#y'all are sleeping on her
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tenrose · 8 months ago
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JUSTICE [110724] ~ DAMI
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raventrigonsdaughter · 2 years ago
Seras victoria is def the most underrated character in vampire pop culture cause how come this blonde 5'9 golden retriver puppy who loves everyone, gives people existencial crisis and rips nazis apart with her bare teeth is not more spoken about...
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It's been a while since I've screamed about this fic
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Here is it.
Do yourself a favor, read it today and cry. It's 4.4K and will completely destroy you.
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iwasbored777 · 9 months ago
I don't understand people who say that Gwen and Miles don't have to end up together just because they're a girl and a boy and how a girl and a boy can be just friends but at the same time those people claim that Gwen and Hobie most likely slept together when she stayed over just because they're...you know...a girl and boy, and that a girl and a boy can't be just friends...
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sp00pygal · 3 months ago
Phandom: obviously there's child endangerment at the Fenton household, so let's write/draw content about Danny getting X ghostly parent
Me: but uh - hey guys, what about jazz?
Phandom: who?
Me: *long sigh* Danny's older sister
Phandom: oh her! Lol, she's 16, practically an adult! She's fiiiine :)
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robintheantihero · 3 months ago
Lizzie will win Wild Life tomorrow. (I say while being dragged to a padded room)
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lostinthefrigginwoods-art · 1 month ago
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Zelda outfit number one out of I don't remember how many! Maybe I'll even draw them all! Who knows!
Composition high key inspired by pieces by @the-phantom-peach , love the way they do work. Also I've been into collages lately instead of like. My degree.
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clairedaring · 1 year ago
Nonkul and Bright's experience in queer media prior to I Feel You Linger In The Air
So... I've fallen down the huge rabbit hole that is I Feel You Linger In The Air (even though I was already down bad earlier this year when I finished the novels) since the airing of the series. I've tried my best to consume everything translated IFYLITA-related content and now I'm here to summarize a few points I love about the (immaculate) casting of Nonkul and Bright.
For Nonkul
Prior to IFYLITA, Nonkul has had a few BL-adjacent projects:
2014 indie gay film "Love's Coming", where he plays a friend of the gay protagonist.
2016 sitcom series "Bang Rak Soi 9/1", where he plays a student with a crush on his straight best friend (main character played by Tongtong, who you may have known from To Sir With Love or Khun Chai)
2019 chinese bromance "Dive", where he plays the 2nd main lead who develops "strong friendship" with the protagonist as swimming teammates
But IFYLITA marks Nonkul's first time playing in a BL series where he is the protagonist.
Back in 2021, Nonkul posted this Q&A video on Facebook, where he answered the question "If you have a chance, would you consider playing in a BL series? If accepted, who do you to co-act with?". To which Nonkul went on a full long discussion on how he doesn't view BL as a genre and talks about what kind of role he would want to play (full clip below).
If that series is an interesting storyline for me, I am always open to any kind of genre. I never categorized BL series as an BL series, I just think of it as a series with another plot as part of my work. It is a normal series that can have any of the plots which I will categorize as Romantic Comedy, Drama or whatever. Thus, when I choose the BL series I want to work with, the love preference of the character does not affect my decision. If the plot of the series is interesting, of course I'm gonna do it for sure. Every work that I chose, I personally think it at least enjoyable for me. Of course, if in the future, there are BL series with plots that I find interesting, that I enjoyed the script. "Like, wow, that's my type!", I will definitely selected it to be my future project. A good written series is a good series. This is what I believe as an actor. - Nonkul
For BL Series, I think I can work with everyone. I don't think I have anyone in particular. One thing! I desire the character of that person/actor? to be close to the character in the series. At that point I will be satisfied. Sometimes, I as an actor have a chance to work with people who didn't have a lot of acting experience. I will still discover something new from him as well. And there is a BL novel which I really like! [Nonkul explains the plot of his favorite BL Novel 'Peremo'] I would prefer to choose the "heroine" role because it will be a new experience for me as an actor because it will be a new experience for me as an actor. Because basically I only play as a hero role for the main character or support character in my work, but a "heroine" role in a BL series is the only chance for me to play a character more feminine. So it is a new experience for me. [Nonkul continues raving about 'Peremo']. But if you think that you can make [an adaptation of Peremo], please do not forget me, Nonkul! Pleaseeeeeeee, I will do my best, I promise!!! However, I'm not only fixated on this novel. I'm also open for many more BL series if there is an interesting plot. - Nonkul
Interestingly the 3 checklists Nonkul mentioned his dream BL novel/character 'Peremo' had was 1. playing the 'heroine' role; 2. it has a LOT of action; 3. it is also sci-fi fantasy genre. And then in 2022, Nonkul booked 2 action dramas and IFYLITA which checked off criteria 1 and 3 of his wishlist (he mentioned it in this interview).
