#yael mer
almostarts · 9 months
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Raw-Edges (Yael Mer & Shay Alkalay),
Unique Stack-13 drawers and Stack-8 drawers,
Established & Sons, England / United Kingdom, 2008,
Lacquered wood, casters,
70½ h × 22½ w × 24½ d in (179 × 57 × 62 cm)
43½ h × 22½ w × 24½ d in (110 × 57 × 62 cm)
Courtesy: Ragoarts
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entomoblog · 5 months
Les ruses de l’anémone de mer pour échapper aux prédateurs
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
L’anémone étoilée peut produire une toxine qui a le double intérêt de repousser une crevette carnivore et d’attirer un poisson qui s’en nourrit. Mais cette défense se fait au détriment de sa capacité de reproduction.
  Par Hervé Morin
Publié le 22 mars 2024 à 06h00
  Venom trade-off shapes interspecific interactions, physiology, and reproduction | Science Advances, 13.03.2024 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk3870
      [Image] Population variation of Nv1 and its impact on defense against predators.
(A) Nematostella vectensis. (B) Map showing the location of the different populations of Nematostella across North America. Inset, maximum haploid copy number of Nv1 reported in different Nematostella populations. (C) nCounter relative RNA expression levels of Nv1 from different populations. (D) Grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio). Picture taken from Wikimedia by Brian Gratwicke (2006). (E) Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). Picture taken from Wikimedia from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. (F) Average weighted score of grass shrimp proximity to Nematostella from NC and FL. (G) Average weighted score of mummichog proximity to Nematostella from NC and FL. Confidence intervals (95%) are indicated by the ends of the vertical error bars. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; NS, not significant. Species silhouettes were sourced from PhyloPic. Grass shrimp (P. pugio) and Mummichog (F. heteroclitus) picture taken from Wikimedia. Nematostella photo credit: Yael Admoni.
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mentsen · 10 months
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We are very pleased to receive this year’s Wood Awards for production furniture category for folding tables and stacking chairs for The Exchange Erith.
Special thanks to Peter and Sarah from The Exchange for this wonderful collaborative project, and the staff and volunteers who have helped in all capacities to realise each pieces. If you ever want to take part in this amazing making community, get in touch with The Exchange here.
Our thanks also goes to the judges; Corinne Julius (chair), Design critic, curator & journalist Oliver Stratford, Disegno Yael Mer, Raw-Edges Eleanor Lakelin, Sculptor in wood Sebastian Cox, Sebastian Cox RDI
And of course, thank you very much to The Wood Awards organisers and sponsors! – @woodawards @ahec_europe @buildingcraftscollege @timberdevelopment.uk
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MARDI 24 OCTOBRE 2023 (Billet 3/3)
« Prayer of the mothers » : un chant mobilisateur de Yael Deckelbaum pour la marche des femmes juives et arabes unies pour la paix.
Le mouvement : « Women wage peace » (« Les femmes font campagne pour la paix ») est apparu en 2014 à l’occasion du conflit armé à Gaza. Il a pris son essor et a réalisé en 2016 une marche pacifique qui s’est imposée par sa dynamique et sa visibilité.
Le 4 octobre 2016, ce mouvement pour la paix a commencé par une « marche de l’espérance » qui a duré deux semaines. Pendant ces deux semaines, des milliers de femmes juives et arabes israéliennes ont marché du nord d’Israël vers Jérusalem, en réclamant un accord de paix Israël-Palestine qui serait respectueux, non violent et accepté par les deux parties. La marche a culminé le 19 octobre avec plus de 4 000 femmes réalisant une prière conjointe juive et musulmane pour la paix au Qasr el Yahud, à l’extrémité nord de la Mer morte.
Le chant « Prayer of the mothers » a accompagné cette marche. Il porte de bout en bout le Clip réalisé par « Women wage Peace » pour communiquer le message et l’esprit de cet événement. Ce Clip transmet une symbolique forte à travers ses différentes séquences :
Des jeunes femmes, de blanc vêtues, se rassemblant dans le désert, et exprimant une convivialité fraternelle dans un chant partagé, expression de paix.
Dans le même élan et dans le même esprit, des femmes de toutes origines manifestant leur solidarité et leur fraternité en des gestes significatifs de tendresse et de reconnaissance.
L’intervention de Lehmah Gbowee, Prix Nobel de la Paix, pour encourager ce mouvement : « Je voulais vous faire savoir que la paix est possible dans le monde où nous vivons quand des femmes intègres et de foi se manifestent pour le futur de leurs enfants ».
De bout en bout, la dynamique de cette marche commune revêt une dimension épique et nous entraine dans un dépassement de nous-même.
Dans cette démarche, convergent des femmes dans une pleine humanité d’amour, d’empathie, de respect. Nous percevons dans cet événement un souffle, le souffle de l’Esprit. L’Esprit abolit les barrières et unifie comme nous l’apprend l’expérience de la Pentecôte. Comme en d’autres événements historiques, l’espérance ouvre les portes de la libération. Nous accueillons ce chant dans un mouvement d’émotion, de sympathie et d’émerveillement.
(Source : « vivreetesperer.com »)
Ce Clip date de 2016, nous sommes en 2023. A-t-il servi à quelque chose ? Les paroles de la chanson ont-elles eu une résonnance quelconque de part et d’autre de la frontière ? Quoiqu’il en soit, regardez-le, suivez bien les paroles qui sont traduites au bas de l’image… et priez ou espérez. De là où nous sommes, que pouvons-nous faire d’autre ?... (NDLR du Blog)
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fleshaesthetic · 5 years
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Yael Mer | Head Hand Bags, 2008
flat felt is molded around a deliberately masculine foam template to create a shadowy facial mask of depressions and impressions
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ap-artmemories · 6 years
‘Horah’ installation - by Raw Edges - Milan Design Week 2018 +++ urdesign ____
Arthur and Puff are everywhere … Facebook  |  Stampsy  |  Tumblr  |  Soundcloud  |  Pinterest  |  Instagram
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archiproducts · 7 years
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Yael Mer & Shay Alkalay Raw-Edges' Tape collection for Mutina is made up of several coloured patterns on two base tiles, creating different atmospheres in the same room and a soft blend of one pattern with the other: http://bit.ly/2jBilTP
