#yall have no idea how excited I am for this lil change
babygirlwolverine · 18 days
big changes but the same fluff blog! get ready for double the kisses with deancas and poolverine 💋
deancaskiss >>>>> babygirlwolverine \|/
thank you to everyone who voted in my url poll. y’all chose this url so this one’s for you! and don’t worry, there will still be plenty of destiel on my blog with lots of poolverine too ❤️💛
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OH MY GOSH can I maybe possibly request Steve x Eddie’s sister/sibling!reader I’m so excited you wrote for him like- love u byeeee
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*One of the gayest photos ive seen but we'll talk abt that another time*
*Nother lil side note: I went to get water and when I came back this gif was on my screen AND I SQUEALED AND GIGGLED. THATS WHAT KINDA HOLD THIS MAN HAS OVER ME. ok imma stfu and let you get to reading* *LAST ONE I SWEAR: Listened to this while writing:) .... and this :)))*
~Yall actually met before the Vecna stuff
~You're in your senior year for the FIRST time unlike your idiot brother Eddie
~You're not in hellfire but you do spend A LOT of time with them
~Literally the mom of the group
~You have other friends that you'd gladly hang out with but you stay with them because the minute you leave one of them is gonna end up somehow missing a finger
~They need adult supervision at all times and youre the best they got even though Eddie is literally a year older than you
~You were the one who convinced Eddie to invite Mike, Dustin, and Lucas to Hellfire (He didn't wanna at first cause they were "shrimpy freshmen" his words not mine)
~Dustin excitedly ranting to Steve about the group when he first joined
~"He's so cool! He gets on the table n shit and doesnt give a shit about what people say"
~"Dude I don't wanna hear about Eddie 'The Freak' Munson"
~"He has a sister y'know... she's 18. She's pretty awesome too. And single"
~"Well that's great for her" (mf started zoning dustin out at this point poor dustybun)
~Dustin thinks you'd be so fucking perfect for Steve so whenever he sees him he always always always finds some way to work your name into the conversation
~He starts doing the same to you poor boy is set on this ship and will not give up till it sails
~Eddie gets so pissed whenever Dustin brings up Steve. His mood noticeably changes but Dustin, being Dustin, can't take the hint
~You cant be mean to Dustin cause you find him so sweet and adorable so you just endure it even though you have really no intention of talking to Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
~Literally 3-4 months had passed and Dustin was still talking you up to Steve and vice versa even though the two of you still hadn't met
~The Hellfire club was hanging out at the trailer park and when everyone was leaving you heard Dustin say he was gonna go to the video store so you decided to drive him cause you borrowed Robin's history notes cause you ditched class
~You took Eddies keys while he was using the restroom and made sure to leave before he could yell at you for stealing his car again
~You went inside with Dustin and he introduced you and Steve
~"Steve! This is Y/n"
~He gave you a small nod, unaware of what to do. You tried to match his awkward energy so you just gave him a small wave
`"I'm Steve"
~"I know. Little Dustin over here doesn't shut up about you"
~Dustin has the widest smile on his face seeing the two of you meet for the first time but it immediately drops when he hears you call him "little"
~"Hey what the hell"
~"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it 'Dustybun'" you said as you messed with his hair
~"I've told you already! Only Suzie calls me that!"
~You start laughing at Dustins face cause he looks so pissed and oml when Steve hears you laugh his heart MELTS
~He loves the way you treat Dustin
~Its hasn't even been a minute but mans is already down bad for you
~"Anyways, is Robin here? I borrowed her history notes and I'm just here to drop off little dustybun and give her her notes back"
~"Stop calling me Dustybun!"
~"Uh she's not here yet but she should be in about 15 minutes"
~"Oh alright. Can you give these to her when she gets here then?"
~"I mean or you could stay? Y'know, make sure she gets the notes safely. Plus it'd give me a chance to get to know you better..."
~You stand there for a second contemplating it. You were curious to get to know more about Steve Harrington, especially since Dustin was constantly talking about him. Eddie will kill you if you have his car for too long without asking though, which was even more of a reason to stay. God you love pissing your brother off.
~"Well what do you wanna know Harrington?"
~The two hit it off surprisingly well
~So well in fact that even after you give Robin her notes, you stay longer
~The moment you leave Steve's decided that he's in love. Like thats that. His search for the right woman is over. He's found you and he's gonna try his damnedest to win your heart
~When you got back to your trailer Eddie was fuming
~He was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed and his leg bouncing up and down while staring at the door
~"My my, what ever is wrong dear brother?"
~"What have I told you about taking my car without permission?!?"
~"Relax I was only gone for 30 minutes"
~"YOU WERE GONE FOR 2 HOURS! What were you even doing?! I thought you were just dropping off Henderson!"
~"I stayed a bit longer to talk to Steve"
~"No Eddie, fucking Steven Spielberg"
~Steve constantly bugging Dustin about you and asking him random ass questions about you
~Dustin deciding to be his wing-man for once, he's always asking you to drive him to the video store
~Constantly stealing Eddies car to take Dustin
~Every time you drop him off, you always stay for an extra hour just talking with Steve
~He tries to flirt with you but he gets so nervous when you're around he becomes Scoops Ahoy Steve again
~Dustin and Robin literally face palming whenever he says something stupid but you finding his failed flirting attempts absolutely adorable
~Eddie constantly asking you what's up with you and Harrington
~Telling him you're just friends but him continuing to nag you
~Eventually having enough with your brother bs so you throw a pillow in his face
~Him throwing one back
~Munson sibling pillow fights>>>>>>
~3 months of you and Steve talking at the video store and he still hasn't asked you out
~Robin and Dustin taking bets on when he'll finally confess
~You constantly go to the video store to talk with Steve, with or without Dustin
~One day you were sitting on the counter reading your book while Steve worked and all of a sudden he just kinda blurted the words "movie theater"
~You looked up from your book to see him looking at you
~"I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me"
~"Only on one condition"
~"You let me pick the movie"
~Steve regained his confidence and the two of you started going back and forth as you always did, laughing and talking
~The two of you decided that Steve would pick you up at 7 and you would surprise him with the movie
~"Wait so let me get this straight. Steve 'The Hair' Harrington... asked you out on a date?"
~"Jeez don't sound so surprised. Your little sister is a very desirable woman"
~"Yeah, sure" Eddie said as he scoffed and rolled his eyes
~"Anyways, it's not a date. At least I don't think it is"
~"You've been hanging out with Steve Harrington every day for the past 3 months. It's a date."
~"Go away and let me finish getting ready please"
~"Sure. Meanwhile I can dust off my 'Protective Older Brother' speech"
~"I will hurt you. Get out. Now."
~"What exactly are your intentions with my little sister, Harrington?" Eddie said, mockingly
~"Out!" You said as you threw a pillow with him and he ran out cackling
~At almost 7 exactly, you saw Steve's car pull up to the trailer and you checked yourself really quickly in the mirror before going to meet him at the door, but much to your dismay, Eddie opened the door before you could get there
~"Hey, uh, is Y/n ready?"
~You could HEAR the nervousness in his voice
~"Depends, who's asking?"
~"Eddie, don't be an ass"
~"Sorry Y/n/n, it's habit by now" (God I can just picture his cocky ass smile)
~You roll your eyes before greeting Steve
~"Hey Harrington"
~"H-hey. You ready, gorgeous?"
~Meanwhile Eddie is gagging his soul out behind you after hearing that
~Idk bout yall but I would just combust right then and there... anyways :)
~Steve holds out his hand to help you down the steps and you gladly take it
~As the two of you walk towards his car you turn around to see Eddie still standing in the doorway and you silently jump up and down to show him your excitement
~Has the cutest big brother smile on his face after seeing how excited you are
~Steve opens the door for you and Eddie shouts to the two of you
~"Hey! You better keep your hands to yourself Harrington!"
~You flip him off through the open car window
~No cause why can I picture Steve almost FALLING when trying to walk around the front of the car to get to the drivers seat. You can't tell me you don't see it. Argue with the wall. I do every day... lets not get into my psychological issues and get back to the story :D
~As the two of you are driving there you sing along to the songs on the radio together
~"So what movie are we watching?"
~"You'll see when we get there"
~You guys finally get there and walk up to the ticket booth
~"Two tickets for Clue please"
~"Really?! Clue?! Haven't you seen that movie 4 times already?"
~"5 times actually. Plus you've never seen it! You cant go through your life never having watched Clue!"
~You reach into your pocket to pull out your wallet and Steve sees
~"Put that away. I'm paying"
~"No you're not. I chose the movie, I pay"
"You may have chosen the movie, but I'm the one who asked you out"
~"You barely asked me! All you said was 'movie theaters'"
"I'm paying!"
~"No you're not!"
~As you tried to pull your money out, Steve snatched your wallet out of you hand and you stared at him in disbelief
~"Uh! Gimme my wallet back Harrington!"
~"No! You'll get it back after our date."
~"Oh so this is a date?" you asked teasingly
"Oh, uh, I mean if you want it to be"
~The way his vibe quickly deteriorated after realizing what he said
~"Okay fine. I'll get my wallet back after our date"
~Ion wanna be cheesy, but imma be cheesy cause its Steve motherfucking Harrington
~The classic both hands in the popcorn bucket thing happened (if you dont know what that is, its this thing in movies and shows when the love interests go to the movies and reach for popcorn and there hands touch and they get all awkward and flustered)
~Steve did the stupid thing where he slowly inched his hand closer to yours so he could eventually hold it but you could clearly see what he was trying to do, so you moved his drink onto the ground, lifted the arm rest, and lifted his arm around your shoulder and laid against his chest
~He was flustered as hell. He was not expecting you to do that
~After the movie he drove you home and you could tell he was nervous the entire way
~He walked you to the door but you dragged him to the back of the trailer where there was no window cause you knew Eddie would watch if you guys said goodbye in front of the door
~Before he could comprehend what you were doing, you put your hands around his neck and pulled him down and kissed him
~He was shocked at first but eventually gave into the kiss and wrapped his hands around your waist as he pulled you a lot closer to him (rail me rn like pretty please)
~Once you guys broke apart for air, he rested his forehead against yours
~"I've wanted to do that since the moment I laid eyes on you"
~The two of you stayed there like that for about a minute or two
~You kissed him one more time, this time reaching into his pocket and taking your wallet back
~You gave him one last peck on the lips before running inside
~When he got to his car he was fist-bumping the air and freaking out stop he was so excited
~You walked into the trailer and it was pitch black
~When you turned the lights on you saw Eddie and your uncle sitting on the couch with their arms crossed as they stared at you, which obviously made you jump
~"What the hell are you guys doing?! Why are you sitting there like a couple of weirdos?! God!"
~"We're the ones asking the questions here missy!" Eddie yelled
~Clearly they were both fucking with you since they loved to poke fun at you all the time
"Did he try anything?" Your uncle asked looking more serious that Eddie did
~You sighed and rolled your eyes
~"No he didn't try anything Uncle Wayne"
~"Woooow! So what, does he think you're not good enough?!" Eddie yelled once again
~"What?! No! I mean we kissed a few time but-"
~"You what?! You shouldn't be kissing anyone till your at least 30!" Eddie screamed as he stood up
~"I'm going to sleep. You two make me wanna off myself"
~Your uncle laughed and Eddie walked over to you before you could walk away and he pulled you into a hug
~"You seem happier since he came around. I'm happy for you"
~You wrapped your arms around him, smiling at your older brothers kind words when all of a sudden his grip tightened
~"Let him know that I said if he ever hurts you there is not a place on earth he can hide. I will hunt him down for the rest of my life if I have to and I will make sure he suffers."
~"Alright get off me" you said as you shoved him away in disgust and your uncle laughed in the background
~"Night baby sis!"
~You didn't say anything and just flipped him off as you walked to go to bed
~The next day you walked into the video store and the minute Steve saw you he ran towards you and pulled you into a kiss
~Robin and Dustin hadn't known about your guys date so they were very surprised
~"Fork it over Robin" Dustin said as he stuck his hand out
~"You guys couldn't wait one more month?!" Robin said as she gave Dustin 10 bucks
~Steve driving you to and from school
~You and Robin bullying him in the car
~Friday night date nights
~Lots and lots of cuddles
~Trying so hard to get Eddie and Steve to get along but they just won't budge
~Steve meeting your uncle and winning him over
~Steves parents absolutely adoring you
~Steves mom thinks you're "a nice break from all those trashy girls he used to date"
~Going on late night drives cause why not
~Hellfire going crazy when Dustin brags about the fact that you and Steve are dating
~"You're actually dating Steve Harrington?!"
~Eddie yelling shut up the way he did in episode 1 when everyone gets rowdy
~He hates hearing about your relationship mainly because your his baby sister, but the fact that he doesn't like Steve is a factor
~P D A he is all about PDA
~You guys never actually had the whole Bf/gf talk
~It just kinda slipped out on accident and he didn't even notice
~Your first "I love you" was when he got attacked in the upside down and you jumped in after him
~Nancy getting a bit weird with you because youre dating her ex, but she sees how good you are for him and the two of you actually hit it off
~Dance parties with him are a must
~He takes you to skull rock but its all cute n stuff he like laid blankets down and had snacks and you guys just laid there cuddling while staring at the stars and talking
~Thats actually when he let "girlfriend" slip out
~"You're the best girlfriend anyone could every ask for, y'know that right?"
