#y’all I am the definition of giddy right now
notsolonelyygirl · 2 years
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murdrdocs · 29 days
always has been, always will be
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description. it was only a matter of time before you realized how hard you've fallen for your roommate.
includes. roommate!tyler owens, so much fluff, pining, appearance of reader's ex, protective tyler, sexual tension, copious amounts of pet names, minor display of anxiety, drinking,
wc. 3.5k+
a/n: before you ask, i am not opposed to a part two. no promises.
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You’re jolted out of a deep, and much-needed, sleep by the sound of bowls crashing onto the floor. You lay there for a second, trying to listen for any other sound while calming your racing heart. When nothing else comes, you grab your phone from the nightstand and through squinty eyes start to check locations. 
Your parents are home, your best friend is at work, and there—Tyler Owens, 0 miles away. His contact, the cartoonish drawing of him usually seen on a tee shirt, hovers right above the blue dot that represents you. 
The giddiness that instantly floods your body is embarrassing. It pulls you out of bed, somehow being the only thing to convince you to wake up on your day off, and drags your feet into the kitchen. You don’t bother checking your appearance on the way out, Tyler has seen you through your worst since he nursed you back to health during flu season, and he’s seen you first thing in the morning many times before. 
But when he lifts his head from behind a cabinet at the sound of your slippers dragging against the floor, the shock on his face momentarily scares you. Do you look like absolute shit?
It’s not until Tyler grins, luckily a split second later, that you relax. 
“Sorry,” he says, looking back into the cabinet and closing it with three ingredients in his hand. “Butter fingers.”
You yawn, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the island. “‘s okay. When did you get back? I thought y’all were gonna be in Missouri for a few more days.”
Tyler brings the ingredients to the island, settling them down in front of you on the other side. It’s then that you realize what he’s making. Brioche bread that’s about to expire, sugar, eggs, milk, cinnamon, a tub of fruit that definitely wasn’t in your fridge. 
The memory of the taste of Tyler’s French toast makes itself familiar at the tip of your tongue without your permission. 
“We were, but then Boone got a tip that there would be some action happening right back here,” he cracks the egg into one of your mixing bowls, “so here we are.”
Home. Tyler’s back home for the first time in weeks. He won’t be here for long, but that’s okay. It’s the deal you initially wanted whenever you talked to Tyler with interest in him being your roommate. 
It was nearly a year ago now, right at the end of peak tornado season of last year. Tyler had been in Arkansas doing what he usually did, wrangling tornadoes with the others with him. You knew who he was, it was impossible not to, especially living right outside of his hometown. But you had never crossed paths, not until your sweet, but meddling, grandmother—bless her heart—told you that the grandson of her Bingo partner was looking for a place to stay. Permanently. Or, as permanent as a home for a storm chaser could be. 
You were desperate, struggling financially and emotionally with a still-fresh breakup weighing on your mind. So when Tyler Owens swooped in with a brunch recommendation, promises to pay his half of the rent on time, and explanations that he would rarely be home during summer months, you jumped on the deal. 
You should’ve known that you would’ve developed a small crush on him, but that’s all it is. A small crush on a guy who was sweet enough to make you breakfast since he dropped in. It would surely go away soon enough. 
“How long are you staying for?” You’re already preparing yourself for heartbreak when you ask the question. Initially, you liked the idea of having your house all to yourself. All of the freedom, half of the financial responsibility. 
But when you and Tyler grew closer, you started to hate the summer. 
“Um…” he hesitates, adding copious amounts of cinnamon into the mixture while he drags the word out. Is he stalling? “A couple days. Maybe three?”
You try to hide your disappointment but Tyler is already trying to make you feel better. 
He looks up, mouth broken into a wide smile that shows his white teeth. “But I’m here to make it worth your while. Breakfast, I’ll take you wrangling with us if you’d like, and then Betsy’s on me. Yeah?”
The promise of quality time and fattening barbecue was enough to brighten your mood. 
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You knew you weren’t particularly fond of storm chasing, but you found yourself with the others anyway. And after an EF-0 where you prayed and clutched the harness strapped across your chest and Tyler’s hand across the console, you swore to yourself—and mostly Tyler—that you would never do it again. Even though the joy from the others was infectious and you found yourself giggling with Tyler when it was all over. 
Tyler quickly made it up to you, though. He called it a day earlier than you thought he would. You knew he did it on your behalf, but he pretended like it was a strategic decision. 
“Most of the action will be tomorrow anyway.” 
And he was probably telling the truth, but you saw the shock in Boone’s eyes as Tyler told the others that the two of you were going to split off for Betsy’s just when the day was getting started. He ditched the others for you, and it made your heart flutter. 
The two of you end up in a familiar place, seated in the back corner booth of Betsy’s. You’re nestled up against the window, wearing the sweatshirt you left in Tyler’s car months ago. You’re shocked he still had it, but he assured you that he would never give it away. And if he did, he would’ve given you a Tornado Wrangler one for free to make up for it. 
“Tell me what you’ve been up to while I was gone.”
You tear your eyes away from the window to look at Tyler. You shouldn’t be shocked that he was already looking at you, he was speaking to you, but something about the way he looks at you will always make your heartbeat a little extra hard for a moment. 
You hum, lifting your eyes and thinking. There’s nothing you’ve been doing other than trying to keep sane.
“There were a few weeks there where I almost bought a dog.”
Tyler’s eyebrows raise but he doesn’t seem opposed to the idea. “Really?” he asks. 
You nod, reaching out to take a sip from your drink. “Yeah. Someone in town had rescued a puppy and he was just calling my name.”
“What would you have named him?”
You hesitate, trying to keep the embarrassment from finding your face as you fix your lips to tell Tyler the truth. “...Wrangler.”
He grins and you’re already trying to do damage control. Tyler beats you to it. 
“You missed me that much? C’mon, sugar.”
The pet name almost slips by you in your haste. Almost. 
“That wouldn’t even have been why! You’re so full of yourself, Ty.”
“You make it so easy. Don’t blame me.”
Your laughter refuses to subside even when the waiter comes to check on you both. Tyler manages to tell her that everything’s fine, while also smoothly ordering your favorite slice of pie. You didn’t even have to ask for it. He just knew. 
By the time the order’s placed, you’ve calmed down a bit, taking small sips of water in an attempt to calm down the heat in your body. 
“A German shepherd…” He nods to himself. “Loyal. Intelligent. Good search and rescue dogs. I bet Wrangler would’ve been a good addition to the house. Someone to keep you company while I’m gone.”
You try to pretend that’s not the exact reason why you wanted a dog in the first place. “And I would’ve taught him to chew on the bottom of all your jeans.”
“Well, luckily I like the rugged look.” A second goes by. “What else were you doing?”
You shake your head, your way of telling him that’s it. 
“He didn’t come by again, did he?”
A painful kick meets your insides at the mention of your ex. You knew Tyler would’ve asked you about Beau since the breakup is what allowed Tyler to move in in the first place. He hadn’t ever mentioned him before, not until Beau showed up drunk one night and demanded you let him back in. It was a terrifying and embarrassing moment for you, but it also started the bond between you and Tyler. 
Unfortunately, if it weren’t for that night, you and Tyler would’ve never been as close as you are today. He wouldn’t have even known your pie order and you probably would’ve had a year-old dog for companionship by now. 
“No. I haven’t seen him since that night.”
Tyler nods, grinning up at the waiter as she brings your pie and Tyler’s banana pudding over. 
“That’s good. And the security system works well on the house, right?”
You nod in a response, sticking your fork into your pie. 
“I’ve been checking in periodically when I’m on the road. Testing the cameras. You’re giving the tomatoes too much water, by the way.”
You’re instantly on the defensive, abandoning the next perfect piece of pie that you’d just separated for yourself. Your eyes lift, settling on Tyler, but quickly you glance behind him, and shit. 
He’s here. 
Your face must drop or something because Tyler instantly sees that something is different. He quietly asks you what’s wrong, the same tone he uses whenever you’re sick smoothing over his words, but when you don’t answer, he turns around and looks for himself. 
He swears, already turning back around. “Do you wanna leave? If you go ahead out to the truck I can cover the check. Here, pull your hood up, and you can wear my hat—”
You shake your head, staring right back at Tyler and ignoring the pull that tries to get you to look at Beau. “No. Let’s finish our dessert.”
Tyler blinks, his lips parted. You can tell he wants to ask if you’re sure, but he doesn’t. He takes a second, staring at you, and then he sits back, clears his throat, and dips his spoon into his banana pudding. 
Your heart speeds up until it’s painful in your chest. You worry for a second, image after image of everything that could go wrong flooding your mind. Tears sting your eyes but you try to sniff them away, busying yourself with dividing your pie up into pieces that you don’t even attempt to eat. 
“Honey,” Tyler says, “eat your pie.”
You feed yourself a bite and are instantly reminded of you why like it so much. 
Tyler continues to talk to you about the garden, telling you that the conditions this summer weren’t really living up to last summer so the lackluster harvest from your tomatoes wasn’t necessarily you’re fault, but the entire time you’re simply praying that Beau will leave before he notices you. 
You glance his way multiple times, staring at the side of him as he stands at the bar, likely waiting on a to-go order. Briefly, you can’t help but miss him and the way he would always pick up dinner here on Sundays. 
It’s a Friday. 
You wonder what else about his routine has changed.
Tyler continues. “There might be better conditions leading into the Fall but truly, I doubt it. It might just be time to say goodbye to the garden for now…”
You nod, mindlessly eating pie while Beau grabs his bag and turns around. You should’ve looked down or at Tyler because as soon as he turns, he looks at you. 
He lingers for a second, staring, and you do the same. Beau smiles, tight and friendly, and lifts a hand in a wave. 
You do the exact same, not giving more energy even though something in you wants him to come over and speak to you. 
Quicker than you can realize, Tyler turns around and throws up two fingers in a wave to Beau. Beau leaves not long afterward, and you can’t help but wonder if he thinks you and Tyler are dating now. 
The idea is appealing. 
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“Why does it always take you so long to get out of the car?”
“You don’t have to wait, just go inside.”
“Now that wouldn’t be very chivalrous, would it?”
“Thought chivalry was dead.”
Tyler scoffs as if you’ve offended him. “As long as I’m alive it sure ain’t.”
You purse your lips to fight off a smile. “You sound like Boone.”
“He’s my brother from another mother for a reason.”
Their twin-like synchronization will always be equal parts weird and admirable. 
Tyler watches you struggle to put your boot on, holding the door open for you the entire time. You really do feel bad that you’re taking so long, but midway through the drive your purse opened and spilled its contents out onto the floor. That, paired with your tendency to get really comfortable in Tyler’s truck, has you taking longer than usual to get out of the car. 
Tyler stood silently for the first minute, but after that, he’d—rightfully—grown frustrated. 
“Okay, almost done. Just looking for my lip gloss.”
You hear the tension in Tyler’s voice when he responds. “Just leave it. I’ll find it in the morning.”
You squint, searching under the seat through your spread legs. “You’ll forget.”
When you jump out of the car, he seems excited, until you bend over and peer under the seat with a better look. Tyler sighs but you ignore him. 
You swear you’ve almost found it but then it comes out of nowhere—a crack of thunder that resounds throughout the sky, immediately followed by rain pouring down. There are no warning drops, it comes out altogether, but Tyler acts quickly. 
He pushes you into the house, treating you like you’re in the military, yelling “Go! Go! Go!” against the sound of rain. 
By the time you get inside, you can feel the damage done to your hair. You’re already wincing, looking into the mirror in front of the door, turning your face this way and that. 
“If you weren’t taking so long—” Tyler doesn’t get to respond before you’re glaring at him through the mirror. He throws his hands up in surrender, but they soon drop to your waist instead. 
Just this casual touch warms your chest. 
“You look fine,” He reassures, even though your hair textures are different in multiple spots. But he says it like he means it, and not like he’s just trying to make you feel better. He stares at you through the mirror, his body right behind yours. 
You give up trying to fix it, besides there’s not much you can do without products and tools. Instead, you turn around, watching Tyler easily slip off his boots. You do the same with yours, placing them both together by the door. 
It looks right. It is right. 
Just as right as Tyler’s suggestion of popping open a bottle of wine and throwing on reruns. 
He tells you about the storms they’ve been chasing while you pass the bottle back and forth, occasionally stopping to criticize the actions of the characters on your TV as if this is the first time he’d seen this. 
It’s not until you’re three episodes in and trying to fight off the wine sleepiness (and horniness) that Tyler turns to face you. 
“Hey,” he says, resting his hand on your ankle that sits right beside his thigh. “You doing okay?”
At first, you don’t understand the point of the question. “Yep. Trying not to fall asleep.”
He smiles as if he shares the sentiment, but still shakes his head. “‘s not what I mean. After earlier, are you okay?”
“Oh. Yeah. ‘m fine, Ty. Thanks.”
He doesn’t press it anymore. 
“Sorry I’ve been gone.”
“You don’t have to apologize. It’s what we agreed on.”
“I know but it doesn’t feel right leaving you here all alone.” 
“I’m fine, Tyler. Seriously.”
“I know, I know. You can take care of yourself. But I like taking care of you, too. I like being here for you.” 
You turn to face Tyler, staring at the way the pink lights of a commercial illuminate the side of his face. He looks so honest as he usually does, but there’s something in his eyes that you haven’t seen before. Maybe it’s always been there, but you hadn’t been looking for it. 
Now, it’s plain and simple, sitting right there for you to do something with. 
Just as you’re about to do something, Tyler turns back to face the TV. You push away the dismal feeling that threatens to crawl up your throat. 
It fizzes away a bit whenever Tyler rubs his thumb over your ankle. 
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You feel like you’re dreaming. Maybe you are. Maybe you dozed off on the couch to Tyler rubbing soothing circles over your ankle and the arch of your foot while you both mindlessly watched reality TV. You glance down at your hand, seeing only what you’re supposed to be seeing, and then you look back up at Tyler to see what you shouldn’t be seeing. 
You’ve lived in denial for a while. It’s been easy to pretend that you didn’t like Tyler because there’s no way he could like you too. He’s just a gentleman, raised right by his momma, and that had always been the explanation. Tyler’s upbringing explained why he was so eager to risk the flu just to help you out, why he drove an hour just to give you a jump when your battery died, why he taught you line dances until you were a puddle of sweat on your living room floor. Why he ditched his friends to hang out with you, why he briefly abandoned his one true love—tornado wrangling—to give you a day he thought you deserved. Why he punched your ex without any hesitation at the first sign of disrespect.