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mercohen · 4 years
( RACHEL WEISZ + CISFEMALE ) —  Have you seen MEREDITH COHEN ? This FIFTY year old is an EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF VOGUE who resides in MANHATTAN. SHE has been living in NYC for TWENTY YEARS, and is known to be AFFLUENT and CULTURED, but can also be ALOOF and CRITICAL, if you cross them.  People tend to associate them with BUYING CLOTHES WITHOUT CHECKING THE PRICE TAG and AN EXTENSIVE LINGERIE COLLECTION — ( ellen, 24, she/her, n/a, aest ) ♕ @codstarters​.
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And here comes the bitch from hell. I present to you, Meredith, based on an old muse of mine, Diane Crawford, but this time there’s a few tweaks, plus a name and faceclaim change. Honestly, she’s basically Miranda Priestley. My initial inspiration for this messy queen. Beware: she’s kind of awful and I apologise for her bullshit... she is just an idiot. ( TW: emotional abuse, death, internalised homophobia & cheating. )
NAME: Meredith Yael Cohen, nee; Lieberman.
AGE & BIRTHDAY: Fifty, February 2nd.
HOMETOWN: London, England.
OCCUPATION: Editor-in-Chief of VOGUE.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual, closeted & in denial.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married, but unfaithful.
CHILDREN: Three — two sons, sixteen & twenty-one years old. One daughter, twenty-six years old.
London born and bred, Meredith Lieberman was raised in a devout Jewish community in Stamford Hill. She is the youngest of five children, the only daughter for her parents. Growing up, she went rather unnoticed, often feeling like an outcast in her own home. Her father’s life goal was to have five perfect sons who would eventually take over the family businesses, marry nice Jewish girls and give him plenty of grandsons. Given it was the seventies, sexism ran rampant in that era, even more so in her family.
Mer mostly kept to herself. She was closest to her mother, who was also suffering under her husband’s strict rules, emotional abuse and constant belittling. They relied on each other for strength, so when Mrs. Lieberman died just shy of Meredith’s eighteenth birthday, the young girl felt her whole world crumble.
It wasn’t long after her mum’s death that Mer graduated high school, and she vowed to leave the Orthodox community and leave her life behind in Stamford Hill. She got a scholarship to study Journalism... she was passionate about it, and fashion as well. She always fancied herself working at one of those glamorous fashion magazines, though, being a natural pessimist, she didn’t think anything big would come from it.
After graduating university, she landed her first job working as an editorial assistant at British Vogue, which was the beginning of her lasting impact on the publication. She became close with the people at the very top of the magazine’s hierarchy, moving up it slowly herself. She was with British Vogue for six years when she was on put on the editorial team.
Along the way, Meredith met her husband. A distinguished man who was well-known in London’s high society. They fell madly in love, got married and had their first child, a girl. By the time her daughter was six and she’d just welcomed a son, they packed up their life to move to New York City upon being offered a job being the editor-in-chief’s right hand woman. From that very moment, there were stars in her eyes... she knew what she wanted, and that was to one day run the most famous fashion magazine in the world. At that point, she already had an exceptional amount of influence in the fashion community, and used her charm to further her career.
Meredith was pleased to be out of the United Kingdom. There was an uncomfortable feeling lingering in the air there, considering her upbringing and the bitterness that consumed her family. New York was the perfect place to raise her family. Four years after moving to the Big Apple, the Cohen’s welcomed their final child, a son. From the very beginning, she knew she wasn’t going to give her children a toxic home life. Well, that was her goal. Sometimes she would focus too much on her own job, almost as if it was an addiction. She hopes her children don’t hate her... she knows she isn’t perfect, and has always pretty much bought her children's love, regularly showering them with expensive gifts.
Fast forward to 2020, Meredith secured her goal as Editor-in-Chief of Vogue five years earlier (thanks to decades of schmoozing). She is notorious for being one of the hardest people to work with. She’s a diva with ridiculous demands, a difficult attitude, but an enormous amount of influence that makes people look past the negatives.
Over the years, Meredith’s marriage has deteriorated. Her husband still adores her, fawning over her, but she’s emotionally unavailable. Far too married to her work for his liking, but he doesn’t want to lose her. She’s being struggling with the fact that she’s bisexual since she was younger and pushed it to the back of her mind for a long time until she had her first affair with a woman three years ago. It didn’t last long, but Mer enjoyed being with women. There was something comforting about it, as well as all the other positives that came with intimacy. Ever since she got the taste for people outside her marriage, she’s had several different entanglements with both women and men. 
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izraelinfo · 5 years
Az izraeli özönvíz szoknya rebootja
Az izraeli özönvíz szoknya rebootja
Ruhába ágyazott mentőöv egy izraeli dizájnertől
Ugyan nem mai találmány, de Yael Mer a nemzetközi médiában “Evacuation Skirt” nevet viselő 2006-os kreációja sosem volt aktuálisabb, elég, ha az Izraelt  hosszú napok óta sújtó, hirtelen és hatalmas mennyiségben lezúduló, tragikus következményű esőzésekre gondolunk.
Míg az Egyesült Államokban javában tombol (na jó, éppen hogy csak elkezdődött…
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I designer anglo israeliani Yael Mer e Shay Alkalay, entrambi classe 1976, hanno escogitato un modo per rendere più graziosi i sacchetti dell’immondizia. I 2 artisti hanno progettato il Ben Bag Bear, la busta per il pattume dalle sembianze di orsacchiotto, perchè ispirati dal desiderio di una rivincità della fantasia sulla realtà. Il sacchetto a forma di orsacchiotto è in cerca di un produttore…
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lush-rush · 7 years
About me Tag
I was tagged by @mywhereverigo
Rules: Answer thirty questions, then tag a few blogs you would like to know better.