~Ended up accidentally falling asleep there and Eddie freaking out when you got home cause he was worried
~I cannot stress this enough but I'll try. Public Display of Affection !!!!
~On your guys night drives you sit on his lap in the backseat and you guys have fallen asleep there multiple times
~One time you guys even fell asleep after you were parked in front of the trailer and you didnt feel like going in yet
~Basically hes just one of the best boyfriends you could ever have and now i wanna cry cause I know I'll never have this
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
Sneaking Out
word count: 2.8k
warnings: alcohol consumption, a lil making out but nothing heavy
requested? nope
ship: R x daisy johnson
bitchhhhh… you have no idea how excited i am for yall to read this. its my first x reader, and we all know im in love with daisy so it seemed appropriate. will def be doing more of these in the future, either with AoS or other fandoms. this was written in celebration of me cutting my own bangs last week and succeeding.
p.s. i love this gif
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Daisy stared across the common area at you, beer in hand and highlighted locks falling into her face. She ignored Mack staring at her.
“Something on your mind, Tremors?”
More like someone. You were dazzling, dressed simply in a pair of leggings and a soft lavender sweatshirt. She should know, it was hers before you stole it out of her closet. It had been almost a year since she'd seen you, and with the whole Sarge/Coulson thing she hadn’t had much of a chance to catch up. You were standing, leaning against the back of a worn couch and talking to Piper and Davis. Daisy’s eyes lingered on your lips as you slowly took a sip of your beverage of choice. Probably wine, Daisy thought, judging by the cute flush in your cheeks and your relaxed posture. You and Daisy used to have wine nights all the time…
Tonight was supposed to be happy. Daisy didn’t want to think about the sad crap that happened two years ago. Not the dystopian Lighthouse and their return to the present, not Ghostrider’s ominous warning, not Coulson and alternate timelines. It was giving her a headache.
She shifted her attention to you. You and Piper stifled laughs as the short-haired woman ruffled Davis’s hair and pulled his hat over his eyes, his head leaning back against and mouth open in a snore. You seemed to glow as you tilted your head back towards the light. Daisy guessed a promotion could do that to you. She had heard from Mack when they got back, it was part of the reason she hadn’t had much time with you. You were always either training the new agents or flying a quinjet with May. Daisy had never doubted that you would become a high-level agent, your piloting skills and aim with a rifle practically guaranteed it. She smiled a bit, taking stock of all the changes a year could make.
You drew every eye at the party with your loud, songlike laugh and warm smile. You commanded every agent’s respect while on missions, the new recruits looking up to you. You gave a helping hand to anyone that needed it, earning you a friendship with everyone on base. That part hadn’t changed.
You had a new scar peeking out of the top of your sweatshirt, trailing along your collarbone and disappearing over your shoulder. She would have to ask about that one. She’d missed trading scar stories with you while in space. You seemed to hold yourself straighter, giving you the appearance of growing a couple inches. Your hair was darker, she supposed you had stopped highlighting it. It looked good, it complimented your eyes. One other thing was different about your hair…
You had cut a wispy fringe around your face, accenting your cheekbones and creating soft layers that cascaded down past your jaw. Daisy never thought bangs would be on the list of things she found attractive, but, here she was, shamelessly studying your every move.
Mack drew Daisy from her thoughts with a chuckle and clinked his beer bottle with hers, muttering something that sounded like, “Fools in love...”
Daisy blushed, taking a deep breath to calm her heartbeat. “I’m going to go talk to her,” She stated simply, making a beeline to you as you went to refill your cup.
This was the first time you hadn’t been facing slightly away from Daisy all night, and she could see your face more clearly now. You looked a bit tired, but still as radiant as always. Daisy grabbed another beer and knocked your shoulder with her own.
“It's been awhile, Y/L/N.”
You turned to face her. “So it has,” You grinned.
Daisy’s eyes flicked to your hair, the fringe that fell over your eyebrows and framed your face. Her eyebrows rose, returning your grin. She had seen the bangs before, but they looked even better up close. Damn, she thought, just when she thought you couldn't look any more beautiful.
“That’s new.”
“So it is.”
“Did you cut it yourself?”
You nodded, explaining, “Just after you left, actually.”
Daisy bit the inside of her lip. You both had the tendency to change your hair when under immense stress. “It suits you.”
You stared into the tall girl’s chocolate eyes for a moment before reaching up and twisting a lock of violent indigo-purple around your finger. You could hear her breath hitch.
“This is new, too. Very haute couture. I don't suppose you were featured on the cover of Intergalactic Vogue?”
Daisy giggled a bit at your joke. It wasn’t really that funny, but the two of you went stupid around each other. “No, I wasn’t. This very attractive face was featured on the cover of several issues of Milky Way Wanted Weekly, though.”
You nodded, throwing your head back a bit and laughing freely. You could picture it now, Daisy and the rest of the Fitz Retrieval Squad’s faces plastered onto the side of a grubby bar on some planet a lightyear away...she was lucky she was so powerful. No one would dare turn in Quake, the Interplanetary Outlaw, even if they recognised her from the posters. You couldn't fathom how someone wouldn’t recognise her, you definitely would not forget that face.
You scanned the room over Daisy's shoulder. Everyone was so calm, relaxed. It was bizarre. What was even more bizarre was that everyone was here together. No one was off selling stolen SHIELD tech or zooming around the galaxy or chasing anomalies. Well, except Jemma, but you didn’t blame her for her absence.
“This is nice,” You commented. Daisy agreed, bobbing her head up and down. It was then that you realized you were still playing with her hair. You quickly dropped your hand, letting the vibrant lock fall back onto her leather jacket. You stared at your boots to compose yourself.
“We haven’t had much time just to ourselves since I got back,” Daisy observed.
You looked around the room, smiling softly at the laughing faces around you. You had an idea. “Well,” You began, “No one is asking us to go off anywhere right now…”
Daisy nodded, catching on. “Very true...It’s a shame that we don’t have an excuse to leave...It's a bit too loud in here to talk, but I wouldn’t want to ditch a perfectly good party.”
You smirked, looking down at your fingers as they lightly brushed the tanned skin of Daisy’s wrist. “Exactly what I was thinking, Dais.” You paused for a moment, innocently stepping closer to her. “Do you want to go for a walk? It’s kind of stuffy in here.”
You looked up, heart beat speeding at the mischievous grin on Daisy’s face. You knew that grin.
“It is, isn’t it? A bit too crowded for me…” Daisy began backing away towards the door, hoping you would give chase. You did, and the two of you slipped out quietly.
Mack shook his head. Even a year apart couldn’t change things between his favourite couple.
After wandering the Lighthouse for a while, you led Daisy to the middle of a hallway on an unused floor. She was thoroughly confused until you began tapping lightly at the concrete, listening for something.
Knock, knock, knock…
A new, hollower sound echoed as you smirked. You pried open the invisible panel and keyed in a code. Daisy could feel the wall shifting before a hiss reminiscent of air brakes signalled that a door had been unlocked. You pushed hard on the wall, it gave way.
“Ya coming, Dais?” You beckoned, opening your arms to the passage and walking in, facing her.
She shook her head at your antics, quickly moving to follow. Dim fluorescent lighting lit the passage as the hidden doorway closed behind you. The four walls seemed to be made entirely of concrete, cracks and moss growing in the corners. For a few minutes, the two of you walked quietly, the hum of the lights and two pairs of footsteps echoing around you. Daisy felt her palms start to sweat. May may have taught her how to control her nerves, but controlling her nerves around you was damn near impossible.
You were just as bad, honestly. You were fidgety, hands tapping a dance on your thigh as you walked. You reached out to grab Daisy’s hand. The slight blush on her cheeks made you feel less self-conscious about feeling awkward. It was normal to be a bit shaky after not seeing your girlfriend for over a year, right?
To be fair, there wasn’t anything normal about your situation. You had gotten together just before Coulson died. You and Daisy had grieved together, the loss hitting her like a runaway train. Eventually, when it came time to go find Fitz, she was the first to volunteer. You didn’t have the skills to qualify for such a high-risk mission, so you stayed. Director Mack didn’t think that a highly skilled gun woman would be much help against aliens and since Davis had already volunteered as pilot, there weren’t any open spots. Daisy was partially relieved that you didn't fight to go, it made leaving you behind a bit easier. Knowing you would be (relatively) safe at home with Mack and May was what got her through those first few rocky months.
You squeezed your girlfriend’s hand, alerting her that you were at the end of the tunnel. A steep metal staircase rose up past the ceiling, a large door punctuating the almost vertical corridor. She was extremely curious about what might wait above the two of you, though she had an inkling based on the deep, undulating rumble that was coming her right. You brushed your bangs out of your eyes before nodding to the ladder.
“Follow me.”
Daisy would follow you anywhere.
She waited until you were a few feet above her head before grasping the chilled rungs and beginning to climb. She watched as you turned a lock, opening the heavy metal slab to allow fresh night air into the small chute. The rumble became louder, no longer muffled by the concrete surrounding Daisy. She poked her head out as you took a few steps away from the door, sand and pebbles squishing under your feet. Daisy stepped up onto the top step and ducked through the door, which was set into the bottom of a nearly vertical cliff facing Lake Ontario. She quickly took in the surroundings, doing a double-take every couple seconds. It was beautiful.
A dense forest of coniferous trees towered high above your heads, the stars blanketing the sky like tiny, far-away windows to a universe of light. Large boulders sat to either side of the door, you were already crawling over them and taking your boots off as you went. The door closed behind Daisy with a soft clang, looking over her shoulder she discovered that it was very effectively hidden with moss and dirt and plant roots.
She looked out over the water, the slow waves and glassy surface helping her ground herself. It felt like old times, before they had lost Coulson and after everyone had calmed down from their field trip to 2091. Jemma and Fitz were newlyweds and everyone was finding some calm. She recalled the times she had snuck out with you to go into town and steal liquor from the ABC store, drinking it and talking all night at the top of the tall white tower that served as the namesake of the SHIELD base.
She wandered over the rocks to you, watching for slippery patches. She took her leather jacket off and lay it down on the rock, providing a slight cushion. She leaned back on her elbows and looked up at the sky.
You were breathing deeply next to her, your eyes focused on the moon and water. You chanced a glance over at her, marveling at the way the stars reflected clearly off of her dark irises, creating two microcosms in her eyes. Daisy’s mask was down, her usually guarded features relaxed and neutral. Crickets played a symphony for you to enjoy, the occasional hoot of an owl or plop of a frog jumping into the water adding a sort of percussion to the insect’s strings.
“You know,” Daisy began quietly, “When I was in space, I got so sick of seeing the stars. They weren’t familiar, and they were everywhere, all the time. There was no moon or sun or way to keep track of time without a clock. Sometimes I would avoid the cockpit just so that I didn’t have to see space.”
You laid down beside her, turning your head to face her. “I understand that. Sometimes I walk through the halls of the Lighthouse, so tired of the concrete and metal that it makes me nauseous.”
Daisy and you chorused a light laugh, turning back to face the stars. You reached over to where her hand lay on the rock, intertwining your fingers. Her hands were warm and calloused from years of fighting. You didn’t think of time at all, preferring to lay there with Daisy in the moment.
A slight breeze picked up off the water, ruffling your bangs. They tickled your eyes.
You sat up quickly and shook her head, ruffling them out of your face. Daisy didn’t let go of your hand. “Bangs bothering you, babe?”
You shook your head, ruffling them some more. “I know I look amazing with them, but honestly, they are so annoying sometimes.”
Daisy turned to face you properly, reaching her free hand up and lightly brushing the short hairs towards your temples. You shivered as her fingers brushed your forehead.
“Daisy?” You hummed.
She responded with a deep stare, licking her lips. Your eyes flickered down and the edges of her pout quirked up into a smirk.
“You haven’t kissed me yet.”
She leaned in closer, nose brushing against yours. Your pulse sped up, pumping you with a burst of adrenaline. Your hand shook slightly as you laid it on her thigh.
“I did. When we first got back, you were out on a mission, flying. I was waiting for you in the garage, remember?”
You shook your head, letting out a sharp puff of air and smiling. You continued, “Not what I meant, Dais. That was a peck, we were both in a hurry. I barely had time to look at you, let alone get a proper kiss.”
Daisy’s eyes wandered over your face, moving her mouth closer to your ear. She whispered huskily, “A proper kiss?”
You fought not to grab her face and smash your lips onto hers as she brushed her lips feather-light across your cheekbone. “Like that?” She breathed. You shook your head minutely.
Daisy moved her lips to your jaw, pressing chaste kisses from one side to the other. She repeated her question, “Like this?”
You smiled, as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you loved Daisy’s teasing. You ran a hand up and down her arm, swirling patterns over her tricep.
“Not exactly.”
Daisy’s eyebrows furrowed in mock confusion, leaning in. Finally. Your eyes fluttered shut, taking a slow inhale through your nose. At the last second, Daisy veered a centimeter to the right, her lips finding the corner of your mouth. She pulled away, both of you breathless.
“Like that?” She grinned.
You eyed her up and down, one eyebrow raised. No, like this, you thought as you slid the hand on her arm up to her neck and pulled the other one from her grasp to thread through her hair. You leaned forward, almost onto your knees as your lips collided with Daisy's.