But Tyler’s upbringing didn’t put this look in his eyes. A look so defined that you cannot deny it anymore.
Both of you stand in front of your bedroom doors, backs turned to the wood in order to face the other. Tyler stares down at you, eyes lidded with bags beneath, but no less infatuated.  
He doesn’t say anything. He just looks. 
You speak first. 
“I missed having you home, Ty.”
This surprises him. He tilts his head, letting the surprise show on his face as his eyebrows raise and his eyes widen. “I knew you did, honey bun. But what happened to loving the place all to yourself?”
You shrug, trying to be nonchalant even though your feelings are anything but. “Turns out that’s boring and too quiet. I miss your chaos.”
“You miss my chaos?” He nods as he says it, astonishment on his face. “And that’s supposed to be a compliment?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes, turning around, and reaching for your door. “You knew it was a compliment, asshole.”
He’s laughing through his apology. It’s as lighthearted as your chastising. 
He extends his arms, wrapping them around your body and hugging you from behind. You don’t mean to meld with his shape as quickly and easily as you do, but maybe that’s the thing. It’s natural for you to fit yourself right into Tyler, just like it was natural for him to fit himself right into your life.
He hums, resting his chin against your head. 
“I missed you, too, love bug.” Ugh, the nickname. He makes it sound like you’re in love with him. 
(Are you?)
You spin around in Tyler’s arms, doing so easily with the space he gives you, but then he’s right back on you, arms wrapped around your shoulders and your head resting on his chest. 
You have your arms wrapped around his waist, breathing in the soft scent of laundry detergent, outside, and his cologne all melding on the cotton of his shirt. 
You sigh, content with what life has given you. 
When you say, “I’m glad you made it home”, it comes out naturally. You feel it deep within you, glad that whatever divine intervention or luck was on your side to bring Tyler back safely. 
When he agrees with an earnest, “I’m glad I’m home”, he says it like he means it too, and you’re sure he does. 
A moment goes by and Tyler calls your name. You hum, waiting for him to say something as you lazily blink at him. 
“If I asked to kiss you, what would you say?”
Your answer is quick. “I would say yes.”
Tyler nods. “And if I asked you to come spend the night in my room, what would you say?”
You think about it for a second, trying to ignore the fluttering in your stomach and the way your heart has kickstarted. “I would say no.”
His face falls. You pick it back up. 
“My room’s better.”
Tyler smiles through his annoyance, already stepping towards your bedroom. You lead him in, one hand on the doorknob as you continue to face him. His hands find your waist, holding you steady and close to him as you both enter your bedroom. It’s not until you’re both standing in your room that he pushes his lips to yours. 
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qtkoshi · 1 year
Maybe gn!Reader and Hobie adopt a kitten and the other three (Pavitr, Gwen, and Miles) come to see the kitten? Maybe a orange kitten gn!Reader wanted to name Spunk or Spike while Hobie gave them a spike collar? Would be cute lol
i luv ur brain anon
"you got....a kitten?"
- ok ok idk if this is what u meant, but u can feel free to run this with the bubblegum reader + hobie bc i think it fits alright :-) - also get a little deep with describing relationship,, but it’s necessary for the plot ! (...) - also!!! tysm for the requests; i am very excited to get into them, but will prob wait till tmrw to release bc it is my birthday today <3 much love to you all
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──★ ˙ ̟ to the stars !
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general headcannons
alright first of all: hobie with a kitten? i’m in tears. 
i love the hc that hobie has a soft spot for cats and the fact that y’all got one together? bye.
this cat is gonna be SPOILED in attention i tell u rn
hobie isn’t as obvious ab it as u, but the amount of times u see him chilling with the cat just perched on his shoulder?? (why are u taking the baby swinging across the city hobie; wait a min now–)
how u got him
imagine this: ur walking past an alley and hear this small little meow; after further investigation you find this tuft of orange fur crying outside the dumpster and
now u gotta take it in what r u talking about!!
bringing him home immediately ; hobie's spidey senses prob picked up the cat's presence before you got in the door.
'baby what's that.' 'c'mon spiderman we got saving to do'
man can't even argue with you
hobie not naming the cat himself bc he doesn’t wanna enforce socio-constructed labels on an unsuspecting creature that can’t consent
u can tho.
and while you very much want to, you tell hobie you gotta think on it for a bit – it has to fit just right!! (tbh he rlly doesn’t mind the cat being nameless, but he’s kinda whipped and will kinda go with what u want if it helps give that pretty lil smile to him again)
spider-squad finding out ab him
the besties r wrapping up something with a fight and hobie’s all k gotta leave and check on the cat and the rest are like ????? 
pav absolutely floored bc how dare did u not mention this sooner hobie
'so you lot wanna come see him?' (inter-dimensional travel ensues) – also never gonna complain ab coming to hobie’s house they all think his place is dope
i’m sure we all know orange cats are fucking crazy and that does not exclude the little gremlin jumping off the walls of your flat rn
hobie ofc is smirking bc his son the cat is a little agent of chaos and he couldn’t be more proud 
you, on the other hand, are just a little tired trying to get the fucker to stay still for a second so u can put on the damn flea medicine
everybody loves him are u kidding (miles a little hesitant tho, he still has beef with the last spiderman-variant cat he met :/ ) 
“so whats its name?” miles was watching with wary eyes as the little ball of fur darted around. with a heavy (and definitely not dramatic) sigh, you walk over to the group “still haven’t picked. we just found him yesterday.”
luv the idea of hobie looking at u anytime ur in the room (stay with me now) — can’t help it u just grab all his attention, maybe stop being so lovely idk
speaking of your relationship: he has spent years battering against everything life throws at him that having your love in the palm of his hands? something to protect not in the way he does as a hero, but in the way to cherish as a person?? give the man a break, he deserves to admire you whenever he can.
anyways hobie’s looking at you before going ‘oh yea’, just grunts and pulls out this little collar with little spikes and their matching and oh my that is so cute
says he found it in some garbage, most def made the collar with some scraps like he did his own (gotta keep it cool yk)
you giddy and putting the collar on the little heathen and just all ‘omg wait a min’
promptly lifting the cat up and “THIS IS SPIKE.”
cue golf claps from the squad with some ooo’s and aah’s
more gen headcannons
remember when hobie and the cat were swinging around the city? yea he's taking that mf everywhere. puts him in his pocket like a little surprise
hobie loves to play fight with the cat
spike is the perfect mix; got hobie’s energy and your brightness it’s a win-win
i could write more but i'll stop here for now 🕸️
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seventeenreasonswhy · 26 days
Same Team! A YJH Office Romance Pt. 8
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Idol!Jeonghan x ProductionStaff!Reader
You’re serious about your job, but not as serious as Yoon Jeonghan is about flirting.
~3.8k words
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Series Content: slooowwwwww burn, fluff! but with tension!, cute flirting!, will-they-won’t-they vibes!, did I mention tension!?, some alcohol consumption, appearances by all of the members, reader is shy and gets flustered easily!, jeonghan is jeonghan-ing!
Chapter Content: kissing / making out / suggestive content (SFW, but MDNI, please!)
My Masterlist
Author’s Note: okay, things are HEATING UP Y’ALL! Thank you to everyone who has read this series!! I am having such fun with this pair!! I hope you enjoy this part, even tho it is long! Sorry!! Content gets more mature, but nothing super explicit—however MDNI!! Just in case!! I'm planning two more parts after this!! ENJOY!
Taglist: @yeoberryx @clownprincehoeshi @soffiyuhh  @wonwoos-wineparty @hamji-hae @junniesoleilkth @seokqt @haniinah (lmk if you want to join the taglist!!)
Even you found it hard to concentrate on work over the next few weeks. No one had ever distracted you as much as Yoon Jeonghan. Being in the same room as him had made you nervous before, but now there was an added layer of giddiness, mixed with anxiety over anyone noticing whether something had changed between the two of you.
You were sure to always greet him now, but didn't want to go overboard... You were still being cautious about the whole situation.
The line of text in your contract prohibiting romantic relationships of any kind between employees flashed before your eyes over and over again, making the pit of anxiety in your stomach grow every time.
"What's gotten into you lately?" Jiyeon sneered at you as you collected footage from the day's dance practice. You had been hunching further and further toward your computer screen, misplacing two large video files in the wrong folder and having to dig for them again. You hardly ever made small mistakes like this, and you knew it was bad if Jiyeon had noticed.
“Sorry, I’m not sure—” you said awkwardly. She rolled her eyes.
“Well, if you’re not feeling up to Fashion Week next week, I’d happily take your place.”
Oh my god, you thought, that really is next week. You would be on the same plane, in the same hotel, attending the same events as Jeonghan... You couldn’t even attempt to hide the smile that swept over your face.
“What are you smiling like that for?” Jiyeon was still scrutinizing you. “It’s so creepy.”
“Ah, nothing,” you said, trying to reset the look on your face, “I’ll be okay for Fashion Week, don’t worry.”
Jiyeon let out something between a sigh and a groan and headed to the editing bay with her hard drive, leaving you to freak out in silence over how on earth you were going to handle being that close to Jeonghan over so many days. There would be other members there, too, but you had been assigned to Jeonghan’s entourage. You wondered what he was thinking about it... Was he looking forward to it, too? Your stomach felt like it had flipped over inside you at the thought.
But, then it hit you—you hadn’t told him whether you definitely wanted to pursue this or not. The answer felt so obvious to you, but you were still worried about your job. But, how could you say no to Yoon Jeonghan? Were you an idiot? No, this was about more than just what you wanted... you had to do what was right for both of you...
You were in the midst of this mental battle when you felt someone lean over to look at your desktop screen.
“Ah, don’t use that frame—I look too weird, nuna,” Jeonghan was so close to you that you felt his hair tickled your cheek, making you practically jump out of your skin and rocket away from him on your rolling chair.
“Jeonghan!” You blurted. You quickly looked around to make sure that no one was around. Jeonghan just chuckled at you.
“It’s okay, nuna,” he said, unable to contain his amusement at your reaction, “there’s no one here.” You looked up at him, flustered nonetheless. You’d said hi to each other, but you hadn’t really had a proper conversation—about your feelings, or about anything else, really—since he told you how he felt last week. You felt your face getting hot immediately. He was looking at you, smirking still, now leaning against the edge of your desk. He had on his dance practice clothes. You hadn’t been able to take your eyes off him during the practice. He wasn’t exactly known as the best dancer in the group, but his skills were underrated in your opinion. He was so smooth and captivating... you might be biased, though.
“What are you doing here?” you said.
“I came to see you,” he said, “why else would I be here?”
“I’m still working on this—” you said, even though you had technically finished.
“That’s okay,” he said, “I want to get you dinner when you’re done.”
“Ah, you don’t have to!” you said, panicking and feeling overwhelmed by how casual and sweet he was being. Did he not feel anxious about this at all? What was going through his head?
“Nuna, I think we should spend more time alone together so that you can start to relax,” he said in a low voice. He sounded sweet, but there was something velvety and... dangerous(?) in his tone that made your heart start to hammer out of control. You knew he had a point... it wasn’t like you wanted to be jumping out of your skin every time he came near you. But you genuinely couldn’t imagine ever calming down around him.
“Okay,” you relented, starting to gather your things.
“Yay!” Jeonghan said in a cute voice, making you want to just forget everything, squeeze his face between your hands, and kiss him over and over again. But you just laughed at him instead.
“Wah, nuna has such a pretty laugh,” Jeonghan said. Jeez, is he going to be like this all the time? You wondered.
“You’re crazy,” you said, as the two of you walked out of the production office and made your way to the parking lot. You figured that most of the staff and the members had gone home, but you were still wary, even turning down Jeonghan’s offer to carry your stuff.
“Nuna, why are you so bad at taking compliments?” he asked. He was walking slightly behind you, so you couldn’t see him looking you up and down as you walked ahead. And, mercifully, he couldn’t see your face flush an even deeper shade of red at his question.
“I’m not bad at taking compliments,” you said, “you just say them so... randomly—they catch me off guard.”
“Ah, I see,” Jeonghan said softly. “I’ll be more careful.”
“That’s not what I meant!” you turned suddenly, making Jeonghan stop short inches from your face. You immediately jumped backwards, overwhelmed by how close he was. He smiled even wider at your reaction.
“I don’t bite, I promise,” he said, not taking his eyes off of you. All you could do was turn around and walk even faster toward the car, trying to outpace your own nerves. Jeonghan had to jog a little to catch up with you.
“Nuna, it’s not a race!” he said, pretending to whine as you approached his car.
“Let’s take our time and get to know each other over dinner,” he said once you were in the passenger seat.
“I’d like that,” you said before you had time to think over your words. You kind of surprised yourself, even. Jeonghan looked over at you, his eyes gleaming with something like smugness.
“Ah, are you warming up to me, nuna?” he teased.
“Maybe,” you teased back, folding your arms in front of you. He couldn’t help but laugh at your pouty reaction.
“God, you’re cute,” he said. You looked away to hide your blatantly pleased reaction, embarrassed at how flirtatious he was being, but he could see you holding back a grin and it filled him with an even stronger urge to tease you.
Jeonghan drove you to a restaurant not far from your apartment. You’d walked by it a few times but had never had the time to stop in—even though they were open later than most places near you. It had a warm and cozy vibe, and there were almost no people there at this hour, which filled you with relief.
You sat down at a table at the back, and Jeonghan ordered an array of dishes for you to share.
“I like that sharing food here is so common,” you said when the dishes arrived.
“It’s not common in the States?” Jeonghan asked, filling a plate with a little bit of everything and then handing it to you.
“It’s not not common,” you said, “there are certain places that are ‘family style,’ where sharing food is expected. But you don’t see it that much at a typical restaurant.”
“That sounds so sad,” Jeonghan said. “Food is meant to be shared.”
“I agree,” you said, taking a few bites.
“Ah, I like that you eat well,” Jeonghan said. You became embarrassed at the thought of him watching you eat, instinctively covering your mouth with your hand.
“I guess so,” you said sheepishly.
“It’s a good thing!” he said, “Nuna! Take the compliment!”
“Thank you very much,” you joked, bowing to him. He chuckled at your taking his bait.
“What’s nuna’s family like? Did you eat ‘family style’ growing up?” Jeonghan continued to eat, watching you as he slurped his noodles.
“No, quite the opposite,” you said. You didn’t have a rough childhood by any means, but your family wasn’t exactly warm and fuzzy. “Both of my parents worked so much, we didn’t have much time to eat together.”
