hazelswisharchive · 8 years
Michelle sat down on the couch, grabbing the black Wii controller as she listened to Hazel’s excitement.She nodded once. “Oh right! I completely forgot we can change the color on Yoshi.” She admitted. “I know you do! Maybe on Halloween you can be Cat Peach.” She suggested as she picked the character Yoshi.
“Hmm.. I think I’m going to go with green Yoshi today.” She responded before changing Yoshi’s color to green Michelle watched as Hazel picked Cat Peach.
Soon, they reached the part in the game where they can choose a track to race in. Michelle thought of what Cup they should do as she browsed all of them to remember what each one was. It has been a while since she played Mario Cart after all.
“Oh! How about Star Cup? We haven’t played Star Cup in a long time.” She suggested, looking at Hazel.
“How could you forget we can change Yoshi’s color? I could never forget!” Hazel giggled. “If I’m Cat Peach maybe you can be Peach! We’d look so cute trick or treating together as Cat Peach and Peach!” She really hoped Michelle liked the idea. “Green Yoshi? That’s just normal Yoshi! I always want to be a different color Yoshi like pink or yellow. But green Yoshi is cute too! Hey that’s another idea maybe you can be Yoshi for Halloween!” She burst out into giggles at the picture of Michelle dressed as Yoshi.
“Star Cup it is!” Hazel said happily as she selected it. “We get Sunshine Airport, Dolphin Shoals, Electrodome and Mount Wario!” She liked these tracks.
“These tracks are really cool! Dolphin Shoals is my favourite cause I love the cute dolphins swimming around! What’s your favourite track in this cup?”
Holding her Wii U controller she got the grand prix started. “Okay one of us has to win!” She said determinedly as the game showed them Sunshine Airport and then all the racers. Then the count down started. “We can’t let anyone else win! Either Yoshi or Cat Peach has to win!” She giggled.
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wanderingxmuses · 8 years
|Calling in Favors|Closed Starter
Nate skimmed over the paper work in his hand, wanting to let her know that he had taken care of the men who were after her. Normally he would give a phone call but he needed to see her face to face. This was the last thing Nate wanted, but he needed to call in a favor. He needed to get his father off his back and wanted to get rid of someone in the same weekend. He knew just the person who would be able to help him pull this off. He knocked on the door waiting for Michelle to answer. 
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bcckmarkedarchive · 8 years
Black Heart (sophia+britney)
Sophia plopped down on the chair besides Britney, there was nothing to do. Business was slow and there was nobody fun to mess with. Except for the blonde, the brunette had been keeping an eye on her for the last several months. She acted so sweet, and innocent, and pure. She wandered what she would look like soaked in red. “Hey Britney. You mind helping me with something?”
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Adam jolted awake from the dream and looked wildly around, trying to figure out where he was. The smell of the alleyway pulled him to the reality, but his insides turned cold when he realized that the foot steps which had shaken him awake were real too. He quickly pressed to the shadows, hoping that who ever it was hadn’t seen him.
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bcckmarkedarchive · 8 years
xxwelcometomysillylifex replied to your post:Wanted Plot
Saw this and I LOVE the plot! =) I automatically thought of a scenario with Britney with this. Sounds like fun?
yes yes yes LETS DO IT
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jackassgolfer · 9 years
@xxwelcometomysillylifex liked this for a starter.
❝Mother FUCK! You useless fucking piece of shit ball!❞
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surprxsebxtch · 9 years
@xxwelcometomysillylifex liked this for a starter!
Hunter had been walking around the town’s square, exploring the town. Considering that he had just moved here, he still wasn’t familiar with everything there and it wasn’t as if he knew anyone either. Honestly he was surprised by his own choice, even aunt Jenna, she thought that it might have been a bit to soon to move out or live somewhere which wasn’t his dorm, considering that he hadn’t got a job, nor had he start looking for one. Of course that definitely was on his to do list. Hunter ran a hand through his hair and a small sigh left his lips as he looked around himself. The dark sky above him illuminated by the way the moon shone above the city was something he loved. He remember how he used to lay on the grass back at his aunt’s and watch the stars for hours, listening to her stories and letting himself get lost in them. It was right there in which he bumped into someone per accident, something which he hadn’t meant to do and briefly he thought why he hadn’t been paying attention to where he was going.
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“I’m so sorry.” He quickly said, running a hand through his dark locks. “I didn’t mean to run into you or anything really.” He continued, his gaze dropping to the ground for a moment before he looked back up, letting his brown chocolat eyes meet the ones of the figure standing in front of them. “You okay?”
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{+3 Running}
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“I didn’t do it.”
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vermyverm · 9 years
Leaving So Soon? // Closed, Continued
Zia didn't even waste a breath of hesitation when she responded. It hardly hit a beat between his stop, and her start. "You're a liar." She said, her voice suddenly calm. Confident. "You're like a cornered animal, Austin. Looking for low blows to escape. You wouldn't have done that to me. You just admitted that those years meant something to you. You wouldn't do that to me." She said, staring hard into his eyes. The calm voice she held was sure, and unwavering. To Zia, sleeping around was something that was never going to be taken lightly. "Austin, you wouldn't sleep around with other people while you were with me. And if you did..." Her eyes finally flashed over in a never-before-seen rage that was like hell encased in glass. Her hand raised back behind her, but she stopped, shaking. "You wouldn't do that to me. You love me, and I know you do. You're a liar... And I'm not leaving." She struggled to get the words out, but kept her anger down. Something ferocious burned inside of her, and though they had never engaged in the Bond (a link between their minds and souls that allowed them to discuss and feel things from each other), and it had been blocked off for so long, a wave of emotions quickly swept over him. The painful brokenness they were sharing at the moment, fear that was almost indescribable, rage that was hardly contained... And love that was boundless and so sure of itself that it was almost tangible. Her hand quivered, clenched itself into a fist, and lowered to her side, but then went to cross with its twin as she rested her shaking arms under her small bosom. Her heart pounded so hard that it made her shirt quiver. "Austin, if you can kiss me and still pull away, then I'll know that you're not lying and that you really are leaving. But if a shred of doubt enters your mind... Then you can't possibly leave. And if you refuse, it will only be obvious that I'm right." She said, staring at him hard.
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thedeviousdumonts · 9 years
xxwelcometomysillylifex You should turn on your ask. Mostly so I can ask you things, sound good? Good.
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