#xxxholic 89
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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Yuuko debrief time! 
I love how we have in-text examples of exactly what Yuuko is talking about over in Tsubasa. As she says, if someone actually has a void then it won’t actually elicit any emotional response, because they feel nothing about it - just like when Syaoran’s soul went missing and he really was just emotionless all the way down. He couldn’t feel anything because there was nothing to feel with. And Yuuko uses that concept as a way to show Watanuki that even though it seemed to end badly he was actually completely correct and did actually offer her something valuable, but it was her choice not to take it.
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Watanuki, the sunshine child, worries that she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. But Yuuko puts aside whatever the customer might or might not want and puts Watanuki’s own feelings on the same level of importance. 
If Watanuki WANTED to express that sentiment then his feelings are valid and he has every right to have said it. His feelings and opinions are every much as important as anyone else's and deserve to be expressed. He is allowed to take up space in the world and be a full person, not only when it is conveniently what the other person wants to hear. 
Which is a sentiment Watanuki might not fully grasp just yet BUT ONE DAY. 
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the-lightest-shadow · 11 months ago
So I'm kinda in a rut rn with fandom and I don't know how else to explain it. Because like. I'm in multiple fandoms. But I need a new thing, y'know? Like a brand new video game or show or just thing in general with characters to obsess over.
That being said, do you have any good recommendations?
I'm legit down for any and all. If you wanna list 89 things I've never heard of then please do. Seriously. Small fandoms, toxic fandoms, dead fandoms, I don't care.
I'm at the point where I'm gonna just go insane and start making up fandoms
Okokokokok! Here's a list of things I like or had taken over my life at some point (disclaimer: some may not be good titles, either in quality or in what their content type is. Tread with caution)
Pokemon (any and all parts)
Dream SMP
Minecraft in general
+Anima (please)
Hetalia (not highly recommended I was obsessed when I was like 14)
Disney Movies
Weirdcore stuff
Marble Hornets
Cult of the Lamb
Mario games
Tomodachi Life
Basically any games by Nintendo
Danny Phantom
Teen Titans
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Cooking ASMR-esque videos (example of what I mean)
The 4400
The Dead Zone (TV series from 2002)
Ghost Whisperer
Scott the Woz
Game Grumps
Humongous Games
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Friday Night Funkin
I've got a lot of other things I've liked/currently like but I should probably stop before I'm at this for hours and hours on end.
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kayura-sanada · 5 years ago
What is "clamp"-? :0
I am so glad you asked, because you just opened the door to some serious nerdiness.
CLAMP is a conglomerate of what is now four women, but was once eleven doujinshi artists. Remember this, because it explains so much about their writing style and just. It’s incredible. They wrote Saint Seiya yaoi, ladies and gentlemen.
These ladies are well known for their art style, something that, if you like anime, you’ll likely recognize, even if you never knew who they were. Here are a few:
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In the eighties, these women got together and decided they were going to create original work. By the time they created their first manga in ‘89, they only had a fraction of their team. Their first piece was RG Veda, and if you know the story of X/1999, you already know a large portion of the plot. But to be clear: a genderless main character often given masculine pronouns and a male friend embark on an epic quest. While this story has as tragic an end as X/1999 (and indeed is extremely similar to X/1999), GUYS, IT WAS AS CLOSE TO A GAY STORY AS THEY COULD GET AND STILL KEEP IT OUT OF B-L. These doujinshi writers created an LGBT+ love story as their first contribution to original work.
And it was a hit. It got two OVAs.
They wrote other stories with LGBT characters, too; their next series was about a little kid who stole things for his lesbian mothers, and there’s the famous Toya/Yukito ship in CCS that is canon. They had an early Ronin Warriors-type story with only two ronins (easily shippable, ppl) that also introduced the school they use in nearly every story of theirs that includes a school. They had a couple of smaller stories, too, after that.
By the early nineties, they were down to just the four that remain now, and they created stories you’ll likely recognize if you like anime, including Magic Knights Rayearth, which piggybacked on Sailor Moon’s success but, imo, did it a bit better (likely due to the shorter run, to be fair, but still) and Cardcaptor Sakura. Ever heard of Tokyo Babylon? That’s them. CLAMP School Detectives? Chobits? X/1999? Angelic Layer? Wish? All theirs.