In 2022, at the beginning of IFYLITA announcement event, Nonkul mentioned that one of reasons that he accepted to play Jom in IFYLITA is that the story didn’t just put love scenes in just for fan services. Previously he had rejected some series because of that.
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Nonkul read the novel prior to the acceptance of the role and you can tell he put a lot of care into bringing Jom to life (Nonkul immediately tweeting his apology after the pilot trailer is out about him accidentally using right hand to sketch (because Jom is left-handed), discussing various novel details with fans of the book at event, discussing how to punch Ohm like Jom would instead of punching him regularly as he would in other series, even giving book-film comparison commentaries in the BTS of the episodes)
Nonkul's physical and facial features are also so similar to Jom in the novel, especially his Chinese heritage is taken into account by the casting directors (Jom is also Thai of Chinese heritage iirc). Honestly kudos to P'Tee and co for snatching Nonkul.
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For Bright
Prior to IFYLITA, Bright has played a supporting male gay character in the CH3 Lakorn 'Rivalry' and starred in PP Krit's MV 'It's Okay Not To Be Alright'.
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But IFYLITA still marks Bright's first ever male lead role (ngl I was quite shocked when I found out about this because like the man is SIGNED to CH3, what are they doing?) AND his first official "BL" series.
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Bright also accept the role of Khun Yai after he went to buy the novel and read them.
Before filming, Bright practiced a lot to portrayed Khun Yai as close to the novel as possible (the way Khun Yai walks with hands behind his back, his posture, him speaking in the different local dialect...)
Here are some translated interview questions Nonkul and Bright did before filming IFYLITA for bangkokbiznews that I found really interesting and want to share (original Thai article) (translated by twitter user lingerair/eugust)
Question: How is your individual characters? How are they similar or different from you? (1)
Nonkul: Jom and I are very different. Jom has soft and sensitive part. He cried so many times, and often gets upset with things that if it's me, I wouldn't be upset like him but his tears is already flowing. Bright: Khun Yai is quite similar with me. He's calm and wise. It's easy to be Khun Yai when I read the script. I try to put myself as Khun Yai. I'm Khun Yai and Khun Yai is me. I always think like this to be able to moderately act as Khun Yai.
Question: BL series has become a powerful "soft power". What do you about this? (2)
Nonkul: To be honest, whatever entertainment media it is, I view all of them as soft power but can't deny that during this period foreigners are especially interested in Thai Y series. I think it's a good thing. In the end, no matter what kind of content they are interested, it's a pleasant thing. Bright: Bright agrees (to that) very much. There are so many BL series with many fans both in and outside of the country, thus I think that it's good quality soft power in presenting a lot of things. Such as "I Feel You Linger In The Air" has a lot of Thai culture incorporated it in. Nonkul: Since it's period (series), it won't look like we're forcing Thai culture into (the series). We want foreigners to learn about how was it during the era and how it affects the present.
Question: This novel has a lot of fans waiting, do you feel pressured in taking a role in this? (3)
Nonkul: There's a little bit of pressure but personally, when I've worked till this point, I'm kinda used to this. I can say that I already have some expectations (for myself) and receive some pressures as a motivation in working but I'm not that stressed by it. Bright: Similar to Non, I'm a little bit pressured but we will both do our best, everyone will do their best. Fans has expectations because they want to watch the adaptation. We'll do it in our way and we hope everyone'll likes it.
As a huge fan of the novel, I just love how much love Nonkul and Bright have for the original novel and the amount "homework", care and dedication they have to crafting their characters to be as close as possible. I really hope everyone who have reservation or hesitance watching I Feel You Linger In The Air because you didn't vibe with previous Dee Hup House’s productions, should still give IFYLITA a chance (or at least try watching Episode 6 & 7) because it is seriously unlike any previous DHH’s productions (in all aspects: plot, direction, pacing, cinematography, music, lighting, color-grading, overall production…)
For my post on Bright and Nonkul's preparation for IFYLITA
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pleather-breakfast · 7 months ago
Nauuurrr because I have to stan her for giving him back all that energy he's been putting out. Lisa got him together reeeaaalll nasty
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namusass · 1 year ago
i cannot describe how disappointed i am in you all. im watching Ballerina on netflix and i come to tumblr and you're all thirsting after the guy? the guy who is a serial rapist and blackmails women into slavery? why on earth would you go for that when there is SO MUCH SAPPHIC CONTENT??????? do better, im so serious, these gays deserve so much more content. i wanna see so many gifsets, so much fic, these women are GAY and IN LOVE Ok-Ju kills SO MANY DUDES FOR MIN-HEE
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fivewholeminutes · 1 year ago
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I took a notebook on a trip to my favorite place on earth and all i drew was eepies
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elitehoe · 11 months ago
Swerve signed the contract in blood so therefore Hangman's curse will not affect him. In this essay I will-
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cyberneticnipples · 4 months ago
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she took you back to her corpo plaza apartment (how the hell is she affording all of this) and is staring at you like this the next morning asking if you wanted to go get some breakfast (aka lunch it's definitely the afternoon) before her hair appointment or head out.
choices choices.