“Ah, that explains your work addiction,” he said, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Addiction!” you repeated, finding the word choice funny for some reason. Jeonghan gazed at you. He couldn’t help but smile at seeing you laugh more openly than he ever saw you laugh at work. It eased his mind, filling him with a sense of hope that you might get even more comfortable around him.
“You’re so serious about your job,” he said, “it’s impressive.”
“You’re impressive!” you blurted out without thinking.
“Ah,” he said, shaking his head humbly, “I’m not, really. I don’t think I work nearly as hard as some of the other members.”
“That’s not true!” you said adamantly. Jeonghan was a little taken aback at your strong reaction, so much so that you swore you could detect a blush creeping across his face for once. Seeing him get shy like that made your heart swell with such undeniable affection—and that was it, your decision had been made. It had been made before he’d even confessed his feelings for you, really, but seeing him so close to you—sharing such a simple but intimate act together like just eating a meal... it was so obvious.
“I’d like to keep seeing you, Jeonghan-shi,” you said. “I want it more than anything, actually.”
Jeonghan stopped mid-bite, staring at you. His heart throbbed at your straightforward gaze. You were looking directly at each other, both of you wanting to preserve this quiet but decisive moment, like a page turning.
“Wah, nuna...” Jeonghan said, putting down his chopsticks, “...that was so hot.” He smirked at you, your face getting even warmer than before, as if that were even possible. But you didn’t care anymore. How could you have even hesitated? You were so head over heels for this man in front of you, in his baggy dance practice clothes and his perfect skin even with a bare face... You wanted so badly to hold him, to kiss him...
“Chogiyo!” Jeonghan turned suddenly, flagging down the server. “Can we get the rest of this to go?” You stared at him.
“Are you leaving?” you asked, bewildered at this change of plan.
“No, we’re leaving,” he said.
“And going where?”
“Look, nuna,” he said, “I’m sorry to get impatient, but I want to be alone with you right now. Can I please come up to your apartment?” He spoke in a low, almost sinister, tone and your heart all but stopped. You hadn’t anticipated this at all. Ridiculously, your mind flashed to the sparse and impersonal feel of your apartment. Suddenly you were conscious of every dish left in the sink and piece of laundry on the floor... But you weren’t going to make the same mistake twice.
“Okay,” you said.
“Just close your eyes until I tell you to open them,” you pleaded with Jeonghan. The two of you stood outside of your apartment door. You were fumbling with the keycode to unlock the door, distracted by Jeonghan standing right behind you, one of his hands resting on your hip while the other dangled the plastic bag of food from the restaurant.
“Nuna, I don’t care how messy your apartment is,” he whispered in your ear, making you giggle at the tingling sensation of his breath on your skin.
“I can’t have you seeing my place like this,” you said, matching his tone as you turned slightly. His face was so close to yours that you snapped your head away by reflex, finally crashing through the door. You took off your shoes and immediately started running around the small space, picking up any stray item in sight.
“Whoa, are you a minimalist?” Jeonghan said looking around.
“You’re not closing your eyes!” you said desperately. Jeonghan couldn’t help but laugh at how frantic you were being.
“Okay, I’m closing them,” he said, covering his face with his hands as he stood by the door.
You gathered whatever laundry and clutter you could find, throwing everything into the tiny hallway closet. You straightened out the bedspread on your air mattress (which you had yet to replace with a real mattress, even though you’d been living here for months). You fluffed up the pillows on the small couch at the other end of the room, trying to make the atmosphere slightly more inviting. But he was right—without the clutter, you wouldn’t know that someone lived here. Considering how much time you spent working, this apartment was basically just a place to sleep at the end of the day.
“Uh,” you hesitated, “okay, you can open your eyes.” You sat on the couch, and Jeonghan shucked off his jacket, taking a seat next to you. He wasted no time getting close to you, draping one arm over the back of the couch, boxing you in—his eyes determined and probing. You were so flustered and overwhelmed that you immediately stood up.
“What are you doing?” he laughed at you, taking his hand in yours and attempting to pull you back down to his side.
“Do you want something to drink?” you asked, almost shaking with nerves.
“That’s not a bad idea,” he said, smiling sweetly at you.
“I have some soju!” you said.
“Perfect,” he said softly, his eyes never straying from you. For a moment you felt like he might be talking about you instead of the soju. You swore he kept gazing at your mouth... But you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him long, the look he was giving you made you so exasperated. You brought the bottle of soju from your fridge along with two glasses back to the couch, sitting on the floor between the couch and the low table that functioned as your dining table, desk, and coffee table. Jeonghan watched you, his hand floating up to play with your hair as soon as you sat down, making you giggle out of nervousness again.
“Nuna, relax,” he said softly, brushing your hair sweetly between his fingers before leaning down now to take the glass of soju from your hand.
“I’m sorry,” you said, quickly downing the soju and burying your face in your hands.
“It’s okay,” Jeonghan said, also downing his soju and sliding down to sit beside you on the floor. You were so close that you could almost feel his breath, the faint scent of peach from the soju still on his lips. He was looking directly at you, and you decided to push through your anxiety and remain where you were, resisting the urge to back away from him out of panic. His face was slowly getting closer to yours, his gaze dropping slightly... Your eyes matched his, taking in his beautiful features up close. You were sure that he could hear your heart pounding out of control.
But you didn’t have time to worry much longer, because before you even realized it, he had closed the gap between you—and you felt his soft lips against yours, the taste of soju fresh on his skin.
You were so shocked that you forgot to close your eyes, and for a moment, you were frozen—the feeling of his lips completely absorbing any thought you might have. He pressed his mouth into yours softly, and soon you were returning his kiss. You felt his hand move to cup the side of your neck—his thumb running along your jawline as he deepened the kiss slightly.
You let out a soft moan involuntarily, breaking away from him before you could stop yourself.
He kept hold of the side of your neck with one hand, adjusting his seat so that he was facing you more fully. He took in the look of utter shock and bewilderment on your face, making him smile. You were a little older than him, but you were still so innocent—it drove him insane with desire. But he didn’t want to push it too far. You were already so willing to go along with what he wanted; he thought it was only fair to give you some time for your brain to catch up.
He rested his forehead against yours and you let out some mixture of a sigh and nervous laughter, unable to suppress the smile stretching across your face.
You licked your lips, savoring the feeling of how they felt against his, before you reached up to also take hold of Jeonghan’s jaw, guiding his mouth back to yours. Jeonghan took this as permission to unleash more of the frustration that had been building in him for months, since he first laid eyes on you.
You felt his free arm snake around your waist pulling you into his lap. Your mind was completely lost in the feeling of his lips. He’s good at kissing, you thought, the supple feeling of his mouth, his hands, his grip on your waist completely absorbing you. Your arms wrapped instinctively around his neck, and you felt his tongue run along your bottom lip before he nipped at it softly, eliciting a soft sigh from you. You couldn’t help but open your mouth slightly, inviting him in. The feel of his tongue sliding against yours made your breath catch, the sounds of your kisses and sighs filling the tiny room.
The more he kissed you, the more lightheaded you felt, and you started to feel like you might lose your mind...
“Jeonghan—” you murmured his name, pulling away from him to catch your breath.
“Mmm?” he murmured as he dipped his head, trailing soft kisses along your jaw, then down your neck, making you shiver with pleasure. His lips sucked softly on the space just beneath your ear, and you let out a small yelp of pleasure.
“Nuna, you’re so responsive,” he hummed against your skin. You could feel his lips curving into a smile. “I love the noises you make.”
“Stop teasing me,” you panted, gripping his shoulders. His muscles were so taut, you wanted to run your hands all over his body... to feel the trim muscles and massage away any tension that he might have...
You felt something familiar threatening to overtake you, a warm throbbing sensation pooling in the pit of your stomach as Jeonghan continued to kiss your skin languidly—his lips sticky and sublime. He could feel your rapid-fire pulse beating against the delicate skin of your neck as he kissed you. He could also sense himself starting to get carried away, unsure if he could stop his cock from growing hard before you might notice.
“Wait a second—” you panted, gently tugging Jeonghan’s face away from your neck, “you can’t leave any marks, Jeonghan.” Jeonghan pouted up at you.
“But I want to keep kissing nuna’s pretty neck,” he whined like a little kid, diving back into the crook of your shoulder to resume servicing the sensitive area just above your collarbone, making you moan softly.
“Kiss my lips instead,” you whispered, and Jeonghan let out an almost exasperated sigh.
“Well, when you put it like that,” he murmured, before pulling your face toward his, twining his fingers in your hair and pressing into the nape of your neck as he kissed you even more aggressively than before. You let his tongue into your mouth almost immediately, savoring the feeling of his eager lips against yours, moaning contentedly at his obedient change in position.
You lost track of time, completely subsumed by the feeling of his tongue against yours, trying to ignore the obvious arousal starting to gather between your legs.
You were never one to move this quickly, but you were finding it hard to contain yourself...
Jeonghan pulled away from you, his hands gripping around your waist firmly as he lifted you slightly off of him, moving to stand while effortlessly bringing you with him, starting to guide you toward the air mattress on the other side of the room.
“Ah, Jeonghan!” you said suddenly, reality colliding into you as he pushed you onto the mattress, his body on top of yours. “Wait!” There was a slight edge to your voice that made Jeonghan stop right away.
“What’s wrong?” he asked tenderly, gazing down at you below him. He thought you looked absolutely stunning... But your face was flushed, and the look of panic in your eyes told him clearly that you weren’t ready to go further. Not tonight, at least.
“Nothing,” you said, trying to keep your cool, but you couldn’t hide your frenzied expression.
Jeonghan ran a reassuring hand against your cheek, planting one last kiss on your forehead.
“Let’s pick this up some other time, nuna,” he said, shifting his weight so that he was seated next to you. You felt a slight drop in your stomach... some odd mixture of relief and disappointment coursing through you.
“Oh shit, it’s late,” Jeonghan said after looking at his phone. It was indeed late, and you were scheduled to join BSS on another sponsored content shoot early in the morning. “I’ve kept you up past your bedtime.” Jeonghan smiled slyly at you, and you got up to fetch his coat.
“I don’t mind,” you said, “I’m sorry—I just, I don’t know—that I—" you couldn’t find the words to explain your hesitation when it came to this kind of thing. You felt so lame, like there was something wrong with you... this was Yoon Jeonghan!! Why were you being so weird about this!?
But you were brought back from the anxious thoughts creeping into your mind when Jeonghan’s pillowy lips landed softly against yours once more.
“It’s okay, nuna,” he said, stroking your face with his gentle hands, “I’m glad I got to be with you like this.” He spoke so softly and sincerely, your heart felt like it was going to fall right out of your chest.
“Thank you,” you said, softly back.
You watched Jeonghan walk to his car. He waved at you before driving away... and it would take you hours to fall asleep, sure that you had just lived some kind of dream.
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When You Weren’t Looking — pt 10/?
description: obi-wan takes you on your first official date <3
warnings: language, just fluff :,)
a/n: ok idk what the FUCK this is and why it took me so long, like it’s not even that great ok but here it is and it’s my first song fic hehehe. also im pretty sure y’all can guess who i’m talking abt at the very end…
words: 2,433
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"Professor Kenobi,"
"Yes, my—"Obi-Wan quickly cleared his throat, eyes darting around to see if any other students were lingering after class that were close enough to have heard his near slip-up, "y/n?"
"I just wanted to say that I thought your lecture was very exciting today," it wasn't just an excuse to come over to his desk and flirt; you actually meant it.
"Ah, thank you very much. If you want, there are a couple of books in my office you can borrow on the subject," he looked around one more time. When he found that the lecture hall was now completely void of anyone else but the two of you, he was able to let his guard down, his shoulders visibly relaxing and his eyes softening, his admiration for you now able to clearly shine through his irises. He continued, voice less hushed this time, "But if you're not just making up excuses to come up here… " he teased.
"Are you calling me a liar?" you raised a brow, a smirk playing on your lips.
"I would never," he leaned in ever so slightly, naturally drawn to you. "and since you aren't a liar, and you truly are interested, there are some movies based on the book. If you wanted to watch them together…"
"ooh, yes! that sounds fun," you straightened up in excitement. Obi-Wan matched your energy, getting a high every time he made you giddy or happy, the highest accomplishment he could ever achieve, in his opinion.
"I'd say tonight, but there's someplace I was already thinking of taking you,"
"An actual…"
"Yes, a—" he cleared his throat, "y/n l/n, I would like to take you on a date. I apologize. I think it's been long overdue. Would you allow me?"
You tapped your chin, pretending to debate your answer before giving your real one, "yes!" he came around to you and placed his hands on your arms, running them up and down before kissing you. It was quick and sweet, as all your out-of-office interactions were. The idea of being able to even look at each other for longer than a second outside of those four walls had you giddy. "Can I know where we're going?"
"Absolutely not," he tapped your nose before gathering his briefcase and other things.
somewhere where I don't have to hide from everyone that you're mine
And so here you were, scanning your floor, trying to find a single outfit you didn't hate right now. Every piece of clothing you own had been ripped from your closet and added to the spread of fabric covering every inch of carpet in your room.
Obi, you're cute, but am i dressing for dinner or night swimming dammit.
The plethora of clothes beneath seemed almost offended. Eventually, you decided that, whatever it was, you were gonna play up everything you had with or without clothes. Once you pulled on an outfit you'd worn before, one that skimmed your hips just right and offered just enough skin to tease.
wow, i'm evil.
Your loth cat, Artoo, watched the rest of your rather hectic process of picking out shoes, jewelry, everything. You felt an uncalled-for amount of judgment coming from the animal, so you shooed him away. Even his wordless reaction made you freak out even more. The only thing that calmed your anxiety in the slightest was when you opened the door to be met by a suddenly speechless Obi-Wan.
It seemed that your outfit worked well, as he swallowed thickly at seeing you. It wasn't just your outfit, though; no, it was something else. After all, he had seen you in this skirt and these shoes before, he'd been under the skirt for fucks sake, and as much as you'd like it to be, it definitely wasn't the overpriced exfoliator and body oil you used. Your body looked like a dream, but the look in his eyes when he saw only your face said something you couldn't decipher, and neither could he.
He had finally found the muse, the answer to all the poetry he had written in his journal, and yet he couldn't find a single word in those pages to describe the real thing.
"Obi," You waved a hand in front of his face.
"Sorry. You're just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, my dear one,"
"You don't have to say say that," you blushed.