Your slightly chapped lips felt like heaven against Daisy’s soft lips, and apparently she agreed, as she quickly grabbed your hips and pulled you into her lap, your chest pressing against hers. You stroked her jaw and broke the kiss, moving your lips down her neck. You gently nipped at the skin of her collarbone, making Daisy yelp quietly before you silenced her with another searing kiss. She reached a hand up to the back of your head, her pointer finger resting at the base of your skull and her thumb rubbing small circles into the sensitive spot behind your ear.
You hummed as Daisy sprinkled wet kisses across your throat, dipping her head to kiss the scar you acquired on a mission gone awry. Daisy raised her head up again, resting her forehead against yours. You were grinning like an idiot.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, where’d you get that scar?”
You spent the rest of the night trading stories from the year past, releasing all the tension from not seeing each other for a year. There were many kisses, whispers of “I love you” and “I’m glad you’re back”, and loud laughs that reverberated off the rocks and water, into the starry sky.
When you got back to the base, everyone else was asleep. You gave Daisy a last goodnight peck before heading off to bed, smile almost splitting your face. You silently vowed to make sneaking out with Daisy a regular date.
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peachiimilquetea · 2 years
what tf have i been doing for like 8 months???
that’s a good question isn’t it
well first off i want to remind y’all that my inbox is open!! i wanna talk to you guys!!!
as for life updates uhhhh??? nothing too crazy has changed???
• boys are stupid as always if i got into it i would be here all day
• i got into college!!!! vv excited to start that journey but i have no idea how i’m gonna pay for it AHAHAHAHAHAHA
• prom is literally next week and i ATTEMPTED to dye a wig myself and it did not work (story time under the cut!)
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first i dyed it with regular black fabric dye (it is a synthetic wig so this is normal) and it turned lavender so then after doing some more research i tried with synthetic dye today and it came out seafoam green 😀 no i am not ok
for reference this is what i was aiming for lol
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so that was an epic fail!!! and now i have to figure out what i’m going to do for prom and i am STRESSED but it’s ok bc everything is gonna work out just fine and i’m gonna be ok bc i said so
• other than that everything else for prom is eating!!!
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this is my dress!!!! i’m very very happy with it! i would show y’all my makeup but it’s not face reveal time just yet 😭
• my classes end in may so after that i’ll have a lot more free time to catch up and fall back into writing for fun! maybe i’ll even post some of my work from class! writing for a grade really took a lot out of me this year so hopefully classes ending will motivate me to create for myself again
• i’ve missed you guys dearly and i still see all your lil likes and reboots and stuff i promise i pop in all the time 😭 i still read fanfic myself 😭😭😭
i don’t wanna make any empty promises or say i’m gonna come back for sure but chances are when my life frees up i will be writing more and sharing more with yall, maybe even pushing my ordinal stuff to the forefront if anyone would be interested in reading or hearing abt that? i’ve got a fantasy graphic novel in the works and i never talk about my ocs so where better than my personal blog right?
anyways, come say hi and gimme updates yourselves! i wanna know what everyone has gotten up to so far this year!!!
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Jihoon: Unfamiliar (Part One)
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Characters: Jihoon x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, familiar au, fantasy, kinda angst but kinda not???, a lil fluffy ig
Word count: 1,779
Summary: Jihoon’s never really been considered a warm or affectionate person. His pack teases him about what it’ll be like when he finally gets a mate, but he doesn’t worry about it. Little do they know that his mate is a lot closer than they think.
Tag list: @choiminjae0325 @heolykpop @fullsun-donghyuck @yoonbabe-d @exuwu @lets-get-1t @vintageot5 @sehunnies-hunnie96 @childfmoonn @wobwobkpop @henloimawierdobye @dirinast @joshwoah @wreckedbytae​ @salty-for-suga @janellxu​ @xu-miseo @uglyratlmao @sakura-uji​ @littleheartsays @onewoowonderboy @kesmonster @xxbluestrifexx​ @starlightshua​ @artistic-rendition​ (if you wanna be added please send an ask!!)
Unable to tag: @birthday-prinxess @sooooofrench
a/n: things in italics are in a dream. also uhhhh yeah so i never even got to start jihoon’s part in the og tftp so hopefully this goes well lmao i hope yall like it !!!!!!
Next | Unfamiliar Masterlist
The first time Jia saw you, she didn’t recognize you. She only knew you as the fluffy black cat with your bright green eyes and sharp teeth that poked out of your mouth. 
“Hello?” her familiar, calming voice had you whipping around, almost excited to see the girl you’d help get back home.
But when you saw her, you paused as well -- just for a moment. You were so used to seeing the foreign girl from a much lower angle, so seeing her at your normal height made her look a little different than you remembered.
“Jiaying,” your face slowly broke into a smile. “It’s been a while.”
“We know each other?” she asked, but she didn’t seem afraid. Maybe a little confused, but her wide, blue eyes were full of curiosity rather than concern.
“Suppose I look a bit different when I’m not a cat,” you chuckled.
Jia’s eyes widened, “_____?”
“Nice to see you again.”
She ran up to you and wrapped her arms around your waist, giving you a tight hug and refusing to let go, “_____, I missed you!”
“Wow, okay,” you laughed, rubbing her back.
Honestly, you were kind of...happy she missed you. You didn’t expect her to, really. Maybe it was because you weren’t used to having friends. Maybe because you couldn’t really communicate with anybody. Maybe because you were just a cat to most people.
But you already knew Jia wasn’t most people.
“How are you suddenly here?” she asked, pulling back but keeping her hands on your waist. “Well, how am I here?”
“You tell me,” you shrugged. “It’s your power, isn’t it?”
You recalled back in the cottage when Jia explained her whole background to you. It was around the time she had realized you understood her, and it was mainly for her to keep sane. She would talk to you about anything and everything, and you’d just sit there and listen -- it wasn’t like you could give your two cents anyway.
“Is this what you look like as a human?” she asked, stepping back a few paces to look you over. She giggled. “You’re so cute!”
“Haven’t heard that a lot...” you chuckled, nodding your head slowly.
Jia’s expression suddenly turned serious, her bright blue eyes looking curiously into yours, “What exactly...happened to you, _____?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why don’t you look like this all the time?”
You ran a hand through your hair, letting out a gust of air as you shrugged, “I just can’t.”
You knew why. You knew very well the reason why. But you didn’t want to tell Jia. You knew she’d want to involve herself, and you didn’t want that. You didn’t want to give yourself a false sense of hope like you had years ago. 
She frowned, her brows furrowing as she stared down at the ground. The two of you were in the forest -- not any location in particular -- and the sun seemed to be setting or rising. You weren’t completely sure. Dreams were weird.
“Are you going to come visit?” she wondered after a moment of her just staring down at the grass, finally raising her head again to look at you.
You shrugged, “Maybe.”
“I want you to.”
You couldn’t help but smile a bit, “Yeah, I know. But I’m not becoming your house cat, y’know.”
“You remind me of Jooyeon,” she stated with a warm laugh.
“Remind me which one that is again.”
“The thief.”
“Ah, right,” you nodded. “Well, I’m not sure if that should be a compliment, then.”
“_____, the offer’s always open,” Jia told you, changing the subject back. She seemed to excited to talk to you again to be able to focus on one thing, but you thought that was kind of adorable.
When you saw her before, she was more sad and lonely. She missed her family and you were just focusing on getting her back to them -- and getting that old hag killed was just a bonus. But now she was brighter and warmer and more excitable. You liked seeing this Jia. You were happy for her.
“Thanks,” you nodded, “but--”
“You don’t have to say anything about it,” she interjected. “Just...know it’s there, okay?”
You offered her a small half-smile, “Okay.”
“I’m going to wake up soon,” she sighed. “Jiwoo’s crying really loudly. I think Mingyu’s too tired to wake up.”
“Right, the dad,” you nodded, vaguely recalling her saying one of the werewolves had a child maybe half a year ago -- but that was maybe almost a month ago. The idea of having a family was so weird to you considering you hadn’t been in your human form for a long time. “Well...take care of yourself, alright?”
“You too,” she smiled softly.
And then she faded from your dream, leaving you alone with a weird, empty feeling.
You woke up not too long after that, your tail curled around yourself as you rested on the couch in the small cottage. You weren’t sure how long until someone came along and found it, but you continued to sleep there. You weren’t sure what else to do with yourself now other than sleep. You also had to find new means of feeding yourself, hoping you wouldn’t have to resort to catching field mice again. You didn’t necessarily have to eat, but feeling hungry was just uncomfortable. The witch made you catch your own food for a while until you just started stealing her breakfast and dinner before running out the window to eat it where she couldn’t bother you. Then, of course, there was Jia who took care of you properly.
Of course there was a part of you who wanted to go home with Jia. But you also knew that wasn’t where you belonged. You couldn’t live out your pathetic life as a pet. Even though you didn’t expect to fulfill what the witch had told you, you didn’t want to live for however long as some house cat. Besides, you didn’t want anyone knowing anything about you or why you were the way you were. Jia only gathered a little bit of information, and that was all you would allow.
Your eyes looked over to the window, seeing the sun just barely about to rise. You stretched and let out a silent yawn before hopping down from the couch, and making your way outside through the window in the kitchen. Then you went off in search of something to keep you entertained for the day, just like you did every other day.
Jihoon wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand as he straightened his back. Having fresh vegetables was nice, but gathering them when the hot sun was beating down on him kind of sucked. He would’ve much rather roped someone else into doing it alongside Minghao and Seungkwan, but he was an alpha and had to be responsible.
In the yard, he could hear Jiwoo’s soft giggles as Danbi played with her in her lap with Soomin, Mingyu’s grunts as he chopped firewood near the house with the ax that Jooyeon was proud to say she sharpened, and Seungcheol and Joshua attempting to fix a broken shutter on the second floor. The other wolves were inside either making food or doing other chores. Jooyeon was off at the market with Jeonghan to get groceries, and Jia had asked to tag along. While Minghao was definitely even more protective of her now, he knew he couldn’t live in fear of her being taken again -- plus the witch was dead thanks to him -- so he let her go, knowing Jeonghan and Jooyeon would keep sharp eyes on her.
“She was very excited to go, though,” Minghao had said when him, Seungkwan, and Jihoon had began working in the vegetable garden. “More excited than normal.”
“Is she still hoping to find that cat?” Seungkwan scoffed. “The witch is gone, so the cat probably is, too.”
“But it was with her at the cottage. Junhui tried to find it for her after but it ran off.”
But even while working, Jihoon didn’t think much of the situation or the cat. Even though Junhui still liked to poke fun at him for how much he seemed to like the fluffy black cat, it was still just a cat. It wasn’t significant to him, and it was easily forgotten. Why would he be hung up on some animal, anyway? It had been a month since he’d seen it.
“Hao!” Jia’s voice called as she walked around the back of the house from the front with Jeonghan, and Jooyeon flanking hthem, Jeonghan carrying the majority of the groceries while Jooyeon only had two bags.
“Home already?” Minghao asked as he stood up from his work, his t-shirt damped with sweat that also slicked his black hair back.
“Did you happen to grab any lemons?” Seungkwan asked with a slight whine in his voice. “I want some of Danbi’s lemonade.”
“Then grow some,” Jooyeon deadpanned before heading inside to put groceries away -- she tried to take some of the bags from Jeonghan, but he shooed her away.
“Did you have fun?” Minghao asked, walking through the garden to meet his mate halfway. “You seemed eager to leave.”
“Because I saw _____ in my dream!” she grinned.
“Who?” Mingyu called from where he was still chopping up firewood, his shirt long since discarded.
“The cat,” both Minghao and Jia replied.
“I was hoping maybe she’d be at the market,” Jia explained before he face slowly began to fall, “but...I don’t think she was.”
Jihoon turned around to look at Jia, running a hand through his sweaty hair, “Remind me again the significance of this cat?”
Jia merely shrugged, “I liked her.”
Jihoon sighed and shook his head. He knew that couldn’t be all there was to it -- Jia liked a lot of animals but she didn’t wander out in the forest looking for the squirrel she fed from her palm once -- but he also knew it was useless to fight with her on this. Jia was a strange girl -- very sweet and likable, but strange. Peculiar was probably the proper word.
“How did you have a dream with a cat in it?” Seungcheol wondered as he held the ladder that Joshua had climbed up to fix the shutter. 
“Yeah, that seems...weird,” Joshua agreed, not looking away from where he was hammering a nail into the wood.
But while the pack debated on the accuracy of Jia’s story and reasoning, Jihoon just went back to work and drowned them all out.