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0nemorestranger · 2 months ago
does anyone else see hellcheer having the same codependent unhealthy weirdly intimate almost toxic relationship that's usually reserved for stobin or is that seriously just me
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quietlyblooms · 6 months ago
memories that linger | love and deepspace
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there's always been something pushing against you. and not in the metaphorical, woe is you sort of way, but in the way that... well, you can't quite put your finger on it. there's nothing metaphorical about it, you think, but anyone else would swear it's just your luck. you believe that, too, when you aren't so displeased with the way things are going. there is something that tries to force your hand, change the choices you want to make.
you realize that sounds crazy. that's why you keep it to yourself.
you've stopped resisting the push so much these days. you feel it like a hand upon your back, urging you forward and into the hunter association's ranks despite your dream of publishing your manga. it feels simultaneously wonderfully right and terribly wrong, though the development of certain events quickly steals your attention away from that invisible hand. you want answers. you need them, and you'll march in whichever direction that leads you to them.
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additional details
in this verse, i'm writing chiyo as the mc and toying with the concept of past lives like the game does, though i may also sprinkle in a little itty bitty bit of fourth wall stuff -- like chiyo having the thought, " this is like a game, and someone else is making my choices. " as a treat <3
but the focus will be more on fate bc chiyo really hates it as a concept, and that's so much fun to write in this setting :' )
when interacting with other mc's, we can decide if we'd like our characters to just so happen to be in the same boat, having grown up with grandma and caleb, etc. if not, i have no problem writing chiyo in her main verse! there's plenty to work with either way and i'm happy to adapt!
bc chiyo's parents and grandmother play such important roles in her development, they're alive and well until wanderers kill them during chiyo's freshman year of high school. this event leads to josephine taking her in. she was a friend of the family and as good as a second grandmother to chiyo.
i'll likely think to add more when i'm not sleep-deprived and as i progress in the story, but if you have any questions, just let me know <3
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months ago
Hey erm can we get something for the dressage one? Maybe Gil is working very hard for a whole week without proper rest and one day thena comes in to check on Olympia and sees her resting on the ground with Gil leaning on her and sleeping?
"He is beautiful, in his own way."
Olympia just stared at her. The horse was lying down comfortably, nestled in among the hay Gil had been unloading all week. The man himself was actually curled up on some loose straw and tucked into Olympia's side, currently.
Thena tilted her head. She would never get this opportunity again, and she couldn't help but observe the fine details of Gil's visage now that it was open to her. And she couldn't be caught staring.
Olympia bumped Thena's head with her snout.
"Stop it," Thena whispered, keeping her horse's nose out of her business. "Don't wake him."
Gil had been working nonstop since their return from the tournament. It still seemed ridiculous to her that there was no one to help assist Gil, let alone cover his duties when he was away. It was part of his contract that he get at least some time off.
She had been trying to catch him at a good time all week. But all he had been doing was unloading hay and securing stables and caring for the horses. She had barely seen him at all.
Thena smiled as Gil turned over slightly in his pile of hay. "Some might say he's rather cute."
Olympia fixed one of her bulbous eyes upon her with a look of clear disbelief.
"Oh, shush," Thena scolded her own horse. She leaned against Olympia, running her hand down the front of her nose with a sigh. "I know you like him, too."
There was a time when she wouldn't have allowed herself to admit that she liked him at all. She could barely believe there was a time when she was determined not to like him at all. But he had won her over, as she imagined he was capable of doing with anyone.
Olympia let out a whinny, far louder than just a simple puff of air.
"Olympia!" Thena hissed at her, putting her finger up as if that were going to do any good with a horse. Gil stirred and she rushed behind Olympia.
Foolishness washed over her as she crouched behind Olympia's neck. Her face flushed. It was not only foolish of her to be hiding after spying on him, it was foolish of her to be watching him sleep like some creep. What was she supposed to say if he woke?
No, she wasn't watching him sleep because of some deep held affection she had for him. It was purely because she admired him as an equine caretaker, of course.
"Huh?" he startled upon his hay, looking around and then up at Olympia. "What's wrong, girl?"
He asked, but Olympia all but laughed at his panic. She adjusted herself, shaking out her mane. Her movement exposed the top of a head of blonde.
Gil rubbed his eyes. "Thena?"