"No, if I'm taking you out, the one condition is you have to accept the compliment,"
"Whatever," just rolled your eyes with a smile until he tilted your chin up with his hand to kiss you sweetly.
"Ah, I've never met anyone so sweet," he said with playful sarcasm. Your conversation continued into the car, a perfect blend of teasing and talking that was so natural between you two. While you wouldn't mind talking about everything and nothing for hours, Obi paused to tell you to close your eyes. He said it a little too urgently to where you clapped your hand over your face with a slap and a little screech, genuinely alarmed by his sudden request.
"Oh, uh, shit, darling, not that hard," he sounded concerned, but you knew he was smiling without even having to look.
"You can just yell directions out like that!" you huffed, "but I did listen pretty well,"
"You always do, y/n," If the lowered tone of his voice wasn't enough, the hand now placed on your thigh gave away his double-meaning. "and I have another one for you," he spoke as you felt the car come to a halt and the sudden silence of the engine turning off. "keep your hands over your eyes,"
"Wow, Obi, this is kinky," you smirked. You knew that wasn't what was going on, but you couldn't help but explore the idea of being blindfolded with him in other ways.
"We can discuss that later," he helped you step out, holding your elbow to steady you when you wobbled out, still blind. Much to your relief, he gave you permission to open your eyes as soon as you were upright beside the car.
Everything glittered, the hand-crafted jewelry that filled tables, the string of lights hung from the trees to light the way and your eyes in complete wonder. It was an art fair, something you mentioned a while ago, which he evidently remembered. It was slowly becoming clear that he took every word you said and tucked it away in his heart for later. A fluttering feeling built up in your stomach from knowing that this man adored you just as much as you adored him. You squeezed Obi-Wan's hand, a little giddy to be there and with him. You looked up at him and hesitated.
"Well, go on!" he told you. You smiled brightly and pulled him with you towards the first vendor. He didn't expect to have to catch up to your stride, but you couldn't be stationary for long, wanting to see every painting and creation that these people had to offer. While he certainly appreciated the myriad of, well, everything. From large life-like oil paintings to bongs shaped like a juice box, he was content to watch your reactions. Your face changed every two seconds based on whatever you were looking at. Your eyes went wide at some of the art, and you would squint to see the details of the others.
You didn't forget about him, of course, pointing out things you thought he would like.
"Obi isn't this cool?" you pointed at a figure carved out of krayt dragon teeth like one he had in his office. "Oh woah, look at these book covers!" they were rebound books, many of which were classics that he was very fond of.
He eventually led you around for a bit when he found something he really liked. He never let go of your hand the whole time unless you wanted to handle a trinket or try something on. One thing in particular that caught your eye was a small locket with a gem encrusted on the front.
"It's a corusca. They're very rare, only mined in a few places like Yavin Prime," the vendor told you when she saw how you were staring.
"All the way from Yavin Prime? Wow," you responded, picking it up to feel the chain in your hand.
"Yeah," she smiled, "My brother makes a living off mining and trading them,"
You looked up at her, the delicate necklace dangling from your hands. The way the gem was faceted and caught the light and the metal detailing was so well done— the girl selling it had talent.
"How much is it?"
You tried not to let your reaction show when you heard the price. It wasn't exactly within your price range.
You're pretty, but I'm college poor.
Your face fell just a bit, then you remembered where you were and who you were with, and all your troubles and thoughts fell away because you didn't need anything other than Obi-Wan's hand in yours, warm, a little rough, and large— perfect for yours. You moved on to the next stall after thanking the girl first, of course. While sifting through a small bowl of rings, Obi let you know he was going to the bathroom with a few quiet words in your ear. With a nod from you and a kiss to send him on his way, he walked around the corner.
Once you were satisfied with your purchases, some graphic tees and a tiny loth cat shaped candle for you, podracing posters as his gift to anakin, a variety of teas, and a ring for Obi-Wan (which he secretly only bought because you had made an offhand comment one time that he looked hot wearing them) you walked back to the car leisurely. You were in no hurry to leave the sanctuary found the arm he had circled around your shoulder as you leaned against the soft sweater that covered his chest.
As always, the moment was destined to end, but this time it led to another; one different than the ritual of packing up your things and closing the office door behind you.
Another sound followed the rumble of the engine turning as Obi-Wan turned the key, one much sweeter. The song already playing on your phone had connected to the car's speaker.
“My love must be a kind of blind love. I can't see anyone but you,”
The words filled the vehicle's interior, and the echoing style of the lyrics playing made the experience ethereal. This song seemed to be written for this specific moment, here and now.
"Are the stars out tonight? I don't know if it's cloudy or bright,"
It was the soundtrack to the look being shared by two lovers whose eyes closed when they leaned into each other to share a kiss. Even then, they could see each other, the true versions of each other that only they would ever experience.
"I only have eyes for you, dear…"
The growing familiarity between the feel of the other's mouths mingled with theirs made the taste of a kiss even sweeter. There was no space between their lips, physically or emotionally. And yet it wasn't enough. The car console was the only thing between the rest of their bodies, and Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't bear it.
"Darling, would you step out of the car, please?" He whispered, knowing that his request sounded a little weird. You gave him a confused and borderline offended look. Did he just ask you to get out of the car?
"Please?" He asked once more, straining just a bit to place small kisses along your neck to let you know his intentions were still sweet as ever. You let your eyes flutter closed with pleasure and followed his instructions just after.
Once both of you stepped out and walked around the car, meeting in the front. After a moment, the car lights turned off, but the music played on, the moon now your only source of light. The silvery glow caressed the features that each of you so loved in the other. That was your world now. Nothing but the moon and each other existed.
"The moon may be high, but I can't see a thing in the sky,"
His hand slid around your waist to rest on your lower back. It took your breath away. Even though it was something he had done many times before, this moment was different. It was so... intimate. An arm hung loosely around his neck while the other was extended to lace your fingers with his as you slowly began to sway.
"I only have eyes for you…"
The way the whole world slowed just for the two of you, nothing but the music playing from the car and the night air surrounding you. There was a liberating lack of fear that someone would walk in on you or find out about your little secret, and you intended to savor it.
"You are here, and so am I. Maybe millions of people go by, but they all disappear from view,"
The two of you took your time bestowing your affections on the other. Your hands slowly roamed, smoothing out the fabric of his shirt beneath your palm, feeling the planes of his body. He preferred to trace up and down your spine with the tips of his fingers, giving you chills. He stopped to kiss the crown of your hair before letting his forehead drop so it pressed to yours. You smiled as you felt the vibrations in the air from his low humming. You joined him, but not for long before the two of you began to laugh a little at yourselves. When the noise became once again limited to the music playing, he looked into your eyes, and you could see something change, something good. Before you could think about it, his hands were cupping your face, and his lips were brushing against yours. It only took a moment for you to melt into him completely. It wasn't hard when you were with someone so willing to hold all of you when you did so. Your lips moved in rhythm, enjoying the sweet taste and feeling of being so connected.
"And I only have eyes for you,"
Nothing could ever break the way you two were drawn together, depending on each other to keep yourselves in orbit…not even old lovers.
@bakerstreethound @heyhawtdawgs @mcbenson25-blog @heyitsaloy @stanny-uwu @venus-armote @ohworm-writes @songoficecreamandfireworks @tairbutstronger @thedarthpancakes @marierg @tinkerbellthebard @laughingstarryeyes @zanzann
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obabayangu · 1 year
When You KNOW You Lyin'
August 8th, 2023
Y'ALL! Tell me why I'm STILL single? 😒Smh. I aint too mad about it tho...not anymore. After having fifty 'leven coming to Jesus meetings with my father, I have understanding now. Wanna hear what I came up with? Wanna hear my conclusion?
Lemme clear my throat *AHEM*
"God is hiding my man from all of the hoes out here and for that, I am grateful. He is not withholding my man from me to torture me and see me suffer. God knows my desire to meet my mate. So he's hiding him for a good reason and I trust him. My man is NOT delayed and is on the way!"
Sounds good right?
Chile, if only you knew how long it took ME to convince ME of what I wrote above. But, we gone get into allat. First, lemme update y’all and then bring it on back:
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Yea my last post? Don't mind that. I thought about deleting it but, I'm supposed to be "transparent" so y'all about to get ALL this ghettoness! Just trust the process sis and watch the testimony unload. But, y'all know I'm not shady. I'll address the last post, and all the other posts relating to the man I dated recently. My last post was just apart of the breakup. To keep it a buck, I thought that I was writing about my husband 🤷🏾‍♀️ and WONT! 🤣 You know when you're at that point in the breakup and you start desiring dumb stuff, even if it doesn't make sense? So you express dumb things like "I want this no good man even tho---lemme stop. He was NOT not no good. He just was not what God, shoot, even what I wanted for me. And I knew that chile, smh. From the giddy up. But you know how you get real desperate and feel like all the real mens of GAWDT evaporated? Yup. So I settled, BIG TIME. Like I said, he was a real good man. But just not God's best for ME and my preferences. So now I've got 2-3 cringy posts--don't worry, its apart of the testimony--but, they're up here and they profess LIES that I KNEW were LIES when I wrote them. Like Girl, how do you compromise on your DEALBREAKERS? 🙄 And then romanticize it up smh. Just tried to write them out hoping to make it make sense and make him fit into the man that I truly desired. Yup. Definitely "my bad". But, he did us both a favor and did what I could NOT do and chose NOT to do, and cut it off to put us both out of our misery. Chile, when I tell you that relationship won't IT. Sis, smh. The connection alone that I desired NEVER arose. And I felt that the WHOLE time, and STILL stayed? Just settling in the UPmost ways possible smh. So all the posts below this, romanticized LIES girl. And I knew while writing them that that man wasn’t who I wanted—WHILE WRITING “This man is exactly who I want” 😒 But again, it's alright. Just apart of the testimony. Now what was I saying? Oh yea, this ghetto'd down singleness
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Sike--lemme stop playing and stop speaking like that over my singleness. Has it had it's ghetto'd days? YES INDEED!!!! And a LOT of them recently. Sis, I have been struggling HARDT in my singleness lately, harder than I have EVER struggled in my adult life. I'm talking about me tryna mind mine and Satan whispers "You single." Like will you SHUT-UP!
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But, like I said, after a DEEP coming to Jesus meeting, I had to sit down and evaluate what was going on with me.
What’s Really Good?
I discovered 3 things:
I idolized wanting to be in a relationship
I was being tricked by Satan's lies
I was faking rather than owning my funk.
Idolization- Not cute. It’s an easy place to fall into and when I noticed the overconsumption of thoughts revolved around my singleness, I let God have it.
The DECEIT- Y’all. The enemy lies SO MUCH, it’s “ludacris”. LUDA 🗣️ I had began to believe big fat lies about my singleness to the point where sometimes I’d leave church, crying, because not one man of God, in the Lord’s own house, even looked at me let alone approached me. After leaving certain environments alone, instead of walking away unbothered, I’d walk away believing that because my husband wasn’t at that venue either, that it’s gonna take an even longer time than anticipated, to meet him. I’d believed that God was withholding my man from me on purpose to do a prolonged test on me, while seeing me in pain, and I believed that I need to prove to God that I was unbothered in order to receive him already. All LIES sis! I debunked almost allat with 2 simple verses:
Habakkuk 2:3 “—If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”
‭ Psalms 84:11 “—The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”
And these 2 verses alone held so much power and called out the enemies LIES! Sometimes, you gotta talk back to your situation with the TRUTH. Make sure that what you’re saying about your situation lines up with what God says about your situation. So after recognizing that Satan was lying to me and trying to discourage me, I had to deal with the back end of it.
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Sis. I am SO happy for all the happy, occupied, unbothered, single women who are “focusing on them”, “waiting patiently”, and “not looking” for their husbands”. Cause guess what sis? THAT AINT ME! Yet, I thought that I had to abide by this recipe to somehow “trick God” into blessing me with my husband if I just did and “acted” like how all of the mature Christian women did. I thought for sure then he’d just show up “right when I least expected it”. Cause this is what they preach, right? This is the posture single women should sit in to receive their amazing men of God. Y’all. I’m done faking THAT funk. Somewhere in the middle of my meeting with Jesus, I had a revelation that I’d been trying SO hard to “act” like my singleness doesn’t bother me and “act” like it’s okay but that’s simply not my story. Singleness is HARDT y’all. I am EAGER to meet my husband and can’t wait to involve him in my non busy life! But I am conquering through this thang, with God’s help. So this is me, sharing MY story of singleness, and maybe yours too. I may not be sitting pretty & patient like all of the other good Christian church girls keep telling me to do, but instead, I’m gonna walk through the TRUE challenges of my testimony—while waiting on my husband lol. So sit back, relax, grab your popcorn
and your edges
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cause chile, this ride is about to be CRAZY! But worth the wait!
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lcandothisallday · 2 years
Red Carpet Lovers Part 2 - Jack Harlow x f!reader
part 1
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“Oh my God!” one of the interviewers exclaimed, a shocked yet excited look appearing on her face, bringing the mic back up to her lips. “Jack Harlow and Y/N L/N just walked back onto the carpet hand in hand!”
The second you and Jack stepped on the red carpet, he grinned down at you and gave your hand a squeeze. “No going back now mamas,” he whispered into your ear. You couldn’t help your smile as you pull your hand out from his to wrap your arms around his neck. “Wouldn't change this for the world J,” you hum, having to lean up to press a light kiss to his lips despite the heels you were wearing. 
Instantly the camera flashes began as people called your names from left and right, the fans standing behind the barricades screaming and cheering at the both of you. You pull back and pose next to your boyfriend for a few photos before La La calls out to the both of you.
“C’mere you two!” she exclaims, grinning widely as you and Jack both chuckle and slowly approach her on the platform. Jack, being the gentlemen he is, holds your hand as he assists you up the stairs so you don’t trip. “Hi!” she exclaimed. “This is a surprise!” she laughed, pointing at the two of you.
You can’t help but giggle as you hum and nod, your hand slipping into Jack’s once again. “Um yeah I guess,” you breathe out.
“So how long have you two been dating?” La La asked, wanting to be the first to get the inside scoop. “About half a year,” you confirm with a smile, your response causing La La’s eyes to widen. “Y’all were able to keep it on the down low for that long?! Impressive,” she chuckled.
Jack smirked as he leaned into the mic to speak. “Seeing her in that dress--phew--don’t think I could’ve held up appearances of not dating anymore,” he mused, looking at you with the most adoration, his hands moving to your waist as his taller frame stood slightly behind you. “Can’t keep my hands off of her.”