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hoekaashi · 4 years
3 am Talks - bnha pt 2
a/n: i fimished part 2! i just really enjoy these ones. there will be one more part for bnha before i start working on hq. pairings: todoroki x reader, midoriya x reader, shinsou x reader warnings: mentions of todoroki’s abuse, a lil mary jane taglist: @suckersuki​, @babydabi​, @bakugoustanaccount​, @animoozies​ part 1 | part 3
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⇾ god, this child, would mutter on and on for hours if he could ⇾ talking about anything and everything under the sun ⇾ he would jump from talking about his day - the things he can improve on, the things he was proud of - to suddenly talking about all the things he loves about you ⇾ yes. You will be flustered. but so will he so it’s fine ⇾ it would be so cute, because his ass would transport to his own little world and literally forget you were with him as he just goes off ⇾ but that’s what you think ⇾ because with you, after a certain point of being together, you don’t make him nervous and fidgety anymore so while you THINK he’s in his own world, he actually just loves talking about you ⇾ and then he transitions into talking about his goals for the future ⇾ and you’re just like ????? because what kind of transition is that ⇾ but he’s so sweet and cute, he says that he can’t picture his future without you in it
You headed to the kitchen to get some water, but didn’t expect to find anyone else there so late at night. Midoriya was sitting at the table, hunched over a notebook. You had no idea what he was doing so once you got your water, you joined him. “What are you doing?” Looking up at you, Midoriya gave you a warm smile. “I couldn’t sleep so I just came down here to study.” “You looked like you were zoning out, not studying,” you commented before drinking your water. You could see a gentle blush on his face. “I was, you caught me.” “What were you thinking about?” He sat back in his chair. “Well, it started with me thinking about combat training today. I was close to losing my fight with Todoroki today. If he had better control of his flames, he would’ve easily beaten me, but I can tell he’s gotten a lot better than when we first fought in the sports festival. But that got me thinking of other ways I could improve my costume to be able to fight better. And then I started thinking about your fight and how you did so amazingly against Kacchan. It was a tough battle and I could tell he wasn’t going easy on you. It makes me excited for the next time we spar, I can’t wait to see the new techniques you’ve learned the new moves you’ve come up with. You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. I can see you easily being in the top five in the future.” When Midoriya looked at you, his eyes were filled with so much love for you. You thought he was just rambling off, but just one look from him told you he knew exactly what he was talking about. “T-the top five?” He nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want to be unrealistic and say you’ll be number two, but top five for sure.” You crossed your arms. “Number two? Why not number one?” “Because I’ll be number one. We could be the top two couple.” You laughed at how cheesy that sounded. “Oh yeah?” “Who knows, maybe we’ll be married when that day comes.” Now it was your turn to blush while Midoriya gave you a smug look. Sometimes you really wondered if the timid boy you fell in love with was all just an act.
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ yall would need to be pretty close to get him to talk so late ⇾ otherwise it would be you doing the talking and him listening ⇾ but if he trusted you heart and soul, he would open up completely about his past ⇾ he would bare it all for you and even tell you the things he’s kept to himself all these years ⇾ once he starts, I feel like it would be like a dam breaking, everything would just flow out of him - maybe even some tears in there depending on how vulnerable he’s feeling ⇾ we already know he told Midoriya some of his past trauma without fully knowing him, but with someone he trusts, he would be willing to break down all those walls ⇾ if yall had been together for a while, like a few years, he might even go into his future ⇾ more so what type of father he wants to be, if he even wants to be a father (I see him as wanting a family just to prove to his father that he better than him at that too) ⇾ it’s just a very vulnerable moment for him and he’s not looking for pity or comfort, just someone to listen to him for once
Your head was resting on his chest and you could hear his heartbeat. It was a nice rhythm that had you drifting off until Todoroki began speaking. “Do you mind if I got some stuff off my chest?” “You want me to move?” you joked. Your words only caused his arms to hold you closer to him. “I’ve just been thinking… My father has been trying to become a better man. My sister has forgiven him, but my brother still doesn’t want to, and honestly I don’t know where I stand.” One of your arms snaked around his waist and you snuggled closer to him. “Why?” He sighed. “I can see he’s trying, but does he expect all of his past mistakes to be erased? Mother still has trauma from everything she’s been through. Touya…” He took a moment to gather himself. “The things he did were not correct, but he’s been trying, so I should give him a chance, right?” “I can’t tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. You are the only one who had those experiences with him, just like your sister is the only one who lived through her experiences and your brother’s theirs.” You continued to speak when Todoroki didn’t. “No one is telling you to have an answer right now. Years of abuse and mistreatment can’t be erased so easily. Take your time with it.” “I just know that I refuse to be a terrible father the way he was.” You craned your neck to look up at him. “Aww, you want to be a father?” You were teasing him, the two of you already had this talk. He rolled his eyes. “Only if you want to have my children.” “Children? As in multiple?” This was news to you. Sitting up, you stared at him. “I enjoy the time I spend with my siblings. I want my kids to have those types of memories with their siblings too.” “Wait how many do you want?” The thought of popping out four kids was starting to freak you out. Todoroki shrugged. “Four? Five?” “Five?!” He pulled you back down to his chest. “Let’s talk about this at a more appropriate hour, hm?”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ oof if this boy is up at 3 am, he’s gonna be high, change my mind ⇾ he would ask, but never force, if you wanted to get high with him ⇾ high Shinsou would listen to music with you and probably talk about the color of the song, or how a specific beat sends shivers down his spine ⇾ but on the other hand, he would also talk about the most RANDOM stuff ⇾ why is the fruit orange named after its color ⇾ who looked up at the sky and said ‘yes we should go there’ but people thought the earth was flat ⇾ make jokes about how before quirks were around, people made and watched movies about superheroes but now those movies are their daily lives ⇾ just random things like that that no one ever thought would be on his mind ⇾ but like, the amount of talkativeness would also depend on his mood ⇾ did he get high for s&gs or was it to destress?
“You wanna join me?” he asked, holding his blunt out towards you. You shook your head and sat down next to him on the blanket he laid out. His favorite place to smoke was the dorm roof because one, he didn’t have to deal with complaints from others about the smell and two, being outside felt freeing. Blowing out smoke towards the sky, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of the music that was playing softy. You were looking out at the city lights that you could see from where you were sitting, holding your knees to your chest. “You ever think that the moon felt violated when the first person landed on her?” You blinked and looked down at the purple haired boy who was now staring at the moon with a hand behind his head. “What?” “Like, did we, as the homo sapien species, ask the moon for her consent before landing on her?” Slowly, you shook your head. “Do you think she would forgive us after all this time? If we apologized for not asking?” You tried not to laugh. “You should do it. For all of us.” Shinsou narrowed his eyes. “I’m sorry, Princess Yue,” he whispered. Before you had the chance to laugh, he started speaking again. “But if time travel were real, do you think someone from the past came here and saw heroes and thought ‘I should make a story about this and get rich’?” “Maybe? Only if it’s real though.” He shook his head. “Capitalizing on our pain, man... how messed up.” Neither of you had said anything after that, just basking in the nighttime breeze and enjoying the music. After a little bit, Shinsou shushed you, even though you hadn’t said anything. “What?” “This part of the song...I swear I’m seeing purple and green.” Your brows furrowed together. “Like Barney?” He sat up, staring at you. “We should listen to the Barney song,” he whispered.
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dazaily · 4 years
todoroki bringing his s/o to an amusement part
my first bnha work... kinda nervous posting this cuz like bnha(?) idk,, but for my manz, i will pull through!! hope u enjoy ^^
description: you and todoroki have been dating for awhile now, but recently he realised he never initiates dates, and so he planned and invited u to an amusement park for a date. 
warnings: gender neutral! reader. fluff. clichéd. i wrote this at 4-5am.
* ·      ˚  +     ·    *  ˚ 
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my manz is innocent, like lbr, he aint gonna know shiz abt dating..
sooo, the first few weeks into ur relationship(?) he was alr facing his first crisis.
he felt like nothing changed, despite having transitioned from a platonic to romantic relationship.
and so, being the sweet and clueless lil bean he is, he went to seek for advice from his one and only bestie bakugou, midoriya.
“hey, midoriya, what does one do in a relationship” why am i making him talk like someone from the shakespearean era tf
“oh, um todoroki?? are u asking for y/n? if so, i don't think im not the right person u should be asking,, i mean ive never even been in a rela--”
“well, u were my best choice” 
midoriya notices the absolute chaos they are surrounded by in the 1A dorm 
“ok i may be the best choice.” said in tiny.
so after a discussion that dragged for way longer than it had to be 2 days, todoroki settled on the idea of bringing u on a date to the amusement park.
cute idea right? yes. there's no twist, like i said this is a fluff. 
n e ways, he was an awkward lil bby asking u out, cuz he's not used to receiving or giving affection,,,, he's trying his best.
“um, y/n, are u free this sunday..?”
“sunday, hmm i think i alr have smtg planned..”
“oh, um, well then, its fine, its nothing important..”
if u weren't hit by a pang of guilt, idk what type of monster u are.
“nah, that was just jokes, so whats up?”
and that was how y'all ended up in universal studios japan. usj
endeavour’s bout to be big mad when he realises the missing money from his wallet.
“sHOUTOOOOO!!” >:[
n e ways..
so ur date started with u dragging shouto around the entire park, with the goal of riding every single ride 
ofc he was fine with it, he was happy as long as he got to spend time with u. a simp.
but since u guys went on a weekend, there were way more people than u guys originally expected, like wHOA,,, 
the park was basically filled with people from all over the world, even though it wasn't holiday season..
so ur dreams and hopes of riding eery single ride, may be impossible..
ur manz got u the express pass.
the one time ur grateful for the existence of his father.
so yall spent the first 2-4 hours just riding every single ride u could possibly find. 
shouto’s probably the type that is willing to try anything, i don't think he’ll be scared of any rides in particular. 
in the contrary, i feel like there'll be rides that he's lowkey excited to ride on, since he never had the chance to enjoy these events and places as a child. cuz of his sh*tty father.
he would ofc try to hide his excitement, but after being by his side for awhile, uve learnt how to differentiate his different emotions, despite his general nonchalant self. 
him being excited, makes u happy, cuz its rare that u get to see these sides of him.
omg pls protect him at all costs,, he needs it,,, he's so precious,, shower him with all the love in the world.
so y'all be running all over the place, until hunger slaps u in the face like that isekai truck that ive been waiting for. 
and so its food time!
“hmm, since were in an amusement park, we should get some hot dogs, churros, oMG and cotton candy!!”
“..what? c-ch-churros?? what are those?”
“holy sh-- u don't kNOW WHAT CHURROS ARE!? we’re getting churros right now.”
“but, i want soba... the cold one”
u ended up getting both. cuz it isn't todoroki without cold soba.
and it was back to running around the entire park riding everything.
but instead of running yallz were walking hand in hand, as if u guys were an old couple taking a stroll in the local park
and instead of the entire park, y'all were just in the harry potter section..
don't judge, its cute. and the food did some numbers to ur stomachs, so u were avoiding some rides till u digest ur food. 
while walking around, the sun was setting creating a beautiful scenery. 
wanting this to be a lasting memory, u convinced todoroki to take a photo together. 
u wanted to take an aesthetic couple photo to show off to other people who were trying to steal ur hunk of a man. 
at first u had asked random passerby to help yalls take a photo,, but being the attention-starved lil bby he is, he felt awkward posing in front of random people. 
which led u guys to just set up the camera on a small ledge with a castle in the bg. 
it was then, todoroki had experience a flashback to the conversation that him and midoriya had. 
“hmm, wikihow says that every date has to end in a kiss, for it to be called successful..”
“is this website trustable??”
“it should be.. anyways just do it.”
coming back to reality, todoroki suddenly felt a sense of urgency, the date was coming to an end, and he hasn't kissed u yet,,,,
at that moment, as the timer of the phone camera was reaching 0, with u and ur wide smile posing for the camera
todoroki gently turned ur head to face his, and he had kissed u, for public display.
ur face immediately turned red, but u eventually returned the kiss, after getting over the shock. 
after separating, todoroki was silent, slightly scared and worried of ur reaction(?)
“why didn't u tell me u were going to kiss me~~ u should've told me so i can at least look good in the photo~~”
“..huh? well, um, i just had he sudden urge to do it?” kinda ooc
he was flustered, confused, embarrassed and giddy all at the same time
but the hugest wave of relief came over him, as he began to relax. 
“well we can just take another photo if u don't like it--”
“nO, i like this photo. but im always open for another kiss.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
getting over ur prior embarrassment, u tried flirting with him, returning the bold action he had pulled off earlier. 
“well, i wouldn't reject an offer like that would i..”
surprising u by picking up on the offer u suggested, todoroki gave u another kiss, easily taking ur breathe away.
well, ig this just confirms that wikihow is reliable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i can't believe i ended a fic with a kiss,, this is the most cop out ending ive written but im way too tired to write properly rn,, 
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a/n: hihi, so im kinda nervous posting this, cuz thus far i have only done haikyuu works so like??? i feel like i have an overall better understanding of haikyuu characters and their dynamics, but i wanted to write something for my precious icyhot <3 if this piece does well, ill try and write more about bnha characters. hope it was good!!