But here’s where they have an amazing flex that, though I personally don’t like it, I have to applaud their balls. They created what is essentially a doujinshi of their own works called Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. In it, Sakura and Li from Cardcaptor Sakura live in an AU, and on their journey, they repeatedly meet multiple characters from their other universes. Biggest flex? They entwine TRC with another of their stories, xxxHolic, and make it so you can only understand either story by following both. That’s how big they are - they can get readers to follow two separate stories in an effort to understand either of them. Put it all into one big story? They could, but why bother when they can make it two and get people buying both? I can’t help but applaud the sheer chutzpah.
Anyway, these ladies are amazing and wonderful and while I don’t agree with everything they do, I still love them terribly and want to give them more love and appreciation because it’s what they deserve.
Edit: I forgot to give you their names! They’re Ohkawa Nanase, Mokona (yes, that’s right, Mokona like from their stories), Nekoi Tsubaki, and Igarashi Satsuki.
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zugadooon · 4 years ago
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CLAMP「xxxHOLiC」新装版の第1巻&第2巻が予約開始!8月5日に発売! https://www.zugadoon.tk/blog/2021/07/19/clamp%e3%80%8cxxxholic%e3%80%8d%e6%96%b0%e8%a3%85%e7%89%88%e3%81%ae%e7%ac%ac1%e5%b7%bb%ef%bc%86%e7%ac%ac2%e5%b7%bb%e3%81%8c%e4%ba%88%e7%b4%84%e9%96%8b%e5%a7%8b%ef%bc%818%e6%9c%885%e6%97%a5%e3%81%ab/
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weather449 · 5 years ago
1 ジン(王ドロボウJING)
2 シャノン・カスール(スクラップドプリンセス)
3 明日葉 郁(保健室の死神)
4 桑原 和真(幽☆遊☆白書)
5 相良 佐之助(るろうに剣心)
6 クルツ・ウェーバー(フルメタルパニック)
7 デュオ・マックスウェル(ガンダムW)
8 黒桐 幹也(空の境界)
9 福部 里志(氷菓)
10 セッツァー・ギャッビアーニ(FF6)
11 マリベル(DQ7)
12 フクロウ(ノエイン)
13 李 紅蘭(サクラ大戦)
14 テッド(金色のガッシュ!)
15 白澤(鬼灯の冷徹)
16 レット(RAVE)
17 ディードリット(ロードス島戦記)
18 響 良牙(らんま1/2)
19 竹本チエ(じゃりン子チエ)
20 パプリカ(パプリカ)
21 エルミナ(ぷちぷりユーシィ)
22 美墨 なぎさ(ふたりはプリキュア)
23 カノン(WA2)
24 湯水スグル(鉄鍋のジャン!)
25 佐倉 京四郎(京四郎)
26 ルシオラ(GS美神)
27 ニギハヤミコハクヌシ(千と千尋の神隠し)
28 ライオ(冒険王ビィト)
29 煙(ドロヘドロ)
30 川奈 昴(君は淫らな僕の女王)
31 奈良 シカマル(NARUTO)
32 タマ(たまはな)
33 鋼棍のシェル(中華一番!)
34 無免ライダー(ワンパンマン)
35 坂本ジュリエッタ(エ��マスター)
36 水野 燕(大好きが虫はタダシ君の)
37 メロー・イエロー(ブギーポップシリーズ)
38 オマリー(おしゃれキャット)
39 ドジャー(オリバー)
40 宮園 かをり(四月は君の嘘)
41 上杉 景子(レッケン!)
42 乙姫 タロウ(ドラゴンドライブ)
43 黒神 くじら(めだかボックス)
44 アルノー・G・ヴァスケス(WA4)
45 タップ・オセアノ(機甲戦記ドラグナー)
46 オレルド(パンプキンシザーズ)
47 R(ロケットマン)
48 坂口 亜梨子(僕の地球を守って)
49 フロルベリチェリ・フロル(11人いる!)