Your cheeks instantly warm up, having to bite your lip to contain your giddy smile. La La lets out a hearty laugh as she nods, “she does indeed look absolutely stunning! Speaking of-what are the both of you wearing tonight?”
Jack puts his hands up in surrender playfully before he points to you. “Ima let the model speak on it,” he laughed. You giggled before you turned back to La La. “We’re both wearing Givenchy. I love his suit-it’s very sleek and very reminiscent of the time and he just looks undeniably handsome in it,” you grin. “And it’s just a pleasure to work with them again. I love the silhouette of this dress and the cut is stunning with the diamond detailing it--I couldn’t pass it up.”
La La grinned. “Well you two are definitely the it couple right now! You both have a very exciting couple of months ahead of you. Jack with your album coming out and Y/N with next month’s Vogue cover--how do you two manage that?”
Jack licked his lips before taking a moment to contemplate his answer before he leaned in once again. “You know-I think we both obviously wanna work hard and give everything our best but we also kinda have to remember to take a step back at times and just enjoy this journey... but we’ve got each other’s back,” he mused.
“Okay final question...and you know I have to ask...” La La began slowly. “’Come home the kids miss you’... does that allude to anything?” she asked, her eyebrows wiggling as she looked at the both of you suggestively.
Your eyes widened as you let out a laugh, your cheeks heating up. “I can confidently say no,” you giggled, but your statement still firm. Jack couldn’t help but laugh too as he shook his head, his arms snaking around your waist. “I don’t think she’d let me put a baby in her anytime soon,” he confirmed once again. “I think everyone just needs to wait until he album comes out. No speculation.”
“Fineee,” La La groans playfully. “Well it was very nice speaking to you both and I am very excited that the two of you went public because I don’t know how much I needed this,” she gestured to the both of you. “Until I saw it,” she laughed.
“Thank you! Have a good night,” you smile, Jack also bidding her goodbye before he helped you down the steps for you to walk off and take a couple more pictures.
“I love you ma,” Jack hums, peppering a soft kiss to your neck before he posed in front of a camera with you. “I love you too J.”
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singular-braincells · 2 years
ayato kamisato i will open my wallet just you for just pls come home
anyways, modern au university slice of life thing because i can. sorry about how childe’s is so short compared to the others, i am ed sheeran phobic. also, not proofread i wrote this mostly before work lol.
diluc, itto, and childe x reader (modern university slice of life au) (gender neutral reader)
barista!diluc who knows your drink orders by heart. you tend to rotate between your usual drinks based on what you’re doing that day. if you happen to be running errands that day, diluc knows that you’re going to order a water based drink for the weather. if you showed up to the cafe with a large binder in tow, he knows to brew you a cold caffeinated drink to keep you focused long enough to get your work finished before he has to close up shop. while taking orders from customers, he cannot help but look up every now and then at the way the afternoon sunlight hits your face and your notes sprawled out on the table. the man is incredibly shy, but the small conversations y’all have are enough repeat endlessly in diluc’s mind. someday he’ll work up the nerve to ask you out properly or at the very least leave his phone number on the next cup you order next time you pop in. 
baseball player! itto who at every single game he plays makes it a point to dedicate at least one home run to you after he asks you to tutor him in precalculus. his coach threatens to bench him off if he doesn’t get his grades up. his professor tells him to seek out one of her past students, and she points him in your direction. itto recognizes you from one of his other classes since you sit right in front of him. so after multiple days of begging and nudging from your past professor, you agree to help itto. other students had labelled him as a rough, tough, resident mean guy, so you were expecting the worst. what you weren’t expecting is a goofy, humorous, overall definition of himbo guy. after that, y’all remained very good friends. you go to his games and he stays late after his practice to walk you home after you stay late writing articles for the university’s web article. it’s a win-win for the both of you. you get a friend to walk home with you in the evenings and itto gets to spend hours looking at you while you type away at the school computer labs. 
swimmer!childe who looks forwards to seeing you in the stands at his swim meets. he knows you’re only there to get action shots and other images for your article about the swim team advancing to nationals again this year. he can’t help but get giddy when you approach him after his freestyle swim, camera in hand. you ask him if you could get a picture of him for your article and interview him about his thoughts on making the nationals again. when you ask him to stand for a portrait image, he cannot help but flex his muscles just a little and give you a charming grin. “did you need an autograph too, my little reporter?” you can’t help but roll your eyes. “no, but if you’re busy i can always interview someone else.” you turn to one of his teammates and he frowns playfully. “now that’s not necessary, now is it? I’ll answer all the questions you have for me.” you can tell this is going to be one long interview
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mirahuyooo · 3 years
Birthday Boy | ksj
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Birthday Boy
— in which, Jin’s birthday is here and soft hours ensue.
Word Count: 1,700 Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader Content/s: slice of life, FLUFF, established relationship, JIN, sOFT!JIN, special appearance of maknae line as your bday surprise henchmen, S O F T H O U R S, it’s jinnie’s bday aAAAAAAA
this is definitely not me going on about how much i love him for his birthday no mamsir i am DEFINITELY not mush after all of this wholesome scene AHAHHAHA anyways, enjoy reading everyone!
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The day had taken a lot out of you both, but none of that mattered now that the two of you were in the comfort of your pajamas and a spontaneous movie night. Limbs entangled together, you and your boyfriend idly watch the movie playing on the screen while surrounded by haphazardly thrown in pillows and snacks.  
You constantly glance at the clock, waiting for the clock to strike midnight—to strike on his birthday. Though your eyelids grow heavier, you persist. This was the very beginning of your plan, of course. What good will the rest of it be if you don’t start it right?
Alas, the down side of you forcing yourself awake was that it made your mind quite woozy. You find yourself looking up at Jin, eyes following along the shape of his face—his utter beauty that must’ve been sculpted by the gods themselves. “Why are you so pretty?” you slightly slur, haphazardly shoving a popcorn or five into your mouth. “It’s really not fair for the rest of us.”
If you had one more brain cell awake, you would’ve noticed how your sudden commentary takes your boyfriend aback, tearing his attention from the movie to yours. He had expected to half-heartedly scold you for complimenting someone else in his presence, but Seokjin finds you in his arms, not ogling at your celebrity crush on screen, but at him.
You find it still hard, honestly, to think that you have such a man to yourself. “How did I manage to bag you, huh?” you muse once again, using a bit of energy to lean closer to him. “What’s your secret?” you whisper as if it were all confidential information. “I won’t tell anyone, I swear.”
Jin, in spite of his reddening ears and face, pulls a cocky shrug. “I was born with it,” he sassily says, before his eyes soften just a tad bit, “and for the record, I bagged you and you got yourself into this, so there’s no room for argument on that one, sweetie.”
A grin makes it to your face at the memory of Jin’s confession to you three years ago. It was true. You agreed to endure a relationship of hardships to be with this man, and you have yet to regret it and give up. “So, we’re stuck with each other, then?” you playfully tighten your hold around him as if to entrap him
Seokjin laughs, wrapping his arms tighter around you as well. “I’m afraid so, jagi,” he says, pressing a kiss onto your cheek. “I don’t plan on letting you go any time soon—or at all.”
The giddy onslaught of butterflies those words sent you made you more giggly in your delirious, sleepy state. “Good,” you affirm with a nod, “That’s good.”
You glance at the clock, seeing you were about five minutes away from tomorrow. Stalling time and Jin, you cuddle him for a minute or two to let any suspicion pass, and with three minutes left, you begin to unwind yourself from his arms.
“I gotta pee,” you tell him, patting at the arms that were encased around your waist. Your boyfriend lets go, but whines in the process about you ruining the cuddle moment. You lightly smack him with a throw pillow to the face, cackling as he dramatically screams at your traitorous act.
“Yah! (Y/N)! Do you not love me anymore?!”
“The boys are sleeping,” you shush him as you grin at his antics, but your boyfriend only pulls a sassy, ridiculous face at you.
Do you not love me anymore?!
That is not at all true.
For instead of the bathroom, you headed towards the kitchen. The box weighed heavily in your hands as you set it onto the counter. Upon opening the top flaps, you were greeted by the hard work you slaved over a few hours ago. Sweet dollops in shades of blue decorate the surface, and atop were words written as best as you could in white frosting.
Happy Birthday.
“Noona, is it ready?”
You look up from the cake, nearly startled at Jungkook’s sudden presence. The young man grins like a bunny, in his hands holding his present for Jin (it was long and big, like a stick you can whack someone with) and a silly birthday hat.
Jimin and Taehyung peak from behind him, just as excited. “Is that the cake?” Jimin asks, stepping closer to inspect your work. Taehyung, on the other hand, leans closer. “It looks good!” he tells you, rubbing his hands together as if he can’t wait to dig in.
These were your little helpers for now, with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok held back still, and not able to make it back on time. No worries on that part, however, because a group dinner will be happening later in the day.
“Thank you, thank you,” you grin, quickly putting in the candles and handing it to one of them as you rush to the doorstep where you had hid your gift in your coat. You head back to the kitchen to gather with your small army of lads, doing a silent check of everything. “Alright, boys,” you take a deep breath, “let’s do this!”
You earn yourself a hush but chaotic cheer from the members, before springing into action. Armed with the banner, hats, cake, and presents, you all march up towards Jin’s room, where the faint sound of the movie still plays. By now, that sleepy side of you was gone, replaced by an eagerly anticipating (Y/N) that can’t wait to see her boyfriend’s reaction.
Having left the door ajar after you excused yourself from your boyfriend, Jungkook easily slides his hand inside to switch the lights open. Jin, visibly startled, drops the RJ he was cuddling in your place, looking around for whatever the fuck it was that decided to scare the daylights out of him. “Yah!” he exclaims, “What’s going on?!”
You all chuckle as you start singing happy birthday to him with you leading slowly as Jimin assists in lighting the candles. Taehyung and Jungkook swarm in, quickly hooking the banner up and putting the silly birthday hat on Jin. Your boyfriend’s delighted laughter fills the air.
Closer and closer, your heart pounds as you deliver the cake to your boyfriend. “Happy birthday, happy birthday!” you all sang, “happy birthday, dear Jin!~”
You cheer as Seokjin blows out the candles. Jimin takes the cake from you and sets it on the nightstand. “Did you make a wish?” you ask Jin with a beaming grin, coming forth to squish his face.
His eyes are glassy, you noted, but he blinks them away and scoffs sassily. “Of course!” he gloats, before looking at the cake fondly, “Did you make this?”
You nod happily. “Do you like it?” you muse, tugging at the string of his hat. “Does it look okay?”
Your boyfriend gives you a comforting squeeze on the hand. “It’s perfect, jagi,” Jin tells you, but then takes a look at you in a teasing manner. “Is this why you wouldn’t let me into the kitchen earlier?”
Avoiding his eyes, you could only laugh with him and the boys at your own reaction. “So,” you move the topic along, looking at everyone, “should we eat the cake now?”
The invite earns you excited cheers and you hear Taehyung declare getting the plates and knife for everyone. Jimin and Jungkook set up a vid call with the three members for a short moment.
All the while, Seokjin starts receiving messages from his family and friends, three of which were already messages from the three members who weren’t present. He sends them back his thanks, before pulling you into his arms and mushes his cheek against yours. “Thank you,” he says, making you giggle and sink into him further.
“You are most welcome, birthday boy,” your voice sounds muffled by his sweater. You would gladly die smothered by him and his cuddles. Craning your neck a little, you press a kiss onto wherever it can land—his jaw, apparently.
Taehyung storms in with the plates and utensils. “I’m back!” he announces.
Your boyfriend makes space on his desk. “Are we really going to eat here though?” Jin complains, “You’ll leave crumbs all over the place.”
You assure your boyfriend as you help him make room for the cake on the desk as well. “We’ll clean it up before sleeping. Don’t worry.”
Jungkook, jumping off of the bed, starts another chorus of greetings. “Happy birthday!” he says, and the cheers of it echo from around the room. He starts by giving his gift first.
Jin takes the gift with playful spite. It turns out to be a new fishing rod—long, big, and something that you can whack someone with. “Thanks, brat,” he tells Jungkook, lightly bonking his head with the end of it.
You step forth to give your own gift, a box that held a little figurine you put together with a friend of yours. It was Mario and Princess Peach on the moon in a pose similar to a photo you and Jin took on Halloween dressed as the two characters a few years ago.
Watching Jin stare at it with awe makes your heart swell. You comparatively weren’t as rich as them, but you surely wanted to leave a memorable impression from your own heart and efforts. “Happy birthday, Jinnie,” you smile warmly.
“He’s crying!”
“Aigoo, what a baby!~”
“Jin-hyung, it’s alright!”
One by one, the maknaes circled him, patting the birthday boy’s back jokingly while Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok shout their own teasings from the phone. “Shut up!” your boyfriend tells them, wiping at his tears. You all coo at his reaction, you coming forth to hug him, which he easily returns with an additional kiss to your head.
There was a red flush across his face, but he grins nonetheless, the wide stretch of it hurting his cheeks but completing his expression of bliss.
To celebrate the first minutes of his birthday with his best friends (albeit the three couldn’t make it in time and in person) and the love of his life, loved and teased, meant a whole lot to the worldwide handsome birthday boy. His heart felt just about ready to burst, as he took in their presence.
What a happy birthday indeed.
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delicrieux · 4 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Sweet Poison - Yandere Alpha! Tamaki Amajiki x Omega! Reader
Shout out to  @homework-is-the-real-killer for the inspiration. I don’t know if you wanted something spicey... but that’s what your getting. I have a part 2 planned out for this guy to kinda explain a little more from Tamaki’s side of things of what is actually going on. Also I have no clue if y’all will like my take on him, but I see him as being someone who yea he’s a little shy but once he gets used to you he’s at least not a complete stuttering mess. 
Part 2
Warnings: NSFW, quirk play, definitely tentacle porn, unknowing drug use, dub-con if you squint?, Honestly I don’t know how to tag so If you think I need to add something please tell me. 
Word Count: Just over 2k
“What’s wrong Y/n? You are so fidgety today.”
“Oh, haha am I? Sorry I just really want class to be over so I can go see Tamaki.”
Your friends shared looks before turning back to you questions in the eyes.
“I know you guys are courting, but don’t you think you spend a lot of time with him? You don’t even sit with us at lunch anymore.”
“Oh come on guys, I literally went to the movies with you guys last night.”