1. Nicknames? Brie, Mer, Ster, Starski

2. Gender? Female

3. Star sign? Capricorn

4. Height? 177cm

5. Time? 00:26

6. Birthday? 24th of December

7. Favorite bands? AC/DC, Queen, Imagine Dragons

8. Favorite solo artists? uhhh Adele, Beyonce, Elle King, Frank Sinatra, Sia

9. Song stuck in my head? Toxic - Yael Naim

10. Last movie watched? The Boss 

11. Last show watched? Orphan Black 

12. When did I create my blog? January 2012 GOD THATS LONG AGO

13. What do I post? Stuff that I obsess over, makes me laugh, makes me think, etc
14. Last thing I Googled? when did I create my tumblr

15. Do you have other blogs? Yes, I have 2 others and they are so different from my main blog and each other that it’s insane

16. Do you get asks? Yeah, from time to time

17. Why did you choose your url? Okay so listen up. My url literally means: The act of employing all possible means to ensure you are the first one to reach alcoholic drinks. Lush rushers are usually found at parties with open bars.
THAT is why that’s my url

18. Following? 1147

19. Followers? 1523

20. Favorite colours? White, black and orange

21. Average hours of sleep? 7 hours

22. Lucky number? 8

23. Instruments? My voice

24. What am I wearing? Nothing atm lol 

25. How many blankets I sleep with? I have one of those double things where you can take one off
26. Dream job? I have no idea, just being a badass and the best at what I do.

