabriel urbina and co. this is some sweet sweet hell you’ve giftwrapped all pretty and nice for me.
minkowski and lovelace are okay.........................?
eiffel calling her renee in that gentle quiet cautious voice is going to be the death of me. it is. i’m going to literally implode.
they’re............they’re going home...................they’re going home and alan rodi’s music is going to kill me..... doug just wants to stay with his friends......even now when he doesn’t really know them......... 
okay. this is going to take some time to absorb. i feel incredibly..........something. i don’t feel quite the sense of loss like i did at the end of taz balance because that was a definite end of something, i knew it wasn’t coming back because it was over (for the most part). this..... it’s probably not going to come back but their story isn’t over. douglas eiffel’s story for sure isn’t over, it’s just starting over again because he was a hero. they’re all heroes. 
“that was... wolf 359.” 
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The curve flattened I'm told due to evaporation.
Evaporation is allowed to occur when 3 or more people in one house have COVID-19 and give consent to immediate travel to their home place -- some aliens prefer not to call it a planet but it is
So when they are diagnosed they are sent home in NY state including NYC. And so it's made s remarkable difference in numbers.
The evaporation numbers are electronically recorded live in a databank
So dead bodies to dinosaurs and handle that nasty drama or evaporation and hands free and clean.
And as a doctor or nurse, "you are diagnosed with COVID-19. You will have an adventurous future. Please go home and enjoy your ride. Here's two prescriptions to help you on your life's journey"
I mean really. Try a little flavor.
"Bitch you gonna die yo! Here take this pill so you shut the fuck up while you dien' ain't no one wanna hear you yo! And push this down and suck when you be coughin like you dyin cause you will!!" I mean i Don't even care. What are they gonna do? Complain? When? They about to die. In case they do "I explained the medication use and how to and when to and I said the future is different than it is now. And i need a break. Care to join me away from this soon to be home individual?" now its only for now and i really don't recommend you to talk to someone like that except people like me, just wanna punch some fucking ass holes in the face.
Besides some people find that kind of interaction comical and they actually do prefer it to normal doctor talk. Its humbling. Some get upset like Denise.
And i just walked by Uncle Dad and he said to her when she borrowed $2000 from me and lied it was for bills but it was so she could go to Hawaii and she said "just between you and me i borrow this Don't tell dad" and she was talking about it because I walked by and he said "yeah Denise just between you and me You got a bloody broken nose"
Because he wanted me and my daughter to go. And she borrowed almost all my savings and i didn't have enough for 3 plane tickets to Hawaii when she already had $2,000 and 2 paychecks go in and had over $6000 of her own money on the trip after bills paid. So she had $8000...
And i couldn't go. She she got a busted nose. She was until 6 months ago assisted leader of Zulululu on Eaerth.
She insisted that Nathaniel try to initiate sex with me at that time and lost her rulership.
Because in reality she told him to rape me. That's what she fucking did.
Anyway point. If someone talks in a different manner to a COVID than usual. But isn't abusive as i was not abusive in the passage above i expect it to be excused and accepted and discontinued soon. As it is ONLY for COVID-19 activated and not carriers (which will only show up in DNA4U)
A lot of people The most strong people have been invaded by aliens. The strongest.
And we been beat down. Over and over.
I'm gonna pull out the NHRA because some of them kids are real special to me.
32% are human. 92% of the remaining percentage are alien. That's just the drivers.
72% of mechanics are human. 4% of the remaining are alien. (Cause they're fucking lazy -- not just an opinion)
The rest evil humans.
So of 600 drivers... Take 32 times 6 and you got some fucking number i ain't a calculstor but it's about 3x6 is 18 plus in the ones column 2x6 plus Yoir carry.
192 I'm assuming out of 600.
So that totally isn't right. 32% of drivers. 1/3 of 600 is 200
Fuck tree msn noe he says there's 900 drivers. Makes me laugh
So over 300... Why does the calculator say 288??
Why does this not work? 32% oh is not 33.333% it's less than im all thinking 30% is 1/3.
Fuxk math.
I'm sloppy in math. I have good humor about it tho and tree gets a good chuckle at me because I get so dumb about it. I was looking for 35% which is about 315.
See why Yall need 8 hours or more of restful sleep? Denise kept me up all night acting stupid screaming and then Nathaniel woke me up early worried about his livelihood. So i got me like 4 or 5 hours.
So 288 people surrounded by 900 people.
This is often the case then the remaining (i have a calculator here) 612 people try to drag down the 288 i can clearly see that they are outnumbered by over double
So that is a two on one unfair fight. Two not even being allowed to be on the fucking planet!!
And the one alone to stand or ball up to defend is nearly defenseless.