“Yea but…”
They didn’t get a chance to finish their sentence, the bell chiming to let everyone know that the school day was officially over. You were flying out of your seat and down the hall before they could even call out your name. You were absolutely giddy, ready to be enveloped in the scent you had grown to love. You turned the corner, pausing for a brief second as your breath caught, watching as Tamaki and his two friends stood chatting. You couldn’t help but think about how much he looked like an angel. He was so perfect, and he was all yours.
Without a regard for the rest of the students you took off down the hall practically jumping on the alpha wrapping your arms around his neck as his instinctively wrapped around your waist pulling you against him and burying his blushing face into your neck.
“B-Bunny. You got here fast.”
“I missed you.” You took a deep inhale of his scent and could feel him doing the same. Nothing made you feel as good as being near the alpha.
You didn’t see the looks that his friends shared, Mirio clearing his throat one, twice, three times before Tamaki finally pulled away from you enough to look at the taller blonde. Shoving his hands into his pockets but still leaning on you, his face beet red once he realized the attention the two of you had garnered from the rest of the hallway.  
“Ah, I’m sorry Tamaki, I didn’t mean to make a scene…”
“Trust me, it’s fine. He won’t say it but he loves it. He hasn’t stopped talking about you all day.” Nejire jumped in making both of you blush even harder, Takami burying his face in your shoulder mumbling softy to you.
“Can we go now?”
You couldn’t help but smile, reaching up and patting his hair gently, agreeing quietly with the timid alpha before the two of you said your goodbyes to his friends.
The two of you slowly made your way over to the third years dorms, fingers intertwined, completely skipping over your own room and opting to go into his instead. Shortly after the two of you had started courting, he had been so nervous to ask you to move your nest into his room, saying he just wanted to you close to him, and how could you say no to such a sweet request? Now, just two months into courting, you practically lived together, only leaving when the teacher would come by to do their final check that everyone was in their correct rooms, just to sneak back in only an hour later.
The only reason the two of you weren’t bonded yet was because UA had a strict policy against it, insisting their students wait until they were graduated so as to keep them focused on their studies. Still… everyone knew you belonged to Tamaki.
Once the two of you were finally alone in his room, you couldn’t help yourself, immediately latching onto him, nuzzling against his cheek softly and cooing into his ear. He wasn’t any better, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling the two of you into your nest that was on his bed, pressing his lips against your scent gland kissing softly as he started to thoroughly scent you, taking his time and making sure to cover everything.
“I missed you so much. I hate that you have to be around other alpha’s all day, muddles your scent.” The stutter in his voice was gone, and even though he was speaking softly, murmuring really, he was doing it right in your ear making you wiggle against him. He had grown to be so comfortable with you that once the two of you were alone, it was clear as day he was an alpha. One that your omega was dying to submit to his every, albeit quiet, whim.
You hummed in agreement, shifting so that you were comfortably laying halfway on top of him, a soft purr leaving your lips as he rubbed his cheek against you, before he started to pepper soft kisses along your jaw moving towards your lips.
The entire room was filled to the brim with his mouth-watering scent, the scent of sea salt mixed and lavender with just the slightest hint of something warmer, darker, that you couldn’t place. Whatever it was, was absolutely heaven to you, and the timid dark haired alpha was pumping it out like he wanted to coat the entire building in it.
“Tama-“ You started to whine, your omega needing more, only for his gentle and oh so soft lips to be pressed against yours, swallowing your needy sound, his inner alpha making him a little bolder after being separated from you all day. You kissed him back, feeling yourself getting worked up just by being near him, touching him, smelling him, let alone kissing him. He slid his tongue against your lips hesitantly and you immediately parted your lips allowing him entrance which he greedily took. You practically melted against him, a soft purr leaving your chest as one of his hands slipped up into your hair lightly holding your head in place. It was at that point you noticed his tongue was getting bigger, longer, slimier, and the texture changing. You knew that if you pulled away now you would see that it had changed into a tentacle and you couldn’t help but clench your thighs slightly at that thought, a groan leaving his lips at you squeezing him between your thighs.
And then all at once he tasted so mouth wateringly sweet, so delicious, so… addicting. You could feel your mind filling up with the dizzying fog that always came with kissing your alpha, a high that you could never get enough of. It was this feeling, this feeling of flying, that made you so sure that he was the alpha for you. That made you know without a doubt that you would never want another. That you would never leave him.
You felt like your body was going numb, no longer having control of it and enjoying the high that he was giving you as he regarded you carefully through silted eyes before he slowed the kiss and pulled away, your eyes latching onto the string of saliva that connected the two of you, a soft whimper leaving your lips as you shuffled closer. You wanted more, needed more. More, more, more, more, more of him. You couldn’t control the whine that left your lips, your eyes transfixed on his own, leaning down to press soft kitten licks that he blushed at, tasting the lingering sweet spit that was left behind.
“D-do you love me bunny?”
You didn’t hesitate, pressing your lips against his own in short quick pecks, desperately trying to get him to open back up, to let you have more of that high that you so badly wanted. That only he could give to you.
“Yes. More than anything.”
His hands came up shakily to your hips, digging his fingers into the plush flesh there, just the touch making you gasp softly, his eyes transfixed onto your face with awe, soaking in every reaction, even blush, every flutter of your eyes as he kneaded your skin.
“Do you promise?” You could feel his grip guiding you, nudging you to move up and up and up until you had your knees on either side of his blushing face, his fingers cupping your ass from underneath your school skirt, shaking as they brushed at your panties which were already soaked tugging them down slowly, oh so slowly. His eyes flicking from your face to what lied before him, begging for attention, slick dripping down your thighs. He could practically taste you from here.
You nodded, not even realizing the amount of whimpers that were leaving your lungs, your fingers gripping into his hair as you looked down at him, your brain filled to the brim with every thing him. His smell, his taste, his touch. Him. Him. Him. Him. Him.
“You won’t leave me?”
You shook your head, your body trembling at this point from pure excitement. Did everyone feel this way with their alpha? Would it always be this intense? How did anyone get anything done?
“I…I n-need to hear you bunny.” You could feel it as his tongue, no, his tentacle, slid up your thigh, licking up the running slick, suctioning to the highest part, just below your sopping cunt before releasing making blood rush to the spot and forcing a high pitched mewl out of your mouth. His eyes never leaving your face, seeming more and more confident with each gasp and whine leaving your lips.
“I promise. I love you Tamaki. Please.. god.. I need you. I won’t ever leave you. No matter what. I love you. Please, please, please, please. Alpha.” Your fingers gripped his hair, you could feel tears stinging into your eyes, you felt like you would actually combust into flames if you didn’t get more of him right this second. Your skin was starting to itch, feeling like something was crawling all over you and you could feel your body breaking out into a sweat.
Somewhere in the very back of your mind, something told you this wasn’t normal. Being completely and utterly addicted, to the point of almost pain-… you weren’t due to start your heat any time soon, knowing full well that most omega’s didn’t go into heat until they were at least 20. No… this was different… this was-
Your whole body shuddered, brain turning off completely when he all at once yanked on your hips, forcing you down onto his face, his tongue sliding against your core and deep into your cunt, much farther than it was supposed to be able to, to the point that you could feel it in your stomach, suction cups sliding against your sensitive swollen clit as he pumped his tongue in and out of you, making you choke on your own screams, tears spilling over onto your cheeks at the intensity of it all.
You should have been embarrassed when he inhaled deeply, a low primal growl that you never imagined him making leaving his lips as he breathed in your scent, but you couldn’t do anything, couldn’t think of anything, other than the glorious feeling of euphoria that was filling your mind, as the high that you had been chasing finally returned to you again. The world was filled with bright colors, your mind filling with a fog that just felt so good that you never wanted it to leave. Everything was perfect. He was perfect. Your alpha. Nothing could ever change that fact. Nothing could ever make you want to leave.
When you finally came back down from your high, you had realized you must have passed out from the bliss. Tamaki had you laying on your back, a warm washcloth pressed to your forehead, his arms wrapped around you tightly as he layed against your side, his face pressed against your neck, nuzzling you softly and cooing into your ear of how much he loved you, asking if you were okay, how he would take care of you, how you never needed to worry about anything, how he loved his omega.
You couldn’t help but smile trusting all of his words and snuggled further into his grasp, a soft contented sound leaving your lips, enjoying the sounds of his pretty words being murmured to you. The soft, gentle, loving kisses that were carefully placed along your neck and face. The feeling of his arms turned tentacles tightened their grasp around your form, holding you in place against him leaving no wiggle room.
You felt completely and utterly safe in his grasp, knowing he would never let you go.
You were his sun, his moon, his everything. You were his.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
I gotta toss my two favorite colonels at you for the ask game: Horacio Carrillo and Hugo Martinez!
The two sides of the Colonel Coin 🥰
Horacio Carrillo-
First impression: I was definitely biased because I was just coming off seeing Maurice Compte in Mayans so as soon as Carrillo came on screen in the pilot I was instantly 👀 tuned in. His little opening scene with Javi definitely didn’t prepare me for the spiral that his character would end up taking in the show.
Impression now: He’s done so many things wrong and I just love him for it 😂 
Favorite moment: The scene with him and his wife eating together at the restaurant is a classic for sure. I also looooove the scenes when he first comes back from Madrid. When it’s all about making a statement that he’s back. I wish y’all could’ve seen my live reaction to it. I was borderline giddy 😂
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Idea for a story: I have a plot-bunny running around my head and it’s partially a Horacio x OC fic but it’s also a Javi x OC fic where Javi ends up dating one of Carrillo’s exes. Will I ever do anything with it? Who knows! 😂 But I think about it every now and then.
Unpopular opinion: People don’t gotta like how Carrillo handled things towards the end but the man committed to the bit. I’ll give him that. I think that if he had someone who could successfully keep him in check, maybe he wouldn’t have gone out like he did but I guess we’ll never know.
Favorite relationship: I am soooooo curious about what his and Javi’s relationship was like before Steve got there and changed up the dynamics a bit. Because I feel like Carrillo didn’t really have “friends” per se, but Javier was pretty close to it.
Favorite headcanon: I definitely touched on it in the last fic I wrote for him, but I firmly believe that Carrillo is a petty ex. 😂 He’s cold and calculated and all of that on the job but I think that he can easily flip that switch in his personal life too and if things end either not on great terms or not on his terms, that’s exactly what he’s like.
Hugo Martinez-
First impression: I felt so bad for him. Right off the rip. This man wanted nothing to do with any of it but he couldn’t leave his son hanging so he followed through. How can you not fall in love with that a little bit?
Impression now: I think that more than anything, the man deserves a break. I hope he got one. I hope he went and relaxed on a beach somewhere far away from all the bullshit. For what little we got of Martinez, I really liked his character.
Favorite moment: I think my favorite moment is always going to be the last little exchange between he and Javi. It just pulls at my heartstrings. “You did everything right, but now you are all alone.” Fuck me up.
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Idea for a story: I think alllll the time about the headcanons we were talking about before where he goes off and travels and maybe falls in love a little bit. I think about that on bad days to make myself smile.
Unpopular opinion: Idk if it’s an unpopular opinion but I think we deserved way more of both Martinez and his son in the show. I think that him following up a character like Carrillo was a tough shift to have in some ways but I still really enjoyed what he brought to it all.
Favorite relationship: Him and his son, hands-down, no contest. And after reading Manhunters and hearing how much respect irl Steve and Javi had for Martinez and his son, it made me admire their dynamic that much more.
Favorite headcanon: I love the idea that his wife is just an opposite to him in all of the best ways. Picturing him with a bubbly, out-going partner just puts a smile on my face. That type of balance in a relationship between partners but also between parents is I think why Martinez Jr turned out so sweet.
What a pair! Thank you for these! xo
Send me a character and let’s discuss!
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a ✨drunk and clingy ian✨ one-shot
okay so we all know that saint patrick’s day is a very arbitrary and somewhat meaningless holiday (at least in the u.s. lol)- but we also know that the gallaghers are incredibly fucking irish, so i am using this as an excuse to write some drunk and clingy gallavich fluff (bc i think we all need it!! or at least i do!!!!)
hope y’all enjoy<3
Mickey and Ian came in the door from their final weed security run of a way-too-chilly and grey March afternoon, kicking the slush off of their lace-up boots in a tired but comfortable silence. Mickey had been fantasizing for a good part of the afternoon about his usual afternoon ritual of collapsing onto the couch with a cold beer in his hand, and taking a long lazy nap while shitty game shows played on the TV in the background— but unfortunately, Debbie had other plans. Or so he realized when he turned the corner and his eyes were met with a forest of green and white streamers blanketing the living room, with Debbie determinedly balancing on a kitchen chair to hang them in the doorway.
Mickey did a double-take, shooting a glance at Ian and then back at the festive room again. What the fuck? He quickly racked his brain— there was no way he’d could’ve forgotten Franny’s birthday, that was in the summer—and he was pretty sure that Liam’s birthday was in the winter sometime; so whose the fuck was it? Too many goddamn Gallaghers to keep track of. Finally, Mickey admitted his own defeat.
“Is it someone’s fuckin’ birthday or something?”
Mickey flashed another gaze to Ian in confusion as he said it, hoping that Ian would silently mouth whatever the occasion was to him, or at the very least raise his eyebrows and goad Mickey enough to jog his memory to remember whatever the fuck today was— but Ian just gave an easygoing grin as he took in the room’s decor and let out a laugh.
“Debbie, isn’t this kind of going overboard?”
Debbie looked over her shoulder from where she was now taping a crudely scribbled picture of a shamrock, most likely drawn by Franny, up onto the wall.
“What? If it’s our last Saint Patrick’s Day in the house, the least we can do is go out with a bang,” she answered nonchalantly, and continued fixating on hanging up Franny’s drawing.
Mickey inadvertently let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. Fucking Gallaghers.
“I’m sorry, fucking Saint Patrick’s Day?”
Ian’s lips formed a playful smile and he elbowed Mickey between the ribs. “Yeah, Mick, Saint Patrick’s Day— also known as the unironically most important day of the Gallagher family calendar year. I can’t believe I forgot it was today, with all the work stuff we had going on.”
At first Mickey couldn’t tell if Ian was actually being serious— but in the same second he decided that it didn’t really matter, since Ian’s eyes were bright and shining and there was this weird giddy grin he was sporting from ear to ear, like he was absolutely fucking delighted that it was Saint Patrick’s Day, instead of just a normal goddamn Wednesday. Fucking softie.