She sighed, thunking her head against Olympia's neck. This little mare could be such a brat. Thena cleared her throat, hoping to compose herself as she rounded the horse's head to face Gil. "Sorry, I really was trying not to wake you."
"That's okay," Gil rushed to stand and brush himself off. He blushed, "S-Sorry, I shouldn't be sleeping."
Thena shook her head with a smile. "You shouldn't need to sleep. They're woking you too hard."
He shrugged, ruffling his hair (which shed a few hay twigs). "We got the hay delivery and the food delivery on the same day, which doesn't usually happen. But I gotta get them all sorted and put away before the temperature changes tonight."
Thena just sighed. It was an impossible amount of work for any one person. And if it were anyone but Gil, she doubt they would have gotten done what he had. "Gil, that's-"
"And now that tournaments are over, everyone's leaving for the season, so I've been trying to prep as much as I can before I have all the horses in all the time."
Despite the stables being on club grounds, it was rare to have every horse in all at the same time. And she couldn't imagine what it meant for Gil's workload to not have any time when the horses were out in someone else's care.
"Thanks girl," Gil thanked Olympia, petting her nose gently. "I guess I need to recharge my batteries a little."
"It should be more than a little," Thena raised her eyebrows at him. "When was the last time you truly rested?"
"Well," he drew out, avoiding her eyes boring into him. "I've been getting up early to try and premix the food and get all the hay to loosen, if need be."
"And what is early?" she inquired further, crossing her arms at him. She wasn't here to nag him like some put upon partner. But she knew that his days already began at 6 in the morning on a normal day.
"Uh," Gil avoided looking at her even more than before. It almost seemed unfair, since he could look over the top of her head naturally. "Well, like...4-ish."
"Gil-" Thena crossed her arms at him.
"Thena, really, it's okay," he attempted to minimise what he was doing, again. "It's just for the next week and a half or so. Then it's pretty smooth sailing until everyone comes back for the next season."
Thena continued to scowl, and not just at how her fellow competitors could somehow have the heart to leave their horses at the club for two whole weeks. She sighed.
"I slept pretty well, actually," Gil tried to laugh it off as he started crouching down to collect the loose hay. "I can-"
Thena all but elbowed him out of the way to grab a handful for herself. He just stared at her, stunned, but she glared right back, daring him to tell her not to. "It will go quickly with the both of us."
She walked decisively towards the pens with her meager armful of hay. It was a drop in the bucket, she was aware. Olympia followed behind her, although once actually in her pen she turned around, making it clear she wouldn't be assisting further.
"Thena," Gil attempted to reason with her as she passed him, moving an armful at a time while he had some heavier buckets of feed with him to leave outside of each pen. "You don't have to-"
"And you shouldn't have to do all of this yourself, but here we are."
Maybe he had no defense to that, but he continued on in his work as she continued with hers, no matter how inefficiently. As much as she would like to, she wasn't delusional enough to think that she had the physical strength to move the hay bales. But it only made her more adamant on doing whatever she could to help him.
"You are not staying here until all hours of the morning--or waking up at dawn," she huffed at him in passing, making her third lap. "You shouldn't even have to stay here when the club is in its off season."
"Well, that's kind of the whole room and board deal," he shrugged, watching her huff and puff past him again and again. "They provide the room and I board."
She rolled her eyes as she dumped the last of the loose hay that had been serving as their daybed at Olympia's feet. The mare then had the audacity to flop down again, as if so exhausted from all the work of watching them.
"Come to mine."
"Huh?" Gil looked up in the middle of grabbing the hose.
She had blurted it right out, and perhaps a bit impulsively at that. She and Gil had gotten to know each other better but she wouldn't say that they were familiar enough for him to come over to her home. But she had stuck out the invitation like it was nothing. She cleared her throat, determined to follow through. "At least for tonight, you can have a meal that's not made in the guest suite kitchen. And I come to see Olympia everyday even in the off season anyway."
Gil was quiet, and the idea that he would reject her invitation, even if just to be polite, actually made her heart jump around in her chest. He had put down the hose. "There's a lot to get through, tonight."
She didn't waver. "Then we should continue on."
Gil let her pass him again. "Can you cook?"
"No, but I'm on good terms with every delivery driver in the area."
Gil laughed, loudly enough to make Olympia shuffle around in curiosity. But he picked up his hose again and started spraying down the pen doors. "Well, if we get outta here too late, I'm pretty good at whipping up even the barest of ingredients."
Of course he was a great cook of human food, too, Thena lamented. She crouched, dragging a bag of dry food mix into her arms. Between these and the hay, at least she could somewhat lift these. Although, by the time she got even one carried over from the open barn to the pen hallway, Gil already had two hefted up on his shoulder. She swiped at some sweat on her brow.
"Show off."
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