#xue zhiqian
hyog-blog · 1 month
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Our Song Season 3 - I came for Liu Yuning, stayed for the comedy of it all
I continue exploring this gorgeous Chinese singing rabbit hole (alternative name - Singing with Legends), and it still delivers. The premise is the same - younger singers join the seniors to perform old and new songs and exchange their experiences.
Humor is strong in this one. In one team there's a comedic duo (quite literally, every time they interact and perform something they make everyone LOL extremely hard) of Xue Zhiqian and Chui Na Li Sha. I had no idea who these people were before the show - I just recommend you watch them live. Their personalities are funny, but their performances are very powerful. He's a very passionate singer with a British rock vibe, she's a slightly overweight girl who acts like a stand-up comedian, has a gorgeous voice. and dreams of becoming a singer. Anyway, all the other members have their funny and exciting moments - the 70-something senior still sings with so much passion! His partner is a cute guy who had to learn lots of Cantonese to sing the songs (which sounds like a totally different language compared to Mandarin, he even used pinyin transcription to be able to read it). Well, the dedication levels are also high, the younger singers do not disappoint.
The host, Mr. Lin, is a 50-ish guy with a smart face and an impeccable taste in suits. He's incredibly intelligent in communicating with everyone, both the babies and the seniors and has a great sense of humor to support all the silliness. This season is really just too funny, I'm enjoying it greatly.
Liu Yuning at one point got paired with 3 gorgeous ladies and came up with a group name National Beauty (well, him included in the list, of course). Seemed so happy, ahah))) I see, you boy XD Two beautiful seniors and a sweet young girl, it's like a dream come true. Anyway, being the only guy in such a rose garden is always a cool choice, but only if a man can pull it off (naturally, he has the looks, the voice, the stage presence, and enough personality to create a beautiful balance with the beauties). You have to love his voice - it never ceases to amaze the audience.
I also have to say that his pairing with Penny Tai is awesome - she's a very open, talented, and easy-going woman, with an amazing voice and lots of emotiveness and charisma, they matched perfectly in their energy and voice ranges. It was hilarious when she met him for the first time, though, that height difference was EVERYTHING XD She's a very petite lady and he looks even taller beside her. They had lots of cute moments together, especially when they discussed how she's too shy to look into a man's eyes when singing (love songs in particular) which they did with LYN all the time. Lots of jokes ensued after that XD But I do have a thing for older women/younger guys combos, and that cute height difference, hehe. Can't help but ship them a little. I think they've paired again in Season 6 of the same show unknowingly XD It must be fate.
Anyway, this season was very emotional, with lots of creativity, beautiful stages, and humor. It's like watching a real-life drama or a musical, singers are very emotional people. Everyone's personalities are also unique, there wasn't a single boring moment on the show.
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heymeowmao · 2 months
音乐缘计划 | Music Fate Plan Guests x Xiao Gui - Sweater
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linghxr · 2 years
Learning Chinese with Lyrics: 薛之谦 (Joker Xue) - 像风一样
I’ve mentioned my love for the music of 薛之谦 several times, so it’s criminal that I haven’t made a Learning Chinese with Lyrics post for any of his songs until now. This is one of my favorite songs by him, and it’s a fairly popular one. In my opinion, it’s also one of his most beautiful songs. It sounds like how it feels to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let out a sigh. If I’m going about doing something and this song goes on, I have to stop what I’m doing and just listen.
薛之谦 (Joker Xue) - 像风一样
我等的模样好不具象 用皮肤感受你的流向 你竟然能做到带走阳光 我一味的跟随过了量
具象 jùxiàng - tangible image / concrete / representational (art) 流向 liúxiàng - direction of a current / direction of flow / to flow toward 过量 guòliàng - excessive
像风一样 你靠近云都下降 你卷起千层海浪 我躲也不躲往里闯 你不就像风一样 侵略时沙沙作响 再宣布恢复晴朗 就好像我们两个没爱过一样
卷起 juǎnqǐ - to roll up / to curl up / (of dust etc) to swirl up 沙沙 shāshā - rustle 晴朗 qínglǎng - sunny and cloudless
曲折的夕阳负责格挡 让委屈的感官无法释放 最近我的伤口没生长 因为我躲在没风的地方
格挡 gédǎng - to parry / to block
像风一样 你靠近云都下降 你卷起千层海浪 我躲也��躲往里闯 你不就像风一样 侵略时沙沙作响 再宣布恢复晴朗 就好像我们两个没爱过一样
你像风一样 触摸时温柔流淌 席卷我所有抵抗 不急着要我投降 你不就像风一样 掠夺时沙沙作响 可惜我自投罗网 你也就没什么可骄傲的地方
流淌 liútǎng - to flow 席卷 xíjuǎn - to engulf / to sweep / to carry away everything 掠夺 lüèduó - to plunder / to rob 自投罗网 zìtóuluówǎng - to walk right into the trap
和风一样 你离开不声不响 我喜欢这种收场 看上去谁也不曾亏欠过对方
收场 shōuchǎng - the end / an ending / to wind down / to conclude 亏欠 kuīqiàn - to fall short of / to have a deficit / deficit / deficiency 
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difeisheng · 8 months
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thymelessink · 8 months
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So I kind of took some of my little portrait sketches to practice different digital colouring techniques. Because I hate colouring.