50 ガルフォード(侍魂シリーズ)
51 水原 可奈(Q.E.D.証明終了)
52 百目鬼 静(XXXHOLiC)
53 スバル・リョーコ(機動戦艦ナデシコ)
54 ピンク(PINK)
55 ラム(うる星やつら)
56 パイク(エリア51)
57 一乗寺 賢(デジモンアドベンチャー02)
58 ナイツ(NiGHTS)
59 グウェンドリン(オーディンスフィア)
60 バティド・バランタイン(グリムグリモア)
61 ジタン・トライバル(FF9)
62 シーブック・アノー(ガンダムF91)
63 シシド(逢魔ヶ刻動物園)
64 マフリー・チェットリ(ポストガール)
65 黒百合 空亜(12DEMONS)
66 風間 美利(爆球連発スーパービーダマン)
67 矢村 大一(ぼくらの)
68 中山 りあ(侵略する少女と嘘の庭)
69 新島 良次(地獄堂霊界通信)
70 上杉 秀彦(ペルソナシリーズ)
71 宮城 リョータ(スラムダンク)
72 ロム(マシンロボ クロノスの大逆襲)
73 ポップ(ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険)
74 フェニックス一輝(聖闘士星矢)
75 宮ノ下さつき(学校の怪談)
76 素敵なお兄様(学校怪談)
77 衝撃のアルベルト(ジャイアントロボ)
78 クラース・F・レスター(TOF)
79 エルメス(キノの旅)
80 ミニス(サモンナイトシリーズ)
81 伊達 京介(The Soul Taker)
82 ノロイ(ガンバの冒険)
83 朽木 冬子(殻ノ少女)
84 小金井 薫(烈火の炎)
85 フィー・カーマイケル(プラネテス)
86 伊集院 炎山(ロックマンエグゼシリーズ)
87 プリシス・F・ノイマン(スターオーシャン2)
88 黒き風(FF:U)
89 我妻 善逸(鬼滅の���)
90 卑怯番長(金剛番長)
91 マース・ヒューズ(鋼の錬金術師)
92 トッペマ・マペット(クレヨンしんちゃん)
93 チーク(シリウスの伝説)
94 ブラック羽川(化物語)
95 間 黒男(ブラック・ジャック)
96 広瀬 康一(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険)
97 萩原 子荻(零崎シリーズ)
98 ゲイン・ビジョウ(キングゲイナー)
99 モラン・シェトランド(LAST EXILE)
100 結城中佐(ジョーカーゲーム)
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alyssabaratheon · 7 years ago
100 Temas para 2018 (Carol)
1. Acampamento
2. Anjos
3. Aquário 
4. Azul 
5. Balanço 
6. Bar 
7. Biblioteca 
8. Caçada (Mya e Robert - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
9. Café 
10. Camareira
11. Câmera 
12. Campo
15. Coroa 
16. Corda 
17. Creme
18. Delinquente 
19. Diário 
20. Disfarce 
21. Empurro 
22. Enterro 
23. Entrevista
24. Escada 
25. Escritório 
26. Espada (Harry/Domeric - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
27. Estrada 
28. Estrelas 
29. Euforia 
30. Fantasia 
31. Fantasma
32. Fogos de Artifício (Raven/Chelsea - Raven’s Home) 
33. Fogueira 
34. Garras 
35. Gelo 
36. Guarda-Roupa 
37. Hierarquia 
38. Hospital 
39. Ídolo 
41. Incêndio 
42. Informal 
43 Insônia 
44. Irreconhecível 
45. Irmãs 
46. Isolação 
47. Janela 
48. Jantar 
49. Jardim 
50. Julgamento 
51. Lã 
52. Lago 
53. Lanterna 
54. Lareira 
55. Leve 
56. Luar 
57. Madeira 
58. Madrugada
59. Maternidade
64.Noivo (Albus/Scorpius - Harry Potter) 
70. Outono (Doumeki e Kohane, xxxHolic) 
71. Paralelo 
72. Pedras (Penélope/Odisseu, Mitologia Grega) 
73. Pirata 
74. Pizza 
75. Porta 
76. Praia   (James/Alyssa (The End of The F***ing World)
77. Quase 
78. Quatro
79. Queda (Lyanna Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
80. Reflexo 
81. Rival 
82. Sacrilégio 
83. Salto 
84. Selado 
85. Seleção (Evgenia/Wakaba, Figure Skating RPF) 
86. Separação
87. Soco 
88. Tarde 
89. Taxi 
90. Tela 
91. Tempestade 
92. Teoria 
93. Terra 
94. Textura 
95. Traição 
96. Trio 
97. Último 
99. Véu
100. Vinho
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doumekiss · 8 years ago
Desafio Fanfics 2018 - 100 Temas
1. Acampamento
2. Anjos
3. Aquário (Bran/Jojen, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
4. Azul (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire)
5. Balanço (Doctor e Narvin, Doctor Who) 
6. Batom (Karolina/Nico, Runaways)  
7. Biblioteca (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster) 
8. Caçada (Mya e Robert, A Song of Ice and Fire)
9. Cela (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire)
10. Câmera (Lyanna/Howland, A Song of Ice and Fire)
11. Cereja (Mark/Jeremy, Peep Show) 
12. Cochichos (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
13. Concessão (Hermes/Hestia, Mitologia Grega)
14. Convite (Ginny/Neville, Harry Potter) 
15. Coroa (Julieta, Romeu e Julieta) 
16. Corda
17. Creme
18. Delinquente (Ted/Dougal, Father Ted) 
19. Diário
20. Disfarce (Rimmer e Arlene, Red Dwarf) 
21. Empurro (Arlene e Girl!Ace, Red Dwarf) 
22. Enterro
23. Entrevista
24. Escada