Then in the NHRA to make matters worse the aliens lie and manipulate to get their mechanics behind them.
So i developed a system that the driver team that wants to fight fights as a team and they have to pay real cash money starting at $10,000 that just goes up and up. If they intend to fight a human and Easter Egg occurs and the aliens that put up the bounty to warrior can't fight and must award all cash to the human ran team. Like Erica Enders.
And if she catches you talking shit after the cash award (usually a wire payment) and she will. She racks up fees and fines aka charges. Then she can beat the shit outta the alien team that has to stand there with their hands at their sides or in their pockets after the pockets are cleared by the awarded team and each person gets 5 hits to the face or ribs then the shit talker gets 10 from each team member from the human side.
Since 2013.
Aliens do not belong on Earth. Many of the drivers are the worst offenders of human trafficking which is why They are allowed in the NHRA so we can spy on them and is why rhe mechanics are so many humans.
Because by default humans hate aliens. Its just a distaste we are programmed and then we feel sorry for them for our programmed hate..
It is a very vicious cycle and very painful. Because we can't stand the way they act or dress or the way they're so fucking happy. And its because they lie and hide who they are from us and we feel it.
Thus the distaste
No matter how hard we try to like them and enjoy being with them the hiding and lying over and over of their true identity is terrible.
Queen hid from me her identity and I was all who the fuck are you? Like it wasn't like i would be rammed if i asked.
She said "pardon?"
And i was like oh shit and i got all red... And i was all oh im sorry I should not talk to her like that she's elder and proper! So i said "im sorry ma'am i was Just wondering who you were"
"Well I'm the fucking Queen!!"
I must had looked like a turnip by then all the blood rushing to my face to feed my brain.
"Of who?! What? Where?!"
"Of England" and she folded her hands in her lap on one side and looked all dignified.
Holy fucking shit who would thought?! Not me!
But an alien will lie "I'm just like you but ...." And never dignify themselves to say they are alien. And it is irritating.
When Queens or Kings don't announce themselves its full of mystery and wonder.
When an alien DOES then it's full of mystery and wonder.
When they don't it's absolutely full blown annoying.
Sometimes we can act like children and allow a person to follow us around and copy every move like the other kid doesn't know how to live. But there comes a point even a child will explode in temper.
They just don't fit on our planet!
Even Venus. Neptune and Mars when they transferred to human Because they earned the right by following the rules we still had to tweak their brains and look and so on.
Neptune looked like Ewoks. They were so fucking cute!!! I love Ewoks. I slept with one forever in my bed when i was a kid - a stuffed one from the store.. A fake non living one. I didn't know. I just felt a lot of love.
And i was being really abused by Denise and Nathaniel and i felt really better to,wake up to its cute little face. It was the one thing Denise didn't try to destroy because she knew the truth about them but she sure didn't tell me.
So although I have and the whole human race has a severe dislike and distaste for the alien race I did ensure that their deaths are one I would want for myself. For my children. For the proper Queen of England who can joke around and make my body feed my brain to keep me alive for one more day.
Something kind.
Evaporation is a slight accordion feeling mainly in the chest and then off they go.
So no one intended for Donald Trump to be running his mouth telling people not to listen to me
Simple bronchitis treatment then home to their families to discuss the ability to leave and when and where. And apparently there's a website you can organize yourselves on so you don't go alone.
I have tried every other way and it was unsuccessful.
I'm not destroying my own planet that was a gift because some aliens are fucking rude.
Im just gonna send their asses home as i should have done long ago.
Its not about being bitter or wanting revenge.
Simple fact is they don't belong here and they have their own home and their own Gods.
Its straining for their Gods to switch between their home and here.
Not my creation. Not my responsibility.
Not the nurses nor doctor nor military.
Not the mailmans nor Amazon's.
When yall voted for an American Revolutionary War 76% voted yes. Of the world wide population of nurses and doctors and health cate professionals 81.5% voted yes. Over 81% voted for a Revolution
So i expect no problems from now and the next 13 days.
24% of Y'all were probably aliens. Tree says... 16 and a half % which then leaves probably evil humans. Snd tree says yes.
So 100% of Humans says yes fuck this shit.
So y'all drink your grocery store wine. Have your cheese. Leave me some extra sharp cheddar but get you some too and get your ice cream. Buckle down and take your tests for money to buy all that. Don't pay no rent nor mortgage
We will talk to car loans i expect. Talk to your car loan providers. I don't want no dude towing your car cause he know it's at home and you didn't pay the monthly payment.
So use your DNA4U to pay your car loans and car insurance and get your food..