And as endearing as that was, Mickey still couldn’t let him off that easily. “There’s no way I’m celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. It’s a fake holiday for yuppie rich kids to go bar hopping—I’m not getting involved in any of your Gallagher bullshit.”
Ian’s grin just grew, like he knew exactly what Mickey was doing. “Hey, you married into this family. If anything, this is your own fault.”
Mickey just rolled his eyes, then continued to unlace his boots and throw them by the doorway.
“The fuck do you do anyways, aside from getting trashed?”
Ian put a hand on Mickey’s upper back to steady himself as he pulled his own shoes off. “I think getting trashed pretty much sums up the festivities. Today’s practically a holy day of observance for Frank, and I’m assuming Debbie’s also just gonna use today as an excuse to get drunk on a Wednesday.”
“Hell yeah I am!” Debbie called from where she was putting the chair back in the kitchen.
Mickey raised his eyebrows. “I knew Gallaghers were white trash, but I had no idea you were this bad.”
“Oh, come on. You don’t have any Ukranian white trash holidays or whatever?”
Mickey held back a bitter laugh. Yeah, they had “holidays,” in the form of days when Terry was celebratorily drunk enough to leave them the fuck alone for 24 hours, rare occasions when his looming shadow was out of the house and a festive lightness bled in in its place. They sort of celebrated Christmas, which was mostly just associated with too many painful memories of Terry ripping open the presents before he or his brothers had the chance, and too many painful stings associated with him having one too many drinks as they sat quietly inside the sagging house and pretended to be a big happy family for one night a year.
But never anything as gaudy and deliberate and ridiculous as observing a C-list, Irish-American holiday just for the hell of it, just for fun—which yes, was probably fueled by Frank’s alcoholism more than anything else, but also made something swell in Mickey’s insides that he didn’t quite know how to place.
And Mickey didn’t know how to let out that entire internal monologue to Ian while Debbie was standing within earshot. “Nah, man. Milkoviches don’t really do… holidays.”
Ian snaked a hand around Mickey’s back, giving his shoulder a squeeze, a grounding touch. He gets it.
“Well, get ready to have your mind blown, Mr. Gallavich, because we’re about to celebrate this hallowed occasion Gallagher style.”
Mickey rolled his eyes again, but let himself lean into Ian’s touch, lean his weight ever-so-slightly against Ian’s chest that was pressed behind him by the doorway. And, okay— as stupid as this was, maybe there was something sort of warm and solid about tradition, about hand-scribbled shamrocks and streamers on the wall, about having days to celebrate just because you wanted to, just because you could…
Just then Franny came hurdling into the room, wearing a baggy green t-shirt and a face-painted shamrock adorning her cheek.
Ian’s face lit up when she stopped in front of them. “Hey Franny! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!”
Franny held out two bottles of beer to Ian and Mickey from where she had been hiding them behind her back.
“Mommy said I should give these to you when you came home!”
Mickey smirked, carefully taking the bottles from Franny’s outstretched hands. “Thanks, kiddo.”
And if all celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day took was knocking down a few beers on a weekday afternoon—well, Mickey wasn’t going to complain about that.
Of course, hours later Mickey realized how severely he’d underestimated Debbie’s enthusiasm— after lounging around the house waiting for the stream of Gallaghers to trickle in from their various daily activities, Debbie had rounded everyone up and they migrated to the Alibi as the sun was setting, where they’d met up with Kev and V and Lip and Tami, who (thank fucking god) looked as vaguely confused and fully apathetic about this whole “Saint Patrick’s Day” situation as Mickey did.
Now it was late, and Mickey was leaning against the bartop of the Alibi sipping a thick, foamy glass of Guinness, which was as close to embracing whatever-the-fuck Irish heritage his husband had as he was possibly going to get.
All of the Gallaghers were here, swirling around the room—Debbie had put on some sort of peppy music as Kev poured everyone drinks, and a couple of other Southside neighbors had heard the bass thrumming and joined the ruckus. The room wasn’t too crowded, but it was pleasantly full of bodies and chatter— Kev had bought bunches of shiny, tacky green mardi gras beads for everyone to wear, and the air in the room was festive and bordering on sloppy in a way that felt very different from how Mickey had envisioned this evening would go.
Mickey was pacing himself, because it was a Wednesday for fuck’s sake— but his husband was an entirely different story. Between the beers at home and the various drinks Debbie had been siphoning into his hands all night, Ian was teetering on the drunkest Mickey had seen him in years—which partially made the tiniest spark of trepidation start to creep into Mickey’s bloodstream, a spark that he immediately extinguished. It was one night, the first in a long time— Ian deserved to have some fun.
And he definitely, definitely was having fun— casually dancing with Debbie and Sandy and whoever else would humor him, grinning with red-hot cheeks and bright eyes— from across the room Mickey could tell how warm his skin would be if he pressed a hand against it, how flushed. Mickey wasn’t really in the mood for dancing, or whatever the fuck stumbling around and chatting and making friends Drunk Ian was up to for the evening, and he was perfectly content to nurse his drink at the bar— which is why it surprised him when Ian pulled himself out of the crowd, slightly stumbling over his own feet, and made the way across the room to where Mickey was leaning at the bar, immediately boxing him in and putting his hands square on Mickey’s waist. Mickey almost imperceptibly let in a sharp breath.
Ian looked down at him, all smiles and shiny eyes— when he spoke the scent of sweet, hot liquor danced on Mickey’s face and all he wanted was to be closer, to breathe it in.
“Are you having fun?” Ian’s right hand traced up Mickey’s side, then back down to its hold on his hipbone.
Mickey raised his eyebrows. “You and your leprechaun family don’t mess around, Gallagher.”
Ian smiled a lazy, tipsy smile, and pecked Mickey’s cheek before Mickey could be embarrassed about it.
“D’you wanna dance with me?”
Ian’s hands slid off of his hips and entangled with Mickey’s hands that had been hanging limply at his sides, walking backwards so their fingers were laced together an arm’s distance apart.
Mickey shrugged noncommittally. “I’ll leave showing the Irish pride to you and the rest of the drunken Gallaghers.”
Ian registered Mickey’s words and opened his mouth to reply, just as Debbie pulled Ian over by the arm.
“Stop sulking with Mickey and do more shots with me!”
Jesus Christ. Ian was going to be wrecked when their alarm went off for work in the morning, and Mickey was starting to debate if he was going to need to have a talking-to with Debbie about the appropriate amount of “Saint Patrick’s Day fun” they were allowed to partake in next year— but for now Ian was happy, and he could stomach one night of hardcore festivities.
Mickey stood at the bar for a while, watching Ian and Debbie get progressively more flushed as they bobbed through the crowd— and then, when Debbie had found some other victim in their mid-twenties to get even more shitfaced with, Ian made his way across the room to Mickey again, plopping onto the barstool beside him and heaving his bodyweight onto Mickey’s left side, burying his face in the crook of Mickey’s neck. Mickey wrapped a tentative arm around Ian’s waist, trying to hold him up from slouching off of the barstool.
“M’tired.” Mickey could feel Ian’s hot breath dancing on his collarbone as he slurred out the words, and felt Ian’s eyelids flutter shut against the side of his neck.
Ian was always giving Mickey measured casual touches, wherever they were—but it was so exceedingly rare that Ian fully let himself go like this, let himself be drunk and happy and just crumple into Mickey, without worrying about holding anyone else up. It felt new, but it felt good— Mickey let the solid weight of his husband’s body leaning against his press him down, rooting him into the Alibi’s sticky floors, feeling the clammy skin of Ian’s forehead that was solidly lodged into the side of Mickey’s neck.
He hated to admit it, but in that moment, something in Mickey was also frozen solid— as much as Mickey had grown in the past few years, something about these situations, about PDA or whatever, still made Mickey feel like he was treading water—like he was fighting to stay afloat while everyone’s eyes were on him, and the strong current was only lifted when he and Ian were in the dark safety of their bedroom. If Mickey was drunk at a bar and sloppily leaning onto Ian, there was no doubt in Mickey’s mind that Ian would hold him, would gingerly touch him and caress him and do more to him than just prop him up— but something in Mickey still hesitated and flashed with warning signs in a crowded room full of people.
But Ian was still breathing hot on Mickey’s neck— so Mickey thought about what Ian would do, if it was Mickey who was tipsy and slumped on his shoulder. He tentatively raised his arm from where it was lying limply by his side, and started to run soothing circles onto Ian’s t-shirt, just above his hipbone where Mickey’s hand was holding Ian up by his waist.
Ian hummed in acknowledgement of the touch— and then he pressed a tender kiss to the crook of Mickey’s neck, where his face was buried. Fuck. Mickey just pulled him in closer, gently tugging Ian’s torso in by his belt loop to hold him steady.
Ian hummed again, then started to press kisses up and down Mickey’s neck. “You smell good.”
Mickey’s heart started to beat a little quicker, his blood running hotter than usual—and Ian couldn’t fucking do this now, while the rest of his family was milling around and dancing and wearing fucking mardi gras beads while flaunting their Gallagher pride.
Ian lifted his forehead off of Mickey’s shoulder, and gently bit at the underside of Mickey’s jaw—and Mickey thought he was going to combust right there, on the spot, in a room full of Gallaghers pressed against the bartop at the Alibi by his very drunk husband.
And in an act of excruciatingly inconvenient timing, Lip sidled up to the bar and sat on the barstool on Mickey’s other side, nursing what Mickey assumed (and hoped) was a diet Coke in a beer glass.
“Hey there, Mick. And, uh, Ian.”
Ian looked up from where he was very engrossed in continuing to nuzzle the opposite side of Mickey’s neck, and glared at Lip from across Mickey’s chest.
“Go away, Lip.” Ian collapsed his head back onto Mickey’s shoulder and closed his eyes again, wrapping his arms around Mickey’s neck like a fucking boa constrictor. Mickey snaked an arm up around Ian’s back, holding him steady on the wobbly barstool.
Lip held back a laugh as he sipped his drink, then took a drag of the cigarette he was holding. “Seems like Ian’s done enough drinking to make our ancestors proud.”
Mickey took a sip of his own beer with his free hand. “Debbie made sure of that.”
Lip raised his eyebrows. “Damn. Guess we’d better keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t also have the Frank gene.”
Mickey grunted in acknowledgement, then took another sip of his beer, mostly because he didn’t know what else to say. Ian’s head shifted slightly on his shoulder— and Mickey realized he probably needed to haul Ian home ASAP, before he was even more sleepy and incoherent and unable to lug down the street.
Lip noticed Ian’s movement on Mickey’s shoulder and smirked. “I’ve gotta say, I’ve never seen Ian being this clingy before. Even with other guys—no offense, Mick— he usually stayed pretty contained. And you guys aren’t usually too into the PDA department.”
Mickey shrugged, trying not to jostle the heavy weight of where Ian’s head was hanging. Lip was right—he and Ian never really were all over each other, especially not like this, outside of the context of their room, when they were very much always all over each other.
Lip kept studying them, and the corner of his mouth eventually ticked upward. “It’s good. He’s definitely not this… comfortable with anyone else. Including me, which is definitely saying something.”
It felt weird, to get something like what felt like Lip’s full blessing at a raunchy Gallagher party months after he and Ian had gotten married—but that was also exactly what it felt like was happening.
Lip’s eyes suddenly darted across the room, to where Tami was holding up his coat and gesturing to the door. Lip rose from the barstool, stubbed out his cigarette, and put out a hand to clap Mickey on the shoulder as a goodbye.
“Catch up with you later, Mick.” Lip reached out and jokingly tousled Ian’s hair. “Make sure this one doesn’t hate himself too much tomorrow morning.”
Mickey smirked. Ian was practically asleep and drooling on his shoulder, his breathing turned steady—Mickey reached a hand up to card through his hair, then gently shrugged his shoulder to get Ian’s head to rise from where it was jammed on his neck.
Ian raised his head, his eyes bleary and confused at first, then softening around the edges when he met Mickey’s gaze.
“Alright, let’s get you home, carrottop.”
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Say Please
Jack Sparrow x F!Reader 
Word count: 700
This was a little rushed, nevertheless, I hope y’all enjoy it!
“Good morning!” You called cheerfully as you entered Jack’s cabin. 
“What’s good about it?” He grumbled from his bunk.
“Well the sky is blue, there is a mighty wind in our sails, and I don’t have a hangover such as yours.” You replied, opening the curtains, allowing sunlight to stream in.
“No!” His gruff voice cried out, “No sunlight! It is detrimental to my fleeting health!” He tried to unwind himself from the sheets, but with no luck and sent himself flailing onto the floor with a thud. 
You watched with amusement as the bundle of blankets flopped around on the floor with Jack’s muffled voice yelling from somewhere inside of it. 
“Get me out of here woman!” 
Walking over to where to stand beside him, you slowly bent down and pulled back the part of the blanket covering up his face. 
“Ah ha! There you are!” He seemed relieved, “Now help me out of this confounded mess.” 
You smirked, “Not unless you say please.” 
“I’m the Captain of this ship! How dare you make me say please!” He shouted, before wincing at the sound of his own voice. In a quieter tone he continued, “ Help me out, or I’ll have you walk the plank!” 
Sighing mockingly, you put the blanket back over his face and turned to leave the room. “I guess I’ll just have to walk the plank then.” 
“No wait! Come back!” 
You stopped, “What do you say?” You questioned patronizingly. 
There was a moment of silence, before a muffled, “Please?” 
You grinned and then turned back around, towards the pile of blankets, sheets, and the man you loved who, at the moment, needed your help. 
Later that day, sometime in the evening. You weren’t sure what time it was, but it might just be your favorite time of day. The sun was setting over the ocean, beautiful lights danced across the sky and the wind softly blew about your face, and sitting beside you was Captain Jack Sparrow. The two of you standing in contented silence at the helm. 
“Y/n?” Jack turned to you, he seemed a little...awkward or nervous. 
You hummed in response. 
Jack watched the way your eyes softened as they watched the water, he felt himself fall in love with you more and more. He cleared his throat before speaking, “ I was wondering if you ‘ave ever, and I mean ever been in love?” 
You were startled by the question, had he caught on to your feelings? Did he know? 
“Umm,” You shifted from one foot to the other, “ Why do you ask?” 
“Because I am.”
“You’re in love?” You were surprised, you didn’t think he’d ever be in love with anything other than the thrill of adventure, but you had never seen Jack this serious. 
He slung an arm over your shoulders, “Aye lass, I’m in love, but unfortunately I don’t think she feels the same way.”