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kyuus4ku · 3 years
Bestiiii roast my big 333 plss
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And go wild ;))
BESTIE HIII <3 omgkgjfj i am SO excited to do yours hehe
hi let me praise/roast your birth chart
sagittarius sun
i'm not kidding when i say you're literally one of my FAVOURITES. sag sun are just so fucking fun and amazing to talk to, and fuck i could talk to you guys FOR HOURS not only bc yall are great listeners but because you're so... accommodating? like i wouldn't be afraid to say the weirdest shit with you guys because you're so chill AND SKFBSJGKSKD I JUST LOVE YOUR SASS AND HUMOUR SO FUCKING MUCH <3 witty as fuck, but i could say you're a little quick-tempered, which can make you a little blunt with your words? it's not that you do on purpose, but fire signs are usually on-the-go type, so you need to have an outlet somewhere maybe? it really depends on your patience, nevertheless you are extremely bright, and ik sags were and always are capable of making me see the bright side of things, even if they're not very motivated themselves. are you addicted to things you're familiar with because the idea of change kinda scares you? uncertainty and the lack of clarity could just send you into a spiral sometimes, right? you're not set in your ways, you just feel like sometimes there are so many paths to choose from, and choosing just one path seems so fucking overwhelming. i may be wrong tho! nevertheless, you guys are understanding, and even if you don't understand someone's state of mind (due to how curious you are, you will eventually), you won't judge them for it. I JUST LOVE SAG SUNS SMDNFNSNSM
cancer moon
emotional/sentimental. you have a heart of gold that people are just jealous of/don't understand. i'd only be pissed at you for letting the wrong people steal your heart, because not many people know how to take care of it properly yk? YES I WILL BE PISSED AT U *HOLDS U BY THE CHEEKS TO LOOK INTO YOUR EYES* I HOPE YOU KNOW YOU'RE ENOUGH NO MATTER WHAT. sadness isn't something you're unfamiliar with. in fact, you feel it deeply, which just adds on to how compassionate you are. you wouldn't want other people to go through what you have, so helping another person out is something which gives you a sense of validation. ofc you only help people you give a damn about, which may or may not backfire. but god i will never stop telling you to take care of yourself first. cancer moons can be stereotyped as fragile, but fragile isn't a bad thing. you put on a front because you've been taken advantage of before, so you know what it's like to be backstabbeb and betrayed. so having a screen of protection is good, but be sure to let a little people in— isolation is never good for those who deal with deep, intricate emotions. water moon and a fire sun..... are you torn between trying to understand yourself and trying to suck it up because you think emotions are a waste of time sometimes? the sags ik hate messy, but having a cancer moon must make it a lil more confusing? IDKKSDSJ
libra rising
AHHHHHH YOURE A LIBRA RISING SHNFDBFJSN i've always seen libras as like the balancing sign of the zodiac. you guys are so versatile and adaptable, and one of the chillest placements ever. like, you'd know exactly how to respond to my chaotic energy, and your sense of making sure everyone feels included just adds to your charm. INDECISIVE? AJHDNSSB you can come across carefree and easy-going, and i mean that in a good way! because of that people find it easy to be around you, though i have to say libra placements are quite mysterious. it's like you wanna get to know one, but they're so quick to jump from one place to another, depending on how much of a social butterfly they are. i could say you're as reserved like capricorns, but your personality is so complex, just like scorpios, who are pretty much secretive, too. i'm know this one libra rising, and as much as he has lots of walls to break down before you get to know him and actually understand why he thinks the way he does, it just gets so easy to talk to him without any filter. i could say the same about u! like i don't know you that well, but i feel like i am really myself when i get to interact with you. you're just effortlessly understanding and empathetic, and all that stems from how much youve gone through. yk how people with hearts of gold tend to carry a painful past? yeah! something like that. libra risings are not judgmental, and sosososo sweet, and honestly, they deserve the world. PLUS UR FLIRTATIOUS SWEETHEARTS <33
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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hu4ngs · 5 years
Ten as a boyfriend pls! Thank you!!
ohhhh boi
Tumblr media
omg this baby
first of all congrats, you’ve got yourself a MAN
so let’s go from a to z
you met him when you attended your friend’s (let’s say guanheng) sports match
you weren’t all close to guanheng, so you have no idea who’s in his friend’s circle
and you were very much surprised that he asked you - of all people - to go to his match
so as a token of gratitude, you attended
you sat on the bleachers
you sat next to ten ;)
your first thought when you saw him was that you think he looks so much alike guanheng
when ten caught you staring, him being a lil shit, he just HAD to call you out, playfully, of course
“take a picture, it lasts longer”
you’re confused and taken aback
“i’m sorry, what?”
he laughed at you, before shaking his head
“i was kidding!” he told you
and then you laughed, but you were still very confused
ten, on the other hand, just brushed it off
although he’s a little embarrassed that his joke didn’t come through
there was an awkward silence between you two now
“so who are you here for?” he asked
“my friend, guanheng. he said this is his first time being a regular, so he wants every one he knows to -”
“to go see his match?” he finished your sentence for you
you’re really confused with this man
you nodded nevertheless, “how’d you know?” 
surprise surprise
guanheng and him are friends!
so you two exchanged instagrams cuz why not
he’s hot, you’re hot, i don’t see a problem here
and then it just continued on since then
you’d reply to his story
he’d reply to your story
it continued on like that for about two months
and then ten finally tells you that he’d like to have your number
you’re more than happy to give them to you
then you two started playing imessage games together
ten: damn you really suck at cup pong, y/n
you: literally leave me alone
ten: saving your number as ‘loser’ now
this goes on for a few more months i tell you
because ten is a prideful person
he’s not just gonna give in and admit to himself (or to anyone, for that matter) that he has fallen in love
plus, if you’re gonna get TEN to have a crush on you, you’re gonna have to wait longer than 3 months, this man isn’t here for puppy love, he’s here for LOVE love
after months, and you two are noticeably comfortable with each other now, you started opening up a little
every now and then you’d talk about your day to him
and ten appreciates that
he feels needed
he feels wanted
and he loves feeling that way
he loves feeling important to someone
even if he doesn’t open up as much as you do, you didn’t mind
you figured when he wants to open up, he will
and he noticed this about you, and totally loved this about you
plus to you, it’s not a big matter anywas
oh, you’re so oblivious with your feelings for him that was increasingly growing that’s why you’re so tolerable for him
one fine day
more like night
you were texting him
and ten asked you out
das right
just you two, out on a date
he was so straightforward about it??? big dick energy right there
n e ways
you’re like holy shit holy fuck oh my god wow
of course you said yes
only an absolute fool wouldn’t say yes to ten
so the next day yall meet up
he looks stunning
you look stunning
oh god i love a power couple
ten’s a little shy than he was the last time you saw him
and when he’s shy, he giggles and smiles a lot its adorable i tell you i’m so in love with you, ten
he took you out to see a movie
and there wasn’t any bomb movie at that time so yall settled with a horror movie
but its shitty though
but it’s okay bc it’s the memories that matters xoxo
ten purposely picked the couple seat btw
he’s a sly fox
like i said it was a crappy horror movie so you weren’t really scared
but ten was surprisingly kept on his toes during some parts
considering all the times ten had teased you thru text
you decided to jumpscare him
you whispered-yelled a ‘boo!’ to him during the suspense part
and he actually S C R E A M
mans screamed LMAO
the few people who came to watch the movie gave you two quick glances
“i’m gonna beat your ass, y/n!” he told you
but you were too busy laughing to react to him
after the movie ended
ten was still a lil mad that you embarrassed him like that
so you decided to take him to an arcade 
ten quickly got over it and was excited to beat you in games like he usually does
“try beating me in real basketball the same way you did in the imessage version, loser!” ten told you
and obviously he won
virtual basketball and actual basketball are two different things
and you sucked at sports, even if its just an arcade game
i hope you know what basketball game im talking about omfg
and then you decided to play that shooting game where you have to kill zombies
it was nerve-wrecking 
you two were literally SO loud with letting out frustrations about how the zombies should just ‘leave you alone’ and how they should ‘go fuck themselves’
but yall actually won the game!!
you losers actually WON!!
you were so happy because you’re so used to losing in games
that you just,,, pulled ten into a hug
as you excitedly laugh, happily telling him that you’ve won because of how good your teamwork was
your ear was pressed exactly to where his heart was
and you’re surprised that his heart was beating so fast and so loudly
maybe it’s just the adrenaline from playing the game
so you brushed it off
then you went out to eat together
and when yall were eating
you talked to each other a bit more
talking about random things and facts about yourselves
you know,,, small talk and shit
ten, at this point, had already acknowledged that he has feelings for you
but after knowing how much you’re well educated about things he’s interested in, he falls harder for you
as you were busy talking
he couldn’t help but hold one of your hand that was on the table
you quickly became quiet as you stared down at his hand
“hey, y/n?”
you nodded as a response, wondering what the hell is he up to now
“do you think i’m a dumbass?”
you laughed at that question, not thinking much of it
you are, in fact, more intrigued with him holding your hand like that
“sure, sometimes you are”
he chuckled at your answer
and then he made eye contact with you
“well am i a dumbass if i told you that i like you? and that i wanna date you?”
you almost choked on your food
“wait! wait, wait. do you mean that?”
“of course”
you didn’t think twice
you’ve never been so sure about an answer your WHOLE life until now
“then yes, you are a dumbass! but, i like dumbasses. especially cute ones like you”
oh boy ten loves his baby confident like that btw ^
and voila! ever since then you two became a couple
NOW i was so into writing this
let’s get to the point
him as your boyfriend?
nothing changed much
except now he takes you out in so much dates
he loves you so much, and he’s constantly reminding you
he’s not one to admit his love as often as it seemed, so he’d show it through his act of kindness
he knows how much you appreciate the little things
so, he’d shower you with little things
he’d tell you to be safe when you’re on your way to somewhere
facetimes/calls you whenever you tell him a good news, just to congratulate you and say ‘i love you and i’m proud of you, baby!’
he has a lot of petnames for you
baby, angel, babe, honey, darling, fatass, loser, the list goes on
he comes over so often you have a hard time trying to sneak him out whenever your family member comes back from work/school
he’d tease you a lot for being scared to introduce him to your parents though
but he doesn’t mind, when you’re ready, you’re ready
he doesn’t really hug a lot
he kisses you a lot though
he lovesssss giving you a peck on your lips
when you two meet up? kiss
when you’re going back home? kiss
when you made a funny joke? kiss
when he finds you adorable? kiss
oh my god your first kiss with him was totally accidental
ten was showing you his new art and you complimented him
it boosted his self confidence
and then he was jokingly saying “your boyfriend is such a genius artist, don’t you think?”
he was walking towards you at the same time
then he accidentally tripped whilst he was rambling on about how amazing he is
but it’s okay he landed straight into your arms so you managed to catch him before he falls and breaks his nose
BUT his lips landed a centimetre away from your lips
when he pulled back he was like O__O
“did i kiss you?”
“aw, that sucks”
you were kinda blushing now
he saw you like this, and took this opportunity
he quickly wrapped his arm around your waist, and leaned in to kiss you
it wasn’t THAT passionate
but it was sweet
he was smiling in the kiss when you kissed back
when he pulled away, your noses were still touching
and he took the time to admire your beautiful face
“i love you, babe”
he compliments you a lot too
he’s constantly reminding you that you’re beautiful
sometimes he invites you when he’s going out with guanheng/taeyong/johnny because he wants everyone he cares about to meet you
he talks about you a lot to his family, too
saying how lovely you are, and how smart you are
and that his family would absolutely adore you when you meet them
god he praises you so much he literally boosts your confidence
oh ALSO!!!
he’d go to every event you joined
you’re doing a performance at your school/college? he’s there to support you
your school’s doing an open carnival and you’re the host for the event? he’ll be there
you’re at a math championship? he’s sitting amongst the crowd praying you’d do your best
you’re volunteering? you’re going together because no way in hell is he gonna let you do all these hard work without his help
you appreciate this so much, it means a lot to you
during your anniversaries/birthday, he’d surprised you a lot
he’d buy you the gift that you didn’t remember telling him that you wanted it
along with 10 other gifts that he bought you 
he’ll take you to that fancy restaurant you’ve been eyeing a lot whenever you two go out
he’ll also remind you how much he loves you because you just mean so much to him
whenever you two argue
he’s usually a dick ngl
he’s got a sassy mouth
it’s not his fault if he roasts you
you two argue quite often too
some more serious than the other
ten builds a big wall around his heart because he’s just a guarded person in general
it takes a long time for him to open up and trust someone
but once he does, he trusts said people very dearly
even so, whenever you argue, it’d take a while for him to cheer up
it takes an even longer time if he was in the wrong, because he’s quite an egotistical person
but once he cools down completely
he’ll go see you
and he’ll cuddle with you for as long as he can
caressing your hair
whispering sweet nothings into your ear
he does feel guilty of course, but its kinda difficult for him to apologise, so he does these act of kindness instead as an apology
he doesn’t mean anything that he said when he argued with you though
he was simply just trying to win the argument
he’s so glad that you’re able to tolerate with him
because not a lot of people can
he appreciates you a lot for that
he makes it clear that he’d do anything for you because you’re simply worth the effort
in conclusion
ten would be an amazing boyfriend for you
he loves you dearly
he will be the best boyfriend ever
his hugs will linger with you for days
his kisses gets sweeter each time he kiss you
although he can be an ass sometimes
it can’t be helped, that’s part of ten’s nature
he’s a lil mischievous, so you need to tolerate with that, the same way he’ll have (and will) tolerate with your bad sides too
please don’t ever let him go
ten as your boyfriend will make you forget about you exes, he’s just THAT amazing
i said it countless times but im gonna say it again
he loves you so much, so so so so so much, you’re his own personal angel to him
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jelloopy · 4 years
Murder on The Rockport Limited Notes
Previous: Character Creation, HtbG, Moonlighting
Ch 1
Robbie is a halfling who is pretty shitty but he’s good at making “potions” (Robbie is the roommate that everyone really hates but doesn’t want him to leave because he is their plug)
Taako is on the top bunk, Magnus is under Taako, Robbie is next to Taako and Merle is under Robbie
They are woken up at 3 am to report to Lucretia (3 am really?)
”Yeah it’s like Mario Mario or Luigi Mario” ~Griffin (This is so funny because this actually proves that Taako’s last name really is Taaco. Before Justin played it as a joke but this kinda derails that)
Robbie asks them for Pringles when they leave (Thus the beginning of me and the boys not remembering him by anything other than Pringles)
They arrive in their PJs (Taako is in footie pajamas and Merle’s has a flap in at the butt with a Kenny Chesney tattoo on his ass) (When the hell did Merle get that tattoo. Also, why is Lucretia in her full BoB garb right now? Was she asleep and get changed really quickly? Do her robes double as PJ’s? Did she just not go to sleep?)