27. Dream trip? All of Italy, but mainly Rome and Tuscany

28. Favorite food? A very good piece of meat, like a steak. Or anything Greek

29. Nationality? Dutch

30. Favorite song right now? Blurred Bynes - Willam, Detox, Vicky Vox
Thank you for tagging! I’m lazy so feel free to do this and say I tagged you lol
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clutzykat · 7 years
Because, above all, the mission of design is to surprise, to keep the imagination alive.
Yael Mer and Shay Alkalay, Raw Edges Studio
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decorfrontline · 7 years
raw edges reimagines the vitrahaus loft as a playful family home
New Post has been published on http://www.decorfrontline.com/index.php/2018/03/20/raw-edges-reimagines-the-vitrahaus-loft-as-a-playful-family-home/
raw edges reimagines the vitrahaus loft as a playful family home
influenced by their own needs as parents and creatives, shay alkalay and yael mer assembled a collage of products by vitra and artek to achieve a cheerful, authentic and true to life environment.
The post raw edges reimagines the vitrahaus loft as a playful family home appeared first on designboom | architecture & design magazine.
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connorrenwick · 7 years
Raw Edges Introduces Latest Tile Collections for Mutina
Italian ceramics brand Mutina recently released two new collections from London-based Raw Edges. Tape is brand new and includes eight patterns in a standard size square, while Folded XL expands on the original collection by going big by offering the pattern in large slabs.
Tape begins with standard black and white base tiles that feature eight modern patterns in five different shades. The small, colorful patterns lay on top of the raw tiles, at first hard to decipher until you get closer. Tape can be used indoors and out, and for both floors and walls, with an endless array of possible combinations.
Yael Mer and Shay Alkalay, of Raw Edges say:
We imagined this collection to seem as if it were made up of rolls of coloured shapes that rest on the raw tiles, creating different settings thanks to the vast number of possible combinations.
Just like the original Folded collection, Folded XL features the same look which resembles folded paper. Wanting to get rid of grout lines, they developed the XL version by creating two different sized slabs, thereby obtaining clean, continuous surfaces. The folded pattern is pressed into the ceramic tile surface via a machine to get the textured tiles. As with Tape above, Folded XL can be used both inside and outside, and on the floors and walls.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/05/raw-edges-introduces-latest-tile-collections-for-mutina/
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archiproducts · 7 years
Yael Mer & Shay Alkalay Raw-Edges talk about Tape, the new collection designed for Mutina. Tape is made up of several coloured patterns on two base tiles, one white and one black, creating different atmospheres in the same room and a soft blend of one pattern with the other: http://bit.ly/2yqtaBZ
All interviews at Cersaie 2017 → http://bit.ly/Cersaie2017talks
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ffschweden · 7 years
Klubbfotboll i USA är annorlunda. Det finns ingen tradition med föreningar som har lokala rötter och en lång historia som till exempel Stockholmsklubbarna Hammarby (1897) eller Djurgården (1899) eller Piteå IF (1918). Damfotbollen har visserligen kommit senare in i bilden, men den existerar i en förening med anor.
Föreningar i Sverige eller Tyskland har inte heller en ägare som skulle helt enkelt sälja sitt lag till den mestbjudande. Otänkbart att Hammarbys damlag skulle kunna säljas till en mångmiljonär i Haparanda som skulle importera alla spelare till Norrbotten och låter dem fortsätta spela, men nu i orangefärgade tröjor med namnet Haparanda Queens.
I England är det möjligt att klubbar byter ägare och de flesta stora klubbar vi pratar om, nu även i damfotbollen har utländska affärsintressen bakom sig. Där har affärsintressen tagit över och fotbollen har för gott blivit en del i en mycket större ekonomisk sammanhang. De so styr är inte alltid förtjust i fotbollen, men de ser dess affärspotential.
Så ägs Chelsea som bekant av den ryske finansmannen Roman Abramovich och det är i slutändan han som betalar Hedvig Lindahl, Magdalena Eriksson och snart även Jonna Andersson. Genom tröjavtalet kommer japanska pengar in i bilden från ett företag som sponsrar även basketball i USA och förstås bilsport från rallye till formula 1. Skor och tröjor kommer från ett amerikanskt företag med säte i Beaverton (Oregon). De har köpt loss Chelsea från ett tyskt företag som hade ett avtal med Chelsea som egentligen skulle ha gått till 2022.