Scoffing, you tried not to be jealous of whoever this mystery woman was, it couldn’t be you, right? You felt like you were incredibly obvious. 
“Well who is this crazy lady who hasn’t fallen for the most dashing pirate the world has ever known?” You tried to act like you didn’t care, you failed. 
He turned to look you in the eyes, “It’s you.” He was quiet, waiting for your reaction. 
“Me?” You squeaked. “It’s me?” 
Butterflies erupted in your belly, you wanted to fly away with them, you felt so happy. “You love me?” You smiled.
“That’s a good thing, right?” He seemed confused, as you hadn’t confirmed your feelings yet. 
You laughed, “That’s a wonderful thing! I love you too Jack!” 
“You do?!” He was incredulous, and then laughed happily along with you. He picked you up and swung you around, the two of you painting a beautiful picture with the sunset as your background. Time slowed as he set you down and pulled you closer, looking down at your lips. 
“May I?” He whispered. 
You smirked, “What do you say?” 
He rolled his eyes before giving in, “Please?” 
“Yes you may.” You answered, feeling giddy.
He tilted his head down as you wrapped your arms around his neck to come together in a sweet kiss. 
Yep. This was definitely your favorite time of day.
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glassheartjukebox · 4 years
under the mistletoe
feat. asahi, nishinoya, kuroo, bokuto,
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“but overnight, the world turns white
feels like something will happen
when the twinkling lights fall in my heart” - the carol
a/n: i come bearing a some festive headcannons. most of these take place during the talking/crushing phase. if y’all want more of these, lmk !!!!
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you and asahi’s tryst under the mistletoe was no accident
oh no no, it was engineered by the devilish helpful 2nd and 3rd years
watching you and asahi dance around each other’s feelings was exhausting
consequently, your friends took your romance into their own hands by hanging mistletoe in the center of the storage closet
when practice ended, kiyoko asked you and asahi to retrieve some paperwork from the closet
as you entered, the both of you remained oblivious to the mistletoe hanging above your heads
that is, until tanaka strolled up, nishinoya in toe, with a very smug look on his face
“look up lovebirds,” tanaka called out in a sing-song voice
cue extreme panic from you and asahi
while simultaneously stuttering nonsensical apologies to each other and colliding in an attempt to flee the closet, you were met with the face of a very stern daichi
you prepared yourself for a scolding about wasting time, but asahi knew that look all too well
daichi, wearing the annoyed expression reserved solely for asahi’s ridiculously glass hearted moments, said, “i’m closing this door. you two can come out when you’ve resolved... whatever this is. asahi, you know where the keys are. lock up when you’re done.”
with that, the door swung closed and the voices of your teammates faded out of the gym
asahi was looking anywhere but you
with a light chuckle to hide your anxiety, you said, “asahi you know i have a curfew on school nights. if you have something to say, say it”
you hadn’t meant to come off so harsh, but the tension was fraying your nerves beyond repair
“i... well... it’s just that..” you watched him take a deep breath, face bright red
he broke eye contact to to blurt out “i’ve liked you for most of our friendship. for all of it really. i think the team got tired of me pushing off my confession. i’m sorry”
you slowly processed the words that just left his mouth. all you could do was let out a loud, relieved laugh.
regaining your composure, you looked up at asahi and he looked hurt. in that moment, there was only one thing left to do
you grabbed his face with both of your hands, pulled him down to your height, and smashed your lips together in a desperate attempt to tell him you felt the same
“god you’re such a big baby, but you’re my big baby. i like you too asahi.”
the second kiss you shared under the mistletoe was much softer than the first; it was filled with unsaid promises for the future
you were 15 minutes late getting back home. asahi definitely owes you more kisses now
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dumb and dumber noya and tanaka came up their worst best plan yet while watching a cheesy hallmark movie
“that’s it! that’s perfect!” noya sprang up from the couch
he and tanaka had unwittingly discovered a tried and true way to get his crush to kiss him: mistletoe
after scouting the perfect spot to bring you to, noya insisted on walking you home
noya did not hold back on the flirting. he wanted, no n e e d e d you to know he was flirting with you
“your hands look so cold...” he stared off into the distance, faking as if he was pondering something
“i have the perfect solution!” noya exclaimed, wrapping your hands in his own and lightly kissing them
you weren’t sure which was making your cheeks more red; your crush’s bold actions or the winter wind
noya pointedly walked towards a arch decorated for christmas. you were nonethwiser, still flustered by his bold actions
he abruptly stopped underneath it. noya swears he can feel his heart swell when you cock your head in confusion
once again utilizing his horrendous excellent acting skills, noya looked up and feigned surprise at the mistletoe above your heads
you only make eye contact with him again when his hands cup your face
“well, it is a christmas tradition. who am i to break it?” noya said, a goofy smile adorning his face as he leaned in
you were too shocked to reciprocate the kiss. had his arms not wrapped around you, you likely would’ve fallen to the ground
noya pulled back, trying to hide his unease while he asked “how was it?”
snapping out of your stupor, your hugged him and buried your face into his neck
“it was perfect,” you mumbled, still too flustered to look him in the eyes
after that, both noya walking you home and kisses became more commonplace
tanaka definitely wasn’t silently cheering on noya from the bushes. definitely not. nope.
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despite seeming extra suave, kuroo had no idea how to confess to you
you two were good friends but the friendship had taken on a flirty tone
the lines between friendship and crush had been blurred so much so much that kuroo had no idea how you felt about him
unbeknownst to him, you were facing the exact same dilemma
the mistletoe incident was very... unlike his scheming self
any other day you would’ve assumed he brought you under the mistletoe on purpose, to continue his flirty banter with you
however, his flushed face and incoherent words clued you into the fact that he did not plan this
he quickly pulled himself together so he could save face through his usual teasing
“aww sweetheart did you really bring me here? are you that desperate for a kiss from me? if you want to put your hands on me, all you have to do is ask. i’m right here for the taking and—“
you surge forward, connecting your lips to his stupid, chapped, rambling ones
kuroo.exe has stopped responding
when you pull back he stared at you in disbelief
“y/n i—“
“that was to shut you up, asshole”
despite the insults, the flush decorating your cheeks was plain to see
kuroo wrapped one long arm around you waist and pulled you close to him as you walked
he leaned down, hot breathe tickling your ear, “can we try that again? at my house? just for research purposes ya know.”
some dumbasses things never change
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everyone knew bokuto had a crush on you
well, everyone but you
his compliments and excessive skinship flew straight over your head. you assumed he was like that with all his friends
in order to get his point across, bokuto decided he needed a plan
and subtlety was never bokuto’s strong suit
“y/n!” you heard his voice boom behind you. it was 7:30am, how did he have this much energy?
you groggily turned around, absentmindedly adjusting your school uniform. you were met with the sight of bokuto with something green gripped in his left hand
he beamed at you as he lifted his arm above your heads and unclasped his hand
you belatedly realized the herb bokuto had been crushing holding was mistletoe
he looked at you expectantly, exuding giddy and nervous energy
bokuto’s puppy like personality was irresistible, especially in your groggy state
standing on your tiptoes, you placed a soft kiss on his cheek
the sound ring of the school bell interrupted your perfect moment. to hide your embarrassment, you began to walk off to class
not a minute later you heard bokuto’s voice yell “wait! it was supposed to be on the lips!”
you couldn’t control the small smile that remained on your face for the rest of the day
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©glassheartjukebox all written content belongs to this user. do not repost, modify, or copy content
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barzzal · 4 years
who’s the girl, barzy?
summary: mat gets caught up and preyed by the press as he does a post-game exclusive with the boys.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: boyfriend barzy getting all smitten
↳ genre: fluff, established relationship
↳ length: imagine; 1.4k
↳ masterlist: the barn
note: omg my first barzal fic i hope y’all would like it. pls do let me know what you think so i could get better!! also, thank you @matbaerzal for answering my ask before and for being so nice! i rly appreciate it :)) hope you like !
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It wasn’t until after the game that a couple of sport analysts cornered the boys in the locker room, eager to get a piece from them about the heated game they just had with the Flyers.
The questions were all being thrown at Jordan and Tito for a few minutes before it went sideways when Mat excused himself to answer a call from you.
You were already heading your way out the lounge when you called him. You didn’t want to disturb anything now that you know how stressed he gets whenever he’s in a match. He zones out pretty hard that’s why you tend to keep your distance and respect him by cheering him outside the rink. 
You love it anyway, maybe a little more than you actually love him. Fine, that was a little too much, but that’s how it is. To see Mat grace the rink and be the person he was meant to, it was, indeed, everything you could ever ask for him. 
“So, Mat, we’ve been hearing a lot of rumors going around outside the boy’s locker room.”
His teammates begin to laugh. Evidently teasing the now smitten Barzal, whose cheeks are much reddened that it usually was. 
The two of you have gone out for only a few months and you both haven’t made it official. Not that it was important but Mat did like the idea of your name attached to his. 
He ran his hand through his pitch black hair as he let out a nervous laugh. “I suppose those are the good kind?” 
“Shouldn’t you be the one answering that?” The reporter asks again. 
“We might’ve seen you with a certain someone strolling around Manhattan days before the big game.” 
Tito taps Mathew’s shoulder, nudging him on his side like two teenage boys getting all giddy by the mere thought of a girl agreeing to go with them for the snow ball. 
“They know it, barzy.” Tito teases further, earning a scoff from Mat. 
“Shut up.” He says, stifling what he truly feels. 
“Come on, Mat. You can tell them.” Jordan says, adding up to the banter going around the room. 
Mathew can’t help but smile as he thinks of you waiting for him outside. He wanted to wrap the interview as quickly as possible but if it means that he gets to finally talk about you publicly, enough for the whole world to see; letting a few minutes of his time would be pretty much worthier compared to the number of tedious interviews he’s already done since he started playing. 
“Well, er- her name’s y/n.” Mat starts with a warm smile spread on his lips.
“And she’s really amazing. I mean— I can’t even put it into words but she’s really special to me.” 
Tito fakes a cough, chiding a comment underneath. “Caller. Call her.” 
The reporters were quick to notice what Tito had said so they were immediately caught up on that bit of information. After all, they’re all up whatever Mathew has going on. So, the mere thought of Mathew Barzal dating? That’s big news.
“Was she the one who called earlier?” They ask to confirm.
To which Mat only nods as an answer. 
“Why don’t you call her, Maty?” Jordan teases, using the name you frequently call him when you’re left alone in the room. Unfortunately, on one of those times, Jordan was nosy enough to catch the two of you in deep of each other’s presence, calling each other by their respective pet names. 
The others began to cheer and join in the banter upon seeing Barzal hide his undeniable shyness from the camera. 
“See? We’ve finally got a lover boy!” Tito rolls his eyes, mocking his best friend’s predicament.
“What’s the real score though? You know you’re gonna answer it anyway.” 
Truth be told, you and Mat have never discussed anything that’ll lead to this question. The answer of who you both were in each other’s lives in particular. Mat is special to you, yes. It obviously goes the same for him as well but Mat, despite being a man whose calculations have been as precise as every goal he had done, couldn’t bring himself to ask you who he really was in your life.
‘“We haven’t talked about that part.” He shortly says, scratching on his eyebrow to mask his growing uneasiness. 
“You can talk to her now.” Jordan suggests.
“That’s… interesting.” Tito arches a brow and throws his arm over Mat’s shoulder. 
“You’d go on about this forever, huh?” Mat shakes his head. Admittedly wanting to do it himself despite all the teasing his mates were throwing at him since a while ago. 
With crossed legs and a hand on your chin, you were in no doubt beginning to grow bored of waiting for Mathew. People were walking past you already for about half an hour when you noticed that Mathew and the boys were being interviewed on the screen. You took your airpods off and decided to tune in.  
The boys were laughing at Mathew who was now busy typing on his phone, all smiles as he glanced between it and the people watching him. 
When your phone starts to ring and you see Mat’s caller ID flash on the screen, you assume that he wasn’t typing and doing some silly dare the boys talked him into doing. But why was he calling you when he was still in an interview anyway?
Wait, was that what this is about?
You were hesitant to pick up the call as there were a few people in the lounge but you did it anyway. You just have to hope that Mat knew what he was doing because if he’s ever going to play you like how he messes with his teammates, he’s definitely gonna hear an earful.
“Hi.” You quietly greet him, cautious people might begin looking towards where you’re seated. 
“Hey.” Mat greets you back at the other end. You see his wide smile upon hearing you answer.
“Where are you right now?” He starts to ask. Knees jumping up and down, letting you know that he was starting to grow anxious. 
“Uh- just, just outside. You know, where I’m usually at after the game.” You nervously laugh, afraid that by telling him where you actually are in front of everyone watching would only cost you attention you most certainly were not ready for. 
“Alright, I just wanted to ask you something.” He starts, a smile still evident on his lips. 
“Couldn’t it wait ‘til after your interview?” 
“Well, It can. But I don’t think I’d have enough courage to ask. You know how nervous I get around you.” He chuckles. The sound you most absolutely love. 
“M’kay then, what is it?”
You see him share one last look with the boys before he clears his throat as he finally asks you the one thing he’s been dying to know ever since you two had gone much exclusive. 
“Beau’s been dying to know—” Mat jokes when Tito cuts him off, “That’s not me, y/n! It’s all him!” 
You suppress a laugh whilst watching them clash on screen. The sight wasn’t new to you so you’d figure it wouldn’t harm to join the friendly banter going on live from the boy’s locker room. 
“Why Beau? He already knows.” You bite your lower lip trying to remain calm and easy as you watch him act like a 15-year-old boy getting a girlfriend for the first time. 
Mat’s eyes widened upon hearing what you said on speaker. Tito, however, despite having that conversation with you, only shrugged and acted like he didn’t know what you were talking about. 
Jordan leans on the phone and says, “Just ask her, maty.”
You were quick to bury your face in your palm. Jordan continues to goof off and taunt the young lad. 
Mathew rolls his eyes, which was unfortunately caught on cam, as he shifts his angle a little to the left to give himself the privacy that’s been long gone the moment he agreed on calling you live. 
“What am I? I mean… are we—” 
“Are we, you know?” 
Mathew massages his nape, exasperated after realizing the mistake he had done not thinking things through just in case you were going to say no. Nonetheless, just like what he does for a living, he decides to just shoot for it and hope he’d get the goal he’s gonna be known for for a while.
“Let’s date. Like for real. What do you think?” He asks. Cheers loud and clear on the set. 
“I thought you’d never ask, Barzy.”
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