Don't be paying baggers online. I got a couple I follow here on Tumblr always a medical or food need. Go on the street corner and work for that yo.
They can get same as you to take a test
Get your student loans deferred.
If you have no DNA4U access and you did and you got an email saying why then you're leaving the planet So click the link and make your arrangements to get on your way.
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
the chosen daughter // colby brock - chapter four
A/N: hey yall! life update: i have a job now! it’s part time, thank god, and so far i don’t completely hate it, which is good. hopefully it won’t get too hectic, but we shall see. anyway, i hope you are liking this series so far. let me know what you think about it. also lmk if you want to be added to the taglist. hope you enjoy this chapter. alrighty, i’ll see yall later :)
story description
taglist: @far-to-many-bands , @idfk-tbh-oops , @muted-mayham , @ughwhyislifesohard , @justtanerd , @ashyoungxblood ,  @cmburgos
trigger warning: cursing, being hunted??, mentions of killing/murder
word count: 1693
My apartment had been trashed, everything torn up and thrown all over the place. Sam stayed with me for two hours, scoping it out and making sure everything was back in its place.
Nothing of mines was taken. It just looked like someone broke in to make a mess and leave.
Sam believed it was vamp. I wasn’t sure what to think.
After barely getting any sleep, I wasn’t too excited to go to work. But at least I would be surrounded by people and not by myself, left alone to think of what could have broken in.
I filled Ronnie in on some of my crazy adventures from the past two-ish days.
“How is it you have all the fun on your days off?” Ronnie whined, cleaning a glass.
I scoffed. “I highly doubt getting almost killed by a vampire, and then having one break into my place ‘fun’, Ronnie.”
“At least it’s more interesting than me laying around and watching Real Housewives.” She joked. “So, all of these guys work at Trapp Haus and that’s how you met them?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Got my own connection which is how I was able to skip the line that usually wraps around the whole block.”
“I swear I’ve never heard of any of them before. Are they all bartenders or something?” She asked, starting a new order.
“Um, I think some of them are.” I lied. “One or two might work in the business side of the place, since they’re vamps.”
“I’ll have to go there next human night. Colby sounds pretty hot.” Ronnie smirked.
“I mean he is, but he’s kinda a dick.” I huffed.
“Well, all the hot ones are. Besides, he does have a soft side: he did save you.”
“I guess so…”
The night moved slowly, not too many patrons on a Sunday-Monday evening. I was so happy to finally have my break, being able to step outside and get some fresh air.
I took a deep breath as I looked up into the night sky.
What the fuck had my life turn into?
I shook my head, leaning my back against the brick wall of the bar. I stared into the parking lot, my eyes fixating on the dark. Through the trees that surrounded the lot, I saw the outline of a man.
I squinted my eyes, trying to see if I was seeing things. The figured disappeared as I blinked. I relaxed a little, annoyed at my own paranoia.
Maybe I am going crazy…
I stood up and went to walk back in. As I went to open the door, I heard a low growl come from behind me.
The hair on the back of my neck shot up. I could feel a presence behind me. I didn’t want to turn around, but I knew I had to. I twisted around slowly, my heartbeat speeding up faster and faster.
Nothing was behind me.
I looked around, my anxiety still at its peak. I knew I heard something; but nothing, no one, was there.
I spun back around. A man stood in front of the door. All I could see of him was his glowing red eyes and shiny fangs. He jumped forward with his hands reaching for my neck. A scream ripped from my throat.
I fell to the ground with a loud thump. He was no longer around me, I was alone once again. I scrambled back onto my feet, glancing hastily at the parking lot. I heard a dark chuckle come from the darkness. My eyes widen as I yanked the door opened and slammed it shut, locking it tight. I leaned my back against the door, trying to catch my breath.
He reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t think of who.
I ran to Roger’s office, needing an answer. There was a drawer in his desk, where all the receipts were kept from every night. Roger was very meticulous about it. I grabbed the folder from the previous night I worked. I flipped through all of them until I landed on the one I knew it had to be.
Cyrus Gladstone.
He was Blondie’s… Jasper’s… friend. He knew.
Jasper was dead. And he knew I was the one that got him killed.
I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, dialing the only number I knew could help me.
“Sam… I need you again.”
~ \/ \/ ~
"How many tips did you make tonight?" I asked, counting out mine again.
Ronnie sighed. "About $20. You?"
"$35." I muttered.
"Ugh, that's not fair. I swear, your blood must smell like a fucking bakery with how many tips you get." She laughed.
"Ain't I lucky." I hissed jokingly.
The door to the bar rang open. Both Ronnie and I sighed. "Sorry, we're closed."
"I'm not here for a drink." A deep voice replied, stepping around the corner.