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liu-yu-xin · 5 months
The dune meditation did not work fuck renjun too i hope xue zhiqian beats him with a rock for covering his divorce song like a little prepubescent mouse
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lamonnaie · 10 months
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wanghedi · 2 years
wayv is now within the top 4 of my most played artist of all times and with ur help (more music) we can get them to top 3 but unfortunately not any higher than that bc i cant let them beat mao buyi and carly rae jepsen
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covertblizzard · 4 years
Current Song Obsessions
Favourite Pre-Relationship love song: 毛不易 《哎哟》 Favourite In-Relationship love song: 林凡Marco 《All Right》 (Translated ver) Favourite Post-Relationship love song: 薛之謙 Joker Xue 《方圓幾里》 (Translated ver)
I realised only 毛不易’s song doesn’t have a translated version lol... maybe I’ll do it one day because it’s really a super sweet song (as is “All Right”, but the last one is just sad oops)
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vocaloid-news · 6 years
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in case you missed it, you can watch Luo Tianyi’s recent performance with Xue Zhiqian on YouKu here! Xue Zhiqian, also known as Jacky Xue, is a Chinese singer, songwriter, record producer as well as a television host. 
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fyexovideos · 7 years
[ENG SUB] Challengers Union + Kris
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Season 1:
Episode 1 - Kris Cut [1] or [1]
Episode 2 - Full [1]
Episode 3 - Full [1]
Episode 4 - Kris Cut [1]
Episode 5 - Full [1]
Episode 6 - Full [1]
Episode 7 - Full [1]
Episode 8 - Full [1]
Episode 9 - Full [1]
Episode 10 - Full [1]
Episode 11 - Full [1]
Episode 12 - Full [1]
Episode 13 - Full [1] 
Season 2:
Epsiode 4 - Kris Cut [1]
Episode 5 - Full [1] <RAW>
Episode 9 - Full [1] <RAW>
Ace vs Ace:
Running Man China vs Challengers Union - Full Episode [1]
Kris - Greenhouse Girl + Bad Girl Performance [1]
Preview [1]
150520 - Challengers Union Press Conference - Full [1] <viet sub>
Da Peng Discusses Filming Challengers Union with Fan BingBing, Kris Wu [1]
Teasers [1] [2]
Teaser - Kris Version [1]
Previews [1] [2] [3]
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heymeowmao · 1 month
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linghxr · 2 years
An Ode to My Favorite Album of 2022
This will probably be my last post of 2022 (unless I am miraculously able to finish one of my draft posts...they are requiring more time than expected).
If you read my posts about what music I’m listening to, this is probably not a surprise. My favorite album released this year was 《无数》 (Countless) by 薛之谦. This kind of feels like cheating because several of the singles from this album came out in 2021. But the album only came out this fall.
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I loved several of the songs from the first listen. The powerful opener, 《无数》, had me hooked instantly. I’ve been listening to some of the singles like 《洛成》 and 《凤毛麟角》 all year. Some of the slower songs like 《男二号》 and 《你不是一个人》 took time to grow on me, but I really love them now. There’s something for everyone, but I’ve also enjoyed listening to the entire album from start to end.
2022 has definitely been the year of 薛之谦 for me. I love his music so much. If just one person has checked out and enjoyed his music due to my blog, I can die happy. 
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difeisheng · 3 months
zoning out in the middle of this dennys because it's hitting me again that i got to hear xue zhiqian sing 陪你去流浪 live and he changed the first line of the chorus to "我决定陪你去流浪"
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thymelessink · 1 year
I really need to stop rambling to people in real life about my current obsession.
Because I'm pretty sure, I'm quite annoying with my 86 messages about old (and most of the time dead) men.
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liu-yu-xin · 10 months
renjun’s cover of xue zhiqian’s song having 4m views on yt…. i want to sue on behalf of my former most played artist of all time on spotify i mean come on…. picking a song from one of the most crying throwing up everywhere mandopop singer of all time JUST to sit there in a turtle neck im sick.
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