Taako says he gets night terrors that’s why he’s in like a full-body Onesie/sleeping bag (That is so fricking sad if you think about his backstory later on…)
Magnus just starts changing clothing right then and there when Lucretia tells them that they don’t have time to get ready (This man really has no shame or boundaries. I imagine it was the same in the century tbh)
Leimann Kessler (half-elf man) was murdered before he was even on the train but was able to secure the Relic on the train (Personally, don’t know a lot about how trains work but this to me is kinda odd. Who knew he died? Do their bracers know when the wearer perishes? Is there like a body temp check and a pulse check in there too? We know that it can track them but… how much more can it do…)
All the relics come from a different school of magic. They were never in the hands of someone long enough to learn what they are capable of (Potentially this is a lie. We would have already known the names, schools of magic, and possibly what they could do based upon that alone. I bet Lucretia is hiding that info in her office)
The Gauntlet deals with Evocation magic (Hmmm, I can only imagine why. Maybe because Lup also worked in Evocation magic?)
Avi is manning the cannon! The whole scene with Magnus High as hell. Avi Never learned how to Wink (Avi you’re adorable I love you. Magnus. Get your shit together man.)
Taako pulls the lever too early and they change trajectory into a swamp
Leech fight! (I honest to god forgot this even happened before listening to it again. Not my fave fight)
Ch 2
Merle gets a lot of blood sucked from him by the leeches
Merle is completely submerged in the swamp and Magnus pulls his ass out (Why is it always Merle)
”Scientists have yet to agree” ~Griffin (I personally use this phrase all the time. It just makes me laugh so hard every time.)
Taako can levitate (I really wished he used this more ngl. I would also like to see some more fanart of this)
They are in Rockport! Covered in swamp shit!
Tom Beaudette! We see his house and they get hosed off then they see him at the ticket station again. (What a nice guy!)
Leimann, Diddly, and Justin Kessler (10/10 best alias’ ever)
Taako Charms Tom (It’s a nice go-to huh?)
Merle really wants to murder tom he wanted him to step in front on the train (Merle really is the one who goes straight for murder)
Ch 3
Hudson, Jess the Beheader, Graham Juicy Wizard, ANGUSSSSSSSS, and Jenkins McShittywizard (My favorite train gang!)
Travis making fun of Griffin for how he needs to sleep with 100000000 pillows (I cherish all of these out of character bits where they really just dog on one another)
Angus, my sweet summer child don’t talk to strangers. We know your grandfather’s name was long forgotten even though you’re going to visit him in Never Winter.
The boys legit think Angus is evil and Griffin yells at them bc they are being racist. (1- how are they being legit racist? You haven’t introduced anything about Angus’ race at all?) (2- Jesus he is only 10 years old my dudes)
Graham is 36 years young and is crazy obsessed with trains and his real name is Percy? He is shadowing Jenkins in hopes of learning more about working on a train
Taako from TV! (And so his legend begins!)
Ch 4
Jenkins is harnessing a limited version of teleportation magic
Angus calling the boys out on their bullshit
Taako calling Angus “pumpkin” (Literally melts my heart. I wish someone called me cute nicknames. Also, Taako hasn’t even talked to this kid that much and that name is reoccurring)
Angus has a nondescript blue book that is able to intercept messages sent through magical means (Where did this child get this book and who let him keep it? This is legit just like letting children under 13 have access to the unrestricted internet. It’s literal Hell)
The bit with Angus and “PRYING EYES AND EARS!” (uh foreshadowing my guy)
They find “Jenkins” Dead body after hearing Graham scream
Merle is able to identify a lot of things by looking at the body (It still scares me that he is technically a Physician.)
Angus pulls a small CROSSBOW OUT OF HIS SLEEVE? (Where did he get this, how did he keep it from Hudson, Why the fuck does he have it)
Angus really said “you guys run I’ll get rid of him!” and grabs Graham and runs (How strong is this child. He’s legit lifting and pulling a grown-ass man without help)
”I’m following Angus I’ll see yall in hell!” ~Taako (Yes follow the badass 10-year old please)
”I wanna tell you about the time about this time there were three ogres…”~Taako
The Foley work bit and then Griffin just snapping “The train derails and you all die” (Another out of character goof that I cherish)
”I shit and take 14 damage” ~Griffin (are you okay? How much health do you have? What’s your max HP dude?)
Taako makes the Crab monster Levitate
Magnus punched the crab monster out of the window and it got scrapped up on the side of the train
Ch 5
They follow the Crab into their sleeper car and Magnus attacks with a chair and Griffin says “I imagine because you are so skilled at carpentry that you’ve had to attack someone with a chair before so you are in fact proficient in this attack”
Jess comes in and finishes the crab off with her Soul bound ax that she can conjure at any time (This legit just means that Jenkins did not need to carry her ax to the crypt safe. She let him do it for shits n giggles. We stan)
Jess got her last name legally changed to “Beheader” and Magnus says that he got his legally changed to “The Hammer” (Really Magnus… this isnt 3rd grade stop trying to impress her. It’s that or it could be another sad reference to “Hammer and Tongs” which would mean Julia was “Tongs” D: that is so depressing and cute)
Magnus and Merle are making good progress in solving the murder
”Alright lads” “oh fuck” When Merle keeps up his disguise as Leimann Kessler (It’s so funny because his fake Leimann Kessler is just his current Argonaut Keen.)
”I cast ZONE OF TRUTH” “Jesus you’re like a zone of truth cleric” (Oh honey. This is just the beginning)
Magnus wakes Graham up with a 5% smack with his left hand and then a 6.5% smack also with his left hand (Wtf is this BNHA? Alright Deku)
Taako is an Alcoholic? (He keeps asking for a drink ...This is a bit concerning but it makes sense)
Magnus slaps Graham again with 7.2% and he popped something in Graham’s jaw and he begins screaming but Merle heals him (OKAY DEKU COOL IT MY GUY)
”I wanna be a guy... with a head!” ~” Hudson” (hehe foreshadowing)
SCUTTLE BUDDY!!!!! (A short but adorable life you have my Lil man)
Ch 6
The “fisticuffs” scene with Taako and Angus (Now this is really concerning considering his backstory. I know it’s a joke because of how many people they accidentally kill all the time but like dude… little do you know…)
Angus leading them through the mystery is so cute. But also you know its Griffin trying to get his family to really think it through and I love it. (It really makes my heart really full to hear Griffin get really excited when they figure it out slowly instead of mocking them when they guess wrong)
MERLE YES! MAGNUS YES! YOU’RE GETTING IT! YOU’RE SO CLOSE! (Teamwork makes the dream work baby!)
Magnus jumps out of the train and Griffin gets really serious and gives him the “if you fail this you will actually die” speech (This coupled with the fight scene that Magnus accidentally skipped and the fact that originally Travis did want Magnus to die so he could re-roll a rogue is so wild)
Magnus is gonna become a wrecking ball Jesus (very Magnus-core)
Hell yeah, Magnus! Knock the meat monster into Jenkins!!
Magnus gets hit for 10 points at 1hp and paries it for 10 points! (Top ten anime near-death experiences)
Jenkins threatens to kill the meat monster. Horribly misses then is thrown off the fucking train by the meat monster (Get fucked wrecked Jenkins that’s what you get for being cocky!)
Ch 7
They find the dousing rod compass that Jenkins was using and find the monocle (Pirates of the Caribbean much?)
Taako grabs The Oculus because he has escaped the thrall of a relic before
It tells him that it can make anything he can imagine (This is really interesting tbh)
The Umbrastaff eATS JENKINS WAND!!! and a Lil sigil appears on the handle of the staff that also looks like an umbrella (Lup gets fed lmao. Don’t really understand the Sigil appearing tho. It doesn’t come up any other time I don’t think so it’s cool)
Taako grabs the teleport wand thing and asks everyone to leave and he grabs a bunch of shit from the Cryptsafe pile (Very Taako-core)
They make it to the engineer’s room and Graham tries to slow the train down but he can’t
Taako wanted to open the gate to Never Winter to Phandalin but they change it to Jenkins’ garden because it needs to be a room with “one entrance” (Solid idea on Taako’s part. If it were to work no one would have been hurt)
Taako pushed Angus off the train and he looses two teeth (This man pushed a whole child off the train… ‘Ight)
Magnus dies by jumping off the train (Top ten anime death scenes)
Taako successfully opens the gate into Jenkin’s garden and the train crashes into the garden
Magnus is stabilized by Merle (Awe so the Cleric can do his job!)
Angus gives them pringles for Robbie and the compass. Taako gives Angus one of the forks from his grandfather’s set.
They go to a nearby Never Winter Clinic to get patched up
Out of character, they choose to work on voices and Griffin calls them out bc he’s been doing 8 “different” voices and Clint goes “Yeah try doing that for 40 years” get fuckin rOASTED Ditto! (Also Griffin I love you but like 3 of the voices were the exact same and 2 were so similar it wasn’t funny. Don’t get me wrong different voices aren’t my strong suit either but ya did give it your best shot so.)
We goin’ back to the moon baby!
AVI MY MAIN MAN! (I will forever and always want and need more Avi screen time)
The oculus works with illusory magic (Which is very interesting bc I know it was made by Davenport because he also worked in allusory magic but I don’t ever remember him using any magic… who knows maybe he has and I just never realized)
Lucretia thought they were gonna get it off the train before it left... woman… (You’ve known these men for how long and you thought they were gonna w h a t?)
Next: Lunar Interlude I, 
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calliefm · 5 years
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( sydney sweeney, cisfemale ) hey ! have you seen CALLIOPE ‘ CALLIE ’ MACDERMOT around ? SHE works at the HOT COCOA STAND at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 22 years old & they’ve been working here for ONE YEAR. they tend to be +CREATIVE & +SELFESS, but can also be -LAZY & -IRRESPONSIBLE. the other employees have labeled them THE MALINGERER. thanks a lot ! ( oversize hoodies, first sip of coffee , cold side of the pillow , high ponytail , winterfresh gum, & smell of paint )
hey folks ! i’m very excited to get this group going, i’m a big sucker for simple plots and it’s my favorite season ! i apologize in advance for callie though ! i’m 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑟𝑎𝑛 by the way ! i’m 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒 years old and i go by the 𝑠ℎ𝑒/ℎ𝑒𝑟 pronouns ! i can’t wait to meet everyone and get this lil group going !
i formally introduce to you — 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘵, big bear’s 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚝 !
callie macdermot was born in boulder, co to jennifer baker and james o’connell. here’s the catch... jennifer was a freshmen in university when she became pregnant with callie. jennifer took the year off when she found out, not telling her mother and working many side jobs to keep her small flat with her boyfriend ( james ). they thought they were going to keep the baby and live this happy life, but jennifer began to wonder if they were able to even take care of the child. this was what caused problems in their relationship and it honestly became pretty toxic. by her third trimester, jennifer and james were on and off a lot. it was off when callie was born. by that time, james wasn’t there to convince jennifer to keep the child so the papers were signed and callie was put up for adoption !
it was only a month until callie was adopted by a loving family in big bear. her parents were officially emma and benjamin macdermot. emma and benjamin had been struggling to conceive, and officially made the decision to adopt a baby around the time callie was born ( kinda perfect right ? ). her parents were pretty well known around town. they were also high school sweethearts, went to college together, and graduated together. her mother works as a primary teacher and her dad is a head chef at a restaurant on the outskirts of town.
it was a pretty picture perfect life for callie. she loved her parents and they loved her, even through her being a complete terror growing up. callie was a ball of energy when she was young. she was constantly bouncing off the walls, asking questions, getting into slight trouble, and all that ! as annoying as she got... she was adorable and she had an ebullient smile that was irresistible.  
she wasn’t used to change. everyone was always just there for her. she lived in the same house her whole life. she walked the same streets everyday. she saw the same faces on the street. she hung out with the same group of friends since kindergarten. but stuff started to change when the beginning of year 9 when her friend sat her down and decided to let her know that they don’t want to hang out with callie anymore. there was no explanation for it, it was just petty teenage drama, but it oddly broke callie for the time being.
her friend group had been with her for such a long time, it sort of shaped her personality. but, by the end of year 9, she realized who she was with them wasn’t her. she didn’t want to wear skirts to school, she didn’t like to gossip or constantly talk about boys, she didn’t want to wear an insane amount of bronzer on her face. so ! after the break, callie 2.0 made her very first appearance — with a big sweater, comfortable jeans, glasses snugged on her nose, and a bright face ready to just do her.
with her new persona, you’ll easily learn she’s pretty lazy. she will fall asleep on the stairs if she’s too tired to climb up the stairs to go to bed. she’s fallen asleep on the easel while she began to take up a new hobby ( art ! ) but callie is also insanely bright ! she has pulled straight a’s throughout high school career and had taken an interest in the brain. she’s literally taken all the brain cells yall... blame callie
when it came to choosing an university, she knew she didn’t want to go too far from big bear because she definitely would have separation anxiety from her parents. the decision came down to picking the best financial route and big bear community college was it ! she decided to go with a biology major her first year, but after taking a psychology course, she quickly switched over to a psychology major after her first year.