25. Escritório
26. Espada (Harry/Domeric - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
27. Estrada
28. Estrelas (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
29. Euforia (Alex/Piper, Orange is the new black) 
30. Fantasia
31. Fantasma (Helena/Salazar - Harry Potter) 
32. Filhas (Percy/Oliver - Harry Potter) 
33. Fogos de Artifício (Raven/Chelsea - Raven’s Home) 
34. Fotografias (Dan/Georgina, Gossip Girl) 
35. Gelo
36. Guarda-Roupa (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
37. Hierarquia (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster) 
38. Hospital (Luna/Ginny/Harry, Harry Potter) 
39. Ídolo (Ron/Viktor, Harry Potter)
40. Ilha (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
41. Incêndio
42. Informal
43. Insônia (Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
44. Irreconhecível (Enid/Rebecca, Ghost World) 
45. Irmãs (Claire + Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
46. Isolação (Loras/Tommen, Loras/Renly, A Song of Ice and Fire)
47. Janela (Reid e Zach, Criminal Minds e Bones) 
48. Jantar
49. Jardim (Edric/Shireen, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
50. Julgamento (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
51. Lã
52. Lago
53. Lanterna
54. Lareira
55. Leve (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
56. Luar (Harry e Luna, Harry Potter) 
57. Madeira
58. Madrugada (Michael/Lindsay, Arrested Development) 
59. Manipulação (Jeyne/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
60.Mensagem (Nico e Amy, Runaways) 
62.Música (Maleficent/Aurora, Maleficent) 
63.Natureza (Betha/Egg, A Song of Ice and Fire)
64.Noivo - (Albus/Scorpius - Harry Potter) 
66.Óculos - (Doumeki/Watanuki, xxxHolic) 
70. Outono (Doumeki e Kohane, xxxHolic) 
71. Paralelo (Kochanski e Lister, Red Dwarf) 
72. Pedras (Penélope/Odisseu, Mitologia Grega)  
73. Pescoço (Davos/Stannis, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
74. Pizza (Jessica/Trish, Jessica Jones) 
75. Porta (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
76. Praia  (James/Alyssa, The End of The F***ing World) 
77. Quase (Gert/Chase, Runaways) 
78. Quatro
79. Queda - (Lyanna Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
80. Reflexo (Harry e Teddy, Harry Potter)
81. Rival (Ryan e Shane, Buzzfeed Unsolved) 
82. Sacrilégio (Sansa/Jon, Sansa/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
83. Salto (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
84. Selado (Simon/Alisha, Misfits) 
85. Seleção (Evgenia/Wakaba, Figure Skating RPF) 
86. Separação (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
87. Soco
88. Tarde (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
89. Taxi
90. Tela
91. Tempestade
92. Teoria (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
93. Terra
94. Textura (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
95. Traição (Nico/Alex, Runaways)
96. Trio
97. Último (Romeu/Julieta, Romeu e Julieta) 
98.Verdade (Howland/Jyana, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
99. Vídeo Game (Takiya/Fafnir, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon) 
100. Vinho (Lyanna/Howland, A Song of ice and Fire) 
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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Perfect! No notes! A wonderful summary of Watanuki’s whole arc in 2 pages or less. 
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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This is also the funniest way this could have gone. Naturally Watanuki feels bad for the way it all went but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You can only help someone so far, and only if they want it. 