I turned to face the voice and realized who it was. "Colby..."
"That's Colby?" Ronnie exclaimed quietly. She leaned closer to my ear. "Holy shit he's hot."
"Shhh." I elbowed her lightly, turning back to Colby. "Uh, hey. Are you here to escort me home?"
"Actually, I'm taking you back to our place.” He informed, his hands sliding into his pockets.
I raised my eyebrows at him. "Oh? Okay."
"I'll see you later, Jade. Have fun." Ronnie mumbled, smirking at me and walking to the back to grab her stuff.
"Uh, let's head out." I nodded my head at Colby, slinging my bag over me.
As we walked into the parking lot, Colby stopped me. "Are we really gonna take your car to the club? It's only a couple blocks down."
I scoffed. "I'm sorry... what do you expect me to do? I can't leave my car here."
"Running would be faster." He stated.
"If I was also a vampire." I fumed.
Colby growled, his fangs prominent. "I could turn you into one."
"Shut up and just get in my car." I retorted.
I opened my car door and slid into the seat. Colby stood in the parking lot, glaring at me.
"Are you getting in or not?" I huffed.
He didn't respond.
Who pissed in his Cheerios today?
I rolled my eyes, driving away. "Whatever. I'll meet you back at the Trapp Haus."
I glanced at my rear view mirror, seeing Colby was already gone. I drove, the streets being close to empty since it was so late. I finally got to the Trapp Haus, pulling into the parking lot. Colby had his back rested against the entrance, scrolling through his phone.
I alarmed my car and strolled up to him. "Why exactly am I here?"
"Sam wanted to talk with me and you. That's all he's told me." He remarked. I followed him up the apartment. Walking in, Sam sat on one of the couches, looking up at us.
"Oh good, I was wondering when you were getting here." Sam spoke, smiling.
"So... what do you gotta tell us?" Colby asked.
"Well, I think we have all concluded that Cyrus is after you because of Jasper's death.” Sam admitted.
I nodded my head. “Yeah.”
“He's most likely the person that broke into your apartment. He's trying to get inside your head. Make you feel uncomfortable and nervous.” Sam responded, stepping towards us.
“So, he's playing with his food?” Colby smirked.
Sam and I both glared at him. “Colby... really?”
His lips folded into a tight line. “Sorry.”
Sam sighed. “Anyway, because of this, I want you to stay here until we can hunt him down and kill him.”
“What?” Colby questioned, his arms crossing.
“Dude, let's be honest here. She's not safe. And unless you want to stand guard at her place until he comes a-knocking, it would just be better if she was here.” Sam argued, turning to Colby.
“No, it wouldn't.” Colby grabbed Sam’s arm, pulling him away from me. “Don't you think we've done enough?”
“How?” Sam inquired.
“How are we gonna find where he is? Unless he's living in LA, which may not be the case, he could be anywhere. Are you expecting me to run around the whole fucking city looking for him?” Colby ranted, his voice deep.
Sam scoffed. “What else are we supposed to do? Leave Jade for dead?”
“Yes! We've already done enough. We’ve never gone this far for someone unless they're family. And she's not.”
My heart dropped as Colby's eyes landed on me. They were cold. Unfriendly.
“We can't leave her now. I won't leave her now.” Sam objected.
“We don't even know if he's hunting her. He could just be dicking around.” Colby hissed.
“Or he could be hunting her. We don't know Jasper and Cyrus’ relationship. If someone killed me, you would hunt them down.” Sam stated.
Colby paused for a second, rolling his eyes. “Fine. But how long is she gonna be here?”
“Until you find out where he is.” Sam smirked.
Colby groaned. “Do you wanna give me a clue as to where he could be?”
“Mike talked to a couple of his buddies on the south side. Apparently that where he likes to hang out at. So, snoop around, see what comes up.” Sam replied. He then turned to me. “Jade?”
I cleared my throat. “Yeah?”
“You're gonna sleep in my room until this is all sorted out.” He explained.
I stammered. “No. I can sleep-”
Sam cut me off. “I insist. Besides, it won't be the first time I've fallen asleep on the couch. I'm gonna go get you some clothes to change into. Tomorrow I'll head over with you to your place and we'll pick up some of your stuff.”
I smiled lightly. “Okay.”
Sam left to go into his room. I stared at Colby as he sat down on the couch, sighing deeply.
I stepped over to him, staying a few feet away.
He finally glanced up at me. "What?"
"You really hate me that much." I knew it was true.
My eyes never left his. He just looked at me with an almost sad glimmer.
"Jade?" Sam called.
"Coming." I answered, turning my head away from Colby.
<< CHAPTER 3 || CHAPTER 5 >>
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