𝙍 𝙄 𝙂 𝙃 𝙏   𝙉 𝙊 𝙒
she’s currently a junior and still a psych major ! she lives in an apartment near the resort and also the community college ! her parents don’t live too far, and since she adores them you know she’ll be making constant visits ! she definitely cooks for every hang out because she picked up a few things from papa chef ! and atm she’s thinking about picking up an art major since she’s been really into it lately !
she works at the hot cocoa stand in the snow bowl ! she’s constantly making new flavors and such so feel free to stop by the stand to try her concoction !
let me start off by saying that she’s probably the sleepiest person you’ll ever meet ! if you don’t know where she is, you’ll figure that she’s in her room catching some zs. callie is also very lazy and will ask you to give her the remote even though it’s two feet away. when she’s down for it, callie definitely knows how to have a good time, you just gotta drag her out of her room to get that slakfjds
and even though she’s insanely book smart, i can assure you she’s one of the biggest idiots you’ll ever meet. she’s do the dumbest shit like almost burn down the kitchen bc she forgot to put water in her mac n cheese n left the stove on
is weed allowed to be a personality trait too ? because that’s a thing with callie ! she is almost constantly high it’s kinda bad, but she’s not annoying about it ! some people probably doesn’t even know she smokes weed because even without it she’s just ... like that
𝙍 𝘼 𝙉 𝘿 𝙊 𝙈   𝙁 𝘼 𝘾 𝙏 𝙎
callie works at the big bear resort at the hot cocoa stand ! she does a lot of dumb shit there so enjoy her stories and often leaves the stand unattended when it’s not too busy ! if your chara works on the slopes, i can assure you she’ll throw at least one snowball at them a day
she tends to make those really tiny paintings and gives them to her friends and random people on the street
someone tell her to buy a new pair of converse because she’s had the same pair since year 10
she’s addicted to getting small pointless, but cute tattoos
she has never opened a wine bottle normally. she has a little game with herself where each time she opens a bottle, she has to try opening it with a new object ( a key, knife, spoon, lighter, shoe, etc )
she’s REALLY good at procrastinating. her best works comes out with 5 cups of coffee and at 5 am the morning it’s due
callie has never lost a game of rock paper scissors and she literally bought herself a trophy for it
she makes an insanely good alcoholic hot chocolate and will only make it for someone if it’s their birthday or they practically beg her
she had no idea how to put on makeup, she always has a friend do it for her when they’re going out oR she’ll have a ugly eyeliner and unblended foundation
stays up allllll night listening to true crime podcasts or watching paranormal youtube videos! and she really believes in aliens
she’s broken her glasses at least 5 times in the past year but she doesnt like contacts because she’s too scared to try to touch her eye, so when u see her without her glasses you’ll know she definitely cant see
she visits her parents every other week or so because (1) she misses them and (2) she needs to do laundry and her mom or dad will 10/10 do it for her because she’s baby ! but she really does miss them often and will randomly go to her home to just sit with them
i think that’s all i can say for now folks ! if you made it to the end, i love you so much ! here’s coupons for michael’s craft store in return !
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livingasaghost · 5 years
lover album review.
i forgot that you existed / such a CUTE bop!!! like it’s not my favorite opener obviously but i like how sweet it is like - Yeah! i’m indifferent! i don’t give a shit about you! also it’s catchy as hell and i love the production and how she’s kinda speak singing. and when she mentions rep! oof! a solid beginning but nothing super overwhelming. just a BOP! 7/10
cruel summer / definitely getaway car meets out of the woods thus it is a JAM i LOVE IT the more i listen to it - especially the bridge oof!! i have a feeling it’s gonna be so good on tour but right now i don’t think it’s in my top 5? i like that it sounds super 80s though - and her lil scream at the end in the bridge!!! oof!! “i love you aint that the worst thing you ever heard!!!” 8.5/10
lover / first listen was VERY subpar but the longer i listen to the cute lil chorus and the bridge i’m SOLD! it reminds me of kesha meets kacey musgraves and i really love love LOVE how the chorus goes “MY MY MY MY...lover.” it’s just very cute and sweet and LOVERLY and i hope i can relate to it one day! not the best title track but definitely gets better on every listen. 7/10
the man / i thought this would be more of a fave (and i think it will be down the line) but right now i’m just hung up on the IDEA it’s such a good CONCEPT and obviously the lyrics are INCREDIBLE!! i think it’s a little underwhelming in some ways but i really love the bridge and the implications and the BITCHES OOF GO OFF SIS! also sounds VERY 80s 8/10
the archer / this remains my favorite pre-release single and i think it’s still in my top 5 of the album. like the lyrics, the production, the message...all of it makes it a god tier track five. i think it’ll shift around a little but i still think it’s just...FLAWLESS. i love the bridge and the end bits so much!!! 9.5/10
i think he knows / AN UNEXPECTED BOP!!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! great production, catchy af, i don’t even care if the lyrics are almost meaningless it’s so FUN!!! i really want to hear it on tour honestly! and the chorus kinda reminds me of beyonce in a way??? AND THE DRUM PART INTO THE FINAL CHORUS!!! AFTER THE BRIDGE!!! POETIC CINEMA!!!! FSDGJLDFSFHJ 8.5/10
miss americana & the heartbreak prince / OKAY so i think this is one that will change a LOT in the next few months bc first listen i was like “....ew” but it’s very much a lana del rey/king of my heart kinda song? nothing really WRONG with it just...not my fave? so it’s at the bottom bc i’m kinda indifferent to it? i like the thoughts behind it though so who knows. i feel like the more i listen the more i’ll love it! but rn i don’t the hype lol 7/10
paper rings / A FUCKING BOP OH MY GOD!!! THE FIRST TIME I HEARD THE BEGINNING I COULDNT STOP SMILING!!!! it reminds me of blitzkrieg bop in the best way!!! 1 2 3 4 !!!!! like i didn’t think this song would sound like this but in a GOOD WAy i feel like all the songs i didnt think id like are the ones that are just HUGE BOPS! 9.5/10
cornelia street / so the first time i heard it i don’t think i was that attached to it but the SECOND TIME OOF!!! a lot of people said this would be my fave and honestly.......it might be. it’s so sad but also hopeful and happy and sweet and i really like the sentiment of it! and the production is SO GOOOD and it’s catchy too? 9.5/10
death by a thousand cuts / this song is like...kinda weird but also it’s amazing?? i love the guitar part and the piano background like OOF it’s so catchy and beachy and cute? but it also sounds like bleachers? idk like it’s a break up song but it’s also a bop! ALSO THE BRIDGE!!! SO GOOD!!!! 8/10
london boy / THE DARK HORSE I NEVER SAW COMING! this is very TIWWCHNT and it reminds me of early pure heroine lorde but it’s just SO CATCHY AND GOOD!!! and also obviously it’s red white and royal blue GARBAGE i just LOVE IT!! and it’s so fun bc like now i’ve been to london so i can like ~relate~ you know?? BUT GOD I LOVE THE ENGLISH!!!!! so anyway tour is gonna pop OFF this is def in the my top five i think 9.5/10
soon you’ll get better / ...what the fuck taylor
but for real the guitar on this is so soft and genius and the lyrics are perfect and i was having VIVID flashbacks to when my grandma had cancer and it’s truly...so much to handle. she sounds so young on this song like never grow up vibes except...it’s cancer. 10/10
false god / so first listen i was like WHOMST IS THIS and it was very forgettable but the more i listen the more i think it’s growing on me? the production is so fresh and unlike taylor but the lyrics are really cool and it kinda reminds me of dress in some ways? i think i’ll like this more in the cold when it’s really dark out at night like the sax reminds me a lot of bon iver in a good way OOF OKAY I LIKE THIS MORE EVERY TIME I LISTEN THIS IS FINE but first time i was very much like......confused lol 7/10
you need to calm down / OKAY LISTEN THIS SONG IS A BOP AND IT REMAINS SO! if the archer hadn’t popped up this would be my fave pre-release single it’s just a KNOCK OUT!!! and it’s gonna go OFF ON TOUR!!!! i love the lyrics and the concept and the beat and it will always be a FAVE honestly 8/10
afterglow / another song i didn’t like the first time and now when i listen more i’m like “...okay she has rights” like it’s cute and it reminds me of miley cyrus in some ways?? but it’s also kinda forgettable sometimes and i have no serious attachment to it? who knows pretty average and yet sometimes it’s great idk v confusing 7/10
me! / I WILL ALWAYS BE BITTER THAT THEY GOT RID OF SPELLING IS FUN!!!!  but anyway this song gets too much hate for such a BOP like i know i didn’t love it the first time but she’s CUTE and she’s FUN (like spelling) and honestly even if she isn’t the best on the album i still go hard whenever i listen so FUCK ALL OF YALL 8/10
it’s nice to have a friend / i still don’t know what the fuck this song is. genuinely. like it isn’t...bad per say...she sounds good and the lyrics aren’t bad and the production isn’t...awful it’s just...weird? idk what it’s trying to be? and it’s short? i just don’t get it lol like it’s one of my least favorite songs of hers. who knows. maybe we’ll evolve idk. ?/10
daylight / i think it was a little underwhelming at first, but also it’s like........beautiful. i thought this would be my favorite and i can’t tell if i’m just projecting and saying it’s my fave when it isn’t but like.......the aesthetic, the lyrics, the production, the spoken words at the end, the concept.......it’s what i WANT. it’s my VIBE. it’s my 2019 BRAND. so anyway i’m curious to see if it stays at the top but like........i want this for the rest of forever. anyway. 10/10
extra comments //
(me giving these songs number rankings: what the fuck am i doing)
so like as per usual GENIUS but i will say i was v underwhelmed on the first listen. which happens. to be expected. but it’s all growing on me just like it always does!!! i am so excited for tour, so happy she’s happy...all of these songs are just so pure and sweet and catchy and i LOVE HER!! hehe lover but um yeah it’s definitely not in my top ranking - like i think the rankings as of now are speak now = 1989 > rep > lover = red > fearless > debut (but who the fuck knows) the longer it goes the more i think red is going to move down past fearless someday. anyway YAY LOVER!!!
— aug 23, 2019 @ 8:08pm
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jincherie · 6 years
Hey , I have read many of your stories on aor, I love them. I just wanted to ask if you tell something about your writing method? And also wanted to ask when you'll be updating well oiled machin?
Hello, I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this babe! I am so, so glad you enjoy my fics though! An update for awom is coming [REDACTED] so !!!!! yeah !!! As for a writing method, I…. am a bit dodgy LMAO. It changes often, like how much time and detail I’ll give each bit, but there’s a usual process I do.
First I usually just have the concept/idea– even a scene or au or something– and then if I like it enough I see if I can expand it a little. Not really to plot just yet, but to add more details and depth. It is usually after the idea has more substance that I have enough to start building a loose plot.The order changes, but after I have the concept I either usually world-build some more or go into a bare-bones plot. And I mean, bare bones. Like a linear thing of all the important plot points.
Once I have those, I expand and start plotting chapters with scenes I want and the important plot points. I usually aim to have them completely plotted out, but so long as the first few are plotted out I sometimes start writing at that point LMAO I am a little impatient sometimes.
So yeah thats a rough explanation for you! I feel like there’s more but I can’t remember rn, I’m sure it’ll hit me later lmaoo !! I hope this is clear enough! then again the process itself isnt even that clear to me so fhdbgjhbf WE DOIN OUR BEST OUT HERE
Anonymous said: everyone’s so enthusiastic for awom dhsjsjsjsn understandable bc definitely same, but no pressure!! take your time and enjoy the holidays!! 💜💜💜 and relish in the peace of post-final feels lol (er, if youre done yet??im not sure im srry) 
Gah thank you babe!!! I’m super glad to know so many are keen for it, and I’m very thankful ur thinking of me as a person instead of just an author, the source of the writing, in this instance
Anonymous said: awom peep!!! biNCH WFFWTWFTTFEGHEJEJ that hurted so much our poor jungoo :((((((( 
Anonymous said: ohsndndkf i’m so excited for more robokook 
Anonymous said: The well oiled machine sneep peep looks very could. Much excited! Oh boy I’m just shaking right now. Fuck me up baby!!!    
Anonymous said: OMG omg omg OMG that sneak peek of robot kook, DONT HIRT ME LIKE THAT 😭 
KJNFJHBF LMAOOO I asked steph @gimmesumsuga which part i should share as a peep and she said that one SO WE HAVE HER GENIUS EVIL MIND TO THANK FOR UR SUFFERING HAHAHAHAHA ugh fr tho she’s been one of the biggest supporters for robokook (besides our resident and beloved robofucker miss @cinnaminsvga the loml) and its thanks to these two i’m bustin my ass so hard on it!!! I’m putting.,,, such effort in IM RLLY TRYING YALL ughghfbfhbfghbjd I’m going to be so excited when I can finally post and complete it with the second part--- thank u all for looking forward to it with me! I promise this teensy bit of pain is only temporary!