Very fun to me that Watanuki just devolves into “Well if I ring the doorbell enough times maybe she’ll change her mind”.
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On the one hand Watanuki gets a pass for being a fictional character that we know has good intentions, because this would be harassment otherwise. 
On the other hand he is so desperate to help someone. He is clinging to the idea that he might be able to grant her wish - even though it’s not even technically a wish he is granting, but fixing a fundamental fear that is haunting her. 
He won’t let this go because he’s just lost so much, he needs it all to matter, so he can do a good job on behalf of all the people he just lost. 
He is putting too much on himself, but yes I absolutely want to see where this goes. 
… but not now! Apparently that was the end of the chapter. 
Excuse me time to retire to the wailing room. 
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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xxxHolic Chapter 89
Now featuring Spider Lily, with some Spider Lily, with an extra helping of Spider Lily!
What could it all mean?
Except, you know, Death! Endings! Rebirth! Et cetera!
I am not an expert in the symbol but it’s Yuuko Ichihara so what could be more fitting than that?
I also just love the gentle posing of it all. Watanuki draped sideways and vulnerable, his neck exposed and his head turned the other way - but sheltered by Yuuko, held in place by the gentlest touch of her fingers on his forehead. It’s beautiful and speaks of the protection and careful shelter she’s provided for him all this time, especially now that we know just how vulnerable he was to Evil Wolverine without us ever knowing. But this is Yuuko after all, so of course she could pull that off with effortless grace and a sly look directly at the camera at the same time.
Also the COLOURS?
The contrasting yellow-orange and purple-blue of each of their kimonos? Matching the same colours as Watanuki's eyes?? But near their hands their different coloured lillies flow into each other as if they were one and the same? Or two halves of the same thing? Or the end of one being the start of the other?
Paint my entire wall with this I want to stare at it forever.
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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Doumeki looks absolutely thrilled about that news. Thrilled. 
Also I know it’s just a translation choice but it is absolutely hilarious to me that Watanuki sadly considers the fact that his supernatural family has completely vanished from existence and he might never see them again, and then immediately follows it up with 
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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This feels strangely like a bookend to their first meeting so I’m just nervously going to keep reading out of sheer hope that I’m wrong and this isn’t what I think it is
It's fine it's fine there's nothing narratively final going on here it's all fine
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But but but If I can stop myself from panicking too much it IS an actual book end. Yuuko adding the Hitsuzen Part II - people meet when they need to meet and they part when they need to part. The implication being EXACTLY what the entire chapter has been showing us every step of the way - that Watanuki has grown into everything that Yuuko was there to show him, and it would be hitsuzen for her to finally leave the store at this point. He IS ready to fulfill the demands of the store on his own, he’s grown to have the wisdom to answer all these strange and wonderful problems, and he also has the family and support system he needs to get through it all.
Watanuki first met Yuuko at the beginning of the manga (or like, this version of Watanuki, without his memories, first met Yuuko at the start of the manga) not knowing who he was or where he fit into the world. His inner fear that he didn’t deserve to exist meant his life was in turmoil, spirits hounded him wherever he went, and he was so scared by it that he wanted to wish it all away. 
And now it’s the opposite. He understands who he is and what he’s missing, he’s loved and feels like he wants to exist for the sake of those he love him, and he has a place that he belongs (and a place that is thrilled to have him there too, if you include Maru and Moro). He is no longer hounded by spirits - his life is in balance. He has reached his fully butterfly stage. 
And so there is no more for Yuuko to teach him.
But with that aside please excuse me it's TIME TO PANIC
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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See there we go that ties it all up thematically! The people who love Watanuki can’t wait to taste the food he cooks, and that pulls the themes together in a nice little bow. Because they love what they know about him and what they find out about him even when he doesn’t know what it is. 
They’ll take the ibuprofen with you Watanuki you don’t even need to ask!
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And he loves them too!
It’s perfect
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completeoveranalysis · 5 months ago
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“A guy”.
Sorry Doumeki you are just some guy now.
Though actually since this is Watanuki we're talking about, "A guy" is probably the kinder version of of how he phrased it when he was practicing this speech to himself.
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Oho it’s all starting to click into place. She hates the taste of her own food because she hates something about herself that she can taste through her own cooking. Still debating whether it's something truly horrible or if she really just doesn't like herself.
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