Arsenal London och därmed även Arsenal Women där Jessica Samuelsson förhoppningsvis snart kan börja med rehab sitter visserligen fortfarande i stadsdelen Highbury i London, men det är affärsmannen Stan Kroenke från USA som håller 67% i klubben. Resten fördelas mellan en rysk och en iransk miljardär. 70-åriga Kroenke som skulle kunna kallas Jessica Samuelssons högste chef äger inte bara Arsenal utan bland annat (!) även hockeylaget Colorado Avalanche i NHL, fotbollslaget Colorado Rapids i herrfotbollsligan MLS och basketlaget Denver Nuggets i NBA. Kroenke är en mycket rik man som gifte sig väldigt rik för 43 år sen. Hans hustru är Ann Walton Kroenke som är en av arvingarna till den gigantiska amerikanska koncernen Walmart. Arsenals tröjor sponsras av ett flygbolag från Förenade Arabemiraten och den kommer från ett tyskt företag.
Manchester City där Kosovare Asllani har spelat och där Julia Spetsmark snart hör hemma är en del av den sk City Football Group som äger även Melbourne City i Australien och New York City i USA. City Football Group å sin sida äga av arabiska intressen, nämligen Abu Dhabi United Group Investment and Development Limited. City-gruppen köpte Man City av ett företag som kontrollerades av den fd thailändske statsministern Thaksin Shinawatra. 
Man skulle kunna fortsätta med alla andra engelska klubbar som nu har börjat investera i damfotboll. Liverpool ägs fortfarande av amerikanska intressen som köpte paketet för 300 miljoner dollar, i början av året fanns ju rykten att kinesiska intressen var beredd att pröjsa en hel miljard dollar för rubbet inkl alla lag och förstås arenan Anfield Road, men affären har inte gått i lås.
Det är med andra ord den utvecklingen fotbollen tar. Den har sedan länge blivit en del av affärsintressen där de som köper och säljer klubbar, lag, spelare inte alltid är verkligen intresserad i den dagliga verksamheten utan bara i avkastningar och varumärkets värde.
Det är ju därför Damallsvenskan tappar mark, det är även därför den tyska Bundesligan har tappat mark och kommer att tappa ytterligare speciellt mot Frankrike och inte minst England. Olympique Lyon kommer att vinna Champions League även den här säsongen och kanske även nästa. Men även deras dagar kommer att vara räknade när giganterna börjar pumpa in mer pengar i damfotbollen.
För fyra år sedan pratade jag med Chelsea-tränaren Emma Hayes en regnig kväll i Tooting i södra London och hon lovade mig att England skulle ha världens bästa liga om dem år (= 2018). Två år senare såg jag inga tecken på detta, men nu när nästan fem år har gått sen dess, såg man att Rosengård var chanslös mot Chelsea. Det kanske inte händer nästa år heller, men jag är övertygad om att det händer. Hayes förutspådde i vårt samtal att pengar skulle strömma in i damfotbollen i England och att med det skulle investerarna även kräva framgångar. Det är precis det som händer nu.
Nu händer någonting med det här inlägget som egentligen skulle handla om USA. Och då får vi komma tillbaka till USA. Där är ju något möjligt som inte ens är möjligt i Frankrike eller England. Lag flyttas. När familjen Sahlén slutade att investera stort i Western New York Flash flyttades hela laget till en annan delstat och förvandlades i North Carolina Courage.
Värst var ju när Washington Freedom med Abby Wambach, Ella Masar och andra storstjärnor köptes upp av affärsmannen Dan Borislow och fick bege sig söderut till Florida för att bli magicJack.
Nu händer tydligen ytterligare en storflytt. I veckan annonserades att NWSL kommer att ha ett nytt lag nästa säsong, en ny franchise som man gärna kallar det i USA där lag är först och främst en franchise. Real Salt Lake City heter den nya klubben och byggmogulen Dell Loy Hansen som är VD för Utahs största byggföretag Wasatch Property Management är mannen bakom detta.
Ännu inte bekräftad, dock mycket sannolikt enligt amerikanska medier, är att NWSL laget Kansas City FC slutar och att Real Salt Lake City i så fall tar över verksamheten och platsen i NWSL.
Becky Sauerbrunn, Amy Rodriguez, Sydney Leroux och fd KGFC-proffset Yael Averbuch kanske måste flytta drygt 1 700 km eller 2,5 flygtimmar mot väst och staten Utah för att fortsätta spela proffsfotboll.
  Varför Sverige tappar mark Klubbfotboll i USA är annorlunda. Det finns ingen tradition med föreningar som har lokala rötter och en lång historia som till exempel Stockholmsklubbarna Hammarby (1897) eller Djurgården (1899) eller Piteå IF (1918).
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