Anonymous said: A well oiled machine was so so good! I love all of your works so much, but i think this and your tae dad!au have to be my favourites. Its really difficult to make a robot au work without being cringe or seem kind of dodgy consent-wise but mc is so authentic in her feelings and robo guk the perfect blend of human/android it all just really works! I cant wait to read more, thank you for your writing💗💞
GAH to be honest, 4 oclock and awom are probably some of my favourite things I’ve written-- I’m still so excited for where I have to go in 4 oclock and the further I get into awom the more I want to weep bc its so fffucking soft u dont even know FFUCK.,,,, but in all honesty thank you so much!!! I really appreciate all u said, I’m so thankful I managed to pull it off!!! Even though I haven’t read it yet bc I apparently enjoy torturing myself, I’m sure Zee managed to execute the au splendidly too!!!! ugh I’m so keen to finally read HER robokook once i’m done ffffUUUCKKKKKK anyways thank u so much for reading and for sending this, my love!!! I hope u have a wonderful afternoon
Anonymous said: Is a well oiled machine based off of Detroit become human perhaps??? 
Haha surprisingly no!! It’s based off of Zee’s innate love for androids and how far up her ass I am LMAO
(i do love dbh tho HEHE)
Anonymous said: OHhhhhhhHHHhh my goodness A Well-Oiled Machine is SO. GOOD. JK is such a cute android and the tension! Especially the ending. I’ll definitely be reading the next chapter 
Anonymous said: Omg, I’m so in love by a well oiled machine 😍…. Girl, you’re amazing! I can’t wait to read the second part. 
thank u both so much!!! I’m super glad you like this trashy lil roboporn novella, I really appreciate that u read it and enjoyed it and proceeded to send this!!! thank u !!!! i love u!!! im super excited for the next part and I hope u are too!!!
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disneychannie · 6 years
I’m sorry | Jeon Wonwoo
pairings : boyfriend!wonwoo x female reader
words : 1.6k words, oOF
genre : angst
a/n : this imagine was inspired by a fic i found last year ?? or this year i don’t remember and the fic inspired me to write this imagines umf just wanted to let yall know 
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You knew what you signed up for when you agreed to be Wonwoo’s girlfriend. You knew how many lonely nights you were going to have, you knew that you wouldn’t always be with your busy idol boyfriend. You too knew how much you were going to get stood up because of his busy schedules and new comebacks coming up. You definitely knew you weren’t able to get what other relationships had. 
Other girls get to go anywhere and everywhere with the love of their lives all the time. They get to go on dates every day and they get to wake up to their boyfriend’s face every morning. But, you were okay with not having any of that. You thought that as long as Wonwoo still loves you then your find with that. 
But today was just a little different.
The other day Wonwoo asked if you wanted to go out and eat dinner with him since you haven’t had a proper meal together in a while. You were beyond happy that he was at least thinking of you. Wonwoo said that he would meet you at this Japanese restaurant once he’s done with practice so you took this chance to surprise him by looking all nice and actually decent in front of him. You weren’t really THAT into dressing up but it doesn’t hurt to dress up a lil bit once in a while.
So you wore one of your best dresses which was a red summer looking dress that Wonwoo got you on your 2nd anniversary of being together. For makeup, you try not to go too overboard since Wonwoo likes bare-faced you better so light makeup and a bold lipstick.
You were excited for this date since the both of you haven’t talked with each other properly for a good 2 weeks now. To know that he at least once to make the effort to have dinner with you was already enough for you to know that he still cares for you.
But tonight made you felt otherwise, just a bit.
You’ve waited at the restaurant that Wonwoo said he’ll meet you at and you arrived to see that he hasn’t arrived yet. You thought that maybe Seungcheol held him in a bit longer for practice. So you sat down at a table for two and waited for Wonwoo too arrive, You ordered a glass of water while waiting for him.
You never imagined ending up ordering 4 glasses of water for yourself while waiting for Wonwoo. It was now 10:30 and he still hasn’t arrived yet. You’ve been waiting for 2 hours to be exact. The waiters and waitresses all gave you sympathetic smiles as they told you that you had to go since their closing up soon. Putting up your best fake smile you left a few dollars on the table as you collected your things and headed out of the restaurant.
Not once did you feel mad, just, disappointed and sad that he stood you up. You don’t really wanna think too much since Jihoon probably held he in the studio to record or Soonyoung asking them to practice more for the choreography. You're just not mad. The man’s busy what do you expect? 
But, does it hurt to just text you to tell that he might not make to date? You were okay with it tho, you completely understand the situation right now and your fighting with your brain to not think too much about this. I mean yeah you basically did spend the whole day getting ready to look good in front of your boyfriend's eyes but you never had your hopes up high to actually think that he’s going to make it on time.
You just, miss him.
Wiping a tear that you never knew spilled from your eyes you held your coat tighter to your body while walking back to your apartment. At your apartment, you took off the makeup you had on the whole night and changed out from the dress to something comfier.
You lay on your bed and stared at your ceiling. You could’ve left him a text asking why he didn’t show up but you didn’t want to bother him. You wanted him to focus on what he’s doing at the moment without any distractions from you. You might sound selfless but that’s how usually are towards people that you love so much.
Not wanting to think about this you got yourself comfier and fell asleep.
It was the slamming of your front door that woke you up from your sleep. You lifted your head from the pillow to glance at the clock on your bedside table.
It read 3:10 AM.
You waited and listened to footsteps making their way across your apartment, becoming softer as they came close to your bedroom door. A dim light shone through the room as your boyfriend slowly slipped through the doorway and made his way to your side of the bed.
You could feel your heart beating faster than an f1 race car as he watched your eyes, illuminated by the moonlight shining from the window of your bedroom through the curtains, followed his movements across the room with an unreadable expression shining from within.
Wonwoo sat down on the mattress, the weight of it all suddenly too much to bear.
“How was practice?” you murmured softly as you sat up from your laying position and leaned your back on the headboard.
You watched as Wonwoo’s shoulder fell and breath slipped passed his lips, his elbows on his knees and his head falling into his hands.
“I fucked everything up, didn’t I?”
You weren’t mad. Not in the slightest because the awful truth was that you never expected him to actually show up tonight anyway. You knew he would come home late and apologize and promise to make it up to you before falling asleep.
You had to admit that tonight felt different than your expectations.
From the way, his shoulders shook ever so slightly and the tight lines of his body, you wondered if he needed tonight as much then you did.
“I’m not mad”, you told him truthfully.
He turned his head to look at you, the light spilling through the door making the tears streaming down his face visible.
“How can you not be furious or mad?” he demanded, his voice breaking. “I always do this! I always make promises I know I can’t keep and I let you down, all the time. How can you not be mad at me for it ?” He yelled, more to himself.
“Did you know that every night I come home after practice feeling anxious as ever cause all I could think of is to see all my shit outside the apartment door with a note saying that you had enough of my shit and you want to break up with me.”
He inhaled a large amount of air and when he started speaking again, his voice became softer. “I feel like my whole life has always been about finding you, but when I do end up treating you like absolute shit as if you mean nothing to me when you do.”
It felt like a sink whole had opened up inside of your chest. You had no idea he felt this way or that he had been keeping this inside of him since forever. With tears in your eyes, you moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around him, softly rubbing his back.
For a second, he leaned into your touch, feeling your warmth as if he thinks that you forgive him. And then he was on the floor, pressing his forehead to the hardwood floor begging you to forgive him.
Tears immediately rolled down your cheeks as your heart was about to stop beating looking at the sight before you, your heart shattering into pieces for the boy in front of you.
“Wonwoo, get up.” you managed through the tears.
He shook his head, still in his position as an answer.
You swung your legs out of bed, as you knelt in front him.
“Wonwoo, look at me.” You said as softly as you can.
Placing your hands on his shoulder you sat him up as he was now sitting on the floor with you still holding his shoulder. As you were about to bring him to stand up he pulled you down on the floor again as he hugged the living shit out of you.
“Please don’t break up with me,” He sobbed, the sound muffled by the oversized shirt, his shirt to be exact as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. “Please, you’re the best thing that has ever come into my life and I-I...”
“Baby, stop,” You said, your voice harsher than you’d meant, 
“I’m not going anywhere, okay?” You ran your hand through his soft hair as he continued to cry on the crook of your neck.
“This is your job, dream and I’m not mad at you for doing what you love, I’m never asking you if you would choose between me or music because I know you love both as much and equally. I’m here as long as you want me.”
He pulled out from the hug as he looked at you, eyes still felt with guilt and sadness. You smiled, letting him know much you loved him.
You cup his face with your hands as you pulled him into a loving kiss. He was shocked but soon gave in and kiss you back wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.
You pulled away from the hug as your foreheads leaned against each other.
“I love you.” He said with shaky breath as he looked into your eyes with such love and affection.
“I love you too, so much.”
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thehomierobbstark · 6 years
Teach Me
Part 2 Part 3
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Reader [#TeamErikDon’tDateWhiteChicks]
Prompt:  [This was a request I asked of someone else, but I decided to stop being a lazy bitch and take a shot at writing it instead of always asking someone else] If you’re still doing requests can you do a oneshot (or a series if you can, cuz lbr I’m a greedy bitch 😂) for Erik based on Miguel’s Teach Me lyrics? I feel like it speaks to both emotional and sexual vulnerability, so could it be dom!Erik trying to show his girl how she gives him a feeling he’s never felt before (emotionally) through exploring her body (sexually) as if for the very first time?
A/N: Sooo this is my first time ever writing fic. Anticipating this might be 3 Parts in total, but let me know if y’all think I should continue this or nah. I won’t include the lyrics in the fic but if you wanna give the song a listen you can.
Warnings: Nothin really. Use of the N word but I’m not gone stop doing that.
Shoutout to @princess-of-the-snake-pit, @panthergoddessbast, & @lafayettes-baguettes-1 for being my beta readers yall the homies!
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy if I decide to continue writing.
“Umm.… you not bout to do that shit in here are you?!” Erik asked, turning and eyeing you from the couch as you waddled into the living room. You moved slowly, arms full with nail care items and a bottle of nail polish remover stuck between your thighs. You switched your movements to short and shuffled once you reached the carpet so as not to drop anything.
“Uhh… this my place nigga, so yes the hell I am,” you snap back, noticing Erik’s gaze go from your arms to your jiggling ass as you make your way over towards him. You give him a side eye and a clipped grunt as you reach the coffee table, stopping to stare at it.  You looked between it and the stuff hugged against your chest. You clearly didn’t think this through.
Looking over to your boyfriend, you plastered a toothy smile on your face and put on your sweet voice.
“Mmm hm…” he grunts out, returning your side eye from a second ago.
“You wanna help me out?” you grin, wagging your hips back and forth to emphasize the bottle still stuck between your legs. You knew that even on your sassiest of days, once you flashed him that wide grin of yours, he’d eventually falter.
Giving you a look, he sucks his teeth as he reaches over to begin pulling things from your arms and legs and placing them on the table. You giggle, bending forward to help him out a little.
“C’mon Y/N, you know I don’t like the smell of this shit. Why can’t you just go to the shop and get ya nails done?” Finally free of any restrictions, you plop down on the couch next to him, tucking your legs under you.
“First of all, ” you look at him “I know for a fact you got shit on your top shelf that smells way more toxic than some damn nail polish remover, so sack up.”
You start organizing your stuff on the coffee table, fighting to keep a smirk from forming on your face as you feel him stare at the side of your face.
“Plus,” you quickly add before he can start flaming your ass, “I ain’t got nail shop money right now.”
Your eyes glance up at the tv when you hear the channel switch. Damn. This nigga done turned on the basketball game. He knows you hate that shit.
“Aww babygirl, you know I gotchu. Ain’t nothing but a word and I can slide you some cash to keep ya nails fresh.” He smacks your thigh with the back of his hand, giving you a sly smile.
“And, you know I love it when you got them casket shits on, witcha bougie ass.”
You laugh unrestrainedly at Eriks ignorance. “Nigga, I think you mean coffin.” He chuckles too, locking his big brown eyes with yours.
Pausing, you breathe a small sigh, dropping your eyes to your lap as you fidget with your fingers. “..and I told you. I don’t want you giving me money. I appreciate it, but, I got this Erik.” You look back up to him, grabbing his hand and bringing it to your face to kiss his knuckles.
You loved how willing and unselfish Erik was whenever he offered to finance your lifestyle or give you some extra cash. I mean, it was true, your ass was bougie. But you were bougie because you could afford to be bougie, not because you had someone else footing the bill.
Well, you were able to afford it, that was until a couple of months ago.
It had only been about a year since you had successfully moved out of your parents house into your first apartment in Washington DC, an accomplishment you had been incredibly proud and protective of.  After graduating college with a degree in Urban Planning, you’d faced a hard few months back home searching for a job that was actually willing to pay you a bachelor’s degree salary, and found your self settling for a call center job for the time being. Three months into that job you were laid off, and spent yet another several months searching for another job closer to what you were interested in. Luckily, you’d been smart and funneled most of your earnings straight into your savings, allowing you to fend off offers from your mom and dad to pay for any small expenses you had, while still being able to make the rent every month. You had tasted the freedom of a stable income and financial stability, however fleeting it may have been, and you’d be damned if you were going back to having to ask your parents for help.
Around your fourth month of unemployment, you’d gotten a call back for a Budget Analyst position at the Smithsonian in D.C, one that not only payed you at a graduate level, but also offered to pay for any relocation expenses. While it wasn’t exactly what you’d wanted to do, you were far too excited about the idea of finally living on your own to turn down the job. So, jumping at the chance for both independence and a change of location, you packed up your car with as much of your stuff as you could and drove across the country to begin your new journey into adulthood.
Meeting Erik, however, was a different journey altogether.
..and there you go! feel free to roast me in the comments if this is trash lmao
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